Aetheraeon Notebook 7
Aetheraeon Notebook 7
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So to continue my last page further I'm going to go into more real world examples of how manifestation unfolds in our collective reality. Once again I hope you understand by now that the idea that we live in a collective reality and that there's influences outside of us marketing to us in all sorts of directions that we're not aligned for isn't disempowering in the slightest when you shine your own light and instead become the one who is correctly influencing the world instead of being influenced and driven by external influences over your inner authority. You become your own source of direction and nourishment and reality will conform to your perfect path of satisfaction because that's the common denominator all these LOA buffs miss. Satisfaction is the point of this all because it's the barometer of correct nature. Just because you can imagine something to be some way and have it show up that way doesn't mean it's correct for you and more often than not if you're trying to imagine something to make something happen to feel better it's not going to result in a lasting satisfying outcome because that very desire came out of false identification and not from where you're actually driven to experience reality. I know once again because I'm living and breathing this where I'm fully embodied in the state of being I have affinity for and reflect that in every direction of life I experience. It seems I'm being drawn to continuously refine the notebook to the end of producing a program that people can go through and learn everything there is to learn about being yourself without compromise. This is not for any business purposes but for playing a part in the world and to drive my influence as a correctly operating consciousness and provide impact out of that. The level of self satisfying sensation I'm experiencing lately is off the charts I'm like in that place where everything is unfolding in satisfying ways and I'm not consciously controlling or "planting seeds" as it's been called to make that happen. I'm not reprogramming or anything I'm simply allowing myself to surrender to being myself without compromise and recognising my affinities and living them without compromise and being the person that I dream about, not the person who has all these things in the world but being the person that brings me internalised fulfilment on the thematic level. I'm coherently experiencing correct thematic process and that is my source of nourishment and vitality, nothing in the world could ever provide me more than that. Nothing. Simply by me flowing with my intuitive impulses I'm more satisfied than I've been in literal years and all I do is pathway work and gazing and kidney essence cultivation and all the rest happens automatically because we are alchemical and metaphysical beings.
None of this needs to be done on a conscious level it can all be done from within us and all it takes is the recognition of what thematic process brings us our source of vitality and then to live without compromise in that direction and your whole relaity will conform to allow you to continue that process because it's correct for you. The seeming miracle outcomes happen because of correct nature and this proportionate connection to greater process where the monopole will drive people and larger cycles to facilitate your transformation by being yourself. It's like all the sense of satisfaction and fulfilment just washes over you by you living in your own aura of correct thematic experience, it's all self nourishing and you don't even WANT to imagine anything external happening other than you playing out more of your process of satisfaction. All those scenes will come to you and flow through you anyway. Look if you've not gotten the point yet manifestation is an automatic process that unfolds THROUGH us when we are moving in the correct thematic direction. Doing the "shadow work" as it's called is simply uncovering where you've been influenced by the world to take you off your path and to then own the path that is correct for you. Without a fixed principle where would the bad feelings come from as there's always a required frame of reference to contrast to drive sensation. It's all coming through us. We've been told that we need to consciously think the stuff we would in the correct state of being and that will make those experiences unfold but in reality 95+% of people don't experience that or if a few extra % of those people do it will be limiting and confirm their limited sense of self which as we now know is based on how coherent they are with their fixed thematic direction. The popular process has become think about what you want, from the end of having it, and that state of being will manifest outcomes correspondent in the world. The thing is there has to be thematic resonance for that to happen. Everybody wants money and love and all that stuff because it's a fundamental expression of consciousness so that would obviously be the primary reason as to why various people even come to the so called Law anyway. It's so silly these mechanics have been dumbed down by people who don't understand the functions of them and it's been turned into a very very profitable business model that's never really had any valid competition. Until now.
That's why Reality Synthesis is here. As I continue to refine this stuff it's going to reach a certain point where it will be time for presentation. I mean it took me like 7 years to even begin to come out and speak with what I knew back then, it just takes time and I'm ok with that because simply living this process is satisfying in itself because it's correct for my thematics.
There's so many levels that this can be made manifest. The issue that's present in standard LOA circles is the idea that every thought that passes through our minds influences the world and that we experience this. If that was true then every time we imagine being in some negative scenario, likely even life threatening at times, would manifest, right? According to the law whatever is brought before the mind of God must correspond to an experience. They'll say that this doesn't happen to most because it's not normal for them but that also doesn't correspond as there's many many people out there who think about these things allll the time and yet never experience them to any capacity in their personal lives, they might see media of it happening to others and they'll claim that's the manifestation but in that case what defines the means by which it happens and to what people? It's so undefined and NG passed it off as "ways and means we know not of" to avoid actually answering this massive flaw in the phenomena. Remember this isn't me just poking holes for holes sake but pointing out actual experiences people have in the world that the so called law cannot explain completely. They'll say you don't know what goes on in their head, and of course that's true 100% but I know with certainty that the contents of someone's mind cannot be hidden from the world. There will ALWAYS be corresponding experiences to confirm that, for example someone's interests that you see them playing into will correspond to thoughts in their mind, consciously on the conceptual level. There will be a corresponding thematic level that they're playing into too that's mostly unconscious that really is what drives their experience but it's mostly consciously experienced as conceptual level thought in the conscious mind and so they'll trace the experiences back to that without actually asking the question is this arising out of compromise and false identification or who they really are? That's the question we all need to ask ourselves are we moving in the direction that is consistently satisfying on the thematic level or are we compromising on that expression so we can "fit in" and conform to a certain standard, whatever that may be in the manifest reality. Money is just one level of belief relating to resources theme, Fehu rune. Fehu is potential resources but it doesn't take a form of manifestation as it can be manifest as $ or just food or water depending on the conceptual relationship. Love relates to many different runes, specifically relating to the "phase" of love being experienced. It can be beginning or middle or end or general. There's a rune for pretty much any level of experience imaginable and they describe the procession of consciousness as these thematic processes are made manifest in our reality.
Another note. Often times people will think that positive thoughts like joy and happiness and feeling more "abundant" is what's correct but I've found that these feelings come through us naturally when we own the thematic direction. Trying to force these feelings in is NOT going to result in lasting changes in the world and you'll go through the peak and dip cycles I've spoken about endlessly. Once again I know because I went through that for years until I realised that it's not about forcing any sensation but to allow a natural unfolding of the implied feelings so they can flow through us when they're ready to. One of my points here is that correct thematic direction is ALL that matters and the corresponding sensory conceptual representation will be your pathway applied in imagination which will result in lasting and satisfying shifts into correct direction. When your vitality and related currents are correctly circulating and you've got the space to facilitate these transformations you'll naturally WANT to imagine being with your SP or having the money or whatever and it will come THROUGH you under natural desire. Natural correct desire that you'll respond to through your center of inner authority and it will be an effortless and natural imaginal experience which you'll do once and forget and it will result in the movement of the people to correspond to what came through you. It's not forced in any capacity but we've been marketed to that this is all a function of forcing scenes into the imagination and allowing that to change our reality through the so called reprogramming model which is complete and utter trash that I've completely dispelled at this point as nonsense to be mostly discarded. There's some points and ques that can be taken and applied but the model that it's all in your head is nonsense. I've just described how and why this is a natural process and NG himself said that effort is the cause of opposite results which once again confirms this idea that unless it's natural, meaning it's a fixed thematic direction that's your source of vitality and satisfaction then you'll forever be wasting time trying to make something happen instead of owning your affinities. If you say you're owning your affinities and you're still having intense dips then obviously you're still either not owning to the degree you have impulse and drive towards that likely comes up on the regular or you're going in the wrong direction still. Owning your desire as I've said in my videos really means that we're owning the thematic direction and uncompromisingly being that and flowing with how we're driven. The more vitality you've got circulating the more drive you'll have to generate and be correctly moving through the world. You'll be driven and it will all be natural. THAT'S THE POINT! It's natural and not something you're doing out of contrast. Contrast is the issue, I once thought we could use contrast to force stuff into our minds as I'd use those methods but once again the lasting results never stuck it was always temporary and there was expenditure of vitality instead of circulating currents forming higher order substances naturally. The natural experience of this is the key point here it's all natural and correspondent to what's correct within us and that's contrasting to the fixed thematic processes we've affinity for.
What is natural is correct, because that's flow, that's effortless nature. That's proportionality and living without resistance. The only reason you're resistive is because you're compromising on living your correct self that's based on the fixed principles within your field geometry. Understand that the nature of natural being is that it's always seeking expression THROUGH you but because of the conditioning you've accepted from the world as proof of who you are vs what's coming through you at baseline you're dismissing because that aspect of you was presented to you as bad and you were devalued because of it meaning you retreat from your own internal source of vitality and thus suffer. Owning that desire (thematic process) means owning the natural source of vitality within you and by playing it out you tap more and more of it leading you to naturally express yourself in the world correctly and where all the right people will be attracted to you without effort. Understand that the nature of this is very very simple it's that you're always being driven towards this direction but because the conditioning kicks in to protect that devalued part of you that source of vitality becomes disconnected from your circuit and so owning it and making decisions out of that will automatically dissolve the resistance naturally and you'll "get your power back" so to say. Owning it and disowning the parts that need to be refined is what's going on. Imaginal scenes also can be used for this function too, to give yourself in imagination what's unable to be experienced in the world so that you can internally tap your source of vitality and thus your influence over your circumstances out of that. The influence arises out of having circulating vitality but you cannot have vitality circulating if you're still disowning your fixed themes of resonance. That's all that the psychological model is working with. It's taking you through an experience under pressure so that you experience the relaity of experience relating to owning your affinities and disowning the resistance on the thematic level. Pathway revision works the same way too, you simply dive into scenes of the past that come up with a certain thematic process attached to them and you re-experience them under a new context that's not devaluing you which in essence is you reclaiming your vitality through expressing the theme of compromise as though it was always natural. The means and conceptual process imagined doesn't matter as long as it touches on you reclaiming your vitality on the thematic level. That's what pathway revision is all about. You're disconnecting from devalued parts of you. What more is there to be said about this?
So. Cancer culture.
There's a lot to be said here, far more than I'm going to speak on in this notebook as it's really out of context but I'll dive into the core parts. Cancer culture was established a very long time ago for the function of blending culture together and disconnect people from their own homogenised cultures, but this is a homogenised degenerate culture that's a mix of everything under the guise of being "inclusive" and such. We're all aware of this complete and utter degeneracy and how everyone who's in that realm is heavily compromised. I'm sure some have natural affinity for this direction but the only reason it's so big is because there's paid actors funded by Talmudic interests in the world to present this as a solution to various aspects of societal division. Really it's to divide already established nations and cultures further so that there's no communities of commonality and where everyone needs to fit in. Nobody these days has the guts to call out degeneracy for what it is for fear of being labelled as someone who's divisive and yet the very cancer culture presenting itself is divisional at it's core anyway and is destroying the established national culture from the inside out in silence. This is one manifestation that's affecting every country and related culture on earth for the most part, at least the bigger ones in western nations. Technically Australia is "east" when it comes to relative geography but is still called a western nation, for some reason. It's because of similar culture. Anyway the east is immune to this it seems likely because of the lesser Talmudic influence in these nations, paid actors aren't as influential in these cultures but it's more so that it's the white nations that are targeted, by Talmudic Jews, under their own admission.
What is this a manifestation of? This is a manifestation of the cross of planning coming to an end. It's the last gasp of collectivism and it has to go so extreme that we're in the world we're in today. This is one more aspect of greater process mediating outcomes in our collective relaity that's out of our personal control. Nobody in the world consciously imagined this playing out with any degree of faith or desire other than the actors involved. So if these actors who are playing their role in mediating these outcomes have such level of influence then why can't we do the same? They're imagining these outcomes and going through these thematic processes out of a form of either heavy compromise or direct resonance, else the influence wouldn't play out on this level. How does NG explain this?
He'd use the same one he used to explain how the war started. Someone wrote down a story very similar to what played out and that's apparently proof that his imagination played out this end, with no connection to how greater process played out mind you which was already pre-determined. That imaginal experience played out through his consciousness naturally as the crosses processed but we were all influenced by the thematic shift in consciousness on a larger scale, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. It's these larger scale processes that are proof in themselves of mediating these manifestations as they happen THROUGH us, naturally. The seeds already exist within us as I've said. He imagined that outcome and it got dropped and it played out in the world naturally because he was simply tuning into an already established process that was going to play out anyway and was really predicted in it's thematic direction thousands of years ago. The specifics were more difficult to pinpoint but the thematic process was pre-determined. NG denies this and says that it's not the stars (I disagree that the stars themselves have any influence either I say they're simply a manifestation of the procession of the themes we can view as a reference for that) but says it's all imagination and yet he also says that we're all here to play a role in a stage play, as I've quoted him myself. Where does desire come from? Greater process, inspired to us through the conceptual experiences that mediate our outer authority. It all relies on an existent substrate that's pre-determining the thematic direction we flow. It's the misunderstanding of metaphysical processes that NG based his whole point of the basis of manifestation on that's led him into a corner of illegitimacy. His whole point was based on the bible his interpretation of the bible was very elementary when it comes to our function in the greater process, outside of the promise but there's valid metaphysical processes which would contrast this and say that not everyone will be rebirthed, not in the way that's been portrayed to us at least. We're all moving in that direction because of our embryonic capacity to unfold into a complete higher order simulacrum of reality but in truth barely anybody from this world will ever complete that work. NG says that it happens as a function of going through every state (as it's been claimed but I don't think I've seen source material of this yet) and that scripture unfolds through us (there's through once again where things happen to us as a function of pre-determined metaphysical and alchemical processes) and yet he denies kundalini yoga as a valid process to illumination. Rising of current is what that means in essence, hence why Golgotha is in the skull and there's an explosion in the skull where the Christos is crucified (the personality crystal is set) but kundalini is just another term for the naturally unfolding currents that are circulated by living out the states you're being driven to fulfil as alchemical functions operate within your field geometry to enable the explosion to happen. He never said you can imagine it happening, it was only able to be experienced when you're ready and everything I've understood about this process is that the ripeness that unfolds as we go through our experiences happens without conscious input but through flow and being driven to imagine the correct series of thoughts as you go through these various experiences you're driven towards. The yogis and Daoist's and alchemists and all that just reverse engineered this naturally unfolding process by being yourself without compromise and deliberately catalysed certain thematic processes into action to then basically force our field geometry to open up and be refined through that means instead of the more natural and gradual means we're all experiencing.
This is once again another denial of the metaphysical and alchemical processes he failed to understand. He said that it's not about doing any of the specific alchemical processes but was about going through your states of being that are resonant (which is also what I teach but he didn't say it in this way) as a means of becoming complete and whole and higher order which is where the conjugation of greater yin and yang occurs which happens in the skull in every tradition too. NG isn't exclusive in this understanding his was just more on the experiential level vs the deliberate alchemical level by using other means. This only presented his own ignorance of what he taught. If he knew this he wouldn't have taught that kundalini yoga was nonsense as he said and that God doesn't work through those means as he believed it was ALL imagination, but as I've firmly established that's not the case imagination is just one facet of the expression of God. He said that because that's what he believed from his experience and from the bible. His whole belief was founded upon the phenomena of imaginal experiences corresponding to physical ones, but that's just one level of the manifest reality and misses the movement of the form and it's sensations and how it's driven by greater process as all things in observable reality are. If that's not thoroughly explained as to why NG isn't the whole picture and that the firm belief that it's all mental and that you can influence anything with your imagination to be any way you can conceive of. There must be a way to even have the conception of these ideas to begin with too, you can't just imagine something that's not existed without the components of consciousness required for that end to unfold. Dogs and cats cannot conceive of the things we can, just as the people who wrote the bible couldn't really conceive of the things we have in the world these days with technology we all use on a daily basis. You see? The progression of principles of consciousness require a natural unfolding process to have manifestation in the world. Why do we think otherwise and cling to this silly notion when there's literally zero demonstration of that in any capacity in the world which supports this idea. We've been sold a dream that's all in our heads and people buy into it blindly because they're influenced by promises of riches and love and success that they don't even need or really want to that capacity but that they deny themselves and they're not given the tools to find themselves and their path that provides them a source of vitality and nourishment so that they may generate higher order substances and complete the conjugations within their field geometry that leads them to complete their function out of continued satisfaction.
What more is there to refute? What more is there to explain? What more is there to do here? I don't know but what I do know is that I will be back here once again in the near future to refine things further. Really there's lots more I can talk about but I'm not inspired for those directions now. This is all there is that needs to be said for now.
What I've learned from all this is that no matter how deep I go I keep going further and further into the depths of the mechanics of consciousness. It's normal for me, it's been normal for me for about a decade now and has been the driving force behind Reality Synthesis. When will it be complete? Who knows. That's not for me to decide.
I just had to come on and do another update here. This is insane I've seen some manifestations show up that's been stuck for like almost a year or so now and it's once again all linked back to owning my sense of self I've affinity for. This is the essence here, what are you playing into and what's implied under that thematic contextual experience. For me someone has basically done a 180 and flipped almost entirely on things they've been stuck on and compromised on for ages and now are actually changing for the better. I never needed to imagine them being this way, though I did in the past out of attempt to alter their perception of themselves but all of it came from within my field geometry to influence their sense of vitality THROUGH me. I'm basically shining my light to such a degree that they're being influenced by my field and in essence buying into my conditioning unconsciously that's actually leading them towards a better direction. Is it properly correct for them? I don't know to be honest but they're actually enjoying themselves and laughing and they've got more energy and not feeling stuck and down anymore. It's been like this for weeks now so I know it's not a peak and dip cycle, it's a result of my correct direction providing the people around me resonance with themes through the shared and circulated vital influence. That's what this is about, imaginal scenes do this work.
It's all thematic direction that has implication on the world and how we're all driven by greater process. The mechanics of this are made manifest on all levels.
Internalised power. Circulate that stuff and be driven by it. If your authority wants to use that power then express it as needed, else cultivate further and enable your greater process to drive your avatar into a level of experience beyond mediocrity.
Refine sensory inputs to draw association to resonant channels
Cultivate vitality
Circulate vital currents
Be yourself without compromise
Do pathway work
Create space
Move and be driven
Break critical thresholds and get outside the box
Refined Formula:
You should do pathway work and get familiar with the sensation of what the thematic processes of resonance feel like. You'll find a range of sensory experiences that can tap that same sensation which is your supply of vitality. If you've cultivated sufficient space and hit critical thresholds (more frequent lucid dreaming is a good benchmark for where you're at with that) by doing continued periodic gazing as I say in my video and by negating any unnecessary sensory stimulus that will weaken the spleen and kidney meridians which are required for the transformation of base substances into higher order via crystallization of those base substances into a proportionate pathway that's the resonance you're targeting.
Just begin by writing down the thematic sensation you have to every sensory experience and create a map of associations. This will be your template to know where you're resonant and where you're not, the stuff that shows up on a repetitive basis is very likely where you need to be owning and being without compromise in the world and in your mind wherever possible to circulate that vital current as this in itself can break down and dissolve crystallized disproportionate pathways representing resistance manifesting as negative beliefs and all that. IT's automatic in the effects and will stick when critical threshold is reached that's signalling the transformation of these base substances into higher order. With this map in mind you'll have a working template then to know where to focus and where to set boundaries for sensory experience as to guard the senses against phenomena that's not resonant which drains vitality and space.
The money or SP or whatever will show up when it's ready to show up by you playing into your direction of resonance because having money or whatever resources required for that will be implied under that thematic process you're experiencing. It's either the thoughts will automatically enter your mind to show up in the world or it will show up like magic without ever having to think about it. I can't say which it will be but that doesn't matter the only thing that matters is you own your affinities without compromise and when you've got intuitive impulse to act on something but you compromise on that then you're disowning your affinities and your sense of self will dip as a result as currents will stagnate. Getting in touch with your intuitive impulses that drive you will be required to live successfully as everyone who is successful taps into them either consciously or unconsciously and is driven by them and that's how they make decisions out of response and not out of mental conditioning received from the world to dictate how we can and can't show up and draw boundaries.
Pathway work of course is the first step next to gazing. It all builds on my old videos and the ideas presented there as the foundation that's now expanded into vitality cultivation and circulation to provide thematic resonance a supply to be made manifest through in the physiology and the psychology internally and in the world together. There's many levels to this as you've likely read about in the notebook but those other levels aren't necessary for the majority of the work in "manifesting" things in the world. Doing specific scenes isn't a thing I don't do either it's just a thing that should be done primarily for the intention of focusing a thematic direction into alignment further and not to make something specific happen because the sensory experience that manifests is integrated and implies under the thematic process which is the point of imaginal scenes. It's a method of purification, not manifestation. Manifestation is a product of it when it's done correctly but it doesn't cause anything to happen or not happen when in a vacuum.
That's my working model currently. Doesn't need to use Human Design to know thematic resonance that would show up in the chart because it's all in your experience. HD only gives insights as to KNOW what's resonant and what's not. Everything you're going through on a regular basis that's not resonant will stick out as conditioning and everything that you're going through on a regular basis that is resonant is where we need to own and play out without compromise. Cultivating vitality will give the sacral or whatever your authority center is the "energy" it needs to respond to that resonant thematic process. If not enough energy is present it will respond another time with a yes when that vitality is present, else if you're emotional then stick to the emotional sensation as your guide and not as much on the vitality side. Acting without sufficient vitality will most often lead to peak and dip cycles as our psychology is mostly correspondent to the currents circulating and depletion is going to cause a dip. This is why listening to the response is CRITICALLY important, even if in the moment you're supercharged and feel on an emotional level YES but your sacral and the visceral sensation is NOPE then duck back and give it time to sit and circulate and see where the response is when the same stimulus arises again. We need to own what we get YES to and sit back when there's a no else you'll dip. Cultivating sensitivity works on both the space level where the subconscious capacity will give you more of an intuitive sense to know yes or no which will give you more sensitivity to the sensation of response. Being overstimulated will warp your response and it will most likely be completely warped and not clear at all, having space allows the sacral almost to have a clear target of yes or not to respond to. Having a clear lens is important, it also opens you up to dissolving resistance that's eating up capacity and sensitivity to the interaction with the unconscious aspect represented as the nervous system to more precisely tap into the sensation of yes and no response.
It's simply not required though, you don't need HD to know how to live correctly. Pathway work will reveal these things if you do enough connecting of dots but it's a quicker method to see the chart to know resonant thematic processes and to KNOW where to own and where not to. Everything else will be learned along the way.
I fully intend on eradicating LOA and systematically dismantling every aspect of it's workings and providing practical and theoretic basis through Reality Synthesis so that there's nothing left for those who buy into LOA to stand on and the whole thing will shatter into trillions of pieces never to be seen again. As you can tell it's getting very close to that point now after spending years refining further and further and further every day.
So here's something big I want to talk about.
We've got the point about whatever we experience with the senses will provide to us a sample of the thematic makeup of what the form is that's being experienced which will of course connect channels within our field geometry to either resonate or not that determines the sensation we feel and thus the experience of the "feeling" and whether it's correct or not to respond to. This is the essence of manifestation as we're feeling into the experience of things on that thematic level and either sinking into those experiences or staying separate from that. When you want to manifest something consciously you're going to tap into that experience with the "feeling" sense and if it's correct you'll respond to it with an action or an imaginal experience which will drive your body and anchor that experience as an expected outcome in the world which can be made manifest in your actions and thoughts and emotions as well as those aspects of the people around you seemingly like magic but it's not it's all field geometry interactions. That's all there is and can be at play anyway.
When you've got current circulating in the sacral you'll have authority to respond in a way that's favourable towards the end state of being you're resonant with which is the actual desire and not so much the sensory experience. The sensory experience is simply a representation that describes the thematic experience that your consciousness is being driven to experiencing by greater process. Now when you're limited in vitality and current circulating then you'll feel like the desire is on the pedestal, you'll feel literally empty and like you've got nothing of value when compared to this person or thing. This feeling is because you're weak and don't have the sufficient vitality for the sacral to respond correctly to that desire, or that there's no actual resonance there on a thematic level and you're trying to dive into something you're not being driven towards, even if it just in that moment. Regardless of the reason you're not going to manifest that outcome if you're lacking vitality. I want to make this crystal clear. Anxiety and fear and all those bad feelings of lack are the manifestation of a stagnant or deficient vital current circulating which is failing to nourish your bodily intelligences like the Hun and the Shen. There's no means of resolving this outside of either dropping the resistance that's causing the leaking of the vitality or the continued cultivation of that vitality to replace what's lacking, and often this is done by consciously bringing to mind the experience of being the person you've resonance with and dropping the SP or the money or anything else as that's your supply of vitality to tap into. This describes a technique I call bringing greater context to mind where you remind yourself of all the things that work for you, but in this case simply tapping into what's resonant. The psychological model also recognises this technique too but they're so totally ignorant of what's actually going on and they'll never be able to describe this with synapse activity so the real explanation is current circulating through your center of authority that's directly related to your sense of self.
Your inner authority isn't just a center for response to know if something is correct for your experience or not but that it's also a source of sense of self and literal authority in the sense of what's possible for you or not. It plays out on both levels I believe and depending on the level of available fuel for the engine will determine how it can "feel" in relation to the concepts brought to mind. If you're lacking in this vitality you're almost always going to experience results that will remind you of your lacking authority and stagnation. Your metaphysics quite literally will be made manifest in your experience, if you're deficient or stagnant then that'll be thematically represented to you in the way people respond to you and the way circumstances unfold for you. The thoughts that will reflect this that LOA thinks causes it will all be a manifestation of this circulating vitality and you'll find almost every time a direct relationship between the expending of vitality and the psychological state. If we're becoming more vital then that will be made manifest as the thoughts and feelings and actions and the responses we're driven towards. The currents that operate within our field geometry are thematic reflections of the processes we experience in reality. Having resonance and definition for a specific theme will require that sufficient vitality is present for it to be fully realised and while you'll often find that you'll manifest experiences reflecting that affinity you'll still end up with limited results when it comes to the complete satisfaction you're being measured by and the reason why is because you're still lacking vitality for the sacral to correctly respond in the highest form way. You'll find that when you do significant vitality cultivation and circulation that you'll automatically without ever even trying think better and feel better and end up in more favourable circumstances and this is all because you're unconsciously being driven by more intense intuitive impulses arising out of your defined motor and it will drive you to the full extent where you'll be able to run that motor to it's full potential around the complete track of life instead of just doing small trips for essentials like groceries and whatever essentials are needed for life. The point is the complete potential of your consciousness and it's thematic processes cannot and will not be fully explored without sufficient vitality present to enable that end to be made manifest THROUGH you. You'll be driven to the next best thing that's always going to be satisfying but it will once again always be limited to the degree you've got capacity present.
The question then becomes to what extent does that apply? We know the lower limits of that and the essential vital processes but what about the upper end. The means by which your authority can respond will be dependent upon not just your currents but also the input stimulus which of course also means your environment plays a role. I said in an earlier update that the way we come across new ideas is by mixing already present ideas through each of the lines of exploration of information to form unique outer authority out of that which can be made manifest as the new experiences we're able to share with others that previously couldn't exist without our specific filter of that experience. All of these functions of consciousness are dependent upon what's available for you to respond to and how it's resonant or not and also the available vitality to "spend" on that response to drive your consciousness towards it's satisfying experience.
This is still an area that's not well established with corresponding theory and experience but it's connecting more dots. It's a part of the equation that answers more relating to why certain people effortlessly manifest and others don't and it also provides us a truly clear definition of what the metaphysics of a correct sense of self comes from. It's all correspondent to what currents are circulating, or not. LOA cannot explain the phenomena of manifestation without bypassing the metaphysics outlined here.
Tools to get the best use out of your imagination.
Gazing periodically during the day - Generates space (yin)
Moving your body regularly and in a high intensity manner - Circulates Qi
Tapping into the sensation of living your resonant themes - Raises yang
Qigong - Generates Qi
Refining sensory stimulus - Conserves yang
Pathway revision - Targeted resistance dissolving
There must be a process of transformation. Transformation is required for things to stick. Your body needs to be on board, meaning you need current circulating to act as the catalysing force behind the limitation to dissolve and shift it.
I'm running out of insights. It seems I'm at the end of this process and it's video making time until the next cycle shows up again, because I know it will because it's who I am.
Here's one I just got near the end of the day.
Write down a list of things that you're consistently able to experience either internally or ideally externally that bring you a sense of satisfaction (consistently ONLY) and then ask yourself what else does this sensation remind me of? Do pathway work on sensations of being and bring to mind further affinities that are represented by this sensation. When you've got that clarity and KNOWING of what you're holding affinity for then bring that sensation to mind by drawing yourself into the thematic experience of it and allow yourself to be driven into that experience in the world which will be a means of further solidifying this pattern of coherency.
I also just want to say that sense of self and the circulating of yang, expressing as for example the hormone testosterone has an almost direct relationship to our manifesting capacity. DIRECT. Why is this? Because the very biochemical manifestations that can be seen in every psychologically healthy person are always the same, having correct metaphysical makeup is necessary but working on that level exclusively isn't likely going to result in lasting benefits in maintaining the sense of self that's ideal. When your source of vitality is coming from external supply then you're always going to be dependent on a substance to do the work when the real work that sticks is done through knowing yourself (your thematic resonance) and having the courage to become that person without compromise. Being under pressure is raising that yang and circulating that current, it feels uncomfortable because it's breaking down crystallised disproportionate pathways but most people back off when they feel that. Leaning into it is the solution. Move into being yourself without compromise every day, remind yourself by anchoring into the imaginal experience you resonate with that brings you a sensation of vitality and satisfaction after gazing periodically and be driven by the response your body gives you. Be driven to be yourself. Forget the SP, they're not your supply, they're not represented as your thematic resonance, the other affinities are and they always have been. The SP will show up with you're being yourself. More often than not this is how "normies" get into relationships but of course the patterns surface when there's no pressure to be themselves anymore when they land the person. You don't want to backslide into seeing value through having anyone else around, most of the time you'll find these people compromise on their process of resonance when they're with the person and that's an issue that causes up and down results. Continuing to see everybody around you as just people and not prizes to attain can only happen naturally when you're feeling within you that current of vitality circulating consistently through the process of tapping your supply. If you're not tapping your supply then you're sabotaging your progress.
I just can't seem to get into words what I'm trying to convey here. Your yin/yang ratios and circulation of those aspects define your sense of self, but those aspects are only capable of properly being cultivated and circulated RELIABLY through you tapping your supply which is the experience of your thematic resonance that's satisfying on a consistent basis. This will come out of responding to the intuitive impulses you receive in the world, that response IS the experience of your inner authority giving your field geometry a boost to it's principle circulation but you're ignoring it because of some reason. Tapping the supply means surrendering to your path of least resistance that's always being thrown into your face every day. These subtle intuitive impulses don't have to be subtle but they are because you're weak and stagnant with no fire or passion for life. If you experience that through the satisfying experiences you're being driven towards almost AS a self correcting process for consciousness to through experience bring balance to the field geometry (boom?) so that we have yet another metaphysic to work with that performs the alchemical process of transformation. It's got me thinking now that the very nature of this is about using experience as a means of becoming proportionate through the cultivation of vitality out of that experience that's correct along with the implication for that represented as the metaphysical thematic nature of the experience itself too. It seems this operates on many different levels but I've not thought on it that way before, I don't think. You see this is what happens every time I say I'm out of ideas there's some magic insight that just drops into my head when I'm in flow typing this stuff out when the impulse arises. Notice how I continue to refine even though I'm not trying? Notice how it's effortless and easy and just a normal part of my life? This is because I'm being me, I'm playing into my thematic resonance and that's pinging my consciousness all the time and so I'm being driven to do this for various purposes and many of them are completely unconscious and that's fine.
It's almost like this thematic process I play out in itself is playing a part in how my vitality is cultivated but that's just one of various means. You see the means by which the response and impulse will come depends very closely on the normalised sensory pathways. When you're reminded of a sensory pathway that's resonant to the theme then you'll almost certainly be driven with a very powerful impulse to act in the world. I've had this happen more times than I can count now. A huge part of why these impulses show up with this is because it's a MORE correct means by which the response can work for your vitality cultivation and circulation, because a more refined means of experiencing that theme would be the default method the response would come from if that was an expected process. This is why I've been saying lately that if you give the sacral more juice to work with it'll almost certainly automatically drive your body to just unconsciously engage in more refined experiences to represent the thematic process that can have more benefits on vitality. Being driven more in a physical manner will almost always benefit the form more than being sedentary and sticking in the head as the means in a limited manner. The theme will still express but it will be limited to the degree of satisfaction. You will almost always get more satisfaction out of a more physical process. I know Ra didn't speak about this but I believe this is a big factor at play when it comes to the immortality side of this work and giving the sacral more options to respond to as well as more current to work with which will drive it towards even more satisfying outcomes vs the minimum and this also relates to the brain chemistry manifestations and hormonal manifestations in the biology resultant from the shifting of the metaphysics that make those show up the way they do.
My further studies into the immortality side have driven this it seems.
Willing expenditure of vitality by seeking pleasure in the world through the senses will deplete your manifesting capacity because that lost vitality relates directly to your sense of self and how valued you feel, how childlike in your mind you feel where there's wonder and excitement to even the smallest things because the fuel tank is full and you've effectively infinite energy to use on being yourself. Your sacral can responds with passion to stimulus clearly and without lusts that lead you into conditioning fields and into destroying your vitality. Metaphysically illiterate NG couldn't grasp this fact and failed to explain how death can be prevented. The practise itself of being yourself without compromise is the only thing that matters. Getting lost in the maya and forgetting the big picture here will destroy you. That's not the point, that's for the weak willed to buy into and be influenced by others to stray from their path. They lose track of their path because they're not looking in the right direction, the response from the sacral isn't going to put you on track because it simply responds to what's available which is why I said that cultivating vitality and space will enable you to open up to directions that are resonant and in a refined manner that's not going to deplete vitality. The right people and all that will show up to provide that stimulus to respond to when you're ready for it too, and oftentimes this process plays out for a function that's out of our personal control when it comes to greater process driving us for what role we need to play but I truly believe that our capacity to influence this comes on the level of alchemical transformation of substances not just through worldly experience and interaction with others through the outer authority but by influencing that same metaphysical pathway but via an inverse internalised means that's going to result in you then influencing the world in a more indirect means without needing to waste vitality on over stimulus that most of us are driven towards because it's the easy path to living the themes. This is what I mean by refining the themes, because I refuse to believe that we're going to be driven into a more destructive thematic process if a more subtle one can be played out and the substances that need transforming can still be transformed the same but that you get to continue to cultivate and circulate further vitality and thus influence and corresponding sense of self you can manifest through. I don't buy into the idea that every correct response is good for us on a vitality level, it's thematic in the sense of what it's function is in transforming consciousness and giving us a path of satisfaction to use to cultivate vitality, to a degree, but the idea that this cannot be refined further I think is nonsense. The idea that we're controlling that process isn't the case, what' going on is that you're presenting the thematic level of experience a means to play out on a more subtle level that's not going to overstimulate the senses. There'll be more balance in your experience, there'll be more flow and even MORE satisfaction. Correct inner response is still always the foundation no matter what but there's an element to this that I truly believe can be further refined to enable the further cultivation of vitality and enable the pathway to immortality because I know that the main thing that drains vitality IS sensory stimulus, the more intense the pleasure is the more draining it is.
