Aetheraeon Notebook 2

Aetheraeon Notebook 2


This is a continuation of the original notebook because the page got way too slow for the shopify editor to handle on my PC. This is the second "page" of my notebook which will have more added too it over time.

 20/11/23 continued



I just watched a video from Rita Kaminski


I was browsing through my video stats and found mine was suggested after her video on many peoples feeds. Makes sense as the algorithm picks out themes of like videos to match. Anyway..

She says that basically it's about making a decision and sticking with it. What Rita doesn't grasp is that a vast majority of us don't live life from the viewpoint she has with the same beliefs as she has. Someone that big of course will have mountains of success stories, I have success stories just from comments people put on videos. Regardless this idea of just making a decision to live in the future end is actually coming from a revisional standpoint as the beliefs which anchor you into those past patterns will come into mind, that drive to move beyond the circumstances where your field is powerful is only temporary just like any other state. Neville himself said that we shift between states all the time, and it's only upon making one stable that it becomes unconsciously anchored and normal to us. This whole thing isn't just about making a decision but also in combination with that not compromising on who you are being surrounding that decision. If you're doing nothing but giving into the past experiences of compromise and reacting accordingly it means you're value isn't there or else you'd not react. Her value is so high and coherent that she is unphased because she very very likely also took consistent action towards her dreams surrounding that context of the concept she's integrating and fell asleep every night feeling at least somewhat satisfied at what she accomplished each day. Do you see the point. Reality isn't just responding to your thoughts as those thoughts must integrate within the field geometry of your vortical field and be sorted by the sense of self which is how we draw associations.

You can listen to a piece of music and without even thinking about it you'll be transported back to your past and feel all this nostalgia arise. This is completely unconscious and what Rita needs to get is that so many of us who are stuck in past associations with sensory inputs that remind us of the fact that we don't have value and thus we react because we can't help but to react. There's no way to stop yourself from reacting unless you've got a surrounding association to draw from which reminds you in that moment that you do have value and that this person doesn't have influence over your feelings. YOU CAN'T STOP REACTING WITHOUT AN ASSOCIATION THAT SERVES YOUR VALUE. That's the way your mind works, and it's the same for everyone no matter how coherent or incoherent you are.

When you fulfil your joy and actually decide to act in all the areas of life that serve you surrounding this desire you're being the change you wish to see, BEING the change not just thinking about it and this will remind you that you do have value from expressing yourself according to your joys. When you compromise on this aspect it warps your manifestations and there's nothing your conscious mind can do outside of taking upon yourself the quality of consciousness of absolute rebellion towards your circumstances and claiming your power and value and negating the conditions all as they come up. The problem is this will likely be temporary for a lot of people because you'll wake up and then that boosted state will drop off and you'll be reminded of the lack as soon as you open your eyes when you start playing out the same habits again because it's normal for you to be like that. This is why I say to everybody I coach with that the most important factor to affecting lasting change is to get back into I am god mindset as soon as you wake up and dedicate yourself to this. Rampage, follow a thought progression and remind yourself of your power the moment you wake up. Remind yourself and make habit out of that. THIS IS WHAT WILL BUILD YOUR VALUE AND SENSE OF SELF NOT THINKING ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT RANDOMLY THROUGH THE DAY AS YOU CONTINUE TO COMPROMISE AND WALLOW IN LACK!

"deciding and being in that state of having" she says. That's temporary. To anchor any state you need confirmation, auto suggestion. This is why finding your unconditional value is so important because you then KNOW you don't need to do anything from there to feel valued and worthy, you'll KNOW because you're BEING and experiencing it. This cannot be faked and can only be cultivated through consciously cultivating the awareness to take every moment of the day as an opportunity to decide to be who you want to be without compromise. That's how you cultivate a sense of self that works and how you become an unstoppable manifesting god where that mindset is normal for you and you live without effort.



This is way more responsive so let's continue here.


I've just seen some data that has come out that about 50% of guys in the modern western world aren't looking for relationships at all anymore. This is absolutely insane! The only thing this proves is that 50% of guys don't see themselves as having value in and of themselves.

We need direction and fulfilment from that direction to find value, otherwise you'll wander off down whatever path you've been handed to you instead of blazing your own path regardless of what others are doing around you. This direction comes from both the greater process you're integrated within that represents your constitutional path of least resistance and also what sensory inputs you receive from the world around you that influences what you believe is and isn't possible for you. When all your sensory inputs are going to confirm who you don't want to be and this limited sense of self you're constantly compromising from then you'll never attain what you desire. It's impossible.

I want everybody to understand that spending time on social media DOES NOT SERVE YOUR PROGRESSION AT ALL!

Here's the determining factor. If you spend more time on social media of any form, that means consuming content that you follow or related content online then you're literally wasting time. Drop it, it doesn't serve you in any capacity and only serves to distract you from actually fulfilling your path of least resistance. The reason I know this as a fact and not just as some generalised motivation or whatever is that because a vast majority of people are influenced negatively by it. You're always comparing, always seeing that better is available for you and so every single time your eyes see someone or something you know you're not capable of attaining your value drops, your sense of self is ruined and your connection to your true nature is disconnected piece by piece just like when you make decisions around others to fit in instead of being yourself. It's ALL about where you source value from, that explains the biochemical mechanics and the psych spiritual metaphysical mechanics. Grasp that truth, you KNOW intuitively you're wasting time but you don't stop because it's routine, your splenic nervous system has become patterned and so you need to break that pattern so that you'll no longer default to playing out stuff that doesn't serve you. Revise it, it never happened for you. None of these bad habits ever influenced you and you've above the rest and always have been.

Let's expand further.

Everybody who misses out on the experiences of other children in their formative years will automatically see themselves as lower value, as not worthy of receiving the thing they want and feel lesser than others, I remember feeling like this myself and often shed tears remembering all the times I had to sit on the side-lines and watch others experience the things I wanted because I didn't feel worthy or allowed to experience them. I felt I would either step outside the boundaries my parents presented to me and expected me to follow so I could be "good" in their eyes and they could be "proud" of me for fitting in and yet at the same time fitting in meant subjecting myself to quite extreme levels of isolation and loneliness. This is why I know more than almost anyone else my age about metaphysics because I spent basically 1/3-1/2 of my life studying all day every day as it was within my capabilities to express my value and find that within myself. Everybody works the same but in their own scenarios where they have a desire to experience something but can't because of conditions they've accepted prevent them from being spontaneous and fulfilling that.

It's all going back to value, your intuitive sense of self and how you KNOW your self value regardless of what you tell yourself is what results in the manifestations you experience being pushed out in limited ways as to confirm this knowing of your lack of self value. This lack of self value comes from the past experiences that stick with you and you form identification around. The more you habitually dwell in this state of being because it's familiar and comfortable the more you'll disconnect from your core identification underlying that distortion brought about by accepting compromise in your life. It all goes back to your value being limited because you feel the need to compromise on your self expression however that looks for you.

Who you are being determines your sense of self, not what you think. What you think is only going to push out according to the sense of self integrated and the feelings you have are always temporary which means the other variable of making a decision to act according to what you know serves you and brings you value based on the fulfilment of past compromised conditions is the means by which you'll transcend these limitations. 

Revision is the most powerful way to do this. Pathway revision and burning ritual. Pathway revision is about tracing your thoughts through to the origin of that belief structure, like the memory that caused you to feel inadequate missing out on what you wanted. You revise this scene as though it went the way you really wanted it to go in that moment and that the others around you will not respond negatively and will support your decision. This is how we change how we feel in the present on an intuitive level. We go back in time and make the decision we always wanted to make so that we hold no regrets. Simply apply this idea of living without regrets and you'll become a manifestation genius because being yourself will bring about the intuitive knowing of your value which will reflect in your experience of reality.

The burning ritual of course is simply about revising using scripting where you're basically writing out the scenario as though the thing that's bound you never had that influence over you to begin with. All the negative effects in the present which stemmed from this decision you made no longer are valid because you're revising the decision you made in that moment and that altered the path you've walked implying you're no longer bound by these patterns. 


I'm a man, I have the perspective of such and so I will outline this list according to that and what I know to work. The main factors affecting guys is this:

1. Touching yourself outside of when you're with your SP - FUNDAMENTAL

2. Wasting creative time on social media or gaming or media consumption or even over studying. Wake up every morning and immediately begin moving in the direction which serves you that you've established. Your first thought should be exactly about your end and how you're always moving in that direction even if you temporarily stumble and dip.

3. Lacking community to surround yourself with who think alike and live alike according to their best selves whom you can replace social media with and find true interpersonal connections with through real trials of life in real time

4. Fearing expressing your true potential in life and fulfilling the things that provide you value on a habitual basis. This ties into point 2 but is more about the complete process of living that creative potential out in reality and experiencing the value of it. 

5. Seeking higher purpose and shifting beyond your currently established comfort zone to be greater than ever before, just like how Neville said to imagine better than before. It's about your dreams, aspirations and seeing them as bigger and better than ever from a place where you've already realised what you feel comfortable with in that direction. It's to take the next step and go beyond the established limits.

This is all about bringing all the elements of what make a state together. The essence of a state is an attitude of mind and a belief or beliefs you hold to be true as defined by Neville. People may see doing things before manifesting as conditions placed in the way and yet these people who apply mental methods still feel bad about themselves and don't get results they want. The other variable they're missing is the refinement of their sense of self. When you apply both aspects together you get absolute manifestation, but when you feel devalued then you've got no chance of manifesting what you want the way you want because that pattern of devaluation must continue to play out because it's disproportionate.

It doesn't matter what outside eyes may see someone having or not having they don't know how this person feels about themselves inside. Their devaluation hits a different level to yours so stop comparing to others as an excuse to not walk your path of least resistance. This is only because of all the saturation you have online about other peoples lives. Quit social media and focus on you and fulfilling all the areas you've compromised on since years back when you accepted compromise as your normal outlook on life. The moment you experience the truth of being yourself without holding back and without regret then you regain your value from simply being yourself. The actions are necessitated by nature of you being that best version, not because they're conditions.







How to find your core affinities.

What you're going to do is write down over the course of a week everything you hold affinity for, as in everything you found joy from in life that didn't revolve around trying to express some agenda to feel better about yourself. These are things that you genuinely find connection to and most of them would be themes that aren't even related to other people at all.

So once you've got a list of affinities then look through them and fine patterns between them. You'll intuitively know this without needing assistance. With this list of affinities you'll want to then take those themes and see your greatest value as expressed through each of them.

Mine is this for example.

I have an affinity of swift and elegant movement. A cool breeze always makes me feel at peace. The feeling of cutting through the wind with my body is that theme. This metaphysically represents expressing myself through movement in a way which gives me the sensation of gliding or even dancing my song of life. Martial arts often comes to mind. Qigong. Stuff like that. I can do this forever and not feel bored or whatever because I unconditionally find joy in expressing this theme no matter what. I use to ride my scooter all the time as a child and I got back into that some years ago and I find I could ride for hours and hours every day just for the fun of it. This is a source of value that I can find. You'll have something like this where you'll find associations in your mind that come up with all the aspects of your being that reflect this theme and the metaphysics behind it.

Once you've established your list of themes then go about fulfilling those, even if you don't feel like it in the moment but feeling that intuitive impulse to flow with your reality according to the things that bring you joy is ideal. It's more so the act of expressing yourself without compromise that brings you value more so than simply expressing the themes themselves but those themes are a means by which value can be mediated.



Drop patterns that don't serve you following the procession of elements:

1. Creative function and procreative function - Kidney

Vitalising your being and circulating that power

2. Authoritative function and expressive function - Liver

Looking at only the ones who you look up to for value. Live as though it was pre internet times where you'd have less options to access for information to avoid constantly comparing and learning new stuff wasting time not expressing and living.

3. Connection with others and value function - Heart

Expressing that and finding value through that and sharing it with others is this

4. Routine and stability - Spleen

Anchoring that expressive form of value into your being through patterning and routine makes it normal feeling so you can feel satisfied

5. Expanding beyond limitations - breaks back into creative function - Lung

Reflecting and refining your value sources and the energy you use to express that



Revision is all there is


Whenever you remind yourself of who you are you are revising your sense of self. You are bringing into your awareness the context of past experiences no longer being an influence over your present and future and the moment you feel natural in that is when the revision has sunk in fully. Naturalness is coherency.


We don’t affirm to get the thing we’re affirming for but instead we affirm to revise and remind ourselves that the past no longer matters. You’re not creating anything new, as NG said creation is finished and so all you can do is rearrange the already existent code in your mind into a different structure. You’re constantly pulling context out of past experiences out of habit which is what’s keeping you anchored there in that state.


When you are reminding yourself especially as soon as you wake up and before you go to bed about who you are and flow with those intuitive impulses to act with spontaneity then you’re living without compromise or regrets actually anchoring into that state deeper by forming new habits under the context of being who you’ve always really wanted to be. It’s not that actions move things forward because you can’t force a manifestation to unfold through action but that you’re sinking deeper into the state by playing along with it and getting that state streak going by making decisions which serve you in that state.



Someone commented about the question of the feeling. I want to fully outline what the feeling is right here for future reference in as much detail as possible.


Core points

Alchemical transmutation - path of least resistance

intuitive flow with your past of least resistance towards god

Making free will decisions that you actually WANT to make instead of comprising on those desired decisions

Satisfaction arises from being in flow with your path of least resistance, being yourself. It means fulfilling that which you actually want. The attitude of mind and beliefs of knowing (the state) that this fulfilment is yours to own and experience the reality of. Manifesting means being yourself in imagination as much as also in your physical reality. Being yourself without compromise leads to you feeling satisfied even if you don't have what you want here and now because you know that your value isn't dependent on this thing and so holding a conviction towards your end in faith through this process of expressing your truth means you're in the state of the wish fulfilled where there is no wavering, though even those who get what they want waver but it's only temporary because they're still taking actions according to what brings them fulfilment regardless of how they feel emotionally in the moment. They serve themselves and live by that in their imaginations as they do physically. There's no magic "feeling" outside of the satisfaction that arises from being yourself and holding nothing back. This doesn't mean taking all this needless action because you believe that being a workaholic will work better because you don't want to do that, you're still compromising here so it's this point where you make conscious decisions that serve you. That's all there is to change when it comes to cultivating the so called feeling as your unconscious intuitive sense of self will know you've been making decisions which serve you and so you'll not need to react according to things that don't go your way as there's no devaluation to react to in your unconscious mind seeking to have a need met. This is where pathway revision arises and becomes useful too to live out past experiences you feel unsatisfied with.

Do you see now. Satisfaction arises from making decisions which serve you and that you're not compromising on. This is how you attain value around your intuitive sense and KNOW your worth where others cannot trigger you, where you become untouchable and unstoppable because you're fully proportional to that greater consciousness which is driving you.

Sometimes a kick up the butt to simply get to work is all it takes to build this momentum and gives you that sense of satisfaction but when this isn't consistently applied you'll backslide and self sabotage again.


In SATS where NG says to imagine on loop till the "feeling" becomes natural he's saying this under the same context as revision, they're elf in imagination. That doesn't mean that every single imaginal scene should reflect some unfulfilled aspect of self but that the scene should imply the fulfilment of the desire in a way that's real to you. With revision it's the same thing, you're going backwards instead of forwards in time to basically free up the attachment you have to all these moments of unfulfilled experience from decisions you made that didn't serve you. This sense of satisfaction with your life is where power comes from, where the feeling of normalcy and naturalness comes from.

Simply put, the state of the wish fulfilled means living without regrets and without compromise towards the things that you know serve you. That's the essence behind how your responses to reality will be altered. This whole I'm feeling powerful idea and boosted sense of self comes only temporarily because you've decided to start making decisions which serve you and in fact you'll notice yourself actually feeling this confidence about yourself and you'll WANT to take new actions you'd not previously considered or desired to take before. This is proof you're in the state, but when you've got nothing to remind you of that and anchor into through auto suggestion then without the stimulus which brought you into that state to begin with that sense of self fades and you'll dip where the contrast will be shown as you'll intuitively feel the lack of value you have in your default dwelling state more from this peak to dip experience. This is why so many go through cycles of up and down nature. Being yourself without compromise and continually taking the actions which serve that fulfilment and satisfaction where you anchor that boosted state into your day to day life that reminds you of who you are then you have everything you need to manifest anything you want. You'll never react again, ever, because your value comes from being yourself and you know that all the things you desire are yours because you're being yourself with this direction your moving in from that which you know serves you. 

This isn't some magic thing the idea of the feeling. Let's apply some common sense and connect the dots and stop viewing NG in a vacuum. 




So the feeling is as we understand the intuitive sense. It's a knowing about something to be a fact of life, or as Neville described it "the acceptance that the wish has been fulfilled". I'm going to interpret these words in another way instead of taking him literally here and also draw upon some common sense.

So when we want something we are currently separated from having. Neville spoke endlessly about scriptural references to desire being the thief. The thief represents unfulfilled desire coming from a detachment from god, not knowing yourself. Knowing yourself doesn't mean knowing yourself as this divine essence of being at all times but that yourself means your true core essence and affinities. This is what we are proportional towards in that our unique expression in life and holding zero compromises on how we express that is the end goal fundamentally. This doesn't mean you need to be some great millionaire celebrity or whatever but it means that you, within yourself, how you actually are intuitively guided to respond to the world, that you flow with this and not deny yourself which separates you from your essence. If you are fully proportional then you are connected to god, otherwise you're resistive and bleeding charge and cannot form that connection to god, in the experience of fulfilment that is. You're always god so you can't be disconnected but in the sense of flowing with intuitive impulse you can be, though intuitive impulse will always be pulling you back on your path of least resistance and be alchemically refined.



So if how we feel about ourselves, our self concept or sense of self is one of the primary means which determines how we react and make decisions in life through then that would be the vehicle to which our fulfilment can be attained. A controlled imagination coming off this supportive foundation will lead you to having the best outcomes as your sense of self is fully supportive of your imaginal scenes and those imaginal scenes will come from who you truly want to be and not distortions coming from limited sense of self. 

It’s when we combine the aspects of sense of self and the concepts in imagination we push out which determines the complete manifest reality. When we live without regrets we have zero limitations our intuitive sense can piggy back off and warp the outputs through which means we become as gods without resistance. You know yourself as that which is of greater consciousness because you live the reality of that through flowing with the intuitive impulses you are drawn into and this leads you to recognising your true value, the love you have. Love and value are basically the same thing, if you feel loved then you feel valued and nothing can shake your confidence in yourself from this place. This is where effortless assumption comes from instead of trying to integrate a concept from a heavily warped sense of self where you live by compromise for your perceived value and worth which means that the concepts you integrate and manifestations you unfold must confirm to you how you feel about yourself, the intuitive sense of value and the concepts those associate with. 

The thing to do is to cultivate worth through being yourself without compromise. When you live your truth without shame or regrets then nobody can touch you, no limiting belief can stand in your way because you are living the experience and the proof of being the change you wish to see. There is no basis in your mind for resistance or fear or doubt or anything like that because there’s nothing that can remind you of it consciously or unconsciously. To be truly confident in yourself you don’t imagine receiving money or whatever the heck but apply revision to negate these past experiences which anchored into your mind and are continually reminding you of this lack you feel which makes you feel devalued and your feelings react accordingly when triggers arise. If these past experiences of lack were never a factor you’d not react because they’d not even be a part of your mind that is brought up in the same situations, the emotional charge would dissipate and you’d completely drop all attachment to needing something to feel valued hence why the theme of lack would fade away in your experience and you manifest it effortlessly. 

If manifestation was about just imagining things you wanted to see happen without a change in how you respond to life then it would imply that everything we imagine must push out no matter what which is nonsense. If something pushes out it means that the meaning or association that concept has with your sense of self confirms who you are being and this presents itself into your reality accordingly. Often in fact when we imagine the things we desire from the end implication we’re applying a sort of revision anyway as the pattern which was anchored in is shifting through that implication and isn’t just the thing itself pushing out. Continuously affirming for example is forcing reality to respond to you in a way that must push out a manifestation according to the concept but also that your response to reality based on the sense of self didn’t change in that conceptual integration and so you’ll very likely get the thing and it’ll go because you didn’t change the way you’re making decisions as the old unconscious patterns are still running your mind and warping your reality accordingly. This is why everybody should be applying themselves in the direction which serves them regardless of if they have stuff or not in that time because feeling satisfied with yourself because you’re making the decisions which serve you is the foundation of how concepts then push out and are represented to you in life.

Its just as simple as recognising that because your source of value is independent of anyone else or anything else because you’re making decisions which serve you and not compromising for others then your value isn’t bound on needing to have a thing and so you feel worthy of receiving it. This is again why this factor of being yourself without compromise is the absolute foundation of manifestation and not the imaginal work as you can basically spend 5 mins every day doing an affirmation rampage and dropping that or doing a SATS scene and dropping it while living your best life and those integrated concepts must push out without warping. It’s really that simple. 

Revision is all there is


Whenever you remind yourself of who you are you are revising your sense of self. You are bringing into your awareness the context of past experiences no longer being an influence over your present and future and the moment you feel natural in that is when the revision has sunk in fully. Naturalness is coherency.


We don’t affirm to get the thing we’re affirming for but instead we affirm to revise and remind ourselves that the past no longer matters. You’re not creating anything new, as NG said creation is finished and so all you can do is rearrange the already existent code in your mind into a different structure. You’re constantly pulling context out of past experiences out of habit which is what’s keeping you anchored there in that state.


When you are reminding yourself especially as soon as you wake up and before you go to bed about who you are and flow with those intuitive impulses to act with spontaneity then you’re living without compromise or regrets actually anchoring into that state deeper by forming new habits under the context of being who you’ve always really wanted to be. It’s not that actions move things forward because you can’t force a manifestation to unfold through action but that you’re sinking deeper into the state by playing along with it and getting that state streak going by making decisions which serve you in that state.



So here’s something about core affinities. 

Core affinities


The thing with core affinities is that they’re constitutional in nature as a matter of both the salt and the mercury, your genetic makeup is representative of that which the greater consciousness is expressing as the physical carrier of that but the genetic makeup is only one aspect of how this physically manifests. Water is the carrier of this geometry but the dna I do believe unfolds water and it’s unique pattern which is phase coherent with the greater consciousness.


Now your affinities don’t need to be seen any other way than that they represent the metaphysical aspects of your consciousness that you can always draw resonance and inspiration from as these represent your path of least resistance towards higher order for the function of integrating in greater consciousness. They exist because you’ve got the task of expressing these without compromise. Your existence is about being the wave, the conscious experience of the wave in motion.


So the way we will bring about this expression is by reminding ourselves of all the things we drew affinity for throughout our lives. If you have themes which are represented in most of the areas of how you spontaneously express yourself in life then those themes represent your core affinities and what you’ll acquire unconditional value from living the reality of. Grasp that expressing that which you really feel like expressing is what will bring you value and satisfaction in life. Compromising on this especially since early childhood is going to cause you to backslide and a cascade of events will begin to unfold from that point to confirm to you this disconnect with your source of value. Dan winters talks about this as “bliss” and why children need a source of bliss to build a healthy aura.


It’s not about getting blissed out as Dan says but that you get blissed out as a response to living the way YOU truly want to. The more disconnected you get from how you want to live the more situations and circumstances will align to throw you back on the path of least resistance you’re expressing, that’s why pain exists. It’s that you’re doing something, usually repetitively, that doesn’t serve you and by extension the greater consciousness.


Your capacity for example to use the gazing method as a means of refining your field geometry depends on what the alchemist called “ripeness” which is a function of how coherently you’re walking your path. He never explicitly said this but after years of studying this stuff I can infer that’s what ripeness is referencing. It’s that the more fearlessly we live according to expressing ourselves according to how we’re being intuitively driven by greater consciousness then the more phase coherent we become and the more charge density and by extension sensory capacitance we can experience. Concepts can be realised to a greater degree of reality with higher order charge density.


The big question now is how do we attain this flow with our affinities. That would be as simple as this. In the book “it works!” the author tells us to write down the goals we want to manifest each day and refine it at the end of each day by adding or taking away bits of it over time. This is important because the aspects that are remaining and the themes underlying these represents that which we draw affinity for naturally. This natural storing forwards higher order is expressed through our affinities.


I like to think of affinities as aspects of ourselves which are are naturally inclined to be curious about, and the themes surrounding these represents the things we do to express them. For me it’s movement. For others it’s contemplation. With me it’s more so a means of expressing swift and steady movements, like dancing but through the way I walk talk and write and all that. It’s constitutional in that all the manifestations I unfolded as a child would have within them this theme to some extent or another which is part of the natural unfolding of these over time into greater forms of expression.


When we deny these aspects we deny our divinity and we disconnect with what brings us value by nature of our existence which is completely unconditional.


You’ll want to map out each main aspect of yourself according to these core affinities and express them without compromise in your life. This also reminds me of the idea of authority from ra uru hu and his human design model. In HD there’s different modes of constitutional authority we gain depending on our makeup. For some it’s visceral, for others it’s intuitive, for others it’s emotionally related. In cosmic human design I’m a splenic projector. I still don’t buy into HD being a definitive system of defining one’s constitutional makeup but it’s something to work with. This idea of inner authority is something I’ll touch on more later. For now let’s run over the core affinities as an example.


For example;


Looks: sharp

Clothes: elegant and classical

Attitude: witty and focused

Authority: intuitively driven

Heart: seeing the ideal in everything

Mind: sporadic and intense

Purpose: greater realisation and invention through breaking limits and formalities

Field: spotty


The definitions of these are pretty literal.


