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The original Reality Synthesis manifestation coaching

Aetheraeon notebook 9

Aetheraeon Notebook 9

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To me it seems the metaphysic of "pushing yourself beyond your limits" is what represents all elements of masculine power and is what garners actual respect. The feminine receives this and envelops it and holds it up as it's basis. The yin circulates the yang and the yang circulates the yin, and so on as procession unfolds. This metaphysic represents all things immortality and growth and proportionate potential and alchemical transformation into that potential. Pushing that comfort zone, just the principle here at play represents how manifestation unfolds, automatically for us that is, unconsciously as an effect of that integrated experience. Manifestation as an idea that can bypass this alchemical formula doesn't exist in any shape or form. Manifestation that's specific which is satisfying unfolds through you naturally and thus demonstrates my point that manifestation as NG teaches it doesn't exist.
Refining our coherency with this process through our day to day lives is how we attain greatness, which represents your potential. Now the thing is not everyone's definition of greatness is to be well known, or to break any limits that have been established by others in intellectual or physical realms, it just means to attain complete satisfaction with your experience. When you push the comfort zone forward and get past that pressure you're always going to feel satisfied. Always, because it's nourishing. I never use to believe or really understand the mechanics of how just experiencing the fire could be transforming but it really is. This is a realm of exploration I've been aiming to completely explore for like 5+ years now and the amount of understanding I've gained over this metaphysic since even just the last year as I've pushed myself through this process has been greater than I thought I would've reached.

  One of the things I'm looking to explore lately is the connection between the metaphysics that I've discussed surrounding substance refinement and the various meridians involves and the biochemical reactions that unfold as a result of this, that they're manifestations of the metaphysic playing out on all these various levels and why manifestation cannot be isolated to any one level. The psychological elements aren't existent in a vacuum and must also reflect in the physiological elements which correspond. This is the metaphysic made manifest. Anything that is satanic is something that draws you away from moving forward and compels you to stay in comfort zones of safety. That's why Satan in the bible is referred to as the tempter. It's about safety and pleasure over pursuit of greatness and glory which is proportionate to greater process, God being your personal greater consciousness. The more power you have and the more nourished you are the more influence you will have over others. Facing the fire purifies your field geometry and moves you into greater proportionality with greater consciousness. Facing the fire is purifying, in every way because it's a metaphysical process. Holding back into safety and comfort is what's holding back your satisfaction. Going all the way into your thematic resonance is your supply of nourishment and the pathway to immortality. The alchemist spoke about this being the box, but I'm relating to that to the idea of safety. Going beyond the safety zone with courage is transforming, going all the way. When we age we lose that competitive essence, which is one level of manifestation of this principle I'm talking about. This principle of enduring pressure all the way in a direction that's correct for our consciousness is truly what brings us satisfaction and nourishment.
The metaphysic of lust is the thing that destroys vitality and satisfaction.

Fasting from the senses. It really does make you coherent with the divine. The metaphysical significance of everything we do here applies. Manifesting is all metaphysical, from start to finish. Everything is metaphysical. Everything we do and don’t do has metaphysical correspondence. It’s just crazy to really see and experience this. Like the level of “casualness” you get when you’re engaging in previous big deal things is off the charts. It’s like you can just remain so calm and so centred in yourself knowing your value because you’re nourished. Magic happens out of this state.

Fasting from the senses brings about higher order coherency with divine processes. It’s just like in the bible where it’s spoken about all things unclean and degenerate and they’re always relating to the overconsumption of sensory phenomena that’s stimulating and pleasurable. All of it. Like every level of that metaphysic drains vitality and actually lowers your degree of baseline nourishment because the senses consume essence to be experienced. This is why we age afterall. Restoring physical vitality to be at the level it once was when we were younger requires us to fast from the senses and physical restoration unfolds along with pushing the limits we have in comfort zones too as a means of letting go of resistance that drains further vitality. This is made manifest on all levels including the psychological and physiological and the imaginal aspects at once. They all will correspond because the principles underlying these must always be made manifest in all those levels as signs and conditions that reflect the metaphysical composition of your consciousness. That’s the point. That’s the magic. The magic is the automatic implied represented manifest level that is experienced. It’s unconscious because it’s the mechanics of reality which always unfold through us as God. It’s all correspondent to metaphysical processes and purity manifests true satisfying abundance through and through.


I know without a shadow of a doubt based on my experiments lately that going all the way is the way by which you attain satisfaction within you and thus provides nourishment and a sense of self compatible with the end you're sinking into. It will come through you naturally and it will be effortless because you've got the constituent components expressed in your consciousness to take that upon you as who you're being. Being purified under the purifying sacred blue fire grants you power and going all the way with that is what brings you the coherency with your thematic resonance to flow through you naturally. It's natural. As always.

I'm at the point now where I know how I can make anything happen. I know the formula and I know through massive amounts of experiments that it's never forced it's always natural and comes through you. Satisfying manifestations require pressure and transformation.

So capacitive charge is reflected in the subconscious capacity. Your subconscious mind is a capacitor and most people have no voltage in it. Tesla called voltage "tension". Tension and pressure are analogous and this pressure or tension emanates from the capacitive potential out of the root which feeds the energy to the sacral which then determines what it does and doesn't have energy for. If you spend energy incorrectly you deplete subconscious capacity but also anything that's overstimulating to the senses as that stored charge as vitality is dissipated on the periphery through the senses which are the outlets of qi. Retaining vitality on all levels has everything to do with keeping the internal capacitive charge high and out of that higher order substances will naturally form through hitting on new degrees of Fibonacci progression as the capacity compounds in potential. This always requires there to be sufficient substance present to be the carrier for the qi. The fact is the bible and other such texts which all speak of the pleasures of the flesh as sinful and that God (the mechanics of process unfolding ) will punish you is completely correct but it's not moral based it's mechanical based. The punishment is the depletion to your field geometry, which is that you're entropic and will decay. If you expend vitality through the sacral correct drive out of it's response then you're not going to deplete vitality because it's going to reflect your thematic resonance and actually provide you a supply but it's excessive and unnecessary stimulation that depletes vitality. The senses are evil and sinful under the context that using them as cope for pain and moving away from transformation to indulge in easy comforting things is the point as this metaphysic is the element of compromise I speak on. This ties into the post I made a while ago about negating the decisions out of the senses and being driven through the thematic resonance in the form and just being there to observe. That's how you cultivate vitality while living your life, that's if it drives you into these directions. Your buffer vitality is basically representing your ability to regenerate your form to the point where it can maintain complete youthfulness around the age of 18. Quintessence I believe is one of the most potent forms to make that happen as it almost forces you to transform through an intense regenerative effect, specifically with Melissa ens which is what I've made. Thing is my alchemy lab still isn't fully functional so making this stuff to high purify is a pain, I'm missing sieve to purify the spirits to maximum purify. You require maximum purity or you'll destroy the batch. This process is extremely intensive though and nobody sells it so you just have to make it yourself. 


I want to also speak more on fasting, physically speaking under the context of fasting from food but also the senses and the metaphysic at play here. We all know that dopamine fasting increases sensitivity to pleasure with less stimulus. Fasting from food also makes the taste far more sensitive to tastes and you realise that most of the modern food is extremely salty and sweet to a point that's almost gross in some cases. Fasting from the senses in general seems to build sensitivity, and sensitivity is a manifestation of qi coherency with substance circulating in the circuits. What seems to be present here is that sensitivity is a sign of increased vitality, but not necessarily buffer capacity as a measure of subconscious capacity. It's more so a function that's restoring the function that should be there at baseline in everyone anyway. That process also applies to other elements including fasting from comfort zones and safety nets and how when you go all the way consistently in all elements of reality you seem to also boost the benefits of other fasting methods. My point is that there's a metaphysical association here between fasting from easy comfort level nourishment and attaining increased vitality. Physical muscle growth through hypertrophy and aerobic growth as vo2 max for example only benefits when you break the comfort zones and go all the way. Weight loss is the same for the most part, fasting increases spleen qi which tones the form and dispels dampness. The same happens with dissolving psychological trauma, unless you really go all the way with it it's not going away. This metaphysic is what I'm talking about, it seems to be made manifest in so so many levels of reality that I cannot ignore this as a primary function of consciousness, whatever it is. I don't even know what to label it currently but I'm sure the correct term will come in time. It seems that fasting from the system the program, and all the elements it presents us with to seek comfort and easy pleasure in is part of how it's progressing it's construct of the universal Ajna through basically manipulating us into buying into easy comfort in exchange for our vitality and capacity to complete the great work. We've been told that it's normal to accept these comforts but I personally see all of this as compromise, even a little level of it and when I look at my life and the times I've fallen backwards it's always resulted in my respect being lowered, even if just a little bit. This metaphysic seems to affect manifestation in general on all levels and I believe it's relating to what the bible speaks of about the need to disregard the pleasures of the world. It's literal but the mechanics of it aren't really known by anyone. It's almost like Venus represents Sin and when you really look at the archetype there it really is driving transformation through it's magnetism into sensory pleasure which we accept and buy into and yet that's the trap which causes us to hook into a degenerative cycle and our vitality is drained. The degree to which this happens is always different depending on what's engaged in but the principle is clear to me. The "luck" people attain comes from being closer to negating the need for pleasures in the world through sourcing nourishment from the sacral supply in the decisions made. Manifestation requires this to work in a consistent and satisfying manner, otherwise if you're depleted and imagine the best you'll get is partial results or signs or something limiting like that which of course will always reflect the feeling of lack which is correspondent to the depletion of your vitality from disregarding your internal supply. It reminds me of Odin dying, or the saying of how those who die in battle go to Valhalla. It seems the idea of self sacrifice pertains to going all the way into releasing attachment to the pleasures of the world and fully expressing your internal thematic resonance as a supply to complete the great work, which corresponds to all these levels that are made manifest. That's the metaphysic. It's made manifest on all these levels because the only thing that actually exists is the principle and all the degrees of sensory level correspondence are all "markers" for the quality of that metaphysic within our field geometry. This get's really esoteric to think about but it's the highest level. That's what determines the purity of our supply of nourishment and thus the degree of vitality we can emanate and cultivate to manifest with in the world, naturally, where the thoughts and feelings come through you that are correspondent. It really does come down to being driven by greater consciousness instead of the program and it's conditioning as that's your infinite supply. This explains on more levels my idea of being yourself without compromise. A further refinement at least.

If that doesn't connect more dots I don't know what will. Crazy insights that came through. Reality Synthesis is really taking form into a complete working model. So long as I continue to push forward with this work I will continue to refine this until it's complete, whenever that may be I don't know. I just have to accept where I'm driven and play into that. You're the same. Own it. 

Interesting was when I did that 3 month fast from all forms of modern world stimulus. I didn't touch any screen for that time, except for like a few times once every few weeks for important business and communication reasons. What I found was people were just drawn to me like a magnet, everybody was respecting me even though I rarely ever thought of that manifesting. It was implied through the thematic composition of my field geometry. It just takes time to restore vitality. 

Matt 6:13 "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." How powerful is that under this context. God being process and through us being correct we are one with God, meaning greater consciousness we're proportionate towards through supplying vitality from that principle vs the false pleasures of the corporeal senses. NG obviously didn't understand the bible, he really didn't, else he'd be talking about these metaphysics which is also mostly why the so called law of assumption is so whacked where most people (~96%) of people who work with it fail. Temptation. There's a reason why popular culture is so degenerate. The program and it's drive for us through the mind and buying into the conditioning that's around every corner to tempt. The people who win don't play the pleasure game, including the law systems and disregarding false authority for God is the only true authority. To be that powerful requires hardcore discipline and there's no way around that. The manifest results on the mental level come out of that. Being "holy" is someone who values their vitality and all the way it can be drained in the world of the senses through resisting temptation. Makes sense.


Being a person of God is to be proportionate means to be your own supply of nourishment and to deny temptation to be drawn into the world where we can be conditioned and buy into false desires. Temptation is the contrast to watch for. Temptation. Temptation to accept degeneracy. Temptation to deny divinity. You see how this works. Living by this and making decisions from this principle is the wholistic approach to refining the sense of self. 



