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The original Reality Synthesis manifestation coaching

Aetheraeon Notebook 8


Aetheraeon Notebook 8

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It's September already. Mad. If only it was page 9 for September. I don't think I'll be making a page 9 any time soon, it took less than a month to fill out page 7 but I was working non stop on that and was one of the best pages I ever made.


So I've just received further refinement about the idea of subconscious capacity. This came to me just before when I was doing a forest walk and talk looping on the bridge under the falls like I do on the walk and talk videos. It'll probably be short. I want to make more videos and get this out there, feels right now that I've gotten all that stuff out on page 7.

Subconscious capacity can be likened to the level of expanse of the filter of consciousness. There are critical thresholds which determine your capacity, though it's a linear increase without quantisation there are points within the level of capacity which open up new levels of experience. Imagine it like a pipe and there being water flowing through. Take an ocean sized pipe but then filter it down to the size of your finger. That's what your subconscious capacity is like, it's squeezing the totality of greater process and all that's integrated into a tiny little water hose sized pipe. The complete procession of consciousness is specifically being filtered through your definition and receptors but their ability to interact with the stream around them depends on the capacity of the pipe. The degree and type of information flowing in is a function of subconscious capacity. When you're heavily embodied into an experience you're not going to have the ability to expand capacity and perceive beyond that limited capacity you've got in that place. When you're more invested and buying into experience your capacity shrinks, you're more easily influenced by others (and to yourself in that specific state) where as if you're expanded you can perceive and see through things as there's more space to have experience. This is also a function of having greater vitality too, not just purely the idea that subconscious capacity is a different variable, it's going to require a baseline level of qi to be elevated for the capacity to stick. Eventually you reach a level where you're going to perceive reality beyond sensory experience and tap into the pure thematic archetypal principles and allow them to flow through you and manifest experiences implied through that. Capacity must reach a higher level to hit that threshold where this opens up. SATS gets you part of the way there which is why manifesting from a place of expanded capacity enables you to more efficiently lose yourself in that experience in the imagination to be your testimony and result in a shift in direction out of that.

Fundamentally there's only principle thematic archetypes that exist, but they're made manifest to us through the degree that our limited capacity enables. Those broader level themes are squished down and compressed into a smaller lower order process which we're representing in our experience, we comprise it to a limited extent through the sensory conceptual experiences we have as we are metaphysical and alchemical where our corporeal experiences reflect these fundamental principles in implication. Music and art are the best examples of how we can tap into these principles. Music that's comprised to narrow into a specific theme will communicate that to you. That "sense" is the thematic sense and it's comprised of and represented to you in your limited capacity as sensory level experience. That's the implication. When your capacity increases you go beyond that level and communicate directly to the consciousness or personification of that archetype instead of through worldly experiences. You interact with it directly and communicate with it through simple cues which ring your consciousness like a bell and thus fine tune your field geometry to be aligned where these principles can interact with each other through you deliberately interacting with them and new substances of higher order can be made manifest out of that interaction that previously cannot be produced without those 2 or more principles interacting. That's alchemy. Manifestation is alchemy.

If we're manifesting something it's going to be the product of the interaction of our field geometry with the world. It's how our definition interacts and forms new unique testimony out of that interaction with the world and others in it that comprises our manifest experiences. Imagination is a tool to align the direction of how these defined principles within our field geometry are operating to "attract" to us those who are receptive to these fixed parts of us. That's why there's ALWAYS a natural unfolding of events and never magic that happens, except those who operate from a greater capacity that's allowing them to directly manifest in real time where experiences unfold through them. Buying into a direction through testimony is having your direction of propagation altered through rearranging the fixed and receptive principles within you to change how people perceive you. If you own your fixed definition then those who are receptive to that as a supply through you will be attracted to you or want to spend time around you, those who have fixed definition that's mirror like to yours will play off you in different ways, likely in ways that result in both of your transformation and refinement.

Opposites attract because they're bridging gaps in the circuits we're receptive to so that parts of us can link up and communicate more efficiently. That's why certain people are "exciting" to be around, likely because they're conditioning you with sacral charge which is rising and powerful in it's experience, especially if you're not a generator type. Those people are the ones who are going to be the ones you want to be with, not that they're good for you but because they're stimulating. They're stimulating on a principle level and supplying you with what you don't have. The same thing applies with others attracted to you. If you have powerful definition in ways that others don't have they'll naturally be attracted to you. Sacral definition will almost always result in someone who's more attractive in general to others because that archetype is the most powerful supply there is, aside from the heart. If you have heart and sacral supply within you then you're going to be EXTREMELY attractive to all types of people because you've got so much definition bridging others circuits. When you own that and use that in the world as who you're defined as and not what the world thinks you should be like then you're going to consequentially manifest experiences that will confirm this definition. The thoughts which correspond to the expression of these principles will show up automatically in your mind, they will come through your consciousness and it will be natural. It won't be forced. It's a simple realisation of who and what you are and what's yours and what's not yours so you and with that perception refine the supply of your field geometry in the world and allow that to manifest for you, because that's really what's happening it's not your thoughts but the principle thematic archetypal level that's communicating to others through their limited bandwidth pipe which draws them into that experience hook line and sinker and it's only when contrast is present that they'll realise they got baited through your definition.

Contrast is a place where you're experiencing more space in itself but that's a temporary place and it's state dependent. It's not a place where that expansion sticks and results in transformation. Space facilitates transformation but vitality does too as that's the alchemical agent which acts on the resistance to dissolve it. That's the fire of life which dissolves disproportionate pathways and it's emanating from your owned supply. Owning who you are will manifest everything you desire. Disowning yourself and disempowering yourself and having others be your authority as to who and what you can and can't do or accept and buy into and experience will mean that your definition will be compromised and you'll feel this as lack and un-satisfaction and all that. It's a result of denying your supply. Greater process is your true supply, but we're simulacrums reflecting that in potential, an embryonic capacity to unfold and refine. Reality is "rolled up" as the alchemist says and when we expand subconscious capacity we unroll it and we can see more of it at once and in that place we can know ourselves on a more primordial principle level. These are the themes that represent our fixed definition. 


There's more here I can't think of at the moment it seems.

I'm going to make a flow chart to put all this into perspective because there's so many moving parts I'm losing track myself.


Now I remember what I was thinking about before. Hours later.

Split definition define the "splits" in our field geometry that require thematic influence to bridge between each other. This is where the surrounding receptive gates can be influenced and your perception can be warped while buying into any one of these limited splits as there's no way for it to integrate greater context into that mental environment you're fixated on. We get stuck in limited perceptions more so if there's splits present as the communication between themes we have that works for us isn't present and we need to specifically then remind ourselves of that definition we have that's separate and effectively fill in the gaps consciously within ourselves.



This is an interesting idea here. I've already spoken on this but I want to reiterate. Breaking pattern is probably the best way to begin building momentum. Put yourself into different environments around different people and your sensations that drive you will change which will of course bring contrast into your consciousness. This contrast is the medium by which change can be made and stabilised. 


I had this idea just earlier while I was busy and it's come up again. This relates more to why sensory experiences don't show up in the world. I've been immersed into experiences in my mind where I've heard an old song I use to listen to ages ago when I was like 7 or 8 or something and can remember vividly what it sounds like. I've for the most part had this come through me, I don't consciously decide I'm going to listen to this song but it comes up somewhat frequently, like every few weeks it flows into my awareness. I sink into that experience again and listen to it with loud sound and visceral sensation with it. It's real. The thing is I've never had that song manifest in my world, like I don't remember what it's called it was on some random CD I forgot about and I've never heard it physically since. Why hasn't this showed up in the world if what we bring before the mind of God manifests into the sensory world? I've likely fallen asleep listening to this before in my head and it's not showed up. Why is this happening? It comes through me but I don't hear it physically? It's vivid and real, more real than voices at times and yet I can have peoples voices show up easily. I'm often in a flow type state when it comes into my mind, so I'm not trying to make anything happen out of a desperate state. I have zero attachment to this. Why hasn't it showed up like other instances where media comes into my mind and it shows up? I think I know why but really I don't know the answer for sure. I assume it's about more of the thematic sensation that I'm unable to sink into that's related, as like a path of least resistance sensation which brings it out of me naturally. If in that place I imagine it again I might be able to have it show up in the world and have that music then remind me of the sensation, just as it always does with other things.



Still strange using 9 again. Immortality is one of those things. Perfection. 

It’s interesting actually I just thought about how “subliminals” can actually work. Have any of you had the experience of hearing someone’s voice in your dream that’s outside and it was like interpreted in real-time through the dreamscape? Like the dream blends into the sounds outside and you live through that experience. Someone in the dream would say what the person in the world is saying. There’s also this one, as strange as it is. I remember ages ago when I wet the bed I dreamed I was way back in school again and going to the toilet when it happened I’m the world. These corresponding experiences can be a clue as to how manifestation works. There’s also how in dreams loud noises are made before a phase conjugate experience that can happen from gazing. I had the sounds of explosions going off right before I woke up and had my vision. It’s either that or you get “zapped”. 

It seems to me that these experiences come through us based on what’s happening within, when it comes to dreams describing the alchemical processes unfolding. The same thing seems to happen when it’s something on the outside being made real on the inside. In that case would the subliminal of touching on boundaries and pushing forward the reality of experience in the dream based on what the subliminal is presenting also have a corresponding effect where the dream becomes the substrate for the reality of experience where the conscious mind observes? Just an idea. I should test this. Normally I don’t use subliminals at night for various reasons because driving what comes out in dreams isn’t always the best thing, especially when you’re doing gazing and that’s bringing stuff out to be dissolved through dreams. This idea that you can control and influence your consciousness through dreams and subliminals is almost contradictory with how we really experience dreams. Perhaps the dream will mediate both the natural processing of what’s being dissolved as well as the subliminal or it might even just ignore the subliminal entirely. Tests must be done. 

Here people wonder why I take so long to speak on this stuff. I need to know not guess. 


Be the supply of your thematic process. Be the supply for your desired experience. Be the supply for others to play off in a way that's beneficial. Are you providing them value or are you depleted and trying to think your way into feeling that value? Feeling that value IS being that supply for others. Tap your internal supply and radiate that to the world and others WILL come to you, they won't be able to help it. They'll be like moths drawn to a flame. Helpless to be drawn into your reality of experience and play whatever role they can in that direction. They'll pick up on the thematic experience you're having and their state will align accordingly because you'll be that influential supply for them. Your being will literally be a stimulus for their consciousness, just as when you listen to music or watch a movie or whatever your thematic resonance shifts and you're influenced by that. It moves you, and you move people depending on your thematic resonance. How does that feel? What's the target of that resonance? Describe it and outline how others would respond to that. With every principle of consciousness there's a polarity to play off and others must play their part for your consciousness to even operate and experience what it is.



Well I just bought a shirt the other day with a certain symbol on it and I just saw that same symbol on the back of someone's car. It's very very very specific and not something you see around very much. These examples of "manifestation" are seemingly what people refer to as proof that "God is imagination". Very strange if you ask me. NG says reading a newspaper causes what was read to show up in your world. Makes you wonder then that if this is true it would mean that the Murdochs who own all the media companies would write the history, meaning there's external influence based on how much you're marketed to by those factions which shape your experience that you accept as real. Is it the reality of the experience? I just looked at the shirt, how does it show up again? Is this like scripting? Normalised sensation? There's no predictability here, or if there is the time in which things show up is very very specific to how your coming days were already planned ahead by what was present that was driving you. If that's the case then what's the function of contrast being drawn in the moment and making different decisions? Is that pre-determined? How far does this go? Don't you see how insane this whole thing is, it brings literally everything into question and makes a complete mess of the nature of reality. No order.

I say those things you manifested were you being receptive to influence through the open thematic sensations that drove you towards experiencing the reality of that concept. For me that was the normalised sensation of what this shirt felt like that I was receptive to and so I was driven to this store to pick it up and that just so happened to also carry over to my moment where I saw that symbol on the car. This is why I say it's all about reception and definition defining what we experience. What we provide in supply through our fixed definition vs what we tap into for supply where we're receptive. The imaginal experience, as in the thematic sensation that drove you into the thoughts naturally through the pathways came through you and not because of your logical mind thinking of it consciously and deliberately. It flowed through you because of your design and how you've associated to these thematic sensations you're in, though you don't know because they're normalised and stable and that's what it's like to manifest something "easily". There's many cases of people having things show up that are massive in contrast, something they don't expect and is a shock to them, but more often than not these either come in a way that's later on going to be limited or that it's going to be part of the greater process of their transformation towards the normalisation of the sensation. 

This common thread about fixed vs receptive and owning what's you and leaving what's not you is the one that comes up over and over. Overextending is another one, where you're needing external supply to fill in what's disowned you're designed to play out and so you're going to be giving "mixed' signals on a sensation level to those you're manifesting, like specific people showing interest and then leaving soon after. It's almost always because you're overextending because the baseline still isn't present and you can't take the pressure. The sensation isn't normalised and when they're showing signs of interest it pulls you into themes of experience that aren't associated to your value and instead are coming from this limited needing of external supply state. You'll feel it if you're doing the work. You'll know 100% if you do regular pathway work. Coming back to these areas and diving head first into the pressure and making the decisions to value your vitality will normalise the sensation and transform you. Nobody in this community transforms without pressure, else pressure wasn't required and a simple shift in thematic resonance by adjusting their default associations was all it took as the vitality was present and valued to enable the "easy" manifestation. The way you really dissolve this stuff is by asking yourself what would it be like if I didn't ever have this thing? Can I be ok with that? What's the worst that could happen if I never ever got to experience this? Big deal. So what. Don't chuck a hissy fit and be like a little crybaby because the current context you're in is feeling limited. Dive into that state and then accept it, be ok with feeling this way and realise that it's all just wasting your vitality and drop it and while under that pressure transform it by seeing how it'll show up anyway if you withdraw your vitality from needing it and let it show up when it's ready. If you can't accept that then go to the next level that's comfortable, perhaps instead of if it never showed up say it'll show up in a long time, or in the near future, and be ok with that. If you simply cannot accept that it'll show up at all you're going into it with the wrong context or you're just so depleted and stagnant then other areas need working vs the psychological.

I strongly believe that many clients I've had who were telling me they couldn't see how their SP would want to be with them in the dips even after doing the pathway work extensively and applying themselves in many other resonant areas likely just had deficiencies in surrounding metaphysics which were compromised and herbal methods likely would've been the trick to resolve that stagnation. QI stagnation, likely, mostly in the heart meridian. Thing is those people don't want to keep coaching if they don't get it on a certain time frame I said would be likely. It's almost as if results are multi faceted and in my experience relying purely on the psychological aspect to resolve the metaphysics is honestly stupid and limiting. If I ran a real clinic doing this work with locals which I feel I want to do at some point I'd ALWAYS involve herbs and other methods because it's all working the same channels anyway. It's so stupid we think that manifestation is purely a psychological aspect. So dumb. Ignorance. Results in many people depend very very closely on what's happening with their entire being, not just what goes through the head as I've said time and time and time again that what goes through the head is a result not a cause. Your thoughts are a manifestation that unfolds through you, a vast majority of the time especially when sensations are normalised. The fact is that manifestation shouldn't even be a thing people think about (under the context of manifesting a specific person for example) until your metaphysics are correctly aligned using all methods around that so you can fully value your vitality and be the supply which that specific person will integrate and play off of. These people have it backwards and I've honestly been kidding many of them thinking that pathway work alone is all that's needed, it's not. 

I've just come out of a program that I spent thousands on and am in another group with dozens who pay hundreds and barely anyone in there has big results. As far as I know nobody in the high tier program got what they wanted even after 90 days. I've seen limited success in the membership program too. Why does nobody in this community get high success rates and we've all got this mask of perfection publicly when behind the scenes the stats speak to very limited success? Because the very idea of what we're doing here is stupid and unreliable because we're assuming everything comes down to an imaginal scene. The bulk of the work comes down to where are you expending excess vitality and under expressing where you should be owning. The imaginal scene stuff is just a way of transforming themes and sensations through testimony of contrast under pressure, or simple integration of concepts that associate to the themes that are already established and proportionate. 90+% of people require transformation before doing any of that work because the vitality is diminished and lacking in coherency of states that are resonant. Reliable results with this almost always come down to these factors. I've already said this before but I'll say it again to make it clear.

Are you owning your fixed definition or giving into the themes of limitation that are falsely associated?

Are you tapping your internal supply and withdrawing from overextending it to be magnetic or are you overextending and depleting yourself to try and control thinking it's better?

Are you refining the sensory relationships to themes and sensations and doing pathway work to understand extensively what themes you're lead into based on what sensory stimulus is arising and how your regular habits and environmental influences factor into that.

Are you breaking patterns of stagnation, metaphysical stagnation, meaning what are you constantly drawing into as a baseline theme that you know is limited and are you breaking that pattern of dependency which reaching into sensory concepts that grant you supply which comes from proportionate themes. Normalise that contrast.

The idea of needing an end scene is almost never the solution because it would naturally flow through you anyway. When you're at that point it'll be easy to get fast movement anyway because you're proportionate and stable, meaning your supply of vitality is consistent and related to your path of least resistance. 

Go through a vast range of media, music for example, and log down how each track leads you into different themes of experience. Log these all down and then draw further branches of how those tracks lead you into further refined concepts that arise and what are the sensations. Are these sensations similar or different? Do extensive pathway work and fully understand what makes you tick and what makes you feel devalued. Own what's yours without a shred of compromise and you'll then be driven and tap your internal supply and value your vitality. This is the work. This IS manifestation because naturally out of that nourishment will flow and you'll have correct thoughts and imaginal experiences and insights come when they're ready for you to experience what's needed for your satisfaction. You won't ever need to touch NG or the likes. I'm honestly so over this idea of imaginal work being the solution to problems it's so limited. People also think gazing will solve their problems, or my subliminal will solve their problems. Space is a big part because without space vitality cannot expand into the channels and nourish you fully as where there is vitality there must be space to experience that, or where there is blood there must be dynamism and qi to expand that space and act as the metaphysical bounding volume in which consciousness expresses and unfolds. Space is one part of that equation. Thinking that any one of these will solve your problem is silly and isn't the way things work.

If you want the fast track method to radical transformation then go out of your way to get uncomfortable in life as much as possible in ways you're driven but are denying. Getting very very uncomfortable and yet still making correct decisions according to the resonant thematic sensations will lead you towards success and radical transformation. That's the fast way but it's the most painful. Die. Die to yourself. Completely kill yourself without mercy. That's what you need to do. Destroy and eliminate yourself utterly and completely. Hang yourself on the cross, or the world tree. Die to your limits without a shred of compromise. That's what radical transformation is. Destroying yourself is the hardest of all though. Destroying others is easy because you're thrashing around in your delusions but you cannot fake your own death. It's going to cause you to back out when the pressure gets too intense and yet you continue to wail and complain that your life sucks and how others are doing this and that and bla bla bla bla bla.

