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The original Reality Synthesis manifestation coaching

Aetheraeon Notebook 12

Aetheraeon Notebook 12

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Continuing where we left off.

We're going to go VERY deep into this now that I can type without a 5 second+ delay on my cursor on a new page. Even golden cove cores overclocked to 5.7ghz and overclocked 8800mhz C36 memory can keep up. Arrow lake truly was a flop in all but multi threading workloads. 

Munich. Deutschland. April 12 1922.

"My feelings as a Christian point me to my lord and savvier as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers recognised these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, Gods truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter and boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passages which tells us how the Lord at last rose in his might and seized the scourge to drive out of the temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today after 2000 years with deepest emotion I recognise more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that he had shed his blood upon the cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I had have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly  it is the distress and daily grows, for as a Christian I have a duty for my own people... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look in their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not. As did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this people is plundered and exploited". - Adolf Hitler. 

I want to dive into the nature of Hitler and explore the metaphysics of the worlds most hated man. sponsored by Jew propaganda to demonise anyone who would stand with a strong figure who supported national socialism as opposed to the exploitative corporatocracy that we have running the world today. If you don't like that then get a clue and figure it out because it's how things work and I'm going to fully explore this in notebook 12. I've spent over 7 years now studying Babylon closely before I truly came to a conclusion and had certainty. The amount of data I have been through is significant, and while I haven't logged sources in any organised manner because filing it and writing about it was never my intention, I will simply speak from what I know is the case. Some people will take what is said here and place associations I never said on it which is expected when challenging established boxes that have stigma and are against Babylon for this is the real direction which courage is required to fulfil. Nobody else in recent history had anywhere near the guts to fight to the death against Babylon, you certainly don't even come close else you'd recognise the nature of this situation and be manifesting shifts. It takes a focused direction of courage to stand against the literal embodiment of the program and deny them right of authority over you. I'm going to destroy the fabrications of international Jewry and lay them bare to be seared by the golden sun. 

Why does this matter? Because it's the box that governs the very need for the actions you're taking on a regular basis that you're blind to and are still giving authority to rule you. True inner authority is that which stands with the inner truth, and that is common sense. The body when nourished will feel this innately and you will be moved on a very subtle level to act with it and allow yourself to become the embodiment of this bright purifying light of life which pierces the Jewish scourge where it hurts most and that is revealing their intricate machinations of influence and laying them bare for all to see without a corner for the Jew to run and hide and fabricate any stories to defend itself for it has no courage to stand in truth of its own because it abandoned its supply for degeneracy, Shining the light and being a true competition to the influence of Babylon is our function here. Only a few will lead, the 5ths, but the rest will follow and support which is their roles on the trigrams. Together we will be one people united in common authority and interest in the betterment of our own nations and flourish in our unique and original cultures with the people we're designed to be with whom we trust most and hold bonds with on a blood level. The unconscious knows the truth, it feels it, but the lies pull you away from that signal in favour of mixing and dilution of uniqueness. Three's no supremacy in national socialism, only common sense. Everybody knows within them that the Jews are the enemy of common sense, especially as children. I remember knowing that businessmen were bad people. It wasn't them, it was Babylon. You feel it but don't know how to characterise it and so you're shut down due to lacking an actual argument for explaining your feeling. You throw away your truth within for the fabrications of Babylon which cause you to gaslight yourself out of standing with your truth in faith of that feeling which moves you to contrast of what you're told is truth. Babylon are the masters of deception, for this is how war is waged in secret so that contrast cannot be clearly revealed. 

So Hitler has been looked up to all over the world because he was one of the strongest figures to reveal and oppose Jewish banking which is the only reason that LOA is popular. It's born out of a deficiency that's not individually unique but collectively experienced under the influence of the red shields. The blacks, the Arabs and even the Asians looked up to him because they all knew within them, within their blood, that there was something seriously wrong with the status quo of collective cultural degeneracy we've been told to accept or we're bad people who aren't tolerable of others. Most people in the US before war broke out were sympathetic to the Germans before all the propaganda trash funded by Talmudic filth came out to contrast this natural feeling. They looked up to him because he stood for a principle they couldn't characterise within them. Remember (almost) all the stories about so called atrocities that happened were fabrications (not all was fun and games and there were people involved in heinous acts but they were arrested in time) for the above reasons. Who benefits? Who funds it? Who pushes it over any other act in history to be propagated in media and have people compared to? Jews benefit and fund and push the fabrications because repeating it long enough slams it into enough of popular culture that it becomes accepted and contrasts the inner feeling of truth that's buried and lost. The fact that the NAZI mythos has become a multi billion dollar industry tells you all you need to know. The prominent figures in propagating such media are primarily Jewish, so obviously there's a political agenda at play and yet it's something we've been told to accept at point blank and that questioning it makes you like the fictional painting of the evil NAZI who kills without remorse like the Bolsheviks and communists did to your people a century ago and yet that's not taught or media is not made of these times. Why? Because it will awaken the truth within you, you will FEEL it again even if it's subtle and you couldn't explain it. That blood feeling that something's wrong and that contrast against what's accepted is to be snuffed out at any cost and repeatedly done so to normalise the availability of this. Speaking bad about Jews is met with the usual anti-semetic slander which is a typical attack on a character based on nothing of fact. They'll never call you a liar because they can't. The Jew is weak and pitiful and exposed when backed into a corner. Hold no mercy for being embodied under your truth and speak what comes through you without compromise, just as I am today despite the risk. You will be the needed contrast to the established Babylonian narrative. 

The first enactment when he got into power was to strip bare the masonic lodges of all occult circles and execute leaders of these circles, and rightfully so. Those were the only ones whom were executed, the rest were broken up and members lost citizenship. Most were Jews. The book burnings that followed were of degenerate material written and produced by Jewish authors peddling Marxist ideas and sexual immorality. The material burned was truly degenerate, much like the rainbow culture inversion trash that's going on today that I've already mentioned and spoken about. That was what the book burnings were for, common sense. Obviously. Jewry didn't like this of course because it cut off their supply of influence on the minds of Germans and so demonised Hitler for taking out their position. Common sense retaliation for a people who don't like threats to their fiat debt based banking system. Degenerate filthy Jews. Loving these people in imagination will imply that they'll change their ways. You're saying that your imagination in a vacuum can influence an entire culture that's existed for thousands of years to change from their ways of as Hitler put it "plundering and exploiting" to being a peoples of integrity and respect for others. Their very texts which their culture is based on, the Talmud, is completely about Jewish supremacy. Hear this. Everything that the Jews say Hitler was about is what they themselves dream of in their ideal one world order where there is no nations but a diluted people of no common blood truth to integrate and become one peoples, one process, standing together through to transcend limitations and make available the resources and nourishment for everybody to flourish, unlike Jewish banking which produces artificial scarcity and cycles of inflation and debt to transfer wealth from your pockets to theirs. The children suffer, They do not manifest this world of suffering for it is the nature of contrasting factions of influence and the courage to own your truth, the same way as we do in our personal lives.

Destroying Babylon and its influence over us is the same process we use to decondition from the false authorities in this world we give power to over our form. Jews and Israel (Zionists believe they're entitled to a home land by right of their so called God) are the only authorities you're not allowed to criticize. Holocaust denial is the only event you're not allowed to question. Why? Who benefits? Obviously Babylon benefits. Whoever you're not allowed to question is who rules over you, for it exposes their position of influence over you and your willing submission to their authority. You must accept that this historical event happened despite that event being founded on fraudulent claims to demonise their enemies and prevent dissenting voices from providing contrast to the established narrative. Only a falsely propagated narrative built on fabricated lies requires billions of dollars of funding and regular reinforcing in various forms of media and to be taught in schools as fact to unknowing children. The onslaught of WW2 media propaganda is off the charts vs any other event in history and the relentless pursuit of turning a common sense view into something that's evil has not stopped and will not stop because Israel couldn't exist without it. The rogue state that's committing genocide as we speak. The IDF soldiers are posting videos on their socials of them killing innocent unarmed civilians and children and laughing in response and having a good time killing these people for the IDF are taught that anyone who is a non Jew is to be killed without remorse. This is what's taught in schools, It's the Jewish doctrine, not just in elite circles but in popular culture of Israel. BiBi can get up on camera and lie to the whole world and somehow nobody seems to have taken the bounty for his head yet. In the real world where both degrees of contrast exist, making peace with your enemy is only going to embolden them because of your weakness and give validity to their contrasting view of supremacy.

This is not something that "my personal reality" can influence, for I just as you all have a unique view on the same events that exist. How does LOA come into the parasitism of Talmudism and Babylon? It's a product of it. Who benefits from LOA? Jews. Why? Because it's going to keep you in your box of thinking that the natural unfolding of their defeat will happen in the imagination and not in breaking of limits and restrictions on what actions we can take and who we can be in this world. You manifest money, staying in their box of debt based currency playing their game and you'll contribute to the ignorance of solipsism where "In my reality that doesn't happen" mentality which denies obvious reason and common sense. Manifestation as I've fully explored is about thematic supply and demand and naturally playing the role as the embodiment of that state of being, moved to fulfil the vision that those thematics represent in your experience. This is not that imagination in a vacuum changes the structure of reality itself, it's that imagination comes through you in the way you're embodied in the world and thus influence in a natural and common sense manner your experiences. There's ZERO magic involved. None of this is mystical it's all common sense, but a common sense fact has been peddled and marketed as something to be monetised as a secret. "The secret". Literally. You may think you're benefitting if you're applying it and aligning to your truth, and in that case if applying this does so then absolutely it will benefit you and yet the boxes still remain that you're bound by but that are simply non issues in your experience that don't stick out. The boxes are still present though no matter what view you have. Your reality isn't able to avoid such boxes because that's the nature of your experience, it's just what you do with such boxes that determines the actions and reactions you have to life. If it controls you then you lose, acting in accordance to your truth is your supply of vitality and abundance and is what manifestation actually is for faith in your truth manifests the abundance you deserve as a result. You are naturally rewarded through being yourself. You don't need to manifest anything because it doesn't work like that. 

Babylon has infected our culture with degeneracy and LOA is one of those piles of trash to be thrown out that's got billions of dollars behind it. The truth is never something where financial gain is to be found. This is why I'm not like the rest, because I follow the truth despite losing people around me as a result. Following my truth is my responsibility as it is yours for your truth. This feeling is the only one that cannot be conditioned for it is fixed within your blood. The moral breakdown of the western world has been because the people such as yourself have denied your truth and accepted degeneracy because it's accessible and normal and because you've been so stimulated by it that obvious common sense practises are not questioned as harmful for vitality. I've already written on this but a functional culture is built upon the practises that cultivate abundance of vitality and not degeneracy leading to moral decline as people become desperate for a supply of satisfaction from following their truth within them. When following your truth is your supply and following your truth is demonised then you're obviously going to either conform and give into degeneracy to replace your truth in contrast and avoid taking responsibility or you're going to stand with courage against Babylon and manifest what is within you. Shamelessly speaking your truth no matter how inconvenient and unavailable support is is the role of the heretic. My role. This is what the notebook is after all. It's a collection of common sense reason against the funded established ideas. The notebook is the contrast against degeneracy, The more I fulfil my functions here the greater my impact is as a 5th. Those who are 2nd are to support the 5th and hope for the manifestation of completion. 

Traditional Christian values that Babylon opposes are your heritage. The fact is that Hitler believes the Christ walked the earth, which is in stark contrast to what NG says about the bible representing states. I say it represents all valid thematic manifestations of these ideas, and regardless of if he did or didn't walk the earth 2k years ago isn't the point, it's simply that both the alchemical side viewed in a metaphysical vacuum and the practical manifest interoperation of it are both valid because they're all playing the same functional alchemy anyway. Hitler in his role was an alchemist without realising it. We're all alchemists, just not lab alchemists. Manifesting your truth is performing alchemy for you are a walking talking alchemy ritual, and this is how manifestation functions on every level imaginable. Fulfilling your functions and nourishing yourself in your correctness is what will always manifest what is designed for you that you are designed for. Manifestation is not separate for authenticity of self is your effective supply of nourishment and sense of self. Hitler was so nourished in his vitality that he stood with courage against Babylon as a Christ like figure and turned the tables of the money changers which angered them like a den of vipers just as it says in the bible. I went through the race war interpretation back in 2021 and saw much correlation with manifest Babylon and the cultural subversions and historical fabrications used to gaslight an entire people out of their truth. The brood of vipers as a state in the bible seems to have direct manifestation to the embodiment of that in Babylon, the tempter in manifestation. Following the temptations of Babylon is sin. If we look at it on a common sense level and a manifest level currently we can see parallels. This brings into question the entire box we're living in and the comfort zone we're unwilling to go through in changing the nature of the greater context we're unconsciously bound to in our experience of life here. Do you accept false authority or do you die in battle as the Norse mythos commands us, just as the Christ does in walking with God, your supply of nourishment in your truth, for you cannot serve two masters.

The bible is valid on every level of view because it's written as a thematic alchemical text which knows no specific beliefs as it's functional doctrine. The only doctrine in the bible that's valid is that there's a supply of vitality and a supply of degeneracy and our challenge in life is to follow our supply of vitality and not sin against our God. Greater consciousness. To take what is a base element of lead and transform it into gold requires many processes of melting down and purifying that substance in fire. This means being placed under pressure, literally. The unwillingness to face the fire and to stay comfortable in the available systems of Babylon is what will continue to manifest immorality and degeneracy and artificial scarcity which directly reflects not the specific thoughts of the people but the cowardly nature of facing the fire of the people of this world. A leader is required to bring out the availability for transformation, as I have said. Hitler was that shining light to propagate national socialism to contrast international Jewry and artificial scarcity debt based fiat banking which effectively enslaved people under an infinite supply of debt to forever pay back to the creators of the box. Babylon. The brood of vipers whom John said are unable to escape the condemnation to hell. Their own hell which we've accepted and bought into. We've accepted their reality, their box, we've given them permission to rule over and be the authority to us. Do you see now? It's the integration within a "contract" in accepting a box to bind who you can be in this world and thus who rules over you and dictates to you because you're lower than them in the hierarchy of influence. This is the program which manifests as Babylon. They are literally the "generations" (offspring) of vipers. Serpents, Cycles. Coils. Boxes. The manifestation of the program. Babylon. Babylon admits that Europe are their eternal enemy, Amalek, whom their God commanded them to eradicate and wipe off the face of the earth. That's their doctrine. What's yours?

All thematic elements of the bible take form in the world in some way. We now know how Babylon is made manifest and influences us all. What are we going to do about it now? The allies starved and worked to death over 20 million Germans to death after the war. 20 million. Many of them were forcibly removed from their homes and many just disappeared. Many of them faced horrendous deaths in the Reinwiesenlaher that Jews claim was only Wehrmacht personnel (still a war crime) but also included many civilians and children who had nothing to do with it. White genocide is never spoken about in the history books. Why? Who benefits? Jews. Degenerate filthy parasitic Talmudic Jews. All while the holocaust narrative propagates without contrast to challenge the trash peddled by men in small hats. The world looked away and millions were wiped off the map by the people you cheered on as heroes. That's the degree of subversion we're dealing with. Do you think we can love these people and manifest them to change? Viewing reality through a Jewish sponsored lens will always lead to suffering. The original Christian faith was the contrast to Babylon and the Talmudic Jews. Christians today are a joke and the role of the church has been completely flipped. This isn't about the bible being exclusively a book about the states of consciousness and alchemy on the internal level but also on the external which is where all the manifest results of the internal work is experienced. True Christians are National Socialists by nature, a coherent culture formed on empowering individual and collective vitality for the betterment of the nation those people live in where it's safe to walk in the streets alone at night and your neighbour can be counted on for help if needed. The availability of culture that's beneficial to everybody and rooted in blood ties processes within processes as the people within together as one whom can transcend the limited sum of their parts and become something of great power in the world. Not of conquest and war but of a display of divinity. Babylon contrasts this. Christians of original nature, as in people who follow their truth, are gone. This courage is dead. The creative essence these people together cultivated is lost. Only a leader like Hitler can awaken such a spirit and recollect the people into unity to fight of Babylon with correctness and divine movement based on their correctness and collective relationship where they cannot be defeated as a peoples for they are strong together united as one process. Together they perform alchemy as each individual is in their process of abundance and inspired to move through their true and manifest who they really are in this world without fears of contrast from Babylon planting seeds of doubt and establishing boxes and regulations on that natural striving towards higher order. A strong leader is required to reveal and lead the collective current in the blood towards a higher ideal than where we're headed now as a homogenised mixed culture people who has no identity or right to fight for. If we ever wish to have a possibility of establishing a world without debt based money and a culture that's coherent and supported within your nation then we must name the Jew who is responsible and try that Jew for all their worth. 

The true Christian is the Christ like warrior who walks in truth no matter what. That is what Reality Synthesis is based on at it's core. Christian belief is not about belief but about action in faith through your inner knowing of truth no matter how inconvenient or difficult that may be because the faith in your truth is the test by with satisfaction and all the alchemical mechanics I've discussed can make manifest your abundance in this world. All that stuff IS living as a true Christian. NG was a petty joke who failed to grasp the complete nature of Christian faith just as the Christians of today worship Zionist Israel, the filthy rogue state filled with the most abhorrent supremacists on earth. That attitude of owning your truth in divine power is living as a Christian and in that nature all white peoples of this world who follow their truth are Christians for that is their blood faith. Your ancestors of true faith would have not tolerated a shred of this degeneracy and the Jewish heads who propagate such filth would've been rolling all over the streets of Zion without a single shred of remorse or mercy for Babylon. There would've been a red sea of Jewish blood washing the lands you stand on today and fulfil their function as contrast to Babylon in establishing a safe land for their children. Manifestation is all about being moved through your truth in a common sense manner, not mind magic we've been told to accept as how the bible apparently works. They do not worship the man Jesus Christ but the archetype of the corporeal being who lives according to their divine movement they feel in their form and have faith in that movement to deliver them salvation from sin and the hell of this world, Babylon. I believe this is the deepest most hidden and subverted truth there is to be known in this world about the nature of consciousness.

There is far more here I've yet to even begin to touch. It's late. 



One of my clients got scammed today and lost a huge chunk of their savings in the bank but just now hours later they've got a call from a contact they applies for weeks ago for a job that's paying them big money in cash for something they do all the time anyway. Very interesting outcome. All they're doing is what I teach here. Same stuff. Pathway work, going through the fire and being authentic in their expression. Being unafraid of offending people. Simply being their own authority. Taking responsibility for your authentic expression. The right people show up as a result. 


Remember when I said that I first found NG from Sol Luckman? Natural law. The law of consciousness, true Christian law. The law of inner authority. When you take a step back and look at all the dots, manifestation is just another "awakening" to the natural law perspective of living correctly. This transcends HD as well, in practise at least. Been building up here for a long long time now, many years. RS is a synthesis of all manifestations of the process of how corporeal consciousness is moved by greater consciousness through the form. Taking any external authority over you is degeneracy and a sin against your God, as has been clearly stated. You will be punished. All the personified stories in the bible begin to make sense when you really look at them from this perspective of correct living on a metaphysical and alchemical level. Bending the knee to the Jew and Babylon to poison your culture and your peoples in favour of tolerance for objectively disgusting filth is the same as accepting a decision out of compromise. It's a straight up sin which has resulted in the world sucking the way it is today. Why do filthy parasitic Talmudic Jews rule over us still? Why do we bend the knee and accept artificial scarcity where percent by percent over time our converted vitality into money which is rightful our vitality being sucked out more and more each passing day? Everybody is impacted, it's not a "secondary experience" or whatever trash cop out nonsense comes by to justify not actually facing the fire and exiting the box that's washing away FULL free expression without compromise. I put my vitality into manifesting something I expect not to lose almost 16% (the fee I pay on each booking to shopify and in stupid taxes to a Jew sponsored government who irresponsibly spends the product my vitality) of the value of that to only embolden the ever growing wealth gap. Does it impact me? Yes. As I just outlined. Is it not something of self value to expect the full right of my vitality to be made manifest in abundance in this world? Is this not what a refined sense of self would expect from the function it plays? You know who leeches off your vitality and then blames you for it? The international Jew who cares not for your wellbeing and has clearly stated their aim in manifesting a one world law. 

It gets to the point where in search of the deeper degrees of manifestation in this world and their functions you run up against such factions, and the challenge is revealing the contrast to provide perspective and greater context to this manifestation and why the box you're facing is established as it is. You didn't manifest any of this, you're integrated within that thematic supply demand "contract" which has been accepted as a limiting belief on the degree of reward for expending of vitality set by these utterly degenerate Jews. Naming the Jew is the crime of the century in a world where the box has worked its magic over collective consciousness. It's the same function we must play out internally when breaking our own boxes. We must mercilessly transform ourselves under the sacred purifying fire of life, to value vitality and thus the world around us can flourish with the spill over of our own abundance without restrictions from the Jewish parasites who only take and take and take any form of natural flourishing in any culture and peoples in this world. The Jew cannot accept giving freely for they have nothing and will take everything and expect the world at the cost of all but their own lives to fuel this parasitic program that's moving the collective trajectory of consciousness through the ages. The box is allowing international Jewry who cannot provide value to continue their lives as they are. By the nature of their supremacist culture they must destroy because they cannot produce anything of value themselves. Accepting this influence to propagate freely and leech off the life blood of our peoples has been the eternal story of the nations who face cultural degeneracy today, AKA where you and I live. This has always been the case. This is the dynamic manifestation of the ever refining form of consciousness creating conditions for self transformation. The question is why do we continue to accept this as our form of pressure? Why accept Jewish supremacy as the collective challenge? Why not more organic boxes that establish over time as we advance in our own lands free from the Jewish influence? Why do we continue to accept and tolerate vitality depleting peoples to roam and continue to leech? Why? Because it's beneficial to whom? The program? Not to you or I or anyone else who's not a Jew. Why can't we show them love and transform them and allow them to find their own supply? Do they even have a supply? Are these people who continue to manifest in positions of power as they are today and always have, are they the manifestation of the greater process program and thus cannot be dissolved? This principle of contrast we play off which drives collective refinement of consciousness is a function which seemingly is built into human experience. Thus the question must be answered from this level. Are we able to transcend the need for this function on the level that it's made manifest today? If so then how? Does the personal journey matter the most of all when dispelling these people from our nation will only result in some natural experience playing out where the peoples are forced to separate again as they have before and thus Jewry can work its way into positions of influence in the power structures. It seems that this process is truly eternal and manifestation will always make sure that there's a contrasting presence to face in the eternal peak dip cycle that will play out. 

I see the only way for this to end is to live correctly each as individuals in a correct environment. This doesn't mean to accept cultural degeneracy as we are today which is only going to continue to poison the vitality further and further but to break all the boxes and live from common sense. To wake up Babylon to their vitality supply means to live so correctly that they cannot influence us. To drown them out and make them irrelevant as we shine our lights of divine nature. This means to remove their influence from our culture and to live as a divine people driven by true Christian values of following your truth within. Why do Jews even have influence in our culture? Because we accept it because we're disconnected from our truth. The leaders are the first to be compromised and thus the normalisation and propagation of availability of such cultural norms by peddling to peoples vulnerabilities by conditioning with temptation. Appeasing to certain archetypes of mind without contrast and marketing with promises of having problems solved is the way that hooks in someone to accepting temptation of compromise. Without contrast to divine process within then the temptation takes center stage and one by one a rebellious culture forms. Many have risen and fallen but they always take different forms which appeases to a groups ideal of self image. Unusually it's going to be a stimulation that feels good and numbs the movement towards facing the fire and being refined like a finely honed blade of tempered steel immune from conditioning. This is my point. The Jew has no influence when the people aren't of a position of influence and the way you do that is by making available a culture which is so supportive and filled with overflowing vitality that the Jew seems disinteresting with the overstimulating because there's nothing of gain to be had. This is why a peoples must be connected to their truth on a cultural level and have that be highly available. Availability is everything. Availability is what really drew out this truth in me. 

