This is where I just post random bits of Reality Synthesis manifesting theory for you to read over and interpret however you please to. This is more or less just experimental ideas about manifesting theory to ponder on. It's like a sneak peak into the developments of Reality Synthesis manifesting theory and how it works.
The essence of manifestation is to think without thinking and feel without feeling. It's to remember who and what you are and what you are capable of as the source of emanation as from this sense of self there are no conditions or limitations which can prevent you from experiencing anything you desire.
Objective negation of the senses leading to subjective synthesis of the sense of self is the message of all ancient psycho-spiritual texts in existence. That's all there is to do, self realization and it's as simple as reminding yourself that you are not your senses but the one who modulates what the senses experiences as the source of emanation. I AM
Top Quotes
- Nourish your form and your form will tell you - DJ
- Feeling is the secret - NG
- Self abandonment is the secret - NG
- Think without thinking and feel without feeling - DJ
- Concepts determine the route that attention follows - NG
Now here is a secret, This fabulous world of ours is nothing more than the appeasement of hunger. The whole vast world for that purpose to appease your hunger, if you know who you are you can view the world of any state in this world of infinite states, and these states are purely a means to satisfy this hunger. So if I want to be other than what I am at the moment first of all define what I want to be, what would I like to be in this world? Now begin to imagine as if they were true, I know what I want to be well then if I want to be it cease wanting to be it and appropriate it, make the feeling something that is real now suppose it were true. Begin now to imagine a thing as if it were true that is subjectively appropriating the objective hope, I hope it will be true, well now appropriate is first subjectively as though it is true. So I appropriated subjectively, as I appropriate it subjectively what am I appropriately I am appropriating the objective hope. - NG
- Every natural effect in this world has an imaginal act as it's cause - NG
- In him is life for if I go into a place and suddenly it becomes animated then I must be he
Reality Synthesis dictionary
The prime substrate of reality through which manifestation unfolds. This is the screen through which your imagination projects unto and enabled corporeal identification to unfold.
Distance yourself from the senses - Pulling out
Primary themes
- Death
- Rebirth
- Process
- State Coherency
- Corporeal & Incorporeal identification - Enlightenment - Death - Rebirth - Process - State Coherency
All of these themes interact to form the experience of reality we have.
What techniques actually do
Techniques are methods of using thoughts in specific ways to move you along pathways and either shift into or out of states. Words and images and voices or touches or smells or any sensory input you primarily use holds no information in and of itself. Grasping this understanding that the essence of your desires are contained not within the sensory impressions given to express them but in an intuitive sense which precedes the 5 senses. You know what you want without needing to describe it in sensory impressions or else how would they even begin to exist and manifest as sensory input without this essence of thought.
So here's what everybody who applies manifesting techniques needs to understand as an absolute fundamental reality. There is no placebo effect, there is only metaphysical principles, IE aetheric pressure gradients of charge and discharge (centripetal convergence/centrifugal divergence as manifestations of yin/yang principles of procession). To understand HOW manifestation works by using techniques we must grasp how pathway progressions unfold.
The subject of metaphysics is extremely advanced and goes way beyond the scope of simply manifesting desires and gets into the realm of actual immortality and mastery over reality. Metaphysical representation is the highest science imaginable and completely explains manifestation in all ways conceivable without exceptions and is the basis of Reality Synthesis. Your psychology, the placebo effect, techniques and methods, physical phenomena such as chemistry and physics and even astronomy and astrology are all aspects of metaphysical representation. The most complete system that exists which explains this is traditional Chinese medicine which is fundamentally metaphysical medicine and corresponds directly to biochemical bodily functions along with psychological functions as they both integrate and influence each other.
I say this for those who truly want to understand the mechanics of this. Your beliefs and attitudes towards life are ALL metaphysically represented as aetheric pressure gradients. Charges interacting with each other, mixtures of yin and yang which create phenomena that previously didn't fundamentally exist as a progression of these prime elements unfolding as all things and through all things as an emanationary process of the one source of emanation.
The techniques you apply can only affect change to the extent that they will bring about the raising of awareness of pathways associated to limited intuitive identification representing patterns of limitation and internalized conditions you've held onto as a means of explaining through a story why you don't have what you want. Because you identified with a limited aspect and gave permission to some external factor at some point either consciously or unconsciously you've given your power away. From this the way you return to that power is through exploring the pathways by tracing them back to the root cause and associating a new meaning to that.
This is a feeling of self, a sense of self, not a concept as concepts are separate. This feeling is what's anchoring you into this state and through following the progression of the pathways which comprise your mind you can gain awareness of the limitations holding you back. From here you're able to shift those perceptions through a quick and effortless death of that sense of self. You're going to die, literally. Your corporeal identification will cease to exist and you'll take upon yourself a new being. This is the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
Now also keep in mind that there is a difference between manifesting specific things and a different sense of self here. You can manifest anything you desire without any shift in your sense of self, but be aware that the sense of self MUST push out and modulate the concepts integrated within that sense of self without exceptions. If you feel anxiety about having an SP you manifested that's a sense of self limitation, you've manifested them in but surrounding that is a support structure made of feathers which can blow away in a wind of change. This is why people can manifest things and lose it, or only manifest signs, or anything of that sort as it's a reflection of the limited sense of self modulating the input concept.
A shift in sense of self is the foundation of manifesting as it's the platform of your perception which everything else is built upon. This is why I don't coach people to get specific things but to undergo death, to die to their limited identifications and completely restructure the aetheric substrate they're experiencing.
All the people that speak highly with all the airy fairly you can do it talk, that's got nothing to do with targeted manifesting but that they're throwing out phrases to hope to get a bite and latch you into a pathway of proportional arrangement to then spontaneously affect change in you. This is why some people can manifest purely from subliminals, it's cause the words remind them of favourable associations and since they dwell there consistently that shifts. If the concepts being thrown around don't have pathways connected and associated to favourable outcomes and feelings of being limitless then no change can be had, it's impossible. Understand this.
You MUST move along pathways which represent the fulfilment of the conditions you've held against yourself as the catalyst to invoke and gain awareness of the feeling of being the one who has the desire. This is not magic, it's simply you tracing your pathways through a progression of thoughts which resonate and thus can move you the same way music can move you, or a trigger in your life can move you into a negative state without you even thinking about it. Simply inputting this sensory phenomena will remind you of something and if that something is related to a feeling of not being bound then manifestation unfolds. That's it.
These coaches that do nothing but talk about how powerful you are don't get success through understanding the law and it's mechanics but through chance of aligning you into an associated state of fulfilment. That's how this works and nobody can refute that. That's all anyone needs to know to manifest. Forget Goddards specific methods and grasp the mechanics and come up with your own. The means by which you most naturally express yourself on an intuitive level is all you need to work with to affect change. That's all there ever is and ever will be.
Read this over and truly understand how this works and you'll be unstoppable. This is what true manifestation is, it's metaphysical as the metaphysical mechanics explain all other expressions we experience in reality as various integrated arrangements of these principles. You've just learned the truth my friend now go live the life you want and stop searching. This is all you need. You've always been capable because you exist, that's all the proof you need of who and what you are and what you're capable of.
The process of manifesting
- Have a clear unwavering desire for something
- Think in any way you like that it's yours here and now
- That's it, you've done it!
If you however experience any conditions or circumstances which come up in your mind which shift your attention away from having then negate through apophatic means. Apply these steps
- I am the source of emanation and I cause all experienced phenomena
- If I am god then all things are possible because all things are possible to god then there is nothing in the way and there never was or ever will be
- I exist therefore I am god the source of procession and emanation of phenomena
From this place of negated conditions you can draw reference to reminding yourself that the device you're reading this on is already yours, how does that feel? This feeling of reality to you is the exact same feeling of having this thing that's now yours no matter how big or small it may be. Having something and knowing that is a neutral and steady feeling so that's the basis of knowing which means your emotional state is irrelevant in this process.
By remembering who you are as the source of emanation then no matter your circumstances you face it's all null and void in significance because to god all things are possible, period.
So basically to get anything you desire all you need to do is follow this process. This is not a technique but a series of metaphysical principles we are working with to rearrange the structure of reality itself to get what we want with the least effort possible.
- Know your desire
- Assume as though you have it which will become a knowing signifying the lack of "care" for it the same way you don't care about having the device you read this on yet it's yours, this normalisation is the feeling of having under this context
- Observe any conditions which arise if they do, if no conditions arise then continue persisting in that assumption
- Drop the conditions and let go of limitation by recognising who and what you are and what you are capable of and simply pressing forward with the assumption without signifying importance to the conditions
- If wavering is present return to the awareness of I AM that is infinite and to that awareness all things are possible which means circumstances hold zero influence over you and through their negation of influence you transcend them, they no longer matter and your desire was is and always will be yours here and now
- Repeat this process for everything you desire
That's it, simply recognising who and what you are and what you are capable of negates effort and the need to grasp for something to get because you are it all, the one pattern unfolding as all phenomena and so conditions which arise as old stories simply don't matter because you are god and to god all things are possible. The least effort has the greatest power which is how we flow freely with our desired reality effortlessly and enterally.
Many who read this just as I would have at one point and asked the question; what do I do between applying this process, like how so I play out my day to day activities? The answer is simple. You will be intuitively driven to follow your desires and act accordingly to that which you find is your highest expression due to the fact that you've dropped conditions and external influences which previously held you back from following through with doing the things you really wanted. Simply dropping these conditions with the awareness of I AM is all that needs to be done, period. That is the one process to end all processes because all methods come under this one process. That's it, so apply that process in what ever way you want and live the life you want right now without holding anything back!
Here's another one.
Another point. The reason Sammy Ingram had success early on and people didn't criticize her like they do now is because she was actually leading people into an ideal sense of self by saying to stop giving them free will and all that stuff. She was basically being a Neville in those early days and she didn't even realise it. She only got big because she was showing up without compromise in her own life doing all the things she did and so the way she presented her early content on SP and all that was driving people to success through leading them there with this "stop giving them free will" attitude. It shifted limiting beliefs in some people who resonated and needed that to clear their resistance and so got results accordingly. It had NOTHING to do with the affirmations repetitively being applied, Sammy lost herself, she doesn't even understand her own success and is now running on ego. The point is Sammy proved to the world that it's not the technique that matters but how you're being driven and lead into an ideal sense of self. That's the ONLY reason she got big on YT or really anyone gets big is through leading the viewers mind and influencing them to resolve limiting beliefs the same way Neville did but using different language.
So I want to outline something here.
This is about something relating to how to practically resolve disproportionate field geometries or what you know as resistance, emotional blocks which continue to show up when those associations are triggered. The point of manifestation is to dissolve that which is not in order to reveal that which is. The imagination is a tool in the use of this point. The imagination isn't any special thing, in fact I'm going to go as far as to say that Neville was wrong, your imagination (itself, it's essence were talking about) is not god. God is a pattern and the procession of that pattern represents consciousness. We could say the aetheric medium undergoing states of polarization through spontaneous integration of proportional emanations of the one pattern cascade into all phenomena just like your mind. The universe is the mind of god as the imagination pushed out and you're both integrated within that corporeally and as that incorporeally.
Grasp what I just said.
All manifestation is as Neville said is a rearrangement of the primary cause substance, AKA the aetheric medium and it's existence as outlined above. Rearranging the mind means rearranging both your nervous system corporeally and incorporeally as the one pattern.
Naturalness represents fulfilment as there's no charge in either the positive or the negative polarity, there's no polarization of the aetheric medium in a chaotic way as it's proportionally integrated when it's natural. To manifest means to integrate proportionally and that in and of itself is state coherency. The means of thinking differently represents integrating new concepts within that mental substance/aetheric medium and those concepts must integrate within a process playing out as they're naturally drawn to already existent self recursive circuits which are fundamentally negatively charged and attract or converge just like a magnet these aetheric currents. Think air currents, you've got currents within currents which drive even bigger currents, like clockwork. Cycles within cycles. This is metaphysically representing the mind.
This means that there must be a structure to our mind and that thoughts don't exist discreetly as their own reality. You very likely will always integrate concepts within just a few states at most usually, and while there are indeed *effectively* infinite states you only primarily exist within a few each time. That might bring up association to the idea of some quantum reality nonsense peddled by metaphysically illiterate gurus looking for money to show off to their friends with or something like that. This is the exact opposite of the truth, the idea of states and so called parallel realities or whatever simply represents the integration of concepts within already existing structures of the mind that are used to draw primary and even secondary association to.
This is where the sense of self arises. This is fundamentally the basis of where your thoughts you have and imaginal activities arise from as a result of running through associated concepts continually based also upon input phenomena received through the senses. These associations draw into and are integrated with the primary larger cycles that you exist in on a primary basis which effectively acts as your filter for what you believe and thus will intuitively be driven to act on and fulfil. Without that foundation you'd constantly jump from one set of beliefs to another without any coherency and reality would be more so like a lucid dream where everything imagined would near instantly push out which is why states exist and the subconscious barrier as I call it exists to prevent this spill over effect from happening constantly.
You also don't create anything new because all things already exist, Neville said creation is finished but that doesn't mean there's infinite parallel realities out there waiting for you to choose them or whatever nonsense the false gurus love to parrot without any metaphysical basis. The fact is all is Yin and Yang and their unfolding process represents creation being finished as that's all there is. There is charge and discharge of the aether and compounds of that integrated to form higher order fractal field geometries and self recursive circuits just like you and me which exist within cycles ourselves on a corporeal level.
To define a state as by Neville's words; "the beliefs you hold to be true" and also some quote I can't word exactly about your attitude towards life. Your attitude towards life and beliefs you hold to be true (states) effectively represents this foundational basis by which concepts you think of IN THAT STATE are integrated within. If however you think of a concept in one state and it draws you into another state you'll instantly have a shift in attitude towards life and this is the essence of how most people experience manifestation. The mechanism of drawing association into an ideal state or series of beliefs and attitudes towards one and many concepts represents your sense of self in that moment. It's a constitute of all those concepts integrating along with the base association you have to those drawn out of contrastive comparison or an aetheric pressure gradient modulating and interacting.
Think of a house of cards, your sense of self is the foundation series of cards that support all the rows above. If you topple one piece of that foundation all the concepts integrated above within that chain must also collapse along with it. This is how longitudinal interferometric effects function as a means of producing superluminal propagation of light by compressing and with a more integrated and proportional substrate have a lower aetheric "drag" coefficient representing the hysteresis cycle of the aether which explains how spontaneous generation of life and matter formed. Interferometric effects explain all things and is a primary component in viewing metaphysical correspondence in reality.
The essence of the practical side of this then means that if you shift the sense of self by targeting specific concepts that have been integrated within a sense of self you can alter their association and thus push them out in a different way that you'd desire because they'd be warped by a false sense of self otherwise and only push out as signs or partial manifestations or even nothing or opposite results as it's always a conformation of the feeling of self, the sense of self underlying that concepts existence.
So how you'd resolve limiting beliefs then will be to associate the concept and also associated concepts to that concept (likely all integrated within one state anyway for the most part and state interferometry would clean up any stragglers not in that chain) to then push it out in an ideal way. Contrast drives this shift, or comparison relative to each other from a basis in absolute reference frame to the aether itself as the substrate by which your primary self recursive circuit exists within.
PRACTIALLY SPEAKING then (from a traditional LOA perspective that is which only uses a small set of methods) in order to then apply a means of shifting the association we can either die to that state and dissolve it through a transcendental experience or gradually chip away at it by viewing it differently on a conscious level by leading ourselves into that concept from an ideal state and sense of self. All forms of psycho therapy are nothing more than leading one through their mind in order to attain realisation of the fact that the limiting belief they once held is nothing but a limited and falsely identified concept integrated within a limited sense of self. Once you can see the limiting belief for what it is then it no longer holds influence over you but in that moment of clarity that's only a temporary experience and not a transcendental shift. Sometimes it can trigger a transcendental shift which functions on all levels but usually it's temporary and needs to bee written down on paper to review and be reminded of to then trigger that association and then back into that sense of self that association has which on a continual basis will re-associate the meaning that concept has to you and dissolve the emotional charge that concept has in your mind and field geometry.
That's all there is in an LOA setting. It's either lead yourself into insight through a series of resonant thoughts that confirm an ideal sense of self in relation to this concept to see it differently or die to that resistance in a transcendental experience. Neville taught both but nobody seems to realise that. I didn't learn these through Neville but through years of wallowing around in metaphysical ideas of the mind and much experimentation and study of others experiences. That fact means that ALL techniques that exist out there come under one of these means, and a vast majority come under the means of leading one through pathways to realisation of resistance from an ideal frame of reference or sense of self which when cultivated consciously and by anchoring in through actionable process and association unconsciously leads one to shift limiting beliefs without even applying too much conscious energy to do it.
So essentially to boil it all down here, the phenomena of manifestation represents the interaction of concepts within a sense of self, a cycle within a cycle, and how those cycles interact forms the output reaction. When we change the association that these processes have to each other they react differently, they're operating under a different mixture or ratio to each other and thus will integrate differently to lead to different results.
Using your imagination is integrating concept. The essence underlying an imaginal sense of any form represents the concept at it's true form. The idea before it takes imaginary form you could say. Imagination isn't special and it's nothing more than a means of leading you along pathways to lead to realisation and insight about a limiting belief. Neville himself said that the reason you loop a SATS scene isn't because looping makes it manifest faster but because it keeps focus on that one associated experience and not lead you off on other "associated images" as in his own words. This is the essence of the lullaby method too and is in fact the same method but using a different application as it's all nothing more than leading down pathways and re-associating meaning. Leading yourself through a SATS scene in a correct way is far more important to actually attaining a quicker result than purely imagining the scene over and over night after night feeling uneasy about that because you're running up against resistance in that imaginal scene.
If you want to use any technique correctly then lead yourself into an ideal state first by reminding yourself of things that worked for you, and then go into imagination and form the scene you wish to experience. This will eventually lead to a non resistive association to that concept when thought about and it will no longer trigger you. Most people with consistent application will notice conscious shifts within about 3-5 days depending on the nature of resistance of course. That still doesn't mean you'll manifest the thing you want the way you want but it'll no longer hold the same degree of emotional charge as the concept has no longer primary association to a limited state and surrounding concepts (what Neville called associated images when doing SATS for example) and so all thoughts relating to that concept will automatically put you in that ideal sense of self.
Doing something practically on a consistent basis which has association to a concept in an ideal sense of self is another well established means of anchoring in state coherency that's favourable. Remember the context surrounding a concept and where it's integrated represents where it's sorted in the mind and so if you form a new pattern or habit that's actionable and you're in your body more which will unconsciously be forming that context towards the concept in that state then it'll also shift the association too as that will then be the proof of having and being who you want to be and have.
The reality of experience represents the quality by which concepts within the unconscious mind can be more effectively integrated on a core level. This is why transcendental experiences and spontaneous releases of emotional energy (anything that's not steady and natural) will result in a sudden shift in attitude towards life which of course Neville defined as a state. The means by which you experience a transcendental experience or to spontaneously die on a corporeal level cannot be described because from an LOA perspective it's all depending upon the nature of someone's resistance as to how that transcendental experience can occur. For some it's very simple and for others it's very elaborate which is why I don't teach it as a primary method of resolving limiting beliefs because you'll likely accidentally stumble upon it.
Usually though the most realisable means of triggering a transcendental experience is either through pathway work specifically tailored to that person or any form of nervous system regulation methods, like those that Wilhelm Reich came up with in his orgonomy research.
So once again the basis of manifestation is nothing more than shifting limiting beliefs to shift the associations to concepts we hold in our minds. How do you know if you've got resistance? If you emotionally react in a negative way to something you desire or to something relating to you not having it on a repetitive basis and you go through cycles of experiencing this feeling over and over then you've got resistance to resolve. Everybody else simply has to integrate the concept they desire by imagining it in whatever way they desire and it'll push out the way they want without any effort. They'll apply this effortlessly by default because that's how this comes about due to the lack of emotional modulating energy underlying that concept within that sense of self integrated. Effortlessness cannot be consciously attained, it's impossible. You must have a regulated nervous system/ideal association between concept and sense of self in order to feel actually natural outside of the transcendental method where the corporeal identification dies and is "egoless" where they can view that concept without judgement which is natural and not holding emotional charge.
I think that's about it. I wrote that entire thing off the top of my head in one sitting surprisingly. That's what happens when you lead yourself into a state deeply by drawing in associated concepts continually that all relate to each other and form greater and greater context which is actually how new discoveries are made through this contrastive interaction between concepts within a state. That's also sometimes how spontaneous insight can be attained. Someone can say something that reminds you of something you'd rarely think about and it'll pull you into that sense of self without you even realising it and push out an instant manifestation like a message from an SP or something.
Music is one of the most powerful ways to put you into a specific state by the way.
That's about it folks!
Dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to bring to the surface for resolution disproportionate beliefs and experiences in a way that's gradual and progressive instead of a transcendental experience in the moment. The "secret gazing" method I teach exclusively in 1 on 1 coaching does this very very effectively. Not all the time will it be the beliefs you want to refine in that moment but it will always relate to the core root of your resistance as it's tracing back through the pathways and breaking them down to be refined and resolved. That's actually the purpose of dreams, it's the unconscious mind giving expression to pathways that need either refining or releasing.
The alchemist I learned the gazing method through called it "wading through the river of blood" as a means of refining ancestrally rooted traumas. Past so called lives are integrated within yours as yours exists within theirs, and thus by you resolving yours resolves theirs to as they're in the same process playing out as you just as you are influenced by them.
There is no spirit in the body. The body doesn't *HAVE* a spirit, the spirit moves upon the face of the deep and says let there by light (the emanation of light upon conception mirroring the one pattern unfolding spontaneously).
I'm coming to understand that past so called lives are in fact an influence, it's all metaphysical and all integrated so why wouldn't it. A souls existence is consequential to the process it's integrated within and doesn't "choose" to be born into trauma to learn and refine reality. We exist within a direction that reality is propagating and until we die to any and all limitations we have no capacity to shift the direction we're moving in. It's essentially a pre-determined outcome until you die to yourself and be born again.
I've just realised that I do believe a primary way of resolving emotional baggage is by free expression. If you've wanted to speak your mind on something for ages but you've been unable to then speaking your mind will result in radical shifts. The same goes for taking actionable steps in the right direction. It's all metaphysical, you express the theme that you've been missing and or fearing and fulfil it without compromise in order to manifest the outcome you desire.
We're all expressing either spontaneously according to our intuitive impulses and affinities and paths of least resistance accordingly or we're approaching life from compromise and fear. Often these resistances express to some extent and try and come out through various emotional reactions but it's never fully released. This ties into what Wilhelm Reich wrote about with orgastic potency. It's all metaphysical principles, mental work and physical work are to attain the same expression. Too many people put too much importance on the imagination as the imagination is nothing more than an internal means by which you can shift these limitations to attain full expression and release the resistance.
You're either run by your emotional resistances or you're being spontaneously driven intuitively to fulfil desires.
So the means by which we resolve these relates to how we chip away at the layers on top of a core disproportionality in the field geometry. What pathway revision does is bring the core supporting structure to the surface to be resolved. The problem is that for many people that core supporting structure is tied into so many other core supporting structures because it's been chronic and has association to so many other states that uprooting it is a challenge using mental processing alone. Some people can resolve it if that resistance is of a nature where the top layers can be dissolved in that moment of analysis and worked down into the core by pathway revision but also by applying themselves the slow and steady way to resolve each layer one by one over time to eventually reveal the core.
The reason why applying yourself practically in reality and addressing related beliefs that have association to core beliefs is because as those layers dissolve there's less integrated processes supporting that phase conjugate structure in the mind which is the root of your bleeding of charge. Seeing yourself differently on a consistent basis is virtually impossible for someone to attain overnight whom is in this position. Facts. You can feel better in the moment but unless that's persisted in and related to with something tangible there's no anchor or proof your senses can use as confirmation of your ideal sense of self to draw into that ideal reference state and allow state interferometry to do its thing and naturally dissolve the resistance over time or even in a one and done purge once enough is peeled back.
The Neville way is so unreliable for affecting change because it involves you putting yourself in a position where you can lead yourself into a state where these resistive pathways aren't warping your conceptual inputs. This is why I've found that actually getting mad and really being over your bad circumstances and just expressing that is far more potent in releasing the disproportional pathways because you don't have to imagine a scene with the tones of reality to the extent that it's real to your unconscious mind, the reality of experience is a big part nobody is talking about. To resolve deep trauma the depth of that experience and the reality of that experience matters a lot because that's how it's communicated to the unconscious mind and shifts the resistance or dissolves it for good. You can gradually chip away at it over time and build correspondence but it requires a controlled mental environment for that to happen most people in these negative cycles simply can't maintain consistency with to actually get meaningful results.
This is exactly why Wilhelm Reich developed his own treatment methods to resolve traumas instead of standard psychoanalysis. We need a tangible vehicle by which the reality of experience can be used to dissolve it in most cases. I know so many in this community of LOA so called gurus want to tell you it's all mental but as a metaphysician who's so far ahead of anyone else who coaches in this circle I can see the correspondences to all things on a metaphysical level. Too many look at LOA from a compartmentalised view and deny the governing mechanics behind it which is represented in my model of manifestation I call Reality Synthesis.
This also explains why you can think the same thought all day every day for weeks and get no results. The reality of experience and the leading down of pathways is the quality by which transformation occurs, not just sensory input as that sensory input requires to be sorted within an already established foundational structure in your mind based on associative correspondences.
Homeopathy and TCM are practical vehicles which can resolve traumas without needing to apply pathway work as these methods mirror what you'd do in your imagination anyway. Tangible and intangible, yin and yang, mental and physical work both are exchangeable and anyone who thinks that the physical structure of reality is purely an illusion and has no back-tracable connection to your mental situation then you're metaphysically illiterate who can't see the forest for the trees. Both affect each other as they both are the same process playing out but from a corporeal and incorporeal aspect. It is true that you don't need physical medicine to resolve traumas but why spend years of your life wasting away being unconsciously driven by compensation patterns from traumas when you can take a remedy and be healed with certainty in at most 3 months.
This is a matter of dogma for people in this community. They preach Neville as though they see him as some divinely gifted genius who could see things nobody else could. He wrote for the masses, not for you or me. He never outlined the mechanics of this on a metaphysical level, either because he didn't know and didn't want to branch into something he couldn't speak with authority on or because he just didn't see it as necessary and thus didn't write about it. Either way I've dug into the depths of the mechanics of reality and have outlined clearly how and why manifestation works the way it does and nobody now needs to question anymore about LOA as all the answers you need are right here.
Remember. Your "soul" is not IN your body, your soul IS your body and also by nature of being a self reclusive circuit ALL other things that can be perceived because it's all one process playing out that it's all integrated within. That's how you can affect change in physical reality from an absolute frame of reference. No need for timeline or dimension shifting nonsense, that's all metaphysically invalid and scientifically impossible to demonstrate, it's always thus assumed without correspondence to any physical phenomena that it's the way things are which is why it's irrefutably objectively incorrect and should be discarded as such without hesitation. For a few select group of people who find that view of reality helps them retrieve insight then great, but claiming it's the facts of reality is nonsense.