Now if we look back on our experiences and find what we were basically always interested in and found ourselves naturally spending time doing or imagining ourselves being a part of then those things and themes are the core affinities we’re seeking to express. Again for me it’s all about movement. A cool breeze always makes me feel alive. Qigong, parkour, riding my scooter, driving, being quick on my feet and ready to bounce at any moment, full of energy and desire to express myself through movement. Playing games that are faster paced. Martial arts. Dancing. Stuff like that is what I’ve always found affinity for, so I call this theme swift movement.


For others it could be totally different in that they express themselves through artistic means like drawing and painting and animation and stuff like that. Others it could be through communication in stories like writing or stage writing. Others could be through educational and sharing unique knowledge and insight like what I’m doing. It’s that you’ve got an area or areas that you’re naturally includes towards and always have been. For me, I’ve been a philosophical type since like I was at least 15 and before that I wanted to be an inventor which might explain my passions in the areas of technology too. So putting these things all together we can extract the themes.


Expression through swift movement style.


Sharing unique knowledge and insight which also plays into the inventive mind.


A tinkerer and experimenter who learns through trial and error.


Seeks greater awareness of things.


If we were to reverse engineer these from someone who told me these in a coaching call then I’d say what we’re looking at is someone who would find satisfaction from doing some form of movement based practice with other people but also spends time alone learning more about that too who comes back and shares insight. This person is highly independent in the way they gather knowledge and insight whom then must share with others this insight to then be seen as someone who is a visionary and pushing the boundaries forward into new heights.


That’s basically me but you can probably see the themes. Every aspect of my life I’ve looked at and seen this to be true since the beginning.


Now how do we know if these are constitutional and not compensation or overcompensation patterns? The way we will know is that if doing these things only makes us feel worse about ourselves instead of finding peace and value. If we act out of the need to please others then we will always fail, which is why I failed in the area of technology because it was almost entirely still work and even though I enjoyed doing it for a time extended periods would leave me feeling drained and exhausted. I need to be active to be happy. I also need to be able to iterate on new things quite frequently or I lose interest as I’m more Yang driven. Spending months on one specific project drains me, I can’t see things out for long but if that big project can be broken down and iterated upon over time then it will seem natural to me which is how I present reality synthesis content.


I be also been an inventive mind who’s able to contemplate and find patterns in things nobody else could find through my experience with it so that’s another area I find affinity for is refining understanding and technique of things in life to make them more efficient and better. I’m not a hard worker driven through routine, though my routine aspect arises from sharing information with others as this is my vehicle for that.


See now how you can build a case study for someone based on how they’ve always been naturally inclined. The more someone lives from this and finds success and satisfaction from being themselves the more clear these affinities are. Simply find one aspect of yourself you’ve always resonated with and express that accordingly and it’ll compound upon itself over time.


See now how you can build a case study for someone based on how they’ve always been naturally inclined. The more someone lives from this and finds success and satisfaction from being themselves the more clear these affinities are. Simply find one aspect of yourself you’ve always resonated with and express that accordingly and it’ll compound upon itself over time.


Also understand that you don’t need to constantly feel like you need to do this thing to find value. Expressing it naturally is the best way, take upon yourself this as a sort of ritual you do because it’s enjoyable and at the end of the day makes you fall asleep feeling like you’ve lived the day well and have no regrets. I do believe that NG and his nightly revision practise was all about taking this idea of revising experiences you wanted to change in the sense of them representing to us our greatest value. Revising the day to feel satisfied in our existence is I do believe the actual purpose behind this and not as much the revision itself like changing the past as with pathway revision it’s more about refining your past to reflect how you really felt like expressing yourself in moments of compromise.



We watch media and read books or whatever that resonates with us because they are our means of exploring ourselves and immersing ourselves in experiences desired physically, at least to an extent. Seeing the themes underlying this content reminds us of who we are and what we desire to express. This brings us into that sense of self of being capable of being who we want to be and so by spending time with this media that we resonate with it brings us closer to ourselves by experiencing through that media the themes we desire to experience too. That's why we create art, it's a way we express with sensory perceptions how we feel about ourselves, the intuitive sense being expressed through the senses. That's what story telling is all about, giving people an insight into themselves and that's why we fundamentally create art and media, not for commercial purposes. The great works stand the test of time because they tap into fundamental aspects of consciousness and are designed to be almost a physical representation of some metaphysical ideas. It's like how you hear the phrase "you can kill a man but you can't kill an idea". It's basically that, ideas or stories or experiences of self that arise from this media leading you through your mind to reveal insight is what cannot be killed or destroyed because they transcend any form of sensory capacitance. 

This is a response to a comment I got from a post I put on my YouTube community board.

I’ll give you a simple breakdown here though. Daydreaming and SATS and even affirming or scripting or whatever are all means of integrating sensory information associated to a concept desired. As the equation goes concept * sense of self = output. Sense of self basically represents self received value so how valued you feel on a baseline level and not just in a temporary mood while integrating concepts is how you’re actually going to consistently push out results.


This is basically why signs and temporary manifestations occur is because we’re only temporarily able to have that association in value when doing the scene and when we’re not there our world around us reminds us of our low value which then contradicts the sense of self where the concept was integrated which again leads to in one rent states and thus results.


What we need to grasp is that the only reason why we actually have limiting beliefs to begin with is because there was a point in time where we made a decision either to fit in for approval of others or we were forced physically into compromising on acting in that moment how we actually desired to. From this point in time you’ve been using that as reference for why you’re not capable of manifesting the thing you want, that’s the proof of your sense of self and value that you’ve been unconsciously reminding yourself of through the environment you’re in if that association comes up.


The way to change this is a radical shift in mindset to make decisions which you know serve you which can begin to provide tangible proof of who you’re deciding to be in reality now. You’ll remind yourself of these times when things were favoured for you and it’ll bring up that sense of self without needing to try as Neville said trying is the cause of opposite results. Simply living according to how you actually are intuitively driven to live and to make those decisions which serve you is the way you can actually gain value and negate past beliefs through state interferometry.


There’s a lot more to this that I’ll explain in the video because this topic needs to be spoken about and people need to understand the truth about how beliefs are actually shifted because so many go through this experience of feeling good in the moment but then reality kicks in soon after and it reminds them that they’re not valued and these old patterns continue to play out. If I didn’t fail over and over and over experiencing this myself and learn how exactly the process behind how and why I got out of it I’d not know this so I speak from experience and from the technical analysis of such too.



It's the magic day today.

Today we're going to begin the production of The Reality Synthesis Experience program. This is going to be my first premium program that will give people everything they need to know in one place and in a structured way that leads them through the process bit by bit and what to do in all examples.


The foundation is the very principle of being yourself without compromise as the missing link behind how the refinement of your sense of self plays out.

The whole having fear of disappointing people is such a common theme.


Another point. Guided hypnosis. Pathway method. 

Take things VERY slow, LEAD them into their awareness, guide them.

Get  the person to relax FULLY, the more relaxed they are the more open their subconscious barrier is and the less integrated in a micro state they are which allows them to jump pathways easier.

Calm someone  down completely

Guide them into their unconscious mind

Lead them through a door into their unconscious mind

Ask them what they see when  they  open the door

Guide them through that scene and ask them why they feel the way they do

Ask them how they would have shown up in that and responded if they could have

Get them to play that out  with the person or people involved until they've satisfied the experience they've desired to fulfil is complete.


The old limiting beliefs play out unconsciously and they'll not be able to shift unless we satisfy the conditions and or needs that weren't met from that experience. This doesn't mean we have to directly re experience it and shift our perception of it be revising it but at least lead ourselves through the reasons why we believe that and fully commit to the satisfaction of that belief being negated through the reality of experience.

Shifting just a single belief to it's satisfaction can have ripple effects as your mind is a house of cards and when the core belief gets revealed then the rest will follow over a period of time to follow.

Pathway methods are this. Why are you afraid of this thing. The answer that arises will be the basis of the pattern, the  associated  belief. Then go into that, why not.  The  response  will confirm this low value  sense of self. Then you ask what can they do to fulfil this condition, what habits are they associating to this and what responses are they giving people repetitively that is confirming this flawed belief. Probe them for the processes  they're playing out that confirms this thing, not just the trigger but how they're responding to keep that anchored in. Then the solution is clear, allow them to revise as though this pattern was no longer a factor and that they're free to express what they desire here and now without compromise. Lead them through all the things they'd be doing differently in their habits and how they respond if the worth from this area o flack was present and fully expressed. How differently would they be responding to reality.





Own your space, make it YOURS and hold nothing back. Fully express yourself in your own space. This means making your living space highly specific to how you want it to look that reminds you of you and how you also express yourself in the way you dress, the way you walk, the attitude and vibe you emanate and all the related aspects of that. Take your physical look and refine it completely to such an extent that you're looking and expressing yourself exactly as you may and OWN it. Anyone doesn't like it in your life? Screw them, this is your expression and it's not based on even a shred of compromise. You're satisfied in your expression, completely satisfied. 

Another one is to own your likes and dislikes. If someone doesn't like what you have to say but you really genuinely want to say it anyway, screw them, that is what you're going to say regardless of if they want to hear it or not. This can be in relationships or with friends or family. In homeopathy often people get these huge purges where they are forced to fully express themselves till satisfaction as  a means of expressing the theme and the related pattern that they've held onto for so long. Simply fully getting that part of you out and expressed without compromise is the way you clear that energy. You don't just partly express it though, you go ALL THE WAY till you're completely satisfied. This is you in the present going back to that point or even bringing that point to the present and with a clear mind making the decision you've always wanted to make and express yourself without compromise which will clear that unmet compromised aspect of you and it's associated belief that you held back on in order to meet others needs instead of being authentic and genuine. It's that holding onto this is the mechanism that's keeping your value locked away behind that decision of compromise you made which is why when you take that unfulfilled experience to it's limits and fully express yourself as you wanted to all this time then you've dropped it, you've reached the satisfaction and now you're impotent to do anything more because there's no energy there  left to express. It's natural to you now. THAT'S THE SECRET BEHIND THE SO CALLED "FEELING". I always knew that I just never knew how to put it into words. I always thought this was meaning  there's something tangibly you're missing out on doing you always  wanted to do but it's actually that the experience of compromise that you've held onto from that devaluation you accepted which gets released by expressing to satisfaction. This is also why "fu** letters" work for many people too as they're leading themselves through the pathways associated with that belief and fully expressing themselves on the paper instead of in their imagination. It's not as powerful but it's another method. This theme of expressing yourself fully carries over into your day to day life by extension, every time you have the opportunity to make a decision that's different which you know will  serve you then make that decision instead of giving into the past programming. Break pattern and normalise that sensation of being.



So here's more revelations about the sense of self. This is basically the foundation of the course I'm going to make and absolutely blow everyone else's out of the water with. I've purchased other coaches courses and they're so so SOOOOO vague, in fact I know they structure the cheaper courses deliberately in such a way to leave out practical points to make people feel the need to spend more money. It's always metaphysical and not practical. Much of my work is metaphysical but I tie lots of it into actual experience and how you can associate to that which is why do many people tell me that Reality Synthesis makes so much sense to them because it's hyper logical and also experiential. This course I'm going to make is the complete package which will give everyone what they need to manifest what they want.

The sense of self basically represents your feeling of value, how you KNOW your value to be, or really more specifically how your nervous system knows your value to be and by extension all the processes you're integrated in.

Now when it comes to actually refining it we simply have to start making decisions which serve us and aren't arising out of a mindset of compromise. When you attempt to integrate concepts without refining the sense of self expecting change while still feeling unworthy you're going to drive yourself insane which is why  everybody who has spent more than say 3 weeks doing standard LOA work and hasn't seen movement yet needs to stop doing what they're doing and refine their routine.

So to put things in perspective, when you start off you're going to likely "feel" bad or unworthy of getting what you want even though your conscious mind says you do want it. Understand that your conscious mind is simply the aspect of your consciousness which can make decisions and is where your free will comes from  to switch directions through observation alone relative to the comparison of where you want to be. When you start off by reminding yourself of all the things which work for you then you'll instantly begin to intuitively feel better about yourself in other related areas too. It probably won't stop the anxiety but it'll play a part in negating its influence. You'll begin to generate mental momentum and because your state shifted by doing this you'll actually begin to see things as at least partially possible. This is where faith arises from, mental momentum.

True faith isn't based on intellectual ideas but by leading yourself into faith. Intellectualising things only leads to more suffering as you're trying, you're working against the nature of reality and how your pathways are formed. You want them to take you on the journey, but your conscious mind must get on that train to take that ride so to say. The moment you build momentum by generating surrounding context and firing pathways that remind you of a sense of self which is ideal and not based on conditions to be met then you've got a solid supporting structure to work from when you're feeling down. It won't always work but it's the most reliable way to get into that place of feeling inspired.

More on faith, when you've generated all this surrounding context to the concept you're integrating through then you've got the point where the end can at least be seen as possible, and with that possibility as you start making more decisions which work for you you'll have those as proof of your sense of self being ideal in those moments which is yet another aspect to generate greater context underlying the sense of self through associated pathways to the concept you're trying to integrate in a way that you desire. This is how you continue building faith and momentum to your end and begin to KNOW that it's done. 

Knowing it's done is when the point of satisfaction is reached where you feel completely detached from needing it to unfold. All these people who say they manifested from obsessively thinking (implying attachment) either manifested partial results soon after and they lost it or they already had a solid sense of self that they had at their foundation anyway and they were mistaking feeling bad emotions for sense of self and intuitive sense. 

The point behind all this is that you don't need to feel emotionally high on your own existence because your sense of self is actually beyond all that, your sense of self is all that matters. You can feel emotionally high on your own existence and intuitively feel absolutely nothing, you won't KNOW anything of such truth because you're still compromising and your resultant manifestation if one unfolds will be warped because you'll manifest nothing but proof that you KNOW you're not worthy of what you want. That sense of self/feeling pushes out, it's like a belief but indirect in a sense. You can also feel absolutely trash emotionally like you're helpless and worthless in the moment from something that happened but beyond that your baseline state is coherent to what you want and thus that result will push out.

As you begin to combine the aspects of feeling worthy through reminding yourself of related associations to the concept desired, or any other really, you'll actually begin to desire greater things in your default state and that's proof you're in an ideal state at baseline now because you've moved the baseline goalposts. You are climbing the stairs one by one and reminding yourself more and more of your worth surrounding your mind and saturating your mind with nothing but proof of your worth through that reminding and association. 

Affirmations shouldn't purely be applied not as conceptual integration boosters but as reminders of who you are and what you're capable of. When you can use affirmations to anchor you into an ideal state then you've got the one and only technique you need from here to manifest anything you desire. Everything you need is based in the idea of bringing yourself into an ideal frame of reference through continued associative reminding of your value from things that work for you and as you use that as your basis to then make decisions which serve you out of inspiration to expand then that decision reminds you further of your value and it compounds. That's the formula. It's that instead of saturating your mind with an affirmation phrase you're saturating your mind with the sense of self of having and being and playing into that as a catalyse to make decisions you know serve you. So many people can't resonate with the idea that their worth is unconditional because they have no anchor in that to remind them of that sense of self, it's meaningless words and so bringing into your awareness aspects you know bring you value is where you start.

This also circles back to the whole idea of reminding yourself of your value. There is nothing new that you're creating as Neville said, creation is already finished. All you can do is rearrange components that already exist. This is the idea that I had months ago I wanted to make a video on but waited to tie it into something bigger than just the reality of experience because it's quite deep. We're always drawing on past experiences, and so by reminding yourself of parts of you that work for you you're passively applying revision in a sense and also using that revision to combine associative connections.

The only thing that can change is the associative connection between the sense of self and the concept. Nothing else changes because information is stored between space, counter space. The concept we desire doesn't change and so in order to shift the pressure gradient all we can do is change the other component of the self and how we relate to that concept.

When you make a decision you want without compromise that you know serves you even if you feel bad in the moment doing it that decision you made and fulfilled will become proof for future reference as a source of value and that actually anchors in unconsciously through the reality of experience. Bit by bit you'll begin to see more and more as possible and actually almost inevitable at some point. It's not that actions provide value but actions you know serve you that you make without compromise which slowly works up your capacity to automatically make those decisions again in future out of habit because your emotional energy based on the contrast with the sense of self in that moment vs later has shifted. This is basically the experience of "practising" for a sport and getting better at it, it's not the actions taken physically but the association to it you have. This is how someone can become a prodigy at something as they place an enormous amount of value on fulfilling that one aspect. Through repetition bit by bit their value increases and they feel they can perform better. Human limits isn't biologically limited but that the biological limits are manifestations of what we feel is possible and how we feel associated to that in sense of self.


So to reiterate. You don't start this by applying standard techniques and wasting so much mental energy thinking all day. Instead you'll want to start buy recognising where you're compromising in your responses to reality and work up from there. This means being the change you wish to see, breaking patterns that you know don't serve you and reminding yourself in the moment that things can and will work out as they have in the past. You'll set some simple 3 day goals and some 3 week goals. Every time you complete the 3 day goals shift the goalposts further forward and expand what you'll accomplish each time variance. Then you'll also want to be journaling to find your core desires to fulfil if you don't already know to get abundantly clear on exactly what you want. This will take upwards of 3 weeks likely to be truly accurate. Every time you fall asleep you'll also either apply pathway revision to revise an aspect of life you're in a compromise pattern through or an end scene which implies it's fulfilment.



Hypnosis is the basis of all reprogramming methods. The gazing method I teach as foundation for a specific practice anyone can apply for benefits is one of the most effective ways for this.

Actual effective affirmations are hypnotic in the sense of actually being a doorway into recognising the sense of self and it’s associations to concepts and experiences in life. The whole idea of even living according to your intuitive impulses leads you to living in a sort of hypnotic state but in a way that’s based on decisions which actually benefit your progress. It’s when we live in a hypnotic state that leads us to automatically make decisions which don’t serve us because we’re run by our emotions instead of what we know brings us value that causes us to manifest unfavourable outcomes. 


Ok so I'm typing this later in the day after having manifested a bunch of free kit that I've used to change around the space I work in. I remember a sense of self shift that arose a few days earlier I anchored into and this must be the result from that. Things move forward very fast when you've got that mental momentum working for you.


SO here's my formula that I've developed that I've been working on refining since just before I started aetheraeon notebook 2.

Firstly we want to identify the aspects of ourselves that we don't feel good about. This isn't big picture topics like Money, Love, Health, Body, Living, whatever it is, but specifics of those areas. Example would be for money, my  job is terrible and I'm earning trash money that barely pays the bills. Love could be related to money in that since they're broke they don't feel worthy of manifesting this SP. The fools will tell you that this condition doesn't matter with the SP but we all internalise and associate differently to different stuff and how you'll know if these associations are warping your sense of self around the related topic/s is because they'll continue to come up very often when you're not in high on your own existence mindset in a  state streak. It's in the dips that you'll gain the most clarity, which is actually why journaling in dips is so valuable.

Now when we've mapped out the associations that relate between topics or even purely just the one topic that's making you feel bad about yourself causing your sense of  self to be lower you've got the perfect target to work with then. From here you're going to then apply pathway revision, often pathway revision works best when you don't consciously realise you're doing it because then you're not bringing greater context into where your leading your mind but it's ok to simply apply the why method. This is about asking yourself why do I feel this way when that theme arises. Journal the reasons and conditions which arise. Eventually you'll begin to actually form a visual map of your mind on paper where you can create like a mind map or flow chart of exactly what beliefs connect and why, what  the conditions between them are. Then you ask yourself why am I not able to change this? What's the limiting factor. These will be the decisions you're making which continuously show up that you're compromising on. Perhaps memories of the past that caused these beliefs will arise, write them down too in the details you can.

Once you've found the patterns and the compromise patterns you've got all you need to then work with to get a result. Now the way you're going to resolve these is depending on what your symptoms are. If you've got severe anxiety to the point of having panic attacks like I had doing the wake up in the dream/rebirth method isn't going to work for you very well, though for almost everyone else this is the key point. You're going to wake up in the dream so to speak and ask yourself (this will likely be spontaneous if you do it right) what am I doing wasting my time?! 

This is where you'll naturally start to visualise your end automatically, you should write this down on paper as a script when you're doing this like doing rebirth before scripting but working as it comes up is ideal anyway. All the patterns of compromise will seem trivial when you look at the list from this state of mind. How you're going to anchor this in is by actually making a decision in that moment to apply yourself towards fulfilling one of these conditions, likely the easiest one first would be best to build some easy momentum. For example, someone doesn't feel like their body is the way they want and they feel insecure about it (this could stem from secondary beliefs too like abandonment stuff) and so in that moment they'll actually WANT to start taking care of themselves better without any of the conditions arising. They'll automatically think as though they're in the end and that they're mediating themselves from current situation to that end as though they're returning to their imagined body in the future but that they warped back to the past to get it back, if that makes sense.

Money situation could be as simple as actually putting yourself out there on camera and advertising your product in a way you've not felt comfortable before, perhaps due to body issues and performance anxiety. In this case working with the body stuff and applying pathway revision to find the moments in time where those beliefs arose from and revising them by making the decision you wanted to and have the people around you respond accordingly will be ideal. This is also not to knock that simply "assuming" using rebirth method isn't all you need because it really is as this is how the bible speaks of LOA being applied. You are reborn in an instant and you'll then start feeling worthy of more as default.

You'll start taking actions previously that you'd never take and you'll actually start feeling that your current circumstances aren't where you want to be and that you want better, but from a place of possibility instead of that stuck feeling you've been playing out on loop. When you get to the point of actually desiring better for yourself and even for others then you're on the right track. Continue to make decisions in that place that serve you and the people around you and things will continue to move forward and anchor in accordingly. Again working with the beliefs that are easiest to resolve is best because they'll have the least resistance to begin that cascade effect. Don't lose sight of the big picture either, the end is where you'll dwell and you'll also remind yourself of the things that have worked for you to generate that surrounding greater context to that end.

It's from this instant rebirth method that you basically complete the process of state shifting without all the intellectualising. See yourself as greater than ever, not on an intellectual level but almost as a desire to expand and imagine even greater outcomes where you'll naturally be shifting the goalposts and thus your normalised sensation of being will raise too.

If you look at all your current circumstances and actually feel into them you'll realise that they're perfectly reflecting who you intuitively sense yourself to be, how you're actually sabotaging yourself constantly through this unworthy feeling that you're carrying all the time. Let's apply this in the opposite direction now then, let's go to the perfect reality where there's none of this stuff that's warping your situations. What you'll need to apply is simply by waking up in the dream your worth instantly rises, now you're capable of being who you want to be. What does feeling worthy mean in the decisions you're making that you've been compromising on. Those decisions you've been compromising on constantly now are free to be expressed which have been your anchors holding you back. Your body and looks are now free to no longer hold you back from showing up online and completely expressing yourself in that way. Now you've freed up the pathways to fire in a way that's proportionate and works for you. Grasp that the only thing holding you back is this decision you're not making you know you want to and feel the need to but can't due to conditions and reasons of unworthiness in either that area or surrounding areas, and usually it also involves surrounding areas.

This is the point, this is what it's all about. A coach worth their salt will tell you to make the decisions and apply yourself where you actually want to, why? Because you're actually wanting to in the first place, but because of the layers you can't and it's not that that taking the action is what's going to manifest it but because you're making the decision and committing to that it means you're attaining value through the reality of living that out the way you've always wanted to do. Your heart is expressed. Now you're no longer holding guilt for compromising for so long as you've dropped the resistance and you've fulfilled it, that program is no longer binding you and warping your sense of self and thus the concept integrated can now push out accordingly to how you desire. That's the process of all this. Everything else is supporting that process. Taking actions comes out of spontaneity and not a need to overcompensate for low value. You feel worthy and therefore your spontaneous intuitive impulses when followed will lead you down your path of least resistance automatically. Taking those actions IS your expression of self and thus a zero compromise experience of life where you hold no regrets that bind in you in the past and warp your sense of self dur to guilt.


Think of this Neville quote about "a radical shift in mind" as the foundation. We're applying a radical shift, a complete and total flipping of who we are. We are no longer compromising, we are no longer holding back and continuing to allow the guilt of inaction and inadequacy to grow. Every time you see someone with what you want and you feel inferior, you're holding back. You've got stuff to allow yourself to surrender and just fulfil. You're no longer bound by resistance, it's gone. What are you waiting for? Stop wasting time, go live  your life in your terms. You don't need anyone's permission to do what you want. You can have the body you want, you can have the money you want, the house, the ride,  the girl/guy and the status you desire. You can have it all if you just drop it and move on right here right now. 

This looks like... What decisions are you holding back on that you know will serve you. Why are you holding back on those decisions. Why. Continue to ask yourself why and the core will arise. You'll see the core for what it is, forgive the core, even though that emotional charge. Relax your body completely, your shoulders, your core, your legs, arms toes fingers butt pelvic floor, all of it. Relax and surrender. Give up on the past, it's done. Revise the scene and fulfil how you always desired to show up in that movement and live out the reality of that experience and make that decision. Revise how others reacted. Revise the essence of that experience and hold not a shred of genuine authenticity back. Be absolutely pure and unforgiving in your decision till you're completely satisfied that it's done, it's over. There's no more guilt, no more grief, no more regret, nothing. You've done it.

Now that you're out of the past come back to the now and live in the end. It's go time! What are we doing right  now, what are you bring driven to fulfil, where are you being authentically moved to express yourself. Follow these impulses when they arise without a shred of compromise and play into that reality. Fulfil every desire to flow with your intuitive impulses accordingly. You'll likely automatically do this anyway if you're in the state of the wish fulfilled and not need to think about it because it will seem to almost be habitual in a way to you. You'll be living effortlessly and not need to try. The moment you wake up you're in your end, You're playing out the life you desire without compromise or regrets. 