National socialism is one form of having this availability of abundance and culture of supportive people around you closely linked together. The availability must be a part of the model for the individual to be reminded and encouraged to flourish. The idea that anarchist type world where everybody is responsible for their own supply in a vacuum isn't a thing that is going to be practical in the real world. Availability of a greater process that people can integrate in that benefits everybody's vitality is the way it should be. I don't see any way that a world of purely individualistic people can flourish without agents who will seek to tempt to take advantage of the differences instead of encourage through the availability of the polarity type. Availability truly is a massive part in allowing the lowest denominator to rise and be encouraged instead of being competed against and tempted into degeneracy to escape their issues which is the world we live in today, sponsored by Jews. The entire consumerist culture of profits and stuff is all driven by the separate view and from usury debt based money systems all run by Talmudic Jews of course. 


"My feelings as a follower of Christ, reveals to me my Lord and saviour as a fighter. It reveals to me the man who once alone, surrounded only by a few followers, recognised the Jews for what they were and summoned those to fight against them and who, by Gods truth, was greatest not as a sufferer, but as a fighter. In boundless love, as a Christian and as a man. I read through the passage which tells us of how the Lord at last rose in his might and seized the scourge to drive out of the temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison! Today, after many centuries with the deepest of emotions, I recognise more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this very reason that they made him shed his blood on the cross. As a Christian, I have a duty not to allow myself to be cheated and instead be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that humanity does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the peoples of the ancient times so long ago. A people who were driven to ruin through the very same Jewish elements. Then indeed, when Rome collapsed, there were endless streams of new Germanic clans flowing into the empire from the north, but if Germany collapsed today, who is there to come after us? German blood upon this earth is on the way to gradual extinction unless we pull ourselves together and make ourselves free!" - Adolf Hitler

There's analysis that can be had here. The whole premise of his Christianity is to provide safety (he was a classical splenic manifestor (not a projector as I thought) with root spleen and throat definition who was a 5-1) in the face of obvious injustice propagated by immortal Jews. This is what drives him. He had only 1 2nd line and 8 5th lines and 7 1st lines and 6 6th lines. This reveals the true nature of his profile having extreme manifestation in his role as the heretic investigator, which is what he played out. He had the channel of the alpha unconsciously defined in design earth and Saturn and personality Saturn. This obviously means he was here to reveal boxes, not necessarily to break them but to make them known for Saturn definition is more so what boxes come out of you not what boxes you break. Saturn eats his own children, meaning these boxes integrate and conjugate when gone through. This is what happened. I think his most important part here is how he said "I recognise more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this very reason that they made him shed his blood on the cross.". It was that the Christos was attacked by the world for moving through his truth (you and I in corporeal being as the Christos) and so was crucified for moving against the established money changers. I do wonder what this translates to in the Greek in a literal sense. Let me check E-sword. It's not just about the physical manifestation but that the physical manifestation of the crucifixion is a thematic of action in faith and truth which moves you through experiences which to you aren't going to benefit personally other than that you acted correctly and thus inspired others in their process to do the same. According to NG crucifixion is about having the mercury bound to the salt,  but this is just one level of it for we are bound to the world and face the conflicts that arise accordingly too. This passage he just said is from Matt 21:12-13. This is titled "Jesus cleanses the temple". The temple is the form of course, and cleansing the temple is applied in purifying resistance against truth. The parallel here can be made manifest in ANY experience that would correlate. It's like everybody is fine with it just being an internal condition of resistance but the moment it touches on making actions out of courage to transform and purify resistance in the world as we do on the inside (which would lead to a reaction coming from truth of course) then it's off the cards. This is the passivity that NG preaches and isn't real Christian faith at all. Courage is real Christian faith, not mind magic and imagining an outcome for what comes through your imagination is your truth and the test is whether you own that truth or not that determines your manifest outcome. The degree to which you go all the way is the degree to which you will dissolve contrast to natural flow towards higher order.

The question is as such. We think we're immune from seeming threatening experiences because we don't imagine them. Do you think the people who do experience such end up imagining them? Do you think that the children who are born into suffering imagine it? No obviously not. Why are we born into debt? Because that's the condition of the world and that's never changed until someone breaks the box. The natural manifestation of separating from the Jewish banking systems is to disconnect from it, obviously, but every nation which has done this has turned into the enemy of Babylon and destroyed. It seems there's a force that must establish a constant pressure to break such box and own your vitality. You're better than to accept Jewish banking aren't you? So why accept it? This is the natural leading that will result in the manifestation of the fulfilment of this box being broken and that means conflict will always be inevitable when you're running up against Babylon. There's never been a time in history that I'm aware of that this hasn't happened and where anyone who dares challenge Babylon will be marked as the enemy and made an example of, such as Hitler who was competition to the Jewish banking system. This is the point. He dared to challenge them and that's why he's evil. Who else dares who challenge Jewish banking? Who else dares to challenge the box of Babylon? Only someone who respects their vitality sufficiently to establish a free land to move within under a culture of common ground and mutual benefit. Only a weak pitiful coward would accept being stood on by Babylon and beg for more. This is a person who devalues their vitality, not someone who thinks they aren't impacted and will come up with any trash cop out excuse to avoid taking responsibility for the obvious fact that any child knows within them when they first realise that endless bills and taxes are a thing that need to be paid to stay alive and that people must save up for decades to own any property. Hitler funded people who started families and enabled them to own private property with no interest to pay back. He wanted abundance for his people. The politicians who run your country don't want any money lending without interest because they're all Babylonians and enable Jewish filth to establish boxes you must conform to or face the consequences. You're under duress to comply with degeneracy and yet you say you're not impacted by such. What a joke. The moment that contrast is revealed it's obvious, but in the echo chamber of comfortable comfortability it's not bad enough to care. That's a parasitic mentality and is opposite of Christian nature that Hitler stood for. Do you see the picture of things yet. Christians value the vitality of themselves and those around them by nature and thus they are bonded together as one peoples who look out for each other because that's what the whole availability of correct culture means. Culture is your support network that's there to provide a contrast to Babylon and keep everybody on the same page when it comes to shared expression of their vitality in a common theme of reality. This is of course manifest in all forms of art and the way work is done and how resources are attained.

It's common sense. The alchemy I've spoken about here endlessly about how processes within processes which are proportionate can become greater than the sum of their parts. The embodiment of that principle in consciousness is the same. Your life in the manifest reality is literally a direct thematic reflection of the degree to which you value your vitality. It all goes back to sense of self, the individual sense of self and thus the collective available sense of self and respect that overflows out of each individual to aid their people simply by the nature of you being in proportion with your own process. Thus natural striving towards higher order as a nation can be established instead of being in competition with each other because of artificial scarcity which is how it works today under Babylon. This is anti Christian by nature because it pits people of similar culture against each other for survival, all under the illusion of freedom when nobody has availability to their people out of truth and overflow of abundance. These small circles exist in the world but it's a far cry from what could be established. Until we get over this whole individualistic view of "my freedom matters more than yours" which is the reason why the establishment of rainbow culture could even happen to begin with (because only disconnected people would fall for that) as the conditions for competition were established. This is where it spiralled out into what it is today. Competition exists not for the individual to gain but for the individual to gain and have spill over into the people around them without any incentive that their own bank exists as the sole growth factor in a vacuum because their bank elevates the bank of those around which only further establishes the availability of abundance I spoke about. The individual reaches their level of status and wealth but it's not out of parasitism and selfish greed. This is Christian faith where one in their correctness looks out for everybody around them. This abundance of vitality naturally overflows into expressing higher order degrees of artistic expression where new forms can be made manifest due to this availability of creative essence that's at a baseline of abundance. The Jew who has no creative abundance must stifle the growth of such a peoples because they are a threat to the conditioning force of the program and its goals which is to homogenise everybody and make the individual compete for survival and abundance in a vacuum devoid of any availability of mutual interest because of this competition in an artificially scarce economy.

Can you see now how important having a no compromise attitude towards the purify of a peoples is important for the flourishing of both the individual and the collective? People always talk about world peace but fail to understand the functions behind such a scenario and think it's best we all just learn to get along when ruled by filthy banking Jews who want to put person against person and who manufacture crisis to extract the energy out of the suffering people because they have none of their own. This is how the Ajna is built for the so called universe yet to be born. This greater process requires someone to be in competition with it and to unite the peoples under a common cause of abundance and vitality in contrast to the Jewish parasitic influence who seeks to corrupt and establish artificial scarcity for that is their contrast and where they cannot benefit. The program isn't some all powerful force but simply a box. The planets are a box too, but that's for another day. 


The fact is Hitler simply wanted a peaceful home for his people to live. He never wanted to kill anyone except the most high of offenders in Jewry responsible for the propagation of degeneracy of the most disgusting form imaginable. All the book burnings and arrests and all that were of Jews (and their supporters) who propagated this stuff. Much of it was degenerate erotic material that was ending up in the hands of children. Jews print and film that stuff and make money off it which is completely inverted from what is correct and valuing one’s vitality. Of course you would seize the assets of these people and arrest them and burn their material. Nobody wants that. Apply some common sense. This process has been marketed to us as “horrendous acts of violence” when in fact any sane person who cares about the well-being of their people would take such measures. Common sense. He simply cleaned Germany out from all the corruption which once again was mostly Jewish funded, especially the media, which is majority Jewish funded today. We got taught that in high school when I attended, for some reason. I was surprised that this was disgust because I was aware of much of this back then anyway. They admit it themselves. Normal acts or common sense have been overdramatised by the winners of the war and thus have painted the enemy in a very negative light to shame anyone who would stand up for such principles. I hold no shame.  I know the facts. I will destroy anyone who challenges me on such points just as I did with LOA. Jewish “doctors” often were involved in gender fluid trash back then as they are today and people criticise Hitler for stripping Jews of their licence. Obviously common sense would say to remove these people from such positions. They did transsexual trash as is done today because the very idea is Talmudic anyway because Talmud believes there’s many genders which is the source of all cultures degeneracy. Hitler didn’t also “steal” art he simply took down from display the trash that showed people doing things nobody would want to see and yet they claim it was “NAZI plundering” because it was taking away their profiteering. This is what the Jew does in painting their competition in a light to make you attack them. This is exactly what narcists do too and it’s a very natural thing for them. Once again I lived with one and they were utter masters of making other people question you and divert blame so their perfect character (supremacist Jewish character) isn’t criticised. Behind every story against what Hitler did is a fabricated stretching of the truth to make him seem bad which is exactly what these people do. It’s their nature because of how depleted they are themselves in recognising their own divinity, if there is any to begin with. The entire world paradigm is established under this pretence and the fact that NG failed to point out the illegitimacy of the rogue state of Israel only demonstrated how much of a joke he really was in speaking the facts of how things actually worked for his model couldn’t have factored in such influences. It just sets up a certain expectation to treat someone with a more traditional view as “extreme” when this was once the common view to be held. I know people from Poland for example who are extremely and I mean extremely anti Jew to an extent even beyond me pointing out what I have. A vast majority of traditional European peoples are anti semetic in the conventional sense, even without great reason. It’s a cultural thing because history and the “feeling” is clear that Jews have been clearly responsible for many wars and financial crisis which they’ve profited off. Some of which I’ve explained like when they shorted the pound during the Napoleonic wars over a false flag attack when Napoleon lost making people think he won and was coming for Britain that sent people into panic to sell because they owned the media and could print whatever papers they wanted to pull the strings of the minds of the people who bought into it without contrast. It’s stuff like this that gets out eventually and makes people despise Jews. Then they blame you for despising them while continuously ruining your culture on purpose with mass immigration and ruining your economy and markets and selling your country out for the lowest price and sells back your natural resources at multiple times the cost. Then they tax you extra on it and say you need to cut carbon emissions when you contribute next to nothing to the equation and blame you for not agreeing. Nobody voted for it. Voting is stupid anyway as I’ve explained because people’s perceptions can be paid for and manipulated. This is why democracy was seen as one of the lowest forms of government by Greek philosophers. Keen observation would clearly demonstrate how policy can be directed artificially through manipulation demographics in the media. 

Australia Day here is possibly getting moved because it’s hurting a few Jews feelings. Can’t you see the insanity? These Jews, who proudly advertise being Jewish by the way, will literally stop at nothing until you provide competition to them which is the only way to stop them from getting away with it. My part in this is revealing and presenting the fairy tales of LOA. RS is just as much a model of how manifestation works as it is a model about history because we can find patterns to relate to the thematics we see in the world today and understand where they’re moving. 


In Poland they literally kill anyone who tries to cross the border. The (former) PM who was in law and justice (I’m familiar with polish politics through contacts there) is very grateful and shows much support for the security of Poland in keeping their culture pure where people feel safe walking out on the streets in town at night and not fear being attacked. While it’s far from perfect it’s s far safer place than the surrounding countries. The PM clearly said that he would kill any illegal alien on the spot if they were caught. Is this extreme? No. This is a man who has integrity to put his money where his mouth is and establish firm boundaries for anyone attempting to take away the vitality of the people of his nation. The fact is that these principles are foundational to a safe society where there’s that availability of abundance and the knowledge that you’re not going to be attacked in the streets. Other countries in Europe cannot say the same since their Jewish gov has deliberately allowed this to happen. The Jewish rabbis have clearly stated that their aim is to eradicate Amalek which they see as Germany and the rest of Europe. Why? Because these people contain what they don’t have. Why do they not target any other nations primarily? Because according to their own rabbis Amalek are the white people of Europe, and of the rest of the “Roman” world. Rome is their stated enemy who will be destroyed when their saviour comes. This is Talmudic doctrine, the same doctrine that the filthy Jews who run usury banks operate from. Hitler was against these people. These were the ones of “international Jewry” whom Hitler warned against. That’s why he’s the most evil man. He was competition to their established power structure. 

They need more competition. 



"We tolerate no one, who in our ranks, attacks the ideals of Christ. Our movement is Christian" - 27th oct 1928 - Adolf Hitler. 

"We demand freedom of religious for all within our nation-state so long as they do not endanger its existence nor the objective moral senses of the Germanic race. The party, as such, advocates from the standpoint of Positive Christianity without binding itself concessionally to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us as is convinced that the lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from this framework. Common utility precedes individual utility".

"And so I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of our Father in heaven. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the hard work of the Lord".

Clearly points out the intention doesn't it. The spirit of natural striving towards higher order driven by truth within which makes available the ability to raise the floor of abundance for all of such kind without the boxes and restrictions and manipulations of Jewish banking and culture destruction that we see today in the world. It's about raising the floor of abundance and increasing availability. Reducing effective wealth contrast applicable in living standards in the nation. This doesn't mean you cannot be individual and soar into your own path and trajectory as would be your inner truth but that the lowest common denominator is taken care of as one of your own, unlike today where these people suffer endlessly due to being stuck in their own boxes and on top of that having next to no availability for transformation outside of facing the fire within as RS talks about. It's quite simply a peoples who looks after themselves and by extension looks after the others around them through availability. Christians looks after other Christians because that's what it means to shine your light of abundance no matter how great or small. That's satisfying. I find it completely unacceptable that so called historians dance around this fact that Hitler was a Christian who put into practise his faith in acting out of truth and love for his people and claim he was a hater of anyone who was not of the so called superior race. They fail to understand why Hitler despised the Jew, likely because they benefit from such a view. Cha $ Ching. That and the need to fit in and not be seen as an extremist by their peers which of course is all founded on fabricated history anyway. They fail to recognise that Hitler didn't like Banking Jews because they always interfered with the abundant functioning of civilised society all throughout history by seizing power in lending money. Is it really that hard to understand? Are they so illiterate and ignorant or are they just towing the line to fit in? They'll claim he was influenced at a young age by the "rampant baseless anti-Semitism" or that his injuries in war caused him trauma that ended up coming out in his position on Jewism. It's really a battle of culture, not of race, but race is tied to culture, and so these people who are obviously culturally illiterate cant seem to grasp the common sense view and yet these are the people who are funded to produce documentaries and write books on the subject who only benefit from such funding, just like the quantum quackery based on atomism. It's Jewism and atomism vs Christian divinity. Hitler is painted as an evil person because he was a leader of the faith, unlike NG who was an ignorant fool who could only see one angle of truth in the bible and encouraged people to live in their imagination and plant seeds that move them instead of following their truth and allowing imagination to unfold through them in their movement towards natural striving. If all that doesn't bring contrast to reveal the Jewish fables then I don't know what will.

My Daoist master told me that one of the ways to really cultivate vitality is actually to give meaningful gifts to people in need (or otherwise) without them knowing you did it. I've mentioned this before. Can you see what it means to be Christian now? Talmudic Jews have none of this in them and hoard it all for themselves because they feel lack that can never be satisfied. The whole point is to have an overflow of wealth available without restriction. This doesn't mean to enable peoples boxes but to encourage through example the breaking of boxes AND enabling the availability of follow up. Availability is the important point. The internet is taking real world availability away for vastly more people than it enables. The availability of floor level vitality is really what's increased. 

Jesus was an activist, if we look at the physical history story side of the bible. Jesus was an activist here to inspire others to act with truth and out of that manifestation happened through them by following it in faith. That's literally what RS has concluded. Not the imagination creates reality nonsense that NG peddles out of sheer ignorance of how things really work on an alchemical level. Explaining this to a wider audience is the true message of the Christian faith. from a practical real world standpoint. Inner alchemy depths within the bible is also a level because the stories are metaphysically correspondence to states interacting (the personifications explore the alchemical functions in allegory as they do in an apparent physical history) which is the actual mechanics of manifestation hidden under your noses the whole time which has since been turned into a profitable business model where people profit from others suffering and not providing actual solutions outside of mind magic. The mind magic paradigm must die. The reason why RS works is simply because it's common sense. Nothing else. 

The ones who are responsible for killing Christians are the Bolshevik Jews. Another manifestation of Talmudism, Jewish supremacy. This is what happened in Russia where millions of Christians were killed and churches were destroyed. Their spirits were crushed. Christian peoples are strong when they are united together and weak when they are separated for the very foundation of Christian truth is to be overflowing with vitality through correct movement within your peoples. This is exactly what the Jew cannot have happen and thus they must cause chaos and panic and fear to divide and pit Christian against Christian due to scarcity of resources artificially induced by Jewish banking and ideology of the Talmud which sees Christians as sub humans and to be kept as slaves. Everything Jews accuse Germany of doing came out of their minds. Their imagination. Their manifestation. Get it?

The only "religion" Hitler banned was atheism, obviously. An atheist isn't someone who recognisees or acknowledges divine process. Historically, atheism isn't something which denied the soul but a creator of the soul, as in a greater consciousness moving them through truth. They saw themselves as empty vessels devoid of a greater function. Modern atheism has nothing to do with what atheism really was originally. Hitler banned poisonous ideology for a reason. It's common sense. Why would you want people like that around in the streets? Let them live in their own world away from influencing the movement of an abundant people out of lack of their own supply. Wherever there is lack there must be in the mind of that person an external supply to leech off. This is functional dynamics of how RS presents manifestation to work. It's common sense. Yemelyan Yaroslavski (A Talmudic supremacist Jew and his real name was Israelevich Gubelman) was at the head of the Union of the "Sans-Dieu" which means "without God" AKA atheism which brought together fellow atheist activists (Bolshevik Jews) of the time in Russia to destroy and cause chaos in the church and kill thousands of members because they must leech off the energy of the suffering because of their own lack. These people are disconnected from their own supply and thus cannot sustain themselves without impulses to cause chaos. This is why Hitler didn't want these Jews in Germany, as you would obviously agree no doubt. The myth of NAZI villainy lacks availability of contrast in the current world and of course the dominant narrative moves people just as has been planned by the Red Shields to extract the results from your disconnect and ignorance of this truth. Feel that. Feel that contrast. It burns for a reason. 

I wish to utterly destroy the belief entirely in such fairy tales of Hitler being a villain and leave no stone unturned in exposing and laying bare the ignorance that's so deeply rooted which lacks competition to burn out the parasitic ideology of multiculturalism and tolerance of degeneracy. Apathy. Pathetic. There was no other reason the war happened other than that the filthy Zionist Jews didn't want Hitler threatening their plans to fulfil their ideology of creating their own state. The Balefour declaration was written to "Lord Rothschild". The fact that the British government addressed a Jewish parasite as a Lord who had them under their thumb from the debt based money lending alone only speaks to the mentality at play here. None of these people are Lords but in their own texts that's how they see themselves, and thus they moved with it and manifested it. Britain went to war with Germany because of Jewish influence, obviously The Jews were the richest and spread false news (just as they do today to manipulate markets like in the covid fake plandemic to transfer more wealth) when Napoleon was defeated and had a ton of debt that the British gov needed to pay back to them from loaning millions (A lot of money back then) in Jewish usury at massive interest. Taxes then go up to pay off the lenders which makes us be forced to pay under duress of threats. Why not compete back to them and threaten these parasites with the same measures if they don't get lost? That's what Hitler stood for. There's news articles from the time where Judea declared war on Germany in 1933 when their position of influence was taken out. Of course Germany didn't want war they wanted Jews out of influence but no they didn't like that and so they justified war under a pretence that Hitler (in rescuing Germans being threatened in Poland which he never invaded to conquer but to help his hundreds of thousands of fellow Christians trapped on the border like a true Christian would) was going to take over Europe. Hitler wanted to align with Poland due to both sharing anti communist ideology but that never happened in the end. If Poland didn't align with the "allies" and withhold Germans from returning home then Poland wouldn't have been "invaded". That threatened the Jews positions of influence. Obviously. Obviously. Get it? Many historians who actually take an unbiased approach will attest to Germans being mistreated and killed in Poland just like we hear about today in the Gaza conflict (which is totally illegal too but nobody can compete with Israel so they get away with it). These foolish historians which agree that Hitler had cause to rescue the Germans in Poland under threat will still buy into the notion that he wanted to attack the rest of Europe and frame him as the bad guy which justified the war Hitler never wanted. Hitler sent so many peace offerings but it never played out because captives were still held. This is a classic Zionist trick to fool you into justifying their invasion into Gaza. Hitler wanted to take the Jews to Madagascar but that never happened because of the Balfour declaration setting the stage ahead of time. Hew Jews were ahead of the game in that regard because of their financial prowess. They manufacture stories to justify taking such actions. 

Another common thread used against Hitler is the Lebensraum spoken of in Mein Kampf. You'll read it was the justification used by Hitler to invade the territories in the east and the south by Jew propaganda. It never played out like that at all with the actions he took when in power. When Mein Kampf was written you have to view it in time period lens. Hitler specifically stated that anything to the west of Germany wasn't in the cards for expansion. After the treatise of Versailles Germany was cut up and lost land in the west where Belgium Denmark and France and even lost land to Italy. Hitler publicly agreed that this land was gone from Germany and that a war with France over the lost land called Alsace Lorraine wasn't to even be considered. He only integrated this land in France after France had fallen after France declared war on Germany for obvious Jewish interests as they still had power at that time. Hitler only moved into Norway after the British opened up this western border for attacks on Germany. Obviously common sense once again prevails. Hitler allowed Mussolini to hold onto South Tyrol despite how Mussolini was Italianising the area with their culture. Hitler simply wanted to know that so long as the Germans who lived there were happy and not harmed like they were in Poland then he was fine with letting them live where those people chose. Once again he only went into Poland to aid his fellow Germans. Some foolish historians think that the Germans had a plan to initiate a false flag attack called operation Himmler which would justify invading Poland. That was never his intentions but of course he's the bad guy so grasping at straws is all there is just like the pitiful excuses they use to justify the Holocaust narrative. This is the pretence that modern historians will use to justify the war against Germany. A Jewish war for the Zionist state of Israel. Hitler simply pitied the French for their cultural decline, as there was posters at the time speaking of rainbow culture and degeneracy propped up by Jewish interests in France. Jews still had influence in France in making money off influencing culture, much like we see today with rainbow culture. Hitler for the British saw them as an Aryan nation much like their own. He fought them in the trenches of WW1 and respected their fighting vigour and looked up to the British empire as a civilising force for people like his. Hitler would've liked to have Britain to be the naval arm (where they've always been strongest due to their location) to Germany while Germany would be the economic powerhouse which manufactures the goods for the empire. It was not long after Hitler got in power that he tried to make agreements with the British for an alliance of such nature but of course the Zionists couldn't have that. Hitler much preferred to be in alliance with British people than the Italians but of course that's not talked about. This was stated in 1936. "If I had a choice between England and Italy I would naturally go with the English. I know the Englishman from the last war, they are hard fellows". This alliance would've likely meant the compromise of the balfour declaration and put the Jewish Zionist state at threat which is the only reason there was war. It was a Jew Zionist war through and through. We're still seeing the ripple effects of this today. 