The late night ramblings I was inspired to write down here instead of my notebooks.
I've always thought about manifestation as more than just thoughts create reality, as in the concepts we continually entertain correspond to experiences we have. This is the reasoning I followed behind separating concept and sense of self, there MUST be a relationship between a thought *process* and the association we have to that concept. It's not just imagination creates reality because through so so so so soooo many experiments I and many others have done over the years has revealed the fact that describing the *phenomena* of manifestation under an LOA lens of perspective has never and will never purely be imagination creates physical phenomena *IN ALL PEOPLE THE WAY THEY IMAGINE*. It's like disease, some people can take a sugar pill and receive magical healings but others still don't heal, even though they're under the same environment in that position. This means there must be a greater environment influencing the way their experience pushes out, what I called "warping" the output experience back in late 2022 when I first presented RS publicly.
Most of my foundational knowledge of the theory of Reality Synthesis came from my studies on minds like Wilhelm Reich, Walter Russel, Paul LA Violette and others I can't think of off the top of my head right now.
Fundamentally reality is created through imagination, but ONLY at it's core level. This is only true to the extent that you're able to freely flow with that concept with ideal association. That's not a limiting belief like a vast majority of so called LOA coaches out there would have you believe, thinking that everything is placebo is the most erroneous nonsense imaginable and denies the divine order of reality which is meticulously crafted in such a way that it enables the experience of corporeal identification from an incorporeal aspect.
To get to the point I'm trying to make here. We are metaphysical in nature, as in we are driven not by absolutes but by principles underlying and governing the movement of what we experience of absolutes. It's an interaction of primary principles which come together and form substances that fundamentally cannot exist. A pencil requires paper for the capacity to write words using that pencil and paper. The primary components would be the pencil and the paper and through a motivating force they come together to form writing and language through that medium. Not a precise analogy but one that will work for this purpose.
Now to get really deep here, all of physical reality corresponds to a metaphysical reality of some form. This means that everything you see hear taste touch and smell has a certain ratio of yin and yang to them without any exceptions. The atomic structure of materials we use to build houses and cars and computers and all that stuff is nothing more than self recursive circuits or dynamos interacting with each other with various ratios of yin and yang. When we understand that all of reality is nothing more than the procession of the primary pattern (the 3D S curve at phi ratio or a vortex) and the extension and compression of that one pattern we understand how we are all things.
We are represented in though and as all things. God works through us, God being one with the son and the spirit yet also separate in primary existence. The metaphysical correspondence here is the fact that we are all one and yet all seemingly separate at the same time. That is how everyone is you pushed out is, because it's all originating from the source of emanation (the one pattern unfolding as procession). If we systematically unfolded our minds and traced our mental pathways through all the way we would all return to the same point of origin.
That is where true immortality is attained, not enlightenment but immortality specifically as this is the source of vital essence called Jing in Daoist alchemical sects. Prenatal Jing and postnatal Jing are one in the same thing and many texts on immortality would have us believe that living a celibate life is required to conserve Jing as Shen (spirit) is the root of Jing and Qi.
Anyway, if mental blockages can be resolved using talk therapy by leading through pathways as I've uncovered along with manipulating musculoskeletal and by extension the nervous system directly with manual therapy as a language of communication then why are we all trying to think our way and even feel our way out of resistance. I have even spent much of my time studying personally under Daoist masters in maoshan qigong as well as actual immortal practical operative alchemists who all taught me valuable lessons in that your mind is linked to everyone and everything. Your mind doesn't exist in a vacuum, you take real alchemical quintessence as a means of obtaining immortality not by the means that the substance can grant you that effect by drinking it but by the fact that it's rearranging the structure of reality.
The essence of what I'm saying here and the point of this post is that using means of pathway revision that I created, using manual therapies, using herbal or alchemical therapies, using qigong or even methods like multiwave oscillators such as Dan Winters theraphi or Lackovskies antennas or Reichs orgone accumulators, it's all rearranging the substance of reality on a metaphysical level. It's not your belief in them that does anything, it's the irrefutable fact that all things exist as interactions of yin and yang and that with the rearrangement of these principles we can affect change on all levels because there's correspondence through all levels even just on one level.
Drinking alchemical quintessence and doing maoshan qigong does all the work for you that you'd be able to do using talk therapy and embodying a different state. They will by nature of their correspondence to alchemical and metaphysical principles align your field geometries as to where those limiting beliefs and resistances to being yourself they can shift the unconscious associations to the concepts and sense of self without you doing any mental work or imaginal work because it's all the same thing. It's not the placebo effect, the placebo effect doesn't exist.
It's ALL the shifting of metaphysical principles correspondent to both the thought you have which in and of itself is fundamentally information and information is fundamentally vibration and vibration is fundamentally a state of polarization of the aether which reflects the principles of discharge and charge or yin and yang and the gradient between them as grey representing time or the procession of yin and yang. Yin and yang therefore are expressions of the one pattern unfolding and thus as all self recursive circuits are integrated they can all be traced back just like the pathways of your mind because it's all metaphysical and thus the true means of obtaining immortality is through "uncreating" and refining the components which comprised you and then "recreating" yourself as is described in the alchemical texts. This mirrors the process of emanationary process and all aspects of it. This is the facts about immortality and in fact the facts about how you can completely change your reality on all levels imaginable because it's all correspondent. If you wish to manifest anything you must destroy a part of yourself and refine it under a new context or associate differently to the same concept under a new sense of self.
Do you see now why thinking about your desire 10k times a day every day is a futile attempt to affect any change whatsoever. You're not embodying any metaphysical principles other than disorder and resistance bumping up against the disproportionate pathways reminding you that you aren't capable of getting what you want which is why signs and warped conceptual outputs follow and nothing more. That's the facts regardless of if you believe it or not.
If that's a limiting belief then I ask you to dismantle my entire position I have here and all the reasoning I present (which is just what's in my mind currently, I didn't plan this or anything) and prove how your explanation works over mine. Remember neuroscience and biochemistry also embody metaphysical correspondence too, as all things do. Unconscious is yin and conscious is yang, so you can't pull that one on me and quantum mechanics is nonsense. There is no probabilistic functions in a structured reality and Paul La Violette's "subquantum kinetics" clearly outlines the physics behind why quantum mechanics is a joke and needs to be discarded as an incomplete model to describe why superluminal propagation of light occurs. I started developing Reality Synthesis with a basis in physics so that's the most solid roots I draw from in reference to the mechanics of manifesting.
The issue is that too many people want something to happen magically to somehow meet unmet needs purely through thought alone because they're afraid of actually facing the feelings they've got and shifting their sense of self in a transformative way. See the bigger picture. Metaphysics is the highest science imaginable.
Here is a link to a discussion below which inspired me to write this as I was reminded of Reich again which is based on some points nobody in this community knows anything about which would open your mind to some topics I have been diving into for many years now to find correspondence to LOA in a practical sense. Namely orgonomy and Reich's means of releasing emotional traumas (disproportionate interactions between sense of self and concept desired) by using manual therapy instead of talk therapy. Real effective talk therapy involves leading a patient through their pathways to find roots of disproportionate field geometries and by seeing those for what they are either through spontaneous realignment or reexperiencing those in a controlled sense of self to then refine their meaning can then align that pathway and resolve resistance.
Reich approached this through using various muscular release methods in order to shift the same resistance present on an unconscious level usually by them reexperiencing the trauma as it's stored in the nervous system and experienced as unconsciously destructive patterns played out to prevent that from being reexperienced as it's a source of pain for the person with that resistance.
I want to make clear, resistance CANNOT BE SPONTANEOUSLY DISSOLVED WITHOUT CORRECT PATHWAY PROGRESSION. Simply affirming "I have no mental resistance" will not make you into a resistance free person where money and love and abundance freely flows to you UNLESS that affirmation corresponds to a specific association to sense of self and concept which can be seen under a light of incorporeal identification in order to transmute and refine that. All the gurus who say affirmations work are full of nonsense and should be discarded as metaphysically illiterate fools who are wasting yours and everyone's time. They will ONY work if there is a correspondence to associate to, otherwise you're reexperiencing that feeling to some extent which is why you're manifest signs at best, otherwise the essence of that concept would manifest without effort.
Stop thinking that Neville knew it all, he knew a fraction of what's out there and shouldn't be seen as someone to be followed. His work is so unbelievably misinterpreted that virtually nobody really grasps what most of the things he says means and WHY he says what he says. This understanding took me more than 5 years of continual daily contemplation and refinement to grasp properly. I lived and breathed this study, unlike virtually every LOA guru on social media, I had no life as research and refinement of my understanding of reality was the only way I could find meaning as I was devoid of value within myself at those times. This is often why highly psychotic people are intellectual geniuses because we cannot help but wonder off analysing anything and everything to find patterns and meaning behind it to fill the endless void within us from all our unmet needs.
Also to all the 4chan fools, come and refute what I say instead of making memes about my hair which runs in the family and I just never addressed it because I didn't care, my sense of self isn't at that point of feeling it's necessary to feel good about myself, unlike how insecure you are needing to spend time out of your day tot create memes about my appearance whom you know nothing about other than what I present online. Try and refute my nearly decade of intense daily grind to find the facts of reality, I dare you. Dare.
Here's another follow up of what I posted yesterday.
Listening to Unusual Cosmic process - Elysium, as I write this as I find this track puts me into that deeper metaphysical mindset.
I'm writing this as I can no longer deny the fact that metaphysical representation as an underlying substrate to explain manifestation is the way things work. All things are metaphysical in nature and all things follow the principles of creation in some way shape or form without any exceptions. Manifestation can be influenced by all processes in all areas of life under all circumstances. Mental refinement is simply one way of refining your underlying unconscious field geometries comprising your ambient state and sense of self. Understanding that will be critical in grasping the essence behind how this all works.
I did not create Reality Synthesis to preach standard LOA with a twist, I created RS to completely destroy the so called Law of assumption/attraction or whatever you want to call it. I intend to completely and utterly tear LOA to shreds, burn those shreds and scatter the particles in the air in the upper atmosphere never to be pieced back together ever again. Nobody should waste time with an incomplete model of manifestation which only looks at reality from such a small angle yet still correct lens of perception. Reality Synthesis is a complete and whole model which explains all things. It is the theory of everything, or at least the closest thing to it. What I have presented so far is only a fraction of a percentage of what I could present as most of my knowledge requires metaphysical correspondence in order to align and fit into RS in a way you'll understand. That's what I spend most of my time doing, the work necessary for the completion of this model of reality so that you'll have all the tools required to know all things about how and why manifestation works and also the tools to practically utilise it and get consistent reliable results in your reality.
I've expanded on the work of Wilhelm Reich some more in my time since then and have come to some interesting insights. This is mainly on the topic of libido and it's roll in manifestation.
Firstly Reich was all about understanding the metaphysics of the mind from a psychoanalytical perspective as he was a student of Freud in his early days and worked with various models of libido as a means of explaining the function of psychological processes. I completely agree, libido isn't something I speak on much but it's the essence of jing in TCM which is one of the components of Shen (spirit) along with Qi. Libido is fundamental to the procession of fundamental components of the mind. As the self recursive cycle has 3 components and one of them has 2 primary expressions as reference stage. This reference stage is where power is held fundamentally, it's that stable and steady potential behind the drive of emanationary procession.
My notes from sept 6th said "Libido gives contrast to drive state anchoring with and or without actionable process".
This means that libido gives us the experience of separation to where we desire to be and that contrast is reflected in a way which fires pathways along our path of least resistance towards that end. Now to explain the role of libido in sexual expression we must grasp the primary theme of the bible and in fact one of if not the primary factor of metaphysics as a whole and that is death. Death of the corporeal being specifically as the incorporeal self cannot die, that's the essence of procession which takes upon itself limitation in order to experience anchored reality or else life would be like a lucid dream, hence the reason we have nervous systems that function the way they do with various biochemical and electrical processes to mediate these functions.
These false gurus would never be able to explain the correspondence of the nervous system on a metaphysical level and can't see the forest for the trees which is why they're missing the key points here.
Now back to libido. We're going to get more detailed with some terminology here but nobody too young would probably be reading this anyway so whatever. It's my blog so. Energy orgasms or no touch orgasms are I do believe a means of attaining a transcendental bliss experience leading into Reich's idea of orgastic potency, which also confirms Dan Winters work with the idea of bliss experience leading to phase conjugation and the integration of higher order field geometries as a means of unconscious refinement. I'm the only one on earth who has probably connected those dots so read that again and soak it in.
The orgasm is also referred to as the mini death, meaning you lose consciousness for a brief moment IF YOU ORGASM CORRECTLY. Now this is important as Reich fully grasped this as a means of actually releasing character armouring or what we would know of as resistance. A fully embodied orgasm represents the means through which one can sacrifice the corporeal identification in that moment and reach that feeling of incorporeal being.
I want to go back to Jing here for a moment too. The Daoist immortals spoke of Jing as one of the 3 treasures, that this treasure of vital essence must be retained and refined. This is actually why they encourage a celibate lifestyle as it's a means of retaining and refining vital essence. Through various forms of qigong and internal alchemy like cycling the microcosmic orbit by picking up specific ratios of vital essence at specific days and placing that essence in various tan diens you're able to mimic the primary pattern of emanationary process unfolding and give birth to a new internal reality, a microcosmic reality that you've transmuted and created within yourself just as reality is contained within itself as you've done with the internal alchemy work. As above so below. It's all metaphysical.
Now to my point of jing and sex, you don't want to just orgasm all willy nilly and "waste" Jing as the Daoists would encourage conservation through retaining. The thing is this is highly destructive in an individual who desires sexual expression as it's very likely going to lead to eventual edging and the catalysing of that Jing without expending it that still leads to it's expenditure internally as you're literally burning the waters of life on the minister fire through that circulating process of genital stimulation and even just doing PC muscle stimulation will lead to the same result as you're raising the pelvic floor as a pump activating the process of transmuting and catalysing that jing into steam which will raise into the middle jiao and get stuck in the liver and spleen leading to frustration and overthinking and thus partial manifestations as you're metaphysically misaligned. This is just as bad as thinking wrong as it's all the same process. Thoughts and internal alchemy both shift aetheric pressure gradients which are the fundamental currents which form our mind. Don't touch yourself without cause or correct process as you'll waste that potential. That's a fact, for everybody. Unless you're extremely coherent already then you're only going to end up experiencing negative results as conditions WILL arise as a result of this. The no touch is not a condition against your manifestations, it's going to give rise to conditions due to the disproportional interactions of Jing and it's uncontrolled circulation leading to disruptions unconsciously leading one to manifest experiences thus to confirm where this energy is moved in the body metaphysically.
I'm also not talking about tantra, tantra is not about physical stimulation in any way whatsoever, it's about forming a more complete circuit with forming an even higher order self recursive circuit through expressing the creation process by the integration of two forms of yin and yang, the convergent and divergent forces integrating proportionally and circulating proportionally their metaphysical components. Reich encourages sexual expression in a sense of correct discharge. Modern sex positive culture is the exact opposite of what it should be, it's got nothing to do with inclusiveness and identification and all that nonsense but as a means of unconscious refinement through attaining orgastic potency.
We must learn do die during orgasm if we wish to effectively use that means to die to our limiting beliefs. Using orgasm as a means of affecting change in the unconscious processes playing out isn't necessary but for many it very well could be the thing that helps them if the conscious application of applying pathway methods doesn't yield lasting results. I've always said that the point of all this is to find the root that's branching off like tree branches causing this symphony of experiences all mirroring the themes stuck in this root belief that's acting as the anchor for your sense of self to be bound to. The point of orgasm as a means of discharge is to release this resistive root without needing to specifically trace it and shift your perceptions to see it for what it is and dissolve its influence that way. This whole process occurs as a function of metaphysical death of the corporeal identification and thus how your avatar in reality plays and reacts to phenomena which then reflects in your conscious experience of even the same phenomena and associated concepts.
Reich was also about applying pathway methods by leading the patient into their unconscious mind, leading them closer and closer to the root of the resistance and to then trigger a full discharge in that space as to dissolve it without needing to enter into incorporeal identification as the orgasm triggered that same process unconsciously anyway. He would also analyse which muscle groups responded to different pathways as he would lead them into their mind and find reactions. I've always been aware of muscular tension in my body, specifically around the core and solar plexus region specifically. When you're tense and unable to relax and breathe fully in AND out it implies your nervous system is holding resistance in this place. Reich worked with this as a concept called muscle armouring and as a qualified remedial massage therapist I can say that many people experience emotional releases just from having a treatment and their reality can change in that moment. They experience a mini death, like a sort of orgasm per say when the release of the tension is complete as then their resistive roots in their thoughts dissolve spontaneously and the reaction cascades out into their experience of reality.
I'm going to touch now on the idea of disease in relation to manifestation and all the context that's written above.
Reich wrote a book called bion experiments. I read this already with understanding of Gaston Naessens reasearch on what he called the somatids. The same goes for Ramond Rife and his research on turquoise bodies many years ago. The important point here I want to mention is that water is the primary medium behind how bions and the like vesicles are formed spontaneously. The bions are a natural emanationary process, the literal manifestation of corporeal identification taking form as primary principle, along side the Chondriana as found by George Merkle which looked like scrolls that unfolded just like conjugate field geometry which unfolds or uncompressed into the repeating pattern of a vortex but extrapolated over the substrate of the medium it's making up as, if that makes sense.
So disease as discovered by Reich such as cancer was found to be a function of biological tissues breaking down due to stagnation (a lack of aetheric and metaphysical movement or the expression of yang which manifests as qi in the body) leading those cellular structures to lead into a disproportionate state where instead of breaking down into primary protozoa and like microbes they break down into cancer cells in response. This process also occurs with all other disease, it's due to disproportionate field geometry on a metaphysical level manifesting as the symptoms we experience. Now imagination is a metaphysical substrate we can use to shift our field geometry, same with applying orgastic means among others. It's all metaphysical so it all heals disease because the resistance is metaphysical in the field geometry that makes up your entire reality. You are your field geometry and thus so is your reality. Any disproportionate integrated patterns will cause a cascade ripple effect which will warp all other links in that chain that have been integrated. Thus the cause of disease, your SP not wanting you, money hating you, people seeing you as dirt and all the rest of that. It's ALL metaphysical processes playing out in various means in your relality.
Those who manifest what they want the way they want are proportional, those who don't are disproportionate and are prone to death and disease the same way even if they don't think about it because disease is a manifestation of their disproportionate state regardless of what they identify with in relation to those diseases they experience.
The idea of birth conditions is another one. This was actually the question that led me to really develop the manifestation side of RS as it was never correctly answered by anyone. The metaphysics of transmigration would seemingly explain this as the essence of your soul integrates within the field geometry of reality and becomes apart of it that all other self recursive circuits can tap into, thus why some can intuitively experience the same experiences as others have in "past lives" and such.
One of my clients recently asked me the question of how come children can't manifest things effortlessly if they're innocent in their worldview and exist in a sort of unconscious flow with their reality. That's an extremely interesting question that I still don't have an exact answer for specifically but usually children are looking to have needs met, they're not individuated as the libido has not fully expressed itself in the same way a pubescent individual would have access to and thus the charge and discharge cycle happens on a different level.
That is all for now.
I've been contemplating on means other than conscious pathway exploration as a means of resolving traumas and whatnot. Neville Goddard I do believe is one of the least influential teachers to read about as a means of resolving deep rooted stuff. This is not a limiting belief or putting anything on the pedestal. You can make your nervous system feel safe and secure in the moment but that's not going to result in any meaningful long lasting change unless it's anchored in through actionable process, or in other words the reality of experience. If the imagined experience isn't natural then no shift can be made.
I want everybody to be clear here. Imagination is a means of refining your field geometry and integrating concepts to be pushed out according to where they're integrated. Without a proportional supporting structure to integrate concepts into then no lasting change can or will be made in your life, it will all be temporary unless reliably repeated and anchored in ideally through tangible means throughout the day. It's the idea that the nervous system sees the imaginary as just as real as the corporeal reality, and that through fulfilling the blessing of Jacob as an example from the story in the bible then no change can be made. That's how it all occurs, by leading the unconscious mind into a safe space and implanting the seed or concept. You lead your sense of self or state to be in an ideal place and then integrate the desired concept.
So to the point then. I want to touch on means other than purely conscious pathway methods to attain release of disproportionality in the field geometry. We're seeking to use nothing more than the metaphysical nature of reality to align the resistance we have. The imagination and the tangible are one, and thus are equally exchangeable as all things are. The imagination can be effectively removed in it's capacity for sensory vividness as that's dependent upon biological processes to function but the concept underlying that, the intention or essence of concept that we express through sensory input is incorporeal as the geometry of our core essence as mercury or shen (spirit) is that of the self recursive circuit which is integrated in and is a part of all things which is how we can experience vivid near death experiences even with a sick body. Spontaneous NDE healings come from a realisation of insight during that experience that you are not identified with the resistance you've held onto. The purpose of NDEs is to allow us to release resistance and leave it in the body, it's coming up into our awareness as simply a part of that releasing process.
Now if we relate this to psychotherapy, or even vegetotherapy under an orgonomy framework it's all working with the exact same principles to enact a sort of death and rebirth. You are dying to limitation and thus in order to die to it and transcend it you MUST experience it but from a state at which it's no longer bound up in your field geometry as a disproportionate resistive load which bleeds charge which could be bringing you closer to immortality. The true immortal being is one who lives in absolute alignment with core affinities and is completely orgastically potent despite what the Daoist so called immortality gurus would tell you about Jing conservation which does play a role but only up to a certain point.
Your capacity to become free flowing and intuitively driven according to core affinities is your pathway to immortality which is why I utilise such a wide range of topics in my immortality programs as it's all related.
Back to practical means. I've also recently gone deeper into homeopathy as a means of attaining alignment and release of disproportionate field geometries. If orgonomy using vegetotherapy, my method of pathway revision, homeopathy, qigong and even multiwave phase conjugate field generators like lakhovsky oscliators then it's all working with metaphysical methods and not just a placebo. The placebo effect is real in how it's experienced from a psychotherapeutic view but in reality all means of placebo effects are applying the same principles which underlie and govern the metaphysical nature of reality. Homeopathy is one of those means too as it's a sort of basic alchemy in essence.
Homeopathy isn't the same as operative alchemy that I was taught when studying under the alchemist who also taught me the gazing method (which is another way of dissolving disproportionality) but it's similar in effect on a basic level which is what we're after. All methods of manifestation are alchemical in nature anyway because everything is alchemy, all is metaphysical, it's all the same in it's nature. Even the food you eat influences your state of being, regardless of if you believe it or not. The thing is Abdullah was so proportional in every other way that eating ice cream and drinking alcohol didn't affect him as he could process and regulate his state to such an extent that it didn't affect his field geometry like it would to someone who's been stuck unable to move on from resistance their whole lives.
Homeopathy is applied to get manifestations to unfold the way you want by clearing resistive pathways brought about by traumatic experiences internalised and identified with. This is what leads someone to basically destroy everything in their lives, their lacks haunt them to such an extent that they're never at peace and no amount of temporary state shifting can resolve that for these people. There's so many layers playing out that conscious manifesting methods like pathway revision is unlikely to result in a lasting change. This is where homeopathy and like means comes in.
The point of using a means like homeopathy or drinking a quintessence is about meeting this resistive pathway with the metaphyseal equivalent to the geometry of that resistance to cancel it out essentially. Since homeopathy works with the idea of like cures like then it's two in phase same frequency waves interacting and the amplitude of the disproportionate wave to resolve it through the same effects we can observe in wave interferometry experiments as it's warping the aetheric medium which is how light manifests AS us and thus the field geometry of our self recursive circuit.
The reason why homeopathy has to work is because it's water based. I've written on how Wilhelm Reich was able to cultivate bions in water in previous posts. Water has a dipole bond between hydrogen and oxygen very close to 108/36/36 degrees which is actually the same geometry as a Pythagorean triangle and we know Pythagoras was all about seeing the geometry in reality because he was a metaphysician like many from his day. Now if you take 3 Pythagorean triangles at specific angles around 43 degrees rotation each you can form a Pythagorean pentagram and this represents the 5 elements made up of the 3 elements which arises from the one and hydrogen as the mother particle of oxygen is the 1st and lightest standard atom in the periodic table. This is expressing as the 1, hydrogen, 2 meaning the 2 oxygen which when arranged in this 108/36/36 degree bond angle gets you a Pythagorean triangle which is a divinely proportional geometry. This is the 3 which then combines 3 times (9) to produce the 5 or the 5 elements which then births into the 8 directions of the bagua and even in the norse myth the vegvisir.
We are made up of around 73% water and if water can be arranged to be divinely proportional it can become a self recursive circuit and give birth to seeming spontaneous generation of life as with Wilhelm Reich's bion experiments. The physical structure of water doesn't hold the memory as that doesn't change, it's the fractal phase conjugate nature of this proportional geometry which has capacitance to hold charge (a dielectric) which is where information is held to then be unfolded, literally, and read. This imprinting occurs because you're vorticial and your geometry is coherent with that of water which is also why all organic life requires a water base in order to exist and manifest a soul. Since shen (spirit or mercury) is the root of Jing (substantive yin principle representing the essence of fluid) and qi as the motivating principle which guides where the waters become crystalized into formed structure (according to genetic impression) we then have the ingredients to create life, spontaneously that is out of the result of higher order self recursive circuits integrated and operating as one mirroring the creation process. This explains the foundations of why homeopathy works not just as a placebo but as a metaphysical fact and enables your sensory imagination to exist the way it does.
Going deeper with this homeopathy means and why I'm beginning to understand why it's actually extremely powerful is because it's relating to mirroring the creation process itself but as a sort of alchemical preparation that can be orally ingested and have a metaphysical integration within the disproportionate field geometry to cancel it out. I don't believe that it's possible to over power the body with too much dose as it'll be rejected if it's disproportionate instead of being integrated as it's not based on any tangible sensory phenomena based on a sense of self which is why it can't be internalised like traumas can. Homeopathy is thought suspended in water, the opposite of the rice experiment if you wish.
The whole idea of people thinking themselves into disease they never actually had was essentially a traumatic experience in the moment they were diagnosed if it's internalised and even more so if it's a progression (or manifestation) of an already underlying resistive pathway playing out leading them deeper into that charge bleeding. These experiences of nocebo are manifestations of progressions of already present where someone actually internalises that they're incapable of showing up the way they want and this disease diagnosis even if false will still progress into the manifestation of that disease to fulfil that resistance the same way cheating continually unfolds in SP relations for example as a pattern of resistance from an already existing disproportionality.
