Aetheraeon Notebook Private

This is my private notebook. The link is public but only those with the link will find this. Hopefully.


So This is more so about practical aspects to this work. What are we doing. Where are we going? How do we get where we are wanting to go. What's true desire vs mental conditioning from the world? These questions will be answered here and put into a premium program that will be completed when it's ready. I'm going to begin making RS content again and blow this LOA thing up for good.



Pathway work

Log down everything. All of the things. Log it all down. The concepts. The themes. The sensory experiences and memories. The metaphysical sensations and the emotional states. Log it all down. Log log log log log. 

With this work we're going to understand what's taking up the most of our mental environment and how that's driving the sensations into associated thematic experiences that you've identified. With this in mind you're going to understand what sensations lead to what experiences and what experiences in the world bring up what sensations so you can refine the direction you're moving in on the active level.

There's also pathway revision that involves revising root memories that attach to core aspects of our field geometry to have a cascading effect on all related themes.


Break pattern

Log what you spend the most time during the day. Refine your time spent to reflect how the sensation associated to your satisfaction can be expressed and experienced. Break pattern in this way. Ask yourself what do these experiences you most often return to describe your sense of self and what the sensation is representing conceptually. What are you dominantly EXPERIENCING! What's the thematic experience and associated sensations and concepts and such. If you're finding that manifestations show up when you break pattern but then they drop out when you go back to default then there's a reason why. Refine the patterns you're integrating into and normalising and you'll open up a whole new reality.


Cultivating vitality

This is an aspect relating to doing the transformation work on a passive level. This is internal alchemy, mostly. We're going to work with the metaphysical nature of our being along with the resonant sensations that drive us to give us what we need to transform.




Touching yourself is terrible for your vitality.

Having been through this in my past I know the effects of it and how those effects can actually stick around for years until they're fully recovered. Years.

The issue is that you're going to be causing both heat and depletion and out of that stagnations. The Jing will be forced to catalyse as you raise the pelvic floor which is what extends the phallus through the movement of qi and yang but there also must be blood and essence present to catalyse else there's not going to be steam rising up to build pressure. When the pelvic floor gets tense you're raising yang and qi is circulating but it's also burning essence at the same time for nothing, even without reaching the pressure threshold where yang has left the kidney meridian and entered into the liver and heart where pleasurable sensations are more intensely felt and the essence or waters then get pumped out as the yang cannot hold in the essence from it being raised up to that threshold. Edging feels so intense because you're constantly raising and dipping the yang as it catalyses Jing. You're losing vitality at an incredible rate doing this and it's extremely destructive because you're going to cause heat patterns in the liver leading to eventual qi stagnation and so your circuits and thematic sensations will be warped if the channels are stuck. Frustration kicks in because smooth flowing vitality cannot nourish the Hun. There's a lack of fully formed yin and qi because yang has turned the almost jelly like substance into thin water which has no substantive potential to transform to blood or act with qi to nourish the circuits on the periphery. 

So to discuss the psychological aspects of this.

The psychological elements are relating of course to thematics and contrast of those thematics. When you're attracted to something in the world that's sexually stimulating and raises kidney yang which catalyses Jing and turns the more jelly like substance of essence into a watery form then it's because there's a thematic association to the channel where that's made manifest in the field geometry. Certain concepts we associate to the archetype of current, Venus and Jupiter and to a degree Mars. When we feel contrast and wake up from being pulled into the world of desire and lust it's coming most often from the lung and spleen meridian, the descending current which sinks charges down naturally through that activation of those themes. When your consciousness is engaged in that level of contrast current cannot naturally rise as it would if the context was focused in that moment. 

It makes me wonder if split definition is what causes us to more easily be warped in our context based on what's circulating in those splits. My head and ajna is separate from my lower motor centers which the heart and emotions are split and my throat and G and sacral are split too. Triple split likely has a harder time connecting the greater context without specific influence from the world to activate current into these channels. When you're drained and you bring focus to this area you don't feel anything because the current has been depleted. There's less pressure that can build and thus the sensations are decreased significantly. This pressure when not expressing as sexual sensation will manifest as drive to move in the world and also will influence others as to drive them too. They'll be drawn to it like a magnet and will want to play around with you because of that. It's a function of pressure, pressure to transform. They want that current not for transformation but for circulating and then depletion. You want to retain this current and circulate it to nourish your shen naturally through forming the higher order substances which eventually spill over and generate post natal Jing which can reverse your biological age and increase further attraction. This is innocent attraction, not degenerate depletion driven attraction. Sexual attraction we believe today is normal is degeneracy and is how Talmudic sex works through using and depleting. This is not divine and proportionate it's entropic and degenerate. We want to normalise the natural raising of these currents for the functions of nourishing and the biggest issue we face today especially as men is the depletion of this vitality because this literally is what moves you in the world to manifest. Without this current you cannot and will not be able to be driven correctly. You'll be weak and powerless and depleted and useless basically which is what Talmudism wants for Amalek. 

