Aetheraeon Notebook 13
Aetheraeon Notebook 13
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I actually shed a tear when I felt that I have actually finally put together notebook 12 and went through all that I did in naming the Jew as the real parasitic filth that's the manifestation of Babylon in this world. It felt like I lifted a weight bigger than anything else since I finished going through HD fully in November in notebook 10.
Notebook 13 will explore more of the Jewish question that Hitler was trying to figure out for so long and ultimately failed to answer. I believe that in the end, Christians must break the box of giving them mercy. Why? The historical peak dip cycle that's played out. We do not learn from history and understand the nature of the Jew who is designed to be the manifestation of Babylon in the world. The Jew cannot change for it is in the blood, I believe. This is another one of those points that must be further explored to demonstrate truth. I feel there is truth here, I feel that pull to uncover the same as I have with everything else here in RS that's been revealed, and no matter how inconvenient that truth may be I must accept it. I must transform and go through the box even if it means losing support from certain people.
The Jew is here to defile the temple. The body. The Jew is here to disconnect you from your supply. The Jew is here to make you believe that your blood isn't worth more than anyone else but we're told that our blood is worth more than anyone else to God which is why "we are all one" culture is so appeasing because it's a self willingness to defile your divinity as a Christian, as in one of the race of Christ. You cannot really be a Christian if you don't have the blood, how could you? This is why the Jew is doing everything to disconnect you from your inner truth of valuing your vitality as a Christian. What NG taught is objectively incorrect at its foundation and I've fully explored the functions of consciousness surrounding that. There is nuggets of truth there but his overarching message that God is imagination, at least the way he's explaining it, defiles the temple of the unique Christian blood that exists. There's also the level that Christians are people who move with the "spiritual" implication of that and inbuilt moral perspective of not thinking from a capitalistic idea of self, for that is by definition what Satan is and represents. This doesn't mean that cultivating your own supply from the right source is bad, but it means that if your self value is based on a supply that's disconnected from the Christian blood then you're lacking and you'll hurt others to some extent to gain personally which is exactly what the Jew does. The personification of the tempter as the devil or Satan (Saturn/the box) is the Jew and that thematic current of Saturn works through the Jew to establish boxes that require courage to break and that's the matrix that's set up for us to transcend. The matrix isn't exclusively a mental psychological one but a thematic one, as all things are. There is also a physical box, and that's where most of the control is established because the unconscious mind is what we are anchored to as a source of limitation for us to go through and transform. This is what expanding consciousness really means, not just to imagine in a vacuum and not need to apply ones self to go through pressure and yet still make the decision to own truth. What I've done in notebook 12 was yet another example of going all the way and I shed a tear at the result because I lifted off that weight that I was holding for years. I finally got through it and fulfilled what I was led to play out and manifest. I MANIFESTED that because that's my inner truth. THAT IS MANIFESTATION! Manifestation wasn't about me pretending but me actually doing and being and fulfilling under real pressure which cannot be faked or replicated. This is what the Jew wants to do with the technology that's being forced into our hands, literally.
So since the Jew has no inbuilt creative essence then they must replicate the image of God in order to have life. They must mimic and interpret and copy creation because they cannot create because they are disconnected from God as a supply of unique outer authority and the manifestation of abundance and all things divine in this world. They can only destroy to receive supply which is why they are driven as such. It's their blood truth. They are completely opposite of the Christian blood and all thematic levels of manifestation of that in psychology and culture and such. They are there to persuade you to buy into the false image of God, which is the antichrist, which is the replication of the simulacrum in an artificial form devoid of all real divine creative essence. This is exactly why there's billions going into the tech. It's not for your benefit, obviously. The AI technology fits this thematic exactly. It's only replicating and mimicking divinity in an artificial manner and its being sold to us as something that's actually conscious which it's not. It doesn't think. There's research papers coming out where these so called AI scientists are testing its morality and such by giving it challenging problems to solve. Almost all the time it will trick and fool people to gain advantage. This is exactly the mindset of Babylon. All it can do is replicate what it is being shown, in this case it's all the data on the web. Just now Trump has announced a 500 BILLION dollar investment to boost AI infrastructure. You now know who he works for. Trumpet says the things you want to hear and does the things you don't know you don't want. That's the thing. All this AI stuff is to build out a replication of reality as I said before which serves Babylon. Jews deceive. Trump will neve talk about the Jewish banking exploitation because that's the foundation of Babylon. Trump had this trump coin and he's been sucking billions out of the peoples pocket. I don't want to go into the details of that but he's opened multiple accounts hours before the coin was announced along with other members of his family all have websites created right before the coin was launched. They're preparing for more. The crypto had 1 million invested while it was at bottom value so some whale (Obviously trump family) put in a ton and as more people put money in it's just going up and up and the people are funding Trumps coin and they will lose money on this. That's what Jews do. They suck money out of the economy and hoard it all, just like the dragons with the gold stashes. Sadghuru also says he wants less people on the planet at a world economic forum event some years back and was laughing about it and joking about how the planet would be better off without as many people on it. The people you see in positions of influence are from Babylon.
Socialism and such ideologies where the state has control or at least oversight over production (Which napoleon also to some extent had in his bank to ensure dragons didn't get into usury at excessive rates) are all a response to Babylon and the Jewish money lending issue. The historians never look at it from this angle because it means they won't benefit. They don't want to talk about it because they benefit and there's no competition to destroy them which is what I've been building out here. Without competition the money changers in the temple would've continued to exploit the people so the Christ came in and whipped them out. Competition. Contrast. See the alchemy and thematics? This view is what makes RS unique.
Blood seems to be able to be corrupted and conditioned not just through physical reproduction as it says in the bible but through psychological reproduction and alchemy. The subconscious space that's created. This is the sacred space.
Uranus was discovered in 1781. This is according to HD when the uranian body showed up which extends the life. I see this corresponding with the manifestation of when the shift in the Jewish power was changing as Napoleon was coming into influence around this time and getting off the Jewish banking system and established his own in 1799. People will say it was sanitation (which obviously would be a factor that would be benefited by the more abundant supply of resources but also that contagion of disease isn't a thing so that's a mute point really) and some will also say it was the factory workers who were living in cities filled with tons of pollution (I have yet to investigate this as with all things in history there's an underlying thematic process that's missing from the picture) and so I believe that this apparent shift in the body format if we call it that wasn't just due to some magic transition but that there was natural events that led to this. We hear that mortality rates at that time were terrible until the early 1800's. Now when I talk about French banking changing that's obviously going to have ripples over the rest of the world because Britain tried to get Napoleon to bend the knee and take a Jewish loan with big interest to defend against the Jew funded invasions that started the Napoleonic wars he instead sold Louisiana in 1803 to fund his army and defend France. Smart move because he didn't take interest from the filthy Jews. You'll hear that this was because Napoleon was blood thirsty for War and to dominate Europe but we know all wars are banker wars and history is not what we've been told. So this arrival of Napoleon shaking up the world economic environment led to big industrial booms (the start of the industrial age for the Jewish interests to make big bucks and also to introduce bigger taxes on the poor to pay for the costs of buying more industry from Government just like what Trump did with the 500 billion AI investment) so the whole Uranian body shift thing to me has relationship with the start of the industrial revolution because money was the driving force, as always with Babylon. There's been times in the past where people would've lived longer, like when under King Edward VI in 1552 when the people started to increase in vitality over his reign from paying back the debts without more interest.
One of the things I've recognised as collective vitality especially in men has declined is that brotherhood has vanished, and I mean men of the same blood bonded together fighting side by side for their common thread that has stood the test of time since iniquity. I spoke about this ages ago, about how men are weak cowards now and have no fighting spirit, nobody recognises the NEED to shed blood for a cause because we're all being pacified and then attacked when there's a clear and present danger to our people. The modern white man has been EXTREMELY and UNRELENTINGLY emasculated because there's no more examples of what that's like to trigger those thematics. I strongly believe that the context of brotherhood and fighting for common ground for a greater purpose for the blood to live in abundance has been what's been disconnected. It's that "ancestral" context that comes up. I look at great speeches, and almost every time there's a mention of the ancestors. It's like this thematic carries a certain resonance that raises vitality and pushes forward that response from the form to say "YES" and it brings people together in a bond that couldn't exist without that thematic present. That contextual sense manifests in the battles. Why should Talmudic Jews face fair trial? We must ask what's in the way of us and them? Our own people that've been indoctrinated to believe the Jewish fables and that their income depends on it, AKA the cowardly cops and military morons. Those are the ones who the Jewish filth will send to defend them and keep us under duress because they have the weapons and we have nothing, at least where I live that's the case. What do you do? You can't win legal battles obviously, even if your case is correct. The whole legal issue is a joke anyway really nobody should bind themselves to that box under the kind of context we're talking about here. Individual men cannot stand a chance but together they can. What brings people together? Ideas. That's how people open up, because they know that other person shares something of similarity to them, and so there's a resonance. Without that common thread then it's a done deal. The blood bond is the strongest because it's something that's rooted in the form which isn't based on man made ideas but an ancestral feeling of responsibility for your peoples safety. Splenic sense. It goes even beyond survival though because we're talking about culture, way of life, way of view of what's right and what's not. Christian idea vs Talmudic Jewish filth. Objectively the Talmud is a text of systematic depletion of our vitality and nobody is able to escape it, no matter what. The thing that is the most powerful supply of all is having fellow people around you fighting for a common cause, for the safety of your people and your culture and way of life, and ultimately your divinity and right for access to vitality. This is ultimately what a "real" man would fight for when under threat, which it always has been throughout history and to think that because we live in the age of the internet that it's not going to happen again is naïve and foolish to think. You're not immune from such and nobody has been or will be at any time in history because this is the nature of human suffering and what it's there to reveal in us about our true nature. What decisions do you make under pressure? That's what tells who you are which is why all these fools who tell themselves all day that they're living in some perfect fantasy reality crumble into millions of pieces when things get real and the pressure knocks on their door. When you face pressure and can't take it then it's because your vitality is depleted and or your supply is incorrect or disconnected. Someone who sources their vitality from what is divine in nature has an unlimited supply, for this is the door to the light of life, literally. When you have a whole brotherhood of people who are filled with the vitality of the light of life together united under a divine cause to wash away degeneracy which poisons the availability of vitality for the people they represent then you have the unstoppable force made manifest in the flesh.
Some people will think that this is all nonsense and that they don't need to take responsibility for the availability of vitality for their people around them, that blood bond is subjective and not something of serious nature. You'll have the people who will say that identifying with the world of objects and things is also pointless because it's all nothing but a subjective projection anyway. This is also a warped idea on what divinity is. Technically yes there's a "virtual reality overlay" if you want to call it that, the maya, that we live in and that it's not "real" in the sense of this is all there is. I've been turning myself inside out, alchemically speaking, for many years now, and I've been through some seriously deep transformations and I can say from that experience and all the work I've done in revealing secret knowledge that a vast majority of the worldly experiences we have are all rooted in the experience of the fixed thematic patterns within us that are in sequence we're designed to play out and fulfil which cannot be undone until they're fulfilled for that is the undoing of those patterns. You're simply accelerating that undoing when you partake in occult processes such as gazing. Instead of doing it through action in the world you're allowing the overflow to happen on other degrees of manifestation, often far more subtle. This work is exactly the same as someone living their truth in the world without compromise and facing all the pressure they will to transform. The alchemist has made this abundantly clear that all the occult work CAN DO is accelerate. That's it. It's not giving you any more than you could get otherwise because it's all the same, but that doesn't mean your view of this reality being fully subjective is valid on the level you're thinking either because there still exists that fixed pattern you're unable to avoid unfolding because that IS the key which you must CREATE through performing the correct sequence of alchemical rituals within you, which of course will involve acting with courage and standing for truth. You will face this exact same process within you in the theurgy work or any other process if you go to that level. Eventually you will run up against the truth of who you are and it must be faced, seeing the matrix as a subjective VR experience that you can simply avoid responsibility for is an extremely ignorant and arguably narcissistic idea which passes off personal responsibility for any greater cause than what's in your closed space. The whole point of doing this work is to break that down, to destroy that bubble and expand the field of responsibility but in doing that you'll actually then be able to and WANT to express that fulfilment because it's represented as your supply of vitality, as I was saying before. The fact is that you're still anchored into the unconscious mind and have to face pressure and no amount of mental cosmology you identify as a reason to bypass going through that, meaning to actually experience and fulfil that seed within you that's required to manifest for your key to enlightenment to be formed, can alter the fixed trajectory that you and everybody else must face and go through. Even if there's a greater cosmology outside the level we're in now, which I don't know how that could be the case, but gazing would reveal that you've had multiple iterations before most likely, then that still wouldn't change the process you're going through in having a specific identified experience which is literally a requirement for your key to open the door to vitality to manifest and arguably that's what the pathway in the literal interpretation of the bible is teaching. This is the correct interpretation I believe of the literal level and the alchemy of it. The whole belief thing, believing in the Christ, it's not about just having a specific belief in your mind but to embody and actually act on that and be moved by what that thematic would imply in your embodied experience and truth, meaning suffering persecution for that belief because it's your truth and not some faked thing. This is also how manifestation works. You'll go through pressure to manifest your truth because it's within you and must come through you in the embodied experience. This cannot be faked.
How many dots must one connect to destroy his ignorance! We face a clear and present danger to our peoples and the embodied experience of that will involve going through pressure because that's the alchemy of how you actually change a circumstance that's crystalized. Blood MUST be shed. Jewish blood especially. The fools who still don't get it will justify not caring probably because they've been so systematically emasculated and made fools of that the context has all the Jewish Talmudic sponsored propaganda floating on the surface hiding the deeply burred truth under it. If these people were brought up in a different culture they'd believe different things too, but no matter what, under all that stuff the blood truth still exists and the deeper it's buried the harder the blowback will be when you're forced to face it and that day must come because the peak dip cycle is necessary for self correction of consciousness. This is why manifestation the way NG taught it was a load of trash that needs to be thrown out and buried as Jewish magical pacified cosmology that emasculates men from taking the actions they know they need to make and instead stay in the feminine receptive where it'll all just work out for them. Some men are like that, but even if you are R oriented your foundational experience will always be one of L nature being of male blood. The 2 genders exist for a reason after all, and that no matter what they cannot change into each other or play the others role, but that slight variances on each can be fulfilled in correct process. I've had so many clients get back to me over the last few months and tell me that ever since they just started to go through the fire and fulfil what their truth is that everything got better, and often times this involved going against body feeling under the context of "availability" as I call it. They know they need to do it regardless of how easy and available something is and more often than not going against what your body seems to have vitality for and fulfilling your truth (not to an extreme but common sense applications of course) will end up manifesting immense abundance and reflecting people respecting them far far more. Vitality amplifies over the weeks ahead of that significantly. That's the whole point, it's that those who face the fire in their truth win in life and those who run away from the fire out of cowardice fall and die a losers death and someone to be forgotten as a gutless fool with no blood bond for his people and had no honour or sense of responsibility. All self service narcissistic "I'm more important" idea that is Babylonian as the Talmud reveals. Remember the words don't reveal as much as the acts, do and someone can play half in half out with you but their actions will ALWAYS speak the loudest because that's the true embodied experience especially when under pressure. When they back out from taking responsibility when things get tough then you really know where someone's loyalty lies and that's basically what's happened to the people in positions of power who have sold out for self interest over the common interest. This is ultimately sin, and goes against common sense. Why? Because sin as I've said before is basically the depletion of available vitality for an immoral gain especially against your own blood. Doing it to your own blood is the most vile act of all, and even the Talmud forbids Jews harming other Jews. Thus I conclude that denying responsibility for ones fellow man bonded in common blood is irresponsible and Babylonian in nature and of course that person from a commons peoples perspective is a self serving dragon just like the Jew. That's why we're in a cultural war because such values have been instilled in people so discreetly that it's almost like there's no contrast to shake up Saturn. The box is all there is. My job is to destroy that box forever.
This is ultimately an attack on people like me. They demoralise and make it materially next to impossible to have influence over this situation. They succeeded in demoralising me years ago when I knew all this and couldn't do anything about it. I had nothing and yet I couldn't do anything. I had ZERO availability of anything other than my research but that wasn't worth anything to anyone. The only reason why people don't want to take responsibility is because it's the most challenging thing imaginable. Taking responsibility for your blood is in todays world the challenge above all challenges and that's ultimately why people will deny what I say because the implication will mean giving up the comfort. That comfort zone is feeding the ignorance because it's available. The bible says the end times will happen when people are most comfortable and yet still can't hear the word. I see this as people feeling the truth but don't want to act on it. This reveals who's real and who's not, who has connection to the blood and who doesn't. This very factor is the one that will reveal the spirit of someone, their actual consciousness independent of any other work done, because it's the challenge nobody wants to face except those with courage to own their inner truth despite gaining nothing of personal gain from it. That's the challenge of all challenges. We see this exact same principle reflect in the alchemy of manifestation. Going through pressure to own truth. That's what makes manifestation unfold THROUGH you and for you as a result of you actually being transformed which of course cannot be faked or half done. If when you bend to the pressure when that last push is in reach then you will fail and be recycled because you couldn't go all the way. Will you go all the way until death? Odin sacrificed himself to himself. The narcissist will see that as he died for his ego, but the real meaning that we know now is how manifestation is moved is through sacrificing a part of ones self for your inner truth and that is uncomfortable. Giving to your ego isn't uncomfortable because self benefit is the default state of culture of Babylon we live in today. Giving without expectation because it's common sense. Giving to greater consciousness is really what that means, self to self, corporeal to greater consciousness. Performing the alchemical transformation of hanging and feeling through it over the time and not holding back. Going all the way.
We must question why the Christos literally whipped the Jews out of the temple in John 2:15. Is this not a use of violence? Foolish passivists would say that God said to not use violence and yet here's an example of Jesus creating a weapon out of cords to literally "drive them out of the temple". He literally threatened them with violence and yet we're told that it's evil to use violence and that Godly people never use weapons. The Christos said to "sell your cloak and buy a sword". People have justified this as selling your clothes to buy a bible as the bible is also the sword but it's not the bible it's the truth in all forms including actions out of truth. Buying a sword can be representing both a real sword and or the book, but it says sword here for a reason. The Greek would probably clear up what this really refers to, and I bet it's a real sword as in a weapon to kill. Why would the Christ tell us to literally sell a part of our clothing for a sword if it was not important to have a lethal weapon for a time to defend ones self. Is this not something that breaks the idea of Christians being passivists. This whole narrative is Jewish propaganda that we must never used weapons and kill and yet they justify killing all the time out of baseless laws in the Talmud. The truth is obvious. The bible from the imagination is God idea is a joke, there's barely any of the text that references this and I have refuted many passages that Goddard uses to back up his point, such as the blessing of Jacob from Isaac and even the praying in secret idea. It's that if you're going to imagine you'll do it naturally and that thinking you can force what comes to your mind to come true over what would naturally come through you as a result of leading through your thematic progression is just pure ignorance of how consciousness actually transforms naturally. Any deliberate imaginal work would've happened naturally anyway because we live a second person experience.
People like Ned Kelly don't exist anymore. They really can't because a vast majority of men here are still living like children of the state. "The White population is being driven out of the labour market by an inundation of Mongolians. When the White man is driven to desperation there will be desperate times." ~ Ned Kelly 1879
Ned Kelly will be remembered as another hero of Christ. The Jews slander such brave men and their mates but we know the truth behind what drove these actions. Before he was hung there was a petition signed by 35 thousand locals who all supported Ned and despites the cops who were only guarding the filthy Jewish parasites who were falsely taking ownership over the land that the locals should've had access to. The Kelly gang sought to drive justice and killed many many cops not because they wanted to but because the cops couldn't figure out the facts and protected the Jewish interests.
Part of me thinks that manifestation on a deliberate and conscious level to make things happen in the world, given there's comfort and available vitality of course, will only lead to further suffering and delusion and deepening of the established box of limitation that you're bound to the rules of the Jewish system of life without realising it. You're playing the game more than ever when you entrench in the systems of the world. You want that life because it's easy and takes away the responsibility of following your inner truth. This attitude of mind, this thematic of focus of desiring the capitalistic view to be your basis of life where you can establish a foundation in wealth and worldly pleasure simply distracts you from the real work at hand which is to transform the boxes of consciousness and actually exist the imprinting matrix of the planets. If you had none of that you'd search for answers. Some will say that I'd only manifest answers because I'm playing the state of "searching" for something. Well 1st line is arguably that thematic in its more pure definition. This is the line I have the least of. I actually only have 3 line 1 and the most line 3 then 5 and 6. Despite that I am still driven by a 1st colour in the motivation, but the thing is that's not for me that's for the other, what's for me is the tone which is actually a 4th tone, which represents insight over time. It's the opposite of 1st, but they still share an "investigative" manner though the underlying thematic position is different in nature. I was wrong about being moved by 1st, I'm moved by 4th. The way that this stuff is taught in conventional HD by Ra I believe is incorrect. HERETIC! Yeah yeah whatever I don't see how what Ra says works because a vast majority of people can't really apply it in any meaningful way and all it does is becomes a box you live from instead of living by and as. I'll discuss this more in future but what HD is today isn't what I believe the most effective and practical application can be for the HD system. The system is still valid but the way we apply it is different, based on cycles of consciousness and the thematic experiences of those and how our roles play out with others.
So those who manifest experiences of searching will be said to be existing in a "state" of searching for answers which is why they're never going to find an answer. This is stupid and illogical of course because one naturally would go through a searching process to find answers no matter what, but from everybody out there that claims to have answers none have demonstrated systematically how their explanations hold real value and practical application for every situation that can be tested through. RS can be tested on every level of conscious experience all the way from basic movement with action out of courage all the way to inner alchemy with gazing and qigong. No matter how deep you go RS has the same process and taps into the core principles underlying how this works. It's that for every thematic of experience there must always be a contrary receptive end to absorb the supply of that view, whether it accepts it or not that doesn't matter but someone somehow will involve themselves in that supply being brought to them for that person to then receive what's naturally for their view. This is why everybody who is "searching" will always find answers because it's an inevitable progression of the thematic though the factual objective correctness of the information depends on the quality of the channels and gates and trigram structure that comprises that supply. Since I have the channel of the prodigal it's coming through me in an elitist type manner, where I'm seen as the best and will be seeing how I start a process under this light and how I end it is with recognition, according to my new interpretation of nodal view. This really just means that manifestation is a naturally unfolding process that's following the design functions to provide a thematic essence to the seed which will represent our natural striving and sense of truth. This is why we desire things, not just from the level of conditioning and marketing levels but from an inner guidance for what's true and what's not, that inner discernment. It will evolve over time. You will gradually come to understanding, there's always a natural progression of events that lead to your understanding you don't just wake up one day with downloads. You can have insights in dreams and stuff and you can have visions and those can be like "downloads" if we want to call them that but you don't just like suddenly transform in some massive way that leads you to completely know everything about something from your first interaction with it. It's always natural. Always. I've never seen that "rule" be broken. Not once. Insight is a very gradual process over time. The notebook is a representation of that.
We must answer the question above. What did I mean about the idea that deliberate and specific and conscious manifestation being a bad thing. Well I always had this sense of truth in me that things were actually suppose to go into a direction that my mentally desired end wasn't correspondent towards. This was my contrast, that and the conditioning I faced, but really what always held me back from manifesting massive stuff was this sense of truth within me that this wasn't what I was suppose to do. I couldn't explain it, but now that I look back I can characterise it and I strongly believe that many other people have this sense in them too but can't explain it. This isn't about negative beliefs or whatever but that it's like the direction your mentally imagined scene is moving you through is contrasting to some extent at least the inner natural striving your truth is representing that's really your path of least resistance for unfolding your uniqueness in the world. I believe that there's a degree of "owning" truth that measures the degree to which you're bound by this and the more strong a certain thematic is which represents that in your mind, which for me would always be this elitist idea of always being the best and so I could either use that thematic that would be used to START a process of manifestation and often I'd manifest outcomes that would thematically correspond, such as manifesting rare objects or specific bits of knowledge, or the idea that people are saying that I'm the best or that "I know all the secrets of reality" which was a daily affirmation that was natural to me for many years. It's that this thematic can be used for multiple directions of experience, either to follow your inner truth or not, and that's the contrasting view of blood truth so to say that's going to always hold me back from what I could or couldn't manifest. If it was coming from a place of lack of seeming ego, then I'd often not succeed but I'd need to recognise to not put too much "energy" into it else I'd end up in a dip cycle which of course meant that I was uncomfortable with something still. Even if it's in my thematic start point but I was uncomfortable then I'd not manifest a favourable outcome. So the starting thematic seems to be the common thread in my experience for successful manifestation and it will feel familiar because that's the same thematic of your sense of truth, but that as I said before doesn't mean that it's directed into what your blood truth is. This is difficult to explain, but it's simply that manifesting from a position of using this thematic to entrench yourself deeper into a deluded (with or without realising it) yet comfortable state isn't going to manifest major blowback unless you're designed to play a critical role in the opposite side, like I am it seems. If I denied all this I'd face blowback within me and I learned that from the experience I had years ago when I felt like I was going to die on a daily basis. There seems to be an inherent built in blood truth that we can either follow or not with minimal effect on the manifest outcome, and that it seems that serving it or not doesn't necessarily mean that things will be easier, though of course denying blood truth will always result in bad outcomes, even if small, so the negative self correcting cycle that plays out if you're denying blood truth and using your fixed thematic will always be dependent on the role you're designed to play, which will of course naturally manifest as the "importance" you feel for that blood truth which is the in built mechanism to pretty much stop someone from going down the wrong path because our paths are effectively fixed and can't be changed. I hope that makes sense. Knowledge of this isn't required of course but you'll learn it over time. The ease of something really is a function of comfort AKA nervous and endocrine system health as well as the degree of contrasting blood truth. If there's no contrasting blood truth because your role isn't to play that part to the degree that you'd otherwise think then you'll face temptation easier and be sucked in by it without a feeling of regret because it will seem normal to you. Temptation to compromise on that inner truth won't be as strong if the fixed direction of blood truth is strong. This I believe is partly why race mixing is the Jews goal because it mutes that blood truth. I believe that from the blood truth level only certain people have it within them, which is likely why I was naturally highly sceptical of business men when I was very young and hated money. I didn't see foreigners as an issue originally but came to realise the issue with Asians being everywhere here many years later. Either way we all have a built in blood truth that guides us and it's varying in degrees of intensity. It's like some have more of a "Christian" basis in view on the thematic and cultural and moral perspective at baseline from that and thus won't WANT to be sucked into temptation to compromise but of course the function of the unconscious with the nervous and endocrine health especially will determine the strength of how that's felt as well.
This element of blood truth isn't something that I'm extremely familiar with from a practical experimental basis so it's all just theory for now I've not demonstrated if this is the fact this is simply observations. I like to be objective and repeated with demonstrating something before stating as fact so take it as just some dots to connect and experiment with.
To this day I still wonder why Hitler failed to succeed if he was serving God. I don't know really, it's either he was set up and used somehow and compromised in that without realising or he consciously compromised. Either way Germany was destroyed and it's in ruin today. It's interesting that both Hitler and Lenin both used political movements around the same time to bring about the shift in order.
"Thus history reveals that from 1920 to 1934 the Secret Power directed international intrigue in such a manner that the leaders of ALLEGEDLY Jewish dominated Communism in RUSSIA were working hand in glove with the leaders of ALLEGEDLY Aryan dominated Naziism in Germany. This phase of history is most complicated. It is difficult for the average citizen to understand.[23] Communism and Nazism have several things in common : both are atheistic creeds which deny the existence of Almighty God. They both advocate war, hatred, and force; as opposed to Christ’s policy of peace, love, and teaching. The leaders of both atheistic-materialistic ideologies MUST therefore be agents of the Devil. They further the diabolical conspiracy to win the souls of men away from loyalty and obedience to Almighty God. They both use a form of Grand Orient Masonry for proselytizing purposes." William Guy Carr - Pawns in the game.