My studies into immortality and the metaphysics of it relate directly to having refined means of expression. Living an overstimulating life just isn't compatible with immortality. Most people think that what we all experience is "normal" levels of stimulus but it's not even close we're all in a big experiment with smart tech that's everywhere these days, your attention of course being the primary currency the degenerate tech industry is farming which is reflecting the collective decay of vitality in our consciousness. When you look at the progression of humanity over the centuries it goes in cycles where the destruction of empires almost always is caused by overconsumption and excess, dampness, stagnation, the need for stimulus because cultural satisfaction gets robbed by degenerate politicians who should all be hung out to dry as treasonous fools. They're playing their role of course. My point is this can all be seen on micro and macro cycles and there's always a natural corresponding series of events that can be seen as the manifestation of the metaphysics playing out on a greater process THROUGH us. We're the same on an individual level. The more degenerate your cultural environment is the more overstimulation is normalised and thus we end up at the end of a cycle where empires collapse and things fall apart only to reset once again, which is still building up to that point in our time here and now. You'll succeed by disconnecting from the game all together, getting off the matrix entirely and just involving yourself where you're driven on that most refined level. Cultural norms and conditioning fields around us will give the sacral stimulus to respond to which will normalise it's expected sensory process to play out which will represent the thematic resonance and thus the means of satisfaction. It's using what's available to it, and unless some aligned process arises where intuitive impulse drives a pattern beak, which usually comes out of being in a big dip that's driven by greater contrast of experience, then you'll once again be influenced by cultural norms and that'll be your box. Your environment to that degree dictates the level of refinement you're able to attain unless you're going to consciously normalise another means of thematic expression.
I hope this entry smacked you in the face real hard and got you thinking more on how your capacity is being spent and if that's really correct for your thematic process. Knowing your thematic resonance is the PRIMARY point but along with that the tuning of them can be done to further refine the essential experience. Why not? You're still playing your part and just like it is now your experiences will be mediated by what's normal to further drive you into that thematic resonance to play off the consciousness of others in the means that's correct for your design. This is what's missing from the HD system and I think it's a big hole that needs patching because it seems standard HD isn't compatible with immortality, at least from what I know about that. I could be wrong and I'm willing to accept that if a more coherent picture can be drawn, but it seems I've yet to find that.
It's said in almost every spiritual text that desire is the issue we face when it comes to mortality. Why is this? Nobody can really describe the full metaphysics of this it seems, but to me it's all about how the senses are expending vitality to experience phenomenal reality. The more stimulating the more depleted you become. Pleasurable sensory stimulus is the currency of mortality. There's also the traumatic side of this too, the psychospiritual texts don't talk about this much but it's a massive factor too, though I think I know why they leave it out as part of the core teaching. The reason why is because cultivation of vitality and accepting your path of least resistance and being driven by greater process towards what you're resonant with on a thematic level will automatically cause those stagnations to dissolve naturally through that experience that's correct for you. That's why, I think. This whole thing about dissolving resistance on the psychological level is just one of many different pathways by which vitality leaks can be plugged and your sense of self accordingly can elevate to where it naturally would be if you were whole and complete in terms of circulating vitality. What's circulating in the field geometry is what's at baseline, not what's filling up the tank that eventually spills over.
The whole essence here is that manifestation is a natural metaphysical unfolding process and not an assumptive one. If you can't manifest what you desire it's either because what's desired is a pathway of degeneracy for you and that you're going in a direction based on conditioning or you're weak and depleted and others don't want you to be with them because you're draining, quite literally. This is why placing the emphasis on being "selfish" with your vitality and not giving it away all willy nilly to desires in your focus and attention means you become a stronger magnet to those things. This is the mechanics behind detachment and why when you "forget" it comes but when you try it doesn't. It's because you're depleting your magnetism and being needy is literally you needing others as a supply vs tapping your own supply which is why I say that being yourself without compromise is mastering manifestation because that selfish use of your vitality will circulate in your own field geometry and out of continued correct response to your inner authority to be driven by those more intense sensations that drive you towards satisfaction on a consistent basis you're always going to end up in "lucky" scenarios where things will just fall into your lap like magic. It's got almost nothing to do with what they're consciously trying to shove into their unconscious mind to form a belief, without space and sufficient vitality to act as the supply which elevates your sense of self and sense of satisfaction from imagining being that person then you'll never be able to "reprogram" as they call it to experience those things you're driven towards, even if they're correct for you that vitality and such is still required for response to say yes as insufficient fuel will not drive you the same. I've spoken about this before where if you dopamine fast on various levels you'll automatically and almost unconsciously be driven to play out those things you've been imagining and trying to do before, but actually having the vitality present by not wasting it all the time will once again as I've always said naturally drive you towards where greater process is driving you. NATURALLY! It's not a conscious thing you need to do, the only conscious thing you really CAN do is compare contrast and this can lead to more proportionate connections to divinity by refining the sensory pathways your resonant thematic processes are experienced through. It's the experience of these sensory experiences that drives conscious manifestation, and most of it comes THROUGH you once a stimulus is present that's resonant and you feel that inner authority respond with YES which pretty much seals the deal and means it's "done" because there's a correct direction of experience and vitality that's sufficient for the response to happen by which your body and consciousness will be driven into that and you'll be pretty much powerless to stop it at that point, unless you engage in degenerate processes again and deplete yourself so your sacral won't be able to respond to that same stimulus.
That's all there is. Really.
It's just we've been marketed an idea that sounds easy and simple and people can look at their lives and observe the thoughts that correspond to the experiences but the thing is they've falsely been told this is all there is and that these thoughts are CAUSING the experiences, and on one level that's true but on a bigger picture metaphysical alchemical level that's so far from the truth because those thoughts are a reflection of your metaphysics and coherency with greater process and they come THROUGH you. Those people will never be able to explain how children get influenced to compromise on being themselves and this whole personal bubble reality idea that cannot explain how new phenomena can come into consciousness and mix and form new experiences. There must be a fixed variable of consciousness, the salt, for interferometric interactions to unfold and refined pathways be accessible.
I also want to speak on another subject relating to sensory stimulus and what's correct too as I'm sure the idea that some people naturally have more expressive natures that's correct for them that would require more intense expenditure of vitality and how they'd cultivate immortality vs a more internalised yin based consciousness. The answer is simple, both get satisfaction out of being themselves, the degree to which they'll at their most optimal and highest potential expression always be level in their circulating vitality as greater process will always mediate those outcomes with their drives. Technically speaking someone who's more yin based can have an easier time in keeping it when they're living out of conditioning and compromise but that's not really a factor to worry about. So long as you're tapping your internal supply of vitality that's represented as your thematic resonance on a level that's the right level of stimulus for the theme to be expressed and the function of your consciousness can be fulfilled then you're always going to be efficient in your expenditure. That's that.
There's this idea that immortals are always those who live in the mountains and don't live a life of much stimulus. Part of me makes me think they're playing out their process that's correct for them in that way and another part of me wonders how anyone can live that essence if they're able to mediate the metaphysics that they're driven to express in the world through themselves and their internal circuitry to reflect the external experiences and manifestation of outer authority. Just something to contemplate on further. That sounds preposterous to us, it's not very stimulating to the senses but that's the point, which I hope you understand by now. These people experience significantly more pleasure than us because their circulating currents are far more intense and focused that even small things will feel so satisfying to them. No matter how you slice it this is what's required for a truly immortal being, someone who's significantly expanded in space and sensitivity to these subtle currents. We're all playing this game in our head but that's just one level of it and the degree to which those imaginal scenes are satisfying and your nervous system/unconscious mind can get on board with it depends very very closely to the current circulating as this drives the experience of satisfaction as well as intuitive impulse and response from your authority.
Early morning post.
So here’s how I see this now. There’s a sensation that we resonate with on a thematic level, that thematic level has a corresponding sensory conceptual dimension that is the means by which that is realised in the world. That sensation is the “tuning” of the so called state. States drive us. The thoughts come though you, the actions come through you, the implied experiences through other people come from your influence so they start playing the role of the person who mediates your experience of this state as well as how that’s lined up according to the fixed field geometries of your salt. The idea that we create anything is nonsensical it all comes through us by us altering the direction and related angle of propagation AS the aetheric medium. That substrate has within it all potential directions and angles and dimensions of experience that’s implied under the state which is the sensation of being. The thematic sense is the tuning of this direction and so our fixed definition describes to us what that direction is and reflects in the resonance we feel when we play into that. This is what knowing yourself is, it’s knowing the truth of who you are from a thematic and related refined sensory means and out of that the correct metaphysical structure of your field geometry as a self recursive circuit who is of course made in the image of God reflecting processes within processes. These ignorant fools place magic spiritual cosmology over that and completely miss the mechanics. That’s what NG did and he was way off. I’ve proven that irrefutably at this point.
What was said above is the essence behind how manifestation works. The drives you have supply you vitality which is why you WANT to play into them, if there’s no conditions in the way you’ve internalised from others devaluation of that resonance you have. When you disown your source of vitality and knowing who and what you are on the fixed side then you give up your power. That’s what giving up your power means. It’s that you’re trying to operate within the self imposed limitations you’ve accepted as to how much you can source your own vitality and out of that how much influence and seeming “magnetism” we have to manifest things. This reflects the sense of self and we can see the reflections of how currents flow in the TCM system that correspond to the various psychological and physical manifestations in your consciousness. Owning your source of vitality means you win because that’s automatically going to drive you and you’ll actually WANT to be driven and go along for the ride through the sensory level of that metaphysical thematic experience. Manifestation always reflects a thematic level of experience and through that the sense of self and specific conceptual relation will work for you automatically because it’s an alignment process. It’s all implied through the mechanics of what’s been called the so-called law of assumption which is a model that’s got next to no relationship with how consciousness actually works as you should know by now if you’ve read this far into the notebook. This right here is as far as I can tell the most refined level of Relaity Synthesis that I can present and all the fundamental components are here to work with now. It goes all the way from top to bottom in how manifestation works as a metaphysical unfolding process that operates THROUGH our consciousness and not because of it. We don’t cause anything we’re just altering our angle of consciousness and that correct angle of view which is correct for your consciousness will always be reflected into the fixed aspects of your field geometry so it’s all an alignment process where things quite literally “click into place” as so many in LOA say without knowing what that actually means. That’s what it means. It’s about owning your resonance. Not owning the desires but the thematic resonance as the sensory experience is implied under that which you experience. The thematic resonance is all we need to refine and make our baseline as this will reflect the channel of authority we experience intuitive impulse through which is the sensation we experience which is the “clicking” into place of the angle of propagation that’s resonant which by definition is a proportionate connection and then will reflect as your infinite supply of vitality and drive and desire. How you express that is up to you and to a degree your environment but it’s all implied by you and your fixed resonance.
Top that.
By cultivating and circulating your own vitality and attaining it from your own source you’re actually empowering others around you too. Manifestation as we’ve been told doesn’t exist. This whole thing that all these people talk about with “raising frequency” obviously has no actual science to support it as I’ve demonstrated that it’s about fractality and having higher order integrated circuits and substances which is what is actually happening with that but their idea of raising frequency would correlate directly with how I say being in the correct alignment to your fixed resonance as a source of vitality would effectively unfolds the phase conjugate interactions where higher order substances are generated and you can quite literally become more attractive and all that. Your thoughts will reflect your alignment with divinity and worldly lusts and such degeneracy will dissolve. The whole “holy” thing is absolutely real and the only way to attain that state is to actually do the world to form higher order substances through the process I’ve outlined. Knowing it does nothing without actually being yourself and actually flowing with your resonance. Someone who is of greater divinity has more vitality circulating, everyone who’s willingly draining themselves of vitality through excessive stimulus and chasing opposite directions that aren’t resonant to appease others is degeneracy.
Late night post.
So I’ve just had another moment where I felt the difference in the sense of self awareness when faced with resistance vs before. This is what I’m going to explain, the experience of having elevated refined sense of self vs limited. It’s a function of energy dynamics and draining of vitality. Everything. It’s not belief. Belief idea doesn’t work, well apart from the default thought that arises from that stimulus that’s normalised. That’s the only spect of belief that matters here the rest is an effect or vitality and state coherency.
So when you’re faced with resistance in the world, say your SP is being degenerate and saying they’re not gonna do something you want them to do and have a stake in that outcome. They refuse and deny and kick up a stink when you debate logic. This is you trying to prove your value, you have nothing to prove to anyone and they’re going to drain your vitality if you expend energy to try and sway their thoughts. You’re devaluing yourself by attempting to alter their perceptions. If you withdraw and don’t give them a shred of your energy they’ll feel that unconsciously as your reasoning and they’ll want that vitality from you as they needed to expend vitality in resistance and so you’re absorbing their energy vs you running into each other and being drained. When you withdraw and return to the resonant sensation of being and the image of you being that person and put your attention into that state completely you’ll not expend a shred of energy over their stuff and they’ll feel that value within you and come back and change their mind because they want you as their supply then, likely because they’re still compromised too. Grasp that sense of self refinement is all about returning to your source of vitality within when things look bad and dropping your need for them to be your supply. It’s ALL energy dynamics these fools who peddle belief nonsense need to get lost I’ve seen this so many times and KNOW it’s because of this without any shadow of a doubt.
If you want to manifest a fulfilling satisfying life then work on becoming your own source of vitality and imaginal scenes will flow through you when needed and those will drive your body to experience those things that are correct for your geometry. That’s all. Seriously that’s it. It’s that simple. Gaze and make space and then anchor into that space with experience and drop it and return to your flow as experiencing your own source of vitality frok your fixed variables on a consistent basis. Compromise comes out of denying your supply of vitality and effectively your divinity which is what that vitality is used for by greater process to drive your body. You get it now? The challenge is knowing our affinities and the sensation, space will facilitate this sensitivity as well as cultivating vitality so that you can anchor into that sensation and be driven by that fixed thematic resonance arising from your inner authority. There’s no other work to be done outside of transforming the associations between experiences and sensations under the purifying fire of correct thematic resonance. Whenever you’re faced with resistance reframing that resistance by purifying it under the fire will be the means of transforming it into something beneficial for your path. If someone isn’t showing up right for you then withdraw your vitality from the experience and return to your supply. You don’t need them they need you at that point which is the whole point of having boundaries. Thurisaz rune. It’s all boundaries and those who don’t have them overextend their vitality and so other people “win” the game and you lose where you’re drained and have no sense of self to transform the resistance through. It’s all metaphysical I’m so done with NG and the rest of the imagination is got delusion these LOA people preach out of ignorance. It’s over there’s nothing left of LOA that works.
If the other person doesn’t change then drop them and move on. If this person makes you feel bad because they don’t change then you’re a weak minded fool who’s not getting the whole idea about this, it’s not about making anything happen it’s about you being fulfilled within your own supply and at the highest levels of the immortality work that’s the ONLY way that age reversal can be attained. ONLY. PERIOD. Anyone who tried to supply vitality from outside will never ever attain immortality it’s all about knowing yourself and your resonance and owning that as your reality. That’s all that matters and all the conditioning from the world that makes us think we need this person or that person is making your path whacked and misguided. That’s why it exists that way anyway, it only exists to act as marketing to get us to buy into it and give it your supply which doesn’t work for the immortal being. You cannot attain immortality and be a consumer. It’s impossible. You’re required to become entirely independent in your supply and out of that then the people who will be of ACTUAL high value (respecting your vitality supply and it’s boundaries) will come to you when you’re first in that self recursive place.
If someone’s not being the way you want affects your sense of self in any capacity it’s because at the root you’re weak and lacking vitality. That’s a fact. In children it’s different because of the developmental process and the way the mind internalises experiences but when you’re mature and have a supply arising from the root and the sacral and the heart then you’re either tapping it regularly and being the supply or you’re needing others to be your supply to provide that excitement and “I want you” energy. You’re weak and need to withdraw. If that hurts then too bad it’s how it works if you want to actually affect changes in others or get someone better then start to value your vitality supply and lean into that as everything else is just secondary expression of those resonant themes anyway. I’ve seen so many people carry on with this mindset of “they’re not changing” well too bad you’re going to withdraw from needing that and source your sensation of satisfaction from your resonant themes which are really more fulfilling anyway. You don’t need them you don’t need anyone when you’re in the right place you almost won’t be able to help but end up with the right person but that only happens when you’re actually reliably valuing your supply however that looks to you and not buying into marketing from anyone else to need to want anything that’s not arising out of your thematic resonance. You don’t need any of that you’re an immortal being at your essence would an immortal being who values their vitality and it’s supply get upset over someone not changing? No they’d leave and withdraw and stop wasting their vitality over these degenerates who still are living out of compromise and it’s not your responsibility to resolve any of their stuff it’s all you sourcing your own supply. Getting over it means you’re not compromising on decisions that are correct for you based on being devalued for making them in the past. They don’t like it too bad own it more and source your supply in front of the whole world like you’re the shining sun as an example of perfection. Do you get it? I can’t emphasise that in text it’s just so so simple to grasp.
I should just make a program on this with step by step stuff and make that available for everyone because it’s as plain as day now how this all works. There’s no secrets it’s all out in the open for everyone to see here the magic comes from withdrawing your supply to within and allowing that quality of consciousness that’s resonant to your fixed thematic processes to be devalued or compromised on because then you’ll need others to fill that void which is the mechanics of compromise patterns and all these limiting beliefs. You’re only believing that because it’s effectively you losing permission to be yourself, that’s all it is.
as I said ages ago manifestation isn’t a thing you can master in a vacuum besscsue that doesn’t exist the only way to master seeming manifestation is to master yourself and I’ve made the complete outline of those mechanics available for anyone to read and apply for free here. The only thing we need to do is be us and make correct decisions arising out of our inner authority that’s going to lead us towards our complete fulfilment if we value that direction enough to disregard all the degeneracy trying to pull us in and waste our vitality for others without purpose other than to continue living with the comfortable uncomfortable feeling of lack and unfulfilment. That’s all. Be yourself without compromise or die, quite literally. If you don’t want to die then that’s the only option. There’s substances that aid in the dissolution of deeply rooted resistance but the essence of how all that works is still applying the mechanics spoken of anyway as that’s the only alchemical process we’re playing out. Do the work or continue to waste time and eventually die one day because you were too weak to feel the feelings wash over you and dissolve like fire melting ice.
Stay legendary. Don’t forget that.
Do you have the passion, the virility, the drive and the ability and the experience of the rising fire for your consciousness? Do you have the fire for life? Do you feel the calm and serene yet blazing inferno for fulfilling experience within you? That quality of consciousness is what drives your manifestation process. Entirely. Your capacity for space AND fire defines how efficiently your consciousness flows through reality. Your sensation or vitality is directly correspondent to your sense of self, this nourished feel that’s thematic and consistent and grounded is the best way os describing it. That is what we are after, that childlike sensation of excitement over such small things and yet that’s expressed through the lens of a mature logical mind that can make decisions and listen to intuitive impulse as the filter for experience. This is what we’re striving for entirely, a defined and consistent supply of space and drive which manifests as a stable and coherent nervous system meaning you’ll not be swayed by the influences of the world and your fixed thematic anchor will be dominant in your experience and reasoning. This is how one manifests a fulfilling life without ever knowing what LOA is. It’s natural. It’s the most natural thing imaginable but we’ve all been screwed by business models and appease to the dull thinkers without a shred of vitality within them. They’re all weak and vulnerable and don’t know themselves. This is what Reality Synthesis is here to correct.
It’s not enough to logically know yourself to be God, process. We must know what defines our process as a unique self recursive circuit as God. Knowing yourself is knowing what your fixed thematic resonance is. That’s your supply. Florence Shinn talks about supply that is infinite which comes from God but what she failed to grasp was that the supply that’s resonant to us IS God as it’s who we actually are at our essence as a filter for a specific series or archetypes of consciousness. That’s who we are, God taken form. I am. Is this not correct according to the bible? We’ve been told I am is incorporeal in the pure sense, and while that’s true from the most fundamental perspective it’s not experienced like that at all. I am is representing a thematic resonance which is associated to a normalised conceptual sensory experience. That’s the whole circuit. Phenomena pushes out through your interaction with what’s around you. Things don’t magically materialise into thin air. there’s always a natural series of events that follow. Always. Demonstrate examples where this was broken with proof. Superhuman stuff is possible as I’ve had glimpses at this myself and it can be explained logically. Most of it simply comes from having correct experience. The only ones who can consciously make it happen are those at the highest level of the immortality work beyond even where I’m at currently. This has next to nothing to do with imaginal experience but alchemical transformation.
Alchemy is everything. If you don’t understand alchemy you will never understand manifestation no matter what you think you’ve read and understood and experienced. You’re a fool until you understand alchemy properly of how base substances are transformed into higher order ones. My understanding arose by studying TCM extensively over around 7 years now and having experienced many of these things in my own body allowed me to really explore the practical effects of metaphysical alchemical processes unfolding and their effects on consciousness. It’s very very complex and to this day I am still refining my understanding. The essence however is taking pure dualistic principles and understanding how they can become one thing through various interferometric processes that involve other substances. The spleen is the most intriguing meridian in the body to me. The spleen is reliant on other meridians to supply it with yin and Yang and substances to transform and purify. This process is very interesting because it involves the raising and lowering of various substances that at over various levels of order for the purpose of creating effective vitality that our consciousness can experience reality through. If the transformational processes the spleen is responsible for are compromised then you’ll be stagnant but that’s also recant on the supply of fire from the kidney which is the root of Yang and so without the fire from the lower cauldron anything we “ingest” including thoughts and food cannot properly be processed and will cause stagnation and “stickiness” in the metaphysics to a degree. This can be made manifest as anxiety and such where your thoughts will race to try and logically control your scenario but your feeling and sense of self will be lacking and you’ll just know that and nothing you do can change that because you’re stagnant and or deficient in vitality and it’s manifesting in your consciousness and warping the manifest reality you’re experiencing. These metaphysics reflect in all levels of consciousness and aren’t exclusive to boldly sensations and biological functions but affect what thoughts we receive and have flow through us that we just automatically and naturally manifest without even any conscious input. Effortless manifesting involves correct metaphysics and if we’re deficient and or stagnant we will not and cannot experience fulfilment, at least not on a consistent and natural level. Your capacity to actually dissolve resistance (which reflect the digesting function I spoke about the spleen does) depends entirely on your level of fire which reflects how effectively you can break down what’s crystallised. These are metaphysical and alchemical facts that cannot and will not ever be denied or refuted on any level and transcend any and all belief systems and conceptual sensory experiences and representations because these alchemical processes are thematic and are what build out your sensory experiences of consciousness, not the other way around. Without these functions fixed in place you cannot manifest because there’s no fixed definitions to play off. Until you understand metaphysics and alchemy you’re an illiterate fool who’s living out of belief and ignorance instead of processed gnosis that arises out of experience and being transformed by the knowledge. This is what separates metaphysicians from so called LOA coaches. An LOA coach may be good at being the motivating force to provide that fire but they don’t really know what’s going on they’re working on an extremely surface level of the work that’s reliant on other processes to be in place for that fire to actually have a correct direction for application to result in the transformations required which is why the standard prescribing of method of manifestation vis imaginal experiences of one form or another depend entirely on having vitality and subconscious capacity present to really transform the crystallised structures of resistance to be proportionate.
In order to actually transform resistance it’s required that we have fire present which arises out of us tapping the supply of vitality within our fixed resonant thematic functions of consciousness to act as the purifying substrate by which through contrast resistance can be dissolved and transformed through that process. That’s it. I’ve spoken on this extensively before so I’m not doing it again but the real work is simple to bring to mind the resistance and under the fire of vitality that’s supplied from within your fixed nature you dissolve the resistance naturally when the ratios are proportionate. Without sufficient vitality to act as the purifying agent and without sufficient subconscious capacity you simply cannot and will not be able to dissolve the resistance no matter what you do. The best you can do at this place is surrender and allow it to wash over you and flow through you to whatever capacity you have access to for i to be broken down but by bit through seeing it and feeling it instead of putting it under pressure deliberately and transforming it actively. The passive methods will always have applicable effects in transformation but the speed an depths of results will likely be limited by active and deliberate processes targeting specific layers that are rooted in compromised thematic processes as those imply various sensory levels including numerous thematically related memories and such.
That’s like top tier course material right there. Yet I’m giving this out for free for everyone to read. Those who think I do this for money are a joke. I do this because it’s who I am and nothing more. I am designed to destroy authority who is wrong and swiftly eradicate any form of relevance it may have. Reality Synthesis is a naturally occurring form of my consciousness being made manifest on the world. It’s my natural manifestation that I’m thematically resonant with but that doesn’t mean the degree to which I can own that and play into that potential is complete. The thematic level will always be made manifest in your experience no matter how limited it is but the degree to which your capacity and potential are expressed in how the impact of that can be made in the world will depend entirely on your vitality which defines your sense of self and thus how people will play into your process and either support it and amplify it further or run up against it with resistance depends on you being yourself without compromise. The question is are you living your potential or is your limited vitality weakening your means of I thrive impulse your body speaks to you through and thus the means and level of impact you have in your life and through the lives of others leading to your experience of satisfaction. Are you satisfied or not because if you’re not then it’s because you’re either compromising still and giving your power to someone else to make decisions against your correct response or you’re whacked and depleted and have no fire and passion for life. You’re a weak spineless coward who’s afraid of being seen standing naked on the metaphysical stage of reality. Own it and blaze that fire and scorch the earth you stand on as it’s yours for the taking. That’s how you’ll be satisfied, by playing into your process without compromise and not accepting less than what you’re with.
Own it. Own your vitality and spend it wisely.
Very early morning post.
When you withdraw your vitality from someone when there breaking the boundaries you’re not willing to compromise on you’re not giving them the source of Yang they’re wanting from you to keep their Shen feeling stable. They need that conflict and so will unconsciously find something to point out or do something that will cause a reaction and that reaction will liven their Shen, their spirit. They’re drained and depleted and so will require the use of others as a battery for their spirit to feel grounded. We’re all like this to some degree but others are more degenerate and destructive where they’re literally unable to stop seeking conflict with the other because they’re so drained in their supply that’s within them that they’ll require the supply from others to make up for that. You’ll find these people will tell you”if only I had people around me who understand me” and they’ll feel as though they’re always needing to do something to please and make someone happy because that’s the contrast they’re seeing is that the degenerate patterns are trying to be overshadowed by “good work” when minutes later they’ll drop that lesson they learned and play into the degenerate pattern for the sake of rising the fire again or they’ll start getting anxious and this will manifest in their thoughts of needing to please and such. It’s their degeneracy and weakness that’s disgusting and makes others want to run away who aren’t depleted and have a supply so they don’t get sucked dry. This can also manifest as suicidal behaviour and thoughts where they’ll quite literally need the rising of Yang through conflict with others even if just to a slight degree because they’re either so deficient and or stagnant that their Shen is not nourished in the slightest from seeking their own supply. What I just said explains psychological resistance entirely and I know without a shadow of a doubt that what NG presents as imagination is god to be complete and utter trash as I’ve seen this pattern play out in so many others for so long.
If you’re lacking a sense of purpose and feel worthless and stuck and unworthy and that you’re helpless and don’t know if it’s worth trying anymore because you’re not seeing results in the world its because you’re a weak degenerate who’s lacking supply. You’re not seeking supply from your affinities and there’s no sugarcoating it you’re either deficient and or stagnant with your qi and or Yang circulation which when something brings to mind the deficiency of something that you require to raise Yang as it gives you a “kick” almost to liven your spirits even if it’s just from something limited. You require very very very specific thematic anchoring and the raising of fire to nourish the Shen through your fixed resonance and returning to this when the sensation of lack arises is the solution. Right there explains how to change your manifest reality. When you see others giving to you hit when you respond they withdraw then it’s because you’re stagnant and playing into their little game is causing them to withdraw due to that sense of self difference when you’re almost taking from them that “kick” of vitality which drains your value as I’m going to guarantee you lost sight of your thematic resonance and feel into a resistive thematic sensation every time this happens. Why do I know this? Because I’ve been through it myself and can speak as to the experience of how the sensations work.
What I just said is extremely important your thematic resonance is extremely important because it’s your fixed supply of vitality to anchor into when you’re deficient and stagnant. I can’t emphasis this enough. It explains too why for example animals can heal themselves of sickness when you think better of them. That eluded me for so long and the utterly ignorant NG buffs would use that example as explanation to refute Reality Synthesis. No more. The explanation is that by imagining them not being sick or being respected and respectful you’re altering the baseline thematic resonance when their conceptual experience arises in your mind as to have things “click” for them where you’re being their supply of nourishment in that case to feel consistently calm and stable. You’re changing their seeming thoughts through their Shen being nourished by your supply and so when you do this they’ll start to become closer to who they are as a result of that. If you’re depleted and try this then you’ll likely make them worse or if you do it won’t last long and this or course is going to manifest psychologically as your sense of self and all the elements of that. THIS IS VERY PROFOUND.
What I just said explains how manifesting people and even animals and to an extent inanimate objects to change. If you’re trying to manifest a specific person you’ll need to be their supply, as they’ll be for you actually if you’re on a greater level and they’re not heavily compromised. If you’re lacking you’ll very likely manifest people who are around that same level as they need that wavering supply to have their psychological capacity through their lacking sense of self confirmed through your wavering sense of self too which leads to a natural unfolding of experiences which will look like standard relationship troubles. If you want to completely control someone and make them conform then become their supply but you will NEED to be always in a constantly present sense of self for them to do this else you’ll deplete and overextend on your boundaries and lead to compromise which will make their state waver accordingly as they’re not seeking from within them but through your vitality. VERY IMPORTANT!
Manifesting people is all about being correct within yourself so that both parties aren’t being a vitality drain to eachother. If you don’t have sufficient space and enough of a sense of vitality you won’t feel that and you’ll enter into a relationship blind and from the perspective of looking for someone to use as a supply to boost your Shen. This is natural. The only issue is that you continue to play into your degeneracy that’s weaning your vitality and sense of self and so the psychological level manifests as thoughts confirming this undernourished Shen. The NG buffs pick up on this as the cause but it’s the symptom of being weak and unable to source your own supply. That’s the fact and it’s abundantly clear to me how this works now having seen it so many times now in others and even clients who can’t seem to get results no matter what pathway work gets done. It’s the undernourished Shen that’s arising out of more often stagnation patterns than deficiency patterns in this case but it can lead to deficiency of mostly fire but also yin. It’s the spleen and or kidney actually that would need to be resolved for the Shen to be nourished as the heart is being affected downstream from the stagnations in the more primitive meridians. It’s not a direct heart thing through in women it’s more likely to be an emotionally related aspect leading to the stagnation and for men it’s overstimulation.
Very very important notebook entry. It’s reached a new level now. I’m going all the way with this now and I knew it was right to ditch the imagination is God direction because I hit a wall where nothing piled be logically explained. These people who think it’s all imagination somehow magically manifesting things like in a lucid dream are dead wrong and I just outlined the mechanics of that. It’s vitality interactions that drives everything. Without an understanding of TCM and alchemy about how substances transform and also nourish the various intelligences that comprise our consciousness you’ll not get it. If you don’t get it then you’ll require deeper study of alchemy and TCM but it’s coherent and makes sense. This explains manifesting and NG failed to. They all failed hard to explain the mechanics of it and so that’s why their model doesn’t work because it’s dealing with the results and denying the metaphysics underlying the level of manifestation they’re claiming is the cause but just a symptom. Deficiency and or stagnation causes a whacked psychological state with confirming thoughts of deficiency that’s reflecting the sense of self which are once again effectively one in the same thing when related to the supply of vitality nourishing your intelligences that comprise your consciousness. I’m as far as I know the only one on earth who made that connection. I needed to write this down because it was a significant breakthrough that I realised by observing the effects that the work I’m doing is having on others. It’s clear as day to me now and I know now completely what causes and effects peoples relationship with you. It’s all a function of what I’ve just outlined and thinking things means nothing if there’s no thematic resonance that’s foundational because you’ll just peak and dip once again and go through the same cycles. The most common pattern is when the supply dries up they get desperate and need the approval of others of their belief and need for that person to be a certain way instead of being ok with that and withdrawing into their own supply to nourish their Shen.
The nourishment of the Shen is REQUIRED for the immortality work where Yang Jing can be formed to reverse aging. This is part of the process. Energy dynamics and being your own supply. The people who age slower have more of their own supply of vitality circulating instead of needing it from the world. That’s the fact and nobody will ever refute that. I swore on camera last year to everyone I would replace LOA with Reality Synthesis and it’s actually happening in front of your eyes. This stuff takes time to develop as I need to go through the full range of experiences rehired for me to see these insights by me being myself. It takes time as it would naturally. That’s as simple as it gets. Become your own supply and allow that to be the alchemical agent of transformation of your substances of consciousness and become an immortal being. That’s the essence of existence.
Another one. If the issue is emotional sticking where feelings of past experiences are stuck in the field geometry and you’re playing out these repetitive lack patterns and it’s reflecting in your sense of self and thus vitality then solving that by either allowing the feeling to wash over you and dissolve by self soothing or by breaking it down with fire then either way you’re going to clear the stagnation in that channel and vitality will then flow to nourish the Shen and result in your psychological state conforming along with the related associations in your reality. The people you’re manifesting who show up because you did this work do so because you’re now at baseline a higher level of sense of self and vitality supply from clearing the pathway and nourishing your Shen to its capacity. They can often show up without ever even thinking about them and the thoughts related to having them there will just flow through you passively. You’ll target them naturally and they’ll come to you as a result. I’ve seen this happen with so many clients it’s not even funny. That’s how this works and any other coaches out there who may or may not be reading this now know the mechanics of manifestation brought to you by Reality Synthesis and not LOA.
It feels so satisfying to destroy the law of assumption. To just completely and utterly burn it to ashes in every aspect and leave nothing left for these beliefs to stand on that’s based on facts and logic. They’ll never be able to explain the phenomena of manifestation and when I set out to prove this years ahi I ever thought I would to be honest but I had this “feeling” that I would and here I am today feeling that same feeling, that familiar sensation is my thematic resonance and implied in that is the satisfying sensory progression that will lead my experience and drive me through reality in the correct manner. That’s how it’s done. That’s all there is here. It’s very very simple and beautiful but yet profoundly complex at the same time. It’s so divine seeing the mechanics of reality unfolding before your eyes and having the actual working mechanics behind it all. Metaphysical and alchemical components are required to understand this. If you don’t have that understanding then it will not make sense to you, ever. It won’t happen no matter how much you think you think you understand you really don’t. It’s a matter of having the right insights at the right time based on real experiences that will sink this into your consciousness. Book knowledge is surface level until it’s had experience to transform you through where it sticks and new insights can arise out of that transformation. Grasp that.
