The fundamentals of Reality Synthesis OLD

The fundamentals of Reality Synthesis

The essence of manifestation is very simple when you distil it all down to the basic elements. It's about being yourself without compromise. This simply means you live life on your own terms and consistently make satisfying decisions casually. You simply be yourself without compromise. Any time you buy into the need to compromise on your vision for your reality that's unsatisfying then you're compromising and giving away your power to external conditioning. This doesn't mean you have to buy into the pressure because we will all face the pressure to conform to external circumstances but having faith means having faith in your end which is the vision of your life you genuinely desire to experience because it's nourishing and satisfying to you. That is representing who you are.

Your creative essence comes through you as a result of being yourself, not as a result of imaginal acts. When we imagine something even to the depth of the reality of experience and "feel it real" with all the senses possible but continue to compromise on being ourselves outside of imagination then you have no faith, for the faith is not in the scene but in who you're comfortable being in this world that the scene represents. That's represented as the imagined end, that's where you're moving towards but the you who's moving there is what matters. It's the you who experiences that which is driven to respond to reality in ways that shows faith as a result of your imaginal act which holds the faith and the power. The one who has faith in their end which represents the fulfilment of their genuine authentic self is the one who is being themselves without compromise and naturally experiences satisfying manifestations without ever having to even consciously apply imaginal work because it comes through them automatically. This is how we effectively drop seeds, it's the ones that unfold through us naturally as a result of being ourselves and is what separates manifesting correctly vs trying to think of something to manifest it out of lack.

Imaginal acts come through us naturally to describe the experience of being the person we desire to be in the imagination which naturally drives us into being that person where we no longer operate out of a state of contrast with it seeing it from outside but from within and as that state. This is where all the magic happens because it's naturally coming through us instead of from us. It's like what Neville Goddard says about thinking "from" vs "of". The difference is being and is where true faith comes from out of the testimony of experiencing the thematic sensations of being that person.

Nothing is handed to us on a silver platter like magic which is what we've been told to believe. Belief is belief in who you are, who you are that's satisfying and authentic and always real with yourself. You're not afraid to tell people no even if there's pressure to say yes. You're able to make decisions that go against the pressure because those decisions represent your authentic expression and how that imagined state is driving you to be. To be. Being yourself without compromise. That's the state of the wish fulfilled. That's the empowered Christ. That's what it's like to live reborn. You just don't care about external conditions and know that the pressure doesn't matter because it's always temporary. That's why circumstances don't matter.

The classroom example is one I like to use in explaining this. Say you've been working on a project and you need to present it to the class but you're afraid of what they'll think. You've got negative self talk in your mind come up that tells you you've not done enough even though you know you've met all the criteria. You think about what people will think if something is wrong in what you say or do. You have all these imaginal experiences fly through you and you don't consciously intend for them to come in they just automatically come up as a result of buying into that resistance. This is because the mind is simply observing what's circulating as a result of root pressure bringing them up. In this place that's ok to feel these things we don't have to be afraid of them because they're coming through us to reveal to us how our current state is operating.

The person who's satisfied brings up their end scene and reminds themselves of what they've done and who they really are, they embody the person who is satisfied and doesn't care about what others think about them and they go up and present their assignment without a shred of care for what others think, even if they feel that pressure they still do it regardless of the circumstances. That's what circumstances doesn't matter means. Circumstances don't control what you make decisions out of and buy into as your faith in the end. Do you believe in your end or do you believe in your temporary state of resistance? Dare to assume it. "Dare" is what NG says. To have a "radical" change in attitude is what NG says. So what if there's little issues, so what if I stumble my words, so what big deal it doesn't matter there's nothing that can cause me to waver in my assumption of who I am and what I can fulfil.

It's ok to have these thoughts, you're able to go through them and not have them make decisions for you. You can experience them in your mind but you don't have to buy into them and how they're warping your mental environment. This pressure to give into comfort and not even present your work is tempting because it avoids the process of being purified. It says in the bible to not be led into temptation, when you know that giving in won't be satisfying but you do anyway it invariably results in unsatisfying outcomes. That’s how God “punishes” us if we think of it in terms of mechanics and personifications of them.

If you go through that and accept what you're authentically driven to fulfil even if there's pressure there then you'll be satisfied because you made decisions out of that authentic state of the wish fulfilled and you had faith in yourself. It's not faith in the end, the end represents who you're being and it's the faith in the one who experiences the end. Every time you’re imagining a scene that implies something it’s representing who you’re being. That's why we have faith in the Christ and not in the objects and Idols of the senses because the Christ represents the form that you take upon yourself represented as the scene. The scene has thematic elements to it that nourish you. The end is your anchor to the state of being because it brings up that resonant sense of self of being fulfilled and satisfied and drives you to make correct decisions in the world.

You can withdraw your vitality from what's drawing you in that's not correct for your faith and you can further buy into what is correct for your consciousness that's satisfying. That's why when you "detach" then the magic happens. Detachment simply means that you're tapping your internal supply which is the satisfying end that represents the state of being, who I AM is in that place that you carry with you into the world and have drive your decisions. It's a consistent vision. NG said to have a "definite aim" and to stick to that and bring it up often over the day. The aim is the satisfying end and the person who experiences that is what we sink into. That’s what people respond to and change for as they’re going to see you differently as a result. The most common issue with manifesting is thinking that imagination is something that we can use to bypass transforming who we are being and how we make decisions. If there's contrast between the current and end state meaning we feel like we have to buy into conditions vs freely being ourselves without compromise then we're experiencing resistance. Resistance is the need to buy into a state that's not in faith to your end and a rejection of the natural state of being you're authentically driven to represent in your experiences both worldly and imaginary. 

When you feel and notice yourself wavering in your faith, meaning you're buying into directions that aren't resulting in your satisfying end and that state of being, then you're to bring yourself back into that end and be driven by the sensation of being that person. You're not using the imagination to cope with bad feelings of lack and frustration and such because these will invariably show up in everyone's experiences but its's that we use imagination to give to us in those moments what we cannot access in the world through the physical senses that brings up and reminds us of who we are. That's faith in the end. We allow our imagination to provide to us nourishment and a supply of vitality in which we can then go through the resistance and the pressure all the way and make the decisions that resonant state is driving us to make. It's that you bring this up as often as needed and make it your default reference state you anchor into in decision making and how you're buying into the context of your experience for it's not the experience but the person who's experiencing that which shifts. The sensory experience stays the same but how you relate to it and buy into it is resonant vs resistive and unsatisfying. Once again this doesn't mean we're going to magically make negative feelings vanish in moments of pressure by doing this but it will provide us a greater context as to who's experiencing this and to what end, and we allow ourselves to be driven through the impulses that arise out of this state you've experienced in the imagination.

Two people can be in the same physical experience and have totally different inner experiences of that and feel totally different about that. This is the point, we have the context of the state that represents our nourishment, and we have satisfaction be what drives the experience, for if we are nourished in our faith we can detach from needing things to go a certain way that we feel falsely we need to buy into to feel satisfied and comfortable. That’s effective detachment. You don’t need something because the sensation of being yourself is enough. The nourishment we tap into from feeling into the state of the wish fulfilled is what allows us to see clearly and have a greater contextual perspective where we're not buying into the limited narrow tunnel vision that the resistance represents which is just focused on the small elements of resistance. If you could see in that narrow space the light of life of the Christ that represents your divine essence and your true power to just be yourself and accept yourself fully then you'd never need to even consider buying into limitation. You never had to buy into resistance and you can drop the need to conform to circumstances in an instant. You can be reborn as your authentic state of being any time in imagination and that's what it's really used for in state shifting and how we're naturally driven in the world. It's the decisions we make, meaning what we act on in the world and what we mentally buy into that matters. That's where our faith is reflected. You will know those of faith by their works as the bible says.


The effortless way to manifest literally everything you desire

What you desire to manifest naturally exists within you already which is why you have the thoughts come up for it. The only issue we face is attachment and needing it to manifest in a specific way without any change to the surrounding context. Your problem is that you're not changing in relation to the desire that's already naturally coming through you. You don't feel worthy of receiving it and every time you imagine scenes all that follows are unsatisfying manifestations at best. The reason why is because we're "trying" to make manifestation happen in a way the bypasses us facing transformation and authentically being the person who already has the desire, meaning we value ourselves and naturally feel worthy of receiving it. Remember the thoughts we have come through us are already automatic but we cannot effectively drop them without being satisfied already which is why we attach and cannot let go of the desire. If we were satisfied and casually felt worthy without importance (because we're satisfied in being ourselves implying that it's inevitable) then naturally those same thoughts that come through us will have a quality of a refined coherent sense of self to integrate within and manifest in a satisfying manner. We've been taught manifesting in a vacuum but that's not how it works and the fact that you're still unable to experience the abundance desired is proof of this.

Being yourself without compromise means that you're satisfied in your sense of self and out of that you don't need to attach and seek nourishment in the desire which is what most people do who try and manifest their desires. The imaginal work comes down to simply having the imaginal scene represent the person who has it, not that the thing being imagined matters as that's just a "link" that you have to bring up your sense of value and nourishment to be yourself. The imaginal scene should bring up within you a sensation of resonance naturally that will send more confirming thoughts through the mind as the context builds out and shifts into the direction of you being the person who invariably has this desire already. It should be like "of course this desire is already mine" and you'll have a scene to reflect that.