Why modern culture sucks and why most people are weak and depleted? They’re encouraged to seek comfort and to spread that it’s ok to be tempted or even command others to accept there weakness. Competitive spirit and enduring difficulty (the metaphysic of growth and transformation under pressure) has been encouraged to be actively avoided because we shouldn’t have to or because only a select group should. Everybody who lives in a well functioning society would have this mindset towards life. That society will flourish immensely. This culture built on avoiding and coping with pressure is the sign of a heavily declining society, except it’s global, because the degeneracy is a function of how greater process is unfolding for a natural way for us to go and be replaced.

Can it be changed? Technically yes but you’re going to have to perfect your existence yo have a level of influence that’s even going to scratch the surface. Considering how convenient and easy it now is to compromise on facing pressure with modern tech it’s accelerated the decline of collective vitality. If there’s less opportunity for compromise then there’s less means to deplete vitality. Pushing the boundaries under pressure was more normalised before in the decades gone but now as it’s more normalised to accept degeneracy it means there’s even more of a challenge to achieve collective satisfaction. Of course making decisions out of inner authority is still always the foundation here but my main point is that people back then given the context of their experiences on a collective level it seems more often than not people were driven more through their generator nature vs the mind else they’d not be nourished and satisfied. There’s a scale to this too it’s not a black or white thing. Accepting comfort has degrees but the truth is that any level of compromise will drain you even if just a bit. It literally dissolved a part of your soul, you’re depleting the subconscious buffer capacity every time you accept and buy into compromise and make decisions from that place and this is why the people who cannot manifest consistently satisfying experiences cannot transform because the acceptance of easy convenient solutions vs going all the way is the answer now. That’s what this entire community is built on. Most of them would say this is limiting beliefs because they still deny the metaphysical and alchemical nature of reality and fail to grasp the actual mechanics at play. These people want to stay comfortable and have abundance in the most limiting way possible without requiring any level of transformation beyond what’s accepted. 

A vast majority of modern issues are made manifest through this metaphysic I call compromise. Degeneracy. Sin. Real sin is compromise on the drive your form has for the correct use of your vitality vs seeking comfort and easy solutions. There’s never innovation or evolutionary transformation which unfolds through the easy way. Once again this doesn’t involve the idea that we’re to constantly suffer under the pain and pressure of life at every turn but it’s just to simply use your vitality in ways that is negentropic and generative vs depleting.

Remember that thread I connected like a year ago.  The one about when you’ve lived a fulfilling day you go to sleep feeling satisfied every night. The satisfaction from that, this feeling of nourishment cannot be attained through living out of compromise. Ever. NG and the people he worked with in his lectures likely lived this way, and were told that it’s all assumption. What a joke. I can’t believe how ignorant this community is. Buying into popular influencer manifesting wasted the best years of my life mindlessly affirming non stop for weeks months. No wonder I wanted to jump off a cliff because I was so filled with unsatisfaction from living incorrectly making decisions out of the mind. I can recall so many times I played tug of war with my form where I was feeling intuitive impulse but denied it. The only thing that kept me going with a supply was my work on developing RS in the physics space. The people we have today are weak and don’t understand how manifesting actually works and now this once sacred practise is being taught like an easy lifestyle hack to resolve all your problems. What a load of fools. I use to be one of them though so no fingers pointed, but it’s time for transformation.

All I know is that the primary factor underlying the sense of self is an undying desire for perfection and going all the way in embodying that archetypal composition that you’re resonant with. That is manifesting because you’re mediating real power through you just as it says in the bible. The bible is a text about transformation of the components of consciousness not an airy fairy text about imaginal experiences create reality. That’s one element but it comes through you, always, otherwise it will not be satisfying. You know this so live and breathe it. The more I interpret the bible this way under the alchemical context the more I understand about it. I already knew that was the case but the theme of going all the way is what’s missing. Raw masculine power. The purified Yang is uncompromising in its thrusting into the world as a literal embodiment of that principle which flows through you but you fail to accept this reality and instead seek comfort which takes you away from correct expression and satisfaction because it’s easy. That’s the point, the free will to make decisions determines your personal reality, and what goes through your head is but a small part of that process because alchemically speaking it’s made manifest on all corresponding levels of corporeal existence not just in the mind. When we avoid transformation we deny our divinity and our vitality becomes depleted and we die as we’re the embodiment of compromise and degeneracy. That’s is how God punishes us, it’s simply a mechanical function and not a morality thing where there’s a being judging you for sin. Sin and degeneracy are mechanical aspects of consciousness.

I seem to be the only one who sees it this way I’ve never heard anyone else say it like that before with all the study I’ve done in this subject and yet it makes the most sense on all levels. Is Reality Synthesis truly the model to replace law of assumption? Seems like it. I’m just the vessel by which this is made manifest through, I am the corporeal being that’s driven by greater conciseness through my intuitive impulse and if I accept where I’m driven I will succeed and be satisfied. Owning it uncompromisingly and going all the way no matter what. That’s why circumstances don’t matter. How many more dots do I need to connect before we realise this? I’ve written so much every day on how this works and I’ve truly explained every function of consciousness and it’s relationship to the phenomena of manifestation and thoroughly refuted the law of assumption and what NG says about imagination is god, in a practical sense. How much more is there to go? I don’t know. 

The thing I do know is that I killed the law of assumption and the work of Neville Goddard. The law of assumption is dead. Too bad. 

Courage. Rebellion against the status quo and false authority. Safety nets and comfort zones. Raw unfiltered merciless masculine fury. The fury of Odin. “He cried” (in fury) as he died on the world tree. He. Yang. 

Neville Goddard failed to provide us anything on this regard except the whole “dare to assume it” idea. There was no power behind that, no transformation. No courage. Neville Goddard taught the world that being a fantasiser is the secret. He never connected courage to how we live. There’s a few quotes that would seem to be this way I’ve written out in past pages but they’re few and far between so as far as I’m concerned he failed to provide this in a meaningful way. 

When we live in a world where being weak is seen as a good thing to be celebrated you know it’s the end of that world and these people will be forced to transform through their ignorance one way or another. The drive only comes out when it's needed. People don't have the contrast present to bring it out by force and it's only when things get worse and worse and worse and worse that they accept it and make different decisions to end the degenerate streak. This is what will happen on a collective. Thing cannot change collectively unless this process of transformation unfolds, under pressure. However that happens.


We live in a world where the yin dominates. Why do women manifest easier than men? Because the balance is shifted in their favour. We live in an emotionally dominated world, feeling is the secret NG says (under an emotional and thematic sense though who knows if he really meant thematics or not). He's parroting this metaphysic and failed to understand the true nature of manifesting. We're depleted and stagnant. Why is manifestation so popular for both sides? Because it appeases to the fantasies of both sides which is the cope for them not owning themselves. You're never going to experience an exponential upwards trend, ever. It's going to involve peaks and dips because that's the nature of the cyclical nature of self recursion and it manifests in literally everything in reality. All natural phenomena follow this process.

The sacral is primarily a yin based center actually because it's below the G and the heart but what it generates is yang, just as the liver distributes the peripheral circulation and distribution of Qi. Qi being a substance of yang, Jing in motion or a yang transformation of Jing under those conditions. The sacral is the most powerful motor, it drives us with immense power and harnesses the essential function for growth, transformation. The Root is the supply of that for the Sacral. If we wish to generate further vitality then we are required to use that vitliaty it's generating correctly or it'll be wasted and become pathogenic which is the heat pattern in TCM. Damp heat. Stagnation and excess pathogenic fire that's not being moved. Those with damp heat are manifesting the metaphysic of that in their physiology. TCM is wonderful in establishing someone's composition. When we can own the drive the sacral has to conquer and go all the way (the not self theme of the undefined sacral is not knowing how far to go) then we're utilising the heat pouring out of the root and transforming that through our decisions under pressure into form and manifestation in the world. Our entire field geometry is a reflection of this alchemical formula at play and yet we've been told we need to hold it back.

We should be tearing the spines out of the people in power today if we held nothing back and had supply. Completely merciless and pure savage destruction of degeneracy that's accepted by this world. Nobody has guts to destroy these people because they're weak and pitiful. I remember writing on chalk all over the roads when I could back in 2021 about the Talmudic influence and nobody cared. Israel is what created the degenerate popular culture in our world and shaped the common beliefs and normalised those for generations. Now that it's established about what's happening in that sphere to the common people what I said years ago is now taken seriously. The context has shifted. Contrast is more present to draw the shift in context. Gradually things are noticed to get worse and worse until that primal drive in the sacral wakes up and the power emanates as it should've centuries ago and nothing can stop the sacral being when it's operating correctly. The world is made of generators and it's only a matter of time until transformation unfolds. This macrocosmic process unfolds within our microcosm too. Own it.


When you've got increased subconscious capacity the field emanating from the sacral is amplified and is much bigger in size and in influence. The thing is that the sacral is basically the manifestation of vitality, like it literally is life manifest in form, root being the source that unfolds into this, like a seed growing into a tree. The power of the sacral really is everything. It gives you the courage to be driven and to make those moves into the world that really matter.


The deeper I go into this sensation of being the more I understand it and what I've been trying to explain with all these process I've spoken about. The natural progression of normalisation has a yang based quality to it. The complete embodiment of this yang principle is like it's the unforgiving merciless "I'm going to destroy everything I see" kind of fury. The unstoppable force. You must have capacity to feel it fully, else it'll be weak and pitiful. Real power comes through having the design and the capacity for it. I've spoken about stories of my times at high school years ago where I was able to achieve seemingly impossible things when I was in the state, when I felt the "rising" sensation that's like my head being listed up by an invisible force and my legs feel like they're made of lightning. It's not qigong it's just an alchemical transformation. Without sufficient capacity it will not work, it can't. I just feel such intense power when I sink into this state I can't describe it's different to the tingles I get from lightning qigong probably because it's working through the sacral instead of the heart motor which is what that targets I believe. There's more experimenting that needs to be done, and further cultivation which can take months. I want to reach a breakthrough where I streak for like 9 months if I can. 3 months isn't enough time unfortunately but I've ordered 1 kg of high HDA royal jelly so that'll boost Jing production substantially. I just want to focus on the tangible aspect of the immortality work and see how it impacts the gazing because I'm certain that what the alchemist doesn't get is that root pressure and a receptive sacral is required for quickenings to fire to their potential. I feel so empowered it's crazy I can't describe like lets go.


My method is simply going to be to work with the metaphysics of this process purely and bypass all the "science" stuff promoted because that's all correspondent to the metaphysics anyway. Promote substance cultivation and transform it through hitting intensity in your experience, perform under pressure in the world and make those tough decisions you've been compromising on your body is driving you towards. Listen to your body. Just do the work to an uncompromising level regardless of the circumstances because breaking those limits will mediate the current you're wanting in the now and before you know it the transformation would already have taken place. The immortality side of this work is the end goal really, and the simple truth is that for men specifically the pathway there is about building immense root pressure and having a sacral drive which you surrender to and accept as your guidance mechanism for life. Feeding the root with substance to build pressure with will provide the sacral more juice to drive you with. You'll gradually restore physical vitality and likely reverse aging if you go all the way, though the level of age reversal I believe will be dependent on the baseline chu so unless you're like under 25 you've got basically no chance of restoring vitality to 18 year old levels of all units of chu present without pure quintessence that's even beyond what I know how to make. One day I'll figure that out. The alchemist looks about 28-32 or so at 56 I believe he is now so the method absolutely works but unless you take it all the way it won't work and that's where all the doubt comes from. Temptation is the thing that keeps us away from proportionality with our greater consciousness as the supply. It keeps the generative functions of the sacral weak. If you want a strong sacral with a powerful motor to drive your consciousness around in then you've got to push those safety nets and feed the root substance to use as pressure to transform. We need to go all the way. All the way and don't let anyone in this world drain your vitality. Value your vitality like it's your soul, because it literally is.

Anyway that's the work. Just go all the way. Pathway work of course should be consistently done at least once a week but I've been doing it every day or 3 at least because I'm connecting so many dots lately. Go all the way and recognise that going all the way is required even on the days when you don't feel like it because even on those times when you can commit then you've really got the foundation there working for you. Bring up the context regularly. Sink into that thematic sensation, feel the currents circulate, if you've got the capacity to feel them. Avoid overstimulation. Breathe. Just live in the body and be driven by it and where it needs you to go. The imaginal stuff will flow through you for nightly SATS naturally if you're satisfied and nourished through making correct decisions. Sink into it and own it. Just own it like it's that simple.