Anything that causes you to burn Jing for the sake of sensory pleasure is a complete waste of vitality. Everyone who seeks stimulus wastes their potential for divine coherency and the manifest psychology that arises out of this place. Having the greater conjugation happen while still in this place is possible but you're likely to have these degenerate impurities forced out of you along the way as this cannot stand in the face of divine proportionality. Degeneracy and divinity aren't compatible. Some will say degeneracy is a part of divinity because it exists, and God exists, but that's not proportionate as it's quite literally in the term, degenerate. It's not generative it's degenerative as in it wastes vitality and coherency for the sake of sensory stimulus that's excessive. The correct level of stimulus is that which divine childlike you would require to live a fulfilling life. Anything beyond that is excessive and degenerate. Most of the work in refining the sense of self comes from being your own supply of vitality and if there's excessive consumption of Jing for various means then you're going to literally degenerate and age and die. It's not something we're bound to but reversing the conditioning of the world to need these things and to instead source your own supply from within that's satisfying to an even greater degree is the answer. When simply being you is satisfying enough to not even want any more then you're at the right point of consumption and beyond that is excessive and degenerate. There's levels to this too of course it's not just yes or no it's an entire spectrum.
Becoming your own supply really is the essence of what having a refined sense of self is all about. You're not needing anyone or anything to feel satisfied in your experience and so don't need to attach to the world to any degree to feel satisfaction out of using that experience to validate your worth. It's returning to the fixed definitions within your consciousness that reveals the path towards your fulfilment. We're all working towards completing the great work anyway, as the alchemist said. We just don't see this iteration as something of importance. You're missing the forest for the trees, still, after everything you've learned and been through you're still grasping at material experience as a supply. It's not about denying the senses and suffering, you only think that because you're so use to being overstimulated that you don't even know what it feels like to be your own supply and circulate your divine currents within. You're so use to degeneracy that it's impossible for negentropy to be experienced. I'm still not even close to being my own supply to the potential I have there's so much refining to do still but that comes naturally through the progression of cultivating vitality to act as the alchemical agent for these transformations to take place.
If there's a deeply rooted traumatic experience that's causing you to compromise on your expression of self that's arising out of your true nature and supply then you'll be forced to face that as you cultivate. It will show up in the mirror and you'll be forced to see it for what it is. You'll be forced to feel everything and under the ferment of the light you may be purified into something spectacular. What goes beyond this degenerate culture is divinely satisfying to the degree where new concepts and expressions of your thematic processes can take a form that's of supremely refined process and you will know because the sensation of it will be different, even though it's the same theme. It will feel more complete, more whole, more natural, more you. It will feel more divine, for lack of a better term. You will be nourished by the light and your spirit will be lifted up and brightened by the light. You will be a supply for everyone and never need more than you already have because you have it all just the way you are.
This is the essence of the immortal being. This is not about eternal life but divine coherency. Degeneracy will be forced out of you regardless of if you like it or not. It will be forced out without mercy. The purifying light of divine substances holds nothing of degeneracy in regard but swiftly and promptly maintains the boundary between it and the pattern. This is why having solid boundaries is a huge part of sense of self work. Those who think this isn't on the spectrum of becoming immortal are ignorant and fail to grasp the processes at play. It's all on that spectrum and denying your potential as a self recursive circuit is foolish and only exists in the minds of those who buy into cultural marketing and conceptual limitations of the world.
Air and aether cut through the earth and raise the fire for the waters to evaporate into another sharp blade. The master slices consciousness into pieces and melts them down and casts them into ornaments of divine devotion. Walking the streams of mist the air grows warm and damp but the fires of life raise the earth for the path forward to be made clear and each step is burning his feet. Cast upon the edge of the aethers I stand from within the moon grasping my inner light for the taking that reflects off the cold dry dust that cannot be seen by any but for the invisible senses to see. Step by step the light grows brighter. Step by step the full spirit hallows.
Poetry. It comes through me when I feel full. Feeling full by being myself and sinking into it. Simply existing as I am without a care for the world. There's nothing more satisfying than sinking into your own supply and walking with that into the world. Life works for you and all the imaginal scenes and thoughts just come to mind without effort. There's no need to manifest because manifestation does you at that point. You can't manifest, it's impossible. It's you being you that manifests where the implied conceptual essence underlying your thematic experience manifests naturally and without a shred of effort. It's so natural that children who aren't whacked do it all the time, especially those who lived centuries ago in small villages who had nothing but nature and simple games of imagination to have fun with and was more than stimulating enough to enjoy. Then they grew up and started partaking in degenerate culture of needing things to be valued. These parasitic concepts exist to refine the collective consciousness but those of us who see beyond it can return to our once fulfilled and whole beings and revel in the glory of divinity once again for all eternity just the way it was designed to be. The way we were all designed to be.
When you’re well nourished from your internal supply the sense of fulfilment and satisfaction is unmatched. No worldly achievement even comes close in isolation. Your sensation is coherent and your thoughts and emotional feelings are powerful and yet coherent to the sensation you’re resonant with as confirmation of being correct. It’s all natural. Why do we even feel the need to consciously manifest stuff when it all comes through us. Manifesting as far as I’m concerned is simply about tapping your resonant themes which have implication for corresponding experiences that will always lead to satisfaction. You don’t need to devise a scene to experience fulfilment it comes through you naturally, like a child daydreaming about all the amazing things naturally and without feeling a need to change anything but to just be in that resonant sensation.
NG lacked experience of this it seems or though he’d have talked about it, yet he didn’t, for some reason. I think he just didn’t understand or fully process the nature of what resistance is and how it’s experienced. When he tells you what would you desire and what the feeling of being the person who already has it, it’s that is he’s telling you to tap the internal supply to dissolve and transform your current consciousness into what’s correct for you. You’re not manifesting anything in your imaginal senses it’s all alchemy and metaphysics and there’s more than enough examples and dats to confirm this. Imaging creates reality to the extent that you’re resonant with what’s experienced, else it’s coming from a place of needing to control because you’re unsatisfied and out of that the warped sense of self implies you’re in lack and so will experience the results of that in the world. It’s not about belief it’s about are you compromising on expressing your inner authority and making decisions from that vs what the world wants you to make? Said it so many times now I’m like a broken record.
The formula has been refined to such an extent and the mechanics explained so completely that there’s nothing more to tap into really. NG has been explained more than sufficiently and anyone who wants to take this seriously and apply it will of course see the results. This will definitely be made into a premium structured program in the near future to follow and apply. The complete theory and application of reality synthesis from all levels of experience and function. The immortality work comes naturally after this.
I’d love to speak with you on a call and talk about what’s going on and we can put the depths of this to the test and unfold your potential.
The conceptual sensory experience is more so important for the point of having a foundational experience to anchor into to stabilise the thematic sensation. The thematic sensation holds the implication and the conceptual sensory level experience is the means of anchoring that sensation into testimony. Without testimony there’s no evidence of experience as this is the aspect or consciousness that’s used to set the direction of experience, the implication. Sounds complex but it’s not. Simply put the sensory experience in the imagination is expressing the feeling sense and the feeling sense that’s resonant to our correct direction of experience manifesting through our inner authority is then what drives us into that direction in the world. The thematic level implies the entire experience that unfolds in the world because it’s not just our source of vitality and what’s correct for our filter of consciousness but also because it can be represented through various sensory means, it’s not a fixed sensory experience in the world but rather an open progression of experiences to unfold the totality of the implied theme you’re resonant towards. The more you own this resonant theme the more you’ll experience phenomena corresponding to that end, the end being the themes of experience.
This idea of implication and such is very interesting. There’s stories of people who watch a movie or something and they remember very intensely this scene where some character got caught by the cops for doing illegal activities and so that has a degree of resonance in the experience of being that character, not specifically in that scenario but the theme, the sensation of being a sort of revel type character who’s on the edge of breaking established norms and such, that sensation is what that scene brings resonance towards but because the specific sensory experience of being caught was their impression and implication surrounding that reflected to them that thematic experience but under the context of being in that place or trouble which caused them to manifest an experience where they got busted for stealing or drink driving anear related experiences. Their experience was from that thematic sense that’s resonant that bright them joy but because the impression behind how that was represented to their consciousness being on the level of being caught that’s how it was played out. They just wanted to experience the resonant sensation but because the stimulus that brought that up led their consciousness into a place of lack but from that resonant theme it shows up in that limited manner. This can also result from other surrounding beliefs that are of course reflected in the vitality and the sense of self but generally it’s the easiest and most natural impression to us based on surrounding context that results in how the thematic sensation is experienced. That’s what I want to explore here.
If we try and consciously do this it wouldn’t work the same way. Say if someone imagined an end where they were cuffed they’d likely just experience that in media because that’s representative of their natural experience of that theme vs being actually caught and so a scenario that’s implied to make that happen would show up if that was the case for them. It’s the surrounding context that’s normal and established and comfortable more so and familiar that will present the likely path of least resistance. In this case it just took them watching a movie that brought to mind that experience to have it show up. Media when specifically related to their resonance and norms is the easiest to show up.
Say you’ve been imprisoned and you want to get out. You’ve spent your whole life compromising on your drives and the decisions you’ve wanted to always make and so you’re feeling helpless and worthless. How does one get out here? They cultivate vitality by becoming familiar with their sensations of resonance and expressing them to whatever degree they can, and if all they can do is imagine that then that’s correct for them and in that they’ll be driven further to act in the world and scenarios will be made manifest for them to further normalise the experience of this if they really anchor into that sensation that’s resonant. This will build a progression of experiences and further amplify vital currents to the point where it will be normal for them to experience their thematic experiences and so then can imagine an experience where they’re outside prison being themselves to represent a natural progression of the thematic resonance represented as a deeper sensory experience. It’s the progression of comfort and familiarity that’s working here, it’s that the context surrounding this end is so filled up in their consciousness that it’s impossible for them not to magically get out.
When NG was discharged from the military it was normal for him to be outside that experience he didn’t have much progression to unfold and so in that sleeping in his room was what “filled” his conciseness on a contextual level where he almost couldn’t experience anything other than that. It was expected and normal and comfortable and familiar and all that. This is the point of further cultivating vitality and space and such because those components are what actually enable us to further refine and normalise the progression towards the end. The whole point of manifesting is taking what’s thematic and making a familiar progression of sensory implications attached to that as a representation of that experience. This is why manifestation as a phenomena only works for those who have the currents for the transformations to take place where their consciousness can be refined in the experience of their resent thematic sensation thus normalising it and effectively owning and dissolving compromise through the reality of that experience. We’re connecting a lot of old dots here. The reality of experience and alllll of these aspects of consciousness which hold contextual implication brings further coherency with the state desired. It’s correct because there’s the resonant sensation that’s familiar but the sensory level of that and the corresponding sense of self with vital currents circulating to facilitate the transformations and refinements are there to work with. Whenever you’re incorrect it’s going to always result in unsatisfying outcomes and the sensation will not be resonant when you reflect it will be unrefined and incorrect. Correct thematic experience is all we need to work with, and accordingly a consistently resonant sensory experience that can be the means by which that thematic resonance can be made manifest. That’s the implication, it’s in essence the interaction between the thematic sensation and the conceptual sensory experience which are over time made familiar and comfortable for the established vocal currents to express through, representing the sense of self of course.
If one lacks vitality then the establishment of the experience of “owning” their correct resonant sensation and tapping into that consistently will be limited. Any attempts to overcome this limited vitality by forcing more feeling that’s not resonant will drain capacity, in fact the need to even do that is proof of limited vitality and will naturally manifest outcomes and even thoughts to confirm this. Being still and gaining sensitivity to the sensations and tuning into that even if it’s very subtle will always result in more changes than trying to force yourself into transformation because you’re not ready without the right currents being present. The whole point of this is really just to own your resonant sensation to the degree that you’re able to and represent that through the most refined and minimal sensory experience you can. That in and of itself implies fulfilment and satisfaction.
Let’s give a money example. Someone wants money. They’re broke but they’re expressing their sensation of resonance. What does this person do to get money then? They will work with the theme of abundance and ask themselves is this something I’m compromising on? When does this sensation arise and when does the sensation of lack arise as contrast? What are the associations to these sensations on the sensory level? Tapping those sensations and recognising the sensory levels that are the testimony that’s proof of these sensations having basis in your consciousness is important. This is how we identify directions of compromise to own, and the sensation that we can sink into which implies the fulfilment of the compromised sensation. What represents the fulfilment of the continued lack? This sensation of resonant and correct for us to sink into will be how we will manifest the money without specifically doing scene based pathway revisions but instead simply allowing our cultivated vitality by being ourselves in the directions that are resonant will give us context that’s favourable for these transpositions to unfold where the money situations will begin to shift in our favour to also further confirm and provide greater context to the resonant themes were already sinking into.
Its one but interconnected web of experiences. How far you go with owning what’s resonant will correspond to your success in having the world around you change for your path. That’s not required though and having no change can still be supremely satisfying when you’re not overstimulated and need shiny things to feel good and feel valuable. You need nothing but yourself and the sensation of being yourself. That sensation is your life, it’s your thematic direction of resonance that can be shifted into any related sensory experience you desire to go through, though a refined experience that’s aligned closer towards your immortality and your divinity will always be the ideal path to sink into not just for yourself but for everyone else regardless of what the overarching program is driving your consciousness to experience for the functions of expressing your outer authority to further it’s process. Whatever is of the least sensory stimulation whilst also representing fully your thematic process is the most correct sensory experience to imagine and will always result in satisfying outcomes. Live and breathe by that and you’ll win every time without exception. I’m living and breathing that as we speak. The level of satisfaction is off the charts and all it took was to sink into the most precise correct direction for me that represents my thematic levels and the most divine levels I’ve awareness of. It’s that simple.
Manifest money and love and all that by working with these ideas. It’ll come to you because it’s implied under your overarching sensation of being, that satisfaction, you’ll have the right thoughts and the right scenes and such come through your mind and a corresponding experience will show up in the world like magic at just the right time for your satisfaction to further amplify because you’re already living it. A simple redirect of thematic currents on the levels of abundance is all it takes from that level and you win.
Its early morning. I just needed to say that a vast majority of this work is vitality work. Generating space and circulating currents and tapping inner authority are all part of the same process. SATS and imagination and all that is what comes naturally THROUGH you when you’re correctly aligned. Alignment isn’t some magic thing either it’s just the degree to which you tap your internal supply of vitality through your thematic resonance and inner authentic response. Inner authority is your authentic expression, it’s under all the layers of compromise and stories you’ve taken on. You’ll know it because it’s consistently satisfying to tap into, however that sensation drives you into your mind and into the world. The thoughts and feelings and all that come THROUGH you and you’ll have the correct direction and frame of reference to dissolve disproportionally in your field geometry. Without that correct frame that arises out of the satisfying sensation you’ll never be able to transform resistance, unless we’re talking about other forms of alchemy.
The part that gets you to “get over” your resistance so to say is the purifying fire, the Yang. The fire melts the ice. What’s stuck can be melted off. Without fire the crystallised disproportionate pathways cannot dissolve. Cannot and will not. They don’t go away because you’re still compromising, still outsourcing your vitality, still depleting your fire and passion for your unique expression. With that you’ll have all the faith you’ll ever need. Just own who you are without compromise, that’s what the pathway work is for. Find the sensory concepts that reliably bring the sensation of satisfaction and drive and own those aspects of your consciousness. Ask yourself this too. Is this form of expression of divine proportionality or some degenerate thing that’s warped my mind that’s highly stimulating and makes me feel good but it never really lasts. Those things must be burned and the correct direction will be your supply of purifying fire. BEING CORRECTLY ORIENTED IS EVERYTHING!
I can’t make it more abundantly clear that manifestation is not something we do it comes out of us by us having a direction that’s designed for us and our thematic resonance. Without that you’ll be outsourcing your supply and fail over and over and over and over and over again and again and again because you’ll always continue to play into false identification and wonder why people still respond unfavourably. When you’ve got currents that are correct circulating you cannot possibly ever be unattractive to the right people because they’re correctly oriented to your correct orientation and it all flows naturally it’s not something you need to DO it’s just the nature of who you naturally are and are driven towards by the sensation you’re denying. That sensation is what drives you towards your fulfilment but you disown it. You disown yourself. As a child you disowned it to fit in. Therefore you compromised and your vitality got drained AND THEN the limited beliefs showed up. The limiting beliefs have next to nothing to do with the manifest reality those are just effects of being drained and there being a story to follow the drained capacity and compromise patterns. The stories only exist for the logical mind to justify compromise. THATS IT! They’re not something to dig into and uproot they’re only there as an effect of having no currents that are proportionate circulating. Period. Owning who you are and disowning who you’ve been conditioned to be is like the entire process of tapping your internal supply of vitality and this the effects from that manifest in your state on a psychological level where then the right through tax will flow through you to seemingly manifest the satisfying result. Thats why it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because they’re denying the fixed definition and thinking it’s all solipsistic where nothing is definite or discreet and it’s all some imaginary games we play. Nonsense. Complete and utter trash.
The process should be plain as day if you’re not doing it you’re wasting time. I’ve refined this so much now that I don’t see anywhere further to refine. I’ve spoken on so many different techniques and processes over the entire notebook that you could take everything and note down all the things that stick out and apply those and you’ll win but the trick to actually getting results is starting by using a stimulus that raises the fire to begin to drive you into experience that’s correct. That sensation that’s resonant is your start point. Be driven by that sensation and allow yourself to give into the moment and accept who you are and own it and make the correct decisions and have an image or a piece of music or some kind of stimulus that reminds you of this sensation. It can be more than 1 sensation too there can be 3 or even more but getting familiar with the most resonant once that’s show up the most that drive you is where you’ll want to start and make friends with and be driven by in the mind and in the world. That’s what this is all about it’s about being yourself without compromise and that’s what that means. That’s who you are and implied in that experience is all the things in the world that will bring you what you need to fully unfold that to its potential, to the degree you own it that is. Owning it results in overnight shifts. Seen it happen more times than I can count. Owning with that fire, both of blazing heat and a warm nourishing fire, being dynamic with it is what we need we’re never monotone we’re going to have that blazing inferno there when we need it and it will express in a correct way but at baseline your mood will be “nourished” and comfortable. This is the experience of having vitality, nourishment is what I describe it as. Satisfaction just from being and having that divine light circulating that’s from your inner supply. That’s the most satisfying feeling and out of that naturally you’ll feel worthy of all the desires.
ALL the worthiness work is done through owning who you are. Knowing who you are and owning it, knowing your fixed definitions that represent your internal supply and demanding value out of that for yourself. That’s what focusing on yourself means it means tapping your internal supply of vitality without compromise and owning what’s been disowned and standing naked on the stage of reality with that direction without a shred of shame or fear or anything. Being yourself without compromise IS manifestation.
If you think otherwise then prove it and systematically demonstrate how any why every function of consciousness works the way it does on a wholistic manner and not in a bubble. Reality Synthesis is that model and it’s complete in explaining everything about realty and manifestation and the natural unfolding process. While I’m always refining my understanding and theory of this what’s present today truly is the best working model there is. My old language from the earlier pages was trying to explain what I now have language for but it was the same essential idea. As I said the language is the real issue, nobody can explain what’s unexplainable because it’s different senses that are used for most of this work. How does one correctly describe the metaphysical senses? Nobody as far as I know has correctly defined and explained them all in a way that makes sense. Some have bits and pieces but not the whole picture.
Thats all.
Something I’ve been doing lately is theming me entire world around me to be the way I desire. The thematic sense (inner authority along the resonant channel) is likely to respond when there’s resonant sensory representation of the thematic level of experience present in the environment. When you dive into the depth of the thematic senses you’ll find that it will cause your thoughts and emotional feelings and related moods to correspond to the thematic resonance. You’ll quite literally become that person in that place, you’ll see people differently and you’ll think differently about the same things either confirming or denying their resonance with that state of being. When NG said to “catch the mood” and “what would it feel like” and “go to the end” and even he had a quote I’ve got on the first page of the notebook that says something about when you’re in the state your thoughts will change to confirm it. This is why I say that trying to change your state at a thought level is stupid because that’s not what happens you’re thinking differently from the same limited thematic thinking and that’s where the actual changes happen.
It’s what I’ve been saying in the notebook especially lately where the thematic sense IS the feeling sense. My video on the feeling sense failed to fully explain this, I thought I was ready for that but it seems there was more refining to be done. This is why I don’t upload videos all the time until I’ve hit a wall and can’t go deeper. Those videos didn’t come out of the same thematic sense as where I’m at now it’s totally different and I feel like a different person. I’ve leaned more into who I am on that level and owned those affinities fully. NG was telling us the whole time to work with the thematic sense, the conceptual sensory level experience in the imagination exists to internally guide the thematic sense and provide the inner authority something specific to respond to which will drive your consciousness towards that end through the monopole which is also why others can change too but I see that as a different aspect of conscious manifestation process. Manifesting people vs manifesting changes in yourself requires a certain baseline of vitality for them to see you as valuable. You can see yourself as valuable (to the degree your limited thematic compromise let’s you) but if you don’t lean into forming higher order substances and to have excess vitality buffer instead of lack and depletion and stagnation then you’ll always suffer in your attempts to manifest people. I don’t believe it’s the same, I believe that manifesting people requires a different approach. Barely. That’s more on the supply level as I’ve been talking about lately. It’s all coming together isn’t it. I hope you actually grasp what’s going on here and not just reading these words on the surface level thinking you understand it. If you don’t understand it then you’ll not see the depth I’m presenting here. NG totally failed in explaining the thematic sense or really any metaphysical sense which is what the bible is talking about but his lack of metaphysical and transformational alchemical basis and understanding led this entire community to being unqualified to speak on such as object and now I’ve got the task of decapitating LOA as my function of consciousness. Disowning put functions of consciousness is denying our supply of vitality and thus seeming influence in the world through that magnetism towards others.
Magnetism towards others isn’t a think you can achieve through conscious thought level it’s a thing that comes through you as a function of being fully nourished with your circuitry. Attempting to manifest a person while you’re depleted will only further deplete you and this explains the phenomena of manifestation where people come and go. It’s a lack of boundary between your supply or vitality and people looking to use that as their supply. Until you’ve got buffer capacity you’ll be unable to stabilise people’s response to you and wonder why you’re getting peaks and dips. My attempts in the past to explain this as a function of anchoring into a state through incorporeal consciousness once again failed to explain the phenomena fully and only touched on part of it. That was the best I had back then. The peaks and dips are caused by excessive depletion of capacity through allowing the world to shift you out of your satisfactory process that’s resonant.
This is very very important to understand. Not everybody has resonant thematic processes that require them to do anything but disowning the not self resistances to then be correct. Understand that the reason why some can manifest seeming easier than others even though some seem to have depleted vitality vs those who have lots (seemingly) is because of their fixed themes of consciousness and their channels and open centres of experience. Those who are more receptive have an easier time (to a degree) getting into correct angles of propagation and view through doing pathway work and space cultivation. This is the trick because you’ll hear people think they’ve refuted RS by saying “not everyone who has (seeming) excessive vitality manifests fulfilling satisfying outcomes.” They’ll think that isolating variables and not seeing the depths of how some are more defined than others in their fixed nature of experience can prove LOA but it does nothing of such. Since I’m very very heavily defined in my body graph I have to have correct thematic experience relating to what that definition is driving my consciousness towards and disowning that is disowning my supply of vitality as intuitive impulse drives me towards that all the time. Someone who’s very open and receptive with little definition has nothing to own but simply to recognise that owning the small parts of their fixed nature that’s correct for them is all that needs doing. They’re not designed to have a significant role to play in the progression of consciousness and when I say living your potential that also implies living that simple potential. It just means being correct. Being correct is the whole point. Being correct means making the correct decisions based on the incoming sensory stimulus and knowing yourself (the experience of the resonant thematic sense and it’s response that drives your consciousness on ALL levels) through that and have the boundary between self and not self as to not be drawn out of your inner authority and resonant thematic experience. Ultimately manifestation is a function of knowing your fixed nature and owning it and disowning thematic experience that’s not self. Separate that which is and that which is not and burn off the impurities. Alchemy. It’s all alchemy.
These metaphysically illiterate fools will never understand what that means though and will continue to ask the wrong questions. They’re so ignorant it’s unbelievable. Utter ignorance on so many levels. This isn’t knocking anyone because I was there too for a long time thinking I knew stuff when I was only partially there. For example my videos I put out looking back now still had flaws in explaining things. Missing the thematic sense and the fixed functions of consciousness was the biggest factor back then that made what I presented limited in impact. I spoke out of ignorance and didn’t have the correct language to describe these functions, even in the essence was there I couldn’t explain it properly. Either way we learn from our mistakes and refine further. Refine every day because it’s who we are and what we do.
What we’ve been told to do to manifest outcomes that are satisfying and lasting by imagining the end misses the point. Any and all sensory experience has an underlying thematic value behind it that’s either correct for us or not and this correct thematic experience describes our our unique outer authority is to filter experience and thus respond to the world which is satisfying for us. The thematic resonance drives all of that implication automatically, for the most part. We’ve been taught barely correct things about the phenomena of LOA. This entire business model is designed to screw people over who are desperate and in states of heavy compromise telling them to affirm or visualise or do some specific SATS scene without knowledge of their thematic resonance. In my experience doing custom subliminals that are effective comes only from the thematic response that sensory stimulus can elicit in the consciousness that can drive them towards resonance and out of that then into the correct perception of their reality and circumstances where naturally implies boundaries can change their decisions from that response. Sinking into this repeatedly is what will cultivate vitality and to a degree more space and correspondingly the effective transformation of resistance through the raising of the currents of Yang. The transformational factor arises out of seeing the not self pattern while also having the correct thematic direction and a supply of vitality to act as the alchemical agent in transforming the disproportionate experience that’s stagnating our currents unconsciously. That’s a required process to transform resistance as resistance is disproportionate pathways and such that cause is to sink into thematic sensations that’s not self. When we’re under that pressure in those moments with sufficient space and vitality the correct perception of that experience, memory or whatever it is, can be dissolved even if just a bit. Sitting with it and allowing it to flow through you can process it but it’ll not fully dissolve until you’ve also recognised consciously the disowned theme of consciousness you’ve compromised on to feel value (vitality) but that insight can still arise out of fully surrendering to it. The experience of that is simply to immerse yourself into the sensations of that experience that arise (feeling the stagnation) and while you’re there under pressure raise vitality through correct thematic resonance and blast it away. Some think this is not how we should approach it but that’s a perspective of the untwined alchemist. The alchemist who sees processes in all things knows that so long as the disproportionate stagnations are dissolved under the purifying fire of vitality then the process itself used to attain that effect is irrelevant.
It’s all the interaction of correct and incorrect elements of consciousness that mediates our experiences. That’s all there is to this. There is nothing more. Everything is just about can we have correct orientation as our supply of purifying currents to drive us towards satisfying experiences or are we buying into conditioning that leads us out of correct direction and thus into unsatisfying experiences. Manifestation happens as a metaphysical unfolding process it’s not a thing you “do” it’s an effect of your consciousness existing either correctly or incorrectly. There’s no technique that manifests it’s all does this technique further purify my consciousness or not? Does this method lead me towards understanding my thematic resonance so I can own it and source my own internal supply of vitality or am I worshiping things in the world of false authority that’s not for our thematic process to experience but that we’ve been conditioned to value above what’s within us. If you understand that then you understand it all for real. The magic of so called belief comes through having correct thematic experience which drives your thinking to align to the consciousness you’re resonant with, the state. It’s implied and it’s automatic just from sinking into the sensation of being yourself. This is not about the sensation of having the desire but they the desire is irrelevant if it doesn’t being you a sense of satisfaction and vitality. Imagining the fulfilment of desires in a specific way to try and make things happen is a pointless process that only further draws you out of thematic resonance that’s correct for you as more than likely if your vitality is depleted then it will arise from a sensation of lack and the desire being on the pedestal. To resolve this we sink deeper into who we are and allow the rising sensation of vitality to purify our consciousness. This is partly why I believe they NG taught the breathing method as a way of manifesting things because of the alchemical process that’s applying there. He seemed to not grasp what it did and likely learned it from someone else. I don’t see how he’s naturally lean into such a technique considering he didn’t teach it near the end of his career and instead was all about the feeling but really he didn’t teach manifesting things of the world at all during those times it was all focused on the so called promise which I’ve gone into and explained why I believe was still a limited perception on alchemical processes to purify consciousness to its highest degree. The idea of the promise unfolding through us is correct but the idea that it’s fixed in the forms of experience is wrong he failed to see the relationship between for example what the advanced gazing does to circulate the currents and what doing the inner imaginal work does to also circulate the currents. No matter what though without the pressure of vitality acting as the purifying fire gazing or no gazing you will not be transformed in an efficient manner. Purifying fire is required, else it arises spontaneously when it’s ready to. This readiness comes more so out of having the sufficient supply of vitality available and when it rises it’s when things have shifted enough for that flow to be established and that’s what’s experienced as quickenings and the forcing open of the imaginal senses where imaginary experiences flow through us. Through us. NG seems to not grasp the mechanics of this and thinks it’s all divine timing. I say otherwise nothing is out of our understanding within our sphere of experience.
Another flow state entry that I wrote out first thing in the morning. These just keep coming. I’m not trying it’s just who I am it’s implied under my thematic experience that I’ve owned for many many years now. The same goes for you and whatever that looks like. Let’s ditch the standard reprogramming model stuff and move onto the source material which is all based on alchemical and metaphysical properties of consciousness. There’s nothing to be extracted of real transcendental value from the trash that’s presented out there today as supposed truth. “Subconscious reprogramming” and all that is nothing more than the alchemical process I outlined. The difference is that this alchemical process is made manifest on all levels of experience and in all of the naturals world which transcends any of our subjective perceptions. It’s an irrefutable objective fact of reality. Nobody can deny that fixed nature of these principles and so if there are fixed principles in reality then wouldn’t that imply they govern how our consciousness operates? Why would we say they define the composition of our reality on a principle level but then think we’re above them in our mental processes and can somehow change them in our imagination. We’ve been taught by NG that our imagination is above all, that it’s God. This fantasy and limited perception on metaphysical facts has formed this community filled with zealots who will all buy into whatever is most convenient for them to believe because it’s easier to pass off the metaphysician facts onto a statement that can imply with limited scope of experience that it’s all in your imagination. This dismissal of the metaphysical and alchemical processes is the issue we face in furthering the refinement of a working model of manifestation as a vast majority of people are buying into the ignorant direction of imagination is God and all my work is just over complication. How we will purify this is through putting them all under pressure and making them look at themselves from a correct perception. Breaking the illusion is the theme that’s playing out now on a collective level where false authority is being revealed for all to see with open eyes. This is just one more level of that process playing out. It’s predicted and expected in its outcome. The sensory details and means matters not but the theme must always be fixed in it’s procession and how it’s implication is made manifest in the collective consciousness just the same reflecting our own personal process.
We are to have this same process play out within us for the same purifying effect on consciousness to apply to us. That’s all there is to this. That’s where it’s all coming from and going towards on all levels imaginable without exception. Now you know.
The days count by one by one.
So I want us to get familiar with our expressions of consciousness. This is referring to the yin and the Yang sides of how we respond to our world and what thematic sensations those have. We need to recognise our anchored states of consciousness that are resonant and sink into them on a regular basis instead of being thrown around by the world into who knows what state. This is a refinement on the idea of “tuning the dial” so to speak. It’s that we’re being our own supply in all ways and in this sense it extends to the idea of being refined in our various processions of consciousness and the naturally inclined states we cycle through.
We must categorise the yin and the Yang states, and any states in between. The regular familiar states here that arise out of us being drawn into various thematic levels of experience is what’s driving us and as I said getting familiar with our thematic resonance is the first primary focus but once that’s established and you’re living from that place and you’re making decisions out of that then getting familiar with your naturally inclined cycles as you shift between them is the next step.
Write out in more categorised sections the common thematic response you land into through various stimulus in the world on a regular basis. Time of the day and people around you and activities and foods and other factors that influence the thematic sensation you sink into. Categorise them and how they draw you into an expressive side or a more calm side and the gradient between those. List them under a table relating to the percentage of yin and Yang in their structure. 50% being fully balanced without an expressive or a receptive state but just a perfect mixture of both. It’s normal to have states that vary so the goal here isn’t to always seek 50% but to recognise where you’re at and allow yourself in those places to sink deeper into where you’re being driven. Recognise you’re being driven and sink into that surrender. Categorising the states you land in that are resonant that drive you is the function here.
An example. Say I have 3 states. I have an expressive side that’s all about going and acting in the world and moving myself in such ways to express and on top of that the way I speak in terms of the language I use and the demeanour and my body language in other ways and the way I stand like how my posture shows my confidence and how my eyes move and everything. Charge go ride the relationships to these familiar repeating patterns you go through that arise out of resonance and understand them. Do this for all aspects and put s % down on each side. Say my expressive side is like an 82% Yang. I’d write that number down and then come back to that in a week and see where it’s changed. I’d also put a number next to it asking myself out of 100 how resonant I felt in these experiences. How correct was my drive. You’ll know because of the satisfying sensations. If it was supremely satisfying then it’s a 100% which is the goal. Sink into that sensation of being in that state and be driven and allow yourself to give yourself to who you’re resonating with being. Letting go and flowing.
This is going to be for the function of specific SATS scenes and imaginal experiences after gazing. We want to experience a familiar state in these trance states and allow that set direction in those moments of impression to be our driving force into a specific sensory direction. When we tap the correct thematic degree of experience then on top of that the sensory detail can be overlayed and it will correctly play out for us in a way that’s natural and intuitive. We should sink into those familiar resonant sensations we’ve become aware of and make those our grounding focus in imagination. Worry not about the sensory details in the start focus on honing the sensation of being in that state of resonance and what it’s like to be that person who’s got that greater context on that thematic level. All the implication being made manifest just through the sensation, the sensory level thoughts will arise out of this as NG days and we will experience a natural unfolding of the senses in the mind and then in corresponding thought processes in the world as our form drives us towards that reflection.
This is the function of conscious manifestation on a complete levels. Having experienced this I now know and have sufficient language for it. I’ve recognised certain biological processes that play out as reflecting the states I‘m in too, how my nervous system and other systems respond as each meridian reflects a function of consciousness and understanding their relationships and expressions in my consciousness allows me to understand how correct my thematic resonance and it’s implication is. Simple getting familiar with your themes and recognising what causes you to waver in that sensation and maintaining stability in those places by sinking into correct expression and making decisions out of how that’s driving you and actually acting on them. This is the process of “de-conditioning” from the RS perspective factoring in all the things we speak about here and not just seeing that level in a vacuum. There other levels to this but just when I think I’m done I wake up very very early in the morning with once again another insight. How fun.
I’m writing this out likely as a progression from the experience I’ve had recently where this has been a naturally unfolding process I’ve gone through and want to share it here so that it’s logged. That’s part of what’s going on here is using this as my “notebook” but it’s available for anyone to read.
Log your states that are resonant and the experience of their perspective and thematic resonance and the decisions you’re drawn to make and the affinities on the sensory level you’re drawn into and how yin or Yang those states are. Categorise the naturally inclined states you fall into that are resonant and become familiar with all the sensations of these things so you’ll consciously be able to sink into them and recognise when they’re arising. Allow it to be natural and effortless and be driven by it and then in SATS replicate the experience of being that person deeper and deeper and really sink into it. Your capacity will determine how deep you can sink and the focus and the ability to be transformed by that experience. Nothing here is forced it’s all occurring when the currents and correctly circulating which takes time it’s not a race it’s a matter of correct pathing and accepting of that pathing and becoming familiar with that on a consistent basis for stability and the negation of the peak dip cycles we go through where the consciousness can then properly take the back seat and be driven. This is the goal of this all in the world is to be unconsciously driven as I said last year in a video. In order to have this naturally unfold we want to understand who we are and sink into they without compromise.