It's ALWAYS targeting the sense of self, as NG says "there's no one to change but self". So the effortless way is quite simply to recognise who the fully satisfied version of you is and build out in your imagination what it feels like to just expect to have these desires casually. If you do this correctly it will naturally drive your imagination to have thoughts that correspond come to mind and automatically suggest things for you to make decisions on and this is literally the proof of the new state being embodied as NG says "self abandonment is the secret". This simply means that we leave behind the old version of us and forget completely about that reality through aligning the context of being to focus purely on being the person who's valued and has these desires casually expected to manifest as a result of who you are. It's expected and automatic. You're already detached and have the same thoughts you're having now come through except they're going to come through a different person who interprets and feels them differently.

That's the difference between trying to manifest and manifesting without effort. It's the same thoughts except you're a different person having them. This is why you cannot try to manifest because it's impossible to manifest what you desire as a person who's unworthy, we must abandon that person and forget about them and live in the end. The end implying the satisfied person who makes correct decisions consistently and simply knows that their desires are expected casually just like anything else you're already feeling comfortable with currently. The trick is to have the thoughts come through an already satisfied person. They're always unfolding through you because that's your natural striving but they're coming through a person who's unsatisfied and so all that can come out of this is manifestations that confirm the sense of self. Satisfaction and frustration. When the satisfied person naturally has these desires come through just as they already are currently then the natural detachment is present and those can be dropped without trying. It's natural. That's the true secret of manifesting that only Reality Synthesis has revealed about how to manifest effortlessly. Techniques can only transform the sense of self or manifest what's already comfortable.

If we take Reality Synthesis and simplify it into a simple applicable process it can be seen as just that who we are being results in the thoughts (thematic representation) that we have which correspond to the phenomena we manifest in the world. It's what comes through us that manifests, naturally, as a result of being led into the reality of experience of being that person. Wherever there is contrast between states drawing you away from satisfaction then there is conditions against the natural embodiment of that person which prevents natural manifestation unfolding. This is what resistance work is targeting to dissolve. It works on the elements of our consciousness that we've falsely identified with that we believe prevent us from accepting and being the person we actually have resonance with and who has authority and value to make the decisions they want to make. These are the conditions that manifest automatically in your mind as opposing thoughts and if we buy into them then we accept the conditioning without realising it because that's who we believe we are without contrast to compare to that reminds us of our value. If you catch yourself then it's already too late because you're naturally unfolding the negative thoughts as proof of who you're being which is why refining the roots of then origins of that state to cut off the cause of negative thoughts entirely is the solution.

If we take this same process and flip it to where if we naturally embody being the person then the positive thoughts that represent the seeds within us that unfold then we automatically manifest what we desire without ever needing to even think about them consciously or do any conscious specific manifesting as they come through us naturally from an already detached place. You can even have negative thoughts come up but they'll simply be casually dismissed or reframed because it's just who you are. It's who you are being that matters and not the specific concepts that come up. The concepts that come up come through you automatically as a result of your thematics but if you're satisfied then how you automatically relate to them instantly will be satisfying anyway and that's the difference between someone who has casual detached thoughts vs someone who's trying. It's a quality of consciousness. Two people can say the exact same thoughts but relate to them very differently.

The state of being has everything desired aligned and implied coming through you as you experience it. It's all natural is the point and is why a vast majority of people in this community who preach manifesting theory miss the whole idea that thoughts must naturally unfold through us as a result of tapping into the thematic resonance of being ourselves and owning it without compromise. This negates contrast and nourishes us where the context of that state is nourishing and satisfying. That's how we naturally manifest the thoughts that represent our desires through us and that's when they can just be random fleeting thoughts that we "drop" and forget about because we're already being that person and they're just coming through us without any conscious effort. That's the magic. I've never heard anyone explain it completely this way in this community.

The manifesting techniques must come through us for them to have reliably effective and satisfying outcomes. As I've said you can force thoughts into your mind and see results in the world but that's very unlikely to be a satisfying experiences because the state that you're even needing to do them from naturally isn't having them flow through your mind.  NG says that effort is the cause of opposite results. If you're "trying" to manifest it's because you're still resistive to accepting your natural state of being that's nourishing and resonant. There's still contrast and conditions that need to get lost for you to actually sink into the reality of experience and almost forget that you're being yourself as to where the desired thoughts will naturally unfold through you.

All of your desires exist within you, all those seeds of creation are already present and still waiting for you to get in alignment with them. All you need to do is just be yourself without compromise. Go all the way. When you do this everything works and you never need to touch specific imaginal scenes to manifest ever again because it's all naturally unfolding through you anyway. You don't need anything except the faith in the divine sense of self who is already satisfied and nourished and to sink into that and make all your decisions out of that naturally. That's the effortless way. That's truly what "it's done" means. It's done is because it's already coming through you, not you making anything happen. That's why it's effortless and natural and why thinking positive thoughts from an attached state is never going to be satisfying.


Pathway work

The essence of Reality Synthesis is a process I call pathway work. The real power behind pathway work is that we’re discovering what’s within the contents of our minds. When we do pathway work we’re mapping the metaphysical thematic elements that are comprising the contents of our field geometry which represents what we provide to the world in thematic supply and is what determines if we feel in resonance or not with that direction. This is who we really are on a fixed level that we’re discovering by tracing through what brings us nourishment and what doesn’t.

The way that we do pathway work is simple. You just trace through the thoughts in the mind as they come up and write them down one after the other. It’s like you’re forming a web of connected thoughts and they have common themes that they can relate to. The web will gradually form more and more intricate connections as you explore the pathways when they come up and trace common themes between different trains of thought. This is one of the most powerful introspective tools there is because it’s literally making a map of your field geometry representing the contents of the mind.

When we do pathway work it's simply that we're bringing up the associated sensory level experiences that correspond to the thematic elements. We are being drawn into those states as we lead ourselves through the corresponding train of thoughts. We naturally do pathway work when we spiral in thoughts, as this is how we confirm context to ourselves unconsciously without realising it. These thoughts come through us without us trying to think them as they're coming up from a commonly associated rooted theme of experience we've bought into and are operating out of consistently. This is why doing pathway work deliberately to identify and target these is important instead of just having them throw us around. When we make them conscious and see them when they come up we can know what to do with them and if the sensation of being is resonant or not. It's the most efficient way to map the contents of the field geometry and what drives your experiences and responses to those experiences. 

Logging down with pathway work the consistent decisions we're compromising on that we're playing tug of war with ourselves when opportunities come up to make them. If in these moments of playing tug of war and being led into the state we recognise the sensation and remind ourselves of the end that represents our nourishment we can have context to drive us into making the decision we've compromised on in this moment that values our sense of self and that transforms us profoundly. We want to log down every major theme that comes up when we play tug of war with ourselves and which decision the end state of being that's driven by the sensation of being that person would make. This can be cultivated deliberately by going into those pathways in your own time and imagining yourself making those decisions that are authentic to process the pressure or we can just throw ourselves into the deep end and make those decisions for real when they come up instead of continuing to compromise. 

We more often than not make different decisions naturally when things get worse than is comfortable for us. This is what drives us to then look at ourselves with more clarity and value from the perspective of where we desire to be. That's why we see the decisions we made as poor, there's natural contrast that comes up and this is a self correcting mechanism in consciousness that naturally drives us towards higher order but in most cases this contrast is temporary and due to not continuing to sink into that state of having a more self valued outlook we continue to compromise when the emotional charge is dissipated. Instead of allowing ourselves to come back to the comforting sensation of lack we've existed in for so long we bring up that same state of being that's driving us into making those different decisions and go all the way into that.


Thematic supply and reception

We have within us a series of fixed thematic elements that represent on a principle level the experiences we have resonance with. Think of themes like yin and yang, the 5 elements, the 8 directions, any fundamental archetypal experience is what themes are and we experience them through the senses and sensations of being in the form. Themes are representing the metaphysical correspondences that sensory concepts have, such as your imaginal scenes and concepts that you have of yourself. These concepts that run through your mind fire various meridians and channels within us that activate the sensations we feel as the form responds to those in either a "yes" or "no" state. The way that it feels to you determines this so your body and it's response to what comes before the consciousness is your inner guidance mechanism that determines what is and isn't self. If you feel frustrated at a certain experience that's bringing up related lacking sense of self then it's your body telling you to go through it and dissolve it instead of running away from it. We need to listen to what the form is telling us because it's how we communicate with our greater consciousness (what most people call the "higher self" which is the Christos or incorporeal consciousness that you're becoming one with in this world) through the sensations we experience.

The desired state of being and corresponding experiences reflect these components of consciousness. What you provide that's fixed in your consciousness is what others will be receptive towards as conditioning and vice versa. Our open receptive nature is important as this is where we learn about the not self as contrast to who we really are. By having thematic elements of consciousness open to conditioning we can undergo the transformation process of alchemical purification and through that attain insights and learn lessons for the purposes of sharing them with others and often times we go through these not-self conditioning programs for the function of the fulfilment of what is self on a greater level than could otherwise be as now we've got contrast to compare to for the mind to experience.