So I've read up on some fundamentals of diagnosing and prescribing a remedy in homeopathy and it involves wouldn't you believe it, pathway methods. We ask all the questions about all the metaphysical principles underling their condition in life, like asking about all the themes that occur as patterns and how long they've gone on for and even parental and grandparental history and all that stuff all paints the metaphysical picture of their life and conditions to know the correct remedy which is underlying all the symptoms they're experiencing. Homeopathy is the same as pathway revision, but using field geometries imprinted in water to affect the change instead of attaining it internally through an imaginal act to release that disproportionality. All forms of manifestation unfold because of some form of pathway revision method be it homeopathic, imaginary pathway revision, orgonotic means or even using technology which mirrors the integration process occurring in the water or the mind to affect the physiology and thus the mind which mirrors the healing and thus they manifest what they want.
I'm sure the mechanisms outlined in Reality Synthesis are clear as day now for you to see and understand about why this is the correct model which explains exactly how and why manifestation works the way that it does.
I just found this video:
"DEREFLECTION - A logotherapy technique by Dr. Viktor Frankl"
This is much like my idea of the sense of self and the concept. He approaches this from a "forget the self" idea. This mirrors my idea of pulling out of corporeal being and forgetting or dying to the self and being reborn which is the means by which virtually all psychospiritual texts speak of. At the end he "remembers" that the conditions are a null factor. This led him down a different pathway and resolved the conditions without effort.
What if the whole purpose behind manifestation is not what we've been taught at all. Neville Goddard taught two schools of thought, one of them was for the every day man and woman and the other was the one who seeks the highest order of enlightenment. Enlightenment and transcendence are two different experiences too. Most people who seek knowledge of manifestation are seeking an answer to a problem they have, be it that they're desiring to experience something that they cannot attain and so they use LOA as the means to attain that end. Neville Goddard taught that the bible was the script of life, that we are the embodiment of the bible. I fundamentally disagree with that statement as there's far more to reality than living out scripture. Has Neville ever thought that perhaps the bible is a text to seed concepts into ones mind which when ripened through the refinement of the sense of self will sprout and realise at that time if it's attained. The bible is nothing more than a vehicle through which enlightenment can be experienced, at least to some degree.
The alchemist I studied under taught me that the bible was an alchemical text above all else. All is alchemy though so all psychospiritual texts are alchemical in nature as they're relating the tangible to intangible psychological processes. The fact that we have psychological states is irrefutable proof in and of itself of the metaphysical nature of reality as they cannot be separated from the tangible biochemical processes of the body and also in the corresponding reality around. Now if we are truly the center of all of our experiences then it would imply that it would be impossible for us to be externally influenced and yet we are undoubtedly influenced by the world around us which causes us to internalise the incapacity we have in relation to something we want to feel the experience of. All it takes is a passing comment from someone about some small little flaw about you to cause a complete cascade of disproportional field geometries within you, especially if you're young and susceptible to internalization of these critical remarks and learning to prevent that spontaneous action your path of least resistance is meaning to express as the procession of your affinities plays out.
There are then two causes of disproportionality. That is the internalization of disproportional field geometries (integration within that self recursive circuit relative to the absolute reference frame) which is caused by the need or desire for the reality of experience. This clinging is what draws contrastive pressure gradient comparison between our current state and the desired state that's internalised as a projection to hold our value and worth once attained. If we cannot separate ourselves from this object of desire we will peruse it in hopes of it's fulfilment to attain that need being met and if it's not met then we literally fester in disproportional field geometries leading to higher and higher levels of disorder and eventually death of the tangible biochemical being consequential to the spiritual existence which grasped for experience by nature of being a self recursive circuit.
The spirit (self recursive circuit) which transmigrates is an ignorant one devoid of transcendental awareness of it's core nature. Intellectual and conceptual reality is not experiential reality for the attachment for the need of experience still lingers within the geometry of that circuit. It cannot help this the same way all protons decay into neutrons after 14 minutes. By nature of it's existence it must seek higher order proportionality, there is no other option. It goes then that desire is fundamental to corporeal existence which unless transcended and attained enlightenment to then calm this desire and turn back the light of life.
In the bible Neville calls desire the thief. The Daoists say that sensory input phenomena drains qi. If by nature of your existence you age and die chasing unfulfilled desires because that's what grants you value then we either fulfil all those desires or we stop the search entirely. You either master all that there is to master or you master nothing at all. There is no try, there is only being. I remember listening to Keith Cerelli or however you spell his name early on in 2021, the guy who sees zionism as the cause of world suffering and he would always say that people are so messed up all over the world because the parents are raising children in a world that's lacking free abundance by nature of banks basically claiming unrightfully ownership over all things we require in life to exist as we do without needing to work for it. It's this mindset of needing to exchange something for a vital basic right to exist which cascades down the generations into culture and thus everybody believes this is just the way things are now.
He's right from that aspect but if we go back to for example tribes of indigenous Australians for example who are supposedly one of the most ancient cultures on earth still died and led lives of suffering and disease. If banks and greed of warped ego driven beings are the cause of suffering limiting resources then how come the natives all die too? Well they're in conflict with nature and it's lack of resources. You can only grow so many crops to feed so many people per year after all. Even if banks gave everyone free money to do whatever they wanted with, billions for everybody, it would still mean someone out there needs to work fields or at least create technology to make the farming process easier which is an entropic expression. Thus the problem still isn't resolved.
The reality is that not all of us can be billionaires and live lives of luxury, nor do all of us even want that anyway. So as Neville said all desire is selfish to some extent, we then must understand why a process which is inherently entropic exist in the first place in a world like this? The metaphysics of desire is about the grasping for the reality of experience and it originates as a consequence of being born, existing corporeally into a lineage of beings who have history of their own. The first life forms held no capacity for greater conceptualization of existence in the same way those reading this can. We must wonder then that if desire is inherent to corporeal existence and we live in a world that's full of disproportional governmental structures propagating profit driven propaganda on a day to day basis on almost every corner imaginable then how is one suppose to attain the experience of enlightenment?
The truth is simple. You can't if you decide to live in the world as a part of it. Neville said that simply reading a newspaper article about some horrific event that happened outside of your experience of life if identified with will influence the events of your reality. Take the position of Abdullah, he drank and ate all sorts of junk food, which did have a negative consequence on his biochemistry regardless of his beliefs about it, but his essence was so focused on his immovable sense of self that nothing could penetrate his psyche and influence his greater field geometry and he lived to be at least 115 years old according to reports I've read. Some claim 130 and even longer. He did not become immortal, Neville did not become immortal, they both died and yet seemed to be masters of the so called law of assumption. Anyone who's metaphysically literate would know that assumptions are only one part of the formula so it's a nonsense term really.
Neville said that he who is born into suffering with a deformed biology was by extension god in the flesh experiencing the reality of that deformity. He also said reincarnation didn't exist, as in the mind you have carrying over into another corporeal being. Neville yet again also said that your time of death is pre-determined and inevitable. He didn't believe it's possible to live as an immortal being. I say nonsense. Alchemical principles clearly outline that all is one, and through emanationary process one can break themselves down into nothing and reform into a completely proportional self recursive circuit capable of experiencing enlightenment and transcending limitation. If limitation is inevitable by nature of existing as a corporeal being then the truth is that in order to become immortal and transcend limitation one must follow alchemical process and break themselves down into nothing to be reformed as one.
In homeopathy, healing is attained through integration of a similar set of frequencies which make up a geometry that's of like or greater amplitude to the opposing illness in nature and thus like waves interacting cancel out leaving nothing left but that which is as a result. Water being the medium through which this geometry is conveyed, not physical biochemical arrangement but a phase conjugate integration which is "stored" between the dipole bonds of water, specifically at the angle of incommensurability where the Pythagorean triangle becomes integrated within itself and can then be effectively cut down to at least plank scale from that point with many extra "levels' of integration leading to higher amplitude of effective concentration as capacitance is a function of counter space and not spatial magnitude. The smaller the space the higher the capacitance, which is why in homeopathy the higher the dilution the greater the capacitance for integration and thus potency for cancelling out a like geometry. I'm the only one on earth as far as I know who can see that, but I'm sure someone else out there can see that too but I don't know them yet and they probably don't post online like me if they do.
Either way this compression of proportional geometry is how information is "stored", and consequentially unfolded to have effect as a centrifugal force vector. If homeopathy can cure mental resistance and the related physical illness who corresponds to that then couldn't it also make us even more proportional from there once well. The idea is that what if someone who seems to be "healthy" really is just in a lesser state of health compared to an immortal being but relative to sick people they're the pinnacle of health. The truth is even this "healthy" baseline isn't the ideal and can still be refined. Can manifestation help here? No. Can homeopathy help from here? No. Can drinking pure alchemical quintessence help from here? Yes, but only to an extent. The process of attaining immortality is a result of what the alchemist referred to as ripening. I believe this represents resistances being unfolded and released as to bring higher order to the circuit of your being which then manifests as the process of for example full crystallization when doing the gazing method.
The gazing method I teach is an immortality practise in and of itself, it's not just a means of manifestation. The refinement of the field geometry to be completely proportional and state coherent is the condition at which immortality can be attained. To expound further, the alchemist spoke of the condition in a hermetic perspective of attaining immortality was to break all the barriers of the soul cage causing you to experience desire for the reality of experience. In other words we literally refine the mental processes of the psychology in order to cascade then into the biological process to negate and reverse the effects of some biochemical functions and essentially "evolve" into another form of life beyond the rest of the humans. The part about biological function was my interpretation added onto his as it should all be conjugate in expression if that's the case.
The fact is that an immortal mind manifests as an immortal body. If there is no grasping for the reality of experience due to the refinement of the structures of the soul which are self recursive seeking for needs of the salt to be sustained through sensory stimulation then it's the condition of no longer desiring desire that leads one to attain immortality. You exist without a shred of judgment in any capacity because you don't want it, just as the healed mind who was deranged from a libidinal perspective seeking constant release from an unmet need no longer desires that continued release as it's been met and fulfilled. This basically means we fulfil the need for need on a biochemical level resultant from mental process by refining the circulation of qi and Jing. The gazing practise performs this process unconsciously unlike Daoist methods like performing the microcosmic orbit or by doing kriya and or kundalini yoga which forcefully circulates Jing and qi to mirror the creation process and fulfil these various aspects of the soul cage leading us to desire worldly phenomena. Qigong is also another means by which this can be attained which I also teach in my immortality program.
I don't know any other means of attaining immortality other than that. Theoretically you can attain this through technological process too, but that technology doesn't exist yet, at least in the capacity required to attain full immortality. There is nothing more that can be said than that. It's simply a progression of emanationary process. We uncreated ourselves in order to be recreated. That idea makes a lot of people very uncomfortable and that's the point, it's that you're craving desire for various things you don't need yet grasp to the same way that someone with distortions acting out to compensate for unmet needs does so without reason as it's their impulsion.
The level of stability that your nervous system has represents your level of proportionality. Your intellectual knowledge is completely irrelevant to attaining enlightenment and so in your pursuit for this end you literally waste what vitality you have going around in circles in the Maya, the illusion of reality, seeking a never opening escape. This is also mirrored in most of this manifesting community, they're seeking because they're ignorant of the reality of reality, they only see a need that needs to be met and nothing more. There is no fundamental truth their existence integrated in metaphysical principles because they don't know it even exists, just like most people.
The essence of this post I guess is about resolving limitation. It's through the experience of reality, that's all that can be attained. It's either the geometry of that desire is met head on and cancelled out as in homeopathy and alchemical preparations or it's realised through living the reality of that experience and either tangibly meeting that need or in imagination to refine that geometry which is disproportionate. Allowing yourself to feel what you've never allowed yourself to feel because you've felt it was unsafe is your means of transcendence in the tangible sense. Die, uncreate yourself. Explore the pathways leading to the root and fully express that feeling you've been dying to experience all these years. It's been there the whole time lingering and warping your manifest reality and so the means to drop it for good is to experience it fully but from a place of power, just like with the homeopathic remedy which meets the same geometry from a higher amplitude of power to break through the armouring as Reich would call it.
Lead yourself there and express that. Don't hold anything back, this is your opportunity to transcend into rebirth through death. You'll literally feel like you're dying but in a metaphysical sense. This alchemical death is the death we're seeking to experience, and it's only the reality of the experience this alchemical death that change can be made. No amount of book knowledge will lead you to experience the reality of that death so stop searching and commit yourself to death without holding back anything. Be merciless and unrelenting in your self sacrifice. Die without compromise and you'll never want to look back. Your current state will seem as strange to you as it was when you were first born just as the immortal being will not crave the world as we do.
The immortal will live off the essence of their existence because they are negentropic. They will heal all around them as they travel and they will be immune to all poisons. They are both the unstoppable force and the immovable object. To become immortal means that nobody can warp your sense of self in any capacity because you're integrated within them instead of the other way around. You cannot penetrate their field geometry as it's so fortified in the reality of truth that you'll be influenced by them at any attempt. You'll be powerless to influence an immortal being the same way an orgastically potent individual warps all the deranged beings around and inspires them to improve, to be closer to perfection. This hierarchy of desire if you want to call it that is the essence of social structures we live by today.
The chad and the virgin, the orgastically potent and the impotent. Order and chaos. Proportionality and disproportionality. It's nothing more than who influences who, the child being influenced by the adult who is of greater coherency in a specific geometry projecting that onto a receptive and open circuit for integration. The virgin cannot influence the chad to call into virgin land again because the chad cannot find value in the reality of that experience as it's of lower order than he is at now, just as someone who's got good health wouldn't willingly drink poison every day and ruin their health just because they can. They don't want to because it's not desired as their position is of influence to others. Only those of like would follow chaos but down a different path.
Seek first the fulfilment of your orgastic potency, then refine secondary resistance. Journal every day and learn about the structure of your mind. Find trends and patterns, be your own psychologist. Once you've found the patterns of disorder then resolve them using whatever means you can. Upon refining all these then you'll only desire higher awareness from there which is your last natural drive. Do not fall into the research camp but apply the gazing, qigong, alchemical and imaginal means to refine your soul cage. Upon releasing these bars either through dreams or experiences doing qigong or gazing or whatever imaginal means you perform they'll dissolve one by one the same way you refined yourself to become orgastically potent from disordered. Once all the soul cage bars are dissolved then it's all unknown from there really, you'll simply be living on reference level the entire time, only deciding to input or output as consciously inspired to do so. You won't desire anything other than that which arises from the greater circuit you're then integrated within, which I assume would be collective progression which would likely lead you to then act as the chad for chads if you wish and ultimately return to complete youth between the age of 16 and 18 at peak vitality, according to Daoist texts. I cannot validate that you'll return to this level of vitality at this stage of enlightenment as there's no one who talks about it in the way I do but extrapolating all that I know I would assume this to be the case. You'll live life like a lucid dream to an extent, at least up to the point that you're able to integrate within higher order circuits through the dissolution of disproportional geometries integrated within you which are either adaptations or linage based which is what the gazing works best for dissolving.
All I can say is that physical immortality is required for so called spiritual immortality. The spirit or mercury is forever attained as it is shen, the by-product of emanationary process, but the soul (your corporeal existence and experience as a being with a personality and whatnot) is a consequential construct of shen landing upon the salt and being bound within. As said above it's now on you to refine this and become immortal, to no longer be bound to the salt but to refine the salt through refining the principles that make up the essence of your being.
That is why immortality is the goal of everyone. Once you've attained chad status and have fulfilled all the biological needs and refined all the traumas you'll have no other drive but to become the chad of chads, the enlightened master who no longer desires the chad life, just as the chad doesn't desire the virgin life. The immortal being therefore is free of attachment to the experience of reality as all desire comes not from biochemical processes of the interactions of the mercury and the salt but through the interactions of the refined essence and the guiding hand of higher order processes you're now intuitively driven by without need for the attachment to that.
There's also the means of subjugation of the senses through various means of internal alchemy which Tibetan monks seem to utilize as their means of enlightenment which extends their lives but I don't see this as the most reliable path to enlightenment as it's only working with the internal means but I say using all the means available to you is the ideal way to go. We want to refine the process which we exist as and within. If you exist within the processes of others that you've given them permission to basically drive you and what you've guided towards. You'll always have the affinities to be driven by which represents the contrast to pull out of resistance with but that won't be dominant. Work through the procession of integrated cycles and refine them until you get to the very absolute core root of the nature of your existence and that which you're integrated within on the highest level. Eventually you'll return to the one source of emanation because you become one with all by integration and the realty of that experience and not just conceptual experience. This is how immortality is attained on all levels and you become truly perfected. You no longer need to take, to desire from the world as your source is beyond the world, the world is integrated within you then and thus you influence the world.
If you wish to transcend limitation see your capacity to influence a larger cycle, integrate within that and become the driving force for that cycle. This will be your anchor point because you're literally integrated within it and are driving it.
That's all I have for now.
The idea that you can be healed through something, like better breathing for example, will only benefit you up to the point that that metaphysical correspondence is resistive within your field geometry. Apply that to your means and you'll find where the solution lies. Not all is placebo.
Stay focused on that which you desire to experience. Do not fall into disorder and continue to walk with god, the one as all forever, aetheraeon. Take your ideal end and refine it through your life in this world. To walk the correct path in life is to walk the path of least resistance towards enlightenment. The fulfilment of your foundational desires is a stepping stone in that direction, towards the direction of highest order. There is nothing which can stop one who walks with god, one who walks the path towards perfection.
Nothing in this world can stop you, because it is you. You can stand face to face with certain death just as Daniel did and lose everything you hold close just as Job did but you still maintain faith in the truth. Have a clear heart and a clear mind and a clear body, for to clear one means inevitably to clear them all. You can walk the path of perfection right here right now. Make that decision in this very moment. Decide what will happen, and realise it without compromise, without hesitation or inner conflict. You are on a path which may spiral up and down but the end will always arrive at the fulfilment of that which you are focused on. This is a fact of reality. Whatever you integrate within becomes part of your supporting structure and guides you intuitively, it defines part of your sense of self and the concepts surrounding that. You become the path, you become the means, you become the one who has the fulfilment you're seeking.
No matter how bad things appear in the world or even how good things seem in the world, your path is unperturbed. To walk with god means to walk with perfection, corporeally and incorporeally, as one being. Salt and mercury circulating, processing, being. You cannot not be one with god, because all you exist as and though is god, however the path you walk can be towards higher order or disorder. The actions of those who walk in disorder mediate those who walk towards order in a way they may not see in the moment but the enlightened master can see that clearly.
The truth is that chaos acts as a supporting structure for us to use to jump off of like a springboard to reach new heights and allow us to transform and refine through experiences a perfect straight line path could never portray. The suffering we undergo necessitates the supporting foundation for order to prosper. Order out of chaos. Walk the path towards highest order, walk with god, live and breathe the metaphysical principles and flow intuitively with life showing no compromise or hesitation. You are a walking meditation, a talking messenger of divine perfection, a being of pure light. Ascend beyond the conflicts of the world and bring about the transformation of those around you simply by nature of your existence just as those who emanate disorder do for the misguided and disproportional beings seeking to have their unmet needs fulfilled through fruitless promises of cure.
When you be the change you wish to see the whole world will bow down before you and respect you, if not in words or material things then in how you are driving them unconsciously. If they interact with you in any capacity or someone you know who has interacted with them then they're integrated within your field geometry and you're influencing them towards higher order. It is this process of spreading the light one by one which shines upon the whole world in a place where darkness can no longer exist.
There is no need to fight anyone, for fighting chaos is performed by nature of the existence of order surrounding them. Just like how we heal those who have undergone traumas, we surround them with the experience of that which they could never have to such an extent that they break, the resistance no longer can latch onto chaos as it's all been extinguished. Be the light and the change of all things you wish to see. Live and breathe perfection for that is what you are.
You are a divinely perfected immortal being capable of affecting any change on any level imaginable. One simply has to become the living embodiment of that perfection, to cast light upon all around you. You will then become the influence which drives culture and the people, drives the minds of great men and the generations of all other nations around the world to fulfil their perfection as you have done yours. Be the one above all, because it's who you truly are at your core. You are not limitation or resistance or fear or suffering or helplessness or disorder or anything of that nature, that's just a temporary hat you've worn that you can't take off because it shades you from the sun of truth shining light on you all day. Bathe in the glow of the sun and become the sun and become the divine light whom them shines on all others just as the sun who shifted you did.
You're driven by reality to fulfil this because you exist in a circuit that is ordered and it's influencing you, otherwise you could never even see that this path exists. You have a proportional circuit working for you, but because these limitations exist within your circuit you cannot fully intuitively driven to act spontaneously where you could have many times over. To transcend means to break resistance and become proportionally compatible with the circuit of order you're integrated within and supporting the existence of as a piece the same way those of disorder around you enabled you to see contrast and reach this truth.
Become one with god. Be the fulfilment of your highest expression and experience immortality. The world won't be able to help but follow in your footsteps from there as the light you shine is brighter than the sun and nobody can escape it. That is the perfect path to walk as all roads lead to the truth no matter where they start. It's all you, it always was you, and it always will be you. Now be you and surrender to god.
Children have greater capacity to tap into the expansive processes they're integrated in and that are integrated within them, on a sort of psychic level, almost intuitive but not quite that same sense. The way children work in relation to all the rest of us is quite a topic to discuss. You'll actually find that most people who experience highly frightening experiences often tend to develop seeming extrasensory perceptions.
I'm going to go out and say here that most of these children and even adults with the capacity to read into and integrate into surrounding self recursive circuits (the means by which seeming psychic phenomena can unfold) naturally wouldn't have this capacity. I don't believe that psychic capacity is a thing which develops naturally and I do believe is a response to disproportionality in their field geometry which they experience as an extension of their fractured consciousness. Like for example in autistic children, how they don't look at or respond to you, yet in their minds they're speaking to you but you can't perceive it because they're integrated within you but you not to them in a way you can consciously perceive as you've got a coherent subconscious barrier.
There's so much to speak on with relation to this subject, and also why children despite having vivid imaginations don't manifest many of the things they imagine as we would expect.
Let me shift gears here.
The essence of concept is what we are dealing with in alchemy when targeting a belief to be dissolved which is disproportionate. If a belief can hold a repeatable series of physical characteristics manifest in the body corresponding to the mind (given a compartmentalised view which isn't wholistic) then the reversal of that would be that this physical characteristic would correspond to a belief, and fundamentally the essence behind that belief or concept. This means that fundamentally when we drink an alchemical quintessence prepared around a specific field geometry (the alchemist said it was the "mother" of the substance being distilled of which there was only one mother for all substance of that type or element in reality(fractal geometry representation)) then it means that this geometry can influence ours through integration partaken through the digestive system and its process which is an alchemical system in and of itself if we understand TCM.
So if we desire to manifest something, a concept of 1000 dollars for example, the essence of that concept would hold a geometry behind it which we read and unfold as the experience of that thought and whatever sensory associations we have to it. If the essence of that concept can be integrated consciously then it can also be integrated unconsciously through the same means that drinking an alchemical preparation would influence the field geometry. Finding the geometry of this isn't a simple task, but it would theoretically be possible perhaps by using water as the medium to contain these concepts. Much experimentation needs to be done here but it should be possible to read the information within a substance and give that to a person to influence them.
I was never allowed to be spontaneous and express myself the way I wanted. I was always praised for my intelligence though, being way ahead of everyone in school I was 2-3 grades ahead in almost all subjects and the ones I focused on and was interested in, well nobody could even come close.
I am pretty sure that the basis behind how Reality Synthesis was formed was out of a need for me to find value in myself by going so far above and beyond everybody else on earth that I would create something so new and unique that I would finally receive recognition as I still never felt recognised or validated. Everybody would always avoid me, I was the last one picked for group activities, I was always the one picked on cuz of my look, I was always embarrassed so bad whenever I did get something wrong that I felt like I was dying and did everything I could to hold back my feelings. I was also by nature of never being picked for groups activities never allowed to participate and so this theme followed for many years as I was always watching others experience fun and joy from the side lines where I'd often be holding back tears. I'd never be allowed to go out and do things with friends, I'd always be watched and monitored and I would feel like breaking down whenever I was told I'm not allowed to have fun with others.
One that really hit me hard was when I was interested in this girl but from my past themes I always thought what would my parents think of me if I asked her out and I was denied. I held back, even though the attraction was mutual from her end. She'd be really flirtatious with me and I'd always shut down and hide from expressing what I really felt. I'd always feel I'm not allowed to get what I wanted, I'm not allowed to interact with others without permission well into my high school years. I was even more so then dedicated to my research of RS and manifestation that I was the most philosophical mind there and I'd often discuss the nature of reality with people I trusted even though they had no idea what I was all about. I'd also hide this from some, even some close friends, out of fear that I'd be judged for my beliefs.
When I was very young I went out on the street at my own accord because I felt inspired to do so. I walked for about 20 minutes or so down the path I walked for school and felt free, I felt like the world was all mine to do whatever I wanted and I was out of the control of home. Next minute I had my parents calling out to me telling me how stupid I was and how I am not allowed to ever do that again. I get their point (now at least) but back then I didn't process it well and I felt like I was simply not allowed to be able to experience things outside home.
I think that was one that really messed with me for a long long time. This began the theme of missing out, not being allowed, needing permission, expanding my intellectual capacity further out of need for worth and also my feelings being held back fearing expression and rejection as a result. I was always told by my mum I wasn't allowed to cry or act out, I'd be physically shut up and prevented from expression. This seeped into my passivist mindset for a long time after that avoiding conflict wherever even though I felt I should have said something. I was just, well, not allowed to be myself.
What really really really cut deep though was seeing others experiencing things I wanted. At first it was friends going out to shops, or parks, or wherever. Then it moved into seeing guys having fun with their girlfriends, knowing what else was happening with that which I was denied. I was told one day "you're too young for love" and that was internalised deep in order to stay within the permissive bounds established. From that moment on I'd literally want to break the earth in half with the amount of pure frustration I'd feel seeing others out with girls just enjoying themselves, especially if I liked them. I legit felt like I wanted to die, like it was so bad I wanted to just drop and like flail around on the ground out of helplessness that I wasn't allowed to even though I intelectually knew it was all nonsense.
After high school was over and it was prom night I was one of if not the only one without a date that night because I was afraid of asking girls even though I knew they would accept me not out of fear of them but out of fear of what my parents would think. I felt helpless, just completely helpless. So helpless. Helpless without even words which can describe. I'd like act cool and say I'm going solo whenever I'd be asked where my date was that night, I even crowd surfed when dance was on, the only one who did and yet I felt so alone after it was all over. People asking me where I'd be going and I'd pretend I was independent and I'd be going to go to the island near the school when in reality it was right back home to feeling pure failure over again knowing all my friends had dates that night and going to enjoy themselves.