Recognise also the patterns that drive you into degenerate thinking and feeling when certain seeming desires arise and how these sensations that aren’t actually thematically resonant warp your consciousness. With the familiarity of these patterns you’ll be able to in an instant naturally shift the state and land into correct response when that arises and make decisions out of that instead of sinking into the pattern of degeneracy. Drop it all and burn it via your sacred purifying fire of life. Any degenerate patterns will reflect an external outsourcing of your vitality which isn’t natural for your thematic purpose. Recognise when these arise and through the cultivation of the familiarity of these sensations and the categorisation of them you’ll be able to pull out of that direction and readjust and sink into correct direction and into your own supply and resonance and response. That’s what we’re doing here in the world.
People think it’s all about SATS and that everything that happens to us is determined by how we sleep but that’s nonsense it’s influenced through all of the processing field geometry and their thematic expressions that drive your consciousness into experience. This is a required part for everyone who does coaching with me to go through. It will become a baseline process to apply and as I refine my processes I’m going to make these standards for everyone else too.
Later post.
It’s become clear to me that a big part of this process is becoming simply more sensitive to satisfaction through fasting from excessive stimulus. What leads us then to feel satisfied and fulfilled is requiring significantly less stimulus to result in the same sensation because the currents are stronger. The fire is stronger. Your vitality is immense. Your attraction is off the charts. People don’t want to be around those who are needing a supply for vitality but those who are sourcing their own internal supply and sensitivity is a product of having correctly circulating currents. The people who just have things magically unfold for them consistently and without peaks and dips (not the same as manifesting something and then dipping after and having drama play out) are those who are highly coherent with their currents and are driven by their intuitive impulses and responses worth out getting stuck in their heads. Being stuck in your head is a symptom of being weak and drained and really just degenerate. It’s the cause of suffering on the consistent basis is being depleted out of needing stimulus all the time in a temporary peak and dip cycle and the means of stimulus varies from person to person depending on what’s accessible and what raises the currents depending on the area of stagnation. Each addiction can be mapped to a form of compromise in the psyche as that substance is designed to raise the current in that meridian. You’ll find that if you fast from the world and develop higher order substances over time that you’ll have people WANT to be with you and actively seek you out and do things for you. They’ll get thoughts and say how they were thinking about you and all that it’s a function of vitality sensitivity and sense of self which is the manifestation of being correct in your thematic direction ultimately as it implies everything else is correct too to fit that theme and that sensation, the state, the context of being.
It’s so simple that everyone has access to this if they know themselves and have the courage to play that out. Courage and truth burns off resistance. Courage is a manifestation of increasing Yang. Courage is a manifestation of being correct in your thematic direction and having the direction you resonate with right in front of you to embody fully and shine your vitality through. Manifesting as we’ve been taught by NG is mechanically flawed.
I felt compelled to write another post late at night once again. Interesting process here it seems. The environment is just another form of sensory stimulus. Sensory stimulus leads us to experience thematic response and depending on the response drives us into or out of states of being represented by the conceptual means out fixed definition processes through in its themes of experience. All things are thematic. Obviously. Everything on the sensory level therefore must correspond to a theme or a mixture of themes which “remind” us of parts of us they are fixed in their resonance. Depending on how the currents are circulating will also determine the degree of resonance present and how visceral your response will be.
Why do we find other people attractive? Because they’re not just a supply and through interacting with them we get that instant rising sensation but also that they’re going to thematically reflect what we’re looking for to connect our progression of thematic experience together and thus can actually enable us to experience a whole different level IF they’re correct for us. Now they’re going to influence you unconsciously through that thematic integration where the overlap of your field geometry will lead to bridges formed in your disconnected circuits but this will come as a result of your receptive open supply being filled in and not from your internal supply. Being around others will sway you from who you are IF you don’t know yourself. If you are needing someone to feel comfortable then you’re obviously not being yourself, and you’re denying your supply. These people who dip so hard when they’re not around someone is so silly to even begin to contend with because the simple truth is they only feel this way out of compromise on playing out their resonance. If they’re depleted and denying their divine process then they’re going to NEED someone else to be their supply, or something to cope and raise the depleted currents because the vitality represents the sense of self so they feel lack and devalued if they’re not around a certain person or have them confirming to them that they’ll always be there. This NEEDING is degeneracy and it must be purified under the secret flame of life. These patterns of degeneracy when identified can be dissolved through then knowing what’s being compromised on and that direction can be used as your drive. You should find media that brings you into resonance with your themes and play into it. I move myself through the world in a way that’s fulfilling to me, I dance and leap and flow and lead my movements with my hands and twirl and spin and dance the rhythm of life as I move through the world. It’s supremely satisfying on a consistent basis and is the reason I got into parkour and enjoyed playing mirrors edge and such games so much because they reminded me of myself. I didn’t play to waste time I played as an extension of my experience. Same with CTR on ps1 I played as an extension and many powerful insights came to me running laps on tracks. It keeps my body “busy” which lets my mind be open to having insights flow THROUGH me. Not everyone is the same like this but many are.
When you know your thematic nature you’ll know yourself and what you’re able to correctly respond to or not. The response shouldn’t be a mental process it should be a bodily sensation and almost a metaphysical sensation but more often than not it can be predicted by understanding yourself. If you know yourself and you the now yourself you tap your supply of vitality as playing that out raises the currents and purifies the blood of degeneracy. We do not hold mercy for degeneracy on any level. If there’s those around you living and breathing these degenerate patterns then you will only be depleted by existing around them as they require you as a supply. Having boundaries where you value your vitality and it’s power and divine influence (manifestation phenomena) is the path of the immortal. Negating excessive sensory stimulus alike is having correct boundaries and valuing your vitality. Boundaries is a fundamental function and part of your conciseness that’s required for these things to unfold for you in a favourable way as through that you can raise currents of consciousness and experience your satisfaction from within your own supply and this is the path of the immortal. The defer to which you take that determines if you complete the great work or not as burn off of leeching sources must be eliminated without mercy. We must mercilessly destroy any and all resistance through raising the purifying fire that IS who we are in all it’s unique thematic glory. Your divinity is your fixed nature, that’s your resonance with the infinite supply that is greater consciousness driving your experience metaphysically and communicating to you through your sensations to be correct and fulfil your potential. What are you doing then? Are you stimulating yourself correctly to enable response that will lead you towards fulfilment or denying your path of progression into immortality.
Everyone is on the path towards immortality regardless of if you accept that or not. It’s just the degree to which you accept that is the degree to which it will progress. Denying your divinity and living in compromise and conditioning will only hurt your vitality and thus your manifesting potential. No matter how much space you create that space can only expand to the degree that vitality can circulate with the yin to form the subconscious. Without both yin AND Yang you’ll not got anywhere. Ever. It’s required. This will be the part everyone is missing and what I missed before thinking it was all yin based cultivation work with gazing that generated actual space that stuck. It’s both acting together, the purifying fire that rises and the receptive current that arranges the unconscious that generates our higher order substances which lead our vitality to take the next form. If you deplete your vitality you cannot complete the work no matter how much space you create. If you’re compromising on being yourself, to whatever degree is consistently satisfying, then you’ll never complete the great work. The will of greater process is mediated through these thematic resonances we have fixed within our field geometry as supply to raise current and to “unpack” Yang from yin Jing to be used to stoke the minister fire which warms the spleen and heart to transform and create blood (correct structure) which is the manifest substance of your circulating qi in the body which will of course then nourish us physically as reflecting the metaphysical nourishment. It’s applied on all levels and unless we are correct on all levels were deficient and thus degenerate. Degeneracy is sin. Missing the mark, missing potential. To repent means to apply a radical change of attitude, meaning a radical shift into proportionate relationship to your divine process through your thematic resonance and owning that completely. Failure to do so will result in death and a retry, if you’re lucky.
The stakes here are infinite and the degree to which you can manifest the life you desire depends on your ability to understand this process I’ve outlined here and live it completely. Are you being yourself without compromise in a natural manner or are you still living in degenerate patterns? I know I am still purifying degenerate patterns personally, it’s a process and processes take time. So long as we’re correctly oriented and becoming more proportionate by the day then we’re correct. What manifests ik the world is ultimately irrelevant to your internal supply. I hear people say “what if I can’t be myself because of money or whatever” as an excuse. The means will arise if you own it. Clearly you’re compromising by even asking that question, you’re in your head because you’re lacking vitality. You’d be driven towards your satisfaction in whatever means is available to you and your supply but if you’re in your head asking these questions then it’s a clear sign you’re heavily compromised and are depleted. You don’t understand, you’re thinking there’s some magic solution but there’s not the magic solution is to own your thematic resonance and respond according to the visceral sensations you feel on a regular basis, no matter how subtle they may be at first. As you cultivate more fire you’ll feel these sensations significantly more intense, and I mean SIGNIFICANTLY more intense to the point where you can flinch because the response is so powerful. That is your potential, your capacity to be driven, but you’re a weak degenerate fool who will die because you failed to complete your function. A pathetic weak depleted degenerate. Is that not what most of us are in this world? Relying on the supply of others to feel fulfilled and satisfied. Needing money and approval to be ourselves because we feel fear. We feel fear because we’re depleted, the purifying fire that drives our body knows no fear. The conscious mind that’s nourished knows fear but knows itself also and has capacity to sink into correct response because the vitality is present to mediate that instead of it being a little breeze that blows by without any care. If you want to be driven then cultivate vitality through all the means I’ve outlined. The contrast we bring to mind will remind us of our potential and it’s only when someone calls you a degenerate that’s weak and pathetic and still depleted and unable to constantly act on your inner response because you’re around other drained depleted degenerates like most people are. Most people are truly fools and it’s only because this world is driven by scarcity because we’re all drained by the nature of how our society has been structured by the Talmudic influences that are the manifestation of the agents that mediate collective consciousness in the world. We don’t see that but it’s the contrast that we need, the consistent supply of stimulus that’s resonant to respond to and act accordingly. That will become baseline and we will manifest outcomes that will confirm this sensation fully on a regular basis and people who are on your level of cultivation will show up to bring you new levels of the work to be done when you’re ready and they’re ready. The divine timing is all depending on how coherent you are with divine process. Play into degeneracy and you’ll get influenced by sensory experiences that don’t reflect your thematic nature or are heavily limited in the experience because you’re so depleted and your response isn’t active to the same degree if at all. Vitality is required. Period.
Contrast. Make your environment reflect contrast so you can normalise that contrast as your new baseline through cultivating those higher order substances which will lead to higher order conjugations in the subconscious. It’s all one process and the degree to which you own that determines everything. It all starts with space and response and vitality cultivation because then the correct people will always show up to serve you and realty will seemingly conspire for your satisfaction but without that vitality the natural manifest means will never be present. Remember all manifesting requires a natural process to unfold nothing happens by magic. Magic happens when the alignment is correct. It happens THROUGH us and not by us. We don’t have the power on a corporal level to play that out it’s greater process squeezing through our consciousness that brings about these seeming impossible manifestations. This is not based on assumption like you’ve been told there’s no mechanic there to have a natural progression of consciousness to demonstrate a means. It’s as Reality Synthesis presents. It’s metaphysical and alchemical. Everything else is just dust. Stop wasting time and apply the process you’re decaying as we speak and what are you doing about it? Only until contrast is present to remind you of you potential do you act out of correct response to its potential, else you’re going to dip and the dip will motivate you because of that contrast it’s never the normal feeling that drives response it’s always out of contrast between two or more levels of coherency. Be correct in your thematic resonance and you will always win.
This is what the immortality group will be focused on and it will be opening up now that I’ve got a proven process. There will be a course required to follow before you can submit an application to join so that you’re already doing the work before coming in. Nobody who’s compromising will be allowed to join or stay if they backslide. It will not be accepted. If I’m going to play out what I’m being driven towards then this must be done and I must own it. Compromise will not be accepted on any level. Compromise is there to show us who we are and who are are not through they contrast and learning from it when it shows up is the way of the immortal and not the normies who live out of compromise and die in their sins. There is nothing more to be said.
We are drawn to those who can lift us up and dissolve our degeneracy, if we're open towards that, or if we're being driven towards that as part of our process. I know many who say if only they could be inspired by others to get on track. The reason why is because they're yet again denying their internal supply and their divinity. Knowing who and what you are and what you're capable of on all levels means you're unable to be drawn into degeneracy. Many don't even like that word. Degeneracy. It makes them cringe, but it's the correct term to use to describe anyone who's not forming higher order substances. I don't see them in a negative light or anything, it's just how it is. Even on my part until I'm at the point where I'm forming higher order substances I'm living in degeneracy too, but there's a spectrum here. When those who say "you're whole and complete just as you are" they're not saying that in the now they're saying that as your potential if only you'd own it and realise it, knowing who and what you are and what you're capable of. It's cope to believe we have to artificially lift ourselves up through telling ourselves we're whole an complete as we are, we're not. We're still depleting our vitality and stagnating in that. The program wants that for us because it requires a natural progression of the unfolding of consciousness in our world to mediate it's end. The only way I see this being prevented is for us to become more powerful than greater process (the collective process not the personal level(that may be related but they're not directly linked unless you've got transpersonal cross and related definitions)) and not be driven by it, but that means surrendering to your potential and completing the conjugations of consciousness at the highest levels. When we all source vitality from our internal supply then we cannot falter. We will be attractive to everybody, we will manifest money and resources to live our process of thematic resonance and the whole function of being coherent with greater consciousness is to become one with your correct alignment and geometry which once again IS the metaphysics and alchemical potential of your capacity for transformation. That is how your unique consciousness is made transformed through experience. It's one level of the work. Denying any level of the work is denying your potential for transformation and immortality. Those who don't seek immortality are ignorant of their function in reality. Some are suppose to realise it later than others as their process drives them towards insights through seeming negative experiences to draw contrast and further refinement of their consciousness through those experiences. It's the same thing I wrote about before.
It's normal that some of us will more naturally be inclined towards this end, but I believe that it's not a function of design but more so literacy of metaphysics and alchemy. I naturally was drawn towards this end because of my nature for refining the mechanics of consciousness. It was by fate I ended up here, because I was designed for this. I was designed for this out of the interactions of my salt and my mercury, thus my sulphur (soul) is driven towards this end naturally. I came across events that provided me the sensory means to realise my thematic resonance because I owned it. It was natural though, none of this was consciously inspired my natural thoughts and feelings towards this came THROUGH me and I just didn't have resistance towards this, others who have resistance towards their process would suffer immensely and this suffering would provide natural contrast to then provide them a sense of fire to raise the currents of purification and generate the sense of self that's correct, or at least more correct. It's all mechanical.
When you're familiar with your thematic resonance you cannot fail because owning that IS doing the work. Failing to own that means you cannot be driven correctly, or if you will be driven it will be in limited ways that confirm the limited vitality. You'll experience seeming satisfaction but it will still be as though you're looking from the outside of a window. This once again is degeneracy. Consciousness isn't here to wallow in limitation it's here to become greater and expand, as NG himself said. We experience limitation to provide us contrast but this contrast when not learned from and the part of our consciousness that's compromised isn't owned then you'll repeat and land in the same situations, manifest the same limitations. "manifest" and the fools who only see the thought processes as the cause because of their echo chamber of inquiry won't see that those thoughts are generated due to a Shen that's not nourished and satisfied from it's internal supply. That should be abundantly clear at this point, significantly more so than I can describe in words.
The thing we should do as I said in earlier posts is to surround ourselves with sensory concepts that confirm our resonance. The environment we find ourselves in should bring to us a response that's leading us into our potential. If you're bringing limited themes into your awareness that will cause you to artificially raise your currents then you will falter and buy into that if you're drained as you'll naturally seek a supply of nourishment even if it causes limited outcomes. So with that in mind today you're going to own your thematic resonance and provide an environment that's correct for your design to provide the direction which will lead to the highest order cultivation process and generate response that's favourable on a consistent basis.
So more to speak on.
When certain stimulus arises that's resonant and reminds you of a thematic process you're driven to play out you should act on it (if you're not emotionally based in inner authority if it's a big decision) and go through that experience as there's more than likely new pathways that will open up as a result. Break pattern and introduce contrast for new stimulus and new supply. We've been told that it's all in our heads, and yes you can imagine yourself in a place and either be seen there by others as an apparition for those with high enough capacity or you'll actually be driven there and circumstances will naturally unfold to mediate that end. It won't likely happen though if you're playing out the same habits, and draining your supply with the same people. It's probably common for people in LOA to believe that the imaginal act alone is was what manifested but it wasn't it was a combination of various aspects of consciousness transforming and driving you towards that thematic experience. The bridge of incidents of course would naturally unfold according to the least resistive and normalised themes you're driven towards. Consciously and deliberately surrounding yourself with resonant stimulus that values your vitality and generates response that's raising will lead you towards transforming experiences on a different level, not necessarily better but it will open up your variety of experience. I once thought this was a function of subconscious capacity but that's only within the interior reality and not reflected directly in the manifest reality. What I've discovered is that when you deliberately stimulate yourself with such experiences that raise the currents you'll be far more inclined to want to normalise having a higher baseline supply of vitality and thus driving you to become more "high value" as a result. The stimulus must be correct for there to be a resonant response however, just going into any themes that relate to elevated vitality isn't worth because it's not going to be consistent. You want a consistent theme that will stick with you and be normalised as you flow through the experiences that unfold. Once again pathway work is your guide here.
Be driven by your thematic resonance into experiences that lead to your increased supply. That's where your expanded consciousness will drive you. Keep in mind the lines you're designed with as these will determine the nature by which you'll naturally find yourself driven into experiences, either being in the middle of the crowd or on the edge, or marketing to the between space. Any combination that's correct for you is how it will play out, being aware of this and observing your experiences will provide clarity for your correct supply of vitality. Keep in mind your tone and base as these will provide other parts to work with of proportionate relationship too, standard HD stuff. No matter though the primary part of this work is to be diving into your resonant thematic processes and tap the responses you get in your body as your authority. Own it. Own it fully. Own it and don't just imagine it to a limited degree, even if you're imagining the exact sensory experience the person who's there isn't contextually sinking into the thematic resonance of filtering that experience correctly. You require thematic resonance to view the sensory experience correctly else it will manifest limited outcomes which will of course confirm your lack of vitality from compromising on your progression towards proportionate relationship with your affinities. It's a progression after all.
If you've got certain gates that are resonant they'll be more consciously experienced when you've got vitality flowing and nourishing your circuits. I just can't, cannot express this enough so many think they can come up with ways to get around this fact but vitality is REQUIRED for correct expression. Your supply of course comes from your inner response but the degree to which you sink into it and tap that supply is also varied to your degree of owning it. If you lean into it to a limited degree that's what you'll get. Your black lines will fire far more discreetly if you've got vitality circulating on a consistent basis. Doing the work to provide that supply to your circuit is essential for correct outer authority, both part of the same process though they just operate on different levels.
Strengthen your transformational circuit, the spleen and stomach meridians primarily so that excess dampness and crystallised patterns can be broken down and excreted. Boosting excretion function can help too if you're burning off excess too fast and are being overburdened and led into flatlines of vitality but your burn off should always be flowing to the degree that you've capacity for. It will happen when it's ready to, whenever that shows up will be when your metaphysics are correct and the alchemical processes can fulfil. Forming the higher order substances and having that buffer and excess in vitality to nourish will lead you towards completion. That's the metaphysical process we're playing out.
I can speak all day on this but simply applying yourself is all that matters. Completing the work is all we can do, and it's naturally unfolding the more we cultivate and nourish our circuits. Nourishment and supply is the game of manifesting. The sense of self is determined by this, who we're playing as as that context, that embodiment driven by thematic resonance and inner authority response. With vitality present you can detach, you don't need external stimulus that's going to artificially inflate your vitality and lead to dips. Seeking limited experiences is the issue. Take pride in your vitality and own it, own every drop of those substances and allow them to completely nourish your being, on every level. That's the game of manifestation. Your reality will flow with you. You will walk into the world filled with the light of God and you will shine bright and people will look at you with awe, they will feel that metaphysical light radiating from your being as an immortal and they will crave it, they will need it. They will do anything to get into that pool of substance you've cultivated and you will either have the boundaries (which children compromise on when they're put under pressure not knowing themselves and thus leads to continued degenerate compromise patterns) and banish those who seek to drain your vitality for their own gain or you will wear the armour so that simply existing will provide you that boundary where you'll be untouchable. Vitality cultivation leads to these experiences when taken to the full degree, attraction isn't based on thoughts it is based on vitality circulation but the thoughts are a result not the cause, unless we're speaking of sinking into the thematic resonance which raises the currents and amplifies available vitality at the expense of dips IF you're already running low and are prematurely depleting your first order substances without higher second or third order substances already circulating. How do you know if they're there? You'll have increased lucidity and already present attraction and "luck". Luck is a factor of vitality not assumptions. Assumptions have almost nothing to do with manifestation it's requiring a substrate of expression to be made manifest in the first place period.
If you're around people who are draining all the time and you don't hold boundaries then you'll suffer and be unable to change them, no matter how specific your imagination and implication is. You'll always be limited and be unable to transform resistance. You'll be stuck in the same patterns and wonder why nothing changes, and yet you're still not holding the boundaries and valuing your vitality you're overextending whenever a breadcrumb is presented because you're like a moth to light grasping at any essence of validation from others. This is the essence of a weak and pitiful sense of self. I know because I've been there done that before I was a complete degenerate for a while before I realised through going through enough peak and dip cycles that there was nothing left to see and all there was left was to value my vitality and say I don't need them, the SP, or the money. I am whole and complete and in that I owned my vitality and I owned by themes I had affinity for and I prospered naturally as we all have capacity for. You don't need manifestation methods at all it's naturally drawn to you especially if you're a generator. Your response will arrive at your doorstep if you're filled with vitality to a great enough degree. People all over the world will feel that and crave that essence you're able to provide them. You'll be their supply just as you see others as your supply now, the psychological manifestations of being on the pedestal or pedestalising others is naturally a result of your sense of self, vitality, as all things are when it comes to abundance.
Just want to mention once more that sinking the substances that are cultivated is essential. Sinking them allows them to naturally build up and eventually spill over into higher order when they're ready and you've reached a complete level of first order nourishment. Be aware of how this works. Value your vitality and manifestation will do you. You don't do manifestation it works through you when you're correct, else you'll grasp at others for supply. Said it hundreds of times now. Everything we experience psychologically is mediated by vitality supply. Tap your own supply and you'll cleanse all mental processes that don't serve you, that purifying fire will dissolve all disproportionate pathways within time when the higher order substances circulate and nourish. The nourishment IS the cleansing, they're not really separate, though technically they are in process but the result of cleansing is always an increase in nourishment. Peaks and dips is burning vitality in the wrong direction or too quickly.
The real issue most people face, aside from decreased space and vitality and all that is a lack of coherency in their thematic direction, and if they do it's likely not resonant. Just to also be clear here all of this has degrees to it, as I've said before there's a spectrum of application and those who are more correct in their response to the world based on what's driving them will experience more satisfying results vs someone who's less so. It's a spectrum. Those who read this and think in black and white are way off and likely view it under the lens of limitation of their own circumstances to justify why they're unable to move forward due to perceived limited contrast.
I've been inspired to put artwork that resonates with my sense of self around my house. In fact I feel like moving into a place where I can showcase my themes of resonance in an environment that's open and reflects my design colour tone and base. Open areas with broad views. It's not so much mountains but the idea of open space and vast horizons without interrupted views. Vast landscape views, high up on a mountain is the idea. A castle fit for a world class metaphysician filled with classical art that inspires the divine mind within to respond with the resonant sensation upon stimulus. That's the point of artwork, it's not a thing that rich people scoff at but a thing that's utilised as a tool to bring alignment. It's all coming together and is making sense out of seemingly trivial things. It's fantastic and it just keeps flowing the more I lean into this. The more I accept and own my path the more I succeed. The less I accept degeneracy and disgusting limitations I was once bound by. My vitality (metaphysical sense of self) is valuable just as yours is and when you treat it with respect you will be treated with such accordingly. I am driven and I will accept and surrender.
Oh how the sands of time blow away in the breeze never to be seen again. Or so we think...
I want everyone here to write down a list of themes they resonate with consistently that relate to their fixed channels, specifically relating to where your inner authority arises from. With this in mind I want you then refine to affinities, as in sensory experiences that consistently arise in your mind to represent their resonance. From here you're going to outline a series of examples that further expand and bring greater context to this sensory experience, as in what else would the sensation of being sink deeper into if there were other aspects that were "expected" to be there on an almost unconscious level that comprises the totality of your sense of self, vitality, correct thematic resonance. Out of that then you're going to create images, or find images (or sounds or whatever), that relate to the sense of self targeted, sensory experiences that raise the currents. Now if your authority isn't based on generator form then it's less likely that you'll want to target a raising of current sensation but the sensation that you're most resonant with, but that's all on how your pathways are formed. You'll know. Now with this established you're going to take them and place them all over your living area and in your car and everywhere, shamelessly and without compromise. Own it. Own it without a shred of mercy. The more you own it the more you win, the higher your fire will rise and nourish your shen and the more satisfied and comfortable you'll feel when imagining anything that comes to mind and watch as your world reflects your vitality. JUST BE THE PERSON YOU'RE DESIGNED TO BE! That's what this is all getting at, play into your fixed resonance shamelessly and without compromise. Knowing yourself means knowing your supply and knowing your supply means knowing your power and influence over the world through the phenomena of manifestation which is the mechanics of consciousness and the interactions with all things.
Opting to conform to even a shred of compromise is denial of your divinity and a distancing from your supply. Bathe in the glow. Immerse yourself in the pool of vitality that's rightfully yours. Why do you not own it and feel "seen", awkward? It's because you're weak and powerless and you don't know yourself. This is the mind of a foolish mortal who doesn't know their divinity and will die in their sins. The materialistic blind fools who walk the earth seeking the pleasures of the flesh will never be satisfied because they deny their divine supply of vitality. Swiftly strike like lightning and shock the souls of the dammed with divine light that radiates from within your core. Brightly shine like the only light in the universe because you know yourself, your infinite supply of light. This is your supply of current which will be utilised in the alchemical transformations of our principle archetypes of consciousness in order to conjoin once separated and limited aspects to become a completely new higher order substance which will circulate in our field geometry and radiate a new form of light that next to nobody on earth has circulating. This light is your immortal potential and the levels by which this is cultivated requires perfection of consciousness attained through purification and burning off of that which is not in order to reveal that which is. What else is there? It's all an alchemical ritual. That's what we are. Owning that is owning your capacity and potential for the fulfilment of your consciousness.
HD prophecies this isn't a thing that can happen as we will instead return (ideally) to the crystal cluster without completing the conjugations, based on my understanding at least. I say this is wrong, or at least limited in scope. I don't see any alchemical process at play here aside from the functions of the interactions of design and personality, salt and mercury, these principles still circulate separately while we're conscious here but the HD system denies a process of conjugation and that enlightenment is a function of living correctly according to the design process. This is one part of the process, as I've outlined here. You're not likely able to achieve the greater conjunction until you've played your role, greater process decides that anyway but the "timing" all depends on your role being complete so in essence it's determined by you playing your part regardless of if you're going deliberate cultivation or not. Ripeness then is a function of the level of correct decisions you make that arise out of the body and not the desires of the mind that more often than not lead to degeneracy. Ripeness is a factor we can control, we can control all of it but only through surrender to what's fixed and operating unconsciously within us as who we really are.
Owning that and flowing into that sensation and living and breathing it is what we are here for so it fulfils that greater outer authority level as well as the related inner authority level and so in being correct we are in a place where the other levels of the alchemy work can be done through generating space and exploring the interior environment where we flip inside out the consciousness to interact directly and specifically with the principle archetypes that comprise our consciousness so that they can become familiar with each other and marry, you're going to meet your metaphysical family and have children, as strange as that sounds. Daoism has a very similar process too, except it's done differently through just focusing on the substances cultivated in the circuitry and without conscious interactions with the personifications of those substances to conjoin them. No matter how you look at it though it's all alchemical. These processes apply in every tradition I've studied deeply, including the Greek and Norse mythos too and not just Hermetic or Daoist. Everyone in LOA thinks the bible is all about "manifesting instructions" or whatever they want to call it, but I've commented many times on these ideas and presented the deeper level alchemical processes that can be implied under what they believe various scriptures mean. It's not just on the level of manifesting instructions but on the level of illumination. What are we doing seeing this massive text and only looking at just 15% of it as proof you understand it? I don't know a single person who's fully explained the bible. Nobody. Not me and not even the alchemist as far as I know understands every level of it. It's just one of those texts that isn't written for our consciousness to properly interpret and that's the way it should be left. Instead of claiming to know some secret in the bible and that puts everything else down as a result we should just own that we don't know and don't have to know because there's more than enough understanding of this process in texts that can be comprehended fully. The golden chain of homer is another interesting text I've read many many times to understand the alchemical process and to this day some aspects elude me. As a metaphysician I think I should know everything but I don't need to and I really don't believe that any alchemist in history knew everything and every level on their own, instead it was a collection of various minds coming together to aid each others processes in their unique areas of insight and understanding. I'm sure many high alchemists had a vast majority of the picture in mind but that's not required for the work to be done. I've trained with whom I consider to be the best of the best on earth, Michael. Both of them in fact. Both of my alchemist teachers are called Michael. Either way without adept instruction you'll never really reach the higher levels of this work, it's a natural unfolding that happens in the consciousness of those ready for this work. Instruction doesn't land in your lap one day, those days are gone as far as I'm concerned you're not going to be taught by familiars anymore. You run into them doing the work they don't lift you out of ignorance you must elevate yourself to their level for you to even know they're there. They know you're there but think you're drunk and sleeping. Why? Because you're a drained weak fool who's wasting time compromising on doing the work and they know that. The only reason you've not had interactions with your familiars is because you're still not being yourself and you're not gazing consistently to open up the subconscious to even hear or see them.
You want these experiences? We've been told that we can just script on paper "I receive mystical experiences" and boom they show up. That's never been the case ever with anyone, yet I've spent significant money out of my pocket to get into the inner circles of some of these so called coaches who teach hardcore NG and yet they're still missing the point of what this is all about. It's just dogma and ignorance, almost cult like. Nobody can criticize NG or those who teach it. Feel free to criticize me, I want you to in fact so I can become more aware of myself and refine my consciousness further and hone it like a sharp blade. Mystical experiences unfold as a matter of ripeness, which I discussed before. Owning your fixed definition and doing the subconscious expansion work opens you up. Those who preach scripting or imagining yourself in places around very quickly like Abdullah taught NG back in the day are still not doing the real expansion work. Gazing the way I teach it was what I just randomly started doing when I was 15 because I experienced strange things doing it only later to find out that there was far more to it than I was told. Nobody in LOA teaches gazing except me because they're not metaphysically or alchemically inclined and none of them understand the functions of the subconscious mind and only buy into what NG and the like wrote thinking that people who believe that it's all in the mind are the people we need to follow. What a load of ignorance.
Person. You're going to get your video. Just wait until the time is right to strike at the weak spot where they'll never see it coming. I know that time will be soon. When. I don't know. But I know it's soon.
So I've just had more insights that will take this to a whole new level As if it couldn't get any higher already, but that's how things seem to work these days. It's normal, familiar. You see. Familiarity is what we're striving for from the belief side of things. I actually just got off a call with another coach and the insights came out of that interaction. They were writing notes down on what I said in the live so obviously it's important. None of the metaphysical side of this was discussed it was all neuroscience level stuff but that's fine because it all relates and that's what I want to touch on. This will be a very broad reaching overarching idea of how this works and the metaphysics of how brain wiring works and why it's not what we think. I was contemplating making this premium but I'm sticking to my word on making this available for all to read and interpret. The course I will eventually make will release with a highly organised format of the entire notebook and it's various refinements, some of which likely won't be present here. Bringing out the ignorance of the standard model has been the focus of this whole notebook and revealing why manifestation as we've been taught is mostly nonsense and doesn't reliably work and all the reasons that comprise that picture. Anyway.
The act of processing resistance, as in raising the fire (the yang and manifestations of that as for example the various forms of qi and to a degree shen) is a process which involves rearranging context of a given theme of experience, This is why we have different beliefs that are targeted when doing manifestation work. Work on beliefs relating to people, love, money, health, appearance, transcendence, and all the other levels of these things. Targeting a specific belief is bringing that theme to mind, that context, that "mental" environment. You're creating an environment for you to experience when you "bring up" (raise currents and circulate them through your self recursive field geometry) which is what we experience then, that's our testimony, the testimony of the Christ. Now when there's testimony that's made manifest on every related metaphysical level, all of them. This appears in the world as experiences, it's not exclusive to that though. The thing we must grasp is that the essential process underlying all this work is alchemical, it's raising the fires to burn away that which is not in order to reveal that which is, that will either be forced out of us, or more specifically THROUGH us, or it will be consciously and deliberately cultivated which is how most approach this which is fair enough and a reliable method.
So when we're bringing to mind the mental environment of lack and limitation and really false identification (that which is compromised on the ownership of our true thematic resonance) results in crystallisation of pathways in the brain that will confirm the contextual sense as I call it surrounding the theme related to that experience. Crystallisation of limited beliefs is made manifest physically in the brain as these "highways" of highly strengthened and FAMILIAR pathways and relationships and associations to that theme of experience. So the experience of this is like when you're in the middle of a spiral, what's actually happening is that you're in the context or mental environment of that connection in the brain that's correlated to many other thematically related sensory experiences that unconsciously almost will fire into the sector you're in and warp the perceptions you have to confirm this negative belief. We experience this as essentially forgetting all the "positive" or really resonant experiences that provide us a supply of vitality that raises currents and purifies disproportionate substances that are crystallised as these negative highways in the brain and so by forgetting who we are and our supply we get thrown around in all these seemingly negative directions and it makes us feel therefore that we're not worthy or valuable enough to have this thing, even though outside of that mental environment you're able to actually feel positive. So peak and dip cycles are made manifest in this way, when there's little to no purifying current to act as the metaphysical substrate by which resonant thematic processes can be contextualised into these negative scenarios we're going to in essence forget about all the work we did and believe into the mental environment that's of lack falsely, all because we've forgotten.
So this process I've been applying personally over the last few months especially has confirmed to me that this is a valid process and will now be a new established process that's a refinement on the idea of a "reference state" as I've called it before. This language has simply been refined and the context around it tightened up and purified further. What's going on in essence is that when we become highly familiar with the thematic resonance that brings us a reliably consistent supply of satisfaction then we can in those moments of limited sense of self and confirming lack from the mental environment that arises from triggers bring up the reference state as I called it and remind ourselves through thematic resonance which is a sensation and not a specific thought of that satisfying resonance and that sensation will then shift the contextual experience and "rewire" the synaptic composition of that highway of limited connections bit by bit over time. That's why things take time, but remember your ability to even feel the resonant thematic sensations comes from having currents flowing that can be your supply of proportionality to who you are, so without that raising fire of vitality you'll not have capacity to even be able to bring to that disproportionate mental environment what's resonant to reframe it. Every singe program I've been through over the time, be it free or programs that cost tens of thousands with coaches who make millions monthly like it's normal, the common denominators is ALWAYS the process of this:
1. Diving into the resistance
2. While in that surrendering to what comes up completely and allowing it and welcoming every thought and feeling and sensation as it is
3. While in the depths of the underworld we bring a shining light in the darkness to illuminate and reveal the shadows so that we can see them for what they are and why they're not defining our value and vitality. We bring contrast as a means of revealing the difference in experience which then widens the space. It essentially creates temporary limited space but enough to see what's happening.