Certain music leads me into this thematic. Usually folk music does that to me, likely because of the association I made when I discovered this stuff when I was exploring Norse myths extensively and was deeply into rune magic. Kati Ran is one who constantly comes to mind. Blue flame sentinel. The keeper of the sacred purifying fire. Just thinking about it rose some seriously intense currents typing that out. This is what I mean. There's a sensation, a thematic relationship and that "metaphysical" sensation reminds you of an expression of self that's resonant. The channel of flow is begging me to die and be driven into that direction. That thematic direction breaks my limits and provides me the contrast I need to transform resistance. Making decisions out of this direction without a shred of compromise will lead me and drive me towards my satisfaction and yet I still compromise to this day on that thematic level. I remember once diving head into it and I ended up severely damaging myself riding my scooter and stacking it because I overexpressed in the wrong ways and was processing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Those scars are still visible and taught me that lesson. Process when you're in a safe environment, but make decisions under pressure and not in a safe environment where you can back out and compromise because you will if you reach the middle of that purifying fire. You won't walk the coals you'll chicken out because you're weak and degenerate. You need to aid your process in this and make it difficult to back out and compromise. Break pattern and rearrange the metaphysical contents of your reality. Log these so you know what's resonant and not, log the sensations and themes and all that and then just die to those limits. Show them just how much heat you can take for the immortal being endured more heat than anyone else in this world.

What is it that leads you into thematic resonance? Consistently? What raises that purifying vital current that you're compromising on? What needs to die? What needs to be owned and expressed? Understand yourself and out of that you'll know everything about how to become immortal. This pathway work will give you all the insight required but it's up to you to die under that pressure and transform from there. Place yourself under that pressure and bring the contrast to that place and normalise that sensation to re-associate the default sensation and conceptual relationship. 

How the heck do I make videos on all this stuff. I'm not someone who can easily break down these massively complex metaphysical processes. The flow chart has helped but it's more still. Just saying what to do isn't what I'm trying to do where I'm trying to explain how and why so I can refute NG and the fools in LOA for good and provide people a real solution founded in source material by which their systems originated and were warped for profits. Stand naked on the stage of reality for all to see, stripped bare and without anything to hide. What if everything was stripped from you and you were laid out with nothing to retreat or hide behind. With that you'd realise that it was stupid to hold onto limitation and compromise and feeling devalued because eventually it wouldn't bother you, you're an incorporeal being taking a sense of devaluation over literally nothing of importance but what was made to seem important to the limited mind. You see the process now? Being forced to be laid bare on the stage of the world for all to see and still while there accepting your state and still dancing your dance of life. THAT IS TRANSFORMATION. THAT IS THE IMMORTALS PATH. THAT IS THE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. In principle at least. There's nothing left to discuss I can speak this same thing forever and it'll not sink in. The application and forcing of yourself without a shred of mercy to break patterns of comfort is the only way forward. Thinking has not and will not help you, you know that. You know what to do. This is premium content I'm not hiding anything so there it all is. Do the work you know literally everything there is to know. Die just as the Christ did, just as Odin did, just as YOU, did. Stand naked on the stage of reality and hold nothing back. That's your supply providing it's value to those who are receptive and they will respond. You just need to own it and provide your supply to the world and be driven by that sensation and not by your head and what the world wants of you because not even they know, culture changes in an instant but your greater consciousness doesn't. It knows what you need better than anything because that is your true aspect looking for you to accept it and be driven for it needs you to purify on both levels to complete the great work. Accepting this drive is accepting your divine nature so stand naked on the stage of reality for all to see and die in those sensations and never look back.

That is all.



Israel. The bible. More on this subject. In my estimation and based on what I know I'm going to say that Israel will be split up in the coming years. This nullifies the idea of an Israeli state as a land they own. Palestine will have their own state. BB's damage has already been done and the cards in his hand have been played and he's on his way out as we speak, and dictators will refuse to accept defeat. Narcissism doesn't accept being wrong, they'll sink the ship and everyone on it before surrendering and being exposed and forced to face their feelings, they cannot stand naked on the stage because it's the most painful thing imaginable and far far far worse than destroying their people. The Zionists will have to accept defeat in this case, however they will relocate to a new homeland because the states support them and the trump card will be played to support this end. Transformation is unfolding as we speak in many many ways. The idea of Israel being a place is nonsense, the term was to describe a state of consciousness for those who believe upon greater process as the one true God. God being process and us being created in his image (the unfolding of emanationary process being made manifest AS us and THROUGH us as simulacrums of that contained potential for expansion, being why it's a HE and not a SHE which would mean contraction and absorption) and that we're playing out the pre-determined paths we've been assigned on the thematic level that we're driven to have resonance with and regardless of if our conscious mind likes that or not it's how we're driven. 

Not everyone will have a bigger more influential and transformational role to play though everyone will simply by the nature of your existence. Being correct in your expression of self is the only thing here that matters as through your experience and the focusing on your immortal path towards completion of the integration of greater processes and those substances into one substance is all we're designed for. We're not designed to live and die short meaningless lives. Those who are more transformative and mutative more often than not are designed for exciting lives of great transformation vs the workers who support that. The ones who have manifesting potential are the ones who more often than not play that out in the world. That's how it's designed and how it's reflecting in the world. Taking your design and working with it is how you'll attain satisfaction and ultimately complete the great work.

As I go through deliberate substance cultivation to break my own limits it's making me more and more and more aware of what's going on here. Kidney yin is required to be in sufficient levels for the anchor of liver qi and yang to stabilise the rising fire which in many many people is overactive. Calming this pathogenic fire is required to calm and stabilise the state in imagination else it'll cause anxiety and doubts and thoughts of frustration. You'll be unable to stabilise your state because the metaphysical process simply doesn't allow it to happen no matter what you assume. Letting go of what's holding that limitation in place keeping the stagnations there will let it go but telling yourself "I have abundant kidney yin" will not solve your problem and magically manifest your anchor. The next most common is heart qi and blood issues. Once again without a sufficient anchor and substance to transform through the heart into blood out of cultivated kidney yin then you will not and cannot have the sensation of actual satisfaction. It will not happen. Heart qi will more often than not flow with the blood when it's nourishing the shen. A malnourished blood deficient shen will cause your manifesting capacity to be whacked. I faced that myself and know what it's like. Some people have nourished shen and Hun with sufficient blood and yin but then cannot refine their expressions of self to naturally raise and circulate the currents of yang and qi. Spleen and sometimes lung weakness can manifest as holding onto past traumas and thinking too much on those events and how they're defining your ability to act correctly leading you to ignore intuitive impulse out of needing to hold onto what you once had and not making good decisions is a manifestation of deficiency and stagnation in the upper burner. Unable to process what's been taken in, metaphysically speaking. Lower is about having substance, middle is about transformation of both into higher order. This is why the heart is so important as it creates blood and shen which leads to more yang Jing which is the element required for immortality processes to complete. When there is nourishment of the yin side and substances are present and circulating then it's simply about generating the qi required for the critical thresholds for the transformation of those substances into higher order ones is all the rest of the work. More often than not it's initially a deficiency of yin or a stagnation of qi that's the issue, both more often than not linked to blood issues. Qi issues most often are a result of compromise patterns that have been held onto and that then leads to burning of yin and Jing which means blood gets compromised and at that point you're really whacked. I faced that and know what it's like. I faced all of it and to this day am still working to restore spleen and liver meridians to complete working order, partly due to constitutional weakness I've faced that accelerated their disproportionate issues I faced. 

Putting this into a practical process is a challenge. Nobody has really developed a system and there's so many moving parts here I just don't even know where to start. I'm not built for organising info like this into working models I'm someone who's good at collecting and finding connections between large amounts of info but putting that into working models isn't my forte. That comes over time through further discovery but I'm never focused on that end, I'm focused on refining the theory further and finding more moving parts. It's getting now though to a stage that's just crazy with how many parts there are to consider. No wonder NG was so successful. Simple one part that moves, the mind. Ignorance. The mind follows what the form presents it and buys into the sensations unless contrast is present and vitality sufficient to act as the transforming factor, else you don't change and really cannot change, unless you're forced to but that's consciously breaking the boundaries anyway which is transformative in itself and is what we're trying to attain.


More here.

Yesterday I spoke about death and the rebirth of a new paradigm of bring and that surrender and acceptance through transformation was what is necessary for that to unfold. naturally. I strongly believe that a big part of this is as I've said before defining all of the sensory elements that comprise this thematic experience. Music puts us most easily (in my experience) into various thematic sensations. If that's not accompanied by a rising sensation from the authority center then it's meaningless to your path and should be discarded. Listening to music that's excessively depleting space and vitality is a waste of time for you and likely arises out of compromise patterns at that point. Either way certain music will have different themes. Use this as a way of touching into the sensations of them. These different types of music will raise and lower currents in different meridians and out of that alter your thematic experience and what flows through your consciousness. It's an influence through the senses to direct your mental atmosphere which will bring up related thematically associated sensations and concepts as thoughts. With this in mind find what resonates on a consistent basis, that which raises current mostly will be what you need to work with. This doesn't mean "upbeat" stuff will be your solution, but music that touches on the themes. Vocals alone with zero instrument can do this. Instruments alone without vocals can do this, it just depends on what you've resonance with. 90% of what I listen to is either vocals in languages I don't understand or instrumental. That's just what I tend to resonate with, partly because it's not actively driving my thoughts with vocals and it's a more pure sensation that's delivered through the medium of instrumental sound. Classical for example, Bach. BWV 4; Duetto (Versus II. S,A)- Den Tod niemand zwingen kunnt or 04 Piano Quartet No.1 in G minor, Op.25 - iv - Rondo alla Zingarese are examples that have resonance with the theme of splenic based stabilising currents, at least in my metaphysical analysis. This is a stabilising grounding current that's slightly biased in the direction of rising into the heart or the throat to make manifest this stabilised current. This is what I mean by the thematic sensation, it's a metaphysical sense that relates to the channels by which the themes these sensory experiences are drawing current through.

So the essence here is to establish the definition of what your resonant thematic sensations are. I don't have fundamental resonance with that music I used as an example but it's interesting to listen to. It doesn't draw me into a resonant current which my inner response drives me towards experiencing but it's interesting. You need to find what's resonant and on a consistent basis because that theme is what will bring you your satisfaction, even if it seems to be emotionally limiting. Doing this work for me isn't consistently emotionally uplifting but it leaves a sense of satisfaction at the end and that's what matters. It feels complete, like I can let go and allow my experience to be. I flow through it, you'll be very similar when you're correct in how you're expressing self. Identifying the theme is what we need. This is mostly a natural process anyway, we naturally are drawn to what's resonant because of these rising sensations that feel intense and drive us, though if there's compromise patterns then it will cause a withdrawal or a stagnation because you've disowned these themes.

Unfortunately I just lost 15 mins of typing because I screwed up my hot keys and deleted what I wrote. Must be important and needs reiterating further.

I simply want to explain how owning these themes results in manifestation. How would you define these themes and describe them with the senses? Naturally we do this because it's correctly stimulating. This is refining the sensory inputs to drive us into a direction that's resonant and out of that manifestation unfolds through us. Scripting works because of this, we're going to define through the script what's resonant to us and out of that the manifestation unfolds. It's NATURAL! It's not something you're doing it's a natural product of buying into where your resonant sensation that's coming from the response authority within you as you bring thematics and concepts into the consciousness where currents are going to flow where they should be and thus your definition provides influence to those involved as a consequence. It's not something you do it's a product of you simply responding to what's within you. Making a video on this subject alone and explaining every element of it is going to be the core element that destroys the law of assumption and what NG wrote. He failed miserably to explain how the phenomena of manifestation works because he's missing how the fixed metaphysical definition within us functions and how both us and the world around us are driven by those thematic sensations and how they're manifesting thoughts and feelings in our collective consciousness through greater process accordingly. When we integrate concepts it's stabilising the sensation and normalising it, it's making it connect to more of our themes of experience in a proportionate manner and out of that our resonant currents we emanate which we're owning and circulating generate new substances through the interaction of those who are receptive to this and out of this process new phenomena manifest and consciousness expands where concepts are interferometrically generating new phenomena to then play off of and create even more experiences. More space. More currents to explore. You see.

Owning your thematic sensations is a natural process but we've been so dumbed down by NG and people who think it's all magical imagination stuff and that there's no fixed functions within our consciousness. NG denies all of these things and thinks we can determine everything with our thoughts alone, he thinks WW2 started because someone wrote out a similar scenario on paper who had no involvement and the world was moved to make his imaginary experience happen. NG in this instance proves that there's a collective reality and that we're not in some isolated bubble, and yet there's so many who claim he taught solipsistic manifesting models like personal bubble reality timeline dimension trash that metaphysically illiterate fools peddle for money because it's easy to grasp and buy into. Means nothing and I swiftly strike down any level of that position without a shred of mercy or remorse. This is a time of transformation. 

Manifestation unfolds though us. Period. The only reason why we think it's because of free will thought processing causing our internal experience we buy into to manifest is because of contrast, if it was natural and normal to you then you'd never think it was consciously something you did and yet your baseline normalised sensation is driving you all the time as we speak to "manifest" phenomena to confirm what's not even present in your consciousness. It's only because of contrast that we even think that this phenomena is a result of so called techniques we do. When the sensation and related thoughts that arise out of that are normalised and sunken into then it's done and you'll just flow into those experiences naturally and without any effort because the contrast has been normalised and effectively neutralised. What we are thinking in the moment that's contrasting to our baseline that we drop without a corresponding normalised experience to anchor into isn't going to show up in any meaningful way, the sense of self will confirm this and it's reflective of the stagnations you're playing out while thinking these things in that baseline state of lack. If you're stuck in financial ruin and you're trying to get abundance to fulfil your affinities (a common one I hear all the time from many people, obviously) is going to be resolved by breaking pattern and getting involved with new sensations more consistently over the day that will drive you towards a more proportionate stabilised sensation. Breaking pattern is required in these cases, thinking you can sit in the same place doing the same things and just imagine yourself in abundance is wasting your time. If you had sufficient substantive principles and sufficient raising currents you'd naturally be moved out of that scenario anyway. You'd just begin to move out and it would be natural, you'd manifest scenarios that would confirm this shift in your metaphysical composition so conscious and deliberate manifestation is simply replicating what we do naturally anyway when we're not depleting our vital currents and substances which metaphysically represent our manifesting capacity and resultant sense of self which determines how we relate to concepts and such.

The themes we have resonance with will flow through us when our metaphysics are correct. The imaginal scenes, thoughts, inner conversations, actions, reactions, all of this will be naturally flowing through us that's proportionate to our satisfaction and our inner response drives that and determines through that filter what is and isn't correct for our metaphysical fixed definition. Trying to reverse engineer this is a serious challenge and took me many years to even begin to deconstruct to a point where I could apply it in beneficial ways. Doing what I do here refining RS is probably my most stable sensation I've got working now because it's been a constant for me for like a decade now. I use to have a bit of guilt and shame for it but no more. I own everything and the quality of my study improved significantly when I did own it. Making those videos in 2022 and starting this whole thing really proved to me through the reality of experience owning my themes and related concepts that I could be the manifesting theory heretic who was going to destroy the law of assumption and this industry. Every time I think about that it brings a rising sensation out of my sacral and drives me with immense power to just destroy without a shred of mercy. That's correct for my consciousness because it's thematically resonant and that's reflected in what I'm driven to fulfil here. You're the same, with whatever that is for you.

Grasp that the essence of manifestation is all an alignment phenomena, a normalisation of what's presently in contrast to be normal and established fact. NG says to determine the facts of life in your imagination. What that means is to bring to mind the concepts that are resonant and drive current to circulate in the meridians that are resonant to your fixed thematic definition so your manifesting value which is satisfying will drive you and the world around you through people who are receptive to your definition will be influenced to fulfil what you're emanating and transforming. The depth here is off the charts. Being driven is a natural phenomena. Manifestation as we see it is a natural phenomena. Too many people come here and ask me the question "how do I manifest X object or X person or X thing". Some people want simple things like tech or objects or things like that. To them I say who's the person who has that? What's that sensation like? Is this inspiring? Does it emanate from within your fixed definition or is this something you're looking for to fulfil a compromise pattern and bring your sense of self a sense of false security because you're not OK with not having this thing. If you had it all stripped away what would that feel like to you? Would that be ok to you? Would that liberate you or would it bring you into ruin? I feel perfectly ok now to lose my 2+tb of research documentation I've downloaded over many years of intense all day every day study into every subject I can imagine that's important to metaphysics and alchemy. One say I would've told you I'd have wanted to fall off a cliff if that happened but that only came out because I was compromised and didn't feel valued without it, the moment I started speaking on it and owning the theme I was compromised on which was the destruction of the illusions of those ignorant people around me through this knowledge I was liberated and felt satisfied. If I didn't own my theme of resonance and clung to the limited representation of it that was my preparation into it's expression I would've failed miserably. I needed to be transformed by what this theme was bringing me to express and be a participant for. Taking this to the next level and speaking on the world stage about it would bring even further satisfaction and detachment because it's me completing my function without compromise and that's the most satisfying end imaginable. Having things in the world isn't satisfying, expressing your thematic resonance is. That's all. Having your impact through delivering to the world what is fixed within your consciousness is all that matters. Manifesting a person, if that's a big part of how you're being driven to express what's within then will be correct to imagine. If manifesting a person into your life isn't part of that then you need to own that and be ok with it. I'm ok if my girl vanishes overnight. I don't care, not that I don't love her immensely but I don't attach to anyone because that's not how I'm associated to my path. She's a support in my path, but with or without her I'm still on my path. 

There's countless times I've imagined to the reality of experience where coming back to the world out of the imaginal scene I was shocked and surprised to be here and yet years later it's still had zero signs of showing up. It wasn't even for me it was for someone else. I've heard premium tier content from these hardcore NG buffs who think they've experienced the promise and many seeming supernatural mystical experiences that it's required to break pattern to get out of stuck places. This means literally changing your physical environment to reflect your thematic resonance. If your environment reflects your thematic resonance then it's going to drive you through that constant stimulus which reminds you and brings that contrast into your awareness until it's normalised and thus manifestation unfolds naturally through you at that point. Zero imagination required. It's just the currents that drive how you think and the currents are being driven by what your environment is thematically communicating to you. Bring that into your awareness and whenever an intuitive impulse arises in your mind that relates then act on what comes to mind through that without compromise. Act on it without compromise. Normalise that sensation, that theme. Die to the excuses and limitations. Die to them without compromise. Be transformed in that and hold nothing back. Be transformed under the purifying fire of life. 