There's also the the song 'Es zittern die morschen Knochen' (the rotten bones are trembling), the line 'denn heute da hört uns Deutschland und morgen die ganze Welt' (today Germany hears us and tomorrow the whole world) can be easily mis-heard as 'denn heute gehört uns Deutschland und morgen die ganze Welt ' (today Germany belongs to us and tomorrow the whole world). Since hardly anyone in France the UK Russia or the US understands German it's an easy subversive trick to pull off to manipulate people. It's funny that Wagner's music was banned from listening. Wonder why. 

I want to talk about the whole racial ideas of Hitler at the time and why it, as all things he spoke about, have been taken and subverted for your ignorance to be exploited. The Aryan/Nordic peoples, AKA the Germans, Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons (whom he wanted to make peace with, obviously) as well as the Dutch and the Flemish. Many Germans were on board with these peoples at the time due to their conditions in those nations. When the Weimar Republic was established after WW1 many historians would say that Germany was booming with freedoms and possibility (just like they say about our world today out of, once again as usual, cultural ignorance and a lack of common sense), but this was far from the truth. It was a time of cultural destruction of Germany with all the rainbow ideas we see today implemented, there was even trans surgeries going on back then as we see today, pedos and homos were rampant and it was accepted and tolerated. Drug use was common place. Is this "freedom" or the acceptance of degeneracy and the abandonment of Christian ideas from a nation that has been demoralised and taken advantage of after the war. Hitler saw these people as wasting their lives and being a drain on the flourishing of Germany. It applied to criminals too. Basically anyone who had descended into a life of accepting degeneracy had forgone their Christian truth and this is who Hitler wanted cleaned out of his nation. Common sense. If they won't integrate then they must be moved on to pack up and leave. Packing up and shipping the Jews to Palestine was what happened to them but this was turned into the narrative of the holocaust. Hitler saw all Germans fulfilling their potential and not descending into Sin. Is this a controversial view to have? It's going back to the availability idea from before. Elevating the abundance floor. He wanted the German people to racially and culturally (effectively tied together as the same idea because it's all based on vitality and the manifestation of that in the form) where the Germans should be kept together in blood and cultural bonds to live lives of admiration. Any great leader would want the same. Common sense. This view was obviously marketed to the masses as the way through life (technically propaganda) to move their views to align. It's the same situation you would see today though, if the people were to be connected back to their roots you'd need to break down the boxes of ignorance because many people were ignorant of these facts which is why they accepted the cultural decline. 

So the controversy of such campaigning and mass marketing of these ideas was seen as the segregation of the races. I've already discussed this idea about cultural separation. Those who integrated into German Christian ideas and lived that way, despite being of opposite genetic race, were accepted. It was a way of life, not something about purely genetic or eugenic agendas. Culture is the big topic these people all completely fail to see. Even when I was in high school still learning about the origins of RS and metaphysics and alchemy and such I saw this cultural decline. People around me criticized other races like all the Asians for not fitting in and they should get lost. Aussies who cared about their nation would openly tell them to go back home without a shred of shame or guilt for saying that. This was common place, less so now, but it's the same idea of the environment in Germany and the one that Hitler was in when he formed his party. There were people who didn't like what Germany had become and wanted the foreign people who waved their own flags and practised their own religions (that got in the way of our own such as buying local shops and building mosques on them which we see happening all over Germany today and is what Hitler was against, not the people who integrated which is why he had many Jews in his ranks because they accepted the Christian WAY OF LIFE) which is the origins of the NAZI party. So back to race. The posters and so called propaganda that was spread all over Germany was basically painting the German potential in a bright light to inspire people to return to their cultural roots. It was to show the uniqueness of German culture, under the blonde hair blue eyes archetype that was simply the "ideal" for what was within them. Fathers were pictured as well built and looking after their family while Mothers were pictured in caring roles and never portrayed in any sexualised manner like you'd see everywhere in the Weimar times and even today which we see all over the streets in advertising. This is what he was against because it's leading people back into their boxes and accepting lesser ideals for life. Hitler wanted a nation of people who were looking to be the best they could be, which any rational leader would want for their people. That's the point of natural striving towards higher order, is it not? 

If you search "white women with children" today all you'll see is black people in those pictures. What are we being told to strive for today? Cultural acceptance and tolerance and mixing. Degeneracy which disconnects people from each other. Search that for yourself and find out. The algorithms are rigged and this is irrefutable proof of that. You're shown what the Jewish interests want you to be shown. Search it right now on google images. I dare you to see for yourself results that would go against common sense. You can scroll and scroll and scroll and find nothing but mixed race families devoid of any common racial heritage or ideology. So the Aryan so called propaganda was to inspire the opposite of what Google images is showing you. Get it now? Do you grasp why you see all the blond hair blue eye people in German advertising at the time. It was normalising and making accessible this ideal vs the mixed ideal with no greater stream of movement other than degenerating into a "free" world where you can be anyone and identify as anything. The model German was the Christian ideology manifesting as what those people would look like. What do we see today? The exact opposite. Racial minorities and massively obese people and trans people. A trannie won "women of the year" at some award last year. Do you see what model we're building in this modern world and the contrast to that in the ideal German with such racial features? Those models were often exaggerated, but that's the point, to establish contrast of an ideal. People without those traits weren't feeling marginalised like we've been told to believe, it was just another visual manifestation of the Christian ideal of Germany. Then we compare to today where we see all forms of people represented as models because apparently "we're all one" which is something I've fully explained prior in the notebook pages.

The only people who were seemingly marginalised based on race were those attempting to get into the SS which was the Elite force for Germany. The SS has been made into such an evil branch of what Hitler built that most people cringe when they think of that term and those people. This tells you the propaganda from Jewish media has worked its magic very very well in impressing such ideas. The SS originally began as Hitlers bodyguard and was very small and select in who was part of the SS. You needed to be at least 5"9' for example, which was also what Himmler's height was, either by design or by coincidence nobody knows. Either way from 1935 onwards you needed to prove your Aryan genetics to be enlisted in the SS which would date back to at least 1800 and 1750 for Officer graduates. Nothing of such form of prestige had been a thing in any army in the world before, as far as I know at least. The idea is that the SS was the highest most elite and ideal form of Aryan military and is often why they would parade and people would watch. They were the real backbone of the manifestation of Christian force in Germany. Himmler was said to examine the photos of every applicant to determine if they were up to spec for being in the most elite force in Germany. It wasn't just skill but for you to be the embodiment of the characteristics in an ideal form for what Germany stood for, and thus they were the manifestation of that ideal on the ground for people to view and look up to like in the Aryan posters. That genealogy chart you see historians throwing around was about this same idea. Nobody in day to day life was marginalised. "Every pure blooded German in good health can become a member. He must be of excellent character, have no criminal record, and be an ardent adherent to all national socialist doctrines. Members of the Hitler youth will be given preference because of their aptitudes and schooling are indicative that they have become acquainted with the ideology of the SS". This is what that says. 85% of applicants didn't make the cut. That number was even higher for Hitlers personal guard. Even a single small flaw could be rejected. When you think about it, it's common sense once again. Someone who's got physical flaws, not just genetic characteristics, often times would've been someone to not follow their truth and result in vitality depletion that manifests as traits which are not of an ideal to view. It's suppose to be picky because we're talking about the elites here, not the average person. These ideal posters were flung up everywhere in northern Europe under the pretence of an Aryan people coming together to fight off Bolshevism.

The idea that Hitler marginalised and punished and killed people who didn't look like the posters was an insane fabrication and based on most peoples reactions it means their lies worked well in conditioning your body response to react viscerally. Now can you see what I mean by response can be conditioned and that there's an underlying truth? I hear it and see it all the time, diaphragms moving (sacral response) in accordance to someone denying the holocaust or saying Hitler was a man of common sense. These people who react are ignorant fools and their bodies are feeling that contrast and you see it and hear it in their reactions. They say they have no attachment and yet there's an uncomfortable feeling and unease that comes up when that belief is questioned. Wonder why. HD doesn't work in a vacuum. Jews lie. End of story. I'll be waiting. 


Here's a bunch of quotes from the Talmud and the Chulchan Aruch which is another one of their filthy degenerate texts. Utter parasites and disgusting trash these Jews are who follow such practises. 

Jalkut ahadasch, Nr. 72:
- “It is forbidden for a Gentile to discover the secrets of our doctrines;
should a Gentile discover them, it is as if he laid waste to the entire
world and denied the holy name (Jahwe).”
- “He who is poor must remain poor, and he who is rich must make more
money. It is a sin to teach otherwise.” - Calvin - A filthy parasitic Jew.
- “All is determined in advance” (Pinke abot 111).
- “Each jew must tell himself that the world was created for me”
(Sanhedrin 37a). “The land of israel was created first, then the rest of
the world… The land of israel was watered by the rains, the rest of the world with
what was left” (Taanit 109).
- “For each who saves the life of a jewish soul, it is as if he had saved the
entire world” (Baba batra 11a, Sochedrin 37a).
- “Everywhere the jews come, they will become the lords of their masters”
(Sanhedrin 104a).
- “All jews are the children of nobility” (Schabbat 67a, 11a, 128; Kaba
mezia 113b).
- “If a jew wishes to annul all his oaths of the previous year, he must say
at the beginning of the new year: ‘All the oaths that I swore are invalid’”
(Nedarim 23b).
- “For the sake of peace, one may change his words a bit” (Jebamot
- “May the righteous (the jews) be cunning? Yes! With the pure (the jews)
you are pure, with others (Gentiles) the opposite.”
- “Gentiles are to be seen as unclean from birth” (Schabat 16b, 17a;
Abada zara 36b, Nidda 31b).
- “All Gentiles are whores” (Schulchan aruch, Ebn ha-ezar 6, 8).
- “He who has slept with a Gentile has slept with a whore” (San-hedrin
82a; Aboda zara 36b).
- “The marriage of Gentiles is the same as sleeping with animals”
(Sanhedrin 74b Tosahot).
- “The home of a Gentile is like a barn” (Erubin 62a, 72b).
- “Gentiles are not human beings” (Jebonat 61a Tosahot).
- “May Gentiles be called human beings?” No! For it is written (Ezekiel
34:31): ‘You jews are human beings, you are called humans, but
Gentiles are not called human beings, but animals” (Kaba mezia 114b).
- “Only the jews are important in the world. They are the wheat, the
Gentiles the chaff” (Isaak Abrabanul, Commentary on Isaiah,
Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the 12 minor prophets….).
- “God created the Gentiles in human form, although they are animals . . .
But he created them to serve the jews day and night, never to cease. It
is not right for jews to be served by animals in the form of animals, but
rather by animals in the form of human beings” (Midrasch Talpot, p.
255, Warsaw edition, 1875).
- “One may lend money to Gentiles at usurious rates.” (Kaba mezia
- “The jew should always speak in a way that makes him look innocent”
(Pesachim 3a).
- “The jew should always fit in with the people around him” (Katubot
- “What is the role of the jew on the earth? To appear stupid” (Chullie
- “As soon as the jews learn wisdom, they also become sly” (Sota 21b).
- "jahwe will not forgive a jew who returns a lost item to a Gentile”
(Sanhedrin 76b).
- “If a house has been rented to a Gentile, anything found in it belongs to
the jew who finds it, even if it is in the middle of the house” (Kaba
mezia 26).
- “If a jew finds money in a place frequented by many people, it belongs
to him because its owner has lost it; the jew, after all, does not know
that someone has lost it” (Kaba mezia 21b).
- “Theft, robbery, the kidnapping of a beautiful women, etc., is forbidden
if it is done by a Gentile to another Gentile, or by a Gentile to a jew, but
may be done by a jew to a Gentile” (Sanhedrin 57a).
- “The jewish soul lusts after robbery and sexual crimes” (Chygiga 11b).
- “If a jew hires a worker, he should pay the lowest possible wage” (Kaba
mezia 87a).
- “Robbing a Gentile is permitted. If robbery is permitted, how much more
is it permitted to rob a wage-earner” (Kaba mezia 87b).
- “Bribe Gentile judges before they sign the judgment” (Gittin 28b).
- “When a jew and a Gentile appear before the court, rule in favor of the
jew if you can, using jewish law. Say to the Gentile: ‘That is what our
law says.’ When you can rule in favor of the jew on the basis of Gentile
law, tell the Gentile: ‘That is what your own law says.’ When neither is
possible, defeat the Gentile by trickery” (Kaba quamma 113a).
- “Work is torture” (Taanit 12b).
- “You jews do not need to get up early, to go to bed late, and to eat bread
won by your sweat, for jahwe gives to his jews even while they sleep”
(Joma 77a).
- “Gentiles should be ruined, but the jews should rejoice” (Baba mezia
- “Shedding blood is punishable when committed by a Gentile against
another Gentile, or for a Gentile against a jew, but there is no penalty if
it is done by a jew to a Gentile” (Sanhedrin 57a).
- “Kill the best of the Gentiles” (Aboda zara 26b Tosafot).
- “Each who sheds the blood of the Gentiles brings a sacrifice to jahwe”
(Simon Darschan, Jalgut Schimoni).
- “It is permitted to incite the world’s Gentiles into
war” (Berakot 7b, Megilla 6b).
- “When you march to war, do not be the first, but rather the last, so that
you may also be the first to return home” (Pesachim 113a).

- ”All peoples who have accepted the teachings of Christ, even if their teachings are different, are to be regarded as godless and as servants of evildoers. They are also to be treated as such." (Aboda zarah, I, 3.)

- “The image of a cross (cines crucifiges) before which one bows is to be treated as an image of God." (Jore de'ah, page 141, 1.)

- “The Christian service and everything connected with it is Gösen service. • Hearts, chalices, etc. belong to this Gosen service." (Aboda zarah, p. 146.)

- “It is permissible to spit in front of a Christian idol, to urinate on it, to drag the Idol around in a bag or to throw water at it" (Aboda zarah, page 44 b.) 

- “Every Jew has the duty to strive to have the Christian churches burned and exterminated. The saints must be given names of abuse and the clergy must be killed”. (Shulchan Aruch, Yore de ah, page 146. 14. Aboda zarah and Hilchoth.)"

That's not even talking about all the filthy prophesy they speak in these texts that I've referenced in other parts of the notebook. Figured it out yet? I'm just getting warmed up. These filthy degenerate parasitic Jews should be tried for every crime imaginable. 


The NAZI movement was the true Christian movement. Not what NG promotes. NG promoted one small layer of the bible and the so called "law" which he completely failed to grasp considering he missed Zionism as an influence in the world and that Israel obviously wasn't the Jewish people. Those parasitic filthy Jews who meddle in the affairs of everybody should be eliminated. What else do you do with them? How is God to be made manifest through us in response to the Jew? Love him with all your heart? Nonsense. Utter nonsense. Christians have been killed by the tens of millions by Jews and you're going to say this happened because they didn't love the Jews. What an ignorant position to take. Utter ignorance. Swiftly cut that in half a burn that trash. God moves through us and we are the manifestation of God in the flesh on earth. MY people are the direct manifestation of God. Light is divine. Brighter tones indicate genetic formation of Qi, glow, vitality, searing purifying light. Is this not what is spoken of in the bible? Is this not what we see manifest in the world as who Babylon wants to forget about their identity and see themselves as one with the others around them? The Jew wants MY people to disconnect from their divinity. This is not supremacy but a simple fact that we see playing out in the world today in where all their efforts are going and the fact that Christian Germany under Hitler has been well hidden and obfuscated clearly demonstrates this point. NG completely failed to touch on any of this because he was ignorant about anything RS stands for it seems. The nuggets in his work is but a particle of dust blowing in the wind. Irrelevant. 

God moves through us. This is something I recognised years before officially getting into creating RS. It was common sense. God moves through us, greater consciousness. We don't manifest, we accept and be moved through the impulse of the correctly aligned form. Your form is more than likely incorrectly aligned, even if you think it is. Nothing that HD says in a vacuum is valid as far as I am concerned and I'll refute anyone on that measure no matter your experience. In the real world people can get impulse to make dumb decisions, satisfying or not. It shouldn't be a thing you need to cultivate awareness of because it's naturally within you, so living in the mental box of questioning correct response is stupid and irrational. Following your truth, even if it's a tiny inkling, is something that everybody has availability through. This intuitive sense, the "feeling" or targeting sense moves you towards having the form correctly aligned so then impulse can move you in that correctness. Until it's aligned through gradually breaking boxes over time and connecting with your vital current within then you'll never be truly aligned. Once again there's layers and layers and layers and layers that I must deconstruct and present. Every time I think I'm done with developing RS it just keeps going. It never ends. I am constantly moved through this to write more and disregard financial gain from making more videos. The research and development of RS is all that matters for me it seems, no matter what my mind may want. If I accept my movement through my truth, no matter how much pressure I face, then I will always manifest abundance regardless of the form it takes. I ask for nothing other than to hear and read my message.


If we're totally honest with ourselves here about how reality works and how God is made manifest through us and thus we become filled with vitality when we're in alignment with our path then we are blessed by God. When we deviate and accept and tolerate Jewish parasitic filthy trash then we are cursed. Is this not a common thread? Is it not true that denying your truth is directly metaphysically and alchemically correspondent to blessings and curses? NG failed to speak on this of course, his model of imaginal mind magic has next to no correspondence in the manifest world that we experience on a repeatable reliable basis. His work proved nothing of such nature and only really demonstrated the opposite about how his work only leads you away from your truth, unless you interpret it correctly. It seems that a vast majority if what Hitler stood for was correct, just as he said "my spirit shall rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right". Obviously. Common sense. If you've still not figured it out yet after all the work I've done to put together RS with the mechanics of alchemy and all that in connection to how the phenomena of manifestation unfolds in our lives not out of imagination but through movement that's in alignment with your truth (how you're naturally led by God if we personify such a force) that results in the phenomena of manifestation of abundance and blessings and good luck. Those who are of vital abundance will be blessed, and those otherwise, as in those who seemingly are filled with degeneracy and think negatively of their fellow people will be cursed for denying their divinity. It's not about the specific thoughts but the nature of the supply of vitality that's coming through them as a result. It can ALL be interpreted that way, and thus what Hitler stood for corresponds with what RS teaches. It took me many years to fully grasp this but it's become abundantly clear to me and now many points that previously were disconnected and confusing have now been unified.

I swear I can't even begin to describe the degree of secret knowledge that's unfolding through me now it's insane. There's so much rolled up stuff unrolling here today. I look forward with sharing my findings with the elite of RS and speaking the truth. I am fully open to accepting that I am incorrect but the cosmology that's formed out of this seems to be so totally complete that it's undeniable. RS transcends cosmology in principle anyway and simply provides a way of describing what is. Just what is, no matter how different it may be and how challenging that is to your view perspective. If anyone thinks that RS has flaws then rise to be the competition and destroy me as I have done to you so that we may both be led through our divine pathway of correct alignment. Knowing I am moving through my truth regardless of if that is correct on an objective sense or not brings me satisfaction always so regardless of what RS becomes I will be content in having played the part to create this work. That view is always how I approach this. I do not approach calling anyone an ignorant fool from a place of hatred, other than my hatred for the Jew. The filthy parasitic degenerate Jew. Filthy Jew. Disgusting. Stains on the wall to be scrubbed off and washed into the sewers where they belong with the rest of their kind. Anyone with common sense and a connection with their truth would feel the same way about a people who deliberately cause suffering and I would hold no mercy in providing the most excruciating and agonising torture for these people for all eternity. Nothing can describe how I feel about the Jew, the manifestation of the program who seeks to destroy our seed forever and undo all the hard work of our ancestors. Common sense. Self value. Vitality. Divine right. Greater consciousness.



It seems manifestation is pretty much something that works through you when you act in accordance with your inner divine value of your vitality and the processes that it's integrated within.


The inner truth takes precedent over any other conscious mechanism for this is the true manifestation of the rolled up secret self. 


The law of assumption is a disgrace to real metaphysical and alchemical studies in consciousness. I cannot prove origin with source material but the principles follow Jewish doctrine. I strongly believe that NG and the likes were inspired by those who deny the inner truth in faith for a subjective interpretation of reality, a solipsistic "My reality is the only reality" ideology. Anyone who studied the bible and yet did not speak of the Jewish parasites for who they were (and admit to) was ignorant about the true nature of suffering in this world and the reason why the doctrine NG preaches needs to be spoke. He only spoke it to spread a view of reality which denies Jewish supremacy as the supply of degeneracy and creates a vacuum of discussion disconnected from the functional study of manifest phenomena which is what RS is based on, real metaphysics. If you cannot explain something in the world on a consistent basis with a consistent cosmology behind it, or consistent functional interpretation behind it then your interpretation is objectively incorrect. It's not "my truth vs your truth" it's THE truth and everybody has their unique angles of view on that truth. My imagination doesn't supersede yours because what comes through me is divinely orchestrated so long as I move. I'm not moving, God moves me. If you are not moved by God then you are serving 2 masters, or the wrong master. This is what NG taught. To follow your subjective interpretation of the world based on a wavering sense of desire that can be manipulated on and off by external conditioning and morph into something totally devoid of your divine rite of movement in this world. Natural striving towards higher order. I am questioning the very basis of where the idea of the law of assumption/attraction came from, and really have been for a while now. I must find the origins for this idea. We know that imagination works through you, not the other way around. The interpretation of the bible, for example the idea of praying to God and dying, (which simply means dying to your limitations and surrendering) have been interpreted in a vacuum of imaginal foundation. This once again cannot work because it cannot explain the phenomena we experience in the world on a regular basis. Therefore NG must be incorrect and this teaching is a subversion of the correct interpretation of the bible, outside of the LOA vacuum that is. 

What is the most correspondent interpretation that we see playing out for all people in the world? The race war interpretation which I denied for years despite knowing about this for a long time. It's either that there's conveniently been Jews playing out this role in the world just as if by coincidence and that this is simply the manifestation of the imaginations of people who read the bible and such texts (a serious grasping at straws based on a flawed imagination is God idea) or that the bible explains what's happening today under the context it's clearly speaking from. I've read a few contradictions in this interpretation but the fact that Jews obviously control everything in this world currently and that all throughout history there's been attempts to obfuscate our identity as Gods "chosen people", AKA those with European ancestry, would explain almost everything we see playing out in the world and how the imaginations are moving people to manifesting the experiences that unfold as this collective movement. Where does alchemical and metaphysical interpretation fit into this model? It is what it is, the thematic interpretation for the manifest phenomena. It's always been that way and will always be that way which is why it's able to interpret the same concepts and processes in every other source text based on these ideas. The thing is that these other texts can speak of psychological states and transformations of consciousness but it doesn't mean they're correct when it comes to the functional overtones of that, as in why Jews run the world today and why we're being destroyed by them. None of these other texts even remotely come close to speaking to people like us than the bible under this context and considering there's been a significant attempt to usurp our position as the chosen race then it's obvious the validity of this in the world today. You don't need to believe it because it's in your face every day shining as bright as the sun saying "wake up fool there's dragons to slay!". Medieval people never believed in dragons flying in the sky, they saw Jews as the dragons burning down their homes and telling lies (you hear stories from those ages of dragons tempting people which is like the serpent in the garden) and this of course wouldn't be mystical creates but the Jewish filthy parasites being degenerate and causing chaos and division. Modern historians thought those people were making up stories of mythical creatures to have in some mythology but the fact is that these creatures were representations of sub humans (Jews) who were killing them and burning their villages. They literally "spit" and "breathe" fire that burns just as they do today. BB who spits fire every time he shows up on camera and is broadcast to the world shaming the nations who don't follow him into supporting his Genocide of Gaza. Makes you question everything. I've known about this for many years, as far back as when I was 18 before I even got involved in physics studies or went deeper into the alchemy. I didn't want to believe that because it would mean taking responsibility for a greater cause than myself and accepting that I was wrong about the bible. No wonder so many people disregard so called Christian views today, because it's Jewish fairy tales who have disconnected us from our roots that Hitler made so obvious for people to see. That was what national socialism was about. The unification of Christians fighting dragons to establish a world free from the tempter, or the program of conditioning in HD cosmology. How could an un-united people ever pull that off? They couldn't. It requires unity and peoples of mixed race cannot be unified because there's a natural disconnect that's going to only empower the Jew. The bible speaks to those who have truth within them about who they are, not the rest of the world who have also been tricked by Jew. The fact that medical science is wrong, relativity and quantum probability theory is wrong, history is wrong, actual spiritual teachings in the bible is wrong, media propaganda is all wrong and fabricated, so many levels is just plain backwards and inverted. Things I can irrefutably demonstrate. Germ theory is backwards. Relativity and probability magic is backwards, history (the story of NAZI Germany being evil) is backwards, the bible and religion and the history behind that is backwards, banking and the distribution of wealth is backwards and bleeding everybody dry being backwards, media owned by Red Shields is backwards. How did I ever manifest such experience? Was I responsible for manifesting such a reality to experience filled with parasitism? Will I accept gaslighting into believing it was all in my imagination and that I need to change my beliefs? Can't you see how insane LOA really is. It denies all common sense reasoning all because of the seeming magic behind the phenomena of changing circumstances through moving with your truth. Real Christians were never the types to follow this mind magic degeneracy that sounds just like a Jewish fable used to manipulate people and disconnect them from their actual power within them. Not the power in the imagination but the power the imagination makes manifest through their movements in faith of their sense of truth. Common sense. This whole industry of LOA is built upon fabrications of mind magic which cannot be demonstrated because the very idea that you can control the movement of your truth is impossible, it's only those who move with their truth that manifest outcomes of satisfaction. Then there's the seeming idea that negative beliefs replicate and that you manifest the same experiences, this also doesn't have proof in the world on a regular basis because there's some beliefs that are negative which still manifest results opposite to the seeming belief. I've told many stories of this in my time. You can find them yourself too. Most of that can be explained simply by view orientation of the nodes and then on top of that the self correcting mechanism as well as the safety nets and comfort zones always pulling you into the same experiences, which is just common sense about normalised retreat patterns. None of that is mind magic. 