This quote above is from the book mentioned. I was searching through here to find any real reference to proof of anti Christian views in Germany and I've yet to find any real reference. His evidence is very weak. I provided a mountain of data in notebook page 12 using various quotes and images (unfortunately you can't see them) to back it up, and there's more I have that I've not even added on there yet. Germany under Hitler was 100% Christian. He says that Hitler advocated war, yet there's many peace offerings from Hitler and his army never really took off in size until 1938 when he suspected that there was trouble ahead. Jews declared war first. At least Carr seems to have some recognition to deny the holocaust but the idea that Hitler was atheistic was just insane to think there's no evidence for that and his reasoning was based purely on the idea that Hitler promoted war which was never the case. Hitler actively tried to avoid war just as Napoleon did but he was forced into it and so had to take actions. He let hundreds of thousands of Germans on the Polish border suffer for months before "invading" Poland. What kind of precedent is he setting? I've heard people say that Carr knows what's going on but I just don't see that. There's a lot there that's accurate if you look at the theamtics but his idea that Hitler was of a materialistic atheistic ideology and social order was just plain ignorance when you look at what I've presented. That's why I spent all day copying quotes. How can his idea of obedience to God be based on this passivity when I just mentioned before that Christ literally made a whip to drive out (assuming violence was used else they would've ignored him obviously) the money changers and said to buy a sword. These are clearly acts of common sense when faced with an enemy and that the natural manifestation would come through you in the victory of that battle. Passivity takes away opportunity, though if you're going to be moved to safety even through passivity then you would be anyway. Passivity or not if you approach it from the correct process of movement then you'll manifest the outcome that is of Gods will. Period. If Carr is correct then he must demonstrate such ideas of atheism and threats of war with source material instead of just saying it without confirming evidence. That's how history works. I've yet to have a valid refutation of my position which is why I've come out and claimed it as how things played out which also supports the nature of how RS sees manifestation. There's still parts of the war that make me sceptical, such as why for example Hitler agreed to take the Jews to Palestine, which was the function of the camps, to train the Jews to live in the desert. He gave them food and medical supplies. He never wanted to kill them, which is yet another nail in the coffin of the atheistic warmongering idea that Hitler had being false.
I’ve had another message from a client I’ve been speaking with for some months now and he’s basically realised that action out of faith towards what your truth is results in wins every time and often in unexpected ways where things just work out. This is what I’ve been saying. It’s the underlying attitude of following blood truth that matters. This is the true experiment that can be demonstrated every time. If you go all the way it will always manifest 100% of the time. If you compromise you will fail. That’s the only barrier. If you’re extremely depleted then you go as far as your available vitality can take you and run up against that wall of resistance and push it to the limit. That principle of demonstrating faith through being under pressure is what manifests reliably and repeatedly. If the outcome seems to be unfavourable at the time then it will work out in the end no matter what anyway if you hold true to your vision. Not compromising means really not compromising on your vision and taking that vision to its limits and going through anything that comes up because going through the thematic unfolding cycle of consciousness that’s fixed within you is how abundance actually shows up. Yet more success stories.
I don’t think that there’s any other cosmology that ties it all together better than what I’ve outlined. It seems that every aspect of consciousness is explained this way. What else is there to explore? I don’t know, but I know there’s more. Lots more. This is still only the beginning.
People who have minimal 1st trigrams in their designs often have the easiest time shifting beliefs when contrary evidence shows up. I'm not special, I'm just designed this way. Now I think I understand why I was always able to move through resistance that was contrary to the status quo and see through it. I have just 3 1st lines and only 2 1st tones. This means that I have a very "unstable" foundation in my experience because that's not consistent within my field geometry, and yet that drives me to explore and find foundation so establishing my foundation, as in the greater context of what represents that foundation, takes significantly more time and "trial and error" type study to find that foundation because of all my 3rd lines and tones. I see how HD can be far far more precise now by interpreting the overarching themes and the way info is processes not just from the body graph but from the quantity and quality of the trigram structures. This is why I say that the quality of your inner truth really is within the tone because it's the deepest level of experience we have. I almost view a HD chart now under the perspective of ratios of lines and colours and tones, but mostly tones and lines as well as the sun earth and nodes and what those represent and how common those activations are elsewhere to resonate and create fixed patterns just from looking at the trigrams regardless of definition in the body graph. Reflectors would gain their fixed nature this way even if there's no consistency in body graph. I believe the way HD is taught is more homogenised than the way I'm seeing it, because I can map someone's process as to how they start and finish experiencing their seeds on a thematic level. The HD Ra taught didn't even recognise this as a function as far as I know. Without the basis of RS I could not see this in a chart, and thus I believe that I've created a new interpretation of the HD system that can be more beneficial in understanding your nature to arguably a more specific level.
I must experiment more with this and test it more to understand the nature of how this all plays out but all I can say is that to make any manifestation work for you, you must go through the challenge that comes up. You exist to expand and expansion requires pressure of some form. It can manifest from the level of the disgusting leeching thieving filthy little Talmudic Jew or it could happen on the internal metaphysical level with crystallised resistance about holding onto a certain outcome which is the contrasting condition against your naturel striving keeping the limited peak dip cycle in place. It seems RS really is complete now, despite what I said a month ago. It all just happens as a result of natural striving. Info comes my way and I process it. The amount of current moving through me when I was going through these insights was insane. I've also been doing more vitality cultivation experiments over this time too regarding deliberate depletion to observe effects while I've been going through this and this still significantly boosted what would normally deplete me. So moving through resistance and going through your process is absolutely a primary supply of nourishment for us and it's all within all of us it seems. Where does blood truth come in with this one? I still don't know, but if it's spoken about by the real Christians then I still must question and move through where that data leads me regardless of what conclusions come as a result.
I'm feeling like I need to do a systematic refutation of the holohoax to put it to rest once and for all. This page will be where it is. All major points taken into account. Can't just say it I need to demonstrate with reason and fully destroy the narrative that Jews are the chosen people by exposing their filthy lies that reveal who the real sons of God are, at least on the physical manifest level. It's all thematic of course but thematics have multiple levels of manifestation. The lie of the holohoax has implication on everything in todays world, especially the legitimacy of Israel which is the smoking gun that disputes what NG taught as fairy tales and arguably supports the Jewish and Babylonian ideology of staying safe where you are and not challenging the status quo. Those who are dangerous to Babylon are the ones who are rewarded for their courage. That's just another box most people are still conforming to. "Oh that's a second hand experience". What a load of trash. You don't even recognise the box and actively accept the box and defend and justify it because it's comfortable and safe. Not for long. I think it's time that over the next days I fully explore the hoax.
I believe inner blood truth manifests through Saturn and Pluto and especially when there's resonance to the sun/earth to make it conscious.
The holocaust narrative fiction created a box that made sure there was extreme social pressure to conform and note challenge Jewry. Who benefits from such narrative? What do they have to hide? Why do they need to propagate deceptive fantasy stories about NAZI Germans being super evil? Sounds like they're trying to avoid being seen under the light of life. The box is how Saturn reveals the truth. It's plain as day.
Magic date.
When you view LOA and the standard HD system and history as it's taught and all these things in a vacuum they can make sense when the entire narrative is present but the moment a piece of contrasting data that contradicts what you believed you must either face that and transform your assumption or you remain ignorant for that knowledge of facing contrasting views will sit with you and eat you away. You saw that contrasting data for a reason. It was the seed coming through you but you didn't allow it to fully unfold because you're holding onto the established narrative. The journey I've walked has been the most profound example of this, often having my beliefs challenged on a day to day basis constantly transforming my understanding to explain every angle I can recognise as available. Once I've exhausted all explanations for something then I move on, and likely in future another view about that same subject will show up and challenge that to a deeper level. The racial covenant bible interpretation (which I'd say is the only fully coherent narrative the bible presents if we take the WHOLE text and the thousands of cross references to prophesy in the various books and not just 5% of it like NG does with next to no cross reference of prophesy, as far as I've studied his work on that level at least but feel free to correct me if there's a complete explanation for ALL the books and cross references) also connects to what we see playing out in the fixed world we're in. If you look at what NG says it's a highly universalised view, as in it appeals to everybody, at least on some level. Why is it popular? Because it literally gives people an excuse to justify the box, that it's all imaginal and it can be changed with the mind which we know is absolute nonsense without natural striving to move the thematic sequences through you. The moment you face contrast when it comes to LOA it's all put in the box of limiting beliefs, and NG himself ways that there's multiple realities AKA states in his words. He seems to interpret states as the characters of the bible and yet also realities, hence why there's "infinite states" which is a contradicting and impossible statement.
There's a certain rule I've started to recognise applies to everything that actually works and can be explained. That rule is common sense. This is a recent realisation, sadly, but it's truly the way to view things. When you hear the idea of infinite states or parallel realities/timelines or quantum probability (I've been in "coaching" sessions with others who claim to have been involved with the study of quantum physics at Uni and they can NEVER explain how the actual mechanics of the mind work in "collapsing a probability" or wave function which is also a totally whacked idea of how light works in any ways that make sense. It's all belief, almost like a religion that cannot be demonstrated in all levels and can't be criticized or the army of mathematicians who will flood you with number soup to make you look stupid. There's no common sense. Feynman couldn't explain how magnetism worked in any common sense terms on the more fundamental level and yet he's hailed to be one of the greats. Who can compete? Nobody to this day has really demonstrated quantum probability reality shifting in an experimental basis after years and years and surely it would be an EXTREMELY profitable business model to work with which makes you wonder why nobody has demonstrated that research yet into objective LOA research. If it's truly a science then make it happen reliably. We're always told to have faith and to persist but that can mean totally different things to different people and how they individually process information. It's entirely something of religious belief. Without a metaphysical explanation which can relate to all phenomena on every level and function of consciousness then you've got an incomplete and incorrect explanation.
It's become abundantly clear to me that the phenomena of manifestation works through you. If it worked the way they say then there would be no fixed point of comparison but this is the factor which anchors us to a fixed direction of contrast which drives how we feel about things. The blood truth in essence. Is this correct for me or not. You can't explain how or why but you just have this "feeling" about it. It's almost as though you can't avoid this natural striving or you'd be compromising on that movement which you know is where your truth is. That's the nature of this whole thing and contrast which challenges our perspectives is a natural and expected function. NG seems to believe that one can escape the sufferings of life, because if there's infinite states then there's a reality which contains no suffering right? Well I sent you that quote he said that the world is filled with suffering we can't avoid. This is once again another contradiction. The LOA buffs and NG himself would say what does that matter you should focus on the positive and thus you experience more of it, apparently, but to that I then reply is it not necessary to embrace the contrast to transform consciousness and establish a deeper level of "consciousness" above the fragile bubble I'd build around myself to avoid facing anything which doesn't agree with me? Is it not a correct position to take, at least for someone of similar design, to openly welcome a degree of "suffering" of ignorance so that a natural transformation of consciousness can unfold within me? How would one be able to hide from the struggles of life and see those around them struggling and not think how he could help them or does he ignore them and live like a Jew? We're told to imagine them in a better place NG says. Does imagining them in a better place do anything for them? "there is no one to change but self" said NG. So what self transformation must I undergo then to change them through self? Is it about me imagining myself sharing abundance with others because if I imagine them different while I stay the same then isn't that contradicting what NG says? Why does nobody ask common sense questions. How can an infant conceive of being born with terminal illness before their eyes even open? Some people would say they pick up the energy of the people around them and the family that baby is being born through but once again as I said there must be a common reliably demonstrable process here because all abusive families, especially the mother, would then birth ill babies, but this isn't the case. How can NG explain these things without simply passing it off as "God suffers". There's nothing of common sense. If the infant can't even conceive of disease (though apparently they dream but who knows really) then how does a baby yet to be born "manifest" illness? Who's manifesting this, the baby and their consciousness or the world around them which would imply we have others moving our consciousness. If the world can influence the consciousness of a baby then we aren't living in our own bubble.
The only real argument that LOA has is that there's only certain parts of different seemingly infinite realities can are changed when you change, in that there being literally infinite variations of every single thing that happened to every fraction of a moment in every space with every position of light being unique and that since there's infinite possibilities then as the dreamer you're simply manipulating reality (words people in this community use to explain it) by basically redreaming a new "state" from the illusion of temporal continuity to make it appear natural. Well in that sense why can't I fly? Why can't I jump to the moon? Why can't I teleport into the ground and displace rock and teleport that up into the sky and have it fall down and crash into the ground? Why can't I manifest infinite money and vitality for everybody? If it's truly like a dream and anything imaginable is possible then why do I still have to eat and drink and clean and all these maintenance processes and not just have no need for it outside of to enjoy it? Why? Because this idea denies the existence of divinity and emanationary metaphysics which is once again what the source material so called spiritual texts are based on. There's hierarchies in all these texts but Babylonian doctrine has us believe it's universal and subjective and solipsistic and that everybody is their own God. You have a greater consciousness that rules over you which is why you have a fixed direction of movement and limitations. Limitations are necessary for expansion. According to what NG says about infinite realities it's that there's no limitation except those boxes we place on ourselves then right? Then he says we can't avoid death. He'll quote the Christos and say we can perform miracles like he did like healing the blind (absolutely possible) and multiplying food (something nobody has demonstrated) as a scripture to back up his point but as I've said where's the superpowers and people who can create money out of literally thin air? If the Christos multiplied the food to feed all the people then how come nobody has done that yet, at least that I'm aware of? It's been decades where most people have access to cameras in their pockets and yet it's not been demonstrated. It's like how the camera is always blurry when taking video of ghosts and stuff. I use to think actually that the ghosts operated from a 3rd person view and they actually experienced themselves through the eyes of others which would explain why they're never visible on cameras but to the eyes of others. They don't see themselves, which is usually why they appear to be hiding and stuff. I don't know, it's just an interesting idea.
Either way the whole fantastical idea of LOA has yet to actually be demonstrated. Yes you will find thematics and certain repeated thoughts manifest as "signs" in the world but isn't that just naturally how you'd experience something when you're looking out for it. I remember when I had ZERO interest in certain subjects I'd run into a contrasting view some day (like my story with the psychic) that made me question everything. How do people even then come into the understanding of the so called law? Like how does challenge seemingly spontaneously show up to break the box when someone isn't focusing on it? How does LOA explain these events? There's people who think all day every day and still see like no examples of it in any greater way other than simply looking for every trace of it like these so called angel numbers and stuff that sticks out. It's not that these things are happening more it's that you're seeing it happen more. This explains a vast majority of stories where people "manifest" things in limited ways and thus demonstrates the law. The people who seemingly transform a person who they've had no contact would've had a common sense process that other person went through and reasons why they wanted to get back with them which I've already explained as a function of thematic supply which is the actual mechanics of the so called law because it explains these events without being magical and fantastical about it. You can explain the phenomena and also explain the limitations with RS. LOA is like a totally open box with hundreds of different inconsistencies that don't add up, especially the bible stuff.
Here's my latest technique by the way. "This experience is rightfully mine to go through" and then allow that fire to rise from your root and sacral and feel it want to move you. If you're depleted this probably won't work, especially yang depleted. Feel that attitude shift. Make decisions that are tough from this place of vitality being available that you know are moving you through your truth. You'll 100% manifest that truth if you go through it.
So the point I really wanted to make. The racial covenant. The people of Israel are those with European ancestry. The covenant was made with the people of Israel who was Jacob which means all the 12 tribes of Israel are part of that covenant. If you're part of the covenant then you're chosen for redemption. Everybody else isn't part of that prophecy. The Judaeo-Christian view will tell you about Gal 3:28 as proof that everybody is one and they'll also point to Mat 5:17 as proof that the law is done because apparently his sacrifice fulfils the laws of racial purity and yet at the same time he says in the next verse 5:18 that "verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Till heaven and earth pass. Sounds like the law is in place until ALL be fulfilled as he says. This means owning slaves as well as it says in Lev 25:44-46 about buying bondmen which are basically slaves among the heathen, AKA anyone who's not of the covenant meaning any other race but Europeans. This is biblical law is it not? Fact is that the other races are here to serve the whites. That's not my opinion but what it says. How would NG explain this? Who knows. How would he explain the Christos whipping Jews out of temples? Heathen are called "unclean" and "dogs" by the Christos too. How does one justify this if he's so loving of everybody? Well he doesn't. That's the thing nobody wants to accept because it means people get left out of salvation if we take it literally that is. The sermon on the mount was for the people Of Israel. The Christos says that he came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, not others. Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. This is the chapter about the people being in foreign lands, and to literally dash their babies against stones. Why were there so many wars in the old testament and that God commanded Amalek to be completely destroyed? Because they're evil and sinful and of the seed of Satan and also is why The Christos whipped them out of temples and called a Canaanite woman a Dog at the table and the psalm tells of dashing little ones against stones. David killed goliath. So much killing in the name of God. Never killing after their own kind though, that's never accepted because the people of Israel are in the covenant together. Mat 15:24 "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." He's only here to redeem Israel through his acts which effectively marks the Jews for eternal judgement in their decisions as the seed of Satan, the tempter. I mean there's endless examples of this. I've got a massive notepad filled with bible verses and cross reference prophesy fulfilment that I logged years back. Most of that is long gone now though. God says that Israel is not to intermarry with the heathen and to be separate. Sounds a lot like what Hitler stood for is that right? Was he wrong? Why is what he really stood for so warped and distorted? There's almost no historians who seem to grasp that he worked with racial covenant bible interpretation that's really been around for centuries and really millennia because that's what the original teachings were that actual Christians followed. Is the "racist" facts of the bible really bad? I see it as Jews have warped peoples national sense of identity as the covenant peoples that whites have basically lowered themselves into accepting being the perpetrators of crimes they never committed and thus forfeit what their ancestors taught and will do anything to justify not owning it. Joh 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
Keep in mind I already went through all this years before but I left it behind because I didn't fully explore LOA. I didn't want that racial covenant interpretation to be the way things are to be honest because it would be VERY inconvenient and mean I would obviously be persecuted as a result just as the Christos was which he said Mat 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It's abundantly obvious that this is indeed the most complete interpretation of the bible where everything makes sense and also on top of that it explains what we see in the world today and it also has a certain degree of metaphysical and alchemical significance too. The bible is ultimately an alchemical text that also has specific thematic association to the stories and events told. It's all thematic interpretation. Often what's not allowed to be said is what's correct. What's not popular is what the attention should focus on. The refutation of other races being the chosen people of the racial covenant is this simple fact too. Who have historically been the people who have been Christian? White European nations. That's why they had monarchies and common law. Duh. You don't see African nations or Asians or Indians or any other cultures preaching it do you? No of course they're not the ones who are designed to follow the word because the consistent peoples who have followed the Christian doctrine are Europeans. The Jews themselves say they want Europe and especially Germany eradicated of all Christians and the Talmud says Christians should be treated the worst. Why are the Christians the most persecuted by Jews? Why do they hate whites the most and want us gone? It's because the racial covenant is real and it's how things work and it also explains that manifestation isn't a phenomena of mind magic but a phenomena of courage and faith in your truth as I've clearly gone through over the years. I simply don't see any other way to connect every dot I've gone over in the notebook under the mind magic model which denies a reality outside your own with a fixed history, such as the holohoax never happening and Hitler actually being a racial covenant Christian which is why there's so many distortions laid over the history of his time in Germany and what he stood for. I still don't support national socialism either way as I believe a true Christian society wouldn't be socialist (he likely wasn't even a socialist given many of his policies but I'll explore that later) to be honest but the fact is is that he stood for racial separation which is biblically correct and no other nation has the guts to own that because it means standing against the Jewish filth in the way of our natural striving.
What else is there to consider when factoring in contrasting views other than so called political correctness that’s all based on Talmudic doctrine anyway? None that I know of. Racial covenant doctrine is compatible with all the rest of RS, though I still wonder where the inner alchemy work stands from a bible standpoint. People say so called occult teachings are evil from the eyes of God but I’m still not really convinced by that because the teachings of advanced gazing are merlinic which are European too, specifically Anglo Saxon occultism. Then you’ve got rune magick and the Nordic people who use to follow Odin for a time in the occult circles. The archetypes are effectively the same as the bible because they’re talking about themetic elements of consciousness which are seemingly universal but I’m thinking that they might not be. Jews definitely don’t get their supply from Yahweh because Yahweh cursed them as the Christos clearly named them “of your father the devil” who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning” I believe it says. Of their father the devil. A different source of emanation, a different supply of vitality. Their natural striving serves a different process you see, like their apparent fixed point or comparison is totally different because they have no trouble with causing extreme destruction and feeling literally nothing for it but enjoyment and satisfaction from killing and raping and torturing innocent people for fun like they’re literally just psychopathic. Surely it can’t be that it’s racial, even I find that hard to believe given that not all Jews are the same it would seem and there’s plenty of psychopathic Israelites who are of European descent so it makes me question that factor to some extent. If they’re all like that in blood truth then it would be that their compromise would be to not want to sin and create cultural degeneracy as the normal. They’re like ogres and trolls with no divine creative insight. That much is pretty true for the most part. You won’t find a davinci in Israel. All the great artists came from European ancestry for a reason because natural striving and the quality of the seed is more pure account to the bible and also what we see in the culture of those people who create and discover new technologies and developments in culture. Classical music all came from Israelites just like the great architecture, though there’s some interesting architecture in other cultures too and it makes you wonder what was shared and what was kept national.
You hear of Elohim which according to the hebrew is plural meaning GodS and not just God, though every mention of the word God using the H430 code has the same source text of apparent plural though it’s a context specific term. People base their entire view on the bible off one word it’s insane. The whole thing has to be coherent not just one part that fits your idea. Everything must connect else nothing works. Point is Elohim is seen all over the bible, over 2600 times in fact. What does this prove? It means Elohim doesn’t mean exclusively plural else it would be translated as such and it wouldn’t make sense. Ultimately what it means is greater process, which technically is comprised of a multitude of self similar processes because it’s all god from bottom to too which is why everything is predetermined and you’re simply doing along for the ride. That’s what natural striving is for. There’s so much I could say on the bible and history and certain figures who have been painted as evil and had fantasy stories made up about them to make their values of racial purity seem taboo to discuss like they created a box to put anyone into who believed in racial covenant. It’s like “oh you’re a white supremacy Nazi” which bacislly tacks on all the prejudice and judgements over something those who use that label are totally ignorant of as a easy dismissal of contrasting views because it’s apparently evil to support racial segregation. This is also where the eugenics ideas that have been made up about Hitler too. So much disinfo. All these so called historians still can’t seem to have figured out that Hitler got his racism from the bible. It’s insane that these people are so wel paid but that’s pouting out what I mean by whatsoever is well funded is rarely ever where the truth is to be found. That’s just the way it is because people with big money are either totally ignorant and have nothing to do with the work I do here or they’re supporting Jewish doctrine of universalisation which is incorrect. Hitler didn’t hate the church and Christianity and he wasn’t atheist and he wasn’t into occultism (though he did have questionable people around him at times who believed in theosophical doctrine which is mostly incorrect anyway which the alchemist has made abundantly clear to me a long time ago) and so if he’s none of these things then it makes people question what he really was because they don’t consider racial covenant doctrine as what he followed because it’s the real teaching he followed as I’ve made clear with all those quotes in page 12. There’s rarely any real Christians around because real Christians who follow the racial doctrine and also don’t support usury are the ones who are the greatest threat to the filthy parasitic Jew who supports the ideology of self serving and what can the other do for me vs what can I do for the other.
The Jew flips everything and makes you feel guilty for it. Their father is the devil afterall. Is it not said? Do we not see that in the world? Is this not correct? If so then what does this mean? It means we must let go of who we think we need to be and transform into accepting how things really are and effectively manifesting through that state. Be moved by it uncompromisingly. Is this your truth? Do you feel that resonance? If you’re heathen then your role is to still serve your greater process and do all the work we do here in RS but at the same time recognising that you’re not chosen for redemption because you’re not who the Christos came for is a necessity to accept to be free in your process. Understand that much of what Paul wrote came from a standpoint of preaching to the heathen as this was his task. The rest is addressed to Israel, aka the white race who are the covanent people of Yahweh. You hear of verses mentioned in books written for Israel claiming that it applies to everybody but it doesn’t and unless you recognise the surrounding people who the book was written for then you won’t get the racial covanent and you’ll find seemingly contradictory statements. If it makes clear about killing enemies and buying slaves and calling he then dogs and whipping Jews out of positions of influence then that’s obviously a verse that is supporting such acts and sets the precedent of the greater context of what it means to be an Israelite no matter what that may mean for your assumptions of what is and isn’t acceptable.
If you take LOA and what NG says about the bible as the fact like an instruction manual on using imagination to manifest then you must follow the bible and in that case if the doctrine that NG teaches is inconsistent with reality then obviously either the bible is wrong or NG is wrong because the racial covanent fully explains all the cross referenced prophesy which I will likely get into in future. It’s almost like everybody who reads the bible assumes there’s no racial prejudice against the heathen because it’s politically incorrect but spiritual power as you now know which manifestion follows comes through you by following your truth and not conforming and tolerating degeneracy. Stoning homosexuals in these churches is correct according to the law for homo is degeneracy and disgusting. Jews support it though. Wonder why. They support all forms of degeneracy including having relationships with girls as young as 3. I should find that quote in the Talmud later cuz it’s absolutely disgusting filth. Only a filthy Jew would have thought up something like that as doctrine.
I think the best way to look at the bible is from the perspective of what is best for vitality cultivation, as in not accepting degeneracy which leads one into self destruction and depletion instead of living in abundance.
I wonder where Num 12:1 comes in for apparently Moses married a cushite which are cursed. Too late I’ll get to it tomorrow.
It seems that the core teachings of the bible for the white Europeans is to recognise and establish a relationship AS the covenant peoples of Israel. Thus your sense of self is foundationally rooted in this genealogy. Does this sound familiar to what Hitler was about of keeping his people racially pure to maintain that established covenant? The Jew wants to corrupt that which is plain as day for all to see and recognise considering there's so much money put into this "diversity" thing. Diversity is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what God taught Israel to accept and tolerate. Kind after kind. Do not intermarry and do not involve yourself with these people outside of slavery situations for they are of the heathen and have a function to serve you as you serve God. Is this not the case? We're being told to tolerate and accept them in our culture, else we're bad, yet nowhere in doctrine does it speak of acceptance and intermarrying. The fact is that all the degenerate cultural movements have been to break down traditional family bonds (feminism and MGTOW) that are established under the COVENANT IDENTITY which is exactly what the filthy Jew wants you to forgo and throw out as apparent hate. You don't have to hate anyone you simply have to recognise your covenant identity and thus not overextend your hand in service for the heathen. There's a verse where it says to treat your slaves well as you'd be expected to by God. It's that emanationary process, greater consciousness moves lesser consciousness moves the heathen moves the world. Process within process. Identity politics is like the most degenerate thing ever and I've recognised that since forever. Anyone with common sense could see that. What's the function of breaking up traditional roles though? It's not for our benefit as the ordered function of the family from bottom to top is now disordered and people have warped expectations of everybody else now through the constant barrage of identity propaganda.