Who you're being in this world on a fixed thematic level provides to others what's receptive in them that they can play off of. If you've got disowned themes of experience then you're going to feel that others having what you don't have to bring up lack within you and out of that drive you into the process of transformation as an uncomfortable sensation that you can either recognise and own or continue to run away from. If you're receptive and have bought into what's not defined within you as a fixed theme of consciousness then you're also going to feel frustration because it's not actually you it's what you took on from someone else as self. This can also spill over into fixed elements of consciousness too with disowning them.

The important thing to understand here is that your consciousness is experienced in a satisfying manner through your fixed thematic elements and this is actually how you manifest things in the world and "influence" people. 


Boundaries and compromise

This is massive and a lot of the uncomfortable decisions we're compromising on involve boundaries being broken. This sigals we don't have a refined sense of self and need to overextend or withdraw exsessively to feel comfortable over just being authentic regardless of the circumstances. The most practical element of this work in decision making comes down to holding yourself into a place of consistent value and the way you do that is through the extended dynamics of supply and reception into extension and withdrawal. Diverdgence and convergence. If you overextend beyond what your inner authority is telling you to do through the sensation and response then you’re depleting your vitality and you’re also continuing to provide them a platform to stay in their own resistance. When you drop them and move on they change not because of magic but because you’ve broken their comfort zone and caused them to reconsider their self value. You provided them contrast and it’s the same thing that works through you when others break your boundaries and it makes you question your standing.

When we face pressure to conform to the boundaries of others over our own and give into it then we’re going to manifest unsatisfying results every time as you’re denying your divinity by making incorrect decisions. Going through the pressure and saying no or yes depending on how you’re driven is how you actually make satisfying and nourishing decisions and these will provide you influence over others because they can’t cause you to waver and they will either respect you or try and tear you down which will only show their true nature. You drive other peoples transformations most often by withdrawing from their own lacking sense of self and causing them to then turn that view in on themselves where they're forced to look at themselves. Other people experience the same process of transformation in their consciousness too, so when we can facilitate that by being ourselves and providing the contrast to their sense of self then we drive their transformation as we're just naturally putting them under pressure to make correct decisions vs continuing to buy into the same patterns of lack. Same thing happens for you and them which is why having solid boundaries can actually benefit not just yourself but others too.


Pathway revision and application

Pathway refision and standard pathway methods are the root processes we will all be using to manifest what we want here. This is how we identify and categorise resistance which is important for establishing a connection with the true self as under these compromise patterns will be the satisfying direction we’re going to own. 

NG said he would only teach revision if he was to teach one method and the reason why is because the only thing we can change is self. Revision is functionally going back to moments where we disowned our divinity and retake it back to prove to us with the testimony of that experience that we can be who we desire to be naturally and that we don't have to buy into conditions that are limiting our satisfaction. We change self in all these past instances of compromise into becoming who we really are (the divine state of being) in those places and own the satisfying decision we compromised on realising out of false identification to reclaim moments in time we lost a part of ourselves. Every time we compromise we lost connection with a part of who we really are and that memory is the testimony that locks that in place. We revise the testimony then we revise the "completeness" we have in the current moment as the unconscious culmination of our experiences will all confirm who we really are.

Pathway work can be applied simply by just writing out what comes to mind when you go into a theme of experience that doesn’t feel comfortable or fully safe. This will likely have a somatic sensation related to it that can be felt somewhere in your body. These somatic sensations can be dissolved simply by feeling into them fully, going all the way into the lack and going through it as a result. You’re going to go all the way to the point of relief. That’s how you know you’ve done enough. Consciousness is purified when it's gone through a process of accepting temporary pressure which leads to a satisfying end. That's alchemy. This same process is actually playing out in lesser forms when relationships end up in arguments and after the argument things get better almost like magic, it’s because they’re letting off steam (unless one or both realise that letting off steam doesn't change anything and it's going to happen again) and we’re going to do the same here except it’s going to be deliberate to go all the way through it and dissolve the roots vs just feeling better temporarily. Going all the way is required to fully experience the relief and the satisfaction. Satisfaction and relief literally only come up as a result of going through something that challenged you, else they cannot be felt. That's what going through the pressure does and why feeling bad temporarily isn't going to manifest bad things like we've been told by false prophets of the word.

So the method we apply with pathway refision is simply this:

1. We have a certain theme of experience come up in our minds. Commonly this is a frequently occurring one that we often face but continue to avoid going into.

2. You’re going to write down what comes up with that theme and log the memories related to them as they come up in series one after the other. Say you’ve got one memory of your parents saying something bad about your worth and then next comes up one with your SP rejecting you and the last one was how you wanted to speak to this person recently that you liked but didn’t feel valuable enough and you were very unsatisfied because you compromised and didn't go through the pressure of transformation in that moment. These moments all share a common theme of compromise that you can see as the thread running through them all. Identifying this thread is essential for dissolving it. Say the common thread is just “not good enough” and it all goes back to the parents memory but say you’ve got like 15 other branching memories you’ve identified that relate. Owning the theme that’s causing them all to be bound together will resolve them all or at least most of them and cause the resistance hierarchy to fall over like a house of cards. 

3. As you’ve identified the theme underlying all these main memories (there can be more than one theme) then you’re going to feel into what it would be like to own that theme as the person who in the root memory never had to compromise on on their decisions through. You're going to fully feel into the memory the way it comes up and sink into the pressure completely. Going into and through the pressure provides you the contrast by which we will then provide contrast to and purify out of once we've hit the peak of that resistive memory. Going into it is what most miss and aren't doing because it's uncomfortable but it's required to bring up the pressure by which we will then purify consciousness through by shifting the context under that pressure into bringing up the refined sense of self. In this case the childlike version of you will be comforted in knowing it’s ok that they said that to you and it doesn’t have to mean you’re any less valuable. Children feel the need to compromise and fit in to feel safe which is why we most often hold trauma from these times. You're going to bring the authentic divinely coherent version of you into that scene as a child and alter the scenario to represent the people involved actually respecting you as though it was them seeing your divine nature and were expected to treat you with respect and not abuse you.

This sense of self is what we're targeting and applying in going into these places, and you can say what you authentically would've said in that place if you carried an uncompromising attitude with you knowing your authority now but back then. That state of being is what we’re stabilising as our baseline not just the specific sensory level implication because this same sense of self is what literally all of our imaginal work will sink into. The sense of self being seen as valued in these moments is the key thread and what the essence of revision is targeting by bringing that nourishing state into the past to correct compromises you accepted. This same idea works with imagining future memories too, we're just being ourselves and emanating our uniquely satisfied signature regardless of the circumstances we face.

4. You’re going to put a number on it after you’ve gone all the way through it with a date on it too. The number will be 1-10 and represent the degree to which you feel comfortable with this part of yourself at baseline. In the beginning it might feel like a 2 or something if you’re very compromised but as you go through this process that will improve and you’ll be logging it as further proof of who you’re being. You don't have to go all the way to a 10, but going as far as your nervous system can take you is what we want. Someone who's starting the gym can't lift heavy but with some practise they're going to be lifting with more intensity each time they go as they gain momentum. This same principle applies here too as you're going to go deeper into each layer each time you go all the way into them. That state of being that’s resonant is what you’re moving into and the numbers represent an established measurement you’ve made to quantify that transition.

5. Do this same process for any other themes of experience that are lacking and other branching memories you've got that still hold emotional charge to them. If there's a feeling of uncomfortable feelings then there's likely work to be done there. Purifying everything that's thematically rooted to the connecting branches of that main theme isn't required if there's a core memory or root, though sometimes there can be multiple memories. Realising just one instance of value in those moments under pressure can have the cascade of burning all the branching resistance like burning away alternate "timelines" or "realities" as some call it if you want to think of it that way. Continue to do this even if you're feeling more satisfied as each time you peel back one layer another one will likely come up to the surface. This is natural and accepting this process as a part of how you refine the art of being yourself will invariably lead to significantly satisfying results in every area of life without exception. You're going to completely transform who you're being.

That's pathway work in identifying core elements of your thematic resonance and how to process them. You bring up the resistance and go into it fully to surround your mental environment with that context and fully feel into that moment. Once you’re in the fire and have the components of consciousness separated you’re going to purify then through going all the way into who you really are in that moment and viewing the same experience under a new context and provide that a sense of nourishment knowing that you never really needed to compromise or accept limitation to any major degree like you did. If we didn't go through the pressure of being uncomfortable then there cannot be a satisfying relief which is really why we need to bring up the memory and experience it exactly as it is to us which purifies the crystalized context. Out of this you’re going to see positive thoughts naturally manifest in your mind to confirm this and you’ll feel a sense of relief as a result too. We simply take the pressure and under a refined sense of self view that same scenario in a new light where you experience the satisfaction of never having needed to compromise to begin with.  This is the essence of manifesting using pathway revision because it’s fulfilling the function spoken of earlier about owning who you really are and living with that resonance in your life.