What I want to make clear here is that when you're in the mind, when you're comparing contrast to the degenerate fantasy that's associated to the current that rises in the sacral there won't be desire. The contrast kills the desire because it's not based on limited thematic resonance and context, the sense of self is more whole and complete and you can see things for what they are. If while you're in the middle of an aroused state and you bring to mind the contrast just as you do when the limited beliefs about other aspects arise you shift the thematic resonance and the sense of self shifts as the currents are now circulating in different meridians providing the ferment a new quality. 

The response from the Sacral is the thing that causes the visceral reaction often manifesting as noises or movements. It's one of those things that's likened to a sexual moan. You can't help but have that expression because the sensation is present and it comes through you and out of you. The MHM or NUH UH comes through you and out of you depending on the quality of the sensation arising from the sacral. PERIOD. That's what sacral response is. RA said it was an MHM or NUH UH because those were the common responses people had when the sacral was responding. The visceral response comes through you and not because of you. You don't decide it manifests the way that the sensation drives however if the yang and the qi and the blood isn't nourished then the sensation will be muted and diminished because you're depleted. Without a sufficient pressure behind the current that sexual moan wouldn't happen. When you're more aroused there's more intense sensations, it's the same with yes and no response which is the inner authority speaking through you. That's what matters.



Manifestation process.

Take the concept, the sensory experience and then the sensation that relates to and categorise the "theme" of experience categorising it. Contrasting each of the limited sensations and themes and concepts you're going to log resonant aspects of each that lead you towards feeling a rising sensation in your body, as if you've got a sensation of your body saying YES! Now with these areas logged down you want to go into each of the most important and deepest level memories in each category or theme and dive in head first into the sensation. While in the depths of these sensations you're going to consciously draw contrast to that with the concepts you've logged and identified to use as the contrast and sink into those sensations and bring that contrast to mind and reason with yourself as to why believing in the limited side is silly and nonsensical and how that was just your limited perception causing that. You'll naturally feel the sensation shift through that. Sink further into that and then out of that act in the world in a way that demonstrates how this new perspective is real to you and normal with testimony of experience through these actions. Rinse and repeat. Bringing greater context into a state of being under pressure and allowing that contrast to be the purifying agent which transforms the resistance is how ALL psychological elements that are disproportionate get dissolved and released. Releasing resistance is providing yourself the correct supply so that you no longer need to hold on. You're while under that limited contextual experience and theme bringing correct context to raise the internal supply to nourish and out of that dissolve the resistance as you've now taken back your "power" you gave away to fit in and be accepted by your environment. You've now changed the default normalised way you think to be correct to your design and thus the sensations that thematically relate to the limitation are gone and you're not longer "triggered" when the same things come up. The sense of self is refined even with the same concepts because you've tapped your internal supply and used that to nourish yourself.

This is how it works. Period. The only reason it wouldn't is because you've got no baseline substances as the potential for supply to be tapped into. Without a sufficient level of cultivated baseline substance as the potential by which it can take form and be the substance to rise and nourish and be the positive purifying pressure then this cannot happen, not efficiently at least. That's the process. Study it and don't discount a word I said, it's metaphysical and alchemical and you'll find this process to be reflective in every case there is. 


Whenever you get these impulses arise to take an action that's contrasting to where you are now, these subtle intuitive sensations, you should act on them especially if that direction is proportionate towards your satisfaction. If not then leave it be and drop it.