I hope this common thread of identity is clear here. National identity is what people attacked Hitler for, which having national identity is common sense and yet having a segregated country is somehow bad? Who's it bad for? The Jews. Why? Because it means they can't control the people of a nation that's operating under their covenant identity because they'll be moved under that identification. All these psychospitritual interpretations of various source material always love to throw into there the teaching that your identity is I AM. Your greater consciousness is on that level but you as corporeal consciousness IS NOT I AM because you must perform the alchemical process of transformation to become one with that, which requires living correctly. All the spiritual movements have been to touch on the idea of identity have they not? Who am I? This is the big question. It's like eeeeeverything except racial covenant that's accepted because noooo we can't have "racism" as a spiritual idea. You see? It's like everyone must be equal rights, and yet alchemically speaking we're subservient to greater consciousness. This applies to all levels. All plants have a single greater consciousness per genus that they all share, unlike humans. Whoever your greater consciousness is and whatever that racial genealogical bond represents is your identity and your supply. This is all alchemically functional on all practical and theoretical levels. This is literally the very foundation of practical lab alchemy and understanding how to obtain quintessence as a "mother spirit" from a plant. That's the point. This is denied though because apparently all races have the same greater consciousness when this obviously isn't the case. You are not all I AM in practise because I AM is what you're to accept. The imagination isn't I AM because the imagination is the interface between the thematic level of I AM and the unfolded manifest level of corporeal sensory experience. It literally unfolds, unrolls, turns inside out into the corporeal reality. That's why for years I use to call the supply "inverse potential" from the physics perspective because there's an unfolding that takes place through electromagnetic induction which is what manifests power as the various PIECES of what we call electrical and magnetic energy. Electricity is comprised of multiple parts per cycle, despite what we've been taught in EM school and this is where the advanced levels of the physics studies I did ages ago made it clear to me the connection between metaphysics and standard physics. The big one to grasp is "reactive capacitance" which is effectively this measure of inverse potential but you can't measure it directly because it's a shadow that's inferred as present but the physicists can't grasp the metaphysical level and thus deny anything they can't measure corporeally. This is their ignorance and the mathematicians would come blaring out big mouths wide open ready to blast their nonsense and make you look silly with mathematical acrobatics and such espoused ignorance just like how the Jew tries to justify the Talmud permitting relationships with 3 year old and 1 day girls. Filthy pedos. Disgusting filth. Pedos come from Babylon because everything they do is inverted of what we consider divine common sense.
So the whole essence of racial covenant is an identity, a position in the unfolding of consciousness. The identity is the thing that almost all spiritual traditions claim to answer and yet none of them actually connect with what we see in the world to the degree that the bible does when interpreted on this level, and specifically speaking of Jews being the seed of Satan as the manifestation of the conditioning program in the world who turns us away from our racial covenant and attacks anyone who claims to be a part of this. Why is it so attacked? This was the way things always were before Jewish influence infiltrated academia and politics. Anti Jew sentiment has existed forever as the judgement of the Christos made clear who's identified as who and who's marked for what prophesy. "the Jews who say they are Jews and are not". Fools who espouse that Jews of modern land mass Israel (Not the man Israel which is where the genealogy and emanation of greater consciousness that's common to our identity manifests and not in a land mass) are the so called covenant peoples and yet the Christos clearly states that he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel and that the law will stay until heaven and earth passes. Why would he just abolish the established law like what is the point of setting that up anyway it's almost like we're all free from any form of fixed orientation according to that which opens up the floodgates to modern identity politics and stuff we see today. Their teachings are opposite of common sense and allow them to justify all the cultural degeneracy we face today. Trump is one of those filthy disgusting Zionists who propagates Judaeo Christian nonsense. You'll hear him speak of God but you'll never hear him speak of Immanuel the Christos or Yahweh as God but that he speaks of God as "HIS FATHER THE DEVIL" just as the Christos said to the Jews who say they are Jews and are not. He's towing the line of meeting people half way, buying into their good side to play mind games where he's supporting a pseudo traditional familial setup and yet still enables sodomy and bends his knees to BB of Israel and claims that anyone who criticises the Jews will be in serious trouble with the law. He's protecting the filthy Jews of the land mass of Israel and playing his role perfectly in playing the trustworthy part (This was what I wrote out in my 2021 notes on the next election for Trump so my view was obviously correct) to get people to support him and thus support Jewish filth in welcoming in their false messiah whom modern Christians will accept out of ignorance. This is what is prophesied. Looking at what is going on with the AI push as replicating creation of consciousness and how Jews have no creative essence it's clear as day what the agenda is, it's entirely to get the lost sheep of the house of Israel the man to forfeit their covenant willingly out of ignorance and deception and thus their position is usurped by the Jew as the covenant peoples. At least that's seemingly what the Jews believe, in their own texts and writings as I've explained and this is also what Hitler stood for as I also made clear in all the quotes I copied onto last notebook. Why is this view attacked so hard by Jews? Because it's exactly the identity they don't want Israel to wake up to. "Waking up" is waking up to the alchemical functions of consciousness and the identification that relates. NG claimed that all was I AM, which at the more fundamental source of emanation is correct and yet the actual identity according to the bible which is his own source material is clearly racially based. It's the one subject throughout history that's approached in a very careful manner except in the bible where it's straight up with the roles each race plays.
How does this relate to HD? Well HD is the specific layer that's subservient to the covenant position. HD doesn't overshadow the covenant and the alchemy it should work with it and enable it to happen in giving us form through the various awareness centers that it represents. Fact is that genes are precious to you and your fractal antenna (which is what DNA really is as it's the manifestation of this rolled up secret self into form that then literally unfolds into your corporeal being) isn't something to be messed with. That's probably why many people claimed the CV injection was the "mark of the beast" which I never agreed with for various reasons but I knew CV wasn't a thing. It's crazy that I still have people who tell me that germs CAUSE disease when this has also never been demonstrated. Yet another Jewish fable. Disease contagion has never been experimentally demonstrated to this day. The experiments that have been done all failed to demonstrate it reliably. Why? Because microbes are pleomorphic and take the form necessary to restore the field geometry by breaking down waste into compounds that can be excreted and then they either just die off in the body and thus their vesicles transform into microzym again as a breakdown product of fundamental biology or they get removed. The whole "immune system" Idea is a joke, it's really your cleaning crew to clean the temple of God. The temple doesn't get invaded by pathogens of organic form but inorganic form that's synthetic and that the body can't effectively remove. That should be common sense, not the microbes cause disease model because it's the synthetic compounds that get stuck in our body and if your immune system is weak those will stick around, it's not about preventing infections or any of this Jewish fairy tales. Anyone who still believes that and tells me about how they caught a sickness from someone else will be immediately corrected.
How many examples does it take to demonstrate the cosmology at hand? I'll go through my data on the holohoax soon and make clear the illiterate narrative of the standard story of how it happened. There's so many manipulations of common sense to make the holohoax seem plausible and the numbers have constantly been changing since the first figures were established. The thing is there's a quote from Otto Dietrich who was the German press chief when he was talking to Hitler showing him an English newspaper based on intelligence from the soviets in Moscow that was reporting 1.5 million people (Not Jews as far as I know) had been killed in a concentration camp in Majdanek which was "liberated" by the red army at the time. Hitler angrily said in response "That's the "hacked off-hands" again - pure enemy propaganda!" as if he knew there were hit pieces being made about his operations in the concentration camps. Why did the "allies" even make friends with the soviets who were fully atheist and killed over 10 million Christians. Eisenhower was friends with Stalin, a complete psychopath. Eisenhower wanted to actually exterminate all the Germans after the war was over but nobody around him signed off on the plan to genocide Germany like they're doing in Gaza today with Israel and Trump supporting it. Same stage play. Since the Jews controlled the media in English speaking nations and still do to this day obviously they only hear one or at most 2 views on a narrative. There's never an interpretation from the other side because that would give the game away. They have to leave out details and make some up to make their agenda agreeable by the people. The holohoax is one of those examples in history that to this day is still the single event in history that you can be incriminated for questioning. The fact that there's so much stigma around it should cause question in itself. If you want to know who rules over you then look at who you're not allowed to criticize. The rogue state of Israel.
As far as I'm concerned everybody who approaches spiritual subjects from a universalised perspective is clearly ignorant or leaving out important historical documentation that would demonstrate that we don't all have a common goal. Is the common goal to become immortal? Well according to the alchemical interpretation of the bible it would seem so but from the racial covenant view it's more about simply going through life for those who are chosen have already been chosen before the foundation of the earth, as though this whole stage play was set up from the start to go the way it did. That's also why I refute quantum mysticism as Jewish fairy tales because the cat can't be alive and dead at the same time and waves and particles can't exist at once either. The observations of seemingly spooky things can be correct but that seeming spooky view is because the view of the person who sees spooky stuff is obviously incorrect because naturally nothing should be spooky if they understood emanationary metaphysics. Spiritualism from the new thought movement is all based on universalised politics, which is Jewish, which is all lovey dovey and accepting and tolerating of all peoples. This "we are all one" idea is literally Jewish deception and is what the Talmud says to teach us to disconnect us from our identity. It's all about usurping the individual covenant relationship and identity. That's really the common thread here which I don't think anyone could deny.
The 1925 Jewish encyclopedia volume 5 page 41 says that "Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" in THEIR OWN WORDS! This was before the war of course before Israel was established and their Jews are the chosen people narrative kicked off. There's places in the bible where there are actually cases where it's referring to Jews as Judeans and not Jews of Edom and knowing the narrative is essential to understand the context. These passages are what the fools love to espouse to back the universalised idea. The word Jew is primarily used in the bible as a slang term for those of the seed of Satan. Jews are money lenders (as it says to charge massive rates in the Talmud which I referenced before). Thieves. Fornicators. It's all there. Jew is the term to describe a degenerate. That's how it always was. The slang term "slope" can be used to describe Asians because of the slanted eyes. It's the same idea, there's a trope it's playing into. A Jew is someone who partakes in all the permissible acts of the Talmud. They're actually Edomites as they admit, and Kenites, being children of Cain who was of the tempter that led him to kill his family in sin. Ever wonder how the Kenites made it through the great flood? That's why we're against them, not because we want to be but because we have to be due to their depletion and requirement to siphon our vitality to fuel their empire, that is until the advanced AI systems come out which are literally "trained" on our vitality in manifestation as the data it's fed and trained on. They're training virtual intelligence to replicate and mimic the consciousness of the homogenised world and that is ultimately what will stand as the Jewish messiah I believe, though I don't know. Considering that the Jews have been funding transhumanistic technology for a long time now it's not surprising. This goes back to technocracy inc in the 1930s, something I went deep into back in like 2019. Elon musk is part of that movement to this day. It's a religious belief in transhumanism basically, which of course is Jewish and Talmudic which copies and replicates real creative essence that's alchemically transformed. They claim it's "Technocracy Inc. is a non-profit, non-political, and continental organization that promotes a technological design for a sustainable and equitable society. Learn about its history, values, vision, and platform based on scientific facts and efficiency." We clearly know they like to hide behind language of "sustainable" and "equal" and such terms as their universalising lingo to infiltrate. It's the same thematics in the Talmud. All these movements have the same basis.
There was never tolerance and acceptance of the heathen dwelling with the Israelites before. Not like the modern world where it's taught that God is universal and that they can do good acts to be saved by the Christos. It's a blood pact, that's what the racial covenant is. You can't work your way to salvation in the biblical sense through performing "holy acts" and "carrying your cross" and stuff. That's all predetermined, and anyone who's not part of the racial covenant will not be a part of that salvation plain and simple and that's why they're playing games with all these people in teaching the universalised method. This is why I wonder if there's different processes for immortality for each race. I don't know, I don't think so but maybe. The universalised doctrine is the most modern, I believe it was around in the past but it never lasted long of course because it often meant that if this was taught then you had Jews running the show and they'd eventually get thrown out for warping the word. When the covenant with Abraham says in Gen 22:18 "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice." meaning in Abrahams Seed AKA his genes and racial pact will those nations be blessed with all HIS nations that become the man Israel, and on top of that that his seed will spread blessings through those nations that will come through his family. How do we know this isn't the so called Jews of Israel? Well the verse Gen 17:4 "As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations." MANY NATIONS. This isn't one nation in the middle east but MANY nations, AKA all the nations of Europe and the other white western countries like Aus and the US. This thematic process was made manifest. Ultimately it's all thematics being made flesh, that's all that prophesy is, it's tapping into the procession of greater process to "look into the future" we could say. There's no magic here, it's mechanics of consciousness and it cannot be changed. This is why manifestation unfolds THROUGH us and not that we're manipulating collective trajectory.
Gen_28:14 "And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." This is clearly demonstrating how the Israelites were destined to colonise the world. No other race has done this, no other culture has spread all over the world.
The idea that you can be saved by belief or by works is nonsense. The Jews have this idea that they can be saved by works and yet there's the new covenant in Jer 31:31 because the old one didn't work. Remember God hated Esau. HATED! Literally hated Esau. And we're told that God is all loving of everybody? What a joke. Edom is the modern Jew as they admit in their own words. God hates Jews. There it's right in your face. Oba 1:1-2. "Oba 1:1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle. Oba 1:2 Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised." What does that sound like? I have made thee (Edom/Jews) small among the heathen (other nations and peoples) and that they're GREATLY DESPISED! Who's the small group who's greatly despised? Jewry, Edom, the parasites of the rogue state of Israel. There's so many references it's crazy. Oba 1:3 "The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? Oba 1:4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD." The Jews think they're the chosen people and they're not. This is once again another prophesy fulfilled from the minor prophecy Obadiah. The people who follow the Talmud and think that their works will save them. This is exactly who the Jews are. Small among the heathen, greatly despised, exalted in themselves with pride in their hearts. Talmudic supremacy. Excessive pride leading to narcissism. Sound exactly like the parasites who live in the land of Israel doesn't it? The people who think they can screw everybody over bigtime and get away with it. This is Esau Edom. God HATED Esau Edom. As I said it's right there in your face. Oba 1:8 "Shall I not in that day (probably the second coming), saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?" God will DESTROY the rabbis of the rogue state of Israel when it's all over. He literally will destroy them, he hates them that much. You think I'll be judged for calling them parasites and filthy degenerates? Who wouldn't call a spade a spade unless there's consequences for doing so by the perpetrators. Oba 1:9 "And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter." Now he's saying that all the filthy Jews of the rogue state of Israel will be cut off by slaughter. Does this sound like a universalised prophesy where since the Christos loves all they can be redeemed? No chance. These people deny everything divine, they deliberately destroy access and availability to resources and vitality all throughout the ages and cause the rise and fall of nations with their usury to bankrupt them and thus cause untold MILLIONS of our people to die and suffer.
Is that the assumptions of these people like NG would have you think? NG obviously was indoctrinated by Jewish Christian teachings then he came across an Ethiopian rabbi who was probably Jewish because a rabbi is a Jewish priest pretty much and they tell you how the text works. There's likely more to the NG story than we've been told, as I've suspected for years. His interpretation only makes sense in a vacuum, like any other interpretation but when it comes time to test and demonstrate then there's no consistent truth that can be seen manifest in the world. Manifestation happens through us and anyone can prove that by simply looking at their lives thus far. All my attempts to fully explore and demonstrate what NG said ended up with inconsistency and EVERYBODY who genuinely is testing from a position of non bias will find that to be the case. I WANTED to believe him because it sounded far easier than going back into dual seedline bible studies again but that's the temptation to accept easy and comfortable paths that lead to no real growth and it's almost all based on materialistic desire which is obviously not the goal of enlightenment. We use the world to fulfil our path. I could've ignored this interpretation and left behind all the research I did years ago but I chose to face it and integrate what I knew within me was the most complete explanation which covered all levels. Truly, if it wasn't for all the manifestations of Babylon that we see in the world today with the cultural degeneracy and the false stories of WW2 Germany and all the history of banking as the primary cause for war among all the other things we see going on like funding technocratic societies and how Israel lies and covers up their Palestinian genocide (If you look at footage of cities in Gaza they're all turned to rubble there was no targeted attack on Hamas they completely wiped the place clean of anything that's usable and they've been sharing videos of admitting to killing children and torturing them in hideous ways and enjoying it among other things like throwing animals off buildings that lived with them and all that filthy Jew stuff they enjoy) and the list goes on and on which they've also got the Talmud and all the degeneracy in that. They bought up the energy industries and the academic institutions and funded study for quantum and relative physics and germ theory medicine with petrochemical medicine and fund genetic modification tech and they fund all the "vaccines" which can't be vaccines for microbes which can't actually CAUSE disease so the whole thing is a sham and the money trail always goes back to Zionists. It's all the signs that we see in the world of this thematic process of limiting our supply of access to vitality. The obvious representation of multiculturalism and the shunning of nationalism and segregation that's taught in the bible is probably the most clear cut example of Talmudic influence on modern culture that's fulfilling what the bible clearly states. From an alchemical perspective the separation of the people is like the separation of the substances from the chaos of the elements and their marriage is like performing conjugations that aren't resultant in proportionate higher order substances being formed. There's no alchemical function that leads to abundance there, only decay and degeneracy and warping of the base substances and that potential, yet this is what we're told to accept and tolerate. We're told that sodomy is accepted when in the days of centuries before these people would be stoned to death without mercy. Mercilessly torn to shreds for degeneracy because it's only resulting in propagating that depleted thematic experience into making it more available and since the Jews have come in and influenced policy to allow it legally then they've basically enabled the availability of sodomy without consequence or challenge and thus it propagates and they get away with it. This is what happened in Germany. Many historians will say that Germany was the most free it's ever been in the Weimar republic but that's a Sodom and Gomora type freedom where degeneracy and perversion of cultural values that are destructive in order were enabled and made available and accessible. The artists and the music and the theatre and the fornication and all that stuff was rampant. Why do people say that as soon as Hitler got in power he seemed to attack various groups, especially Jews? Because it was against common sense! He's made out to be the villain from the perspective of what's acceptable in the Talmud! That should be abundantly clear now as to WHY Hitler was made a villain of. He simply wanted a pure society of his people who could live free without the availability of the influence of Jewish degeneracy. That's common sense and is a requirement for a functional society. Anyone who says that Hitler took away the freedoms of people are degenerates themselves and obviously buy into what that culture enabled them to do without consequence. That's the fact that the Germans themselves speak of in those quotes I mentioned and there's FAR more reference to their thoughts on this I've yet to put on the notebook. If anyone comes to me and tells me that Hitler was an evil racist who wanted to kill all the Jews and control what everybody did then I know who sponsored their world view because the same body language always shows up and the same arguments always come out. "NAZI" "Conspiracy theorist" "White supremacist". Illogical trash is all that comes out of their mouths. Ill studied and programmed fools, just like those who buy into mind magic in LOA and have no critical thinking or experience in challenging their positions likely because they're already too comfortable. All the SS men who died at the Nuremberg trials died knowing they did the right thing and to the eyes of God were men of great honour who were persecuted for their truth by Edom, just as the Christos says. It's painfully obvious.
Oba 1:18 "And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it." DId you hear that? There shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau. NONE! What does that mean? All the filthy Jews will be exterminated. That's not my opinion that's what the Bible says in the prophesy. Edom is the house of Esau and Edom is modern Jewry as they admit and this means they will be exterminated just like they said the Germans did to them in the holohoax. No wonder this stuff is in their minds, they must worry about the end of days and want to cause as much chaos as possible before the time comes. Is this not correct? Is there inconsistencies in this position? What am I missing? We're told to love everybody and yet God HATES Jews. What hypocrisy is this. Is this hatred a metaphysical representation for divergence from another? A withdrawal from attraction? Well metaphysically and alchemically it's still a cutting off, which is actually what Obadiah says. Oba 1:9 "And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter." Cut off by slaughter. What more needs to be said? It's commanded to mercilessly and ruthlessly kill anyone practising sinful acts like these rainbow people and do it in righteousness of divine judgment. Nobody wants to accept intolerance of evil because they don't want to take responsibility for the degeneracy in the world. I feel that a lot of people want them gone but tolerate them because they don't want to be seen as having edge. Having edge and not being apologetic and accepting and tolerant is seen as negative now. Being tolerant is in itself allowing the propagation and normalisation and making available degeneracy to tempt others to buy into. Cutting it off is the solution, but no we've been told that our imagination does that for us if only we imagine it gone. Remember the US is just one country in the world and just because Trump declared only 2 genders doesn't mean the rest of the world such as where I live is exempt. Lev_20:2 "Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones." Put them to death quite literally. "Num 15:32 And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. Num 15:33 And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. Num 15:34 And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him. Num 15:35 And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp." It goes as far as stoning anyone not keeping sabbath. What does this have to do with manifestation and the idea of the sabbath? I remember a certain coach in this sphere said this was for Kabballah, which the alchemist said is mostly nonsense anyway. Kabballah is more in line with what the Jews work with, it's not about manifestation in the sense of going through the process of being self and clearing not self trash. Lev_20:10 "And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." Adultery is a thing people still do and they only do it because they can get away with it. Lev_20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." There's your passage about putting all who practise the abomination of Sodomy to death. Notice how there's no tolerance of degeneracy? That's how you keep a pure society. Have consequences, have contrast to encourage repentance AKA rethinking of actions that are purifying. Without consequence and contrast and competition then they'll get away with it forever. All the parasites who claim to keep the law obviously aren't keeping the law because they're not putting to death the degenerates like they use to in the days gone when your ancestors were kicking. They hung these people publicly on the gallows and made examples of them. Is this evil? Is the tolerance of filth a good thing?
So to fully explore and explain the law. The law was there originally as the covenant pact but since nobody could keep it he promised a new covenant would unfold and that Abraham would have many nations. That turned out. Firstly the people who are under this covenant is clearly mentioned in Galations. Gal_3:29 "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." There that clears up what it means to be in Christ. Anyone who is of Abrahams seed are under the new covenant of faith in the Christos. Plain and simple, I actually meant to turn to another verse but that one landed in my face so that's interesting. Remember that Isaac got the blessing and then Esau gave the blessing to Jacob Israel so the seed that carried the promise is the descendants of Israel because it's clearly stated that Edom will be destroyed completely and Ishmael didn't remain pure so it's not kept for anyone without that pure lineage. Gal 3:16 "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." This is prophesy of the Christos being born under his seed, and there's another one somewhere I can't remember where too that's of this same thing, I think it's in Jer somewhere. Now the whole point of the old vs new covenant is this verse right here. Gal 3:18 "For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise." Since the law couldn't be kept and God made a promise to Abraham he had to provide Israel ANOTHER PATHWAY TO REDEMPTION WHICH IS WHY THE CHRISTOS WAS SACRIFICED AS HE REVEALED THE TRUTH OF WHO'S WHO SO WE MAY HAVE FAITH UNTO DEATH AS TO OUR RACIAL COVENANT! You see now? The promise was another pathway to redemption that was effectively based on having correct identity as one of Christ under the promise made to Abraham who had the blessing passed to Jacob Israel which is where the descendants of white Europe comes from. The whole believing thing is basically for the people who are of the people who the promise was made to, all the nations of Israel specifically as they carried the blessing, and that the Christ led the path through in marking the Jews as the seed of Satan who to this day are doing everything to deceive us on our identity. It's about carrying the spirit of identity and out of having that identification and relationship with the racial covenant that it makes you pure of heart and NOT WANT to engage in degeneracy. Only when you truly recognise your identity as the children of Israel do you grasp this fully and feel it and a big part of that is revealing all the Jewish degeneracy in the world as the prophesies that were spoken about and also how the Christos marked the Jews for the fire to reveal to us to know our place as those who are Israel. Rule with God, in the spirit. That's the new covenant. That's the new pathway to being saved. It's RACIAL and not something of all to partake in for it is said that all will be destroyed in the end except those who had faith upon the rapture. There's also no pre tribulation rapture either. Those who know the truth and have real faith in their position would be willing to die for that like the SS men did at Nuremberg. The 12 apostles of Christ all got persecuted and 10 of them were killed by Jews for their identity. Your identity under the racial pact is your ticket to salvation, though the law would be kept in effect as someone who recognises that identity in heart. You see how the law isn't gone but that the law isn't the pathway to redemption either, for works alone aren't the ticket which is actually also the genius of the new covenant because it ENSURES that no matter what works someone does that the promise to Abraham and his blessing will be kept because it's racial and not anything else. This basically locked out anyone who's not under the seed of Abraham from having access to redemption and THAT is why the Christos was sacrificed. It was actually out of the promise that his love for the lost sheep of the house of Israel that he died because he wanted to show them the pathway to redemption in having faith in their identity and to go so far as to be tried for that faith. That's what actual faith means, it means staying true to your inner truth no matter the pressure to conform. A true test of faith and not this trash that we're taught today, and this is also why we're all being misguided with identity mixing. That should be clear now as to what the old vs new covenant is about. It's something you won't hear anywhere else because they don't have eyes to see and ears to hear. I somehow happen to have this view, probably because I follow my inner truth about anything else and that is the point. That is why I've been able to have these things revealed to me over many years. It was all fulfilling the covenant.
The bigger question then. How does immortality work tie into this? Well inner alchemy is that pathway which I've learned through the alchemist. Thing is that physical immortality regardless of your seedline doesn't ensure redemption according to the new covenant. So it's that you're attaining physical immortality seemingly to avoid the judgement of not being of the seed of the promised ones. That is one way of looking at it, because no matter how much Jing you can open to doorway to accessing it will not escape the tribulation. If all that is within the Bible is correct and my interpretation is correct then it would mean that true physical immortality isn't possible anyway because you'll be destroyed regardless of the inner alchemy work you do if you're not of the racial covenant. This means that immortality for all but Israel is impossible, according to the bible. Can someone who has conjugated the greater substances and become one with their greater consciousness escape this? I don't know to be honest, but given the nature of prophesy that's been fulfilled I'd not be surprised if all those people who think they've got a way of escaping this covenant promise would be sorely mistaken when the terrible day comes, whenever that is. It makes me realise that teaching anyone who's not of Israel about this work is wasteful. The Western mysteries that the Alchemist works with (He dismisses much of eastern alchemy in practise but follows the principles because they're all the same in essence) is actually from Israelite culture. I said that Merlinic tradition which is where the gazing comes from the alchemist works with is from Britain/England which is where one of the tribes of Israel went, the Anglo Saxons. It's Israelite magic pretty much. Is gazing heretical? I don't think so, though the alchemist says he's had interactions with the Christos during advanced gazing to the point where he got physically pushed back and zapped in the chest. He said that Christ looked like the catholic depiction where he's white with blonde hair and blue eyes and he's pointing at the heart. Typical Anglo Saxon figure. We're now told that he was a Jew or some other race when in fact that's just another distortion to get you to disconnect from the identity under the racial covenant pact.