This can take days or weeks or even months depending on how far you go with this. Rarely ever is a deeply rooted memory going to be shifted in one session but the degree to which you can face the pressure and be transformed is the degree to which pathway revision will work for you. Thinking that you can just ignore the pressure and only live in a positive thought echo chamber will only result in further unsatisfying manifestations just as it always has for you no matter how hard you try. Trying is the problem as was outlined before. We must change who we are being and sink into the correct sense of self and normalise being that person in all instances of conscious experience we have to really have big shifts come about.

Another level of work that can be done with pathway revision is by logging down all limiting beliefs that come up and ranking them out of 1-10 of how compromised you feel. The thing here is that these things wouldn't come up if you were actually secure in them so write down everything, no matter how many things you write on paper it doesn't matter simply log every one of them. Ranking a belief as 1 means it's not bad and 10 means it's very bad and comes up often with great intensity. These represent the patterns of compromise you're avoiding facing. What do you keep coming back to in life that feels like you're compromising on, you're avoiding because it's bringing up uncomfortable feelings. 

The function of desire and natural striving

It all starts with feeling pressure to transform because you're unsatisfied. This IS desire. That's what desire is all about. True desire is natural striving towards higher order and it's for the function of transformation of the consciousness to provide a unique signature to reality as you comprise reality. Out of this desire you can either accept it and fulfil it or you can run away from the responsibility of fulfilling it and retreat into the safety and conform to the conditions you've bought into against where your natural striving is driving you. The cause of suffering is buying into the conditions of the world you've taken upon yourself as important and need to compromise on the experience of how your natural striving is driving you towards satisfaction. You cannot change unless you take back your inner authority and the essence of this is how the sense of self manifests. It's that taking back your inner authority is nourishing and empowering and provides you vitality, out of this the thoughts that represent the seeds of manifestation unfolding through you will naturally be observed when they're ready and the corresponding experience will show up in your manifest reality. That's the only way that manifestation can be done completely correctly. We must own who we are and take back those thematic elements of consciousness that are ours to claim and own and express without compromise. That IS WHO you are. It's the theamtic robe that I AM (your incorporeal consciousness) takes upon itself.

You cannot avoid this because it's a fundamental function of your consciousness that's constantly driving the negative peak dip cycle you're going through. Root pressure takes time to build up and as it reaches that critical threshold it's going to force out of you the compromise patterns for the conscious mind to observe. Root pressure IS desire. The root is at the base of the spine and sends pressure upwards into the form. The conscious mind and its need to control takes over and vetoes the natural process because it thinks that it has authority when the fact is that it's only able to experience what's coming up as a natural result of the building of root pressure that drives us. Literally. Almost all of the real magic happens down below the mind in the body where there's a metaphysical cauldron boiling transforming substances as you exist that drives every function of your consciousness. The mind can only experience a tiny tiny tiny tiny little fraction of a percentage of what's actually going on. understand that the mind experiences the result of what's going on unconsciously which is the alchemical transforming process of consciousness. You're simply disowning your authority and ability to just make the decisions you want in this life without needing to play tug of war with yourself.

That's what this is all about. Nourishment. Sense of self. Do you have the sense of self (authority) to be yourself? Giving yourself what you cannot get in the world currently is the function of the imagination as it provides to us a personal playground by which we can formulate the elements of consciousness in such a manner that it can bring about our nourishing current and provide us the authority we've compromised on as an experience. If we experience our inner authority in contrast to where we are in the compromise pattern then it will invariably bring up within us the need to change, it will come through us. This is pathway work, we follow the natural emanation of what's literally coming up. The imaginal scenes come up into our minds and we cannot stop that because it's the thematic elements being processed and transformed by the brain into sensory level sensations that those represent. This is proof of a state change and a shift in the alchemical process unfolding through us. Do you understand now what's going on? It's all alchemy from top to bottom. All of it. The mind can only compare and contrast and out of that it can influence the thematic elements of consciousness that we draw into but those are once again driven primarily by the thematic sensations that are either satisfying or not because we're all bound to the peak and dip cycle as a result of this as those thoughts come through us without any conscious intent. They're there to provide us a clue as to what's going on within our internal state of nourishment. We cannot change that unless we fulfil what's actually causing these dips, as in disowned themes that are resistive and generating stagnations and heat which rises and disturbs the shen and or hun out of that root pressure. Those who also have no root pressure will live comfortable uncomfortable lives. They will willingly suffer degeneracy because they've got no root pressure to drive transformation. They cannot see beyond the utter degeneracy they've bought into in limited context but the moment they've got real root pressure present they're going to be in for a rude shock. More often than not seeing someone that they "like" and are attracted to that they want will wake them up because this provides them that root pressure to transform. It's the most primitive element of root pressure and it's something we should all be utilising as a primary function of consciousness to drive transformation. This doesn't mean that person is the correct person for you it's just that it's bringing up the lack within you because that's thematically something you've compromised on that you actually desire, as everybody really does.


Context of experience and mental environment

The context represents how the sense of self relates to the sensory level experience. Two people can experience the same thing and have a totally different related internal experience of that. This is how the experience is marking to us and our beliefs that we relate to these experiences and what they bring up in us that's either coming from authentic satisfied self or compromised not self conditioning. Buying into the reality of experience means being led into the experience naturally. We are led bit by bit into buying into something as natural to us. Very rarely does something alone have the power to magically flip our state from desperation and shame into abundance and satisfaction it takes a series of pieces of evidence presented together as a cohesive whole that provides us the general sense of context we experience which is how we relate to something. If we provide evidence that's contextually significant to who we desire to be and we bring to mind all those elements of consciousness we resonate with then we are providing momentum into a mental environment that's correct for our consciousness. Understand that this is a gradual process of bringing pieces of what represents the desired resonant state to mind and having your consciousness observe them and buy into them. You're marketing to yourself in essence and this is how we lead ourselves into and out of states naturally.

It's like the example of slowly turning the heat up on the pot to cook a frog where it doesn't notice the heat slowly rising as the shift is so slow and gradual vs throwing it straight into boiling water where it's going to jump out. You're going to ease your nervous system into accepting the state of being by leading the context of who you're being. If you're trying to go all the way into the end without a warmup and you're in the middle of a dip then it can cause backlash from your nervous system where it can make you feel worse. The real solution is always to bring to mind the sensory elements that represent the state of being the person you have resonance with naturally. We want to naturally be led into it, to market to ourselves and have our form buy into and respond to it where we can comfortably be driven into that state.

Bringing up each piece of your thematic resonance in the end state with pathway work and tracing through what else comes up with those thoughts can give you a written way your mind naturally leads you into that state of being and you can work with how that naturally comes up to lead the context of the mental environment. The moment you bring up challenging concepts to the mental environment however it's going to make you question your sense of self but in these moments you're going to then bring up once again the elements of your thematic resonance that represents the end state which "overpowers" the limiting state and shifts the mental environment back towards nourishment. This is the dynamic interplay of leading the context and we do it all day every day with our experiences naturally. This is what determines how we naturally are led into state streaks of being someone and we can utilise this same mechanism of alchemy to transform our consciousness in doing pathway work.

You'll find that every single well proven technique that dissolves resistance will work with these principles will work with this same idea of leading the context underlying the state of being. The elements that comprise that context all together have a certain signature that we're going to relate to differently depending on our resonance with that. Bringing up the lack and limitation either by leading yourself into it deliberately or as a result of situations in the world where it comes up and then while in that place going through it all the way into owning what was disowned and keeping the compromise pattern in place is how we dissolve it. We see it for what it is and move through it and purify it by operating correctly in the decisions we make out of that context and mental environment. That's the only way consciousness can expand which as NG said is why reality exists the way that it does and is our true function as corporeal consciousness. It's that we require to be taken under the alchemical purifying fire in order to transform consciousness into a form that takes what it's experienced but under a perspective of having increased sense of self value which cannot be faked or replicated without a genuine transformation experience.


Patterns of compromise

Patterns of compromise are patterns that we buy into that continue to keep us in lack to some degree. Compromise is unsatisfying. More often than not these compromise patterns will involve holding onto aspects of not self conditioning that manifest as comfort zones and safety nets we fall into because they’re easy and familiar to identity with to explain why we feel this way and to provide context for that state of self identification. All compromise patterns are unsatisfying so starting here where we look at unsatisfying patterns in our lives that continue to come up is where we’re to start this work. 

If you feel into the states you fall into most often that are the anchors for how the compromise pattern manifests you’ll actually experience the contrast between the satisfied state vs the unsatisfied state. Most of the time what’s easy to fall into is what’s represented in the compromise pattern which is why they’re so hard to break for people. There’s going to need to be a source of root pressure to facilitate the transformation process of dissolving the underlying structure that’s keeping the resistance in place playing out as not self conditioning. 

A powerful process you can apply relating to pathway work here is to write down a decision you keep making that is unsatisfying and then also log down every instance of that pattern playing out in the ppast you can remember and also the state of being and sense of self you felt in this place. You’ll find pretty much every single time that you made those decisions out of severe lack and confusing to make it will only result in further unsatisfying manifestations that’s reflecting your sense of self and ability to hold boundaries. 

Recognising that breaking these common mistake patterns through properly identifying them can bring you greater awareness of them and their influence on your state. This is really what patheay worknis about because we’re mapping out every element of our consciousness that has an associated state of being on it that we can identify and refine.