When you're in that context, that thematic environment, bring to mind the other surrounding areas of your life that reflect this and can be used to further stabilise that related sensation through those actions, those realised scenes. Instead of imagining the scene realise it and act it out for real, having the reality of experience that's naturally coming through you which draws you into a normalised sensation out of that testimony of experience IS manifestation just the same as an imaginal scene, yet we've all been told the imagination has magic powers. Nonsense. These people are fools who need to be destroyed under the purifying fire of RS and the metaphysical processes we work with that completely dispute the mind magic model this industry is based on. Be driven and don't look back. Act on intuitive impulses and normalise those sensations. They may seem big and scary and on the pedestal in the beginning but when you've played it out and have the testimony it's not so bad after all and through that feeling you're transformed out of that experience. It's natural. It's not forced or anything we're trying to do, it's natural purification process. The trying is due to contrast but it's how we're driven according to the fixed thematic sensations.

How the heck do I put all this together in a video. Looks like I'll need to do it point by point style because getting all these points in off the top of my head in one take will take a miracle. People wonder why I've not uploaded in ages. Well that's why. Speaking to a camera in a room without stimulus to drive me isn't natural. Forest walk and talks would be easier as my body can move then and process its stimulus and so my mind can do its thing. Maybe that's me method.


Let me just put simply. For most people here, the reason why you're unsatisfied and "manifestation" doesn't work for you is because you're compromising on being yourself and owning your fixed definition themes of experience. You're wallowing around in the mud and complaining about it instead of breaking pattern. You're weak and pitiful and useless and you know it, that's why you feel this way. You're not applying correctly. What you need to do is right now break pattern by ideally rearranging your environment to the best of your ability in accordance to how it would bring resonance to your thematic sensations of fixed nature which will remind you and drive you automatically when those related sensory inputs enter your consciousness and provide contrast for when you're in a dip to transform your state. You require contrast and a consistent supply of autosuggestion to tap you into that theme of resonance. Then you'll be embodied correctly and you'll be driven and you'll be owning your currents of influence which lead you and the people around you towards manifesting what comes through you naturally as a result of what's implied by your themes. It's wholistic. that's why you're whacked and still not fulfilled. You're weak and depleted, else you'd WANT to break pattern too. It's natural your field geometry is self correcting but you simply need to provide it the supply and the stimulus to make that happen in the correct way instead of buying into random trash you're being influenced by on your social feed. Drop the smart tech for a week and leave it behind. Others don't like it then too bad. Show some self respect and break pattern here, you're not weak and pitiful are you? You're someone who has value to provide in who and what you are as the embodiment of your divinity and how that's manifest through your themes of resonance and their related sensory aspects. Own that and shine your light. Get it now? Break pattern RIGHT NOW! Do it tomorrow and then again. Remind yourself of this and normalise that sensation to where it's expected and baseline where the charges are all dissolved because the contrast is gone. Contrast between you and what's on the pedestal is gone, you're now on top because you're tapping your supply and you win. That's how NG manifested and Abdullah and all those people, it wasn't their imagination that stuff came through them because of these surrounding thematic mechanics. You're literally reading the most advanced manifesting theory ever developed on earth anywhere ever and yet you're still wallowing around in mud being the victim. How pathetic. If it feels bad then good my words are doing their job in proving to you how weak and pitiful your sense of self really is and how depleted your vitality is. You're disowning your supply and I just proved that to you. Get to it and do the work and you'll win. Stop wasting time. When nothing can shake your sense of self then you win. The work is normalising the sense of self to be impenetrable and the way you do that is by tapping your supply to dissolve the resistance as I've said. You know what to do so do it. Today. Now.

Break pattern and win.




I went out today for my bday and it was great. Thought of more about thematic sensation and environment. So your environment around you brings up different conceptual relationships through the sensory impressions those represent to you and that of course draws you into thematic sensation which then drives your thoughts and feelings and state. I notice many times that I have different thoughts arise when I'm out doing stuff vs being in the studio doing alchemy work or writing entries here. It's a totally different thematic sensation, different channels are active and currents are nourishing through these sensations. Thoughts come through you naturally, you don't need to be consciously shoving thoughts into your head to make things happen because how you relate to the thematic sensations naturally brings them up and through you based on your fixed definition. If you've disowned those then there's issues of course because you're facing contrast but it's really about normalising those sensations of being out in that experience you want to become familiar with and simulate in your imagination. Imagination is used to drive an inner experience that replicates what you'd experience in the world to normalise and through testimony and correct targeting of thematics that are compromised, the dissolution of resistance. That's what we're doing. Log all these sensations and the concepts and sensory relationships to those and the themes as well as how you describe those themes. Contrast that to how you'd describe the other themes you're use to and normalised in and also ask yourself how nourishing these sensations feel. What's the context, the mental atmosphere of that experience once you've been led and driven by those sensations, led through a series of sensory experiences that immerse you into the reality of that. Normalise that sensation. That's how you're able to open up and alter the baseline you're running at. It's all the same thing.

Manifestation doesn't exist, it's natural if you're being yourself and being driven by what you've resonance with. There's no magic secret sauce here it's just alchemy and metaphysics which are reflected in all things. Even the quote I put on page 1 of the notebook about how NG says that you know you're in a different state by the thoughts that you're led into being different, that's what I mean because it's natural and it's driven by your fixed thematic definition and those resonant sensations you've associated to the sensory experiences. It's natural. It's all natural, none of this is technique based in any way it's all a completely natural process we all do all the time. You don't need to know any of this to make any of it work in any capacity. We've been marketed to by metaphysically illiterate fools who think they've discovered something new when in reality this was known for a very long time as one of the levels of interpretation of the source material NG uses like the bible and similar texts. It was common knowledge to have this understanding and the whole world around them was built to reflect their collective thematic resonance, that's culture. Architecture, music, art, dance, performance arts, poetry and writing, stories and ballads, all of this reflected their greater context and each was a modulated aspect of that. They're all contributing to providing their fixed definition to the greater process. You're broke and weak and have no one and nothing because you're disowning your fixed thematic resonance which is your supply that others will play off and be attracted to. You disowned it because that's culture. It's normal to be like this now, especially those in my gen. Whatever is normal and accepted is how things play out on the whole, hence why most are broke and can't afford anything. It's happening to us because of greater process influence, but we're not playing the role we otherwise would be regardless of that. You've disowned your fixed thematic resonance and you've compromised on playing out your affinities that are represented in the resonant sensations you get when they're reminded to you through specific stimulus. Bring that to mind and create the mental environment. Lead yourself through that experience and normalise that sensation and you'll find yourself taking different actions without realising you're actually doing it one day. It will be normal and natural because that contrast has been dissolved, it's one process now. Magic happens then. "Magic". What a joke.

This world is toast, well this round at least. It's happened many times before in the past and it's going to happen again. Own your thematic sensations, own them completely and be driven by them. Be driven by the mental environment of being yourself and allow yourself to give into that. Accept it without compromise and be driven. Cultivate that mental atmosphere and surround yourself with experiences to continue that state streak. Bring there here now and mediate those currents that purify your resistance. Nourish your being. It's all contributing factors to one process. Seems complex but it's not, it's really a simple metaphysical alchemical process that's been labelled by ignorant fools as magic because they are ill educated on the subject to speak with authority. I've outlined and demonstrated everything related to that. I lived and breathed this work and I've finished the work I set out to complete. That thematic sensation drove me and it drove the thoughts and insights I had flowing into my consciousness all day every day which has been shared here for all to see. It's natural. Imagine that but replace those thoughts with the thematic experience of what you're driven to sink into. Instead of developing RS I became the performance arts master I imagined myself to be many years ago. Drop all this and die to this person. Leave it in the dust and uncompromisingly sink into the sensation of that person and all surrounding manifest experiences where people will provide where you're receptive and will come to you where you're fixed to mediate the further refinement of that experience. It's all implied through the baseline normalised sensations. It's all implied because it's thematically related on the metaphysical archetypal principle of consciousness level. You'll be driven and those around you will be driven, because the principles are mediating all of you to be driven to realise those experiences on the corporal level. It's all happening top down in the metaphysical sense but it's all split into the principle components we speak of here as a reverse engineering of what's happening on an incorporeal level. That's why it's natural. None of this is magic. It's all known now. Manifestation has been solved and RS is truly complete. 

The notebook now contains 198k words. Almost 200k words. It's an entire book on manifesting theory and experiences among other elements. There's even more to explore in terms of relating TCM to manifesting theory but this is enough. I need to leave this behind for now I know enough is enough it's all laid out plain as day and all the questions have been answered. 


Trying to change reality with catching thoughts and flipping them on the spot is stupid if you don't follow through on that contrast and act on it and get into a state streak where you're normalising the sensation. That's the natural way. Change flows through you, not by you. It's not caused by you in a moment of catching thoughts and flipping or whatever, it's changed through the reality of experience. Testimony. Just as it says in the Bible. You need to get into that state of being, into that state streak where the thoughts that would correspond to manifest reality desired would naturally flow through you through that experience, the reality of the experience, the testimony. Don't you get it. The natural way is the common sense way. That's how it works, for everyone, without exception.

The alchemist told me that the formulation of higher order substances is a cumulative momentum based process. Dipping out kills that momentum. Take that and apply it to breaking pattern and being yourself without compromise. If you honestly look at yourself under the context I've outlined and ask yourself are you building momentum or sinking into comfortable limited sensations you'll see the truth about why you're still whacked and lacking. No surprise. That's why people who don't teach manifestation and just do "normal" coaching still get big results, arguably more reliable than LOA circles for transforming life and "manifesting" people and money and stuff. It's because this process is how it plays out. It's natural. It's common sense. That's why it's metaphysical because it's applicable in a common sense level and it comes through you, not because of a technique.

People will point to NG and say "look he manifests with simple scenes and it plays out" and yet a vast majority of his examples took either weeks months or even years. Do you honestly believe that everything he imaged played out? I don't. NG played his role for what it was and presented this idea of magic which I've completely refuted with Reality Synthesis which took me many many years. There's also the people who many will point to and say "look this person didn't believe in it and it showed up so it's the imagination and not belief" or "this person felt very shocked when they manifested the SP or money and they didn't expect it to happen". These examples I hear often in these circles as proof of NG's theory being correct can be explained simply. A child when they open their Christmas presents and is excited but partially doubtful when they get their favourite item has the same seeming experience as this person in the hypothetical example. It's part of their now normalised experience, on the thematic level. Even if they don't see themselves better, simply sinking into the contextual experience or even just being around other people who have more money or associating more of your media with receiving money will make these things show up by surprise, naturally of course because you've dropped it and that is how it comes through you naturally. The people who try don't get it because the context is warped and limited, there's no natural unfolding of their experience. THAT IS WHAT DROPPING THE SEED IS! I've said the seeds unfold THROUGH us. NG failed so bad to describe this and it's led so many people on wild goose chases trying to log manifestations to see how long seeds take to manifest and find examples of what they did that made it show up faster. Plain and simply, the more natural the experience to you the faster it will show up and effectively that is what dropping seeds is. It's setting a thematic direction and a conceptually related direction to sink into and experience as the "bridge" by which your consciousness is driven for this to be unfolded. BOOM.

I've never said that better. It just comes through me. I don't try, I'm flowing without effort because the sensation is normal and the sensory experience of it that's refined and expanding further through my ownership of this theme leads this knowledge to flow through me. People say they get "downloads" but I get it like this. People don't invent things like magic, it's always coming through them via the reality of experience that's correct for their filter of consciousness which is what drives them and that they're resonant towards. They naturally own it, like I am. You see. This is manifestation. Natural and effortless. Making money, manifesting status and wealth and fame and notoriety would be the same for someone on that spectrum that's normalised that sensation. It's natural to them, natural and effortless and part of their life. Simple. We don't manifest anything. It comes through us. All these methods are means of focusing the metaphysical and alchemical elements of consciousness which comprises our consciousness. It's just. It's so easy. So effortless. It comes through me every day. You're literally watching this unfold and I can even tell myself "I've hit the end of the road" and yet I continue to refine this. What does that tell you. You're reading what runs through my head right here on the notebook and what manifests for me, or so you think. It's thematic. Irrefutably it's thematic because specific concepts that we speak, words and affirmations, they don't manifest exactly as the words say they manifest according to the thematic association that's normalised and comfortable. PERIOD. I've proven that through the notebook. This is why I say transformation is a bulk of the work because that's building your platform and anchor for the resonant state. It's all about refining the sense of self through owning the thematic sensations that are resonant. It will be natural though, it's only going to be contrastive in the beginning stages but as the alchemist says it's a cumulative process where momentum builds and through those state streaks we normalise the sensation through the repeated reality of experience and thus it flows through us as we're basically unconsciously driven to fulfil what's within us at that point. It's effortless because it's natural. The people who imagine something specific and have it show up (which rarely ever happens by the way regardless of what the so called gurus will tell you (I've spoken to many of these people personally, many who make millions casually even beyond what I make)) are already anchored into the thematic sensation, the specific sensory experience is already comfortable and it's just a refinement of what's already present. It's like how I can manifest technology of any form I desire for pretty much either free or dirt cheap every time within no time at all. Mostly it's the same day, or a few days later. It's so easy and it just shows up like magic. It's not magic though it's thematic resonance as I've outlined. Someone who's comfortable in the area of SP or money in general or whatever else it is will experience this the same way. It's natural and easy and effortless. Natural and normal. Manifestation is a natural and normal process that's common sense based and has nothing to do with magic. The only magical thing about this are the metaphysical and alchemical aspects at their principle level, and manifestation IS those principles processing, as consciousness, which is why "manifestation" is a function of your consciousness that doesn't turn off. It's natural and normal because it's what God is, process, and the principle composition of that process is what defines experience that consciousness has. 

That's what the worlds most advanced aetheric metaphysician says about manifestation. None of these so called enlightened gurus can describe manifestation correctly. I have. I've done it. There it is. It's done. Complete. This is why I say manifestation is dead. It's dead and it's going to be replaced with RS. I've refined the language so far here that it's coherently able to demonstrate the processes involved correctly in a way that makes sense on all levels. If anyone thinks otherwise then let's hear your model. This notebook has 200k words in it that describes every primary function of consciousness and my understanding of this evolved with you as you read it. Transformation mechanics is everything you need to work with to "manifest" what you desire, what's resonant that you're naturally inclined towards thematically. Transformation is alchemy. Alchemy is the interaction of metaphysical principle components of consciousness. Therefore manifestation is a metaphysical alchemical process as it's core and the source material which outlines this has been warped by ignorant fools who failed so badly to recognise this and now we've got an army of whacked minded people claiming to be able to perform magic in manifesting without a shred of understanding as to how or why. They've created a multi billion dollar industry that I'm going to burn to the ground and make sure it never recovers. I'm going to completely destroy it, everyone involved. DIspenza and these types included. I'm going to tear these peoples world views to shreds and completely eradicate LOA from the history books. Reality Synthesis will become the new standard. If not me then someone else, but my work will carry on and will not be buried. Never. I've completed what I am designed to do and can die any time knowing I am satisfied in creating RS. From now it's about destroying LOA and NG and the likes. Burn them all to ashes and scatter those ashes in the blowing winds of time never to be known again to anyone. LOA will be eliminated at my hands through the work I've done here. 

Talmudism will be defeated in part through this too. This has been my big picture focus since high school nobody really knew about as part of my function. People think they understand me and my work but really they don't. What's presented here is only a fraction of the data I've been through. I've spent tens of thousands of hours gathering data and organising it and making sense out of it on all levels and understanding who's involved in what and why and for what function. Talmudism will burn just like they believe the Christos is. Words cannot describe the flow. It's transcendental. 




This is the topic of today.

The immortality group has been out of order for too long. As a leader here a solid direction must be set and applied. Since manifestation as we know it is a function of nourishment and thematic direction, the immortality work is an extension of this. Nourishment is the primary function and out of that correct direction and thematic sensation can be experienced, which IS the experience of these substances being generated and circulated to further nourish and refine direction. Immortality is about generating higher order substances to circulate back to generating more Jing which then can reverse aging and effectively complete your vitality to peak and even beyond peak. That is the thing though, the channels must be COMPLETELY proportionate for that to occur, and anything that's going to disrupt that flow will either be rejected swiftly or it will degrade vitality and transforming capacity. Once there's sufficient space (really it's anti space, density, but a quality of "expanded" space that's proportionate and so being one substance with no space, inverse space and inverse potential) present that space will be required to be completely nourished with blood and qi and essence and Jing and out of that interaction of each of the principle components of consciousness in proportion transformation can unfold. You cannot complete the alchemical ritual without the substances being in the correct ratios. They self balance but if you're depleting or stagnating or anything like this you're never going to be able to even come close to forming replacement Jing, or Chu. It's all off the cards. This is a practise that requires keen focus and dedication towards, not to be depleted on any level of consciousness and so in doing this the manifestation level must be mastered too. Learning to master the spending of your vitality correctly is the whole idea of tapping your internal supply instead of draining yourself and others around you out of disproportionality. Getting this theory on track is a big part of this. There's so many moving parts though it's crazy.

A lot of people go through seemingly negative experiences as a naturally unfolding bridge to set the precedent by which their interest in the intense study of something new can burn within them. There requires a natural unfolding of experiences to transform. Everyone goes through this without exception. ZERO exception. Seemingly negative experiences, especially when you're younger, often leads to transformation out of that immense contrast. Those who suffer beyond anything the normies can imagine slingshot up the other end and use that contrast as the catalysing force to transform their thematic resonance into something new. These people specifically are highly mutative in how they transform not just individual consciousness but collective consciousness too. They've all got a story of immense suffering. Suffering is required for these kinds of people to exist, yet we've been told suffering is bad. Nonsense. Repeated unnecessary suffering is negative and is because you're not learning what needs to be seen, but those who are placed into circumstances beyond their consciousness input have this unfold as part of their process into becoming whole and complete beyond the standard. NG once again failed to explain the nature of suffering. He says "God suffers" without any shred of context as to how or why or what function it serves other than just suffering exists. It exists because that's the contrast that's required for transformation to unfold. 