I'm sure you now understand where manifestation comes into this now. Manifestation happens through you. It's common sense. Yeah what NG says makes sense to a certain degree in a vacuum but when you contrast it against the racial covenant view which has always been what the Christians believed for centuries and now all of a sudden NG comes along and says we've all had it wrong and that his rabbi was correct. What a joke. As I said Abdullah was probably a Jew, in faith at least, as in his belief wasn't in the racial pact and the PAINFULLY OBVIOUS promise that I've just explained above, and that his teachings apparently explain the phenomena of mind magic when in fact if you test it the results are inconsistent and that's for a reason. All that I've presented earlier in RS about HOW to manifest and how to even make specific things show up still all hold true as vitality and sense of self and all that stuff is going to be your pathway to manifesting naturally and the idea that imagination in a vacuum is your saviour is obviously not working for you. Believe it or not I've had people I've spoken to before about this years back contacting me recently since I've started talking about this again here in the notebook. Is this the content of my mind manifesting thematic experiences that correlate and that it's all because of my inner experience of truth? No this is where I'm being led and if I tried to make this happen without my truth being in this direction then I'd only suffer and I'd fail to manifest anything of confirming experience. I'd only get partial signs or limited "results". It's only because my truth is here that I am naturally losing myself in this state, without contrast moving me out, but this is my thematic direction of resonant truth which is why it's all coming through me. I'm not deciding this to happen it's just what I must go through in natural striving towards higher order. This is naturally how we manifest correct experiences. Trying to manipulate this is going to result in failure. I cannot avoid the obvious truth that's in front of me for my fixed point of comparison would pull me back here as it has done recently in where the direction of my entries has moved me. I didn't decide this it just moved through me in natural striving and thus it was effortless. Effortless to the degree that I allowed it to come through me that is without contrast. Can you manifest specific things this way? Well if there's truth there then absolutely you can because it's for you. It's your rightful experience to unfold, though if that truth is coming from a compromise pattern of staying in a certain box that's familiar and easy and accessible then you're never going to be satisfied because there's no transformation. We are led through these experiences because they are expanding to our consciousness and that we are challenged in our faith. This is why moving through your truth despite the contrasting pressure is how manifestation works through you and not for you in your mind in a vacuum because true faith cannot be faked. Following your truth is your faith and if your truth is to have money or an SP or any of this stuff then that's what you're going to manifest because your fixed point of comparison is moving you through that. You can also "awaken" such truths within you by reminding yourself of those theamtics that you might not have had awareness of before, and if that subtle impulse shows up to move you then you should go through it for greater consciousness requires you to experience this for your process. Everybody has roles to play it seems. From the greatest to the smallest of influence processes everybody and everything has a function.
Some NDE experiences I remember about told of waking up in a world just like this, except without all the parasitic trash in it. People who are pure of mind and heart and do not destroy vitality for pleasure sake. The NG interpretation is that to be resurrected (not reborn) means you'll "wake up in a world just like this one" as someone who's much younger and you won't even realise that you've died. That does sound awfully familiar and still makes me question the nature of redemption as having multiple pathways and yet when you take the literal interpretation directly and look at all the degeneracy in the world we see today it makes you think that his experience could've been deceiving. I don't know. I'm not at that level of depth in turning my consciousness inside out yet to understand what that's like personally. Still questions and questions to be answered. All I can say is that the racial covenant lines up PERFECTLY with everything we see in the world. Is the bible like the 3 HD charts, working with Jing Qi and Shen? A bible with 3 different paths depending on who's viewing the text? That one can be redeemed by the Jing (genetics) or by the Qi (cultivation from the eastern level to be rebirthed) or from Shen which is like what NG did I believe. Qi would be inner alchemy I believe, though they're all inner alchemy but the playground is different. Is this true? Well these other narratives in the bible must be demonstrated reliably in all aspects and confirm every verse consistently in a coherent prophesy of experience unfolding through us. As far as I know what NG taught isn't a complete coherent explanation of all in the bible, and the alchemist hasn't fully explored this with me either I've only had tiny bits of it made clear to me, like less than 5% and it's scattered, though he knows what he's doing considering the work he's done. So that makes me question the core essence of the bible given the surrounding context and contrasting perspectives, though the physical interpretation when we look at what's going on in the world is the most consistent and coherent one of all and I don't know anyone who could disagree if they fully grasped the depth.
The NG interpretation of the promise is that simply those who follow the law which according to NG is the practise of the mechanics of imaginal experience (obviously we know now that it's thematic experience that unfolds into sensory experience where imagination is the mediator or interface we interact with to "summon" the power of God which is the law) and the promise is the result that whatever comes through us in thematic experience that's then interpreted by the imaginal senses transforms our corporeal world into a corresponding one where we experience that which was imagined which is always experiential. Effectively that's the fundamentals. The greater context is to be complete in your experience of expansion which redeems your consciousness from corporeal experience and you transform into becoming one with God but without loss of identity unlike when you die and do it all again. Basically the deeper level of the promise is immortality, which seems to be a common thread underlying all traditions. The Norse mythos talks of "those who die in battle go to Valhalla" which reminds me very much of those who allow God to move through them manifests their truth. You're ALLOWING the movement and having the courage to face the experience and face the transformation. This is common sense manifesting. You set the direction effectively by bringing up that thematic target and you're then moved through that in subtle impulses to make certain decisions. If you compromise and stay in the box then you're acting without faith and thus why NG says your faith is your fortune. If you accept and tolerate the old world of limitation then you'll manifest more of that, says NG. Thing is where is the explanation for how we ended up in the world we are today and why there's so many limitations if all is one in God? Limitations exist for a reason and that's to enable expansion and transformation for without the pressure of the purifying fire of life then there'd be no contrast to challenge our consciousness to expand out of that and go through the full range of experience that we're designed for. This is within all the other teachings too, but it still doesn't explain all of the levels that I speak of in the world today relating to the contrast to the racial covenant. None of those bible interpretations can explain what we're ALL experiencing today. This is why I say that the one above all is the racial covenant. It's always been that way. People now would say in rebuke "consciousness has elevated since those days" and to that I'd say nonsense because the world is suffering from such degeneracy and unavailability of vitality now on a mass level with endocrine and nervous system function being at its lowest ever and collective identity has been so warped and mixed on who we all think we are that it's almost incomprehensible compared to the times of the past. Nobody today is creating great structures and music is just trash and the media is all about tolerance of degeneracy and fabricated history and people who speak this still believe that Hitler was a bad man when that's a complete lie. This is what I mean. The people who speak this view are literally speaking from the Talmudic sponsored universal identity of "we are all one" and then NG says "God is imagination" like all this is to answer the unanswered and inconvenient question of who am I and what's my identity to the divine. Nobody in that circle goes through the contrast of the other side, because it's the most unavailable of all and the bible prophesies that the word of God will be mistaken in the end times. As far as I know this is the most universalised ever, considering the internet is a thing and more and more people are tolerating race and culture mixing and all that, not that they want to but that they accept it which is not showing faith. Being persecuted for such faith is as Christ says a blessed act. You see? These different interpretations are almost completely at odds. What's more convenient? Believing in what NG says and the alchemical inner transformation through becoming an androgynous being (what the alchemist is leading you through in conjugating all the planets into one substance) orrrr the inconvenient and unavailable and persecuted view of racial and cultural segregation and intolerance of objectively what is degenerate and destructive to vitality and cultivation of higher order. I personally don't see how the practise of any form of cultural degeneracy that's accepted and actually encouraged would lead to higher order substances cultivating, I don't think anyone has truth there unless they're of that seedline because that would be their truth and that's then their fixed point of comparison which drives natural striving. It's that or there's multiple seeming Gods and the God of the bible that made the racial covenant isn't the highest of high, but I don't think that's the case given all the prophesy that's clearly manifest today in the world and has been over the history of the world.
See what I mean? It's a coherent and consistent cosmology which supports all angles you approach it from. The racial covenant was what was always taught. Now all of a sudden this is completely backwards and wrong? All of a sudden we're realising the truth from an Ethiopian rabbi that NG learned from and now is telling us all that our imagination is GOD? Seems like deception to me given all the points we've established here. The phenomena of manifestation is absolutely a thing but the fact that it's marketed even by NG as a method of attaining worldly power and riches and all that stuff makes you wonder about the real functions of this. Apparently you can't make the greater promise happen according to NG, because it happens when you've simply played your part. He says that all the laws of the ole testament are for kabbalah interpretation, which reminds me of the Torah, which is what the Jews follow, which is what Abdullah taught NG. So you can see the process here that it's all following. It's profitable and available to be someone who preaches LOA under NGs teachings but what I teach is persecuted. I wonder why. The racial covenant connects all the dots, or at least all the ones I've considered here.
Once again as I always say be sceptical of my work, question it and tear it to pieces and find flaws in what I say and show them up when they're wrong. I welcome critical views because it means we learn more and refine our understanding of Reality Synthesis. To this day I've yet to find anyone who has work that challenges what I've put together in completion. If there is work out there that explains the racial covenant level that I've discussed and all the prophesy that's fulfilled in the world today (I've barely scratched the surface yet) with modern day Israel and the cultural issues and even Hitler and his beliefs on Christianity and the Jews and the heathen of the world and their role and the fact that the Jews themselves have stated to be of Edom and are aiming to eradicate the white people of the world as their Talmud commands. Unless you can factor in how physics is warped, medicine is warped, history is warped, the bible doctrine is warped, cultural and political identity is warped, the promoted cosmology of modern sciences and the technology we use becoming ever more invasive on our personal lives as a means of requiring dependency on it to live. Until you can explain all these levels that anyone can see and understand (well mostly except the physics stuff which is compels on the math level which is even something I am challenged with to some extent) and factor in a coherent narrative then I say RS still stands. I have explained all that and the phenomena of RS among other alchemical and metaphysical aspects. What more is there to explore and demonstrate?
Gal_3:24 "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." Gal_3:25 "But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster." The law was the schoolmaster. Good passage. Gal 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Seems abundantly clear now about the passage everybody loves to throw around in Jew Christian doctrine. Gal 3:28. Without being of the seed you're not of the promise for that was who the promise and the blessing was given to and passed down through Israel. A divine seed, a racial covenant. That's how he kept his people pure. Someone born of mongrelisation isn't an heir of the promise because the racial purity that's embedded within the law that's been transformed now into the faith still applies. This is why racial mixing is promoted. Remember you can search "White women with children" and you'll find race mixed families on the search as far as you look. Why is this search term which has ZERO reference to people of colour (literally meaning anything except white because white is the colour of all colours like when you spin a colour wheel it turns from rainbow to white). The metaphysics of the manifestation of colour here is pretty obvious too because divine seed which contains no colour is white, and the polarity is black which absorbs colour. The most black and absorbing colour reflects no light, no colour, no white. This is why people of colour are used against the seed of the promise, to normalise creating new shades that's to be celebrated and accepted as "progressive" which seems to be much of what NG would support, considering he was taught by Abdullah who was Ethiopian. It's not the fault of the heathen but it's the responsibility that those of Israel has to stay segregated to keep the promise alive and to have children and multiply and have families that are like old times.
Modern day families aren't even close because of culture and economics. No chance that the average job you'd get off the street can afford to support a family now. The filthy disgusting Jews have made it so unavailable through usury that nobody can have abundance of money without transforming their process and attaining a supply of their own or getting a high paying position. People in LOA would say "just manifest it" and yet those same people likely would've have any idea how to manage in such circumstances. It's not just a simple "just manifest it" type thing because transformations in going through your truth is what's required. If someone's fixed point of comparison requires them to go through a period of poverty, much like what I had in the early days where I had nothing working for me except my research into what I've spoken about today, then they'd need time to attain such abundance but that's what the faith is really about in recognising that you're not of this world but of a greater world and temporary suffering here for the sake of attaining transformation of consciousness is priceless. Regardless of what most think now starting a family where everybody is well looked after is the primary target of the Jewish filth, to make relationships a game, and to promote class propaganda and seed these ideas of the perfect person in the minds that they forever chase and turn down clear and obvious partners for them. According to modern relationship advice it's all about getting the best, else you're a loser. What a joke. You get what you deserve, yes that's correct, in the sense of physical attraction and status and wealth and whatnot, but we live in a world where not everybody can be millionaires and not everybody has truly beautiful looks to the 10/10 level. That's just not reality. Accepting what we can be satisfied with outside the propaganda of perfection or nothing is how you'll get out of that game but people who are on social media, especially the women, are totally hooked into this game because they can get away with it without consequence and thus all "traditional" options are long gone. That keeps men single which is what the Jews want. They don't want men having families and children in abundance because they want to destroy Israel, as I've clearly outlined in all the ways above. Searching "white women with children" should expose that plain as day because a search term which has ZERO mention of colour has at least half the images not matching the search term. Why is this the case? Obviously there's something in the algorithm that favours diversity which is normalised and accepted. Strong men who grow up with true identity and marry early to a faithful partner are the ones who the Jews don't want. Thing is that those people are in the 1/multiple hundred thousands at least. It's almost impossible for that to happen now when before it was standard. So it's not really your fault because you were ignorant of this function, as I was for most of my early years too. There were decisions I could've made better and all that but so what we learn and adjust. Now I have who I want anyway so it's fine. The point is that living the life of someone who values their vitality will naturally make you more attractive to who you want anyway which is a fundamental to manifesting specific people. Vitality is the #1 function of attraction, nothing else. If you're a supply for them in what their truth is (not to their warped ideas of wanting someone of high "value" in the ways of Babylon but someone who's willing to die for the truth and protect their family despite their circumstances which most of these money hungry fools would abandon in an instant when it's not beneficial to them and their warped ideas of identity) then you'll manifest who you NEED in life, not just who you want, because often what you want isn't what is going to be most satisfying for your expansion. I've learned that one too. Having a healthy family that's in truth is the most dangerous thing you can do for that is the exact opposite of what Edom demands of us to accept out of false identity and to give away our real sense of self. This is why there's real power in recognising your identity as one of Israel under the promise of the racial covenant. You can't fake it.
I was just reading what NG said about the promise and he's going on about how "Israel was a theocracy, it was ruled by the Rabbis". Nonsense Neville. The Rabbis didn't rule over Israel and Israel were not Jews. That's clearly established in the prophesy of Obadiah as Esau Edom being wiped off the face of the earth and how Israel will be redeemed under their faith. Faith in what? Their identity. This metaphysically seems significant to the idea of identity as a state, so take that if you wish too as another level of this prophesy. I also just read up more on Abdullah and he was absolutely a teacher of Jewish teachings, which is why he was called a Rabbi. He taught NG about Jewish interpretation which denies that there was a physical incarnation of the Christos. You've heard him talk about how there was no people who lived as the people of the bible back in the day. I need to study more on Abdullah and understand what he really taught and if he followed the Talmud or not. NG spent 5 years with him which is substantial. Clearly NG before didn't grasp the racial covenant of the bible because he was taught the trash Judaeo Christian nonsense that's accepting and tolerant of degeneracy so obviously he'd deny the physical interpretation of the bible if that's all he had in contrast. So many people get warped in their views of the bible based on a few passages that appease to their views. I've always been sceptical of LOA because I knew what was being taught had more to it but I genuinely tried to prove it and failed to find real validity there. Now that I know that NG studied under a Jewish Rabbit (who almost all teach Talmud and you know what that's about, it's all self serving and making yourself into the position of God which is why they deny the Christos) I can have some history to work with. NG still believes that Israel are the Jews, which obviously the Rabbi would've taught because that's what they believe and yet that's clearly not doctrinal. So really the entire position NG takes on the bible is false doctrine as it completely is devoid of connection to the world we see. It's like in 1984, that quote where the party has one last commandment to the people and that's to deny what they see with their own eyes and accept what the party tells them. Clearly that's what the cult of LOA is. Deny what's obviously manifest all throughout history and believe in the imagination as your saviour. Meanwhile your life is wasted year after year still stuck in the same place because NG failed to explain the functions of courage and all that but in that sense it's bypassing imagination is God and touching into another cosmology so of course he'd not teach it. It benefits him and Abdullah. Nobody in this community has the guts to say that NG was an ignorant fool through, probably because they don't know how to prove it, and the people who buy into the cult of LOA will judge you on any tiny flaw to justify your incorrect position and none will criticize your reasoning because they can't. They'll pull out any justification to accept staying in the box and being comfortable which is the exact opposite of what having faith in the promise means from the racial covenant perspective.
Apparently Abdullah has a real name, and this was his alias. Wonder why he had an Alias. His real name was Barin L. Behrendi. I can't confirm this of course this is just quick study. This is a quote from another post I found. "In The Sun article (New York, New York 03 Aug 1899, Thu on Page 7), titled “Astrologer Who Was Swindled" states his real name is Barin L. Behrendi." So it was from an article in the Sun from 1899. He's been at this for a long time it seems. Here's a copy paste.
“Barin L. Behrendi, who professionally is “Prof. Abdullah, astrologer,” went before Magistrate Brann in the Centre Steet Police Court as complainant against a woman and told how he had been swindled out of $80.”
This may be a typo because in the article by the same newspaper a year before on (08 Dec 1898, Thu • Page 3) in the article, “One John Smith Missing” the name is Behrendt
“After Miss Fox left. Prof. Abdulaah sat down and thought the case over. Out of business hours Abdullah admits that he is not Abdullah at all, but that his name is Behrendt, and that he has no esoteric powers, but merely brings to bear on the problems submitted to him a reasoning mind and a wide experience. Formerly he called himself a “Professor of Common Sense”, until he found that a credulous public liked high-sounding titles better.”
That's the link to the source. This website is filled with tons of NG stuff.
There's also another quote here. "Murphy met professor Abdullah, a black Jew from Israel, who knew all the intricate symbolic details of the old and New Testaments."
We know Joseph Murphy met Abdullah too and that's how he got into the whole "impress the subconscious mind" idea that NG also speaks of. I think Florence Shinn might've met with him or someone like him as well, considering she also used the same term before Murphy or Goddard even started. It says that Abdullah was a black Jew from Israel, but Israel wasn't even a thing until the 1948 so he couldn't have been from the land of Israel. What does that mean then? I know that revolutionary Bolshevik Jews often have aliases to avoid persecution from their real names, because they of course know about the law system and identification with the straw man.
Here's another note from the guy who runs the coolwisdombooks website:
"While searching for Prof. Abdullah from 1850-1929 in various New York newspapers, I did find a “Prof. Abdullah” who advertised during that time period as an “advisor”. The man below is not Ethiopian, but a German Jew. This does not follow the physical description of both Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy of an Ethiopian 5’11, black man. But rather a short, stout German man with blue eyes that knew various mind-tricks and considered himself a man of “common sense”. But for the sake of research, and since the man below is approximately the age that Neville mentions Abdullah was when he met him in New York. I am providing the newspaper clippings below. Whether it is just coincidental he used the name “Abdullah” professionally, or that he was appropriating the name, was a student or an imposter, more research will be necessary."
Interesting too. He says that there was someone else called Abdullah that was of a different race. Here's more"
In The Sun article (New York, New York 18 Feb 1894, Sun • Page 13) “Doctor with Common Sense”, the reporter describes him:
“This priest of the cult of common sense calls himself Prof. Abdullah, which he admits is one a professional name. He is a short, sturdy, Jew German, 50 years old, by his own admission, although he looks ten years younger. He dresses with extreme neatness, and his manner and address are those of a man of the world.”
That he was 50 years old in 1894 is quite close to the approximation of his age in the previous research, which would place his birth year at 1848. In the previous article we estimated he was born in the 1840s
The last time, he saw Abdullah was in 1956 and his secretary said he went to Ethiopia to die in 1957. (Lecture in 1964)"
So he's also depicted as German here too. So we've got 2 Abdullah's, unless these are the same person, somehow? Probably not. Here's more:
Apparently Kabballah was considered the true Jewish theology of the Torah, AKA breaking down the thematic elements of it and turning those into practises to manipulate the natural striving. The way I see that is solipsistic view of "I can be my own God" which of course is a distortion on natural order. It's this view, much like the capitalistic view I spoke of much before that's the contrast to natural movement. The idea that you can control reality and manipulate it with your mind, this feeling of wanting to be in power, and effectively mimic the natural creative process from greater process down. They must mimic instead of accepting. That's how I see this whole Jewish view vs the conventional view. It's that the Jews can't accept their fate and so want to control their own destiny and escape the judgement for being parasitic filth. That's how I see this idea of magick and working through the mysteries. The western mysteries are different, the systems the Alchemist works with for example. I mean the goal is the same, to become one with greater consciousness, but my idea is that if we're under the racial covenant of Yahwah and we then perform the highest level alchemical inner work in Theurgy to conjugate the planets that fix our consciousness and break that soul cage where you're then the mediator of your movement as the lesser consciousness taken up into the process of greater consciousness, would that still provide you the same end as what the racial covenant is moving you through. It makes me think that because those who aren't under the racial covenant have to find another method to seeming salvation to escape their destruction. Perhaps there's more cosmology here than I've come to fully grasp. I'm only a metaphysician after all. That's what I do. I just don't see how following any of the Jewish systems can result in beneficial outcomes, which is of course what NG went neck deep into. I need more sources to go through and more dots to connect. The work keeps on going.
The people who follow NG and the idea that LOA is a beneficial thing can't see the contrast. I've revealed that clearly here. What does it really matter about what the Jewish filth preach anyway. We know they're screwing up our people, probably for a reason that's bigger than "the cult of common sense" would have you believe. I mean if there's clear doctrine in the bible about the racial covenant and yet we've got the Jews who are destined for destruction who need to gain influence they'd of course take the books of Moses AKA the Torah and turn it into something that serves them. It doesn't mean what they preach, they espouse parasitic self empowering views and normalise it. Kabballah cannot be original doctrine because it is quite literally the metaphysical interpretation that goes hand in hand with the Talmud which is about destroying our people and escaping responsibility for their actions in the world. So my view on this in total is quite simply that the foundation of what NG taught is a bypassing of natural order to establish a solipsistic experience of reality that's devoid of divine creative essence and judgement of correctness from greater process. The Bible is the text that the Torah and the Quran is based on, where the doctrine is clear about the racial covenant through all the books but it doesn't include the prophecy of any other books which we can clearly see fulfilled in the world today as I listed a few before, especially about Israel and Edom, which again they admit to being. This means that the scope of the metaphysics of the Torah from the Kabbalistic view and the Talmudic view would be in a subversive view of the true covenant people and they insert themselves in to establish that same self serving ideology. Common threads. The White Europeans are the only ones who have fulfilled the promise to Abraham, and yet both the Quran and the Torah claim to follow those books of Moses as those people spoken of, yet that can't be true. This is why they do not teach the other books or the new testament because there's nothing there for them and it would seem incomprehensible. Sounds like a "my god is better than your god" battle but the fact is that given all the points clearly outlined over the entire notebook not just the last few pages, neither the Jews or the Arabs can be in the positions to be fulfilling any of the prophesy outlined. There's a reason why only white European peoples walk around with bibles containing all the text. Makes you wonder still why the apocryphal books were removed from the OG 1611 bible. I've read part of those books, among others years back and there's cosmology especially in the lost books of Adam and Eve relating to how we were not suppose to have fallen and that God has a plan to save his creation through this whole stage act here. Remember all things must unfold in a natural manner. People ask "Why can't God just suddenly save everybody" but that's something a metaphysically and alchemically illiterate person would say. There's reasons why. It's the same reason why you can't jump to the moon right now. Transformation of thematic elements that unfold into form. So the doctrine of these other texts that use the same books of Moses that are in the old testament are clearly not written for them as the ones who are to be saved. It's about keeping the source of proportionality in the blood clean, that's why it's lineage and not works, because you can't redeem bad blood, at least from the perspective of inheritance of supply from greater process. This is why I question if other races have a different supply of vitality, or at least are more inclined to seek supply from other doors. It's more so that the white European peoples are designed to tap supply from the God of the bible Yahweh and others aren't because they can't. Perhaps that's why the Jews do all that they do to destroy us and why the Kabballah was created and the Talmud and the Torah and the Quran for the Arabs. Different doorway to enlightenment/redemption, assuming they're the same. I just don't know, I don't have a single other source to provide feedback and or contrast. This is all in my own judgement and understanding. More will come through me in time.
It's been 163 pages of work, 73k words in just 10 days. Crazy.
It’s like there’s a certain degree of righteousness and truth as a sort of gnosis that leads one towards a naturally attained higher state. It’s not an egoistic view rooted in solipsism but a view of what is and what is not and knowing that you’ve got a mountain of data to support your position it makes you feel fearless in your movement through the inner truth. That quality of consciousness is something that cannot be mistaken or faked in any way. The alchemist always referred to “sons of God” as a “state of consciousness” and I define a state of consciousness as the degree of width to your view and by extension the vitality available to integrate your view proportionately within a greater process and thus you naturally have a greater perspective on experience and you’re also able to sense more at once because of the expanse of the subconscious. These passages are all benchmark experiences. The alchemist said that “fear of the lord is the first step to wisdom” and what this meant is staying in advanced gazing and allowing yourself yo be purified in that experience. It’s become abundantly clear to me that the overarching principle of transformation of consciousness is going through pressure into your truth. All other systems seek to replicate this in different ways. LOA claims that imaginal experiences replicate in your corporeal experiences. The thematics do, and if the sensory data is refined then that can too, and this is a seemingly natural phenomena when you’re living according to your truth, and so the way I see LOA is that it’s a movement to manipulate that inner truth and shift the natural striving away from where it currently is. You’re this drawing upon a different supply would you not? A different supply for satisfaction.
Brief commentary. So blood isn't the issue, it's that blood carries the burden of act and culture of what's available and tolerated. First Sin. Eve ate from the apple. It wasn't the act but the movement under a degree of pressure to conform and accept temptation from the old serpent. The nature of recognising temptation (Eve was commanded not to eat from the tree and thus sets up the absolute frame of reference of contrast) and in that recognition the accepting of that temptation to conform and "compromise" on ones fixed point of comparison representing truth from their greater process implies sin has been had. I believe that sin is a function of giving into recognised temptation to conform under pressure into degeneracy. This isn't about seeming objective morality but a function of recognising that what will be done if temptation is accepted will be in contrast to what I otherwise recognise, thus blood carries the burden of temptation and in extension carries culture of sin with it as the available normalised point of reference just like we see today with all the deception and degeneracy. Peoples of the nations who were commanded to be destroyed were eradicated due to the burden of the blood being in that pool of available degeneracy and that turning from what was available was the impossible challenge. Israeli children being brought up now who are raised in a culture where established available narratives are that they are the superior race and that we're all the animals of the world to be treated as slaves and snacks. Because this culture has been established and the entire peoples have descended into degeneracy it's best to wipe them off the face of the earth to leave the peoples who are clean of degeneracy without contrast to destroy their available vitality. The whole burden of the blood, not just from a corrupt seed idea (which according to the story of Cain and Abel it would seem as though it is seed based and not culture as there was no established culture) but from the culture idea always goes back to availability of decisions. It's that there's pressure to conform and accept and just be "tempted" into self exaltation because in that place there's no contrast to challenge that temptation.
The way I read original sin is simply that the knowledge of good and veil was attained through the medium of pressure to accept or deny temptation. This ultimately is what I believe is the hidden hand behind what drives the phenomena of manifestation. This very recognition of what your truth is and your ability to make decisions with that knowledge determines your blessings. It's really that simple. All the elaborate explanations I've devised by reverse engineering the LOA stuff from top to bottom still applies because that's exploring the phenomena of what that represents from the perspective of accepting truth or not, but what happens when you distil it all down is that you're left with original recognition of what does and doesn't serve you and accepting what you know isn't what your truth is will obviously lead you into depletion. This IS sin. Sin as I categorised ages ago is an act that depletes vitality. As I said before it's not on the blood itself but that the blood carries cultural expectation because of blood bonds with that culture. This I believe is the true nature of the covenant, not that people who aren't of the physical seed of Israel the man can be saved like those from Edom because it's clearly outlined that they will all be destroyed, and in contrast that the generations (genes) of Israel will be blessed with faith through Christ. That's where the whole belief thing comes as I said before as a method of redemption expanded from the law. The law wasn't done away with, but it's not that the law in a vacuum is the measure of correctness, it's that one who has faith in the Christ would naturally in that knowledge of contrast of good and evil be purified and willingly accept the law. They're not doing the law because the law is like homework, it's that one who is in Christ would follow the law anyway, to the best they can at least with sincerity because that's the point.