I believe that there's not many more dots to connect for now but once again I'm likely to be proven wrong so we will see.

I'm just so driven towards this aspect of the work now as I believe the element of this uncompromising principle is what's been missing from my personal experience for a while now. I always had bits of it but knowing now and connecting all the dots here has just blown my mind like this basis has been rolled up and now it's been unrolled, mostly. I also manifested free stuff today that I didn't expect and I also got an email from a client who's told me they got a huge raise in their job (they enjoy it) after just 2 weeks so that's cool too. There's just so much here and the last week has been crazy the level of coherency with divine process has been immense. It's like I'm burning away more every day. Words simply cannot describe how it feels, and yet I know I have so much work still to complete. Build pressure and flow with where that pressure drives you. That's how we're going to be ourselves without compromise in a natural manner. Make those decisions and it works like magic. 

Immortality. Forever wise and filled with power. These old wise men we hear about obviously failed at understanding this because they died. Why should we die if we're generative and can become negentropic by accepting it's drive which mediates the transformation of the substances within us to restore vitality and regenerate the corporeal form to continue mutation. Would that not be a function of our existence? Why does it have to on a macrocosmic level have to always result in birth into death, why can't there be a generative function between those two? It's because we live in a world filled with degeneracy and temptation screws us all over. That's the only reason why. We're weak and filled with sin. That's why the lords prayer is powerful. Give me power to resist temptation so I may experience your glory. Greater consciousness. I lay down my life, my mental control, to you, and your drive for my life as a corporeal being. I will surrender and serve your will and how my being is moved. I will accept whatever comes up to fulfil and swiftly complete this work, no matter how much fire I must walk through to be purified.

I was actually going through pathway work today and nearly shed a tear because I felt such intense pressure to push forward and it genuinely felt satisfying to sit through, I let go of a part of me that's been stuck. I released something just by going all the way with that process. Do you see? That's manifestation. It's all natural. Going all the way releases resistance. That's what I know now as a fact because I've replicated it more times than can be counted. Going all the way is the natural level manifestation of the metaphysic. I just feel so much energy I want to explode it's unbelievable like I can fly or something it's indescribable. 

If this is the level of power I can wield being this degenerate still then just think how crazy it'll be when I'm like 9 more months into this process. Missing out if you're not doing the work I never want to go back to compromise ever again it feel so bad.




It seems when you're coherent with greater consciousness more people notice you, your field is literally bigger and as a result things just tend to amplify in terms of "reality". It's a function of increased subconscious capacity for the most part but it amplifies both self and not self tendencies. You become more receptive and more of a source of supply for what's fixed. This expanded field I believe is fractally integrated within greater process and has no limits on distance, though it seems physical proximity amplifies the intensity. I don't know but there must be an influence over distance and this gets into phase conjugate processes that can integrate multiple circuits into one system which basically creates a zero distance state where even if there's physical distance it's not experienced as such because those two separate points are merged together as one thing. It's like a pole that's the size of the earth that moves from one side to the other instantly and "breaks" the so called laws of physics. It's not breaking anything really it's just that action at a distance was too spooky for one stone to figure out.

Yang is required to keep boundaries in place.


Turning ourselves inside out and colliding the principle components of consciousness together to create higher order condensates which when combined together once again eventually should lead to the generation of original essence that settles into it's throne and rules over the form. The greater conjunction and getting off the wheel of circulation where your greater process reflects the microcosmic represented wheels in an entirely proportionate manner without resistance. You still peak and dip as this is the nature of being but you'll see clearly through that. You'll become capable of interacting with the subtle levels of reality due to the increase in baseline subconscious capacity, which is once again just the phenomena of the turning inside out of the senses. People who have this ability are mildly on the path towards immortality but haven't completed the conjugations to form the substances for renewal. Wish I had all this land in my lap a decade ago and actually KNOW it, like have all my current experience back then. It's able to be attained through the negation of the desire for sensory stimulus to instead attain true stimulus from the inverse senses. The thematic senses, which we experience in the form reflected as the alchemical correspondences that unfold as this process plays out. We experience manifestation inside of us, our own principle reality within becomes the realm of experience. Turning ourselves inside out is the greatest function of immortality. Nobody else seems to understand that online that I know of, other than the alchemist whom much of my foundation came from, with immense gratitude. The gazing is one of the only specialised practises needed to attain immortality, you don't need yoga or qigong technically though they can have their own benefits.


Manifestation is 100% a metaphysical phenomena. 


The very notion that we must even "resist" temptation is a false notion that even misses the point. We shouldn't even need to resist anything, the temptation shouldn't be experienced to behind with because feeling and thinking about temptation alone has already catalysed the Jing and destroyed your vitality. The fact is that the mere thought alone of temptations to seek pleasure from the senses that's to appease the mind (not how greater consciousness drives through you to act) means there's contrast, meaning conditioning present to provide that impulse. We are to turn desire inside out and while in this inverse state we transform it because it cannot be transformed into it's potential thematic components through the senses which will only burn it through that experience. Theurgy is required for this. I'm not even at that level yet personally which takes many many years of intense gazing to attain. One must be purified by the sacred light of life for the inner environment to externalise. All this relates back to my understanding of physics and how energy is made manifest out of seemingly thin air. All forms of energy is God, process, process in principle is potential form for expression and so as you "open the door" through electromagnetic induction the condition is met for process to take form and manifest as the current we measure and use to run electronics. God can be tapped from within the same way by providing the correct conditions for potential to be made manifest through us, except we want to keep the door open and not close it. The interior environment is like going inside that open space which the phenomena of electromagnetic induction "unfolds" and so manifests energy except it's metaphysically correspondent to the archetypal powers within us vs a magnet and coil. We become the circuit and we flip the switch by interacting the components within us to create new substances out of their conjugation. When they stick we dissolve one level of "default" that the baseline arrangement of these principles take when we are born and when all the defaults are reversed into their open positions through transforming them then you've attained an infinite supply of vitality. This can be seen like where the switch on the wall is constantly turned on without a way of turning it off again. You cannot go back, as far as I know at least.

This is the goal of the immortality work, at least when you look at it from the lens of how vitality is made manifest. It's a catalysing of inverse potential triggered through the senses that thematically relate to the conditions by which the switch can open. You burn Jing when you open the switch, the battery has a fixed voltage and as you age the voltage decreases. The gazing takes you inside the battery and gives you access to the cells to restore their charge through the theurgy process. I still do not have personal access to the complete process I only have the initial level understanding of how this is attained as the alchemist hasn't revealed that to me yet until I'm ready for it, as a good teacher should. It's all up to me to get to that level for he is the only one I look up to and learn from in this world. He has proven irrefutably that immortality and age reversal is possible and I will go all the way in this work to complete the puzzle no matter the time it takes.

All I know is that we are metaphysical beings and that manifestation corresponds to what is within us. Thoughts are just one level of that correspondence and are really not principle in nature but are a distortion of true power. Thought should be the thing we seek to refine, to think without thinking, and feel without feeling. That is the essence of manifestation for we deal with thematics instead of the manifestation of inverse potential burned through the senses as thoughts. Thought burns Jing. Desire burns Jing. Living outside the interior environment burns Jing, for even the generative functions of the sacral still require a supply of essence from the root which is where Jing is initially catalysed and transformed into the steam that warms the sacral engine. The sacral doesn't generate power out of thin air, I don't see correspondence to this idea, though perhaps there's something I'm missing. I don't know for sure but everything I understand about alchemy tells me the root is where power that's manifest in the form originates and it's released through desire that drives us towards experience which only really serves the program we're integrated within and are bound by. It makes me wonder if through the theurgy process there's a way to negate the influence of the receptive nature of our consciousness and live as a supply, though if that were the case you'd likely crease to exist as a human for the gates that represent the various levels of experience must be present in some form for your existence to correspond to corporeal reality. Perhaps they become refined and purified, where they're to become one substance that's essentially refined into one single process comprised of all these channels within it, like processes within processes instead of a collection of separate processes sharing a series of highways. The nature of human existence is a real puzzle. How oh how does this all work. The answers will come when my metaphysical composition is compatible, the state.

I'm going to define a state as a composition of thematics that represent a corresponding experience of the senses, that's the implication that's naturally unfolding as a result of these thematic components interacting together as one. Appropriating a state is as simple as withdrawing from the world and targeting those sensations and the thoughts will naturally flow through that. That state needs to be resonant to your fixed thematics else you're not going to experience satisfaction though, for you'll be sinking into a state of receptive nature and not from a supply within you. I also know I said that your supply is dependent on what's within your thematic resonance but I more so mean that under the idea of efficiency, and the generative function is that Jing is used proportionately into directions that aren't lust based which is ultimately what burns it the most. You'll never experience satisfaction out of lust for things in this world, which is why I believe that nobody naturally is driven towards lust and all of that is through conditioning of the senses. We've been taught that the animal instincts, as in the sacral itself and other base centers are what drive these impulses but I don't believe that's the case I believe that it's because of how we've normalised the free expression of lust without a context that causes unnatural drive to unfold in us for we'd be nourished from within at baseline anyway, with that innocence of youth. Looking at the world with wonder and mystery instead of the desire to control and pedestalise themselves above the rest. Some are driven towards this, but more often than not that's not a natural inclination and came out of conditioning from childhood. Who truly is driven towards degeneracy as a child? The curse of generational degeneracy continues evermore. Environment matters in building the baseline context in how the senses relate to the world to not catalyse Jing excessively and provide a good basis to complete the great work through. The generative function can in those cases be generative for the intake will increase Jing without constantly being leaked through the lusts of the senses. Purity of the heart transforms these seemingly lustful thematics into refined sensations of satisfaction and naturalness. Competitive nature is pure, playful, natural, and not filled with hatred to be better than others for ego sake. Those who have natural ego will know their position and not feel the "need" to be that, for nourishment comes out of their naturally imagined scenes of being in that palce. Their natural imagined experiences will correspond to the thematics within them and thus drive their manifest experiences from those seeds within.

We've all got a proportionate pathway to attain vitality through, a path of least resistance. Owning that and making decisions out of that is the basis of holding the Jing from being catalysed. Seeing the same sensory experiences under a refined context is the sign of refinement, and really gets to the primary point I made when I started this session. If you even feel lust and temptation it means you've got impurities to refine for those thematics are related to a degenerative context that's normalised. Perhaps do pathway work on these and see what comes up. This was just exploring more ideas and not really laying out new formulas. There's a lot to go over here still I've not touched on yet. Jing is depleted simply from thinking of tempting thoughts, but they come through us as a result of our baseline that's established degenerate context. Going all the way with pushing comfort zones as well as negating sensory phenomena that's beyond what intuitive impulse necessitates will be a big step in the right direction. Our interior environment must shift to alter the baseline contextual association we have to these same sensory stimulus for the more primitive functions of the senses and the "needs" for material experiences. Why did all the ancient texts speak of the world as bad? Because you cannot become immortal through the world, you require the inversion of the world to complete that work and that requires a metaphysical lens to view reality from. The senses deplete Jing. The interior senses comprise the elements Jing forms into through the corporeal senses. We associate the thematics to experience and satisfaction over the corporeal senses as without a supply of nourishment through the interior senses then you'll forever be bound by the drives of the design which is why completing the great work requires the design and personality to become one thing where the interior environment becomes the realm of exploring satisfaction and the design simply is driven in the world without any control of the conscious mind as it's experiencing the pure thematic levels of that experience. There's no desire or temptation to control anything for it's less nourishing at that point, thus the natural tendency to need things of the world vanishes. The only reason we desire worldly experience is because that's where the supply is, at least until the senses get turned inside out and coherently become one process to shift how the door to energy opens and nourishes us. It's always thematic in nature but we peel back the veil and the senses then comes through us instead of because of us, we don't need the senses of the corporeal being and ultimate detachment is attained.

Many people don't like the idea of giving up control of the form but that's the point. That's how we burn suffering as there's no way we can make decisions that are unsatisfying, transformation is done from within us. Taking this message into the mainstream is yet another challenge. Putting together a coherent model of how the immortality work is done and all the principles involved is a start.