4. Bring further contextual sense to mind confirming our thematic resonance and why this shadow isn't so scary after all and in that the feeling dissolves which means you've dissolved a bit of that crystallised substance that's disproportionate, relating then to the neuron highway in the brain being rewired.
5. Consciously diving in regularly to these pits of limitation and in that place shining the light of life to NORMALISE and FAMILIARISE us with how these once scary shadows don't bother us and thus we're shifting the baseline contextual sense that's associated to this theme of experience to be proportionate and enables us to then make correct decisions without resistance and feelings of limitation warping our perception where we forget who and what we are and what we're capable of and we draw upon our own supply reliably in every moment.
This in essence is what's happening with the whole thing we do here. By what I said in my last post about putting up sensory experiences around your familiar living area with what reminds you of your thematic resonance and to see them all the time and hear them all the time. Music and art and even scents from an oil diffuser or incense can be very useful in establishing that reminder of your resonance and that new baseline of familiarity. What really works though is targeting specific context and themes of limitation that continue to arise while in this place and going deeply into those, going all the way into the resistance to the degree that it comes up while here will be of benefit.
So when NG says to imagine a scenario to the reality of experience with all the sensory vividness possible is just creating an inverse trauma that's going to stick in our minds with much depth as though it was real and is in essence just the same as bringing context to mind of what is correct for us and that we have resonance with. That experience brings us more testimony and essentially evidence that can wire in new neural pathways towards establishing positive context where the resistance was. It's a cumulative process with bit by bit or by going all the way into a transcendental "inverse trauma" as I call it which completely transforms us with an experience so confirming and real to us that there's nothing that could shake our belief in the reality of this experience to be true to us and thus define us. In my gazing video and the diagram I made on the whiteboard of the projections is this same thing. When we're experiencing an incorporeal phenomena it's from a perspective of the reality of experience where our corporeal being in the world laying on the bed or sitting on the chair is lost to the reality of experience of the imaginal scene and so is real just like anything else is to us and the reality of that experience brings to us the fire required to purify the resistance, given that sufficient vitality is present for those currents to raise and circulate because if you're depleted then it cannot and will not happen. Living correctly out of your inner authority is still your go to supply to the degree you've got space to facilitate that process but without that you're lacking the essential components of consciousness to process resistance, or at least more substantial levels of it instead of chipping away at steel with your finger nails. It's like the more fire you've got the harder the tip of your pick would be to carve into a solid concrete wall and break it up. I know what that's like because I've spent much time swinging picks into rocks in the ground in the past. It was quite enjoyable actually.
With that in mind all this is about is bringing to mind what is and using that which is resonant to act as a purifying agent for the disproportionate pathways and thus we rewire and dissolve the crystallised structures either bit by bit or through a transcendental experience which seems to be what NG speaks of. The whole manifestation in the world relating to the beliefs showing up as experiences is of course just another level of thematic experience where confirming sensory experiences will to confirm that context just the same as it's made manifest in the brain and in the other levels of your consciousness. That's not separate it's one thing because it's all one process but when you're proportionate you've got little to no resistance (at the first order level of substance cultivation relating to the immortality work) that means you're able to drive greater processes than your perception and influence reality unconsciously based on your thematic fixed resonance. This is also why owning those fixed themes that are always being made manifest and define your influence over others on that thematic level is what's also used to purify resistance as it's what's proportionate and is arising out of greater process that's driving you which is your actual supply, that's what provides current metaphysically as you're integrated and are driven by it on that level. The manifestation stuff where the world changes comes both through you and an expression of your corporeal vitality and it's direction of thematic resonance and how that's made manifest on the greater process level where monopole is driving the variations in consciousness of everyone that's being driven by greater process, which the less owning of your definition you are the more receptive you are to influence and the more you're driven by more influential processes.
So those connections go deeper than I've gone before in the level and just when you think you've hit the bottom it just keeps going. Crazy.
Here I am blasting through my head debating with myself about the mechanics of LOA and here's another insight that shows up. Once again.
So thematic process is what implies the manifest reality, specifically under the context of transforming continued long standing limited patterns of lack and not one off simple manifestations like hearing someone mention a movie and then you somehow end up getting invited and watch it with a friend the next day out of nowhere, I want to irrefutably prove this is the case relating to the breaking of patterns and the area of manifesting people and general abundance.
I strongly disagree now with the idea that all things are equal when it comes to manifesting. Money and people and general abundance is WAY different than simple things like objects or the movie example. I want to make this clear as day here.
So when you're caught up in a negative loop of negative thinking you're automatically going to be feeling into that direction of thematic resonance and that theme will imply surrounding context and bring up more conceptual sensory experiences to confirm this limited experience. The idea here is that the continued anchored state of lack and the sensation of that is what you're landing into at baseline when this theme and concept arises, as they're directly implying each other and associated in that way.
This is a real world example. Say you're manifesting an SP, and they're telling you they don't want to see you or that they're not going to agree to do something with you that you want to experience. Let's use this example. When this scenario hits you if you're depleted and weak and lacking vitality and general sense of self and need to rely on their validation as a supply of vitality to raise your currents instead of your internal supply that continued buying into their essentially marketing is going to normalise that sensation of lack relating to when they pull this card out that makes you feel unworthy and devalued. Now in this place with sufficient space and vitality working for you that you've cultivated and with the pathway work you've done to identify where your internal supply is you're going to instead drop them completely in that moment and say I don't need you I'm going to lean into who I am and what I have as what's within me. I've done this almost every time I have issues with people and they change 9/10, especially lately. When you over expend your vitality on their approval and try argue with them you're going to feed them what they want and they'll quite literally drain your sense of self and make you feel even weaker, especially if you're a guy. Simply speak your authentic thought and let it go, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. You're only arguing with yourself at that point really. Drop your supply for them and make THEM weaken themselves to try and prove their point, at which point the metaphysical and alchemical principles I've spoken about that manifest will mean they're going to need to rely on you more as their supply and you'll influence their direction of thematic resonance out of that, their sensation of lack will arise when you don't agree with them and they'll come around to agree with you. Now that's not always ideal because if that's not authentic for them then you're leading them into compromise patterns and they'll develop a long standing peak dip cycle and you'll likely notice this over time. That relationship likely wasn't correct anyway and the idea that you can transform anyone into anything is complete and utter nonsense that's never been demonstrated. People will call examples of a person doing 180s overnight when they think something about them being the way they want and claim this is proof but it's not at all it's more often than not a result of currents being circulated that were untapped and a simple focus in a direction of satisfaction was what generated their internal supply to run and the person then unconsciously felt that and so NEEDED that person to be in their lives as their supply and so changed for that end. We cannot change anyone's fixed functions of consciousness and NG never even said we can change people on that level anyway, I've never heard anything about that outside the context I've spoken of relating to supply and such that's going to explain a vast majority of these examples of people seemingly changing. NG said it was psychic influence originally, which makes sense but that also contradicts some of his later writings and lectures which many will claim is his greater work but I disagree as there's no corresponding mechanics there to work with, as I've fully explored here.
So back to the point. In this place of feeling lack and feeling like you're going to be stuck missing out and being in lack for eternity then you withdraw your vitality from them and return to your internal supply and say screw that I know you're going to conform to what I want because I'm driving you not you driving me. I'm the influence here because I'm correct. Really you don't want to play tug of war with anyone, if they're correct for you and you entered into it with the response out of your inner authority then you'd not even likely have issues on this level and if they do come up it won't trigger you, and that's not to say you can't make it work but the fixed definition that exists in others does play a big role in the overarching process here. The whole point is when they're saying things that draw you into patterns of lack and sensations of limitation and all that then you withdraw instead of diving into the compromise in that place. Really the best thing to do in that place would be accept what is and think what could be the worst that could happen if I didn't get this. The only reason it feels bad is due to the contrast in vitality circulating where this one section of experience gives you that forgotten state where you almost disconnect from your internal supply. In those moments you're going to consciously decide to draw into your internal supply and drop the need for their approval and in this place you're going to shift contextual sense and you know what that means. You manifest new experiences BECASUE of the shift in supply of vitality. That IS detachment. That IS letting go. That IS what this work is about by refining your sense of self. When you don't need anyone your sense of self is stable and consistent and the contextual sense therefore that's manifesting through the thematic sensations and what's implied under that will drive your experiences to confirm that AND the mechanics of vitality driving our experiences and how others respond will be the causative process that's traced in the natural unfolding of events as the bridge. It ALL connects here. That's literally the entire process explained and unfolded where nobody else on earth as far as I know in this community under this context has completely explained with mechanics that are correct. That connects the dots completely and is the essence of how this all works. Boom. Beat that.
Just defeated quantum probabilistic multi reality quackery and the mystical magical idea of imagination creating reality in one fell swoop. Feels good.
MORE insights. Was cleaning up and boom there's more.
I already forgot some points because I'm not at my pc all the time but it's ok. The sensation of lack and limitation is what drives how you are going to have circumstances align for you or against you. The implication of that thematic sensation and how familiar and normal that is will automatically draw you into the implied thoughts and such that will confirm to you the manifest reality that you're experiencing. The essence of manifestation therefore is to experience the thematic direction that's resonant for you and own that and allow that fixed resonance to be your direction of purification by which disproportionate relationships between your current state of default and where you desire to be is dissolved. Negating the need for controlled sensor consciousness here is a product that arises out of having currents flowing that are resonant and thematically related to your fixed definition, being in your head and all that (obsessively and in a negative direction) is a result of having ill nourished circuitry out of continuing to accept the limited states and not use contrast as your means of dissolving limited sensations and relationships. Lots of stuff there it was quite dense but it's what it is we need to grasp that it's all relating to how coherently we can sink into the experiences that are aligned for our thematic directions and resonance and that when we're drawn into limited directions we "remind" ourselves of those thematic resonant directions that would refine the contextual sense of our experience there and in effect dissolve the resistances we have bit by bit as we NORMALISE the sensation of correct resonance and the thoughts that correspond will flow THROUGH that in which case consciousness from a controlled level will be negated and we will be driven. We don't choose to be driven it's a product of gradual shift away from being ill nourished by stuck sensations of limitation we've bought into and allowed to influence our decisions, hence why it's normal for that to us but not our resonant self. Do you see now. The work here comes down to everything I've said in the last 2 posts, in essence.
All the manifest stuff in the world that seems to relate to our sensory experiences comes through us when we're correct which is also why things usually flow easier and consciousness with the need to control and manipulate the reality to feel better no longer holds influence. It's all just a product of being nourished.
The practical level of this is simply to sink into the sensation of being yourself. If nothing stimulates that sensation then you're not needing to sink into it at that time, the best time in fact is when you're "triggered" and you're being thrown around by your emotional states that come out of that disproportionate thematic sensation. It's this thematic sensation that results in the emotional state and the thoughts to confirm it not the emotions themselves they're a product as this is a manifestation of emanationary process. It's all process within process, themes of consciousness within themes of consciousness and their emanations unfolding. Most people who think they understand that really don't partly because there's nothing for them to grasp with the senses to represent it in a way that's tangible. Examples are required for many to really understand things here which I will be providing in the specific program I'm planning on making.
It's just things continue to refine and I'm not making any premium level programs until I've gone as deep as possible to offer the most reliable and greatest platform there is for this work to be done. If I am not the best on earth I'm not being myself because that's how I am driven and that's how my thoughts have corresponded for years. "I know all the secrets of reality" and such. It's a natural unfolding but those thoughts didn't come from me they came THROUGH me just as yours would that are resonant. You almost won't be able to stop them they'll just show up because it's who you are that's implied under your fixed thematic resonance. It's all automatic and NG failed miserably to even begin to grasp the mechanics of this in any meaningful way and present that to us. I remember when he was called a metaphysician in his lectures by someone and he denied that term, so obviously he's not resonant there he was doing his thing and presenting what he knew but what he knew has been blown way out of proportion in terms of its relevance especially in todays day and age where Reality Synthesis and other models that are metaphysically inclined exist. Working on the level of the principle processes in reality will go way beyond anything NG spoke about from the bible because it's correspondent to all levels not just the mental manifestation circle like how TCM and it's principles can be seen in all levels of reality and is a good framework to apply in the immortality work here that we do too. QIgong and internal alchemy where we circulate substances to be purified by interacting with various stages of our consciousness and thus form higher order substances which open us up to new levels of reality and accordingly our physical vitality also increases. When you're fully depleted just starting these higher level processes will not benefit really in the slightest because there needs to be a baseline of lower order base substances cultivated and have that spill over effect going before anything like this can happen. If you're compromising you will not manifest what you've satisfying resonance with because it's coming from incorrect decisions that aren't providing you that sensation of thematic resonance you're familiar with but denying so by owning this and sinking into it and making decisions out of that you're doing everything these people in LOA tell you to do by imagining your end and all that because all they're really doing is sinking into the resonant thematic sensation and out of that the sensory level implication manifests on all the levels of reality to confirm that contextual experience.
Are you owning your thematic resonance? Are you making decisions out of that? Are you allowing your contextual experience to be whacked and warped by the world and be conditioned by others influence? Are you filled with vitality and glowing or are you weak and powerless and anxious and fearful? We must be honest with where we are in order to dissolve what's stagnant with the sacred purifying fire. I know I've got stagnations to dissolve still and every time they arise the more I cultivate vitality they continue to no longer be an influence. I withdraw vitality from situations where it's overextended and I sink into experiences that require my attention that are satisfying. I refine the sensory experiences and stimulus I receive to be both resonant and giving my capacity what it needs to stay filled without depleting. I allow myself to be driven and make decisions out of that and the intuitive impulses that arise as these sensations and flashing thoughts that enter my mind of what I'm driven to experience. That's why I'm coming on here and writing this because I get the impulse, the insight flash into my mind and I know now to write it all down and allow that drive to flow through me. This is literally what part of my thematic resonance is and every time anxiety creeps in to tell me I can't be myself I remind myself of those resonant experiences in my mind and it raises the fire and purifies this resistance and I make the decision I am driven towards instead of the limited perception. I don't always get it but as you do this work it comes more and more easy as that's the process. It's a process, it takes time, there's a measure of magnitude that stabilises as the aetheric pressure gradients that define contrast and charge negate and mediates divinely proportionate processes that lead us towards our potential as immortal beings. If we get drained and depleted then we can pick ourselves up and learn from that and not make the same mistake no matter how hard we fall and often out of the harder falls and dips we learn the most as there's the most contrast present for us to learn from in these places. If not for all the peaks and dips I went through I'd not be here today with this knowledge it was out of those places that the need to innovate and refine came THROUGH me to mediate my process naturally towards higher order as all things are striving for by the nature of their existence. I use to think nobody would want to read this stuff years ago, who would want to read this nobody cares about the truth I told myself. That was out of compromise and not sinking into my sense of self that had thematic resonance that was satisfying and when I owned it even though I was feeling uncomfortable I made the correct decision and it led me here today, You're the same. Owning your thematic resonance and making that decision that's correct will lead you towards cultivating proportionate currents that are correct for your consciousness to have it's experience.
There's also the aspect of what I've spoken about in the past relating to the whole testimony aspect of one and done experiences and when you've gone all the way then you've done all you can do that that's my interpretation of "it's done" by NG. Well that applies to the alchemical transformation process, that's what that is doing. SATS as I've said many times is a transformation process not anything that's about "manifesting" experiences in the imagination as he's saying. The imagination is a means for us to experience internally the thematic sensations we're resonant towards and out of that the implied direction of manifest reality will unfold accordingly. There's still the question of what about specific things that are simple such as imagining someone saying something and hearing that in the world a day later or less, but you could say the same thing about scripting where I've done scripting experiments for months in a row using many different notebooks and had about half my lists manifest every day. Simple things that is, but at what point at those things just confirmation bias and expectancy colouring an experience you'd get anyway, it's just that you're looking for it. Some experiences I've had with spontaneous scripting would be way outside the standard expectancy like people coming to me and bringing me things I scripted down that were random like pink dinosaurs and such, in this context they were cleaning out things and told me to hold this for a second. It wasn't what I implied by "I receive" but I technically did. This phenomena is what everyone is all into manipulating and specifically saying that since this can happen then anything imagined can happen and they take it to such an extreme that's beyond anything that's possible with conventional processes like defying physics and healing spontaneously. My explanation for this is is that these things are coming through us as the sensory experiences we've got fixed resonance towards on that thematic level and these things are just confirmations of that which we're directing but it's all coming through our fixed definition of consciousness. This also explains why it's a function of vitality and sense of self baseline relating to manifesting specific people because for big things it doesn't work the same, there's resistance towards that because there's depletion of vitality and thus they're not going to want to be around you because you're then using them as your supply and it feels "needy" whenever they show even a slight sign of interest. This happens with specific people I know, they get signs from others but it's gross to them because they're feeling on that thematic level the almost vampirism from the interaction which is really the whole definition of "market value" idea it's not about what you look like or money or whatever because that's all a manifestation of having vitality that's sufficient for the interaction to stick.
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Metaphysical and alchemical processes, resonant thematic sensations that define who we are at a fixed level. I've written about this. If you imagine something for someone else you're being a supply for their vitality to be influenced through the monopole that drives all of us. Your influence over reality depends on your coherency with the monopole that "makes manifest" phenomena in the world through the aetheric medium I've spoken about in my old videos. We're driven unconsciously by that substrate depending on what's being put out there THROUGH our fixed thematic resonances which reflects our sense of self and thus influence because we're proportionate to greater process. This is why people who have whacked sense of self can't experience consistently satisfying experiences because the thematic sensations they're buying into aren't theirs and they're not owning their own internal supply of vitality which nourishes their spirit (shen) and thus gives them a sense of "satisfaction" when imagining something as NG says. This is all applied THROUGH being yourself. It's an alchemical process. I hope that explains simple manifestations and such.
Manifesting things goes like this. Those who ask how manifesting actually works and what's happening. The explanation for this once again as I always say requires understanding of metaphysics and alchemy. Manifesting things naturally vs manifesting transformation to dissolve resistance are very different processes as naturally thoughts and sensations flow THROUGH us without effort or conscious deliberate integration. Desire comes through us, we don't choose desire, desire chooses us and it's always going to have a corresponding thematic resonance, be it out of resistance or out of internal supply, This alone proves that we have fixed definition and irrefutably demonstrates that it's not all in our heads. So what I've come to the conclusion with here is that the essence of what's happening when imagining is that you're having desire flow through you and it's being made into the representation as sensory experience but the flowing through you arises as a result of how the monopole is driving your inner authority and it's channel of thematic resonance along with how greater process you're integrated in is driving your consciousness too. It's a function of influence from what's correct for your design driving your resonant desired experience and this desired experience is really a sensation that's thematic but it's represented by the sensory conceptual relationship as there's always a means by which the sensation is made manifest so in essence the very act of this process of the formation of sensory imaginal experience out of the implication that's arising from the thematic sensation that's metaphysical is what's driving your experience for this thing you're targeting in the world for physical experience.
Simply put it's that desire comes through us from our greater consciousness and we feel that as resonant sensations in our body which then on the metaphysical level will generate a corresponding sensory image or sound or scene or something to represent this sensation that we desire to experience and thus that thematic sensation was pushed out into the world through that sensory act. The sensory imaginal experience is simply a channel by which we experience metaphysical sense in the world. There's many many many more variables to it than that which determines the "normalcy" and comfort we feel relating to a subject but it's rarely
So the level that we apply when manifesting a free object you desire, like a phone for example, we'd have the desire, which NG says is required as part of the equation in one of his short books he wrote. This desire is the essential component that's arising in your consciousness that you'll have flow THROUGH you when you're not resistant to it and so you'll naturally imagine having that thing, under any context that's confirming your normalcy of having this thing, especially if you've got coherently circulating currents of vitality which is an influence of it's own on the sense of self level. Naturally we'd actually manifest everything we desire if we tapped our internal supply of vitality because then we'd not need to feel sensations of lack over and over and buy into them and feel the need to compromise due to how our context is warped and distorted by that disproportionate sensation. Manifesting things is that simple, just like anything else. That's the ONLY degree I agree with NG on when he says it's just as easy to manifest $1 as it is a million. It's the same principle but the transformations are required to normalise that sensation which has within it the implication of the sensory experience you're having represent that sensation of experience. Desire is a sensation of resonance to our thematic process which is derived from greater process and our fixed thematic metaphysical principles. We can physically feel them, they're not imaginary or some abstract idea. They exist within relative positions within our body, really in our field geometry. With that in mind it should explain the thing that actually IS manifestation, it's the transformation of primary principles manifest through our fixed circuits as sensations that then because of our natural associations to these on a sensory level have experiences flash into our minds that represent the fulfilment of this desired sensation. That's natural and everyone would comfortably imagine their desires and have themselves be driven through that but because we compromise and accept limitation that means we must transform before anything can work for us because the sensation of desire that we're being given to flow through has disproportionate connections on it vs the natural flow through the resonant sensation and related sensory experience that would represent it. NG has taken this metaphysical alchemical process, likely out of ignorance of it which he was only taught by Abdullah and the bible, and presented it as this thing we do to get something. That's never been the case. You can do that but that's not what the point is when you imagine things deliberately that aren't correct for you that's not targeting the actual resonant sensations you'll be unable to manifest it IN A WAY THAT'S SATISFYING... BECAUSE you're missing the current flowing through the fixed channel of resonance that's represented as the correct sensation of experience reflected as the sensory experience. This correct experience and sensation will raise currents within your field geometry and naturally transform resistance, which I outlined the process behind that in the last few posts.
That's what happens when you imagine something. It's not as simple as "present an image before the mind of God" and so it magically pushes out into the world. There's a whole process underlying it that has been missed. It's mechanical but there's so much to decode that it's no wonder nobody has grasped it. The biggest minds seem to all default to the neuroscience level of this process but that's not correct either that's only a small part of the whole thing because it's once again missing the metaphysical and alchemical transformations that are actually resulting in the manifest reality.
Listen very carefully. The ONLY things that actually "manifest" are compounds of Yin and Yang. That's it. Nothing else exists but charge and discharge and the hysteresis cycles of the aetheric substrate which defines the fixed frame of reference. Everything we experience is that made into interpreted images and sounds and sensations and all that. The only thing that actually exists is fundamental yin and yang, then the 3 treasures compound that and then the 5 elements and the 8 gates and the 64 trigrams and so on to whatever level is beyond that. It's compounds of primary cause substance taking form as polarity. Wuji processes and unfolds as measure of magnitude which IS yin and yang. So it's all God processing that is everything. When you bring an image before the mind of God as NG says then you're just forming potential process into structured form, you're arranging these principles into coherent formations that can represent crystallised structures of experience. It's not magic it's all mechanical. Processes within processes. It's all out there I can't present anymore than that that's all there is and I've been saying this since 2020 when process within process was made clear to me when studying Wilhelm Reich and Eric Dollard's aetheric physics research and later Dan Winters and Pal La'violette showed up and provided more to that. The physics side of this is very simple and yet quite complex too but it's the same principle. C is a compound of principles integrated together to become one thing, they're no longer separate components but they're one thing and thus their effective "velocity" is compounded at phi ratio. Nothing is actually moving though there's no particles moving it's the aetheric substrate taking a form as one integrated unit of induction. That's the thing it's integrated processes that are phase conjugate because they're proportionate, they're "propagating" as one process at divine ratios. It's all just the aetheric substrate (the body of God) taking form AS the phenomenal manifestation so manifestation is a natural unfolding of metaphysical processes and principles of that which are formed out of process unfolding which compound and only vary because of the hysteresis cycles that introduce natural chaos into an otherwise ordered process at just the right amounts to drive consciousness and it's further refinement and natural striving towards higher order and forms of expression. You're all going to miss that when you go to _____ channel to watch X video on "how to manifest SP" because they're illiterate and aren't in a position to really grasp the mechanics of what they're teaching. They're teaching such limited scope it's crazy. They're running a business and presenting a product to people to make money, they're not metaphysicians they're business owners trying to make a living based on whatever is natural for them. It's only normal for things to unfold this way though because all the established ignorance that's built up must come crashing down and I'm seemingly the person who's playing that part. Never thought I would really but here I am.
Never thought I would. Isn't that funny. I shouldn't be here if I thought that, there's actually many times where I thought opposite of what unfolded and yet there's always seemingly some reason that can be traced as to why it happened against my thoughts. It was thematic, my unconscious was manifesting it, my unconscious fixed definition, it's actually who I am and what I will always be and play out. My natural attraction to others in this way and how that drives my conscious thoughts is irrelevant because it will always be there. These fools who preach solipsism as manifesting theory are so off base its not even funny. Whenever there's illiterate fools preaching nonsense there's going to be a counter balance to reveal the ignorance and defame the once highly regarded. Those roles are natural and we all have a role to play, it's natural. It's all natural. Do you see the simplistic beauty in how reality works? We don't have to consciously manage anything it's all built into us if only we were to own who we are then we would win and be satisfied.
If you don't get it it's because you're not ready for it. You're just not there yet you need to go through more experience to understand how this plays out in your reality. I've said many times that it was only because I failed so many times and tracked what I did and didn't do and the sensations in my body and my thoughts at different times of the day and whatnot that I began to understand and connect dots with this. I didn't take this from NG or anyone this was all personal experience and finding patterns in how my consciousness operated. You can't get that experience from reading this you need to actually experience it and go through that yourself, but also if you're overstimulated and lack space and to a degree nourishment in your circuitry you're not going to have the thinking capacity to process such depth of information. I've connected enough dots over the time to make my point clear, and yet it seems everyone who reads this bar a few minds who likely don't speak much on these writings misunderstand or misinterpret this. It's so much that I don't blame them but this notebook isn't my tutorial or whatever that's what the official blog posts are for and the videos I make are for. I make those as distillations of all this. This is literally my notebook where I just write what flows through me. This is not for someone to pickup and begin with it's not meant for that it's just a notebook of points I've had come to me and logged down. The connection of these likely won't work in your mind because the meanings and experiences underlying them is different from me so that's where in my videos I do what I can to explain these things in a way that more people can grasp fully. Which I still seem to be not doing the best of jobs with, because I'm really not designed for that. I'm someone who's an absolute machine at processing massive data sets and finding patterns and connecting dots between them. That's how my mind thinks and works it seems. I'm not someone who can take super complex patterns I see and interpret them down to laymans terms, at least to a degree someone who's good at that can do. The examples I provide are mostly metaphysical and alchemical because that's how I interpret everything that's all I study and so that's my baseline lens of perception. Those who don't have that language or level of understanding just won't pick up on the intricacies and it'll be lost in translation, and that's fine. My job really is still to refine further as I've been doing but the language needs to be made into more real world analogies and such for the average person to grasp and comprehend.
Even more. It’s late. I’ve written so much today it’s been just non stop writing it seems. Emails and notebook and all that. So just observe the sensations that come up, observe them and remember how they feel. Then remember all the times this same negative thought or even a seemingly positive but limited thought that comes up with it and draw that connection. Bring up that same sensation and feel where in your body the sensation sits. Where is it located? Is it the same as before with the same area? Categorise the sensations and write notes on what the relationships are to sensory experiences. From there now so the inverse, categorise what resonates consistently and where you feel that. Where does it come up? What’s it doing? Remind yourself of that sensation. What thoughts arise. This pathway work is categorising your thoughts and sensations to understand what connects to what in your mind. Bring all that up and write it all down. Then on top of that define the themes and familiarity of these sensations with a number of 1-100. Just log down and become familiar with the structure and contents of your mind. Work with this level of things and it’ll aid you in reminding yourself in the dips that none of this holds influence over your direction of experience and contextual sense. Make the sensation that’s thematically resonant familiar all the time and bring it into everything regularly and be driven by that and observe how the thoughts flow through you naturally and out of that how your manifest reality shifts. Just observe these things and log them down.
Another mirror date. Only 7 more years of that.
Today I feel inspired to dive further into explaining the means by which sensory details are made manifest. People come to me all the time via emails usually and tell me about how these stories they see in the NG subreddit about people manifesting radical changes in their lives (usually relating to SP) through things like scripting out what happens or even an imaginal experience where they’re saying something that’s implied and they say those words. The biggest test that I’ve got to explain is the one about manifesting simple random things such as objects that are of a specific odd colour, like hot pink tiger figures is one I tested and saw. This is what people seem to want explained and won’t believe or really understand any mechanics until these examples are sufficiently detailed and clear in how it happens.
The whole thing with manifesting is about implication. We’ve been told that our imaginal senses correspond to real world representations. What’s not been made clear to us however is the how and why those representations are made into worldly experiences. For example someone who’s imagining someone saying how amazing it is that they’re happily married to their person, the implication of this would be simply that they’re married to this person and someone is affirming that to them. So it’s a third person affirmation in essence but the thing to see here that’s important is that we’ve been told that these words as if through some magical way of God will correspond to worldly experiences that are made manifest and once it’s imagined then it’s done. That’s what we’ve been told by NG as what happens and his explanation is that imagination is God and God moves us and the world to experience what we imagine. Very simple idea, what’s simple catches on. Nobody questions the validity of this though it’s always assumed that the magic works. That’s what I’m here to explain and prove it’s not magic using your experience that happens when imagining and some quotes from NG himself. I strongly believe that NG was really onto us tapping into our thematic resonance, the feeling was a big part of his writings all the way to the end of his writings and lectures and the feeling is sensation of context, thematic resonance. These words are the issue here as he himself likely doesn’t have the right words to use to describe what’s being experienced because that’s what’s being described it’s all about what’s this experience we have and these sensations actually doing.
So when we imagine holding a small hot pink tiger figurine that’s implying we’re going to be holding it in the world. The act of this has a thematic resonance towards it. Every imaginative thought does, all of them without exception BECAUSE they are representative of sensory experience. Sensory experience and thematic processes relate and form associations to eachother that become crystallised and “normal” as a default association. This is why when you are on a train of thought and an idea comes to mind it always relates to some degree to the theme of experience you’re going through, the sensation will come out of that thought process and remind you of something else that has relationship to that thematic sensation. The trick here is to see that sensory thoughts, even just “thoughts” you have that have no real sensory definition but are like conceptual thoughts if you wish, all of them have a sensation or a feeling to them that then connects to other related thoughts. When you imagine something NG himself says that the point of looping a scene is to stabilise the feeling, that’s it. He’s stabilising the thematic sensation the looping of the sensory experience is integrating that as testimony and like a “memory” if you wish that’s tied into that thematic sensation. This thematic sensation is the carrier for sensory experience. You once again experience thematic sensation as “the feeling” as NG puts it. There’s no magic here it’s simply associative processes that are linked into eachother where the sensory experience will have a process to integrate within that’s normal and stable and comfortable and thus it will manifest in such a way that will confirm that associated sensation, feeling, really it’s confirming the metaphysical vital currents that you experience but that’s too advanced for this simple explanation.
With this in mind we’ve established the basis of how thoughts connect to sensations. These sensations we experience relate to thoughts that are linked and so will automatically bring up that context of that sensation you’ve established. This relates to the idea of sense of self and explains HOW things manifest. With the example of the pink tiger figure, it’s going to be the concept or subject of experience but under what sensation of experience is that tiger integrated within? The sensation it’s integrated within will be the thing that when that sensory manifestation shows up in the world will remind you of because of that link you established through imagining it. It will be made manifest in such a way that it will confirm the sensation of feeling and sense of self that it represents (vital currents activating metaphysical aspects of our fixed consciousness). So the tiger figure will show up in a way that confirms how your sense of self relates to the experience. So if it’s normal for you to see them it won’t matter it’ll be like watching water flow under the bridge. If it’s a big deal it’ll likely show up in a manner that’s going to be more contrasting than having a normal experience and the sensation of being on that thematic level will be the causal in how and why it shows up and what comes up in your consciousness when you experience that.
As I was writing this I received a message from a friend I’ve not heard from in about 3 months. They were suppose to come over 3 months ago but it didn’t happen then. I have been in zero contact with them since and I was thinking about how I haven’t seen them in ages over the last week or so on and off. Yesterday I remember thinking about them randomly. Now they message me “hello”. No surprises. According to NG this shouldn’t be possible, and yet it is. I have a sensory implication that’s saying “I haven’t” and yet here they are. I’ve heard SO many others tell me this too after telling themselves they’ve not heard from X person and they show up. Why is this the best method to “manifest” someone? Because the sensation of experience is casual and so it shows up in such a way that’s relating to a satisfying experience where you’re not needing to deplete your vitality to get that experience. Do you see what this whole idea of “dropping importance” and detachment is. Detachment is a function of how your sensation can relate to a concept and this relies on how nourished your circuits are. I know NG doesn’t talk about this but it’s referenced in the bible in a metaphysical and alchemical manner. A sin is a depletion of vitality. Missing the mark means degeneracy, degenerating, depleting vitality, depleting your sense of self, altering your manifest reality and the default associated sensations you draw into when imagining your desires. you see.
Coming back to this later in the day. I had insights arise but I wasn't able to write anything and they're partly lost on me, that flow is long gone. So the thing to get here is about the phenomena of contextual sense and thematic sensation and conceptual sensory level experience. When some stimulus arises that's associated to the limited belief and thematic sensation you've bought into that's crystallised you're going to have your surrounding thoughts on a conceptual level arise to confirm that. I've said this ages ago in videos as how the sense of self that's lacking will warp how we experience as concept and how contextual sense will drive your perceptions but I want to elaborate further on that here. It's likely already been mentioned in part earlier but the thing that is actually manifesting is the thematic sensation as this is really representing your supply of vitality and it's circulation through the meridians that hold the crystallised theme of limitation in place that's experienced as a stagnation, likely of qi, which leads us into a self defeating idea of compromise in our sense of self. The thoughts will arise to confirm this, even as NG himself says. When we therefore manifest a new outcome we're going to alter the default baseline established association that's related to this conceptual experience that's "coming up" as it's called. The thing to understand here is that the limited experience of sense of self when in this place arises due to the stagnation, the lack of nourishment, that depletion out of deficiency or stagnation is the cause of your sensation of lack. Currents being cut off from nourishing your circuitry will lead you to having depleted capacity to be proportionate towards greater process and thus the purifying currents that would naturally raise and nourish your shen and other intelligences would stagnate and eventually cause heat and disproportionate uprising where you're going to manifest anxiety and head spins and heart issues and all sorts of other things over time from a raising of pathogenic fire instead of purifying fire that's cultivated to nourish.