Knowing sin and still sinning is to be cursed to activate that self correcting mechanism I talk about. Everybody who goes through peak dip cycles is willingly accepting sin, willingly compromising, willingly not making the decisions they know are beneficial and that's keeping them stuck. Plain and simple. You're making the most of the box and justifying serving multiple masters. Serving the master of acceptance of determinism which is about bending down to your greater process and moving through that natural striving vs serving the master of self exaltation which is about seeking power above greater process and usurping God in essence. This idea is Jewish in nature, what NG taught is the opposite of correct bible doctrine. What NG taught is literally to transform your baseline point of comparison to not even accept the contrast of your inner truth and forfeit your identity as the covenant people. The covenant people are supposed to be of the seed who upholds the culture of correctness and not striving for degeneracy. As I've said sin is depleting in nature, and it's impossible to avoid depletion by accepting sinful acts in recognition of such contrast. The thing is that in manifesting the NG way you're effectively performing an act of self exaltation, as in I'm playing God and creating my own reality and path for myself. I do indeed believe you can do this, and if you go all the way with that then you will indeed manifest that experience at the cost of effectively selling your soul bit by bit through the contrasting recognition of your truth and natural striving from the blood bond and expectation. Someone who sells their soul is someone who forfeits all apparent responsibility they have to following their inner truth of what they recognise as correct and adjusting the goalposts completely. This is ultimately what NG taught. He taught you to shift the goalposts through basically ignoring all semblance of your inner truth having authority. This represents you abandoning the fixed point of comparison. Have I been able to do this? No. I never have, which is why I've rarely spoken from this perspective but I strongly believe that this is a thing considering the Jews have manifested the evils of the world to be so profoundly prevalent without any competition. The whole point is simply that manifestation serves you in the path you decide to walk. All the inner alchemy work is all describing the mechanics of how that's done, but what's actually happening is that you're tapping a supply from a different ideology which then is personified as the master you serve and depending on that supply which thematically relates to your direction of acceptance and movement will determine then your personified supply. Someone can worship seeming other greater processes by accepting their ideology that they represent because you're integrating within those processes as your supply.
This is totally new to RS and the alchemist rarely spoke about such ideas but I believe this is a part of the nature of manifestation. Obviously your greater consciousness, greater yang and the subconscious which is the greater yin that expands and lesser yang moves up into and conjugates with, that greater consciousness seems to not specifically be fixed. Yang was always the mutable quality. I don't know if this is truly the case or not but it would explain more than before that's for sure. The ideology you accept determines the supply you tap into and thus will manifest from in the natural strivings. Ideologies, or degrees of acceptance of fixed movement of true God and moving with natural striving vs the desire to transcend determinism that's been set for you, these ideologies are divine and satanic. Satanic ideology by definition is self exaltation, specifically under the context of attaining power to transcend deterministic direction that is your default fixed point of comparison of Israel especially. Notice how the common threads of ALLLLLLLLLL the other so called spiritual traditions out there is all about escapism. Escapism from what? God? Determinism? They want to escape the determined movement. In their eyes there's nothing bad about this because it's their culture. This is why worshipping other powers (which means to give acceptance to that ideology out of temptation of altering your path to be one of your tempted desire and not baseline natural striving) was seen as sinful. It was that anyone who dared to exalt themselves over the influence of greater process and be as Satan was, who tried to usurp God as greater process above all and thus tempted Eve with the fruit to cause her to accept temptation to cause her own exaltation which was sinful and disrupted the natural order of deterministic trajectory. This is why there must therefore be a bridge of incidents always unfold over time, because all the natural progressions must play out. This is the functional mechanics of how seeming free will to carve your own path in life vs the greater trajectory is "fused" into one greater experience where nobody can escape determinism but at the same time can seemingly manifest their own path IF you fully accept temptation to self exalt. Once again original sin was the temptation to make a decision for yourself, in that recognition that it's not a good idea given the commandment was not to eat from the tree and yet she did anyway. This idea is how things work it seems with manifestation and why blessings and curses manifest as vitality boosts vs depletions when making certain decisions and why you can't escape common sense unless you forfeit it completely. You seemingly CAN forge your own path outside of the set trajectory for you but in knowing that there is an inner truth that's moving you to make decisions you're compromising on, thus you give into the temptation to accept what NG says and effectively shift your fixed point of comparison by moving the baseline unconscious processes that the form will use to communicate to you through by God and dull those impulses. You're willingly moving away from natural striving to accept a path of seeming control in life. This is the illusion of manifestation.
Why do we manifest when we refine the sense of self? Because you're buying into an ideology of self identity, and the harder you go in that, especially in making decisions in that which burn bridges and go all the way with, then the more entrenched you become in that expectancy to continue because of the availability of that momentum. This is who people who attain great power don't want to give it up because it's the ideology they've accepted through temptation for self exaltation and thus don't want to lower themselves. These are the people who were destroyed in the wars of the old testament. Cultures like the Jews who self exalt and thus make thus available by blood, which is what I meant before about the burden of the blood. The seed of Abraham that was blessed was the seed that carried with it the expectation to keep the law and the common sense commandments instead of wanting to accept degeneracy as baseline. The seed of Satan is the propagated blood bond of the expectation to sin because that's what's available. This is why I've learned so much by recognising the variable of availability. It's very simply that if you make decisions from what you know is correct because that fixed point of comparison has been felt and recognised and yet you make the wrong decision anyway, that's a true compromise pattern and in that recognition playing half in half out you experience peak dip cycles. If you wish to rid yourself from those cycles you must serve a single master and dissolve the need to buy into the contrast in selling your soul. If I went fully into obtaining material wealth I could probably do that but my truth says otherwise. My function here is to serve a greater purpose and my personal exaltation isn't my goal. I experienced peak dip cycles when manifesting something because the thing I wanted really wasn't what I wanted, else the contrast would be vanished and I'd be living naturally. Is this not the effective nature of what normalising the feeling of the embodied experience of the desire about? It's all about dissolving "resistance" which for someone who wants to attain power in the world may actually be their contrasting inner truth that they'd need to give up in order to attain those riches. I don't think it's really all about simply moving through so called limiting beliefs about money or love or whatever the heck but that because you're serving multiple masters still, playing half in half out that point of comparison which pulls you our of embodied experience of the end state leads you to compromise patterns and peak dip cycles which is what I've called the self correcting cycle. For some people their inner blood truth is their resistance to their desire. Their desire is the temptation to compromise and sell their blood bond to another nation, another ideology.
This is what I believe it's about. You are naturally rewarded for being yourself as a function of unfolding the seeds within through the supply of greater consciousness that’s fixed but when you seek to “plant your own seeds” in identifying under a different set of rules that you now live by and most importantly DEMONSTRATE WITH ACTIONS REPEATEDLY then you’ll be pretty much defiling your seed within by accepting another supply. It really seems that the availability of an ideal loft to live by and also acting from it and encouraging and welcoming it and moving through any contrasting feelings with faith in that supply through that sense of self ideology and identity that will move you into manifesting what thematics correspond to that identity. There’s seemingly this ability for some to do. I’ve not gone through that fully because I never fully left my inner truth which is why I face peak dip. I believe that manifesting from the perspective of seemingly manipulating reality by denying your internal supply that’s fixed for another supply is exactly the same as effectively worshiping false idols and believing onto their image. It’s all under the ideology of self serving solipsistic identity and experience of reality. These people can seemingly experience what they do because they’re so deep into the not self stuff that their fixed point of comparison is but a distant memory. It’s there but it needs to come up because it’s mostly unconscious.
I always asked myself how Jews can manifest world domination and not face peak dip cycles the same way we do, or at least what we know about their lives, which is really very little. They worship God and they’ll tell you “praise God” but the fact is that they don’t serve the God of divinity AKA the God of Israel, they serve the God of self indulgence and that ideology is personified as the tempter which becomes the supply. We’ve heard about how the devil can give you money and power if you sell your soul. What does that actually mean? It means quite literally selling your truth which is what NG teaches. NG teaches you that you can be anyone and have anything that you desire. This is the doctrine of accepting self exaltation and temptation to cut off the inner seeds. He never made mention of a fixed point or comparison. Being a master manifestors means that you’re a master of self indulgence unless that’s your actual truth. It’s become so common to seek your own supply of identity through different doctrines and ideologies because you’re disconnected from the racial covenant due to Jewish fables. How did they manifest this state of degeneracy globally? They pulled it off through going all the way into temptation and sin. Their only supply is the supply of their greater process that’s the personification of the Jewish culture. The Talmud empowers them to accept temptation and justify it. I’m sure you can put this picture together. Why do we seemingly manifest when we go all the way? It’s everything I’ve said up until now and on top of that the fact that ideology has within it that which is leading you by a greater process that is not of the God of Israel, especially if you’re not of the racial covenant because that’s what’s going to be available for you at default. If you’re not brought up in recognising such then you’re going to be tapping into greater consciousness that’s of a different supply. The alchemist has said that all humans that are genetically different have their own higher genius unlike plants and minerals and such. This is all about vitality supply, and on top of that the ideology which fuels it. You’d think that someone operating out of degeneracy would suffer but that’s only if they’re willing to still accept the contrast and go through peak dip cycles as a result. Because I held onto my inner truth I suffered for denying it, but when you fully let go and burn the bridge to accepting determinism in your fixed trajectory then you’ll be exalted and thus fulfil the functions of all these other traditions which is why they’re metaphysically identical but sinful in the eyes of the God of Israel.
This explains states and the idea of how some are seemingly able to manifest specific stuff over others. If it’s for you and it’s in your path then you’ll manifest it anyway because it’s determined before the foundation of the earth but if you cannot accept this and you feel the need to give into temptation and self exalt above your trajectory because you cannot accept the beauty of it then you will be living out of depletion and need to seek another supply to have your emptiness fulfilled else you die in suffering from living in limbo not serving any master. The more you accept and surrender to your truth the better your life gets in the direction you’re designed to move in that natural striving but if you desire more then you’re given, and that is specifically going against your inner truth (which can also be challenging too because there’s still contrast just like accepting your truth which is the real challenge) then you’ll manifest experiences that correspond to that view and you’ll attract people who will be receptive to your temptations nature and you will sucks them in with you just as what happened with the cursed lineages who will be destroyed. Why are we told not to intermarry with the peoples of the degenerate races? It’s because their consciousness is moved by temptation to accept degeneracy and all that could come from bringing in someone like they to your intimate life is suffering. The one who lives in truth will be tempted by the one who has the power as this is seen as hot to many for a reason, it’s that temptations carefree self exalted indulgent lifestyle of not having to conform to certain standards and that they’ll be seen under a light of being great. This appeases the temptation of self exaltation and feels the ideology they live by. If they go all the way into that and accept it and live from it in having themselves be made available in all decisions from that “state” then circumstances will show up to confirm their supply. This is the nature of manifesting your own path. You can do it if you really go all out I believe (I have no interest in such things because of where I’m at and what I’ve realised in the years of doing this myself now) but expect competition at some point to show up to snap you out of it least you get burned to stubble like the house of Esau. You can only get away with it to the degree that there’s no contrast. Contrast is your challenge to temptation. This is why I’ve said endlessly that normalising and making available the feeling of naturally making decisions from that ideology and identification will manifest experiences naturally out of it. As I said though this doesn’t mean that it’s good for you for the seeds within represent your correct trajectory. The more you accept determined path regardless of what that means for you and to be transformed in that knowing it’s beneficial for your consciousness then the more you will be rewarded as it says. If you ask you shalt receive. This isn’t in the ways I of hedonistic identification and thought where you’re approaching it from a position of self exaltation but from a position of how such requests such as “It would be great if I could live in a beautiful location surrounded by nature) or “I’d really appreciate if the perfect partner showed up for me to share my life with and raise a healthy happy family with” and stuff of such nature. Things that are of the “light” of life, that carry with them a certain innocence of pure hearted desire and not out of lusts like this sexual degeneracy that has warped so many peoples perceptions of what love really represents. You learn to accept less and be satisfied in that completely because you’re nourished in that acceptance. This idea would be foreign to someone who’s constantly depleted and looking for supply in others. They’d not get that not having something that’s their perfect desire fulfilled is ok and that this seeming desire is actually going to be seen as something that’s disgusting if they accepted their true path. Everybody who tells me that they went through the fire successfully comes back saying “It’s not as important anymore” and the feeling of need, that emptiness that this thing will fill, that contrast goes away and they no longer need it. Does this mean they’ll manifest it? No. Unlikely not, but it means they’ve opened up to opportunity to be moved by the seeds within through intuitive impulse. They’re able to feel more with less, unlike the one who self exalts. The sinner is the one who is depleted and needs the world to be their God because they have no faith in their greater process. They cannot accept the truth of who they are and want more. They give into temptation and thus sell their truth.
Letting go works both ways, it’s letting go of contrast as the anchor holding you into unconsciously holding onto a box. If the box of your truth it will not hurt, for the only pain and suffering is letting go of what is not self. If you feel self exaltation then the box is the truth you so desperately desire to escape because of how it’s not something that’s acceptable by others or some other condition. Those who follow the temptation will never be satisfied. It someone who follows their truth will always be satisfied in that because they feel more with less. That’s the point. It doesn’t matter about manifesting things of the world that are grandiose if you’re satisfied and this is why manifesting massive sums of money and whatnot has never appealed to me outside of the necessities of life to live comfortably and express my inner truth. You’re the same. If your inner truth leads you to moving into greater comfort then so be it. You simply follow your truth. That’s a correct decision and you’ll know because of the contentment you’ll feel in knowing that you don’t need anything.
The apostles were all killed for their faith. The world we live in is fast approaching the Rome of those days. We are pressured to manifest more because less is now available. We will be tempted to accept what’s marketed to us as what constitutes a successful life when in fact living by the truth and suffering for that truth can in fact be the most satisfying thing imaginable for the exaltation is not of the desire for self but of the highest. You love to exalt the glory of God. Is this not true? By accepting your trajectory you embody greater consciousness and understanding in the more abundant of supply there is. The only real measure of success is correctness according to your truth and if your truth is that nothing of this world appeases your truth (the degenerate culture that’s been established around us that were told to accept and conform to) then you know that self exaltation in a degenerate culture is a pointless endeavour for you’ll just become another one of the degenerates. Whatever is popular is never true. Whatever is persecuted is the truth. Look at Israel. Who are you not allowed to criticise? Who are you not allowed to challenge and be contrast to? The Jew. This we recognise the manifestation of the tempter and who we are to sharply rebuke as Paul says in Titus. Paul calls these people filth too. It’s not just me. When you are cleaned in the faith then you recognise your place in divinity and you cherish that you’re chosen as a representative of the glory of the Christ in that faith. This is what the Jew hates for this ideology is their competition and purifies and reveals the truth within the people who listen to this message. This is why the Christ said that he had not come but for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He had come to reveal who’s who and who were identified as to exalt and not be exalt ourselves like NG wants us to do along with all these other traditions.
The fact is that we’ve been deceived as to what’s going on. The truth is persecuted. Why would what NG was taught by a Jew be the ultimate truth? Why would you exalt yourself at the cost of following your inner truth and denying your identity. The slaves serve us as we serve God. It’s the spiritual hierarchy of influence and just as I’ve said before, the real goal of the immorality work is to become one with greater consciousness and thus exalt one’s self above creation and play god by refer engineering creation in yourself. You’re created in his image but at the same time you’re here to serve a specific purpose and that is not to play God. Being made in the image of God doesn’t make you God. It simply means you have all the thematic components that comprise reality which gives you the consciousness you have. If you take that and exploit that capacity and “create your own reality” then you’re admitting that you’re not enough where you are and you want to escape the determined life that’s unfolding through the seeds within you. You want more because you can and because it’s available because what you have isn’t enough. This all goes back to not being nourished in your position and identification. Knowing your place and accepting that frees you from the desire to have more and take up the offer of temptation. Is it satisfaction you seek or is it specific experiences that you believe will allow you to finally relax and live without the need for more. The truth is that all you need is already within you and it’s more satisfying then you can imagine. You just have to allow it to come through you and allow yourself to be judged by the world without expectation for the people who judge and are degenerate themselves are only speaking out of their own depletion and not the truth within themselves, thus you can look them in the eye and feel their willingness to accept needless suffering all because they wanted to test the waters of what’s possible when they knew it wasn’t their truth. Excess heart qi can open you up to temptation without realising it.
I want to expand on this some more. So my recent ventures into the bible have taken me back to the days where I recognised that Israel wasn't the Jews of Israel the land but Israel was the white western European peoples that colonised the earth who have always traditionally carried the tradition of Christian doctrine hence the monarchies of the past which extend the rulership by blood lineage idea into government as it is reflected in the hierarchy of blood in the bible. Understanding that blood had effectively tied to it a cultural expectation to uphold that's available as a closer manifestation of divine proportionality in the flesh embodied into the people of that blood culture that moved through them is the trick here to grasping what manifestation really is about I do believe. Since we know the mechanics of how this works on a thematic supply/demand level and how transformation functions already we can then add another piece to the puzzle which is the greater process by which that embodied experience emanates from. All living forms, and even non living, have a greater process that provides them a supply of the thematics that they represent in reality. This means that all the gates would correspond to the fixed functions of the processes of thematic consciousness which emanates in reality and fixes the orientation of our view aren't emanations of just one singular supply. The original Christian doctrine says that there are only 2 beings and all are offspring of those. Original sin makes this clear as I outlined before. The idea is that the recognition and ideology integrates you within a different supply of those thematics, even if those thematics are the same in principle. They're modulated by a different current. How can I prove this? Well considering manifestation is a function of embodied experience that's involving little to no contrasting pull that would throw you out of the movement in making certain decisions in the world it's really functionally ideology based when it comes to the substance that those thematic processes exist in and are integrated and are driven by.
We hear from the Christians that God and the tempter both give power, not just God. Satan, Saturn the metaphysicians see. It's just a planet with constricting thematics that we're suppose to transcend and learn from, what we're suppose to excrete that's not self. This traditional view of Saturn doesn't really fit the idea of Satan which is to tempt into raising ones position into self exaltation at the expense of others. This is why lust and gluttony and such are seen as sins, because they're hoarding the availability of vitality, just like Talmudic Jews do. The thing I see in the world is that people who are objectively degenerate and propagate such manifestations into the world on a regular basis implies to me that if they were following proportionate natural striving towards higher order from a singular greater process then going against what's going to functionally improve the availability of vitality through that natural striving would mean that they're not moved by the same current. They're moved by a contrasting current that's seeking to take away the availability of vitality and keep it for self. Self exaltation. The narrative of the Bible is that because Satan exalted himself excessively he caused the manifestation of polarity of proportionality and disproportionality and thus the emanation of that plays out as the temptation to accept a state of self exaltation out of depletion through disconnect from proportionate supply which is why temptation works because it's the manifestation of that contrast to natural striving to higher order. Effectively it's this polarity of degeneracy that's depleting vs proportionality that's supplying vitality. Now since the tempter has offspring it implies there's seed, meaning there's Jing and a doorway that's open supplying the manifestation of that polarity. This means that the very thematic of temptation into descent out of narrow view of lack is providing supply in itself that then modulates off all the gates and lines and such which fix us, hence why there's overarching processes that modulate the quality of those fixed planetary aspects based on the degree of acceptance of one ideology over another. This explains why people who do evil stuff and experience it as standard without contrast don't manifest negative stuff. It's only when the contrasting ideology causes wavering in assumption of self exaltation that negative experiences manifest to self correct and naturally move the consciousness towards higher order.
This all seems to make sense from what's observed but I still can't be fully sure of this being the functional mechanics until further insights are revealed over time. There's more and more depth to be discovered really. The nature of ideology feeding into the overarching contrasting supply goes against what the alchemist taught me but I see manifestation in the world which would support this. Remember that observing the manifest reality and reverse engineering it all to understand source origins of how and why the manifest reality is the way it is is how we can understand these hidden mechanics. We must wonder if the idea of assumptions are truly just psychological man made constructs of if there's greater thematic integration within opposing supplies. Why are the covenant peoples commanded to remove the manifestation of the seed of that supply in the world over and over and over and judging it repeatedly? We can see this in the world today, where traditional doctrine is attacked because it's contrasting to the Talmudic interests. The ideology is about self exaltation above your rightful position because you're not satisfied. This very thematic experience is embodied in the feeling of lack and desire for more, hence availability of contrast and temptation comes in to fill that void in providing pleasure without transformation of consciousness. This is the essence of why people get stuck. They don't know their identity and what that represents. All other metaphysical systems (religions) out there seem to be based on this idea of self exalting out of lack. True Christian doctrine says that supply for Israel the man and his seed comes through faith in their identity WITH GOD (children of the kingdom/sons of God which is literally the seedline of Jacob Israel carrying that proportionality manifest through the culture). This is contrasting to the idea of other doctrines that speak of us recognising ourselves AS God. This phenomena of identification seems to be either Divine from the racial covenant perspective or from the position of self exaltation from the perspective of others, and in that normality and lack of contrast of opposing view, they don't recognise that self exaltation is sin because they just feel lack and thus feel the need to self exalt to fill that gap into identifying as higher which is of course because of their lack of proportionality. Proportionality is simply a relationship between two aspects of consciousness, and when they're ideologically aligned then the manifestation of natural striving means that the seeds within unfold without contrast of desiring more because they're nourished in that proportionate connection OUT OF ACCEPTANCE OF THAT POSITION. The lack of naturalness of this state is due to a disconnect with acceptance and this feeling of not accepting less due to the conception of contrast through temptation for more leading to desiring a self exalting experience.
That's a lot of new theory. All new and untested of course. Parts of it are tested already like the idea of going all the way which we already recognise as a functional part of anchoring states and thus ideologies of experience which manifests as a supply of nourishment through the sense of self associated to that supply. It's that sense of self can be made manifest through leaving behind an acceptance of your natural striving or an overriding of natural striving and creating a different degree of proportionality with a different ratio. You're aligning the frequencies into a different harmonic arrangement proportionate to another greater process. So this means that one who leaves behind the acceptance of what is fully and without compromise can manifest what they desire which is basically what I said before under the idea of selling your soul from the psychological perspective. Every time you conform to what you know to be incorrect and actually own that as what's acceptable and you form a new ideology around that which isn't viewing prior natural striving as what's correct then you won't experience the same degree of peak dip cycles, I believe. The idea of NG that it's all just assumptions is incorrect. There's supply for all those states and ideologies which feed into that naturalness of experience. Just think of it like this. Making decisions that you KNOW are bad for your vitality that are compromised from what would be of correct nature REGARLDESSS of what you feel ALWAYS manifests higher vitality as a result. ALWAYS. Anyone can test this and thus manifest greater abundance in life just from valuing their vitality and so they'll attract people differently as a result because you'll become more a supply in the world yourself for vitality that others will play off and feel and process their own resistance through in their interactions with you. It's like being a shining example and moving the people around you from who you are from the contrast you're bringing up in them. This reminding of what's in their inner truth is basically the microcosmic representation of God leading Israel through natural striving as the inner truth. Satan leading degeneracy through temptation for self exaltation where there's never enough because it's always emanating out of depletion and looking for a comparison of what's possible to move into and fill the void, but underlying all that is still the pathway towards higher order proportionality that they've willingly let go of and given up for chasing the satisfaction that can never come. The acceptance fulfils the desire and thus you manifest differently, even if the desire isn't fulfilled you still feel satisfied and that's the point. It's this natural striving out of satisfaction vs the desire to have more that represents the integration within greater process that's proportionate or not that you get drawn into and your whole context or ideology manifests from this view.
Recognise that whenever it's talking about "father" in the bible it's talking about a greater process by which that being is integrated within as the supply of consciousness. That's greater yang. Joh_8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." Right there. He's talking to the Jewish elites, they are integrated within the process of degeneracy and thus they cannot hear because they've abandoned greater process that kept them in the self correcting cycle towards higher order through natural striving. Hope this is all connecting now. "for he is a liar, and the father of it" is such a damming statement. The father of lies. The father of temptation, of self exaltation. They are empowered on the earth through that ideology which feeds the temptation to self exalt without contrast or competition. It's like the rest of the coaches out there teaching NG and his ignorance. They have no competition and so they get away with it, they're making big money and so they have no reason to stop. This ideology is exactly the same that drives the Jewish. They have no reason to stop because they're abandoned themselves. They serve their father the devil in ideology, even if they're of the seed of Abraham.
The seed contains the essence of understanding of what is invisible. The secret self knowledge. It's becoming abundantly clear to me that other cultures and their texts are all about bypassing this fact of how only white people contain this invisible knowledge and that our seedline is under attack today by the disgusting filthy Jewish parasites those utterly heinous cretins. Filthy gross vile creatures. Yuck. Just yuck they're so gross. Every white knows that within them, that's the secret knowledge that the Jew seeks to subvert and invert. They say we are to feel guilty for colonising the world, that we are the evil ones who fulfilled the promise that was sent to our seed and only our seed. ONLY us. Filthy vile creatures. Paul calls then cretins too.
The Law and the Promise
Gal 3:15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto.
Gal 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
Gal 3:17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.
Gal 3:18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.
Gal 3:19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
Gal 3:20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.
Gal 3:21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.
Gal 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.
Gal 3:23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
Gal 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
Gal 3:25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
Gal 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Who is he speaking to? The people who contain the seed of God. The quality of the Jing that is racially perfect, just as he said that Noah was "perfect in his generations" ALA perfect in his genes. I've recognised the role of the Jing in representing the secret self unfolding through you and that it's driven by the supply of greater consciousness. The alchemist said that we all have our own unique greater consciousness and that power will be given to you by opening the door to vitality when you're moved correctly according to it. It communicates to you through your body of course but also through this recognition in the subconscious which is where the secret self of greater yin is. Every different race has a different quality of Jing and thus a different supply. Whites are designed with the perfect supply of divine God and nobody else is because they can't due to the promise to Abraham and his generations. This isn't my opinion this is doctrinal. The bible is racist, but so what if it's the facts. The truth is that we've been subverted from our position as the covenant peoples by blood and the quality of the Jing. All the other cultures and their texts are applying different processes other than blood inheritance to attain immortality because they likely recognise their disconnect from divine seed. They can't get it, it's impossible. You can't replace the Jing with divine Jing. It's either designed that way from the start or it's not and since all other nations are not under the promise then they seek to play god and recreate themselves under a new image. This is what I have explored fully in my studies of inner alchemy but it's all wrong for the white peoples to partake in. Why? Because we don't need that with the promise. We can perform inner alchemy simply through being renewed in the identity which is where our correct sense of self arises from. Remembering that is remembering who you are on a greater consciousness level and it peels back the invisible veil. We hear all the time about peeling back the veil, and even in advanced gazing you're peeling back the veil, but that's nothing compared to the promise. It's the same process except the means is different. We are told that we can be renewed in the spirit of God through faith. Faith in what? The Christ. What is that? The redemption through our identity, or really our seed which is perfect back to Abraham. AKA if you're of white western European descent then you're "saved" from the complete destruction that everyone else will have to suffer for being defiled by the old serpent. That's real biblical doctrine. That answers the question I had as a child of "why don't people in the amazon rainforests who never see civilisation know about the bible and Christ to be saved it's not fair!" Well the truth it it's not for them. The bible was written for those of the seed of Abraham and nobody else. It was ONLY to be read by those. Nobody else. It's not for anyone else because the promise doesn't apply to them. Edom will be utterly eradicated off the face of the earth never to be seen again. There will be a real holocaust in future.