Giving up control of the form and surrendering to intuitive impulse, facing those uncomfortable feelings and surrendering to how the form needs to move to fulfil it's thematic functions is the basis everyone starts with. Remember that all that exists is the metaphysical thematics. The form is just being moved to fulfil those as it's the way the door can naturally open through experience if you surrender fully. This doesn't mean it'll reverse your age but it'll maintain a supply of Jing that's available. Creating new Jing, or more specifically keeping the door open to not even need a fixed supply is the goal where consciousness can express purely thematic resonance as it's experience of reality and dream the dream of life naturally out of that for eternity. We experience every part of our being and reality from it's core thematic sensation, and naturally flow through the ripple effects of that in the world through the form and go along for the ride without any need or desire to control or change a thing because we are so perfectly nourished from within us. That's where we're moving into with this whole immortality stuff and what manifestation becomes for those on that level. It becomes like a lucid dream in essence, as in life happens simply through us naturally and without the contrast of the desires and temptations to buy into false nourishment which only further depletes us as it's a limited manifestation of the inverse principle it represents.

The person who accepts the interior reality as the only reality is the one who will complete the great work. We cannot force this, it must naturally unfold through us just as we know about the sense of self and manifesting a specific person or a sum of money. It's that but taken to a whole new level, it's what's past "manifesting" as we think about it where we're just negating the need for anything in the corporeal world. We flow through the corporeal world with wonder and innocence in our eyes expressed through the channels of resonance that defines the design and its affinities. The key thing to grasp is the detachment from needing, and without needing then you withdraw from the desire for pleasures of the senses because there is an even greater experience within the interior supply. That's the magic.

I could be wrong about all this stuff but it makes sense. I have nobody but the alchemist to ask for answers on this level and correct me if I am wrong.



As we shift deeper into normalising the state the thematic composition becomes more focused. That supply we emanate which others are receptive towards becomes amplified and we manifest “higher value” outcomes that are most satisfying. I see the sacral as responding to whatever it has available in terms of receptive processes to integrate within that will bring satisfying outcomes but if it’s got more current available then it will drive you towards even further satisfying outcomes. Why wouldn’t it if the amplifying current is there? Specific outcomes with people whom have significant capacity require an equal or greater current to be drawn towards, it’s alchemy. Both then get transformed. The density of the currents being mediated between the two parties will stir up significant transformation in both if they’re correctly responding. It seems that for a generator, generating vitality is the primary function and the correct usage of this vitality is the expression of natural striving towards higher order. Giving the sacral more current on the Yang side will basically give you the ability to manifest anything that’s resonant to the highest degree of satisfaction. Lower baseline capacity means the satisfaction will result in a lesser satisfaction but still satisfying.

Ultimately we’re looking to attain the internal or inverse satisfaction which is supreme. 


Another interesting area of exploration is the effects of stretching on manifesting too. Unlocking currents. 


I believe that Jing accumulates as a purely substantive form uncatalysed if we drop the sensation of desire for things and when intuitive impulse arises we accept the drive and move with it. You’ll get to a point where you almost won’t be able to help but be moved anyway. It seems that simply normalising this process of being driven instead of fantasising about it when the impulse arises (depending on your inner authority type) is how we properly conserve Jing. Magnetism seems to emanate from unperturbed Jing that’s in buffer.  


Purity of the mind is the essence we're attaining. That's the metaphysic of vitality and clarity.


So Jing is in essence still aetheric substance if we're taking the physics approach, it's both the "blueprint" which represents your potential capacity for proportionate alignment with greater consciousness and the "quantity" of Jing is basically represented as the proportionality of that relationship as it unfolds. Keep in mind that Jing as a quantity should be seen as a function of proportionality and surrender to that natural striving. It's said that Shen emanates into Dao, which is process and transcends even still aether (base Jing) so it's the "heavenly" template by which Jing exists under and Dao I do believe is representing that infinite inverse supply that when the door is opened manifestation unfolds. Proportionality is the means to open that door, so it wouldn't be that Jing is "refilled" so to say but that it becomes transformed further and the "genetic" profile of the Jing as the seed is purified. What does this imply for physical immortality? It would imply that your existence isn't something of a human growing up and living life as you do as you basically have "beaten" the human level metaphysic of the Dao and you transcend needing human reality where the thematics become your reality. I believe this relates more to the idea of the personality crystal transcending the need for control as the profile and such shifts. Why would it not, if Jing means "arrangement of substance" as potential for unfolding then it would represent when transformed the nature of a refined potential for unfolding, a more subtle path. Your means of metaphysical experience shifts. Living your design corresponds directly with this principle, which is something almost everybody in alchemy forums miss and see the substances in a vacuum. It's both a seed like potential as a blueprint (which is what the alchemist calls it which we experience through turning inside out) and the "quantity" of it basically represents your alignment with that potential. The things we do that leak Jing are things that are degenerate and not in our pathway because they are the mind controlling, the form would never leak Jing. Surrendering to greater consciousness is how we at least conserve Jing and when critical thresholds are reached in the immortality level alchemy work (being yourself without compromise as a metaphysic) then it would provide us new seed and new life which fills us up to attain this potential for transformation. That's how you open the door to inverse potential and manifest infinite vitality, you live correctly. You cannot escape transformation. Living as though there's nothing but the drive through greater consciousness is the pathway towards immortality and no matter how many Jing tonics one takes the benefits that will have will always be on the level of getting you closer to your path. 

Why do we age? We try and take control. Most infants don't try to control their lives but as soon as they begin to take control over the design it's game over for development. The people who are the strongest in this world are the people who both inherited strong parental Jing and followed their path of least resistance. This metaphysic is something to further be explored in depth. Manifestation is a part of this because manifestation unfolds through us when we're correct as I've established. If this process is the means by which our influence over reality increases (by living top down and letting go of control) then it means that if taken all the way into the pressure to transform and complete the great work is the function of that pressure towards proportionality. If there's no Jing there's no metaphysical arrangement to transform, no pressure, no seed to refine, thus we don't exist. We exist on that level, as metaphysically composed forms which are experiencing that composition in our experience. Completing that function and going all the way is the path of the immortal. You cannot run from it and no matter what you assume it cannot change that. Going all the way and dying to your mental need to control and seek corporeal pleasure as a supply is what's killing you. That's the Sin and takes you away from proportionate relationship with greater consciousness which is your salvation. Owning your process and dying in battle as the Norse tradition says is the function of your consciousness. You're a walking talking living breathing alchemy ritual and if you own that nature then you'll complete the ritual, else you need to do it again until you succeed, if you ever do. The alchemist said pretty much the same thing I've established here. Filling up Jing happens as a result of living correctly. That's all we can do because that's our function and manifestation unfolds through us naturally as a result. It's all metaphysical. ALL of it. I hope I've outlined enough to reveal that nature here by destroying the law of assumption forever. It's long dead and I was the one who killed it.

Jing. Jing is such an interesting idea when related to the aether. Still aether can also be seen as seed too, for it's unperturbed and contains the potential for all manner of expressions. The Daoists say that living a life of excess pleasure depletes Jing. I know why now. I know why the bible says what it does. I know how manifestation unfolds. I know all this stuff it's crazy. Knowing it doesn't mean you're going all the way though and that quality of consciousness is all that matters. Dying to your limitations and going all the way is accepting immortality. Dying to the need to control is immortality. Dying in battle. The people who live the longest are the ones who do well in battle, and the ones who never die are the ones who died completely in battle and were reborn. The bible is a text that is metaphysical so the NG interpretation is just one level of it, it works on all levels because it's principle in nature. It's not right or wrong on any of these levels but the fact is that manifestation is not what the bible is about as that's just one level of what it represents in the processes and principles it speaks of. 

Jing tonics get you on track and will more so just refine your process but it's not going to force you to die in battle for only your correctness can make that happen. Seeing Jing as purely a substance that's got a quantity that fills us up is limited because that's not the real essence of what's going on, that's a measure of proportionality if anything. Essence as a condensate of Jing relating more to yin filling up is what would be closer to that, which is the most related element of Jing to tangible substance. It would be interesting to see this from a more refined biochemical perspective about shen and how correct living impacts physiology. 

Seeing everything through the metaphysical lens reveals all secrets, providing you have a framework to follow to relate phenomena to. This is why nobody can manifest immortality and NG said you cannot stop death. He failed to understand this principle, else he'd talk about correct living. We all must face pressure to transform, this is an alchemical fact. Dying in battle can be analogous, which is the way the Norse coin the pressure to transform. Going all the way is dying in battle which is why Odin hung himself on the world tree and died. He died to himself, gave up control and need for the world. The levels on the world tree representing the elements within our fixed nature. Walking your path is the thing that matters because that's the means by which we truly unfold the Jing. The Jing we can see as the rolled up inverse potential for proportionality by which vitality is made manifest through when it's moving, as in we're unfolding our process "moving" and perturbing the aether. Turning our consciousness inside out is a function of increased Shen, which once again is a threshold where coherency with your path can unfold through you. Manifestation being one of those levels which responds. By aligning all the thematic elements within us to be proportionate and refining our consciousness fully we "open the door" for vitality to manifest through us but I believe when this happens we are transformed to a degree that it might actually lead to a completely new process unlocking. I honestly don't know. The alchemist hasn't said anything above that level either. I say it's that we turn inwards to be reborn and basically "reverse" our vitality back to it's original highest form where youthfulness restores through going all the way into that path of refinement. Simply walking your path while still entropic will not result in great benefits to your physical vitality and age reversal until the door opens to inverse potential to be made manifest. This metaphysic of rolled up essence and inverse potential is one to explore further. If the rolled up progression of our path is represented as Jing, the potential, then when we've completely unrolled it why wouldn't we be able to roll it back up into the perfected form and cease the depletion of physical vitality because that would relate to the same metaphysic of aging through incorrect living. Correct living that's anchored with the door open would imply complete physical vitality as the seed as essence is refined and integrated as the complete self recursive circuit. An inverse state that's re-rolled into a new form that's stabilised. This would reflect in the assumptions naturally as manifestation of this unfolds.

Base Jing exists for the function of the unfolding of your consciousness, you ARE the Jing in movement, the lesser principle is the corporeal being you experience phenomena through as the complete process is rolled up and as you live correctly you unroll it and the core of which contains the same essence that brought about your existence. You reclaim your Jing, or more specifically complete your Jing. Ra would have us think there's no end to the process of correct living, but I don't know if I fully agree considering the work the alchemist has done. Internal alchemy and living correctly remember are one in the same thing, because through following intuitive impulse through acting correctly in the word without compromise means you're experiencing the same essential thematics that the inner work would drive you through too as they come up to be experienced. No matter how you slice it there seems to be a progression of the unrolling of the Jing on a thematic level and the means by which it's experienced doesn't matter so long as the principles are refined under pressure. That's why reality is so amazing because it's all alchemical and everything works so long as you're correctly doing the work. All levels of it facilitate all other levels. To me that's what the great work truly represents and what the path of the immortal looks like. This is why sins are all seen as incorrect living. Missing the mark. What's the mark then? The correct level of thematic experience you're being driven to transform by greater consciousness as the Jing unrolls as it requires your corporeal being to be transformed under the pressure of fulfilling that process. It requires you to complete this work, without you actually being put under pressure and going all the way you're not going to complete this work. This is why the world has always been filled with degeneracy as a manifestation of sin but also truths like we speak about here as a pathway to immortality. Immortality is a metaphysical process 100%.

Comfort and pressure are the things we must learn to accept as temporary as we are moved in and out of our process. So to cultivate original Jing we must unroll ourselves in the ritual of life completely and the only way to do that is to be transformed under that process. Resistance is control which is Sin. You see how this all works now? We're all on the path but don't really know it yet because we're born into a reality filled with distractions and comforts and everything to please the mind and the senses. That's why the senses deplete vitality is that buying into false reality takes us away from that proportionate relationship which is where our vitality is cultivated. Going all the way is the point. The only question at this point becomes knowing your inner authority and surrendering to it. Appropriating a state that's not satisfying for generators isn't the path to immortality, even if it's getting you things in the world for whatever the thematic progression that represents your unique form of art, music, must be followed precisely or the song will not sound right and the Gods will not dance to your tune. If the Gods dance to your tune then you will be rewarded. Play your music correctly and immortality is yours. What else could it be? It's all correspondent and everything connects. Everything.

I will say that the essence of correct living is that the thematic "tones" your consciousness rings like playing the piano forms a satisfying series of processes your consciousness unfolds and is purified through and this represents your correct direction of resonance. This is why I've always said that being yourself without compromise is the essence of manifestation because the music you play has corresponding manifestation that it represents, in fact the song IS the manifestation of those notes being played which can only be performed by you going all the way. Compromise is depletion and degeneracy and sin. Compromise from your complete path is destruction of your seed to transform. You will die in your sins. 