Living this way will be the essence under which your sense of self will be refined and your dreams will manifest. That's all there is to it, really. Being yourself without compromise is how you will do it. Every moment you're in this moment in time where you're faced with a decision to either compromise on what you authentically feel the need to do vs how your circumstances are presenting limitation to you and you compromise out of fear or whatever then you're devaluing yourself and anchoring into the reality of experience of failure. This is Sin. Drop sin, revise, be reborn and drop the past. If the past and all the anchors it has tied to you are dropped and no longer matter how would you make decisions from now on. You'd see yourself with your SP, driving your car down town knowing you've got a nice place to return back to and spend time with them after a time out at a fancy place to eat dinner where you got all the looks of envy from everyone else around you continuing to compromise on their own journey.

Don't be the one who compromises on their unique expression in life and continue to self sabotage. That's your weakness because you falsely believe your worth is tied up in some past experience you mostly forgot about. Drop it right now and die to that old sense of self. Die! Be reborn in an instant. That SP is yours right now, that business is yours to own, the place you want to live is yours. Now go play that out and live the reality of that experience. 

Decide to not compromise on how you're making decisions around others. Feel worthy of better treatment and have the boundaries of absolute steel which cannot move for nobody on earth. You're the one who sets the rules by which everyone else abides by. They look at you in envy, They see you as the god./goddess who gets anyone they desire because you exist authentically. You look perfect, you take perfect care of yourself in every aspect of life and you don't let anyone ruin that. You show up proud on a stage in front of a million people knowing they're all cheering for you and WANT you to be authentic. They're WAITING for you to be yourself. You don't need anyone's permission to be that genuine expression. There's every opportunity to manifest anything you desire right here and now and there's nothing holding you back but the compromises you're continuing to buy into because it feels uncomfortable in the moment. Even if it feels uncomfortable in the moment it doesn't matter in the slightest because you're still expressing your authentic self without compromise in that moment and the people around you who may make you feel uncomfortable can look at you in envy when you're the one who's got everything they desire as they continue to compromise in their own lives. They may look at you now with disrespect but they will envy you and what you've seemingly accomplished simply by being you and not giving into their falsely imposed limitations. There never was limitations to begin with, all fears are a false concept of the future. No matter what anyone thinks about you, your worth can be as infinite as you desire in that moment in the way you consciously decide to express yourself and hold back nothing in that. Nobody can tell you what you can and cannot manifest, NOBODY! Nobody can even begin to touch your level of value or worth, nobody can. You're the one who people look at for inspiration and or envy just as you look at the people who have what you want and feel the same way. Be that here and now, there's nothing stopping you but yourself. Drop it all and be reborn in an instant. Start making the decisions which serve your progression and fulfil that without compromise. Even if you stumble along the way it's irrelevant because you're not compromising and holding back and therefore you hold no guilt if it does happen. Your value is always present because you're authentically being yourself without compromise and therefore you can be anyone you desire as your value is infinite. Remind yourself of this fact as soon as you wake up in the morning and live every day from that truth.

You determine the rules that other people follow, you're the one who gets what they want, just like Abdullah. You are in Barbados. BAM! That's it. You are reborn and you are now in Barbados. What is anyone going to do about it. You are a god with powers to manipulate reality to your liking based on your ability to be authentic to this god like power. Every time you compromise on expressing this godlike power you lose a bit of it. Cultivating sense of self is cultivating the confidence of a god. If you desire to message your SP saying you're going out with them tonight after they said they hate you and despise your very existence then screw them, you're a god and you demand respect. This isn't coming from some egoic boost but from your core essence, your actual spontaneous desires to fulfil based on the decisions you're inspired to make and be driven into. Not compromising on this aspect of your being and your essence is where power comes from. That's how you manifest like an immortal being and get everything you want, including immortality. The past no longer matters because you're reborn. The reality of experience of being yourself without compromise will apply state interferometry anyway and negate all the conditions and circumstances that arise in your mind. Mercilessly burn everything of your past to shreds and be reborn as your divine being, your Perfect being who holds nothing back, the one who everyone else looks at in envy of your power and field coherency.  You have it all because you KNOW your value and worth as the one who has it all. Make the decisions which arise from this place without compromise and fulfil that, no matter what. No matter how awkward you feel no matter how uncomfortable it makes you, you're no longer tied to that past experience anymore and hold nothing back in your genuine expression of self. You take the actions and make the decisions  which serve you which implies the end of being your perfect expression without compromise who knows their value and worth and gets what they want accordingly. Stop wasting time!


That's it. That's the mindset of a manifesting god plain and simple. There's no magic techniques or anything to substitute for the quality of consciousness which cannot be faked. Remind yourself every morning  and be reborn in an instant.


if someone in your life is not showing up the way you want them to then drop them instead of trying to change them and continue buying into the false identification of grasping at straws for attention. Drop all of it and move on, make the decision which serves you and that gets you what you want without compromising. Drop the need for this person because there’s 100 and one just like them out there. 



I've probably got hundreds of people hoping I'm going to upload a new video today or soon but I'm doing things at my own accord. I'm not responsible for anyone outside of those who contracted with me to seek my assistance. With that in mind let's get to things here and now.

Self hypnosis is the theme underlying pretty much all manifesting methods that "reprogram the subconscious mind" as they say. Self hypnosis is the method NG taught and is the basis of the bible. This also touches on my idea of pathway revision and leading yourself through your mind. The alchemist I studied under taught something called theurgy which means "god work" which was about leading yourself through your mind into exploring the personifications of the various entities within your consciousness to refine them to become whole and ultimately immortal.

So NLP. The idea is to make the limiting beliefs that you've got in your unconscious mind warping your perceptions to be qualities that serve you. So the idea of content and structure in self concept NLP is about basically what I call context or associative context. It's the surrounding meaning that something has based on the state you're in when you think of that thing. Now the associations can actually shift your state but also the quality of the structure of the concept in your mind can too. Seeing something as important or not is one of the biggest ways to minimise and amplify emotional relationship to that concept which of course means we are either feeling on the same level, or above or below it in sense of self depending on how we relate to that level of importance in our minds.

If we see money as nothing of importance but yet also associate it as normal then we will feel as though money is easily accessible and an inevitability we'll have lots of it as we don't place it on the pedestal. Manifesting methods are all about minimising importance of things, or even maximising some instances. Fundamentally altering the association you have to something means altering it's relationship to you, the angle it's viewed from. You're basically going to lead someone through their mind in a way that dodges all the triggers and brings them to peace from this thing in a way that works for them.

Content = Purely the concepts, the essence of concept. 

Scope = The sensory information itself - It's all you perceive sensorally before you categorise and sort it in your mind and draw association from. 

Category = How you make meaning of that sensory information and how you feel about it. Think of this as how you're sorting information and experiencing that information emotionally and intuitively. This is basically the association you have to a concept through your sense of self and this is based on how valued you feel in relation to that.

Structure = the relationships that we hold to categories or groups of categories that defines the angle we view the same content from and thus it's category. It's the concept but also what associates to that concept. Concepts which relate, but not within feelings, it's categorizations of concepts all tied into a complete larger concept which holds more importance for you than individual concepts.

Think of structure as WHERE am I accessing this information, and that where you access it represents the state dependent meaning you're giving to it. Editing a movie is altering the structure of information. You can take the same content and change it's structure, how it's pieced together.


Alright so piecing it together we have this.

You have a sense of self, your intuitive knowing of how valuable you are in a general sense given all the areas of you life you draw meaning and worth from. You're being driven by greater consciousness to fulfil purpose, this represents your reference state of zero resistance and if your sense of self is in conflict with this reference state then you're experiencing disproportionate relationships between these states contrastively. In order to become the person who is in that zero resistive state who's phase coherent with greater consciousness then you'll firstly bring into your awareness the reminders of how you're actually not the belief you think about yourself. For example you're ugly. There's perhaps times in your life people hit on you and genuinely wanted to go out with you but you distanced yourself because you didn't feel worthy of that love as at some time in your life you were told you were ugly and you internalised it. In this moment of realisation you've got an experience to draw from that reminds you that you actually feel worthy and then once you're in that state you'll be led towards more experiences which confirm this. What we're consciously doing is basically contrasting our current state with experiences which are confirmations of who we want to be at reference that bring our worth up and give us opportunities to express that and bring about new confirming experiences. This is why actionable process is so important to anchor that in instead of just another random fleeting thought that you'll forgot. The reality of experience to us is what we associate to the most when we remind ourselves of why we do have value and worth in the area we desire fulfilment in.


So the Reality Synthesis toolbox of methods to apply that result in lasting changes are:

1. Pathway revision as a means of finding core beliefs to map your mind and also a means of resolving them through complete expression without compromise

2. Pathway leading through bringing greater context into that concept desired by reminding yourself of all the times that confirm this as true in your mind

3. Essential metaphysical methods of meridian rebalancing like the gazing

What you'll probably want to do is this in this order.

Journal about what comes up through applying pathway work in finding core beliefs. Then build out your awareness of your core affinities and values that you're looking to align with. Then contrast those limiting beliefs vs the reference ones and begin to focus on resolving the ones that hold the most connections to them in the inner work and approach the ones that can be most easily applied physically for proof as the physical tangible ones. Both these aspects will confirm each other and feed into each other where you'll get everything you want without exception. In this continuously remind yourself of the things that work for you and also that you're worthy of so much greater where it looks like you're actually getting what you want. It's that you're putting yourself in the shoes of the people who you're envious of and anchoring into that through the inner and outer work. That's all there is to this.




I hear from soooo many coaches that you need to "impress the subconscious mind" to change a belief. I've figured that this is actually nothing more than what I call pathway leading into greater context. It's all about rearranging the mind and how you associate by default to the things you desire as you've brought about new experiential reminders to confirm that. The way to do it without experiential means is by basically leading yourself there, I actually also now understand why subliminals can and do work for people as if the actual words said or audio presented or whatever is leading you into the same place that you'd do if you were drawing upon past experiences as the reminder. Doing it passively really doesn't affect change in my opinion as you'll not be associating to anything, subliminals are basically a light form of hypnosis anyway and touch on many pathway methods in and of itself so subliminals can and do work for many.

I've heard from a recently discovered coach named Paulina Xenia (found here and her story: ( about "once you listen to that audio once and you actually go into the subconscious mind then changes happen instantly". This proves to me that she's into guided pathway leading through audio which is exactly what I mean by saying subliminals that actually work. One of my clients actually felt way better simply after telling him that "they're waiting for you to do it" referring to putting himself out there as this was a limiting belief he had about his worth that instantly resolved it. It was so simple and yet it's all about simply leading yourself to that place through a series of thoughts. This is why I say that affirmation rampages are probably the closest thing to this. All there is is pathway work. That's it. I was right the whole time.

The only method of actually impressing the so called subconscious mind is simply about this. You're leading yourself through your associations to this concept of limitation in a controlled manner from an audio or coaching session that will basically be a continuous state streak where you don't waver in this one frame of reference and from this you'll basically experience the reality of experience internally without needing to apply actionable process to attain that. It's either a guided process of leading you through pathways or applying yourself tangibly to provide proof after doing it yourself. That's how I see the only way things can work reliably. It's that once you've found the belief that's warping your integrated concepts and you can shift that using the above methods then you're done. The only other way is through a visualization that's giving you the reality of experience in the sense of fulfilling the way you genuinely desired to express yourself at the time this belief was impressed completely and without compromise. That's all I know exists to effectively "reprogram the subconscious mind". 

This whole thing about reminding yourself of your value and worth and all that by bringing up memories of times that worked for you is like those scenes in movies or series we watch where the main character or whatever character doubts themselves and their ability to complete a task and a master or someone comes along and lifts them up and reminds them of all the times that worked. This gives them this sense of yeah I can do this, I've always been successful in the past no matter what and even though I'm in a dip now it's just temporary. They are basically shifting their reference level to be greater through simply reminding themselves of their actual essence and using past experiences to anchor them back into an ideal state without needing to force it, just like when you've got negative associations and you remind yourself of that bad experience you feel worse and disempowered. It's the exact opposite in that sense, all we do is bring into our awareness the moments which worked for us and run along that pathway of thought accordingly.

There's also the method of inviting in greater consciousness to completely transform you but that's another thing all together which is more related to the immortality stuff.



Guided meditation work is probably the most powerful way to influence your beliefs on an unconscious level because of the fact that it's all about the reality of experience which anchors in states. Doing a guided meditation is basically you doing SATS but in a way that's not specifically targeted at one scene and is working through using bodily sensations to give you that practical component to it instead of just conceptualizing in some imaginary world.

A successful manifesting method involves the reality of experience, but not everyone can actually get to that point using a SATS scene, or even by doing pathway revision and reaching a place of full expression of authentic self and if they do there's still a chance that it'll be a temporary peak in experience and then you'll dip again.

The way we counteract this is through going deeper into inner experience but in a controlled and gradual manner, as though the visualisations and bodily sensations themselves are leading us into the sense of satisfaction. This is the point of all LOA methods, leading to the point of realisation and insight where things click. You lead yourself to the point where you've basically dissolved all the sensations of lack and then anchor deeply into that as though you're sinking into a new reality. It's basically us going through a leading process in our imagination to visually represent (or something similar like a sound or a smell or taste or whatever like that) the resistance and dissolve it visually instead of conceptually using words which makes it seem bigger than it really is. We minimise the nature of the resistance by reframing it and processing it in a more discreet way that allows us to dissolve the need to attach to it.

Doing it consciously like by leading yourself there through rampages isn't ideal for a lot but for some it's enough to affect the change as that represents the reality of their experience. What we really want is to embody the state of being who has, and in order to do that consciously we need to negate the influence of the resistance in a way that works for us internally and not through just using will power to negate conditions and applying effort. That can work and I've done it myself many times but there's more to it than that. This method works more for someone who is unable to feel capable and worthy by default for their desire, as in every time they think about it in SATS or affirm or whatever they have symptoms of anxiety and bodily sensations which continue to arise in the same or similar places every time. This means you've got a stuck energy in your nervous system and we are going to need to dissolve it and or move it out through living the reality of that being the case through guided internal work.

Embodiment is a word thrown around a lot but I say it's more so the reality of experience that drives this, as this cannot be faked. Embodiment is an abstract term that has no connection to experience, and therefore the quality of the reality of experience is a genuine sensation of being which actually leads to change because you virtually lived that out as though it were real which sinks into your unconscious mind the reality of that experience. That's the point of ALL of this stuff, all of it is leading you to that point of realisation of being, nothing more or less. If simply imagining with open eye methods is going to give you the reality of that experience and sink into your unconscious mind the facts of that reality then that's what'll manifest what you want but for so many people they need to go deeper and involve more than just a passive open eye imaginal scene as the nature of the associative connections to their resistance has many many incoherent states that remind them of their devaluation and related concepts.


I've understood that NG taught transcendental experience as a means of manifestation, not any forms of so called reprogramming.


Leading yourself through your mind is how the answers to our questions will be revealed. To find ones internal values is to find your path of least resistance. Following your path of least resistance leads to immortality.



Ok so expanding further.

We've got this "energy" in our nervous system that was anchored in from an experience at which we as children (usually) that sliced a huge chasm between where wee are now and where we held our  values which created a deeply powerful emotional response as we instantly felt that we're not valuable. This sharp experience of being devalued is what causes traumas. This has nothing to do with logical thought but a disproportionate interaction between where we are now and where our values are held that we desire to be. Understand that the disconnect is deeply unconscious and the sensations in your body that continuously arise whenever you think of getting something is your nervous system reminding you that this area of life is off limits for experience because it's not safe to go there due to the past experience we had and the expectancy of that repeating. That's why the anxiety continues to show up and perpetuate.

This "energy" or vibe or sense of being is reflected in the metaphysics of medicine in homeopathy and TCM for example. Various ratios of yin and yang interacting to form a complete whole.

To understand this is to understand embodiment and actual experience of reality, the unconscious intuitive sense of self that cannot be faked. How your nervous system responds by default, how you feel about that by default, how safe and secure you are in knowing you have access to this energy that you need to feel fulfilled in your existence of life.

When we have an unmet energy within us, a metaphysical principle as a stage in the procession of being that makes up our whole being following the wu-xing, we will then seek the path of least resistance to fulfil and meet that need which is that missing energy we're unable to source within us. This energy is represented in things, the metaphysics of things we chase basically. The energy of a person you're seeking, the things they can provide for you that you don't feel you have access to which you need to fulfil in order for your value to be present. Once you reveal what this archetype of consciousness is and the metaphysical representation behind it you've found the exact nature of the unconscious energy you've been embodied into all this time which has been warping your reality. 

So let's explain this deeper about energy archetypes.

You're made up of 1 pattern, 2 polarities, 3 principles, 5 elements and 8 gates. Each of these aspects progresses into the other and circulates back into itself. This is the dance of life, self recursive procession. Understand that at some point in this unfolding process which contains all elements of a complete and whole being you've got a fracture that you learned you're not capable of receiving and you split from that source that's always naturally unfolding through you. Each of these interacting pieces of the great process that make up the whole have a unique signature to it, a sense of being if you wish which is intuitively experienced because it's not thought but energy of being, a state but in it's raw form AS the attitude of mind anchored into your nervous system. Your nervous system is reflecting these aspects all the time and giving you signals to give you awareness of what's resistive and disproportionate between these phases unfolding into each other. Understand that this is about the experience of energy archetype, sense of self, value which arises from proportional connections between components of consciousness. That's what we're experiencing with "the feeling" so to say.

In order to actually dissolve this stuff purely using internal methods the most effectively we're going to bring it up and allow it to move through us and out of us because if it's stuck causing a stagnation in our field geometry and thus the experience we have of the sensations in our body as representative of this then we must move it. When you take a homeopathic remedy for example that's working through this stuff it will force it out of you instead of you doing the dissolution yourself because it's integrating that archetype and allowing the rebound effect of your body to amplify the effect of it's movement through you to dissolve it on the output process. This is how we're also going to do it internally. 

Whenever it comes up accepting that energy for what it is and understanding that it represents an aspect of yourself that was split off and denied access to means you're not pushing that energy that you need to integrate to become whole and complete and a proportionate self recursive circuit again. It means bringing awareness to it so that your mind can basically become the homeopathic remedy, that it can through the phase conjugate interactions of surrounding processes bring about enough charge density around that fracture to push it out of you through whatever means that will express through. This could be spontaneous crying, outbursts of anger, grieving and feeling useless, feeling stuck and unable to move or being absolutely crushed and helpless.



I'm probably going to be leaving shopify.

I simply can't handle all the trash that this platform has when it comes to customization without learning liquid and having to work around simple tools to avoid paying enormous sums of money for bits of pieces to make it work right is a pain. Wordpress is WAY more powerful but the issues are that nothing works right on there either. It has the power but when you wanna integrate plugins together and get deeper into how stuff works you run into bugs galore and I've had to call support numerous times with them due to various bugs in the system I faced which set me back financially at the time but was still a good start none the less. 

I'm thinking kajabi is what I'm probably lookinig for. It's got coaching directly integrated so I don't need to setup this jank plugin system to get bookings setup and all that where if I integrate the subscriptions tab on the same page the booking is on it breaks both and nothing works where I want to have that upsell visible but I can't! Kajabi has all that stuff built in and it's just better for specifically what I'm going to be using it for. I want to expand into courses but the themes that work well for that would cost me almost as much as kajabi on it's own and I just can't justify it. Not to mention how singled out the posts function is in shopify, though kajabi isn't much better anyway. Wordpress is THE most powerful platform but it's annoying and buggy. Shopify has the power you'd need to do the minimum stuff but it's highly disorganised once various plugins interact not as bad as wordpress but still it prevents me from doing what I want. Kajabi has everything I need except SEO and blog tools which I could live with anyway because they're such small aspects of how I'll be running this anyway.

Shopify is so bad you can't even send out a global email without liquid and plugins. Like why can't I send out an email to all subscribers that I've posted something new on the blog? What nonsense.



We're in the last month of the year so let's get to business. I'm going to completely overhaul Reality Synthesis from scratch.

This is going to be focused on providing the most service for free possible to as many people as possible. The strategy is to share Reality Synthesis around and make it into a dominant point of discussion in LOA forums. I'm going to manifest something I've been honestly struggling with personally for a while and that is appearance and also the technically focused nature of my content. This means that Reality Synthesis will have the "simple to apply method" of manifesting, almost like the new "the secret" if you wish. Explain it simply and using terms everyone understands and then market the technical aspects of this in courses and all that. Lead them through the process of discovering more and more detail as they invest in Reality Synthesis more and more.

I will also be focusing more on local clients as my time zone makes booking multiple people at once a pain in the butt because very few time slots are available. To solve this I'm going to focus on selling courses and packages of pre-made content that isn't involving my live and I will make personal coaching something that I only work with a few people at a time with. The Reality Synthesis course will be the primary sales avenue and the coaching will be focused on big groups of 100+ people at once. This will be the most reliable way to provide value and work around the time zone differences.


Once I've figured out Kajabi I'll migrate this notebook over and start setting up courses. That's the plan afterall.




I'm back and I'm better than ever.  Got my first client on  Kajabi and it seems to work so that's great. I made a dummy account to test the video streaming access and it was flawless so no more discord invite links now!

Anyway I've realised after all this time that I've been doing this wrong, not LOA and Reality Synthesis but the way I approach sharing this stuff. I actually unconsciously led myself out of this "serious" study mindset into more of a free flowing mindset I was affirming for like 2 weeks ago so that's something. I bought into 3 of her services, SP manifesting, 3rd party remover and the club. Her hypnosis content is nothing more than pathway revision, it's all about leading you into an incorporeal state and then tracing the pathways using your intuitive impulses to target root beliefs for resolution by which you then feel into them and dissolve the resistance by going all the way. That's exactly the formula I've developed so that's why she seems to have success, at least based on what her marketing campaigns would say. Either way I wanted to cross reference another coach who teaches content to see if what I'm saying is correct or not. It seems that's the case.

So with that in mind it  appears that pathway revision is my primary talking point from now on as it basically explains all manifesting methods, just as I wrote in that article in the Library that was posted a few months ago.

Also considering my coaching services aren't working as planned because of the time zone issues (so many have found this an issue since the start) I'm going to focus on group coaching from now on and simply answering questions directly to people in these settings. The courses  will take the place as often the stuff I'd tell people in personal sessions would be very similar to what I'd put in a course anyway so people don't need me for that. I just need to put all the pieces of this LOA puzzle into an organised structured platform for people to follow.

Another big thing is that everyone but 3 have wanted to manifest an SP. This means that everybody is stuck in the lower-middle tan tien. I'm going to focus on this from now on too. Applying pathway revision to manifest SP. Thing is SP often can be related to resource based issues too as there's likely an association between these. If someone feels broke they'll have that spill over into the unworthiness to SP so finding roots of both these aspects needs to be addressed. 

The course will likely touch on:

1. Childhood traumas

2. Secondary associations like money

3. What we are moving towards as an anchor

4. Being authentic without compromise and living 100% of yourself

5. Routines in morning and night

6. How to apply methods

7. When to apply methods to relax and dissolve fears/doubts/whatever

8. Beyond SP


From this it's basically manifest SP out of this state of abundance. Without the patterns keeping  us in the past we manifest what we desire without exception. We'll also touch on some metaphysics from TCM and how the meridian systems relate to various manifestations like SP and money and health and all that.




I've just written out something I was putting into a kajabi premium course I'm developing. Here's the transcript for those of you who are dedicated to reading these updates will get early access to for free.

This is from a manifest SP course and it's about the nature of resistance and how it's dissolved.


Naturally dissolving resistance


We naturally dissolve resistance in cycles. Everything is cycles within cycles, your consciousness is no different. Everyone who extensively journals their feelings will notice they go through periods of time where they dip and always following this dip is a peak where clarity is gained. This is the natural striving towards higher order laid out.

Wilhelm Reich developed a model of this called character armouring and that every pull away from lacks will result in dips or emotional outbursts as you come up against the armour which has been developed to keep you feeling safe and within the limits that are accepted by others. Every time you break through that resistance by completely expressing yourself without compromise then you no longer bounce back and repeat the same dip. This is how resistance is dissolved, however most people don't reach that stage of completely breaking the armour and only express to a certain degree before retreating once again back into the armour only to repeat the cycle again.

Ever wonder why people argue? It's because they're seeking a natural outlet for their resistive pathways to express and move that stagnation. It's healthy and natural to express your emotions the way you actually are driven to and to not compromise on that expression. This doesn't mean to go and make a fool of yourself in public for no reason but if a time arises to get things off your chest then doing it will resolve more than it will harm you.

You'll notice people will so called mental health disorders will experience these cycles of peak and dip. There is no such thing as a mental health disorder, they're only classifications that the medical establishment have used to compartmentalise certain patterns of behaviour that's deemed destructive. These people are just feeling so devalued that they repeat these patterns more than most of us and to a greater degree due to having a need completely unmet or denied to them in some way that caused them to feel extremely devalued and so as children which usually have this happen they blame themselves for this abuse and so go about repeating this compensation or overcompensation pattern to play that out as a coping mechanism unconsciously for this sense of devaluation. 

We are all operating to the same degree as these people but just to different extents of that devaluation feeling. The more devalued you feel the more extreme your reactions will be, this is why your sense of self is disproportionate because this feeling hasn't dissolved from your body and that event is still anchoring you in the past. This is why most people can't just drop resistance and move on with your conscious mind because it's so painful. To drop resistance means to feel devalued and from that respond how you really truly feel to in that moment without compromise as in this point you're essentially revising the past and showing up according to how you really wanted to this whole time but were unable to.