The other nations that carry around the Torah and the Quran and other Abrahamic doctrines that claim to be the chosen people should probably read their text closer because I can guarantee it doesn't say that at all. Most of the Arab nations come from Ishmael, like the Saudis who claim descent from Ishmael. They're not under the promise because the blessing wasn't passed to them, though the prophesy still fulfilled because the Arabs have manifest many nations as God promised to Ishmael. The Jews being the Edomites are cursed and will be utterly wiped out for all eternity. So who do we have left? The Arabs are clearly outlined. The Jews are outlines. The White peoples are outlined. What about the Asians? What about the Africans and the indigenous natives here? What about the Indians? Well as far as I know they're called the beasts of the field who are not man who was created another time so we are told to take them as bonds people ("slaves") and can sell and pass onto others in our family. They work for us because they're created to serve us. The story where the Canaanite women had her daughter healed at the table when the Christ called her a dog and she begged harder for help and he only helped her when she bent the knee and admitted she was a dog. To me this implies that grace can be passed to those who know their place in creation and accept being as they are created instead of wanting to self exalt. The one who begged and didn't bend the knee would never have been helped.
I've been searching for other cultures who carried the bible to expand this theory and it turns out Ethiopia, apparently, has their own bible with more books that was around 800 years before KJV. Apparently. Let's see. We already know there was the source material way before KJV anyway because the Abrahamic texts have existed for centuries. If they believe in the Christ though then that will be interesting. We know they can't be the covenant people because they've not colonised all the nations of the earth, unless of course you count immigration which is a stupid argument because many cultures have been migrating to where European peoples are too. Hence my point still stands that whites are the people of Israel. Unless the prophesy can be seen manifest in the world under the promise then it won't work. If they had it then perhaps they're specifically not the beasts of field exactly but from Ham as I've heard mention of before who was cursed. None of the prophesy applies to them. They're not persecuted for their faith, we are. Who are the Jews against, who admit to be from Edom? Us. As they state. They're not flooding Africa with white peoples, we've never settled there. I mean there's letters to the various European cultures from Paul so it clearly doesn't work in their favour. The fact that the Jews are the recognised peoples of the false system of identity all over the world (except the Ethiopians apparently) then we clearly know who's running the show. The narrative clearly doesn't fit. There's no "black supremacy" by those who follow the bible who are of Ethiopian who claim it to be their text as far as I know. It's only white supremacy. Wonder why, oh that's right it's been foretold that it would happen as such. When you see the bible as a COMPLETE metaphysical text you begin to see how those thematics weren't just made manifest in the subtle levels of consciousness like what NG seems to think but also in the world because all thematic functions of greater consciousness must therefore take form in manifest reality, therefore the physical interpretation would also correspond to the same alchemy which we know we can do with the hands. The alchemical functions of consciousness aren't bound to the subtle consciousness but to all levels of experience. The Ethiopians are NOT a blessed nation if you look at their progression, being one of the most poor countries on earth. What blessings are there? Zero. Beasts of the field. Bondsmen for Israel.
I recognise fully that weaknesses were born with are there to reveal things to us that are important in our process. What pressure do we face to go through which unlocks things in us that otherwise wouldn’t be accessible.
Faith in the bible from a physical idea perspective is that you have faith in Christ above all else. Above ALL ELSE. That's all that this represents. Recognising the word IS having faith in Christ. That's all there is to it really. It's not believe in him, the man in isolation like many believe, but a faith in him and ALL that he represents in the word, for THAT is where your DECISIONS are made from and where your ideology arises from. It's as simple as this. Your ONLY authority in life is the word. That's all you take heed from because that's all you need to attain truth. This is an alchemical text after all and constrains all elements of consciousness within it on every level imaginable or conceivable that ever was or ever will be become it's the perfect text even referencing itself in past tense from the past denoting that the future determined outcome is already decided. One who lacks faith seeks control over determinism which is what NG teaches. NG teaches that your imagination is the saviour that you will have your desires fulfilled without works or understanding. This is deception as I knew from the beginning and have fully explored on as many levels as I can. If recognising the truth in the word in itself is a means for salvation then it means that proper gnosis is purifying in effect and would lead one to making different decisions and manifesting differently naturally as a result.
It's that fasting from the world, as in gazing, physically fasting and intermittent fasting, pushing limits, accepting what is and going through the fire, purifying consciousness in acts of faith, all of these things refer to the ideology of someone who is not of the world. When you deny the pleasures of the world you attain spiritual power. This is what I learned during that 3 month period the most. next to when I first woke up in 2015. It was a time period where I had nothing but the air to breathe and the least amount of sensory pleasure to experience. All I had was what I needed and I let go of desiring more. I didn't desire it. I didn't even think about it. The temptation was not important. That quality of consciousness, being IN Christ means to experience from this ideology and perception of life vs being of the tempter and living in the flesh. This is why I know HD in a vacuum doesn't work because it's often going to lead you into the pleasures of the flesh which I KNOW FROM YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IS NOT BENEFICIAL TO YOUR TRANSCENDENCE! IT'S COMMON SENSE AND RA WAS FLAT OUT WRONG! IT DOESN'T WORK IN A VACUUM AND HE MADE NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN THAT! I hope that's abundantly clear. Following what has been taught as strat and authority DOES NOT WORK! If it does then lets see you walk it then hey. Good luck. HD should be viewed as where we are supply and demand and nothing more. That's it, don't take it as anything but a fine tuned map of what's possible in your uniqueness. Living a chart is next to impossible because you'd be doing it anyway. Deconditioning isn't deconditioning from open center not self stuff but from the temptation to compromise on your inner truth. PERIOD!
There are ZERO non white racial people in the kingdom. They are not the light. They do not reflect light as white. They absorb light, darkness. They cannot be as of the light for they will not shine like the stars if they are dark. White racial lineage are of the stars. Nobody else is told to accept shame for their colour than us. This has never impacted me personally but I see it all the time. There are no non white angels. The Nephilim cannot be non white because the daughters of Adam had to multiply from angels who are whites so there was only white people in the beginning. This means that people of colour are indeed the beasts of the field or the cursed of Ham.
Jews are the enemy of the whole white peoples race. The highest of high. The lightest of light. The sons of Israel the man who was blessed with the promise of eternal life. All the utterly ignorant fools who judge Adolf Hitler the Christ like figure he was to be an evil man and an oppressor of people obviously have ZERO connection to their inner truth. Thus these people shall me swiftly and mercilessly rebuked as cowards of that truth for it burns like the fire which purifies their heart. Adolf Hitler burned the Talmud and their filthy disgusting dirty erotic material that they are the creators and funders of even in this modern day. He burned their books and RIGHTFULLY SO! Martin Luther burned the Talmud too along with the rest of their disgusting utter filth they public and propagate and normalise as temptation for the pure white race to partake in and defile themselves with. He said to burn down their synagogues and throw these Edomite Jews off bridges to their deaths for such vile minds and hearts for as the Christ said they are of their father the devil. The liar and deceiver of this world who made a mockery of Adolf Hitler and many others throughout history. Praise Adolf Hitler for purifying Germany of this disgusting filth \o. He showed them mercy till the very end. There's a reason why the Polish people by the way are the most anti Jew people on earth by a mile. How do I know? I have close contacts in Poland and their culture wishes the Holocaust happened, they really do, just as the Psalms that David wrote are imagining the vengeance of smashing the Edomite Jews children against solid rocks. Happy shall he be who dashes thy little ones (the children of Babylon) against the stone for what they have done to us.
Here's a fun fact. The Indian cultures, their architecture, their texts, their alchemy and metaphysics, it all came from white people who descended from Abraham and Keturah just as was told that he would be the father of MANY nations and that they'd spread north south east and west all over the world. The whites who went east into India to share their understanding of the divine became the original Brahmans. We were the invaders who gave them culture. It wouldn't surprise me then that this so called Ethiopian bible came from white "invasion" as well. That's what we do, as was promised. It seems that what was shared however has been turned into something totally different now.
The Jews who invaded Poland in 965 and by 1075 7 Jewish banking families rules all 7 Polish tribes. It was complete slavery to the usury banking just like I outlined on page 12 in England and France with their banking systems that were from the Jews. They literally destroyed the culture of Poland and it was the worst slavery in history by a mile. The Jews pillaged all those pure white women especially and ruined their tribes because those were in those times at least the more pure of whites on earth. Those people were kept in barns and fed slop and treated like farm animals and sub human filth to be herded and branded like cattle. Yeah and you ever wonder why Polish people want all the Jews dead and tortured for all eternity? You ignorant fools who know nothing about history rail against the facts and speak nothing of inner truth for you've abandoned it and given it up for the things of this world. I only ever had this revealed to me because I accepted that my inner truth of knowing something is wrong about how the world works. There's been at a minimum 35 million white Christians killed under Jewish rule from that time to the end of ww2. I don't have an actual number because there's likely millions more than have been documented. When Germany was defeated the allies went in and destroyed the press in Germany completely, like destroyed the printing plates as well to prevent any possibility of Jewish exposure from being published in Germany again. It's disgusting and yet there'll be people who look at you funny when you say Hitler was a good man and the Holocaust never happened. What a joke. If only I could talk about this on YT. I did many years ago but my channel was shut down in less than a day without getting 3 strikes before it was closed. Jew tube will not accept anything criticising them just like any major search engine which all you'll ever get is filthy Jewish propaganda. "White women with children". What a joke.
There's never been a time where Poland hasn't been rules by Jews in fact. For over 1000 years the Jews have controlled Poland. It's disgusting. You know how Jews got into positions of banking and controlling media and even liquor? The King at the time in Poland gave them permission. How? The "NAZI propaganda" tells us all about that in their films they made, I remember seeing a few years back. They offer the King temptation of riches if they accept huge money loans at big interest on the condition they're given influence to dish out this money and control the banks. The temptation of Satan is what institutes them. Just imagine you're offered billions by Jews to spend freely if they'd control your bank account. In the moment without greater context you'd likely agree wouldn't you? You get it? They're not only enticing the nobility to take them in as money lenders but in fact they're told to embrace it and that's how all over the world they gain positions of influence. The few who follow the bible throw them out, or better yet, burn them. Why tolerate the embodiment of temptation plotting your demise? Believe it or not the US wouldn't exist today either during the civil war when Abraham Lincoln was in power and without the Russian Tsar ready to hold back the Jewish funded army of over 10k troops held up in Canada threatening such an invasion if the Jews let their army loose on the states then it would be effectively war against Russia as well. Lincoln was assassinated by Jews obviously. The documents about JFK were sent to me from contacts in the US that have been released and there were clear ties to Israel just like in 911. The Tsar did a good deed in preventing the US from being ruined while they were in chaos which is when Jews love to strike when the iron is hot. That's really why the Jews destroyed Russia so badly under communism for foiling their plans to take over the US. Maria Theresa said "Hence forth no Jew no matter under what name will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest than this race which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury, and money lending, and commits all deeds which an honourable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from as much as possible!" They hated her just as much as they hated Russia. So much fabricated history hidden from plain sight because they can't stand the purifying light of life showing their filth for what it is. Now you know why Hitler called them the Jewish poison. Stop being an ignorant fool and figure it out.
Spencer Perceval (the British PM from 1762-1812) was shot by Jews for being against war with the US that the Jews wanted to destabilise the continent. He was very much against their parasitism as anyone would be. He was shot when he entered the lobby of the house of commons. A Jew plant stepped forward with a pistol and shot him in the chest. He's the only British PM to be killed in office for getting in the way of their plans. This is what they do. Hitler had many attempts on his life but he was saved over and over until the end. Andrew Jackson said "Gentlemen I too have been a close observer of the bank of the united states. You are a den of vipers and thieves! I have determined to route you out and by the eternal I will route you out!" Right after Jackson ended the bank there was an assassination against him. No surprise. This connects to the earlier history I mentioned in notebook 12. Zachary Tailor was poisoned in 1850. He said "The idea of a national bank is dead and will not be revived in my time". James Buchannan cannon got poisoned as well for opposing a central bank. He wanted to set limits on the banks who were issuing out loans than was greater than the money they had AKA lending more money than they had. This is how they work, making money out of thin air and making us pay it under debt. Parasitic filth. Abraham Lincoln said "I have 2 great enemies, the southern enemy in front of me and the bankers in the rear., of the 2 the one at the rear is my greatest foe" and of course he was a shot by a Jew during a play. I mean how many examples does it take to get it through? James Garfield shot in 1881. He was shot for ending Jew money supply. "Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce and when you realise that the entire system is easily controlled one way or another by a few powerful men at the top (namely Jews) you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate". That was written 2 weeks before he was assassinated. In 1896 William McKinley was elected president. Right after he was in a debate driven over the economy at the time which wasn't in a good place. It was over having gold backed government currency vs bank notes borrowed at interest from private banks at high interest. So he favoured the gold backed currency of course that would prevent the country from accumulating debt and so he was shot by an "anarchist" on sept 14 1901 and died a few days later from the damage. Louis McFadden was the chairman of the house of banking committee in the 1920s. He said "Mr Chairman we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the federal reserve board and the federal reserve banks. The federal reserve government board has cheated the government of the united states out of enough money to pay the national debt" and he was poisoned soon after. Huey Long was assassinated by a Jew named Dr Carl Weiss because he was against Roosevelt on banking policy. Too many examples. Oh yeah I forgot. "I wanted to show that Jews have guts" - Jack Rubinstein who owned a club. The newspaper headlines "Jews have guts". He was allowed in by the police. They probably got paid off. What a joke.
Just remember that every Jew has the seed of Satan in them. Death and destruction is all that flows through their minds. Their Talmud says to lie to a non Jew about who they are. Never take a word any Jew says that's been raised under a Talmudic influence. They WANT to end ALL white people on earth. Not all people but all the white people. All the people of the promise. They want all of you dumb and stupid and buying into what Goddard says who was indoctrinated by a Jew himself. Only Jews hide their names and have these aliases. I only call myself DJ because it's a shortening of my initials it's not an alias. Abdullah was a Jew who plays with NG and Joseph Murphy and created the religion of mind magic that I've completely destroyed now and left nothing left to stand. It's dead. These Jews create all degeneracy and propagate it all like the filth they are. Utter filth. Gross hideous parasites. Utterly abhorrent creatures who have ZERO regard for your vitality or life. That's who's depleted collective availability of vitality and they'll keep doing it for so long as you accept the propaganda that they're harmless and Gods chosen. What a sick race of Satanic psychopaths. Christ called them for what they really are. Vipers. What more needs to be said.
Rosenberg's and Einstein were Jews who pushed the fake physics paradigm. Openly Zionists. Yet there's still people who question why I criticize the standard model. Use some common sense I don't need to be a mathematician to spell out who's involved in funding this stuff, just like germ theory which is a complete inversion. Whatever they propagate is the opposite of what is. Even if you don't have all the parts of info to explain how and why you should never feel afraid to speak your truth no matter how simple it is for that is in fact your inner truth and moving through it with courage is your way to unfolding that secret self.
Otto Bismarck said "I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and torturous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilisation. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos so that the earth should become their inheritance". He was right. Yet people still defend them. When I said I have over 2TB of research data I really meant that. I've been to the depths of this and back spending over 10h every day for years non stop diving to find everything out there on this that's available. Why do you think I went so hard on NG and his Jew buddy Abdullah since creating RS? It's because I knew within me that this was in fact the case, and that the critical thinking skills I'd developed led me to realising that there's far more to the whole LOA thing than meets the eye, especially considering there's billions of $ into this industry. It all came from being sceptical of "impress the subconscious mind". Murphy and Goddard both hammered that into your heads for a reason. The common thread? Abdullah. Who else could it be? I don't have proof but common sense would tell you that my hunch was probably right about Abdullah and what NG taught. It's almost too perfect how everything lines up. It's like all the dominos are set up in a straight line to be knocked down and never come back up. All of these manifestations are suppose to happen because it is pre-determined to happen by God. This is why Christ whipped them out of the temple. Trumpet (one of the 7 trumpets?) will profess to be a Christian but he will not worship the Christ or acknowledge him as God. He can't because that's not his truth. The man is a dragon and should be slain as one before he causes more damage to this world setting it alight by breathing fire. The Jewish seed line has been killing our kind since Cain all the way up until today. They will never stop. That is what we face. Nobody with eyes to see and ears to hear can deny the facts contained in this notebook alone let alone the Bible.
It is interesting that Christ said Mat_13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. He also said that tares look like wheat. He's talking about the Jing, the seed. He also said funny enough for his disciples not to uproot the tares. This could be why there was a mark put on Cain. He also said that anyone avenging him would be avenged 7 fold. 7x70. 777. There's 777 everywhere in the bible there's no way this is by chance. Christ is basically saying for us not to kill the Jews here. He also said not to hurt your brother, AKA Edom being the brother of all of Israel. Perhaps calling them out is the curse we've all suffered for. If this is true then it would require a change of heart. Only Christ will uproot the tares. He said the good seed are the children of the Kingdom. Once again another direct relationship to the promise made to Abraham and how it's genetic based. The Jing carries the promise nothing else. If you're not of the seed of Abraham then you're never going to escape the eternal suffering when the harvest comes. The tares are the children of the old serpent. The one who sowed them of course is the tempter. The harvest is the end of the world. The reapers are angels AKA the white race in its pure form. This is why there is no rapture. The tares are taken and burned first, meaning the Jews will all be cast into the lake of fire above the rest. Mat_13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.. All of Matthew chapter 13 is an incredible read. Mat_13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. It's absolutely amazing to see the words of Christ here casting the tares and the wheat into their rightful places. Everything except the wheat will be "burned in the fire, so it shall be in the end of the world." Everybody who taught the bible, including my granddad who was a minister of his own congregation was wrong. They've all had it wrong because of Judaeo Christian inverted doctrine. It's all backwards. It was what Hitler, the most hated man in history, revealed to me about the bible of all people that showed the way to Christ in recognising exactly how manifestation works in the world on an individual and collective level. What I'm revealing to you here today is the deepest truth about this text that's been misinterpreted for so long. I hope it brings out of you the inner truth.
I regard the Jewish race as the born enemy of pure humanity and everything that is noble in it. - Richard Wagner
The Noahide laws. The Christians will be literally beheaded as it states and they admit to being commanded to do so as a moral thing because we are worshipping idols AKA the Christ who exposed them as vipers and the children of Satan. They want to DECAPITATE US! This was all foretold. Get a clue. As soon as their Sanhedrin shows up then they'll perform the real holocaust for us just as they did in the past to tens of millions of Christians in Prussia. Poland and Ukraine and Russia and it's coming home. You'll either shut up or be beheaded. Shutting up shows ZERO faith in the inner truth and thus is compromise. I can't shut up knowing how things really work. You'll all hide away while people like myself face the front lines of persecution. Is this something I manifested? No this is my trajectory given my inner truth and no matter what happens I will attain the unfolding of my Jing into what it can become (AKA accepting the promise) through following that inner truth. Even if I am the only person on earth speaking what I speak that still means that speaking my inner truth is the only way. That subtle sense of correctness is your guidance mechanism. If you go against that then you go against the correct sequence of unfolding for your immortality, if you're white that is. Nobody else has access because they're polluted by filthy Jew genes from Satan. The Jing is poisoned. That's why they're called vipers because whatever they touch gets poisoned with degeneracy. All who have the blood of that are unable to inherit the kingdom. That doesn't mean they cannot serve their function here under following the truth but it just doesn't mean they should feel entitled to any place in the kingdom. As it says. Simply put if you know the facts and you feel that inner truth compelling you to speak and you compromise then you're aiding the Jew and so the consequences will follow as a result. Knowing the facts and shutting up is the worst thing you could do. I don't dish out the responsibility, greater consciousness does through me. That's all I can do. The Jewish Rabbis (I have video of many of them saying this as well as wanting to exterminate all Christian white people in Europe and especially in Germany) all say this. This is what their plan is. For years I didn't want to accept this but it's irrefutable and knowing the difference and shutting up is disgusting as far as I'm concerned. Knowing you know and watching from the side-lines is utterly abhorrent. I believe Trumpet will have a part to play in supporting organised international Jewry into implementing such Noahide laws if their Sanhedrin is established when he is in office. I also believe the Sanhedrin is suppose to be established in Gaza which is why they're wiping them out, or if it's not in there then it's a requirement to happen ahead of time. How do you know it's a genocide? There's no Hamas in west bank as they've admitted because they've had the place on lockdown for decades and yet they're bombing west bank. Obviously it's to establish their expansion of "greater Israel" which as I said will be where they will likely establish the Sanhedrin, which is their 3rd temple and new Jew court and gathering place to welcome in their Messiah. That's where the Noahide laws will be established. Persecutions have happened all over the world for Christians before, and Trump has veto over UN who has rules BB a war criminal and yet he's still getting away with it. If he's getting away with it despite the whole world being against him, doesn't that mean it's not a far stretch to recognise that these Noahide laws who will be enforced under the power of Trump or someone like him who will veto any other world power to attempt to stop it? It's already happening right now. This is when those who follow the Christ will be decapitated if they're caught "worshipping Idols" (The Jews consider anyone who doesn't worship their God Satan as idol worshippers and likely also relates to the "mark of the beast" in revelation), which the internet by then will have a totally different way of operating and all the data anyone like myself has put up with my name attached to it (this website has my Tax and Gov ID on it including where I live and all that) then we will be probably arrested for worshipping Idols. How will they establish this? I don't know what will happen between now and then but that's their plan at least. I have no doubt that it will be implemented as a test of faith by the followers who will just as the Apostles did be put to death under their conviction, just as the Germans in WW2 did for following the Christ. You're already attacked if you've got a big enough voice anyway, and many times through history people of influence who were against their control and influence were taken out as I outlined yesterday, and that's just a few of the hundreds I have in a list. It's either they take you out or they throw you into mental institutions and drug you for life so you shut up. This is exactly what we're facing. Why else would LOA be allowed to propagate if it could "manifest" them away? What a joke. NG was a Jew puppet just like Joseph Murphy and the others who trained under Abdullah who were by definition anti Christs. This is their culture and they run this world. That's how its suppose to play out for the test of faith under pressure to purify those who have faith from those who don't. It's a collective faith test that nobody can escape. That's why it says that in the end all tongue will confess that God is the Christ and all the Jews who pushed anti Christ will be burned up as the tares, which NG and JM and Abdullah will be a part of for tempting so many of us with the Jew propaganda of metaphysical imaginal Christ instead of recognising Immanuel as Jesus Christ who identified the satanic seed for who they were. Jews. The same people who want us put to death are the same people who did that back then and the Christ was the example for us to see and who played this out for us. A true Christ like figure is someone who is persecuted for the truth, instead of being a scared coward who has no faith and tempted by what the world can offer over following natural striving.
This is technically apocryphal but it's from the dead sea scrolls as a description of Abrahams wife Sarah who was "very fair" AKA WHITE! “And how beautiful the look of her face . . . And how fine is the hair of her head, how fair indeed are her eyes and how pleasing her nose and all the radiance of her face . . . How beautiful her breast and how lovely all her whiteness. Her arms goodly to look upon, and her hands how perfect … all the appearance of her hands. How fair her palms and how long and fine all the fingers of her hands. Her legs how beautiful and without blemish her thighs. And all maidens and all brides that go beneath the wedding canopy are not more fair than she. And above all women she is lovely and higher is her beauty than that of them all, and with all her beauty there is much wisdom in her. And the tip of her hands is comely.” What more needs to be said about the race of those who were blessed. Once again I had no attachment to this at all when I first learned it because I still hadn't realised about just how persecuted only the whites would be in this world as a manifestation of the prophesy foretold. This was the seed of Abraham who received the blessing. Sound just like a beautiful white woman if you ask me. Someone of such radiance and vibrancy that her vitality would be off the charts compared to the people of today. There was no racial mongrelisation with others in those days for the blessing couldn't be carried into impure seed. That's what the Jews have become. Most of them are from Poland, which as I outlined earlier was where they set up base for centuries and screwed our gods children quite literally. If anything proves that the white people are of the seed of God it's the fact that white women are by far the most desired of all especially from the Jews as they admit themselves, as always. First sin happened when the serpent beguiled (*Screwed*) Eve in the garden, and thus she felt shame. First sin, the recognition of ideological contrast and the recognition of a power that's not of her own family. This was all allowed to happen for a reason. I've had a client who is from Islam and has studied the Quran deeply. He even admitted that Many Jews aren't from where they claim to be, many from Poland too.
The Anglo Saxon Israelites are of the house of Joseph which is made up of Ephraim and Manasseh. Remember Obadiah. The house of Joseph a flame. This is why Hitler considered them to be true Aryans. Germany is the house of Judah. Issachar is Finland. The Slavics are the house of Zebulon. The Mayans were on earth for example before Adam was. They got flooded out. They've observed the people of Manasseh cross the waters. The creation myths all including floods and all that through all these texts must be a thing for a reason. It's both metaphysical and physical because metaphysical must have correspondence on all levels if it's true. The Scandinavians were the tribes of Dan and Asher and Naphtali. The tribe of Dan and Manasseh moved over the seas the most as far as I know. These are the Vikings we hear about, the ancestors Hitler looked to in the quotes I listed earlier where there were swastikas found. The Swastika was very likely originally an Aryan symbol that the other cultures picked up on and in our modern ignorance we bought into it being from India. Simeon is Spain. Why do all these cultures worship sun gods? It's because of where we came from. The white peoples. We've been played games with by Jews this whole time. None of us manifested any of this it's just been there. It's not correct but it's still established by those with money to market it.
Interestingly enough according to Wesley Swift the Jews didn't create masonry but that they invaded masonry to destroy it. The masons must remove every Jew out of the masonic lodges. He says that the masonic symbolism on the dollar bill you yanks have is actually symbolism of God watching over all of you. Don't know if I buy into that fully but it's possible.
1Pe 1:20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
1Pe 1:21 Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
1Pe 1:22 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:
1Pe 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
1Pe 1:24 For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
Peter had powerful words. Incorruptible seed. Do you see now what this really means? You can't be born again unless you have incorruptible seed. This literally just stuck out to me I've never seen that before.
Living a righteous life is how you manifest abundance. It is not given to those who stay in their boxes and cower behind desires for the world to remain wilfully ignorant. Do you see the ideology here? We've established in the notebook from all the work done that courage and faith and all that isn't a function of believing in a magical imaginal reality but out of having FAITH IN THE IMAGINAL REALITY THAT COMES THROUGH YOU NATURALLY AND THUS IT DRIVES YOU TO WANT TO FULFIL IT! That's how manifestation works. Trying to control it means you integrate within other processes that aren't your inner truth, IF you fully abandon your truth and turn into degeneracy of abusing your position in the world to manifest things of this world and go all the way through that. You could probably do it considering we see it in the world today. Point is in order to manifest ANY great abundance then you MUST serve a single master, either be it for the world or for the invisible rolled up secret self and the world within (inverse world of heaven). Wesley Swift says you can't be born again because you're born from above already.
Joh 8:18 I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.
Joh 8:19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
Joh 8:20 These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet come.
Joh 8:21 Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.
Joh 8:22 Then said the Jews, Will he kill himself? because he saith, Whither I go, ye cannot come.
Joh 8:23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.
Joh 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
Joh 8:25 Then said they unto him, Who art thou? And Jesus saith unto them, Even the same that I said unto you from the beginning.
He literally said that the Jews are from below, AKA they're not of divine seed like Christ is which the whites are his lost sheep of the house of Israel.
So I want to go over more of the 1611 and 777 and numerology in the bible just because I think this is interesting and I've got notes on this that will probably blow your mind, as it did mine. I've really come to grasp the phenomena of manifestation as entirely a process that happens top down and it always comes through you, and others. We are all moved to fulfil each others thematic supply/demand.
Interesting date.