I'm sure there's many more levels to this that can be understood I've not had flow through me yet but I've got a solid basis here to work with. I can't believe how much work I've done in the last few months alone. 605 pages of notes on RS.


This makes me think that what NG spoke of about the end always related to a satisfying experience that's resonant that you experience internally which fulfils a function of your consciousness. The end represented a thematic process you're driven to fulfil and imagining the end in that place rung that note in your consciousness. This is how people can seemingly heal themselves as they're just getting back on track with their path. The units of chu available become filled, but "depleted" chu still requires restoration for further filling to take place.


Another level of Jing is that it's representing what the alchemist called the "aetheric template" which represents your potential for unfolding into a proportionate form to greater consciousness. He says it's called the "robe of glory". Glory in this case being he who has completed the great work and attained what he calls "the stellar body" which of course would reflect the simulacrum of reality. Gazing and doing divine pathway work are his essential processes to unlocking the first stage of the work where you can turn your consciousness inside out to work with the archetypes and thematic processes directly to mediate powers. So Jing in this case is basically the perfected form that represents your body "beautiful" version to put it in his own terms, which is androgynous and neither male or female because they're to become one thing which is the simulacrum of God manifest through you. Process without specific form that's polar because the door to inverse potential has opened and this can only open when the container is primed (completed the conjugations to conjoin male and female) and capable of being the vessel for pure "god force" in his terms to be made manifest through us, except this time it really IS us. As we complete the great work we will invariably restore functions of our physiology that have been lost, as in re-growing limbs, eyes, teeth, organs even. Anything, because it's the field geometry template being made manifest through you and it must correspond to that perfection for the work to be complete. Becoming physically perfect is just as important as the dropping of the need to control reality through the mind, for really in essence they're one in the same thing and reflect the principles of each other in how the physical body is manifest. Since I've been born with deficiencies in Jing, as in my genetics and bones and organs are malformed from birth that will become what it is in it's potential for transformation and I will attain the appearance I was truly designed to experience within my principle composition. You'll be the same too but the work must be done, else you degenerate. 

We need to understand that the physical look we have literally reflects the degree of proportionality we have with our perfected template. Aging of the physical form is proof of the metaphysic and cannot be hidden, you're still distanced from your perfected form and those who are born with higher order coherency are at baseline closer to their proportionate self which means they've less work to be done, generally speaking for that's a reflection of the metaphysical aspects of their consciousness. This has no bearing on the morality of their actions because it's only a matter of correctness and action with intuitive impulse without conditions or need to control. However that's made manifest that's correct for them will result in their transcendence, though most don't go all the way into what's correct and so they degenerate and hold onto limitations they believe are more important than being themselves. We all must play out our design in this reality for that too corresponds to the principle components of consciousness and determines the manifestations that unfold for us.

Doing the work and accepting where you're driven is the thing we must focus on above all else. Valuing your vitality is valuing your proportionality to greater consciousness. Gazing every day. Divine pathway work. Create the space. If you're heavily depleted then focus on making those decisions you've compromised on. Cut out the trash and accept where you're running away from. Own it. Do pathway work and discover the structure of your mind to tap into a refined thematic resonance with the senses to bring it up and be driven by that sensation. Own it. Own it all and walk with the confidence of the .1% of the .1%. Remember to ask yourself the questions and look for a response. If no response comes then ask another time or wait for the answer spontaneously. It could just come through you when you least expect it. Allow greater consciousness to drive you. It's always driving you but you're resisting it, you're desensitised to it but with cultivating space the sensations of intuitive impulse will arise, however that's made manifest in your consciousness. Being driven is fulfilling the metaphysical element of having your center moved by powers greater than you as a corporeal simulacrum. Own that power and make it manifest through you.



Mewing is another thing that connects the mind to the root. People use it to restructure their face but I think that the physical effects on the face are more to do with the current that’s circulating in orbit which the tongue posture collects. It collects the condensate from the mind and feeds it gracefully down to the root and with enough pressure from the root to the mind thus cohering the sea of marrows. It’s all alchemy. We’re a walking talking alchemy ritual. 



Very very early morning post. 1AM. Must be important. Jing is connected to genetics, the substantive “template” through which your structure emanated in a corporeal sense. If we look at Jing in isolation we can see that it’s a fractal progression which actually branches off into all the ancestry in the blood, meaning the coherency of the generations to greater consciousness that represents the collective body of your existence. It’s that all iterations of your existence have relationship back to your Jing as one process, processes within process. The alchemist taught me very early on that the gazing is “clearing the ancestry” and he said much of what comes up in the gazing we experience is elements of disproportionate connection to greater consciousness. We’re needing to refine the entire pathway, which is why I do believe that my current iteration having been born into significant lack when it comes to constitutional makeup and having weak prenatal Jing and you can see the circumstances of your birth reflecting this with physical genetic elements from your parents that correspond to the metaphysical characteristics that you inherit to complete the great work. 

I know for certain that the gazing has impacts on all the “hidden” elements of consciousness that are rolled up and the genetic structure of your greater consciousness is what we are moving into and perfecting in the form as a fully reflective process thus completing the proportionate transformation which as I mentioned yesterday opens the door for vitality to manifest. This doesn’t mean you can’t restore vitality to a degree in the corporeal being for optimising available units of chu that are available can restore the greatest degree of function you can have at your age. Either way I do believe that as we complete the work and become more proportionate to greater consciousness the depletion rate of vitality slows significantly anyway because of the function of unrolling more of the Jing which is literally you moving into your perfection. 

All of the elements that comprise your body are all purely metaphysically related, remember that all form in the manifest reality have subtle thematic basis and fractal processes that determine their arrangement and “timelines”. If we wish to “reverse” our timeline then we simply have to nourish the field geometry fully. I know of people who have gained height doing seed retention so for those people their available Jing was higher than they expressed in the world, but likely suffered in growth early on because of deficiencies of correctness and or nutritional supply. This is the thing here it’s that we’re just accessing again what was always there, all the Jing is actually just rolled up and as we age it’s that we “lose” it through incorrect decision making. Now with the people for example who grow taller through doing the work and becoming more coherent with greater consciousness means they’re able to fully utilise what’s already there. Opening the door to that infinite supply of vitality simply means to become one with it, proportionately. To complete the great work means to fully unroll the Jing and become one with it, on every correspondent level. Gazing facilitates this among other processes. 

I think the biggest thing to grasp is that you’re not aging because you’re eating wrong or you’re too stressed or you’re giving into lusts and drinking too much or whatever the sin is, because it’s all just sin. Sun as I’ve described as being decisions that move us away from proportionality with greater consciousness and thus away from the door of vitality, the rolled up bundle. Crystal bundle. The idea that I’m TCM prenatal Jing cannot be restored is silly because in essence the prenatal Jing just represents your potential unfolding that can occur through correct decisions and making them under pressure when they’re ready to come up. The whole process is alchemical, taking substances and purifying them, and it’s corresponding to all levels of your existence. 

Jing is said to be the most dense form of Yin, density in this case meaning structure that’s fixed in essence, and that would imply a fixed form of expression. The various “bodies” the alchemist speaks of rings this bell and metaphysically speaking the Jing can be represented as these too  because Jing has no physical manifestation when it comes to the “invisible” rolled up inverse potential level because it’s anti space, the space between space. Space seconds. It’s a different mathematical concept, Eric Dollard deals with this extensively in his theory which was a basis for my understanding of physics and likely how I grasped the essence of metaphysics because they were closely linked.

I see the process of making correct decisions as a way of us returning to the completion that exists as a potential, it’s rolled up as an implication for the existence of all the principles required that simply need to be arranged correctly. Dancing your dance of life means literally to align these through and unfold your potential. Partly I don’t even believe that pre-natal Jing is consumed at all, but that we just move away from its access by making incorrect decisions. Most people start to age after puberty, sexual maturity means the root pressures increase and the drive to conform to conditioning amplifies which only makes the incoherency to this greater process unfolding in us more disproportionate which in turn manifests as degeneration just as it says in the bible. That’s the “punishment” because it’s the mechanics of consciousness. Ye shall not taste of death, if you do the work. Assumptions come out of that naturally, even your mental state and beliefs conform to the Jing as you process through it or away from it. Conditioning is opposite from flow as you take on pathways that aren’t proportionate to your process which of course manifests as degeneracy. The real reason why almost nobody has truly demonstrated anti aging is I believe mostly because of how we’re all conditioned by our culture to fit in and conform where as the few who own part of themselves that are correct still don’t go all the way and aren’t familiar with more inner alchemy methods. I’m sure you don’t need internal alchemy to do this work because it’s all alchemical and can be done in any correspondent way but to complete the work through the medium of correct action out of response and strategy is likely the most challenging of all. Those who also are doing the gazing still require basis in correct action unless they go all the way into the inner work. It’s a balance it seems but so long as the metaphysic is aligning then you’re doing the work. 

I must experiment further with these elements in the world to see how far it goes. The element of manifestation the way we’ve been taught by NG with imagining the end I also believe is actually important to this work. We know that thematic resonance brings supply of vitality so sinking into imaginal elements that represent your correct expression that’s satisfying will take you along that path and mediate power in the world. You can manifest though that naturally as you go through your process. The desire that’s driving you through intuitive impulse is the subtle influence (the natural hysteresis cycle of the rolled up Jing uncoiling like the kundalini serpent through pressure) emanating from your greater consciousness through the authority of your design. Making those decisions without compromise means you don’t deplete vitality and you are on your proportionate path with greater consciousness. Compromise again is what causes aging for it’s distancing us from ourselves and the supply we seek is external instead of within. 

This should all explain too how manifesting works. The one who imagines satisfying outcomes is moving through their correct experience and moving into greater consciousness. Manifesting vitality through thought and concept is impossible because it can only come through this mechanism naturally as that’s how the supply of vitality is nourishing your correspondent corporal being which is moving into becoming one with the greater consciousness thus keeping the door open. Attachment to the need for the world keeps us away from that for the world simply exists for us to play our song and dance our moves in accordance with the natural flow that proceeds through us. People like me who have the natural rhythm channel defined unconsciously you’d think would have benefit because it’s said that we have a much larger field of influence (I can attest to this) as well as how this channel is present in all living things. It means to me that the sacral in essence through being the generative force unfolds the inverse potential through us as a microcosmic reflection of that element of greater conciseness and explains why it’s a primary inner authority in most of the people on earth. 


So I've recognised the importance of both nourishment and correct thematic resonance in the pursuit of perfection. You require both, though both feed into each other. The essence of your vitality arises out of this proportionate connection to greater consciousness, by being yourself you're tapping the postnatal supply of vitality.


Doing metaphysical manifesting is crazy. We simply work with the principle thematic elements that comprise the experience and have the sensory level association direct that experience at it naturally unfolds through us. This is true manifestation.



I'm starting to suspect that the metaphysic of Yang is essential to reversing aging. Qi specifically. Peripheral delivery of vitality nourishes the appearance. It also nourishes the inner authority response. It nourishes so much of our being on all levels. Just the general metaphysic here seems to work wonders for our general vitality and sense of self and what we're manifesting.



Derma rolling (micro needling), massage, even topical testosterone products can all improve the "youthfulness" of skin and kill signs of aging if taken far enough. Of course these are external means and aren't what we really want but they're a good indicator of what's going to result in anti aging internally. I would be interested in studying the effects of the Melissa ens on hormone levels because the alchemist looks very lean and defined for his age so there must be a knock on effect on the metaphysical association to hormonal regulation and supply. It could also impact androgen receptor too but I don't know there needs to be more study on the biochemistry of quintessence and such. Either way it seems to me that youthfulness has almost everything to do with the regulation of hormones (specifically sex hormones) and the relationship of those to the root of vitality as emanations of Jing being catalysed. As I said before elevating Jing improves the base release of substance for nourishment of the field geometry and of course the hormones will be one level of manifestation of that. The Jing is something that still must be explored further, the deeper means of it's manifestation and supply specifically and how that unfolds into the hormonal impacts which determines our physical and mental vitality.