The basic process is to do this. Log the thoughts which arise the most that you have negative sensations for and write down where that sensation is and what it feels like and how it effects your mental atmosphere. Do this for everything. Out of that then build a series of themes that many of them link into, these are the familiar categories in which these beliefs lands in and log those down. Then you’ll describe the overarching feeling of the theme. Process within process. After that then you’ll look at areas of your life that’s aren’t where you want them to be and reflect on the themes you’ve identified and their metaphysical nature and find those links. This can look like “stagnation in physical movement” and that can manifest as qi or blood stagnations in various meridians for example which would reflect the psychological element that’s compromised and not fully nourished. We aim to nourish ourselves, ADHD for example is a manifestation of not being nourished with liver qi and yin or blood. Out of that then decide which is the most important to work with and start by diving into the beliefs and thoughts that arise. Let the sensation arise and be as it may be just let it do it’s thing focus on the targeted theme. When you’re in this belief you’ll want to write down every thought that arises relating to why you can’t have or be this person. All of them. Write them all down and log any changes in the sensation that comes up. Log it all down. Then in positions that are in contrast to those thoughts relating to that belief you’ll write down reasons as to why believing this is silly and why you’ve got more than enough within you already for this to not be a big deal. Provide every reason as to why this isn’t a big deal to you. When you’re then ready you’re going to simulate being under pressure by diving into these thoughts of what if I can’t have this or be this person and to as deep into it as you can. Go all the way. Out of that pressure now you’re going to bring all the reasons as to why this feeling is really not important and why it shouldn’t matter in defining your decisions and states of mind. You’re going to remind yourself while you’re in those pits of feeling the bad sensations that it’s really not that bad. So what if I don’t get this. So what if I can’t be this person. So what if things don’t go according to the desired end. So what. Big deal. Oh well there’s nothing wrong it doesn’t matter. This doesn’t define me. I have all these other things that provide me satisfaction that I can own and enjoy. You’re going to while running up against the resistance head first raise the purifying fire of life and allow that current to dissolve the resistance through your acceptance of it. The acceptance of it allows the natural overflow of the vital currents towards nourishing your circuits while those themes and channels are active which is what dissolved the resistance. Doing this IS the work. This is the process that unfolds to correctly dissolve any and all resistance. 




Sacral response is correct use which it has availability for in expression. Without that and you still force it to be used you're going to feel unbelievable frustration. If this is relating to sexual expression then it must be sunk because if you raise it and it cannot express you're going to be incorrectly using it, it will cause heat and the motor will burn up. You don't want the motor running hot you want it to run just warm and humming along well. Don't want a cold motor because it'll seize up you just want it running properly and in flow with what's coming in to respond to.

Now another level to this is liver and kidney interactions. When you edge while retaining fluid you're going to deplete kidney yang and that's going to raise up into the liver as it turns the substance to steam and cause heat. This moisture that's hot causes damp heat in the liver and leads to outbursts because of this "stagnation" of fluid that should be more substantive and nourishing but it's destructive. Your ability for substance that's of proper order to nourish the liver and to have the held yang present that's nourishing and not causing heat and frustration then you're going to be able to have the visceral response that will drive you and generate influence in the world for you to "manifest" what's desired. There's no magic it's all alchemy and metaphysics. What must be understood is that the transformation of substance is what leads to your manifesting capacity. You're going to be frustrated if there's heat in the liver meridian. The liver is arguably the most important here even over the kidney and the heart because this is what is the bridge between the yin and the yang. The kidney in itself raises the current as minister fire but that fire requires a channel to flow through so the manifestation of frustration originates as excess fire in the kidney that's excessively warming the liver causing the manifestation, but the liver is what mediates the current to be drawn up as that's what's responding. The kidney is the store of substance and the root of the fire which is waiting to become used. This is why sinking the charge as I say is so important as if you're prematurely raising current without it being properly expressed then it's going to burn out your motor and you'll get frustrated and depleted. 

If you think that being depleted yourself is going to make someone else feel better then you're kidding yourself. You can temporarily boost yourself in that place but once again there's no baseline to work with there. It's degenerate. We must dissolve our resistance through nourishment. That's how this works. The more nourished you are the more of your higher order consciousness can operate through you, THROUGH you.



So when you're doing involuntary muscle movements to dissolve resistance stuck in the circuits. Now when you're edging hard for example and like really stressing to get release you'll notice your legs and core and muscles in the lower body will shake involuntarily. I've had this happen many times. It makes me wonder if the dissolution of kidney qi through the circuit is responsible for this, at least to some degree. I know that kidney qi is involved in movement of the lower body which is why people with diabetes can have their legs just suddenly give out and they fall over because their "root" has been destroyed. It seems to involve kidney qi moving to the outer portion of the root circuit to move resistance around. I don't know for sure if this is something that's actually happening here but metaphysically it makes sense. Kidney and liver meridians relate here. Kidney provides the purifying substance. 



What if every time we're born we're born into resistance, we're born into resistance in the blood, in the body, in the form. This determines how we experience our upbringing. Every cycle the population gets traumatised by the Jooz and so they get resistance stuck in the substance which is transferred and so the child grows up with it in them and that's reflected in their experiences.