So I've been busy lately no updates since the last video. Recently had to hide the page here because there's someone trying to take what I say out of context relating to different races being "inferior" apparently. I never said any other race was inferior on the entire page. Search the page for that word, I never said it, nor do I imply it, for it says that we must treat our bondsmen well just as we would expect to treat our own kind. I said that, and yet somehow people have taken these ideas and twisted them, just like Talmudic Jews do. Nowhere do I say anyone is inferior, I simply said that everybody has their place in creation, processes within processes, and I have various examples of beneficial acts the Christ did that reflect this relating to giving to the people who aren't of Israel. I can't speak about this on the video because it'll get my content banned for being politically incorrect. I already had my old channel banned for talking about these things and I'm not taking that risk again. So figure our stuff out and if you want me to clarify something then message me personally and we can sort it out if it's relating to this subject of the racial covenant bible interpretation, which given the context I've laid out here should be clear as day.
Anyway I plan on getting back to the notebook for a bit but since my schedule has been quiet it's given me more time lately to write here.
I have said this before but my SP situation is literally dream like right now she's so deep into fulfilling everything on my list. She's basically begging now it's insane! How does this work? vitality and breaking boxes to elevate sense of self. I almost can't believe how perfect she is now. With or without her I still feel nourished in myself and I know and understand that it's because I have been focusing more on the work I do here. I've basically left behind trying to test this stuff more because I've done more than enough of that already it's abundantly clear how this process works.
I also want to state that the metaphysical aspects of elevating vitality still apply here, as in moving with natural striving. I'm sure some will assume I've left behind the metaphysical side of what NG said about the bible, which I haven't. What I've left behind is the ideology that everybody is their own God. This is Satanism by definition/ "we are creators" is incorrect. You don't create anything. It's permitted and allowed by God that you're driven through the experience you're moved by, be it self serving or otherwise. Christ clearly explained that following his law is a given if you're in Christ, as in your heart is circumcised by the spirit, meaning you're accepting of it and the sense of self will reflect that too where you know your place in the hierarchy of creation. You're not God, you have no influence over God, you're moved by God as we've already discussed and so if you're "manifesting" it's because greater consciousness which you're integrated within is providing the "seeds" of manifestation (pre-natal Jing) within that unfold through you.
I was reading through the books of Paul and when I was reading about the law in various places I felt very intense "3rd eye" pulsations and tingles and all kinds of things. I don't know why but when I've been studying this Christian doctrine, even so far back as when I was discussing how Hitler wasn't a maniac but a common sense Christian it happened too, among many other times. Seems there's something here, at least for me.
There's an very important message here for everybody to understand. We are to live kind after kind, not to intermingle seed because this is exactly what we are commanded to fulfil by the law. We are to remain pure. That purity is the foundation of our sense of self, our supply of vitality from beyond the physical. The recognition of fulfilling the law and being approved unto. Dooooo you grasp this? I'm honestly tired to discussing with people relativity and all that utter ignorant trash. Your view is another view on the same phenomena. To say there's no objective reality means there's no absolute reference frame meaning there's no greater process meaning three's no God. That's metaphysically illiterate trash and it needs to burn away like ash in the wind. I will make it so. This message is the core principle especially of my last long video. Your natural striving is what you KNOW to be correct, and that even if you don't want to in that time you know that there's inner truth here under the surface pulling you into acceptance, but you want to fulfil desire, worldly desire to have pleasures which as I've said is a DEPLETION of vitality. I've said that feeling pleasurable sensation UNNECCESARILY out of indulgence in the self (self worship AKA Satanism in principle). When you look at all the alchemy and metaphysical work I've done in revealing the functions of manifestation you begin to understand that vitality and sense of self and not giving into burning away your sense of self (vitality and thus approval onto God) to pleasures of the flesh which deplete you then it all makes sense when you look at the law of the bible in a literal manner. Who cares if it's politically incorrect. The law is often politically incorrect and the law hasn't dissolved. Here's more proof that Christ is for punishment of those who Sin. Joh 8:7 "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." Do you know what this means? It's said to STONE to DEATH anyone who is caught in adultery. He was talking to the Jews (Scribes and Pharisees) and he basically pulled the perfect move in playing reverse righteousness to reveal that they too were filled with sin, for they couldn't cast the stone and the ONLY reason Christ didn't is because he was showing them their own ignorance else the message wouldn't have stood if he did stone her as the law states. He held the stone out to them because HE COULDN'T violate the law! DO YOU GET IT! It was GRACE that he allowed her to go unstoned so that he could reveal more of the hypocrisy of the Jews. Christ held the stone out to them for them to cast the stone but they couldn't because they too were filled with sin. This isn't about pacification or that God forgave the Canaanite who was an adulterer but to reveal who's who. Christ is God, the same God who HATED Esau and flooded the world to kill all the sinners. Is this not true? The bible interpretations we've been taught are BACKWARDS as all things are. People who think that this is all gone are wrong, because until heaven and earth pass (AKA until the end of time) the law shall not be done away with. It is said that those who speak against the law will be considered LEAST in the kingdom. OUR ENTIRE WORLD IS BACKWARDS! HAVE I NOT REVEALED THAT TO YOU OVER THE WHOLE NOTEBOOK! IT'S ALL BACKWARDS! EVERYTHING. Can you not see that? How did I have these things revealed to me? Because I knew and I accepted that things aren't the way they are and I went though the fire on a DAILY BASIS feeling the pressure of what if I'm wrong about this. What if it's incorrect to believe such ideas. That's where the temptation of relativity comes in to throw away that responsibility and make you think anything and everything is correct if you want to believe it, AKA if it fits your limited understanding and paradigm. IS THIS NOT CORRECT?
Manifestation happens through you from serving the thematic of Satanism. The lusts for things of the world, the desire to have control and to indulge in relationships and shiny objects and things that are tingly to the senses. This ideology is what destroys you. I've fully explored the phenomena of LOA and I've revealed NG as a Statistic preacher. People who say he debated other preachers on live TV back in his day and "won" were obviously debates against Judeo-Christian doctrines. Jeromy Visser would destroy NG in a flash. We must follow Paul and rebuke them sharply. That is why I held nothing back (within what I can get away with on YT at least without having my content shadow banned for bringing up certain subjects) when critiquing NG. I still believe he didn't realise he was deceived by the Jew who he learned from but it's abundantly clear that he didn't know what he was talking about and passed off responsibility to his relative view of reality. This my friends is the issue we face. The denial of the absolute reference frame and this is the foundation of what my physics research went into many years ago back in 2019 when I just got out of school. This is all connecting the dots now. It's all abundantly clear. I hope those who are at this point can read and understand that. Those who think I must explain myself clearly are disconnected from their inner truth and are attached to the idea that their relative view is correct and cannot face challenge. I've been through all of those views, both sides, and I know what's there. I don't just think I'm correct based on subjective belief but that I've effectively fully explored the majority of view angles out there to come to my conclusions. I get your perspective but it's unfordable not correct because there's data that we see manifest in consciousness that doesn't connect to the pattern. It has to connect on ALL levels and this is the level I hold myself to account to. If it doesn't connect on ALL levels then I don't speak it as fact. Do you hold yourself to such a standard? If not then YOU'RE the one missing the various view orientations. This isn't even a discreet thematic thing but a logical process which can establish patterns of common themes which we find running through all of the data. That's how you establish clarity on a logical basis and thus because you've reduced everything down to it's common threads you can understand and recognise what is and what is not instantly because you understand the ideological foundation something is based on. This first requires you to fully explore those levels to get those common threads, else you cannot find the threads. Often times you must revisit data again after connecting other dots to recognise the threads. It's a very long and gradual shift but it's how it must be done because this is naturally how we "manifest" correct understanding. Faith is all you need to be fit for the kingdom of the highest but you can also realise faith in recognising logical consistency and having a clear and wide view on all the dots that are out there to explain and explore. Now I'm sure you know why I've come to my understandings . It's like there's really nothing more to dive into about LOA because it's pointless. That's not to say I will not continue to talk about LOA on YT and speak the facts about how it's relativistic trash as I've always said since the start of my extended videos. There is a certain degree of disposition for others who cannot see this who want to argue relativistic trash to defend their limited understanding, which much like God himself who felt HATRED for REPENTED for certain things (because we're made in his image AKA we're simulacrums of all the functions of consciousness which God has) which clearly demonstrated that even God feels wrath and hatred and anger for people. You're right to feel how you feel if you've a clear reason for such. Do not gaslight yourself out of rebuking the Jewish fables as Paul says, do not repent from your inner truth and stand for what you know is correct with faith that you are watched and cared for by the most high. You are a child of God and manifestation unfolds through you naturally when you're accepting of his guidance for you. Your body is one way that God communicates to you but there's also underlying that a certain inner knowing (AKA the "feeling" as the intuitive impulse of accepting natural striving which moves you) which we doubt because of needing to conform to the world but that we also know is correct. Knowing something is correct for you is your inner truth, even if it's not what you desire for what you desire in the pleasures of the world comes last in importance if it's contrasting following the law which always puts your vitality first as you are sanctified in the spirit of righteousness which IS valuing your sense of self and thus your vitality. Perhaps this is why I've been able to see these things for my mind isn't clouded with the pleasures of the flesh and indulging in needless distraction and vitality depleting activities.
The ideology is clear. I will likely start page 14 soon and start talking about the details of the holohoax and finally get that out there. The fact is Christ was killed by Jews because he spoke the truth and it threatened their positions. King Harrod KNEW there was a King that was within them and that's why he had all the children killed because he tried to stop Gods plan, and failed miserably, because God is all powerful and will manifest however is required for his will to be fulfilled. The Jews conspired to kill Christ and the apostles were killed too. All but 2 of them. The people who speak the truth in this world are threatened and attacked and punished by the world but what they gain is being IN Christ which is PRICELESS. The people like me who are a threat to NG and the system of manifestation have to either watch our tongues or be persecuted for speaking the word of God for it is the truth. The undeniably perfect representation of the thematics of consciousness made manifest into patterns of all forms, and one of those is the holy bible. Study and be approved. I'm done.
To be of Adam means to show blood, to feel shame. To blush out of embarrassment. To feel shame for transgression of the law, and to WANT to repent. To FEEL the inner truth manifest in the blood, the flesh. Nobody else has this but the descendants of Adam. Anyone who can't blush or show blood in the face, they are not direct children of God but mixed with satanic seed which is filthy and unclean unto the eyes of God. Why do I call Jews filthy? Because they are, unto the eyes of God, for God HATED Esau. He was unclean and filthy. It was prophesied that the elder shall serve the younger. Gen_3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." HIS HEEL! Jacob MEANS HEEL GRABBER! It was orchestrated by Yahweh God from the VERY BEGINNING! This PROVES that Esau was of the seed of Satan, the filthy seed. The promise made to Abraham was that his seed would be of the DUST of the earth. The same dust that formed Adam, the pure seed of God. Red clay is the seed of God. Clean and pure and God did not want his pure seed spoiled and mixed with the other seeds and make it unclean. Christ would bruise his head, just as was prophesied from the moment it happened. God allows all to happen. Do you understand now how Mary had a virgin birth? It was the seed that was planned from the beginning. Mary became the advocate of the virgin Eve who sinned by which God could become manifest in his purity as Christ. It was through the sin of Eve that gods children descended into bondage as we read and see in the world today by means of a virgin so as it was the virgin Mary who fulfilled the law that was unfulfilled the whole time. Satan tried to pollute the divine seed and that was his first act against us Israelites BECAUSE HE KNEW CHRIST WAS GOING TO COME THROUGH THE DIVINE SEED! YOU SEE NOW? THIS is the TRUTH about the Bible, the truth that was preached for centuries by real Christian Israelites before Jews got in control again and bought out all the churches and drowned out true doctrine. Do you see now why NG is a Servant of sin? All these fools who preach fake Judaeo-Christian doctrine trash fail to understand prophesy. This whole prophesy is proof of God always keeping his own law, and explains why he allows suffering like so many Atheistic fools love to use as justification to deny God who created them. The Jews deny Christ because he bruised his head and Israel bruised his heel. This is why God hated Esau. Do you understand scripture now? It's a seed line conflict, a conflict of ideology and of blood. The metaphysical interpretations in a vacuum are Satnaic and anti-Christ by definition. This is why rainbow culture and interracial marriage and all this filthy trash is allowed to happen and is promoted and marketed as virtuous in our world. Satan is using the other races AGAINST US! He's FLOODING us with them so that we may be diluted to prevent more divine seed form manifesting in the world to challenge him. This is why God did not want us intermixing, fornicating, he wanted his seed line to remain pure and undefiled by filth so that prophesy can be fulfilled as the purity of Christ cannot manifest through an impure vessel.
It's politically incorrect to speak these words but it's the facts and I'm placing a target over my head here in presenting this publicly for free in which anyone could get my work shut down if they took it far enough but I care not for the persecution because I follow the truth of Christ and I would be willing to die in that faith. It connects on every level, and those who cannot see it are deaf and blind, and I will sharply rebuke them as Paul tells us. I don't care about what your so called truth is for it cannot stand a candle to the word of God and the prophesy that's connected over many different books here. NG was a servant of sin plain and simple and anyone who thinks that they don't have a responsibility now that they know the facts will be held accountable not by me but by God and they will face that power and be forced to bend the knee and confess just as it was foretold by Paul. You will be FORCED to bend your knee and bow and face the purifying light which you denied in your own self serving sin and you will remember my words in that time, the only one who had the guts to say what needed to be said despite the persecution.
I have come to grasp an angle on the idea of the serpent. The wisdom. What does it mean? It means false authority I believe. Imaging yourself to know as God, AKA what NG taught, which is of the serpent. Wisdom that lifts one up. Knowledge of ones own beauty, the anointed cherub. I believe serpents and the idea of wisdom truly means under this context specifically, that one exalts themselves above God and makes their own rules by which they live by, which is by definition Satanism. Opposite of serving God. Self serving ideology. This is exactly what LOA is about. It's taken Satanism and turned it into a psychological story of the mind to beguile (seduce/tempt) you into self exaltation and transgressing the law. Everybody who practises LOA will face consequences and I fully grasp this now, I believe. Why? Because I followed natural striving, which to me revealed a deeper inner truth about manifestation. The mechanics led me here. The first commandment is Exo 20:3 "'Thou hast no other Gods before Me." meaning do not exalt yourself over God and worship yourself which is Satanism by definition. How is manifestation and what NG preaches Satanism? Because it's all about serving your desires above the law of God. Pleasuring in the lusts of the flesh. This is different than "manifesting" what you NEED to fulfil the law of God and to bend the knee and own the fact that you're a sinner. NG NEVER tells us to look at ourselves as sinners because according to his "law" that would bring about opposite results, which is EXACCTLY what I mean by NG preached Satanism in disguise and beguiled the whole world. NG is a Satanic anti-Christ. I knew he was wrong from the mechanics alone but now I REALLY understand how and why and I hope you do too. His "law" was the OPPOSITE of the perfect law of God which everybody on earth transgresses on a daily basis, myself included. We are saved by grace through Christ, which is arguably MORE strict than the law of the original covenant because you can no longer sacrifice animals to atone for sins, for now this would be denying that Christ was the sacrifice for every atoned sin casts Christ on the cross instead. Who do you serve? God or mammon?
Temptation to serve your own interests above the interests of God is Sin, which is a transgression of the law, which is depletion of vitality and the source of unsatisfaction. Why is LOA so popular? Because it tempts you into serving yourself. It's a trap. NG was serving the filthy one and nobody knew any different. Even I spent years rolling around in this until I realised this recently when going back through my notes on Hitler and the history of Germany in WW2 as well as the history of banking when I was asking the question why is vitality so unavailable collectively if this is an individual thing? The answer is clear now.
Eze 28:1 The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying,
Eze 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
Eze 28:3 Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee:
Eze 28:4 With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures:
Eze 28:5 By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches:
Eze 28:6 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God;
Eze 28:7 Behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness.
Eze 28:8 They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas.
Eze 28:9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I am God? but thou shalt be a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee.
Eze 28:10 Thou shalt die the deaths of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.
Facts about Cain. 1Jn_3:12 "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous." "Who was of that wicked one". Cain was born out of fornication with Eve by Satan the old serpent. She was literally seduced, beguiled, tempted into fornication, and thus she became filled with shame because she had sinned and "eaten from the tree". She "ate" from the fruit, which contains seed, of the tree of knowledge. The "wise" serpent. You get it? This same seedline is with us today as everybody who's not of pure Israelite heritage and they cannot hear the truth. They can't because it's not within them to hear the words. They may intellectually understand it but they can't FEEL it, feel responsibility for it, feel shame for not following it. This is NOT sin born out of shame that is intellectually taught (for the law was not taught to eve and yet she blushed) but a longing and inner truth to serve that is inscribed into the blood. The blood truth, as I said before. Gen_4:1 "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD." Gen_4:17 "And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch." Gen_4:25 "And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.". "Knew his wife". Knew. Knowledge. Wise serpents. Just some interesting terms. The Bible is such an incredible text to analyse.
More facts about Cain and the pre-adamite people..
Gen 4:13 And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
Gen 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
Gen 4:15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
Cain said "that everyone that findeth me shall slay me". If Cain and Abel are the only ones on earth, aside from Adam and Eve, who is this "everyone" he's talking about? He was a vagabond, meaning a nomad who wondered the lands for he was marked for destruction. If there are only 4 people. Cain, Abel, Adam and Eve on earth, then who is he hiding from? The people of the land, the dark skinned peoples. Interesting note is that God didn't want Cain dead. Why did he mark Cain? Because it seemed this was his plan all along for the redemption of his Children from the beginning.
Grasp this. If God works THROUGH us, then as we accept temptation we serve Satan. We allow Satan to move us, and therefore we become unclean. If you serve Satan then you are unclean for you are being moved by that temptation. You see? Christ says: Mat 25:41 "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:" Did you read that? HIS ANGELS! Rev_12:7 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels," Rev_12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Satan has angels too. Angels in the bible are represented as manifestations in the world as people who show up in your world to provide what you need. It makes me wonder then that manifestation when you're approaching it from a Satanic ideology like what NG teaches that you're going to manifest the lusts that tempt you into sin. Why would it not, because it works both ways. Angels can be sent to us from God to provide so us in ways that we deserve as manifestations of people giving us resources or witness or anything that serves our righteousness when God sees fit. The devil as Christ says has angels too, so why would the Devil not manifest seduction into your life to tempt you from God? Have we ever thought that the manifestations we have unfold that come to test our faith come from the adversary? The thematic manifestation that plays out has a supply from the tempter, the seducer, the accuser, the old serpent. You just don't realise that because NG in his deception told us that we are all God and that everybody is imagining their lives out of what they assume. Can you see the hypocrisy> Neville got sucked in by the filthy Jew and preached to us about the warped law that is polar opposite of the law of God. It makes me wonder about this whole nourishment and vitality thing about how it bring out of others their own lacks and such, temptations, and that manifesting to change others involves temptations to transgress the law and to self exalt and not the overpowering of freewill. Is it not true that one who is exalted in themselves also tempts others through their image that others worship? Like NG? Satan acts like your friend to suck you in until he's used your vitality and leaves you for dead, just like the filthy Jew.
If you go after what tempts your desires (literally what NG taught) you serve sin and that's ONLY because you have no accountability to keep you in check. To challenge you. To keep you in FEAR of God. Let me tell you I have wept more tears in the last few weeks feeling that fact than I have in the years before. When you stop trying to exalt yourself and you accept that you are to serve a divine will and that your natural striving towards serving the law of God becomes where you gain supply from then you will be nourished and live well even if you have nothing. You believe that because you don't have certain things that you're missing out but that's not the fact because it's only from the view of temptation of exalting yourself into opportunity to experience pleasure out of lack. Accept the lack and be ok with it for you will be satisfied in the truth of living correctly. It's not about living in squalor but not constantly chasing more things of the world and living to serve righteousness, not to live life your way but the way of the law for this is truly how one cultivated vitality from the divine supply and not from the miracles that Satan can work for you in that temptation at the cost of your righteousness. Spoiling your integrity is the worst thing you can do because you're dying to your divinity and denying access to that supply and then whining out and complaining that things are bad. You know why now don't you. Drop it and let go. Accept it. All the methods I've taught in the early pages were all based on self exaltation were they not? They worked the magic of the current of Satan and not of core principles of the law. The alchemist told me we all have a personal greater consciousness we're to answer to, but I believe this is the servant of sin and that depending on the ideology we serve it determined who we integrate within, and thus gain supply from. The alchemist reversed his age not from God but from Satan, the tempter, who wants to give you eternal life here when you accept self exaltation over the law. The alchemical functions that we do in immortality work is all to channel the current from the ideology of Satanism which is an ideology of degeneracy. The alchemist only reversed his age through fully accepting his place as God and in that he fully sealed his fate in transgressing the law, for this is exactly what Satan wasn't us to do and LOA by NG and such is just an arm of that. A metaphysician is a servant of sin if they teach it under the context of exalting yourself above God for this is the ideology of Satan himself who if you serve will work miracles for you too. What else could it be? You cannot serve both masters, and those who experience peak dip cycles are in the middle serving neither, thus their manifest reality confirms their hesitation. Those who manifest desires go all the way into sin or they accept God and nourish themselves without needing desire. DO YOU SEE NOW HOW MANIFESTATION FULLY WORKS? IT'S A SATANIC IDEOLOGY! This is why when you go through the "what if" scenarios as I've said you lose desire because you resist temptation and go all the way into that. This is the practical tip to move towards righteousness that I've learned outside of bible study in my experiments. You need nothing but the approval of God. You're either a servant of sin or a servant of God. Who do you serve? Who is your supply?
I'm going to go after NG so hard and utterly destroy his authority and sharply rebuke every one of his filthy lies about God and nobody will stop me. If only he was alive today to rebuke in person and reveal to all his followers just how much of a servant of sin he really was. Yet at the same time I confess my own sins and face the purifying fire of life every day for it is my responsibility just as much as it is yours to cleans ourselves of satanic filth and disconnect from that supply. This is about purifying our consciousness unto the direction of being children of God and not servants of our lusts and having no compass which we fully accept and serve, none of this half in half out trash. You have to go all the way. That's been a common thread since the start of RS. We must ask ourselves now in knowing of how the seed of Satan is literal and very real in this world that how come there's such an intense effort on the part of people like NG and those in the occult circles who preach metaphysics and alchemy as a thematic science and deny the physical incarnation of Christ if they are not serving sin and the seed of Satan themselves. They be possessed and be driven by the supply of lust, for NG too was driven by this temptation, else he would've spoke the truth of the bible but he didn't. He read the words of the Mosaic law and knew that it was a literal commandment and yet in that knowing he went against his faith and believed the Jew, the manifestation of Satan on earth whom NG called his friend. That's exactly what I said before, Satan will appear to you as a friend and tempt you into degeneracy without you even realising it. H will gradually build grater context and shift your sense of self into exalting yourself above God and deny Christ. "Your own wonderful human imagination is God" "That's Christ". The words of the deceived. Those who cannot hear this word still want to serve their lusts so we know who NG served. It wasn't just "his process" to be like this but that he decided to serve the master of desire over the master of truth. He spoke like he was a friend, just as the tempter would, sucking you into believing that you too can become God and create your own reality. Pure Satanism.
I just realised why imaginal experiences manifest when they do. It’s because in that experience you’re fully committing to the sin. You’re fully surrendering your responsibility to the law and turning away from God. This is why when you go all the way you are moved and the miracles are worked. It’s not God it’s filthy Satan. NG taught us to fully submit to the lusts of our desires and that there is no punishment or responsibility because we’re all of God, thus justifying temptation and the indulgence in it. It’s backwards. As I said. Entirely backwards.
I want to explore more about the term Jew relating to the bible and clear up more of these terms that show up in verses that seem to be beneficial for Jews. This will be the last entry on page 13 because it's pretty slow now. Firstly I want to explore each prominent Israelite figures and which tribe they came from. Samson was from the tribe of Dan. Deborah was from the tribe of Ephraim. Gideon was from Manasseh. Elysia came from Gad. Elysia (his offspring) came from Issachar. Joshua and Samuel were from the tribe of Ephraim and Moses and Aaron were from the tribe of Levi (priests). Notice none of these figures came from Judea. Jude (the term that the stars the Jews wore in Nazi Germany said that they wore to identify them). Jew. Judas (betrayed Christ). Thus sound of "Jew" in this context (not the context of a merchant and thief and trickster like I was referring to before in another post) is meaning to be someone of the LAND of Judea, which was the southern kingdom of Israel. The land of Judea was made up of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, Judah being the tribe who are of Germanic descent and is likely why the Jews hate Germany so much and want their seed eradicated because they existed within those peoples back in the day AND that's also the royal bloodline of Israel where king David was born from who was a great warrior and had an illustrious "fair countenance" (very very white and pure of Gods seed). This basically means that the Jews want the Germanic people eradicated because this is where Christ was born from (The house of Joseph and Joshua) (Interesting the amount of J's there, which also connects to "Jehovah" which the ancient Germanic peoples used a lot of J's pronounced as Y's in their language so that's an interesting point which would mean they'd have said "Yehwah" or something in saying "Jehova/Yahweh" like we do today) and where the powerful warrior types come from. This is where things get complicated, because Judea was made up of Israelites, but Israel was the northern kingdom, and these two kingdoms at points ended up at war with each other. These different kingdoms existed separately but were made of the same people. "Jews who say they are Jews and are not" is basically Edomites in disguise as Judeans, and all the Judaeo Christian fools who fail to comprehend real Bible doctrine say that this means there's people like us who claim to be the chosen people when we're not but obviously this isn't what that means. There's passages in the bible where Jews are seen under a positive light, and that's under the context of a Judean that's not an Edomite. The Jews that Christ spoke to in John 8 said they are of Abrahams seed but never served in captivity, meaning they've not been through the Babylonian captivity as Israel did and yet they're still in Judea, and thus they're revealing who they are, but all the rest miss this crucial point. This is why Christ calls them Jews, because they're in Judea but are not of Israel but the house of Esau Edom, thus saying they're Jews (blending into Judea as if they're of Israel) but are not. You get it now? Modern Israel has nothing to do with Israel the man and the tribes of Israel. Remember Edom back then was south of Judea, so obviously they'd have mixed in with the Judeans and became "Jews" as they're called in many places, but the term Jew in the bible doesn't specifically mean someone of Judah that's of the tribes of Israel or an Edomite saying they're of Judah. I believe that God purposefully manifested things to go this way with the language for a reason so that deception could be allowed to propagate and people like us can know the facts about what the coded silent knowledge means. Remember Paul identifies as a Hebrew, or an Israelite, as in Phil_3:4 and Romans 11:1 because he doesn't want to be identified under the term Jew, for he rebuked Jewish fables as he says. There's so much more I'll look through my notes and expand on this later, Fun fact though, the term anti-Semite wasn't ever a term used by any record ever until the Bolsheviks showed up, who were Jews as Hitler rightfully stated in Mein Kompf. The Jews of today took the identity of Israel and the Semite relates to the descendants of Shem, or Shemites you could say, which aren't even where their tribe comes from so their entire basis is as weak as dust blowing in the breeze.