If someone is weak on vitality then other people who are powerful in vitality and are more nourished in their first order substances can and will overpower someone who's weaker. That's how things work, manifestation doesn't care about inclusion or fair chances, Yes we're all integrated within greater process and have our own personal greater consciousness that's representing your potential for transformation but when someone is very very depleted then you'll be unable to tap that supply and that deficiency will manifest as sensations of lack and powerlessness and the need to overexpress to compensate for the deficiency which is forced and reveals your metaphysics. Someone who's nourished would effortlessly and naturally express to the correct levels without any attempt to make anyone change or anything happen it would just work for them and flow through them and the people around them because they're a supply of great vitality to nourish and align proportionately everything around them. Someone who's stronger in vitality will have automatically greater thoughts about themselves and most importantly sensations on the thematic level which will be at baseline coming up in their consciousness as a product of this nourishment. This doesn't mean their thoughts will specifically be "good" thoughts but they will always represent that sensation of empowerment at the baseline level. They likely don't experience it as a sensation of empowerment but a sensation of nourishment and a drive and almost a need to be, but not in a deficient manner but in a way that's coming from the need to expend the circulating vitality because they're not doing the alchemy to transform it into higher order substances and so it manifests more so as a sensation of drive to express however that comes through.
So the whole sensation thing is also representing the corresponding currents within us that are nourishing or stagnant or deficient or even overexpressing. It's a matter of correct ratio, proportionality, that determines how it's experienced. Nourishing currents circulating will feed the correct thematic sensations on a baseline level that will of course lead us to naturally lead into sensory thoughts and corresponding experiences manifested through that because it's what's fixed in us that's now firing correctly and leading us through it. Manifestation therefore as I've said unfolds through us and not because of something we do. The idea that it's coming through us is a greater function of naturalness and how we experience proportionate connections between processes, vs this idea that we can do a technique to change the world. The techniques are there to get us into alignment with what's always seeking expression through us but that we're constantly buying into limited contextual sense, thematic sensations that are related to lack that cloud our mental environment and, and prevent us from having that sense of self relating to the concept that's correct when we do consciously manifest, but at that point it's coming through you naturally anyway. The desire hits your mind as an impulse for thematic sensation to be expressed through this medium in the world as this sensory experience but when you're being drawn into limited sensation of lack you're going to then have corresponding thoughts and somatic sensations in your physical body that make you feel deficient and unable to naturally experience this phenomena. When you manifest from this place, as in you imagine with anxiety even if the sensory experience is correct and even if it pushes out (which it often times will but in a limited way because it's not a proportionate natural flow through you) then the end of that experience will once again confirm to you the sensation as they're linked in the imaginal scene and so will confirm each other in the world too.
Some have taken this idea of emotion and warped it saying it's just another imaginal sense that's able to be made manifest along with the other senses in a scene but that it can also manifest asynchronously where multiple events unfold where that emotional experience will be made manifest with a sensory experience that will make you feel that emotion. This is the same idea with thematic sensation but it's more primitive because it precedes emotional basis and really defines what emotional experience we can actually have, If we imagine something and try to force ourselves into the sensation of satisfaction somehow it won't work because it's not natural, so unless you can go into it with an air and mental environment of satisfaction through like a warmup or after gazing to reset your state and use that space to sink into your resonant sensation and then out of that sink into the experience of your desire fulfilled, then you're going to be wasting your time. You need to have contextual sense that's going to work for you established. Really this needs to be naturally unfolding through you as a result of having nourished circuits otherwise you'll end up in peak and dip cycles and this temporary experience won't be transformative because there was insufficient current to facilitate that which I've spoken about before.
Once again the thing that causes seemingly specific things to be made manifest like pink tiger figures is a combination of the sensory experience and the sensation of being. The less seemingly important something is to you then the less contrast in vitality will be present to make you feel devalued and not worthy. I have so many people tell me they don't feel worthy and yet at the same time they'll say that they can feel worthy when the SP isn't saying the things they don't like but when they do they spiral. Why? Because the things that the SP is saying that's not what they want to hear is reminding them of this limited sensation of lack that's still crystallised and needs dissolving. To dissolve it you simply need to dive into it and raise the purifying fire to dissolve it and melt it down. You must dive into it though, else it will be forced out of you spontaneously when the currents are correct for that to unfold, usually in dreams or the like which advanced gazing does. I need you to understand that the way you're going to get your SP is by being ok with not having them but the way you do that is by once again tapping your internal supply of vitality through your fixed thematic resonance and with that cultivated vitality target the limited sensation that comes up and whatever associated thoughts relate and use that purifying fire to dissolve the resistance by seeing the limited sensation as nothing of importance instead of buying into it, thus you become the influence and manifest them vs being warped by the limited sensation and keeping your vital currents weak and compromised which manifests in your experiences. That's the process we're doing. We're not being afraid of the darkness. We're diving into the darkness with the purifying light of the fire and illuminating what's in the closet and under the bed so we can see it for what it is. When you can have that vitality present in your circuit at a baseline level you'll have the capacity to transform the resistance but without it you'll only chip away at it at best. Alchemical processes don't care about equality they want ratios of substances to be correct and if you don't have the power you will not complete the transformation. Period. It's a required part and explains why time is a variable because substance takes time to cultivate, which is also why it's highly yin (jing) because yin is a more dense substance than blood or qi or shen. It's one of those things that we should to repetitively to normalise the sensation not holding influence over us and in that place we will know ourselves, we will know our capacity and experience the purifying experience of it as our contextual sensation is elevated above the feeling of lack and limitation and into proportionate relationship to greater process. This is where our actual influence comes from and it all starts with awareness of the sensations that are arising and with that familiarisation of that sensation we're tapping into the root essence of what's driving our consciousness and directing it towards our flow where our thoughts that are confirming our vitality can flow and we can manifest the outcome desired.
The pink tiger shows up because it's not important and the thematic sensation is one of carefree attitude. If you did this with millions you'd be unable to manifest that in a way that's confirming your intention of become a millionaire and you'll manifest that concept in a way that's confirming your limited sense of self and the sensation that comes up when you see that will remind you of that very lack that's so familiar just like when the SP says things you don't want to hear and it brings up that same sensation of lack when in reality there's no lack there to be stuck with it's all just limited contextual sense you're buying into because you forgot your thematic resonance and how your supply isn't dependent on them and that your internal supply can be tapped at any time to raise purifying fire and act as the alchemical agent of transformation. That process is the process of transforming resistance. I JUST TOLD YOU HOW IT WORKS NOW DO IT!
There's literally nothing more to the process than what's present in these last few posts that have gone into that. Literally there's the master key magic process that manifests things for you. DO the work and stop thinking there's some magic secret method that will do it for you. That doesn't exist, stop doing the same SATS scenes like you've been doing thinking that one day it'll work like you read happened for someone else. They had correct alignment and you don't know what metaphysical arrangement they had and related thematic sensations they unconsciously flowed into that were resonant that gave them a proportionate sense of self in those moments. The idea that it's done with just one scene is also silly. I've written on this before where I've said that going all the way is how one scene can transform you but in order for that to happen you REQUIRE the purifying fire to be present else the alchemical agent of purification cannot dissolve the crystallised structure with an inverse trauma. A trauma is an intense moment of compromise, an inverse trauma is an intense moment of empowerment and self realisation. This comes out of tapping your correct thematic resonance and seeing that relative to the resistance to transform it. It's the context of correct being that will be the alchemical agent for transforming resistance. That's why owning your fixed functions of consciousness that are resonant as your supply will be how you'll know what that is and what to bring greater context into your mental environment to purify that resistance. It's very simple isn't it. If you want your SP or even your money then familiarise yourself with the thematic sensation of being that person who has that thing, just as NG says, and build greater context in that direction. If it's correct you'll have a consistent supply of vitality and the transformation will unfold through you naturally, else you'll peak and dip because it's not correct and your thematic resonance is still not being tapped into. Knowing yourself is knowing your thematic resonance and thus your supply of vitality.
Simple when you put it all together. I'm running in circles now I'm done with this. Notebook 7 is already starting to lag. I've written so much lately it's insane. Took me months to get 3 pages in but in under 1 month I've already filled out a whole page. Tells you the momentum I'm on currently with how things are unfolding. It's exponential. There are other areas of my personal life I'm looking to refine more outside of Reality Synthesis so as I expected in the last notebook my activity here will likely slow down. I've explained everything here at this point, there's nothing more to discuss when I go in circles I know it's the end of a cycle and I will more than likely retreat from notebook entries here for a while and perhaps I might be inspired to make vids again. I thought I was on the edge of one a while ago but that didn't happen it seems. I only make vids when I'm inspired to and if that's not present then it's going to keep waiting until that moment is correct for me. I'm a writer not a speaker.
Thinking thoughts that are thematically related is what we want. Imagine anything that brings you into the contextual experience of experiencing your internal supply under the sensory implication of manifesting your desire. It should come through you naturally. If there’s sensations of lack or disbelief and being tugged around in the experience then sink into that sensation of lack fully and completely and while in that place dissolve it with the purifying fire of your vitality raised through the experience of your thematic resonance which raises the currents and dissolves the sensation and it’s established influence on your consciousness which will set a new baseline association to the same concept. This is what we want. We want to be driven by the correct thematic sensation that will imply normalcy of having and being ourselves and out of this the corresponding thoughts that are made manifest in the world will flow through us. We don’t need to consciously manifest anything we simply need to be aligned correctly to our thematic resonance and allow ourselves to be driven on all levels by that influence. That’s correct for us and not needing external supply. Imagine the experience of your internal supply and experience those sensations discreetly.
Remember NG taught the lullaby method. Fall asleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled while stabilising it with a repeated affirmation “like you’re addressing a higher power” like thank you as a paraphrase of what he said. That’s what I’m saying to do here but going into a deeper sensory experience is fine too just have a sensory experience that can stabilise the sensation because that sensation is what we want to make baseline and what drives our consciousness. That’s where the magic happens. The feeling, the implication underlying the thematic resonance and all the cascade of effects if unfolds on the metaphysical alchemical level with currents and vitality supply and brain chemistry and all that stuff. It’s all the same that’s the process. That’s what I’m doing and will continue to do. The normalisation of the sensation that’s correct for our inner authority to be experiencing and making decisions out of vs buying into conditioning from the world around us to set what we can and can’t tap into on the thematic sensation level is what owning your affinities and such means and is a vast majority of this work.
We're pretty much forming new "states" that are familiar with this work which bring us a supply based on how our fixed themes bring out how our inner authority responds to stimulus in the world, and in our minds.
Just had a client of mine that's been long standing and dealing with intense drug addictions and all that come back and say their SP finally wants them back after literally years. What they did? Sensation management. Sinking into the sensation that's resonant over and over and making decisions out of that in the world and in their minds among other methods but that's the bulk of the work as I've said since the start really with my idea of reference state. Get familiar with the sensation of abundance and what that represents to you and sink into that in all aspects. Surround yourself with it and cultivate vitality to use as the purifying process for dissolving the disproportionate degenerate crystallised trash that's not yours to hold onto.
Cool breeze is something I resonate with a ton. It's getting out of winter here now and the cool air is blowing in the windows and it makes me feel absolutely unbelievably abundant. Always has. Need to explore this idea more about "weather" and resonance.
Through my time studying the phenomena of manifestation I've come to the understanding that many many techniques are simply mental methods of circulating and raising currents in the field geometry as a means of nourishing and or clearing stagnations and or crystallised dampness structures relating to limited beliefs and whatnot. Limited beliefs can arise without ever having a corresponding experience but that a corresponding experience will be made manifest to confirm the metaphysic of the channels being affected. We've all been told experience causes everything, and even I said that too which it does but under this context stagnations preceding those experiences are going to make manifest scenarios that must confirm the metaphysic. I've gotten to the point where I KNOW that there's influence beyond the mental stuff and I will utterly destroy anyone who dares to challenge that position. If you still think manifestation is imagination is God and creates reality through magic without a defined structure or elements that comprise that reality then you're still not getting how this works it's mechanical in every way imaginable.
I know this to be a fact based on various experiments I've done over the years as well as analysing the resultant processes that play out in other people in clinical settings when I did remedial massage many years ago when I was trying to uncover the origins of why musculoskeletal issues showed up in the first place because it was never explained to us how weaknesses originated they just "happened" without a reliable means of tracing cause. It's metaphysical, always was and always will be. The nature of reality isn't mental it's metaphysical we experience principles and inversely they experience us too. We comprise them and they comprise us, process within process. Manifestation is a phenomena where the principles and thematic relationships we have to them on a receptive and a fixed level are experienced, however that unfolds. It doesn't have to be a factor of a required emotionally traumatic experience or even physical traumas that results in stagnations of qi and yang but that any level of disconnect (compromise) from ones internal supply of vitality will reflect in the field geometry as the thoughts and associated experiences. A transcendental experience in the mind that clears stagnations is resulting in the opening of the channels to allow nourishment to be attained in which the person feels loved and whole just as they are not because of some magic sudden realisation but that the currents that are circulating then nourish their circuits and out of that their thoughts and perceptions are made clear. The mental process that initiated it is the doorway and the key to open that circulating current but more often than not it comes through us not because of a technique we do. It happens as a matter of ripeness as I've said before which we can't effectively control or cause because it's a matter of spill over when the currents hit a critical threshold of pressure from continued build-up over time. The floodgates open so to say.
With this in mind why are we all trying to attain a phenomenal manifest experience through imagination alone? We think that imaginal experiences are the ONLY way, but that's not true to any degree of importance. Most of the work can be done internally but if you're seriously depleted on vitality even if you're tapping your internal supply you're still going to need to "force" the sensation of normalcy of having and being the person you're desiring through the response but in that case it's best to cultivate further until sufficient vitality is present so you'll be able to be driven out of response to stimulus that's correct and you'll automatically manifest the outcome as it flows through you.
Listen very carefully. If you're doing all the pathway work and such and still not seeing the specific thing you're looking for and the fears and all that still arise and the unworthiness still shows up all the time then you're still deficient in vitality and or it's stagnant. Period. The solution is to withdraw and cultivate vitality. We see this in people who "detach" and "work on themselves" where they're not being drained by needing an external supply and trying to expend energy to get that person to be the way they want, when they "forget" and drop it and have a solid boundary then they'll be able to cultivate that vitality and out of the blue their person will more than likely show up when least expected, This is not about some magic divine timing but a vitality supply management process. There's no magic happening on any level it's all metaphysically related to who's influencing who and who's targeting who and under what anchor is that based on, is that a normalised sensation or is it forced which almost always means you're depleted. Manifesting specific things under this state means you're never going to get that outcome because there's a constant expenditure of vitality attempting to normalise a sensation but the very act of excessively overcompensating due to deficiency or stagnation will be experienced as the thematic sense and you will manifest limited results because the state of the field geometry doesn't lie and that's how the sense of self will be confirmed in the resulting manifest phenomena.
I rarely treated peoples manifesting issues with physical processes like qigong or dietary procedures or sensory abstinence or anything like that but it's becoming clear to me that any tangible methods that can be applied to work with the metaphysic that's manifesting the deficiencies and the resultant thought processes that are confirming the lack and the sensations of lack then we can aid the mental refinement and naturalness in imagination for integration. Once again the thoughts and feelings don't exist in a vacuum they exist as a part of the whole, they come through us just as much as they're caused by us. Why do you think we think all the time? We can't stop it because it's coming through us as a response. We don't consciously decide I'm going to think now or stop thinking now. It's an automatic process because you're always responding to the phenomenal world, all the time. Some will say that these responses are caused by your assumptions but in that case how come everybody has the same mental processing functions where they're thinking all the time, some more than others of course but you'd think there'd be a ton of people out there who have varied assumptions. Assumptions aren't the manifestation, well they are but the idea of forming an assumption being a process of mental repetition is stupid because it requires a thematic sensation to act as the anchor and the connecting point between various related experiences that represent that .It's that the sense of self reflects the vitality and the vitality represents the coherency of your field geometry in how proportionate everything is to what your fixed and receptive definition is. If there's compromise or overcompensation relating to either of these themes then there's going to be a corresponding manifestation in the thoughts and the emotional states and the baseline sensation that's associated as a result and that can be caused by any number of means not just a traumatic experience. Traumatic experiences can also sink in deeper when you're depleted or stagnant, and thus a corresponding manifest experience will show up, meaning your thoughts that correspond to this thematic process that's compromised will reflect to you your internal state of your field geometry. They're directly related, neither causes each other but they're correspondent directly. The real cause is compromise on a correct response. If you're being driven to make a decision but you compromise on that then you've just introduced a stagnation or a deficiency into your field geometry, to some degree at least. That memory will show up as one that feels bad because it was the cause of a crystallised (to a degree) which is the anchor of that pattern. Going into the memory and sitting with the sensation and making friends with it isn't magically dissolving some mental storehouse of beliefs, it's not rewiring your brain, it's rearranging the correct nature of your metaphysics that you're proportionate to and then that manifests in all these ways such as thoughts that come through us and emotional states that come through us. Bringing it up means allowing it to come through us, naturally. As it comes through us that crystallised resistance and pathways fire up and that memory being the target means that the cascade of influences in our field geometry that caused the current manifest reality will dissolve. This is what pathway revision does for example, it's not changing the past or shifting timelines or realities or any of that utter ignorant trash but it's rearranging the metaphysical structure of your field geometry to become proportionate as if there never was that resistance to begin which meaning the implication for what thematic processes that were compromised and their related sensory concepts were stagnant will shift, as expected. Resolution comes through nourishment and correct response to how you're suppose to be driven vs compromise and stagnations that arise from buying into how the world expects you to make decisions. It was a faulty decision that screwed you over, unless someone did something to you at which point you were forced to compromise which is what's traumatic. No matter what it is you're compromising on how you're driven in the world.
NG wouldn't be able to explain with assumptions how children manifest traumatic experiences of abuse on various levels which warps their field geometry and thus results in patterns to reflect that. He says "God experienced that". That's his explanation for children being born into suffering. No mechanics. Nothing of logical analysis just "God suffers". Nonsense. He's right in principle but there's still no chicken or egg mechanic here, he's saying it is what it is because that's how God is. In other words he's saying these people experience suffering because it needs to exist, I don't see any other valid interpretation. They're playing a part, but their part exists because of their integrated process. I was born with many deficiencies and issues, genetic and formative and all that which was out of my control as a child. Nobody has control over that to any degree at that level because consciousness to the degree we experience it as adults can't conceive of these issues. The only method I can see that's valid is that there was a thematic implication that caused it which was introduced to the child or that the child was born into that to reflect it's process, as in it's born into suffering because it required that in order to attain a specific experience for a unique testimony to unfold that's got a function in shifting greater processes of consciousness. Process within process. That's not to say that child is doomed to eternal suffering, though some are and don't make it. Grim subject but it's something that made me question NG and the likes.
If assumptions are only really something that can consciously and deliberately be shifted then children with limited sensory relationships to their thematic sensations can't fully experience and shift these things without that bandwidth of consciousness present and the reference of experience required for the sensations to have anchor. They can technically imagine and have things flow through them which is also another point here is that their receptive nature will more often than not be where they're going to be influenced and receive conditioning from the world that warps their sense of self through compromise if and when that arises. So in the most fundamental aspect here conditioning from the world comes about through you not making decisions out of your resonant response sensation and instead compromise to fit into the environment. There's also the question of if someone compromises heavily as a child like due to traumatic abuse for example did that come through them due to some metaphysical imbalance they picked up through media and false association for example that led to this experience or was it actually someone else directly causing it to them? If we can't manifest and experience things that we're not open to (I mean who want's to get sick?) then there must be an event likely out of media that was absorbed (also an external source of influence) which warped their sensation of self and whatnot. No matter how you cut it there's always an external influence that cascades the events. If we're all born perfect (which we're not because many are warped from birth like myself, but we don't see it that way it's "normal" for us and we don't feel contrast from that unless we allow the world to determine how we judge these things) then it must be another persons influence over us that brings up in our perception that we're not and thus causes us to accept and compromise on our internal supple of value and whatnot. It's a function of external influence cascading into an internal belief system that LOA diagnoses as the problem, when the thoughts and feelings themselves are a symptom of the metaphysically related cause, and that is the channel of consciousness by which is compromised and manifesting all the symptoms associated from disowning or overcompensating. The real cause in this case is the decision and acceptance, due to not knowing self and having the value of the inner nature. You ALLOW someone else to influence you, you don't know yourself and so you let that person come into your space and cause compromise. That's what happens with children and manifesting negative outcomes. "God suffers" is such a great explanation from NG that it covers all basis. Not. See why Reality Synthesis needs to exist? There's no definite process by which the means for manifestation can unfold for everyone. It's just all willy nilly assumptions and magic with NG.
Anyway the thing that makes a master manifestor who they are is having a value on their vitality as this is the metaphysical currency of the sense of self and determines who we do and don't allow to influence us and gives us a "rock" just like the Christ to stand on, the fixed and receptive nature knowing ones self. That's all there is to manifesting as I've said, it's about forming state coherency towards that which we're driven towards and uncompromisingly being that, uncompromisingly meaning we stick to the decisions that value that inner vitality which is the supply others feel into and are influenced by.
You're making up stories in your mind and having obsessive thoughts because you're compromising on your internal supply and are allowing other people to define you vs being driven by your fixed definition. Being able to manifest money or SP or anything on that level requires you to correctly own the fixed nature that you are on that metaphysical level and make decisions out of that vs allowing the world to define you and make decisions for you leading you to compromise on what you can and cannot experience and so the story you have in your head is the reasoning for that compromise which only exists because you're disowning yourself and your define process that drives you. The fact that you feel bad proves there's a fixed nature that's the contrast. Without the contrast you'd just accept anything as it is without feeling bad or having negative experiences because those wouldn't then be bad to you. Do you understand that the negative thoughts that arise in your mind originate from the fixed variable of your consciousness being disowned and out of that your vitality stagnates which means the shen isn't nourished and out of that you get stuck in your head to play out the compromise story vs owning your definition and allowing that raising current of correct decision making (internally felt as the resonant thematic sensation) leading to the dissolution of that crystallised substance you're running into all the time out of depleted space and stagnations from the compromise pattern being accepted as "normal". We renormalize the owning of our definition and make decisions from that place, that sensation that's resonant we own without compromise and thus our shen is nourished and others will pick up on our filled up sense of vitality which will reflect in our thoughts and feelings and all that stuff. It's not magic it's metaphysics and alchemy. Period. Figure it out it's all here.
Late night post.
Things are progressing very very well. Manifestations are showing up very clearly I’m remembering every moment I had the thought and the corresponding sensation. Logging every sensation and associated thoughts through pathway work will give you the literal mind map to understand the structure of how your thoughts and thamatic sensations relate. When you can see them for what they are and present a counter thought and corresponding theme that’s resonant to provide greater context that shifts the mental environment in that place then that’s all you need to do. Right there. That’s the RS process of familiarisation with your sensations and associated sensory perceptions as memories and such concepts.
Familiarise yourself with the sensations and their themes and you’re doing allll the unconscious refinement work. Simply recognising them and then when they’re recognised you build greater context in those moments with themes that raise currents and circulate the vitality to nourish your circuits and thus you feel the sense of self elevate and refine the disproportionate pathways. Like I have people ask me “how do I do it” and that’s probably the most succinct process you can apply. Building greater context has been a method I spoke of ages ago way back in the beginning of this whole thing and I called it reference state but it was never really based on fixed themes it was based on things you found fulfilment through so it’s a very similar idea but it’s been refined since then. People who get confused with the application of this need not be. It’s very very simple.
Log down all the sensations and themes and conceptual sensory memories and thoughts of any form. Log all those associations in a list. Then take those and connect them together with common threads. With these common threads create a hierarchy of importance of which sensations hit the hardest and what the default associated thoughts are. No matter how big or small recognise frequency and importance together. Things that are frequently showing up but have subtle sensational impact are still important so it’s the most prominent influence. Now with this in mind you’ll crate a mirror side with context that’s going to shift the mental environment. This means bringing up the aspects that you’ve resonance with which raise currents and act as the alchemical agent of purification. Bring these all to contrast the opposite side themes and sensations and bring those relationships into the hierarchy the same way you did for the other side. With this complete hierarchy mapped out begin to read these off every day and dive into the depths of the resistance. Go into the what if this was true and you were stuck with it fully forever. Fully immerse yourself in that mental environment and then when you’ve hit the peak of the dip being to mind the contrasting perceptions and build greater context with that and shine the light in the darkness to reveal the ignorance of your limited perceptions and how they’re affecting your consciousness and how it was silly to believe the limited themes so much. You’ll see them for what they are if you target them correctly and use the correct contrast. Out of this you’ll familiarise yourself with these sensations and concepts you’ll purify the resistance as it’ll then be normal to see the shadows and immediately know how to shine the light of them and eventually the normalised sensation will shift. You’ll no longer have the default sensation arise when certain themes arise and this will be when your capacity to actually manifest abundance. Normalise and stabilise the sensations. That’s how your default associated mental environment will exist to confirm your ideal sense of self because you’ll always be drawing upon your resonant internal supply that defines your sense of self which will manifest in your thoughts and thus in the world as experiences.
Out of all the processes I’ve come up with that’s the best one. I just gave it to you for free. What a surprise. If you don’t write this down and apply it you’ll be missing out. I’ve been through programs worth thousands and the methods they speak of don’t even come close to the depth of internal analysis and refinement this will provide you. It’s the highest level process to consciously and effectively refine your field geometry to be correct.
Here’s a few tips to go with it. As someone who’s been doing this process myself for a while having come up with it in a more simple form about 2 years ago the thing that always catches you off guard are the mindless stories you tell yourself. Catching the story in its tracks, meaning the self talk where you’re talking to an imaginary person almost doing commentary on your circumstances confirming the contest experienced and how normal it is, is essential to this process. Those highly normal experiences are what’s keeping your sensations in a highly limited place and repeating invisibly as you go about your day. They’re so normal to you there’s no contrast so the essence here is we’re going to bring contrast to illuminate these normalised flat charge stories to bring them into the purifying fire and dissolve them. This way we will not buy into the normalised sensation and re-associate it it to become proportionate. That’s the goal. A fully proportionate series of themes and perceptions that relate by default as normalised stories. That’s the goal. That’s the function. Everything I’ve said before is how that happens and why that happens. These “normal” almost invisible stories are what play out the most discreetly in our world and that’s the seeming magic because it’s unconsciously happening for the most part it’s what just happens. That’s why these almost invisible sensations and stories are so dangerous to your manifesting process because we want to bring them to light and purify them completely. Separate the components and purify them and bring them back together. That’s pathway work. Dive into the depths of the chaos of the elements and while there we raise the purifying fire and with that we are rearranging the components of chaos into order and structure that’s correct so the default pathways fire correctly in our consciousness and decisions can be made out of those resonant sensations which drive us towards our satisfaction. That’s the goal of this manifesting stuff.
How does this apply for money? Work on that subject. What sensations arise for money. Where are they located in the body? What’s the default conceptual sensory perception that arises. What’s the story. What’s the memories. What’s the related concepts and themes that lead into money and out of money. Crete the map around that with every aspect of consciousness and familiarise yourself with it. With that in mind now do the opposite aspect of create a map for all the proportionate aspects relating to your sense of self and value relating to money and wealth and such. If you’ve got nothing of importance you can bring up about money or anything then bring other related subjects into it. Remind yourself of how you’ve had this experience before that made you feel abundant even if it was very small. Sink into that sensation of that because the sensation doesn’t care about conceptual experience it cares about the depth of the normalised reality of experience. This is the NG “Feeling”. Bring those proportionate sides of your experience into the light and even if there’s not much at least open up to the option. Go to any degree that’s closer to your proportionate side that’s normal and possibly believable to you. Do this every morning when waking up after doing gazing or scripting or whatever and make it a habit. Write down a number out of 100% relating to your level of comfort in this area. Log it regularly every time it comes up. Make a list over the day bi did this back in 2021 and 22 when I logged my main themes at the end of every day as a general sensation of comfort and normalcy relating to it and what I noticed was ups and downs. The peaks and dips were because of not bringing to mind correct resonant context because I was ignorant of the correct process back then but now that I know and have been doing this I know how to dissolve resistance on the spot without effort. It’s so easy once you do this.
Personally going to be focusing on my vitality and appearance more lately and get my physical reality refined as I’ve not been playing into refining it much lately it’s all been theory refinement on the side of doing my movement work. Doing nightly rides down the street on my scooter for a good 30-45 mins and it’s felt amazing having that cool breeze blowing around me and doing tricks and stuff dancing around. Feels very satisfying and I could go for hours without stopping. These are the things I remind myself of as a supply of satisfaction and vitality to refine my sense of self to remind me of why I don’t need anything more. People who say “you’re whole and complete as you are” or “you’re already perfect” or that kind of nonsense can’t explain how to do it or what that actually means because to me that never ever worked. Now I know why. It’s really about recognising that the aspect of raising the currents to nourish your circuits like the Shen and stuff means literally that you’re whole and complete as you are because that greater context is providing your unconscious mind a mental atmosphere that’s proportionate and thus it believes it naturally and normally to transform the theme and sensation out of that. We’ve all also been told to just sit with feelings and allow them to wash over you. I taught this to clients in the past to limited results. It made me end up with unhappy results because it wasn’t giving them the complete results desired. To this day I still teach that to some but not to everyone because there’s certain requirements that must be in place for this to happen correctly. I’ve done this myself and seen limited results too. I’ve done it at night before sleeping and woken up to a reality that’s much better and other times the same or worse. Some coaches tell us that it’s normal to go through purges. I disagree. Use to agree in theory but it’s not a purge in the sense of facing temporary dips because you’re purifying but that the so called purge is a function of having your subconscious capacity eaten up and your ability to crate space is whacked where yin becomes deficient or there’s empty heat. This can also result from a real deficiency of vitality too or both but it’s a function of lacking nourishment to your Shen due to intensive purifying process playing out depleting your supply. You’re not tapping your internal supply enough and you’re likely not creating sufficient space to facilitate the process of expanding your subconscious. Without that space your baseline cannot expand fully but as you natuslly go through this process as tap into what’s resonant space should generate automatically through the freeing up of disproportionate trash so it’s not so much expanding but making better use out of what’s available like a drive on a computer rearranging the files to work better.
Tap the sensation and normalise having the desire to where you don’t need it because you’re so satisfied with yourself. Tapping your internal supply is the key as without recognising where you can draw proportionate contrast to your resistance it can’t be effectively purified under the sacred fire of life. Knowing yourself means knowing your fixed functions of consciousness and the thematic sensations that drive you. Knowing this and owning it IS “the work”. That’s all you really need to transform. Naturally the thoughts and such will flow through you when the transformation is complete and the manifestation will show up without effort. Normalising being yourself without compromise to the point where there’s no contrast between where you are now and where you desire to be is the experience of success. That’s how you know you’re making progress. You’ll just find yourself making different decisions and it will be effortless and mostly unconscious just as it’s unconscious today in where you’re at. We’re being unconsciously driven but in a manner that’s refined to be proportionate to our fixed themes of resonance and their implied experiences in the world that we are expressed as and through the world.
That’s all.
Just woke up with yet another insight. It’s a simple one but it summarises this whole thing.
Contrast. Contrast is the thing we need. Contrast drives us when we’re deficient. Contrast to be the person OR NOT to be the person. You know when we’ve put something off for so long because there was no impulse to finish that task and then crunch time shows up and we gotta mad rush complete it? We often are more productive when it’s crunch time. Most people are like this. Why? Because contrast. We could’ve done it the entire time but we didn’t. Why? Because contrast. Contrast contrast contrast contrast contrast contrast. Contrast.
Con. Trah. St. Magic right? The difference in aetheric pressure gradients that mediate charges. Interferometry, proportionality. Two principles interacting together as one thing. That’s contrast. That’s why when we bring to light who we are and why we never needed to compromise to begin with it all goes away. You feel free, even if just for a moment. You’re reborn in the now to be free from the need to accept degenerate filth you’ve rolled around in your whole life. That degeneracy has been the normal for you because you’ve not had contrast present to point it out. It’s normal. You’ve accepted a new normal that other people don’t accept who have satisfied lives. They normalise having the things they want. We’ve been told manifestation is something that comes out of imagination. NONSENSE! Blazing passion filling that word. Absolutely ruthless unrelenting merciless blazing fire roars within your core essence demanding you wake up and realise it was all a game to begin with. Tapping that is tapping your infinite vitality, whatever thematic process that represents within your consciousness will drive you. It will drive you through that new normalised reality you’ve accepted. You’re not brainwashing yourself you’re mediating your currents that are resonant into circulation through the realisation that it never needed to be like this. That’s truly what it means to be reborn. Screw what NG said in his utter ignorance of metaphysics and alchemy were about transformation here and mechanics of consciousness to manifest. We know what imagination does and how it seemingly brings about experiences in the world now we don’t have to accept degeneracy and depletion and stagnation which reflects that which we accepted as who we are. We don’t have to accept less than we’re resonant with. We never did. We never have to.
The magic question on everybody’s lips therefore must be how did we compromise to begin with then? Why did we accept that absolute degenerate filth and whacked ourselves so badly that we couldn’t realise we’ve lowered the baseline standard of acceptable quality of living to be how we’re returning to when the contrast is present and it’s pointed out to us. You compromised on that over a period of time or all at once. Most people in my experience have long standing patterns of compromise. Accepting limited degeneracy and bottom of the barrel thinking to get by because it’s “comfortable” and “familiar” likely because the environment around them never presented contrast. When your entire world is degeneracy and limited trash that’s all you’ll ever get because you’re in that mental environment and the sensation of what’s resonant for you isn’t going to have something to respond to that’s correct for your consciousness to experience. When contrast is present then we are driven. We are seemingly given a burst of vitality out of nowhere just from that contrast being made present and to see the degeneracy for what it is. This utter degenerate filth. Utter filth. Disgusting degenerate filth. Why would you accept that? Why did we accept this? Because we didn’t know any different and along with that we unconsciously accepted what was presented before us as normal and acceptable without a measure to compare to.
It’s through contrast and the interaction of two different perspectives that drives innovation and the vitality to being that to life. You can’t force anything within the degenerate realm of mind you can only have the current naturally flow through you when contrast is made present. Contrast. Contrast makes us WANT to be that person because it reminds us of our resonant sensation of being. Only when we’re reminded of it we win. That’s what reminding yourself when you’re in the dip means. You bring contrast. Literally been saying this since day 1.
Contrast is the magic ingredient and is behind the core mechanic of how imagination seemingly creates phenomenal experiences. We're driven because it's a normalised sensation. There's no contrast present to make this seem like a decision that needs to be made because the body performs it automatically without question as there's a normalised process that's been integrated and that there's testimony to act as the anchor. With this proportionate process in place you'll have vitality circulating because the metaphysic of established stagnation and deficiency represented as the thoughts and feelings and experiences will be broken. You won't have to accept it, you can be reborn. Be transformed under the purifying fire of life and that the sensation of satisfying thematic resonance can be normalised and stabilised. You don't have to accept what's present. You never did. It's because it's familiar and that you've got all this testimony that's acting as the anchor for that context that you're still wallowing in the trash. The moment you are brought to be moved through media or some stimulus that reminds you of that thematic resonance within you that al of a sudden the degeneracy is seen as trash. This very phenomena is what active mindset work is about. The reminding of the contrast when the familiar comfortable established degenerate patterns arise in the consciousness. You can continue to be marketed to by the degeneracy where it's safe and comfortable or you can be reborn once again and see the sin for what it is. You will not miss the mark this time. You see it for what it is.