Just thought about this. Jing is the densest substance, qi is the second most and shen is the most rarefied and sparse. This idea to me represents process within process to some extent, that Jing is the processes at principle level, qi is the bind between them and shen is the greater process that the Jing and the qi integrate and support.

It also seems to me that Jing can be increased through pushing limits. I don't read this anywhere in source material but the principle I've explored lately would have you think so. HGH for example and testosterone and serotonin and other hormones that relate to physical and psychological growth all seem to correspond to releases of substances of Jing. To me it seems that the entire process of living correctly facilitates the natural nourishment of these principles.


Derma stamping and rolling and derma pens simply stimulate qi to gather in a disrupted area. They're not actually anti aging or whatever it's just that our periphery is so depleted of qi that we need to stimulate the response for it to nourish the skin or whatever the aim is. Naturally if you had sufficient qi internally that would nourish the absolute periphery then you'd be immortal however the depletion happens over time due to disproportionalities that drain our vitality. Making correct decisions and especially the ones under pressure can and will improve the circulation of qi to the periphery, but don't expect it to magically restore skin issues because the change is likely to be extremely minor and will require cumulative effects of multiple processes all working together for noticeable anti aging to work.



When the alchemist spoke of "interacting with powers greater than you" as a means to "shift your center" I know he spoke of that in a contrast perspective but I want to connect it more so to the idea of being under pressure and that this process of theurgy mirrors alchemy. Alchemy and manifestation are the same thing as we should know by now, well manifestation is the result of alchemical process. So when we're put under pressure (in any form imaginable) when we are having our center shifted. He has spoken that "you are humbled" by the Gods when you stand before them face to face, that you are shown the doorway to power only through taking that pressure being around them and allowing that higher order process to literally force resistance out of you. He has not spoke about this with me specifically, I am guessing here, but I believe theurgy is just a significantly higher level of any other resistance work we can do ourselves. Theurgy is simply a means to bring up the archetypal representation of our resistance and face it through the inverse space created by turning ourselves inside out. We literally interact with our consciousness on a thematic level and we feel all of those elements being processed. Once again I do not know that as he's not confirmed anything to me but I believe that's the case based on everything I've revealed lately.

It's profound to contemplate on this idea, and that the literal door to immortality can be opened simply by going all the way into your correct thematic direction of experience. Those who know know. You need to realise that our entire existence is an alchemical ritual and we're constantly being "tested" under pressure to see how far we can go. Every thematic element of our lives, every concept we consciously buy into and accept, all of them have a function to play in the literal unfolding of our consciousness. We're experiencing phenomena akin to a process of unrolling or unfolding the Jing, I believe, and in doing so we become more whole and complete with the greater aspects of the greater elements we represent as a simulacrum of God. This process is evident in every single aspect of reality imaginable, I cannot see anything that this doesn't apply to. Thus the saying goes, if it's true on one level it must also be true on all other levels. If everything connects then it must be the facts of how it works.


Just going through another NG lecture, a good one. He said "you're not going to change the pigment of your skin". Just one more proof of what I say.



Magic number

So script out your thematic sense with both words and images. Form a coherent connection with your thematic resonance and allow the response to come through you and drive you. That's the state desired that nourishes you. In that go all the way, compromise on nothing. You have the response because you have a supply of nourishment to fulfil this process in transforming your consciousness. That's why you're being driven, the form wants to move you for a reason. You're supply of vitality will provide to others what they need too.

I've been seeing lots of content on manifesting about "letting go" and "detaching" as they call it. As we should now know it's actually a function of nourishment, letting go actually means either facing transformation (IE the classroom example) or by accepting nourishment (owning a disowned desire). Letting go really is the point, we're dying to the old self, but you cannot own the new state unless that's able to provide a supply of nourishment which of course must be thematically resonant which will reflect the sensory conceptual level imaginary experience. I mean what else is there? What else is there to be done but to accept what is and drop what is not? Be driven into satisfying thematically resonant experiences and disown what's not. If you're going part of the way into what's correct but you're still holding back and you're in this limbo state of being partially comfortable and uncomfortable then going all the way will solve your issues. Simply go all the way and you win.

We simply need to create ourselves an environment that consistently stimulates and raises up vitality for the sacral to respond to and drive us into the experience for the testimony. Our environment in my opinion is the most important factor. The environment, meaning the physical environment, the people, the habits you play into in that environment, the general context of that environment. 

When I listen to music I did when I was younger all kinds of memories show up relating to that. Now according to NG this is a new state we're taking on, well it's already established because we've got testimony which is why there's memories there. This state simply presents to us what's contextually relevant and of course will actually provide a supply of nourishment to us if this is resonant. Dispenza has apparently shown that telomeres are lengthened when older people listen to music from their past that they enjoyed, that they resonate with, that brings up thematic resonance. Telomeres being lengthened reveals to me that there's an influence on the Jing to some degree, which is interesting. I'm going deeper into the mystery of the Jing and I'm certain that the Jing represents the potential that we have to be correct in this reality, the potential specifically. It's a function of the folded up pattern with potential to unfold, it represents the pattern in it's potential and in it's current state of unfolding. This is why in TCM seeds most often represent Jing tonics, postnatal Jing that is, their influence would simply provide more base substance for transforming as it's required via the Kidney channels. The thing I've understood about Jing that nobody in TCM seems to connect is that it should be capable of being restored through living correctly (to an extent at least) the same way like eating certain foods have an effect. Music being one of them according to Dispenza. Now I don't know if the telomeres specifically are a manifestation of Jing but considering genetics is the closest thing in our manifest physiology representing the Jing then I would say so, it's literally representing the idea of a "seed" which has all the information for a tree to grow. It's this potential element of folded up unmanifest capacity that's representing the Jing.

When we think about Jing under a revision perspective then, and how we tap thematic supply, and how we are driven through that, would we not be able to then "live" the supply of Jing instead of just needing tonics? This is all metaphysical after all. If there's correspondence then it should manifest that way and unfold in our consciousness as actual age reversal, as in the supply of the hormones more so would be the manifestation that has the cascading effects on physiology as these are what correlate the most with aging. TCM presents Jing as a fuel like substance, oil that burns for example. It's said to be translated as many different terms but it's mostly related to the terms of "quiet, still, gentle, essence, spirit, clear, crystal and even "capital city". It's like this subtle essential scroll of substance. It's also translated as "silent, still, motionless, static". It's a "quality, state, condition" in translation. There's also a translation relating to "uncountable". I also read one says "path" which to me represents the idea of what I've been talking about.

Oh yeah also NG mentioned that the "Ferrar Fenton Bible" is the best bible.

With all these translations of Jing it seems clear to me that this idea best suits the term "seed". Jing and Ojas as far as I know also relate to the same term, it translates literally as "vigour" but I read somewhere a while ago that Ojas means "on demand" or the idea that I have about the "door open" process that manifests energy out of inverse potential unfolding and the "quantity" of it we have relates to the "alignment" we have to greater process which provides a proportionate process by which the condition of the door can open. Again I don't know I'm just exploring this stuff. The qualities of Ojas are: "oily, unctuous" consistency". Seems like it's inverse dampness, divine dampness if you wish. Ojas and Jing both are seen to be the "fuel for the fire" substances but once again if we look at this as a metaphysical element relating to nourishment, the condition by which energy is made manifest (because all energy manifests through one source that is just emanating through a proportionate circuit as the conditions are correct for it) then we can see it's not really a thing of fixed quantity but would reflect the capacity for perfection in our experience of reality and that being in alignment with that supply means we cannot be depleted. It's not like a battery being drained simply by existing, it's just that as we live incorrectly it gets drained faster, and the TCM texts agree with this idea that living incorrectly does drain it faster but they see it purely as cause and effect and not as a part of a metaphysical structure of elements providing supply when in proportion. This very principle is the very essence of manifestation as I've discussed. Why would Jing simply be a fixed supply when it represents the essential principle of inverse potential "rolled up" into a "seed" and that as it unfolds it's "burning" it up. Perhaps the unrolling of it into a direction that's not thematically resonant is what drains it. I just don't see how the inverse potential capacity we have in the proportionate circuit can be limited, prenatal or postnatal it doesn't matter because if it's a correct direction of unfolding then it must be nourishing and thus must not deplete this substance. Nourishment is everything. What is your supply. The supply simply opens the door, really we could even see the depletion of it as the substance that's what opens the door to manifestation, and that when it's depleting the supply from the door opening dwindles because it cannot open as far and thus the metaphysical composition our consciousness can take that reflects physically diminishes as the door closes. Keeping the door open is the secret to immortality, and also free energy. The only way to do this as far as I know is to become one with greater process, to complete the alchemical ritual.

There's such depth here to be explored still. The unfolding is everything. The nourishment through that is everything. Explaining this in a video is next to impossible for the heathen. The heathen cannot see things for what they are because they have no context or frame of reference to compare to, they need a framework.

The nature of manifestation is a metaphysical unfolding process, a thematic composition defines our state. Getting back to my point before, age reversal through music. This stimulates the senses and draws the consciousness into a more aligned process, but the senses must be negated in order to actually sink into the deeper level of that experience and conjugate the thematic elements as we do in theurgy. Simply sensory stimulus bringing up the resonance in the mind doesn't stick it's not stabilised because nothing has been transformed, we've not gone all the way. To go all the way the elements must be purified under pressure and this pressure cannot be sourced at the highest level through the senses we must transcend the sensory level of the theme and touch directly on the thematic level itself. I just don't see anyone on earth here who's completed this work who's done it purely through living experiences, though theoretically it's possible I believe that it can only go so far, that you can reach a certain degree of mastery over the sensory level which of course mediates the thematic elements but you're just casting shadows instead of moving the subtle elements themselves. We must turn the senses inside out and experience the interior environment and directly interact with the elements themselves and allow those interactions to be our supply of greater pressure. Those archetypal powers when you stand before you will humble you no matter how your worldly status is, it's a function of how "spiritually" mature you are and how well you know yourself. You're not standing in front of another person, you're standing in front of a pure thematic embodiment of God. Ultimately it's just the principle there but your senses must pick up on something to represent it and so an image will come before your mind to reflect this and it will be made manifest according to your worldview and understanding of reality. To the ones who follow biblical figures it will be those characters and to the Vedic's it will be the avatars. Whatever personification to the person reflects that element of reality is what will be experienced. This is what the alchemist made clear to me, and he also said more often than not it's in the blood and not in the mind and conditioning. It's in the blood. It's a primordial process relationship, not a mental programming one. What's in the form is what we experience and we really don't have a say over what that is, it just comes through us. For me I will guess it will be more pagan but I don't know I've had limited interaction with these elements of consciousness. I just seem to have resonance with that level more so than anything else, that's likely what drew me to the Norse mythos naturally over my friend who for example is really into Greek mythos. It's in the blood, and the form will respond to what's correct and that will determine what you're interested in and resonate with, not the conditioning. People can be raised in a Christian environment but if that's not in the blood the it doesn't matter that will not be what you experience. Sometimes it will overlap though. 


Words bind us into limitation. The senses bind us into limitation. The senses are the supply of limitation. We must go THROUGH the senses to get to the core, because the senses are the translation layer of divine thematics. We must manifest through the thematics, yet attempting to explain the means to the heathen is a challenge without a framework. I remember saying that the senses simply represent information, information really is thematic resonance, that's what vibration is, a perturbance of the aether that's consciousness made manifest into form which is structured and representative of what we experience through the senses. This is the dilemma of the senses, because we need them in order to become complete, we need to use them to receive and provide supply if we don't have a direct touch with the principle thematics and yet building that dependency means we cannot have the subconscious capacity to turn ourselves inside out at will as we naturally should have the potential for. This is indeed where manifestation unfolds after all. The conscious mind simply is there to observe is it not, it's there to receive the input required for it to see what it needs to see and hear what it needs to hear for its folded up capacity to fully unfold, like a series of puzzle pieces being placed together. The more we accept our path and allow our form to drive us and our mind to accept what comes out of that the more effectively we can unfold our puzzle and supply our Jing, our nourishment for life on the most pure level possible. The more I see this whole thing, the totality of it all, the more I see a simple folded up puzzle that requires a specific sequence of experiences to act like the keys for the locks to open on the doors of vitality that nourish and complete us, that provide us naturally what we need as we process through this journey and discover ourselves.