More often than not we get reeled into the positive moments that are temporary in something and it blinds us to the bigger context where there’s all these repeating dips we continue to buy into and compromise in accepting. The moment we recognise that if someone is crossing the limits and that we don’t have to give them another chance then we reclaim a part of ourselves and we feel satisfied. More abundant people can then show up in your reality because you’re nourished and they’re receptive to what you provide. If you’re depleted you’re going to manifest depleted people no matter what your thoughts are. We require satisfaction to experience that in the world and compromise is the antithesis of satisfaction. Fitting in and accepting that you don’t have the authority to make the decisions that represent your value as a divine being means you lose a part of your soul every time and you age and die. Literally that’s the only real cause of death in humans. Immortals don’t accept compromise on any level and they are naturally able to see themes on the top of the pedestal in every instance. When you get to this place by breaking every one of those compromise patterns you identify consistently then you’re owning your divinity and your vitality will increase to where you’ll age slower and either live longer or age backwards. Being correct in your expression of self is the work we’re doing here to mater all this.


Making decisions

When we're playing tug of war with ourselves in contrast to who we really desire to be naturally and making the decision we'd make anyway is a sign that we're resisting the flow of abundance.


When it comes to making correct decisions we need to be driven by the body and how greater consciousness communicates to us through those sensations. These sensations are all thematic but they are fixed meaning they cannot change.

The faster we truly realise that naturalness of experience that’s satisfying is what’s designed for us then we can feel the contrast in sense of self coming out of compromise patterns and make correct decisions based on how the body is driving us that delivers us into our satisfaction and ultimately the path we are designed for. To truly go through the process of becoming immortal it’s going to require you to completely surrender to your body and how greater consciousness is driving you through it  completely yield to where it’s driving you and to go through everything you need to in order for that end to be realised. We must die as corporeal consciousness to the correct state of being that represents our fixed path of least resistance. We have a fixed thematic path that we’re being driven to unfold through the corporeal being but we hold onto the illusion of safety by compromising on actually being who we really are, what our genetic potential represents as your pathway towards immortality. Manifestation unfolds through us naturally from the top down because we are then operating not out of our mind but out of our greater mind that’s driving our consciousness. This is the real secret reaching that NG taught. This is alchemy. 

Decisions come through us. Thoughts come through us. Actions come through us. Naturally. That’s how manifestation that’s satisfying plays out. 



I've been doing gazing for about a decade now and I've experienced almost everything there is to be had with this process. Simply put gazing is a technique that expands the subconscious mind. You don't have a fixed subconscious mind because it's created through the interaction of the conscious and the unconscious mind. Your corporeal reality is a rolled up form of it that you're walking around in every day and it's comprised of thematic elements that we relate to corresponding sensory experiences. NG taught gazing as a way of doing open eye SATS but almost nobody talks about it because there's little known on this but every major culture I've studied has a form of gazing as a way of reaching divinity. This is for a good reason.

The way we apply gazing is by softly focusing on something in our environment and then "widening" the focus of our vision as we "distance" ourselves from the world around us. We're physically still in the same location and we don't feel anything moving but we just "expand" the senses. You'll notice that thoughts can slow down pretty quickly when in this place and that's because you're distancing your state of being from the world and moving closer to more fundamental elements of consciousness that are thematic. You begin to experience the thematic senses more directly when you go deep into gazing. This is powerful because simply the act of gazing can almost reset our state of being when you're not charged up and emotionally driven but relaxed and stable. It can pull you into a state of detachment where you're just existing as you are almost with a "curious" mentality to it as though the world is foreign and strange. This is mostly because you're moving further away from the corporeal consciousness and into I AM. This technique breaks down the elements of your consciousness into the primary forms and you experience that on the subtle level. 

To apply the gazing in manifesting specific things though or for purifying it's very simple indeed. When we're applying it for the purposes of manifesting specific things it's going to naturally lead us into the distanced state of detachment and sense of self of being that person there. If your eyes water then that's normal and expected and as you continue to gaze through it then you'll gradually move past the watering eyes phase and they will stop.

Neville Goddard says in his book out of this world:

“If it is difficult to control the direction of your attention while in a state akin to sleep, you may find gazing fixedly into an object very helpful. Do not look at its surface but into and beyond any plain object such as a wall, a carpet, or any other object which possesses depth. Arrange it to return as little reflection as possible. Imagine then that in this depth you are seeing and hearing what you want to see and hear until your attention is exclusively occupied by the imagined state.”

This is how NG describes how gazing can be used to stabilise the state of consciousness we're looking to take upon ourselves. Remember that NG says to loop the scene simply for the purposes of staying focused when associated imaged come up (natural leading of pathways that can cause your state to shift as you buy into them) vs being led into the gradual shift in context from other scenes. He says this as to keep the thematics stable and consistently focused and not for any other purpose.

The way I say to do it is by gazing for 15 minutes or so around that time and going deep enough to get to that "distanced" state where you are "above" yourself looking top down. This is you carrying the SATS state with you in the distanced sense. This isn't about drowsiness but subconscious expanse which drowsiness elicits too as that's when you enter into dream state and your corporeal consciousness is distanced in that too. My method works on the principle behind SATS (more than just affecting the brainwaves) to actually increase the baseline subconscious capacity as well as sink into the state of being yourself where you're normalising being in that place from a receptive place for it to have more cascading effects on reality. This can have a profound influence on your sense of self and degree by which you can "distance" yourself from resistance and be able to see through it when there's confronting scenarios in the world that show up. I first experienced this way back in 2015 when I was able to almost feel like I was "watching" the scenario vs buying into it and reacting to it. This is one of the big benefits that increased subconscious capacity has a it's increasing the space the conscious mind has to explore the form and the world it senses. 

There's levels that can be done with gazing too. The advanced gazing that I exclusively teach in private coaching only to those who I believe are ready for it is the most powerful technique that exists for expanding subconscious capacity as it's got purifying power in itself even without imagining into specific states. Most often the results come out in dreams from advanced gazing vs when you're actively in the world though it can force open the imaginal senses like an overlay projected onto your physical vision which is often accompanied with a loud noise emanating from within your head. There's no location to it but it sounds like it's everywhere at once. This experience is akin to what raising kundalini does as the liver meridian is activated by the purified kidney essence being shot up out of the pressure being built to a high enough level for the spring to open up. Advanced gazing cultivates this purified current and builds that root pressure that eventually overflows and results in the spill over of whatever thematic elements require purifying along the way which determines what's being seen.

The basic gazing for manifesting purposes is more than enough though. If you're looking to increase subconscious capacity using basic gazing then doing multiple periodic sessions every day consistently is important.. If you're looking to just manifest specific states using gazing then leading yourself into the state after you've done gazing by for example reading a script or having a scene you imagine is the best way. You simply want something to bring to mind that's going to lead you into the state and have you naturally be driven by that. That's really all there is to it, it's just another deeper way of doing active imaginal work you can really apply anywhere at any time when you get use to sinking into the 15 min gazing sessions out in the world. I use to do it before classes when I was in high school back when I didn't know what I was doing with it but realised it had power when people told me I was "glowing" while putting their arms out like I was as bright as the sun. Part of this was likely because I use to tell myself all the time I was glowing and I believed I had magic powers and so that had to manifest somehow in a way that confirmed my state. Whatever you tell yourself when and especially after gazing will manifest but we always need to approach manifesting from the perspective of being natural so that the sense of self is refined along with it to prevent signs and partial unsatisfying results from manifesting in our world which is what most people experience.

Who you're being when and after gazing is what matters. If you can imagine being the person you desire to be in that place and lead yourself into that state then you're going to invariably be led naturally into thinking and experiencing manifestations that are satisfying from that state. 


Specific manifestation

The reason why specific manifestation unfolds through us naturally is because we're already being that person in that place where the thoughts come through our minds without any conscious will. The thoughts come through us as we're in a state streak and the specific thought doesn't even have to mean the exact implication it just has to ring the specific thematic composition to a degree that results in that manifestation unfolding. Often you'll see something a day or a few days after thinking about it and recognise that thought was the cause but it wasn't the cause that was the result and the state you were already in generated that thought which came through you. It was implied as a result of who you were being and that context had significance to a degree that manifested that outcome naturally. It's effortless when you're just being yourself, and that's why when you "try" to manifest something it never results in satisfying outcomes and they'll always show signs or partially satisfying outcomes. Satisfying results come from naturally being yourself in the desired experience, casualness and naturalness and comfort is the key point.