This is why people who layer over the top and affirm over the top of resistance continue to circulate in the same cycles because there's no change in attitude of mind towards their circumstances and this feeling of devaluation where they compromised on their authentic expression in that past moment. Unless you have a transcendental bliss experience like a near death experience as a sort of inverse trauma then you'll forever be stuck playing out these old patterns no matter what you do or don't do to integrate new story. This is where you'll learn to actually transcend limitations once and for all using new techniques I developed to dissolve resistance at its core.

You'll learn why feeling this devaluation isn't going to give you more of what you're focusing on but in fact that you'll experience the exact refutation of all the nonsense false gurus peddle on this subject of not feeling bad by getting results from this process unlike everyone else living in actual delusion. The quality of consciousness of having and being comes from feeling valued and feeling valued based on the minimalist condition of because you exist therefore you are means that holding nothing back in expression yourself authentically is the technique. That's what you are the technique means. You are the technique because your authentic expression towards natural striving and higher order is how you dissolve resistance. The only reason you actually feel emotionally bad is because you compromised on your authentic expression to fit in when you were younger and blamed yourself for it instead of seeing things for what they were with critical thinking and compromise nothing on expressing how you truly feel. 

Someone who cannot be held back in their authentic expression is someone who's unstoppable in their manifesting capacity and will get everything they want because their value is dependent upon them being themselves and not on any external factor as they who themselves and compromise nothing in that unique expression. That's the truth about why you feel bad and what the sense of self really is. It's the sense of value you feel within yourself based on your ability to make decisions and express yourself authentically no matter the circumstances. Because you don't compromise on your expressions you don't hold in feelings and thus you cannot be anchored into that past or experience traumas anymore.

A manifesting master can have all of their thoughts and feelings and still get what they want because they're not held back in their expression in order to fit in. They express without compromise according to how they're being driven, good or bad, it doesn't matter. The feelings one has stuck in their nervous system always goes back to how valued do you feel in relation to this aspect of your consciousness. The one and only reason you feel bad emotionally is because you don't feel valued in some way that you're reminded of constantly and your conscious affirmations you tell yourself aren't proving to your nervous system in any way that you're valued and feel safe with regards to this concept at all which is why everybody who's traumatised and applies these methods gets worse eventually.

Complete and natural expression of resistance is the most natural way to dissolve feeling devalued as it's the compromised expression from that point in time coming out of you, but because you're not taking it all the way it stays in your nervous system and doesn't move, hence why it continues to repeat and cycle through. This is the truth about resistance and how to dissolve it. You take your childlike mind and sense of self who feels unsafe fully expressing themselves and completely let that fracture in your consciousness express without compromise.

This is how you'll naturally dissolve resistance piece by piece the most reliable way and the way that every self recursive circuit does.


The process

You'll work with the targeted belief/s identified in previous modules and when the feelings arise of lack then we will remind ourselves of this story and bring ourselves back into that place and express freely from that point. We will completely immerse ourselves in that feeling of lack to the point where we hold nothing back and act out as we are spontaneously driven to do. Act out in a safe environment away from other people, though in some instances you'll be automatically driven to act out and get things off your chest around people as the means of clearing that resistance as has been shown to happen when taking herbs or remedies doing the qigong for example.

The point of identifying the story is to recognise who hurt you, and to not hold yourself accountable and gaslight yourself into blaming yourself because you manifested their treatment for you. This is also why quite a number of other coaches say to use screw you letters where you script out all the things you've wanted to say to this person on paper. This is a less intense form of what we're doing here but works on the same principles. It's a means of outlet in a controlled manner to regulate your emotional charge (and associated sense of self arising out of feeling devalued from that event) which you're giving yourself to completely and totally expressing yourself without compromise. This is the key point almost everybody misses.

Odin died on the world tree as he hung himself there for 9 days and 9 nights. We will mirror this process by hanging ourselves on the proverbial world tree by dying to ourselves. This means going all the way into complete surrender and acceptance of our limitations. The most direct pathway is through, not around.

Once you've reached that point of spontaneous expression based on how you've been desiring to decide to be in that moment this whole time that you held back on out of fear of rejection then you'll break out of character armour. This is why it's critically important to go all the way and completely surrender to the feelings which arise and sit with them wholly and totally or else you'll just go through another cycle again, though it will likely be less intense each time as you're dissolving more each time.

As you've completely expressed yourself in a safe manner to the degree you've wanted to this whole time without compromise then you'll likely have clarity from here. In this state of clarity and ..



Looks like I didn't save my progress. Oops.


I'm going to take you on a journey of what's happened in the last week.

So basically, everything flopped and failed really badly. Everything I lost sleep over didn't work out. It was all a waste of time, and even though I shed a tear the other night and allowed myself to feel as I wanted to, I don't care anymore now.

I was working on moving onto kajabi, a platform with integrated coaching, courses, community and podcasts. These are all areas I was looking to expand into further, especially for the group coaching. My girlfriend recently brought to my awareness about teams group chat as an alternative to discord for one time coaching sessions. I normally hate google products but I'll give teams a shot as it's a replacement for zoom. The courses however...

The courses on shopify are absolute trash, literally garbage tier in comparison to kajabi. No offer variance or anything like that but I'll roll with what I've got. I'm working on making an SP course, especially targeted towards men. The perfectionist in me has been completely and utterly destroyed over these last few days and I've been humbled about my actual capacity to be that greater version of me who flows with my core affinities and intuitive impulses.

In fact let me outline how this works because this is the basis of my course material.

Basically in order to tune into your ideal sense of self and manifest what you want you need to BE the change you wish to see, right. How else can we be the change except literally BEING the change. This means being uncomfortable and accepting the fear or shame or whatever it is to the point where you'll die if that's the case. You'll go ALL the way and FULLY express yourself without regrets. Imagine that life is a game about living authentically and that the more authentically you live the more you manifest that works for you because YOU are BEING that, not just imagining it. It's the DOING, the actionable process of actual embodiment of being that ideal refined being that mediates your sense of self to be refined. Understand that feeling uncomfortable is a necessary part of the process of becoming OK with parts of yourself that you don't like. That's the point, you WANT to put yourself into uncomfortable positions and learn through experience that those parts of yourself really don't mean anything.

This means working through your patterns and themes by actually exposing yourself in reality to the complete degree that you can the aspects of your consciousness which bring you into feeling bad. Basically, if you feel bad about yourself, ask yourself why. What's the actionable process you're playing out that's anchoring this in. That's actually what anchors in your sense of self, it's the continued decision to compromise on your expression out of fear, to stay safe and comfortable. Breaking out of that comfort zone, as Wilhelm Reich describes as the armour barrier, represents the breaking of that armour and the freeing of natural striving where you'll spontaneously flow with your intuitive impulses.

Flowing with your intuitive impulses is simply saying that if you desire to do something and you hesitate to do it out of fear then you're making decisions which don't serve what you desire to fulfil. This is the point, we want to get to a point where we are ok with being uncomfortable and accepting that we don't need to care so much about this thing that's causing us to feel so bad. This is how you actually minimise importance and actually put yourself on the pedestal.



I had another revelation arise.

I've been put through this theme of perfectionism for so long now that it's messing my ability to stay consistent in my practical life and makes me live in my head too much. This arises from my dad constantly telling me when I was younger with vivid memories that I'm irritating him for trying to help or even just being there. I learned not to help or do anything in response because no matter what I did I wasn't good enough. I remember this time where I was sitting on the couch to the left side of the coffee table when I was about 3-4 years old or something around that and I was told I'm irritating him because I was doing something he didn't like, I don't remember but it was nothing of concern other than that he was under the influence of alcohol and it traumatised me as it was a very angry projection. I learned to accept my devaluation and compromise in that area of being myself.

I was also extremely intellectual in school, like I was 1-3 grades ahead of everyone else in almost every subject. It was something I was naturally good at, but that it was also my only area where I could receive praise, at least to some extent. II don't quite remember exactly but I know I didn't always feel good about it for some reason. I basically learned that in order to be valued I needed to retreat into my mind and solve problems nobody else could because I was that special minded person. Whenever I couldn't come up with the correct answer it would make me feel like dying, I'd be extremely devalued as that was my only source of value I could rely on. This is why I created Reality Synthesis. I learned that I was unworthy of acceptance for being myself no matter if I succeeded or failed and that failure meant death.

It's almost an Aurrum Metallicum remedy archetype but only partially, the responsible person. At the same time I was babied and I never had space to express myself without judgement. I was always being told I was too loud or too "hyperactive" or whatever by my parents when I was having fun with friends. I learned that missing out was better as I'd be safe that way. I purposefully isolated myself from that and so disconnected from even accepting love into my life from girls who wanted me so bad but I felt that accepting that would make my parents unhappy with me due to expectations I took upon myself. It made me want to die because I could get what I wanted but I couldn't accept it. I wanted to die. I wanted to die so bad. There was no joy, even though I achieved everything and performed better than everyone else. I created the most advanced LOA theory on earth but I never felt satisfied no matter how deep I went and no matter what I revealed. Treating actual clients made me feel extremely heavy, I had this immense sense of responsibility when others out there could  do this without even breaking a sweat and it made me feel so serious about everything.

I basically feel this immense pressure on my shoulders at all time to meet some unseen expectation that was never really present. As I feel my bad feelings more and more comes up and now I see my resistance greater than ever before. I was being told 2 night ago not to do something I wanted to intrusively do but I decided to make the decision which valued me and not them and I had an outcome which favoured me, even if it was minimal in benefit. This is the point I've always spoken of, you're always being driven to fulfil your greatest potential and be yourself authentically without compromise. This is the only technique that exists and I'll say that forever, all other techniques revolve around this to some degree. This sense of false responsibility burdened my liver and I remember it was enlarged even when I was like 13 or something as that's when highschool hit me. This is the power centre, where your sense of authority arises from and how freely you can express it. If you feel like you've got no authority in your own life your liver and heart will go very quickly in response as they're stagnated and not being nourished. That's why people like myself manifest disease we don't think about as children. There's metaphysical correspondence and it has nothing to do with thoughts pushing out, like all the nonsense false ignorant gurus who know nothing of any value preach like spoiled children. Don't like that, too bad. It's facts, even if it's coming from ego and the need to be right.

I basically learned that being myself isn't acceptable. This is what everybody learns but to different degrees and based on different aspects of themselves. We all learn to compensate in some way to meet expectations of others which leads us to dismiss our intuitive drives because they make us feel bad. That's all this is about, manifestation is about becoming yourself and the results in life must then reflect that shift of who you are actually BEING. If you're guided to go dance on the beach in front of hundreds of people like I've been driven to do before and you ignore that urge then you're devaluing yourself and causing yourself to become sick and ill as a result of it. The immortality stuff is all based on this too. There's no magic immortality pill, well there is but it forces you to look at your resistance and die to it. That's all medicine does, it makes you look at the resistance because that's all that needs to change. Everybody on earth is playing this out without exception. 

This is my story. I hate the way I look at times, and others (under certain lighting and angles) I like it. This means my perception of myself is not stable and is based on conditions and not because I exist. I can't see the auric field around me and the genuine authentic expression that's existing as the physical being I see in the mirror. The incorporeal state. Understand that all truth comes from your greater self, that's the only place it can come from. Turn within and seek the truth. That's where you're intuitively guided by consciousness greater than you, at least your corporeal view of you. You ARE that greater consciousness, but you don't consciously experience that in anything outside of your intuitive impulses. That's all there is, your intuitive impulses and the world around you that you're navigating. You simply need to tap into your automatic direction circuit and flow with it without judgement. You're always being pulled to BE closer to yourself than you are now but you don't listen to that voice because your intellectual mind gets in the way. That's the only function of meditation, it's to cultivate awareness of your core essence. In guided hypnotic and pathway revision work we simply tune into the intuitive sense and embody the incorporeal being to "heal" us, the incorporeal being and thus manifest results we desire as then we're being more ourselves. The divide between corporeal and incorporeal is closing as you flow with it. This is what it means to walk with god.

The only technique is to be yourself without compromise. There cannot be any other technique. All the Neville Goddard stuff is this, but portrayed in another way. All the people who say otherwise need to compartmentalise their points to make sense and have no connection to natural phenomena on a metaphysical level. Everyone is different states NG said, that's exactly how homeopathy treats people, and to an extent TCM and like systems. Quintessence is the same, it's archetypal/state based. A state is technically under my definition a series of various information pathways which comprise a complete consciousness, but NG says a state is an attitude of mind. That's a good way of putting it, tap into the "feeling" of anything. What's the feeling/vibe/archetype of consciousness of a certain piece of music. This is what the feeling is, "catch the mood" Neville says. It's the archetypal construct of consciousness which determines a state, not words or images or anything of the senses, though the senses can being us into that association. Your state is one of over 8k (at last 8000 different remedies in homeopathy) different archetypes of consciousness and thus a unique experience of reality. Your state is the vibe you emanate and your incorporeal sense of self represents one of those archetypes of consciousness to embody and become one with, likely one that's harmonized with the natural striving towards higher order of all things.

Spontaneous healings of disease don't happen without an accompanying shift in sense of self/value. If you're suffering disease then it's because of immense stagnations between the core aspects of your being you're accepting compromise through. That's all that disease can be, that's all anything can be. There is nothing greater to use to explain this stuff which factors in all aspects of experience of reality. If there is then please enlighten me oh so wise and noble sage.


I abandoned myself. We all abandon ourselves. That's the only way we can ever suffer in life. Self is the incorporeal aspect, and when you're in tune with that you're  never alone as you're always one with god. God is always with you but you're not tuned into that continual bombardment of intuitive insight and impulse to BE and EXPRESS, to live the reality of and shift unconsciously the sense of self through that action.


This reminds me of how I feel the need to disagree with people in my head about who's right. This comes from the mentality I outlined above in my self analysis of my resistance towards accepting myself and my work no matter if I'm right or wrong. That's all there is or can be. I need to revise these moments completely and totally. The thing is my mind is so overactive that it's never satisfying whenever I apply revisions in my mind. I spend all day every day thinking about LOA and Reality Synthesis and it's destroying me.

I need to die. Metaphysically. 

I'm going to get back into parkour, taekwondo, daito-ryu aiki jujitsu, mao shan qigong, rune meditations. Get back to my roots when I manifested money and SP and all the fulfilment I lack now despite having so much greater awareness of how reality works. I'm a living testament to intellectual awareness of reality means literally nothing, even to the degree I do. Nobody else on earth even can touch my awareness of the totality of metaphysics, well perhaps nobody except actual alchemists out there who are truly immortal whom I strive to become one day. Part of my journey towards immortality is for the purposes of reliving the childhood and teen years I never had because I wasn't allowed to and I didn't feel capable to "rebel" and be myself. I never had a rebellious stage, I was always a child. I always felt bad for wanting what I wanted and actually going after it and then people wondered why I'm so miserable. Thinking about that right now makes me want to die again. At the same time I have this great sense of responsibility and urgency to perform and prove something to someone but there's no real expectation.

I just need time in nature away from the tech and the online world, spending time with my SP doesn't help me much at all. I spend hours with her every day but it doesn't make me feel more fulfilled long term, it's always short lived with this wholesome loved feeling and when it's not there I feel like dying again. Now I understand how borderlines feel, except I wasn't abandoned or anything, I abandoned myself. We all abandon ourselves. That's the only way we can ever suffer in life. Self is the incorporeal aspect, and when you're in tune with that you're  never alone as you're always one with god. God is always with you but you're not tuned into that continual bombardment of intuitive insight and impulse to BE and EXPRESS, to live the reality of and shift unconsciously the sense of self through that action.

That's all there is. Living the reality of being yourself in flow, without doubt or fear or guilt or expectations or whatever. Letting go means detaching from needing to identify with corporeal being and flow. That's all there is. There can't be anything else. What else is there? It's all about making decisions to value yourself, value yourself and flow with how you want to make decisions on an intuitive level that you're being driven to fulfil. That's all there is. There's no other technique because it all leads you back to this.

Denying your feelings is devaluing yourself. Stop it, right now.


Let's outline some points then, for practical purposes. I'm so full of theory and whatnot but how do we then take this and make it work for us.


So when you do the qigong for example you'll be metaphysically integrating aspects of consciousness to then result in shifts where the resistance is present in your field geometry, likely to move it into your heart centre where you'll be made aware of it and feel it more as that's where we feel our sense of self the most. With this you'll be aware of your feelings and the underlying beliefs around that more efficiently. You'll begin to spill your feelings out more and more, you'll be unable to bottle to the same extent as before. It'll be forced out of you one way or another. The qigong and like processes essentially mobilise long standing stagnations in your field geometry that have resulted in all this charge bleeding and warping your sense of self to then give you the means to become more aware of it and by extent express those feelings completely until they're fully dissolved. It's either it leads to their expression or it leads to you being more in tune with your intuitive impulses and you just decide to stop compromising on your desires and finally attain that rebellious mindset and fulfil them.


Not everybody is at this level of resistance but for those who are at or even beyond the level I was at, this will likely be your experience of it to some degree or another. Doing the work means causing movement in your field geometry to such an extent that it forces you to look at what's being circulated self recursively that was stuck before which will make you feel very vulnerable but that's the point, it's you basically going back in time and reexperiencing the time where that same feeling you compromised on expressing is having an opportunity of expression. The deeper that feeling gets within you due to making decisions which cause you to bottle further the more damage it does to you unconsciously. The more you reveal it and explore it and recognise it the more it'll seek expression the way you wanted to since the moment you compromised as a child. This is you expressing that childlike mind in a way you'll be unable to prevent once that dislodging of the resistance gets to a certain point in which case you'll heal that stagnation and life will manifest the results according to how that stagnation was blocking you off before.

The Abdullah mindset of "you're already in Barbados" is this in a nutshell. It's basically get mad with yourself and express if you can't have it. This is why people who release resistance by allowing themselves to purge those feelings go through peaks and dips in cycles but never actually move the needle forward and see the result on the outside. This is the point. We want to completely let go of the devaluation and allow ourselves to just completely express how we've felt this whole time. That's satisfaction, at least from the perspective of someone with deeper trauma than most.


Point is.

Every time you get an intuitive impulse to fulfil something you're wanting to do, no matter how big or small that drive may be, if you dismiss it because you don't feel right about it then you devalue yourself. That intuitive impulse which is arising is your greater consciousness guiding you out of stagnation and into immortality. Giving in and accepting your circumstances while not moving forward is not going to change anything, you're not BEINIG anything or anyone different. The point is to flow, effortlessly flow, BE, live the reality of. This quality of consciousness cannot be faked or replicated because it's genuine and complete uncompromising expression of authentic self. That is the ONLY place in life that satisfaction can arise from.

People then have the question of how can I tell if something is an intuitive impulse or not. Take note of your mood and the quality of the impulses which arise. I've had impulses to put my hand through peoples faces, but I know and recognise where that comes from as it's always mood dependent. If something is a constant and has been with you through all moods then it's a core desire and your greater self guiding you to fulfil something. It's that it keeps returning to almost haunt you reminding you of this thing you're continuously missing the experience of that leads to your fulfilment and value.

I've had coaching clients ask me constantly how to handle negative emotions, and I always tell them there is no way you can handle your emotions. However you handle your emotions is how you do it, so long as you're not gaslighting yourself into seining your feelings as invalid because that's devaluing yourself and is what led you to the point you're in now. The fact is that all your bad feelings are always temporary and they dissolve eventually as you lead through them and that emotional charge dissipates. The point behind that is that you're satisfying this part of you that desires expression of your feelings. It's the denial of these feelings as I said which leads to further resistance which also explains the phenomena of people expressing themes they've  held back on resulting in manifestations coming through near instantly. It's a sudden shift in the resistance that leads to a major shift in their reality responding to that realisation and complete expression of self. For people will less resistance and bottled devalued feelings it's a lighter load to shift, which is often why it doesn't feel like much for them and a simple mindset shift with a few affirmation rampages is enough. For everybody else with deeper levels of trauma it's a much greater shift that needs to unfold for change to occur but it's still the same process regardless.

It always goes back to this theme of expressing yourself which dissolves stagnations as you're circulating that consciousness archetype through all your meridian systems and alchemising it's nature through that process. Expressing your feeling and being yourself is doing alchemy, just like taking a quintessence which does the same thing but by drinking a substance targeted at moving that resistance and bringing it to the surface. Something that's unconscious is simply stagnated in the meridians surrounding the heart, especially the liver and spleen but also kidney and lung. That's all there is to this, moving resistance and processing it. Processing resistance means circulating it through your field geometry and expressing it as an output response through self recursive procession. That's all there is. There is nothing else, as I've always said. That's the one and only process which everybody on earth undergoes to result in shifts. If there's no resistance then you're flowing with your intuitive impulses and your imaginal scenes are automatically aligned accordingly resulting in those pushing out. When you're flowing with your intuitive impulses you're less corporeal being and more incorporeal being in conscious experience, you're literally closer to god even though god is everywhere but from an experiential perspective that is. The reason why these people don't need to imagine or anything and just have things work for them is because their sensory capacitance has expanded and they're basically giving up free will to their greater process without even realising it. IT's the same way you're unconsciously driven to compromise and give into flawed perceptions, but the exact opposite. These people can't help but flow with their greatest fulfilment because it's effortless as they're basically one with their greater process and because of that manifestations unfold effortlessly. 


That's all there is to this. Share it around. Stop wasting time. Just read and understand and apply. That's all you need to know. 



I’ve fully processed my perfectionist mentality. 

The formula to success from now is this:

If you experience dips and peaks then process resistance using the methods outlined

Everybody else should purely work with consistently embodying the person (archetype of consciousness) who is worthy and deserving of having the desire. If they don’t feel worthy then be as Abdullah and slam the door. If it’s a repetitive cycle then apply resistance clearing tools, otherwise live in the end and completely and totally express yourself without compromise. Feeling good doesn’t equal manifesting, manifesting equals having a solid direction of propagation (intent of experience/concept) and an associated sense of self surrounding the fulfilment of that. 



Well it turns out wordpress is the answer after all, I'm going back to where I started. So with that in mind I've basically concluded that the solution to understanding what a state is can be found through reminding yourself of a character who has what you want to experience, to put yourself in their shoes so to say. This is a matter of "feeling" the sensation of being that person, not just in a relative sense to where you're ta now but also from a perspective of in their  shoes.

I've already written about this but the  purpose of media is to tell a  story and that story has characters in it which we can resonate with and "feel" into per say. This elicits emotional response in us as our sense of self is essentially experiencing their perspective, you're in that state or else you'd not feel that way. This can  be  applied to the inverse too where you can take upon yourself the archetype of consciousness or the "feeling" of being that character  here and now and with that being intuitively driven to show up accordingly and decide to take actions which would  confirm this state. If you want to legitimately remove the barriers between your current state and the state of the wish fulfilled then living the reality of experience of being is all that you need to do, imagination being the organ of  cognition to  subjectively  generate experience which  would enable this embodiment. Understand the implication of such an imaginal scene absolutely matters a lot and the way you'll actually fully embody that is through continued refinement of your decisions making to confirm this state through your  day to day life. 

Waking up and playing the role right away is the way you'll ideally generate that momentum and move forward with getting the outcome. In the past I'd have said that focusing on the end isn't necessarily the focus but I'm understanding more so now why it is. We always make decisions which mediate our ideal sense of self and associated values towards that end. The important part is living and breathing the essence of being autonomous and shameless in this sense of self. You are  that, you're not ashamed of deciding to act this way as you  might experience which only demonstrates the disconnect between your current sense of self and the end experienced sense of self. To conjugate these aspects of consciousness we must take upon ourselves the shameless approach to being this character with complete commitment without holding back or compromising in any way. This way you're literally holding nothing back and have no regrets in your expression of self. The most powerful men in history embodied this characteristic, all of them. The difference between you and them is that you're compromising, holding back out of fear or shame or guilt or whatever it is. These people died to their limitations as the Christ did, as Odin did. There is no quality of consciousness in a disconnect and disproportionate experience between limitation and complete zero compromise expression and flow. Grasp that the secret is complete commitment and negating conditions from a place of detachment attained through understanding that what you've been doing can be dropped and that there's no need to continue meeting the needs of others over your own.

So here's the path.


You'll want to identify the sense of self/state that you're desiring to integrate. Don't overthink this, you're simply going to generate a reference state to return to continually and shamelessly live from the initiative impulses you receive from this sensation of being. The trick is to especially wake up in this state and live from that throughout the day, SHAMELESSLY! This means breaking any and all patterns which you don't serve you. Where are you continuing to focus your efforts which you don't like, but feel obliged to or a need to? Drop those. Where have you felt shame and or guilt for going after and doing, fulfil those from this state of being beyond that. This character already has what you desire, why would they limit themselves to mediocrity, Go all the way, hold nothing back. Be merciless, rebellious to the ultimate degree. Every aspect of consciousness which doesn't serve you is gone here and now, there is no more resistance. It's yours because of that fact now stop trying to manifest stuff and go live according to this model. Decide every moment of every day to be who you want to be and die to that flawed sense of self completely. Burn it to ash and scatter the ashes to the wind no matter how many people you may hurt in the process for being yourself. We don't judge ourselves for flowing with our intuitive impulses, whatever they may be for to judge yourself is to judge the world and experience that judgement upon yourself two fold. You feel into the state, you return to the state and as NG says wear it like new clothes until you no longer feel you're wearing these new clothes because you're now use to the natural feeling of them, the feeling of being and embodiment of the targeted archetype of consciousness.