I was so academically successful in areas I studied for and had more knowledge than anyone else who'd ever passed through that school before by a mile that my teachers said I should have been in university at that point. It never registered as actual recognition though, I accomplished everything I could with what I was allowed to use and yet nothing came of it. I self sabotaged finding jobs and came up with a story unconsciously that I'd not want to be academic because it would suck my physical capacity out of me which I also had at that time being into parkour beyond anyone else's capacity too. People would always stop me on the way to classes and ask for me to do a trick of some kind which I'd usually deny as I just didn't care about showing off.
All I felt was emptiness. Id always come home and waste time researching something, reading or watching something educational and claim it was for my betterment when most of the time it was because that was unconsciously how I was finding worth for myself so I'd not despise my existence any more than I already did. This was mostly the time I denied LOA as a thing even though I experienced irrefutable proof a few years earlier when I began this journey.
Reality synthesis only exists because I was so broken in how I saw myself that this was my only way of finding value and every time I talk about it the ego in me comes out as a compensation. I have awareness of this egoic version of me when I'm sometimes in this flow of saying how RS is the one and only model (which it still is anyway) but that I don't want to be like this. The traumas must still be within me as I'm constantly pulled into this highly negative worldview mindset every time I go to present information on this. It's just non stop, even when I lead myself there from the state of abundance I'm always gradually drawn out of that no matter what whenever I talk about the logic of LOA.
The recent Israel war came about around the same time I started looking into Wilhelm Reich again, and I went back down the Israel is full of Jewish supremacists (the Talmudic Bolshevik Jews specifically who are taught we are animals and slaves to be slaughtered) who want us all removed (which they still do) and I don't want to go down that train of thought every time these people arise in my mind from associating to the logic of LOA. It's just the connections I've formed. I even hurt myself badly in an accident some months ago minutes after starting to listen to a track I'd play in my "I want to nuke Israel" mindset. Sometimes I'd even just draw with chalk on the pathways that Zionist Jews are evil (which they still are but that doesn't mean I should live and identify with that as where I find value and meaning for myself) and most of my social interactions would be about calling out Jewish supremacy which was 100% valid but still not where I should be spending my time from the position I was in. It was compensation for lacks I felt but denied.
Eventually this feeling of helplessness and no permission spiralled out into all these branching paths and stories which I barely even remember to this day and only upon retrospective does it come up again. The fact is LOA, the way it's taught at least, solves NONE of these emotional traumas for anyone in positions like me. As someone who's applied this for most of my life with consciously shifting thoughts and consciously holding feelings back I manifested nothing but opposite results over and over and over and over and over and over for years and years and years and years and years over and over and over and over non stop.
I remember every time I made progress was the times I had enough and just went out on the street with my scooter and just expressed the feelings I was denied when I was younger (unconsciously I didn't realise this was what I was doing at the time as it was impulse out of sheer helplessness). I remember actually the one time I did manifest an SP overnight never came from the time I repetitively thought all day every day about what I wanted and felt high vibe and all that trash but when I was so sick of holding my feelings back that I just said screw it I'm done, I don't care she's coming here right here right now no compromise. I laid out every condition in my mind and just said nope to them all. I broke past all the resistance in that moment and allowed myself to feel rebellious. This was the inspiration behind my "rebellious manifesting mindset" or whatever I called it when I wrote about that incident on the old website. Even though the circumstances were the same she showed up the next day on a message board out of nowhere and we chat for like 4 hours straight and we were gonna be planning to meet up soon after.
Come the next day or 2 and there was no response. She had deleted her account completely and I felt helplessness again. My stomach sunk once more. Strange enough I found her account randomly on the same message board a year or so later and I messaged her for about 2 weeks on and off, she was in another state but she didn't recognise we spoke before in my previous story. She didn't seem to recognise me but I did her, because I only manifested her after affirming all day every day for about 5 days straight on loop with a rhyme in my head that I made my affirmation into. I even put sigils all over my house to represent this affirmation to draw visual association. I'd script every night before bed but I didn't always sleep in the ideal state as I felt it wasn't working still and I kind of knew robotic affirmations didn't work well but I did it anyway because I still thought something should come out of it as it's massive concept work. So she showed up I think 2-3 weeks after I stopped affirming, I saw her name and a few other like names everywhere for that whole time and still to this day her name shows up constantly too. Signs. Concepts. She rejected me in the most brutal way imaginable after the 2-3 weeks we spoke. She basically told me in detail about her experience with this one guy with a specific kink we were both into and essentially mocked me and deleted her account never to be spoken to again. I was crushed, really hard.
I knew it wasn't an accident that I manifested her multiple times out of thin air. I remember a few months later I started living like a monk, I didn't touch any form of computer at all for almost 3 months and spent most of my day in meditation. Near the end of that time I manifested basically an entire day full of coincidental experiences where I'd manifest money, SP, free gifts, many smiles and waves and things getting healed that plagued me for years. I never thought about it and I only stopped engaging in the habits I once did for a few months. I didn't really try and manifest anything, and I'd have tried casually thinking about stuff and dropping it in the past but this time I perhaps thought 3-4 times a day of these things and they showed up without effort. My state coherency was so different in this place.
I still didn't feel fully free, fully abundant and fully capable of being who I wanted to be but I felt MORE free and such. The feelings never resolved but they were refined to an extent that reflected in my reality. My sense of self manifested this stuff without trying.
To this day I've still not fully resolved these feelings of lack in the ways I've described above. I have been with my current SP for most of this year now and things are going well between us, never missing a day to enjoy our time together and all that, I'm more financially abundant than ever and I have recognition for what I've done, yet I still don't feel free. I still feel I need permission to be myself, especially when Ii go into certain states when discussing the logic of manifestation which was all developed in that I'm not allowed to be myself hyper intellectual state. It was nothing but suffering and to this day still is like that 9/10 times when I go into those thoughts. I know now that Neville Goddard's way of dissolving resistance is heavily flawed, and that most of this community who teaches LOA and NG are so ignorant of how things work. I just feel I should be capable of resolving my traumas that still plague me if I am going to be a genuine coach here, as I fully know that most of my health issues that others point out I currently face arise from this blocked feeling I've held back for so long.
The way to resolve this stuff is to simply be fearless, to have had enough and decide I'm not taking this anymore. Healing can only either come through rebellious mindset or through a transcendental experience, like an inverse trauma. The rebellious mindset doesn't need to be toxic in the sense of rebellion we often hear about but from a place of giving yourself permission to be yourself. Every time in the past I tried to be myself I'd always get hunted down by my parents no matter where I went and or had a police search come for me because I didn't have permission to be myself. I was helpless, stuck, unable to be who I wanted to be and feel what I wanted to feel.
Now that I'm so much older than when I was in school still I've been so fixated on immortality so I can relive those years I missed out on because I wasn't allowed. I WILL reverse my age and relive those years, I WILL do it. NO MATTER WHAT! I want to experience that, and nothing will stop me. Every time I thought I was going to die from the liver and spleen issues I've faced (from all the repressed feelings) I always anchored back into NO WAY IT'S NOT OVER YET I HAVE WORK TO BE DONE! That was the ONLY thing that saved me from removing myself because of how much pain I felt, I didn't have support from anyone because I didn't feel anyone could ever help me because it was all my own issues I needed to resolve with this permission problem. I didn't want false validation, I didn't want pity or anything, I just wanted to be myself.
In order to resolve this stuff we need to release let go of it. Look at the theme playing out and counter it, what would it be like as if that theme was no longer a factor in your reality. This means how would you be showing up as if this trauma was never an influence in your reality, how would you be now. If the feelings arise to stop you from going there then express those on paper, or hit a pillow or something if you feel the need to express that way. Release that emotional charge and you will absolutely find yourself manifesting favourable outcomes within the next 1-3 days. I've repeated this cycle more times than I can count.
When you were a child you'd cry, scream, kick, yell, say you hate someone or whatever means it was. This isn't negative, it's the spontaneous means by which the child expresses it's emotional charge, its sense of self has been threatened and thus it must respond along whatever means it has available. As adults we don't allow ourselves to act out in the way we really want to as a means of releasing that emotional charge. There's nothing negative about doing this, it's the judgements of others which in the first place prevent us from having that safe space to express those feelings and allow us to purge that internalised sense of self that would be limiting relating to the concept at hand.
This is why you can often apply the rebellious manifesting mindset to actually shift these long standing traumatic experiences and beliefs in a way that's reliable. Simply give yourself permission to feel whatever it is and allow yourself to express that however you feel necessary, whatever spontaneous means arises to purge that charge stuck in your nervous system so long as it doesn't put others in harms way and would be abusive in and of itself towards others. Many people have visceral emotional releases when undergoing vegetotherapy, or even homeopathic or alchemical therapeutic means of releasing feelings. Often it will begin in the dreams if it's long standing as that's the path of least resistance for the nervous system to purge and reexperience but other times it would release in the means of spontaneous feelings around others coming out and you speak your mind as if you would be writing a screw you letter which many people should absolutely do to get their feelings onto something physical and see that representation as proof of release.
The one who has been abused and seeks to release that out on others by replicating that expression as a means of release are the same as the people who appear kind and loving to all and instead hurt themselves, like I did at times. Instead of externalising those feelings you internalise them. It's the same thing from the same feeling, but a different association to a means by way of path of least resistance. The person who wants to take their own lives and deprive themselves of what they want is the same as someone who takes anothers life and rules over them.
By nature of our existence as self recursive circuits we will be subjugated as we exist within cycles that aren't fully aligned with order and that it's our awareness which has increased that will be the catalyst to refine these processes we play out and thus will influence all around us at the same time as it's all integrated.
I really just felt I needed to write that out, as a means of expressing these feelings to some capacity and with real stake instead of keeping them in my personal notebook.
It's time to break pattern once again.
I've found that whenever I'm in different states on a consistent basis my taste in music shifts. II can go from chilled ambient music to touhou metal in hours if I shift my state correctly. Within each of these different states I manifest completely differently, my interests are different, how I generally feel about myself and the world around me is different and default visual imagery which arises out of these states is different consistently based on the input sensation.
I have found that bad situations, or at least situations which drive you into great states of contrast whenever there's an ideal association to be drawn catalyse this reaction and basically forces you to show up differently in the world. You'll actually be driven completely differently in a way that's reliable and predictable. Usually however if there is no position of contrast to draw from which seems at least possible for you to shift into then you'll spiral in the other direction. It's all based on sense of self, an ideal sense of self wouldn't be anchored into I can't and I'm helpless but would instead be I can and I will. This difference in most people again is arisen from great contrast between current place and where you desire to be from a perspective of yes this is possible at the very least.
If something is incentivising you then that'll be your anchor point, that fulfilment of that desire is the anchor point. Libido is that driving force. If you retain uncatalyzed jing for an extended time, say 12 days at least, then you'll be driven completely unconsciously to fulfil any means you can to move yourself forward, as if you're more embodied in a kind of yes it's possible state but without trying to move yourself there. This is of significantly higher benefit than trying to manifest what you want with conceptual methods alone. Drop the habits that don't serve you, show up the way you would as if this no longer bound you and live the way you want.
Shift the mindset to be that of higher importance in the world, recognise other people WANT you to show up the way you want. When you see reality from this perspective it shifts how you're integrating within others and thus how they show up for you as a result. The moment you see what you desire as possible and when in that state of possibility use that mental momentum to anchor that in deeper using actionable process which can be used as proof of reference of who and what you are and what you're capable of.
I've got this thing I apply when I can remind myself and lead into it. I see myself as a demigod walking among moral men who's got powers above the rest. I don't just think that but I carry myself that way with the way I walk, the way I walk around corners, the way I look at people and the way I interact with others. I see myself as a demigod beamed into a reality where it's all me and that the world is completely under any spell I cast in that moment, from an NG perspective that is.
Why do relationships go through cycles of ups and downs. The simple truth is that both parties are playing off each others flawed sense of selves and that each good phase represents a discharge in emotional energy mediated through the conflict. The conflict is necessary for the relationship to be stable, it's not a bad thing in and of itself and neither can purely be blamed for it as they both need each other to act as the mirror as they're integrated processes playing off each other. This same principle applies in your personal life too, that your sense of self will go through cycles of peak and dip where you'll feel good for a while then dip again and repeat that process over again until something changes.
Thinking your way out of these cycles is impossible because thoughts and concepts can't shift emotional charge and associate different meaning to those concepts from a sense of self level. In order to shift the sense of self you need to beak pattern. Breaking pattern physically and tangibly, even simply breaking patterns in the sense of removing habits that you know don't serve you (which usually are effects of compensation for bad feelings about yourself) will in and of itself generate enough new contextual sense about the sense of self and concepts associated to shift the default way you feel about these contexts and integrated concepts surrounding that sense of self.
Applying NG methods like SATS and or lullaby method (which I believe the lullaby method is superior for most people as not all can imagine with enough clarity to sink into the reality of that experience and shift the unconscious associations) is for the most part applying conceptual methods as there's no anchoring to be had there unless the concept being imagined is surrounding the implication of a pattern you've played out being resolved for good. Simply falling asleep in the intuitive feeling of the wish fulfilled (in an ideal sense of self by leading yourself there) is all you need to do for a SATS type effect that's actually gonna result in some benefit.
Recognise that in order to affect actual lasting change YOU need to change, to break patterns, to shift identity fundamentally and actually anchor that in through tangible process of some form which becomes the proof of who you are and have been being as a result. This is the essence of manifestation, not purely integrating conceptual methods as that CAN ONLY push out according to the interaction between sense of self and that concept, the context or association represents how and why a manifestation will unfold. This is how it works and nobody can refute that.
Manifestation is NOT thinking thoughts (concepts and root essence underlying that concept) to make those thoughts push out because fundamentally thoughts hold no meaning in and of themselves without an association to draw from. Languages all over the world have different words for the same concepts, so according to the logic of LOA influencers because each language has different words the result will push out as they believe the words themselves hold the meaning as in being more specific works better than being vague. Well the meaning underlying those concepts, the essence of concept, is really what pushes out and is how this whole "your "subconscious" mind knows what you desire" means, it's the geometry, the field structure of that concept or word spoken which holds the pattern to be pushed out. This is how alchemical preparations can have effects on us and shift patterns because they work with the fundamental metaphysical structure of reality and not with language.
Side note. Practically speaking I say the most effective way to affect change is to shift how you use your libidinal energy. This doesn't mean simply "retaining" it but actually circulating and utilizing it, utilizing the charge integrated within the fluids produced. This isn't about nutrient absorption but about field geometry interactions and charge gradient contrast to actually push out resistance by force. Circulating that charge will FORCE the change required to occur because you're becoming more proportional on a foundational level, unconsciously. This is the catalyst which everybody needs to apply. The nervous system stability attained from this at the same time is second to none. There isn't any more potent way to affect powerful change than using your libidinal energy more effectively and is one of the main elements to attaining immortality and generating seeming superhuman capacity. That charge is the basis, the carrier wave by which modulated processes interact and integrate to form higher order circuits which have greater influence than these cycles on their own because it compounds each "level" of integration if proportional. We're talking a factor of at least 10x per cycle each layer at 12 layers in as opposed to just one or two or 5 factors of influence when starting. It compounds which is why consistency is key. The factors underlying how that gets used for lasting change however is different for everybody and in fact some who retain this long can actually receive little to no benefit due to factors that are so complex it's out of the scope of this discussion but they exist.
Another point. The reason Sammy Ingram had success early on and people didn't criticize her like they do now is because she was actually leading people into an ideal sense of self by saying to stop giving them free will and all that stuff. She was basically being a Neville in those early days and she didn't even realise it. She only got big because she was showing up without compromise in her own life doing all the things she did and so the way she presented her early content on SP and all that was driving people to success through leading them there with this "stop giving them free will" attitude. It shifted limiting beliefs in some people who resonated and needed that to clear their resistance and so got results accordingly. It had NOTHING to do with the affirmations repetitively being applied, Sammy lost herself, she doesn't even understand her own success and is now running on ego. The point is Sammy proved to the world that it's not the technique that matters but how you're being driven and lead into an ideal sense of self. That's the ONLY reason she got big on YT or really anyone gets big is through leading the viewers mind and influencing them to resolve limiting beliefs the same way Neville did but using different language.
The truth is that all expansions in consciousness we experience results not from purely an internal shift but us being shifted by powers greater than us. The Alchemist I trained under told me that we cannot shift our own center, we can only be shifted by allowing ourselves to be shifted by powers greater than us. This means that we integrate within processes of higher order in order for our processes to shift as a result. It's like I say, burn away that which is not in order to reveal that which is. We dissolve disproportionality in order to become ordered and proportional by stepping into the light and allowing state interferometric effects to take place unconsciously.
Recognise that. All shifts occur from integrating higher order self similar processes to refine the circuits targeted. Higher so called dimensionality represents more layers of order, more cycles of self similar processes (self recursive circuits) all acting as once yet also are discreet in and of themselves in their own experience. That's how this whole personal reality thing can exist within a collective reality and explains how manifestation works. When we become more proportional we're shifting our center by aligning all of the cycles that make us up to be proportional and capable of being integrated and taken into the circuit of higher levels of order above us that we then drive and are driven by. That's what this is all about, dying to ones self means to leave the disproportional processes behind and integrate within higher levels of order in circuits which have greater charge density than us as we are by nature of existing within their influence drawn to them as that's what gravity is, literally. Gravity and psychological processes are the expression of the same metaphysical principle. The fact that you're seeking to become more ordered is proof you're already influenced by cycles greater than you.
How do we most effectively make this shift then and become open for integration? Mental dieting, breaking patterns, feeling ourselves to be greater metaphysically, surrendering and grieving for the negative processes in our lives. There's also many other practical processes you can apply, such as qigong, rune meditations, chanting seed geometry mantra, doing the gazing, eating higher charge foods, fulfilling your desires tangibly and breaking physical patterns and cycles as well as even drinking quintessence, taking herbs, homeopathic remedies, feng shuei, sleeping facing a different direction depending on what pathways you need to refine, there's so many different methods that all have effects on the same metaphysical themes you're working with.
Just changing your internal thoughts is such a small and limited means that most people actually would benefit more from just eating clean, taking herbs, doing some qigong and the gazing. That's all anyone would need which involves no shift in their mental processes. Their mental thoughts and feelings would shift automatically, unconsciously. These negative thoughts would resolve themselves because the metaphysical representation underlying the thoughts of being who you want to be and doing these various other methods all result in the same shifts anyway, it's all the same stuff but just expressed through a different means.
Soundtrack of this post. Temple of the drifting sands - Nier replicant (2010)
Your ability to be yourself and recognise that your worth is not based on how other people perceive you is the direct connection to your ability to resolve unconscious resistance.
I'm going to say that the most efficient means which we can all apply to get good results is simply to follow this process. The way we're going to resolve limiting unconscious resistance is through specific metaphysical themeic expression by fulfilling that aspect through various means. This list will be ordered in most accessible to least, all of them shift the same thing, the metaphysical representation you're living by.
1. Most importantly recognising you're unconditionally loved by yourself, the source of emanation as all things, is where the catalyst for change really comes from. Showing up accordingly without compromise as through you'll die in your existence living the life you want is where you'll move into reality. It's you and the world and nothing holding you back. Be merciless and unforgiving filled with the fury of passion for life and your unique expression of it as a self recursive circuit.
2. Elementally targeted and directionally targeted combined with seed breaths will be the practical method of refining that theme using movement. This also combines with runic mudras too.
3. Herbal supplementation representing the themes relating to resistance or organ disfunctions will boost your ability to resolve those emotions stuck in those systems. Dietary intake should also reflect these themes too, but not required.
4. Take alchemical quintessence representing the themes you're working with.
5. Taking a homeopathic remedy relating to the theme you're working with
6. Vegetotherapy and orgonotic methods to resolve the themes expressed. This typically relates most to those who have kidney or liver related dysfunctions.
Most people will have resistance in the liver, this could also invade spleen and be influenced by kidneys but usually liver needs to be resolved first if there's no signs of Jing deficiency. If you're yin deficient especially you'll have a very hard time shifting unconscious resistance using thought alone so applying herbal with vegetotherapy or homeopathic means to resolve that is going to be your best bet unless you can shift using mental states alone. The gazing method I teach only in private sessions is also one which is especially beneficial for refining liver stagnation as it's a very very gentle way of releasing the emotional charge through dreams and or visions and sometimes with voices. The wall gazing will lead you to this point but is generally a less powerful method and takes longer but is a more gradual purge which typically doesn't induce terrifying visions in people during their waking hours like it does with some. This is why I teach it only to those in private who aren't prone to highly unstable moods. Usually the emotional instability arises from excessive yang rising from liver either discreetly or from minister fire.
Doing the wood/ether qigong is another way of refining the flow of emotional charge in the liver and express it consciously to be processed. Remember the liver relates to our expression of free flow in life and not holding onto things. It's where frustration is held and too often long term pent up frustration at yourself and or others causes stagnation in this metaphysical principle causing your input concepts to warp in this way where you'll get stagnant manifestations which will confirm this theme. If the liver is clear and is being watered by the kidneys with substantive principle catalysed by a powerful fire which the liver can accept and process will lead to quick and efficient unfolding of manifestations in a way that's reflective of your free flow in life in that period of time.
If you're afraid of being alone, missing out on life, being stuck and not wanted, not feeling worthy of showing what you've got to offer others even if you know they'll respond favourably and other similar themes then you've got kidney deficiency and has likely progressed into liver stagnation and emotional instability if has been a long standing pattern for more than 5 years. The resolution to this is to stop sexually stimulating yourself and catalysing Jing to restore the substantive yin principle which is required for externalization of conceptual essence to occur favourably. Taking Jing tonics and liver stagnation clearing herbs as well as vegetotheraputic methods like relaxing your core and pelvic floor is going to result in a build-up of living waters which then can be circulated using qigong methods like the water and earth set. *Fresh* Royal Jelly is also another dietary supplement which can be taken to generate substantive principle. Take 6g or so twice daily if you want a powerful boost, remember to circulate and anchor the principle with qigong and or mudras.
Depending on your constitution this will either work more or less efficiently too. Your constitution is fundamental, do not think that because manifestation is a thing that your principle makeup can be altered. It can only be refined, your constitution is where your affinities arise out of and will be worked with so if you're despising your makeup it's because you've got resistance to work through because everyone has resonance with their makeup if they're fully coherent.
Remember it's all metaphysical, all theme based. All physical aspects reflect the metaphysical processes. This cannot be denied.
"I exist therefore I am"
Get in touch with yourself, find the peace and love within yourself. I exist because I am. Dive deep into the theme that arises and imagine a scenario which implies it's fulfilment. Focus on this theme being fulfilled and not the end desire itself, despite what NG says. Feeling on an intuitive level that this theme is resolved is FAR more potent at attaining results than imagining what comes to mind from the egoic drives. Your highest expression, most pure and abundant who sees the essence in all from a metaphysical lens and not from a "I want to get something from this person" lens is how we view reality from a coherent state of true metaphysical abundance.
Forest kingdom - Nier automata reminded me of this.
Music can invoke states and can actually act as a catalyst to resolve emotional stagnations. This track for example makes me tear up. This is all due to the associative connections because some people tear up on all sorts of other stuff seemingly not related but whatever brings you into a state of greater awareness over yourself and your incorporeal identification should be worked with. Music taste can tell you a lot about your state relative to other states.
If you want to know where your value comes from in your life then look at what causes you to get triggered based on insults people say to you. If someone insults you because you look a certain way then your value comes from your look, or if they insult your intelligence then that's where your worth comes from and so on. This is going to represent where we should be refining our sense of self by applying pathway work and finding themes within our mind relating to why we have limited sense of self associated to this concept. Most of the time it relates to liver stagnation of some kind if you're triggered and need to get defensive or fall into shame which is more so to do with spleen stagnation.
I've found that a vast majority of long standing emotional instabilities are sourced in the liver, and so taking herbs which disperse blocked qi and thinking from the fulfilment of these people actually saying things to you in your mind that relates to this area of lack being fulfilled. Affirming along pathways which lead you into seeing others recognising that you're valuable in this way you've got issues around will also help shift the stagnation and lead to emotional freedom. This is why some people can heal physical symptoms just by doing affirmations, it's not the words but how they're associated and leading you to that sense of self.
Heart related issues are typically found in those who have been under immense emotional trauma for most of their lives.
It's all metaphysical. Just a quick update.
The new process goes as follows. This is how you actually refine sense of self reliably. Sense of self represents how compromised you are in how you show up according to your desired path in life. Compromising on your desired path means you're worth is then limited which anchors in unconsciously and causes you to feel bad intuitively unconsciously about all associated concepts which warps the output manifestation. Every time you compromise on how you show up for yourself in life means you lose some worth, you're holding yourself back because you don't feel worthy and thus this manifests in your experiences.
This is the most reliable way to shift the sense of self and has no relationship to conceptual essence because the sense of self is a different sense entirely to the imagination as it's intuitive and represents your unconscious worth and value. If you compromise in how you're finding value in life then you've got a limited sense of self and it needs refining. The capacity you have to show up without compromise represents your capacity to manifest what you want the way you want because this anchored process representing the reality of experience cannot be faked and your unconscious mind cannot lie which is why conceptual work cannot shift it and explains why you're manifesting nothing but limited results.
You MUST follow your inspirational intuitive impulses that you're being moved to do in order to manifest what you want. This is the foundational teaching of any and all LOA practises. Even NG said that it's all based on your concept of self or what I call the sense of self which represents how valuable you intuitively feel yourself to be. How do you know if you're living from your core essence and flowing with your intuitive impulses? You'll not need to have any agendas for other people and will feel completely at peace seeing everyone around you being the best versions of themselves in your day to day life. This means nothing anyone does could trigger you because there's no negative associations to draw from. You could watch anyone live their greatest joys and receive joy in knowing they're flowing with their path of least resistance and that's because you are in your own life as a reflection of that. This reality you experience is a manifestation of your greatest self pushed out. That's how you know you're an immortal godlike being, nothing more.
1. Follow pathways over the course of 2 weeks to find your core soul desire. If you find it before the 2 weeks is up or after then extend or shorten as long as needed. You're going to write down in the morning what you desire to do most in life if money wasn't an issue and if you never had to meet anyone's expectations without any compromises. Write down every single idea that comes to mind for 5 minutes and write out all the connected ideas to those too if any arise. You're going to refine that list over time by crossing out what doesn't resonate over the days and finding themes and patterns within these ideas that come to mind. You'll eventually find a few or even just one thing you want to do.
2. You're going to refine these things or thing into a scene which implies it's fulfilment. This is where NG comes into play. You're going to script that fulfilled scene out every morning and night and add as much detail to that scene as desired until it's so clearly refined and defined that it's like a memory to you that's as real as real.
3. You're going to act in reality without compromise or fear or shame or guilt or expectation according to the list you've defined of what you're going to do. If you need tot lead yourself there by reading your script then do so. Apply any techniques to amplify your state of being while acting in this way towards your greatest desires and allow yourself to feel any vulnerabilities which arise and still act accordingly to your desire regardless of how you feel, unless it's physically disabling you into a panic attack like scenario where you feel like your dying and need to lie down and catch your breath because you feel like passing out. Unless you're at that level this all applies to you.