Am I the only one on earth who has a model like this because I've never heard anyone else speaking of anything on this level, for not even Ra as far as I know spoke about this. Am I the only one? I don't know. All I know is that I've gone deeper than anyone else I've ever read or studied yet, other than perhaps the alchemist himself. Aether. That's his name by the way, it was revealed to him when he died. Coincidence. That man is a God, literally. It's all revealed I mean what more is there now? How much deeper does this go? 

The process of working through resistance is the procession of required thematics that relate to the false identification is it not? We bring it "up" under pressure and accept it and go all the way through it, into the fire we become transformed. Is this not alchemy? Is this not how literally everything imaginable works, processes of alchemy within processes of alchemy? Manifestation therefore is a "proof" of this fact. None of this is magical or probabilistic, it's all alchemical and it's unfolding exactly as it's designed to and we're going along for the ride. That's all there is. Everything we experience is levels of limitation on that folded up process unfolding. That's what manifestation is. If it's true on one level it must be true on all other levels. 



It seems to me that a big part of what NG taught was just recognising the divinity of your true nature, and allowing that to be a supply of nourishment. There was no specific thematic element to it other than to just own what you are on the greater level. That washes over you and allows the context to shift which then leads to a nourishing state of resonance with whatever your thematics are as the thoughts that correspond arise in your mind, naturally. Whenever I think of my "perfect" version I think of someone who can just walk up to anyone with such casual confidence because I'm on the top of the ranks, nobody is above me on the pedestal. That's what it's like, that nourishment you have within you is what grants you that state, but it must be stabilised and without a correct supply that's resonant you'll just peak and dip and waste vitality. We must be correct, we must respond to thematic resonance and we must accept how we're being driven in this reality for any semblance of stability to ensue out of those state streaks. If you were to become complete and whole in every level, for your physical vitality to reflect this you'd need to literally embody the thematics of that in consciousness. That's really what NG means with the whole states, it's a thematic arrangement, and you own that at baseline and it's normal for you. It's baseline. Then there's no contrast, no wavering, it's a casual knowing of self value and the nourishment out of thematic resonance is what that's supplied from. When you're proportionate to greater consciousness the door opens for vitality to manifest, circulate, fulfil and nourish our field geometry. We cannot be unsatisfied in this state for we are flowing with who we are, we are one with it, we respond to impulse without compromise and we allow our form to dance the thematic dance it's designed to dance.


It seems that the physical vitality has everything to do with the function of the endocrine system.


Another way I want to look at this is that vitality is used to hold onto degeneracy. It's that the vitality that could be used for nourishing us is used instead to grasp onto comfort zones that keep us in that limbo.

From what I've gathered based on all the work I've done here it seems that much of this theory can actually be boiled down to simple yin and yang elements. People in my comments say I've overcomplicated manifesting, NG teaches a single principle, I AM, while I teach the emanation of I AM and how we experience that on all the various levels it's made manifest. 


Much of what we imagine ourselves doing actually doesn't turn out to be satisfying if we actually experienced it for real. The idea that imaginal senses must always correspond to real experiences is silly.



Just read the term "nerve force" and thought it was a good term to describe subconscious capacity. 


"Death can have me when it earns me." - Kratos

That line embodies the idea of complete empowerment. You're so nourished that nothing including death (the decay of supply) can take you. We've been told that life and death are natural cycles, like sunrise and sunset. I don't agree. I see life and death as a function of supply and demand. The difference with us is that we're complete simulacrums of reality, we're not on a fixed trajectory with limited capacity for consciousness we can experience thematics and refine the alignment we have with our greater consciousness as an infinite supply that transcends time on this world. Why do we continue to wallow in the world of mediocrity, continue to see ourselves as limited like everyone else around us. Why are we not tapping our supply from the highest of high and disregarding everything of the senses that is not proportionate.


What I've learned about weakness is a lack of focus, usually, and this manifests as buying into not self decision making which more often than not is about being drawn into comfort zones. You do what's easy. distracting, wasting your time away, drawing you away from your Jing, it's a function of sin and represents missing the mark. Being embodied into anything that's not correct is going to deplete vitality because it's not satisfying. What we must be drawn into consistently is that which is satisfying, even if it takes years for the satisfaction to fully unfold. It's the whole idea of delayed gratification, it's that we are moving into a process that's proportionate and nourishing but that also "tests" us about who we serve. We can only serve one master. One master alone, and that is because there's only one greater consciousness that we are proportionate towards. Owning that is required for immortality to unfold because that's where our Jing is sourced. We must attain focus into this direction, to accept intuitive impulse and to be driven by that into decisions that even though in the moment may not seem satisfying for the mind but for the coherency with greater consciousness absolutely is in the long term. This is what we're moving into. To go all out, to be uncompromising, to fully own your divine sense of self and to die to the degeneracy means simply to go all the way into this process and be unwavering. To be completely engrossed in your process of satisfaction, even if it's painful to move into fully. Where there is pain there is a lesson to be learned, an element about our consciousness to discover that we've been ignoring and running away from. Owning that is required for the immortality work to be complete, to face the pressures of your divine process head on and be completely purified under the sacred blue fire. 

That kratos quote reminded me of the essential component of what NG's message was about. I really wish he made it more clear, that he didn't speak in as much allegory and simply said it how it was because dancing around this idea is what makes us all miss the point. The point is that when you discover yourself, the "I AM" which is really not God but the greater consciousness representation of yourself that's perfect (the robe of glory) which represents your proportionate connection to the infinite supply of nourishment and vitality. My recent debates on LOA have led me further into reading between the lines of what NG said instead of taking him literally and using what is arguably an incorrect explanation with his own (popular) words. The lecture "changing the feeling of I" is a good one I went through last week. 

We just need to recognise our limits and simply break them. Comfort zones, safety nets, easy paths, distractions, the lack of "drive" is what's causing us to just throw our power away. When we simply accept that our form can deliver us infinite power if we accept it and go along for the ride then there's no more struggle. The whole peak and dip cycle at that level is simply the alchemical process of being purified under pressure leading to satisfying outcomes, that metaphysical function I've discussed endlessly here as the basis of manifesting a refined sense of self. Naturally out of that the attraction you desire will show up. 

People think touching I AM is about some magical state, it's not at all it's simply that you're touching on a more proportionate and more primitive level of experience which has purifying effects. Touching that level hurts, if you were to truly touch I AM you'd be burned to ashes in an instant and as you're forced to turn inside out the degree of trauma you'd go through would be immeasurable. You'd have no chance of processing anything that comes out of that at all which is why nobody who says they've reached a state of I AM has ever actually done it because from what I've done and understand about theurgy work is that standing before primitive levels of reality humbles you in the wake of their sheer ungodly power. It's like stepping in front of a person in the world that intimidates you and brings up all the lacks, except thousands of times over. That's where the real purification comes about and really is what I was saying like a week ago about how we need people in our lives to provide that contrast to us where we can be tested and purified on a regular basis. If we're staying comfortable and not touching the purifying fire of life then we're degenerating. Degeneracy. When we own it and fully play it out without compromise then we win, we tap our supply and we embody that state to a degree of naturalness that unwavering confidence manifests. I felt this partially yesterday actually, it reminded me of the years back when I was 15 in high school doing gazing for the first few months and experiencing this state of confidence that comes out of what you get with the after effects of gazing, that "curious" confidence. Like this innocent confidence that comes out of simply having a more "expanded" perspective on other people. My view put me on the pedestal, not out of any feat I attained, not out of having "proof" of being greater but simply because I knew I was greater in the state of expanded subconscious space. I naturally flowed, I naturally was seeing myself on a level where every movement I made had character behind it, I oozed the character of me and everyone picked up on it. My unique signature that I was emanating was so refined that people wanted a taste of it. Attraction comes out of emanating your signature, and owning it, and walking with it and speaking it and dancing it with the flavour of your unique song of life.

Do you get it now, that's what NG really meant about the "secret self". It's this perfect version of you that's on the pedestal on all levels, that fears nobody and doesn't need feats to prove it. This is truly what a "state of consciousness" is in my terminology, it's a degree of proportionality with the greater consciousness which represents your potential for the Jing to unfold.

As soon as you have one moment of realisation, one memory come to mind, your entire "state" shifts and this will either reflect as being more or less you, being more or less on the pedestal, naturally. So we ask ourselves, what stimulus are we bringing into our consciousness that will provide the essence of the state we take upon ourselves? Imagination draws us into states, between states, degrees of alignment and proportionality, through the senses which corresponds to thematics. When we imagine what's proportionate, what's correct for our thematics we are then unable to help but be moved into a satisfying direction. NG said that "an uncontrolled imagination" is the issue, though in this case I'm going to say an uncontrolled thematic anchor is the issue. The senses simply represents thematics, they bring up thematics through the targeting sense and in this we are drawn into a state where the senses are the agent that markets to us who we are being. If we only imagined the end that represents our satisfaction and owned it and went all the way regardless of the pain of breaking the comfort zones then we'd win. Like do you get it? When we surround ourselves with stimulus in the world and we bring before our minds the stimulus that has a similar purifying effect then we are always pushing forward and always being driven into our natural striving towards higher order instead of accepting normalcy.

So what is it that we're bringing before our minds? Are we accepting normalcy still? Why can't we continue to be driven? Why can't we continue to process into supreme satisfaction? Going all the way is the most satisfying thing imaginable. What's your end? What's the most satisfying experience conceivable? I say it's simply to know yourself as the one above all, to not fear competition. To laugh in the face of competition as simply fun and games. To basically make fun of life, to just enjoy the experience as it is. The place where you don't have to be compared and contrasted, and have resistance brought up to purify. That place to me sounds like the most satisfying because we can simply freely flow through experiences as passengers for the satisfying ride of life, whatever that entails. We enjoy the grind at that point, becoming the ultimate form of ourselves. What more could anyone want? We get caught up in the idea of wanting to achieve something big, and that's more often than not correct for us to play out, but we need to have a balance of what's pressing vs what's not. The dynamic dance of pressure and relaxation. There's always comfort that's going to naturally unfold through us when we've gone through a complete process but we need to reflect on what's truly delivering us satisfaction.

That kratos quote. Has death earned us? Do we genuinely feel nourished to a degree where we are not afraid of death itself, where we transcend the limitations of mediocrity? The sense of self, going all the way. The paradox of effort here is that the experience of applying effort makes us believe that we're improving and yet it really represents pushing against ourselves. Nourishment is the only way to attain this experience of the reality of having that sense of self and as I've said the only way we can be nourished is by going all the way to the end. In other words how can we have an unshakable sense of self if we're still where we are living the same life doing the same things expecting us to be on the top? The sense of self naturally is refined by us living our lives the way we're designed to, it's natural and a product of being ourselves. Thinking that we can bypass this is folly, but at the same time going through the pressure requires a degree of "effort" because that pressure exists as a challenge to our baseline. There's tension, there's contrast, there's pressure to be refined and purified. Temporary discomfort is required for this to unfold, being under the metaphysical fire of life hurts but that's the point. That very experience in itself is what opens the door, when it's accepted in a direction that's correct that is. Being driven into suffering endlessly over a direction that's not correct is silly and wasting time. Go all the way.

Script out and find images and acts you can experience that represents the unique emanation of consciousness. What represents that? What are people going to desire from you? How will people view you? How will people respond to  you? How will people experience you and what will they project on you? How will your sense of self be experienced? This will more than likely put you into the "state" of consciousness of being the more proportionate form of yourself where you're more respected and all that which of course will represent the state of being nourished. If we imagine ourselves in states that imply we're well nourished and we feel that way then we've got good scenes. Really imagining from the end represents imagining the state of nourishment that you're moving into through satisfaction. We're going to then be moved not to manifest that specific end but to manifest the state of being, the degree of nourishment and proportionality that represents in our thematics. This is the only reason that sensory specifics matter, because when those sensory level experiences represent your nourished state then you're going to need to be moved into that end. That's the point, I believe. NG SATS is a purifying technique that serves multiple functions. Those should be clearly evident at this point. Imagining yourself having something desired represents the state of being nourished in that end, which also explains why when you're imagining things like having already received a million dollars and you do it from a place of seeming indifference but without genuine satisfaction and nourishment then you're going to certainly manifest that in a limited way, else if you went all the way into the sensation of being nourished in that place then however money shows up (the concept X the sense of self) you'd get a satisfying end because you went all the way.


Odin sitting on his throne. Just being. The thematic metaphysic of the experience manifests.