Pick a character you resonate with and feel into their archetype of consciousness. Don't overthink this, you do it all the time. Just feel into that archetype, perhaps have an image or a video of them doing or saying something which reminds you of this archetype of consciousness you're inspired by. Take upon yourself being that, feel the confidence in being that and that the current circumstances are like flies on the wall which hold zero obstacles. You're free from past responsibilities you've been bound by from now on and continue to return to this same experience of self. If you don't feel it one day, simply lead yourself there by dwelling on being that version through the media they're inspiring you through. From there die to corporeal being and live from the end, you should know what that means by now. You'll feel more capable, confident, courageous even. Integrate these aspects and make decisions from this quality of consciousness without regret. Hold nothing back, go all the way till death and shamelessly express that being. This is literally you living the reality of experience of being who you want to be.


If you had 100% chance of dying in the next minute what would run through your head. What regrets, what did you hold onto that you didn't need to. Why did you hold onto that which didn't serve you and you knew it didn't but continued down the path of destruction. Why waste your pitiful life living mediocrity forever eternity, Why waste all your time on useless tasks pleasing people you knew you deserved better than. Why did you waste your time, why did you have to die in such a pitiful state. Why, what's the reason. 

Dance upon the edge of the waves of life as though every breath is the last. Take the staff of duality and swing both ends to each of the steps your majestically divine being of light is at your core. The foundational essence of being transcends any and all aspects of limitation. Take it and claim it as yours. The merciless swing of a ribbon cuts through the air like a hot knife through butter. The earth cracks under your steps and bends the knee in your presence. Fires and ice rise and fall like the sun and the moon of the dance of day and night. Feel the grass in between your toes, now sand, now the air of a freefall through the atmosphere. Fall upwards into the reality of infinity and face eternity without flinching. Dance the dream of life like it's your last. With the flick of your wrist you perturb the aethers of infinity as effortlessly as you breathe. The metaphysically illiterate fools couldn't even grasp the power you contain, all you need to do is align the meridians and conjugate that power within. It's there, it's waiting for you, YOU! You are that power, you are the technique. Take nothing and leave it all for you are it all and therefore there is nothing to take. Break the fabric of reality, wake up and die. It's all you right here right now. Elegantly you step onto the hard floor and lay the weight of your feet with precision and swiftness. Nothing is true, everything is permitted - Ezio. 

You know everything because you're not the mind you believe yourself to be. There is nothing to learn, nothing to overcome. You're living the unfoldment of life and falsely identifying with the process. There is only the end. Take it and mercilessly unfold your potential as though your end is certain. Your end is certain. You cannot fail. This is yours for the taking right here right now. You're dead, dead forever. Never to return. It's gone, never to arise in your awareness. That pitiful existence of a past life is over, it's gone. You are, I AM. ~




Use media to transform your state and act on that. Act on that sense of self, realise it. Bring that intangible essence into being and shamelessly express that potential. Show and tell without mercy. Walk and talk and live and breathe the essence of perfection for you are an immortal perfected being of light. Live like it and stop wasting time! STOP WASTIING TIME AND WAKE UP! if your current state of being isn't working then drop it and move on. Wear a different suit, use media to inspire you and then reflect upon the decision to be, wonder where this comes from and fulfil that condition. Express that potential and mercilessly become. Flow. Breathe. Be as the currents of water, be formless and shapeless yet take upon yourself the shape of perfection as water itself.

Don't just sit there and wallow after reading. Take that power and express it. Move your body, dance and sing and laugh and share and hold the aethers in your hand.

Sleep in a different bed, wake up and break pattern, drink a warm ginger lemon tea for a change instead of wasting time on your phone. Sit in sieza gazing against a wall while you gently sip the tea. Imagine your end every moment until all the tea is gone. Every sip you take sinks the realisation of your end deeper and deeper into your awareness. Live deliberately, make every action in your life deliberately a ritual of power. You're not betrothed to living in mediocrity, You're an immortal being of infinite power so act like it. Take care of every aspect of your being and your senses. Input only that which serves your end, as NG said that reading a newspaper article about death can manifest that in your reality, guard your senses therefore and take heed in the fruits of your labour. Gaze through everybody, not just at but through. Gaze into their soul, read their aura and their archetype of consciousness and you'll become psychic and read peoples intentions and agendas without the conscious mind. You'll intuitively know everything about everyone. Look through everyone and everything, see beyond the senses and at the archetypes of consciousness being reflected back to you within your body (reality itself as the body of god).



Kati Ran inspired this. My state reflected the tone of her music in words and the rhythm I wrote this in. I became the living embodiment of a concept. I expressed myself without compromise. Do the same thing and realise your power.


You may ask how is this relevant to manifesting my SP. That comes naturally. You'll just feel worthy, entitled almost to your SP and whatever else. You're no longer feeling you need to try and manifest anything anymore because it's a given, it's part of who you are now.




later in the day now I’m typing this.


I just recognised the simple truth through an experience I had. Basically I reminded myself of a character I use to play when I felt more free in eternal youth and use to do certain actions with my hands and so I started doing those again shamelessly and I felt empowered and all these associated thoughts arose in my mind. I learned that this effortless mindset of manifestation has these components to it.


1. An end you desire to experience, just the concept but you can also include sensory experiences to that

2. A memory which has the quality of consciousness you’re looking to experience and embody

3. A power activity where you can confirm who you are and have that activity be your tangible presence of embodiment to use as momentum towards your end.

Fall asleep in this state and wake up and immediately enter into this state with the same media you used to get into it if you so wish to use that. From there go about your day from this state and live from the sensation of being this greater sense of self with all the things you desire. That’s all there is to this.


I know I’ve said that multiple times and in some what’s this contradicts my last points but I truly feel that this is the most natural way of unfolding a state into experience. Instead of me telling you to consciously act and stuff and break patterns and all that you’re going to simply use a form of media with a quality of consciousness which puts you into that ideal state through embodiment and you’ll then manifest from this state without effort. You’ll literally want to act differently because you’ll have to in order to feel this state continually. You’ll find yourself spontaneously taking actions you’d not have made in the past and this will be the proof of who you’re being and not just thinking about being but actually embodying and living the reality of experience through. 


Anyway. I'm gonna finish this website and get the discord server running and get this show on the road!



Today we explain the simple formula anyone can apply.

This is the refinement of what I've written before in language that makes sense


There are only a few simple aspects to this formula to understand.

You'll have a direction you're going to move in and you're going to have a catalyst that you'll use as a source of inspiration to bring you into that state. With this you'll basically be moving in a direction which you resonate with, ideally you'll want to use a form of media for this. For example a character in a movie or something, this character will have all these things you resonate with and are inspired by feeling joy from imagining yourself in their shoes being that person.


1. You pick a direction of propagation based on an inspiration which holds within it an archetype of consciousness you desire to express. This archetype of consciousness is the "feeling" or sense of self you're targeting and moving into as the state to be coherent through.

2. You flow with the intuitive impulse which arise from this and flow with whatever comes up even if it doesn't make sense but feels aligned to this "feeling" you're moving in which is that archetype of consciousness or direction. Don't judge whatever comes up, if resistance arises take it completely in the direction of being that inspired the point of death! Your intuitive impulses will not require willpower to flow with if they're aligned to your core essence because you'll find yourself looking back later realising you've just lived out something you'd never have likely done before and these actions all came from living in that state and flowing with it.

3. You lead yourself deeper into this archetype of consciousness throughout the day by using state streaks, which can be generated out of "rampages" basically where you're confirming to yourself all aspects of this inspirational archetype of consciousness. Every time you come up against resistance, especially if it's from a repetitive task you hate doing then step away from it if you can and go on a walk or something, get in your body and then refocus in the direction of inspiration.

4. Wake up every morning and expose yourself to this inspirational form of media in some way or another before doing anything else and sit with that feeling before going about your inspirited morning routine. The state you wake up in won't always serve you so making sure you start the day off from the state of satisfaction and inspiration desired by that direction we spoke of earlier is going to be extremely potent in setting the state and continuing in that state streak. Go to sleep in the same state aligned with SATS or lullaby method where your end is.

5. Repeat.


The end is the end direction of propagation you're heading in. If your end doesn't inspire you on a consistent basis then it's not going to work for you. The end/direction of propagation/desired state and associated sense of inspiration must be aligned to that which feels ideal, at least to some degree on a consistent basis. Understand that without an end that you truly foundationally resonate with you WILL waver and fail especially if nothing else works for you. This is critically important which is why I say to use the archetype of consciousness of a character you resonate with that brings you that inspiration or you'll waver in the end and not have a firm sense of direction to move in resulting in state incoherency.

Taking this to death is the important point about dissolving resistance and past traumas especially. Basically all these resistances are is skeletons in the closet that scare you when you look at them. In order to take them out you need to accept that they're in there and not gaslight yourself into thinking they're gone when every time you open them they show up which is only proof they're not going away on their own or else they would have by now. To dissolve them then understand that taking a skeleton out of the closet represents fully expressing an aspect of yourself you're uncomfortable expressing due to learning that this aspect represents your devaluation. Taking it out of the closet means burning that contract with that belief and completely committing every part of your being till death to dissolve it. Think of this as arguing with someone but every time you talk about a certain topic you feel ashamed, the moment you express what you're ashamed of you'll take the skeleton out of the closet and even though it'll be uncomfortable as that resistive circuit fires it'll move out of you and no longer be in the closet making you feel that way in future and unconsciously influence you whenever an associated subject arises causing your nervous system to react with anxiety and all those feelings. Drop it and move on. Fully express it as without complete expression you'll not fully take it out of the closet and still have a piece of that you've not let go of which is why taking it till death is the important factor in dissolving core resistance.

With this in mind the only factor limiting your manifestation capacity isn't willpower but awareness and the awareness of your current state in contrast to where you desire to be. Feeling desire leading to intuitive impulse is natural, everybody on earth expresses this way regardless of how they're driven to act, or lack of but still mediates their end due to how the associations relate to action. Approach every aspect of your life from this feeling of being in that archetype of consciousness and flow with your intuitive impulses. You'll receive a flash of an idea to do, and the more you follow up on  them the more coherent your field geometry gets and you'll actually feel rewarded for doing that leading to satisfaction and the fulfilment of your state coherency which IS manifestation as you're literally living and being who you desire to be. There's no greater expression than being yourself without compromise and being yourself without compromise is manifestation and is state coherency.

That's all you need to know.

I've realised that paying for member press is probably my only option for the website to work the way I want with discord integration. Watch out for that soon.



Well it's 2024 and it's been almost 2 weeks since I've posted here.

This  website is basically dead now, anyone who's still visiting and reading this, I must say thank you. If you wanna get ahead of the rest I'll give you this tip. Download this page, and or copy the text into an offline document like I'd do and back it up on optical media in case some solar storms happen or something. Those of you with big heads will know what that means. The rest likely wouldn't even be reading this anyway as it's way over their capacity to understand. You're different, your archetype of consciousness is greater in the sense of diving into the details to grasp the mechanics of reality and I'm the apparent master of that it seems.

I'll be making this content premium soon to keep up with the rest, Persis being one of them. She seems to embody my demons and makes me feel the passion of competition in my heart blazing like the sun. Regardless of if I am able to attain the greatest results with this or not is irrelevant and to be honest none of these posts is a complete teaching on it's own because there's literally hundreds of factors to consider. Life is one big path of optimising towards perfection, I mean that's literally why reality exists anyway.

 So the point of this post is to outline a further expansion on something. I've manifested something huge lately that's plagued me for ages. That is something personal I'm not going to reveal at least yet, even though I've revealed many things about my past already without shame or guilt this one will take some time to fully process and sink in. It came yet again from me being myself and breaking resistance down to it's core and acting contrary to my feelings at the time. I didn't want to but I stepped up in front of the audience and presented my proverbial assignment to the class. It began with nerves but then stretched into a passionate expression of self through which I channelled my resistance into my actions. I followed what Wilhelm Reich said.

I was actually speaking to my SP about this today as the topic came up, Wilhelm Reich was the one who originally gave me the blueprint to understanding reality. The common folk who aren't initiated into the arts of Reality Synthesis or the metaphysical mechanics of reality and how they relate to the immense expression of Evil in the world in the form of Talmudism Bolshevism and Jewish supremacy won't and cannot see beyond the veil as their archetype isn't refined in the same sense that someone who's status is their linchpin can utilise to get what they want in life. It's a matter of interacting components of consciousness forming a complete and total whole that's greater than the sum of its parts.

The art of Reality Synthesis is about breaking limitations through integrating the archetypes of consciousness we're missing to form a new interferometric interaction and thus manifest new results in our perceived reality.

Asynje - Hr. Oluf.

L.E.A.F. - Frühlingstanz

This music makes me poetic for some reason, perhaps due to the time I found it and my mindset at the time. It's these associative connections which brings us power which is why I say media is your greatest ally, media and story. It's not the media but the story being told and the archetype of consciousness communicated through that. How do you speak to someone without using sensory input. You use sensory input to communicate context and that cumulative context created greater experience of the whole instead of just each piece being individually consciously input and processed. This is as NG said "multidimensional" thinking.

The archetype of consciousness reminds me of my days following black earth productionz. Seth failed to grasp the mechanics of death and rebirth, the ruthless grasp on reality as a whole and the thrust of Odin's spear into the heart of pain and suffering. It's a matter of having a direction of propagation, a contrastive connection to that direction to remind you of the difference and drive embodiment and the flowing and trusting with intuitive impulse to flow and become. 

I've got no doubt anymore that manifestation is above all else about having solid direction and to bring yourself or transition into the archetype of being that by default. The archetype is the feeling, that is intuitive sense or true sense of incorporeal being and the basis of embodiment without relying on sensory input. It's self recursive procession without sensory input. It's basically what GOD experiences, god. Everything. 

The thing that truly separates the successful from the unsuccessful is the capacity they have to maintaining consistency to that direction of propagation. Walk the path, flow with the path, embody and become the path, then there is no questioning self. Is this about making specific experiences happen or about embodiment of success and fulfilment. The latter. 

Procession is consciousness, consciousness is experience, archetype of consciousness is generated from contextual sense. Contextual sense is a culmination of all connected sensory inputs. If I were to die tomorrow what would I regret. These things will change based on your state in your conscious mind, if you are under the influence of media that drives you into greater awareness you may say nothing in that moment but if you're in a place of desperation you'll say about your material possessions which you placed the basis of suffering on not having. We must then ask, what is the correct state, or archetype of consciousness? The truth is none of them, because you aren't one state but all of them. You are the principle which embodies a state, however your constitutional makeup determines what state you're born into and thus the direction you take by default.

Walking the path of success is the one that we must learn to accept as our own. Media is your pathway to realising it, media and your imagination are one in the same thing, as NG himself said that reading the newspaper can pushout experiences correspondent to the stories read. This is no different from modern media streamed over the internet. Media influences us, and when we theme our lives around a specific archetype of consciousness we manifest accordingly. You'll find that you can almost tap into someone's embodied state just from feeling into the media they consume. You can get a glimpse into THEIR perception of consciousness. The self concept projection technique I've spoken about is basically this idea but inverse. You see them through your eyes, not physical eyes but through your metaphysical archetypal sense. If you were to see yourself through the eyes of someone else what would that feel like? That's the energy you emanate which others pick up on and respond accordingly to.

Do you now understand how you can manifest any SP? That's what's happening. There's nothing else that can change. The archetype of consciousness of being and embodying is who you are being, and when that is unconsciously anchored in you manifest accordingly which is why state streaks are required, and or a highly contrastive event to have a sudden slingshot experience leading to transcendental bliss or trauma. That's all there is. Take note. You'll likely want to come back to this months later and reflect on it once you've recognised new patterns. You'll either fully embody without mercy and play the part of or wallow in failure continually as you've been since finding this content. Use media. Feel that contrast and flow with it. Express on the stage of reality.

When you hold nothing back there's no compromise and when there's no compromise there's satisfaction. When there's satisfaction there's completion and thus perfection, at least within the scope perceived. Perfection to an ant is different to perfection of a mature human being. Perfection to greater consciousness is different to a fully mature and individuated human being. Do you see now the idea of "levels" of consciousness. It's not discreet levels per say but critical thresholds where charge density integrates a certain potential of process and effectively leads to greater influence over all integrated processes.

You are a conglomeration of 3 primary consciousnesses or processes, the lower processed where your dwarfs (from a Norse perspective) live to build your reality without discretion and your higher processes where your intuitive impulses flow from in which then your heart mind or conscious mind experiences and makes conscious decisions or shows up accordingly to based on it's current perception and sense of self according to it's surroundings. This is why media is a secret weapon you can use to influence the direction you walk by basically tricking your dwarfs into creating more experiences accordingly and when you flow with that based on greater process you mediate an archetype of consciousness that's complete to what you desire. 

Pay close attention however to the media and the archetype of consciousness that's embodied as media can remind you of death and suffering just as easily as success and fulfilment of life if it's themed accordingly. We want to use media that's "inspiring" according to the core values we hold within. Grasp it.

Don't let the influencers on social media warp the perception you live from. Basically a master manifestor has control over their archetype of consciousness and thus determines how people respond to them according to the above paragraphs I just spoke of. Grasp it. Reminding yourself is nothing more than periodically embodying the archetype, bringing yourself into the sense of self of being and having naturally. The natural feeling arising from the death of the "old" state.

It makes me wonder now about this though. Is a state of focused disciplined dedication to a life of refinement into perfection the same as a state of effortless assumption through taking upon yourself the character of a god among flawed mortal men per say. What's the difference in output response. If the end is similar in achieving complete refinement of the assumption of being the ultimate being then wouldn't it just be the means in that sense which separates them. This meaning that the one who takes upon themselves the assumption of being as though a godlike character with superhuman capacity be the one who gets the success or the disciplined one who walks a path of self sacrifice on a daily basis by leaving their old processes in the dust. The one who walks the path of the god WILL fail, and in this failure there will be the reminder of the old state, the one in the disciplined mind will have the process to anchor into and remind them of why they keep going. It's in the dips that we see the true character, archetype of consciousness. The dips determine who we are, not the peaks. Walk the path consistently of the one who can take dips in a stable and refined manner. That's your ideal path, not the one who peaks and dips over and makes no progress towards stability and state streak.

Grasp it. This will be made premium, because I said so. This only comes through failing over and over and recognising the pieces of what caused failure to refine and become greater not in a delusional peak leading to a hard fall but from the process of completion. Putting yourself in an end state when your baseline is absolute misery WILL lead you to failure. Stop lying to yourself and giving into the delusion, the ones who can attain this have a baseline which is right around 50% already at least. You're not going to sustain a baseline at or above that by peaking in a delusional state, your nervous system will remind you of that and you will drop, it's going to keep happening and you know that so change direction and tactic. It's just the nature of how things work, you'll soon be there anyway.

Grasp the truth of who you are and become that. What media reminds you of that success, anchor into it and make habit around it. You'll receive an image, a story even, something which will communicate to you the process towards your fulfilment. This is literally greater consciousness you're integrated in providing insight. Do you understand now. The people who are successful have crazy visions and even though the ones who make bank think it's silly in the moment they flow with it, because they feel the need to. Flowing with intuitive impulse feels like you're being pulled in a direction, metaphysically, like a magnetic pull towards "story". Story, archetype of consciousness. Grasp it.


Sea of swords. Leave himself in its wake. The hanged man.

The Christ.
















Do you grasp it. Death. Death. Die, be reborn. You are no longer your younger self, you look back at ignorant you and see someone unfamiliar even though that was once you.

You are an alchemical ritual. You ARE the ritual, you are the technique. You are the means and the components and the process. You are an alchemical being who contains everything that exists in potential. Rearrange all that is and the output result will be complete.

When you imagine you're creating internal media. This media reminds you of an archetype of consciousness and you embody that. Your actions and reactions will conform to the embodiment just like in the imaginal scene. This embodying is the only thing that results in manifestation. There is nothing else. Stop wasting time. Die.

Sowulo - Gungnirs Gap

The story of Odin represents the story of the Christ, listen and grasp it.



I gotta get use to 24

Still having site issues however the refund for member press came through so that's gonna save me like $1500 on plugin cost yearly. 

Anyway I figured out the simple truth, I know that's not the first time you've heard that but hear me out this time. Listen carefully. Everything is a state, right. You're always in a state. Desire is the desire to experience an archetype of consciousness and the sensory input represents the means by which that alchemical aspect can be expressed and fulfilled as an input phenomena. We basically desire states, not things. We desire a sense of being, a sense of self and experience accordingly. 

You don't desire experience, you desire expression of self represented as an archetype of consciousness or a state of being. This state of being is the desire, and the unification with this desire is to become the desire. You literally die and become renewed in the spirit, the essence of your being. The incorporeal being takes off the corporeal mask and puts on a new one. This is the essence of alchemical transmutation and manifestation, the rearrangement of foundational field geometries. 

The basis of state interferometry is that the dominant state is the one which you return to be default. We become inspired by a sensory impression which reminds us of the archetype greater consciousness is driving us towards integrating and fulfilling. This is where the power comes from, and in fact is also where the pathway for revision arises from too out of contrast. I've figured out years ago that disproportionate field geometries must be negated in the influence of a higher order geometry which will structure and rearrange the components to benefit the whole system into greater order. This means that by being the greater self you're revising passively anyway, that's what state interferometry is. 

It's the act of being in the desired state that brings us into revealing resistance. The gazing does the same thing, but I've realised it's capacity for shifting resistance depends upon the foundational state to move and raise the resistive pathways up and out of your being to be circulated and processed. This is why you feel dips after being in a peak, it's the circuit restoring order but since resistance is present it makes you face the darkness due to light revealing it by nature of its presence. This again is why you must to "shadow" work, in fact you're forced to face it in order to move on because it must be dissolved through reference state and output one way or another. Some people express it externally and some internally dissolve it, this is just the nature of the resistance in contrast to the ordered state and your constitutional makeup. 

One thing to keep in mind is that the dip, the procession of resistance is a necessary aspect of your being that's capable of dissolving it to increase sensory capacitance which is the goal of self recursion fundamentally. Sensory capacitance means integration of more information on an input-reference/processing stage. This means that the only thing stopping you from attaining immortality is dissolving resistance, but that's capable of being done in many ways and being yourself without compromise is just one of those ways. 

From experience I'll say that for most people the act of simply being yourself without compromise will not grant your being a high enough charge density to lead to immortality. I mean we have all sorts of people out there who live lives of seeming satisfaction and yet they're not aging in reverse, and we have people who commit themselves to the life of negation like the alchemists once did and actually were capable of aging in reverse. I know people who read this likely won't want to accept this but your senses drain energy, all bodily processes catalyse jing and raise the steam generated through this interaction over the minister fire leading to sensory experience. This is again why relaxation and contraction of the senses is important for extending ones life and also having higher order capacitance to focus in refinement towards manifestation.

Herbs, alchemical quintessence, homeopathic remedy, qigong, massage, it's all just part of the same process. When applying all of them you're going to increase lifespan not because of placebo but because you're working with the alchemical nature of your being. Understand that there is no placebo effect, it's all alchemy. The ones who say it's all placebo cannot grasp the alchemical and metaphysical nature of reality and so have to pass it off with the easiest excuse just like the people who say we live in a simulation who are ignorant of what I teach and what classical texts are fundamentally about. 

With that in mind, essentially LOA is about focusing your state, not your thoughts. As I've said thoughts lead you through states via associative comparison and contrast and thus into intuitive impulse which is the experience of embodiment and proof of being in the state. If you're being metaphysically "pulled" to fulfil something then you're in the state already and the moment you think about what that is you will sense your state shift again back to the old one that's familiar due to the association that has with intellectualising these aspects of consciousness. Focus on the archetype of consciousness associated with the state, the feeling, the sense of self, the intuitive impulse which arises from that and to die to it and flow with the current.

Take the example I outlined yesterday, the media you consume will remind you of a certain archetype and this archetype is the foundation of your state of being. You will learn to sense it and simply "assume it" as they say which IS literally you tuning into the archetype of consciousness of that state and nothing else. To simply assume is to surrender and take upon yourself the quality of consciousness of being the one who has the thing. Grasp that. There are no secrets, it's natural. You take upon yourself the assumption of being and that assumption is rooted in a sense of self, an archetype of consciousness and thus you can recognise that especially through contrast and so you can learn to cultivate the awareness of your current sensation of being to bring yourself back to the reference state when you're being in that place.

Wavering is contrast, contrast of state and sense of being. You're simply seeking to return to the state whenever you can and live from that without compromise. Remember, without compromise is the part that separates the successful ones from the one who fail over and over. Grasp that. Complete commitment to this process of transmutation is required. Stop wasting time wavering and half focusing on a state. Manifestation is state coherency, it doesn't matter if someone else only half focused on it, you do what you know works and fully commit to that. Your path is different from theirs so focus focus focus. It can and will be effortless once that sensation of being is default that you're cultivating. 

Once that sensation is now normal and everything else feels like contrast in comparison then you've anchored the state and now your imaginal scene which represents that state will likely push out without distortion as everything has lined up. Think as though everything your senses input matters, as it's not specifically just the content of the sensory input itself that brings about the manifestation but what the associations you draw from that are as two people can experience the same sensory stimulus but react totally differently which is the differentiation of the reference or processing stage of self recursion. You guard your senses and more specifically even your associative intuitive sense. You maintain a focused state of being and flow with it making every aspect of your life remind you of this through that association. This is why I do believe NG said to use sticky notes everywhere saying "I will not climb a ladder" as it's putting them into that state through sensory association and not just the whole affirmation pushing out as that would contradict it. This is the secret of the ladder experiment nobody talks about because they're all metaphysically illiterate. 