Transformation of the baseline sense of self is a different process that results in you anchoring deeper into the resonant state of being and experiencing that nourishment as a result. You're going to already be nourished when you're imagining something desired because you're approaching it from a place of detachment and detachment is a function of being well nourished and we cannot be well nourished if we're operating out of compromised states with warped sense of self. This is why specific manifestation naturally unfolds through us when we least expect it and this is what dropping the seed actually means. The seeds of manifestation already exist within us and by operating correctly in a satisfying manner they will unfold through us when they're ready to sprout. Trying to control the outcome with your imagination isn't going to reflect a satisfying experience because you're doing it to feel nourished. This is the secret of manifesting actually fulfilling outcomes and not just having things show up that are partial. It all goes back to sense of self * the concept which represents the context. The context 

When you can experience the nourishment and abundance of being yourself then you will automatically have the correct thoughts to correspond to desired and satisfying experiences unfold through you. This is why I say that manifestation when you operate correctly is a naturally unfolding process which involves no conscious deliberate imaginal work to attain results. The imagination exists for the function of delivering us into a state of being which has implied sensory level manifest experiences in the world as a result of that. This person you're being experiences these things desired automatically. Simply being that person then naturally unfolds those thoughts when they're ripe and flower the fruits of your labour into your reality naturally. 

This is not to say that you cannot specifically imagine things and manifest desired and satisfying outcomes seemingly ahead of time. This is absolutely doable but we always approach this from a perspective of being yourself without compromise. The formula is simply that at the end of every night if you've lived correctly you're going to feel satisfied in yourself. You'll feel like you've spent your vitality correctly over the day making decisions that are correct for your state and you'll almost experience a sensation of relief as a result. NG used these terms like satisfaction and relief for reason. This satisfied relief like feeling that's filling the air you breathe at night before bed will be the aura you base the context of being in when you imagine your end. This is not a condition for it to work but simply that it's an optimal situation to attain satisfying outcomes, and not just seeing results in limited ways that won't last. This satisfied aura you feel will provide the nourishing context for the scene.

So when you're imagining the scene you will simply build out the environment first and you're going to place yourself into that environment. You're going to touch a wall or stomp the ground with your feet to anchor your senses into your new reality. Don't worry if it's not natural yet just do this until you're feeling like you've distanced yourself from the person on the bed. NG said it should be like a shock when you come back because it was a sudden shift in experience of being. This doesn't mean it's needing to be as real as the physical senses experience but that you're just immersed into that imaginal act with whatever sensory detail you have available. More doesn't mean better what we're striving for is the reality of experience and immersion into that to the point where we're buying into it without realising we're there. You want to bring as little as the person on the bed into the scene as possible. Having that nourished baseline will be the easy ticket to attaining satisfaction because the baseline mood is already set in that direction through the state streak you've been through.

Once again the nourished state we had before entering here will provide baseline context that expands into this imagined state which is important as going into this frustrated more than likely will result in the scene manifesting but in a frustrating manner as the sense of self and thematic elements of it must be reflected. The state experiencing this will be reflected back and that's regardless of what the specific sensory level experience may be. States can be seen as degrees of nourishment and correct expression of self. If we go back to the basics of Reality Synthesis we know that being yourself without compromise is the only technique that exists. All this imaginal work is to align yourself into that direction of experience and be driven automatically out of that. 

When you've reached a degree of depth into this scene you'll almost forget that you're actually imagining it because it will be natural to you. It will be the "secret self" in that imaginal experience as NG says. So when we've experienced the reality of this scene by building out the environment and anchoring ourselves in there with touch sense and the sense of breathing in a deep inhalation and exhalation then we've separated from the world where we physically are. This is about when NG said he imagined himself back home when he was in the military and was discharged as a result. He naturally felt as though that was where he was and because it was natural it was like any other state streak and a resulting manifestation showed up. That's what we're replicating with specific level manifestation. Nourishment of the sense of self is required for this to unfold in a satisfying way as I've said though so doing this to bypass refining the sense of self purification process is never going to result in beneficial manifestations.

The process outlined here again. This is for traditional SATS methods with eyes closed. I will outline an open eye method after this.

1. Relax the physical form completely. Take a few minutes relaxing yourself if need be. 

2. You're going to imagine a wall being next to you or a floor, if it's hard then feel it's solid impact as you stomp your feet on it. If it's a soft floor made of sand for example then it will part as you press into it. Feel the reality of this. Take a deep breath and exhale it in your imagination body. Touch the wall if there's a wall to touch. Anchor your senses and awareness into this experience away from the world. Take as little as you can of the physical form into the scene. The reality of this scene isn't required to stick for the manifest experience but simply to anchor your consciousness into the imaginal senses.

3. Become clear on the implication. The less sensory details the faster it'll manifest. This is because there's less specific manifest details that are required to be replicated for any of the elements of that scene to manifest at all because they can be tied together into one experience or be separated into different experiences in the world. For the easiest time you simply want to imagine just the minimum sensory level detail required to represent what's desired in implication. The end implication is all that matters as that's what's actually satisfying and nourishing. Extra details don't need to be present.

4. Run the scene over and over. Don't loop it like individual scenes but make it like one big long looping scene. It's like the music player with the loop button turned on vs having to manually start the song again every time it's over. You're going to loop it within the loop and go deeper and deeper into that place to a point where you just lose yourself into that experience the same way you'd lose yourself and buy into the resistance that causes you to spiral with confirming thoughts. Looping doesn't make it manifest faster but that it makes the state stabilised on a thematic level which is important for specific outcomes to be correct. Looping also provides the basis for leading where we're being further and further bought into the reality of the experience vs just imagining it once and having it lost to time. Those moments work when they come through us but when we're conjuring them it's unlikely that there was sufficient contextual momentum to work with which is why leading ourselves into the stabilised state is important for effective impression.

5. When you've gone all the way into the looping of the scene and you've rung the bell of consciousness into the form that's desired then you've completed the process of stabilising the state and normalising it. It's done now. You've gone all the way into that and naturally experienced it the same way you'd naturally experience something in the world that leads the thoughts through you that then manifest days later without any effort. It's the naturalness of it that matters and is why we loop the scene as a single run can be lost and forgotten. A state streak is a momentum based process and not a single passing thought, though those manifest in passing in the world because you're already bought into the momentum of the state streak and that's almost the crescendo of that state streak. Going all the way means you've been satisfied and relieved representing that you've already experienced it. That's what all these elements represent that NG spoke about when put together.

Further context here. When we speak of thematic elements you can think of them as primary archetypes of reality that are what comprise the states of consciousness we experience. We only really experience these themes and what represents these themes is what is experienced with the senses, so as a proxy we are experiencing the themes through the senses. That's one level of implication that's built into reality so when we are imagining a scene we're actually using the imaginal senses to "ring" the themes of reality like a bell and have that resonate through our consciousness that represents the stabilised state of being which is essentially a simulated normalised and natural state streak. We're forming a thematic resonance that's composing the state desired that's going to manifest in the world and those thematic elements are what will come up again in our consciousness the same way they went in to define what the seed represents. That's more advanced theory but simply speaking the senses we use to represent imaginal experiences aren't actually what manifests but that they're a corresponding level of experience that consciousness can filter and go through the reality of experience through as a means of naturally stabilising a state and reflecting that into the corporeal world. 

The more active means of applying specific manifesting is simply by focusing the concepts that come to mind naturally as you go through state streaks. Effortless manifestation in a satisfying manner requires the thoughts to come through us naturally as a result of who we are being vs throwing the thoughts against the wall and hoping they stick out of lack and the need to change things. We've already changed, we've taken upon ourselves the nourishment of the correct state and so out of this we will naturally have the thoughts of what we already desire come to mind and that will mean we can drop them without effort. If we wish to consciously do this then leading yourself through the experience naturally is the way.

Affirmation rampages can be one powerful way to lead the context into a state streak but it should always come out of the naturalness of being that person. Scripting out your experience desired as though retelling it (it would come through you naturally from the state) and dropping it is another way to have it be realised. Subliminal can be powerful if they have focus on what's already comfortable for you but using them to dissolve resistance without going through it isn't going to work because it'll likely just manifest circumstances where you're going to face it so that's one way of bringing it up to be purified in the world that you have a degree of control over though how you're feeling and being led into it.

My state coherency booster is designed to increase subconscious capacity which is a more advanced element of nourishment but is what enables our consciousness to distance and detach more effectively to see things for what they are. This doesn't mean you're going to be led into the correct state as there's no conceptual leading involved but it will provide you a method that you can use when you want to distance yourself from buying into resistance and taking it seriously at baseline. This subliminal is sold in the store on: This is basically like listening to a gazing session as it has a similar effect on expanding the subconscious mind to allow for more real experiences.

Any specific process you can apply that naturally leads your mental environment into the reality of experience of being in that place means you can naturally drop it and have a nourished state unfold through you without effort as there's no contrast in this place. You forget you're doing a technique and that's the whole point of techniques, they're there to lead the context of who you're being to naturally build the state streak and normalcy of that place. Once it's done properly then it's finished and nothing can stop that, however it requires the naturalness of experience where it comes through you. 

Being yourself is the only technique that really exists and every other "technique" is just there to lead that experience through your consciousness naturally. There are degrees of naturalness though. The initial stages most often will be confirmed through having corresponding thoughts come up like with pathway work where the context is naturally being led. This is the initial sign that you're going deeper into embodying that state. The next one is where you forget that you're in the state and you notice that you're doing different things in the world, even small things. The moment you have the contrast that you've actually been unconsciously breaking patterns is a huge sign that you've got good momentum working for you but this still doesn't guarantee fully sunken states. A fully integrated state is experienced most often with radical shifts in your life in how people respond to you and how you respond to the world. You're literally being a totally different person and it's natural to the point where you almost forgot who you once were.