People have been in coaching with me and asked me how I saw my SP situation for what it was and had them show up days later, or even that time I had an overnight success. The overnight one didn't stick but it proved something to me about how this works. It's funny because I saw that same person again a year later or so after they removed their presence from my socials and they didn't even know who I was. Very strange stuff but it's these experiences that people love to somehow correlate with God magic and imagination. It's all mechanics of metaphysics and alchemy. All of it. Those moments when I manifested people it all came through a vast chasm of contrast. Transformation comes through contrast, revealing the darkness with the light, the sacred purifying fire that exists at the base of our spines waiting for you to cultivate the pressure for it to rise and purify your circuits. It's like a spring more than a snake. It builds pressure and when the time is right it bounces up and perturbs the waters raining down from above. Hagalaz rune. Self healing. The first of the 2nd ring. Those of you who know rune magic will know that. So the thing that people asked me about HOW to you see things for what they are is simple. Contrast. Space facilitates contrast just as much as vitality does. They're both reliant on each other in fact as clear perceptions occur through space but the fire of purification requires vitality. It's like amps and volts, dielectric and magnetic fields are required to be in phase together for the manifestation of watts. Not power because power is a specific aspect of the phase cycle that unfolds, so it's power seconds not power per second. The math we've been taught that explains physics is also a joke. Either way we are able to see things for what they are when we see ourselves for who we are, and that's FELT not thought of. The sensation that's contrastive and resonant to where we are now in the pits of despair brings to mind our capacity to transform and reminds us that we don't have to accept this trash. Simply bringing that to mind correctly in the dip will be your transforming agent. Space and fire are required. Stillness and chaos both come together to create phenomenal experience that's correspondent to that which is resonant within. This generates a nourishing field which provides you a sense of self. It's automatic and consequential to seeing the contrast in a correct light. Sense of self refinement is simply returning not to some story you desire (though for some that can work) but to the sensation that's present in the contrast when you bring to mind the resonant process you're anchoring into. That scene, that concept, that sensory experience elicits the sensation. Imagination creates reality through the normalisation of the sensation of resonance and in turn nourishes our circuits elevating our sense of self and thus we now have correct perceptions to value our vitality and so others will feel that and when we target someone or something that is mediated towards us through interferometric processes because that established baseline we have isn't peaking or dipping but is stable thus the magnetism consistent and the phenomena of manifestation unfolds through the monopole that inversely drives us all.
My job here is done. What more do you need. If I hear anyone who I know reads this come and comment about something that triggers them and makes them want validation for their degenerate filth they're rolling around in then I'm not going to answer with extended replies. Bring the contrast to mind and you'll see clearly. If you're unsatisfied you're playing into degeneracy, objectively irrefutably. Read this again and figure it out. I can't say anymore that's legit the peak of explanations there is to explain the entire process in one at it's core. Notebook 7 is my greatest work yet. I'm not here to be some constant reminder of your power I'm here to remind you of the mechanics. If you want inspiration and motivation, the contrast I speak of that reminds you of your power and thus drives different sensations you sink into, then go watch others. They make massive amounts of money off your ignorance. I'm here to dispel your ignorance and provide a mechanical solution that cannot be further refined for everybody who preaches the process of manifestation in a correct manner speaks of the mechanics of Reality Synthesis. This is why Reality Synthesis will stand above the rest as the one and only model required because it's connected all the dots and has explained every primary aspect of consciousness there is. That's all there is to this. Contrast. That's what all these mechanics are about. Contrast. Get the hint. It's the interaction (synthesis) of principles of consciousness to form substances that previously couldn't exist in a vacuum. That's alchemy and metaphysics. That's everything. That's reality. That's Reality Synthesis.
Now I need to get that into a video and break this community into pieces never to be the same again.
Closing words
Be sincere not serious for being sincere isn't hiding anything and as I say standing naked on the stage of reality for all to witness. There's a sensation that represents this experience. Tap that and let it go and let it ring through your being. Seriousness means absorption into experience for you "feel" there to be stakes, you've got something to prove. You can't let it go and be ok with it. Being ok with not having anything is being ok. Letting go and being authentic and being driven by your thematic resonance, whatever that is and however it's felt is being yourself without compromise. Intensity is present at times when required but living and breathing intensity means you're overcompensating for deficiency and that's more than likely coming from holding onto things that aren't what you're driven towards, you're not letting go of that and accepting what is within and how it's no big deal. You don't need to accept that and you never did. That's all trash, it's all degenerate trash you took upon yourself from the world that's not you. It's not you and you don't need to keep having it define you. That contrast is where you want to sink into regularly. Gaze into it and sink into it and be driven by it as your now normal baseline where there is no longer contrast to be felt. Tap into the sensations of intensity and seriousness and write them down. If you're intimately aware of them but haven't written them down yet then do so. When you're into these sensations replace them with light hearted carefree nonchalant casual attitudes towards them, as if it's no big deal, that it's casual and it's fun and playful. Introduce an element of care free attitude and detach from intensity. It doesn't need to be intense, in fact the person who's so casual and light-hearted knows within them their power and that confidence naturally manifests accordingly. Their shen is nourished. Circulate vitality and this will flow THROUGH you.
This will be a good one.
"so what" "big deal" "oh well" "whatever"
Practise the art of being detached on a regular basis with the sensation work and do both pathway revisions and gazing with sinking into the sensation of "so what" and bring that attitude of mind (what NG defines as a state) or mental atmosphere as I prefer to call it into the experience after gazing. SInk into it and allow it to radiate out of you. Let it all go and flow. Remember this. Always remember this. Contrast is what allows us to see the stupidity in life.
After watching the video of someone who was more "successful" than I am in the sphere of influence it brought to me that contrast I need to break past my own limits in that thematic level. That stimulus brought about the response in me to own my theme further and reach greater satisfaction in knowing I'm the best. Period. That was my goal after all, to replace not just law of assumption/attraction but the very idea of manifestation. Reality Synthesis. Reality Synthesis is the new manifestation.
Systematise Reality Synthesis and all the points I've developed out into the complete theory here and refine it into one simple list of points to work with. Cut all the theory and how and why and just focus on the what. Leave the details to the notebook. If I'm going to have impact and influence in this world then there needs to be an idea for people to believe in. That's what the "manifestation" community is all about. They believe not in a theory but an idea, a hope, a vision for their future. That's why it's so big. Reality Synthesis isn't built to be a business model but it seems that influence arises out of this aspect of application. Make Reality Synthesis into a more discreet model for the purposes of reaching the most people. Proving them all wrong with complex theory videos isn't the only way but that's my bread and butter as that's my essence, debate and swift execution. I must broaden my horizons and reach into levels beyond the comfort zones. Make fun of manifestation and provide a new frame of reference, a new idea for people to believe in.
What would it feel like to be the word on everyone's lips? Reality Synthesis. "Hey have you tried Reality Synthesis". "Reality Synthesis is real!" "Reality Synthesis actually works!" You see. The idea is what we're working with here, the idea that Reality can be Synthesized and "manifested" as it's called. Replacing the very very core root idea is the idea. Instead of manifesting we're synthesizing reality on a metaphysical level. We're becoming the substrate for experience that's correct for us. That idea is where we're going. To change your reality you let go and accept that you are the technique.
So it’s another very early morning post. I seem to always wake up with something important to say. Not every time I’m awake enough to write them down. So contrast was the big topic yesterday. Contrast by the very nature of the concept implies that there’s a between space. Contrast is an interferometric interaction of two or more points of consciousness that come together and create new space. Is this subconscious capacity? Well metaphysically speaking it’s the same principle, though not having consciously sunk into the sensation of contrast for extended times to know I can’t be sure really. I don’t see how it would for the negation of the senses is the big thing in subconscious capacity creation, letting go and allowing what’s within the unconscious to turn inside out and spill into our awareness as it may is a big part of the gazing and how it’s got a purifying effect in itself. Why I say that contrast experience leads to an interaction on a similar basis is that any interaction of consciousness which is bribing two primary elements of experience together is an expansion technique as in itself you’re creating something that previously didn’t exist.
This very idea right here is actually my original idea behind emanationary process and how something can some out of nothing, including the procession of more and more complex ideas. Where did these ideas and concepts come from? They came from this process of contrast. Contrast is what creates new things, when sunken into at least. When contrast is a fleeting moment there’s no stabilising effect where the new data effectively can be established and experienced and turned into testimony. It’s the testimony that matters to the transformation. So with this in mind the technique relating to bribing greater context into the mental environment and sinking into it is filling out that space and is effectively what NG speaks of as what the purpose of SATS is. Both the reality and contrast of experience seems to transform. This transforming factor is the important one I must explore further relating to this process and experiment deeply with. I’ve done the conscious raising of currents and been driven by what arises but to the degree that I allow contrast in the conceptual realm drive the automatic raising of currents hasn’t been a focus and it will be technically a more efficient and effective method of purifying consciousness because the conceptual and thematic targets are automatically going to circulate and create new substances out of this. I believe this is once again another piece of the puzzle to explore and see what comes out.
The experience of contrast is what’s transforms us, but only because that has relationship the the circulation of vital currents that burn off the impurities. The focused and correct approach to sinking into contrast may just be the explanation behind what SATS is doing and give a more detailed means of understanding how seemingly imaginary experiences “manifest” in the world. I will test this extensively and see how things unfold. I’m thinking that the essence of the phenomena of Reality Synthesis (now replacing the term manifesting) is is indeed the synthesis part, what interaction is generating new space. The only creation that’s happening is the further compounding and interaction of already existent principles of consciousness. That’s seemingly what this is about, the idea of creating new substances and also how that flows through us. It’s always a result of interferometry and proportionality and processes. Those are the principles I outlined in my first big video with the whiteboard for a reason. They’re fundamental to all phenomena. People miss the importance of them, and even I sometimes get lost in the details but circling back after focusing on the details so much has made clear to me how important it is to understand how every level of manifestation does always go back to these principles and how everything we’re doing always involves them.
Creating contrast between normalised states of consciousness through correct stimulus leading to response and out of that response an identification phenomena unfolds that normalises a different sensation. This is very important for all techniques employ this process so thy out exception. Is this not the core of how Reality Synthesis is performed? The normalisation of thematic sensations which have sensory conceptual implications in the world in how those are experienced. The normalisation relates to how coherent that substance circulates and comprises the definition of our consciousness. The baseline definition of the currents that circulate throughout our field geometry and determines the nature of our experience and responses to those. This is what drives ourselves and the world around us, and being proportionate to greater process we drive the whole universe accordingly. That’s how a small little process can have big influence when proportionate with absolute leverage. It compounds, it’s not a linear equation. Working with contrast is the key factor in all success as that’s how all interferometric processes unfold which is the process of transformation and refinement of consciousness. Is this not the truth? What more is there? If there is no more then this in principle then we have the correct direction and there’s no need to think there’s some magic method that exists out there we’ve yet to discover. I’ve uncovered all the mysteries and made clear what’s been hidden under the surface for so long. The true nature of the subconscious mind and how reality just like the composition of our consciousness is driven by fixed functions of consciousness that interact and form the experiences we have in this world on a metaphysical level which corresponds to how the senses translate those principles into our unique testimony.
Reality Synthesis proposes that our reality is comprised out of the various stabilised elements of consciousness on the thematic level and their implied sensory properties as the causal link between imagination and experience in corporeal reality. The substrate is the metaphysical medium of the aether which is the body of God. Dancing effortlessly to the dream of life is to flow with the currents that drive us and allow their interactions to guide our dreams through us so that we can fulfil and satisfy our functions as simulacrums of God and compete the great work. All alchemical processes are simply to take the causal components out of the chaos and separate them into their own sectors and deliberately have them interact with each other over a catalyst of pressure so that new purified elements can become one thing once again that is now greater in effect of the sum of its parts. The same parts existed before but we’ve arranged them properly to be proportionate and so their true potential functions can be made manifest in reality. That’s what we are and that’s what imagination does. To think otherwise is a denial of God and your divine right to satisfaction and fulfilment. Literally.
Manifesting for other people isn't something you actively do it's a consequence of you being on your path of least resistance. The thoughts and sensations come through you and interact with them and bring contrast into the mix where it drives them either through vitality or space to make decisions that are proportionate and not degenerate. You don't have to imagine them in any better way or even have any conscious input relating to them being better it's simply a consequence and by-product of your interaction with their field geometry. It's unconscious. They're influenced the same way your SP is and the way people want to give you money and all that stuff. It's a function that's going to occur through you having ownership over your definition as a normalised sensation and the thematic implication will just wash over anyone who interacts with you, if they're open and receptive to that influence. You can't make anyone do anything. People think that's heresy because of what's established in this community that nobody apparently has any free will and we all have personal realities and nothing interacts, and yet somehow we're all influenced by each other and that influence had to come from somewhere.. right? Our degree of influence has everything to do with how coherent are you to your fixed definitions of consciousness which define your correct expression vs how you've been influenced to be through the world around vs in contrast to your inner authority which communicates to you through metaphysical sensations depending on your definition. Owning your definition supplies others with what they're looking for, you just happen to be the path of least resistance by which greeter process mediates how the normalised sensations they're running plays off your field geometry to drive them towards their path of least resistance. There's no basis in the idea that we all have personal realities. ZERO.
The thematic experience implies the thoughts and sensations and all that which come through you. I've noticed that coincidence happens when you "forget" about something but that's the thing. It comes THROUGH you, you don't consciously put effort or deliberate intent into the experience because the thematic sensation implies its fulfilment. You see. When that normalised sensation comes THROUGH you because of that implication on the thematic level that's the response out of correct identification according to your fixed nature then it's going to show up like "magic" because that's how influence in the world is manifest. BOOM.
NG mentioned various techniques in his writings and lectures. Some of them involved intense emotional states and sensations and some of them didn't. Most of his techniques however were not given context under how and why they're applied, he seemed to have lumped them all under this one idea of imagination creates reality. Now I want to say that most of his techniques that involves intense feelings were transformational. If there's intense feelings and sensations then it's going to involve transformation as substances being catalysed into transformation are what bring about this feelings. If there is no transformation being enacted, meaning testimony is for the function of experience to add normalisation to the sensation then the sensations will be far more natural and normalised. Intensity of sensation implies transformation is unfolding through us and it's because the currents are circulating and clearing channels that correspond to what's being cleared and that's unfolding through the experience of contrast. More contrast means more transformation, and if there's insufficient vitality then those channels will not have the current required to move the blockages so to say. If it's refining the normalised sensation then it's a natural experience and all the ideas of simply bringing an image before the mind of God with no feeling will show up accordingly. There's also a split between the different sensory inputs in the experience that comprise the normalised context of the corporeal manifestation, meaning if you experience emotional sense that's heightened along with specific eye and sound and touch sensations in the imagination then they can be decoupled in how they manifest, meaning it can have multiple world experienced in which those sensory impressions will show up in the world and under different context but the thematic sensation is always going to remind you of what was experienced as the common thread of normalised sensation. The more simple the sensory implication relating to the thematic sensation the faster it will show up because there's far more implied normalised experience that can be mediated through your defined channels you've owned and are being driven through without contrast to pull you out of that unconscious drive.
Now do you understand why contrast is so important to understand?
Man I just keep coming up with new things to explain. Much of this I've already touched on but I'm like touching on it through new perceptions and sensations that's meaning I'm seeing the same concepts differently and relating experiences to them in different ways. It's amazing really. Might make some shorts. I'm not feeling like I'm able to just get on cam and talk. My body needs to be doing something while I speak, so perhaps I'll do another forest walk and talk. Been ages. Like a year now.
Just need to start and it'll come through me.
This notebook page is getting slow now too. Feeling the lag. Might be time for page 8 soon, if I make one at all. There's so much here now to read it's gotten way bigger than I expected. Shows everyone that I'm working on developing this stuff out every day and refining it. It's what I do. I'm not interested in being a business model I'm interested in providing the model the businesses will use in their product and that is Reality Synthesis. What would it feel like?
I'll do it now.
Sensations: Rising, forward, steady, hard, cutting, hand movement, eyes, hills, looking down, cheering, maximum respect, flowing arms, calmness, sharply expressions of security, upstanding, certain,
Scene: "Everyone teaches Reality Synthesis to manifest now". "Really is that your work?". "Yeah the law of assumption is long gone because it was all explained by Reality Synthesis and that was all my work".
So we tap the storehouse of Jing, pure unmanifest substance, and through our metaphysical senses we transform it and our fixed definition being the orientation by which proportionate transformation can unfold. This substance is limited in supply, but the "energy" that is carried as it's unfolding manifests it through us, it infinite. The supply that substance can be made manifest through is infinite but our supply of substance is limited. Restoring the substance, the Jing, is the primary objective of immortals. Transcendence and enlightenment, while both referring to the terms of currents raising and transforming as well as the recognition of incorporeal identification being the only prime cause are not going to bring someone immortality by default. Someone can be enlightened (to a limited degree) and not be immortal but someone who is fully and completely enlightened is an immortal. Immortality is a practical alchemical process, not a conscious thing we do, it unfolds through us as we be ourselves correctly. It's a product of living according to the principle of not consuming more substance than your supply has access to. This enables you to become enlightened through that process, it will be forced through you as the substances transform and shift how your consciousness operates. It's not a thing you do it's happening THROUGH you. This is the biggest myth about manifestation is that we've been told it's all because of us and not because of us, in the sense of because we exist therefore we are driven through processes that are greater than the sum of their parts on a transcendental level. It's coming through us, influences that we draw from either within or from the world around us that's not going to drive us towards our path of satisfaction, not when you're disconnected from yourself at least.
Your correct outer authority is your supply of resources. It's how your field geometry speaks to reality, not just your mouth and your body language. It's the way you "attract" supply in this world as you play off what others are providing in an exchange of vitality.
Another level. Who's making decisions for you. Sounds heretical but this is the point. What if the bible also has an angle to it that reflects authority in our lives and who we're seeking our sense of authority from? The bible is a collection of various lessons, various thematic levels of experience that we can learn from and apply. The bible isn't JUST about Reality Synthesis, it's about the metaphysical and alchemical processes which unfold AS our consciousness on all levels. Who do you accept to rule over you? Your family? Your friends? Your utterly degenerate Talmudic Jew owned government? Who's making decisions and determining what you do and don't buy into and who you answer to and bend the knee to? God is the ONLY one whom you bend the knee to. Everyone outside that is a false authority, not your family and nor your authorities who govern based on what those parasitic trash who are sELECTED write on paper who you believe you have to answer to? The bible would have you know that you don't need to answer to nobody but your inner authority, the channel of sensation by which your greater consciousness is made manifest THROUGH you to make decisions out of. Normalising the sensation of making decisions out of those intuitive impulses is how we connect to God. Manifestation comes THROUGH us accordingly then, we don't have to DO it, it does YOU.
I just want to say that I’m absolutely amazed at how well my physical vitality has improved in the last week from sinking charge and consciously circulating it through the sensation. Sleep is better and everything. Never had to consciously synthesise any of these things it was all implied under the thematic umbrella of what I was experiencing.
Either way I want to talk on the idea of the external world and how we’re influenced by it. As we should know now if we’re driven by greater process through our sensation and we’re making decisions out of that vs the compromise and need to bend the knee to external false Gods, that would have to have a vehicle or agent by which that can be expressed to you through. This means there must be an established process outside of your consciousness that’s going to be USED in the moving of that experience into your reality. What this means is the external world is used to bring us sensory information that relates to the themes that are running in our consciousness. The field geometry attracts naturally that which is complimentary to its function and can play off it. Other people are used to bring you what you need for your experience just as you’re facilitating their experience. I’ve spoken on this before but I want to touch on this in a broader scope and bring up some interesting questions.
So external authority. I despise Talmudism and it’s parasitic influence over literally every aspect of our world. It’s undeniably the driving factor which is supplying degeneracy to the minds of those we are on that path. These Talmudic Jooz are driving the world into chaos day after day and on a very very very very very big picture scale are the manifestation of the “evil” in the world that’s causing the downfall of modern civilisation. It’s mediating the experience we have with the idea of the matrix, the money we believe in as a system of value transfer, the idea of licenses that we apparently need to drive when we never did once upon a time where we weren’t answerable to any external authority. We made decisions out of our own internal authority and went and did what we did without needing permission from anyone. We were independent. Taxes are wealth that’s taken from you under duress. You see? It’s the belief in the normalisation of degeneracy that enables it to propagate and further encroach into our consciousness in all levels.
The more we compromise on expressing what’s within us to any degree the further we stray from God. That ability of ours to be transformed by what’s driving us is our connection to divinity. without an acceptance of this connection to divinity and our internal supply then we degenerate and die. We accept a false authority to make decisions for us. What if we don’t want to pay tax? What if we don’t want to drive with a license? These aren’t dangerous things intrinsically, the idea of safety is marketed to us and invokes in us a sensation of being cared for and treated well and such by the parasites called Gov. do you see what I mean by normalised processes unconsciously reducing our quality of inner authority. There’s like certain limits it seems to play off. As far as I’m concerned it’s degenerate to conform to the degenerate Talmudic parasites in Gov and accept them as our authority who makes decisions for us. It’s always under duress though because if we don’t accept these certain rules we’re going to be beat up by the state for not towing the line? Is this not a fact of life, apparently, according to accepted values?
Why do we collectively accept these things? Because they were slowly brainwashed into us through media and propaganda sponsored out of Israel (means to accept there’s one God not a physical place) over many many decades. These people believe they’re chosen by God and wave that card as their defence against criticism. Degenerate filth. Disgusting degenerate parasites. We accept this influence as normal. When will the like end? It’s like with the lives we live and how unsatisfying things are, when will we see enough contrast to finally push back and embody that state of satisfaction? When will they take enough for the contrast to be present to push back? It’s a factor nobody in this community talks about or really even knows about. They’re just as brainwashed as the rest to believe in the matrix of money and identification. Sol Luckman was the first person who I heard about NG from and he taught NG under the natural law context as a way of identifying as incorporeal consciousness and not as someone who taught how to get rich. This is modern trash business model interpretation of metaphysical and alchemical processes and here I have to navigate this environment and balance the sides of business and being truthful in my expression of what is and what is not. That honesty and integrity I hold is what I will never compromise on for anyone or anything. It’s been what drives me to do what I do.
With that in mind I must ask you why do you accept these things in your life that take away decisions from you to make? You never even thought about them this way before have you? Not to this degree at least. That’s what I’m saying. Someone external to your consciousness comes in with sensory stimulus that brings contrast into your awareness and makes you question what is and what is not correct for you. What I say may not resonate with you now but remember your ancestors answered to nobody relating to taxes or licenses to drive or needing permission to build certain structures or bear arms or speak freely without censorship or silencing. Do you see what I mean? The goalposts have been moved and much like limited money beliefs you’ve accepted without a contrasting perspective the degeneracy that is your rights to have free decisions made in these areas taken away. Don’t stretch it and say it’s ok to be an actual moron and go do dumb stuff, we all have within us a general sense of what’s right and what’s not based on vitality interactions but it’s the simple things that slowly get more and more invasive over the decades. Mask wearing and needing injections of cytotoxic substances which were mandated by “law” to be applied 4 years ago. That was then forcing you to make decisions. I knew it was BS since the start because germs don’t cause disease, it’s impossible because they’re pleomorphic. Experiments have never demonstrated causality of contagion and that’s been another thing that’s normalised and accepted. If collective belief manifests then why is this not a fact? Why do all these people believe in fictions created by Talmudic Jooz? Why? Does this not prove there’s an external reality that’s influencing our lives even if we have zero awareness of it? It’s outside our consciousness and there’s no contrast to make us question or raise attention to it. It’s accepted as it’s to breathe. Do you see my point now?
This to me proves that the idea of “manifesting” things is not some magic phenomena but mechanics of consciousness interacting conceptually and thematically. Manifestation as we know it and have been taught that’s been normalised doesn’t exist. It’s a fiction that’s been peddled by fools who run businesses, just like the Talmudic influence. Our world is so filled with degeneracy and people engage in it every day but they don’t notice it as that because it’s normal. This is why I say to people if the massive sun of money landed in your bank today you’d feel uncomfortable with that, just like if your SP showed up you’d feel uncomfortable with that because those things are above your value and vitality. That’s your supply. The gov is your supply and you’ve unconsciously accepted that without question or reasoning. It’s normal and challenging that just like any other belief is going to make you feel uncomfortable and out you under pressure. Do you see?
It’s like this with everything. It’s all the same process. Make decisions out of your inner authority and accept what is true for you and your path and reject the rest that’s not you. Your thematic resonance and conceptual sensory affinities that reflect those themes are your God. They drive you though the sensations in your body. Bringing awareness to those sensations and sinking into them and using those as your anchor to provide contrast to the world to not buy into degeneracy without question is the way we stabilise the correct state of being and transform completely. Nothing is as it seems. Nothing. We think it is but when contest is presented to us we realise that’s wishful thinking and that our thoughts and assumptions really don’t influence these things. If they did and were so abundant then how come we’re losing more and more individual liberty by the day vs your ancestors? The world is changing outside your consciousness. What we you going to do about it? You’re aging and dying as we speak. What did you do to accept this? Why do we accept aging? Nobody brings contrast to challenge this just like any other belief we have be it money or love or anything like that. It’s all one process and that is what Reality Synthesis IS.
Manifestation is a heavily flawed idea that needs to be dispelled swiftly and without a shred of mercy. Becoming the person who’s dispelled the idea of manifesting is my role I’m moving into it seems. It’s where all this is going. It’s to transform consciousness through RS, literally. I just don’t feel ready to be honest. There’s a part of me that’s resistant to this, but it seems it’s my next move so that’s one of my things to work on and refine. Videos once again coming soon. Soooooon. You can wait until the time is right. I don’t do this for business I do this to transform consciousness because that’s my function.
So it seems there's contrast present. Attempting to mediate these themes has been a challenge and made me push my limits of understanding further in areas nobody really contemplates on and this has to do with our part to play in the greater process. It's become clear that the bible is a multi faceted text that represents many many different valid interpretations. It is NOT a book PURELY on the so called "law" as it's been termed about manifestation phenomena but a book about everything.
Either way I've been going into how and why we're believing negative beliefs in the first place. Why is the default nature of humanity suffering and degeneracy? Suffering is the only thing guaranteed is it not? Love and wealth (comfortable levels to live with kind of wealth) and family and friends and health and everything that we strive for, none of this is guaranteed to anyone, in fact my generation (Z) is basically screwed when it comes to these things because we've all been raised in an utterly degenerate world. Older generations were raised in a less degenerate world but it was still founded in principles of artificial scarcity created by Talmudic factions as usury systems that every $ has a debt tied to it that can never be paid off. This is against all forms of common sense and yet it's normal. It's been a thing for centuries I didn't manifest any of this it existed before I was born or as I was born the concept of usury somehow entered my mind and manifested into artificial scarcity. I'm making fun of the LOA crowd there with that one. It's silly to believe that we're as individuals all collectively worse off in all these areas compared to earlier generations and it's all metaphysically and alchemically aligned to how greater process is driving all of this. It's this very point that proves to me that it's not all some magic internal world created out of seemingly thin air that we live in and that there's influential factors outside of our consciousness which drive our experiences as a collective and that metaphysic is made manifest THROUGH Talmudic factions in this world who according to records go back centuries and even millennia to destroying all forms of abundance on this world and being the driving force for chaos and degeneracy, They exist so that consciousness that has function like mine can exist, among other types. They're required for greater process to have the experiences for transforming consciousness through us. We represent the characters in the pre-written play that suffer for the sake of generating unique testimony. That sounds like a dark view to have but if we really look at what's unfolding it's an irrefutable objective fact that cannot be denied on any level of reason. Those who are ignorant of these aspects aren't involved in it's revealing or related levels of experience and have their own roles to play which are correct for their consciousness.
There's a certain degree of both nescience and ignorance relating to the Talmudic influence in this world. I mean I've spoken about this before but marketing products to people is performing alchemy on them, you're influencing them and driving their consciousness towards accepting a certain idea in which they've bought into your "contract" without really realising it and having that contrast to see what's happening. You're the same when it comes to being influenced by the Talmudic systems that have encroached over the decades. The internet here is one of those tools, surveillance systems are obviously run on these platforms. An interesting question is does the child who watches Mr Beast (a billion dollar pedo supporter who's playing dress up as a philanthropist just like the Gates) on the Joo tube and doesn't realise that every move is being logged and traced for "ad targeting" as it's been normalised and justified as. If the child buys into that does that mean the child and parents will not experience the effects of surveillance monitoring of online activity? Like this is the thing, obviously the phenomena of Reality Synthesis and "manifesting" exists and is a thing we can manipulate to a degree to influence the experiences we have, such as receiving money or having people contact us or whatever but the real question is to what extent do we have sensory autonomy to not be influenced by other factors in the fixed world we're living in. We're all born into a world where we drive cars and eat food and drink water and pay bills to live, and yet nobody seems to have broken that very fundamental mould? Why is this? Why are we still all bound by these seeming acceptable societal norms? Why can't we stop paying bills and not have to endlessly pay debt we don't have any part in producing? Why do we have to bend the knee to mostly foolish cops who want ID on us everywhere we go and want to make sure the 99.9999% common people accept this without question under duress? Why do we need to accept needing to take injections of cytotoxic substances for something that cannot exist as it's been claimed (CV-19)? Why do all these seeming dumb decisions politicians make seem to always be by accident or wilful ignorance that further plunges the economic state into degenerative status which lowers our collective wealth? It's just all these collective level aspects that nobody in this community seems to want to discuss as an influence regarding why some of us are not as wealthy or healthy as we'd like to be. We've been told to accept eating demonstrated cytotoxic substances in food, else that's a "limiting belief" when every single bit of common sense would tell you it's not good to eat artificial processed food and it's ok to have regulatory agencies let these things turn profits at the cost of our vitality. Why are we bound to these accepted norms and even under the perspective of "manifesting" this is seen as negative? Is it not in service of our inner authority to honour not needing to answer to anyone without cause? It's just this contrast between seeming abundance and the acceptance of ignorance of surrounding causes of degeneracy in this world that's influencing us all. The internet consists now of just a few websites we all visit, and Joogle is the big one. Joogle was ruled in court to be a monopoly. No surprise. It's these things that once again prove that there's cracks in the theory of remaining ignorant of this surrounding influence in the world as a way of becoming more abundant and fulfilled.
Not everyone is suppose to understand how and why we're being influenced to the degree we are and that's ok. There's been wars in the past, for example the time NG got drafted and had to imagine himself back home. That's a famous story that seems to demonstrate the phenomena of conscious manifesting, or I would say it was his designed process to have this experience flow THROUGH him so that his outer authority with these experiences could play his part in the unfolding of greater process. I'm speaking about this now so obviously it had a big impact. It's these aspects that I speak of as demonstration of why it's not all a solipsistic reality where it's all in your head and by ignoring it then it'll go away. I've demonstrated why that's never true and why it's a thematic and vitality based equation relating to manifesting people and even money and objects. People in this community want someone to stand behind as a supply, an influencer to inspire them and bring them the reminder of their value, as limited as that may be. They don't want someone who will challenge their worldview, that's what this entire industry of LOA is built on is it not? LOA in itself arguably is another distraction that may as well have been created and established as the normal model so that nobody like me could have built something to challenge it. This really is a herculean task but without the drive I have within me to find the facts about how things work in life I wouldn't have ever even come close to this level of understanding.
The interesting question to ponder on here is this then. If we "buy into" the story of how Talmudic factions in Israel who see us as slaves and snacks to be used and abused and present the evidence as to why that is and demonstrate how it's influenced all of our lives, including yours, then is that revealing what you were ignorant of or is that feeding a limiting narrative of degeneracy? Where is that line drawn? If I could prove to you that you've been influenced by Talmudism on the levels of media, of history, of health and medicine, of law and order, of technologies and even the political arenas we believe are free reign but are in fact controlled theatre shows put on for people to bicker over who figure is better than the other when they're all in support of Talmudism and your destruction? If I could irrefutably demonstrate how suffering you've undergone in the past and things you've bought into based on manufactured false stories that were normalised in culture and propagated then how would that change your perceptions? You never believed in that to begin with so where did it come from? Why am I speaking to you about this now? Where did that influence arise from to have my consciousness interact with yours to deliver these points? This very point I make should be the one that makes you question if LOA as we've been taught as a way of getting rich and having the person we want by our side and not as a means of transcendence which is in fact how it was first taught to me by Sol Luckman about how NG taught the bible as a way of being free from Talmudic influence and the metaphysic of degeneracy in this world. It was never about getting rich but about being yourself without compromise on ALL levels, and recognising the normalised accepted narratives we've bought into that were delusional and being driven by our inner authority and not the world and it's influences over our path. That's how I've been seeing what NG's message can also be interpreted as, natural law.
Natural law is metaphysical law. It's what NG taught at it's core. Nobody in this community who influences and makes money on this will tell you that though because obviously their priorities are not in the direction of discovering facts but to influence and attain value from you by manipulating you into buying into a belief that your thoughts can make you rich. I just finished up a 3 month program with Persis and nobody in that group had reported getting their desire, despite paying a lot to get in. Nobody in 3 months reported success stories. There was successes in limited ways but it never was what they really wanted as their goal. This seems to be a very common thread over this entire industry, it's a false paradigm that doesn't hold up and has yet to have a proven process that works for everyone because we're not all driven towards our abundance the same way and not all of us are driven to experience and synthesise abundance the same way either. The idea that your thoughts are some hack to the matrix is ignorance and I've proven why. Does that make me the highest success rate "coach" there is here? No. Not even close my ability to foster success has to to more with my ability to speak to the right aspect of someone's consciousness to bring the sensation they're looking to sink into and be driven by vs buying into the limited belief. No matter what I do unless that happens I cannot attain success and someone who's completely illiterate on the mechanics can apply that and get just the same success because that sensation IS your ticket to being driven and having it work THROUGH you. That sensation is your internal supply and inner authority and aspect of abundance implied through the thematic resonance so it's all coming through you at that point as a metaphysical implication. Without that success cannot be experienced no matter what. Ever.