This seems to be the common movement that RS has taken. Gradually dispelling the myth of mind magic through actual systematic observation and deconstruction of the phenomena from a metaphysical and alchemical basis. The same channels get stuck and so that same view on the objective experience comes up over and over. That doesn't mean that the same experience replicates but you find yourself in the same circumstances simply because of the self correcting mechanism moving you to play a note you're staying comfortable against playing and going through because that's where your truth is. It's NOT mind magic and having inner conversations or imaginal experiences in the mind arguing with people replicated into the world on the so called screen of space. Your authentic expression of self has always been the common thread underlying success in life. ALWAYS. EVERY psychospiritual text talks of this principle, as I've explained from the alchemical basis of transformation and how the currents interact. Fact is that when you really boil it all down you really can interpret a working model of how to "manifest" success in life under a perspective of simply living in accordance with your truth and to burn bridges with what is not self. This IS ultimately Christian in nature, under a practical notion that is. Blood bond under the race war interpretation is the next level, as Christians are those of blood descent from God directly, unlike the beasts of the field which are the other races which are not of divine seed. The bible is EXTREMELY racist, but what if that's the fact? What if that's the very notion that's compromising the collective trajectory in accepting the inversion of Jewish fables that Paul warns about in the new testament. Competition would say how could you be so "inhumane" as in seeing anyone who's not of your kind as sub human, which is literally what the English translation of the bible means with the beasts of the field. Sounds like a box that's been established to disconnect you from having the connection to your supply of vitality in celebrating your own divinity as the seed of God and not of the dragon or the other beasts. Is that an invalid position to take if there's a clear line of direct manifestation to these theamtics in the world? We already know that manifestation is a phenomena of effectively owning your truth, no matter how uncomfortable that is, which is basically honouring your divinity and thus vitality manifests as a reflection of divine blessing from God. In that sense why would honouring your seed (seed retention is also another powerful method of cultivating vitality as I've explained the mechanics of) be a thing that's negative and how wanting to stay with your kind as it says in your bible, not to intermarry and all that (which is a trick the Jews have done with royalty in the past to invalidate their position of influence and blessing through correct action which IS abundance manifestation). Is this a negative thing for a common seed line to stick together under a common view and social goal? They'll say only hurt people hurt people, which is true, but that's really meaning a depleted person must seek another to be their supply. Wouldn't it be correct to live amongst your own kind as you're all an overflowing supply for each other at that point without anyone being of contrast when it comes to the common social goal? If everybody is "like Christian" as in following a common social goal not because it's imposed on your from a greater power but because it's mutually beneficial and that those who rebel obviously would suffer themselves over anyone else, unless the Jew shows up to cause chaos. The divine seed line doesn't have WITHIN THEIR TRUTH an element of desire to cause suffering to another. It hurts self to hurt another unless that person is already depleted and needs external supply because they don't have availability which is what I was talking about in prior entries over the last days. National Socialist Germany was a Christian nation for Christians, common sense. What are the downsides? Lack of "freedom"? Why would one want to be above another when it comes to production? Socialism is literally the OVERSEEING of the means of production by the state, not like communism which COMPLETELY controls production in all means and that there's no private ownership at all. Socialism is between communism (Jewish invention) and Capitalism which is what we have now, supposedly. The privatisation of the means of production of resources means that power is taken into ones own hands and that an individual who moves above the rest will either give his workers a fair pay for their labour or keep more than he needs for himself, so Christian/national capitalism is essentially a sort of national socialism anyway because at that point the state is simply the common view of Christian doctrine of looking after each other out of mutual benefit because then everybody can be a supply of vitality for another instead of someone being parasitic and taking excessive control that's only going to deplete the vitality of others without reinvesting them with sufficient payment for their expenditure of vitality. Remember Socialism is simply the OVERSEEING of the means, not the ownership and control. It's that there's a common expectation under Christian view of blood bonds and that being capitalistic and taking more for yourself than you really need is just parasitic. All children that you speak to will think this way, at least that I know of. I know I was like that. Its common sense. Some people will cringe at political commentary but the fact is that it's the box that binds every decision you make and unless the surrounding structure makes available support then you'll live in lack and thus be parasitic because your needs are not met. Christian socialist ideology is simply that every Christian looks after those of his kind because it's the right thing to do and they sense that within them and thus they HAVE PERMISSION to AVAILABILITY to live this way as standard vs stretching beyond their means to appear like Christians in todays age when people sacrifice more than they have to appear righteous. This is parasitic Christianity that's causing problems because they've been denied access to this blood truth out of a lack of availability and support. Most people would WANT to involve themselves in a world of such nature but isn't available and the Jews made sure that it stays that way.

It makes me think that Qigong and Pranayama and such exists only for the function to cultivate vitality that they themselves cannot attain with their cultural being. They have to manifest vitality through means of personal development vs participating in divine movement of consciousness in their collective by aiding their fellow Christians. All the great developments of science and technology came out of White nations. Is this not a fact? Why? Because of blood truth. What else? They'll say it was just luck and culture which denies that process of manifestation that I've outlined in RS, following your truth, and for divine seed that is cooperation and communication with a higher baseline intellectual level. Is this not the case? Is this not true? Doesn't matter if it's not politically correct if it's a functional truth we can see observed in the world that the box the Jew has established we says in tells us to deny our very eyes. Thousands of years and yet only when the white cultures came to teach the other nations did they develop greater technologies and advancements. It's this very ownership and having actual pride in being of divine seed and seeing the divinity in the people around you of the same seed that makes you a bad person apparently because it seems to exclude certain other peoples of the world. I simply see a clear theme of suppression of true Christian value in this world propagated by the Jew for the purpose of disconnecting US from our divine nature which is obviously their only competition, else we'd see that competition play out. Historically it's always been Jews (dragons) vs Christians (knights). "What about the pyramids" and such competition. The pyramids were cast. Obviously slaves didn't drag the massive blocks and aliens didn't tractor beam the blocks. They were cast. Mathematically precise placement to the stars is something Jews do in their architecture as they look to the stars for guidance because they have no inner truth to move them. No internal supply of vitality. Usury has been around for thousands of years. They learned this from somewhere, likely out of their own lack. So all the architecture that was built in non Christian nations (for example in India) was probably inspired by the same knowledge that the Jew gathered because as far as I'm aware Christians didn't align their architecture to the stars. Culture. Remember this is all culture, and culture being the manifestation of the vitality within, their abundance of sacral vitality coming through them. Those who are of greater baseline vitality have this within them. Just look at the architecture and the artwork and the music and theatre and formal debate and all these things that the Greeks for example lived by. The pursuit of greater knowledge. The local tribes here in Aus, the so called "aboriginals", they've never constructed (at least as far as I know) any advanced technology any greater than simple "caveman" type tools. Not even the wheel. African tribes have the wheel at least but you'll see they don't have any advanced technology. Why? How does higher insight manifest? Abundance of vitality AND a correct view orientation. HD would say that someone needs a fixed head or Ajna but if this is the case then it would be that these tribes still have no access to this insight. Why? It's either because they're incapable of it because of what I just laid out or they're being held back by something, or they just don't care. That natural striving towards higher order you'll find exclusively in white cultures. Once again is this not a fact? Why are the Jews doing everything possible to make us feel bad for such achievements? Why do we here in Aus need to "welcome to Australia" new people with the native cultures and say that we stand on their land and not our own? Well currently Aus is a corporation owned by Jews in the US which is under the crown which means that Aus is a foreign entity state and not a country. Technicalities aside Christians here, the real ones, are being told that we're racists for saying that it's our land and not theirs. They can live in their native environments in the outback as they always have, apparently. You see abbos here stealing and breaking into places to take what we have, at least the ones that haven't assimilated into Aus society. I've got many stories from family of the natives here breaking into their houses. LOA buffs will say they manifested this, and while that's technically correct it's one of those things that's playing out because the availability is there for it to happen. I don't know what caused it to happen and others will say they would've been broken in by locals but that's never happened because it was in a small rural farming town in WA where people respected each other as they should and yet the natives didn't. That part of my family still lives there on the farms today.

Regardless of the details the fact still remains that Jews who own media and Gov and the educational institutions (I was taught in school that white people should feel shame for being on these lands because we "stole" it from them and that Christians killed them all calling it the "stolen generation") which of course has an agenda to disconnect us from each other and make us feel bad about our heritage. Can you see the common threads? The same thing probably happens in the US where you're taught that you took the land from the natives and that you're evil to support it like they do here to us. Funny enough that most activists in these circles are self proclaimed Jews. What a surprise. It's THIS thread that I'm clearly pointing out. No other cultures are attacked by the Jew to the extent that we are, other than the arab nations surrounding the rogue state of Israel today which obviously are resistant to Talmudism. So the point still stands. Why are Jews deliberately destroying the white peoples culture? What has this got to do with RS and manifestation? The bible. NG. Fabrication of history that shapes the world we live in today. Economics and why so many people are trying to "manifest" money. It's the same thread. Babylon wanting to remove us from the world because we have what they don't have access to and can't get access to because it's blood, at least that's what source material says. I can't prove that of course but if we look at the manifest phenomena and the actions that are taken by these Jews today and throughout history you'll find those threads. Why is this a common thread? Why dose the literal translation of the bible (not always the most accurate I know) speak of the "Jews who say they are Jews and are not but are the SYNAGOGUE (Jews) of Satan", among many other passages. I've got about 10k words documented on these from years back. Realise I dropped this view because I thought it was wrong, how could a racist view of reality be correct if manifestation under the mind magic model and how we're all from one origin (also another false teaching designed to yet again destroy divine seed). I didn't WANT that to be true because it would mean that my entire function would be different from what I had established but this truth always kept ringing in the back of my mind over and over and over and the abundance of clear Jewish ties to degeneracy in this world that lines up almost perfectly with the the literal translation of the bible promotes makes me wonder if that really is the truth now that I've basically irrefutably demonstrated that the mind magic model of manifestation doesn't work along with the relativistic and solipsistic quantum probability timeline alternate reality trash is also incorrect. There's just so many connecting dots now it's insane and realising that availability was a common thread relating to how boxes are both established and broken led me here to coming back to this side of things again. Blood availability. "Oh no that's racist". It's either the box continues to be bought into that Jews are putting SO much effort into keeping in place for our people or we break the box and own that divine supply and act according to that inner truth and slay the dragons for they will not go on their own. Obviously. Manifestation is not what we've been told. It only works for you the way it says in the bible about living aligned with God which as I've explored the alchemical and thematic elements of that in depth and even back then interpreted it that way. If manifestation can be explained in this same way too then it seems that we've connected all the dots necessary to establish a clear doctrine. 

The obvious false history about WW2 and Hitler and the National Socialists is the smoking gun that they're hiding from us our true origins and functions in the world that will actually explain to us what real faith is and how manifestation works by following the exact same principles of RS. Basically don't live like a degenerate stuck in your boxes and seeking pleasurable distractions from that truth. This is living divine life and is what the Jews are making as available as possible in all those ways I mentioned in prior entries and many more I've yet to explore and out of that they are causing mass sinning, missing the mark, buying into degeneracy destroys your vitality and thus the effective manifestation of your life to be abundant is depleted as a result. The other cultures which used occult methods were probably because they had no supply in their seed to touch on this truth which is why the bible is racist against other kinds and why Hitler clearly outlined the importance of keeping bloodlines pure. It's actual biblical doctrine, if we are to take the English literal translation that is. I don't know Hebrew or Greek well enough to see a different interpretation though I do have "literal" translations of the bible on E-sword to analyse so perhaps I will further explore this idea to put to rest that contrasting view. I just can't see any other view that connects everything together in a coherent manner. If you think otherwise then lets hear it. Explain manifestation and the functional role of obvious deception in the world today propagated by Jews and their deliberate attempts to obfuscate the facts about Hitler and National Socialism in Germany of WW2 among all the other dots. Unless you have provide a better explanation for why this is all the way it is and the constant demonization of white people and the subversion of organised Christianity as well as the establishment of a homeland for the Jews of so called Israel (we all know that's not a physical location) that they claim right to as well as explaining the Talmud and how the Jews themselves admit to staging false flags and subverting Christians and wanting Europe and Germany and all the white people to be eradicated. Unless you can offer a valid explanation then my point stands firm and you'll either have to accept the inconvenient fact that the white people are in fact divine seed who are destined to eradicate the dragons from the world as it has been prophesied or continue to live in delusion and be exploited and held responsible by those around you for complacency in an obvious situation of deliberate and systematic exploitation of our people. Will you see the common sense view or still continue to gaslight yourself into thinking that it's all in your mind and that your imaginal acts somehow manifested all this stuff that's having a first hand impact on your life by making unavailable resources that you'd otherwise have access to, not just money but people and knowledge and culture and technologies and freedom from constant surveillance and poisons in the food supply (pesticides sprayed on everything and livestock fed that supply which gathers in the organs and fats you eat) and the clothes with synthetic materials that weaken your endocrine and nervous system function making you physically weaker (the clear decline in testosterone and androgen function over decades that's irrefutable) and the duress to pay a portion of your earnings to the Gov who are in debt from Jewish bankers so they pass off the responsibility to you to make up for their errors. Why tolerate it? Divine seed shouldn't tolerate this degeneracy that depletes and degrades vitality. It's so obvious it's insane to deny such common sense views that even a child could see. When I was young I always thought it was stupid to need to spend so long working to pay bills that seemed unnecessary. Perhaps it's not innocent naivety but an inner knowledge of what's possible and that contrast that's rubbed out in the world of corporate greed from capitalistic exploitative Jewish economy. I know someone who works for a multi billionaire (unique health products) and has a high up position in the company and yet she gets paid a fraction of a percentage of what her value of production really should be. She built his company as one of the ones who've been there since near the start and yet she's still struggling to pay the ever increasing bill to keep the roof over her head that just keeps getting worse and worse not just for her but literally everybody. Will we accept gaslighting ourselves when the vast majority of people are struggling (over 50% of people in Aus surveyed suffer "rental or home payment stress") when there's a clear and obvious manifestation of this cause in the world that's external and was established before you were even born? Some will say it's parental conditioning but once again this denies the obvious conditioning in the collective consciousness from Jewish programming making us think less of ourselves than we otherwise would if we lived in a Christian first world where everybody puts their kind first. Under NG we've to accept suffering as part of reality, I quoted him late last notebook page. He said it's a part of our experience. Likely to expand. Yes that's the function, we are here to expand and to play out the procession of greater consciousness which still stands true but the context of that in denying the obvious manifestation and cause of that in the world is an ignorant position to take that's based on complacency for allowing evil to propagate, allowing dragons to burn down villages only because it's not burned yours down yet. You believe that because it doesn't impact you that it doesn't mean you're responsible but that's the very notion of the capitalistic idea that's out there. You'd say to not be involved and value your vitality and keep it for your own cultivation and live in the corner where you're not influenced and yet you watch and see your blood suffer without a sense of responsibility and WANT to be involved because it will be satisfying. This is also what I mean by availability and satisfaction because going beyond the expectations and simply helping another as you would like to be helped yourself produces a very very pleased satisfying feeling to see them smiling and glad for you to be there. Community availability is what artificial scarcity propagates, along with cultural differences which makes you not feel like fitting in, and yet they're your blood the same but you don't realise that. Perhaps its because of my design that I feel connection to community more than others when available of course (you don't involve yourself when you're not invited or there's no cause for interaction other than giving gifts out of the kindness of your heart to warm someone else's day and provide a supply of vitality because of your own abundance which is extremely satisfying) but I still believe that this fundamental truth is universal in blood bonds. You should be able to leave your stuff out in the town square and not fear and worry that it's going to get stolen and your bank account emptied if you leave your card out. (I never use card by the way it's cash only for me when paying locally and always has been because I've known the reason for convenience isn't for our benefit as they take a position on each transaction on the cards vs the cash payments which are direct outside of tax but the tax can't be traced so cash is always better) You should not have to have in the back of your mind an available thematic of victim mentality that LOA buffs will claim that it's your problem and yet fail to explain the origins of this belief. It's Jews being dragons. That feeling washes over the collective consciousness if they're around because in a world free from disgusting Jewish filth then that wouldn't be an issue, would it? The thematic supply demand of victim and perpetrator wouldn't exist the same way. It would still exist but it wouldn't be a baseline thing to fear. Jews provide the thematic supply for perpetrator. How would it take form without Jews to introduce artificial scarcity and all the filthy Jew ideologies from the Talmud like I listed above? I don't know. But it wouldn't manifest in the same way and wouldn't be as available for widespread reporting. Satanism by definition is self serving ideology, as in disconnecting from any higher ideal for a collective movement and placing yourself at the center of your experience. This is the Jewish idea, treating anyone else as an animal to be deliberately used and abused. Christian ideology that's correct simply sees others as the "beasts of the field" AKA the natives to the lands whom we are called not to intermarry with because it will pollute the divinity of the seed. Once again this is true Christian doctrine if we look at things objectively given everything I've laid out today. 

I'm going to dig out all my sources and quote a ton of references from various SS officials and such about how everybody there was Christian and what they stood for in their own words. 


I believe Ra's interpretation of these thematics of the cross of planning and sleeping phoenix are flawed to an extent. I believe his interpretation is from the perspective of not self conditioning coming through the program and not a greater perspective. I don't believe that the cross means what it means on different degrees of consciousness.


Actual repentance is experienced as going through the fire. You can't go back, else it's not repentance, it's pandering to your limitations and accepting conditioning and serving both masters half half.


Talmudic Jews are filthy parasites and deserve to be ruthlessly tortured until the end of time over and over for eternity. 

King Edward 1272-1307. His policy in 18th July 1290 he forced out the entire Jewish population from the kingdom or face execution. Why? Because they're filthy parasites who sucked all the wealth out of the lands just as is happening today. Parasitic Filth. Hitler was 100% correct in his description of these people. All throughout history dragons have been slain by knights for a very good reason. Usury, which is forbidden in the bible. Why? Because it's filthy Talmudic magick that creates a collective box over time that nobody realises they're building when loaning money. Every money loan contributes to this box. Filthy Jew. Disgusting. Utterly degenerate piles of excrement splattered all over the floor and wiped up and smeared all over the most putrid swamps on earth and turn these Jews into mould. You know what happened in Kind Edwards kingdom after these parasites were removed? The lands rejoiced! You know what else happened. The workers earned so much more wealth than ever and everybody had access to abundance of resources that most workers only worked about 13 weeks a year and they had so much leisure time. That time was the time that the great cathedrals and such were built. You know why? Because they were free from paying debt as a wage slave and their vitality could be made manifest in things of higher order. What was within their seed could come through them. That's how all these architectural engineering feats were built. No filthy disgusting putrid Jews. Jewish filth. Trump is a filthy Jew too. Disgusting parasite should be mopped up like the rest of his Talmudic pals in Israel.



All wars are banking wars. Jewish wars. Chaos and disconnect. Usury is illegal in the bible for a reason. The bible is the book of alchemy laid out as stories we use to connect to. Talmudic Jews exist to exploit that law and cause suffering by introducing artificial scarcity and disconnecting people from an abundant supply of vitality. Until this question is addressed and fully explored there cannot be a complete understanding of how RS functions for the collective consciousness, regardless of individual responsibility. The UK is still paying off debt from WW1 to this day because of compounding interest. Jewish filth. The Red Shields faction during the war leant out over 500 billion and that's still being paid now. That's how much lost vitality there is to be reclaimed. Can't you grasp that money debt is vitality exploitation? It's all functionally designed to prevent one from cultivating the natural attainment of higher order substances through slow gradual depletion. I always asked WHY. Why are we ALL under this box. It's that the only thing guaranteed in life is suffering, which of course exists for the function of transformation but if there's an availability of vitality that's so abundant at baseline then that suffering can be diminished significantly. Saying the filthy Jews who implement such ideas from the Talmud are causing it isn't bypassing the individual responsibility to transform, it's just saying that transformation is made less and less accessible and that this whole self transformation circle has been turned into a business that's worth billions. Who benefits? The people keeping you ignorant of the real functional mechanics of this stuff and make you pay to access that info. I have been so tempted, magic word, to charge for this work because of all the hours I've spent here typing out notebook entries but I know that's not constructive to facilitating transformation in people who WANT to dig for the data. If you want a clear cut A-Z process to follow and a more refined pathway to understanding then perhaps a premium product can be offered to streamline that which cuts out the excess stuff in the notebook that's not essential reading, but otherwise it's all here for free and I can feel satisfied in knowing that it's having impact in that sense.

Enforced debt to do business is the issue we face that's so big that no one person can resolve it other than the leaders of the nation such as Hitler who threw out the filthy disgusting parasites from influence leeching off the vitality of their people. They're literally like parasites sucking the vitality out of the collective available pool of vital supply, because it's the availability that's made so challenging to reach that most people don't have the contrast to want to transform out of that because they're made just comfortable enough in that depletion that they won't see it as necessary because it's normal. THIS is the idea that's really implied under the culture war too. In the bible the Christos whipped, WHIPPED out of the temple (arguably can be interpreted as the body) the Jewish money lenders who were indebting the people of Rome. "Oh no we have to be loving to our enemies" says the fool who's being stood on by filthy Jews and justifying passivity because he's depleted in testosterone and has no real drive to challenge contrast and lacks courage and faith as a result. Nourishment on the nervous system and endocrine level when the view orientation is correct will lead one to naturally competing with contrast because they're only getting away with it because there's no contrast. This is why 5ths need to get involved, because it's their role. My work here is part of my 5th. 

Just look at the architecture of today. It's all cheaply built to make maximum profits. Why? Because the baseline for everybody in business is debt, depletion, scarcity. Money must be made and costs must be cut so houses are to be built out of the cheapest materials possible to extract as much as possible so we can benefit. This is a Capitalistic view from a standpoint of disconnect from the people around you, in essence the Jewish view. Depletion of the experience of others for my benefit in resource availability. Once again this is what led me to this whole understanding of connecting the years of research I did into filthy disgusting parasitic degenerate Jews and the mechanics of RS when it comes to vitality cultivation. If vitality is at baseline unavailable then it's going to cause you to go to more extreme lengths to attain a supply. Knowing the mechanics of RS doesn't necessarily give you an advantage in that process, because living according to your inner truth is really what we're working with as an underlying principle anyway. Arguably that's a blood truth, which then is played off the availability of cultural correctness surrounding you representing the availability of those blood themes of experience that your vitality takes form and manifests as through you as the seeds. That's another way of looking at the whole idea of seeds. Just came through me then. See how this refinement process works in attaining new levels of understanding or at least seeing possibility? Interferometry. A primary principle of RS outlined in that early 2023 vid. Still rings true. 