The thing that messes with most people is the dip, they can't handle dips. What you need to understand is that is normal to actually express your emotions but to understand that you can express them in a way which is associated to the direction you're heading at the same time is critically important as I've found this part of the process is what differentiated successful from unsuccessful manifestations in my own experience. The time I manifested my SP I simply sat in sieza next to my bed for about 15 minutes and felt the feelings that came up without judgement, I didn't physically react but I just felt them as they came and I looked at them from the state of already being with my SP. This didn't affect my mood but how I was intuitively associating to those feelings, as though they didn't hold as great of importance to me and like I was disconnected from them, yet that they still felt familiar. It was almost like I was dying in the metaphysical sense but it was painless.

This also explains basically why anyone can feel bad and yet still manifest what they desire because that was always an issue faced by many. The assumption is the archetype of consciousness, not just the thought or concept. The assumption is the state, but consciously experienced. There are so many multi millionaires that are rich but hate their lives, there are people who have multiple wives and still feel alone, there are people who are the best at what they do and still suffer the pain of being the best. It's an interesting paradox, but many of them likely manifested those outcomes out of necessity to be accepted and not because they actually want to be that. This just proves that a solid direction that's not wavered on will push out accordingly, especially if its coming from the need to fit in and be accepted which is what children do best.

Understand that the means by which you manifest is an equation that goes as follows. Concept (direction expressed through sensory input) * sense of self (the associated intuitively driven state) results in the output. Without a solid direction AND a firm state coherency there is no result that can come about as you're missing one or both sides of the equation in your application. 

Fundamentally the state creates the sense of self and the concepts as they're intuitively driven as the impulses greater consciousness provides but it's more like a triangle, like ohms law. Voltage = current/resistance. In this case its state = concept * sense of self. Thing is current also = voltage/resistance too as well as resistance = current/voltage. It's an inverse relationship yet their also directly exchangeable, just as alchemical principles are. This is why there is no discreet formula as all the formulas work in their own capacity, so there's no best way to go about integrating state coherency outside of the way that works best for you.

So a practical view of this is to firstly wake up every morning and have a form of sensory input which reminds you of the sensation of being.



Unconscious capacity extra


So the mechanics of how this works is very interesting.


The way that people who don’t do deliberate cultivation of subconscious capacity and still dissolve resistance are doing so from a place of applying Yang in a different way. When unmet needs are met through specific disciplined actions towards meetings those needs and fulfilling the conditions representing the resistance underlying the patterns that are causing the meridians to become disproportionate then you’re creating buffer space to work with in which new stuff can then integrate and push out more effectively. This is actually how most modern LOA gurus work in how they get success, that’s how a vast majority of people who are successful actually become successful, not through much other than that. They may apply conscious methods and bits of unconscious methods but mostly it’s meeting needs which frees up buffer space and essentially builds that momentum for them.


So to understand this deeper we need to grasp that the mechanism underlying all of this is the freeing up of subconscious capacity which leads to the ability to experience the space between space and the environment of the mind without having your perceptions warped about it. You begin to see things for what they are BECAUSE of that space, not because of any magical technique. The techniques simply facilitate the expansion of buffer space to then work the mechanism of generating that space to work with. That’s all you can do, make it abundantly clear that every single technique imaginable is all working in this field without exception. You can only create space to dissolve resistance. The way you go about that is different in many cases but the metaphysics is the same no matter what.


Leading yourself there is an interesting idea too, it seems that leading one’s mind through the process of thought along a specific pathway will lead to greater generation of context. It’s this context which forms the basis of their ability to dissolve resistance. Understand yet again that everybody must feel their feelings, you’re a self recursive circuit and everything that you input must be experienced in some way consciously that’s coming out. If something is stuck in your unconscious mind or nervous system then it’s always running but you’re not conscious of it, that’s why it’s unconscious. To make what’s unconscious conscious means to become aware of that resistance and dissolve it through expression.


What’s happening is the part of you that felt the need to compromise on expression in the way that resistance is themed is crying out constantly for attention basically, it’s the lower mind having unmet needs ignored and so it runs rampant and causes all kinds of physical manifestations when it’s left to continue suffering. This resistance literally exists as a split of your solar mind within your field geometry and can make itself known in some extreme cases in people who are for example schizophrenic. They’re not delusional, they’re having a valid experience that’s very real and that a fragment of their solar mind that sort of became it’s own self recursive circuit is manifesting as an additional consciousness within them that exists on its own level of being within their psyche. Understanding its existence and meeting its needs will bring it back in harmony with greater consciousness as you’re recognising the root of the problem, compromised sense of self. Every trauma is expressing from an unmet need that the person felt the need they had to compromise on their experience of in order to fit in and be valued.


To grasp now why reaching out to divinity from a perspective of meeting those needs is the means used for eternity as the divine is an infinite supply and so long as we reach it our interaction with it will resolve in us the fragments of us that are unmet. That’s all resistance is and so the moment you can “reclaim your power” so to say is the moment you’re actually meeting the unmet needs of an aspect of your consciousness you’ve been ignoring. That’s all you’re doing and all you can do. Again it’s the same mechanism as before, but instead of consciously cultivating space for it to eventually make itself known you’re forcing it to raise and if you’re able to see it with enough space in that moment dissolve it from true understanding of its nature giving you the buffer capacity in that moment to fully feel that part of you that has unmet needs and completely dissolve that resistive pathway as you’ve basically then taken back your power.


The way most people in low teach this is really not the most efficient way because not everybody has the buffer capacity available in their subconscious mind to be able to fully express those feelings especially if they’re long standing which is why combining that with deliberate cultivation of subconscious capacity and awareness is going to help immensely as you’re increasing that buffer space to work with when applying conscious work.




I gotta get use to 24

Still having site issues however the refund for member press came through so that's gonna save me like $1500 on plugin cost yearly. 

Anyway I figured out the simple truth, I know that's not the first time you've heard that but hear me out this time. Listen carefully. Everything is a state, right. You're always in a state. Desire is the desire to experience an archetype of consciousness and the sensory input represents the means by which that alchemical aspect can be expressed and fulfilled as an input phenomena. We basically desire states, not things. We desire a sense of being, a sense of self and experience accordingly. 

You don't desire experience, you desire expression of self represented as an archetype of consciousness or a state of being. This state of being is the desire, and the unification with this desire is to become the desire. You literally die and become renewed in the spirit, the essence of your being. The incorporeal being takes off the corporeal mask and puts on a new one. This is the essence of alchemical transmutation and manifestation, the rearrangement of foundational field geometries. 

The basis of state interferometry is that the dominant state is the one which you return to be default. We become inspired by a sensory impression which reminds us of the archetype greater consciousness is driving us towards integrating and fulfilling. This is where the power comes from, and in fact is also where the pathway for revision arises from too out of contrast. I've figured out years ago that disproportionate field geometries must be negated in the influence of a higher order geometry which will structure and rearrange the components to benefit the whole system into greater order. This means that by being the greater self you're revising passively anyway, that's what state interferometry is. 

It's the act of being in the desired state that brings us into revealing resistance. The gazing does the same thing, but I've realised it's capacity for shifting resistance depends upon the foundational state to move and raise the resistive pathways up and out of your being to be circulated and processed. This is why you feel dips after being in a peak, it's the circuit restoring order but since resistance is present it makes you face the darkness due to light revealing it by nature of its presence. This again is why you must to "shadow" work, in fact you're forced to face it in order to move on because it must be dissolved through reference state and output one way or another. Some people express it externally and some internally dissolve it, this is just the nature of the resistance in contrast to the ordered state and your constitutional makeup. 

One thing to keep in mind is that the dip, the procession of resistance is a necessary aspect of your being that's capable of dissolving it to increase sensory capacitance which is the goal of self recursion fundamentally. Sensory capacitance means integration of more information on an input-reference/processing stage. This means that the only thing stopping you from attaining immortality is dissolving resistance, but that's capable of being done in many ways and being yourself without compromise is just one of those ways. 

From experience I'll say that for most people the act of simply being yourself without compromise will not grant your being a high enough charge density to lead to immortality. I mean we have all sorts of people out there who live lives of seeming satisfaction and yet they're not aging in reverse, and we have people who commit themselves to the life of negation like the alchemists once did and actually were capable of aging in reverse. I know people who read this likely won't want to accept this but your senses drain energy, all bodily processes catalyse jing and raise the steam generated through this interaction over the minister fire leading to sensory experience. This is again why relaxation and contraction of the senses is important for extending ones life and also having higher order capacitance to focus in refinement towards manifestation.

Herbs, alchemical quintessence, homeopathic remedy, qigong, massage, it's all just part of the same process. When applying all of them you're going to increase lifespan not because of placebo but because you're working with the alchemical nature of your being. Understand that there is no placebo effect, it's all alchemy. The ones who say it's all placebo cannot grasp the alchemical and metaphysical nature of reality and so have to pass it off with the easiest excuse just like the people who say we live in a simulation who are ignorant of what I teach and what classical texts are fundamentally about. 

With that in mind, essentially LOA is about focusing your state, not your thoughts. As I've said thoughts lead you through states via associative comparison and contrast and thus into intuitive impulse which is the experience of embodiment and proof of being in the state. If you're being metaphysically "pulled" to fulfil something then you're in the state already and the moment you think about what that is you will sense your state shift again back to the old one that's familiar due to the association that has with intellectualising these aspects of consciousness. Focus on the archetype of consciousness associated with the state, the feeling, the sense of self, the intuitive impulse which arises from that and to die to it and flow with the current.

Take the example I outlined yesterday, the media you consume will remind you of a certain archetype and this archetype is the foundation of your state of being. You will learn to sense it and simply "assume it" as they say which IS literally you tuning into the archetype of consciousness of that state and nothing else. To simply assume is to surrender and take upon yourself the quality of consciousness of being the one who has the thing. Grasp that. There are no secrets, it's natural. You take upon yourself the assumption of being and that assumption is rooted in a sense of self, an archetype of consciousness and thus you can recognise that especially through contrast and so you can learn to cultivate the awareness of your current sensation of being to bring yourself back to the reference state when you're being in that place.

Wavering is contrast, contrast of state and sense of being. You're simply seeking to return to the state whenever you can and live from that without compromise. Remember, without compromise is the part that separates the successful ones from the one who fail over and over. Grasp that. Complete commitment to this process of transmutation is required. Stop wasting time wavering and half focusing on a state. Manifestation is state coherency, it doesn't matter if someone else only half focused on it, you do what you know works and fully commit to that. Your path is different from theirs so focus focus focus. It can and will be effortless once that sensation of being is default that you're cultivating. 

Once that sensation is now normal and everything else feels like contrast in comparison then you've anchored the state and now your imaginal scene which represents that state will likely push out without distortion as everything has lined up. Think as though everything your senses input matters, as it's not specifically just the content of the sensory input itself that brings about the manifestation but what the associations you draw from that are as two people can experience the same sensory stimulus but react totally differently which is the differentiation of the reference or processing stage of self recursion. You guard your senses and more specifically even your associative intuitive sense. You maintain a focused state of being and flow with it making every aspect of your life remind you of this through that association. This is why I do believe NG said to use sticky notes everywhere saying "I will not climb a ladder" as it's putting them into that state through sensory association and not just the whole affirmation pushing out as that would contradict it. This is the secret of the ladder experiment nobody talks about because they're all metaphysically illiterate. 

The thing that messes with most people is the dip, they can't handle dips. What you need to understand is that is normal to actually express your emotions but to understand that you can express them in a way which is associated to the direction you're heading at the same time is critically important as I've found this part of the process is what differentiated successful from unsuccessful manifestations in my own experience. The time I manifested my SP I simply sat in sieza next to my bed for about 15 minutes and felt the feelings that came up without judgement, I didn't physically react but I just felt them as they came and I looked at them from the state of already being with my SP. This didn't affect my mood but how I was intuitively associating to those feelings, as though they didn't hold as great of importance to me and like I was disconnected from them, yet that they still felt familiar. It was almost like I was dying in the metaphysical sense but it was painless.

This also explains basically why anyone can feel bad and yet still manifest what they desire because that was always an issue faced by many. The assumption is the archetype of consciousness, not just the thought or concept. The assumption is the state, but consciously experienced. There are so many multi millionaires that are rich but hate their lives, there are people who have multiple wives and still feel alone, there are people who are the best at what they do and still suffer the pain of being the best. It's an interesting paradox, but many of them likely manifested those outcomes out of necessity to be accepted and not because they actually want to be that. This just proves that a solid direction that's not wavered on will push out accordingly, especially if its coming from the need to fit in and be accepted which is what children do best.

Understand that the means by which you manifest is an equation that goes as follows. Concept (direction expressed through sensory input) * sense of self (the associated intuitively driven state) results in the output. Without a solid direction AND a firm state coherency there is no result that can come about as you're missing one or both sides of the equation in your application. 

Fundamentally the state creates the sense of self and the concepts as they're intuitively driven as the impulses greater consciousness provides but it's more like a triangle, like ohms law. Voltage = current/resistance. In this case its state = concept * sense of self. Thing is current also = voltage/resistance too as well as resistance = current/voltage. It's an inverse relationship yet their also directly exchangeable, just as alchemical principles are. This is why there is no discreet formula as all the formulas work in their own capacity, so there's no best way to go about integrating state coherency outside of the way that works best for you.

So a practical view of this is to firstly wake up every morning and have a form of sensory input which reminds you of the sensation of being.



So I've realised that WordPress is also very slow when it comes to editing pages like this but it's not as shopify. Now that the website is done I'm glad I can now focus on content again.

So I've realised that the foundations of hot and cold behaviour generally comes down to understanding of cycles of how resistance surfaces to be dissolved. essentially there's something you're compromising on that you don't want to and the circumstances you end up in confirm that to be true leading you to face the pattern over and over no matter what. Essentially if with an SP they're hot and cold and not consistently doing what you want then there's something within you relating to that aspect you're compromising on in your own life, metaphysically related of course. For example you could be incoherently circulating kidney Jing and Yang incoherently by touching yourself and being tense when you're doing it which means that every time you feel hot yourself it will result in a dip and the archetype resulting from that must manifest accordingly meaning the cold comes to confirm that.

If you want a consistent method of dissolving these cycles then you've got to honestly look at why am I doing this, what aspect of me is living out of compromise because I don't feel I can have what I want? When you've recognised the archetype of consciousness driving the pattern that continues to show up you can dissolve it by consciously recognising when that archetype arises and to either surrender to the feelings and completely express them without compromise as a means of discharge (the forceful way) or to dissolve it by doing field geometry regulation by for example relaxing and dissolving the resistance as it arises by anchoring into the archetype of being you constitutionally respond favourably to.

If you don't want to die then you'll need to not burn more change than you have in capacity. That's the only way to become immortal and the only way to do that is to become completely proportionate meaning you'll be not living from any resistance but from your greater consciousness in flow with your intuitive impulse where you're driven without your free will being used. You flow through life as though, you're not even in control. You essentially become a channel for greater consciousness to flow through and of course that requires you to become capable of that by dissolving the archetypes of consciousness which anchor you into limitations. You must die to become immortal, metaphysically speaking. Your core identification will die as Odin did and you will become nothing more than a conduit for reality to operate through yet also a complete expression of your foundational core essence in a sort of brilliant dance of consciousness creating ever lasting eternity without effort.

The way you start this whole process is by dropping resistance once and for all, by feeling the stagnations arise and process for dissolution. In Homeopathy traumas are dissolved in reverse chronological order so you go back in time to experience the most recent all the way back to the most deep ones. This also typically would work with other methods as resistance is integrated like all things are. Learn that focusing on the resistance presently showing itself is the most important instead of searching for unconscious stuff because it will arise if you're moving in the right direction. The difference is that you'll dissolve it there instead of repeating it because you now have awareness of it instead of identifying with it and taking upon yourself that archetype of consciousness. You've recognised the contrast and your resistance is now present and so you can dissolve it with this awareness by not deciding to embody it even if you feel like you want to. This is state interferometry and it is the second way of naturally dissolving resistance.



So I've recently been going back through my notes once again, I've come to the realisation about something Neville Goddard said to be more important than we would think of it. This is about guarding the senses. I heard a lecture of him talk about this, where he said that simply reading a newspaper article about someone having a horrific event could result in this unfolding in your own life at it's allotted time, like the planting of the seed idea which represents the substantive principle or Yin aspect of consciousness. This would imply that literally everything you input has correspondence to some degree and that only allowing into the senses that which we desire to experience is paramount. That would by extension mean that since we live in an online world now it's more than ever important to guard the senses as the senses are the gateway to the communication of consciousness and integration of that.

I was thinking of making this about nervous system stability as I've come to understand over the last year especially that physical relaxation is just as important as mental relaxation. But for now we will focus on the point of fasting from the world as I call it based on the story of Christ in the bible. I do believe this was what that story was about, fasting from sensory phenomena for 40 days and not just literal fasting which ruins your spleen qi and drains vitality especially if you're not in a place of somewhat low resistance. Immortality connects to this idea too, that playing life on monk mode as it's called will result in substantially greater manifesting ability, not just because you're fasting from the world but fasting from stimulation too which is a form of sensory input but on a whole new level of destruction.

I'm going to outline here the basis of immortality that I've come to understand from my own perspective and all the things I know to be true now and not a traditional approach to it. The alchemist taught me that immortality is attained through dissolving the "bars on the soul cage" which can be done through deep magick playing off the back of the gazing method and his ascension method which is basically state coherency work using specifically worded affirmations that you resonate with. This also backs up a recent revelation I had about the words you use having no definitive meaning outside of that which you provide them with as Neville implied with the ladder experiment.

Immortality is attained through these factors.

  1. Living in flow with your greater consciousness and core affinities (living without compromise)
  2. retaining vitality wherever possible (eating, drinking, sleeping, thinking, yada yada)
  3. cultivating vitality using qigong and such means
  4. cultivating awareness using open and closed eye "meditations"
  5. revising your very existence during a fast (from the world) to anchor it in and through theurgy

There's probably more to that I'm not thinking of but that's the essence of it. Most people only focus on the cultivation of awareness and power and miss being themselves as they operate out of resistance which is why revising past traumas as they arise (which they will over time) is essential to becoming proportionate. Slowing down and taking your time with things, not being so speedy go mode all the time is essential, cultivating vitality through qigong and eating not just appropriately but also at correct times and the right mixtures of food being consumed in the right manner. Everything matters. You must become the literal living embodiment of perfection in every way of life if you wish to become immortal, there is no other way. It doesn't matter how much you attain in the world, what legacy you cultivate, what matters above all else is the cultivation of power through greater awareness of your being and the coherency of that awareness to be as pure as pure can be.

I want to explain something very important here too I've read about from various sources. Your very foundational essence must be not just retained but circulated to nourish all your zang fu organs especially so that yin and qi can overflow and compress into greater integration for higher sensory capacitance or else the gazing will not result in crystallizations and thus deep theurgy cannot play out where you can negate the archetypes of consciousness binding your soul to the process it's integrated in and thus greater consciousness can become more embodied and eventually completely take control. This is why you must become perfect in order for this integration to unfold, imagine as though god (the one pattern proportionally flowing through and as all things) embodied in you right here right now. You'd literally die, your consciousness and the way you make decisions would absolutely be destroyed wouldn't it. This only proves my point, if perfection was to wash over you right now you'd no longer resemble who you are now in almost any respect at all, you'd die wholly and completely and be reborn anew. This is the process of alchemical rebirth and the conjunction of the greater and lesser aspects. When you first read through this you miss the big picture, you can't see how these points connect but they do which is why the people who seek to attain immortality without this realisation are operating out of the highest order of ignorance on the subject imaginable because they're all metaphysically illiterate. Unfortunately.


The nature of all this is basically surrender. Surrender to greater and lesser consciousness to mediate proportionate zero resistance self recursive circuit.




I'm back after like 2 and a bit weeks.

I've learned that there is only 2 techniques that even exist. One of them is about expanding the capacity of your subconscious mind by refining the unconscious through the conscious mind and the opposite where we refine the conscious mind through the subconscious mind.

The way that the method of expanding the subconscious and increasing sensory capacitance works is by creating a space between space, a dielectric field, and this field is what contains information. Information is a quality of consciousness, a sensation of being, the essence of concept and idea. What we do by metaphysically representing this idea of "counter space" as Eric Dollard put it is through the negation of conscious phenomena. Simply put, you create more space between your conscious experience of reality. This one simple process that's metaphysically represented through all things that are Yin in nature, dielectric, counter spatial, negatively entropic, substantive in a way that's primordial and not manifest. The yin represents the essence of the storehouse of consciousness, that which contains, binds and holds within and attracts more, it's the aspect of consciousness that inputs information like the negative terminal on a battery which receives charge from the positive terminal as pressure gradients are mediated through the centripetal vector vs the centrifugal vector of the Yang. The Yin is the feminine charge polarity, the receptive and alluring, the attractive and submissive, the form over function, the structure of reality itself. Yin is all of these things and all things related so information is yin fundamentally, structure is yin, substance is yin, compression and integration of charge as one component is yin. The process by which all forms of increasing or condensing of awareness is yin, pure and simple.

Yang on the other hand is dynamic and ever changing, it's morphing from one thing to another like wildfire. Your conscious mind is Yang, it's masculine, active and reactive, it's fast and furious, it's the fire of life itself. Without the yang then nothing would move, yang moves yin, yin attracts yang and yang "processes" yin by moving and "harnessing" it so to say. It wields yin as it's own, as yin is submissive and yang is dominant yin accepts what yang does, as in yin absorbs the expression of yang. Yin is the more important component fundamentally as it's a majority of yin aspect that we are working with in cultivation. Yin is the more important aspect to work with because it's the capacity that we have to express ourselves, and this can most directly be measured by ones attention span. The less active your mind is the more space your mind has to breathe and be. Without a great enough capacity to integrate and embed new information as one thing we would be stuck eternally living out the same cycles forever for it is the expansion of our capacity to receive sensory input that enables us to shift the capacity of our experienced reality. You cannot overcharge an already full battery or it will heat up and destroy itself, this is what classic LOA teaches which doesn't work for most people because their capacity to integrate information or concepts is highly limited and needs expanding so new processes an integrate and express.

Your reality reflects the capacity of your subconscious mind, if you live the same limited experience over and over with little to no variation then your capacity is extremely small and what's currently in your mind will bounce around in chaos. You'll find that these people cannot sit in silence for very long without going mad, there's so much heat or yang principle manifesting in their consciousness but that's all being contained in a tiny bubble leading them to the repeated peaks and dips as the disproportionate field geometries fire over and over seeking a means of release to naturally expand the subconscious further and reach greater heights of sensory capacity and corresponding experiences in reality. Your consciousness is ALWAYS naturally striving towards higher order, always seeking expansion as we are integrated within greater consciousness and by nature of our existence we are refined simply from existing and all things work this way. So the process of one greater process interacting with another lesser process is all there is, that's the one process playing out as and through all things, god.

Grasp this simple fact and you'll see things for what they are. Until you can consciously create space, more yin principle, by separating the chaos of the elements in your mind and subject those to the purifying fire of light (greater consciousness) you cannot and will not ever shift your reality in any meaningful way because it's impossible. There is only one process and that process applies to any and all phenomena, so that then means that living this process and becoming like this process in your consciousness means you're living the path of enlightenment and walking with god, as one being.

With this in mind now about yin and yang there are only 2 types of manifesting methods, active and passive. Both are active in their application but one affects your consciousness on a different level than the other. You're going to either be expanding space or rearranging space. Neville Goddard applied Yang type techniques, though he falsely assumed that the feminine archetype referred to in the bible through the story of Jacob to be a direct transfer with no layers of intricacies attached, or if he did know we never knew his method of expanding the subconscious state to enable new integrations. He only spoke of changing your concept of self, which is what I call the sense of self, which is a feeling about yourself that's primary to the condition of your consciousness and is always a constant no matter the mood you're in. Neville says to catch the mood, the feeling meaning under this context an emotion. Emotion is the expression of feeling (primary intuitive sensation of consciousness) and is yang in nature, not yin. Emotion contains no information as the information is contained within the feeling but that feeling is expressed by yang aspect or the dynamic aspect that breaks down and discharges disproportionate field geometries and corresponding pathways in the unconscious mind. Feeling emotionally charged is the natural expression of yang seeking a path of least resistance to release charge that is disproportionate or more practically speaking you expressing what you "feel", this is why we all naturally as children act out because we don't have patterns that say we aren't allowed to freely express.

The issues begin to arise when you're told you're not allowed to express yourself, to compromise on who you're naturally striving to be and express as, which causes a retreating of the yang from fully breaking down and dissolving resistance that's naturally being purged. All children do this without exception, all animals do this without exception, light even behaves this way, the purge is real and not a rule that you either conform to or not like the influencers in this community like you to think out of mutual metaphysical ignorance. Understand that expression is the means by which stuck patterns will dissolve, and if that means situations manifesting in your reality to trigger you in order to give you an opportunity to consciously make a decision in that moment which you previously were unable to make because of that feeling of needing to compromise and fit in then you've fully expressed and satisfied the part of your consciousness that's been perpetuating for likely decades in the case of childhood trauma which everybody experiences to some degree. To clarify, it's the complete uncompromising expression of stuck charge expressed as the yang aspect which is emotion by releasing the information in the unconscious mind which anchors that pattern in place, where the consciousness within you that's fragmented is feeling devalued. The moment you reclaim your authority over yourself and fully express who you wanted to be in that moment way back when it formed then you've dissolved it. This only happens though when all the channels surrounding it are clear and you're ready for it, because these types of resistance can have layers that each peel off one bit at a time until it's all gone. This also applies to doing root removal or pathway revision, it's getting to the root as a means but it still can only dissolve so much at once depending on the nature of that resistance so understand that this is unlikely to be a one and done experience, unless greater consciousness gets involved and you have a transcendental experience that would almost blow your nervous system out in the process which is highly unlikely to happen and isn't very comfortable either.