Having "more" shen means you're in a "higher vibration" as the fools call it. There's no levels really it's just a matter of nourishment, your thoughts and emotional states and such will follow. You nourish the shen and everything will seem inconsequential to you, you'll literally experience reality from more space at baseline and I strongly believe that a primary function of gazing is to work on cohering the essence and the qi, but I'm still refining the understanding of this as from what I've read in source material there's a circulation of essence and qi that's required for shen to reach higher stages of coherency, as in the substances required for this to generate require qi and essence to nourish and progress into higher levels of shen. It's a consequence, not a cause. You can't "generate shen" you have to nourish the elements that comprise shen and when those elements are correctly proportionate then shen will be produced automatically. Alchemy is not a thing you consciously do outside the lab, it's a thing that's happening all the time within you but your condition isn't correct for higher order substances to generate and circulate. Shen isn't just something that's nourished through movement and "healthy lifestyle" as it's more so a factor of if someone is tapping their thematic resonance as that's the fundamental part that leads to their qi and blood and all that to nourish where yin and yang can circulate without disruptions even if the dietary intake is disruptive. Someone who's not depleting themselves with degenerate sexual fantasising or willingly placing themselves over and over into draining environments or partaking in processes that are draining then they'll be far far better off than someone who's eating well and exercising but still compromising. You'll naturally get the energy to want to eat well and move well anyway if you're playing your part so working on that level alone misses the point. Your thematic resonance implies everything required. 

Talmudism is the manifestation in this world of degeneracy which is what propagates all the means by which people are able to fall into patterns of lack. They facilitate all of this with artificially created scarcity. None of us have to believe in money or unnatural man made laws or anything on that level, you don't have to conform to anyone or anything but we buy into it and it puts us in fear. I've worked with people who have been afraid of the system that came out of Talmudic factions and it's like the fear of being seen all the time by the all seeing eye is just stupid. I say you should stand in front of them and make fun of their degeneracy for what it is in front of everyone and do it shamelessly and without a shred of shame or compromise. Own your divine right to live without being bound to systems of degeneracy. Utter degenerate trash Talmudism is. Their entire ideology is about the Jooz being the superior race on earth as the chosen people who can do no wrong. These are the people who have the mental atmosphere of psychopaths, quite literally. They'll feel perfectly fine killing anyone without a shred of regret because they're commanded to destroy all the Amalekites and leave nothing left. Use and abuse us like animals, quite literally. Ever wondered why we live in a world that's run by a bunch of morons, well it's because there's Talmudic factions present in all the Gov, dual citizen Israelis who follow the Talmud and believe that we're to be destroyed for their saviour to be made manifest in this world. That's literally who runs this world. They're the manifestation of this. Not exclusively of course but are the primary influence.

Back to Shen. I strongly believe that Shen is the primary factor underlying someone who's able to manifest anything and be able to enter into and out of the imaginal worlds at a whim and direct their form to fulfil whatever thematic sensations they're sinking into without resistance. They're so well nourished that there's no attachment, no need, nothing but flow. This is the condition by which manifestation unfolds, to the degree that the Shen is nourished represents how effectively you can detach and fulfil what's within that you've natural striving for that's been ignored and shoved down. People will immense Shen are people who are highly influential. These Talmusic Jooz are immensely powerful in their shen. They truly believe their trash in the Talmud and will stop at nothing to live according to the laws laid out for them as the "chosen people" to follow and fulfil. They'll literally kill everyone on earth who's Amalek (non Jooz) in order for them to experience fulfilment. That may sound contrary, how can someone who's so deranged have immense Shen? Well it's because of the solidity of their conviction towards the belief of how they're the ones above all, and this thematic direction drives their influence as that's defining their dominant mental environment. If they didn't have immense Shen then none of these systems of control would have been made manifest in this world that influence us all that we willingly buy into. It's the same mechanic as manifestation I've spoken about in the general sense of providing a supply to the world, even if it's based on fear they still buy into it and so are influenced by it. Ignorance or not the control system is very real as we're all under duress for not complying, and the collective belief in this keeps it in place. Different thematic processes that are cyclic in the solar sense of things are made manifest in the consciousness of different people to influence them too to act on their transforming potential and thus they provide Shen to those around them through this solar influence and drive collective consciousness into revolutions and such which overthrows the influence of the Jooz until the next cycle unfolds. It's natural and is present to expand consciousness. It's all one process. That's all there is. That's God. That's why God is eveything.

The biggest thing NG failed to mention is that the Shen is influenced mostly by the form, how the body is driven and it's thematic resonance. Without correct response to thematic sensations that are resonant you cannot cultivate Shen. It will not happen because the body is required to be in proportion for the Shen to cultivate which is the essence of your influence in reality through the capacity to detach through being nourished from within. It's all one process. Nourish through the internal supply of the blood and the qi and the essence and the drives that lead us naturally to cultivate these components of Shen which allows us to naturally be lead through manifestation and the influence our thematic direction has capacity for. If you're not designed to have an influenceable capacity to manifest big changes in collective consciousness then that won't happen, but you won't care because it's still nourishing and natural to you anyway so it won't bother you. It's just how are you designed to express ones internal unique supply and how does that then make manifest through the outer authority your influence in the world to "manifest" what's within. There will always be a natural progression. Always. The SP who shows up out of thin air after 5 years of no contact 3 weeks into the work would have done that because you're now providing them the supply they're looking for naturally. You're attractive to them and them to you out of that metaphysical balance of principles that you're both naturally providing each other from within each other. There's the question of linking up hanging channels as a function but that doesn't really last and when the person isn't around there's going to be a feeling of lack and wanting because the person isn't satisfied within. Manifesting these people is a waste of your time. You want someone who's matching you and can both supply each other the same essential principles but with just the right amount of variance to facilitate each others linking to complete their splits and such. It would benefit both parties perfectly in this case.

Here's one. When you think about being with your person or even having a large amount of wealth to throw around and you feel that sensation of lack shower over you when that comes up, well imagine that but what other people experience when you've got a solid sense of self. Either the value sense will be mutual or there will be you being on the pedestal in their mind and you'll influence them to follow you as you're then their supply. The thing is the disproportionate stuff that's still under the surface will come up unless one or both are able to correctly withdraw of spend when required to dissolve those resistances. Ending limitation and resistance in relationships is entirely down to are you able to have the supply within you to say no and withdraw or extend where it's needed. Giving into the same limiting pattern will only further continue the lack and resistance, the shift in perceptions will come about naturally through having the internal supply present and nourishing your Shen and other circuits.


Listening to more orchestral music from my metaphysician mind. I find that music which follows the same process that I speak of here about building greater context, adding elements to the contextual sense and the mental atmosphere to drive a more refined thematic experience. Music follows the same thing, processes within processes that are together composing a theme that's refined. Adding in instruments at the right places at the right times and all that IS alchemy manifest through sound. That's why music has such immense power, and story is the same. The heroes journey is alchemy. These tropes exist because they're principle to consciousness. NG would have you believe it's all relative and solipsistic and nonsensical where whatever you think is fact is fact. NG never went that far in his work but many many people have gone to that level. Ignorance. Utter ignorance. Don't you see the divine order in everything in reality and how everything is a manifestation of these metaphysical and alchemical processes. EVERYTHING! It comes THORUGH us, just as it does everything else. Everything is a manifestation of these principles in motion and in procession. Themes in music and the composition and structure of music is reflected in our lives, in consciousness. It's all one process. God. How divinely amazing is that.

Being surrounded with media from like the early 2000's and earlier is just so "old world" feeling. It's like the degenerate trash culture that's showed up since then is such a contrast to what use to be where things were to a large degree more proportionate. The 90's and 80's has a different feel too but 70's and earlier really to me (I didn't exist that far back so I don't know) is a very very old world feeling that's almost foreign to me. The sensation of that is unique. To me though based on my existence being of 90's origin I'd say that the early 2000's is where the old world really cuts off and the "new world" begins where the internet removed the distance between cultures and things became far more homogenised and simplified and streamlined where unique difference of expression vanished. That contrast still exists of course but it's within the same sensation, the same theme of experience. It's just contrast in degeneracy and destruction, everything these days being presented is just degeneracy because of the farther reach Talmudism has now. Thing is when you go out into the country away from all the trash tier technocratic world stuff you're more connected, there's more contrast but it's natural and progressing from a stable baseline. People are generally more nourished on many different levels. Spending time in different environments really is a good way to break pattern and introduce contrast into your experience to drive new states of stability that you can return to. Leave it all behind and be reborn.


All this aside I don't see how the degenerate cancer culture as I call it propagated by degenerate Talmudic factions to destroy western culture and cause division and all that has weakened our collective Shen and resilience and bond with each other as fellow humans for well over a decade but especially recently. This in itself cannot be corrected because too many people have their feelings hurt and don't want to transform. What is required is an immense pressure to force transformation. This isn't just economic but also conflicts with BRICS nations. What is required to force transformation? Wars. Conflict over the seas and the air and people dying on mass. projected like a decade ago that over 500 million will die in 2025. I remember seeing this in high school near the end of my time there and wondering how that would play out. Ignorant I was back then to greater metaphysical and alchemical processes due to a significant lack of experience in application of this knowledge I misunderstood the real meaning of this data. It's a turning point for the establishment of cancer culture, rainbow people and all the like. It's a forced transformation just like what happened in the 30s and 40s. Degeneracy cannot last. It will be forced to transform and change, or die. It's happened many many times in the past and I know it will happen again in the future because it has to. I won't predict when without extensive study into further aspects of timeline predictions but I can say it will happen before 2030 and most likely before 2028. Writing is on the wall as far as I can tell. Transformation must happen and since there's obvious processes naturally unfolding which would be the experience which mediates that transformation it's highly likely that a shift in culture forced through conflict will be what makes that change. Forced change often is required after deep dips into degeneracy as was the conditions before WW2 in Europe due to degenerate Talmudic factions destroying the nations but especially Germany and the like. No wonder they got highly nationalistic and this was predicted by me back in 2021 to happen as it was necessary to happen to facilitate transformation. We always say it can't happen to us and yet it will and has in the past to those who said the same thing.

We're not manifesting this, it's natural. It's a natural unfolding that's taking place for a world that's going to be far more abundant in humanity. 



Just tested the normalisation of a new sensation through nourishing myself and completely changed someone who was stubborn for literally more than a year stuck in a depressive state. Now they're literally laughing at nothing they're so happy they told me though that they don't think it'll last and yet they're here. What does that say. I simply said affirmations for like 3 mins after I did gazing last night and dropped it while I tapped into the thematic sensation of having them feeling abundant and here it is I woke up to pics from them of some home made pizza they had which I have never once seen them do before. 99% of the time it was pre-made processes stuff because they "had no will to live". Crazy stuff. It was the normalised sensation that did this and how I was on a good streak of sinking charge. That's how I did it and so can you. This formula works for more than 66% of people out there, arguably about 75%. Normalising sensations comes out of being nourished through being yourself by tapping your internal supply. Being yourself without compromise IS manifestation. Why is this? It's because when you've got an internal supply then your circuits can be nourished and thus respond with "yes" to what you're feeding it and you'll generate that experience then. If the field geometry cannot be driven because it's depleted or stagnant then it will not be able to respond and so manifestation comes out of this process. I just proved that.

Manifestation comes out of being nourished and experiencing the reality of the experience by leading yourself there through building greater context and allowing your thoughts to flow in response. Your body is basically approving or disapproving of the experience with how it responds depending on how much nourishment it has to work with.

When your field geometry is coherent, spacious, nourished, filled with substance and vitality, you're going to just naturally BE yourself, you'll have the currents to manifest things THROUGH you and influence others around you through that too. It's natural, not magic.



Magic day once again.

Instead of being laser focused and tunnel vision on the desire itself, pull out and draw into the experience of being that person in what that desire represents in the world. What's greater context, what's the surrounding aspects. It's ok if you don't have it now because having it would seem normal to you anyway. So what.



I believe that contrast moves qi. Contrast drives change, and the circulation of qi as a substance of yang is the manifestation of that. Whether or not that change sticks is depending on many other factors but it's primarily about qi and to an extent this relates to the nourishing of Shen. If blood and yin is deficient then Shen will not be completely nourished and you'll most likely end up in a temporary peak which won't go anywhere and delude you into believing you're making progress when in reality you're still going sideways. Sinking that charge will help, though you won't naturally want to do that. The best thing to do while in this heightened state would be to gaze and create space there and then to work with an imagine the sensation to sink into as that qi dissipates in how you're experiencing it. Use these temporary peaks to your advantage while the circulating currents are present. 

Courage and contrast activates motors.



It's 911. The day Zion gets in the game. Anyways it’s an early morning post. Was going through a scene in my head and noticed something. By us naturally feeling the satisfaction and calmness and comfort of the normalised nature of the experience we’re providing that to the people involved too. They’re receptive to this and so will want to be around you as that supply. Specific person manifesting goes like this. Are you nourished internally so your field geometry is emanating a comfortable sensation which is nourishing for them too or is this a peak and dip where things are all over the place because you’re not nourished and are expecting to use them as your supply in those times which makes them feel used and drained and will act out of that deficient or stagnation with frustration. Liver qi stagnation is literally the most common cause of it because the sacral requires a smooth flow of yin and Yang and qi and blood and everything to feel nourished, just like the Shen. Generators require their liver meridian to function properly else the sacral motor won’t work well. The supply you provide to them by being nourished is like them taking a herbal remedy to smooth the flow because you’re being their supply of metaphysical nutrient. The sensation they’re experiencing around you reflects that which comes out of you naturally when you’re feeling satisfied. That’s how attraction works on a higher level. It’s more than just kidney Yang and qi but also how that kidney vitality nourishes the liver with the Hun and the Shen in the heart. The spleen will transform and the lung will generate qi. It’s natural. When you feel nourished people around you will want to be around you, the correct people that is. People who aren’t aligned for you however will likely see you in a bad light and want to put you down so they can be on the pedestal instead because of their depletion. It’s natural and a normal unfolding that happens when the circuits are nourished where imagining being with someone basically “targets” them and they become integrated within your circuit where they’ll then want your supply. If the scene of experience however it plays out is natural and nourishing then they’ll naturally show up, but remember that if you’re depleted doing this won’t do anything for you and will likely only lead to peak and dip cycles. Manifesting from deficiency is a waste of time. Focusing on valuing your vitality is always step 1 without exception because the stability of your supply depends on how coherent you are with greater process which is your supply that plays out through you and nourishes you so then naturally you’ll manifest the right people into your life.


Not sure if I’ve mentioned this already but another big reason why pathway work is so important is because we can identify what’s resonant on the thematic level and the associated concepts and their implication that naturally unfolds through us and directs our emanation to reflect that is our world where people will respond to that in our favour. The real thing here is about identifying what concepts we can draw into when contrast arises that will shoot us straight into the theme and mental environment of that resonant sense of self, the vitality will naturally nourish and we will experience that fulfilment from that place and it will “warp” in a proportionate way the limiting thoughts. That’s purifying the resistance, to a degree at least. Going into it to process it is more reliable because there’s more contrast there but that’s not the only time we can do this. Knowing the familiar sensations and themes associated when they arise through the contrast means that you can remind yourself of the pathway work you’ve done to bring what’s identified as the fulfilment to this context into the mind and shift the environment towards proportionate flow where intuitive impulse can arise out of this place and drive you into the correct direction as the authority responds to that. Bringing that before the inner authority to respond to results in intuitive impulse if there’s proportionate relationship present. Once again this is the essence of doing pathway work, it’s mapping the structure of how concepts and themes and sensations relate so you can know yourself in all ways and by gaining familiarity of these aspects of your consciousness and what they represent means you can always draw into that sense of identification when you have contrast present to refine. Normally if it’s natural you’d not notice contrast but at the same time whenever you’re in comfortable uncomfortability it’s coming from a place where there’s no contrast other than the few repeated patterns of lack to bring up the proportionate aspects. This is why once again pathway work is so important to identify what is and what is not and to actually gain perspective and have that perspective be the thing that brings in new experiences to respond to and further refine your field geometry graph.  


Later day post.

So as usual I've encountered the same experiences in other people I talk about with being nourished and having more vitality that drives manifestation phenomena. Someone I know was looking for a job and had zero luck. They don't like the idea of having a business of their own and magic money manifesting seems to be off the cards for them right now due to the situation but they got this job after they started taking care of their vitality. They ate better, moved regularly the way they enjoyed, played sports again and spent time regularly gazing and logging their pathways. They did very little imagination work it was all refining the vitality and their supply by acting on what they were driven towards and had resonance with. They basically completely surrendered to intuitive impulse that drove them and things fulfilled. They're still not rich or whatever but coming from barely getting by to paying bills and having extra is cool. Took about 2 months. Longer than needed but they went through 3 dips over that time and one right before the opportunity showed up. Surprised. Consistency is the key, getting up in the dips and going back to the pathway work you've done and sinking into the sensations of being the person you're resonant with is the key. That's what "choosing the new story" is as they say.


So themes. You need a theme to sink the sensory concepts into, in fact every concept that comes to mind relates to a theme of experience. These themes are based on the principles of consciousness that comprise your field geometry and when they fire you feel it as current focused in that direction. Themes are like overarching processes in which specific sensory concepts we bring to mind stimulate that as processes with that process we default to in association. The reconditioning takes place through association of refined concepts to those themes that you’re resonant with vs drawing into limited themes. Processes within processes. That’s what pathway work is done for, to discover the hierarchy of processes that comprise your resonant field geometry that your inner authority responds to. 

Id you’re not feeling pain when dissolving the resistance and pushing forward the comfort zones then you’re obviously not changing anything because it is painful. It feels like you’re dying, metaphysically speaking. You’re losing a part of yourself that’s crystallised and you’re having those sensations of disproportionality circulate and take form in your consciousness as they’re broken down and restructured. It’s natural.

So much of what we take part in is destructive but we only accept it because it’s “normal” for us and those in our lives to engage in. Things we consider normal and natural really are not. We ultimately have significantly greater potential but we’re not tapping it because it means facing the not self head on through pathway work and dissolving all resistance that shows up. Without a single shred of mercy. Merciless and unrelenting dissolution of degeneracy. Taking it not so seriously is what comes out of that where you’re well nourished and your qi is free to circulate with the blood. 



Late night post. 

There’s more layers here I want to uncover relating to the metaphysical nature of the field geometry and manifestation. The phenomena and how the mechanics of the self recursive circuit relate to subconscious capacity for transformation and higher order substance cultivation leading to a synthesis of primary components of consciousness to become one thing and how we can do that practically. We must become the reflection of the divinity that we naturally strive for on all levels. Alllll levels. This isn’t about manifesting things this is about becoming aligned to what you’re aligned for, meaning what are you moving into and what is it you’re conjoining to make one thing. What is the substance you’re embodying. What is the essence on the metaphysical level that's reflecting in your physical reality those thematic elements of your consciousness. What’s the proportionate you look like? 

people will say it’s confident or self valued or whatever but those are results of being nourished and are naturally available to everyone. You cannot manifest confidence, that’s impossible. Confidence comes out of nourishment, else you’re in a peak that’s always temporary. Always. Manifesting anything relating to character traits is stupid and impossible. You cannot do that because the very act of imagining those would two you into the sensation of your resonant theme and nourish you anyway, if the scene is targeted correctly else you’ll end up on a temporary ego trip and dip when the charge runs out and wonder where your manifestation went. It’s so dumb. All the things we desire come through is naturally as we all have access to them, however the higher level “spiritual” side of things with an increase in subconscious capacity to a degree that enables the projection mechanism of the interior reality to kick in cannot show up until you’ve reached that level and no amount of imaginal work will change that. At most it will further drive you towards that proportionality if you’re doing the work and have that set the baseline else once again you’ll peak and then dip and end up in a worse place. Breaking comfort zones and barriers established normalises the new. Proportionality is the point of this all.