George Orwell said in 1984 that "the most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of history". Ring a bell? Talmudism. It's important to understand history because history reveals the patterns and cycles of consciousness and the events in manifest reality that correspond to the thematics being made manifest in the world that people recount. Thus with this understanding we can remedy the common threads, just as we would with doing internal pathway work and facing the fire to dissolve a resistance. Aristotle said "People called bankers we shall hate for they enrich themselves while doing nothing" - Politics. Funny that philosophers also hated Jews too. Who doesn't? Why deny a valid feeling out of this trash about how negative feelings manifest negative experiences? We obviously know that negative feelings must be faced and gone through so they can be dissolved because the cause in our consciousness is no longer present. You can seemingly gaslight yourself out of it to some extent but this lingering truth still still underlie that which is a blood sensation of unsatisfaction. You can't hide it because it's always the box you're living under and accepting and tolerating and thus it will always haunt you. This is how I describe the feeling I have more or less towards Jewish filth in banking. 

Rome was created by Romulus. Rome. Romulus. That's why it's called Rome. Fun fact. It was April 21 753 BC. It was a republic because there were no kings at that time. They used cows to exchange so basically livestock became the currency of trade. There were thousands of cows kept in reserve for trading. Thus you could say it was a true "reserve bank" vs this trash we have today. After the cow system they moved to using copper and bronze and the exchange value was the weight around the 700BC range. Still a real reserve system that's more convenient than holding cattle because metals don't need to be fed like cows. So then they started stamping the lumps of copper that would be weighed into coins. This is the origin of cash money. Around 700BC. The value of it was regulated by the political arena, people who were honest, at least for a while. There was next to no inflation for centuries. What a surprise. No filthy disgusting Jews. There was a means of debt bondage where someone could offer their labour as a way of paying a loan off but it had interest. I don't know the amount of interest though. This system was removed in 326BC. So around 300BC they started making silver coins instead of bronze coins like before. So how did they value these coins? They worked magic (created a belief that represents a box that's collectively bought into) by literally stamping a higher number on the coins, about 5x the value. They likely did this to amplify the amount of per coinage value that can be held. Now you must understand that there was already lumps of silver being traded at the time that had an agreed value that was as I said 5x less than the new coins which means that all who held silver effectively quintupled their value and thus those involved in the political area who likely lobbied for this to go through (some things never change) profited massively. Small implementation but it was a massive shift in the balance of wealth. Right there is a decision made that's "unholy" so to say. This depletes vitality of the people because there's a group who have effectively leeched the working value of some people out of their pockets without them realising because the value that was once agreed to has now been inflated artificially. See the dynamic here? Guess what happened after? War. Since the Romans needed more silver to mint more of these inflated value coins they needed to expand beyond the Italian peninsula where Rome was located. Thus greed for vitality (money effectively) has now become a means to justify conquering other lands. You can basically see the whole cycle going on right there that we see today, Parasites get greedy and thus these sins cause suffering. This is never about "valuing yourself" as most ignorant fools in LOA would say in justifying such actions out of selfishness, this is about simply being a parasite who deserves competition now because you're going beyond the common sense Christian view. 

Anyway after the silver coins act went through they needed to expand and build an army to battle other nations to attain the resources required to keep their economy of greed going. Since there wasn't enough soldiers in the army then they needed to draft the peasants to fight in the battles for Rome to expand which means there's not as many workers to produce food and thus they needed to import more which started the negative cycle. You can see how one decision of greed curses an entire nation. You always read in the bible about God "cursing" nations and disbelievers, well this is simply because they're doing objectively negative things for collective vitality. See God and divinity as manifesting through the abundance of vitality, and if that is depleted or made unavailable to the degree that it otherwise would then a reaction must occur to correct which means negative outcomes manifest. The obvious metaphysics and alchemy here plays out in all these cases in personal and collective trajectory. That's a massive insight about RS through studying the past. So since food production declined because workers were put into military service for the expansion to gather metals the production was moved onto bringing in slaves to work for those who had estates and ruled the lands. Yet one catastrophe after another happened, all because a certain group of individuals decided they had the right to be parasitic, AKA hoard wealth for themselves and sin. You see how manifestation works in this way? The circumstances unfold to balance the vitality vacuum and to correct the negative trajectory of the people. They're given opportunities but still continue to sin and make decisions which benefit them. It's almost as if manifestation is a function not of thought in a vacuum but how that thought would interact with fixed thematics and vitality supply and availability especially when acted on which is the impulse to go all the way in anchoring a state, a degree of available vitality. Rome became a parasitic empire that needed to invade other countries in order to continue its dominance and control over the supply of money, AKA the available supply of vitality. What does that sound like in the modern world? "The land of the free" XD. What a joke those people are so ignorant who think they're free living in these worlds. In their little bubble they might shelter themselves to avoid revealing such facts but once again their bubble is still moving along with the collective trajectory and will impact them to some extent in time to burst that bubble and force the transformation necessary. 

Money lending from the Jewish parasitism came out of this. They took advantage of their positions as mere shopkeepers and merchants to lend money to those in desperate need for money to pay for things they needed because of the issues outlined above. The people suffered poverty as a result of the decision a few people in positions of influence made. These people were functional before. How did all their minds suddenly start imagining negative outcomes and thus manifest that? The NG perspective is a complete joke under this context. The idea that large populations of people can suddenly start suffering tremendous loss and be forced to be drafted for military (NG was one who fell into that obviously against his will but got out likely because that wasn't his truth and his role required him to go through this experience to learn and present his point much like my suffering in the past to build a foundation of experience to expand on) is obviously not because one person imagined it and therefore it controlled the minds of everybody and the world from those few people, but simply that common sense says that if you cut people off from their basic needs they're going to begin thinking negatively as the availability of vitality is depleted. There's a cause here not a sudden negative thought wave that washed over people like you'd have to have for LOA to work in explaining this phenomena. Much like when Usury was banned and the debt was paid then the great architecture could be built as people had access to available vitality. Don't let these morons who make money off your watch time gaslight you into thinking you're the problem. Ultimately you are responsible for your own movement and you can absolutely "manifest" higher abundance of resources but doing that in a way that's "Christian like" so to say without simply exploiting people and scamming them like most LOA gurus do (because what they teach obviously doesn't work and would know that but since they don't face competition they get away with it just like the Jewish filth because they're both of the same mentality of capitalistic self first views instead of facing their internal truth) which means it's going to decrease the availability that simple and noble pursuits would enrich you sufficiently because of the collective depletion of vitality from the parasites. It forces transformation on the individual level which is necessary anyway as part of the self correcting process.

So from the time that massive usury was in place, to the point that some Jews were charging over 40% P.A rates for loans which is absolutely insane and obviously would suck massive amounts of vitality out of available circulation. What happened when Julius Caesar got in was he was like Hitler, a Christ like figure. Both were like comings of Christ, in archetype that is, both were Christians in action. Hitler was a hero and to this day is celebrated by many who recognised his works for what they were to free his people from the filthy Jewish parasites and make his nation prosperous, at least for a while. He took on the whole world alone. Considering how far he went without much aid truly is miraculous. Anyway Caesar capped interest at 1% per month and that the amount of the loan paid couldn't exceed the value of the value of the total value of what was loaned, such as how we've still got tons of debt being paid off today. He disbanded compound interest and made interest on interest impossible to charge. He was a person of the people, a populist so to say, almost like Hitler. He lowered massive amounts of rent charged (which in Aus is out of control right now for the same reasons that filthy Jews are at work in the market) and provided lots of land for people in poverty and war veterans to farm and produce goods instead of being bums begging for coin. He gave out free housing to over 80 thousand people. He also allowed the rural smaller villages to be able to have a say in politics so the cities weren't the only people to be involved. He dropped state debt levels by 25% and controlled the mints and took out the influence of the patricians at the time which were the Jews who enacted this silver coin inflation I spoke of above. These filthy Jews were the ones to do this. It wasn't usury in the start but they used any other decisions they could such as the inflating of the value of the silver coins which led to wars. Since the Jewish filth didn't like this they stabbed him to death, just like they killed the Christos if we take literal physical history of the bible. Caesar dissolved slavery as a way of paying off debt (like I said above with the work done to pay off loaned money) and the Jewish elites were forced to actually put their hoarded money into the economic circulation. You can obviously see how his actions much like what Hitler did for Germany caused the parasitic Jews to seek revenge. Jews killed Caesar plain and simple. They don't tell you that filthy parasitic Jews were involved in killing him in history class at school, for a reason. He died 15th March 44BC from 25 stab wounds.

Interestingly enough after Caesar died the Romans started trading with a gold standard, which of course stuck around for a long long time. The thing is the gold standard was a terrible move to make because there were very very few gold mines in Europe that were finding gold so this need for their gold standard backing (which seemed to be a good thing to the people at face value but in fact was once again another Jewish move most likely to make the most of suffering and cause dysfunction to be opportunistic and implement parasitic policy through war chaos. The wars started up again so that they could move east and find gold they didn't have access to. They didn't want silver or copper or whatever from the past but a new currency and so this new idea (most likely what a digital currency will sound like when it's marketed to people in the near future) which people bought into out of ignorance of the situation with the gold mines. Manipulation. Classic Jewish tricks. Since there was scarcity back once again they could get away with a cause for usury. You see how they manipulate people to gain? It's the same thing happening today. Now the contrast of what Constantine brought to the table (the first Christian ruler of Rome) in 4th century AD actually ordered death for anyone debasing the currency through counterfeiting which was rampant at the time because of the lack of gold so they took the weight down from around 120grains to 75grains which is basically inflation so now more than 1 denarius would be needed to buy what 1 could have before. This is literally inflation. He also burned to death any of the minters (Jews) who were falsifying the value of the denarius. He also set the currency at 70 grains and it was fixed there since the damage had already been done from the original value of a denarius. Eventually Rome fell through massively taxing the middle class to extract a supply of money since they'd not have any other way of paying debt. Taxing is only a thing because of debt, because of Jews. I despise every tax lodgement and feel like I'm selling a part of myself off because it's fraud, literally. Taxation is theft from a gov that's out of control with lending money from filthy Jews plain and simple. Rome was destroyed because of the situation we have today where parasitic capitalistic ideology reigns supreme where the common people become less and less wealthy (availability of vitality through resources) and thus the Jews acted like parasites treating the average worker like a slave. Of course this will end up in a collapse of a great empire. no surprise. 

The lies that Jews were only allowed to lend money that we hear today justifying their positions of monetary influence is there to turn your eyes away from the obvious. The Talmud mandates usury for Jews when dealing with Goyim, AKA us, non humans, in their eyes. What also happened when Rome fell was that they were bringing in so many foreign slaves (similarly to modern mass immigration to prop up economies which means we're near end stage now because they've sucked most of us dry just as BB Netanyahu said "We will suck (western nations) the calf dry") that the genetic value of the Romans got ruined and female fertility especially fell through the floor, like what's happening today when cultural degeneracy becomes widespread. All because a few filthy Jews couldn't keep their hands off the interest button. There was 2000 families that contained 99% of the wealth. Jewish families and factions laughing their heads off because they're still allowed to get away with it. See why anyone with common sense would call them parasites now? Hitlers words about the Jew were 100% correct and that's irrefutable because history has clearly demonstrated this same cycle playing out over and over and over and we see it today in our lands. Why am I talking about this? Because it's the factor behind how the availability of vitality has been diminished and our ability to effectively transform has been made far less available than otherwise could be. That's why all those medieval paintings of dragons hoarding gold and knights fighting them showed up. Obviously. You've gotta be blind to not make that connection after all the history and what we see today. Slaying dragons happened in the past, but not mythological creatures flying in the sky but dragons who burned down villages, the personification of the Talmudic Jewish parasitic filth that the Christos whipped out of the temple. I'm just getting warmed up too I've not even come close to pointing out the years of research I have done before RS was created to explain LOA and refute the mind magic paradigm. As I said I'm here to destroy that which is not to reveal that which is, not to be someone to pander to your limiting beliefs and keep you comfortable but present the pure cold hard facts about how Reality Synthesis actually works and demonstrate that with mountains of data to irrefutably demonstrate my point. Perhaps I'll eventually go into the history of electrical engineering and destroy the quantum and relativity because some fools still haven't figured out that Einstein (one stone) was a Jew playing his part and stole Poincare's work in relativity (not that it was correct anyway but still) and so because those Jews with money marketed his model it became standard the same way they normalised allopathic degeneracy in the medical industry. Quantum quackery is DOA because it's a common sense fallacy for a cat to be alive and dead at the same time. Atomism is also a common sense problem too. You don't need to be a mathematician to prove these points, and anyone who says that without extensive mathematical explanation then you're wrong is obviously afraid of their views being incorrect and has to grasp at straws. These people intimidate others behind the mathematician projection field making them seem so smart and logical when in fact it's the same trash that so called scientists who wear lab coats you see running vials in centrifuges have where you feel intimidated by them when in fact if you analyse their so called science it never holds up, like I've explained in viral isolation experiments and the origins of germ theory from the fraudulent science that Pasteur did who on his death bed confessed the terrain is everything and the germ is nothing. Those people shall be swiftly destroyed with common sense and feel no shame for pointing out the obvious truth in that common sense view. Common sense after all is all we need to use to prove our points. I've just gone above and beyond because I'm here with defined ego and mental logical channels so that's how I express my common sense but most people don't have that definition which makes my type of thinking very rare and why there's next to no competition to these Jews. 

So King Offa who ruled Mercia from 757 to 796 when he died, he was the one who put in place the silver based money system in England. England was of course what Rome became when the Europeans moved north. The silver coin had a star on it which is where the word "pound Stirling" comes from. So the GBP comes from this moment, sterling means star, because at the time the old English was pronounced "Sterre" I believe. The point where the Bank of England sent out these promise to pay notes is where modern cash notes come from which are basically taking the actual value of the money away from the people and making it virtual under a promise to pay. There was a time in history where people wanted their silver but the coffers were empty and you can imagine what happened when the promises couldn't be paid back by the bank. The note wasn't money because it held no actual value. This of course was a Jewish invention to once again start leeching off peoples vitality. Digital currency is a modern equivalent of this. Back to King Offer. He put into law that anyone charging interest on loans which is a sin in the bible (King Alfred under common law of England also made it illegal) that anyone caught charging interest would have their assets taken away and they're also banished from the kingdom forever. You hear the stories of the Jews being outcast from various places around the world and are constantly marginalised? They say these people are all just "anti-Semitic" for no reason other than pure baseless hate (which they also accuse Hitler of of course without basis) which to the common people hearing that would make you think Hitler and people who follow him would be evil and not to associate with them and to report them to authorities and get them locked up because they're dangerous. Dangerous to who? Jews. No duh. Jews aren't even Semites anyway but that's for another story. In 1066 with the invasion of the Normans from William the so called conquer, there was flocks of banished Jews coming to England as new reign was taking over and you know what happened. The battle of Hastings was financed by Jews, just like the Napoleonic wars where the red shields funded both sides and won out no matter who was victorious because of interest. Before the invasion the people had zero interest loans but after the invasion anyone who established loans now had to pay upwards of 33% P.A on lands and homes and an insane 300% on tools to get into trade professions. Sounds like what they do today with the school system and the massive loans people take out and get into debt over. Parasites. Isn't it psychopathic that they control the economic value that people have access to by tightening or loosening the rates on loans. All goes back to the control of usury to keep the balance of power right where they want it and manipulate the markets. That's literally what they openly do and yet people still accept it despite it being a sin in the bible for obvious reasons. Still don't want to call them parasites and agree with Hitler yet? It's not that you're going to be incorrect for having this position but that you won't want to be seen by others as someone who's supporting genocide or a "conspiracy theorist" which was a term created by the CIA (I found that document when I was 17 which was an interesting find) to discredit people criticizing the JFK assassination which was obviously done by Jews considering JFK actually praised Hitler and said he will "emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived" and "He had him the stuff of which legends are made" that he wrote in a journal when he travelled Europe when he was 28. The fact that he said that Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him obviously means that he will move through it and be seen as someone who was a "legend". I'm writing about him today in a similar light so there you go JFK was right. Why did Hitler use the Roman salute? Because he honoured Caesar most likely, though that's just my assumption I don't have proof of that. As I said many times if I can't prove something I'll just say I have no source material so take everything else as fact with available source material. This isn't a study book with that though this is just my notebook so there won't be links or whatever unless I think it's required like when quoting bible verses and from other such texts which is customary.

Dragons and leprechauns who had pots of gold showed up in fairy tales during these times for reasons. Those hideous little filthy creatures  called leprechauns were actually depictions of Jews and not some mythical creature, just like the dragons who all are pictured laying on gold. Why? Obvious reasons. It wasn't just dragons that were slain. In the 1207 there was 60 thousand pounds of taxes taken from Christians in the kingdom. You know how much that is in todays money? The inflation calculator only goes back to 1270 so I can't get it that far back but it's worth 730 pounds per 1 back then, so it's worth basically 44 million in todays money, at least. It's likely more than that considering inflation went up again for a time after that because the calculator only goes back to 1270. They called the book of taxes (1086) the "doomsday" book for a reason. It's wild that they can create history classes and always dance around this fact over and over and over and avoid responsibility for the depletion of collective vitality over centuries and causing suffering for billions of Christians over that time. Crazy stuff. Jews also paid tax too but the thing is they paid next to no tax because they knew how to avoid it by moving money around into different asset types and holding it in foundations like to do today which are tax free organisations, just like what Bill Gates and his filthy Jewish pals do who love to "save" people with vaccines and lab meat. What a wonderful man. Anyway back in those days around 1207AD the people often lost their lands including nobles because they couldn't pay these massive taxes. One way or another the Jew will suck you dry until you take action against him. Isn't it funny that when threats are thrown at them of death or banishment that they back out of lending money and exploiting people. We've been told to love them and see them well off and satisfied with their wealth and yet there's never been an example in history where that's worked. Wonderful ideology isn't it. What NG preaches is trash that cannot be illustrated in any collective examples in the world. He said that the titanic incident was manifest by someone who wrote a story that was very closely linked to the events that happened. I've not read whatever this book is to validate that but we'll take his word for it. If that's the case, then that means that everybody who wrote stories about their debt and poverty in the 1200's suddenly were invalidated when King Edward enacted that the Jews be forced to stop usury and the lands became wealthy again? There's so many common sense errors in his explanation it's insane. Scripting is only a way for you to touch into unfolding your truth that's within you naturally and set into motion the movement that would lead the experience for what the words those thematics represent to play out. I've already explained that though so. 

King John from 1199-1216 was insane with the money lending and is how this disaster of mass taxation and defaulting on loans happened for the English in 1207. Obviously his reign ended short for a reason. The consciousness had to correct itself. It's always a function of correction which manifests the peak dip cycles not the thoughts in a vacuum. The thoughts reflect the inner state, and of course a state is the degree of connection to your vitality and truth and courage to go through that, not a subjective type thing where there are "infinite states" that one can take on. Technically when speaking from the position of the monad, the greatest process of all, that's true, but for us that's not the case at all. King John was forced to sign the magna carta by the nobles who were losing their lands over this massive taxation through uncontrolled spending of money creating debt nobody could pay. All Jewish propagated. Example after example after example after example. Lets do more and destroy your world view once and for all. Leave no stone unturned. Be merciless and ruthless as I always say. Hold nothing back and call the Jew for what he is. A filthy disgusting little degenerate parasite. Have a healthy hatred. I had an unhealthy hatred for the Jew many years ago but as I understood my own process better I now have a healthy relationship where I don't feel bad for owning the truth like before. 


Alright back to the history of Jewish parasitism. King Henry VIII had usury come back after it was banished by King Edward. So from 1290 to when King Henry got in which was 1509-1547 there was significant advancement of Christian culture. Plain and simple. So from the years Henry ruled Jews got into charging massive interest again. This of course caused chaos but from 1552 under the family of King Edward (Edward VI) again when there was another flourishing of Christian culture. Cycles of boom and bust. What a terrible state for the collective. Just imagine thousands of years being like a day and you've got these up and down cycles that you're not learning from. I can clearly see that personal peak dip cycles and collective peak dip cycles are happening because of the same reason, a denial of inner truth in the pursuit of mental decision making to feel in control. So Edwards reign with no usury came to an end when there was a huge migration of Jews from Spain in March 31st 1492 by Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon which were the Spanish rulers at the time issued the Alhambra decree which of course threw out the Jews which was about 40 thousand of them but the number is really unknown and is likely to be much higher than what's been guessed by modern historians who fail to understand the real reasons why. Gee I wonder why they always get thrown out. I remember seeing memes of Jews being thrown out of dozens of countries many years ago and never believed it or understood why but now that I've gone far deeper into source material and the history of Jewish degeneracy in screwing over primarily Christian nations of Europe it's become abundantly clear to me where the tropes of "anti Semitism" showed up and why those who said it without any seeming justification were absolutely correct because it's just cultural fact, or at least was before cancer culture with the rainbow flag preaches tolerance of degeneracy just like the so called "boom" of Germany during the Weimar Republic days that historians say was a beneficial time for Germany over the NAZI days but the fact is that usury was at play once again and cultural degeneracy showed up to make common much of the rainbow ideas we have today among other things like drug use and such. They completely fail to grasp the historical culture and a vast majority of them likely benefit financially from holding such beliefs. No wonder they all say the same stuff, funded by the same sources of Jewish interest who create the echo chambers people don't have contrast to. That's parasitism plain and simple.

Since the Jews have been thrown out of Spain after ruining their economy they moved to the Netherlands of all places as well as back to England  and Ireland under Queen Elizabeth the 1st (from 1558 to 1603) who was the only surviving child of Henry VIII who was a madman when it came to allowing Jewish usury.  The Jews got involved in London as goldsmiths and lenders again issuing loans with the gold they got from the smiths at 10x the amount they had in reserve which is of course straight up creating money out of thin air to lend that they don't have. Then people wonder why the inflation was so bad.  This is basically the first fore into fractional reserve banking, which was just explained as having only a fraction of the reserve being lend out, which is what we still use today. All the money is created out of thin air. The original interest on this money was 8% (suck them in) and then it went up to 20% and 30% and 33%. The legal rate at the time by the way was 6% P.A. The common people got loans with 60-80% P.A. interest at the time which was some of the highest. Of course this insane interest they use to coordinate inflation, just as we hear the parasitic politicians in league with these Jews love talking about, like old Trumpet the Jew. 2-3 million pounds (a ton of money at the time) were lost in bankruptcy when eventually the loans couldn't be paid back and they defaulted. What a surprise. What an even bigger surprise was that there was another big Jewish migration into England in 1655 under Oliver Cromwell as a big chunk of his army financing came from the Netherlands where the other Jews were at from a century earlier when the Jews were thrown out of Spain and what happened was that they'd be able to come and work in England again (likely as merchants and such as always which is obviously a stupid idea given history) except there was a spanner in the works because the council sub committee at the time said that letting Jews back in would be detrimental to the state and Christians but of course Cromwell wanted his army financed from Jews so they came back to England in mass and of course you know what happened. Cromwell had the final say but members of his committee didn't agree so it's not like people wanted it, they knew and it was common place to be anti Semitic but greed of these people in highest positions of power ruin it for everybody. The Dutch Jewish financers who boosted the military of William III who was involved in the revolution in England in 1688 enabled yet more needless war and suffering. Money lending always leads to war. England ended up in massive amounts of Debt as a result once again. The outcome of this is that the bank of England is established in 1693. Once again big surprise given what happened. Boom bust cycles. This is what our ancestors went through it's insane. All throughout time the same Jewish factions screw everybody over and get away with it. They just won't change and reflect. This bank of England creates money out of thin air with fractional reserve banking again. It's actually admitted by William Paterson where he said they create money out of thin air. They simply charge interest and make money out of nothing and so with this new bank of England established they can get away with charging massive interest once again and the cycle repeats. How this actually came to be established was probably the most fraudulent of all, just like how they push false flag attacks to justify policy and make up pandemics over time to once again justify policy and make massive money off buying pharmaceuticals which are mostly owned by Jews. Big pharma was established by the Carnegies and the Rockefellers just before the first world war. Anyway the way the bank of England established was manipulating the parliament. The house of commons at the time had 514 members with 241 conservatives and 243 liberals with 28 independents. So in July of 1694, and this time was Summer and about 2/3 of the members lived in Rural lands, as you did when you're rich of course, and they were out tending to their estates farming process at this time and so when the charter was going through there was only 42 members in the house at the time to vote out of all 514 and all of those members were liberal who were present at that time. Liberals more often than not being the side Jews infiltrate, they got through this bill because almost all the conservatives were against the bill and since they were away they couldn't oppose it. So that's how it was established. Yay democracy? This is why I joke about democracy being the lowest form of Government there is. The so called democratic process is always used in some way that benefits the Jews who infiltrate the parties and lobby massive money they attained from not working a single day in their lives and bribe politicians and get what benefits them more through the public faces you see on the media saying what you want to hear. All parasites.