If you place yourself into that end then that's the target and as you continue to persist in landing there and being naturally driven by it in leading the context of being then you'll naturally go deeper into normalising it. Acting as if as people call it is simply you leading yourself naturally into the end state but doing this with great contrast isn't going to be of benefit as at that point you're going to be touching on purifying resistance. The most profound shifts happen when we do this in targeting where our limitations are but you can most often manifest even big things by simply scripting out the concept desired and dropping it. Whatever is comfortable and correspondent to your normalised state will be guaranteed to manifest just from scripting as I've done this many times myself.

The method to use is to ideally have a notebook for every day of the month. Sounds like a lot but that's the point, you want to make it so that you don't even read your old manifestations again unless you're going through them to see what did and didn't manifest in a satisfying way to learn where you're at. You'd just write down when you're in a good chill state whatever is desired. It doesn't matter about the words used just as long as those words represent what you desire to experience to you. Simple things such as "I receive ____" or "____ spoke with me" are good examples of manifesting things and people. You'll find that the more simple the terms used the faster these manifestations will unfold if you do this enough and the reason why is because it's a more open and less specified manifestation where the themes aren't as focused. If you add more detail such as "I receive _____ and ____ with ____ colour" for example then you're adding in more thematic elements that need to move, more nourished sense of self that's going to need to comfortably relate to these elements for them to manifest in a satisfying manner. We don't want to add excessive details, unless it's for a major desire we want that we're looking for exact traits like in a person or a house or a car in a certain colour for example. 

Manifesting specific things is a balance of detail to generalness and how that's going to relate to your sense of self also matters. If you're already fully comfortable with manifesting these desires then simply writing down even a highly detailed script will likely manifest pretty quick and be satisfying and the same with general as you're likely to manifest highly satisfying experiences at baseline anyway so the method once again always goes back to are you being yourself. These specific methods are just expounds on that foundation. Naturally your desire when it comes up will likely manifest without you realising it anyway just from a fleeting thought if you're well nourished and all this technique stuff would be a piece of cake in manifesting satisfying experiences the way you want.

This is why for manifesting specific things it's naturally going to come through you anyway because those seeds of desire already exist within you, it's just that when a certain stimulus comes up and reminds you of it then the thought comes up and the imaginal experience can be dropped without attachment. This is the most effective way that anyone can manifest anything, giving up all need to control and do manifesting methods and simply to be driven by the thematic sensations and responses we feel in the form to make decisions that are satisfying and nourishing even if there's pressure when we make them. Being yourself without compromise is the only technique that exists remember. 


How to stay on track in the dips

Logging your progress every day can be valuable but I say it's better to simply have a solid vision of your end (the person you're resonant with being) and to surround yourself with stimulus that brings that up. That's always the anchor for the state. The sensation of being, the sense of self and culmination of thematic elements that are resonant that drive us into the state continuously until it's natural. NG himself said that when it's natural is when you're being that person and living from the state, meaning when you lose yourself in the reality of experience of being that person. That's how we're going to stay on track generally speaking.

During the dips we will stay on track by doing the same thing except we're going to also bring to mind the fact that every time we go through a dip it's always temporary just as it's always been and always will be. During the dip the most important thing to do is remember the rest of the dips you've been through before because this will provide context for the mind to automatically draw into the remembrance of the temporary cycle that comes through you and discharges once it's over. These emotions come through you because of the pressure that's built up that you're needing to face and make a decision through. Going through it and owning what's causing it to come up and making the correct decision will dissolve the root cause, and if you do pathway work on these cycles you'll realise the decisions that need to be made to fulfil the conditions in place.

This can be for example overextending and getting attached to what your SP thinks when they say they don't want to be with you. Say you're getting hot and cold behaviour but you've always reacted because it's reminding you that you're not good enough to be with them. The lesson here is to simply withdraw instead of convincing them which is pointless as you're just talking to your own resistance at that point. Withdrawing from caring about needing them and bringing up the end as the direction you're moving in (which is satiating) negates the need to have them respond and confirm your value as you know that being the person in the end scenario with those thematic experiences already has the person. You're jumping into the sense of self of being the person who's already got them and dropping importance through nourishing yourself with that end state. Naturally then the "attachment" to needing them to say certain things to validate you as you're bringing up the context that's going to validate you regardless of what they do or don't say. That's how you decide the facts and it's all going back to the state of being that's nourishing and correct for your thematics. The inner response you receive from this that's consistent will demonstrate this to be your reference state of nourishment to return to as NG says. 

Another level to this is about your environment. Your environment will be a big contributing factor for what state you land in by default as there's going to be familiar sensations that what the senses experience brings up in context. The context of being will automatically be shifted into the state where you're being the  comfortable "safe" person who's not going to break limitations and stays where it's familiar. If you rearrange your environment, including the people you spend time around, then you're going to experience different stimulus that's going to ring different bells of consciousness which will align your baseline closer to having the value that the end sense of self has. You want your environment to bring out the best in you at all times. Ideally you'd want to have art around your house that's characterised to reflect who you are in thematics. Characters often are things we can use to bring us into resonance with that state as what they have draws contrast to where we are and where we desire to be. Simply looking at the artwork or even listening to a piece of music can provide intuitive impulse on the spot because the theamtic sense this art represents is resonant and it's "leading" you into that state naturally where you're driven to just be that person. This is environmental autosuggestion.

When you bring to mind certain characters from movies and books and games that you resonate with it automatically bring up memories you have that relate to when you expressed similar themes in your life that were nourishing. These characters bring up resonant themes of experience which naturally drive us into making decisions out of that state because we're not looking in from the outside then thinking about being that person but having the sensation in the body that drives us into naturally embodying that state and flowing with it into our automatic responses to the world that confirms this state of being as natural. You feel resonant because it's who you are, that sensation of being is literally your nourishing state of being in the end which is why you receive impulse to act out of it and live from it. That's what we want. Imagining this character will provide the same sensation of being which is just another level that's touching on the same thematics. See how the imaginal senses and the physical senses both bring up within us the sense of being the person we're resonant with and drives us the same way into making those decisions we'd normally not naturally be inclined to make? That's what living in the end is, it's bringing up stimulus either imaginary or physical that corresponds to the thematic resonance we have that leads us into the state of being that's nourishing.

Bringing this same process up when you're in a dip and having that essence be what drives the shift in your context and sense of self will be the way you transform that resistance and fully dissolve it in those moments. Being under pressure and yet still being yourself is what purifies our consciousness. This is similar to the high level theurgy work that's done in the immortality work where we conjure up before us the pure personified archetypal powers of reality and stand before them which forces us to humble ourselves as there's immense pressure simply by being in their presence.

This is the same thing that happens to you when you see someone who has what you want in life, it brings up in you the compromise patterns and that related sense of self to be purified. It's that when we stand before someone more "powerful" than we are then we are humbled and are forced to look at our limitations and either purify them or continue to compromise and buy into the limited identification that anchors the lack in place. If in these moments of pressure we make the decisions that the end state would make by bringing that up to mind and leading yourself through the pressure all the way to the end then you're going to be satisfied and nourished in that which in itself is proof that this state you operated from and made different decisions out of is who you really are authentically and returning to this process is doing "the work". 

Staying on track means returning to this place of resonance religiously and being driven by it though state streaks where we're naturally embodied and living in the end without realising it. That's how we manifest what we want because it's natural and the thoughts come through us out of that naturalness. We're not affirming from the state that's in contrast but naturally out of being in the thematically resonant state without contrast. That's the trick. Even if you're in an emotional dip (being under pressure to make decisions and facing your limitations) then it doesn't matter because so long as you're bringing up the resonant state and being driven by that then you're correctly operating from the end.

Your morning ritual needs to immediately contain stimulus that brings up the resonant state of being and brings up thoughts through you that naturally you'd think if you're already there, from the end. This is where switching around your bedroom environment would be beneficial, sleeping in a different orientation, putting up art or having incense or essential oils going, something that's going to trigger the senses with new sensations that it's not use to which will more than likely be the contrast you need that's just there to drive correct response in the world. You should immediately wake up and put yourself under an instance of pressure, the drive to be yourself and break limitations, especially for men. Both sexes manifest a bit differently with how they approach the metaphysical composition of their day and I'll likely discuss this in another text that will be written in the future. 

Simply speaking if you wake up and immediately you enter into the end state without contrast then you're making big progress. Don't let this fool you though because it can be temporary until a new degree of discomfort comes up and challenges your faith which many fall back into compromise through and it's going to happen, it's just a matter of time. This is why deliberately providing yourself environmental stimulus early in the morning to confirm the end state is so valuable because it'll put you in a state streak that's normalising being that person in the morning at baseline. NG says that if you do certain things at the same time every day then the nervous system will expect it, but this is just you building up further thematic resonance with the state desired in a natural way which is what we want.

You'll likely remember instances of when you were younger and you instantly woke up and felt a certain excitement about something you had passion for and you wanted to involve yourself with it immediately. This exact same phenomena is what we will be working for except we're going to make the target being in the desired state of being. It will become an automatic obsession almost and you'll naturally find yourself doing different things. This is a huge sign that the naturalness is sinking in and new manifestations are unfolding but don't forget that we can be thrown out when bigger challenges come up to draw contrast to that state and make us question our sense of self. It's these moments in the dips that challenge us and either make or break long term shifts from sticking so that's why doing the work above is so important. 