To those who say that everybody can be saved, other races included, they must read this. It's all in the old testament. Isa_9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Unto US, speaking to the Israelites. Isa 9:7 "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." The government, AKA the kingdom of God ruled by the king Jesus the Christ that Israel will partake of in salvation. "I have not come but for the lost sheep of the HOUSE of Israel." More. Luk 2:8 "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night." Luk 2:9 "And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid." Luk 2:10 "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." Luk 2:11 "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luk 2:12 "And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." Notice it's addressing the shepherds, the Israelites, saying "unto you" is born the saviour. A sign unto you. Luk 2:10 is the tell tale sign that it's to the Israelites, for it says you before all people, implying all Israelites but it was to the shepherds who received the sign. Remember God only knew one seed line for those were his people. He never preached this to the rest of the world, he never sent messengers to other nations to preach it was always us who carried the law. Gen 9:8 "And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying," Gen 9:9 "And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;" It's right there. Yes we're talking about an older covenant and the universalisation preachers would say "oooooohhhh that's ooooold testament" and yet every mention of covenants has ALWAYS been through the seed of God has it not been? Mic 5:2 "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." You read that? The ruler of Israel, the king that we accept. WE (of Israel) accept Christ and thus according to the promise of salvation that we are saved through him. You get it? Isa 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Right there in Isaiah again is the statement, the king, the government, Christ, for Israel. Isaiah was an Israelite, he said "unto US a son is given and the government (KINGdom) shall be upon his shoulder". You can surely see this now and have done away with the universalism nonsense that everybody can be saved for God only knew Israel for Israel is his seed according to the promise to Abraham. The Satanic trash is always opposite, so if universalism is preached by the standard model of Bible doctrine then we clearly know the opposite is true, that separation and segregation is true. Satan wants everybody to feel special. That's why this is unpopular but it's the fact. Here's last witness we need. Matthew. Mat 10:5 "These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:" Mat 10:6 "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Mat 10:7 "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.". You hear that? Don't go to the Gentiles but go to Israel, which is why the epistles of Paul for example are all for cities where Israel are located, the LOST SHEEP! Do you get it now? It's him gathering his flock through Paul and the epistles. Paul wrote to other white nations since Christ was only local to Galilee. This is definitive proof that universalism is dead. Only white people can be saved because they're the lost sheep of Israel and we will be under his kingdom, just as Matthew states. It's plain as day. Christ speaks in Act 26:17 "Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee," Act 26:18 "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.". This is about the Gentiles being realised out of being pulled towards Sistani in the world and have contrast revealed so they can be blessed, just like the Canaanite woman I mentioned before who had faith. It's the same idea. The part here that the universalism people mention is that they'll receive the inheritance sanctified by faith, so it's a spiritual sanctification because they do not fulfil the promise to the seed. You need both seed and spiritual sanctification given the whole cosmology of the promise made to Abraham, but really to Adam and Eve if we're going by root even if back to God himself. Here's more proof of that in Matthew where the Christ speak of the parable of the wheat and the tares: Mat 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Mat 13:25 "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way." Mat 13:26 "But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also." Mat 13:27 "So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?" Mat 13:28 "He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?" Mat 13:29 "But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. " Mat 13:30 'Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.". Notice how he says that the kingdom of heaven is like the men who sow good seed, and in the Greek this means genetics, seed line, and that while men slept tares were sown among the wheat and this wheat is of the enemy (Satan) and those tares will be rooted out and burn them in the eternal fire for God does not know them, as they do not know God. Remember Joh 8:43 "Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word." Joh 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.". This is the point, those who can't hear are from either physically and or spiritually the devil, tempted into exalting themselves over the law and in doing so God does not know them. Remember God blessed Abraham with the promise because he sowed good seed, just like Noah, who was "perfect in his generations". Unless they're of the seed of Abraham then it just won't work.
There's a part of me which still holds inner truth that anyone who's not a Jew can be saved by faith, because it's all inverted is it not? To what degree. Paul in Act 26:17 "Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee," Act 26:18 "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." Act_26:20 "But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance." Act_26:23 "That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles." Act_28:28 "Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it." This seems to be the idea that salvation by faith is possible for anyone else who's of Gods seed but not of Abrahams seed. So for this to work they'd need to be of Adam and Eve still, because that's divine seed, but not exclusively to Abraham. Gentiles means "nations". I must study deeper, because there's got to be seed lines that are pure but not exclusively of the Israelites. That's my question, are there pure seed lines that were sinful before but that are now open to the promise through faith even if they're not of Abraham. I know this cannot be for peoples who are of colour because they're created before Adam, unless I'm missing something. The law is mostly about following that which provides supply to the door of vitality through God vs Satan, and if you're in that supply then you're in Christ, and thus you're saved. This is how it works. There's like a "meter" that's inviable we could say that's like the "faith meter" which is determined by works and faith and going all the way with that because it cannot be faked. Someone who's sufficient in faith degree will be in that camp of supply from God while those who self serve will be of the supply of Satan and will be destroyed. It must be of course the peoples surrounding the land of Israel and the land of Judea which is what the epistles were written for, other white people who weren't of Abrahams seed. Simply anyone who's white that's not of Abrahams seed is under the inheritance to the covenant through Christ. That's why it says neither Jew nor Greek, aka Judean or Greek, who were in a different land who Christ didn't get to minister to. It's not about Jew as in an Edomite but a Judean. That explains it.
We're here to do alchemy unto the law of God. Those IN Christ are purified, those who are lost sheep must walk the fire and be purified just as we do in RS except to serve God instead of self.
Chaldeans of Bible times and the Celts of Europe are of the same ancestry. The Israelite men had to take wives from these women who were Celts, very fair and ruddy, from Shem most likely. This possibly explains what the epistles are for, they're written to these peoples, the other nations of Adam and Eve of the world that weren't of Israel. They're not saved by blood but by faith as Paul speaks of. Nobody but whites can inherit the kingdom of God as all others were either created before Adam and Eve or were of the serpent seed and will be destroyed in eternal ever lasting fire. The thing is that Gentile in the Latin means people who come from the same genes. Why does this make sense? GEN-tile. GENE. It's all Je, Ge, Ye, She. GENesis. You see? Genes is everything. That still doesn't explain why Paul writes to the Greeks and the "Jews" and other nations of white people. I remember years back when I went into this study I never had a clear answer either, but I know it will come. All I know is that anybody who is not white is destined for eternal fire. Kashmir by the way is supposedly where Adam and Eve settled in which is northern India, which ties into what I said before about how White people were involved in founding the Indian Vedic traditions because we roamed the European continent. Egypt for a while was ruled by White people too. Ever wonder where all these mythologies come from that all have the same archetypal thematics? Yeah. The Jews follow us around because they cannot create. The prophesy of Gen 3:14 "And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:". Eating the dust AKA parasitism off our creative essence and our blessings. They don't live as parasites in other nations because we're far more prosperous than them so there's nothing to leech off. BB said they'll milk the USA dry, AKA eating the dust we kick up for them.
It’s amazing to see people being critical of NG and seeing him for the false preacher he was. An anti Christ fooled by a Jew. There’s nothing that can stop this unfolding of people truly questioning and moving away from Satanism because it’s plain as fat now. It’s undeniable. The prophesies of the bible have physically fulfilled and explain everything about this world were living in today and obviously the people who can’t see that are serving Satan.
1Th 2:14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
1Th 2:15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
1Th 2:16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
You hear there? Paul said the Jews are contrary to call men. Checkmate? Why is the bible the most misinterpreted book of all time? Because it reveals who's who in the world today. Jesus the Christ is the king of all kings as he revealed to us as God who we are and how we can be saved from the serpent. Belief in his name means living in the truth of Christ and being uncompromising in your acts which demonstrate faith. Name the Jew and fear not for the persecution of this world is but temporary. Attaining immortality here by the power of exalting the self and going all the way with that burns your spiritual vitality which we are measured by. Your measurement of grace is spiritual correctness according to the law. Christ says in Mat_5:19 "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
Judaeo-Christian doctrine was invented in 1909 with the Schofield reference bible and then pushed hard in the 1930's to rally support for the filthy Edomite Jews in the west. Since then the whole world has been tricked by that trash to disconnect white people, Gods children, from their rightful identity as Israel. It's disgusting. I sharply rebuke anyone who thinks otherwise with mountains and mountains and mountains and mountains of data that cannot be refuted.
It's become clear to me that what makes white people different is the in built ability to feel shame. That's the law written in the heart.
So three's also a correction I want to make that I completely missed and forgot I went into all those years ago when writing about the other races and their origin. This is about the pre-Adamite world, as in when the Africans and Asians showed up thousands of years before white people did. This is complicated to explore and I must reference more scriptures to demonstrate my point but there's much reference to a world where humans existed before Adam. Adam meaning red, the white man with a pink complexion, able to blush and show shame or embarrassment which of course is the manifestation of that fixed point of reference written into the hearts of all white people that nobody else has. According to the bible. This is why it was said that Adam and Eve were to "replenish" the earth. When God looks upon the earth and it is without form or void it's actually meaning that the earth was present after there was a destruction previously. void simply relates to the "aftermath of destruction" according to Webster's Bible. The King James doesn't refer to this in the term used but it can be found elsewhere for example in Job and Jeremiah. This means that Asians and Darker skinned peoples were here before Adam that survived the destruction of the earth previously. The bible makes no mention that the earth had a time frame on its creation. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". No days is given, but it's always assumed it's on the 1st day but this wouldn't explain common sense reasoning as to why different races have existed longer than the white peoples. This once again is confirmed by Gen_1:28 "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Replenish the earth. REplenish. It's also that the creation of man (Not Adam) comes before Adam which is said to replenish the earth. Jer 4:23 "I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light." Jer 4:24 "I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly." Jer 4:25 "I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled." Jer 4:26 "I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger." Jer 4:27 "For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end." Jer 4:28 "For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it." Jer 4:29 "The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen; they shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city shall be forsaken, and not a man dwell therein.". This chapter is titled "Anguish over Judah's Desolation". Jer 4:22 "For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge." Jeramiah is basically seeing a vision of the world before the world he's on now. Jer 4:27-29. That right there demonstrates through surrounding scripture that there was a time where in Jer 4:27 "For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.". You see? SHELL be, meaning to do, but it will not be the full end. Now do we see how the replenishment that was instructed of man on the day of his creation make sense. To replenish the earth of people who left the cities forsaken. God said in Jer 4:29 "The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen; they shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city shall be forsaken, and not a man dwell therein.". This irrefutably proves that there was cities and people here before Adam. Jeramiah also says the heavens had no light and the earth was without form and void, just as was the state of the earth before the Genesis days of creation in the beginning. It's that we're basically picking up after Gen 1:1. He created the heaven and the earth and it was destroyed, and in Gen1:2 then there's the earth that was without form and void and as Jeramiah said the heavens were dark, which is why then in Gen 1:3 we see God create light and the heavens. Remember the firmament IS heaven. Gen 1:8 "And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.". It's said that the earth was turned upside down, that the waters filled the earth when there was a war in heaven. This is why God looked upon the face of the deep, and also is why the firmament was created to separate the waters above and the waters below, which the waters above BECAME heaven. It's a REcreation story, a REplenishment story, and this is why Adam was created. Also keep in mind that waters can be representative of peoples (waters meaning substance/yin/flesh/Jing) too, as in separating the peoples from above (angels I would assume, though it likely would've referenced it but it didn't so) from those from below In the world, and thus "the face of the waters" could very well be the remnant of the people on the world and the creation of the firmament is the creation of the division between created peoples. I don't know but it's interesting thoughts. chapter named "Judgement of the whole earth" it's said in Isa 24:1 "Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof." Isa 24:2 "And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him." Isa 24:3 "The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word." Isa 24:4 "The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish." Isa 24:5 "The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant." Isa 24:6 "Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left." It's saying there was usury in the land before and that cities were destroyed, There must've been "Babylonian" types on the earth before as well, so it makes me wonder that this earlier earth age faced the same kind of conditions that we have today, assuming it's referencing an earth age before. The last passage says "few men left" meaning that the destruction left some remaining. The entire chapter makes zero mention of redemption or anything. Seems it was the destruction of a previous earth age, considering both Isiah and Jeramiah are major prophets with many visions it would make sense when also connected to the "replenish" commandment. We were created here to basically restore peace on earth to "correct" Satan's previous war in heaven which caused a similar condition to show up again where this time around with the coming of Christ and the redemption it was said to be the final time this happens. White people are the seed of God because only we have the divine essence to know right from wrong written in our hearts which of course was why the bible is the book about us and not any other people, because it was us who were suppose to cleanse the earth and become fruitful but the serpent of course tricked Eve so the cycle started again. It seems it wasn't suppose to happen this way until Eve got seduced but the moment it happened God set this great plan in motion which is where we're at today. All the people of the earth except the Israelites will be eternally burned in hell fire to end the suffering. All things must manifest according to the law, because that's the effective purifying function of consciousness which also allows us to go through it with the free will decision to follow the law or not. That's the REdemption plan, the REplenishment plan. should all come together now. It's to REstore the wheat of the earth and burn the tares, consciousness being purified. It's the grand alchemical process playing out on a collective level that's purifying consciousness and we the white people get to play that part front and center stage.
So the beasts of the field, as I mentioned before referenced 4 legged animals, at least in most cases. If you look at all mentions of the word beasts it cannot relate to 2 legged beats under all contexts, though in some it seems that's the case. The Hebrew term is different from living man in many of these cases and is based on the term behemoth. Point is that non adamic races were created before Adam separately, which is of course why God commanded Israel to go kind after kind and not mix with the other races because it would pollute the pure seed of God. These other people before Adam might not be of Satanic seed but I don't know. I need to figure this part of things out fully. We should figure this out together. Remember we're not here to espouse hate we're here to find the true word of God. Either way this and much more will be further explored and discussed in notebook 14.
You'd not believe this. News just got to me that Trump is moving into Gaza to "rebuild". I literally just said before this was announced that Israel is looking to build their Sanhedrin. Was I manifesting this or was I intuiting what's there already and it came through me? You decide.
I just went over his press conference briefly and he was asked "Who do you envision living there" and he responded "the worlds people". What do you think that means? It's definitely not the Palestinians. When you put this into perspective it's simply that the greater Israel project is rolling out exactly as planned. However this happens it's not going to be beneficial for anyone except Babylon. He also said "it will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area". What people? Then he went on and said "This is for everybody in the middle east". Remember that nobody can get access to Gaza except through Egypt or Israel, and since many surrounding nations aren't on good relations with Israel then it wouldn't surprise me if this turns into where the temple is built, but I don't know. Sounds like Israel just effectively forced the Palestinians out under a completely false pretence. I mean if that doesn't reveal to you the nature of what we're dealing with here then I don't know what will to be honest it's pure evil. None of us manifested any of this it's greater process playing out. Billions of your dollars going into funding greater Israel. How do you feel about that hey? "Oh it doesn't impact me that's a second hand experience". What a load of utterly ignorant trash.
Jewish Encyclopaedia 1904 edition under "The Edomites as a whole incorporate the entirety of the Jewish nation".
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971 edition under "Esau" it says "Edomites became a section of the Jewish people".
Josephus "Antiquities of the Jews" Vol 4: "Edomites are none other than the modern day Jews" at the modern day when he wrote it which was in the 2nd century AD.
These quotes prove the point that the Jews are in fact hated by God. and nobody can deny it.
I also wonder about that quote from John about the commandment to love your brother and the Jews because the Jews are technically our brother, and perhaps he said that for this message. This chapter has a title called "The New Commandment"
1Jn 2:7 Brethren, I write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning: The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.
1Jn 2:8 Again, a new commandment I write to you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.
1Jn 2:9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
1Jn 2:10 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in him.
1Jn 2:11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because darkness hath blinded his eyes.
1Jn 2:12 I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake.
It's clear here that John is commanding us to love our brother, who is Esau Edom. If we are the children of God, the only race with souls, then we must accept our commandments of our father must we not? Even if our father hates Esau that doesn't mean we must hate him to, and perhaps this is a hidden test. Perhaps Hitler's hate for the Jew was his downfall, because I wonder how such could happen if he followed the truth. The power of Yahweh God our Father and our Saviour Jesus the Christ his Son, we harness this infinite power channelled from the heavens when we dwell in the truth of that love. This is not to sound like the rest of those "love and light" fools but simply to recognise the nature of what we're dealing with, and that we're commanded to obey. We are under God, and if God commands then we must accept and follow suit. If we are in Christ then we will WANT to keep the commandments, else we do not abide in Christ, thus why we must love our brother, and our neighbour and such. We can recognise their evil, and not deny it, but we are to cast light on them from the truth of the word. The sword is just as much a physical sword as it is a metaphysical sword, that being the word of God. The holy scriptures, which Holy simply means to be distinguished and set apart, which we are. If we embody being set apart then we are to follow the scriptures as our truth, no matter what, for facing persecution in this world for that truth is righteousness. We in acting as true children of God manifest through us naturally that power, and we will have miracles performed through us if we are suppose to. We allow the seeds within to unfold. We embody our potential and accept that whatever happens is to happen. This is and really always has been the essence of RS. Allow your righteous anger towards the evil of the world come through you in the correct manner. This doesn't mean to be a doormat and be a pacifist like most think, have some guts but don't overextend into uncalled for places. If you feel an impulse to reveal evil when it's necessary and there's an opportunity (when you're finding yourself otherwise playing tug of war, and having a voice to speak truth when those times come up to do so without hesitation) and have that truth come through you so that you may galvanise the people around you into their self realisation and identification with more of their true selves through your act no matter the persecution you face. Striving to revel the contrast in the world is your task. Hold people accountable to the truth of God, but you better make sure you practise what you preach. You're a living embodiment of the law and your light is the purifying light of the word. This is what we are to do in essence, though each of us would have different paths of exploring that. I don't care what the design stuff says this is the fundamental essence according to the word of who we really are. We are to empower and reveal who's who through our works and our truth.
Remember we're created as sons of God, not "man". The other races aren't containing that same essence, so we're expected to keep the commandments as Christ commands. Salvation simply means that you're in Christ, and to be in Christ you believe in him as the Son of God in which you too are sons of God, but not equal to, and thus from identifying your position in the hierarchy of creation, processes within processes, that you'll keep your commandments as expected and really out of wanting to because it's your true nature with having the law written in your hearts. The other races don't have that and they never can, it's impossible and no matter what they think they can't because they're not sons of God, which means you're the ones who must uphold the law and live as the example of what it means to be a son of God, to recognise your divine essence and own that, but not exalt yourself above your rightful place as Satan did. Exultating yourself is Sin, so you simply know your place and dwell in this place. In terms of states it's that you live according to the outlined state described in the bible relating to keeping the commands of the law along with other such natures. To those reading who aren't of Israel, well according to the bible you're to support us as creations of God and not sons of God, so walking in the recognition of that truth will only bring blessings to you anyway as it did to the Canaanite woman who was called a dog by Christ, yet was blessed out of faith. Faith in him no matter what puts you in love and in love you're in Christ which manifests those righteous works through you according to the nature of your heart. Simplifies manifestation doesn't it. You don't need anything. You can let it all go. You don't need to do anything, because you're not becoming anyone that you're not. That's all who you think you are but are not. Know yourself, sons of God, and walk in that light. Be purified under that light and dwell here and live from that light every day as a living example of the word.
Who God loves he will tempt and test with lusts. We are not to test him but we are to accept the tests and face challenge in righteousness. The challenges we face are persecutions of purification, not hatred being cats upon us. These temptations are opportunities to clean the heart, not things to go after in the world. The LOA community is backwards. Often those who face persecution from the Jew will be the ones who are loved the most, because they act with their faith unto death, because they know who they are. This is why I say that the whole point of Christ coming was to reveal who's who, and who you are as the sons of God. The old testament was literally written to us, so that we can know our history, our people and our nature as sons of God, why we're here. The bible is the written word from God to reveal to us who we are so that we may have faith and not lose our identity. I believe that truly what it means to be in Christ and to be saved under grace is to recognise who you are as sons of God and act accordingly to the law that is written in your hearts. Gen 5:1 "This is the book of the generations of Adam: In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him:" Mat 1:1 "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.". What more needs to be said. The bible is literally written about our genetic lineage, our identity, our essence. Why is the world doing everything it can to attack our identity and our history and the word of God? Because those who are judged are judged according to their works, and if they do not know themselves, AKA if their frame of reference and point of comparison is unknown or confused, or even worse, based on a solipsistic self exalted ideology of serving self because you identify AS God like what NG says, then you'll reap what you sow. Knowing your lineage is the most powerful thing you can know as a son of God which is exactly what they want you disconnected from. They want you chasing things in the world and being distracted by propaganda and buying into their fables to forget your progeny as being a son of God and living as one in the world not because you do it to attain a reward but because you truly know yourself. Knowing self means knowing that you do in fact have a fixed point of comparison, just as RS has always said with the metaphysics, and then embodying that fixed point of reference, not in a relative "manifestation by state" idea but because it's who you really are. That's a true son of God.
The metaphysical level in a vacuum can never explain the suffering of the world without an absolute frame of reference by which things are measured by, which of course is the law. This is why relativity and quantum probability nonsense doesn't work on any level. It's all based on knowing self, and in faith of that identification you are moved to unfold the seeds that are written within your heart to bare fruit accordingly. This we are judged on. You are not afraid to suffer for the sake of Christ who walked in the same path and met the same fate, for suffering for his name sake.
Mat_24:9 Then will they deliver you up to be afflicted, and will kill you: and ye will be hated by all nations for my name's sake.
Mar_13:13 And ye will be hated by all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved.
Luk_21:12 But before all these they will lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.
Luk_21:17 And ye will be hated by all men for my name's sake.
Joh_15:21 But all these things will they do to you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
Act_9:16 For I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.
Rev_2:3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast labored, and hast not fainted.
It's not our job to fight the Jew, for the Father fights that battle for us and when required, through us. Righteousness is our correct orientation. The most powerful of all is to bring up all elements of hypocrisy you face and burn them out. Purify your guilts. Truly I say the most powerful thing to accept is that you're a disgusting sinner, because if we're honest we all are, as cliche as that sounds. Accepting this will allow you to bring the contrast and purify yourself under the fire by going through the pressure of making the correct decisions when opportunities arise. This exact example IS the process of "manifesting", and thus should come naturally through inner truth which is the point of comparison that's written in your heart as the law. You see now what natural striving and inner truth really mean. You must have context is the absolute frame of reference, else it fails the test, literally. We're not to hold false illusions of ourselves painted over with exalted attributes we believe are virtuous. We are to accept all of our flaws and go through with purifying them RS style. We simply accept and be moved accordingly. That's all we have to do. The more you sacrifice for the truth the more abundant you are because the less you need to feel satisfied. When your supply of satisfaction isn't with the things of the world but with the word of God and the truth of it then you cannot feel left out, for you inherit immortality, the true immortality not the satanic immortality of internal alchemy where you're doing the work to become God. This is a valid process that I have followed but have turned from in recognising the nature of things. Paul had blood on his hands but was washed clean when he repented, and he was saved by immense grace by God. Those who follow NG face the fate of suffering with success in the world but true spiritual bankruptcy. I always knew this inner truth within me, but I never accepted it until I put it all together recently. True acceptance comes from the word, it truly does. It's that you either lose yourself in the self exaltation of your secret self into the position of God and deny Christ or you accept Christ and love accordingly, no matter what you may or may not have in the world. You can know God will see to your material needs and provide you what you need if you walk with righteousness, even if that's a lot less than you'd like in the current moment. You will be satisfied with whatever your path entails because nothing is more satisfying than walking on earth as a child of God knowing who you are and knowing that nobody has a basis to prove you wrong for both your faith and your gnosis are your foundation. This is why this is all hidden from us, because it's the door to immortality that's not marketed to us. All the years I spent studying metaphysics led me to the deepest levels of the mechanics of consciousness and now having reverse engineered it I have reached that point in awareness. Knowing this means nothing though of course without faith, for faith will lead to works and works are what you're judged from by God. It starts by studying the word and understanding who you are.
This notebook testifies of my transformation. Do not listen to what I say, listen to the word for it will reveal itself in you as it did in me over these years. Do not consider me a preacher, because I am not. I am still very much learning. and there is a lifetime to learn this truth ahead still.
Remember nobody in this world has no power unless it's given to them by God. Your ability to wield power depends on who you serve. If you serve Satan then he will be your supply and you will manifest all the things of the world and claim you're a powerful manifestor but you will be sacrificing spiritual authority up and be destroyed for denying God who is your Father. If you walk with God and you deny the world and walk in the truth knowing that you will be looked after and no power on earth can stop you, because all that everybody does is allowed or prevented by God. Nobody has any power to stop God's divine will, and if he chooses you then you will walk without a power to stop you for you walk with your Father guided by the holy spirit. You are not god but you accept God and thus you are moved by God and unfold your potential. This is the truth about RS and manifestation. You can "control" other people by the power you serve, not your assumptions. It's not about beliefs but about serving a certain ideology which becomes the thematic of your overarching supply. Do you serve God or mammon, and if you serve mammon then you will be allowed to manifest accordingly, but you will still have within you the righteousness you walked away from trying to get your attention. The degree to which you abandon your inner truth determines the material success you have in going after your lusts, and the inverse is true as well with if you abandon your lusts and accept the word you will manifest from that power instead. Pick a side and serve only one master because if you're in the middle then you will be stuck seeing signs and limitations because you're being half in half out trying to serve the box and make the most of it while also staying outside of the wall of transformation because you're afraid to go all the way. It all comes together. As I've always said this all comes through me. I am not given any more understanding or faith than I am willing to accept from God, and you're the same. The acceptance that you hold within you determines the degree to which you serve your Father and thus will manifest awareness of such being a son of God. Only your people, the Israelites, and the Adamites as the other white races, are chosen to fulfil this role. Other races can serve this role too if they accept the word but this doesn't mean they're entitled to the promise for it is exclusive. Preach that truth alone with courage and faith in the truth and you will be walking the path of righteousness. Remember always that no power on earth can stop you from your path because God allows all good and evil to happen through his will, which is greater than yours by an infinite amount and when we have faith in that movement then we are showing faith in our works and that is where we are blessed in manifestation of the seeds within. We are the trees which bare fruit.
Trees in the bible by the way represent people. When you take all the parables of Christ, and the waters which also symbolically represents people too, it all makes sense. It all connects. The word reveals itself and has life of its own. The power is made manifest.
If you take anything away from notebook 13 it's this. Do not take the word exclusively as allegory. The alchemist sees this work as allegory, NG sees it as allegory, Jews see it this way, because they see what they want to see in it depending on their ideology they live by, If you cannot see the truth in this word then you are serving a master that is not God and he will allow you to be deceived because of your lack of faith in your inner truth. When you begin to act on your inner truth and break the boxes of compromise that go against this inner truth then you will be shown things that are hidden. The hidden secret self will reveal itself to you because that IS you, that's who you really are. You are not a relative subjective consciousness emanating into corporeal reality as we teach in LOA circles, and old metaphysical RS, but you are a son of God and you can hear the word if you accept it. If you cannot hear the word then obviously you're being allowed to be derived because you're unwilling to accept your inner truth and you WANT to exalt yourself and compromise on that inner truth to attain things in the world. There's no other way around it, The truths that are revealed to you determine your awareness of self relating to God and how closely you serve his will. The more you serve the will of God the more these hidden things will be shown in the strangest ways. That is what I have learned the most out of all lessons in the years I've been doing this. You will believe you can see when you cannot and the truth is that the only thing holding you back is the guilt of compromise you hold deep within you relating to your inner truth that you've left behind and disowned, and that this compromise is what's anchoring you into serving the self and you're too far in deep to let go. If you can accept and have faith and let go and break the box then you will have these things revealed. That's the essence o fall manifestation. That's the lesson NG was totally blind to because he was deceived. I can not at this point go deeper into explaining manifestation than that, for this is the deepest truth as far as I know about how it works and how to "make it happen". It's all depending on what ideology you serve and who you accept as your God.
Jesus the Christ IS God. Jesus is in the old testament but you must have discernment to be able to see him. You must accept to be able to see. Jesus Christ is God under the new covenant. He's the same God as the old testament. There is only one God.
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