So that's the yang method, or what Neville taught as an active means working with emotions. Now we're going to look at yin methods like the gazing I teach. Understand that simply creating space and getting into a sort of "trance" type state where your conscious mind is diving into the depths of the unconscious mind to bring up and dissolve through that yang channel is all yin based processes are. They're refinement through interaction unconsciously and not consciously. You're creating space for stuff to more efficiently be extracted for dissolution and at the same time also creating new pathways that are open for new information that you desire to integrate, which is where SATS and such comes into play. This has far more to do with refining your "state" of consciousness than your "state" as Neville describes; "the beliefs you hold to be true". Technically speaking this is refining those aspects but in a very indirect way, your beliefs are the manifestation of the yin and yang interactions, think of this as levels and different perceptions we experience correspond to different levels in this spectrum of consciousness of what affects what based on how integrated within greater processes that level is.

Simply exposing your unconscious mind through the conscious mind either by internally creating that space through cultivating mindfulness which is the experience of this subconscious space or by interacting with greater consciousness which by integrating with higher order circuits has a dissolving factor in and of itself as only proportionate circuits can integrate within greater consciousness and so your consciousness will be forced to turn on itself and have the conscious mind dive deep into the unconscious mind and pull the stuff out that doesn't need to be there. This is merlinic magick, the most deep and occult methods of refining the consciousness that exist and for a vast majority of people who experience this it's almost always on accident and not through cultivating ripeness in that direction specifically. Trance work almost always is tapping into this merlinic system of doing this work, in fact trance is a deep method in the same ways as deliberate cultivation of this process is applied except not for the purposes of cohering the principles of consciousness within your being that exist independent of eachother and yet are all integrated as one being to form your conscious experience of reality. Grasp that all of these interactions with greater consciousness are done on a yin based level as the conscious yang male mind is being taken up into and integrated within the female yin aspect of greater consciousness and basically being chewed up and spat out as a refined being through their much greater proportionate field geometry integrating with yours if even for a moment. They purify us simply by us being aware of their existence consciously which is the basis of the deepest levels of this yin process.

So those are the means we can use to most effectively work with the yin aspect and expand subconscious capacitance and sensory capacitance. Now there are also practical methods that can accelerate the ripeness too, and this simply is an extension of the inner methods but applied to lifestyle choices. Tension in the pelvic floor for example is something which catalyses yin and burns substance into steam, so it turns yin into yang which is what happens during climax with the involuntary contractions, it's a metaphysical representation of yin being moved by yang, literally. Dynamism moving information. This idea applies to a lesser degree though when doing kegels, tensing the pelvic floor will induce a sensation and any sensation is correspondent to an alchemical process unfolding, usually involving yin being catalysed by yang so in this case the yang or the conscious mind is bringing up the yin or the unconscious mind to be transmuted by minister fire that raises into the heart and creates the sensations but that fire also passes the steam through the liver meridian and that causes muscle tensions as the sinews are correspondent yang activity in the liver which is an excitement of the Hun, which is a lesser consciousness within your field geometry. This continued burning of the waters of life as the fuel even if not directly expelled through climax will still be dissolving substance and also cause nervous system instability as the heat that's raising from the kidney meridian into the liver and heart is incoherent and nor proportionate and there's no way to avoid that outside of simply not tensing the pelvic floor outside of climax which is involuntary anyway.

You want the waters to naturally fill up and circulate like rivers connecting various basins and catchments before eventually reaching the the ocean. You want a natural pressure to raise and circulate at its own accord, you do not want to force anything through stimulation as you'll be literally burning your vitality away and depleting your sensory capacitance. This is why semen retention and applying yourself in discipline to not even fantasizing because that feeling in your deep in your belly and heart you feel when someone attractive shows up is that very process of catalysing showing up in your awareness but in an involuntary manner, that attraction is yin drawing yang into it and cycled through, literally. Fantasizing is replaying that in your mind to create those same sensations which is a complete and utter waste of energy so don't even bother as it's one of the most destructive things you can to do your subconscious capacity and your ability to influence others through the interaction of your consciousness being greater than theirs in that regard as that's ultimately what this whole SP manifesting thing is all about, who's more powerful than the other which reflects the exact process in the merlinic magick of purposefully interacting with greater consciousness for refinement of core aspects of consciousness. That's why it's all one process, just reflected on all other levels. I hope you can see that now, this understanding is true understanding and is what leads to real enlightenment by seeing yourself in all things as that one process, that's what truly walking with god is all about and how this whole "sons of god" state of consciousness is attained. True understanding and application of that understanding on a regular basis. This has nothing to do with imagination or anything that LOA teaches which is why none of them understand the real mechanics of it, that's why Reality Synthesis will eventually replace LOA because it's fundamentally flawed in it's theory and application.

There are a whole host of physical symptoms that can manifest from incoherencies in the above described process. Any time there is a burning of Jing (yin) that's not circulating through natural ripening you're going to move charge into meridians it's not suppose to be in and cause issues. This is why the Daoist methods really are only meant for highly advanced masters who have dedicated their lives to understanding the subtleties of this. Daoist methods such a qigong are also extremely advanced in their practical application and aren't just doing simple movements, there's so many subtleties to it that aren't spoken of. I have spent time with a qigong master and have learned much from him but I learned more than anything that qigong isn't the path most think of it as, but is still a useful tool when applied in specific ways to aid the processes cultivated for manifestation purposes.

The other thing we need to consider is other ways that we can cause resistance to form in our field geometry and that is overstimulation. Fasting from the world is the solution to this as as powerful way to increase sensory capacitance and effective sensitivity to stimulus to a point where previously engaged practises would seem significantly more intense almost to the point of overwhelming sensation because of all the free space your receptive mind has cultivated. This also aids in doing SATS effectively and also likely explains why SATS worked better back in Neville's days where there was no phones, internet, on demand media of any form, nothing that could be used to abuse your dopamine reward circuitry which corresponds to the coherency of yang in the liver meridian. Nervous system instability from ruined reward circuits is a direct reflection of your liver health, and by extension then your heart health as the liver nourishes the heart as well as every other major meridian. You want to cultivate stillness to restore this function, that means no phones for uses outside of essential use, no laptop or tablet or desktop computers for use outside of essential functions like processing data and business work if that's your path. You'll be sleeping in a room that's minimal with no TV and no speakers. You'll reduce your sensory stimulus to purely the sights and sounds of nature, the way that you're designed to live and not this lifestyle of overstimulation and the destruction of your subconscious capacity. Notice that all the people addicted to this stuff never get anywhere with LOA, I bet you'll find in advanced cases that their nerves will shudder, they'll be anxious and can't sit with themselves in nature for longer than 2 minutes without needing a stimulus. These people are very incoherent and almost everyone is on this spectrum to some degree, including you and me.

Understand that the way the world is going is hyper stimulation, this is why suffering is increasing and not because of anything else. Peoples subconscious capacity is being reduced as a result and because nobody has dedicated their lives to studying this stuff like myself they're never aware of what's outside the box because all that's in their mind is the programs they've always had running and have no space for new integrations or refinements. This is about turning within and being disciplined with your consciousness to only expose it to stimulus which is of order and divinity. Reading the bible for example as your metaphysical text is a very powerful way to receive information without overstimulating your mind and if you've got both the sensory capacitance and understanding of what the metaphysics of this text means then that's all you'll need to manifest but most people can't live that simply because they're so over stimulated and they'd never be able to stick it out if they tried which only proves they've got limited subconscious capacity and are again running the same loops and programs in their minds driving them to experience the same limited reality that corresponds to their limited sensory capacitance.

It's a matter of discipline and time to dedicate to cultivating this capacitance that will lead them to sublimating the conscious mind under the greater yang and living fully in flow with the intuitive impulses driven from greater consciousness into their fulfilment. That's what doing the work is, it's not applying manifesting methods all day until something happens because you're still living this hyper stimulated over yang based reality that's very limited and your experience of that confirms this point. You do the practises of increasing your capacitance until you hit the critical threshold where it's anchored in and you no longer desire to be overstimulated. You'll avoid that because it's painful, you just don't feel it when you're numb to it because there's no contrast in that experience. When your subconscious capacitance has expanded to the point where it's reached that point where your ability to have space and clarity and be capable of not being so yang based and all over the place jumping from this to that every few days or less then you have proof that the practise worked. You'll find fulfilment in things you didn't think you'd find fulfilment in and receive insights from simple things, reality around you will manifest effortlessly because you've refined the contents of the mind and have expanded the capacity to increase sensory experiences. That's all there is to this, that's what all the techniques are working with, there's only one process expressing through yin and yang and your interaction with them is all you can apply yourself towards so focus on that alone and stay disciplined.



I've come to understand that the way to reach immortality is to stop what you're doing and repent and walk with god. Make the decision, pure and simple.



I've figured this out, finally.

Basically we have a certain capacity in our unconscious mind that determines almost every function of our consciousness. This is variable in how much is can hold and what it can contain which is the determining factor that we must refine if we are to manifest the life we desire.

So to understand how this works is an unbelievably complex topic as there are so many interconnected parts it even kind of fries my brain thinking about it all at once but I'll do my best to distil what I've come to understand.

The capacity that your unconscious mind holds determines the process of integration and dissolution of held charge. So in order to manifest something the unconscious mind needs to take upon itself what the conscious mind feeds it right, but the problem arises when the unconscious mind is "full" so to say and has little to no capacity to integrate more concepts and information which is where the peaks and dips we experience arise from. Our field geometry is negentropic and self organising so it's always seeking higher order and proportionality no matter what, the mechanism which determines this is our integration with greater consciousness and how it's driving our field geometry to align with it. This means that anything that's not divinely proportionate to it is causing resistance and needs to go, and that means that those integrated concepts need to be dissolved and the feeling surrounding them needs to be processed and flow through your input/output process to be completely dissolved or else the roots won't be taken out of the soil of the unconscious mind and you'll still be bound in old programs. This is where complete uncompromising expression of self comes from as the conscious means to dissolve this resistance that's coming up for good.

Now the important part to understand from an experience level is that your conscious mind is contained within the unconscious mind, they're always interacting and thus whatever comes out that you think about is that which the conscious mind is lighting up that's stored in the unconscious mind. Imaging a tiny box filled with hundreds of dots and each dot represents a thought process, your conscious mind is contained in this tiny box and is always moving by the nature of it's existence as the yang principle and thus it's always picking up and experiencing phenomena in the unconscious mind to be processed and if a majority of the contents of the unconscious mind is old patterns from traumas that haven't been dissolved then you'll just continue to cycle through these as the conscious mind bounces around and you'll never be able to see the space between these dots as that space is so condensed and tightly packed. You have no awareness of what's going on, you're (the conscious mind) just being thrown about based on whatever resistive pathways are being fired constantly and without space between those you'll never actually have the awareness of where you are or what's going on to be able to reflect and make decisions that serve you and aren't being made out of biases from the momentum the resistance has built in your experiences.

So the mechanism underlying the dissolution of resistance and the manifestation of what you want is the experience of space, space in the unconscious mind experienced consciously. Without space you cannot mentally breathe so to speak, and this is reflected in the functions of your nervous system which shows physical signs of stress and anxiety and such. All that we can do to actually dissolve resistance is create space, there is nothing else we can do because information is contained in the space between space, not the dots themselves. This means that all means of dissolving resistance work with this principle of creating information that is proportionate by observing the space between points of resistance and allowing that space to act as the buffer for us to fully experience that resistance without running up against surrounding resistance and furthering the spiral which is a function of condensed resistance and incoherency.

There are many examples people will think of that cannot be explained with this but I'll clear those up. So to understand this properly we need to see this mechanism in action in all psychological processes. Someone who is constantly peaking and dipping over and over unable to maintain stability is someone who has a very narrow bandwidth unconscious capacity and is bound to fill up their storage very fast as they experience phenomena. The reason why they experience negative feelings constantly is because that's the contents of their mind, the means to refine this requires buffer capacity in order to create enough space to observe and channel greater consciousness as insight to dissolve the resistance and by completely uncompromisingly expressing themselves in the moment their resistance anchored in.

Those who for example are born with constitutionally limited yin are always going to have a much harder time maintaining state and being able to take in more information to process. Basically someone who is intellectually impaired is yin deficient in that their capacity to absorb and process information is limited because of their smaller capacity, if they're boosted in the way of increasing capacity primarily with kidney Jing and yang tonics their mental functions can be elevated and their capacity to input more will increase, but this also needs to accompany heart meridian coherency too as that's required for an effective flow with the processed data.

The ones who are manifesting and have for example complex trauma in the form of abandonment and such will manifest phenomena again to confirm this experience, the contents of their unconscious mind. The reason why they're triggered easily and feel anxiety again is because they've got those processes being squeezed tightly and that their conscious mind is always bumping into that making their yang aspect overexpress and generate all sorts of incoherency. Again the solution is to create space and become aware not even just consciously but purely to just create more space unconsciously as a means of refining how that stuff gets dissolved and more or less picked off one by one as there is enough buffer generated for the most surface level traumas to dissolve and greater consciousness to flow through them.

Let's explain for example the idea of someone who just "clicks" into place from reading something or watching something. This is a connection of the contents of the unconscious mind effectively integrating and "compressing" not in a disproportionate but a proportionate manner where that once incomplete belief which was seen almost as resistance becomes coherently connected until a new contrastive belief if established in which the process starts over again. You must work with the idea that the capacity of the unconscious mind can be effectively increased not just through purely expansion but also by rearranging and making better use of the currently available space, like file compression. I've heard of people who read a book or watch a video or listen to something and things click into place, well that's a function of this idea of pathways connecting more efficiently where they're not as split and experienced as contrastive difference, they connect and thus wrap in on each other where they're no longer seen as incomplete. Whenever someone attains greater understanding of something that's where the insight comes about, and by extension greater consciousness can be more effectively channelled in that moment too to sink that insight into consciousness. It's all about freeing up present space to make more space or by expanding to make more space, one of the two so people who "work hard" and such to receive insights are simply refining their field geometry by cohering the pieces of their mind that are already present to make more efficient use of that space through gaining greater understanding of the subject they're refining. This is why knowledge is cumulative and almost exponential in nature as once you've got enough dots and begin to form broad reaching connections things can move forward much much faster as you can see the truth in what you're processing instead of seeing each piece as disconnected. This integration is how space is used more efficiently and can lead one to spontaneously manifesting things accordingly where old patterns are resolved out of that understanding usually through secondary conditions and such.

So another part of this, what about the people who overstimulate themselves and overthink and obsess and get what they want? Well these people already would have had enough capacity free so that all they needed to do was refine their conscious process as a means of applying state interferometry and boom their phenomena pushes out as that's now been taken up into the unconscious mind without resistance. So long as there is no completely opposing program and there is enough buffer space left in the unconscious capacity then you've got the formula for success. Simply integrating the desired end from this place of excess space can be enough for state interferometry to affect those processes and break down the resistance accordingly but that's all depending on the nature of the integrated process and the resistance.

The reason I know that the mechanism is that creating space between thought is the means by which unconscious coherency is accelerated is because that's the yin aspect of consciousness at play. There must be space, capacity, and capacity is driven by proportionate integration and compression which is how capacitors work. The dielectric field is yin in nature, the magnetic field is yang in nature, expansion and contraction. The conscious mind expands and the unconscious mind compresses, or more specifically in our case the conscious mind moves integrated processes and is the motivating principle underlying that dynamism of consciousness and the unconscious mind is receptive and receives all that the conscious mind experiences, it has no option but to take in.

Keep in mind that even if your unconscious mind is full and you overstimulate yourself your unconscious mind must accept all that the conscious mind experiences as input stimulus but as it receives that input stimulus the buffer space that's created temporarily using excess yin will cause already present field geometries to have a backlash effect where they will be amplified as the consciously input sensations from the full capacity then push out and dissolve causing the dip. This is why if you experience a very good day and you've got massive amounts of resistance present the next day or the coming days will be extremely unpleasant as the already present contents of the unconscious mind must stabilise and push out as they did but now that there's contrastive experience to be drawn from the dip is experienced out of that in a powerful way. You'll never escape the dip unless you create space and dissolve those programs that are running in the unconscious mind that are always surfacing whenever you're attempting to apply yang methods to overwrite them. Basically the more you try and overwrite faulty programs from an unconscious mind that's full of resistive pathways the more dips you'll face as a result and the more damage you'll be doing to your Jing storages causing your body to be destroyed at an extremely rapid pace.

Grasp that the means of salvation is to turn the light, it always was and always will be so let's stop kidding ourselves and get real here. The mechanics of consciousness are clear as day, you're working towards greater coherency and without working with both the yin and yang principles of consciousness you'll never be able to refine your field geometry and manifest the desires you want. We are to refine the unconscious mind through expansion and dissolution by bringing the contents within over the fire of the conscious mind and to transmute that substantive capacity into steam to then be condensed into a refined and more pure form where processes that are proportionate to your evolutionary means can be integrated and you'll ne running on that without compromise.

Create space by observing the space between conscious phenomena. This is how we express the metaphysic and perform internal alchemy of this aspect to refine the yin. When your conscious mind is taken into the unconscious mind you experience this as a sort of trance like state where stored experiences can be refined, they will arise at their own accord which will be the thoughts you experience from this place arising. To continue to go deeper into this will reveal deeper levels and one by one you'll eventually reach the levels of where the primary patterns that are disproportionate are running and they'll come out. This is a very systematic process and can be sped up through retaining the yin of the body, as in not overstimulating yourself and burning your unconscious capacitance. The moment you lose awareness of the space between thoughts is the moment you exit the unconscious mind so cultivating awareness is the means by which this can be worked with. Over time this process will become easier and more accessible to you where you'll be able to enter the space between space on demand and experience and express the contents of the unconscious mind to be refined on a much easier basis. Those who can manifest seemingly overnight are coherent to a degree that is beyond yours, their thoughts are more in alignment with divinity and they're not holding onto baggage that destroys their field geometry the same way as it would yours.

The reality is that you've got work to do and the longer you take to do that work the more you'll have to do in the end anyway so start today. If you notice yourself wanting to seek stimulus then it's a sure fire sign that you've got a limited unconscious capacity and your conscious mind is running up against resistance to prevent it from feeling the negative feelings it's running up against. There is no other way other than to sit with those feelings and just create space for yourself to expand that capacity and eventually dissolve the resistance so that it no longer affects you. If you take a look at the themes you express, the media you consume, the way you carry yourself, the way you dress and all that will reflect the contents of your mind. If it's disproportionate it will reflect that as themes of decay and death and such as that'll be a way your consciousness feels safe as an outlet for those feelings, but of course that's temporary. You'll be repulsed by who you are currently once you're refined and reborn under the light of divine proportionality. Who you area today is a shadow, a false identification of who you are and if you really believe this is who you are then I promise you that if you sit with yourself and create that space you'll soon learn that you don't really like those parts of you at all and that who you've been this whole time has been a lie. It'll be very painful to experience but that's the point, the longer you take to dissolve this stuff the more you'll need to dissolve so get the work done today and stop wasting time even if it's uncomfortable. Temporary suffering for the sake of long term evolution is the process that all will follow including your consciousness. You will be forced by the greater consciousness you exist within to face this resistance and no matter what it will come out whether you want it to or not so attempting to bypass facing this resistance is a futile attempt to act out of absolute ignorance in hopes that you can avoid suffering.

Face the darkness with the desire to destroy this resistance once and for all. If you're so discontent with your life and you want change then apply this without compromise. The more space you create, the less you stimulate your senses and the more you fast from the world the more your unconscious capacity can and will be refined to a point where you'll be able to mentally breathe and not be constantly barraged with impulses to stimulate yourself and run up against the resistance over and over in never ending cycles. Break the pattern and end it once and for all. All you need to do is base your practise in the establishment of connection with your greater consciousness and be unwavering in that connection no matter what. The more you remind yourself and make habit out of this the more things will move forward and you'll begin to see actual anchored beneficial experiences show up in your reality,

It all begins with cultivating space, if you're constantly seeking sensory stimulation from whatever means that is and you can't sit with yourself for longer than 3 minutes without feeling anxious or the need to continue to stimulate yourself then you've got to continue creating that space until you no longer feel that way. The reason why as I mentioned earlier is because you're running up against resistance, sitting with your feelings is uncomfortable as they're being made conscious to be dissolved it's just that you're in the beginning stages of them surfacing and because it feels bad you want to run away and not continue bringing them up and uprooting them for good, that's your issue. You now know that the mechanics of this process require continued expansion to aid in the already ever unfolding process of consciousness seeking higher order and all you're doing this this method is accelerating and aiding that already present and functioning process. You're ALWAYS being driven to dissolve resistance, however is manifests in your awareness is irrelevant but it's always functioning. The feelings you feel that arise are proof that greater consciousness is always connoted to you and that you're always being influenced to dissolve resistance no matter what. All you need to do is aid that process by doing the work outlined here. By continuing to do the work even beyond the point of being coherent without much major resistance you still continue to reach even greater levels of coherency and manifestation becomes even easier as you continue to do the work. This is a never ending process until you've merged as one with greater consciousness as that's what this is all about, your consciousness seeking higher order field geometries as that process of merging with greater consciousness.

The point of all this work is to become immortal and dissolve the limitations of the structures we believe bind who we are. All you can do is aid this already present and running process as no matter what one day your greater consciousness will receive the merge it's existing for and whether that's your specific consciousness or not is irrelevant as this is all simply a means of process of consciousness unfolding on all levels be them simple or complex. You're just existing on the level you do currently and that's all you see because the contents of your unconscious mind is clouded with resistive pathways that are warping your perception. If you were to even glance into the true nature of your existence you'd never be the same as simply having that awareness in and of itself requires greater consciousness to flow through you and by greater consciousness flowing through you that surge of charge will automatically dissolve resistance and force it out of you in that moment without you ever needing to even try. Simply being in the presence of greater consciousness guarantees that your resistance will dissolve, even if just a little bit it will still shift. The more we expose our limited consciousness to the current of greater consciousness the more we are refined and draw closer to it which is the point of your existence.

The simply formula goes as follows:

  1. Create space between conscious phenomena by observing that space and entering trance
  2. Reduce sensory stimulus as a means of cohering the lower meridians which are the storehouse of yin and circulate that capacity. Basically dopamine fast as this brings coherency to the liver meridian primarily and by not spilling your yin you cultivate kidney Jing to then be capable of nourishing the heart and thus you begin to connect to greater consciousness which brings about powers of manifestation of a much greater ability
  3. Wake up in the dream and begin to flow with your intuitive impulses that greater consciousness drives you to experience in which surrendering to and flowing with will result in even more resistance being dissolved in the process as the exposure to that proportionate current of greater consciousness and flowing with it will have a purifying effect in and of itself, the effect of greater state interferometry

You must understand that manifestation is not a function of purely what's integrated either. There's metaphysics underlying this that will cause those who are more proportionate to be more divine simply by nature of their existence in this state. Again even if you have resistance and unresolved programs running the capacity you'll expand into will negate the effective run of all of that until you break your streak and devolve into degeneracy again. It's as simple as this, the more divine you are as Neville says the more potent your manifesting ability is and effectively the more people will respond favourably to you. That's what this really is about. You're increasing coherency and by increasing that coherency as a by-product you begin to manifest phenomena archetypally related to that coherency. It's really nothing special, all this stuff about imagination creates reality is only true to the extent that you're running proportionately and without that expansion of your unconscious mind how will you ever have the ability to become divine if you're always lowering yourself into degeneracy and wasting time. How can you ever expect to manifest what you desire without putting in the work to dissolve resistance. So what if others didn't need to do as much work, you're not them, they're at a different level and there's always people who are above and below you in coherency and divinity so suck it up and start doing the work because it's the only way you'll actually start to live the life you desire. Period.

Just remember that the resistance you face, these impulses to continue with the degeneracy is simply your conscious mind running into the resistance because you've got no space to have mental breathing room. The moment you begin to expand your capacity and things begin to dissolve you'll find this to be much easier as your focus will increase and you'll become aware of the space between space which is where all the power is. The dielectric field is where your power is held, manifesting desires requires dielectric capacity so just think that the more you cultivate this capacity the easier and more effortless your manifestations will become. Understand that this capacity is an unconscious phenomena, you don't really experience the expansion, only the effects of it on your consciousness so don't look for markers and signs and just continue to do the work. If life seems "normal" and not as up and down then it's a good sign to keep doing the work as you're in a phase where your capacity will be refined significantly faster here. You want to maintain that stability and coherency no matter what, continuing that streak is the secret formula. Don't waver, hold awareness of the urges to sink into degeneracy and act on the resistance you're running into and make the conscious decision to say no not just once but every moment from now on and you will one day wake up as a god walking among mortal men who were once like you.


Excerpt from the discord:

Hey everyone I've been spending an uncountable number of hours refining reality synthesis even further and digging into depths not before seen in this community to explain how things work in new ways.

I've basically found out that our unconscious mind has a limited capacity that is the driving factor behind most of the phenomena we experience and that actually working to expand this limited capacity is the mechanism that is responsible for a vast majority of manifestations we experience.

It's a YIN and YANG dynamic, we have only been taught YANG methods by applying our consciousness in focused ways yet we've never been taught how to do the opposite and create space between conscious phenomena to expand the unconscious capacity that we have to integrate concepts and such to push out. Basically peaking and dipping is a function of your conscious mind running up against the maximum charge your unconscious mind/nervous system can handle before it needs to purge in order to yet again take in new information but we never give it space to unfold properly as we're constantly stimulating and shoving stuff into it with conscious techniques and such.

The secret is to do the opposite, not to feel but to create space between conscious phenomena and cultivating awareness to be more deliberate in the conscious phenomena we input with the physical senses and the imaginary senses as a means of completely refining our field geometry and thus our reality.