Remember that NG said that in the beginning you're going to likely experience contrast between these states meaning it's like the example NG uses of wearing a new set of clothes that you're not use to, it feels different at the start but when you're operating out of that consistently it becomes normal for you. This in itself should reveal to us what we're actually doing here, we're just normalising the contrast between states but most people chicken out and run away from facing the pressure when resistance comes up. That's where faith is cultivated, it's applied through maintaining a consistent drive out of how that state is moving you regardless of the conditions in the way. You are this person and this is what you do, no matter what. That's the means of normalising it, living as the person on all levels and not thinking that some one time imaginal scene has some magical power to change the world. That's how a vast majority of people unfold manifestations that are desirable and satisfying because there's always going to need to be an element of naturalness behind how it unfolds. Nobody ever wakes up the next day as a new person unless the resistance was extremely surface level or they just went all all the way with their work.

The degree to which you go all the way determines the period it takes for things to unfold. That tells us all we need to know about staying on track and being consistent. Too many people read things like this and apply it for a few days and then give into the dips when they come up and forget about their desired state. You want to ensure that you're going to be reminded of your desired state and have no way of avoiding it. Being obsessed with it can be a benefit for some, just so long as you're moving into being the person and not obsessed with imagining to cope with resistance. Imagining to cope is only going to make you more frustrated and manifest more lack because you're expressing the metaphysic of compromise in why you're imagining and "obsessing" over the desire. Going all the way is the point, all the way into the natural experience of being the person and making that normal for you every day. Make it impossible for you to fail.



Putting it all together

The essence of manifesting is being yourself.

To simplify everything that involves "work" it's that making the decisions that are uncomfortable while being driven by the desired state to make them anyway because that's who you are and that's just what you do. No questions asked. If you don't feel a sense of "drive" through your body when you sink into the desired state then obviously there's no desire present for that state. The body will respond and that's how you'll know what's resonant and what's not. That's what we identify in pathway work which is why it's so important. Pathway work is really about finding the common threads that have always run true in your life that are and aren't resonant so you can move into the desired state and have that state be what makes decisions for you as it drives you.

You just watch and go along for the ride as you command the body with the imagination because it responds to what's resonant with the need to be moved unconsciously into experiences that unfold your desire. When you get use to simply observing and only using the imagination as a tool to elicit thematic resonance and response from the form to be driven then you've got the essence of manifesting down because from that everything is natural. 

Being self critical is beneficial because when we're honest with where we really are and where we desire to be and recognising where we're compromising and the decisions that are keeping that all in place then we have the exact process to follow about how to dissolve that. The magic happens out of going through this process and being purified under it on a metaphysical thematic level which is where your manifesting influence naturally comes through.

Limiting beliefs aren't something to be seen as big and scary but as simply small gaps in your sense of self to be refined by making different decisions which fulfil them. The challenge that comes up is the uncomfortable sensation, and if it's intense it can feel like you're dying, but that's the point, you're metaphysically dying by going through it only to be purified in the process of being broken down and put back together again into a form that's greater than the sum of its parts. That's alchemy. When you no longer make decisions out of the need to compromise and give into the uncomfortable sensation and you just say "screw it I'm going all the way this time even if it kills me!" then you cannot fail. In the Norse mythos they say that those who die in battle go to Valhalla. Those who are fearless and have the courage to go against the pressure they feel to compromise means they're going to transform and be satisfied out of that which is how naturally effortless detachment unfolds through us.

You return to that state over and over and over and over, or just do it once and be driven all the way, but most people will peak and dip and need to go through some cycles to get familiar with this process. The more you operate from being driven by the state you imagine and allowing yourself to observe those state streaks the faster your reality will shift. Making a "radical" shift in attitude is what NG says. We are to be uncompromising. Merciless. Unrelenting. Unwavering in our faith in our end. Go all the way and hold not a shred of compromise in the way for you divine and own the right to your abundance. Own it and casually be yourself without a care in the world.

Wake up in the dream and realise that it's all you. How could you compromise if you knew who and what you are and what you're capable of? Taking the gazing all the way in private coaching with me will reveal this to you as I take you through the realisation of I AM and complete detachment to all of reality. 

When you go all the way through something that seems big and scary you learn naturally that it's not so bad after all, especially if what's on the other side is satisfying and nourishing and relieving. 


A practical process that anyone can apply here is to work with the following:

1. Extensive pathway work to discover themes of resonance and themes of lack and which decisions lead you into them.

2. Familiarise yourself with what being the resonant person who's not limited by the resistance and be driven into that place through the sensations in the body that are nourishing and resonant to who you really are.

3. Go all the way and have faith in that end state. Faith is just the continued return to what's resonant, it's really having faith in your value and vitality and abundance over any specific concept you're desiring because it's the person who has that desire that you experience. 

That's all there is to this on the fundamental level. Truly. If you desire to use more of the highly specialised advanced methods then coaching is where you'll get that, otherwise continue to read what's available and apply it and you'll eventually come to the realisation that manifesting really is simple because it's just about being yourself and owning it without compromise.



This is going to be some basic context leading and pathway type work you can follow and even write out your own examples of that resonate.


Can I truly become the person I desire to be? Can I fully commit to this process of transformation? What is there to lose? Why wouldn't I want to commit to becoming the person I want to be in life, I mean it's what I desire is it not? Can I let go of this resistance and move on because if I do it's a guaranteed outcome that's satisfying right? Well why not? It's my life after all why can't I just go all the way and own it? What's the downside in the end other than a little bit of uncomfortable feeling to go through? To me it seems like I don't need to compromise and I never really did after all. Yeah I really don't need to accept this limitation like I have because I know it doesn't serve me, even if I know it's comfortable to fall back into because it's not challenging my sense of self which is why I'm not driven to change it unless I'm reminded of the lack when things get bad. The lack that I feel doesn't need to influence me anymore because I know my value now. I don't need to make decisions that aren't really me because it's ok if people don't agree with me all the time I can have my own voice and express what I feel when I need to. I don't have to keep conforming to this life of limitation and holding back just to fit in and be accepted. I might not be the perfect person now but that's fine I can always continue to go through my transformation as it comes up.


I've been through this state of lack enough to know that I need to change it. This is not for me I've done this for way too long and it's time to change. It's over for my resistance I know exactly what to do and how to do it now. There's nothing holding me back except myself. This is who I AM! I am exactly who I desire to be and I own that without a shred of compromise. I'm going to go so far that these people who look down upon me will be forced to eat their words when they see my abundance it's going to be so good. No more holding back no more compromise no more mercy. I'm mercilessly going to tear this resistance to pieces and it'll never be seen again. I'm going to completely eradicate it off the face of reality itself. Nothing can touch me now, I'm completely uncompromising. Try me I dare you. This is who I am and what I do. Come on let's dance and show me what you've got. You'll see what real power looks like for the first time. You've got nothing on me this isn't even close. Is that the best you've got? This is way too easy I swear life doesn't hit hard enough anymore. Where is the challenge? Who's going to step up to the plate and provide a real challenge? It seems I reign supreme in this world simply because I exist. It really is that easy isn't it. What a joke. I never even need to try anymore. I've gone to the depths of my soul and back to stand here before you as myself.


Being myself has never felt so good, like I can just go anywhere or to anyone and do anything I desire. It's so satisfying to just live the life I want. I have the person I really love who loves me even more and I can afford to buy anything I desire whenever I want. It's so freeing and simple to live this way. I've got my own projects I work on and they can be challenging but that's ok I can enjoy those challenges fully and go through them in my own time. People around me respect me so much and making friends is like the easiest thing I can imagine like everybody wants to spend time with me. I look exactly the way I want and I've not aged a single day in ages because I'm just feeling so connected to my life and I don't get stuck in negative patterns. It's a life that I can enjoy living despite the few struggles that show up which is all I really wanted anyway. What more could I ask for in the end? I'm living it right now and now I'm free to dream even bigger than ever. 



Doing pathway work involves understanding where we are being ourselves and where we are compromising. 


You actually manifest experiences that reflect what thematic sensation you're experiencing. Say you experience something in a state streak that's thematically related to lack and comfort in that lack, compromise without drive to break that pattern. What's going to happen is that you're going to bring that up in future experiences that's going to confirm this lack.



Take a log of all of the things that naturally flow through your mind on a day to day basis that's consistent with patterns you're playing out all the time. Getting a hand on where you've been can grant you insights into where the most resonant direction can be. Working with a general thematic direction and allowing your body to respond to the specifics is our method of pathway work.


The hesitation that you feel when actually playing out for real who you're naturally driven to be is the fear of success and owning your power. You've literally accepted that it's better to stay small and weak than to be more powerful with greater influence over the world and to have more responsibility. You've accepted second best at most and going all the way breaks that limit where you're actually doing it for real. That sensation of actually going all the way is what we're looking to attain, the sensation of breaking into new boundaries of normalised experience which we will just naturally come to expect and be driven through more efficiently.