What represents to the senses the refined experiences that our thematic resonance represents. What’s the response driving us into? Identify this and own it. Build further context and sink into that. That’s your baseline. 



Early early morning post riding off the back of a small dip. I welcomed it and was able to mediate the sensations towards satisfaction and acceptance. Being able to do that and actually dissolve the sensations requires having vitality that’s sufficient. If I did this in the past my body would’ve reacted worse. Vitality allows the body and the form to function properly, and out of that the mind will function properly too. Body first because what’s unconscious is consistent and baseline, unlike the conscious mind which goes up and down with the wind and doesn’t know what it wants. 

So we’re being ok with not having the thing, that idea makes us uncomfortable because we feel we need this thing as an external supply of value for us to be comfortable. We won’t feel comfortable without it and so in that case we sink into the sensation of being uncomfortable to bring that up and while we’re there we bring to mind the context relating to how we actually are ok without it and that it’s not such a big deal. It’s making some big scary thing much smaller for us to manage. Vitality is what actually does that. The conscious mind just directs and “wields” that vitality for dissolution or that when sufficient vitality is present then it will force it out of your body and your mind will have to face it all at once, or in chunks usually in ways that are intense through dream states. Trying to layer on top positive meaning to a sensation without sufficient vitality is going to reenforce the limitation.

Imagination will have effect in manifesting specific things when you’re well nourished and can have a clean and coherent link between you and that experience where the unconscious mind can provide the proportionate connection between greater awareness and the experience that’s flowing through your body and mind where then the inner response will drive you and through the interactions of your field geometry with the worlds geometry towards that experience. It will be natural and normal and there won’t be contrast of limitation to throw you out of that. You’ll naturally be inclined towards feeling fulfilled with or without it and at that point it’s an experience that’s greater consciousness flowing through you and you’re accepting and being driven by that. Having attachment is denying your greater consciousness access to your body to be driven because your conscious mind will feel the sensations im the body and freeze and stay within the comfort zone because it hurts. The body wants it gone but the mind runs way from the big bad scary monster. When the mind (through bringing up greater context) can see the big bad shadow as just a tiny little insignificant thing that you don’t need to take seriously then the body can be ok with that, and through having sufficient vitality through the body to have as the purifying substance that the mind directs then both can be coherent and the body can effectively dissolve the resistance through the mind driven by the fixed thematic sensations as the contrast for what is and is not proportionate. 

Had to write that down. I think that is a breakthrough that will be good for a video. The comfortability comes through being ok with or without it and that can only and I mean only arise through the body having nourishment. If the body is not nourished then your capacity to transform is next to nothing and any sensations you feel will be temporary and not lasting. Being ok with having nothing but the clothes on your back is how you manifest everything on earth without effort. Being detached from everything because you know you don’t need it because you’re nourished and thus you’re whole and complete as you are. That’s the only valid place for that statement. Everything else is fantasy and wishful thinking which is completely devoid of metaphysical and alchemical processes which drive our consciousness. The work is ultimately not about manifesting anything but in fact being ok with not having anything or being anyone and allowing God to be your supply of nourishment and satisfaction as greater consciousness drives us and nourishes us without needing anything more than what’s involved in that process. God is our supply and defines our fixed resonance which is the link to infinite vitality and nourishment if only we were to accept it. Standing naked on the stage of reality is what we’re doing, standing naked for all to see without a shred of lack because you know you are one with god because god nourishes you. The fool is someone who believes that with the mind alone, the immortal is someone who is actually nourished and embodied in that place knowing himself and knowing his supply is infinite and that no matter what he faces in the world his constant supply will always be there. God is always present and god is you supply. We’re just rediscovering that. When you go all the way with that you realise that everything you desired in this world, all of it, it was all you buying into the program and how other people mediated that process through you as you accepted the marketing from them. When you pull out you realise it’s all just a stage act and none of this really matters, in that acceptance you detach from everything that brings up sensations but you’ll only be able to feel that if you’re actually nourished and satisfied in how you’re being driven. 

I just lost 30 mins of gold. I wrote out a bunch and tried to save it and the server died on me. Wonderful. It was the best stuff I’ve ever written. Time to do it again. I like that this happened because it means I can further process this. I was just typing and typing and typing and then saved and it all got lost. Online page editors are so unreliable it seems they’ve all had issues to some extent. Either way let’s get back to it. This will be super simplified from what I spoke of before in broader explanation. That flowed through me I can’t have that come back again the same way. 

Divine process is our supply and the more we can accept that and be driven by the core metaphysical thematic processes the greater our coherency with greater consciousness can be and the further nourished we can be to actually have influence over this reality from top down. I got that term “supply” from Florence Schovel Shinn too because I thought it was the best term to use. It’s a building of buffer on the metaphysical current level that drives us and others, that intersection of us providing fixed definition currents provides the world what it needs through us and what we need through it too driven by the internally sourced supply from the divine.

These things in the past that we bought into and saw as more important for us to buying into and accept as our supply warped how we experience these more fundamental metaphysical aspects of Cindy ones and conditioned our supply of cursorily to be only from X means. When we buy into the need to accept what someone else’s drive was projecting to our receptive nature that we bought into and accepted as a condition on our value then we’ve placed a conceptual layer onto our unconditional supply from divinity. Being whole as you are means you’ve got direct access to divine process anytime you need to draw on it. That buffer is always present to drive your thoughts and feelings and sensations and everything and how those then drive the people around you. You’re driving those people out of grater consciousness and not out of a limited conceptual condition you accepted from the world. Divinity can communicate through the world but the only real authority is the inner sensations. Those are how greater consciousness communicates to you towards the end of conjoining the limited mind with it directly so it can transform with you, both aspects become one thing. That’s alchemy. Transforming consciousness is the function we all have but we’ve been taught by this world to buy into limited sensory conceptual methods of expression that are more often than not degenerate and not based on what really is within us. Within within us. 

The more accepting we are of what is the more we can be ourselves. The more we can detach from needing anything in this world that’s not arising out of greater consciousness and it’s sensations it communicates to us through the more our capacity increases and the influence we have on that unconscious level that’s always drawing people in and out of our lives has that effect for us in a beneficial transformative way. When you can see and feel and experience your satisfaction then you don’t need anything. NG said that imaginal scenes were for the function of satiating hunger, or in other words to transform desire. That desire you think you need that you realise you don’t and that the experience of it from that normalised nourished place only provides the contrast that you never needed it to begin with. This consistent current that you’ve purified through that inner experience emanates the core metaphysical essence of that experience which is returned to you in the world. Because you transformed that and had it pass through you without the sensations and contrast of lack warp it’s genuine experience it means that this can now freely flow through your fixed and receptive nature in the world where people will provide that to you as it’s effectively a part of your buffer capacity. You’re nourished through the realisation of this experience being what it is. 

When you manifest while in this place of courage and determination and rebellion against the false identification it’s that you’re dropping a part of you that you bought into that you once believed held influence over how you could experience something. 

I just tried to save it again half way through and once again it crashed on me. What a surprise. 

Expanding further. It’s only because we buy j to what someone else is providing to our open and receptive nature that we’re influenced to believe and buy into the need to have things in the world be a certify way for our sense of value to arise. We don’t need anything to be any specific way because anything that’s arising out of someone else’s limited identification isn’t something we need to accept as a condition in our value and supply. I see all these people who desire things in the wolf behind what they actually really need from their divine pathway as fools who are driven by the pleasures of the senses just as the Daoists make clear and the bible speaks of. It can only be seen this way properly when you’re actually nourished, or that you’re coming off a dip like I am. It’s the contrast that breeds innovation. I see all these things in the world we feel the need to buy into and accept as patterns of other peoples we bought into and felt desire for in those moments and thus we developed a condition on our supply of value. The process of this is reversing that and returning to your internal supply. 

Mastering the circulation of substances is a big part of this. The process of how lower order base substances refine through us as we fast from the senses and hold within us our vitality which can be our purifying substrate is the work, on that level of consciousness at least. It’s natural for us to feel satisfied just being as we are. The more disconnected from that the more attached you are to the world the less nourished you are. The person who can actually manifest things of any capacity they have flow through them naturally is someone who is well nourished and knows themselves as an extension of divinity. That is someone who’s gone through this process and wasn’t already buying into the programs of others and was never warped to start with. These people are the ones who give to themselves what they desire within, it naturally becomes satisfying to not need anything in the world because that inner vitality nourishes their Shen. Normalising the sensations is simply providing to ourselves a supply that’s internally sourced where we can allow the contrast of internal supply to refine the desires.

Master manifestors are people who know themselves and naturally flow as themselves. You can’t effectively do that from lack because it’ll always come out of you as lack. It’s only through acceptance and nourishment of your circuit that the transformation can unfold. We’ve bought into the game where we need money to live, we need a certain person to be with us, we need a certain reputation to feel valued, we need a specific thing to be ok. We’ve been marketed to by the program that we need things to feel comfortable and satisfied. When you’re nourished well you realise you never needed anything but the air you breathe. From there everything opens up as you’re then being driven by the nourished sensations that arise from greeter consciousness which provides us what we truly need vs what we believe we need. We all have roles to play in this world that’s determined by our fixed thematic resonance but the means by which that’s made manifest is entirely up to how those sensations drive you from a place of nourishment. 



I've been through more contemplation here. There's so much I want to speak about relating to limits and comfort zones and surrendering to resistance and allowing the body to dissolve through it's greater consciousness communication. As we build nourishment we fill up our capacity, as that capacity reaches its limit we're going to run up against a wall, a dip, and this requires us to surrender to what's coming up to be dissolved specifically through the sensations that are linked to it.

In short, the capacity we have to reach a certain level of proportionate connection to greater consciousness is determined by the degree of trash stuck in our field geometry that's not self that we've accepted as self. The degree to which this trash stagnates the vital currents from actually nourishing determines what "level" of resistance you've got. Not all resistance is on the same "layer" as peeling back one layer can reveal another one. There's conscious and unconscious dissolution, doing pathway work to map the structure of your field geometry is one part of knowing what is conscious and unconscious and how the interaction generates the subconscious experience unfolding. We've got to allow the intelligence that's driving the body through us from greater consciousness to do it's thing and for us to not get in the way of how it's needing to unfold. Wilhelm Reich knew this was stored in muscles and nerves decades ago which is where most modern bodywork comes from. It's mostly variances on what Reich discovered who was a big player in how I came to much of my understanding on the elementary level. He saw that the body had cycles it went through, expansion and contraction processes and that the armour of the psyche was held in the muscles which is why he called it muscle armouring. Armour in this sense refers to an avoidance of the natural striving due to a feeling of discomfort which is the retreat away from natural striving and into degeneracy. Naturally speaking the field geometry is self correcting, but we don't experience this as a positive upward movement we experience this mostly as peaks and dips and most of the people in LOA believe that thoughts control everything, yet nobody can demonstrate how or why in a reliable manner. Imagination even in NG's own words was for the purpose of "satiating hunger" which means giving to yourself what you can't get in the world. Why? To transform that hunger into satisfaction which is comfortability which is nourishment and the dissolution of resistance. It's a process relating to dissolving resistance, not to make things happen. Those things happen naturally as a part of who we are, though targeting an experience is possible with imagination because of the thematic and conceptual resonance we emanate and thus "attract" as our field geometry mediates others to fulfil the thematic level experiences we're driven by. The program settles in the body which those sensations generate corresponding sensory experiences through the imaginal senses and those must have thematic metaphysical relationship which of course fires currents through various fixed channels which mediates the way experiences unfold for us.

Dissolution of not self happens under pressure, it happens through us when sufficient vital current and pressure is present to be the contrast and alchemical purifying agent to act on the resistance and break it down. Without the alchemical agent one cannot dissolve resistance. Alchemy requires heat, every time. Heat is ALWAYS present when transformation is present and the substance is what's transformed which is why yang and qi are required to be in sufficient quantity and flow without stagnation for dissolution to unfold and the body to have the components it requires to act through you in that dissolving process. This is alchemy. Pressure is the thing that brings to awareness the resistance but it's our needing to cling to not self tendencies that we've grown comfortable with that keeps us in the false sense of self and degenerate patterns that further destroy us. Purification under the pressure of the purifying fire of life is a process where the mind accepts what's coming up through it from below and the body is mediating the movement of it through the way it's being driven by that current flowing the resistance through the circuits. Being driven is the key part here, acceptance but that acceptance and drive and natural striving shows up when vital currents that can be the contrasting purifying fire are present. The thing is that when there's less trash stuck in the system even a lower level of current goes further in nourishment, and dips don't hit the same and you'll be able to maintain a clear context when those dips show up. The sense of self won't suffer and you'll be able to sit with the sensations and make friends with them as they flow through you. They're familiar and you understand them now, you know their function in the field geometry and you don't react to them the same way because you don't even want to, your thoughts change as a result and the emotional state can be regulated. Consciously doing this in these moments technically isn't going to dissolve it but it'll increase capacity, pathogenic fire likely arising from liver stagnation (liver is where most frustration is held and causes uprisings of pathogenic current causing wind and heat in the middle and upper cauldron) is what we're most going to be interacting with which is why allowing ourselves to in those moments of charge sink the fire and sink into the anchor in the root and allow the fire to dissolve and the substance to nourish it. Without sufficient substance and awareness however you'll be unable to do this effectively. We're metaphysical alchemical beings and will by it's very nature is yang which only makes the fire worse. Calming the fire with relaxation and sinking the charge and cultivating yin in the kidney and allowing that to settle and not be disturbed is what we're doing when we're able to last through the dips and not react and have clear consciousness. This will keep the pathogenic fire from disrupting the functions of the higher meridians and allow the circuits to better be nourished. So it's not a dissolution process in specific but it's going to aid in the dissolution when it's ready.

I was also taught a technique called "unwinding" by a brilliant naturopathic doctor back in 2020 which was a massage technique that's very similar to shiatsu actually. It seems to me that almost all manual work on the body is where real trauma release work is done, not in the imagination. I've had people release on the table when I did massage back in the day but we've been expected to be able to release this stuff in our heads. EFT has manual movement too which is why it can be beneficial too but I've been still developing models that can dissolve stuck sensations without body work and yet that's not come up for me in any reliable manner. It's either gazing but that's not targeted and EFT isn't reliable either there's just no best method. If anything vegetotherapy and reichian type therapies are reliably effective but they require someone else, same with massage forms with unwinding or shiatsu. TRE technique is one I am looking further into as I've not spent much time with it yet but I've been aware of it for a while now. It makes sense but it's just one of those things that requires the body to be ready to release it. The body must be ready if it's not ready then good luck. TRE is to me a technique that clears liver stagnations to enable the second order substances to be most efficiently circulated. qi and blood. It's requiring the liver to be free from resistance which is why I believe the tremor based modality of release is the way it works. It's that the Hun is moving the body to get some fresh air for once. TRE works with the lower body the most for a reason in that case. There's movement of the lower circuits specifically to nourish the Shen. 


I just want to make clear here the most common cycle everyone goes through with peaks and dips is normal and no it's not because your thoughts are off base. If anything it's because you're still feeling afraid of facing the feelings because the unconscious mind is still running the show and you're ignoring it's need to be seen and heard and worked with.


More. Big day. When will I ever get to this vid. When will I ever put all this together. Who knows. I'm in no rush. I might write an article on this. It seems like I've been through enough experimenting and theory work to prove that what my points are here are true. Success rates must reflect that in this case, if not then there's more work to be done. There more work to be done.

So the idea that we're manifesting things with the thoughts that run through the mind. Let's get back to fundamentals here. When someone what's to "manifest" something they imagine it being real to them, be it with words or images or whatever. The traditional way is immersion but that's proven to not be required. Simply having the concept come to mind, like reading an article about something in the newspaper is the example NG mentioned and said it's just as easy to manifest with unconscious means vs conscious means. What's being said here in essence is that you've no power to decide what you do and don't manifest, it's just whatever enters the senses is what shows up. I say that's only partially true. The reason why is because we're always drawn into thematic sensations no matter what concept comes to mind, and that's going to draw us into a sense of self, a state of relative nourishment and contrast between that and greater consciousness's drives. If the resonance is correct then there will be a rising sensation and this is the inner authority responding. It's natural and happens all the time to everyone with resonant concepts that enter the mind, though that specific sensation and process isn't not required for things to manifest.

I've already spoken on this and explained how this works but the list method is another one, simply scripting things you want to have show up mindlessly. In this case it's not your conscious mind recognising the reality of what's being written, because if that's true then how come people who write books don't end up in the scenes they describe. I've written many stories in the past about all sorts of things and I've never had anything to my awareness represented in my reality. So this idea that it's words written that manifest is stupid and illogical. The explanation is that you're being driven in this place of receptivity, especially if it's something you're not attached towards and have contrast throwing out the thematic sensation that's driving what goes on paper. What's written comes through you, not because of you. You're basically just observing greater consciousness acting through you, I mean that's always the case anyway but this in itself goes back to the core of what manifesting really is. If it's truly about anything that comes before the mind of God in the imagination then it would have to be true in all examples, yet that's not true. I know coaches who preach this publicly as the mechanism don't teach this in private, not in application at least. The idea is present but how is that represented? They'll give you a specific scene to represent your wish fulfilled but in that case you're just targeting a specific thematic sensation by building greater context. Without greater context there's no thematic sensation that's resonant for greater consciousness to sink into and have expression through because it will arise out of compromise patterns of resistance. In this case if there's context and multiple components of consciousness interacting then it would demonstrate an alchemical process, this obviously isn't reflecting what NG teaches as imagination is God. There's zero demonstration for how this is the case in any way and as far as I know it's been the divisive factor that's destroyed our connection to our body and how greater consciousness communicates to us through it.