Immortality is a function of having such a top level sense of self that you transcend the limitation of buying into conditioning because you know yourself completely. 


The idea of death is an acceptance of limitation. Buying into the idea that you sense of self is bound to a seemingly commonly accepted fate. Why accept death. Why accept limitation. Why accept degeneracy. Remember that overnight SP manifesting story I've told many times that taught me much about the phenomena of manifestation. I was filled with fury and disposition for myself for buying into the limiting beliefs that I was bound to accepting that fate. I just decided then with every fibre of my being that it was over. This same "decision" factor applies for everything else, including death, aging, physical limitations of any form. Why do we accept them when we have the capacity to transcend them all. When we are so nourished in our sense of self, when we do the whole reminding ourselves of who we are and bring up that greater context it drives us through that nourishment to go further than ever before. It becomes standard at that point, normal, expected, a part of who we are. The way we walk, talk, stand, breathe, take up space, look around, everything. It all oozes our character, our sense of self, our vitality and value, what we emanate naturally that everyone around us is naturally receptive towards. Owning your sense of self is owning your supply of nourishment and vitality is owning the breaking of limitations others believe are unbreakable. Only through a point of measure that's beyond the standards can we elevate. We require a power greater than us for our sense of self to be refined. It's required, else the contrast cannot drive us to be humbled. It's a metaphysical process in it's entirety and it's the only way we can experience refinement. This is what the alchemist said by "we require powers greater than us to move out center". It's that these powers greater than us (on the corporeal level) bring up the context and the opportunity we have to be refined and go all the way into a new level of acceptance, and out of that nourishment naturally arises. Satisfaction. Naturalness of being now the one who's on the pedestal. That's alchemy. That's manifestation. That's everything in reality imaginable. 

Neville Goddard completely failed to properly explain this process of alchemy, yet he claimed to have understood the bible. How can we accept the word of NG when such fundamental processes of consciousness that can be observed in everyone in existence are missed and ignored. To those who say I am wrong to critique NG, you must provide context for this process in his work that correctly outlines what we're attaining in refining the sense of self. NG didn't provide us a framework to apply on this level because he was all about how "I AM" cleans us of all sin, yet never outlines how we can experience this other than that is happens when it's ready to happen. Never any alchemical principles it's just the same trash we hear from all the rest who peddle wishful thinking without mechanics to back it up. The very essence underlying his work, what's between the lines, there's value there but it's not specifically implied you have to interpret his words in ways he might not have wanted and that's the issue. NG's work is so vague and changes much over the course of his career that there's no real consistent message to work with there. He was just all about diving into the experience of I AM. That's what almost all of this bible references were about. He did however speak about the conjunction of lesser and greater elements of consciousness in the lecture "changing the feeling of I" where he was talking about how Daivd is the product that we're creating. He seemed to be outlining that the corporeal being and the I AM (greater consciousness) can become one thing, to be taken up and purified as the alchemist would say. He did seem to see this but it's almost as if he saw the alchemical functions but without actually connecting the mechanics of it. That's what makes his work so confusing, it's like he's claiming there's a process involved but that there's no mechanics to it that are fundamental, like there's no alchemy but that there is indirectly. Attempting to explain this to the common folk who just want to manifest specific people is really pointless, they're not even ready for this stuff let alone to actually comprehend these levels.


Be worshipped. Be valued by the world. Be the one who they all look up to, not because you want it but because it's just a thing that happens when you be yourself. You don't care about fame, but it comes naturally as a result of your influence. You provide thematic essence for the world to receive and reflect and respond to and continue to process in the collective consciousness. This principle alone provides endless power for your consciousness to receive in thematic resonance, your unique signature being amplified and further provided as hope for others to buy into and have as their supply of contrast. You become the one who purifies others. That makes you immortal on a spiritual level. It's the concept of how an ideology cannot be killed, it can only be forgotten and then come back again when it's found by those who apply it and propagate it further once again. Arguably the senses are the most powerful bind we have, we are so heavily limited by the senses that we're bound in corporeal being with them both in the physical and the imaginary levels. The senses when transcended provides to us a foundation of immense influence over reality for we will be driven purely by the sensations of being over the represented conceptual levels of sensory experience.


I'm manifesting passing thoughts every day. Literally I remember having it come up. The way it manifested had almost nothing to do with me though, but it still showed up. It was actually about someone I remembered who had a discount card for a local shop, just the thought of using it to get cheaper stuff would be cool and then the next day they tell me they lost it. Surprising. These types of manifestations have happened multiple times lately for some reason. Passing thoughts have impacts in that way. 




Buying into distractions and staying in the comfort zones means avoiding transforming to own your divine power.

The dynamic dance between yin and yang. We must require Yang as we face the pressure of transformation, currents rise up and purify us from our roots, and yin is present through the acceptance and reception of our true nature. Desires naturally unfold through us.

Through the potential of being embodied through these primary principle elements of consciousness it seems to me that the yang is where we are weakest. The yin is what dominates this world. Reception and lust for the easy way out. The denial of pure raw unrelenting merciless power. This calling has always been present within me, like a voice speaking through the sensations. It's begging me to be driven through it, to ride the waves of satisfaction of going all the way into that. Uncompromising and unstoppable power. I cannot describe it any other way. For years I made animations about this, speed and power and fantastic feats of divine sensation, it came out of me in the most safe and comfortable ways possible. I never actually went all the way and I never fully acknowledged that calling. This was my downfall into the degeneracy I suffered for most of my life. I accepted being "good" and compromising instead of shining that light. Every time it came up I would flow freely with abundance, I would walk and talk and express mannerisms according to this sensation, and people would respond to me with respect simply from this state. My nourishment was significant and they could feel that. This is being embodied in the correct state, there was no end, it was all just me. I was the end. I was the technique. The thematic sensation I owned fully in those brief moments gave me immense influence over the people around me when I did, even though it was heavily limited.

Making decisions out of this place was effortless. I instantly had the courage to say no to people crossing my lines. I always looked them dead in the eye with fire blazing behind them telling them exactly how I felt without holding back. I was satisfied. Satisfied. Uncompromising. Don't you get it!? It's going all the way, completely owning the thematic elements of consciousness that are resonant. I don't know from experience what it's like to experience other thematic elements that aren't mine because I'm fixed in my own ways, but to you, that will be a natural striving towards higher order. A pathway of least resistance just waiting for you to own it and take that supply and express it into the world and provide that through you that others will receive freely. You see it's only when contrast comes up that we actually have perspective to see beyond the normalcy and break limits, to make decisions under pressure and normalise a new baseline. Without that then what is there to work with? What inspiration is there to own your true nature that you're still denying. We are thematic metaphysical beings, not I AM. I AM takes form through us, and living completely as the expressed consciousness of your fixed thematics where you're driven by those almost completely unconsciously and naturally into the related experiences is the point. You just are, you just emanate this thematic arrangement of consciousness. There's no in or out it's just who you are. If you own your supply the sacral will drive you with infinite vitality into expressing that, the response will be strong and naturally drive you. It's only because we've been weakened by accepting the mediocracy of the compromised people around us that we have no point of contrast to compare to that can uplift our spirit and raise the currents of life within us.

To be a god is to become the embodiment of that element of consciousness to the complete extent imaginable. You know no limits because you're simply the uncompromising supply of that themtic. YOU ARE THE SUPPLY. You're not a corporeal being manifesting it you ARE that. Like does that connect? You're not trying to become because that element already exists within you but you're just disowning it. Your drive is waiting for you to wake up and accept it. Cultivating space and all that naturally will unfold through these experiences. You'll be led into the silence after the moments of expression to sink into that expanse. You'll be driven and not need to drive. You'll simply observe the metaphysic in action through your form. Your form is the perfect representation of that metaphysic but your need to fit into the normalcy of this world and conform to expectations and limitations is what's holding back literally unimaginable infinite power. One can only break their limits through denying the senses and going to the root of the thematic supply. You literally become the walking talking living embodiment of that supply and everyone who interacts with you will feel that and be humbled by your presence just as you are humbled in theurgy work by the primordial elements themselves. We are to become the gods of this world, not slaves to the Talmudic Jews who make sin so easy to fall into. Sin is degeneracy. Why would a God accept degeneracy and limit the supply through falling into false identification, by buying into the lusts of the world and false promises of pleasure and influence. What a joke, these people are fools. You're not satisfied because you're still compromising. Still compromising. How do I know this. Because I learned the hard way.

There is no magical state that exists outside of these mechanics that bypasses this. NG spoke about what I'm preaching as the mechanics of manifestation right here. There is no deeper level, it doesn't exist. If it was not for seeing myself as above NG and the rest then I'd never be able to own this and manifest that outcome. My state is responsible for this. My form drives me, I do not intend any of this. It's natural. It's effortless. It's just who I am and that's why. There are other thematic elements within us that we are denying that we are driven to own and accept and become the embodiment for as a means of expression in this world and yet we continue to disown and deny our divine power. I have the gate of power, so my resonance with that is significantly more conscious which is why I naturally am drawn into this context vs others but the same principle applies there too it's just depending on how you consistently are driven towards embodiment. If you've done pathway work then you'd extrapolate those elements and understand who you really are on a thematic level. That's all that exists, everything else is just noise. It's all distracting noise that you're naturally receptive to but falsely assume and buy into vs providing your supply. It's so easy when you see it, but going all the way and fully being driven is the challenge because that requires a quality of consciousness which cannot really be measured. It's truly what faith represents. The knowing of your thematic resonance and that natural striving. That's faith in my opinion. I've defined faith different ways under different contexts but for this example faith is simply the knowing of who you are and being driven by that, by the context of being. 

Own it or die. literally, if we don't we're degenerating and degeneracy is sin. Don't you see the connections yet? The bible teaches us to go all the way into the alchemical ritual that we are and unfold the potential that exists within us for a unique arrangement of supply of consciousness to play out through us. Disowning that is degeneracy. Yet you'll read this as usual and continue to go about living the same way instead of accepting where we're unsatisfied and breaking patterns. Isn't that right? It's how we all operate because comfort is easy. Sin is easy. That's why we all die here and waste a vast majority of our potential for satisfaction. True satisfaction, not this half done stuff but the full extent of your potential, going all the way and owning it completely. That right there is what almost nobody on earth is capable of because it's the challenge of human existence. Facing the pressure of transformation. That's why we exist as alchemical rituals. That potential within to unfold, the Jing, we are constantly depleting ourselves assuming we can accept mediocrity and continue as always. Living correctly to the complete extent is the function of manifestation, and vice versa. 

Look around at the people we live with. Living lives distracted with degeneracy promoted by the minds of marketing gurus roping us into false identification. Manipulation. This whole world and economic system is built upon manipulation, driving people into being not self. It's degenerate and nobody has the guts to call it for what it is and why the reality we live in sucks on a collective level and why Talmudic filth still runs amuck. It's almost like the matrix. People in the NG sphere will tell me that this is a negative outlook on life and I will manifest negative experiences that will confirm this to me, and yet the very influence mechanisms I speak of are driving these people into buying into what NG says about faith and "it will not be late" under the context of just imagining something desired and letting it be. This is not alchemy this is degeneracy that denies our divine creative essence on the thematic level. NG failed to explore these elements completely and if he was so great in his message then why are we still debating about what he meant? Why was he so vague and roundabout with the mechanisms and how he changed them over the years of his lectures and writings. The alchemical process I've outlined is the only process we need to apply to experience anything desired. The deeper you tap into your supply of essence the more satisfaction there is for you. That's your supply of nourishment. Infinite supply, simply from going all the way.

We buy into ease, comfort, mediocrity, sin. Why accept less than perfection? That's our challenge, the contrast truly is to compare to our potential, for the Jing to take it's true form in us and for us to emanate our unique song and dance in this world, whatever that thematically represents. Going all the way garners respect. Those who compromise are disrespected because they disrespect themselves. They deny their divine power and it shows. They feel intimidated by everybody and need to compensate for that lack. Degeneracy. How many connections to I need to make. 

This thematic sensation is familiar. I remember many times when I made radical changes through it and allowed it to transform me. I remember it was similar to the thematic that I reference in my SP manifesting story. Going all the way. One of the best things that NG said was that we needed a "radical change of attitude". That's probably the best way to describe how that feels. It's like getting into the stream of power and influence and nourishment where you have the courage to make the decisions you'd otherwise be paralysed to make.