The effect of the bank of England being established from that point onwards is that everything had taxes, such as land tax (rates that we pay even if we own the property which should be illegal of course but if we resist then we get attacked by the Jew thugs called the police so we're under duress to comply else we lose land we expended massive amounts of out Jing for), paper taxes, poll tax, stamp tax (stamp duty which is another money making scheme for them which rakes in billions), window tax, hearth and chimney tax of all things (reminds me of the carbon tax which is another scam), marriage tax, birth tax, death tax, and then the income tax which was 20% to "pay back the interest" which as we know is impossible if you're still loaning money at interest like a bunch of morons that continue to leech our vitality. Now probably the most painful part of this all was that the countries that had massive interest based money lending and huge debt to pay still ended up going to war with other countries that had been getting off of interest based currency such as the north American colonies that were exploring the continent of America and also with France and Napoleon with the Napoleonic wars. Napoleon actually said after being shown an interest table at the bank de'france "The deadly facts here in revealed lead me to wonder that this monster, interest, has not yet devoured the whole human race". Napoleon despised Jews and it makes you wonder about the truth behind Napoleon in the wars because he then said that "international money (international Jewry that Hitler talks about) stood behind every foreign enemy, every monarch, every political party". The Jacobins (communists like the Bolsheviks) at the time were plunging France into chaos to create a new order and establish a central bank but Napoleon wasn't having any of it. Napoleon said "Money has no motherland. Finance is without patriotism and without decency their sole object is gain". He also spoke about the greater glory of God. He was a true Christian like Hitler and wanted to cleans the lands of dragons who burn down innocent people and hoard piles of money. He never went out and sought war, the surrounding monarchies were owned by Jews (as he said in the above quote) basically (which is what many "NAZI propaganda" movies were about, I've seen most of them.  There was over 40 thousand killed at that time by guillotine and over 300 thousands by firing squad and other means. Napoleon also said that foreign trade was the least important tenant of a strong economy, which of course is what Trump is planning to use to offset taxes which is stupid. One of Napoleons first acts actually in Nov 9th 1799 was to establish the currency under the debank defrance which was a joint stock company which replaced the 15 mostly Jewish private banks which financed the French revolutions for the Jacobins. He said "You have only to consider what loans can lead to in order to realise their danger. We must have nothing to do with loans. Loans are going to enslave us". Can't you see the common sense in what he said? Unfortunately he took Jewish money near the end which was likely his sin that led to his downfall. The pattern of war and or revolutions with countries that were free from debt based banking continued on, like with another example in Russia which didn't have a central bank until Lenin brought it in (which obviously is a Jewish move and yet people think the communists and Bolsheviks were anti Jew which is a joke because they simply wanted to get revenge on all the Christians there from being thrown out in the past) as well as with Germany under Hitler who wanted off the debt based banking and today he's the most evil man on earth who ever lived. Wonder why. Italy and Japan also didn't have a central bank before the 2nd world war. This is the pattern I'm talking about. These Jews criticize and make up stories of how bad life was in these nations (which there was obviously still levels of corruption playing out but it wasn't Jewish money lending) and how Jews send the countries they've got massive money lending schemes working for them and use their military forces to invade other countries under false pretence. The article in 1933 where "Judea declares war on Germany" proving Jews wanted war not Hitler. The Jews openly stated they wanted to boycott German goods and thus the trade war with Germany played out which basically forced Hitler to get off the central banking system which enraged the filthy Jews. Libya and Syria and Iraq didn't have central banks run by Jews recently and we went to war with them. Iraq we all know the story of and the joke that was 911 which was obviously a Mossad operation. "Dancing Israelites". Like how many points does one need to raise before it's become clear that Jews are the parasitic influence propagating the limited supply of vitality in the collective consciousness and thus driving cycles of suffering where the people eventually have enough of it and the self correcting mechanism kicks in to remove them. Our people went to "war" with these countries to destroy their morale and force them to capitulate to Jewish banking and you cheered them on you ignorant morons! What a joke. They never found "weapons of mass destruction" and the whole narrative was fabricated just like the holohoax in Germany. Get a clue. Now you know why there's a Rothschild Red Shield bank in every country. It was never out of the goodness of their hearts it was to leech off their vitality. 

The American revolution was a banking war. They wanted to tax the people in the colonies because they didn't have a central bank and so money was debt free for that time. Lucky the American colonies won, but in the constitution they failed to include the outlawing of usury. Makes me wonder why if it's such a common sense act. The amendments are great but they left out the outlawing of debt based money. Stupid. Samuel Adams of all people should've been on top of that. 


Fun point. Valve, the company that runs steam, made half life/portal1/2. They have employees that make roughly 1 million a year and contribute 15 million in value to the company each. That's a 1/15th profit per employee. They're almost all white males. Modern DEI wants to make Valve more diverse. Jews pushing it. No surprise.


I can't prove this point but it makes me wonder about how racial purify in reproduction has alchemical impacts as people grow up and gain experience and live with abundance of vitality (or not) and thus the people who propagate with higher vitality will give rise to more abundant children who will thus do the same and continue to cast seeming blessings upon their people. I wonder if the other races haven't been successful in this process to the same degree and thus the reflective internal alchemical transformation in cultivating higher order substances that increase baseline manifestation of Jing (physical prowess as endocrine health and nervous system function including intelligence) which of course makes the race stronger, literally. Why are others unable to rise above more primitive means? Possibly because they're disconnected from this alchemical process. I don't know it's just an idea. If the multi seed line bible interpretation is a valid view on the text then it would be assumed that since God represents greater consciousness manifesting through us being the corporeal consciousness (personified as the character in art just like the rest of the archetypes) then it would mean that we've got a greater baseline degree of proportionality and thus our manifestation more directly reflects God. Why would it not? You'd think then what about the Daoist immortals for example? Well those types resort to qigong and neigong, just like the Yogis who practise brahmacharya and pranayama and kundalini Yoga and all that stuff. They're mechanically viewing reality and thus have specific practises for specific thematics of experience. They're doing the same inner alchemy as whites but seemingly aren't able to transform their consciousness through just living correctly. Possibly. I assume of course, because I've never heard of any eastern traditions of any form speaking of what the Norse mythos refer to in terms of living as alignment with God (greater consciousness) which of course reflects how RS is done. It just makes me think that perhaps since TCM acknowledges that damaged Jing can manifest as genetic disease in the area of physical and mental development (likely how RAVE will manifest dur to widespread degeneracy and being cursed) then it makes me think that if an entire seed line has been "cursed" with certain traits (Jews being depleted and being driven by Talmudic ideology which they only resonate with because that's their truth and has been mad available in their culture for example) that are the manifest differentiation on a visual and character level that determines the different degrees of substance refinement to know not to intermarry. If the Jew is pushing for race mixing (once again I dare you to search "white women with children" and see for yourself) then there's obviously an inversion there to ruin the seed line. They're imported on mass to Europe and Aus and other nations for a reason and those who make policy are the ones responsible who have obvious Jewish ties. It's deliberate and on purpose, not an accident. The Talmud is the source of the different genders because only the Talmud says there's more than 2 genders. From the Christian view valuing yourself means to value your vitality which is a manifestation of the seed within you, literally. Seeds. Imaginal seeds. Wow that's deep I just realised that seed (genetic inheritance which is also what prenatal Jing is) and the imaginal seeds are likely linked, at least to some degree. Plain as day. The seeds come through us.



It seems that obstacles fall out of the way when you go all the way. Even things you once held onto as close as possible will just fade into mist and flow through your hands. I find that following truth moves your point of center, as in you'll find the people who you need for that time to move you through what you need to get to the next level. You work on being their supply and them for yours and when both of you have played your notes then it's a process that ends and new people who have different thematics come in to play their roles which you need to continue your process. You don't determine how any of this happens, it's all greater consciousness moving through you and the world, and that's manifestation. You never have to ever make anything happen for you because it's all happening through you. It's only an issue when you resist what's coming through you though. That's where you get suck, literally you end up playing the same level in the game over and over because the boss you need to beat is like a certain degree of acceptance of your truth and without going through that then the next level cannot come up to be processed, or played. The new level has new people and challenges to face which is why it's constantly keeping you on your toes and expanding with your skill. As you play more of the game and get through more levels you become more familiar with how the game is played. It's not a thing that happens because you imagined yourself there, you'd have within you a natural striving which comes through you as those thematic elements and thus the corresponding sensory imaginal experience would be how you interface with those thematics and express them. The idea that imagination can control the game is utter insanity and cannot be demonstrated. You only "control" it because the game responds to you being either on or off track with your thematic affinities and resonance to them and you'll manifest learning experiences to get you back on track to beat the boss and level up. The peak dip cycle is one of those that we've established. 

I also just learned that Ra was Jewish. Big surprise. There might be a reason why I've been doubting certain elements of HD the way he taught it for a while.


I believe that I've possibly had previous iterations with my personality crystal. My natural deceptiveness of business men has always been within me as far as I remember. Possibly I could've fought Jews in previous iterations. Don't know but I know I've always hated Jewish types.


Remember back in 2017 when they took power away from ISP's. That was probably to make web blocks easier.


What if manifestation as a phenomena where imagination creates reality is actually backwards and a complete inversion of how it actually works. What if the "desire" we have that's consistent with our truth is simply an intuited sensory experience that's translated out of the fixed thematics in the seed within that's driving this natural striving to begin with and that you're not actually manifesting anything but allowing what's within you to come through you. As I've said manifestation as a thing we do is impossible and this irrefutably refutes the existence of the so called law of assumption as well as the idea of the bible as a manifestation text. Living as one with God means allowing God to be made manifest through you, to allow greater consciousness to move you through your form, which is why we work with the form in "manifesting" reality. 

What if the nodal views represent the THEMATIC experiences of beginning and end of the cycles of insight that we go through that outer authority comes out of. I'm going to change LOA forever with this new refinement on RS. Big thanks to my client today I spent hours talking with and had this come through me while we were speaking.

Neville Goddard must've been influenced by Jewish trash, else he would've criticized Israel but he didn't. Old fool failed to recognise the importance of this point. I've had so many pulses in my third eye lately too ever since owning my hate for the Jews. Massive shifts and new level unlocked. Be fearless and speak your truth no matter what others may think of you for they will recognise you when the facts are forced to be faced and they will remember you as righteous and courageous in the face of competition. It's these moments where you do not capitulate but move through your truth and own it with divine providence that you may be moved through your correctness and unique expression. 



It seems that every process, individual or collective, they all go through peaks and dips, especially when it comes to filthy dirty Jews and their money lending cycles leading to mass inflation and war. You look at the stock market (mostly run by filthy disgusting Jews from the capitalistic ideology of maximum personal gain at the cost of spiritual integrity) and the boom bust cycles always correspond to the same principle thematic at play of a self correcting mechanism. This same self correcting mechanism happens through the market as it does in our personal lives, to correct our orientation and follow our truth. The truth is that Talmudism has no place on earth anywhere in a prosperous world. I am coming to see that this whole necessity idea of peaks and dips being required for any form of transformation is a limited narrow view that really is only a thing when you're disowning your truth and throwing away your divine guidance towards higher order.  Like this is what I mean by how what NG teaches is inverted. It's not the assumptions in a vacuum it's that the assumptions are the conscious thought based anchor to the thematic misorientation you're holding onto. Took months to even begin to see that and it required me to fully own that Jews are filthy disgusting degenerate parasites. People I know personally have had interaction with Jews from Israel at a young age in very inappropriate ways that the Talmud teaches is correct for Jews. "They're the victims!" the ignorant fool exclaims! "They're persecuted!" the silly goy speaks. It took going through how the unavailability of vitality leads to dip cycles because vitality is the currency of sense of self that we have access to on an unconscious level that moves us automatically when in an orientation that's correct. That's why you can't ignore the Jewish issue because economic ruin and war is always caused by bad bankers and bad bankers are filthy Jews. Disgusting filth. 

Going through the fire is facing your own divinity and out of that burning off the crystallized resistive trash that's stuck so that the movement can be aligned and the seeds within can unfold in the way they're designed to for you have 1 fixed trajectory that you're here to experience and not a solipsistic "my reality is the only reality" experience. You don't change anything in the world, the world is moving and you're either going with it or against it. Manifestation always happens top down under the context of access to purifying current that's orientating your view correctly and thus the thoughts you'll have will always be natural and you won't experience contrast thinking it's you doing anything because it's not. You live a 2nd person life. It's not 1st person because your corporeal consciousness isn't the source and it's not third person because you're not just experiencing incorporeal consciousness but both together in a between space so it's 2nd person. You're watching yourself experience reality and that inner sense of truth is the top down orientation sensation that leads you to the "feeling" which is the experience of accepting your truth and anchoring a direction of movement. 

It also seems I'm going to have to explain the stories of bilocation that NG talks about too, which is just another function of greater process integration. "entanglement" is this same phenomena where you can be "in two places at once" but not really it's that both places are in one place because they're both operating as one thing and thus appearing as two things at once that's operating at superluminal velocity.


Why is modern scientism a thing? Blood truth. I believe at least. It really does make me wonder where and how different "views" on the same functional mechanics of reality came from. Why is modern scientism a thing though. Jews. Hear this. The view that there is no greater creative essence is Talmudic and goes back to Babylon. Whoever funded this industry (it's an industry for a reason because it's there to make money and nothing more which once again is Jewish ideology just like capitalism that's rooted in self gain as the driving force for actions AKA Satanism by definition ("a love affair with the self")) of scientism that rules today would have ideological views that align with Babylon. There is no need for scientism in a world where there is no competing blood truths. Blood and view orientation seem to be related, not just from an indoctrination standpoint but from a standpoint of design it would seem. I cannot explain this with HD likely because it misses what I've been referring to as "blood truth" lately as a new term to explain body conditioning for comfort and such in different thematics. It would have to be explained from a different level. A level I am not yet familiar with, if this is the case, which I still cannot say for sure. All I know is that Jewish Babylonians are more than likely the seed of the tempter which are the manifestation of the conditioning force and the program in the world to fulfil the movement of greater consciousness through every one of us in this grand stage act of corporeal life. That's the 2nd person experience. It's the very attachment to the materialistic reality that drives Jewish thought because that's their supply of vitality for them. This is why I theorise that different blood races have a different means of tapping into their thematic supply, which possibly is why many of the mythos and alchemical texts speak of the same common threads but under different terms and really different ideologies. It's not just that the materialistic thinking is Jewish but that the inbuilt guidance mechanism operates under a different baseline sense of truth too it seems. Not every race seems to have the same ancestral guidance program in them. I can't prove this currently it's just an idea to play with. My Daoist master said that kundalini energy is what keeps you rooted to the world, or keeps you rooted in material experience as my interpretation. This is why Jewish people have been symbolised as serpents and why the Christos called them vipers. It's both a physical manifestation as well as an alchemical thematic AND a blood truth/view. Can you see the representation here? It's manifest on multiple levels. When you do gazing you're raising the dragon, which is a symbol of what keeps you rooted to the world and that it rises to "illuminate" the consciousness which overlaps the lesser and greater consciousness to become one thing.

The question under all this is why are the Jews representative as serpents as well as kundalini and the "dragon" as a manifestation of energy that roots you to the world, AKA a capitalistic view of reality which extends into scientism we have today that came from Babylon. It's really that the world we have today is overshadowed by this view as what's available and thus why people buy into it, be it their blood truth or not there's obviously a fixed perspective of contrast that's bringing awareness to greater consciousness to reject the Jewish filth. It's all thematic. All of it. That's the real highest understanding of this work. Manifestation is of course the same process too, except it's that it moves through us vs from us. We don't control or manipulate anything because we're having a second person experience and there's a fixed point of comparison which reflects the blood truth that we're going to suffer for not allowing to move through us because that's our supply of vitality and thus the manifestation of that is playing out in the world through Jewish filth today in the banking systems of usury. 

We're up to 1165 pages of work now. Over 3 million characters. 


Now I want to start to write out all the NAZI members quotes about Christianity in the Reich that I spoke of earlier to really hammer in my point. This is the documentation that's the smoking gun. Some of this will repeat what I said before but that's fine. Any time there's double brackets it's what I've inserted, as commentary in the text. ((Like this)). There's like more than 50 quotes. I've tried to use image to text to save me copying all the words by hand one by one alt tabbing between windows which will take many many hours but it wouldn't work so here goes..


Adolf Hitler 10/14/1933:

"We have to put an end to aetheism and blasphemy!"

"For the last eight months we have been engaged in a heroic struggle against the communist threat to our nation, against the subversion of our culture, the destruction of our art and the corruption of our public morality. (Jewish Babylonian culture spreading materialistic love and disconnect from greater consciousness as Christians) We have to put an end to atheism and blasphemy. We humbly thank providence for granting us success in our struggle to alleviate the distress of the unemployed and save the German farmer."


Oswald Von Ooteghem, Flemish veteran of the Legion Flandern, war reporter and member of 27. SS Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division 'Langermarck' (SS-Jugend-Batallion 27), 1988:

"After all, the whole reason we fought was to safeguard Christian Europe and its people. Just like today we were under attack from forced who wanted to see our culture and religion disappear. I can say freely and with conviction, the SS was pro-religious and never gave us any problems"


Rudolf Ternedde, the Regimental Commander of the elite 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland". Hamburg, 1989:

"There was a conviction in us that few could understand, we were the sword and shield against the devil's wrath".


Adolf Hitler:

"Perhaps for the first time since there has been a history of mankind, the realisation has been directed in this country that all the tasks set before us... the most sacred for man, is the preservation of the blood bound species given to us by GOD. For the first time in this empire it is possible for man to turn the gift of knowledge and insight bestowed upon him by the ALMIGHTY to those questions which are of greater importance for the preservation of his existence than all victorious wars or successful economic battles! The greatest revolution of National Socialism is to have opened the gate of knowledge to the fact that all the effort and mistakes of man are temporal and thus capable of improvement except for one: the effort about the importance of the preservation of his blood, his kind, and thus OF THE FORM GIVEN TO HIM BY GOD AND OF THE BEING GIVEN TO HIM BY GOD. We humans to not have the right ourselves about why PROVIDENCE created the races but only to recognise that it punishes those who disregard its creation."


1933 Lili Otto, one of the leaders of the NSF wrote:

Our Frauenschaft flag carries the same colours as the Swastika flag, with our flag the black stands out, solemn and worthy. On top shine forth the Christian cross in the colour of purity, constantly warning us "You women and mothers, be real Christians; protect Christianity in your family, rear your children to love the saviour."


In the 25 points of national socialism:

24. We demand liberty for all religion's denominations in the state, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the moral findings of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the manner of creed to any particular confession. It combats the Jewish-materialist spirit within us and without us, and it convinced that our nation and only achieve permanent health from within on the principle: The common interest before self. 


Hitler states on Feb 27, 1925:

"Women once brought Christianity to the land and they will ultimately lead out movement to lasting victory. But when women are missing, not only women are missing but with them also young people and thus the future. Be assured a movement that has the fewest women also has the least power, which is why you will find so few "ladies" in the Democratic party, for example."


Hitler stated in a speed on March 25 1925:

"Our movement will continue to grow because its idea is right and healthy. Our belief in its victory is as firm as the stars in the firmament. The final goal is always our people and fatherland, freed from hardship. Just as God in heaven is our only God, so our fatherland should be our only earthly God. One day the day of power, greatness and glory will come for the German people. Amen."


The Policy of the NSDAP on ownership of Landed Property - A reply by Gottfried Feder - The Deutsche Tageszeitung (No.47) of Jan 25th 1930, published a number of questions put to us by the leaders of the Brandenburg Landbound. Their main object was to obtain a definition of the attitude of the NSDAP towards private ownership of land, inheritance, raising of credits, tariffs, price regulation, profit-sharing, and towards questions of general social-political and election-tactical interest.:

The same applies to all the stupid remarks on Christianity. Expressions such as "Christianity has only done harm" merely show that the mean who says them has neither human nor political intelligence. One may well blame the Church for meddling in politics, and all good Christians will disapprove of cruelties practised in the name of the Cross by the Inquisition and trials for witch-craft, ((most of that was likely Jewish started anyway just like the banker wars but who knows)) but it is wrong to abuse in general terms the greatest phenomenon to human history for the mistakes and depravities of individuals. The Christian Religion has raised and edified millions and millions and brought them to God by the way of suffering. The culture of the Middle Ages stood up on the sign of the Cross, achievement, sacrifice, courageous faiths have their roots in Christianity. Then, we must be careful to distinguish the inner spirited kernel of Christianity from the various forms of excrescence which have appeared upon it to its passage through history. Our party stands upon positive Christianity.

We can indeed speak of the Mammonistic age as of a new epoch. The god Mammon has ascended the throne of this world. Emperor and King bow before him, The parliaments and governments are his submissive servants. He has been abele to yoke large movements - like the striving of the wage-earners for their improvement. International capital has likewise made the presses of the world serviceable to its goals - as it has also made itself the administrator of the cultural wealth and the adulterer of every national indigenous art and literature. As the most outstanding bearers of this mammonistic infestation and rule of the world we have recognised as Jews and so the circle of our knowledge is closed once again with the question of all questions - the Jewish question. The solution of the interest problem ((LENDING MONEY WITH INTEREST)) is the solution of the Jewish question ((The capitalistic self serving view)). The solution of the interest problem in the sense of our explanation is the breaking of the Jewish world-role, because it smashes the power of world Jewry - its financial power. ((Understand now how all wars are banker wars from the history of Jewish usury in creating artificial scarcity which ruins peoples available vitality and thus culture))


Elvira Bauer Nuremburg 1936 - Don't trust a Greensward and never a Jew on his given word!:

"The father of the Jews is the Devil. But at once the Jew protested loud! For the devil rode him from the first. CHeating, not working, the aim of his; For lying, he for first prize in less than no time from the Father of Lies. As he wrote in the Talmud's lines. ((BOOM THEY KNEW THE TALMUD)) From the beginning the Jew has been a burderer, Jesus Christ affirmed. And on a cross must die Out Lord God knew no other race for the role to torment to death His only Son, the Jews He chose for this. ((They're playing their part as God created all good and evil)) That is why now the Jew's claim is to be the chosen people of his. ((They hijacked the meaning of the chosen people and claim it under Zionism)) Other tricks performs the Jew, inspired by his satanic blood so shrewd.