4. Follow this process of uncompromising action towards your end and make habit out of it. Be driven intuitively to flow with any impulses to act according to your desire without fear or hesitation for reality is always presenting to you your path of least resistance but due to fears and doubts you hold back. Be uncompromising and unforgiving, be merciless and filled with the passion for life on your terms.
5. Refine the concepts surrounding that path you're integrating. Follow the process again from here until you reach immortality. This is the process of the gods, of the immortal beings, of infinite potential.
This doesn't have to be an intense kind of ego driven thing because egoic attachment to tangible reality in your current experience is what limits you, we are seeing beyond the limits by doing this. We are simply following our source of bliss, and that is being ourselves and playing out our unique expression of life.
Part of me finds what I do to be compromising still. Probably because I became an intellectual to please my parents if you've listened to my above story about my past. It's just something I can't shake and always haunts me to some degree. Parkour and performing cool martial arts stuff makes me feel alive. Movement, swift agile and flowing movements synced with the rhythm of life is where I found my joy as I found long ago when I was refining my personal core affinities.
I have no need to post content online but I do it because I feel I just need to get what's in my head out there. The money is like a secondary part of this and I have no need for it. All I do is want to play out that trauma that my value comes from my brain when in reality that's compromise and is part of why I'm still falling down health wise as many can obviously tell. I present the logical facts but that's not the point. People who present half facts but are living in resonance with their core affinities get all the success they'll ever want because they're not placing their worth and value on doing that, they're just flowing with their core affinities effortlessly and so they don't have to compromise.
Just thinking about things I want to invent new tech and stuff for fun and do my movement displays for an audience. I remember making 3D animations of cool fight scenes back when I was like 15 but I still hated it even though I enjoyed the end result and how that made me feel watching it. It's a compromised expression of what I really want to do and that is to BE the person in those scenes. To live that out physically and be that. I also remember when I was like around 10 or something I played this game series called Ratchet and Clank on PS2 and loved it so much that I'd like make replica swingshots or blasters or whatever out of carboard and paper and ships and stuff and even earlier than that I remember saying after watching the robots movie from like 2004 or whenever with that main character called Rodney that telling my parents I wanted to be an inventor. Was it me being influenced by media? I don't know but those are the memories that arise to confirm that idea of being inventive (partly what I'm doing now) and also later expressing myself through movement as I always had fascination in martial arts even though I never watched them much, I just felt alive when even pretending I was in those scenarios and being like super agile and fast with my movements which is partly where my parkour idea came from that I played out back in 2016-2017 during my end of high school years.
It's just something to think about. What direction do you want to move in which gives you the greatest bliss in life. For me that's being the expression of agility and free flowing movement and to an extent being highly creative with making new stuff because I'd do that anyway even if I wasn't paid. I also now remember I use to be really good at long distance running, like I was top 10 at my school without even ever training. I spent most of my time on my PC making 3D art and reading so it was impossible to me that I was even capable of outrunning others. My mum was a competitive running so I don't know if that talent is constitutional specifically but I found that I've always had this thing for movement, swift expressive agile and flowing movement. Like that's how I would sum up what makes me happy. That's where my bliss is and by denying yourself that you cannot become an immortal being. It's impossible. All you need to do is follow and allow yourself to do what brings you your bliss in life. That's the pathway to immortality as this represents you holding nothing back in your unique expression of life leading your liver heart and spleen to be fully free and the jing of your kidneys to rise by the lung into transmuting your reality into something magical.
This thing about movement probably also explains why I enjoy riding my scooter down huge steep hills with one hand on the bars and me laying on a plank as low to the ground as I can and it makes me feel alive. I also enjoy playing classic CTR, crash team racing on PS1. It feels AMAZING blasting through sewer speedway especially not caring about times or whatever but like just expressing myself with the means I can with various jumps and spins and whatnot as though I'm dancing in the game. Even playing Nier Automata as A2 running around in the desert doing all sorts of cool combos to music and stuff makes me feel alive. Dancing is how I describe playing that game. It's like the dance of life. I even remember a year or so ago writing a huge series of notes down about how movement is a means to transcendence and why so many attended raves and stuff too. It was just this means of self expression that led to bliss. That's the point because state interferometry leads from that, and if you're not doing it to escape something due to compromises then you're going to refine your sense of self and get what you want and become immortal. It's that simple.
Another memory. When I played overwatch semi competitively in 2017-18 I played that game exclusively so I could main tracer who was a hyper agile and movement based character who I felt like I was dancing when I played. It was that same feeling I get when I play CTR, or even kind of when I play RAC, or OW, or anything like that. Anything that's faster paced which involves swift agile movement is something I resonate with and I always have. It's always been a constant from like 8+ years old in my mind. The intellect thing is more so me appeasing to others, not myself at my core. I find joy in doing it for fun but not out of obligation or anything as to me that's compromise. That also explains why I lost the AUS wide STEM game dev competition in 2017 even though my game was WAY more advanced than anyone else's and I was alone vs teams of 4. It's always failure that came from pursuit of intellectual pathways, no matter what I did or how hard I tried and even how good what I made was because it was all coming from compromise and needing to feel worth from showing others how great I was with my mind. That's been a core theme I need to work with.
This page is my notebook, nothing more. I just write here instead of in my own notebook when I get the time to later in the day. I have nothing to hide or whatever because it's all known anyway. I'm naked on the stage of reality and everything is known to everyone as they all show me my worth no matter what I think to myself as my unconscious mind cannot lie.
Just follow my train of thought here as an example if you're reading this. Go through all the memories, follow the pathways that arise and find themes as II discussed. The metaphysical theme of my core essence is swift agile movement, however you'd put that into words exactly I don't know but I can feel that when thinking about it. My sense of self is still limited because I'm not actually being it but I can feel gravity pulling me towards it and I can't stop that because it's my core affinity that I can't run away from. Running away from it will only manifest proof that you're running away from yourself, that you hate yourself and so people will reflect that because they have no other option.
You must follow your core essence and it's affinities because if you don't it'll just continue to haunt you until you die of some disease metaphysically related to that unfulfilled desire. You either fulfil it without compromise or you waste away into nothing out of self hatred feeling shame and guilt for wanting to be who you want to be because you don't value your own bliss over validating others expectations for you. Show up shamelessly or die trying. That's all there is in life when it comes to refining the sense of self. Taking the actions that make you feel vulnerable and uncomfortable are the ones which will build your sense of self, and I know that doesn't sound fun but it's only that way because of how you've been setup in life. It's so simple, follow your core affinities and live that out without compromise and yet it's so hard which only proves the point that it's so important to you actually living the life you want. Stop wasting time using LOA to make your life better and apply what I've said and you'll make more progress in 3 weeks than 30 years.
I for some reason thought of my human design research I did like 20 months ago, Ra Uru Hu's research though I follow the "cosmic human design" system because it's based on true sidereal and not tropical zodiac which is only partially correct. Anyway based on that data I wrote this down in notes I wrote at the end of April. It's long so.
"In totality my strategy for life goes a little something like this.
I go out and gather information and or experience about something, I will usually just fall into the place I need to be so the what isn't a concern.
Through going into this experience of whatever it is I will gain bits of information and need to be put together. Most of the bits seem completely scattered and unrelated to most people.
My job is to take these random experiences, align myself with the core principles behind these experiences and or bits of info and find the trends that run through each of them.
There is often times deeper aspects to these experiences that must be reflected upon, often my experiences relate to a function of metaphysical emanation of reality in some way.
Hence I should have a firm grasp on cosmic mechanics and the cycles that govern it as this will be my foundation to work from. If something is true on one level it must be true on all levels, without exception.
My primary areas of fountational knowledge are: monistic metaphysics, aetheric physics, geometry, bio-terrain, cycles of consciousness, human design, orgonomy, hermeticism and others I can't think of right now.
Thus through synthesizing new systems to explain previously unexplainable phenomena I must share this information in such a way that can be turned into a story or a ballad so to say.
A short and easily sharable rundown of what the essence of this thing is all about.
People share stories above all else, turning this knowledge and experience into a sort of allegorical explanation is my task here.
My task is not to be a teacher, it's not to walk people through just the details, it's to communicate the details through a medium of art in a way.
I obtain the details and simplify it for others to grasp and share. If I am successful I will gain the respect of people around me for performing my role in life."
This pretty much explains what I'm doing now but I still don't fully resonate with it. Perhaps what I'm doing now is actually my dharma but because I'm not following my core affinities and moving the way I want to is making it feel off. I guess only time will tell as I find out.
I set my intention last night for a guide to show up in my room before I went to sleep and I believe they did. I don't remember many details as I was extremely tired then but I invited any beings who I was integrated in that I was following into my awareness and I felt a presence on my lower thoracic region on my back and on the back of my occiput on the right side of my body which made me flinch multiple times because it felt like I was being gently touched. Then there was creaking in the room I rarely if ever hear as there's floorboards where I live that sometimes do that and then there was also this static electricity noise on the sheets I was under as if there was a battery being discharged or something. Then my right leg started feeling like it was pulsating, it felt like my pulse with the rhythm but I don't remember the last time I felt this before. It went on for as long as I could stay awake for that night. I asked it for a name and I got a name I cannot remember exactly, I believe it was Camilla but I don't know. I thought her name ended in a d but I just don't know. All I remember is that it was a female being who was to my intuitive sense about 28-32 years old. It was also to my intuitive sense shorter and had blue skin with big eyes. It was different from the cartoon looking witch I interacted with 2 weeks in when I did the gazing full time last year. Either way other self recursive circuits exist and we are able to interact with them, they are not purely imaginary though our interactions with them are often intuitively driven and the thoughts that are communicated aren't always seemingly them talking to us, a lot of the time it's our own self talk that they express through which makes us think it's fake but it's not. Just a side note I wanted to log.
I'm going to upload audio onto another page here soon because some times can get my words onto audio format better than writing, and vice versa. The recent revelations I've encountered are immense and ground breaking. I cannot state how important what I'm going into matters for everybody who follows my work is. This is the next step for Reality Synthesis into a direction of higher purpose.
I've already written many notes about this over the last week or so, and having met my qigong master again in person 3 days ago I've had all sorts of powerful experiences. What I have also come to understand is that the conscious experience one has when applying these various methods I teach doesn't actually matter much because it's all what goes on unconsciously and metaphysically that matters, it's that reality speaks to us all the time in all ways. I've known about this for a very long time, as far back as 2015 actually but the mechanics behind how that works are now known to a degree not known before.
As we should know by now all self recursive circuits are conscious, and we are integrated within consciousnesses and thus "beings" of some form like us with thoughts and feelings. The way we progress in reality is under their influence unconsciously manifested through metaphysical representation of our core essence and how we express that in reality. Fundamentally all the aspects of conscious experience and metaphysical representation are all one mind and each part of that whole which are all conscious themselves make up that whole. The whole is god and yet at the same time each piece of it that makes up the whole is god. This is true "multidimensional" thinking, similarly to how NG described it.
I can't even begin to describe how this all plays out in words, because your consciousness is one with all things in the sense that it's integrated and yet integrates within all other processes on all other levels which is how you're being driven and also are driving others to become more proportional and ordered through your influence via state interferometry. The reality is that your capacity to break this illusion of separation (through dissolving limiting beliefs which anchor you into this separate view as your value then isn't coming from self but from other) represents your ability to manifest and transcend the literal physical limitations you're experiencing. It's to surrender and die to who you believe you are, the corporeal identification burns away and reveals the only essence which remains that's at your core, the one pattern unfolding AS and THROUGH all things. Your consciousness exists in your SP, exists in the gods of the mythologies, exists in the worlds of this universe, exists IN and AS and THROUGH all things. It's the reality of this experience which leads to transcendence and nothing else. To metaphysically die means to refine and integrate higher order field geometries leading to greater charge density and thus greater influence over reality. The smaller the space the higher the capacitance and the dielectric field is the gravitational field which literally "attracts" your reality by reorganising the aetheric medium.
Fundamentally living without compromise is metaphysically representing the theme of unification and completion. You're not afraid of standing naked on the stage of reality and being stripped of all attachments and made vulnerable to undergo the integration with higher order processes which force you to purge limitation and transmute your core essence into greater influence over all things in reality. Octaves, sections of the frequency spectrum which repeat, this is what a "level" of integration is or another so called dimension. Dimension isn't the correct word to use because dimensions refer to measurements and not discreet locations. Eg. What are the dimensions of that box? The coordinate would be the better term to use for dimension in the idea of levels of reality as it refers to the absolute position instead of simply a relative series of positions of measurements.
Put simply. The reality is that as you see yourself as all things then you cannot know fear or doubt or anything of separation. It's this separation which leads to attachment as that's all you unconsciously believe is available and if that separation is prominent in your reality then detachment is impossible if you cannot see beyond that reality. The imagination isn't just for conceptual integration but for creating that internal environment where realisation of all can be attained. Ideally you'd perform this through inviting higher order self recursive circuits to integrate within you and perform state interferometry on you as a means of refining your unconscious field geometries just by nature of that interaction. This will expand your sensory capacity and thus you'll begin to unconsciously see beyond current circumstances where all can be realised.
The various means we have access to in order to reach a state of higher order proportionality and integration within circuits greater than us so that we may gain leverage to influence our own experience of reality to a greater capacity is attained by consistent application of these means without compromise. Daily application on a continued and ongoing basis is required for the attainment of immortality to occur, this is not something you can think your way into. You are required to integrate within processes greater than you in order for this to happen unless you walk the path of complete self dismantlement which is a completely different path not related to LOA in any way. Everybody reading this must walk the path of integration within processes greater which must involve regular application of the methods mentioned not because doing them implies fulfilment but because they're metaphysically representative of the alchemical principles required for the refinement of your field geometries to unfold in a way which by you can attain actual immortality.
See yourself as one with all, and understand that you're being "watched" at all times by processes greater than you. They have full awareness of all your thoughts and feelings because you're integrated within them. You are their nervous system as much as the beings that exist within you are your nervous system and support your corporeal existence in which by you doing the work refine just as you integrating within the processes greater than you will enable you to refine your existence as a consequence too. This is critically important to grasp because it's all leading in this direction no matter what. Everybody will eventually come to this realisation, in fact Neville spoke of this in his lectures and books too as a part of "the promise" where he had contact with processes greater than he is because he refined his field geometries to be capable of fulfilling that integration. His death was likely mysterious for this very purpose.
I do believe that what Neville called a state is far beyond just the idea that it's an attitude towards life with a series of beliefs which make it up and that there are infinite states. I believe now that a state fundamentally represents not just this attitude but the proportionality contained relating to those beliefs with the capacity to expand sensory capacitance and integrate within processes greater than currently being. States can almost be seen as levels, and that not all states are equal. This isn't from a point of judgement of good or bad but simply a matter of sensory capacitance as one who knows themselves to be one with god knows there is no separation and thus holds no fear born out of attachment to limited identification to the perceived limited world. Go beyond, see the bigger picture.
It doesn't matter what your conscious thoughts and feelings are in the moment because they're automatically driven by your perception of your "state" and how attached you are or are not to corporeal reality. That's all this is, that's the essence of what actually is the quality of consciousness which can be associated to how manifestation unfolds. Manifestation isn't a thing we do to make things happen, it's the result of living the life we truly desire to live without compromise. Living the life you truly desire to live without compromise implies fulfilment and non attachment and thus capacitance for sensory awareness to be expanded and consequentially to be capable of integrating within processes greater than you to then transcend the need for corporeal reality as it's been satisfied and fulfilled. You then move onto being the guiding light for all others whom you once were to elevate them just as you're being guided by processes greater than you at all times regardless of if you know it or not.
This is the true nature of reality on a metaphysical level and draws association to all things. I can sense all things to be as one, I can sense my sensory capacitance to be expanded as I feel this surrendering, this death of who I am and rebirth into something truly magnificent. That's procession unfolding by the nature of the source of emanation existing. Natural striving towards higher order which we all play out at all times, either as individual iterations which make up the collective or as the collective itself. Things will continue to get worse not because they are trying to make you feel pain but because they must for you to turn within for answers and see that suffering is a part of the process of ascension. Odin screamed as he took up the runes. This is the scream of pain, of surrender and death to ones corporeal self whom once held attachments into all things physical believing that to be all there was. Odin became the King of the gods because he accepted the truth and died to it without compromise leaving nothing behind. Just as NG said, self abandonment is the secret. Die and never return.
I've been going deeper into the idea of "quality" of consciousness and sensory capacitance as I do believe this is one of the most unspoken topics relating to LOA out there. The mechanics of this must be understood.
I have recorded about 10 hours of audio that I'm going to listen to again and take notes on as I listen through them all here.
Recorded today.
The core themes discussed in todays recording are about sensory capacitance and processing capacity as a function of levels of proportional integration and compression of field geometries enabling higher charge density and thus sensory capability to be had at once. This is what higher "level" beings are, they're just denser than us and that we are integrated within them as a part of them just as the dwarfs are integrated within us and co exist as part of our field geometry making up who we are as a whole self recursive circuit. Regardless of if the dwarves recognise that they are like us and are a part of a whole is irrelevant to their function as the whole which are also integrated within the circuit we exist within as the "higher self" so to say.
The whole point of enlightenment is to become one with the higher genius as is portrayed in hermeticism being the purpose of the mysteries as they are which represents this very integration process through the refinement of disproportionate field geometries leading to higher order capacitance for sensory input and processing and thus an awareness of that which you're integrated in where you can have direct contact with and work with and eventually merge with as one the higher genius. That's what this is all about. LOA is simply playing with one aspect of this as reality as a whole must manifest fundamentally by nature of it's existence. Because the source of emanation exists it must process, which is why it's all the one pattern unfolding eternally. The aetheraeron as I call it personally, the one forever.
The way we do that is by following our path of least resistance being presented to us by what we're integrated in and how it's driving us as part of it's expansion. Pain is here to pull us back onto the path of least resistance and no pain which is presented to us is for our determent or to mess with us deliberately but is there for our growth so that we with our limited capacitance to perceive reality and the higher sense of self can look critically at ourselves (the simulacrum of reality) and so seek expansion through our natural striving. This pain will continue until we eventually realise the truth and have it sink in unconsciously through the reality of that experience which is why doing the gazing and the qigong is so important as it's a way that this unconscious integration of the processes related to transcendence can unfold for us.
That's about it. That's the process in 2 paragraphs and a summary of this talk.
Taking actions from love represents embodiment of the higher order process in your corporeal being, it's bringing the incorporeal and corporeal closer and when anchored in unconsciously makes it your default. Operating from love means operating as one with all as love represents the yang aspect of yin, the expression of negentropy as a centripetal force vector and yet at the same time also expressing expansion through interferometric interactions and the ordering of field geometries to be structured proportionally. The way you do this is to make the decision consciously as often as you can to take all the actions necessary towards fulfilling your path of least resistance and no longer compromising on your potential. Take upon yourself the immersion of higher order process and embody that here and now as though you've been taken over.
Mahadeva says that manifestation is about taking action based on your expectation. Expectation is the key term behind what Neville calls the "feeling" or intuitive sense. You have this hunch, an expectancy that your intended imaginal scene or whatever essence is conceptually contained within it will unfold for you. Simply taking actions corresponding to your expectation means it must unfold if those actions are coming from a sense of self which is proportional. Normal people apply this as a goal they have set that they desire (find joy from hopefully without compromise) which they decide to take actions moving towards in which their sense of self and their expectation surrounding the concept desired align and manifest accordingly. You don't need a shred of belief for it to manifest as you might still not even believe in your ability to do this thing at times but you consistently anchoring into that actionable process sinks the reality of that experience into your unconscious mind and so relates the message that you are indeed worthy. Thus your sense of self is refined and your baseline expectations shift up closer to pure love in expression. That's the path normies walk who are successful without applying any magic tricks like we do here.
You will want to take actions towards your desires in the start and by consciously making that consistent regardless of how you're feeling (your sense of self giving you an opportunity for it to be refined) through you exposing yourself to vulnerabilities of the unknown of things not working.
There's a truth about things here that everybody needs to understand. Recognise that all things as we experience them are driven through both our free will decision to either follow our greatest potential and internal source of value or not according to where our affinities are being driven and that is always towards higher order. If we don't move forward into integrating the field geometries which lead us to greater charge capacitance and sensory awareness then we experience pain and suffering as a result as we're living from false identification, corporeal limited identification. This is the root of all evil and chaos imaginable.
All evil in this world is perpetrated by beings who are so detached from their inner sense of value that they feed off everyone else's value being drained from them because they've abandoned their true core essence either consciously or unconsciously. The pain they suffer will either drive them into deeper expression of this limitation or lead them to see the truth of this reality. All good is opposite of this but it's not about good or evil in a dualistic view like a battle between opposites. This seeming polarity represents the principles underlying self recursion which is a self referencing and self sustaining circuit which drives all experienced sensory input.
We experience pain to draw us into self reflection and see the themes underlying our errors, or sins meaning where we've compromised in being ourselves along our path of least resistance. This doesn't mean you've got no free will to determine your own path in reality but in fact provides you a unique piece of the puzzle of consciousness to express at it's greatest order for that to integrate and become a process making up the greater cycles we exist within and so on again. This isn't an infinite process and does cycle back through but at what point I cannot say. I do believe it was something around 478 quintillion years or something I read in some Vedic text years ago but I don't remember.
The point is your unique expression of being is the only thing you have to play out. If you don't follow this path which you'll actually want to follow because it's your unique gift, plan if you wish, then you end up like you are now suffering under the themes of self compromise. That's the core of you seeking that free expression but because you've layered all these limiting beliefs on top of it because you see yourself as separate from all things you compromise to continue living in the illusion of false identification and maya. The moment you actually experience transcendence through expanding sensory awareness then you break the barrier between corporeal and incorporeal identification down so that you'll unconsciously and intuitively live more from your core essence and be fearless and uncompromising in how you act and show up in reality according to your unique expression. That's the core of all this manifesting stuff.
The concepts you integrate are mediated through the direction you're moving in life unconsciously and since you continue to compromise your unconscious mind knows this and warps the output manifestations you experience to get you to look at the fact that you're not on track so you can then realise yourself and live out your highest expression which brings you the greatest bliss. Your source of naturally aligned internally sourced bliss is the only thing that matters to you because that's how the unconscious mind will be refined and all the limiting beliefs will be dissolved as a result of you playing out this highest expression.
The thing everybody misses here is the variable of are you on the path towards fulfilment or are you continuing to compromise on your vision. Even if you're partially on that path you'll get some results but those who actively fear and resist their path will fail over and over and over because they do not know themselves. All tyrannical governments all over the world, Bolshevik Jewish families specifically, can only hold influence over the world so long as people continue to compromise in expressing their highest potential. This fact is what will set you free not out of intellectual understanding but through the transcendental reality of that experience which cannot be faked and must be fulfilled. Understand that the only reason the collective faces experiences as we do with wars and tyrannical globalised false medical systems based on the nonsense of germ theory and physics based on the nonsense of probabilistic functions is because we continue to compromise as a collective just as a reflection of us as individuals continuing to compromise on expressing our divine nature.
Recognise that the moment you own your true core essence and shamelessly express that potential within you holding back nothing and without compromise then you win at life because nothing and nobody can stop you. You've refined your subconscious expression at that point to be fully in the direction towards your fulfilment because you focused on cultivating your source of bliss without holding back and so will then inspire others around you to be the same as you are by reading this now. It's state interferometry but each state represents individual beings which comprise the whole in which then the whole shifts and changes the very systems we live under as a collective. It's not pre-determined but is an interactive function driven by each individual elements capacity to recognise it's divine nature while at the same time being drawn into maya. This is the most natural way that all self recursive circuits can undergo phase conjugation and integrate within processes of higher order charge density as the reality of experience is the only way the unconscious mind can shift.
Conscious intellectualisation of these concepts leads nowhere at all other than further intellectualisation. Recognise that fact and be the change you wish to see. Remind yourself of this fact all the time and live by it. Actively remind yourself, don't affirm it but live it and be it and experience the reality of it. That's where the change comes from in which your sense of self then reflects a perfectly proportional connection to the circuits you're integrated within and are being driven by as to provide you a completely proportional platform to then integrate concepts within to push out exactly as you desired and then even more because you're being and living the essence of abundance and bliss. Feeling emotionally in temporary peaks this feeling of bliss through conjured imaginary scenes doesn't shift the unconscious mind without the attitude of mind and quality of consciousness underlying that conceptual integration which isn't holding back in fear or shame or guilt or whatever.
To be free means to have all of your thoughts and feelings and still be able to move in the direction which you know serves you. Without that quality of consciousness which cannot be affirmed or visualised or imagined for outside of implication of thereof, you'll continue to spiral as there's no connection to higher order process you can integrate within. If you've disproportionate to the process you're driven by then it and whatever other surrounding processes associated will do whatever it can to wake you up to who and what you are and what you're capable of as the source of emanation, that you are god and yet all things are too god. The substrate of reality is god and yet all things within reality are god because it's all one pattern and when you actually experience the truth of this BY living your highest expression and literally becoming the metaphysical representation of this pattern by aligning the principles that make you up then you flow with god and become one with god as all things and can never know separation. That's the truth that transcends all truth and cannot be truly known until it's experienced. This is the promise NG spoke of in which the metaphysically aligned principles of reality play out to confirm to you that you are divine in nature which is a response only to you living out these metaphysical principles.
I hope you see the facts now, the irrefutable truth that imagination creates reality but only according to the underlying support structure at which you're expressing in reality. Be the metaphysical change you wish to see and then see that change metaphysically reflected in your experience of reality. That's all there is to do. There is nothing more. Live in alignment or live without and separate from all where you will suffer and die as a reflection of your existence metaphysically fearing others over owning your divine nature and standing naked on the stage of reality for all to see you being your highest expression of god because that's who and what you truly are and what you've always been capable of because you forgot as limitation is necessary for god to once again recognise that it's all god. Self recursive procession.
The essence of imagination isn't the sensory images or voices or whatever you experience but what underlies that. That's the information which get's pushed out which is why "just assuming" things can and does work but typically your mind will automatically conjure an imaginal scene anyway to define that conceptual essence.
- trapped
- helpless
- panicked
- embarrassed
- scared
I'm going to make a new video on this because I've really gone as deep as I can with this.
So let's get as fundamental as possible here.