So what do we do with this understanding? How do we transform our lives? Well if you're riddled with resistance and the body is just swamped with stagnations and you're in non stop peak and dip cycles then the work that needs to be done is to drop the desire completely and work with being ok with having nothing but that which is within you. Your internal supply and that connection to greater consciousness is all that you need to transform as these are the principle components of consciousness anyway. How do we do that? Well we simply bring to mind what's limited and dive into the resistance from that place of having nourishment and allow the intelligence of how greater process moves the currents in our field geometry to work as they may without our interruption. The alchemist told me that greater consciousness is always reaching down to us but we're never reaching to it to make that connection and the way we communicate with it is through the form. Without the form responding then there's no connection, not on a direct deep level at least. You'll always be communicating but the focus will be very vague which is also partially why limited manifestations and signs and all that show up when you're slamming thoughts into your head while in severe lack. Signs are a proof that you're not communicating with your body correctly and what you're providing as a supply isn't resonant, it's coming from a false identification and the need to attach to a specific outcome. So once again how do we change this? Greater context. Working with the form, the body, the sensations, the thematic metaphysical senses which archetypally communicate in the language of the Gods as primary field geometries of compounds of centrifugal and centripetal charge gradients. This is experienced as the reality of experience for the body, not for the mind and the senses but for the form. When the form is immersed then the mind will be immersed because the form is where the sensations emanate from and the mind receives the ripple effect type resonance from what's projected. Wherever currents circulate is what sensations the mind will experience but it's not for the mind it's for the monopole. The mind can accept and surrender to the thematic resonance, and the only real free will it has is to observe contrast as this is the primary factor which drives shifts in thematic sensation which as I've said is the main language of God. Consciously generating refined thematic sensation via bringing concepts to mind is the only real effect that the conscious mind has on manifestation. It's not able to make it happen, it's only able to work with what's there and draw focus to specific currents or form interactions of currents to form new ones, which is how specific manifesting works as a compound of concepts in greater context form a refined sensation and that nourishes the sense of self and the reality of that experience from a resonant thematic level.

Very profound stuff. That right there in these paragraphs explains manifestation. 

Let's give more practical examples. Say you've done an imaginal scene and it feels real to you and you sleep in it and then you wake up and you're in a dip soon after and you feel bad about the same thing you imagined earlier. This happens a lot, you end up worse off than before in the dips. What is causing this? Or even say you felt good for like 3 days and then can't feel good about any of it for like 2 weeks and it's just this negative thing every time. The question I will ask then is are you doing pathway work and establishing the known associations to the sensations that arise when greater context is present or are you forgetting and buying into the limited sensations and the concepts that arise out of that. Are you being driven by the limited sensations without contrast? Whenever you're not providing contrast especially while in those dips it's either because you're properly depleted from vitality and have next to no nourishment or you're still not pushing forward comfort zones in the world where you can practically speaking and are still likely in the same limited patterns that are reminding you of the lack all the time in your environment. If the environment is the factor then your fix will be to break pattern and things will shift, else continue to raise currents with contrast because I know you're not doing that if you're still stuck. This is not about creating opposite statements and trying to convince yourself but simply to detach from that concept all together in that place and almost forget about it by bringing your focus to a resonant direction. If I'm personally in a dip I think about either how this doesn't mean anything because it's just a temporary dip (that's how I manifested my SP and I've told that story many times before) or I'd draw my attention and mental environment into the direction of an experience that's satisfying such as the experience of flowing with quick swift movements or imagining a scene that reflects my position as a known metaphysician or walking through a big open room in a castle and feeling a sense of power and reverence, being someone with an almost "one off" vibe that's got unique power. I use to imagine myself and tell myself when I was at my most powerful that I can see and hear everything and I'd gaze through people with this almost curious sensation, it felt similar to what gazing does when you go deep except I could conjure it up so quickly because I was doing like 5-6 sessions periodically every day between classes. I got so quick into those states and I'd just distance myself from corporeal being and my sense of self felt nourished in that place, it felt familiar but yet "powerful" and "unique" and "different" like I was the immortal being walking among a sea of sleeping mortals with no power. That was how I viewed myself back then, it was natural for me and it came out of the gazing I did on the regular but my entire environment was based on this too. I was in school still and had a different context to my situation. Those sensations are still resonant but they're expressed in a different conceptual manner as I've understood more about myself and what I've resonance with.

That's how I handle dips. I draw myself into that distanced state and bring to mind the concepts of resonance and almost do gazing on the spot that I can detach from where thoughts will flow through me that will confirm my value. It's natural. I don't have to battle thoughts if I target the correct direction. Sometimes I can just say with a mostly confident stance in my mind that if someone is telling me something I don't want to hear that the outcome I desire is still inevitable anyway. The idea of the thought itself manifesting is stupid and doesn't work, it's that people who do positive self talk in these scenarios and still manifest positive outcomes are people who have a nourished sense of self and that they've got higher order substances to grant them contrast on demand to purify resistance on the spot. Deciding requires vitality as the driving metaphysical aspect of contrast and how greater context can be experienced. It's a cumulative process but also eating well will aid this too especially if you're in the dips. When you're clear and have nourished circuits you can eat trash and it won't influence you anywhere near the same. I've been in a place where eating even a small bit of salt or sugar would make me feel like I'm going to die of a heart attack or something, like my vision would pulse and my ears would ring and my limbs would age and go numb in some places and my feet would go black and purple on the heels. It was so bad and the only way I recovered from that was through this work. Pathway work. Finding patterns and knowing what's me and not me. The reference state as I called it. I got to the point where my body would react like I described but I just didn't even care because I didn't fear death or anything because it was all the same to me. It was like yeah whatever body you're just having a bad time again. I'd drink like mad still because I had to but it didn't make me buy into it and my mental state could still be in the place of a God. The sensations were driving me in the broad contextual sense in these places but I just gradually bought into it less and less. Drinking juices and eating fruits and vege almost exclusively to aid liver qi stagnation and not touching anything processed was honestly what helped resolve it but that naturally came out of me. I looked at those foods and thought it's gross and my body would literally turn away and say no. I couldn't eat it if I tried because I knew it would destroy me if I did. Now I can eat that stuff without reaction but the transition phase required a cut out of that trash. People think telling themselves they're healthy will magically manifest health. Nonsense. Never has and never will work. I've been in those places where my heart pounding would literally be seen as my entire body shifts forward slightly with each beat, you could see my heart through my chest and my stomach raising slightly with each pulse and my veins in my arms popping out. This went on for almost 2 years. I would get lightheaded standing up and I almost passed out many times walking around doing simple tasks. I was deficient in blood and qi of course but my mental state had next to no real lasting difference on that. It was a beneficial factor but it wouldn't alone decide my recovery if I still ate trash. I tried that back then with zero success. I needed to fast to recover qi and that increased my buffer to be able to handle these same foods. The thoughts provided me a temporary boost but it didn't last long. Thoughts are always temporary in their moment to moment effect, and unless you're driven into action through them because there's a response then you'll not really get anywhere in dips with positive thoughts. There must be thematic resonance else you're wasting time.

So in this essence, when you can sink into thematic sensation and concepts that are resonant then you'll be able to be driven because there will be a response and the body will drive you, greater consciousness will drive you. To me anything that represents having a unique quality that stands out among everyone around me then I feel resonant. That's a quality of my process I can always draw into and remind myself of any time to raise currents and nourish myself where the context will shift and work for me. Knowing I know myself completely just has that effect, unconsciously almost. It's just something I do. There's just this sense I find it hard to find words to describe without describing entire scenes. In general it's a sensation of unique power and movement and speed and swiftness and such, not just movement but this top down view. Like even back when I was in grade 4 of primary school (elementary in the states) I had people telling me I was the chosen one and all that. I had this friend who considered me a God, he called me sire. We never met before outside school but he worshipped me before he vanished and I met up with him again like a decade later randomly in person at TAFE. Was surprising but natural I guess considering the circumstances. Either way this theme of "superiority" if you'd put it that way or "effortless dominance" has always been a theme in my life and reality. My parents told me I was above everyone in my intellect and I was grades ahead in my classes in school back then effortlessly destroying everyone when it came to mental subjects. I wasn't even physically based in those early years but that developed later in highschool when I unlocked my parkour phase where I was known then for my movement instead of my mind. Still the same theme but the means shifted. I destroyed everyone with movement and swiftness and elegance and everyone was attracted to me. It was effortless. Yet I never felt properly satisfied here, there was an element of lack where I still didn't feel permission to be myself as I've discussed. That destroyed me because I continued to buy into it without contrast and so that limited sensation would drive me and ruin my life for years after school was over where I was unable to express the one part of me that had value. From then on I went hardcore into my RS study all day every day without stopping for anything or anyone. I was hyper focused on proving everybody wrong about how the world worked, but it's the same theme.

Don't you see what I mean by themes of experience and those metaphysical sensations and how they're reflected in our experiences and that there's a sensation that's familiar and resonant. There's a part of you that's been dying to express, and likely you're already expressing it anyway but don't realise it's a core part of you that's a supply. Owning that completely is your supply. Owning it and allowing your resonant themes of experience to shift context is your big contrast. Reminding yourself of this until it's natural and normal and established in a physical sense where you're being driven to physically experience and "manifest" that theme will be the work. Dissolving traumas and resistance that's coming up in the way of that where you're stuck by the feelings unable to be the person you want in the world you really want to be because it's resonant is the other part of the work. Transformation on the deliberate targeted level through pathway work and alchemical processes I've discussed here. Being yourself without compromise is the bulk of the work, dissolving specific sensations and allowing your body to drive through the various means is the next most important part of the work but it depends where you're at. Just having courage and facing the feeling head on and making the decision your body is being moved towards will transform it too, on the specific level most likely too. Actions that are correct will dissolve resistance because you're moving through the sensation and towards ideal context without compromise. Making those tough decisions under pressure is what that is, that is bring purified under fire and can be highly transformational but also very painful.

I hope you're getting an idea of what manifesting is about now. It's all clear, as I've said many times. The more I come on here and write these out the more clear I become too. This is almost my way of logging the realisations I have within and sharing it so thank you to everyone reading this once again and especially those doing the work. Doing the work is all that matters. When we're driven by greater consciousness we're always going to succeed. Surrendering to that drive and accepting the feelings as they are and feeling into them and allowing yourself to be ok with where you're at in the pure sense, tapping your internal supply in those places and going all the way with that. In those intense moments of pressure will transform everything. People will respond better to you and everything. You'll not feel the lack when dips come up it'll just be another thing for you to move through because you know yourself. There's no magic secret technique it really is just about normalising the knowledge of who you are and the sensations that become familiar will be your anchor for the internal supply of vitality and nourishment and sense of self and everything. It's like every time I speak on this it's renditions of the same thing. 

The only tip I can suggest here is just to consciously and deliberately use contrast as the tool of free will you have to mediate your body to be driven towards experiences that are satisfying. I believe that the only real free will we have is to provide current to flow through a thematic circuit and that will generate a response that the body will either resonate with or not. No resonance means it's not for you, and you'd not make a decision that you're not desiring or interested in. You almost couldn't do it anyway, there's nothing to respond to there for the body. The issue is that the things that we do have resonance with we've disowned and so by consciously and deliberately arranging your environment, both internal and external to conform to the thematic sensation of resonance will be your best bet to continue the work reliably without the same degree of peaks and dips. Simply making that decision and actually arranging your environment accordingly will be purifying in itself because you're owning and living out parts that you've disowned and being driven by those without a shred of compromise. The more uncompromising you are in this the better your satisfaction will be and the more nourished you'll be. Doing that, actually making that decision is the only way. Making those decisions is the point, not thinking about them. The only real reason why you think and don't act is because there's still a sense of comfortability and contrast that needs to be dissolved. A big part of manifesting is presenting an image before the mind of god (greater consciousness, in principle it's all God but in this example work with this) which communicates resonance with you through the body and drives the body and how the sensations flow through you to provide insights and impulses at the right times and such unconsciously. That's manifestation, it works through us because it's a comfortable established baseline we're resonant with and the inner response (the drive from greater consciousness) that moves us accordingly. When we surrender and accept this we manifest effortlessly. It's natural and normal. Dying to that, as is said in all ancient metaphysical texts, dying to the false identification on that thematic level and accepting the contrast and making those decisions under pressure is transformative and enlightening, literally. It's natural. That's why it works. The only reason why as I said before is because there's contrast with unpleasant sensations and those sensations then bring up the thoughts and stories you're familiar with. The sensations drive everything. That's why identifying those themes in pathway work is the key as you'll know what's self and not self. Knowing that and dying to the not self is manifestation, is being yourself without compromise, is moving towards completing the great work of the immortal being. It's all one process and it's how natural experience unfolds in us all.

Provide your inner authority stimulus to respond to that's resonant on a consistent basis. Make those decisions and put yourself there. Stop trying to avoid the sensations and think you can magically make things happen. The magic happens through you as I've outlined. I seeming magic needs to happen to move you and the world then it will but you need to be yourself without compromise for that alignment to unfold. Identify what draws you into limited sensations and disown that without compromise. Disown it all and detach from it. If you have a desire for a specific person then drop them and imagine someone else even better. If you desire wealth then provide yourself to the world and you'll have people receive and respond to what you're providing if you own it. If you desire health and vitality then instead of imaging yourself eating trash and moving less than a snail then imagine how satisfying it would feel to have an active life with people you respect doing what you love naturally and having all the best food made for you to have whenever you desire out of that situation because you're satisfied and nourished there and not depleted. If you desire a specific object then imagine using it, or if you can't do that then telling someone about it, or if that doesn't feel natural to you then write out a scenario on paper about how awesome it is you have this thing. Give to yourself what you can't get and feel comfortable with that. That's really the only time specific manifestation the way NG speaks of will work in my experience. Either that or it flows through you as I've said. 

Anyway that's enough for today. 212k words now. Crazy.

Also this. Nocturne in the Moonlight - Castlevania Symphony of the night OST

Imagine a stormy night, standing under the cover standing on the top of a mountain overlooking a battle about to unfold in a big town. The rain pours down and lightning strikes the tallest tower. The flaming lights march in and the garrisons drop. Inside there's someone with immense power who's been solemnly training for moments like these. As he steps out and speaks the words of power the entire enemy vanishes never to be seen again. A whisper echoes out of his mouth very quietly, speaking tongues, as the effects resonate and the lightning hits once again just as the midnight hour strikes and the bell rings once again. It's all over, but that's not the end. 

Then you've got simple: Nocturne - Castlevania Symphony of the night OST

That one makes me shed a tear. Music that purifies us is rare these days, it's all degenerate trash that's filled with false identity and no thematic resonance of divine process. It's the progressive melody in this track that's just so context building it's insane. Music does alchemy in us. Music can transform us the same. Music is literally an alchemical ritual. Game soundtracks are most of what I listen to for this reason, they're composed for very direct thematic expression and not for "enjoyment" as most stuff is these days. They're designed for transformation through immersion into that theme of experience. It's alchemy. The original age of mythology soundtrack is another one. Ori and the blind forest and the will of the wisps is another. Stuff that Jesper Kyd worked on too, AC2, even a dead game I use to play called heroes and generals had an amazing theme by him. Thematic resonance is powerful. Legendary soundtracks. Burned them all to CDs.

I use to always listen to music that would thematically set a tone and I'd imagine some crazy scenario in my mind and immerse myself in that like I'm directing my own movie just because it felt good. That act in itself is power. Immersing yourself into your thematic resonance and allowing yourself to be driven to act through the resonance that follows as a means of normalising that theme in the world and providing your internal supply to receive those who are ready for it. It's these things that raise currents, but they don't last. If you have response to stimulus that's resonant then moving with it and being driven by how there's conceptual relationship without compromise normalises the sensation and anchors that association as another memory with testimony. It's part of you and having the courage to fulfil what's present sinks in the depth of reality of experience that's lasting in transformation. It's natural and it flows through you.

No matter how depleted we may be, no matter how degenerate we have become, no matter the stagnant charge destroying us, we will always have within us the light of life accessible as our supply through God.



I've been contemplating more on the idea of what resistance is and what tension is in the body and how that warps our psychological state and the mind. I see it like this. My interpretation is open to change as this is a topic that's rarely explored in depth on a metaphysical level from any source material. I read one book like 2 years ago that explained the alchemy of this but I cannot for the life of me remember it or have it show up again. Who knows. Either way I remember some of it and have learned much since then so I'll present what my idea is.

The idea of resistance is fundamentally based on constriction of channels, thus causing stagnation. It's like a hose pipe being kinked and so the flow gets disrupted significantly. Now this is because in those moments of stress and trauma the form feels the need to detach from the sensory experience because it's highly stressful, there's a disruption of qi and blood and substance to nourish the circuits from this moment and so the currents cannot nourish the same as they should due to this constriction. Muscle tension is how the conventional systems interpret nervous system tension, Wilhelm Reich said that it was muscle armouring for a reason. The muscle represents a periphery level manifestation of the internal circuits, process within process remember. Whatever the correspondence is to that circuit the tension is almost always caused by a lack of blood, blood stagnation, or substance deficiency so baseline forms of yin and essence. Qi and blood are directly linked which is why when blood becomes stagnant like in that pipe analogy then qi which is carried with the blood will also stagnate meaning the yang is of lower order expression and can become pathogenic out of those stagnations and cause further damage. Muscles cannot relax unless there's nourishment provided to the corresponding circuits which is why somatic work and muscle release work and similar methods all focus on relaxing the muscle which corresponds to the internalised disruption that's generating the disproportionate issue. This stagnation or deficiency of yin and substances like blood will of course cause heat as the stagnation accumulates which will become the factor that manifests as the psychological disruptions. Namely liver stagnations and spleen and heart blood and qi deficiency and stagnations. It's all similar and caused by the disruptions caused by those traumatic events. The body doesn't feel "safe" to express because there's no current to make manifest the psychological state that's nourishing due to the stagnation. So to nourish the blood we must work with building substance, meaning an increase in yin will generate a condition internally with sufficient nourishment to then either force the resistance up to the surface to be dissolved or it'll become dislodged and the purifying fire of the ming men can riase and nourish coherently due to the yin being the anchor to the excessive pathogenic fire. In this case the degree to which blood and yin can be nourished will be limited to the degree of stagnation you can release. The channels can only take to much pressure when qi is deficient so qi is what will determine the degree to which the pipes can expand as it's a periphery manifestation of the current carried with blood. Without a sufficient level of qi, a higher order substance of yang, then you'll nourish to the point before the resistance gets dislodged and you'll experience further peaks and dips without reaching the breakthrough and actual nourishment of the circuits that are needing the kink in the pipe to let go. The body wants to let go of it but the conditions must be correct. This is why when you imagine what you want it doesn't feel comfortable because you're not nourished and you cannot be nourished unless the alchemical conditions can facilitate that transformation. When you do methods such as TRE which causes the vibrations and tremors it's literally the manifestation of the liver qi stagnation coming to the surface as the periphery is "straining" the capacity for the channels to expand. Creating space will also facilitate this but I find the degree to which gazing can actually act in a purifying manner also depends on the qi for the same reasons as with blood nourishment. It's all stemming from a refinement of the substances, blood must be nourished for qi to be nourished and if yin is whacked and out of balance due to the restrictions in the lower circuits such as the liver which is where blood is stored and where qi is governed in it's "spreading" throughout the body. Whenever you've got qi stagnation in the liver then you've almost certainly got tightness in the body, muscle and tendons especially and you'll be more prone to injury when being active. 