New insights. Liver meridian related stuff.

So essentially the liver meridian is directly related to the stability of your nervous system and in my experience has a range of manifestations that can show up when it's dysfunctional to varying degrees. Firstly whenever your liver is yin deficient and even damp it'll result in manifestations being very wishy washy, a coherent supply of yang from the kidney meridian is essential for a functioning liver and thus heart meridian which is where most of the power is expressed. We can say that the relationship between sensitivity to neurotransmitters like dopamine are very closely linked with liver nourishment as many of the manifestations of liver anxiety are shown as basically a nervous nervous system where you're not able to be calm and you're always needing to stimulate yourself. This again comes from a lack of yin to house the Hun or the consciousness that resides in the liver meridian relating to your lesser yang.

This puts your muscles in tense mode causing physical structural imbalances as well as symptoms like pattern balding in men with elevated DHT being a marker essentially for how incoherent your liver yin nourishment is, or at least that effect as viewed however the mix of yin and yang occur as it could also be from excess yang. The main thing that linked me into this was an article I read about the relationship between dopamine and Parkinson's as liver wind manifests as the same symptoms which I've experienced myself to some degree. These people are either over stimulated in their nervous system as the eyes connect directly to the liver and the more visual stimulus you view that's not of natural origins will deplete more liver yin causing more anxiety and the same goes for edging and other nervous system peaking experiences. Anything that causes an increase in emotional charge relating to excitement and such will suck the essence out of your liver but it'll only really manifest symptoms if it's already depleted to a great degree.

The reason why people on semen retention and nofap as it's called experience more aggression and such manifestations of more "masculine" traits is because that yang energy is more efficiently able to catalyse from the increase in yin that was already present but incoherently circulating through the liver from the kidney into the heart but now it's coming from a place of heightened groundedness where it's not to peaky so to say and can be circulated with greater precision. It'll feel more intense but at the same time you'll almost have more awareness of it to be able to harness it in ways that serve you. This reason it's also extremely peaky is because it's still not circulating into the heart and nourishing the compassionate aspect where these guys aren't expressing that archetype in life. Going to lift weights and such isn't really a way one should "restrain" this raise in yang energy as it'll drain your kidneys too and long term not lead to complete circulation as you'll be handicapped. Alchemists of the past never exercised their bodies but instead worked through this by cultivating awareness and allowing greater consciousness and divinity to flow through them and guide the circulation of that charge. You're not smarter than greater consciousness so attempting to use means like yoga or qigong or even lifting to harness this power is a futile effort to control the elements of your being and isn't sustainable nor will it lead to greater consciousness the same way. You only believe it's beneficial because you don't know any different.

The more you stimulate your liver meridian incoherently by raising yang and burning yin on minister fire to catalyse that experienced phenomena consciously is the cause of your suffering. A heightened experience expands and fills up the yin capacity of your lower meridians and from then on you'll never achieve the same coherency until that resistance is dissolved and the space in your unconscious mind is restored to the point where your yin has fully circulated through all meridians as it would have been before the trauma that filled up your subconscious capacity and limited the range of experiences possible to you from that point on. The smaller your subconscious capacity is the more limited and repetitive your reality will be, that's the phenomena of being stuck in the same cycles. To break that cycle again you must cultivate yin to circulate and expand that capacity to then act as a buffer to dissolve those resistive pathways as proportionate current flows through and nourishes your meridians and as a result the disproportionate pathways will be dissolved through state interferometry. That's the process and the longer you take to start the more time it'll take to restore and return to your highest capacity again.

All of the coaches who talk about nervous system regulation and such are all applying this same metaphysical mechanism. There's no saying those methods aren't valuable as they do bit by bit give you the ability to restore coherency to primarily your liver meridian but they're not specifically designed to cultivate lesser yin from the kidney meridian and circulate that through to nourish your liver meridian and force out the disproportionate resistance through the light of life raising and forming into greater yin over time as it continues to circulate uninterrupted in the refining alchemical process. Once again your manifesting ability is directly tied to this, if you're out of balance you will not ever manifest the life you want because it's impossible, unfortunately. That's why you're stuck.

I also want to talk on this idea that people like rosylife talks about and others like her. I've spent about 30 hours or so watching her content on and off over the years before I started presenting my own content and I've realised that her idea of simply attaining insight through divinity is nothing more than accidental stumbling upon ascension methods the alchemist taught me. She's so metaphysically illiterate she can't grasp what's actually going on and claims it's all "isness" as the insight but in truth it's got nothing to do with purely realising your fundamental nature as without ripeness to be capable of expanding your mind to then be able to as I call "wake up in the dream" which is exactly what rose talks about but in a way she either doesn't get or can't articulate because she's caught up in Neville's stuff only without seeing the metaphysics on a principle and archetypal level which most in this community are like. They only read into this from one angle can can't connect the dots between various systems because they're illiterate in those areas. It's not their fault though, this information is so buried and obfuscated that it took me almost a decade to uncover it all and connect the dots in a way that I have done here today and even still I'm connecting more every day. So grasp that this magic miracle experience of a sort of transcendental experience can ONLY occur IF you're READY for it, which again is a function of meridian coherency as without a clear channel that divine proportionate charge cannot circulate effectively. Perhaps for some the greater consciousness will smack them in the face because it wants them to wake up or because perhaps they interfaced with another archetypal power that forced the resistance out of them but no matter what the means was it will always correspond to this mechanic I just spoke about.

Dietary factors also will influence the coherency of your liver meridian. Eating especially fried foods you get from fast food places will impact the dampness of your liver and lead to stagnations of both yin and yang, but more to yang, which can lead to a foggy mind among other stuff. If it gets bad it'll lead to anxiety as yang will stagnate more and yin won't raise and nourish the heart causing a cascade effect resulting in panic attacks and such. I've been there so I know what that's like and I've worked with people who are anxious 24/7 and often this anxiety stems from kidney yin being drained severely from related archetypal traumas like sexual traumas at a young age which can also have a relationship to the heart as well but that's often the knock on effect upstream from a lower issue. It almost always starts in the kidney as yin circulating, Jing raising and nourishing the liver. If the liver is stagnant in it's supply of coherent yin from the kidney then it'll often result in menstrual issues which again most who suffer sexual traumas experience and the only way to explain that is archetypally related traumas affecting those associated meridians. The liver is the bridge between the kidney and the heart. The spleen and lung often then is the next meridians affected which then causes the kidney to not receive transmuted Jing from food which will then lead to slower recovery from those traumas and reduced healing ability without the aid of yin cultivating practises and such. The moment a yin deficiency from the kidney circulates up to the lung meridian and spleen then you've got a case that'll need much more work to restore function and manifestation which could have been avoided by doing yin cultivation earlier on.

You must understand this, the mechanism underlying how LOA works is a complete circulation of yin through the various meridian systems. We are a microcosm of reality inside and so archetypically related experiences will push out, it's that our assumptions will correspond to those associated meridian imbalances and will shape our false identification. It's a conjugate relationship and isn't a one way street which is why doing conscious work alone cannot restore function though it's a piece of the puzzle to work with. This all begins firstly with calming the nervous system which of course corresponds to restraining from catalysing lesser yin on minister fire and shrinking your unconscious capacity further as the circulation of yin and the expansion of the lesser yin are directly related. This is the mechanism underlying all resolutions of traumas and false identifications, be it bit by bit or through a transcendental experience. The solution is to reduce sensory stimulation and fast from the world wherever you can to restore effective dopamine sensitivity which is the manifestation of coherently raising yang through he liver from minister fire that's not receiving boiled lesser yin so to say that's going to cause disruptions in the flow of coherent yin through the liver. Once the liver is nourished the heart will follow and the rest from there will shoot up as often once the heart which is the bridge between yin and yang organs becomes coherent then conscious work becomes significantly more effective as the subconscious capacity has increased to such a point where conscious lesser yang can bee more deliberately focused and applied in the ways Neville Goddard talks about.

I also wand to reiterate on the idea of one of Nevilles methods. I can't remember specifically what he called this but in one of this lectures he talks about "working yourself up" through a breathing rhythm and you essentially have an "energy orgasm" so to say as he likens it to a psychic sexual act. Well what this is doing is forcing lesser yin to shoot up the spine and he says this is "power is sent out of you" which of course isn't really sent "out" but it circulated within to correspond to the external macrocosmic circulation. This is basically a kundalini yoga method that he probably learned from Abdullah but Abdullah was never really coherent in his own right, yes he lived to apparently be 130 years or something like that and he walked around as though he were god but again this understanding isn't coming from an alchemical archetypal level as he still died and failed to complete the great work. He was ignorant of the big picture himself but simply understood that imagination created reality in his instance based on the metaphysics of bible stories like Jacobs blessing. Abdullah and Neville really didn't approach LOA from an alchemical level, they likely were ignorant of the things I'm talking about and were simply following the natural progression of the process I already laid out. They mastered that process either intentionally or unintentionally but you must also know that people in those times were far less stimulated than we are so of course more people who attend Nevilles lectures who are also already somewhat "spiritual" in the sense and would assumedly be not of the world as much so their yin coherency would be greater than most. The problem is most LOA coaches capitalise on this to basically screw everyone into thinking it's all yang work and that's it which can't be further from the truth for those in positions who seek this type of knowledge. This is far more than just thoughts create reality as there's a whole set of effectively invisible mechanics at play influencing how that works for each person which is all different depending on the persons makeup on all the levels of their being which is why coming up with a cookie cutter one size fits all program is extremely difficult to pull off.



Subconscious capacity extra

So the mechanics of how this works is very interesting.

The way that people who don’t do deliberate cultivation of subconscious capacity and still dissolve resistance are doing so from a place of applying Yang in a different way. When unmet needs are met through specific disciplined actions towards meetings those needs and fulfilling the conditions representing the resistance underlying the patterns that are causing the meridians to become disproportionate then you’re creating buffer space to work with in which new stuff can then integrate and push out more effectively. This is actually how most modern LOA gurus work in how they get success, that’s how a vast majority of people who are successful actually become successful, not through much other than that. They may apply conscious methods and bits of unconscious methods but mostly it’s meeting needs which frees up buffer space and essentially builds that momentum for them.

So to understand this deeper we need to grasp that the mechanism underlying all of this is the freeing up of subconscious capacity which leads to the ability to experience the space between space and the environment of the mind without having your perceptions warped about it. You begin to see things for what they are BECAUSE of that space, not because of any magical technique. The techniques simply facilitate the expansion of buffer space to then work the mechanism of generating that space to work with. That’s all you can do, make it abundantly clear that every single technique imaginable is all working in this field without exception. You can only create space to dissolve resistance. The way you go about that is different in many cases but the metaphysics is the same no matter what.

Leading yourself there is an interesting idea too, it seems that leading one’s mind through the process of thought along a specific pathway will lead to greater generation of context. It’s this context which forms the basis of their ability to dissolve resistance. Understand yet again that everybody must feel their feelings, you’re a self recursive circuit and everything that you input must be experienced in some way consciously that’s coming out. If something is stuck in your unconscious mind or nervous system then it’s always running but you’re not conscious of it, that’s why it’s unconscious. To make what’s unconscious conscious means to become aware of that resistance and dissolve it through expression.

What’s happening is the part of you that felt the need to compromise on expression in the way that resistance is themed is crying out constantly for attention basically, it’s the lower mind having unmet needs ignored and so it runs rampant and causes all kinds of physical manifestations when it’s left to continue suffering. This resistance literally exists as a split of your solar mind within your field geometry and can make itself known in some extreme cases in people who are for example schizophrenic. They’re not delusional, they’re having a valid experience that’s very real and that a fragment of their solar mind that sort of became it’s own self recursive circuit is manifesting as an additional consciousness within them that exists on its own level of being within their psyche. Understanding its existence and meeting its needs will bring it back in harmony with greater consciousness as you’re recognising the root of the problem, compromised sense of self. Every trauma is expressing from an unmet need that the person felt the need they had to compromise on their experience of in order to fit in and be valued.

To grasp now why reaching out to divinity from a perspective of meeting those needs is the means used for eternity as the divine is an infinite supply and so long as we reach it our interaction with it will resolve in us the fragments of us that are unmet. That’s all resistance is and so the moment you can “reclaim your power” so to say is the moment you’re actually meeting the unmet needs of an aspect of your consciousness you’ve been ignoring. That’s all you’re doing and all you can do. Again it’s the same mechanism as before, but instead of consciously cultivating space for it to eventually make itself known you’re forcing it to raise and if you’re able to see it with enough space in that moment dissolve it from true understanding of its nature giving you the buffer capacity in that moment to fully feel that part of you that has unmet needs and completely dissolve that resistive pathway as you’ve basically then taken back your power.

The way most people in low teach this is really not the most efficient way because not everybody has the buffer capacity available in their subconscious mind to be able to fully express those feelings especially if they’re long standing which is why combining that with deliberate cultivation of subconscious capacity and awareness is going to help immensely as you’re increasing that buffer space to work with when applying conscious work.



Today I'm running short on time. I've got lots of work to do and it's late but I'll write this out.

I'll try explain LOA as simply as possible.

You need to take the conscious mind into the unconscious mind. Now you can input information into the unconscious mind through sensory impressions using your physical or imaginary senses (if vivid enough with a clear association/implication to draw from) or you to output information from the unconscious mind by taking the conscious mind into the underworld (the feminine receptive saturnian unconscious mind) in order to dissolve disproportionate pathways through bringing them up to be fully felt and thus processed and dissolved. These two methods of applying the senses is all there is, there is nothing else you can possibly do with consciousness so no matter what methods you're doing or how you're living you're working with these mechanics under any and all conditions.

Whenever you're experiencing conscious phenomena you're interacting with one of these two mechanisms of consciousness, usually in a repetitive cyclic manner. You'll integrate an concept you desire but because there's a mountain of negative patterns underlying the association with that concept you'll experience those negative associations coming to the surface as they're seeking a path of least resistance to be dissolved. The issue is they're never really dissolved and you just end up peaking and dipping over and over going sideways and never transcending them and you try harder and harder to embody a state and no matter how hard you try or even how effortlessly you try you're always back at square one. This is proof that you've got no subconscious capacity, as in the bandwidth that your consciousness has to process information that's being input and output is limited and not enough for the full experience and feelings associated to fully dissolve and be processed. Without enough subconscious capacity (sensory capacity) you'll never be able to "get over" your past. This is the missing part that nobody seems to understand I've found. We must cultivate subconscious and sensory capacity in order to give ourselves the platform to actually make progress in a meaningful way.

The primary issue that you're facing is that you're overstimulated. Everything that you input leads you to fill up the bandwidth of that subconscious capacity to process information that's going in and out of the unconscious mind and thus your connection with divinity is also limited as the capacity of the subconscious mind directly relates to your capacity to channel divinely proportionate current which IS the "force" that rearranges the structure of the unconscious mind and dissolves resistance through our interaction with it as all things are interferometric interactions. By relaxing the body, by refining the sensory inputs and fasting from the world that doesn't serve you you're creating space, awareness, sensory capacity, subconscious expansion. and by extension you're literally expanding your tangible reality as you're living inside of the subconscious mind which is the lower yin of divinity or the lower substantive principle that you're living inside. You're literally living inside the unconscious mind of divinity itself, and the reason your experience and manifesting ability is lacking is because that connection to that divinity through the capacity of the subconscious mind is limited through your constant overstimulation.

This is not about having a perspective that's "divine" like in mindset, this is nothing more than a mechanic of consciousness, your personality has nothing to do with this though generally someone who is more divinely proportionate would have a more refined personality as interacting with divinity automatically rearranges patterns that are born from compromise and this lack and fear mindset which again is nothing more than a disconnect from divinity born out of an overstimulated and compromised subconscious capacity that resulted over either years of bad habits or a traumatic experience which caused you to shut down and compromise on expressing parts of yourself usually as a child in order to fit in and this compromise pattern takes up a significant amount of bandwidth without you realising so by doing the work to expand capacity through various means you're able to bring yourself to a point where you can fully experience that compromise again and dissolve it through processing it by the interaction with divinely proportionate current. Whether you're aware of it or not that's the mechanic underlying any and all manifestations, it's not our power but our alignment with divinity that brings about change as reality itself that we exist within is greater than us and we must interact with that divinity in some way or another to channel the current that dissolves resistance and thus frees up space in our subconscious mind to run programs that then serve us. Without that increased bandwidth no amount of conscious work can ever or will ever affect change because change happens on a whole different level. The people who get change first time already were at a point of having enough subconscious capacity that they get the result that they wanted without trying.

The secret really is to relax, to not stimulate the senses as much, to eat and drink well, to remind yourself of divinity and sink into that in complete surrender. Surrender to greater consciousness is connection with it as there's no compromise present.



I understand now.

To be honest it all makes sense when you view things from this lens.

Sensory impressions lead us to associate a state of being. Sensory impressions that associate to that which isn't of divine order leads to disproportionate states being embodied running on resistive pathways. Experiencing pleasure (for the sake of sensory stimulation because it feels good) is the function that decreases subconscious capacity the most. Sin of course means to rethink, but I also see it in the sense of compromise from being as divine as possible and living in accordance with greater consciousness and actually doing the work as that's all it'll respond with favourably. Literally anything else doesn't gain favour and favour is a very real thing that we must mediate as this is the "power" that is responsible for our transcendence from limitations and not our will. Greater consciousness recognises that connection with divinity (through expressing ones self without compromise AND by refining sensory impressions to be more ordered) which in a two way connection expands subconscious capacity and burns off disproportionate pathways.

The common denominators underlying all transcendental experiences correlate to someone expressing themselves without compromise and according to that also a refinement of sensory impressions leading to the expansion of subconscious capacity. The experience of "spiritual" phenomena IS literally greater consciousness (in some form and not just incorporeal self) and the conscious experience of that IS the burn off effect of disproportionate pathways being dissolved in realtime as that divinely proportionate field geometry flows through yours bringing you into closer alignment with divinity.

To put very simply the way that we bring about the change we desire is to die on a corporeal level and be born again just as is states in all psyhcospiritual texts. This means we surrender and accept the refinement of our senses to be the lowest stimulation as possible (dopamine sensitivity corresponds to the connecting bridge between the kidney and the heart through the liver meridian) leading to the yin based aspect of expansion and the complete and uncompromising expression of divinity and greater consciousness as the yang based aspect. These both feed into eachother and yin contains yang and yang contains yin but working both these methods results in one moving closer to divine order and thus has literally more of reality contained within their awareness at once. One who is more proportionate and has a closer connection to divinity has greater influence over their reality as a correspondence coming from a purely conscious perspective and not from the usual way where people manifest and act out of their disproportionate patterns leading them to riches and material wealth and even status and such but no greater spiritual evolution which is the point of their very existence as we all are here to complete the great work.

The general ignorant dismissal of the idea of divinity being the function of true manifesting capacity only sees the people who act out of disproportionate patterns and that in turn leads their sensory impressions to be refined to correspond to that. Someone who compromises on being themselves without compromise out of these patterns can still manifest within what they consider comfortable along that pattern but there's no greater expansion of sensory subconscious capacity as most of these pathways they're running on are driving their sensory impressions anyway leading to the cycle endlessly circulating. We need to recognise that these people aren't consciously manifesting but are manifesting from unconscious patterns that just so happen to drive them to need to express these things in order to feel valued and so therefore they'll master these things like attaining money and status not out of genuine expression of self but out of a need to feel valued as they're running from a compromised sense of self. When they die to corporeal being they expand their capacity to a point where they can truly see that consciously and unconsciously allow the feelings to dissolve and be dissolved in which case they'll be channelling divine current whether they're aware of it or not because they've taken the step to coming closer to divinity as that's the function of where power comes from.

This is actually why sitting in silence and such can increase subconscious capacity, you see every aspect of everything you so has metaphysical correspondence which means that by the nature of you expressing these archetypes in your practise you're coming closer to divinity. See it from the emanationary perspective, this is a function where being yourself is expressing divine yang and refining the sensory impressions that get shoved into the unconscious is divine yin, but of course expanding on that also creating space through metaphysically creating space between space.



So the process is this.

You cultivate space to enable the dissolution of resistance and the associated integration of proportionate field geometries. When you're at that point, which is the "timing" of things, then you MUST express self without compromise which typically comes about through greater understanding of the aspect of compromise being expressed. It can be "forced" out of you but there's still going to need to be an aspect of non compromised expression in order to facilitate that dissolution as the conscious mind must process the trauma for it to properly dissolve. This quality of consciousness cannot be faked, it can only be expressed when you're ready through enough understanding AND a great enough subconscious capacity to provide enough bandwidth for the experience to be fully realised again in the inverse as the unconscious mind becomes refined.

This whole thing about waiting is nothing more than the waiting period underlying the cultivation of space and the gaining of understanding of the resistance present. This is why standard psychotherapy doesn't work for everyone as they're not cultivating space, they're so in their head and has the understanding but they've not been exposed to bandwidth to be able to process that experience in reality. The EXPERIENCE needs to be processed, that's what subconscious capacity facilitates but also there is a certain understanding level required to be able to then go deeper into that experience without fear as one then has the frame of reference that's not limited and based on childlike compromised state which is why I said that an uncompromising expression of self is the conscious quality that's attained through understanding of context. That's how you actually refine the sense of self.



It's really as simple as becoming dopamine sensitive again which reflects the coherency between the kidney liver and heart meridians and to an extent the spleen and lung too but it's metaphysically about refining the sensory inputs to be that which is of divine nature (your greatest expression) not limited by the patterns you're currently playing by. This whole idea of contrast, dopamine sensitivity, yin/yang and subconscious capacity is all tied into manifesting. It seems that creating contrast through negating the senses of stimulating phenomena is a way to boost the "impact" of deliberate conscious thoughts we desire to manifest.


To put simply. The reason why people who "don't try" to manifest get their stuff isn't because of any magic state of consciousness, it's because they're not as overstimulated as you are and their subconscious capacity isn't filled with trash causing them to feel anxious and such as they're running up against their resistance in a proverbial tiny mental space. If you give yourself the space to stop and process things, to slow down and refine the contrast between what you find pleasurable and not so is the secret. That's THE secret because Neville's idea of "feeling" isn't going to work for you until you've got the space to work with because the metaphysical nature of your consciousness trumps any temporary conscious state of being that you believe will manifest anything of value. It's the exact opposite of what we've been doing and what everyone says. We all missed the point, including me for many many years.

The anti technique is the only technique you need.

The idea of techniques all stems from your ability to experience contrast. Neville Goddard said that we need to fully feel the sensation of being, but if that sensation isn't transcendental in nature there cannot be manifestation as there's no contrast and contrast relies on subconscious capacity. We require a more sensitive sense of sensation, so to speak, which enables us to be able to actually feel what it's like to be that. All this conscious will stuff means nothing without sensitivity. All the stories you hear of people doing SATS and getting results already were in a position where their experience of sensation was heightened because they had the subconscious bandwidth for that to actually happen.

Let me paint a picture. If you instead of consistently stimulating yourself with time wasting content designed to drain your vitality especially if it's highly stimulating like Mr beast type content then you're at a point where in order to actually feel motivated to work on something that's going to be of value to you you'll need to likely hype yourself up with even more powerful stimulus to feel that contrast. After a few hours or so that dips off and you'll feel dead again. You then need to stimulate yourself once more and so you go listen to hyped up music or whatever and so now you're able to work and progress gets made. You're not actually being deliberate in your conscious actions, you're driven by what feels good vs doesn't. You can't sit with uncomfortable feelings and still take the actions which matter, the ones you KNOW matter but can't bring yourself to do because that baseline state of stimulus isn't sensitive enough to bring you satisfaction from doing that. This is the same with applying conscious manifesting methods.

In order for a manifesting technique to actually have lasting effect you REQUIRE stimulus (be it sensory or purely conceptual sense) to create contrast which is the very point of SATS and other such methods. The issue people face is that they can't feel that contrast because it's like doing the work, it's something they can't feel satisfied with due to their sensory capacity being muted. Dopamine sensitivity as I've said refers to the coherency between lower yin channels and without that substantive principle being present to act as the grounding force in your consciousness then you've got no hope of ever being proportionate with greater consciousness and tapping into real power as proportionate connection to greater consciousness IS power. It's not your power it's that you're aligned to the capacity for power to be made manifest in your field geometries through attaining the coherency with that.

Being balanced brings you into alignment with divinity. Being overactive is your problem. You can't sit down for more than 3 minutes without feeling the need to stimulate yourself. That's an issue, you shouldn't feel that contrast just from sitting with yourself, you should naturally not need to constantly seek conscious stimulation and since you've been constantly overstimulating your consciousness filling your subconscious capacity and reducing your coherency you wonder why LOA doesn't work.

As I said, the balance of techniques and anti techniques needs to be present, the real technique is to balance your field geometries and to be deliberate in the consciously stimulating phenomena over mindlessly overstimulating yourself.

What if the currency of LOA was sensory sensitivity, or what I call sensory capacitance. What if the quality of consciousness underlying that imaginal scene which you're sensitive to experiencing is replicated. What if the real power comes not from the technique but the quality of sensory capacity and sensitivity to experience and expression underlying that concept you're integrating. This quality of consciousness cannot be faked which would make it the true currency of those who are successful vs those who aren't.

You REQUIRE enough sensory capacity (bandwidth of sensory experience) to fully experience the depth of the sensations that are stuck in your nervous system (unconscious mind) to completely process and dissolve them through uncompromised expression. That's how and why this works. We want to be very deliberate in the things we consciously experience because it all matters regardless of what we do or don't believe.


It's time for aetheraeon notebook 3.