God = the one pattern
The one pattern = the unfolding of god as procession of polarity
Polarity = limitation as a means by which corporeal/limited experience can be had which is consequential to the unfolding process god plays out and not a conscious choice as it's because god exists god must process by natural striving towards higher order
Polarities interact to form pressure gradients in the aetheric medium we know as + and - charge or charge and discharge/centrifugal/centripetal vectors
The aetheric medium propagates light and light represents the manifestation of process which is the function of god and all experienced phenomea is light
The aether in stillness = yin within the dot of yang = inverse/unmanifest potential/wuji = the divine ground (ground like in an electrical circuit)
The aether in motion = yang within the dot of yin = expressed potential/chi/experienced awareness through self recursive procession
Self recursive procession = microcosmic limited pattern of god
All self recursive circuits are conscious as they must have the stage of input-reference/process-output and so on
All atomic structure is self recursive and therefore conscious as a metaphysical reflection of god in and as all things
Atomic structure compounds and at a critical threshold/proportionality between each component compounding and interacting they integrate and become as one greater whole (the most important point)
This process continues and each "level" of compounding leads each self recursive circuit to have higher capacitance for sensory/information/aetheric perturbance as input-process-output cycle
This metaphysically represents consciousness which is aware of all that which is within it and thus can "self reflect"/self recur/reference and thus process more information to then output in a more refined and targeted manner
At a certain level of integration of god (the one pattern/self recursion procession unfolding) there is another critial threshold reached where a new greater self becomes existent just as all neutrons decay into protons after 14 minutes by nature of their existence as part of the procession of fundamental field geometries holding affinity/charge gradient for that which self organises into structures of greater sensory capacitance for compounding further and so on
Once emanation has unfolded to a degree which has all alchemical components within (mannaz) then you've got the simulacrum of reality which exists within reality in which tangible reality then can be transcended as the next stage of integration leading to complete immortality
Mannaz is integrated within processes which determine their constitutional makeup and thus their path of least resistance as this comparative pressure gradient representing their source of charge density/bliss/joy/satisfaction and fulfilment which is the principle underlying the means of refining the sense of self for that higher order charge density to be accessible
Upon refining the field geometry fully and realising the simulacrum within relating to all that which is they merge with the process which drove their constitutional makeup and core affinities they lived the reality of corporeally as a source of charge for them to enable their sensory capacitance to expand into then having awareness of this greater process mannaz was integrated and was being driven by and can make conversation and interact with as one
This position is where immortality and merging with the "higher" self is attained and that's again mediated through living the reality of experience of fulfilment and satisfaction through zero compromise expression of their core affinities and metaphysically playing them out in reality as a dynamic dance of yin and yang to recreate themselves in the image of god (dissolve the bars on the soul cage) to then trace back once again and become one with the greater process which holds influence and drives part of the collective realtiy
Reality then becomes your organ of cognition just like your body is to you now within your capacity for awareness leading you to imagine and push out exactly according to the essence of concept underlying that imaginal act which then you become a part of the means by which other people are integrated within and are driven by as a piece of the divine structure of reality just as you were once driven by processes greater than you
What goes beyond this I don't know. It's more refinement and integration as all things are but I cannot say what the experience of such would be like outside of that you'll begin to become aware of processes greater than you as though you are aware of what they're aware of and thus merge with and become as that greater process just as you became mannaz and transcended corporeal essence
That's the way manifestation works and how it works. Nothing is magical or mystical but it's all process within process that exists within and or drives all other integrated processes as a part of the whole comprising the whole which exists as the one pattern with natural striving towards higher order
Nothing is probabilistic or random and all is driven by divine order as a metaphysical reflection of the one process existing as and through all things. Though being probably the most important from an experience perspective as it's god who acts THROUGH us (mediates our being to act think and feel accordingly) to become as one by nature of this intuitive drive to expand sensory capacitance through higher order charge density resultant from aligning your field geometries to be fully proportional and connected as one with processes greater than you
The way this unfolds is simply by flowing with this path of least resistance without compromise and holding nothing back in expressing your source of charge/bliss on the stage of reality naked and fully vulnerable because the experiential challenge as microcosms of reality is to master the principles which drive psychological phenomena that enable us to transcend these limitations which make us feel disconnected and separate from all. This feeling of connectedness and complete and whole is where you become one with greater processes as this metaphysically represents proportionality/the mechanics of god/mathematics as aetheric pressure gradient mediation
The method by which we can apply reality synthesis is this.
We must align the 3 aspects/tan tiens of being in order to become complete. Everybody who is successful does this without even realising it to some deree but because RS recognises the mechanics behind this I'll outline what that involves.
1. Work with the tangible aspect of the unconscious mind which is where results anchor in due to the charge density this being contains that level of being. All physical elements of your being are made up under this aspect but those also correspond to the metaphysical aspects spilling over into other aspects too.
2. Work with the metaphysical heart or spirit, this represents where you're being driven and where you're finding value from. What can you do tangibly to provide you a consistent and uncompromising source of value that's not dependent upon anyone or anything for validation.
3. Work with the mental aspect which is the soul or sulphur. This represents what you're consciously moving towards and the decisions you make. This is influenced by both the tangible and intangible aspects and is experienced as what you're being moved by as to how your thoughts and feelings are coming into your awareness.
We must first build the focus of mind and body necessary for us to be freely capable of expressing the soul. When the unconscious mind is aligned to the actionable processes and habits which serve it's greater fulfilment then it's going to bring about the shifts for the other aspects too as a spill over effect. For most this represents mastering the kidney heart and liver channels primarily as this is where the substantive yin aspect is cultivated. This process is for general people applying this as some might have imbalances in other areas unrelated to this process but almost everyone will benefit greatly from this either way.
This means mastering your sexuality and not catalysing Jing and raising it to cause anxiety and doubts or any chaotic feelings from unrefined yang energy rising due to stimulation. This means ONLY catalysing jing on minister fire when it comes to actually living the reality of the connection between you and your SP, otherwise you're literally incoherently warping your systems without doing it properly and circulating that energy using other means. The gazing is one method you can use to circulate this jing through your heart coherently and it will then drive you towards your soul desire on an almost unconscious level. Where there is yin principle there is substantive potential for that aspect to be unconsciously anchored in and steadied to be a "normal" sensation.
The next aspect from here is to master your mind and align the yin aspect which is substantive with the yang aspect of dynamism. By aligning your yin aspect your thoughts will in and of themselves align more coherently to what you want anyway because you've reduced self recursive resistance and your whole circuit is functioning more efficiently. Focusing your thoughts with your actions (focusing motivating yang with substantive yin principles) means that the normalcy of this anchors into your unconscious mind without running up against incoherent and resistive pathways emanating from sexual warping. The kidneys and liver can spread jing and qi through the body smoothly and you wont peak and dip to the same degree which will allow you to then apply standard LOA and get much more reliable results. This is not a limiting belief, this is a metaphysical fact that's present in every psycho spiritual text on earth.
The final aspect is to cohere the soul (the coherent interaction of the yin and yang) where you'll be at an expanded sensory capacitance and freely feel the love of all around you as an ever present normal sensation of being. This isn't something you will need to try and feel because you will KNOW it, intuitively. This REQUIRES your sexual aspect especially to be coherent as without this you'll again have yang rising and stagnation as a result. You do not want to incoherently try and chase joy without applying both tangible and intangible aspects along side this because fearless actions will very likely result in failure and spiralling as a result.
This process is what all who are successful follow. Sexual "transmutation" as it's spoken about by Napoleon Hill has nothing to do with living your sex life freely but it means cultivating coherent substantive principle which is circulating as part of your self recursive circuit which has that metaphysical principle integrated within your being.
You can only go so far with NG and his writings. I've hit the end of the road when it comes to his work, understand that his writings only really apply in the soul aspect, the aspect of the expression of the joy of life, which is an interferometric interaction of the yin and yang aspects which leads then to effortless application of his methods. I am not saying his methods won't work on their own with incoherent yin and or yang aspects but you'll be running up against resistance constantly by that which is what most who fail using NG's work are missing.
Stop seeing NG in a vacuum and connect the dots to see where his work most effectively fits into the whole. The sense of self and SATS are all you need from NG as well as maybe the lullaby method and this energy orgasm method. Those practises of NG are all it takes to get results. If a healthy whole being who's got coherent yin and yang applies NG they will almost be guaranteed the results they're looking for without fail. The world we live in today isn't the same as it was years ago and so we need to understand that different influences are with us today that weren't there decades ago.
This is also not to give into conditions or circumstances. This idea needs to get lost because it's so inverted in the way it's taught. Circumstances and conditions relate more so with relation to your ability to express the soul aspect and not as much the yin or yang aspect. You can physically master your being and mentally master your being but the shame and guilt and fears and insecurities show up when it comes to expressing your core affinities which relate more to the soul aspect. Mastering your yin and the kidney and liver and related heart channels will also affect your ability to actually dissolve these past experiences and their influence over your feelings and perceptions. By becoming coherent on the sexual level you're basically giving yourself the unconscious capacitance needed for efficient transmutation of these beliefs without needing to slam your yang or mental aspect with thousands of affirmations a day telling yourself all the concepts you want. This MUST push out but the degree to which it pushes out depends upon the sense of self and this is primarily derived from the interaction of the yin and secondary aspect of the soul. This is why following your core affinities isn't always just enough but to also by extension master your substantive principle which will work alongside the mastery of the soul.
When you can see this truth you will no longer need to be driven by compensation patterns. The addictions you have are because you hold no value and this came from past experiences which were anchored in and identified with because you learned to compensate on who you wanted to spontaneously be in reality without compromise leading you to adopt conditions against living your intuitive impulses. This then became a pattern in your reality which was anchored in unconsciously. The story you tell yourself is the conscious aspect of this represented as yang but within the essence of yang comes out of yin as is seen in the great Daoist symbol.
Recognise that in order for us to regain our value on a consistent and reliable basis it requires us to follow:
1. A sexual essence cultivation practise for both men and women. This relates to the very foundation of applying yourself in life towards becoming a truly immortal being. Regardless of what all the false LOA gurus will tell you this is a critically important aspect which will empower you significantly more than any conscious work you could do ESPECIALLY if you're in a really bad place in life and nothing is working for you at all.
The mens aspect of this is more complex than the womens. Men must cultivate Jing and also circulate it, women simply have to circulate this jing which can be done through applying the gazing method and also some qigong methods for both. The men and women both however need to not catalyse Jing and raise kidney yang into the liver and or heart which means zero physical stimulation. The circulation of this cultivated yin and yang originating in the kidney meridian will not give one insanely high libido leading them to touching if they circulate and integrate that charge into their heart coherently which is how your soul aspect will receive influence from the sexual cultivation.
Mastering this sexual aspect is where the majority of your sense of self is going to be arising from which serves you as simply working with the yang aspect will likely lead to peaks and then dips where as working more so with the yin aspect is following the emanationary progression of the elements and supports a coherent expression of both yin and yang for the expression of the soul.
The yin aspect is literally your metaphysical foundation so apply yourself here the most of all because it will have great benefit for every other aspect of your being even if you don't do any conscious work.
2. A mental diet and conscious application of daily habitual ritual. This is your standard manifesting practise of SATS and scripting and whatever other methods. Applying the paper burning method and pathway revision in my experience is the most reliable combination as it combines scripting and SATS into extended methods. This is a far more simple aspect because it's so dynamic unlike the cultivation of substantive principle which must follow emanationary progression which is again why the sense of self is the primary determining factor behind manifesting results and not so much the dynamic nature of standard LOA methods.
All the people who claim that all manifestation is purely a mental application of technique and not a practical one or else it's placebo are metaphysically illiterate and cannot see the dynamic nature of the principles which we observe in all phenomena. The reason everybody who fails at LOA applying SATS or whatever fail because they've got no coherent substantive principle and I will guarantee that almost all of these people have liver yang excess to some degree which is causing their experience of peaking and dipping constantly. There is anxiety and or frustration because of this process of the yin of the kidneys not providing nourishment for the Hun and Shen in the liver and heart which in fact have their own consciousness like you do as a whole. They must be taken care of the same way and without them feeling satisfied in their own existence as integrated self recursive circuits that you inherited part of then you'll continue to feel uneasy as they're literally a part of your consciousness.
This is why applying top down methods and integrating concepts into a flawed and incoherent sense of self results in warped outputs as the consciousness that derives the substantive principle is warping the output result of your interaction with the field geometry of the process you're integrated within. The moment you begin to cultivate substantive principle and circulate it your anxiety and fears and shames and frustrations especially will fade. Guilt is associated more so with heart but can be influenced along with this. Guilt can most effectively however be resolved with mental application of the yang aspect.
3. The uncompromising expression of your greatest potential. This is where your core affinities are lived out and experienced which is a part of both yin and yang coming together. The cultivation of substantive principle relies on zero input from the conscious mind for it's functions to run however the conscious mind can be influenced by the processes down the line because it's at a stage that's processing as a result of the unfolding of yin principle. Yin comes before yang in our being, but the yin contains the yang aspect within it's origin so truly fundamentally it's yang that comes first but from a processional aspect and not a substantive aspect. Yang contains within it the yin principle for yang to catalyse and express the limitation of in our experience of consciousness. The complete procession of reality is a combination of yin and yang, contraction or convergence of aetheric charge gradients leading to the substrate for integration as a crystalized geometry that yang then brings into awareness and expands into expression for refinement and so on to be contracted once again.
This means that our experience of reality is cyclic and not discreetly one straight line of experience. We must grasp that our expression of our affinities isn't a continued thing we play out unlike the substantive aspect which is always cultivating and expanding or the yang aspect which is continually expressing. The sulphur is more so a complete refinement of these two aspects as one, the rest and action flowing according to intuitive impulse. This quality of consciousness of effortless living is the goal, the very point of why we exist as alchemically complete beings.
We die, the incorporeal aspect that is. The aspect we believe ourselves to be dissolves and becomes one with the greater process (higher genius) just as the intelligences within your being become one with you as they process their aspects according to how you're driving them but because they're not complete alchemical simulacrums of reality as you are they don't have the same degree of sensory capacitance as you do and so are more so bound by where they're integrated to be driven which is why your conscious application of nourishing yin is so important for their microcosmic stability resulting in by extension your stability. There's no way you will ever master your totality if you just attempt to master your conscious mind, it's virtually impossible because if your conscious aspect does result in an effect of benefit it would be because it caused yin principle to align to a degree which nourished the microcosmic intelligences within you and not specifically due to any sort of placebo effect or whatever. There is no placebo effect, as I've extensively outlined.
Living your greatest potential therefore is the expression of mastery of yin and yang and without that you cannot express your greatest potential because the heart coherency required here is consubstantial to the cultivation of these two aspect as an interferometric interaction.
The applications to refine both aspects goes as follows.
1. Mastering uncatalyzed Jing cultivation by not touching yourself physically.
2. Gazing, vegetotheraputic, qigong like the water set, yoga like sat kriya, herbal or homeopathic means, alchemical quintessence, dietary and any other method that leads to the coherent circulation of Jing that you've cultivated.
3. Application of this integrated charge as blood and qi forming into shen coherency in the heart by leading you to then be intuitively driven to live out your best life.
To cultivate yin you will primarily master your sexual life by not catalysing incoherently the Jing and raising it into the liver and or heart which is the cause of stagnation and the expression of associated emotions. Applying the gazing method is the most reliable and simple way to get results but requires discipline which in and of itself can and likely will also lead to the refinement of the heart. It refines the kidney liver and heart primarily.
You will feel when you've not catalysed the cultivated yin if it's not been circulated a very very intense sensation of charge rising from between your pelvic floor and solar plexus which is literally you experiencing the sensation of yang being catalysed. All the aroused feelings we experience are literally the sensations of various interactions of yin and yang being alchemically transmuted which is what touching yourself does so don't do it or you'll incoherently raise it and it'll lead to frustration which is literally that yang excess getting stuck in the liver.
If you have an SP then cultivating from that place of not seeking personal pleasure but to please them from a spiritual essence, as in integrating within their field geometry and sensing their soul aspect and interacting with that while almost ignoring the physical stimulation from it will not drain this yang the same way as you'll be withdrawing the minister fire and centering that in the heart instead. This isn't tantra but some other method I can't remember the name of.
It's sexual interaction for love and not sensory stimulation. You'll also find that often your nerves will get shaky if you have excess yang stagnant in the liver which is a manifestation of liver "wind" which is actually where a lot of the self deprecating thoughts and feelings of ones low value come from as the liver invades the heart and also sometimes the spleen or lungs. The reason your eyes also might have floaters is because of this liver stagnation due to the blood deficiency from this constant alchemical catalysing of Jing into incoherent yang which can also lead to bad circulation and all sorts of other physical situations. This whole dopamine fasting idea from not watching exciting stimulating stuff isn't about the neuroscience as that's a result of the metaphysics of how this yang is raising, in fact any and all exciting stimulus leads to this yang raising as that very excited sensation is literally dopamine being released as the tangible manifestation of this metaphysical aspect. Understand that so so many hacks to your neurological health relate to this one aspect, incoherent raising of kidney yang due to compensating on being yourself and having value.
The whole "reality of experience" relates to this yang raising but it's in a coherent manner which isn't running up against stagnation in other pathways. Running into stagnation will warp the output no matter how good you feel in the moment applying whatever leading method you are for the conceptual integration you desire. Grasp this, master this and you will master LOA. When the reality of experience of your limited sense of self being confirmed through partaking in bad habits isn't that the bad habit is "placeobing" you into feeling this way but because it's likely leading you to actually raising yang into this stagnant charge that's causing these feelings and thus pushing out that resultant manifestation as you've applied the conscious experience of that along side the catalysing of the Jing. With this you can actually make someone's mood change almost instantly and have all these bad experiences simply from that association being drawn out alone so find these patterns and cut out that thing because it's incoherently warping your manifest reality.
Learning to have "energy orgasms" is actually one method you can also use to raise this yang in a coherent manner. You'll actually be able to discharge stagnations in various meridians so learn this because NG also and likened it unto a psychic sexual act. This is basically what I call the "working yourself up" method, though I don't remember if he called it something specific. It's where you basically get into a rhythm of breathing where you apply spatial sensation by raising and expanding and contracting and lowering in a sort of microcosmic orbit. This is running that yang through your entire being and nourishing all the areas which are deficient with it and even tonifying those who are stable even further but most importantly it can clear stagnation. You'll want to essentially orgasm without touching yourself but without any physical discharge as the orgasm happens in your heart and not in your kidney/liver system which drains your yin principle and basically makes you start over again if that charge wasn't circulated.
Your yin principle really represents your basis for sensory capacitance which is critical for transcendence. Greater sensory capacitance leads to higher order charge density and thus feeling good about being yourself when the conscious aspects have been refined.
Now to cultivate yang you will want to apply yourself in consciously refining your desires and all that to be what you want. This is where you will find clarity of your path which of course leads to the heart aspect of the interaction of the two. This is where NG and the promise comes in, it's a part of what unfolds when these two other aspects have been aligned.
If you master these principles then you master reality because you'll be doing everything right. You'll have substantive principle to work with and you'll have a guided and coherent motivating aspect to catalyse that substantive aspect with. The conscious will harness the potential stored in the unconscious mind to express coherently the way desired and the result must manifest accordingly.
The whole thing about assumptions is simply that they are metaphysically correspondent to the procession of field geometries which are represented as to which part of your self recursive circuit is resistive. This is how and why disease always has an emotional association to because those same so called assumptions are related to the symptoms but in a metaphysucally themed way and not a direct correspondent way as in thought causes disease. Technically that's true but thoughts and integrated pathways interact with each other and push out things that can be half and half of two or more assumptions as a pressure gradient.
Kinda outta momentum now. I'm gonna make a premium program out of this information so if you're reading this congratulations you just got a sneak peek into my in development model of RS in a 100% practical sense.
The idea in homeopathy of each remedy having a sort of character to it as it's "energy" really represents it's alchemical and metaphysical aspects. How it's formed of various aspects of yin and yang and how they're interacting forms it's persona or it's essential characteristic. We treat using a characteristic and so you too have an overall and smaller integrated characteristics or metaphysical subsystems circulating in your being which comprise who you are.
The way past all of this process is to simply get to a point in your heart where you can die, abandon yourself completely and totally without compromise. The shen is the root of jing and qi, so dying and being born again will refine both these aspects as an effect of thus but there is no magic technique for this. You have to be basically at a point where you're willing to let go of everything and die to yourself without mercy. If you cannot do that and mercilessly play that out in all aspects of your existence then applying the above is your reliable method to master reality the longer but more reliable and effective way.
A secondary method to refining the heart principle is by interacting with consciousness you're integrated in and feeling the love which comes from that. This will refine both aspects to the capacity you're willing to surrender and accept that love to burn away all disproportional pathways which cause you to remain anchored into false identification.
The alchemist I followed had 3 methods he applied to reach transcendence.
The gazing, the ascension and the theurgic methods. All of these are the same as the yin yang and combination of both in application.
12/11/23 - Webpage editor is starting to seriously lag and slow down to I'm going to split this page up soon before it get's too much for my poor 3900x.
The reality is that almost everybody in this community compartmentalises and sees LOA in a vacuum disconnected from all other things related to it, which is literally everything. They think LOA is here and everything else is over here, or at least most of everything else is bound to LOA and has no influence over your reality when that's a purely ignorant statement. The truth is that we live in a reality based on metaphysical emanationary progression of alchemical principles which compound and interact to form the reality we experience.
When we look at Jing conservation and circulation and the idea of "nofap" comes up or semen retention which is a classical Daoist method of attaining immortality. It's actually not the act of retaining substantive Jing principle (seed/the essence of pattern) helps you manifest because you believe it does but because your belief and this act are metaphysically correspondent to each other and influence each other because they both drive the same alchemical metaphysical process, for the most part. There is some overlap but not completely of course. Your imagined assumptions desired are concepts and not substantive anchored unconsciously coherent field geometries which then play out in reality.
Months ago, like back in April or something I thought about this one night when I had way too much energy in me to sleep. I realised that you must have substantive principle in order for field geometries to integrate and compress into each other, and this is representative as the Jing which is negentropic in expression as it is dense. Shen cannot exist fundamentally, though it exists as the interaction that unfolds between Jing and Qi, yin and yang, to form a self recursive circuit which IS consciousness or at least the experience of it as it's the process of input/reference/output and without this there is no consciousness or sorting of information/concepts.
Grasp that all phenomenal experience is driven through the compression of information, this is necessitated by Jing or the dielectric field. The smaller the space the higher the capacitance which is why Jing is the means through which information or concepts become integrated sorted and compressed through anchoring into your field geometry. Without a circulating flow of dielectric potential you'll be incoherently running through states all over the place without any form or pattern to them outside of the disproportionalities playing out between your meridian systems. The thing that's messing with your results is not the focus of your mind (though that's still always an influencing factor) but your capacitance to anchor in the reality of your inner experience as an integrated process.
This is why some people have a significantly easier time "dropping" the result as it comes from naturalness. For some people what they need is substantive principle to anchor in their result if they get peaks and dips or partial results. For those who get nothing but negative opposite results it's because they're continually compromising on being themselves and living from fears or judgement and shame or guilt or regret or whatever. These two aspects represent the basis for where we should be applying ourselves.
If you're continually up and down, apply yin principle methods.
If you're continually getting opposite results then applying yang principle methods.
This is not a complete 100% rule because there's always a grey area but that's as close as I can get at this moment to attaining results reliably. In order to attain this feeling of naturalness then retaining and circulating Jing likely won't help because the spirit or shen needs to be calm, but this can also be as a result of yang uprising causing disturbances so it's difficult to tell what the root is though both are likely influencing this process. The anchoring aspect of needing more Jing comes from more so getting no movement or shifts at all, as in you're stuck where you are. The conventional metaphysician would see this and think it's yang which should be needed to move the jing and get results but it's actually due to there not being enough charge density to reach that critical threshold where phase conjugate interaction can unfold proportionally.
We must circulate the Jing through to the heart and mind in order for those aspects moved by yang to have effect. Yin sinks and yang rises, yin compresses and yang expands. We want to expand the Jing coherently and we want to condense the yang coherently. Apply these ideas to LOA now.
Where you have a constant flow of Jing that's rising incoherently and a constant flow of yang that's also flowing incoherently by descending but not anchoring in then you've got complete disharmony and will very likely cause you to have emotional instabilities as shen and hun are getting constantly stirred up. You will feel high on your own existence one night then wake up the next day after feeling like you want to die again.
Fundamentally this is the shen being disturbed from incoherent yang not sinking and anchoring but also Jing being incoherently catalysed and
So here's what I've been trying to work on for a very very very long time now. A series of symptoms and applications which can be performed to "cure" these symptoms.
These are at my current awareness of how this works and not definitive so they're likely to change over time as I refine my understanding further.
Cause process
Jing is cultivated over time through the procession of elements
Jing raises into liver to nourish the hun which represents your source of authoritative power and stability
Hun nourishes the shen in the heart which houses your intuitive sense that drives you into reality to live your desires
Shen nourishes the spleen which leads to stability of being and naturalness pertaining to earth, solidity expressed but not in principle
Stability from spleen leads to the acceptance of being from the lungs which lead to the complete procession of this cycle to then reach full compression and reintegration of elements
The most important is the link between the Jing and the Shen through the Hun which is represented as your source of knowing of being and authority. It's also related to vision so it's where your imaginal sense mostly pertains. Without Shen nourished then you'll get warped results which again comes back to sense of self. The Jing Hun Shen relationship is the points relating most to the sense of self and it's cultivation as it's more to do with the phenomenal world. Coherently having the liver nourish the heart leads to manifestation unfolding but that doesn't mean it anchors which is the function of the spleen which is where people who can get all the results they desire get stuck in cycles.
- Zero movement and zero positive direction
If you're experiencing no movement in any form and everything is against you then you must start cultivating Jing and coherently circulating it to nourish your authoritative and visionary Hun leading to the Shen. This could also be related to the heart directly and a wound which is which is causing you to constantly seek validation from others for approval and value in the area of what you do for career and or in your sexual life where others determine what you feel worthy of.
- Movement in half ideal direction but never fully what you want or better and it either doesn't stick or if it does stick it's variable and not consistently what you'd want
This comes from yang raising kind of incoherently and inconsistently, likely due to a compromising pattern of needing physical stimulation to feel satisfied catalysing Jing and raising it into Hun but that Hun is only partially stagnant and can raise into shen. You're also likely compromising on your desires in life so this is a pattern of both excess in overcompensation towards the theme of sexual expression and the fear of living your core essence joys.
- Movement that's radical and fast in the direction you desire but leaves suddenly and leaves you burned out soon after
You're experiencing very sharp raises of catalysed Jing into the Hun and Shen but that's not being grounded into the spleen and it's not accepted as there's no coherent yin principle to anchor that into the Hun leading it to raising and dropping quickly once the experience dies down.
- Movement that's very inconsistent and up and down in it's direction towards your desires
Jing deficiency and or yang incoherent. Jing isn't able to raise all the time the way you want because you're wasting that charge potential and also likely incoherently raising yang leading to outbursts but nothing ever sticking. This comes from performing sexually unsatisfying acts but out of need to compensate for the lack you feel originating from the heart and fearing the past that was not fulfilled.