Nourishment is everything, but I want to make another very important point here. Intuitive impulse and decisions. The thing we need to understand is that most people are generators and generators require a certain degree of liver and kidney nourishment to be able to have the response from the sacral to make a decision or even just for the body to be moved automatically. When you're filled with resistance (everybody except immortals are so don't kid yourself) the degree to which your inner authority can make REFINED decisions, as in decisions that facilitate the transformation of higher order substances will be limited. Why? Because your baseline is still whacked and needs refining. We've been told that all decisions it's driving us to make are the best, and I 'd agree with you from a thematic level, but on the specific means of expression then I don't think I would because unless there's sufficient vitality present and nourishment to drive the currents to be purified then the response will reflect limited impulse. Shen drives it too, Shen and liver stagnations are closely linked which is why when you're in a temporary peak it still doesn't really resolve any long standing stagnations and more consistent decisions that are coming from the perspective of refining the stagnations must be made. If we work with the metaphysics then we can aid the inner authority that's the bodily sensation emanating from greater consciousness to drive our decisions in the thematic sense. It's just something I don't see anyone really able to actually apply, and that experiences that unfold for people which are consistently satisfying but in a limited way. It's either they're just not driven more intensely towards the immortal side of being resistance free or that this limited experience really is correct for their consciousness in the way that's leading them to the unique insights required for their mediation of others people to be purified in that knowledge. If we can dissolve resistance and provide more nourishment to the circuits then why wouldn't we? Why not? Why wouldn't we provide the inner authority more nourishment to make decisions that are leading us towards more refined means of experiencing these affinities. Why not? 

Somatic sensations are primarily related to qi stagnations. You run up against dips not just because your subconscious capacity is stuck but that qi is stuck and blood is stuck and it's not able to expand and nourish further, thus why the resistance surfaces to be managed. Nourishment also drives contextual sense through sense of self so the default state you return to will be proportionate if there's nourishment. Why do animals buck around wildly when they've been traumatised? Because the movement gets the qi to quickly and rapidly circulate to clear stagnations when they're present. This is why I said that physical movement is a way that you can nourish the circuits, the Shen is nourished through exercise too for this reason as blood is flushed with the qi and explains why sedentary people develop stagnations. They're developing stagnations too that can manifest very similarly to those with trauma but the way that it's resolved is a bit different. 

So more on dissolution. When we dip it more often than not is going to result in a temporary clearing of the channels where nourishment can flow through. This relates more to the feeling of stuck trash that's being moved into the consciousness. The interesting thing here is that if depletion and stagnation is what seems to cause low states then how come when vitality is high and it's ready to nourish then it hits the wall of capacity the qi can handle and so ends up surfacing the resistance instead leading to dips even though you've got more nourishing components circulating. it's almost as if the baseline capacity is capped at a certain level, and going beyond that is impossible without clearing the stagnations. Peak and dip cycles seem to reflect the subconscious capacity present at the baseline level, but in order for those higher order substances to be cultivated there needs to be a release of the stagnations holding that cap in place. How do we do that then? Qigong? Gazing is one way to gradually clear it but the effectiveness of that also depends on the build-up of pressure and currents to work fully. It's like we're required to go through these peak and dip cycles naturally and that recognising them and working with their cyclic nature is the process that cannot be avoided. Even I go through this still, I don't know anyone who's free from this. My qigong master certainly wasn't free from it still, he faced things still too. So what's the deal? There's just so many moving parts here it's insane. 

To me it seems sinking charge, as in primarily working on building kidney yin to anchor the liver yang and eventually form more blood through transforming substance in the spleen leading to further qi and blood nourishment is what will clear the channels on the baseline level. To add to that gazing and qigong and TRE can assist, To me all of these different methods target different layers of resistance and there's no one best method. The specifics of each all seem to target the liver meridian, gazing opens the liver qi and so does TRE and qigong builds lower substances so it's all targeting lower circuits primarily. There's a reason why, because you need a solid foundation before building higher order substances, else you'll dip and be stuck. All I know is that targeting liver qi stagnation cleans up almost everything, as well as liver blood and yin deficiency. Most people have something on this level that has issues and it's either due to weak kidney not supplying substance to liver or that liver is just bloated with excess and the traumas are held in that meridian. There's also spleen that can have issues but more often than not it's because of eating too much, fasting can help restore that. Liver meridian issues isn't something that's easily restored with fasting and requires extensive cultivation to restore.

More methods include acupuncture and herbalism and Reichian work as well as shiatsu massage and even cupping can help shift stagnations in the lower circuits. There's all these methods that are metaphysically related to the same process I speak of here. Getting into the very core of what's happening is what will provide insights. I believe that the optimal routine would be this. Weekly acupuncture and moxibustion, richian and massage work every 3 days, daily periodic gazing, daily regular pathway work, daily morning qigong. I've done qigong in the mornings with nightly gazing on the regular. Including alchemical quintessence here is another one but that's a lifetime one you take that amplified gazing benefits and can act as a Jing replacement once the channels are clear for higher order substances to form.


When you "buy into" something you manifest it. Naturally. Either consciously or unconsciously, but usually you lose yourself in the experience which is why it's going to be "real" to you. The reality of experience sinks in the sensation and normalises it. 

Thematic sense and immortality comes through fully refining the senses too. The internal and external senses. you’re talking about actually negating the senses where your organ of cognition becomes the very field geometry itself. Those thematic sensations dissolve the established sensory relationships and genetics can be refined as the higher order substance of Jing. You’ll have a new refined authority, likely transcending the dualistic mind form connection where they become one thing. I don’t know if that’s true but it makes sense. Really digging into uncharted waters these days. 



"Nourishment formula" is how you do Reality Synthesis.

Contrast is cognised through variance in sensation. A normalised sensation has no contrast and is “normal” and not important. There’s a detachment that comes out of this and you don’t even really notice you’re doing something at that point. This is where we want to be when it comes to reliably manifesting but the thing to understand is that most of the work here is getting nourishment sufficient so that detachment actually becomes accessible on a reliable basis. 

When I would play a competitive game and I was under pressure or I was being watched I’d choke out and screw up, like I’d mess up something so simple and it was because there was a contrast present that broke my natural rhythm that I would normally flow into. My skills got broken because I wasn’t used to the pressure of being watched. When I know I’m being watched and it’s not normal for me then there’s a disconnect between the thematic sensation I’m in normally vs in that observation zone. I’ve played games with my eyes closed rubbing backwards without effort because my body does it but the moment my mind gets involved because I don’t feel nourished in that place, meaning there’s some this big I’m attached to that’s drawing contrast out because the thematic sensation shifts, which causes my play to be way off from what I am actually capable of. More specifically it’s the body that’s playing and has the capability. The mind just directs it into its flow and it takes over and moves through that and the moving through that naturally builds familiarity and “muscle memory” where the body is able to just unconsciously play the game on its own, given that there’s no contrast screwing with your consciousness and blocking that flow through activating themes of attachment and effort and trying. It’s not psychological it’s an alchemical process of nourishment.

Contrast is everything. Contrast is what we’re normalising and mediating into a familiar and comfortable sensation which gets to the point where we don’t even notice it at all. When we don’t notice the contrast and there’s no pressure then it’s gold. 

Just typed out like 25 mins on the mobile app and it gave me the error that it failed to save when I pressed save. I will not be updating this on mobile in future because it’s unreliable and often wastes my time. 90% of my entires here are done on my custom desktop pc system with hardwares connections so the connection never drops. Either way it was just in basic about what the sensation of consistently satisfying vs unsatisfying and how that’s the barometer of what is and what isn’t decisions coming from self. Decisions we think we make that come from self rarely are. Desires we have often aren’t ours but are what we’ve been marketed to and manipulated into feeling we want or even need to feel comfortable and content. Getting all this stuff we don’t need. NG failed to explain that not all desires are correct for us. The desires that emanate from the inner authority are the true desires. How do you know the difference between correct desires? Thematic sensation. It’ll be familiar and if you’ve done sufficient pathway work you’ll know that. NG was flawed in his application and teaching because he never mentioned desire that’s emanating from the form and intuitive impulse vs the mind and the conditioning. What comes through the sensations, the true sensory system we have at our core as metaphysical beings, that’s our true guidance system but most people are out of touch with it because they’ve got next to no space and no vital currents to use that space effectively. Without space and currents that are arising from proportionate circuits to greater consciousness then you’re unable to really know what’s yours and what’s not from within you as the sensations on that thematic level will be dulled, and yet that’s actually what drives your consciousness without you realising it. That’s what activates when you’re marketed to and influenced. Channels corresponding to those associated sensations on the thematic level open and your contractive convergent aspect will receive sensory level info like thoughts and images to confirm that sensation, the story will conform and that’s your mental environment. The metaphysical senses define that. The subtle hidden rolled and folded up senses with invisible information we can’t sense on the subtle level is what drives us. That’s what the thematic sense and it’s implication is. You know something without knowing it. That’s why it’s intuitive impulse. You’re unfolding something you don’t know is there driving you. Fractals and directions of propagation and field geometry interactions. It’s all about transformation. 

NG failed to describe these principles. There’s no definition of self vs not self on that thematic level. He just said there’s infinite states. That tells us nothing about who we are on the fixed definition level. What we truly are IS those themes, we quite literally are the embodiment of those pure aetheric metaphysical principles folded up into a geometry. The substrate of our experience is the expanded aether in motion and that in itself is a form of limitation as it’s the manifestation of necessary entropy that drives transformation. NG completely missed these functions of consciousness and seemed to have mostly taught that it was all relative to what’s in our imagination, meaning all the imaginal senses, but he never differentiated the 5 senses from the metaphysical senses of the themes which are what are translated by the form into the mind unfolding as the sensory level experience we have. That’s the language of reality at it’s core and when we negate consciousness we’re not negating the principe of it but the limited manifestation of it through the senses that are the translation layer of what’s more pure and fundamental to describe our experience. The thematic sense then becomes your primary organ of cognition and from this place is where the conjunction can unfold as the senses have been turned inside out and the testimony of that is what transforms. This cannot be attained through thought because this process is the process of anti thought. Thinking without thinking and feeling without feeling. It’s purely the metaphysical senses that describe our experience. Those sensations we’ve revealed in pathway work become our whole perception and the implication built into those as the sensory level experience that runs through the imaginal mind is negated and becomes then the subtle sense. We almost experience report from “gods” perspective as how manifestation unfolds. It’s what we’re seeking to attain in the immortality work. That’s where this all goes because all manifestation work is a degree in this same process anyway so it’s unavoidable.

Stopping thought isn’t possible without nourishment and nourishment is what provides us a coherent connection to the principles that define our consciousness directly. Thought stopped amplifies the subtle sense of thematic sensation so perception doesn’t stop but the sensory level overlay stops. You sit in the resonance of those sensations and those in themselves transform you further. They have manifesting value. This is the work on the deepest level. I’m seemingly the only one on earth to connext those dots. Somehow. 



Seeming accidental manifestations would almost always show up relating to familiar sensations. You'd never accidentally manifest 10 million. The normalised comfortable sensation must be present for that to happen, else by having the concept flood the mind it would manifest in a favourable way and yet that doesn't happen. I remember testing this like a year ago and all I got was limited signs of it. Why? Because it was bringing up within me limitation and the concept that associated to that thematic sensation related to necessary transformation that I wasn't ready for.

To me it seems there's an inverse relationship between established thematic resonance and the associated sensory level experience that's going to determine the means and extent to which that manifest experience will be satisfying. It's a thing that must be more closely studied.


Another insight.

The thematic sensations are already manifesting in your reality if you're experiencing them. They're already there, you're already feeling them and experiencing them in the world, but they're not the way you want. Think about that. It's already there, but the means by which it shows up is unsatisfying. That tells us that we're still compromising, attached, holding on, not fully nourished in ourselves and what we can actually experience. We're self imposing limitations on us and intellectualising intuitive impulse when it arises instead of distancing yourself from the world and just flowing. Here's an idea. Live life as distanced as possible, as detached as possible, as nourished in the moment as possible and just observe thoughts and allow your sensations to drive you. Simply be the passenger and watch yourself, be yourself without compromise. That's seemingly opposite of what I say with regards to living the reality of experience and buying into something for transformation as that can allow us to sink into and normalise sensations but for transformation in the sense of detaching from attached things instead of using the contrast from deep bought into experience.



I just had a big brain moment. Once again this stuff comes through me I don't think about it. I'm randomly running loops with whatever thoughts coming through my head without care and then boom there it is. Crazy. It's normal. Effortless. 

Anyway when I was like 3 or 4 I remember saying I wanted to be an inventor. I've invented something new with RS naturally over time without realising it as I was in it. Where did child like me get that affinity from? Thematic resonance described to me the resonant sensation that media reminded me of and poof there's the nourishing sensation of resonance and I say I want to be that. It's natural. See that's another example of how this plays out with what's fixed and even explains how we develop and why we believe what we do. Now children can be programmed to believe anything in essence but the thing is the sensations that aren't resonant will not be satisfying, so even if they "believe" it to be true about them or others or the world that still won't be satisfying to them. It won't be nourishing and so they'll naturally want to avoid it but if there' a compromise pattern linked in then they'll compromise and fit in to accept that against their internal compass. This is another example of thematic resonance. A sensation in the world, likely through a story or some form of media. The channel relating to their throat or their G or even the head can result in this sensation. It's one of those things that naturally unfolds through all of us all the time. That's the thematic direction that I was resonant with and always will be and through the senses that remind me of that and bring that up I explore and experience reality. Do you see? That's what this is about. Manifestation is that. It's what comes through us, and the degree to which we accept those resonant sensations vs what we're being told to believe from the world determines our degree of satisfaction. Now specific manifestation is like the inverse of this. NG said you can sink into the "feeling" alone with the lullaby technique and the point of looping the "thank you" affirmation (which doesn't imply anything specific" was to anchor the sensation under the context that the mind is absorbed into and is "normalised in". This gives us a hint as to how this works on the more in depth sensory level too. We're using the thematic sensation as the supply of nourishment and using the senses that describe that to provide a general associated mental atmosphere which is a more limited degree of the pure thematic archetypal experience which we're using to reflect the experience of that in the imaginal senses. The imaginal senses are God to the degree that they can "ring" the bells of resonance in the channels that comprise our field geometry and thus shift the direction of propagation our form moves in the corporeal world to experience. 

That flowed through me. Do you see like I don't solve this like I do a math problem through comparison and contrast and problem solving it just comes through me as I type I don't need to apply a shred of logic here. I just have it come through me and it's so crazy to watch it happening. People think I'm like some genius but in reality I'm just designed for this, the same way a sports star is designed for what they do. They can't help it because their greater consciousness is driving their form because they've accepted that part of them to flow without resistance. There's no contrast, they don't feel separated and unsatisfied and so they'll naturally sink into that sensation as though it's part of their being. That's the same thing here, and with you too. This is what the normalised sensation means. The degree to which I die to it and accept that I'm being driven and that I have no control to change it because it's fixed and owning that is my salvation as it's my supply of resonant thematic sensation which IS who I really am. That is how my imagination is God because it's how I experience the love of God. That's what the process of alchemical transformation I spoke about explains with the deeper level mechanics. It's all one process. We've got all these so called spiritual gurus telling us these ideas to help us understand and yet it still doesn't fully explain how or why, it's like a belief in this secret knowledge that we may still have resonance with but it's still not complete. The rolled up information scroll still is fully closed and we can't see inside. We don't know what's inside but we've been told to accept what's in there as true without question. I say what's inside that rolled up scroll of information sealed away is Reality Synthesis. The mechanics of consciousness. Alchemy and metaphysics. That's what the secret knowledge is. Don't you see that? It's fundamental and universal and applied to everyone and everything without exception. That's why I call RS a new model of reality, not just a new model of manifestation. I always say what more is there to explain but still more just continues to flow through me.



Feeling nourished. 

Money manifesting. This is what I want to touch on. This applies for most things too. I’ve noticed that the sensation of abundance, abundant resources and supply, it comes through certain sensory experiences especially lately in scenes that I have just come through my mind. Cruising the city streets in my car on a cool night feeling the breeze blowing through my hair. Blasting the back alleys and suburbs on the hills overlooking the coast where the waves crash as the wind blows in my hair. Imagining myself in a luxury hotel like setting surrounded by people who are there to celebrate my work or even just for some other function. There’s people wanting to hear me speak and interact with me and just be around me. It’s not about the items it’s about the implication of what would my life look like if I never had to worry about money. Where are the limitations faced and what would their solutions look like to me and how does that relate to my thematic resonant sensations. The question becomes then that since you can identify the sensation and the experience with the senses then how can you normalise that sensation in your reality? What else can you bring into that context to build familiarity? 

Notice how most of my scenes involve my flow channel with movement or cool breeze or communicating and expressing myself. If you can sink into that experience and familiarise yourself with that sensation closely it’ll become normal for you and contrast will be negated where you’ll be nourished and people who interact with you must respond differently because of that. When the contrast is negated or shifted in it’s association then you’ve won. Normalise the sensation and acceptance of that as your internal supply and correct thematic expression which has tied to it the sensory level implication that’s going to be how those sensations are made manifest to you in the response. It’s like what I said in that video from almost 2 years ago. The experience will remind you of the sense of self, always. This is why repetitive affirmation doesn’t work because there must be a resonant thematic sensation and to have a response arising out of your inner supply else you’ll be driven towards unsatisfying experiences. You can and will see signs or partial results but even then no matter how that sensory level experience comes out it will always be limited due to the sensations that you’re sinking into not being of your fixed definition. You’re attaching to something that’s not actually for you, that’s not how you experience that desire. You’ve taken on from others marketing that this is how you should be and this is what you should have. When you boil it down to its core aspects you’ll realise you don’t need this thing and more often than not you won’t want it when you start to nourish yourself and actually feel a natural sensation of value through a nourished Shen. A nourished Shen will provide you all the supply of inner vitality and value and nourishment and correct thoughts and feelings that come through you without ever having to try. We’re not tying to make this a mental game we’re just using the kind to recognise contrast and where we’re being driven that’s not towards our resonant thematic direction.