Walter Gross, leader of the National Socialist German Doctors' Alliance and created the create the National Socialist Office for Enlightenment on Population Policy and Racial Welfare, stated in a radio address in 1935;

"If we are once more conscious of our own nature. of the inheritance given to us from HEAVEN, is that human arrogance or idolatry? If we once again humbly understand that our lives as humans are bound by our race, and that we can do nothing other than follow and act according to the laws of blood that GOD HIMSELF has placed us under, how can that be heresy or impiety? It is not in fact greater piety, and in the most genuine and truest form? Yes, we see in the facts and laws of race as something HOLY AND DIVINE, not because we want to promote ourselves, but rather because we also see there the power of the CREATOR"

Irene Rosenberg (daughter of Alfred Rosenberg), 1981 interview:

"Remember I was studying Luther, and many others, but it raised more questions than answers. Like my father, I turned to studying original texts of the scriptures that were available. I always had the question if this is true then how did it happen, there had to be a moment in time when this theft happened, but I could never find it. One day I was reading 2Kings when it hit me like a fist. The original Israelites were forced out of their lands and dispersed to What is now India, China, Iran and Europe. The Ahnenerbe found European mummies with light hair and eyes in these regions. The people who moved into the old lands were ancestors of the modern Jew, darker features from poisoned bloodlines. They were impressed by the technology and spirituality of the Israelites, so they wanted to adopt parts of their culture, and they brought in corrupt Israelite priests to teach them their ways. After time these as the did ones lost their old ways, the Jews adopted new ways blended with them Talmud ((YET ANOTHER REFERENCE TO THE BABYLONIAN LEARNING)). Many years later, old Israelites started trickling back to the old lands, which were now under the control and influence of people who were not of Israelite blood. Christ came into this type of society but has parents were of Israelite, or Aryan blood. People tend to think today that since dark skinned people inhabit these lands that they were always there, that is false

"See ll Kings 17. The entire chapter should be read but verses 17 23-28 make it clear that the true Israelites (Whtes/Aryans) were replaced by non- israelites (what we call 'jews" etc - Rev 2.9 "Those who call themselves lews [correct word is JudeansI, and are not, but are the synagoque (a group of people / or with? of Satan." ((This part I got copied with the image to text so it's a bit off but it works))


Vidkun Quisling, May 1945 after hearing of Hitler's death:

"He (Hitler) himself often compared his life and efforts with Martin Luther's."


Interview with German Cross in Gold winner and SS-Obersturmführer Fredrik Jensen of the heroic 5. SS-Panzer Division Wiking'. Jensen was the most decorated Norwegian in German service and earned a plethora of various medals during his time as a volunteer. Maimo, Sweden, 1988. Frederick:

"Jews were leading the Soviets, and committing acts of defilement against the church and believers. There were some in the press who covered up these stories, saying they were not true, and denying Jews had anything to do with Bolshevism. ...Jews were linked to Bolshevism, and indeed they were, by 1920 most of the Politburo (the principal policymaking committee of the communist party in the Soviet Union] were Jews, and many normal Jews aided in turning in those who opposed the Soviets. By accounts of some townspeople, half of whole towns went missing. Jews opened synagogues while closing churches and the people were oppressed by them."


Robert Ley:

"Heaven opened Adolf Hitler's eyes, and the Lord God gave recognitic Judah (he means Jews" and does not understand they, the Germans descendents of Judah, as Irmgard Borman and other understood) as mighty enemy of humanity. But the Jew does not forgive this."


1983 interview done with Mildred Gillars, better known as "Axis Sally* at her home in Colum Ohio:

"I personally believe Germany died a horrible death, much like Christ, to herald in a new age of light and harmony for all. In time the evil ones will be destroyed who have caused so much misery, hatred, and death on this earth. It is prophesied. NS Germany was a glimpse of the world after this new age comes. They (Jews) have waged a war against the Christian heritage and culture of this land almost from the beginning... What I did was try to wake up my people so they could see: Germany was the instrument to do this. The Jews brought the war to end this threat to their power, and I was made a traitor. Therefore, if standing against the true enemy of your country and people makes you a traitor, then I am one. Christ will absolve me as I did nothing wrong."


Leon Degrelle:

"There will be a day when thousands of young people will present themselves to save Europe... It is them that one day, on GOD'S day, when GOD will judge and inspire us who will achieve salvation!"


NSDAP Germany, NSDAP Leaders, Hitler, SS - Christian or Not?

Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf (Manheim's translation):

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."


Julius Streicher stated:

"Christ said the Jews were murderers since the beginning and their father is the Devil. Plant this knowledge into the youth, that all of humanity will perish because of the Jew. if the whole of humanity doesn't wake up at this minute. Teach the children to have a healthy hatred and anger. Tell the children that He drove them out with a whip. He hated the Jews!"


Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf:

"His life is only of this world, and his spirit inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude towards Jewish people, and when necessary he even took to the whip to drive them from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with athletic Jewish parties - and this was against their own nations. On the first and greatest lie, that the Jews are not a race but a religion, ((YES EXACTLY THEY'RE THE MANIFESTATION OF THE CONDITIONING PROGRAM)) more and more lies are based in necessary consequence."

"A folkish state must therefore begin by raising marriages from the level of a continuous defilement of the race, and give it the consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce images of the Lord ((Likening children to the image of God, which they are as they're simulacrums)) and not monstrosities halfway between man and ape." ((Beasts of the field))

"For this, to be sure, from the child's primer down to the last newspaper, every theatre and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, bust be pressed into service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: "Lord, make us free!"" is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: "Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as though had always been; judge none whether we be deserving or freedom; Lord, bless our battle!" ((I could barely read this one because it's extremely blurry))

"As opposed to this, we National Socialists must hold unflinchingly to our aim in foreign policy, namely to secure for German people the land and soil to which they are entitles on this earth. ((Not the Zionist state of so called Israel)) And this action is the only one which, before God and our German posterity, would make any sacrifice of blood seem justified: before God, since we have been put on this earth with the mission of eternal struggle for our daily bread, beings who receive nothing as a gift, and who owe their position as lords of the earth only to the genius and the courage with which they can conquer and defend it; and before our German posterity in so far as we have shed no citizens blood out of which a thousand others are not bequeathed to posterity.


Joseph Goebbels - Michael 1932 (I THINK IT'S THIS YEAR BUT I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE)- July 12 + November 2nd:

I held communication with Christ. I believed I had overcome him, but that was only his idolatrous priests and false prophets. Christ is harsh and powerful. He whipped the Jewish merchants out of the temple. A declaration of war on money. ((Usurious money lending specifically)) If one says that now, you to into prison or an insane asylum. ((Because they control the accepted narrative through money/availability of vitality and resources)) We are all diseased. Only the fight against decay can save us again. If you can not hate the devil, you can not love God. Whoever loves his people, they must hate the destroyer of his people, hate from his soul. ((Common sense, you don't love someone who's committing crimes against humanity for they will not be transformed without facing their own fire which won't happen even with the mercy shown on them in the past with exiles)) The most terrible punishment a German can receive is praise from the Jews. If a Jew wants a finger, then he cries out full throat demanding the hand. Michael ((Archangel)) opposes him and comes halfway, giving him the two finger salute. ((Good joke)) Christ could not have been a Jew. ((Because in Talmud it's forbidden to kill another Jew as you read in the passages above I listed)) I need not have been a Jew. I need not prove it scientifically. ((Common sense and history are the only sciences we need, though all angles would be beneficial in proving a point of course but that's all co-opted)) Now I have the wird: We modern Germans are something like Christ Specialists. Christ is the genius of love, making him the diametrical antithesis to Judaism, ((Babylonianism/Talmudism)) representing the incarnation of hatred. The Jew forms a group among the races of the earth. He has the same function as disease in the human body: ((Parasitic influence with usury as we see with every major economic failure)) resist the healthy forces while quickly and quietly killing the organism. Christ was the first opponent of the Jewish format. The battle we fight today to until victory or the bitter end, in the deepest sense is a struggle between Christ and Mars. ((Why mars??)) Christ is the principle of love. Mars is the principle of hatred. ((Not entirely accurate but whatever))

November 2nd: I come back to Christ. The German God question can't be separated from Christ. We have lost our true connection with God. We are neither cold nor hot. Half-Christian, half-heathen. Yes, even the best are in the dark and don't know where to turn. But is it also necessary to speak an honest work. A nation without religion is like a man without breath. ((Religion really can be seen as the cultural values which raise the collective vitality of a nation so they may create great works without restrictions and truly be the embodiment of God)) Well then, he with GOd. Trust in Him! Not everything you can do on your own, You will need him as your last help. ((He moves through us)) I take the bible and read a whole evening. The simplest, greatest sermon ever given to mankind: The sermon on the mount. "Blessed are they that suffer persecutions for justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!" ((This simply means going all the way and speaking facts without compromise, which is a core of RS)) The true German remains a life-long worker of God. Pathetic is the man who finished his search. No work of art without a creator! No nation without a ruler! No world without God!" ((There's an image here of a sword shaped like a cross (probably symbolic and also functional of course) that's got a swastika on it))



GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRA, VA 11. Records of the Reich. Leader of the 55 and Chiel of the German Police (Part I) The National Archives. National Archives and Records Service. General Services. Administration Washington: 1981:

Stituts, author of various books on the history of German lay and German ideology, such as Irdische Unsrterblichkeit, Germanischer Glaube an die Mederrer drgeraag In der Sippe, Dle Cesetza das Veronduzarretohs, Gasatre das Karollngerrelehs, etc. ((I could barely read the above so it's auto translate and probably has typos in the German words)) His institute was financed by the Lein Bertha Boden, his sister in law, foreboding her to intervene in the affairs of his office, 1936; a letter from a thirteen-year-old inquiring whether It is true that Christ was a Jew and Himmler's reply was that he was not.

"However, the Reichsführer-SS Himmler posed the question, perhaps the Jews of today are not the same people the Bible speaks about. Perhaps they are liars and deceivers who has stolen the identity of the true great race of the creator."




Band I Die Wiedergründung der NSDAP

February 1925 - June 1926 - K. G. Saur München • London • New York • Paris 1992

Feb 26th 1926 Hitler stated:

it is the pride that we claim for ourselves: in a time when everything was cowardly bowing and everyone was trying to adapt to the current, we declared war on this time and, in a time when slandering the fatherland was part of everyone's daily breviary, we presented the fatherland as the only god that exists besides the heavenly God".


March 16th, 1926 Hitler stated:

"No power will be able to oppose this development as long as the almighty God stands over the movement with his blessing."


July 4th. 1926 Hitler stated (discussing the concept of Blood and Soil (which its basis was Christianity!):

"Perhaps fate has decreed otherwise, we do not know, but we have the urge within us to try to preserve and improve what we see as our race, to lead it into the future and to make life easier in this world, just as a father tries to make life easier for his child. These are the urges that we recognize as an obligation because they are aimed at the whole. If we look at the word politics from this point of view, then the most primitive question is: How do we provide daily bread for a people? What will I eat tomorrow? That is the first thing. All idealism collapses if this first question is not answered. Only when it is answered can we enter into further discussions. This also applies to the life of nations. It is not for nothing that CHRISTIANITY teaches us to pray LORD, give us our daily bread. That is the basis of everything else. And What are we to understand by this sentence? Christianity itself obliges the individual to act, le. not when he asks GOD for it, but it obliges him. First work! And then please, first do your duty and obligation, only then can you stand before the ALMIGHTY and pray: LORD, bless my work. The farmer plows and sows the grain and looks after it as it grows. But then there is something that rests ABOVE the farmers power, be it the blessing of HEAVEN, be it a single hailstorm that can destroy everything he has laboriously built up. We can understand the CHRISTIAN prayer in this way, that we work and care for this bread and only then approach the Almighty and humbly present the request to him! ((This is exactly how manifestation naturally works through us)) LORD, this is what our diligence and our work looks like, now please, bless us too, so that your high blessing can be added to all our small human strength.- And this phrase daily bread can really be established as the basis of all politics in the life of the people. We must fight to ensure that our people receive their daily bread, Only then do we want to go a step further, and we must immediately overcome a twofold thorn through the people themselves and through the ground on which they stand. The nature of the people and the land are the first two starting points from which alone we can make political considerations and which have a decisive influence on politics, People and land ((Blood and soil)), i.e, the amount of land and the number of a people, the nature of the land and the nature of a people determine political activity. it is therefore no coincidence that with a people that has separated itself from its land and distanced itself from it, that has never been suitable for work, that has no land in the sense of a limited state, but only lives as a parasite in other states, politics has naturally and inevitably developed from this. What the Jew does, he must do it that way, he cannot do it otherwise ((Manifestations of the program)). Just as our nature is determined by the nature of our people and the type of soil. if we look more closely. we find that all politics that deviates from this premise disappears in the life of the peoples, it has no lasting effect."


SIDE NOTE. You're not going to believe this. I just had a client of mine who got this new job tell me that the workers there are all Christian and pray at breaks and read bibles together. Sounds like it's a manifestation of the work I've recently been doing here. These are the types of things that happen without me having a single intent over them. It all came through me and I remember having the thought about "I wonder if his workplace will be Christian" or something a long those lines considering I was going over this work around that time too. Interesting side note. Not good or bad it's just what happened. Funny enough though if I spent all day every day reading stuff about making money (which I've done before many times) I was never moved naturally to make it outside of my work with RS or have any magic deposits show up in my bank. Trying to control the nature of the manifestation is placing importance on something above yourself, your greater consciousness moving you that is. The 2nd person experience and accepting that movement. Now back to the work. This page will end soon too it's already slowing down with all the big quotes.


HERMANN GOERING - Der Schulungsbrief (German magazine)- 1935

"The lower worker felt that he had been excluded from the community of workers. We can truly understand that this was the case when we see today with what perseverance the German worker endures a scant wage because the fatherland then, above all, needs the means to defend itself. Truly, if it is a heroism that goes far beyond many other things. To endure this without complaining and even to accept it as a necessity is something that no worker of any other nation could do. Let us thank God that the German worker has found his way back to his people and his fatherland."


This next one is the Christmas and New Year greeting from Reich Governor Gauleiter Dr. Meyer of Westphalia North:

“Our whole love and trust should also belong to the Führer in the new year. May the Lord continue to bless him and his work as He has done so abundantly up lo now. May the Lord grant the Führer and his people victory and the enemies of Germany the defeat they deserve.”


In a 1987 interview, when asked about the claim that NS was against the church, former NSDAP Gauleiter Rudolf Jordan (another governor) stated:

“Utter rubbish, they only told the victors what they wanted to hear. The Fuhrer had a deep love and respect for religion, where we ran afoul is that we refused to give any one denomination our endorsement. The Pope had a very good relationship with the Fuhrer and party. In fact, we ordered large sums of money to go to restoring and building houses of God. Christianity was our faith for two thousand years and was not going anywhere. What might seem like attacks on the Church was NS trying to remove the Jewish influence. We had a Church system heavily infiltrated by the very people who opposed Christ and hated the Cross. This caused many issues as we forced them out and some Christians refused to understand why. We NS had no time for the petty infighting and had to be tough on the flock sometimes, but we protected the Church, and I attended many SS weddings in Church's. There was no war on the Church; we honoured our Creator by protecting our past.. It is no secret that when white Christian nations allow in foreign aliens, that the decline has started. I will leave you with wise words the Fuhrer said to us in a meeting once "A people with a will to live, love their ancestors and honour their past by protecting their future." IT our nations fail to live by this, then who knows what will happen.“

This proves irrefutably that all the ignorant fools who say "Hitler was against the Church" are incorrect. he was against the Jewish infiltrated church and wanted to rid Germany of the false Christian doctrines being preached as we have today in the churches who still say that the Jew is the chosen people. I mean can't you obviously see how disgusting and filthy the Jew is considering they hijacked the Christian church and fooled everybody into believing this trash for so long. Everything they do is exactly what is stated in the Talmud. Why is this important to RS? Because it means we've clearly identified now what the dynamic of the manifestation of the conditioning program does in moving the Jews into acting in the way they do to destroy our access and availability to vitality be it through money or land or good food and water or culture and art or music or media and theatre/movies and sports and everything. Literally everything. Find something that's not been subverted in some way by Jews to go against common sense. I'm not even half way through my quotes that I've got here proving my point. That's how much data I've gathered and there's still more banking history to go over. It's overwhelming with the amount of data to support this position. It all starts with disputing the holohoax and seeing the victim narcissistic Talmudic self serving ideology of the Jew to open the box. When you can dispute the doctrine that the Jews are the chosen people then you can clearly discern the rest. 

Hitler Feb 29,1928

"Away with Jewish rule!”

"First of all, I would just like to point out that our most gracious Lord and Savior once had to deal with these Jews himself (very true), that it was not un-Christian for him to physically punish these Jews and to throw them out of the temple, that he called these same Jews vipers, sons of Satan, devils, and that the same Savior did not want peace with them.“ (thunderous applause.)


SS Totenkopt Battalion Commander Walter Reder, 1988:

"The Holy Father will be my judge when I am called to the next world, and I will be absolved, and only then will it be known that I and my comrades did nothing wrong and had t0 defend against the devil and his agents”


Adolf Hitler stated:

“It was a struggle especially against the people who seemed to have omnipotent power in our nation, the struggle against the Jews. A satanic power had taken over our whole country."


Interview with Ludwig Ruckdeschel, former Gauleiter, member of the Reichstag, Waffen-SS, and member of the SA (Sturmabteilung):

"That was one of the great things about NS: it promoted religion as a strength of the folk, not as a divider. Therefore, some religious factions were hurt by this, because their power was taken away. The SS is a good example of the German Christian movement. Some authors tend to make it seem like the SS had a requirement to leave the church, turn their back on God, and give up all form of religion. This is nonsense, I was in the SS and most everyone I met was very religious, with only a few who didn't believe in any form of faith. We saw in organized religion a decay that was starting to destroy us, since Jews had been promoting the idea that the Bible was their book, they were the Hebrews, and thus the chosen people of God, raised above all others. In your country. I hear this is an idea that has taken deep root, with many false preachers teaching the flock these people are to be adored and protected. ((EXACTLY WHAT I JUST SAID BEFORE)) In Germany, it was always understood that the Bible Was the history book of the ancestors of the current Europeans, which our peoples, or tribes, were the very people the Bible was written to, for and about. We became lazy, and allowed others to start leaching false ideas, twisting the words of our God to suit their own agendas. Under NS We tried to slowly correct some of this, sometimes making enemies of good men who had their minds twisted by our enemies. Since religion has been a trigger for wars, we were very careful to avoid conflict with the church, all while trying to turn our people back to the faith of our ancestors. Not modern day Jewish ideology.“


Our task - Magazine from 1933. Pg. Hermann Göring.

“A revolution can only stand the test of time if it is able to replace outdated forms and abuses in state life with positive achievements. The National Socialist Revolution can claim that it was able to achieve this through the depth of its idea, the selfless devotion of its followers and, above through the genius of their divinely gifted leader. The fact that the fate of the government represents the fate of every single member of the people must be wall evident to every German man and woman, even in the most remote village. The words of one of the greats of our people are more valid today than ever for our people's fight for their honour and freedom. Freedom and the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be won by halves.”


Adolf Hitler

"Lord, we will not leave you! Now bless our fight for our freedom and thus for our German people and fatherland!" 


Written by a high ranking female official named Elie Frobenius (Very hard to read so it could be wrong) Berlin - May 1, 1933.

"Women are the heart of a people. Their faith is its faith. Woe to the people whose women have lost their faith! They must perish from inner weakness because their spiritual strength is atrophied! Have not materialism and Marxism committed a mortal sin against our people by denying God? Must we not strive with all our strength to return to the sources of our nationality, where the stream of faith still flows alive? Is that not the true purpose of women? The woman is the bearer of faith because the miracle of the incarnation takes place in her. This means that she is mystically connected to the eternal. She has a secret knowledge of God's work in nature and in man.“


Dr. Walter Schmitt - 1933:

""The future will one day weigh us in the same measure as we ourselves thought of it. May our God protect us from those mistakes that are rooted in Human selfishness." With these words from the Fuher, National Socialist Germany sets out from Nuremburg into the further battle."

This book also has a very large cross built in the middle of a garden type location. Yet more Christian symbolism.


Rudolf Ternedde, the Regimental Commander of the elite 11. SS-Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland", Hamburg, 1989:

"There was a conviction in us that few could understand, we were the sword and shield against the devil's wrath. Many of the non-Germans would tell you they did not fight for Hitler or Germany; they fought to defeat an evil so great that they were willing to die. We stood united in that idea, and we slowed this advance, but with the fall of the Soviet Union, that evil now will spread across the earth."


Walther Hofer, Göring's principal art agent and later director of the Göring Collection, Nationalsozialismus. Dokumente

"The irrevocable truth is that religious life in Germany, under the protection of the National Socialist state, unfolds more freely and undisturbed. No form of Godlessness (bolshevism or paganism) or blasphemy is tolerated and the churches as well as their religious affairs are secure, undisturbed, and free of problems in a way that is unprecedented in history and almost unknown in any other country on earth."


“The Swastika on our breasts, the cross in our hearts” - German Christians motto. There’s a coin minted on April 24th 1932. The coin (advertising coin not a mark) also depicts a strong man with a sword at the ready to strike a 3 headed serpent that he’s standing on with his feet. There’s also another coin (the same) with a church on one side and the eagle on the other side. I believe this coin was established as Hitler spoke to the Christian leaders at the time, though I’m not sure. 

1991 interview done in Stuttgart with Dr. Martin Sandberger, former member of the SS and head of various departments for internal security, including the Sonderkommando la of Einsatzgruppe A, as well as the Sicherheitspolizei and SD:

“The victors of the war have had 55 years to work on their side of the story, to use traitors and cowards to help them build a twisted history of our movement and military. The SS was a very elite and honourable cadre of men and women; we honoured our GOD, our ancestors, our people, and we fought for Europe until death or defeat. ..when the Soviets invaded (Baltics] one of the first acts was to use loyal Jews to help point out Christians, and anyone who might be opposed to the Soviets. Once the Jewish problem had been solved by rooting out enemies, I went to work helping to rebuild these areas [Baltics]; we opened the Churches again.”

When asked about Himmler (they were friends) Sandberger stated:

“On the surface he (Himmler] seemed anti-religious but the more I worked with him the more I understood, he was only against religion because the Jew had infiltrated and twisted meanings of God's word. They were being called God's chosen, and they put pressure on our churches to agree, teaching that anything a Jew did wrong was somehow Ok to God, so we should turn a blind eye also. This is an example of what he wanted to use the SS to fix. to tum our people back to their roots and away from false teachings of the church. Lam a devout Christian and understood that in no way was the SS against religion, we stood against the devils children using our faith against us, to destroy us. This was Himmler's mission, to get our people to see they were misled; the SS was the vanguard to open their eyes to a truer way of faith and living. I knew I was doomed (on trial at the end of the war), but prayed to God that he would somehow see me out of this when so many were having their lives taken from them, for only serving their nation in wartime. The reading of the death sentence was my lowest point in life. Luckily. for me my prayers were answered, as my family was able to rally support and at first. my sentence was commuted to life, then with further intervention I was released after many years."


This section is copied out of a post I found that’s interesting: July 24, 1927, Adolf Hitler stated: "We were accused of being against the church, of being bad Christians or of not being Christians at all. If Christianity is understood only as a denomination, then we are bad Christians." Hitler used the term "Providence", Lord, Creator, Almighty as well as God, our Savior, etc. Somehow, people interpret Hitler's use of words Providence, Lord and Creator, as meaning Satan.... With no proof to back up this claim nor Is there any logic to it. Just wanted to point out the Bible uses the word Creator/created at least 40 times. Lord is used between 7-8,000 times. And Providence 1 time that I found. Etymology of Providence (usually capitalized) "God as beneficent caretaker of his creatures," is recorded c. 1600, from earlier use of the word for "God's beneficent care, guardianship, or guidance" (late 14c., short for divine providence, etc.). The noun in classical Latin occasionally was used as the name of a goddess and in Late Latin as "God; the govemment of the world by God's infinite wisdom and foresight." 1828 dictionary: PROVIDENCE, provive-dense. 333, n. s. [Fr.; providentia, Lat.] Foresight ¿timely care; forecast; the act of providing. Sir T. Elyot. The care of God over created beings; divine superintendence. Hooker. Prudence; frugality; reasonable and moderate care of expense, _Dryden.

So all the above below that first Hitler quote was commentary. 


Adolf Hitler, Speech in the Sportpalast, Berlin, January 30, 1942:

"Thus the home-front need not be warned, and the prayer of this priest of the devil, the wish that Europe may be punished with Bolshevism, will not be fulfilled, but rather that the prayer may be fulfilled: "Lord God, give us the strength that we may retain our liberty for our children and our children's children, not only for ourselves but also for the other peoples of Europe, for this is a war which we all wage, this time, not for our German people alone, it is a war for all of Europe and with it, in the long run, for all of mankind."