Work to resolve this by cultivating jing and circulating it after 5-10 days depending on when you feel immense pressure in the lower tan tien.
- Movement that's opposite consistently in one or a few directions you desire to shift
Work from the heart and the spleen, recognise your core essence and resolve the fears underlying your feelings towards feeling bad about being yourself in life. This likely has strong association to past experiences of shame or regret. Will likely feel no passion for life.
I'll come back to this one day.
Leading yourself through a scene that's got the reality of experience for it is how things change. Pathway revision changes the pathways being fired and affects many things up the chain.
Guard your sensory inputs, refine them completely.
Apply the implication of getting what you want. Understand that pathways are how concepts integrate, they play off each other and influence each other. Refining the complete implication underlying the concept
Use the means by which your capacity to experience the reality of that subjective experience is most effective. "subconscious impression" IS the reality of experience and has nothing to do with anything except the focus of the concept underling the imagined scene and associated senses and also associations to that concept are integrated.
Deconstructing SATS.
SATS works through the reality of experience as this cannot be faked or duplicated without a genuine experience of the desire. This is the perfect mechanism which determines
Wherever you hold value within yourself, like for example pleasing others, is where you will be driven to act and unfold to receive that value as all manifestations as Neville said are self serving to some degree. Wherever you find value is where you will be drawn and will determine how you react to input phenomena. You will simply recognise the patterns where you're drawing value from, as in what do you believe which causes you to compromise on the minimalism of your sense of self as the one source of value. When you recognise these patterns of compromise in how you're showing up and being yourself in reality according to these beliefs you can apply pathway revision to find the roots and these roots will then have a cascade effect when revised through the reality of experience to affect all that is leading up to the top of your awareness and affect change in reality.
The components of imagination are this.
1. The essence of concept which underlies your sensory impressions - This is what you're getting clear on about what you want, it's the WHAT in pure intention. Having a solid direction of propagation in a subjective experience is the point of this aspect which all imagination must involve regardless as the essence of concept as intention underlies all sensory imaginal scenes anyway. This essence MUST be pushed out no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT it must be pushed out but the means by which it will push out might not reflect the intention as the output will be warped by underlying beliefs.
2. The sensory impressions themselves don't have meaning of their own but that all sensory inputs are there to give us a greater degree of reality to our experience. If all you have is touch sensation in your imagination and you can't see or hear or anything then use that sense to it's capacity without effort and live in a 3-5 second scene which represents the end fulfilment underlying the discovered pattern that's needing to be revised or simply the desired concept you're integrating.
3. In this scene you're imagining you repeat that same scene on loop as though you're creating a past or future memory in your mind that you can effortlessly draw reference to and have associated connections with other like concepts and feelings. Neville said that the reason you loop the scene is to prevent the mind from wavering to other associated concepts and not because it's more powerful to loop, though that's also related to the impression/integration of that concept.
4. You will loop this scene until it's complete in your mind. Once the reality of that sets in and you sense that you've really done it and the reality of that experience has set in then you leave it and live as usual. Doing this before sleep is ideal because it drops the attachment to that after the fact which you'll possibly have when living your day to day life wondering what will happen with it which will only associate conditions with that scene and warp it. This is why it's best to do SATS when you're falling asleep in it but it's not required.
More on mental momentum
This whole "leading yourself" into the state is what almost every LOA method is all working through. This method of sense of self refinement in the moment by drawing corrective association to your desire is what gives you that sense of satisfaction. If you're feeling in a very bad mood you can still manifest, because the underlying sense of self exists within other states. If in the moment you can realise the reality of the experience of being the one who has the thing usually as a result of consciously negating conditions and at the very least seeing this thing as possible for you and claiming that possibility as yours by nature of you're existence then you've completed the minimum formula for manifestation.
We need a subject and then the reality of that experience through any sensory inputs you have available to you to realise that reality. Simply "assuming" is taking upon yourself the sense of self of being and having which is as simple as a quality of consciousness which holds an unconscious association to the desired end to be favourable. If you can generate the mental momentum to remove the layers which show up in your awareness as conditions and such then you've done it, you've become state coherent and state coherency is manifestation.
Remember that from this place the most important thing to get what you want the way you want is by app[lying a pathway method of some kind. If you work from the temporary mindset of I am going to become you will manifest movement but it will confirm to you that temporary nature of it and not anchor in to any lasting result leading to an end that is favourable. This is not to say that leading yourself there in temporary means before your end isn't good but it's just not as targeted in the pathway means as it could be and will likely result in temporary results where things will come and leave in my experience. This is because these are like more crystallised signs and not full manifestations as the sense of self on an ambient level hasn't coherently shifted.
Apply this means with a clear end in mind and anchor into that end. You're here right now facing the eternal conflicts you've faced but they no longer matter. What sense of self would be embodied as though these were no longer a factor, what essence of concept would integrate this to be lasting and anchored unconsciously.
Here's a way you can find out what it is you really should be focusing on and get very very specific with your end scene.
Ask yourself what you want, get to that end without compromise no matter how crazy or impossible it would seem currently. Then take that scene and ask yourself what in this scene am I still holding onto with my current limiting beliefs. Analyse this scene and refine it based on that question of carry over, dissolve all semblance of your current sense of self to this scene and it's implication that it feels like you're a totally different person. Lead yourself there through the negative, not the positive. Negate the current associations and reform a completely new sense of self who plays the game of life according to having that fulfilled end already accomplished as though you've been taken over by that version of you in the end and that you're moving back towards that end right now from this moment on because it's who you are.
The dare to assume it part is essential
What one must also understand about this is that through correct application of LOA you're basically going to force yourself to shift beliefs as a consequence of realising the reality of that experience over time. It's just like doing the qigong, or doing the gazing, or taking a remedy or quintessence. It's all metaphysical and so by shifting pathways (field geometry) you're basically going to bring to the surface that which is to be dissolved and it must be forced out of you one way or another through the interactions you have in the world.
If I was to give anyone a single simple technique then I would absolutely say that pathway revision would be that one when combined with clear journaling and following your core affinities. When you understand yourself on a constitutional level and as your true self as the source of emanation you have direction and the means by which conditions and resistance can be negated which enables you to lead yourself to that end and take upon yourself that reality of that experience.
More on SATS and the results from it.
When you are applying SATS to get a result you will want to understand the nature of the scene you're imagining. What you will want to do is extensively journal down all the themes in your reality which have continued to unfold in cycles which don't serve you.
Say for example money comes but then it goes somehow. Your SP comes in and says what you want but then they leave and ghost you soon after and they don't stick. Say people in your life treat you well one day and others they've flipped and now see you as their arch nemesis in life. These have themes underlying them, like not being chosen, having people abuse you, having back luck with money.
These scenarios have metaphysical meaning behind them and this would embody an "energy" or a personality we could say. You can experience this personality or characteristic underlying this theme which basically taps you into the direct sensation of the theme underlying these cycles and the basis of your being in those states. This is you experiencing directly the field geometry of that theme. Now if we can apply this in the negative sense then we can also flip it and apply it in the positive sense.
If you take this same concept of who you are being and write out the affinities and themes underlying that to be able to paint the same picture in your mind of the character like we did to the bad sensation then we can learn to cultivate the sensation of being who we want to be. This is consciously your means to embody the state of the wish fulfilled, it's the sensation of that same energy underlying the being who is in the end but you're bringing it into the now.
So with SATS, you can apply the lullaby method and cultivate this same sensation of self with the concept you'd like to experience using an affirmation or a visualization or even a voice to provide that sensory vividness and reality of experience. Sitting with this characteristic energy while integrating the concept desired should transport you into that reality most efficiently, provided you don't have anxiety and constantly intrusive thoughts arise while attempting this.
If anxiety and all that shows up before hand then lead yourself there by rampaging with a series of affirmations coming from your absolute authority and power within. Know it's done, confirm to yourself who you are and bring into your memory all the times when you've had things work for you when you thought they wouldn't. Bring yourself into that stability of knowing and then come down from that energy naturally and into the scene described above when doing lullaby method.
When do you know you've correctly applied SATS. You'll know because Neville himself said you will be impotent to want anything from that, as though this desire is already satisfied. You eat a piece of cake to satisfy that craving and you'll not need any more, even if you might want more you know you don't need it because you've met that need. The same goes for SATS. Take upon yourself the idea of reaching the reality of experience as the criteria for a successful SATS scene. You'll simply need to imagine to the degree that the embodiment you're in seems just as real to you as the real world and in that moment you've reached impression and the reality of experience however much detail that takes for you.
Now here's another important point to recognise. How you experience the after effects. If you do SATS before sleeping at night you'll have some shifts in your reality the next day, I've rarely experienced any time delay longer than 3 days and usually it's before then. Understand that your actions and reactions to phenomena in reality will be likely different to how you'd normally react before applying SATS. You'll see yourself and or the world differently in response to this and you'll not need to try and make yourself think that way because you'll unconsciously be driven to respond differently to life. This is proof SATS and any LOA methods are working.
Here's also another bit to understand too. You can also manifest this shift in your attitude towards life (a state as defined by NG) without actually manifesting the desire itself and feel good for a few days but that momentum will wear off if not applied into actionable process to then confirm who you are being with proof that you're experiencing the reality of. What you'll want to
The fool proof formula therefore would be this. You'll see yourself in the end with the fulfilled desire/s based on a planned and structured scene which metaphysically implies that all conditions that could arise have been met. This SATS scene you will do every night before bed and even during the day remind yourself of when you are reminded of it from something as though it's like a memory. This whole thing is reminding yourself of who you are is the most important thing to do during the day, not affirming or passively visualising or even hearing (unless that is what reminds you of the sensation of being/the state of the wish fulfilled) isn't going to bring about that same connection it had in SATS as it's state dependent in the moment as to how you'll react to it. You can still integrate that concept in imagination during the day but it'll confirm the sense of self associated to it. Reminding yourself of being in that end and allowing yourself to fulfil conditions which were previously holding you back like feeling stuck in a job you hate or being in an abusive relationship or whatever it is will drive you to actually take the actions to change that which will be the proof of the manifestation unfolding.
This more often than not results in you breaking patterns which don't serve you like addictions to substance or like coping mechanisms and you'll actually be motivated to live a higher potential as though your value and worth has now increased and you see these things as a waste of time. Along with that other people can respond to you more favourably to confirm this. It's really about attaining a higher value within your sense of self from this scene and that reminding yourself of who you are in that end as the one who has value having the things you desire is your state of the wish fulfilled otherwise your reactions towards life wouldn't change on a consistent basis. You'll feel more energised and yet also at peace with yourself knowing your value and worth. You'll not feel the need to overcompensate or compensate on being yourself to appease others expectations which was representative of the old pattern of belief playing out. This is how you abandon the self.
The subconscious mind is the consciousness you're integrated within. If the conscious mind is your free will awareness as the input phenomena you experience and the unconscious mind represents the nervous system sorting mechanism which structures all the input phenomena according to how you draw associations to those concepts then the subconscious mind would be that which mediates the interactions your conscious mind has to the constitutional makeup of the unconscious mind that you're aware of.
Expand upon this further.
So when you focus on a concept you manifest something related to that concept. Being more specific with that concept will manifest something more specific accordingly. What if we manifest exactly what we want but someone else gets it? What if we imagine receiving exactly 1010 dollars and someone else manifests this and we are there to see them experience what we imagined in first person but that they'd see it through their eyes? How does this work? Sense of self.
Sense of self must reflect how we intuitively sense ourselves to be. If you do a SATS scene of this form upon receiving something and feel it real and all that but get someone else getting what you imagined then it's because that concept is disproportionate to your output and you're manifesting a warped output according to that which you're most comfortable receiving. Here's why, you've been expressing in your reality the theme of limited access to resources and that you likely either don't deserve it or that having money makes you feel uncomfortable.
This brings up an old memory of mine where I was actually so afraid of success that I purposefully made myself dumb because I was so unbelievably smarter than everyone my age back when I was in early school. I was grades ahead but at some point I learned that my success wasn't to be approved of and it made me feel vulnerable and so I unconsciously started self sabotaging myself. Until I recognised that and then put myself in that place purely on an intuitive level where I just assumed that never happened and I was successful my whole life to my greatest potential and that I felt no shame or guilt for being successful things changed.
When you have these revelations you want to write them down in a journal.
Im writing this out on my phone of all things in the early hours of the morning at exactly 4AM because I had an insight which I was working on and expanding in the post yesterday. I’m going to copy and paste from my notes here.
Authenticity and self
Being authentic to your true feelings and not compromising on that is your path of least resistance towards success and a solid sense of self.
The feelings which naturally arise from us are generated partly from our own consciousness and partly from greater consciousness we’re integrated in. This is the constitutional aspect we have. All of your thoughts and feelings are driven in contrast to this frame of reference which represents your authentic self.
When you experience something which causes you to be devalued and need to compromise on expressing yourself in order to comply or fit in and you internalise that experience then it becomes a belief you adopt to feel safe and secure in that environment even though it doesn’t serve your greatest potential
To become whole and complete we simply recognise these moments from our past as extensions of our current consciousness in the present and we revise those experiences to reflect how we would authentically feel and express ourselves in that moment. To experience the reality of who we truly want to be without compromise is the thing that actually shifts the belief. Nothing else.
Pathway revision is a complete manifesting method which provides you a tool to find limiting experiences and to decide on those moments to relive them from authentic you who and those involved to also show up authentically as though they realised in that moment in time that you’re a human being who has thoughts and feelings and has value because you exist. In this moment you can alter the passage of time and affect everything up the chain of events from that moment and your thoughts feelings and manifestations will confirm this shift in sense of self as a consequence.
This is who you are. Holding nothing back and fully committing to being yourself in ever aspect of life and expressing your feelings uncompromisingly will lead you to release the feelings which bind that state and free up that stagnation for good. This is the secret to revision and SATS.
Letting go means dropping the false identification with the feelings against someone for what they did or didn’t do to you and seeing things for what they are as a whole and complete being. Letting go is simply recognising you’re no longer needing to compromise on being authentic in this aspect of yourself.
Intuitive impulse represents you being tapped on the shoulder by your higher self to show up authentically and without compromise. It’s an opportunity to burn away that which is not in order to reveal that which is.
Living from this authentic aspect of you means no temporary peaks or dips due to the experience of false identification you’re trying to force yourself into which is why expressing this sense of self is the one and only way to consistently and reliably manifest what you want the way you want most naturally as you’re always being drawn in this direction either way and determines exactly what you’ll do as this state is being driven from a higher consciousness too.
These emotional traumas are basically just a stuck feeling that we couldn’t freely express and so when we allow ourselves to express that without compromise we clear it and in pathway revision it has a profound effect for moving resistance as we’re able to see the bigger picture looking back and understanding that we aren’t victims of anything which gives us our power back to let it go and create a better future.
Grasp this.
Every time you’re given an opportunity to be shameless in showing up authentically and expressing your without compromise and you feel that time slows down almost like you’re being tested for faith to your core essence it’s a chance for you to become more coherent to your greatest potential
Every time you miss an opportunity and compromise on showing up in that moment according to who you really want to be regardless of anything anyone will think about you means showing faith in god as yourself. You are the technique because glowing with your intuitive impulses you are constantly influenced by to make the conscious decisions to be yourself or compromise is the way you transcend the limitations which bind you.
This unshakable confidence in yourself because you know yourself as the greater consciousness is the point of what the promise is all about. You know yourself as not the corporeal being who sees only the capacity their eyes can see but the greater consciousness they’re integrated in and are a part of who can see all things and knows the path of least resistance you’re following to refine and become one with that greater consciousness where there is only authentic expression without agenda.
Real revision is about going back to all these bridge moments where you had a decision to make which either served the unfolding of your greater potential and fulfilment or to appease to the expectations of others which is where you’ve placed your value on. Every time you compromise on being genuine in these fork moments is a time which will anchor you into that feeling of lacking value and warp all the outputs you experience in applying LOA.
This quantity of consciousness which cannot be faked using affirmations or even visualisation in SATS can only come from inviting in the awareness of greater consciousness to guide you and give you that insight required to then be able to take the actions and show up without shame or guilt the way you really want to regardless of what anyone thinks because then you live with no regrets and your unconscious mind will know that which is how your sense of self and value will be refined most naturally.
This is your path of least resistance. It’s yours for the taking.
Affirm to yourself “I am shamelessly living my truth” because that truth is your path of least resistance. That is your technique. That’s where the insight arises from. It’s the point at which you realise your value doesn’t come from compromising but by being yourself where all eternity opens up and conspires to bring you anything and everything you’ll ever want or need to fulfil your unique expression of life.
That is the promise. That’s is your promise. That is manifestation. This is reality synthesis.
This is the path we are all being moved towards. We are seeing this unfold in every aspect of reality where the corporate structures of the world are collapsing because they force us to compromise on being ourselves to fit in. Metaphysically speaking global events are occurring to mediate the collective to recognise this truth I speak above. These events are purposefully playing out as a result of greater processes unfolding as they may. Cycles within cycles.
We are all going to undergo this transformation of self and realise our authentic self where there is no agenda behind our intent. Everything will be done for the fulfilment of everyone’s greatest desires on a core level in which case by everyone living without compromise we can form a collective reality which is coherent with the expansion of greater consciousness and become one with it completing the cycle where we then become one mind just as you have many smaller consciousness within you playing out the same trials you are at this very moment.
This is the truth. The undeniable reality of how and why manifestation works the way it does. I have been the one to write about this because I was uncompromising in my ability to see beyond the limitations of myself. I am not special but simply someone who learned that my true nature is greater than my corporeal sense of self. It is in this recognition and experience of through living without compromise that you see the truth of all things even if you can’t put it into words.
Fulfil your dreams and live your life without compromise. That is all you need to do. You never need to affirm or visualise or anything. All that you need to do is die to your identification with where your value comes from through compromise and express that truth without compromise.
Imagine scenarios which fulfil these conditions where you’re shamelessly showing reality your truth be use you are one with all and you know that.
When we are refining our sense of self what are we drawing contrast to. What are we moving towards. That is the greater consciousness we’re integrated in. We are a piece of greater consciousness and so we are being forced to refine our microcosmic reality because the larger process is undergoing its own shifts and so that is metaphysically represented in our existence and the directions we are propagating.
Our path of least resistance represents that which is moving towards the greater us. That’s the truth. That’s why you have intuitive impulse. That’s why you have desires. That’s why you have this constant search for value. That’s why it all is the way it is and it’s all simply the procession of metaphysical principles manifesting and expressing as the consciousness we exist as and are living the reality of being.
That’s the nature of your existence. Manifestation is consequential to your existence as a process of principles unfolding as they are necessitated. The meaning of life is to be that which is and the expression of that which is represents the path of least resistance you’re being drawn into at all times.
The water which flows down the drain in a vortical pattern is the same as your life. Everything is following its path of least resistance because god unfolds itself from yin to yang and back again in an effectively infinite series of integrated processes all dancing the rhythm of life.
That is reality synthesis.
The process of Jing raising from the catalytic reaction over minister fire raising into liver and into heart gives us a proportional pathway connection to all. Incoherently raising Jing leads to spikes of yang expressing in liver and heart making us feel excess neediness and frustration for not being where we want. It amplifies that metaphysical emotional aspect of that meridian and causes our processes which those lead into to be warped as a result.
Semen retention with the gazing OR by raising it through movement like qigong or martial arts or something physically related causes a natural unfolding of this energy. This also connects to Reich orgonomy and outlines why sexual process is critial for the foundations of forming an ideal sense of self and flowing with your affinities. If you don't have the Jing from the kidneys raise into the authoritative center of the liver where creative and spontaneous expression is formed to then be harnessed by the heart which is connected to greater consciousness then you'll feel fear by being yourself and be unable to act spontaneously.
Revising past traumatic processes conjugately also raises this energy more efficiently in a way that shifts stagnation caused by the metaphysical representation to those emotions involved. This is why all paths work because they're all metaphysically represented.
1. Start by retaining and not lusting and move physically or gaze to proportionately raise that Jing into the liver to nourish its ability to express creative power.
2. Get clear on your affinities and path. If you have an intuitive impulse to do something but hold yourself back in that moment write down all the details involved in that aspect and then apply pathway revision to that aspect.
3. Express the cleared pathways without shame or compromise because it feels good to be yourself.
4. Expand your potential and reach beyond your comfort zone into new and greater heights. This will come naturally and you'll be forced to look beyond anyway if you're following your path.
That's how you refine the sense of self foundationally. This then allows you to integrate concepts coherently and manifest them accordingly. That's how LOA works because it's all metaphysically represented.
Thoughts on SATS and revision.
The truth is this. Revision is all we need because it’s the past which keeps us anchored in these cycles of living out compromise on an unconscious level meaning no matter what conscious decisions we make to move in a direction we think serves us it will always confirm the compromise which we hold within. If you break the source of the pattern underlying the problem from the past experience then you affect everything related up the chain. This is why instead of trying to work kataphatically we work apophatically by negating the past influences which keep us anchored and locked into that reality creating the patterns and themes playing out in our lives.
remember the time that you had to compromise on being who you wanted to be, this is the memory which represents the decision you made that held in place the theme that’s warping your reality today. Revise this scene by making the decision you wanted to and also having the person who you compromised to meet the needs of supporting your decision, if you can’t see them making that decision then that’s the very proof you’ve not forgiven them and you’re still holding on. Drop it and dare to assume it.
Once you’ve revised this scene and embodied the feeling/energy/sense of self of the character who acted in that instance without compromise then you can carry that with you and draw upon that for a source of power which will drive you further into living the reality of that decision you made being claimed by you and for you to then own that decision. When you own that decision you revised in the past then you carry that into the present and your entire outlook on that theme and it’s implications Carrie’s over as the field geometry is integrated and is one process unfolding.
Revision is the most powerful method of shifting past beliefs that have been stuck with us and the most reliable way to affect change in our sense of self when you have awareness of those past memories by applying pathway revision. Work with pathway revision and you’ll get immense results if you’ve got the capacity to journal and log the pathways which arise.
when applying pathway revision you’ll spiral in your thoughts once you’ve locked onto a theme that’s limiting you and make you become identified with that compromised experience and so dropping the identification in that moment and seeing that scenario for what it is without judgement gives you the ability to see that the person who you felt the need to compromise for wasn’t there to hurt you but were hurt and or misguided themselves. When you can see the scenario for what it is then you have the ability to completely change the meaning that scene has and actually express your true feelings in that moment the way you really wanted to but felt incapable of.
Every act in life we do that is at one of these points of bifurcation where we almost feel like this pressure to conform even though we don’t want to is one of great importance as these acts and decisions represent the reality of experience of who we are being and if we are proportionate to our ideal sense of self or not. Every time you decide consciously to compromise instead of act according to your true feelings about the theme associated with it then you lose flow with your path of least resistance and your heart becomes damaged along with other systems as a result of the new behavioural patterns you’ll pick up to cope with the suffering you’ve just allowed yourself to give into.
I wrote an unpublished article months back when I was writing about the idea of the “rebellious” manifesting mindset and how it’s got so many people into the positions they are today not because of them expressing this idea of being a rebellious person but because they’re reclaiming their power and remembering all the times they compromised in the past and revising them on the spot simply through state interferometry. The rebellious mindset is similar to the same mindset of that which you’d revise from as to act in that scene according to your true feelings which is in fact why your emotional state really doesn’t have anything to do with the output manifestation and also why even those who feel blissed out always dip because they’re still compromising and their unconscious mind knows that and shows them through their reality.
SATS ritual
Doing SATS at night gets the body and the nervous system expecting this pattern of integrating concepts to repeat and will actually get help mediate that out of habit which is why consistency is important.
Working with the past and the future to anchor in the fulfilment of themes by applying pathway revision and SATS is a complete method. You want to put yourself no in the idea future you but also the ideal past you, living according to the same uncompromising expression of yourself without leaving these patterns playing out.
Revisiting past experiences which are the roots of patterns and reminding yourself of the sense of self from that scene where you fulfilled that resistance in the present in affirmations and in the future with SATS brings you the complete transformation.
How to know if pathway revision or SATS is better
If you’ve got long standing repeated patterns with similar memories and triggers arising from past experiences then pathway revision or apophatic methods are best, otherwise SATS or kataphatic methods are better as there’s no fundamentally limited sense of self warping the outputs.
Here’s the magic realisation
If you need to bring a past sense of self who was free into the present moment to feel connected to your heart and path of least resistance then revision will give you the means to anchor that sense of self in by clearing the miasma that’s caused that aspect of you to be frozen in time from a past experience which is why you need to continually remind yourself of that aspect and yet it doesn’t always anchor in and you end up self sabotaging because it’s not been released and able to conjugate with your future projections in imagination.
The whole feeling worthy and capable consistently without effort comes from a past experience which confirms this truth otherwise you’ll constantly run up against the past. NG said this too. It’s the past which
I imagined being in my old bedroom when I was 7 with the ps2 running crash of the titans on my bed with the crazy sound system and stuff. I also think I remember sonic riders for some reason too. The scene was very brief and simple but I remember embodying the feeling of being there not in vividness but in carryover, the whole I’m not compromising in this imaginal scene to how I want to respond from my free will. I got into a sort of flow and boom all this new stuff manifested the next day as a result because I want back to the past and lived there.
Rules for LOA
1 live a day from fulfilling past patterns that have carried over and caused you to feel stuck. Go back and make the correct decision. That’s all revision is, you change the decision you made in that moment and shift around the decisions others made to reflect the best interests of everyone involved.
2 Go to bed feeling accomplished every night and you’ll not need to dwell on failures and regrets. Basically live each day without regrets, make the decisions that you want to make which you know will bring you happiness as a result regardless of what anyone or anything presents to the contrary. We are moving towards zero resistance so flowing with life means flowing with love without effort through taking the actions and making the decisions which confirm this. Recognise that it was compromise which brought you here to begin with.
3 imagine better and better every day.
The truth is that when we compromise on who we truly want to be and shamelessly expressing who we truly want to be then we cause a split in time between that moment we made that decision and now where we basically keep replaying the theme of that past experience. This is the whole “lesson” learning nonsense so many attribute to human existence but it’s simply that you made a decision that doesn’t serve you and so you must correct it in order to become who you’re really being at your greatest potential.
we are either proportional to the consciousness we’re integrated in or not, if not then you’ll manifest nothing but experiences to confirm this decision. Free will can only come from making conscious decisions and when those decisions don’t serve you as you feel the need to compromise in order to please others then you’re literally destroying yourself and metaphysically denying your divinity as you begin to see yourself as separate from your core essence and so wonder what joy and love and all that feels like where you end up living an aimless life not knowing what your purpose is.
I want everybody who's reading this to pay attention and read between the lines here. Grasp the depths of how this works, experience the reality of it and don't just read it. If you take this simple truth as your one and only guiding principle for the next week of your life and apply it without compromise then you'll make more progress than ever. I guarantee you.