So you see how refining the sense of self is a natural byproduct of simply living the life you want. Simply just dropping all the trash and letting it go and dying to it and in that place accepting the direction that continues to come up that you’re denying and running away from. That fixed thematic resonance that you’ve denied yourself the supply of this whole time because you associated to that theme a negative devaluing experience. Owning what’s there without a shred of shame or guilt or compromise or anything is what you’re naturally driven towards. These lack sensations of contrast won’t even enter your mind at all. 

When you’re in a dip write down after it’s over all the things that led up to it. Who was involved. What the environment was. What you did before that. What they said. How you got triggered. Go through it and log down every aspect of what brought up the lack sensation that caused you to feel the way you did and what aspects of your experience shifted your mental atmosphere. Write them down and understand them. Trace them through further and do pathway work on those elements. What’s the element behind those is there a common thread? Why is that stuck? Is the common thread one that comes up in your mind that you’re being driven towards but continue to deny? Is the solution to this situation leaving it all behind completely and dropping it because you then dropped what’s preventing you from moving on in another area of life. You’re holding onto this person because you’re lacking in another way and they’re providing a supply of familiar security for that cope sensation. Understand what supplies what and where you’re seeking temporary supply from to boost yourself that numbs the contrast. Where are you suppling to numb the contrast? Ask these questions and do extensive pathway work on this. 

This is standard coaching protocol now too. Work with it. 


Seeing the bad voices in your head as personified elements of the old story and that you come in and comfort yourself to dissolve them is nothing more than using contrast and building greater context to negate the resistance and normalise the sensation by reminding yourself in essence that it doesn’t matter and that it’s all ok. You’ll forever have tunnel vision until you bring greater context in to normalise and negate the attachment and contrast through nourishment of what always being your satisfaction. If I’m in lack and I imagine myself blasting down the road at night feeling the cool breeze blowing through my hair and on my skin making me feel alive I immediately lose tunnel vision and want to act through the sensation driving intuitive impulse as a result of simply shifting mt mental environment with a simple scene that’s familiar and resonant. It’s simple. Reminding yourself that you don’t need anything to feel valued will be your ticket to satisfaction because the resonant thematic sensations within you are your supply and those are the most pure and elementary functions of your fixed definition of consciousness. Tapping those whenever you’re feeling contrast will shift context and in that place bring the nourishment to refine the sense of self desired to then frame that same scene in a way that’s favourable. This is how all psychological processing techniques work, without exception. It’s either in the mental sphere or the alchemical body work sphere. It’s all still alchemical through. 

The work on the unconscious stuff through bodywork methods will dissolve charges and really prevent dips from showing up at their core where they’ll be properly dissolved so you won’t need to counter them when they show up. Facing them and feeling through them and having that nourishment to be the contrast on the purely alchemical level that’s unconsciously affecting the resistance will so that work. No mental processing required. It’s either going to be forced out of you like the gazing does in dreams or you’ll just not face it consciously with the senses and it’ll all be felt. Either way it’ll dissolve the stuck charges and prevent that same feeling of lack to show up. The contrast will be dissolved in essence so the same stimulus won’t influence you to buy into its context and warp your mental environment as there’s nothing now for that to latch onto in your consciousness. 

You’ll find that more often than not when you don’t care or when you’re not trying it shows up. Why? I’ve discussed this but it’s because your body is driving you and your consciousness is going along for the ride on a more thematic level. You’re more distanced from the world as your supply, even if it’s in a seeming “negative” mood, will satisfy you anyway. The satisfaction is the point, you’re too satisfied to care, or that the journey is satisfying in itself and the distance you’ve cultivated through being nourished on your path allows you to just flow through the set direction your form is moving in. You’re observing and watching and detached and just responding when needed. The decisions you make are effortless and simple and aren’t serious. You don’t care because it’s not important.  When you’re attached as there’s nothing to even want to attach to. You’re being yourself, whatever the minimal means by which that supply can be tapped with the senses to bring it up is all you need. That’s why it works. What’s why when you’re not manifesting with cause, that you’re imagining from the place of context of attachment and deficient nourishment where your bringing into that context a sensation of familiar lack. You imagine from a place is true distance, true detachment comes out of natural distance through natural supply of nourishment. It’s natural. Pull out and let go. You see. You’re being pulled into the context, the limited mental environment of tunnel vision because you’re value is dependent on this thing you’re focused on working and if it’s not you get frustrated. The “spiritual guru” doesn’t care because they’re distanced and nourished anyway and there’s nothing that could happen to them that would cause them to feel attached. That’s the thing, their value comes from their internal supply which I’ve spoken about endlessly on as your resonant thematic sensations and experiences with the senses that represent those. When you’re able to sink into those you’re nourishing yourself. That a satisfying decision. 

Satisfying decisions. Those come out of intuitive impulse driven through the resonant thematic sensation and the trigger is the associated sensory level experience. It works both ways for triggers in the good and bad because it’s just a thematic association and also a contextual level component that’s composing the mental environment which determines your degree of detachment. As I’ve explained from this place then that the imaginal scene you’re sinking into as the associated experience will have an anchor for a distanced and detached and nourished sensation which is then going to manifest the experience in a fulfilling manner. That’s because the sense of self is correctly reflected in that inner experience. Mindless affirmations cannot do this unless they’re able to arrange the mental environment and context to confirm a refined senses of self which more often than not isn’t the case and you’ll feel completely lacking saying the affirmations. You’re only going to manifest bad outcomes doing this. It’s not coming through you and you’re doing it because in truth you’re lacking distance and believe that this technique will bring you satisfaction which it obviously cannot. Even if the money shows up or the SP shows up it won’t stick around because your baseline sense of self and the way you express that will be limited and remind you of the lack you’ve within. You’ll not last with those desires being realised. You’re not dying to the limitations. You’re still uncomfortable and manifesting seeming easy solutions doesn’t transform you. Without transformation where is the foundation to sink these desires into? Nowhere. You’ll be blown over in the breeze when a single moment of doubt creeps in. You’re unable to manifest it because you’re still compromising and being stuck in the uncomfortable comfort and haven’t the courage to break those limits when the contrast shows up. To sit in the decision that you’re owning it and making that your solid direction of experience. What’s the sensation of that life naturally? Sink into that and bring it up with imaginal scenes and refine it and live and breathe it and act from it in the world. Live and breathe the transformation. Be the change you wish to see. 



All this stuff about “nothing exists it’s all in the mind of god” even from a general so called spiritual perspective is all a heavily limited explanation of hidden knowledge of the thematic principles within us that define our fundamental consciousness. There is nothing means there’s no limitation. As I’ve explained limitation is necessary for the senses to have a means to express the themes, the archetypes of consciousness in a corporeal manner. An identified bought into manner. This limited and honestly traumatised perspective (even from someone who’s “normal” who still buys into identification and takes seriously a phenomenal experience as real and has impact) is one way that consciousness “expands”. Limitation quite literally is required for it to expand because you’re introducing another layer of magnitude to the function of consciousness. Mental momentum and mental environment. Another hysteresis cycle of the aether that’s made manifest through us. The enlightened one is simply someone who can see this and detach which as we know is a function of nourishment. Without nourishment you cannot actually detach. Even if I’m your thoughts you’re thinking you’re detaching you’re not really because the mental atmosphere would reflect that and yet you’re still feeling sensations of lack. This is because you’ve bought into an illusion, the senses are that illusion presented as real (real-ity) which we buy into and are transformed through, for “better or worse” as we almost unconsciously bend to the drives of the program seeking to cause these reactions within us. The programming model were all bound to drives us all. Nobody can escape it unless you exit the program and realise it never really existed because the program in itself is limitation of the senses that’s another layer on tool of the true pure themes of experience which are all pure supply. It’s also how electromagnetic induction works. Induction isn’t about moving magnets inside coils to create aetheric movement and thus friction and thus current but that the cycles within that cycle are “unlocked” because the conditions have been arranged for them to do so, but they’re always there self recursing just like you do.  Cycles within cycles. 

Seeing the cycles and observing them and just accepting them is the experience of enlightenment as you’re actually detached which would imply nourishment which would imply higher order substances are circulating and you’re in flow with intuitive impulse as to the drive of the form through greater consciousness. It becomes one thing where there’s no distance between the form and the mind, you’re just going along for the ride and have no stake in the outcome because you know it doesn’t matter as your supply is beyond the senses. The senses are the limitation. The senses are necessary but are the limitation. We must become ok with the senses, become accepting of the senses for what they are. Accept the drive of intuitive impulse without expectation. It’s the disconnect that causes there to be conflicts. Stuck sensations in the nervous system are just manifestations of held onto distance from the way the body is driven that you compromised on either willingly or by force. Regardless of the means the stuck sensations are the detachment from core elements of supply and the grabbing onto false limited means of supply that the body cannot tap into. The stagnations in the channels that manifest these specific types of resistance and reactions to sensory stimulus with charge is the drive to tap core supply but it’s stuck holding onto false reality and expectation. 

We’ve been told it’s to “keep us safe” from feeling the trauma again but that’s just a manifestation of the holding onto distance and the stagnation that’s depleting your proportionate level of supply to that channel for it to express more truly and without attachment to false expectation and reality. The mental environment gets warped through this and causes us to buy into experience which of course means unconsciously the design we have is automatically expanding consciousness just as a consequence of that procession of themes manifest through the senses. This also works the same way for positive proportionate worldly experiences. I mean we don’t actually need 99% of the things we think we do. Basic levels of food and shelter and water is really all we need to function. Less is more in realty. The more you entrench yourself in the senses because it feels good the more you feed the program and the more you’re going to associate with it.

The question is can there be a healthy boundary between core principles and limited sensory level manifestation? Yes. That’s what you’re driven towards and nothing more or less. Whatever greater consciousness is driving you into through your form is all you need in this world as that in itself can provide you nourishment which is the means to detachment. It’s desiring things that aren’t what greater process needs to transform consciousness (not what the program needs to expand through your suffering) that we attach to and think we need that’s the issue. The entire culture were born into pounds this is to us. It’s no wonder the western nations are the most degenerate. The entire culture is built upon manipulating others to make profit out of them. There’s rarely a mutual exchange because both parties have an agenda and that’s unlikely to be what greater consciousness is driving both towards through their own supply.

Marketing is the basis of the program. Marketing and manipulation is how it works and is how our psychology works through supply and reception, deception. Driving someone’s consciousness to quite literally “buy into” something their tunnel vision mind accepts as reality through sensory stimulus that resonates their receptive circuits that are filled with stagnation and need and attachment to the false self. This line of living through your core essence and living through the program is the balance that nobody has really been able to systematically understand and break down into a working model. I believe the reason why is because everyone is different with that. Intuitive impulse and the natural negating the sensory level thoughts to expect and control is the influence of greater consciousness and that influence that’s driving us towards the conjugation of the corporeal and incorporeal senses is all that matters. Literally. Everything else is external marketing touching on your need to feel stimulated in the way that drives you through false identification.

Is this not the truth? Is this not true for everybody? Is this not the world we live in? Is the very idea of manifesting things in the world we desire just part of the false identification. I’ve known this for years but putting it into perspective is the thing. All the stimulus that we buy into drives us away from ourselves because “oooo look fancy shiny object”. You see. It’s the ignorance of true self that drives us. Yet the ones who live there cannot see that because they’re not nourished by themselves. They’ll deny their transcendental incorporeal consciousness because they’re ignorance and illiteracy on these ideas and the lack of pathway work to connect dots in their experience to bring contrast into the realm of logic is the issue. I refute the ignorance without a shred of mercy and destroy the illusions of the corporeal not self being. 

When someone hears something from someone that rings something within them they don’t hear the words they only feel the sensation and the mental environment that draws them into and the surrounding thoughts that define that space. They disconnect from what the person is saying on a pure objective level and the words are just one level by which the thematic sensations are communicated. They’re speaking to the charge, not the incorporeal soul. That’s the thing. It’s just all limitation and more limitation that drives almost everyone in this world. Manifesting things is just another layer to that. If what’s desired is naturally flowing through them from greater consciousness then it’s correct for their experience and it will be satisfying and it will nourish them on a consistent basis. That’s all that matters because that’s your barometer of “success” which obviously looks vastly different for everybody. Success is the alchemical transformation of the lower order substances into higher order substances. That’s what that’s all about. 

The reason why I always say that sinking the charge is so important is because it allows you to dissolve the mental environment and attachment to false identification. It allows you to accept what’s there even if it feels bad. It can draw contrast into your awareness in a way that’s proportionate. Not always but often times it can. I don’t know any single method that works in all cases for everyone but it’s clear to me that the most effective method is that which can bring correct contrast into your consciousness and more often than not that involves feeling the sensation in contrast to something still and empty which is why sinking the charge and calming the fire is useful in seeing things for what they are. I’ve spoken to clinically practitioners of psychology and they’re into asking yourself the question “what does this mean about me” which I agree with on many levels because that can bring contrast into the mental atmosphere bought into so that transformation can unfold and yet what’s being identified will still more often then not drive them through the body and the charges unless referenced under the context of the core self will still generate the resistive reaction that’s often destructive. Sinking the charge aaaaand asking the question works on both levels. Sinking the charge drives the anchor and the question draws the mental environment into further contrast. In these moments I often make fun of the sensation because it’s so familiar now from doing pathway work and identifying what they all mean it’s easy to detach when it comes up. Dissolving it from there is the next step. You can see it and not buy into it which is the big thing people struggle with who aren’t introspective with pathway work. They say to practise mindfulness and yet that mindfulness has no transforming quality outside of whatever particles of consciousness that are circulating to settle. Vitality must circulate and nourish the circuits to actually dissolve the thinking properly without excessive force. It’s just stress at that level it’s not transcendent. Nourishment leads to a natural dissolution of the thoughts and thus the mental environment can be cleared. Nourishment is the only factor that determines the degree to which you’re going to buy into the world and the thematic sensations yours running into through the senses.  

Do you understand that the solution to all these issues is taking what’s on the outside and turning it inside out to be processed and purified so that it’s less limited (in the sensory domain of the world and it’s natural marketing) and into the world of incorporeal being where we resonate with the pure senses within us. We communicate with the channels and without the overlay that’s excessive. We are being ourselves at the most core level here and so the level of true insight we can attain about ourselves can be more closer to the hidden truth that’s rolled up. The senses roll up the hidden truth and the incorporeal thematic senses unroll it. They unroll it as we go deeper into them and that’s fasting from the world. Drawing into the incorporeal thematic senses is the thing that we experience when we “stop thinking” which is impossible. Thoughts on the imaginal level stop because you won’t want to distance yourself from the mental environment of the incorporeal senses. You won’t want to blink when gazing because it draws you into the world of limitation. It disconnects you from the true reality. The depth of your consciousness is that, it’s the degree to which the space within becomes the space without. By default. As a baseline. That’s the experience of the conjugation, at least on one level of experience. The feeling of orgasmic bliss is that sensation, because the currents that raise up and as a result drop the waters out interact with the heart instead of circulating in the sacral and root so the climax is the moment that current leaves the sacral and so the carried essence drops out  it’s that Yang raises up and leaves those lower channels. Incontinence for example is a result of kidney Yang, meaning there’s no “raising” current and so the sinking waters of yin leak, Yang when raised all the way instead of just being deficient and leaking has a similar function except That it’s going to circulate a few times in and out and that pulsation sensation is the raising and releasing of the yin that’s built up the pressure. This similar cycle and process happens when you’re doing that with the internal higher order substances. The lower circuits and their vitality run through the conception and governing vessel that pass through the root causing the contractions as qi is pushed out to the periphery. That’s what’s going on with internal alchemy and why it feels the way it does and why touching on the same internal circuits with the circulation of the higher order substances can generate the same and even higher levels of charge in the circuits that’s not actually expending vitality like base substances would if catalysed. The catalysing of higher order substances happens from within the inside out reality which is once again why simply touching on that thematic sensation can feel so blissful when you’ve dissolved tension that causes you to retreat into the corporal senses. The tension must be dissolved to even be capable of sinking into these sensations which is why gazing which dissolves these things through dreams (mostly) can facilitate that among other things.

The great work is to dissolve the tensions, the resistance, the grasping at limitation as a false supply, to negate the mind in decision making and be driven by your resonant currents which transforms us through surrender and acceptance. It’s all the same thing really, just different levels of it. Nourishment formula. It’s all nourishment formula. 


So pathway work is for the function of self analysis through the discovery of sensation and concept. The practical application of pathway work extends into the real world through the experience of the identified sensations in the moments of pressure. Under pressure you're going to feel the pull into the false sense of self. The false identification. This is a pattern of compromise that you're using as a supply that you believe will nourish you which was born out of a need to attach to something other than what's within you. When it comes up you're going to recognise it and make the decision you've identified as the one that's going to transform you. Every time you're feeling the false sense of self and need to make a decision under pressure and you ignore the making of that decision you're driven towards then you're going to feed the acceptance of the false identification. Whenever you make the decision under pressure when the sensation of compromise arises towards what you're being driven to which this feeling is drawing you away from and the story which represents that which arises regardless of that intensity then you win. It's going to hurt but that's the point, you're reclaiming what was already and always there, the internal supply of nourishment. This is the nourishment formula. Accepting and owning the core essence within that supplies you with satisfaction on a consistent bases even if you're under pressure is what will transform you and dissolve the resistance. It's in those moments where you know what you need to do but hesitate, you feel the contrast, the sensation that you can't do this, but you do it anyway. Whatever the story is doesn't matter because it's temporary and it's going to transform through your acceptance and courage in that place. You're going to be merciless in your expression of self that you've identified in pathway work. You're going to be merciless in the transformation of these sensations by making the decisions regardless of the circumstances. You're going to value and own your vitality and nourishment that's rightfully yours and yours uniquely above everyone and everything else in reality. This is your nourishment and denying it is denying your divinity. Take a step back and see this for what it is. The work is making those decisions that transform us, consistently, under pressure. The reason why people continue to suffer is because they buy into the mental environment (the story that justifies buying into the sensation) instead of buying into the subtle intuitive impulse. The greater the contrast through cultivating purifying vital current the more powerful your ability to make decisions under pressure as you'll just be more nourished at baseline. Once again the work is making those decisions that you keep coming back to that you just can't seem to make that you're driven towards consistently that has attached to them a story of "I can't" or "I shouldn't" or "If I don't" or "I wont" or anything related. Every time this arises you're going to lean into the implication of that having zero authority, because it doesn't You're passing off the inner authority to the mind, the story, the thoughts, instead of the resonant thematic sensations that drive you. You're disowning greater consciousness and owning degeneracy by conforming to the resistance and the lack of nourishment and contributing to the collective suffering. Making decisions out of intuitive impulse through the resonant sensations vs the mental stories and reasoning that makes you buy into the false identification is the work and is the real intent behind what pathway work is for. It's to truly grasp the metaphysical nature of the decisions you're constantly running up against.