Coaching Details

What you get:

- 1 Hour initial session where we set straight the facts of who you are and what you're capable of and analyse any limiting beliefs that come up to be resolved. We will touch on exactly what's in the way and I will provide you unique methods only offered in coaching to clear resistance in the most efficient way possible for your use case.

**FOR THOSE BOOKING MORE THAN 1 HOUR SESSIONS* The session will be held over discord and you will receive an email with an invite link to your private server where you can ask questions at any time during the duration of the service. Link will be emailed before the booked initial session.*

- A unique field geometry graph will be emailed to you after the session outlining exactly where you need to apply yourself in your day to day life in order to manifest your desire as well as a list 20 of affirmations which you can set as your background as a reminder. *Field geometry graphs are emailed up to 48 hours after initial session.*

- Follow up coaching via calls will be offered every week after the initial session for those booking more than 1 hour. I will answer any questions you put in the discord chat within 48 hours until the duration of the service is over.


Results can never be guaranteed and are entirely dependent upon your application of the service provided. I always encourage clients to hold nothing back and to drop any and all conditions from their desires and to go after what they truly desire in life by acting on that drive in flow where there cannot be resistance present to hold you back.

Email Coaching

Zero compromise Reality Synthesis coaching on a budget!