Does this not prove to us then that success has everything to do with how we're being influenced by others and "reminded" of the thematic resonance we forgot we always had access to? The same thing applies with the context of Talmudism. We forgot that we're not bound by the laws of limits of any parasitic Gov influence and by standing in the sensation of who and what we are we can and will destroy their influence over our lives and manifest collective abundance beyond what's available now by default. We will ALL manifest abundance. You see we're almost all influenced to accept lack because BlackRock and vanguard and other Talmudic owned degenerates own almost everything and we own almost nothing. Decades ago this wasn't the case, there was more wealth by default in the hands of the collective and so we ask ourselves why are so many suffering with money and even love and family? Well our ability to have access to resources has been almost completely depleted by Talmudic influence, that's something none of us are aware of and yet when we trace the mechanisms it all lands back to them and their reflection of the metaphysic. Why should we all have to try and consciously manifest money and such when it should be NORMAL and NATURAL for us to access? Why is it we're all born into a culture where it's normal to not have millions of $ and own our own homes and have friends and family who are abundant and respect us greatly and honour what we strive for in this world. We will have abundant mindsets because our vitality isn't being sucked out of us through technological influences and online algorithms we ACCEPTED to influence us and drive us vs our inner authority. Don't you see? There's this collective parasite that's driving the degeneracy that's propagating and influencing our personal lives and normalising the experience of lack and scarcity and sacrifice and needy competition and all this so that we can attain abundance as a natural state. Why are we born into this world? Not a single influencer or author in this community has been able to answer that correctly. This is one of those things that we cannot deny as an influence, and if our parents and social circle influences us to believe degenerate devaluing things about ourselves when we're younger where does that leave the state and how it influenced those people and our very thematic experience of money and love and everything? Would the implication that the world is abundant by default in itself negate the Talmudic influence over our lives? How did their influence even manifest in our world if nobody manifested this? It's all these questions that broaden the LOA picture and poke holes in the idea that this isn't about thoughts but about authority and "buying" into decisions about ourselves and the world. We "decide" and accept "facts" about reality based on what we're influenced by through media and our social circle. If the driving force behind that was all malefic Talmudic Jooz playing their part in the metaphysic of introducing an element of limitation info the collective consciousness then that would mean it's playing out this way because there's no contrast to challenge that normalised perception of the world and those beliefs that then drive your decisions. What if your entire worldview was sponsored by what Blackrock wants you to see and believe for their benefit of influence over you and everyone around you? That's how it's been and just because we're ignorant to that doesn't mean it's not an influencing factor because the very limited belief systems that we've all grown up to accepting all originated out of artificial scarcity propagated by Talmudic factions which are normal to believe today. Look at cancer culture, the rainbow people who think they can identify as anything. That's never been a thing until recently and that degeneracy is all sponsored by Talmudic factions. We see it on all our ID forms, about our identity and gender and all this and it's in the schools being normalised to children and without contrast to challenge that normalised view that'll become the standard narrative we all accept and experience just like needing to pay bills to live and the experience of artificial scarcity.
Do you see where this point is going now? I've outlined many levels of how we've been driven by influences outside our consciousness which have normalised the experience of these things that are degenerate and deny our divine right to live by our internal authority. Is that not the essence of manifestation phenomena? What we accept and buy into and give our authority to is what we experience, be it consciously or out of ignorance or nescience. Natural law is all about taking back your inner authority and making decisions out of how greater process is driving you. It's metaphysical law and the Talmudic system of worldly mans law is in opposition to this. We've all accepted this and believe it's normal and so collectively we must accept these things and as individuals if we go to the complete extent that represents our complete fulfilment of our inner authority then it will mean we're going to end up under duress by the goons who wear fancy badges and costumes and wield the intimidating power of legalese to get us to buy into the limited belief that we're powerless under their rule.
Part of this whole realisation of "enlightenment" is recognising that there's no authority outside you who can make decisions for you and OWNING that completely so you're in a position to dismantle the power structure that binds the minds of the matrix dwellers into accepting tyrannical Jooz and their will to have us all as their slaves. Is this not where things are going? Is this not a factor in the equation of manifestation? If these things exist outside our consciousness then obviously the way things work isn't as we've been led to believe. What authority do you accept in your life? Who do you accept to tell you what you can and cannot buy into? We must ask ourselves why there's mention of Jews in the bible as the supposed "chosen people" and why they're claiming to this day to be entitled to the land that they've no genetic connection to in any way whom are influencing all policy and such we're governed by. These parasites have manufactured everything. I've known this since I was 17 in highschool but I put much of that behind me because it led me to have a worldview of hopelessness and powerlessness which is what they want of us. I mean the fact that we even have to have these discussions about our metaphysical nature and how it's not being taught to children in schools about their fundamental inner authority proves to you that this ancient knowledge has been scrubbed. Why are the Jooz mentioned in the bible if it's a text about manifestation? The (((Jooz))) aren't the people they're claiming to be as it says in the bible and this has given them significant power over us all to bend the knee to their false authority. My role here is to expose and destroy false authority. To utterly eradicate and wipe it off the face of the earth. When Hitler rose to power it was because he spoke about how Joos weren't who they said they were and so we've had a history taught about how the one man who knew these things I speak about today to be evil and wanted to kill them all. Nonsense, the holohoax never happened and it was impossible because there was never any mentions of it in the transmissions that the enigma code cracked about killing any Jews the plan was to send them to Palestine which the Balfour declaration reflects. I uploaded a video on my old LegendaryDJ channel about 10 newspaper articles written even before the war started ranging from 1904 to 1942 claiming that 6 million Joos were killed, some of them mentioned Russians did it and others mentioned the Italians did it so obviously the story doesn't hold up if there's various reports claiming it happened over all of Europe with the same number. This video was removed and my channel was shut down in less than 24 hours. I don't talk about that though. I was lucky to get my channel name back.
My point is these facts are the same facts as the idea of manifestation are they not? If the bible exists as a text about the phenomena of manifestation and yet mentions how Joos are the chosen people and today they lean on that to gain influence then where does that line get drawn as what's a fact and what's not? Why do we take some of the bible and discard what's inconvenient to talk about? It's only because people like me who dedicated my life to studying these things way back when I was still in high school who bring contrast into your mind that you begin to question the normality of these beliefs and systems you've accepted as true. Is that not the facts? If that is the facts then we must ask what are we doing letting ourselves continue to be influenced by false paradigms designed to control and manipulate our sense of inner authority and sense of self and vitality and all these things. If this is true then it would mean that the world as we believe in is vastly different than what LOA would have us believe.
The solution is knowing yourself and owning your inner authority. The bible is in part a book about choosing to follow your inner authority or the authority of the state and the degenerate Zionists who peddle the rules. Nobody wants to hear that and NG didn't talk about most of the bible outside of the aspects relating to Reality Syntheses because it contradicts their beliefs. Too bad. The bible is a text based on many many different levels of experience, it's not one book about any one subject, it's a book on metaphysics and alchemy and how that's made manifest on all levels, including the power structures we live in today with Gov and such we bend the knee to. The bible is mostly about realising your divinity and the inauthentic expressions you buy into and accept, that's really what this whole "manifesting" thing is about relating to the bible not about getting wealth or anything. That comes THROUGH you naturally, you don't need to pray for money, imagine scenes with money being normal for you, it will be implied under you claiming and owning your inner authority and where that drives you which will supply you everything you need and not any more or less than that. Focusing on money or love is missing the point. What I teach goes beyond what NG wrote, he was ignorant and that should be obvious by now. The bible was a text about not being owned by anyone, including the Jooz. Do you answer to Jooz or do you answer to God?
We've been sold a fantasy life building wealth and family and all that operating within the Talmudic system that will be pulled out from under their feet just as it always has in history. Is it not true that every single major empire in history (all run by the same factions and metaphysical processes operating through them) crumbled in time and the people all suffered immense loss and pain and death from wars and extreme poverty and disease and all that goes with it? We've been told this can't happen in our world, but that's what they thought too. This is no different we're in a greater process operating through us all and we're all actors with an assigned thematic role to play. This once again is not disempowering it is enlightening because with the knowledge of who you are you're able to navigate this matrix in a way that ensures you'll be in the right places and at the right times with the right people to express what you're designed for which will most likely involve having access to enough resources to survive. This is not a doomsday idea or whatever but it's just to remember that wars happen between nations, nations run by Jooz mind you who kill others to gain further influence and control, and that you're not exempt from that. NG wasn't either, he got drafted but got out. He was still influenced by the war and according to LOA he thought about being in the war and bought into it and accepted it. I say nonsense, it's an external influence which challenged NG's sense of inner authority and so he gave in and accepted being driven by an external authority. His challenge from there was seeing himself home and owning that. Remember his mind wasn't filled with degeneracy like most of us are today with scrolling on social media and all that trash that takes up space in your mind. People back then were far more mentally clean, even though they still had their limiting beliefs. It's the same principle I speak about here, refining sensory stimulus to confirm the sensations that driven you and not accept what doesn't. That's the challenge here. Accepting what is within you, what drives you and what you're designed to experience within your fixed functions of consciousness. Owning yourself and being yourself without compromise implies your internal supply is tapped and you need not bend the knee to anybody on earth but yourself. That's what honouring the one true God is, accepting you're being driven by greater process whom you're integrated within and are receiving intuitive impulses as communication but are denying over the established and expected way you're suppose to be in this world.
NG did teach a little bit of that rebellious mindset I speak about. "Dare to assume it" he says. That's probably his best quote. NG taught the bible and the bible is a text partly about Reality Synthesis through inner experience and alchemy as well as authority and decision making in the world and who you accept to drive your decisions. The bible is not a passivist text that we need to bend the knee to anyone who's apparently above us and accept their rule, but to own your internal rule and live by that without compromise. THAT IS MANIFESTING! It's implied as it comes THROUGH your consciousness through the thematic implication. Don't you see now? I've destroyed the law of assumption. This level went beyond anything I've said before and will likely lead to me making videos proving these points on Odysee on my "blueflamesentinel" channel where I can speak freely about Joos without being shut down like I've been. If you want to know who rules over you then look at who you're not allowed to criticize. Talmudic Jooz. Gods not so chosen people.
I wrote back in 2021 before the last sELECTION that Trump would get back in and that he's required by the Jooz because of his reputation and trust. He's the only one who can pull this off, and just look at the support this guy has. He's fully supportive of Israel and has been since the start. He's playing his part in this theatre show and everyone who buys into that is misled by the propaganda campaign. Trump is the Jewish messiah who will usher in the new world order. Look at all these people cheering this guy on. What a joke. Don't you see that this is all pre-determined and "prophesied" in the bible. It's thematic processes reflected to us, the bible is a history book the same as it's a book about the future on the thematic level which reflects the procession of the metaphysical processes which drive our collective experiences. We're driven by that. THAT is greater process and we're being mediated through that experience by the sensations in our being. Whether to listen to those or we listen to the degenerate politicians determines our fate as who you're being and how you're owning your inner authority and resonant thematic processes determines your supply of vitality and how "valuable" you are in this world to others which determines how manifestation phenomena works THROUGH you. It's only through contrast that we can be reminded of that when we lose ourselves and the point of manifestation is simply to consciously and deliberately place ourselves under pressure and into the contrast field to be transformed and out of that transformation correct direction of proapgation of our field geometry can unfold and we can be moved towards what's satisfying for us where all the thoughts and feelings and everything will come THROUGH us without ever having to try. It will be natural and normal because it's been accepted. You don't make yourself accept anything without testimony and that's what NG teaches. Transformation through SATS to give us testimony that transforms us and allows us to accept a new normal. The bible doesn't teach this, it teaches returning to God, your inner authority as your supply. NG preaches out of limited experience and understanding and failed to explain the phenomena of manifestation completely.
If an entire nation during the great depression experiences financial ruin and extreme poverty then you can't say all these people magically were converted into a belief that was negative about money because it affected literally everyone. How do you explain that with the so called law of assumption huh? How do you explain how a vast majority of people could barely eat and keep a roof over their heads all of a sudden when the economy fell over. How come we've never had times where all of a sudden massive prosperous times show up where everybody is rich and abundant and filled with vitality and love? Why is it there's repeated disasters and death and decay? Where do these times come from? Where to the beliefs comes from? I'll tell you. It's greater process driving our experiences on a collective level. What does this then say about our functions of consciousness and the idea that we've all got personal collective realities? What does that say about who and what we are and what we're capable of?
Late night post.
It’s clear to me how the concepts and related thematic sensations we buy into show up in the world as confirming experiences. The concept will manifest along with the related sensation. Vitality will be tied to that sensation. Buying into the concept you decide to move into must have a corresponding resonant thematic sensation that’s in contrast to the standard experience for transformation to unfold. If there’s no transformation it’ll just show up and confirm the already established sensation but more often than not there will be a shift in baseline thematic sensation and you will feel this when reminders of the old you show up and they contrast is drawn out. The thematic sensation determines so much. Sooooo much. Buying into thematic sensation that reminds you of lack and related concepts will mean the people around you will reflect that even if you’ve got nothing to do with how they’re going to relate that to you and it will be very very fast too.
If this really is all in the mind and somehow all this past evidence for things like NG and the bible passages and everything that corresponds is all crated to confirm this belief then. Well. I guess that means nothing has any meaning. It’s just a “simulated” reality and nothing is real. Nothing is more real than we make it out to be. And my belief in that manifests proof that nobody proves it. Can’t prove it or disprove it within the belief. I don’t see any correlation to that though. It makes no sense but if that is the case and all this suffering is somehow self inflicted completely then it’s all just in the mind. Truly all in the mind. All the history doesn’t exist, nothing exists. It’s all some imaginary world. What a meaningless life that would be living in your own created simulation to experience false illusions of belief.
Last day of the month. Last entry on this page. I’ll make it a worthy entry.
So it’s become clear to me through the experience I had going into the contrast yesterday that it’s a function of contextual and thematic sense that draws us into the reality of experience, not sensory depth. Sensory depth is a factor but it’s not the point. Sensory depth matters to the degree that it immerses you into the mental environment of the state. Everything else is supporting that experience and will be made manifest to some degree in the world.
I’ve yet to test this method discreetly but I will test and trial my method over the next week. It should result in very very fast shifts. So taking everything I’ve said over this time it’s basically a function of your “mental atmosphere” which is an environment in which confirming thematic and contextually related concepts flow through your consciousness which confirm that environment, the context. You can think of the same thing under different contextual environments and it will bring up and through you very different experiences to mind and biases and “assumptions”. It will be natural.
It seems that we do indeed have state streaks. We are “hit” with the reality of experience through a certain sensation that’s reminded to us about ourselves and this basically sets the direction we move from that point until we reset and all the charges sink down again. I’ve not spoken much about state streaks but once you’ve bought into and have been influenced by something your response will determine the direction you move in and all w will be filtered through that contextual lens. It all goes back to my roots here. Conceptual and contextual sense. The part I failed to understand back then was the thematic sense or “metaphysical targeting” sense which sets the overarching direction and boundary for that mental environment that you buy into through a resonant OR highly contrastive stimulus. This means that the mechanics of state shifting require resonance to thematic fixed definition which is naturally unfolding through you or that you bring great contrast to the mix and have a challenging sensation arise that brings you to “question” your authority in the sense of is this actually true.
This is the challenge here it’s that our mental atmosphere is wavering and it’s making us question ourselves as the sensation that’s coming up from these other sensory stimuli are reminding us of parts that don’t correspond to the abundance desired. That’s the challenge, it’s to normalise the sensation of being desired through repeated reminding of the sensation that circulates our vitality and dissolves degenerate pathways and through challenging experiences that can act as testimony for transforming substrate. It’s contrast that raises the fire through the resonant pathways firing. This is the in built self correction mechanism in our consciousness to drive us towards fulfilment instead of further dipping down. Naturally we will experience this contrast when we hit a low enough point and bounce back up, but the issue is we don’t shift the surrounding context that our environmental impact is having on how that contrast is viewed. The contrast isn’t normalised and when the sensation dissipates we go back into the degenerate patterns because the context has been changed back to baseline of limitation. It’s only accepted because it’s comfortable and familiar which is what a normalised sensation is, so by constantly bringing contrast into our consciousness as a catalysing agent to raise currents and bring about that reminder of who we are we can decide and buy into this direction more often and be driven by that instead of the lacking normalised current of limitation and unsatisfaction.
This process I’ve spoken about before. The method of gradually increasing goals to increase the contrast between sensations of experience is the consistent reminder of our capacity to normalise the sensation of being who we resonate with and not automatically be drawn into limitation. When we’re normalising a sensation that’s more and more in contrast to where we were we will feel that and not actually want to go back because it will feel worse to us as the contrast has sunk in.
The fundamental process that's happening here is that when you think a thought there's a trace to related themes and other concepts that arise out of that context. As you are pulled into this direction of experience you're going to be surrounded with the mental environment of all that is connected and implied under that thematic sensation, just like a network of neurons firing into related and wired areas. Those will unconsciously "colour" your mental atmosphere and generate emotional states out of that experience. This is why we cannot force emotional states because they can only be experienced THROUGH the mental environment. You can't input emotional sense without something to generate that emotional state. The sensation of that state is the thematic sense and the thematic sense if the targeted metaphysical principle you're integrating your consciousness into and "buying into" just as you buy into marketing material to buy something when it speaks to you. The way marketing works to almost manipulate people who are vulnerable to that thematic direction of experience is the same as what Reality Synthesis is doing. We're consciously planting sensory stimulus into our world that the eyes see or the ears hear that confirms to us who we are and the contrast present with what's being presented to us. This contrast leads the integrated thematic sense you're experiencing to come into comparison to surrounding concepts you're relating to, either consciously or unconsciously through indirect implication. Humour works this way too. The concept is the specific sensory representation of how that thematic metaphysical principle is made manifest in our experience and so by the nature of this relationship where concepts define thematic sensations through the senses we're able to buy into a context then and accept something as normal which will drive our unconscious mind through those established and crystallised pathways. Working with the fixed crystallised pathways already within you that define your true nature is the goal. There will always be this contrast present otherwise which will cause doubt about who you are. If you buy into who you are you're tapping your own supply and you'll be nourished from within.
So I want to also explain a simple idea here about how just looking at something or hearing someone say something a few times will make that show up in the world too. I have given many examples over the notebook of how this happened to me unconsciously. I never intended to have it show up but it did, there was no contrast present but there was a familiar thematic sensation present by which that concept can have association to as the means by which is manifests. This is the explanation for why these seeming mindless sensory inputs can result in experiences in the world, but remember that the thematic sensation is the determining factor in how and why as well, and it will always remind you of the level of nourishment that applies to you. If the thematic sensation that concept is made integrated and associates with and represents is limited then the resultant experience in the world will remind you of that sensation as that's how pathway work works. It's that reminding yourself of certain concepts brings out the related thematic sensation, or vice versa. The thing is in the moment when you do this it's state dependent where if you're experiencing limited context then the confirming concepts will remind you of that sensation, even if your baseline is greater than that in that moment. It's the in the moment that is driving contrast but an in the moment experience unless providing substantial testimony as a normalised experience that pushes forward comfort zones (experiences that you remember most) then the baseline will not move outside that already established baseline. Pressure is required for lasting change to unfold, as in the crystallised field geometries representing the resistance must be broken down with vital currents that are proportionate else you'll just attach new concepts to the mass of limited thematic sensation. The essence here is we're normalising a new thematic sensation and associating all these new concepts that draw us into that at baseline so that we return here by default as the dominant state.
When you think of your SP while in a higher elevated state of mind where vitality is flowing and you feel better about your sense of self and you feel worthy and deserving and all that but all of a sudden they message you they don't want to see you and you react because instantly you've just experienced a concept with the reality of experience that's directly linked to the disproportionate state you've been stuck in. This is the trap people in this community get into. Even clients I have still face this at times where they tell me they're on a good streak doing pathway work and making decisions out of their resonant sensations and all that but the moment the pattern of limitation shows up at their door they shut it and retreat and they can't stop it. The reason why is because there's either insufficient vitality to act as the alchemical agent for purifying under pressure when these moments arise to draw within through that circulating vitality and the related metaphysic or that you're not use to drawing correct thematic and conceptual experience into your mind to remind yourself in these moments that you don't need them, but bringing ideal context to mind will not really work if you haven't established your core thematic resonance yet as that's only going to be able to tap your internal supply to the degree you own that. Owning your fixed definition is fundamental to doing beginner level pathway work and is the basis of how everybody on earth is successful in transforming themselves by burning off that which is not through bringing to light that which is which transcends them out of limitation and into a sensation of thematic abundance from within them. They then won't dip because they're tapping the internal supply and aren't reliant on the supply of another person or money or anything in this world for satisfaction which allows them to detach from what that person says and with clear consciousness decide the direction they're flowing into and allow greater process to operate through them out of that response from the inner supply. Understand that without knowing yourself you cannot and will not succeed in transformation because all you're doing is disowning aspects you took upon yourself that weren't yours and dropping them completely so you can own what's yours as a fixed function. That's the only reason you feel bad, it's because you're disowning your fixed definition. This is the process of owning yourself and knowing yourself and being correct in your responses because those fixed definitions will always be the supply of those themes of consciousness you're resonant towards. The bad feeling is the stagnations and or deficiencies that arose because the circuit cannot be complete without the correct metaphysical themes being proportionate. They're always there but the association you have to them is warped and so concepts integrated within this context of limited sensation will always reflect that lack. That's what you're experiencing right now if you're stuck. You're only stuck because you've not drawn contrast to reveal the sensation of being you're resonant towards and sunk into that and allowed that definition to be your supply.
What does this look like you may wonder? How do we provide an example of this in the world. Well I'll once again explain my scenario. So my primary channel of fixed definition is the channel of rhythmic flow. This metaphysical theme is made manifest as a sensation of "radiance" from around my naval area that rises and often moves into my arms of my legs and sometimes into my neck or head depending on the intensity. If I receive a sensory stimulus that reminds me of this theme I have affinity for then I get the sensation of "YES LET'S GO!" and I just have to move with that current as it drives me through the experience. It's something I always just do even unconsciously without the stimulus present out of the normalised sensation that's got no contrast present. Me getting on here and typing this out is a reflection of that, or for example playing an old game while I listen means my variables can express themselves correctly too where my body is in rhythm doing its thing and my mind is in it's own flow absorbing information and processing it. It's a dualistic process which enables my body and my mind to operate independently from each other. I've always been like this and owning that fixed definition is knowing yourself and so when contrast is drawn to judge that nature then you know you can own it and sink into it and act on it and make decisions out of that. That sensation I get where I want to move myself in the world, this almost exciting yet sometimes fearful and anxious sensation I get when my body sees a ledge to jump onto or vault over or a path to spin on or something I just get this drive where my body is pulling me to unfold this experience through me and my mind watches and experiences that. It rises up and comes through me out of that channel. Whenever I accept this flow and I move myself in the world through that and I almost dance my way through the streets I come back feeling satisfied. This is a fixed metaphysical thematic process and the associated sensation I have within me that can be made manifest in many different ways depending on the normalised sensory medium I've established but the way I do it is through movement more often than not. That's not exclusive but it's this thematic sensation that I imagine myself playing out too under a sensory experience which implies that I'm normalised in that desire playing out in my life.
The end isn't always where we want to go, despite what NG says. I use to believe that but it's not the best and from experience the most reliable way to facilitate transformation, specifically here transformation and not manifesting specific outcomes, is through operating in your imagination through that sensation. If you imagine the scenario and you've not got an established normalised sensation to anchor with that experience then it will not sink in if transformation is required. If the normalised sensation is already a baseline and you're owning your definition under concepts that represent the abundance you desire to experience then that implication under that concept will be very easy to simply imagine under any effective thematic sensation (that's not reminding you of lack) and it will most likely show up reliably to that end. Manifesting out of the process of transformation and out of the process of refining your conceptual relationships to those baseline thematic sensations are different processes that have different purifying functions on your consciousness. They are not to be seen as one thing. They are to be applied specifically to each of their use cases. If your sense of self is low consistently whenever you're facing the pressure of where you desire to be (as in your finances are challenged or your SP says they don't want you) then that's a call for pathway work and thematic sensation refinement. Without those parts you'll be unable to cultivate purifying vital current to transform the stagnant patterns warping your baseline themes of experience that everything is integrating within.
To try and simplify all this stuff here now. Write out the component themes and related concepts that comprise your resonant experience and mental atmosphere. For me when I have lack sensations relating to SP or money or anything relating to that like not feeling like I am worthy of it I draw into my channel of bargaining and remind myself of what I've done with developing out RS and how I've got a vibe that's irresistible with my rhythmatic flow and how the person I desire will always be attracted to me and money will always show up to enable my consciousness to experience what's defined. I sink into the themes of my fixed definition and allow those to colour my mental environment and in that place it raises vital currents to nourish my shen and I feel worthy and deserving of all that I have resonance towards in that place where the negative sensations vanish in an instant. The degree to which I remind myself of what I have within me as my supply the more I dissolve resistance there and then because it's thematic and isn't really reliant on anything being present in your reality. I almost default here if and when dips show up. I imagine myself being that person, expressing those themes are I do in the world as normalised sensation and then allow that atmosphere to be the filter through which this desire is perceived through and it refines the experience to the point where I don't even perceive the limited belief structures anymore. Many "successful" people still feel fears and doubts and such when they face challenges but their secret is doing what I just outlined like clockwork when they find the contrast present wavering their mental atmosphere. You're cowering and dipping out of owning your defined themes of resonance and so you've got no supply to nourish your circuit. When this becomes present in your process of manifesting then you win 100% of the time and this is what I will say is the primary method everyone on earth who succeeds works with, to some degree. They're going to tell you they remind themselves "no I'm better than this" or whatever that represents to them as a way of bringing greater context into their mental environment which purifies the resistance through the raising of vital currents into the circuitry to nourish your shen and your hun (your conscious and unconscious mind) and to a degree your subconscious mind.
If you've paid attention to old cartoons and anime shows you'll find that the hero of the story when in doubt will remind themselves of all the reasons why they shouldn't quit or give up, they have sounds and visions flash into their minds and this rearranges the mental environment to provide them a supply of vitality and they then feel better to break their limits and this then sets a new baseline power for them. This is the same in us. It's literally the same process, writers of these characters know how this works it seems because they all reflect this metaphysical and alchemical process in the writing to some degree to justify the progression of the characters journey as they refine themselves through these experiences. Do you see now? This is premium level material I'm writing out here for those who read this far. There's nothing really that goes beyond that, as is the connections with all the other parts of the theory I've outlined in previous posts. Take all those points and work with them. My attempts to refine this whole thing into a simple explanation is extremely challenging because there's so many moving parts here to click together correctly for it to make sense. Without that context you've really got no understanding of what Reality Synthesis is and how it works. It transcends law of assumption/attraction and any other manifesting model to a degree that's beyond anything out there and all that I've outlined should make that as clear as day. All these mechanics can seem overwhelming and all the levels of these mechanics that can be applied and worked with is going to leave many confused as to what specifically to apply in their lives to attain satisfaction. The solution is to ask yourself. Not even I can always know the absolute most accurate solution when I speak with you, nobody can really. I've spoken with coaches who charge thousands and their insights are really in essence just like everyone else's. The only difference is the analogies they use to communicate the essence of what's needed to be seen. That's all. Seriously. There's no magic secret method all they can do is draw contrast into your mind to remind you of the sensation and that sensation is your insight as it's going to make it clear to you with a glimpse in that moment that you can have what you desire and that it's not something you're stuck with. That's my job as a "coach" as much as I hate that word. I'm not a coach I'm a metaphysician at heart but this industry is filled with people who don't really know what they're doing on the metaphysical level. Successful coaches are really metaphysicians in disguise, they mediate currents within your consciousness to facilitate transformation. They're alchemists in what they do, they're transforming you from the inside out through realising who and what you are and what you're capable of but if you walk away from that session without taking anything with you from what was discussed then you're going to fail. You need to have that sensation on demand to tap into. They just bring it to be conscious and your job after that to attain the result is through reminding yourself of that in the places of pressure and allow that to be your transforming alchemical agent. The difference between those who are successful from those who aren't are the ones who can establish with the client a protocol tailored to their schedule as to deliberately place them under the fire and purify under that pressure so that the normalised sensation can be established as baseline and they will KNOW how to respond when the adverse scenario shows up and value their vitality and make decisions correctly out of that sensation they're now very intimately familiar with. Without that homework outside of coaching you cannot and will not reliably transform.
That's been another level of what I've been working with here. How can I provide a client a process that they can take away from the call and work with aside from sending them the recording to take notes on and remind themselves of what we spoke of when they need it. I know all the theory side but processes need to be further refined if I'm going to become the "coach" who can attain as close to 100% success as possible. NG simply said "what would it feel like if you were the person you desire to be now". That's the essence of this entire thing with bringing the contextual sense into your mental environment and experiencing what's coming through you as a result of tapping into that which has connection to greater process manifesting through the thoughts that enter your mind in that channel. That comes through you, the sensation brings up conceptual sensory experiences to represent that sensation of what it feels like. It comes through you. You're not creating it and consciously deciding you're accepting and flowing without realising it, naturally. That's what NG failed to understand and what everyone who's metaphysically illiterate and ignorant about alchemical processes fails to see to any meaningful degree. They're all about control, control control control, conscious will, conscious decision, conscious controlling. It's all coming from a place of denial of God, greater process. These people don't understand the bible and like metaphysical texts and certainly cannot facilitate the transformations required to complete the great work as a pathway towards immortality. That's why Reality Synthesis will stand above the rest as the established standard and normalised model we all work with because it's got everything needed for consciousness to be explained and applied in our lives and on every level there is. The challenge then is simplifying all these parts and providing them to people in a specific manner for them to work with just as the so called law of assumption provides people the idea that imagination creates reality as the concept and everyone buys into it because in many instances it has correlation but that's just one small sliver of what's really going on. It's so limited and doesn't work in cases that require transformation which is almost everyone. 95+% of people. This is why what NG speaks of doesn't work and to this day still doesn't work and why I'm highly critical of what NG says because if he could outline everything that I've gone into relating to all the functions of consciousness and filter them through a lens of manifestation phenomena then we'd have all the answers but we don't it's heavily limited and doesn't provide what people need. Part of me thinks it was by design but I really don't know. How could NG claim to understand the bible and still fail to understand that Jews don't have a place in that text and rule the world and run the artificial scarcity we're living under. The origins of limiting beliefs and the need to transform due to limited perceptions on these concepts in our lives. NG failed to explain how and why and to this day nobody who studies NG extensively to the degree I have can explain with his model how this all works reliably. Nobody. I've seen them all. That's why RS exists. It has to exist for this function because there's a void that's open and waiting to be filled.
I know many other so called coaches out there will take what I am saying and either copy it without the basis I understand which allowed me to see these things that came through me over years of experience and study or they'll take what I say and warp it with "quantum" and "imagination" ideas that's peddled in the modern day. My model is discreetly against probabilistic ideas and magic. It explains those things, it explains the phenomena of seeming probabilistic and seeming magic in a mechanical way and answers those models in a way that proves them wrong. If all the mechanics are clear and plainly presented for all to see then it's just up to the application as mechanics can't really be warped to fit into belief systems. It's either you apply them as I speak of or you warp them and lose the functions. It'll be interesting to see how others respond to RS when they know about it.
This notebook was intended to be a simple thing I wrote small points in but it turned out to be my realm of refinement as new theory came through me as I had the impulse to sit down and spend time writing, oftentimes hours every day.
More once again
An enlightened person is someone who doesn't take orders from anyone else. They know themselves to be complete and whole and can make decisions and will operate out of their resonant mental atmosphere which is as a result of their circuits being nourished. It's all correspondent. An enlightened person is someone who travels freely without answering to any goons, doesn't pay anyone they don't decide to pay including taxations, doesn't give their data or attention to things that are degenerate, meaning they don't waste their vital currency online, they freely attain the resources they desire without question or need to buy anything because they don't need to conform to the collective belief in money and usury. They don't need permission to go into certain places and they don't accept being identified as anyone that they're really not. They are an incorporeal being who knows themselves and is nourished within their thematic resonance and is the literal embodiment of their metaphysics in the world. Do you see how the idea of not being a slave to the degenerate belief systems of the world play into the bible now and how that relates to manifestation? The belief in Gov and external authority is the parasitic belief that really is the established origin of limiting beliefs and Jews are the manifestation of the personification who peddle this to us and make us conform under duress. Originally this was introduced through false religion like Christian belief systems and the church was the Gov but now it's through the so called fake scientific perception and technology is the new medium which this is pushed on us willingly to comply and accept influence through. Do you see? Of course this tech can be used to attain much knowledge which I'm using now to communicate this with you but it doesn't really exist. It's all digital and has no tangible value to us. Digital currency is an illusion, and really so is paper money and even Gold. It's all just a medium of exchange by which an agreed value is placed on it and we all agree (under duress) to trade with this system. Now if everyone had abundance within them nobody would need to have a form of currency because we would exchange materials based on what we need without conditions. We would all have enough because we're all abundant and nourished within and there's more than enough resources to fulfil that. It's the artificial scarcity systems that Jews integrated within the collective consciousness which we all buy into and accept as a fact.
Isn't that funny? We all buy into a completely nonsensical paradigm. This idea actually was one I thought about way back in high school and was partly why I held such a negative belief relating to money and having resources because it was buying into this belief. I didn't see it as evil I just saw buying into it as ignorance and hated being a cog in the wheel of Jewish systems of debt slavery which it is because every $ that's created has debt tied to it so money doesn't exist either. Isn't that right. Yet we all buy into and accept it without question, only until contrast is made present in your mind and the mental atmosphere surrounding these concepts changes and your thematic experience begins to shift out of that contrast. This is the same as manifesting people or wealth or anything. The same transformation process. What authority do you accept to rule over you? Isn't this the common theme of human struggle, the striving to find an authority to rule over us and determine what we can and cannot do, willingly? Who's making decisions for you and influencing your consciousness? NG completely failed to mention these themes in the bible of how the Christos never bent the knee to any authority. Those stories have implication on all levels of experience because they're metaphysical. They speak to the principles of consciousness. Governance by degenerates out of ignorance is part of the process of consciousness we're all born into and explains the origins of limiting beliefs in our world. If all the Talmudic degenerates were eliminated then the metaphysic wouldn't have a personification to be made manifest through and we would prosper, at least for a while until the next cycle unfolds. Jooz don't have a homeland because they're the manifestation of degeneracy in the world and are the supply of that in our experiences. Without Jooz there is no supply of degeneracy propagating that into our experience through subversive influences like media and politics and religion and such methods.
The same metaphysic of having your circuits nourished from your internal supply means you don't need anything outside of you to be your supply and thus they cannot influence you. You influence them. That's how Reality Synthesis works. It's about currency of vitality and nourishment as this is the hidden currency of true value you cannot earn in this world working any job there is. This can only be found within and I've made clear the process of how to do that at the basic level. There's more advanced levels that are required for further refinement such as the gazing in the way I teach to those in the immortality group and certain clients I speak with outside that but it's something that until you reach a certain threshold of substance refinement these more advanced methods don't work. There's no magic methods here it's a process we must gradually experience and learn from over time. A measure of magnitude that processes from one stage to another is what we are and time and space is the implied creation as a function to enable that unfolding. Time and space are products of procession, movement of the aether. I said way back in 2019 that movement of the aether was what resulted in the manifestation of power, and it is. There's no charge carrying particles, those seeing particles are manifestations of compression and rarefaction cycles unfolding as the aether is perturbed and takes form through it's self implied qualities and hysteresis cycles which define the measures of magnitude that are taken and how we express those through mathematical language. Jooz also took that from us too, they paid for relativistic physics to be established even though relativity doesn't work and anyone with common sense can see that. Germs don't cause disease and spread illness contagiously between people and yet we're taught this irrefutably incorrect idea about disease because it's sponsored and funded by Talmudic factions. Our world view is sponsored by Jooz. The same factions that are the manifestation of degeneracy in the world and so their supply is made manifest in all areas of our lives. Recognising this degeneracy is part of the process of refining consciousness to the degree where we may not logically know how and why physics or medicine in the modern day is flawed but that we know and understand the principles at play and don't buy into it anymore as we now have our internal supply.