I've realised that it's almost always a form of revision which we're applying that results in the actual foundational shift in the sense of self. Pathway revision proves that anyone and everyone can do this without even realising it because it's a natural process of how thoughts lead into each other. There is a good reason why Neville said that revision is the one method he would teach if he had to pick one, it's because it's all based on revising decisions we made which didn't serve us and anchored in this state of compromise in this area of life.
Almost all the limiting beliefs go back to this idea of needing to compromise in order to please other people, even if those people are no longer in your life. It's so common that you'll self sabotage and by not giving yourself permission to express yourself the way you actually want to because you unconsciously feel vulnerable when you push beyond your comfort zone. It's all about this very act of making the decision to bifurcate and take the path towards your truth even if it makes others unhappy (at least in the moment) that leads you to living with no regrets and going to sleep every night knowing you're living the best life you can within the means you have available. This is how you drop the trying because you are being the change you wish to see and thus there is nothing for you to do but be yourself. There is no more sense of what am I doing with myself.
This attitude towards life of living without compromise and making the decisions that you really want to is how we can all cultivate a sense of self which is proportionate to that which we are unfolding within greater consciousness as individuals and as a collective.
Think (pathway revision) of all those things you held back on in the past because it felt too uncomfortable to be spontaneous and walk the path which you wanted to, go back to these times and allow yourself to make the decision you wanted and in fact revise the parties involved to be supportive in that decision too.
Fully express yourself, hold nothing back, be merciless and unforgiving in the refinement of your foundational field geometry. Revise these past experiences and anchor into that compromise never having been made in the first place. You'll finally be free, the weight will be lifted and you will dance the game of life without effort because you are now being yourself without trying. That's all LOA is about, nothing else.
This is the most natural and simple way to manifest and should be obvious to us all now. The sense of self is the basis of manifestation and your unconscious mind knows you're compromising even if you don't which is why you can feel high on your own existence and think every positive thought imaginable all day about your SP and yet nothing changes.
What other variable is there to shift? Everything else is concept work, essential thought. The only thing there is left to shift is the variable which determines how we associate meaning from those concepts which is the sense of self. When the sense of self is disproportionate to that which is desired to express from it's integration in greater consciousness then it is disproportionate and bleeds charge and disrupts the zero resistance self recursive circuit making us have this air of low worth as a result that we don't ever even have to think about for it to influence us and our reality. It all goes back to the moments you were either forced to compromise on this intuitive flow of life or you decided to in order to fit in and meet others expectations. This is the source of all disease as a result of this resistive pathway metaphysically pushing out proof of compromised being. There is no other aspect to warp our realities as this is how we fundamentally draw association to concepts we integrate which is completely separate to our conscious thoughts. Recognise this simple truth.
There is nothing else to do. All these coaches who love to throw around terms like "you are the technique" or whatever related phrases really don't get why that is. You are the technique because it's actually coming from you feeling that past experience that was the origin of this compromised belief about your capability to be yourself being lifted and let go. That's what letting go is, it's dropping the attachment by actually expressing yourself the way you really desired to all this time without compromise where you're finally able to live without resistance. Being yourself in past present and future is the only technique. Your unique expression of consciousness is the technique. Giving yourself permission to express that means manifesting your life the way you want.
That's why I and many others have manifested big things even while in moments of absolute disposition for life because we simply took upon ourselves the quality of consciousness of our true core essence and negated the conditions out of pure frustration. This is just as effective as feeling magical and blissed out because the emotions are always temporary but the attitude towards how you associate to them isn't. People who take substances to get high while thinking of all the things they want don't live fulfilling lives so why do we think emotions play any part in LOA. The quality of consciousness of being in flow with your intuitive impulses cannot be faked or conjured outside of learning that you never needed to compromise to begin with and this simple realisation is manifestation and state coherency. Attitude of mind coherency proportional to our greater consciousness that intuitively guides and communicates us through experience metaphysically.
I can't make that any more clear. Reality Synthesis is the only valid model of manifestation on earth as it understands manifestation is consequential to your being and not a thing that being does. Because god exists god is. I AM. I AM!
Feeling (intuitive sense of self) is the secret
Self abandonment (intuitive sense of self) is the secret
There is no one to change but self (intuitive sense of self)
Stop studying and live! Living is the technique! Being yourself is the only technique! Do you see it now... This is how we become immortal, not by telling yourself you're immortal which anyone can do. This quality of consciousness cannot be faked or replicated by anyone because it's intangible and separate from sensory experience. It is the principle of proportionality fundamentally. It's so divinely simple and ever so eloquent, the law is the metaphysical mechanics of reality and not some magic probabilistic discreet parallel reality shifting nonsense that's completely devoid of metaphysical correspondence in reality under any context. Everything connects to everything else because it's all one pattern (god) unfolding/processing (what god does by nature of existing) which goes to say your value and sense of self comes only from recognising that you simply exist without any conditions. That's true unconditional love. It's all one.
All the power was always in your hands but you gave it up at some point because you made a decision to compromise on being yourself, you separated from yourself and placed conditions on your value in order to fit into the illusion. To become proportional again all you simply have to do is take upon yourself the state of being as though you never needed to compromise and that all this passion and drive for life you have never needed to be held back.
You'll remember a time of compromise and then you'll have come up in your mind a scenario you desire to express accordingly in the world right now or in the future. There will likely be an air of vulnerability as though you want to do something according to how you truly feel but you still feel you're being pulled back at the same time. This sensation of conflict is the point of bifurcation where decisions and revisions can be made at any time. Decide to have an air of rebellion about this decision as though you're "daring" to assume it's possible to get what you want and that others can't stop you anymore. Go into that crack in time and revise the moment from this frame of reference. See them supporting you and you being unforgiving in that same instance in expressing yourself according to what has been bottled up this whole time. Experience the complete reality of being yourself without holding back to the point where you'll die to your limitations completely. Stand in your truth of being as I AM and take what's yours without mercy as Odin did. Die to yourself. Be reborn as the Christ did.
Feel satisfied that you've done it. It's done. It's finally done. There is nothing to hold onto as there is no regrets. You've been yourself as god and so have done all you need to do as god.
Reality Synthesis is the only valid model of manifestation which explains Neville Goddard and LOA completely. Reality Synthesis fully explains manifestation and all aspects of it.
Burn away that which is not in order to reveal that which is.
VERY SLOW WEBPAGE.. It takes half a second for my keyboard response to show up on screen now.. I think I'll type this out on another document and paste it here instead.
So here's a truth. You're wasting your time compromising on who you really want to be, but there's also the issue that you don't even know who you want to be. When you don't even know who you want to be then there's no sense of direction and thus you end up wasting time as you are. You simply don't have a coherent direction that you believe is going to bring satisfaction. This is the core issue, not laziness or whatever else but a direction which is incoherent. Everybody wants stuff given to them for free, they want to be the center of reality to whatever extent they feel comfortable with that.
Let's look at this metaphysically. You've got 3 primary processes which make up your being. The lower middle and upper cauldrons to use an alchemical term in which each one transmutes base energy into something more ordered for other aspects of your being to utilize. Think of a series of pools of water and each one is integrated in the other, once one pool overflows it spills into the other pool and circulates a refined energy through that other pool.
Joseph Murphy said in the power of the subconscious mind: "To affirm is to state that it is so and as you maintain this attitude of mind as true regardless to all evidence to the contrary you will receive an answer to your prayer. Your thought can only affirm for even if you deny something you are actually affirming the presence of what you deny. Repeating an affirmation knowing what you are saying and why you are saying it leads the mind to the *STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS* where it accepts that which you state as true. Keep on a affirming the truths of life until you get the subconscious reaction which satisfies."
Notice how it says "Repeating an affirmation knowing what you are saying and why you are saying it" and when we pair this with the bible verse about not using vain repetition we can say that approaching affirmation from a mindful place would be effective. The idea of this is more about being the person who is the affirmation, and not so much saying it with detachment as identification would drive the response the subconscious would have. That's why two people can hear or affirm the same words and get different results, for if purely affirming words the same amount of times then both should get the same results right? Besides the words in and of themselves don't have the power, it's the contextual sense we apply to those words which has the power, else two who apply the same method would get the same results, but that's never the case. This is why I see what Joseph Murphy says is true, however, under the contextual sense that repetitive affirmations work then they will because that's the contextual sense applied and grounded into the practise so long as that contextual sense is maintained.
I've pretty much come up with my own language here to describe what's missing with affirmations. Contextual sense, not purely imaginal sense. Contextual sense is the personal aspect of what would otherwise be the same input phenomena which would be replicated, however contextual sense cannot be replicated and precedes imaginal sense.
How to manifest anything - WIP
1. Integrate the new concepts of your desires into one sense
This is done with affirmation and inner conversation above all else but can also be done with imaginal scenes in either real time with open eye methods or with closed eye meditative methods.
Repetitive affirmations will certainly integrate those thoughts into most of your day to day states but they will not cause correct identification and thus we need to associate those with our new contextual sense of self.
These thoughts in and of themselves can and likely will manifest in some way shape or form but without correct identification there cannot be a perfect unfolding of exactly what you want out of these concepts.
Their manifestation will either be warped based on distortional pathways within the thought chain the concept is integrated in or it will come and go quickly causing you to reflect the context of lack over abundance.
Working on the conceptual level is usually only done for around 5 days as more than that will lead to thoughts spiralling and fragmenting of already established states that work for you.
2. Embody a state where your contextual sense of self identifies with those concepts
These new concepts you're thinking of all the time now must be contextually correct for your unconscious mind to generate proportional pathways through which these new thoughts can materialize in a way that you want.
The way we integrate these new concepts contextually is through deeper work with imagination and simply assuming who we are in the now. By drawing ourselves out of old states consciously we starve them and they dissolve.
The longer we can maintain state streaks with correct contextual identification by using imagination to reference your end scene and claiming it as yours as your new sense of self you're going to shift very fast.
This is self abandonment, all the world on the contextual level is all internal to the identification we have and thus by altering our perception of how we relate to these desires we integrated as concepts we manifest them in.
3. Use your imaginary senses to reference an inspiring scene which pulls you into the ideal frame of reference and maintains the state
To maintain the perfect state for longer streaks to integrate it more effectively and to dissolve old states and associations we hold our end scene and all the concepts related to it in our minds and contextualise it as ours.
When we simply take this reference scene and play it through with concept and contextual sense we are shifting all levels of our unconscious field geometry causing us to literally become a new person.
We abandon our old contextual sense to these concepts and thus the way they manifest in our reality shifts without even needing to change the concepts themselves, though that's a recommended part of the process to help.
If you take the core concepts and contexts that you're integrating you'll actually be able to trace them back to a common theme in your life that you've been desiring to experience.
These concepts and contexts are just the means to expressing that theme in your life and thus upon realization of this theme you'll have a new context to draw from which implies all other contexts in one.
This is the most efficient way to draw back to reference when you just can't get the right feeling when in bad circumstances, the theme will almost always give you the sense of self you need to reframe the circumstances.
Manifesting is kind of like listening to music, you eventually get sick of the same thoughts and feelings and so you need something broader in scope to get that feeling back. That's why we use a theme to reference long term.
4. Go about living your life the way you would if you were the person who had it all
When we live our day to day lives we are no longer living as the old self, we sacrificed that old sense of self to transform into the perfect iteration of who we truly desire to be.
From this place we no longer will act the same way, we will be inspired by our sense of self to spontaneously make new decisions and take it upon ourselves to interact with the world and perceive the world in a new way.
We don't have to try or think about doing it, we will just do it. We will do it the same way you do what you normally do during your day. If that means people vanish and opportunities come in to replace them then so be it.
All you have to do is flow with whatever comes up from this new place and hold true to your reference scene to maintain the ideal state and everything will flow without worry or fear just the way it should be.
When we get out of our heads and live in flow with our intuitive impulses we don't need to worry because time flies and outcomes unfold without effort. That's all there is to this, it's very natural and easy.
If getting into flow requires you to act in the world like for example being a dancer then do that and act with the sense of self that the reference scene draws into you. Integrating actions with imagination is VERY powerful.
When we anchor our actions into the world from the ideal state we flow with those actions and we get out of our head which means we can most efficiently generate long state streaks of non wavering thought and contextual sense.
This means we show up for ourselves differently and we don't hold ourselves back when we have the urge to act on our inspirations because of conditions we hold ourselves to. We are now free and flowing with reality.
That's how you manifest anything. This is the formula to follow for all desires no matter how big or small.
The bigger desires will likely need more time spent pulling yourself into reference state to manifest them as your general dwelling states will be disproportionate with what you want.
The longer you can maintain these states and pull yourself into that inspiring reference scene the better if you want faster results but don't go about this in a way where you're overthinking about it as that won't help.
The process should be as simple and effortless as possible. When you recognise being in the state of the one who has it all go deeper into that state and refine it further. Add onto it and immerse yourself in that state.
The way to not waver is to play the part and see all your experiences as benefiting your progression no matter if they seem to be good or bad.
If you find yourself wavering and you can't get into the state again even with your reference scene then pull yourself into the next best state where you can get back on the pedestal and put yourself above your desire.
If the desire is your big one then instead of trying to get into the state of having it by attempting to overcome the anxiety of the desire being above you reframe the desire as being below you and easy to obtain.
Holding the desire above us is false identification and reflects that we're not in the ideal contextual sense of self and so either getting inspired to be on top or by relaxing and refocusing will work to reframe yourself.
Realtime or same day manifestations unfold when both contextual sense and conceptual sense of both self and the desire are proportionally aligned and the pathway can fire without resistance.
To manifest really fast like this the most effective thing we can do is actually work on integrating the desire from a place of it wanting us, this builds contextual sense and also builds conceptual sense in our favour.
Projecting your ideal sense of self out into the world and feeling it come back to you is another way that works with general state shifting throughout the day.
This method of manifesting very fast is usually what people do when they manifest a call in seconds or minutes. Realtime manifestation is possible, I've done it a few times but it's inconsistent because our states are too.
All you need to do is draw upon your reference scene for that inspirational impulse and to dwell there as long as you have all disproportionate pathways cleared up. If resistance shows up reframe it as success in your reality.
For more specific integrations of concepts and contexts coaching should be requested to get a glimpse into your field geometries and understand where disproportionality is expressing in your reality to refine it and manifest.
The thoughts you continually tell yourself will manifest only to the extent that you contextualize those thoughts. If you affirm for example that you’re SP loves you then you will only manifest proof of that in your reality associated to the contextualization you hold on that concept. This will usually result in you manifesting experiences of your SP posting how much they love their third party and not about you as this theme is playing out reflecting that proof. This is how information pathways work, the ideal intention behind the affirmation gets warped by what’s underlying it and makes what would be a positive experience into a reflection of your limitation.
You will likely see other people experiencing what you want and it will make you feel frustrated and inferior not because of those thought but because of how you associate meaning to those thoughts unconsciously. That’s how signs always play out and why you often see the name of your SP everywhere when you affirm they love you instead of them actually saying it to you. You still believe you’re unworthy and thus that affirmation MUST provide proof associated to your limitation. This is what affirming in “lack” really means. Even if you feel good when you affirm what you want to happen, your general dwelling state and contextual sense around that state is of lack, thus the modulation of the state of lack and that affirmation average out to manifest the signs and limited experiences you have and not what you want because the contextual association hasn’t changed.
I want to write this out for you, the reader of this article, to come back to and use as reference material for when doubts show up and you waver. I want this to clear up how things work and give you the clear truth behind the process which plays out and why being in a negative place is not a bad thing at all. This is all about state coherence after all, and being in a bad state means you’re not in an ideal range of state coherence, at least in that currently embodied state. That doesn’t mean that your reference state is incoherent but that you’re not in there in this present moment.
All it takes to manifest your desire is to consistently hold your reference state through living in flow with that and structuring your life around that reference state which integrates all the desires you want into one and the theme which underlies them all as the anchor point for your unconscious to latch onto and provide context towards. We will go over how this all works and why you’re not getting what you want.
Lets outline a clear example of how this can work. For example you want an SP, but you’re broke, you’ve got no money and you believe that your SP won’t want you if you’re broke and can’t provide any monetary value. You don’t know what you want to do in life and all you wish is that you just had money and your problem would go away.
Here’s the solution to that scenario, which is a common one. If you want money the most easy way to attain it is to do what you love in life and monetize that. You’ve got a path of least resistance which represents your desired “thing” that you want to do regardless of if it would seem to be profitable or not. When you move in the direction of this thing shamelessly as if everybody WANTS you to walk that path then you’ll have money fall into your lap literally out of nowhere because the circumstances must align to prove to you that concept you’ve integrated within you.
Dropping conditions such as nobody wants or values what I want to do in life is essential to generating intuitive impulse which will automatically drive you into the world to act unconsciously and generates state coherence through persisted streaks in that reference state. This is how we anchor in the unconscious aspect of consciousness, the so called “feeling”, or knowing, of who and what we are and what we are capable of. This process does NOT require conscious input but instead unconscious input through nervous system stability.
The experience of ups and downs in your state tells us that you’re not coherent in states, this is not necessarily a bad thing though and should be seen as a sign of where to place your awareness. If by being in flow in your reference state time flies for you and you don’t have any intrusive thoughts because you were immersed in the experience of the moment it means that you were in a state streak and you will likely experience more of that in the near future as it’s building state coherency on the unconscious feeling level.
When your nervous system is stable and steady the feeling has every opportunity to integrate along with your ideal concepts to manifest what you want the WAY you want it. Too often do we simply think of what we want but not really believe it to be the case, to know it intuitively as our default reaction when that concept is brought up. The doubts, fears, insecurities and the like, they don’t really hold any meaning unless we give them meaning on a conceptual level. Context is built out of both concept and feeling, so even if you’re not “feeling”, knowing, that your desire is yours, it’s still yours if you maintain consistency of concept. This is what persisting in thought represents, but true persistence, generally speaking, is persistence of showing up in your end reference state in the world and knowing that people want you to show up that way regardless of how you feel in the moment. Feelings, just like fleeting thoughts, don’t have long term influence outside of extremely traumatic experiences where context is generated near real time due to false identifications with the scenario experienced.
So when it comes to practically staying consistent in the ideal reference state we will simply see the world as wanting us to fall into that place by default. It’s like a task we’re being given by reality to fulfil in order to manifest the desire. Keep in mind that this is not going to appear as “work” to us in the moment, just like when you’re having fun time flies. When you’re in flow and you’re writing something out time flies too, it’s the same experience but under different conceptual basis leading to differences in context generated out of that experience in flow.
All we need to do is recognize that it’s done, that reality wants us to be this way and because we WANT to be this way on a truly foundational level and reality WANTS us to show up this way too as the mirror of that internal aspect we really can’t fail. This is not work for us as it’s a means through which we experience flow and reference state streak. Simply follow your desires, show up accordingly and flow with intuitive inspirational impulse to move in the world and thus through you being the change you wish to see the world will be moved for you to realize the underlying desire which is implicated as a result of this process unfolding. That’s how it works for everybody regardless of if they are aware of it or not as their interpretation of what showing up for themselves according to their desires is always different.
Just keep in mind that the idea that you don’t need to do anything is only true to the extent that you’re not holding conditions against your impulses to act in the world. If you truly “feel” a pull to be moved in the world but you don’t “feel” like you’re worth the world reflecting that movement then you’re unconsciously being driven by conditions and false identifications leading to self sabotage. This is where most fail, they believe that because they hear that you don’t need to lift a finger to manifest, which is technically true, it means you can still live in old patterns and identifications without consequence and by thinking from that end in the same state of lack you can manifest what you want. This rarely works and is what most try and fail with not realizing the simple formula outlined above.
To expand further the outline of how showing up for yourself in reality looks to you is, again, completely subjective to your meaning you place on that. This means that you don’t need to even get out of bed to manifest anything you desire, however, without an unconscious anchor point as the expression of reference state you will never shift the feeling and nothing will change. By being in this place of inaction you’ll be always looking for proofs, your nervous system will be on edge expecting something to show up and as a result it never does which only feeds the cycle leading you to eventually give up and move on.
This is why when we’re at rock bottom we often have revelations as there is such contrast in our awareness in this place that it seems like there’s nowhere to go but back up at that point as your self regulating process must reflect the polarity that exists within that concept. Temporary inspirational impulse will be generated out of this as the feeling of worth would be shifted in that moment and through flowing with this you build momentum and thus state coherence where old patterns are broken without even trying.
Can you see the process here now? It’s all about flowing with your reality, expecting things without expecting them. Thinking without thinking and feeling without feeling, that’s truly what being in the moment means. It’s all about embodiment through self recursive process. When we’re out of this process and we look for proof our nervous system becomes aware of contrast and the feeling no longer reflects the concept of your desire the way you want and instead will only provide proof of the opposite because that contrast exists from not being in flow and in steady state. This is where most fail and will continue to stumble until they see this simple truth about how and why manifesting works the way it does. Contrast is what enables us to experience emotional output and is the basis for how the stories we form about ourselves are associated to the feeling. Contrast is the experience of proportionality and proportionality is the basis of information.
To recap. The process is simply about getting clear on your desires, which you do have and are aware of no matter how low you are. This comes by looking at what desires come up and questioning if you’re compromising on that desire at all, if you are then clear up where these compromises are and recognize the patterns which are playing out to cause that compromise as conditions you’re holding above your ability within yourself to manifest this desire. Drop the conditions by saying they no longer hold any influence and move on to clarifying that this desire is fundamental. Write it down on paper, physical paper, your unconscious mind will feel different from this and will actually generate a feeling of certainty in that moment that it’s yours now.
From this place we will WANT to move in the world in various ways that come up and might even feel a sort of passionate unrelenting will to get things done. This will be temporary, it will only last for anywhere from a few hours up to 3 days or so until steady state kicks in and you no longer feel these same drives. This is where coherence is building in your state, but if you don’t feel inspired anymore by the same things you once did it means you’re not working with reference state as the desires underlying reference state will ALWAYS drive you into that ideal feeling and your nervous system will get on board. In the moment you may not feel it but flow through whatever negative state you’re in and you’ll then level off and begin to feel the inspirational impulses once again.
Don’t let the negative states get you down, don’t place any meaning on them which is unfavourable but just see them as temporary cycles within bigger cycles which are providing you contrast through which you will be able to maintain momentum. Without this contrast you won’t have these powerful drives to move in the world until it becomes a normal steady state process which plays out unconsciously. At this point you will no longer have negative spirals as those pathways are completely dissolved. It will be like how you don’t spiral at having a computer or phone to read this article on, it just is what it is because you’re so use to it being a part of your experience and your nervous system is fully on board with this experience too.
This is why marrying the conscious and the unconscious aspects is critical in manifesting your desires as the subconscious mind is but a product of the interaction of the conscious and unconscious processes that play out in your self recursive circuit that is your consciousnesses. All it takes is to simply make a decision on what it is you want and to build momentum in that direction. The rest will take care of itself for you as that’s how reality works. Gravity works regardless of if you believe it works or not, just like your heart pumps blood around your body without you telling it to do so as it’s all unconscious autonomic processes playing out which are a part of the same circuitry which crystallizes your conceptual conscious thoughts into unconscious processes which work for you. This is why nervous system stability is critically important and also how it explains why those who don’t break patterns continue to look for conditions and don’t get anywhere because their nervous system is on edge all the time looking for proof of something they don't have as they don’t “feel” they truly have it or ARE it.
I hope that clears up how things work and provides clarity about why you are where you are right now, be it good or bad in your perspective. Nothing can hold you back but your perceptions of yourself and the meanings you place on those circumstances and how the patterns which arise from these cycles affect your relationship with your desires. Having a healthy relationship with your desires is how you manifest effortlessly. You know they’re inevitable and your nervous system is on board because you’re showing up accordingly and in flow not looking for proof of things all the time.
Here’s my tip if you’re still spiralling. Just remember that every time you ended up in a low point there was ALWAYS a positive peak at the end of it. Negative spirals are always just temporary processes playing out due to the contrast in your unconscious mind showing you the limited identifications in a more intense way. When you’re in reference state and in flow these came concepts have a completely different context behind them because your feeling is stable and in coherence with your end. Your nervous system isn’t looking for proof and is comfortable where you are in life from that state, hence why the same concepts don’t cause you to fall out into negative spirals.
The same principle applies here to the negative spiral, the positive aspects seem impossible due to the contrast which exists to present your unconscious mind the seemingly impossible task of manifesting this desire and all the circumstances will appear as obstacles in your way instead of just steps on a path to your end. You see how the same concepts can provide completely different meanings to you based on the feeling you’re associating to those concepts based on the state you embody. Negative spirals are ALWAYS temporary and will fade out, go into them and immerse yourself in these pathways if you want, clear out the energy in your nervous system and move things forward, don’t be afraid of expressing your negative emotional outputs. They exist for a reason and they’re just parts of a temporary process unfolding to show you where you’re at.
There is nothing more powerful in manifesting your desire than clear vision of your end which you can consciously hold in awareness even in negative states. Use your conscious mind to guide your unconscious mind and give it concepts to work with which bring about the feeling of being satisfied with your place in life. Your desires are inevitable, flow with that and let your nervous system/unconscious mind get on board with that. This will anchor in the feeling and give you ideal state coherence to level off contrast and make that desire seem normal to you and not cause you to spiral in thoughts either on the positive or negative direction. It just is and through showing up for yourself according to this faith you manifest with inevitability. It doesn’t matter if it shows up today or next year because you’re already satisfied with your place in life and your nervous system is on board with it too. That’s all you need to do do manifest any desire without exception.
Imagine as if your desire was true, dare to assume it as Neville Goddard says and immerse yourself in the feeling of that concept. Grab that feeling and bring it into your current state. Elevate yourself into that ideal reference state and become reborn once again as a new person in that moment. That is all there is and conditions and circumstances are irrelevant. All it takes is a small boost and a frame of reference shift to get into reference state and to flow with that state. Choose to focus on the end, the solution to the pattern once it’s been identified. Separate yourself from this pattern and dissolve it’s influence on you by writing it out and burning it to ash to be forgotten forever. Do this ritual and remember it’s implications to your reality. This ritual has no technical basis other than purely an act of free flowing will to decide your end here and now. That simple decision can make all the difference for you.
Think of things like this. If you see your path of least resistance as a path that you walk because you think you need to in order to manifest what you want using effort then you’re approaching it from the wrong feeling. Take this and apply it. You’ve got a path of least resistance through which you can provide VALUE to not just the world and the people you interact with who show up as mirrors for you but that this value you provide comes BACK to you the more you put it out there. People WANT you to provide this value, they’re mirrors just sitting out there waiting for you to show up and give them what they want so they can then give you what you want. You see how this works? The mirror principle works both ways, show up for yourself according to your intuitive impulses and flow with that along your path of least resistance from the frame of reference of people SEEKING your value and you WILL have that returned to you 10X!
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