1990 interview done in Detroit, US.A, with Fedor Kazan, Ukrainian 14th We Grenadier Division of the SS (fit Galician) and Ukrainian Defense Force member:

"It was a grand day: we held a Church mass in tich Hans Frank. Himmier, and other notables attended. We cared SS and Galician placards, Himimler and the division commander spoke to us. I still hear Himmler's voice telling us for the first time in nearly 20 years we were now free to choose our path, and free to worship again, as we choose. When the Germans came, we felt it was a sign from God that our hour of revenge had come? I want to tell you it is interesting that in the Bible, Edom means red, a people God hates They usurped God's people's names, customs etc. in 11 Kings trying to become God's people by deception.”


Sturmer article written in 1940:

"Because children are taught at school to believe that the Jews are the people chosen by God who brought salvation info the world, it is difficult for adults to suddenly believe that this is all a hoax. ((EXACTLY WHAT I FACE TODAY!)) When the Stürmer began Is educational work eighteen years ago, it also set itself the task of recognising the belief in the chosenness of the alleged Jewish people of God through the knowledge of the opposite. And this opposite is the laces of the Jews in his sermons." 2000 years ago. "You are Pharisees, your father is the devil, you are criminals from the beginning"

If the truly believing Christians had thought through this terrible accusation directed against Judaism, then it would not be the case that he would always be amazed and incredulous when he is told that the Jew is the sword enemy of what is called Christianity. We learn from what the Jew thinks about Christianity from the Jewish law book Talmud. There is it written:

- ”All peoples who have accepted the teachings of Christ, even if their teachings are different, are to be regarded as godless and as servants of evildoers. They are also to be treated as such." (Aboda zarah, I, 3.)

- “The image of a cross (cines crucifiges) before which one bows is to be treated as an image of God." (Jore de'ah, page 141, 1.)

- “The Christian service and everything connected with it is Gösen service. • Hearts, chalices, etc. belong to this Gosen service." (Aboda zarah, p. 146.)

- “It is permissible to spit in front of a Christian idol, to urinate on it, to drag the Idol around in a bag or to throw water at it" (Aboda zarah, page 44 b.) 

- “Every Jew has the duty to strive to have the Christian churches burned and exterminated. The saints must be given names of abuse and the clergy must be killed”. (Shulchan Aruch, Yore de ah, page 146. 14. Aboda zarah and Hilchoth.)"


This a book is written by Streicher called "Juden Ltellen Lich Vor" in 1934:

"Such criminal behaviour inevitably creates hatred against the Jews (anti-semitism) and provokes defensive struggles.. The battle that the Nazarene waged against the Jewish tax collectors 2000 years ago ended with a horrific ordeal and his slaughter on Golgotha. The judgement that Jesus Christ passed on the Jews marks the Jewish people for all time. "Your father is not God, but the devil. He was a criminal and a murderer from the beginning." (John VIII 44:45) The results of the Jewish rule that ended in 1933 prove that the German people were also on the way to becoming victims of Jewish world criminality. Jews introduce themselves! We refrain from adding words to Fips' drawings. When Fips speaks to you with a God-given hand, no more explanatory words are needed. Fips knows how to convey the essential, the characteristic what he carries within himself as knowledge. Anyone who lets Fips' drawings (drawings of filthy Jews in the book) speak to his eyes will not remain untouched in his soul either, and that is what Fips wants to achieve with his art. He wants to draw his knowledge into the soul of his German compatriot. Jews introduce themselves as they are, as they always were and always will be. Jews introduce themselves to those of whom the warrior from Nazareth said that their father was the devil."


1981 interview done in West Germany with Lina Heydrich. Lina was the loyal wife of Reinhard Heydrich and a fervent member of the National Socialist party:

"The SS wanted to prove our race had beginnings, it would seem, in the areas of Persia but spread out all over the world. The link to Pagan symbols is only out of respect for the ancestors who came to Europe and formed great, advanced societies. Germanic peoples are the driving force of nearly every great discovery, so we honour their symbols because this was our past. A lie being told in Germany today by the churches is that the SS hated religion and persecuted the church, this is false. There was a strange link between Germany's pagan past, and the Christian present. Some in the SS only wanted to follow the past, and reject Christianity as a Jewish tale. However, the Reichsführer-SS Himmler posed the question, perhaps the Jews of today are not the same people the Bible speaks about. Perhaps they are liars and deceivers who has stolen the identity of the true great race of the creator."

Interview with Hedwig (Potthast) Staedk, personal secretary to Heinrich Himmler, Baden, 1988:

"So let me ask you then, why did the Allies knock down our churches, which had stood for hundreds of years? I saw receipts where the SS foundations helped remodel and restore ancient places of worship. I must say he was not burning down churches, he was actively interested in preserving their historical importance and culture for our people. Now I will say he was no fan of the Church and I mean this in a way you might understand. He believed, as did Hitler, that the churches in Germany had become like old men's bones, broken and misshaped. They were being used as tools to destroy our race and the very foundation of our nations. Not all of them were, but most. This is why the German Christians church was created, to counter the modern notion of God being of all races and cultures. He always would tell me, "God may have created the races, but he made them distinct, separate, and gave each race a way to worship." ((Interesting idea that's related to what I said about different races having different means of tapping their supply of vitality as this is ultimately what worship really reflects in alchemical terms)) He took a very keen interest in the history of man, and of the Europeans. He funded the Ahnenerbe ((The people you hear Jewish historians talk about who went to the east and apparently this proves they copied the symbols but it's all character attacks with no basis as these quotes demonstrate)) which went exploring to find answers to the questions we ask about creation. There was nothing sinister in this and the Church even supported this. He was very deep into our Germanic past and the symbols that were left behind. ((These are the quotes that make people think Hitler was into occult symbols and worshipped Odin the All Father when obviously that's not the case he was simply exploring what the Germanics accomplished and their history. I also recently realised that the Roman Salute wasn't from Romans at all (At least according to what can be proven but perhaps they did and I don't have the documentation that proves they did because the name must've come from somewhere) but a painting Jacques-Louis in 1784.called the Oath of the Horatii)) Germany was filled with them, and he enjoyed paying homage to them.”


Julius Leutheuser - one of the leaders of the "German Christian" movement:

“When we examine the masses of adversaries of National Socialism those years churned out, we find in them a remarkable mixture of hypocritical politicians, bloodthirsty criminals, affluent money-worshippers, and effeminate literati. A spiritual cross-section would have yielded a collection of all the world-destroying character traits. Over against a newly-risen world of valor, selflessness, camaraderie, truthfulness, love and the courage of faith stood a world of cowardice, lies, hatred, egotism, and vulgarity. If the German who truly believed in Jesus could find the Spirit of the kingdom of God anywhere, he could find it in Adolf Hitter's movement. Milions of Germans who despite the churches had lost their connection with the forces of eternity, learned through Adolf Hitler to believe again in God and his kingdom [Reich]. Faith in the victory of good over evil again filled the hearts of the people. A cheerful disposition replaced the mood of a dying age. We sensed that the battle to be fought in Germany will be global in scope. We felt that the battle for the rebirth of Germany was a battle for the rebirth of the whole world. We could believe again that Germany is the heart of the world and that the destruction of Germany would mean the destruction of the world, and the salvation of Germany, the salvation of the world. Germany, wedged between Western mammonism and Eastern anarchy, the plaything of Jewish high finance and the destructive lust of Asiatic bestiality, was the land of the people decisive for the continued existence of the world."

The German Christians wrote a new catechism called “Germans with God: a German Catechism”. This was done by a commission chaired by Walter Grundmann and published by the Institute in 1941. It asserted that:

“Jesus of Nazareth in the Galilee proves in his message and behavior a spirit that is in opposition to Judaism in every way. The struggle between him and the Jew became so bitter that it led to his deadly crucifixion. Thus Jesus cannot have been a Jew. Until this very day the Jews persecute Jesus and all who follow him with irreconcilable hatred." 

There’s a picture of a Nazi flag with a black Christian cross in the middle instead of a Swastika. It would’ve been more appropriate for this to be their flag in my opinion but it’s whatever. There’s also a book called “The De-Judaization of Religious Life as a Task of German Theology and Church. So all these people who say there was occult worship in the Reich have to be able to explain all this in a way that makes sense because there’s far more connection to this than any occult side. Many historians have written books saying Hitler was an occultist but they all approach it from the perspective of Jews being the chosen people. 

This was an article written in 1939 just after the war started.

But an idea that aims at the progress of humanity, the ennoblement of the human race, the awakening of all, cultural forces, the just solution of social problems, the peaceful coexistence of peoples, cannot be killed by diabolical intrigues. by The terrorization of peoples, or by a plutocratic clique of interests. It grows in struggle, because only in honest struggle can the idea be purified and strengthened. The great social idea, as it is anchored in true Christianity, has spread throughout the world in constant struggle for two thousand years. Nether the murder order of Herod, nor the scheming politics of Pharisees, nor the betrayal of Judas have been able to destroy the basic idea. The true socialism laid down in Christianity found its strongest defense in National socialism because it rejected formal socialiam and made socialism of action the fundamental idea of a people. The strength of this idea formed a new Germany a Germany of work of the national community, of socialism of action. Through it, the people of powerlessness and disunity became a people off strength, of united will and of unswerving loyalty. The slavery of Versailles came to an end. Greater Germany was formed according to the will of the Führer. Faith, will and loyalty became formative action, which brought about a new order in Europe.


Commentary below:

The 1st Sinegorsk Cossack Alaman Regiment possessed a unique battle flag, perhaps one of the most eye-catching of the war. It was more than just a flag to the men of the regiment, however. It was holy, being sanctified in one of the rural churches that re-populated the land since German armies had brought back religious freedom. This ceremonial act was done on Easter Sunday. April 25, 1943. The banner itself was blue with a picturesque center with two braids, sheathed in gold fringe around the edges. On the front side, in red, was embroidered with the icon of the Archangel Michael on a white horse, with a golden trumpet and spearing a dragon. In the unDer left and right comers of the flag were golden Russian double-headed eagles, each holding in its talons a swastika of National Socialist Between the eagles, in gold, was inscribed: The 1st Sinegorsk Cossack Ataman Regiment. “Under the eagle near the flagpole was another inscription, also in gold, compromising eight lines: “In the name of Orthodox Christianity the faithful sons of the DON go to battle resolutely against the Jews!”


From a German 1935 SS Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage Society) newspaper. Quoting the Christian master Meister Eckart:

"Man must not be satisfied with an imaginary God, if the thought passes away, the God also passes away, but one must have an essential hasten to God, who is far above the understanding of man and above all that is transparent. God shall not perish unless man wilfully turns away." ((I don't really agree but it's simply just pointing out their connection with Christianity))


Feb 15th, 1933 AdolfHitler stated:

"And now Staatspräsident Bolz says that Christianity and the Catholic faith are threatened by us. And to that charge I can answer: In the first place it is CHRISTIANS and not international atheists WHO NOW STAND AT THE HEAD OF GERMANY. I do not merely talk of Christianity, no, I also profess that I will NEVER ally myself with the parties which destroy Christianity. If many wish today to take threatened Christianity under their protection, where. I would ask, was Christianity for them in these fourteen years when they went arm in arm with atheism? No, never and at no time was greater internal damage done to Christianity than in these fourteen years when a party, theoretically Christian, sat with those who denied God in one and the same Government.


Corneliu Zelea Condreanu:

"He who fights for God and for his people, even if he is alone, will never be defeated.“

This is from the “training letter” which is one of the official and largest newspapers from NAZI’s written by Dietrik Ekart ((I think it’s hard to read these names, he was someone very close to Hitler in the beginning)) in 1935:

“Oh Lord in heaven, they all cling to you friends and enemies, in burning need, that your hand may fall on the guilty one who threatens their hearth and homeland. Childlike faithl As if only your will prevailed when you call out your thunderous word! High above you, in eternal silence, stands the gel that you yourself created. Nothing is completed and nothing is begun without the iron muk of this duty; only obeying him do the suns circle, the seas rage and the light wander. Hearts and hands, brains and blood from generation to generation are subject to him, flashing swords and blazing fires, that which says: order and justice. Father in heaven, in life and death we stand before you. Answer now! Is there another people that serves the noble commandment more honestly than we Germans do?"


The table talk everybody loves to quote is also another one of those Jewish fables to push their warped agenda of inverting all facts as fiction for the ignorant fools with no connection to truth to lap up and preach like gospel to the rest of the echo chamber around them. 


So this next one is from a book, I don't know the name of it but it was written by a guy with Moweries from 1935:

"The reichsfuher ((I'll come back to this one because it's long))


There's an image of a Nazi hand firmly gripping the head of a snake. Serpents. No surprise that they're seen as Jews like in the bible with the "brood of vipers".


There's an image of a key called the "Key of Hunxe" which has a Swastika at the end of the key which is inserted into the lock of a church. It's 500 years old as of 1935 and so this demonstrates that there were keys that the Germans used with Swastikas on them that go back before the NAZI days and this dispels the idea that Hitler stole symbols from India. There's actually some symbols that i was which was similar to the Swastika, it looked like a stick man with his arms and legs spread out wide forming like a H shape with them and these symbols were found everywhere. Likely representing different field geometries. The key has commentary saying: "The 500 year old church in Hunxe Dinslaken has a key with a Swastika on it. There are now clergymen who wear the Swastika." This proves that the Swastika was around in German churches long long before Hitler, and regardless of where it originated from he was using it to honour his ancestors as has been made abundantly clear. 


Feb 29, 1928 Adolf Hitler stated:

“Apart from that, our party will continue the old fight that we started in 1920, not against religion - I will see to that - but only against the abuse of religion: never against a denomination, but always against the attempt to sow strife and discord"

"Priests and politicians For example, we attack Monsignor Dr. Seipel because of his, in our opinion, completely un-national political leadership of German Austria, because of his pernicious weakness, because of his tolerance of the rise of the Marxist front. We attack the man who has done everything to suppress the anti-Marxist forces. Attack the man who we are convinced is only playing with the idea of annexation, that he is only using it to make financial gains, but that he is not serious about implementing it. That he is letting the idea of annexation flicker through the air today, only to appear in Paris or Prague the next day. We attack this man as a politician. The "Bayerische Kurier" stands up the next day and declares: This is an attack on the holy Catholic Church. (Laughter.) Yes, dear friends, is it our fault that this impossible, harmful politician is also a priest? No, God forbid, we deeply regret this, we regret it because for hundreds of thousands and millions of Catholics who do not need confirmation from the Bavarian Courier that they are good Catholics, it is downright horrific to be driven into a conflict of conscience and to have to experience that a man they would like to look up to as a priest behaves so politically impossible and disgracefully. (Lively applause) And that brings me to the main point, why are they attacking us at all? First of all, because the National Socialist movement is an "unchristian" movement. Why are we unchristian? We are "anti-Roman", we are "anti-Catholic”. Yes,- they say in secret - when we are among ourselves and have covered the windows, we are also worshippers of Wotan. (Laughter.) ((He’s literally making fun of the idea that they worship Odin which Wotan is the actual original name of Odin so there you go it’s dispelled in his own words)) You don't say that out loud, but people say it from mouth to mouth, in the country, etc, that something is not quite right with us. And besides: we greet each other with Heil, - the old Germanic gods are said to have called out to each other (laughter) even though they did not exist. In any case, a dangerous society! Now I can really only say one thing: we all know that there were actually many people who were enamoured with these crazies. But we National Socialists have always emphasized from day one that we have nothing to do with it. Nothing at all to do with the old nationalistic, respectable things, with flowing beards and hair. We all have our hair cut short, have been old soldiers and really have nothing to do with such things. On the contrary, we know exactly, what is past in history is past. We also know that many hundreds of thousands of people are not being led astray in their faith today by us, but by people who abuse faith for political purposes (Stormy applause) I must state one thing: we will always refrain tom saying that priests let's say, are mean subjects or from claiming that religion is therefore useless, because Dr. Seipel is pursuing a disastrous policy. On the contrary, We know very well that in every organisation formed by people, mistakes will naturally occur and that there will always be people with shortcomings. But there are many who do not think that far, and for whom it is all too easy to attribute such phenomena to the general public, and I ask, is that necessary? Let me mention an example here. Before the war, we had an abbe in the German Reich, named Wetterle 12. This abbe was also a clergyman and was involved in politics in the German Reichstag. To attack him was a crime against the Holy Catholic Church; one should not do that. But this same man was a traitor and caused immense damage to Germany, he had already conspired with France during the peace, as we later learned, and betrayed our country, so that he really should have been hanged."


October 1987 interview done with Siegfried Wiskow, a veteran of the battleship 'Gneisenau', and his wife, Liselotte:

Siegried: "Prior to 1933 many were out of work and hungry, crime was bad, people lost their morals, and there was a gloom in the air all over Germany. Hitler brought a renewal that started in the churches, they were remodeled and attendance picked back up.

Liselotte: "I remember him coming home and I was glad his wounds would heal; I prayed every day God would watch out for him and keep him safe."

Franz Xaver Schönhuber, veteran of SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Charlemagne and Nordland, Nuremberg, 1988: of the biggest LIES about the SS is that it was anti-religious. It was NOT, and was not built to be. Not all SS men and leaders were Christian; some did openly oppose religion, and made it known they did not like the Church. We had an instructor who was one of these men. He felt the Church was too Jewish and created by Jews he let us know this all the time. He tried to prevent trainees from attending services with the priests or pastors that were made available. We went to our commander to explain the issue and he was dealt with very nicely. it put smiles on our faces. But no, most ALL SS men were Christian, with a few being very vocally against the Church, but not allowed to interfere in our beliefs."

((Commentary)) “Backs up what Himmler said in the earlier slide that mentioned the book 50 questions and Answers.”


Book written in 1933 with a cross and a swastika on it called “Instruction of Saxon religious bishop Friedrich Coch. Luther day. 

”In August 1937, Johannes Klotsche was appointed head of the regional church office after the disempowerment of the regional church committee by the Reich Ministry of Church Affairs, and in December he was declared the sole head of the regional church. His anti-Semitism culminated in his signature on an announcement by seven German Christian church leaders who, citing Martin Luther, demanded that the harshest measures be taken against the Jews and that they be expelled from German lands.“

((COMMENTARY ON COCH)) “Friedrich Coch was born in Eisenach in 1887, studied theology, held various positions before moving to the Saxon State Association for Inner Mission in 1927. There he became head of the Protestant Press Association, the press service of the church. He had already joined the NSDAP in 1931, and from 1932 he was also an expert advisor to the Saxon NSDAP in ecclesiastical affairs and district speaker. In May 1933, he took over the chairmanship of the Working Group of National Socialist Pastors, which had been quite insignificant until then. Coch's attitude was characterized by anti-Semitism. For example, he opposed the baptism of Jews. Here he adopted an old German-Christian demand that baptism should no longer be a "gateway of the Jewish spirit into German nationality. In 1935, he ordered that all baptisms of Jews or their descendants had to be reported and approved at the regional church office. There they were simply not processed. His order was aimed at the economic exclusion of the Jews, that Jewish company owners were no longer to be taken into account in the business transactions of church institutions or church congregations. Friedrich Coch fled to Bad Elster after the bombing of Dresden in February 1945. There he was taken prisoner of war by the Americans. He died on September 9. 1945 in Hersbruck/Bavaria.”

This is from another newspaper dated Feb 5th 1933. Vol 2 No. 6. Gospel in the Third Reich for Greater Berlin:

With us is victory, with us is the battle cry: Germany, awake! Germany, you are free! We have so often shouted these words from Wilhelm Kube's Storm Song to heaven as a holy oath during the years of disgrace and shame. Yes, believed in victory, we fought for victory, and our Lord gave us victory. Today our Führer stands Adolf Hitler as Chancellor is the head of the Germ an Reich. After all the struggle, after all the bloody sacrifices of the 14 years behind us, our hands fold for a moment and silence passes through our grateful hearts, filed with gratitude, by old Martin Rinckart's simple prayer of thanks: "Now thank God with heart, mouth and hands, who does great things for us and for all. Anyone who thinks like this and wants to thank God with us should come to our thanksgiving service in St. Marien, as shown beiow. Kari Fahrenhorst” The religious movement "German Christians" in organizing a meeting on Friday, 3 January 1933, in St. Mary's Church at 8 p.m. Thanksgiving service. The sermon is given by the Reichsleiter, Pastor Hossenfelder. All National Socialists and German Christians who want to thank God with us for the victory of January 30, 1933, take part in this service Telegram from our Reichsleiter to the leader of the new Germany, Adolf Hitler.


That's all the time I have today. All this work I've done here should be more than enough to cause you to realise the facts that Jews are indeed filthy parasites who have stolen our identity and want to destroy it.

What's even more crazy is that I've filled an entire notebook page in under a week. Crazy stuff. That's how much came through me. 


More late night entries. Working overtime. So if God had a “plan of redemption” AKA a plan to purify limitation through a group of people AKA the white people who we now know are the chosen people considering this was what they actually stood for and it has been hidden from history and nobody in mainstream Jew funded acedemia has any idea what Hitler really stood for that I’ve revealed, since this plan exists through us it’s that God uses us as his vehicles by which transformation and redemption is fulfilled. Redemption of course representing the marriage of lesser yin and Yang and then greater yin and Yang. Those metaphysics still hold true no matter what I’ve said here today. This redemption plan IS the design and IS the seeds within us.  How could NG be so blind to not see this. Redemption for our race relies on us realising who we are. It says we rejected God (which we have because we’re taught false identities in the bible nor are we taught the metaphysical and alchemical aspects of the bible eother, so we have rejected him but we will return and accept God once again. This work here with RS is that process. Being yourself and understanding your identity as the chosen of God if you’re white then you know your place in dignity as a birthright and THAT is the highest form of sense of self that one can own and fulfil in their actions. That’s where faith comes from, at least on this level we’re talking about with blood truth. Identification. Knowing self means knowing your identity in the divine story. Are you a Jew? Are you an Israelite? Are you a beast? Who are you in this story and what is your role? God plays all the roles or course, because there is only one God and one source of emanation as we know. Everybody has their own seeds of manifestation within them however and those represent your path of least resistance towards higher order and to fulfil your redemption with God or your greater consciousness. The deeper I go here with race war interpretation the more I understand about RS and I do hope all this work here I’ve done in pointing how Jewish parasitism in the world and the history of it that’s been fabricated to hide their true role (it’s hidden for a reason because that’s what introduces the pressure we face and this are transformed by) and out of that also hiding who we are as the true chosen people. 

If anything is here to refute what NG says it’s all this work. The fact that he completely failed to explain race war in the bible as both a metaphysical and alchemical and also physical manifestation in the history and such that I’ve gone into then it clearly shows he didn’t know what he was really talking about. This is why RS replaces LOA. LOA is dead. There’s nothing there now. I don’t know what more I need to explore but I know I’ll be moved in the near future to go deeper some how. It just keeps going and I am powerless to stop it because it’s where I’m being moved through my truth. This has nothing to do with worldly attainment but purely to create awareness of what is and what is not so that the wheat may be separated from the chaff and RS has now demonstrated through exploring every function of concuousness and the sciences and the history how the phenomena of manifestation works and how we can apply it in our lives. I don’t know why I was the one to do this work over anyone else but it’s likely my unique design with all its elements and especially the new way I interpret graphs has made it even more clear how I actually have the nodal view to receive the insights I need for this to fulfil. Specially I receive the highest level form of truth through that even if it takes years to reveal what that truth is. I hope it’s abundantly clear to you now what’s really going on with Israel and Jewish supremacy and the materialistic capitalistic ideology of blood truth and how that’s all laid out in their Talmud. If NG didn’t mention it then he obviously didn’t either want to talk about it or he was ignorant of how things really work that I’ve now revealed clearly. There’s way more I could talk about with the history of Jewish trash and all that and more bible stuff because I’ve literally got 2tb of research data in my whole folder I’ve gathered over a decade. This is really just the beginning. 



Notebook 13 will explore more of the history of the absolutely disgusting filthy dirty putrid decaying degenerate rot that is the Jew. The Jew is the cancerous parasite that is eating all unique creative free human expression from the earth. The Jew will cease to exist in time and that's not my judgement to call it's the way that consciousness is to be purified. It's only a matter of time where mercy will not be held for the filthy Jew. 

Notebook 13: