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The original Reality Synthesis manifestation coaching

Aetheraeon Notebook 10

Aetheraeon Notebook 10

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There's so much I need to write tonight but there's so little time. I've got sooooooooooooooooooo much to go out right now it's insane. This is the start of a new notebook page. Page 10. Wonderful.


So manifesting and the variable. I've been going deeeeep into variables lately. Deeper than I ever have and listening to Ra talk about receptive and active. So The way that I see this whole thing is about active imagination vs passive imagination. If you're L in the brain then you're going to actively imagine and get outcomes. If you're R in the brain then you're going to lead into the experience and allow it to unfold without you being aware of it. You're watching your own movie. The L will direct the movie and focus on directing the movie. NG was L. I am R. That's why it must come through me. Now everybody has that happen for them to some degree but to the awareness the means by which it unfolds is very very important. I have heard some months back that people in the HD community say that manifesting for R means emotional but I strongly disagree I say that if anything the emotional state is completely irrelevant unless there's charge present that's throwing out naturalness. SATS is a highly specific method for each different person. There is no one way to do SATS that works for everybody because not everybody has the same way they receive and process information. We must grasp that the essential nature of manifestation is to unfold through the path of least resistance that exists within us, our resonant thematic nature. When we align to that as an expression of that in our lives and we accept that then we win.

Out of time.. 



Human design is literally a precise nourishment formula for our being.

I believe a big part of imagination is to provide to us an experience that can nourish the body by replicating resonant thematics too. Imagination is all about a virtual nourishing process. If you're manifesting someone then being nourished in that is what's going to provide them supply for that attraction. This is fundamental dynamics.

I believe the Jing contains within it the limiting framework by which we must play the correct notes to unfold the rolled up consciousness we have the capacity to experience and that unfolding this completely "opens the door" to immortality. The alchemist calls this the scaffolding of the soul cage. I believe this is a key point to grasp in what the Jing really represents in how it's limiting us and how it binds us to the design. Ra once again never spoke about this as a potential but everything I have gained insight into over the years points to this being an element of our potential here. 


Another level to HD. Since NG was a manifesting generator with emotional definition I believe that tapping into the correct signature in imagination (separate from emotional) for your type is absolutely essential too because that's what the body wants and how it's responding to the imagined experience. Cracking this code has so many layers. I'm not gonna stop until there's a 100% verified process for everybody to get truly nourishing results with imaginal work.

So this is what I'm having come through me here with this. I think I can unpack this better now. So generators (and manifestors to a degree who are energy types) require a very strong source of vitality in order to experience their signature correctly but there's a thematic to that which naturally is involved in providing the right people at the right times and such. It's a baseline thing that the seed of manifestation will move you through, a thematic series of sensations which modulate your field to drive those responses. For generators the "attraction" from others to them for the generator to respond to REQUIRES a powerful aura in order to even be seen as a source. Generators are only really here to be a supply of vitality for others, because that's what the "life" essence of the sacral is about. That's how we supply conditioning for others and the world, we emanate vitality embodied as a thematic of attraction which is why for a generator being depleted is literal death. That vitality, the "feeling" of that thematic and emanating that is essential to having your form be attractive to others for you to respond to them in your interactions, because that's the view that makes generators "attractive" not just in a physical sensory level sense but in a subtle energy dynamics sense. The thematic dynamics are that people want to taste the generator aura and so since your design which has access to that vitality is there for them to interact with then they're going to play off you which is why generators need to respond. In essence I'm talking about the aura dynamics and the thematics of it.

Now the big thing here is how we can experience this in imagination. If we're imagining the sensation of that thematic auric current being filled and radiant then naturally speaking your form will "feel" that way too since it will respond to the imagined sensation (the spleen and sacral will respond to imaginal stimulus if you've tested this) which is a barometer of what your body basically can be moved through naturally which is correct for it. You're almost conditioning yourself on that level to be more in alignment with your correct signature and THIS is what manifests people and opportunities to respond. That's the supply you're amplifying through imaginal work, at baseline, if consistently moved into. Environment and PHS and view and all these things are simply resonant thematic degrees that the form is nourished by in the world that it can respond to so if we can provide that in a simulated experience on a consistent basis then why would that not have the same impact? This is a means by which someone who understands the playground of the imagination and how it can be used to "tune" the thematics of the body as I've said before with the "feeling sense" that can elicit the response by which the body will naturally be moved into that experience as a replication of that resonant imagined experience. 

There could be the possibility here that seeds can indeed be planted (that are correct with your resonant thematics in a different ratio), but we already know that all the seeds that are set already exist and they come through you. I don't know but this simulated experience to me seems to have the potential to express unique seeds given that you're simulating the experience of unfolding the seeds that exist within. That also would be a reversing of the process of unfolding them through us as we're creating them but that would have to touch on greater consciousness if the form is going to naturally be driven to unfold all those "instructions" for the form as you go through the bridge. Complex theory but I'll see what comes out of that.

Projectors now for example they can sink into the sensation of being recognised and being successful in imagination to drive their invitations to show up more directly. Would this not work since it's a resonant theme of self? If the inner authority feels that response then it will work the same way with the generator. The aura dynamics would play into this and so the focus and degree of depth by which the penetrating nature of the projector has can influence and touch who it needs for the invites to show up. Manifestors will experience peace. Reflectors will be surprised. That's the essence here. Imagining and sinking into the self signature will effectively amplify the "attractive" nature of the response of your inner authority through initiating that process. You're amplifying the essence of your signature that aligns you with people whom your response can be to which can be correct for you and actually nourishing on a deep deep level.

The generator has its main sacral definition channel that manifests the quality of the response. For me it's a rising sensation that comes through flow. For others that quality can vary but the quality of it matters because this quality is also what we will be replicating and not just the specific essence of the thematic because that's channel and line and colour and tone and base qualities that will really be how your tune the sensation. This I believe is partly why imaginal work is so inconsistent because the targeted thematics can be wildly off from what's actually correct. Think of it like this. If you're to pick up on the "feeling" of someone else and you tap into their thematics you can understand what their supply is and what you're receiving from that. We're looking at that on the inverse. 


One of the questions that should be asked in coaching is about does the person feel like they can freely express how they feel without being attacked or made to feel worse for it. Like can a generator respond with a yes or no. The generator who feels like a no but says yes has compromised boundaries. The projector who's well respected and recognised and invited by people of value to them won't want to say yes to all invitations because there's a certain degree of value and vitality that they have and their inner authority, splenic for example, will provide only a response for those who value their vitality. Ultimately I see that in all types, it's that how we're being driven is to cultivate the highest vitality for us and those around us as contributors to that process, so to say. The whole thing with boundaries is quite simply to actually make decisions from the inner authority vs the decisions you're thinking you need to make from your head with all the tug of war games you play. The tug of war means you're not trusting greater consciousness and that is the cause of degeneracy and depletion of vitality. The moment you value your response is the moment you value your vitality. Asking these questions brings out of people their stories because the conditioning will need to justify itself. Breaking that down is important to getting past the tug of war. It really means giving yourself permission to say yes or no under those moments of pressure that really transform you and push your sense of self forward. This extra vitality you're able to then cultivate will be utilised in generating satisfying outcomes where resources of all forms will be available to you to access when needed vs wanting and looking from afar. The reason why you look and want and desire is because you're not responding to your drive towards cultivating that vitality and are buying into conditioning.

All the mental imaginal stuff is just there to get you to move into that place by familiarising yourself with making those decisions and providing almost like a virtual training ground for your response, but we don't think of it that way of course. Imagination has multiple functions but under this context it's simply that you're training yourself to respond to your inner authority in the world and when you do so because you're built familiarity with it then you'll manifest what you seemingly imagined. If it came without any difference in response (which you often don't know because your body moves unconsciously all the time anyway so you wouldn't likely realise the difference in response) then it's because your signature changed in what you're attracting to you as I mentioned before. It's that or the already existing seed of desire unfolds through you the way you're suppose to be open and receptive towards and you accept that in your experience which then drives your body to move in all the right ways automatically to make that happen, and to influence the people involved from top down through the monopole in the right ways.

There's also an interesting idea where being a more correct generator is really about providing your anchor for the sacral current to be where you embody your life from and not all floaty up in your head. It's how energy flows. The definition will be more active when there's current running through them, but that depends on who you're being. You'll notice that you're going to overthink when you've got whacked endocrine and nervous systems as generators instead of just living from the sacral. That's the point here is that mental chatter and tug of war is a symptom of compromised decisions. You won't feel capable of manifesting what you want because you don't feel like you have the energy for it, you play tug of war because the sacral isn't juiced up. If the sacral is juiced up then why wouldn't you want to say no because you're then driven by a far far far more intense sensation from your sacral circuit vs the mental stuff that's causing hesitation and indecision and all these signs of a weak sacral anchor. There's a rune called Uruz and an inverted uruz rune reveals this thematic to us. You're lacking fundamental sacral essence that's driving those responses. Higher endocrine function will solve this for the most part, but that involves also eating according to your determination design and also being in your environment that's resonant, else you'll just be trying to make up for holes in other ways with overcompensation methods that really isn't helping your baseline and you're still depleted and aging.

Projectors don't need to worry about much of this because their currency of vitality is basically their recognition as a powerful guide in essence. That recognition is the projector version of sacral charge and power that's like a powerful lightbulb attracting bugs in the dark. You need to be that bright light as a generator if you want to have a powerful and satisfying life. The more power you have there the more satisfying it can be IF you use your vitality correctly and act based on the response. The more current you have that you're not acting correctly on the faster you'll be depleted and die. That's degeneracy and is against how greater consciousness is driving you.



There's sooo much more to unpack I can't even describe. Spent hours going over more source material from Ra on stuff I've yet to do to the complete depth on. Found more. 

I believe a massive part of this once again is about "where" your awareness is in your body, and that not self conditioning lighting up undefined receptors makes your awareness or the focus of your subconscious be contracted and limited in the incorrect thematic "location" within the integrated greater process. I believe that for sacrals the most powerful thing is to literally live AS a sacral being. Period. Just live from the sacral at all times. Place your spatial sensation at baseline in that area and cultivate familiarity with this. I believe this also has the potential to increase subconscious space further because there's an overlap of the conscious and unconscious mind.

Sacral energy is literally what brings people to us. I know without a shadow of a doubt now that the root is where sacral power is "stored" and raises up and is made manifest as the energy we experience through the sacral response as a result of increased yang in the root, but there must also be available yin to catalyse. Now it's not that the yang is what's causing it but the steam that's a more dense form of yang between yin and yang, like a vapor of vitality. This is one of the biggest things I learned about internal alchemy from that daoist alchemical text I read years ago that I cannot find. It wasn't source material specifically but it was very resonant with what I've come to understand since. The sensation of sacral "pleasure" sensations of the uhuh and such sounds is literally a raising of yang that's actually manifesting steam which "turns the turbine" you could say of the sacral motor. The thing is when you're not raising the currents when the form is providing you response to and you don't utilise that available current then this vitality becomes pathogenic and causes excess heat in the sacral which is what most people experience as liver qi stagnation in TCM terms. I'm finding so many connections between TCM and HD now it's crazy. Satisfaction unfolds when all the available vitality to use for the response has spun the turbine fully vs being stuck under it and not turning it the way it needs to be, not playing the right note, not unfolding the Jing as there's access to vitality. 


The more sacral energy you have the more you'll "attract" others, in all ways. It's the magic because it's aura dynamics.


I want to discuss more on undefined ego and competition. I've recognised not self themes of the undefined heart as being overly competitive or withdrawing excessively into self punishing for not being good enough. There's never a healthy level of self value and how others perceive them when conditioning is in play. 

Once again I lost my flow so fast this time. Strange.


Well this came to me. I literally have proven without a shadow of a doubt now that it's very simply vitality that transforms how you manifest as a generator. People will "magically" contact you because they "feel" your supply. That's why. It's 100% a function of field geometry interactions that when your sacral is juiced up you're going to attract literally everything you desire. Gazing amplifies this and actually purifies the quality of the sacral further to attract higher quality interactions. 



There’s no way that what I said above doesn’t explain manifesting specific people. I just scripted our contact with 3 people and they all contacted me while I was sleeping. Path of least resistance. I’ve been using my energy as correctly as I can lately and it’s so obvious that my “good luck” is spilling over into other peoples lives lately. Someone I know who always had bad luck and hated themselves now feels like they’ve got value and they’re receiving free things and compliments and being more respected. Something in me brought put something in them which they saw and let go of. You realise that your body does all the work. You look back at a period of time and realise that you didn’t do any of it. All that interaction was aura. It’s just so crazy to think that letting go is the solution to all our issues. Holding onto what’s our false supply is our issue. Even if who we truly are in definition seems to be on the surface someone who’s not accepted we will still always find people who resonate with us despite being more extreme than most in who you are in thematics. You don’t even need physical interactions to change people. There seems to be some overlap of aura even over distance. 

It’s wild too because I’ve actually felt that “longing” for someone I’ve not experienced in aaaaages. It’s not actual desire it’s energy dynamics. It’s almost like I’m having an unconscious energy conversation with them as each day passes and they communicating with their aura. When you get powerful enough and sensitive to this stuff you can feel the influence of others over you. Being blocked up will actually make this difficult for someone to feel, especially if it’s lots of splenic or emotional conditioning. This is very interesting because actually experiencing what RA talks about with the aura types and how they’re felt is really important to grasp the depth of those words and concepts. To experience aura is different from reading about it. It’s all process within process and interferometry. That video I put out with the fundamentals back in early 2023 revealed everything. Wave interferometry is just like aura interferometry where various thematic frequencies modulate each other and when in a proportionate self recursive manner they create something new that’s conscious in itself just through the interaction. Every time you overlap something else you create a between space and you unconsciously are influenced by it. This is how consciousness (process) expands and becomes aware of itself. It’s all physics. No probability but pure thematic elements interacting. Modern scientists paid for by Joo funded establishments and investors will willingly stay on the dark to avoid facing this fact.

I’m a destroyer. I am rarely able to build out something from scratch and connect all the hundreds of dots. Every time I try it’s coming from not self and I get frustrated. I just can’t synthesise Reality Synthesis myself probably because of my undefined root that’s disconnected from the rhythm channel. Can’t get satisfying rhythm doing that work but my ego split can always have will to go out and decapitate and destroy. The rest of my body wants to just move, like physically flow, and my head is doing its thing and unpacks when it’s ready to. Every attempt from me to bring this all together has never worked, not in a cohesive and structured manner. I know I have enough dots here but doing it myself is the issue because of my splits. Unless I’m around someone when I’m in the studio who can hook me up to my throat and my root then there’s no way I can do this myself correctly. I accept that. Within myself I’m a physically flowing destroyer of worldviews who receives divine insights from time to time and sometimes writes them down before I forget them. When I’m around others who hook me up I become an unstoppable force of metaphysical mastery. Who you are around others is not who you are within, and being a triple split it’s even more intense. Having so much insight and yet no real way to get it out in my own time. With my receptive mind I can’t dig in and pull out info when I need it I have to speak it out of me when my body is busy. When I’m around others I can articulate myself differently than alone. Having such a split design with a receptive mind and the process of thinking I need to do anything is my issue. I don’t need to do anything at all ever I just need to unfold as I am driven to and that’s correct for me. No more and no less. That’s all I need. I’m not someone who can sit and contemplate and think because the moment I gain focus my power vanishes. It must come through me when I don’t realise I’m doing it. When I look back and realise I did something is when I operate correctly because that is all what my natural rhythm is doing. 

It’s so tempting to buy into not self stuff because it “feels” good but really it’s depleting and makes you think you’re someone you’re not which is the contrast to where your body is driving you. That’s what we need to let go of. Letting go means letting yourself make decisions from you and not from external influence. This idea is propagated in so many spheres in this world who think they know what that means but they have no clue in reality. There’s so many levels of depth here it’s unbelievable. It’s like I can “feel” everything I know but I can’t put it into words. That pressure is palpable and yet it has no outlet because of the split to the throat. Without being hooked up I have no way of truly articulating myself in the way I feel and all I can do is allow whatever is there to come through me the way it does without judgement. Whatever comes through me is suppose to even if on it’s own it doesn’t make sense when connected to the grand scheme of things. That’s the nature of being triple split with a design like mine. Unless you get hooked up your mental and emotional flow is dependent on others. That’s something I cannot change unless I complete the great work and integrate every part of myself completely and be re-birthed. There’s so much power available to my sacral system and the connected channels and just living from that as my primary source of drive is the most satisfying. The thing is that has next to nothing to do with my process with RS and yet that’s how I gain my power to attract and manifest. These contradicting elements of who I am must be accepted and surrendered to if I am to complete the great work.

All the insights I’ve shared here so far have been building something likely for a greater purpose than what I’m purely here to share with. Reality Synthesis seems to be a catalysing hub for a variety of different types to come and read and learn from. Since I’m so split what comes through me often feels like it can some from different people and that’s why. It’s the splits doing their thing and being able to fully feel them and know them and make peace with them is the only way to satisfaction. Trying to operate from all of them at once when I’m not conditioned is just going to cause frustration and resistance because there’s no way I can link my head and my heart together to my rhythm channel. Without the rhythm channel running there’s no satisfaction. I can feel the self theme of my head and my heart in solitude but that’s not generative vitality without the sacral involved and yet to generate vitality through those other splits involves being conditioned. Knowing self is everything. All of my splits allowed me to have the time and space to process these things in the way I have and without it I might not have come to these conclusions, or went through what I did for some years before with being so depleted and gaining experience from being on the bottom extreme of things. The splits and emotional definition that enables me to experience the depth of what's coming through me on the ego side mostly is beneficial for building a contrast between attachment to ideas and the ideas themselves to see between the identification and the information itself as it waxes and wanes through what's active at the time. This is how I gain my wisdom from being in my own space.


Relationships are naturally designed to be conflicting. Naturally attracting back an ex is a piece of cake if you've got highly vital generative current that they're juiced up by and want to taste again. The moment you imagine them with you that targets them and they feel that influence. They think of you and your energy you provide them and they just have to reach out to feel like they can be juiced up again because being on their own without that supply isn't feeling good for them, even though that's what they need to make peace with. Someone who breaks up and doesn't work on themselves will inevitably want you back because they know your energy and they want to taste it. It's not "you" they want it's your energy. That's the issue with relationships that are dependent on your vitality as a generator or a manifestor because your motors become their supply of vitality and sense of value as a result. They don't need that but they feel that they're not good enough in their own space in their own energy. They become dependent on you and that destroys them through the not self conditioning and eventually when they realise their value they're going to split or at least withdraw so they can be in their own space. This is why RA says to sleep alone, else you're going to become dependent. This dependency is what needs to be realised and broken. If you're using others as a supply of vitality then you're not going to win, not unless you're a projector or reflector and know yourself and your role to play and accept that. My SP has 4 powerful electromagnetic channels that makes us get juiced up like crazy when together, and we also share the same primary authority channel off the sacral so our relationship is super fiery but we also know each other and share much resonance between us due to our our sacrals both respond to the same primary thematics. These types of relationships are very rare but it seems I got who I needed and I had no idea that they had these channels until I looked at their design. She's also highly highly attractive to others because of the powerful aura where the 15-5 is defined with an immense amount of vitality available for others to grab onto and so when she's playing correctly she has serious luck in life as a result where people will want to give her stuff and go out of their way to taste her aura. That's the thing, two people with powerful auras with this rhythm channel defined who go out together with me having unconscious and her having conscious definition makes us literally live in our own extremely potent bubble of vitality that people will just need to taste. People give compliments and free gifts and we get discounts and extras on whatever we're involved with. That magic we already have is amplified significantly so when together and it's just crazy.

Studying HD to it's depth is the most profound thing I've done to provide real metaphysical understanding to the real world and how we live. I can attract basically anyone and that wasn't a function of my assumption it was a function of my definition. My pros and cons must be recognised and owned. It's not something we can change.


Holy cow I had a massive insight.

Planting seeds is a generator thing. It's not something we do in imagination but is a thing we do by providing our supply of vitality to the world which unfolds what that vitality was being used for. That's what "manifesting" is under the NG term. We've had it wrong the whole time. Planting seeds doesn't mean manipulating anything but to play out an alchemical process of transformation. Your sacral says yes I have vitality to do this, it unfolds through you and it is "planting" seeds. People will come to your garden (representing your cultivated and applied vitality in the world through your aura) and sip from the waters of your fountain and eat the fruits of your labour. You don't reap the rewards by controlling but you reap the rewards naturally because that's who you are as a generator providing your supply of vitality where people are nourished by you being yourself. There's ZERO control because control is going to deplete your vitality and take out that attractive vitality from your aura where people will not want to come to you as you've got no supply for them. You're designed to be a supply of vitality. If as a generator you live as a supply of vitality then everything will come to you as result.


I just had some random person from Indonesia call me on WhatsApp and ask if I am available to catch up. Can't make this stuff up. It's the field that they're linking into, you're juicing them up like crazy and they want to interact with you to taste it. This is mostly unconscious they won't know why or anything it's just something they feel the need to do and if there's no resistance against that (contrast with the mind throwing them out of where they're being driven) then they'd experience that. THIS IS MANIFESTATION. You're becoming comfortable with being yourself and your auric vitality is what "attracts" people and that's the "ways and means we know not of" that NG mentioned. 


"The moment you have these three different areas, in fact, you do not have an interest in being whole - Ra.


I believe that the nature of immortality involves expanding the capacity for mutation to reach different processes that are greater than the level we're at now. I believe that you're never fully "immortal" in that sense because death is the end of process of transformation. Natural death means that the function has unfolded fully, the door to energy closes as mutation has no further function. How do we expand this? Quintessence is introducing a mutative function as you're interacting with mother spirit essence by taking it, thus you're prolonging vitality through transformation. I believe that endocrine health in absolute principle is about the potential for mutation. Mutation being the underlying function of process, for interferometry, for mixing of processes. The more we mix our internal process with itself on a higher order level the further we can expand that potential and continue to keep the door open. The form is naturally driven to unfold these mutative notes in its function, and playing those notes provides us the experiences and views required for us to play our function in mutative process internally and in the resulting external effect. The more correctly you live the further that goes, but in the sense of full immortality I don't believe that this level alone is enough. This is simply the foundation by which the alchemical work I teach in immortality training can expand that. If we can continue to amplify the mutative function which the form exists for to serve the integration with greater process then there's no way that vitality can diminish in any significant way. Why would it if it's serving a function and that function continues to play out? This is why I say the reason why every other form of life decays except us because we have the potential as simulacrums to expand beyond where the base drives us to fulfil. It's that when alchemical functions are played out as an expanded level of mutation then this can expand vitality further as a result. Nothing else can do that but us, or the 7 center precursors to us where alchemical understanding originated.

Mutation is fundamentally a pressure, so it's root and mental. That manifests as insight and sacral vitality. Both of these mirror each other in their capacity to come together and form something greater than the sum of the parts. This is what the alchemist speaks of as our embryonic capacity. There's so many levels here but the essence is that we must cultivate higher order substances and have them naturally interact together in order to generate new substances that are of divine function, as in they serve a greater mutative function for greater consciousness through us. Through us is the point. 

The 29th gate is the point of no return. The 29th gate represents the embrace of life. When the ice moon circulates and shuts down the 29th gate then the effect is the embrace of death over having the perseverance through mars. It's a depletion of the natural striving towards expansion where the drive to create dissipates, thus why it's a sacral gate. The interesting thing about this gate is that it represents the point of no return with vitality cultivation, at least according to the cycles of the ice moon and its activations in the sacral. This is the death. The alchemist has spoken many times about the minor conjunction being a reflective death process where the lesser yin and yang have become one thing, as in the root and mental processes have fused into one form of pressure and thus opens a new greater level of expression, which may mutate the circuits though I don't know. To me this seems to negate the influence of the ice moon shutting down that gate by locking it down through the conjunction that likely happens through the center 3 columns that connect the root to the head. Once again I don't know this but I feel it, I cannot prove it with examples like I can most other stuff but I believe there's something here of importance in understanding solar cycles and the depletion of vitality through biochemical interactions that are made manifest as a result of these activations. Just some more interesting notes.


From what I've read it's that when the design crystal and the monopole become one then there is death and there is a stopping of the heart and the brain loses function where the personality leaves. So in this sense what I said before about the interaction of lesser yin and yang coming together to form a completely new substance leads to this process being changed. Completing the lesser conjunction should in theory release one from death, though I do not know. I am not even half way to that level yet so I cannot speak from experience. 

"If you look at every single one of the hexagrams, what you're really looking at is 64 archetypal false authorities. In other words this is the way we've been conditioned and we've been conditioned by those who are representatives of what will alleviate the fear of any of those particular hexagram formulas"


There's so much. So much information I can't describe.

I've gone deeper into emotional clarity once again from an NG LOA perspective and I believe I've fully cracked the code. NG was a manifesting generator with the tribal circuit emotional definition present. He had 49 and 37-40 which is the channel of community. One that I have too. His was totally unconscious so it was second nature and he almost didn't even realise that this was part of him. The fact is that this emotional wave is the one I described before as the ladder one where you're climbing up and up and up over time until you reach the peak and it pops. Ra says it's called the "ratcheting wave" but I call it the ladder wave, taking a new rung on the ladder as similar to turning the ratchet. Either way NG experiences this wave unconsciously and it's a function of intense uprising and explosions and in that explosion you realise the truth and it all comes out. What comes out is the truth, you can't hide it, it's been cooking under your skin for ages and you've been boiling in it until it's too much. You cannot deny the truth, and thus you react to it, for if it was not the truth you'd not feel anything over it and you'd be comfortable. Recognise that this can also be in positive directions too, as in a gradual building of emotional charge till it's exploded and you realise the truth. The thing is that this truth IS the experience of the wave unfolding, until the depth of it hits you too hard that you just let it out. The wave itself is the truth, the feeling of that peak and dip is the point. It's over time where you see these peaks and dips over and over that you gain clarity. It was no mistake that in my experience the moment I sat with my feelings and recognised they were always temporary and had that clarity about what was happening that my SP manifested and is still with me today ever since that moment. I gained clarity and thus it opened me up to insight that I couldn't have otherwise.

Now the interesting part here is that in my experience of having this wave it's that truth and insight can only unfold if you surrender to the wave and allow it to come through you. If you're constantly holding it in and hiding it and feeling bad about it and judging it then you're placing mental labels on the clarity and causing a "delay" to the moment of bursting by disrupting the natural timing that wave is representing for when that moment of clarity arises. Splenic and pure sacral can't do this. They don't reach a point where "enough is enough" and it just HAS to come out and all that sacral current just HAS to be used for what it's driving you towards. Listen when I say that your sacral can say yes to something as an emotional gen but if you're not comfortable with it then it's not time for you to act on that because the emotional sense is itself telling you ahead of time that going into that uncomfortable experience will result in an unsatisfying experience, even if energy is available. Emotional authority requires a coherent nervous and endocrine system to function correctly as far as I'm concerned because it's the comfortability in reaching the point where the emotional current has reached it's crescendo and you now know that this is the correct decision to make. It's that you're using the emotional sense, the feeling sense, the literal organ of cognition of emotional currents cycling up and down in amplitude as your guidance system as to what will and what will not be satisfying. Understand that your emotional wave is providing you information about the nature of your experience that others can't get. It's picking up on aspects of awareness that your eyes and ears and sacral and ego and all that stuff can't sense and so it's providing you another layer of depth in your experience of self which allows for powerful insights to wash over you as the waves unfold. It's a unique sense in itself and that's the point. Emotional sense under a HD perspective exists for the function of giving your consciousness a more intense experience of life. It's no better or worse than other senses it's just one that is more of a drawn out expansion of in the moment sensory authority which is making decisions moment by moment. The solar plex allows you to make decisions into the future but you just don't see it when you're in the middle of it. Those decisions are your timing that the wave is unfolding, it's an expanded time based authority for without the expanded time that the wave represents as you're going through the gathering of pros and cons of something that eventually to you provide an insight as to where the truth lies. It's that you get to go through the ups and downs of what a decision represents, vs all the information packed into an instant response of yes or no that pure sacral gets.

That is the function of the emotional authority. The emotional authority exists to provide your mind with all the degrees of yes and no that exist with a decision so that you can have a story to tell. These intense emotional states provide a deeper level of awareness over ones body over a drawn out time vs an in the moment sensation. It's a function of being the always present guide that you can check up on and communicate with to get a "feel" for which decisions you should or shouldn't make. Once again no other authority is drawn out like this and it's got the function of providing an expansive sensation of experience that's almost like body contemplation vs mental contemplation. It's the body sense of thought, except an expanded one vs an in the moment one. That's the idea and as it unfolds what information it's contemplating on which you experience as emotional sensation then you're going to eventually reach the conclusion, just like solving a problem as you go through the parts of the solution. That's the timing. When you know you've got the answer you feel comfortable, but that pressure exists until it's complete. That's emotional authority explained in a way nobody else has explained it as far as I know. It's the body problem solving sense where it gathers experience over a period of time just like the mind would solve a math equation over time and eventually reach a point of clarity when the answer has come up where that energy available in the sacral can then be acted on with certainty and comfort knowing that it's the correct decision. If someone told me this when I first started out with HD I would've made better decisions that's for sure. 

Allowing yourself to feel all your feelings is REQUIRED to gain clarity because without that you're not solving the equation that the body is going through. If you hold back feelings you cannot attain clarity. You must go through them. This is what going through your feelings really means. The full experience of unfolding the wave is required for comfort. Dissolving emotional waves isn't about making them go away or whatever it's about solving the problem using the emotional sense except it's not your mind doing it it's your body solving the problem for you so long as you ride the waves without expectation because they will lead you to insight if you allow them to unfold. That's your power. The time thing where Ra says to sleep on it is that in the moment you're hyped up but when you've woken up the next day and there's no emotional current when you think about it then the nature of the insight about what that means to you has changed. This is the point, you're feeling differently because your body doesn't feel charged up over that thing and what you thought was once a great idea in the moment isn't really for you after all because the sacral response isn't present anymore. Without a comfortable feeling and a sacral response the emotionally defined being shouldn't be diving into things. That's why you should wait, wait to gather information over time vs having the information be packed into an instant sensation. That's the secret of the solar plex.

NG manifested with his design of the ladder wave in by "working himself up" which was him simply experiencing the full emotional sense of his authority relating to something. If there was no clarity then we wouldn't be able to attain truth in his imagination as there'd be no current from the solar plex to ride. There must be a sacral response in this case relating to desire and NG had the ladder circuit so it would be a gradual building (just as he says in his techniques) which exploded and satisfaction comes out of him as a result, because he went all the way in gathering the insight as to if this is for him or not. The insight he has is that it's just like going through an emotional wave that comes out of experiencing something for real and having the emotional wave unfold through you to gain insight as to if this is correct or not. He's "speeding up" the emotional wave in his imagination by simulating experiences that will provide the peak he needs to complete the wave and reach comfort, or in his case a sensation of satisfaction and relief. That's the idea I believe. He's working with HD without even realising it and considering he uses the bible to explain his techniques of working himself up it to me wouldn't make sense because not everybody has this authority. The bible wouldn't have been written for those people with emotional authority because it wasn't a thing back then. Those with pure sacral or whatever in the moment authority they have would simply experience it in their imagination and as a result have the response provide them a certainty of what they're going to be moved towards as the form has responded with YES and they experienced that which is their clarity. They're getting use to HD without realising it, but the issue is nobody realises that this is actually the mechanic. The specific manifestation level relates to the thematic that's the subject of experience which the clarity is gained over. 

Imagination holds no magic power because only the seeds of manifestation that come through us are the ones we're comfortable with. When we experience them as though they're second nature, without contrast of NO or anxiety from the solar plex or the safety tingle saying to move away to comfort, no matter what it's this experience of contrast that warps that natural unfolding of those seeds within us that we must become comfortable with and or have the available time and or vitality to respond to. If you're imagining something truly satisfying then you know your truth and it will be yes. If it's safe the spleen will say yes and you will know. You will be moved because there is clarity, you will naturally be moved and they will want to taste your supply and it will manifest and unfold. That's the process of manifesting and it proves irrefutably that there's no mind magic quantum reality timeline shifting stuff going on it's all field interactions. 

I believe that the imaginal stuff is entirely about eliciting the response from your inner authority to be correct for the themetics of the experience which will drive your body into the right experiences with the people involved through the monopole. I believe the monopole has interaction with greater consciousness and that manifesting according to inner authority response is an alchemical process which brings us closer to ourselves on that greater level. You can only really effectively manifest what is correct for you based on how your authority responds. Without the response then you’re going to meet resistance which is going against how the seeds of manifestion are unfolding with mental conditioning and contrast to natural striving. You bacislly want to imagine to the point where the body is responding and the function of having sensory depth is to have the body response and then to make that decision in imagination as though it was real. That is a satisfying experience therefore and thus you actually cultivate vitality from that. It has multiple functions and can explain healing health issues too along with manifesting people to change and objects to be discovered you forgot. All kinds of things. Just as long as your inner authority responds to the experience. Having a coherent endocrine and nervous system will provide you the platform to realise this. 



Another magic date

So here's something. What if you never had to accept needing to buy into these feelings that aren't representing what you want. What if you can just let that go and make the decision that you actually want to, that you're clear on and have resonance with. What if you can just make that decision and move on and leave the baggage behind. Drop it and leave it all behind. That's what it's like to live from the body and not from the mind with all it's reasoning as to why you must ignore what your body is telling you. Just let go and accept that it's ok. It's ok.


The Sacral is mostly replenished through sleep. If you've got bad sleep it's because you're not using the energy available to it and it's stuck causing stagnation which disrupts sleep or it's got a simple lack of vitality available to it where there's just no juice in the tank to use. I see sacral energy like testosterone, free test, but also the sensitivity to test through androgen receptor and neurotransmitters. This also relates to the solar plex too but less so than the sacral. You'll find that in people who naturally build high levels of androgen sensitivity that they radiate vitality, it's not just about the hormone density but the sensitivity to it and I also believe this relates to subconscious capacity to a degree because you'll find that people who have space are able to process their emotional wave and gain insight from what it's revealing to them and make decisions upon it more clearly. Usually. Either way people with charged sacral motors are almost unable to stop themselves from using that available current because it's so powerful and pretty much forces you to act and move. This also amplifies the sacral magnetism too. This is why most people benefit from seed retention because it's holding the bank of vitality that the sacral has access to.

Awareness of the emotional solar plex can be built through the sacral center. Most people who are generators and have whacked solar plex very likely have weak sacral too, or at least very frustrated stuck sacral. Clearing up the sacral by providing it correct use of available vitality and also creating space will improve that emotional awareness and amplify magnetism. I've heard that the 34 apparently has been a mutation of the sacral which doesn't make the grunting sound as a response to the sacral. I have this gate conscious so it makes sense. I also believe that the feeling of wanting to nap and sleep is essential too, as rest is the means by which the sacral sinks into satisfaction and naturally replenishes more vitality to be used when awaking.

I believe old 7 center humans generally speaking had more access to sacral vitality than we do.

Ultimately we should only be responding to the yes or no from the sacral, and I believe that a vast majority of depletion which people get frustrated over and feel that need to act over the sacral response comes out of simply not allowing themselves to be as they are. If you're in a bad financial state and you're at a job you hate and all that stuff and your sacral is saying no to more work but you've got to pay bills and you're causing further stagnation then the best thing to do would to amplify that available vitality through various methods and even herbal supplements to boost yang. 

Often when you think you're getting a yes response and you're significantly depleted it's actually your sacral saying to chill and cultivate further. If you cultivate vitality and it's available then you'll be able to respond to it and move into the usage of that vitality to build something.

The sacral has a rhythm to it, not just me but all sacrals. There's activity then rest cycles. 




I think I've unlocked another level here. Specific manifesting is a highly highly specific process depending on your field geometry. There's too much to write out I don't have time for it all I'd be here for like 2 hours but I'll get out what's here now.

So in my case I look at all the times that manifestation has worked consistently and reliably for me as I've documented basically everything I've had show up and every single time it involved me "breaking limits" with my experience of self as a thematic or it came through me. Casual scripting also works reliably but the depth of what comes in depends on how comfortable I am in that place, which is why I do it in the mornings after deep gazing as I have a mirror next to my bed mounted on the wall with the candle on the side. I believe that this has everything to do with the movement of how vitality and thematics flow through my circuits. I am a manifesting generator with 3 splits. My head is completely split from the rest of me and my ego and solar plex is split on it's own island connected between the 40-37. This means that since my authority is emotional and the sacral generates current when I'm in my own space my manifesting ability has to do with how my motor connects to my throat which represents the thematic of externalisation of alchemised currents (the steam I talk about a lot which is the catalysing of yin under the minister fire which circulates with the thematic essences representing the state that that reaches the throat through the G that's "manifested" as a modulating frequency for what it is I'm attracting through my sacral magnetism) that require multiple centers connected together to formulate a unique signature that's going to draw experiences that correspond to the thematics integrated in that experience. There must be a sacral response for current to raise up, like MUST because the sacral response IS the minister fire burning and "turning on" the proverbial burner to catalyse the reaction in the flask representing the alchemical currents available to circulate. Not listen the secret here is that depending on your circuits and the way that currents are catalysed and reach the throat (or not) determines your manifesting method because I've spent hours looking at the deepest depths of NGs design and I see entirely how his writings explain his specific alchemical function in the way his emotional waves were moved into reality through the ego through the same channel I have which is bargaining. He would be imagining scenarios that relate to the experiences of that thematic where his ego motor which is very powerful can move him through the world and others around him to magnetise to the generator aura that's supercharged by his 5-15 channel that's unconscious defined like mine is. His experiences in manifesting only work for those who have the same circuits like him AND have the ability to go through the emotional waves and sacral responses that act as the transforming currents that define your authority and motor. 

Since my rhythm channel connects to my throat through the channel of the prodigal and my solar plex connects to my ego through the channel of the bargain I am able to have 2 different pathways of manifestation by which I can direct currents and specifically transform them. Think of it like formless water being turned to steam and then taking a colour upon it as it raises up through the sacral and the channels that it flows off which represents the "flavour" by which these currents will express as in the thematic experience in the world. This is naturally attracted as a function of the available sacral vitality available which as I've said before relates very closely to the coherency of your nervous and endocrine function. In HD it's relating the liver to that center but the biochemical functions present to me the connection between these other organ systems and how vitality is manifest, which I believe is more so related to how the root supplies the sacral but whatever. Either way the way we manifest depends on our circuits. Projectors manifest differently because they're non energy types just like reflectors. They won't be using a motor to the throat as that is what creates a "manifestor" type which I am one of. The way they manifest would be more so a function of receiving from the other through providing direct direction. Remember success to the projector is how they are fulfilled which isn't about using energy or recognising impact as a manifestor and success has everything to do with them simply being recognised as a guide for the generator and manifestor and reflector to operate correctly. The reflector manifests specific things through their open receptive nature, since there's no supply to alchemical equipment within them to manifest specific functions they manifest what they sample from the world which defines who they are and constitutes their self theme of surprise. That's the beauty of being a reflector. There's no need to control because they get what they want anyway in the self theme.

The point is that the bible was written for 7 center beings who were strategic and mental based, we are 9, according to HD. All of that was alchemical principles which is why they still apply to us anyway but the people who manifested using bible principles in the times before weren't the same as us but NG didn't know that. This function of specific manifestation has everything to do with who you are in your circuits that are defined. If you've got emotional connection to throat then emotional experiences will manifest those corresponding thematics because that's how the current is catalysed for your circuits. If you're sacral for the motor to the throat then it's going to be satisfying flow (NG spoke about the rhythmic breathing technique about "working yourself up into an explosion" which relates to both his emotional wave going off through the ego and the sacral and the flow channel going up to his throat through the G which is why he manifested this way and used these terms and wrote the way he did. NOT EVERYTBODY HAS HIS DESIGN! That's the REAL secret behind what NG wrote that nobody talks about and explains why his work doesn't work for everybody. Now even if you've got a similar design to him (as I do, to a scarily accurate degree actually even with the islands of splits being defined) that doesn't mean you've got access to the sacral currents to use these methods the way he did. If you're depleted then you've got no chance of using his methods because the alchemical functions require significant sacral vitality to work. I've done this before and you can feel the difference when there's a powerful supply vs not. You feel the sacral "wave" surge through your body and not just a little rising up gust of wing but a whole tidal wave of tingles that shoots up your spine and for me usually stops in the G. I've never had gazing quickenings reach the head before which is likely because my channels are undefined, though being around others might enable that.

There's much more to explore here and unpack but I'm out of time.

I'm going to destroy what NG wrote by breaking down why imagination is not god and that it's all alchemical and depends on your definition and also how nourished you are in your process as the supply of stability for your circuits to operate correctly. His were optimally functioning so we can't compare someone who's drained to him even with the exact same design. There's so many variables here at play and my testing would indicate that this is possible. My SP manifestation had IMMENSE ego power and emotional current going through where I felt the clarity in that moment of rebellion which is what drove me to have such intensity. That intensity is what moved the current to manifest that experience. I believe that motors even without connection to the throat can manifest but I'll have to do more testing on this. 

Variable also plays a part too. Without motors the body is not moved. These are not awareness centres they are motors they drive the form through the incoming stream from the G and move you unconsciously to manifest what’s integrated. We must grasp that motor conditioning drives others in such a powerful way into the not self that if you’ve got motors defied with powerful channels then using the available vitality to move them and basically force someone into a conditioned state (that’s if they’re buying into not self) then you can influence them through that means. It’s not mind magic it’s all field geometry interactions. The degree to which your motors can influence others depends entirely on how vital you are which is why it always starts with cultivating nourishing currents that are available to you in making decisions which value your vitality. 



So much to go through. There's like an insane amount of pressure in my head this last week to just work on this more and more and more every day. I've received so much new stuff I almost don't know what to do with it all because there's not enough connections between them to formulate new concepts. Two things coming together to form a new concept. Alchemy

So projectors with mental definition are likely going to manifest through the mind because that's where the definition connects through to the throat, so conceptualised insights are pushed out.


The energy that rises up from the sacral and goes through the G seems to be where I am experiencing the sensation of "bringing there here now". 



There's so much I need to talk about again. I just can't get it out unless I'm talking about it to myself lately it seems.

So I've discussed this point before about how manifestation responds to you and provides you the experiences that you actually need to move through your trash. I said some months back that we can actually be moved to experience instability and out of that instability it reveals to us where we're making the wrong decisions that throw us out of flow and into contrast with where the seed is unfolding for us. Like the seeds exist within us but the thing is that we're filled with contrast and lacking vitality that we confuse the path for the resistance we think we're facing and we're not allowing ourselves to go through the pressure in those moments. The point I'm making here is that manifestation unfolds though us, be it as a specific imaginal experience (thematic resonance) or through the seeds naturally unfolding through us that are already there, it works both ways, and in order for us to actually be driven to play the correct notes for that experience to unfold and the thematic of it to be reflected and resonant then you require to be clear and not driven by contrasting mental tendencies that are throwing you away from that natural striving greater consciousness is moving you through. Understand that. Manifestation works through you no matter what and the inner authority is how you know if a decision is correct to make which will keep you playing the correct notes for your satisfaction to unfold through those decisions. If you make mental decisions that are going against what the striving is moving you into then it's not going to work and you're going to play the wrong note.

Being able to receive and flow with drive depends on various factors, such as vitality, understanding of the self and not self and experience moving into and out of that, subconscious capacity, clear direction and insight into your process. All of these provide us layers to work with when we're moving through the notes we're designed to play. Vitality is in my experience for generators especially one of if not the most important part of the process. So the point I made ages ago is that perhaps along the path to playing the correct notes you're going to receive signs and such as bits that the thematic resonance is showing you in a limited manner so that you can actually feel the feeling of correctness or incorrectness in your decisions to provide clarity in how to play the correct note. It's there and it's driving you but you're not seeing it. Manifestation works "instantly" through you but you don't realise it is. Instantly meaning that you get the right drives on the spot the moment that you've stabilised the thematic sensation and are moving through it, but you don't recognise you're moving into that. This once again is why pathway work is powerful. 

Grasp this. Like this is extremely important. If you're lacking in vitality your body WON'T BE ABLE TO BE MOVED! Like you require vitality as a generator to actually manifest anything because that vitality IS your aura IS your magnetism IS your response. The response depends on the available vitality. Like if you as a generator master cultivation of vitality then you're going to win at everything and I believe that a vast majority of people out there if they'd just juice up the sacral, meaning the kidney meridian and the liver meridian, then they'd win at life because they'd have available vitality and it would move them. They wouldn't be able to help but be moved. Right. That's how you receive a response, you wait for the powerful aura to magnetise someone who's requiring your vitality to you and you either respond with yes or no to using that vitality for them. You serve the other but you learn about self through that process of applying your vitality. Specific manifesting requires this process to be functional. Thinking otherwise is ignorance we cannot manifest abundance as generators without available vitality. 



We're up to 787 pages now that's crazy. I have a feeling it's gonna hit 1000 in a few months. 

The degree of available vitality can be best measured in the way you're feeling at baseline. If you're anxious regularly then you've got significant depletion of vitality and techniques are just ways for you to temporarily amplify and force catalyse currents to burn off those feelings and have them go through you, which is "processing". The thing is that when you're depleted you'll naturally feel like you're being overwhelmed with whatever form of resistance you're facing, and that motor centers are how you catalyse currents into moving that through you to clear that feeling, this will not stick if it's coming from a place of baseline depletion of vitality and this is the real reason why techniques don't result in lasting changes for some. I've been there so I know. The solution is ALWAYS to work with baseline vitality above all else, techniques work better when there's available vitality to act as a momentum pusher so to say which can amplify your clearing process and hit deeper levels. Gazing for example works better when you've filled with nourishing currents. I learned this many years ago when I was experimenting with this. 


The variables.

I've been looking into this for a long time now, in fact this goes back months before I've come to a conclusion. NG was all R which is all about "being" and losing yourself in the experience, there's no contrast where the view is zoomed into details of an experience it's all flowing through you. NG spoke and wrote from his experience, which was all receptive. What he says will only really work best for those who are receptive like he was, as in they don't work with an active process of bringing up contrast and seeing the details vs pulling out and just living and being and playing the role as that person. The strategic active mind lives in a different "time sense" than the now naturally. There's always contrast because it's more measuring between details and drawing conclusions. This is why for those with L variables cannot just immerse themselves into an experience naturally. I can, but that doesn't mean I'm going to manifest results that correspond with that. NG used sensory detail to work with his receptive nature and outline the "big picture" experience where he was IN it. That's the point of the reality of experience. The active strategic mind can't do that because it's always measuring and the time sense isn't naturally receptive to experience of being it's looking for things vs allowing others to see them as themselves. The difference between L and R is that L is seen doing and they provide that active element and R is that they are observing and taking in others who are L doing their thing. Both once again are immersed in their experience but it's that one is "broad" vs "narrow" focus which determines the nature by which sensory data is processed and identified with. NG had all R so his design was completely receptive on all levels, he didn't have narrow focus which is why his writings and lectures always speak about this big picture and he draws out stories to explain that. There's next to no mechanics and breakdown of the details it's something you have to more or less "feel" through than logically analyse. The thing is that you can have R variables but also have highly logical circuits like what I've got in my field geometry graph. It's very specific as to the ratio of influences and nobody is the same percentage of right or left just because of their variables. Those percentages are then mixed with the gates and channels and definitions in the centers and the planets those are in and the lines and colours and tones and everything. It's processes within processes all influencing each other to generate a coherent complete greater process by which those elements of detail comprise the whole. 

So the lesson to learn here is that we're gathering an understanding of our design variables as a general guidepost as to the biggest influence on the percentage of how our perception experiences reality to be either specific and focused or broad and pulled out into an overarching sensation of being. Both have elements of each other but the specific ratios are different. Some people in the HD and LOA community think that variables are what determines which techniques you should use but I don't see that to be a good idea to follow because it's what comes off your authority channel that should be how you're going to utilise imaginal senses best and the view you're going to experience because that's the direction your energy is moving in naturally. For me that's rhythm so going through a technique like what NG did will be the best, for example the breathing technique, because I'm creating a rhythmic flow within myself by which alchemical transformation of the currents that involve the catalysing function of our vital substances into a refined form is most correctly done through that channel in my case and also in the case of NG. The issue is without sufficient substances and "pressure" in the fire available then the metaphysical "temperature" required for the reaction to take place cannot be reached. The vitality is the current the sacral has access to which allows it to perform rituals of a higher order process which grants us access to different degrees of inner alchemical function to be used on a specific basis, such as with the NG "working yourself up" method. He "winds" himself up, leading himself, getting into a rhythm in his own words, and he said that everybody is different with the rhythm by which it works best for them. Now everybody technically can manifest with this technique even without sacral definition but the naturalness of it will not be correct for them and that's the issue that NG didn't grasp is that not everybody has the same field geometry, we're not all the same humans. This is what RS is really focusing on is providing a reliable platform for transformation using these specific elements that work best for you instead of taking a shot in the dark and trusting the mind which isn't accurate and will make up stories to justify feeling a certain way vs the binary response from the sacral which cannot be mistaken. 

The thing we need to understand is that what our minds think is best for us (unless you've got mental authority where you hear yourself speak and find truth in that) is not what we're going to be most effectively using our vitality for, and thus it depletes and thus we eventually die because we're playing the wrong notes. Immortality and manifestation have everything to do with each other and that's the broad perspective I see over this whole thing. It's all filtered under immortality as the function of it all, natural striving towards higher order as Wilhelm Reich taught me many years ago. The most important thing to grasp is acceptance of who you really are and to own that and normalise being that person and to allow the seeds within to just come through you, be it in a narrow perspective or a broad perspective experience. Normalising means stabilising contrast, which in NG terms is the state of the wish fulfilled. He says it's "the acceptance that the wish has been fulfilled" but he of course saw everything through bible terms, which is broad and not detail focused, so the terms he uses will reflect this. The idea that we're wishing isn't the case, it's all mechanical, there's no "chance" in this process and so wishing with the idea of "faith" as he says a lot as the term eludes to hope, chance, which in that case holds a vibe of contrast to being. Faith under RS terms is both the idea of "it's possible" and "naturalness of being" through having available vitality and clarity. Clarity in this case being just an extension of possibility. This is a yes or no, there's no space between for hoping and the sacral tells us yes or no. He would've experienced this being an MG so he would've "known" his wish has been fulfilled through feeling the alchemical process unfold through him as the experience is played out and the currents circulate in his field geometry. That's a physical sensation as much as it is a cognitive sensation with "feeling" the wish has been fulfilled because there's now clarity which has been reflected from the form. Faith should really be redefined as clarity. Clarity is what we are looking for, and in his case the solar plex provides him clarity which is experienced in a moment where he has gone through "drawn out" sampling of his emotional wave. The emotional wave is just like the safety tingle as I call it from the splenic center which relates to an instant sensation of intuitive knowing of what to do. They gain clarity through that tingle sensation, but of course the quality of that will be determined by the nature of their channels defined. Either way the emotional wave is just the same as that except it's zoomed in and shifted in time as you stretch out the tingle and translate that into the specific wave form you're going through that the solar plex is playing out providing the clarity over time. The clarity is the same end, you know this is for me or not and the idea of the "feeling the wish fulfilled" is simply the clarity that the form is on board with driving you into that experience and that there's available vitality and the solar plex shakes hands with the sacral and says yes lets do it. That's why it's done. It's mechanics of field geometry interactions and alchemical functions that are unfolding AS your conscious experience. The experience IS alchemical, you're imagining something that's thematically bringing up elements for the sacral to respond to which is going to cause a rising up of vital currents to be catalysed and formulated through the throat out into the world as specific actions which are essentially pre-programmed driven by greater consciousness through the G center through the body that your mind observes. There's no control here it's just done when there is all the elements coming together in a coherent manner. The "seed" isn't a thing we plant it's that the information already exists through the mechanics of how greater consciousness interacts with our G center and thus moves currents through the form for us to experience that influences our natural and automatic actions we take, along with others who are also driven by your supply as I've spoken about before. 

With all this in mind we now can understand that manifestation as a thing we do is a highly highly specific process and involves us to already really be on our path unfolding what's within us in order for us to have that baseline of correct movement to provide us a comfortable foundation to work with in manifesting satisfying ends. Ra never spoke about law of attraction, it was barely even a thing back when he was teaching so of course there's not going to be much awareness on this but I'm sure he would say that all happens through the form which is what I've outlined. The mind cannot control and when it does all you're going to experience is limited results where reality will play peekaboo with you teasing you with signs and such or on and off results. Manifestors initiate and generators respond. Projectors receive invites through being recognised and reflectors sample the world around them to experience themselves in lunar cycles. Waiting is always a constant for all but manifestor types which are actively involved in making something happen, which only 10% are able to do. Manifesting generators will still have to wait to respond there's no initiating function there which is why they're still a form of generator and not their own energy type. The aura dynamics are still generative and attractive vs manifestor which is repelling as the opposite. Projectors and reflectors being non energy types not having a motor to the throat which is how internalised currents are expressed as movement in the world and are also what move others, they need others energy to actually manifest the way gens and manifestors do. They require the energy of the world but they provide insight into how that energy is best used, so they're going to drive their manifestation through others who have access to that current. You can also be conditioned to manifest like energy types as a projector but of course this is not self and should be recognised as such. Projectors can indeed "hijack" the energy of energy types and use that but they must also know self and use that energy for specific functions to complete the alchemical functions within them in a more potent manner. This logic would make you think that pure generators would also be unable to manifest but that's not correct either because they have available vitality that's attractive to others, so they'll naturally draw experiences to them to the degree to which they have that vitality as a resource and how they're responding will determine the outcome of satisfaction or not. This is more of a non specific manifesting process as specific manifestation in discreet terms would rely on a motor to the throat as this is how energy is expressed outwardly into reality. Specific manifestation for generators would require the same connection for motor to throat. The thing is for both projectors and generators without motor to throat definition they're still going to "manifest" what they need by unfolding the seeds within them in responding to their inner authority. Surrender for these types is FAR more important than for the MG and manifestor. 

An interesting example would be self projected projector. This means that their outer conversations that come through them when they're speaking to others will represent what they're actually manifesting. It's still within them as what they're correctly moving towards, but regardless of if the mind desires it or not is irrelevant. Remember that specific manifestation unfolds through you every time anyway, no matter what. Ultimately your influence in manifesting as a non energy type will depend on your definition and how you're providing supply to others to come into and play off you, thus how you can 'specifically" manifest because it will always be a modulated resonance to the fixed definition that you're emanating. That's how a non energy type like a projector can still attract a specific person if they're correct in their baseline and know themselves and what their supply is for others. Generators and MG have a more potent supply built in which is the sacral so even if there's no specific end they're always going to be attracting stuff to them IF they've got a powerful enough magnet. Manifestors initiate and move the rest of us as we get out of their way in what they're driven to play out which is why the motor that moves them is connected to the throat which is how they're externalising the internal supply. They're still doing to be able to manifest someone even though their aura is repelling but that's not a natural process for them which is why I said that it's always dependent on having a solid baseline in being yourself in your path and how the seeds within are unfolding. Basically the degree to which you have specific influence in the world depends entirely on what fixed supply you have to provide to others. Reflectors are designed to have on and off experiences as their type is designed to sample and not be fixed at all. They have their definition constantly shifting and so who they are one day is totally different to another day, and the people around them too. If you're having your throat hooked up and turn into a manifestor for example as a reflector then you'll live as a manifestor for that experience until that influence from the other or the transits moves on and you go back to receptive. You amplify what's around you which is what you experience. Waiting to recognise self in the pattern means you know what to engage in and what not to engage in since there's no defined authority that's consistent. Consistency of supply is everything in understanding how specific and non specific manifestation unfolds. If you're targeting someone as a reflector and you're being lit up by the transits to be a certain person that the person you're manifesting is attracted to through electromagnetic channels for example then that attraction will die off when the transit shifts. They won't feel the same around you because then you'll be amplifying channels that were once fixed which will throw them off. This is why the reflector waits for the lunar cycle to recognise the pattern of fixed definition so they can know themselves through that and thus "manifest" surprising experiences out of that. Projectors manifest specific people depending on their fixed definition which is what others will hook into and feel receptive towards and be attracted to. When you target someone as a projector you're basically hooking them into your supply and the other dynamics playing out with emotional waves and whatever motors you've got defined there and the variable and any other conditioning, it's all influencing them to feel that supply and if they're going to buy into that then they'll be absolutely pulled towards you, but since you're a non energy type by default then you're not going to have the same degree of pull as a powerful generator. Nobody can touch the magnetism that a generator can have, but that's not a bad or a good thing it's just different because they're highly receptive and absorbing and take everything in. Manifestors have a highly dense field that others need to be initiated into before the manifestor can correctly interact else you'll be running up against brick walls as others aren't open to your influence just like a projector who is penetrating like a needle. It's all field geometry dynamics and supply vs receptive nature. The variables just reflect the cognitive definition which is always fixed no matter what anyway so that's probably your start point especially if you're a non energy type.

The flow was wild with that one.


I believe that when you target someone in your imagination and you feel the sinking feeling it means that you're influenced by them in that place, you're being parasitic to them and not the supply. Feeling the sacral dip out means that you do not have the vitality to manifest the interaction with this person. They're on the pedestal in energy dynamics terms. If you're forcing it then you'll get opposite results because you're depleting them by forcing yourself into their field and they won't want to be around you. If you're juiced up then you'll just naturally manifest them probably anyway if they're for you and the seed is within you. Simply playing out your correct process will always manifest satisfying experiences regardless and that's more in line with the immortality side anyway which is the point of all this. The way you can amplify vitality in the moment is through doing various methods to provide a temporary boost in vitality but this once again is going to cost you long term vitality because you're drawing from the "bank" of Jing in playing an incorrect note at that point because you're trying to control. This doesn't mean you're going to be stuck depleted with that but it means that until you address the baseline process you're playing out then you can't really expect specific manifestation to work for you. Unless you're already satisfied in your process then good luck manifesting high value people with high vitality. They're "unmanifestable" to others because they've got a significant excess in vitality. If someone tried to manifest me for example they'd need to have equivalent vitality and a supply of definition I'm conditioned into being receptive towards which would influence me to buy into that influence and thus they'd manifest me out of not self, even if that's correct for them. If that's not correct for them then both parties suffer from the interaction on the immortality side because they're off their natural striving. There's also the profile in there as well. Someone who's a 5th line will almost always be more attractive to others simply because of that modulating field that's acting as a not self receptor which makes the 5th line profile attract all kinds of people looking for their solutions to be solved through them. This isn't really a specific manifesting benefit because it's always influencing everybody around you but it can amplify the not self conditioning of those who you're specifically manifesting because they're driven to want to interact with you due to the projection field of the 5th line. This is why it's not a simple equation there's so many influencing factors at play and providing a simple answer isn't really possible because of the immense amount of specific details that are different with everybody.

I've had much experience in manifesting specific people and not specific people into my life and I've always found it easy to make them show up but sticking around was my issue. Since I've got a seriously juiced up attractive field I can get basically anyone to show up for me but I have to be aware of my 5th line and respond from the sacral because those who show up aren't always for me. As far back as I can remember I was able to attract people but that was likely an influence of my aura type and defined channel of rhythm that's unconscious just like what NG has as well as my 5th line profile that's making me the target for not self conditioned people to want to involve with because they're "feeling" my supply that can seemingly solve their lack. You see it's not all sunshine and rainbows for someone who's highly attractive to people because that person needs to put up filters. My issue was wanting attention from all these people and not saying no when my sacral said no and I had emotional clarity. I was driven by lack and all this depletion to want and need and so I basically was running into these experiences with people and we'd both burn out really fast because of the field interactions. I could always "tempt" people but they soon felt through that and realised that I wasn't going to solve their not self conditioning and so left as soon as they came. This is also why every specific design has strategies to follow that keep their filters up from what is and isn't correct for the nourishment of their vitality. Someone of high value doesn't just have high vitality that's highly attractive but also awareness of self to filter out what's not for them. There's so many elements here that thinking that I can just say to someone to do this one thing to solve their issue is impossible if I want to guarantee results.

Trying to control is pointless and should be supplementary to your already established process. The thing is though that the specific person you actually desire that will be the most satisfying for you would already be within you so thinking you can control that just for clout to say "look I manifested X person" is all degenerate not self conditioning leading you away from the function you exist for and that is to complete the great work. Someone on the path towards immortality wouldn't care or waste vitality manifesting specific people or things into their lives that the mind wants, even if they can, because it's depleting. 

Now I'm truly satisfied. Using your energy correctly into "generating" what's designed for you is how you experience the self theme of satisfaction and that involves you actually partaking in the experience of it and going all the way. Going all the way for generators is required because satisfaction is the feeling of being depleted but in the correct way. Being depleted in a way that's incorrect for how they're suppose to use their vitality is frustrating. That's the essence of self theme and experiencing relief in imaginal stuff. 

Gazing for emotional authority is extremely important because it gives you awareness of the between space which represents the emotional waves and allows you to sample that wave and what it's telling you before making decisions. It allows you greater clarity and the ability to be ok with waiting. Being ok with waiting is the key essence with emotional authority.


There’s another thematic I feel I must sink into that’s very very different from where I am now. Sacral said yes. Enjoy the wave. Sink into it. Sink your awareness into your body. When I manifested at my most powerful it was when I was highly highly present in my body. Generators and even MGs are not designed to live up above the sacral. Sink down and relax into the sacral. Allow it to be your anchor. The waters of the kidney meridian are held here. See yourelf in the waters and move with the natural waves. Just gain clarity and feel nourished in the pace of your life. Sink into and ground into your body. All I can describe this as is like still waters being moved by the tides and accepting their fates as the waves move. 

The essence of manifesting as a generator has everything to do with aura quality and vitality. The more your sacral is juiced up at baseline the more powerful you become. Period. You’ll see the synchronicities if you just allow yourself to white literally die to the mind and live as a sacral being first and foremost. You are a sacral aura so sink down into the waters of life and be moved by the waves of yes and no response. Drop the mind and the need for it to have any role in your life. Drop it away and let us burn off in its own time. Move on with your life as a sacral being and make decisions from that. Sink into it. I can’t describe this any differently. Relax into and sink into the sacral. Sink the charge as I said. 



It seems the heart meridian definitely has a role in generator energy, at least on a subtle level, which makes sense because it's still a very yin organ. The spleen is quite yang in contrast because it's very much involved with transformation of substances.

Generator tip. Where does your vitality want to get used? Where is the intelligence of your vitality being moved towards? This doesn't involve the mind at all it's entirely experienced through sinking into your form. Where are you being moved or pulled towards(or away from)? What are you driven to respond to? Do you trust the sacral? Can you accept that? This is dissolving the not self and processing it, going through it when it shows up. 

Every generator that's correct will live from a visceral sensation of being, they're driven by the rising and falling of the sacral current. That's it. Literally that's how you make decisions so all the not self stuff is negated out when you consider this is the only way of knowing true self. All the mental stuff is wasting your time getting you to buy into it over the rising and falling of sacral current. Tapping into that visceral nature will solve your issues as a generator. 

Tensing the pelvic floor chronically is a sign of stagnation and or deficiency of qi. It can also be a sign of dampness too generating the stagnation that's underlying a certain threshold of deficiency of yang and peripheral circulating current. The pelvic floor is a pump that forces stored Jing in the root to catalyse into steam that will move the currents through the circuits. Someone who is well nourished will not need to tense the pelvic floor. Observe this especially as a generator because it's a sign of depletion that's causing excessive aging by depleting vitality stores to keep you going down the wrong path. This is probably why when I focused specifically on releasing pelvic tension for those months my attraction was off the charts. Kegels is what this is called. Do not engage the pelvic floor if you're deficient address the issue causing the deficiency first so you're not going to continue to deplete stores of vitality and slow down manifestation due to your magnetism being lower.

As someone who's been experimenting with amplifying sacral power with various tonics I've recognised the importance of actually having that available energy to feel a powerful response. People say they don't feel anything but that's because they don't have sufficient vitality and it's weak or they are just stagnate and isn't coming out but it could be more felt as a "stuck" sensation vs a rising sensation. Categorising these sensations of the sacral is important because they can give insight into what's going on. If it's like a hole or a sinking sensation then it's meaning there's no available vitality for that. Ultimately sacral current can be categorised as libido, which Freud said was living and was to take form as more than just sexual current, meaning to create corporeal reality THROUGH the vehicle by means of producing things with our hands. Libido being drained means you're a weak generator which is why I've said it's extremely important to have a strong endocrine system because that's the biochemical process that governs most of that aspect of sacral current. Anything in TCM that boosts Jing and kidney yin and yang is to be taken as a generator to amplify those currents from the sacral. Don't use that as a crutch though because you're going to be going sideways if you're making incorrect decisions still. Probe the sacral and check in on what's satisfying or not. 

In my experience applying TRE with sacral response can be beneficial too in dissolving stations. The reason why this works is because when you've got sufficient degrees of vitality you will feel it move through you and your body will move on it's own out of the sacral. If you've not experienced this before you won't know until it happens. Sometimes I can get a response and it makes me need to do strange movements like twist my arm or bend to the side of do some belly dance type motion or quickly vibrate my leg or even just to fall down and "collapse" with no movement. This I believe is a function of ordering substances available moving through stagnant positions in the circuits to clear it out and the movement of the body is a reaction to that peripheral current moving through you as it runs up against the resistance to break it down. It seems to me that this works even before you get the sacral sounds from being super drained. It could take up to say 5 days minimum to get this effect if you're really depleted while taking supps to support kidney yin primarily (the pelvic floor will force catalyse yang and make up for the deficiency though supp would help) where then the body will attempt to reach a new state of balance through moving itself when there's an awareness brought to the sacral and you allow the currents to raise. You can consciously do this as well where it will force your body to move. The sacral is a motor after all. Using the motor with TRE type processes can benefit the circuits to operate better. This is something I've seen benefits with personally and is a new technique I've almost accidentally stumbled upon. The night that I woke up and felt this blissful sensation moving through me forced my body to convulse and I believe this was partly to do with gazing (which can also benefit along with the above recommendations) and especially advanced gazing which is more potent in moving those currents. It's that the motor is used in the path of least resistance and in a way that's relieving and satisfying to the degree it has available current to use. 

Best thing I can suggest is to simply allow the sacral to make the sounds it wants to. I remember holding that in for years myself way back because I felt bad about it but owning your generative nature means owning and working with your motor response as it comes through you as sounds. Allow the sounds and the sensations in your body to drive you. That's the essence of living as a generator. Live as a viscerally driven being and not by the mind. If there's no visceral sensation and you don't know what to do then just wait for it to cultivate over time and don't deplete it by overstimulating yourself. Make space for the sacral.

Another level to this is owning the themaic of sexual energy, and not just the erotic act but I mean the essence of creative expression. Being yourself and shining that creative light because that's what people are attracted to when it comes to generators. My healing involved allowing my body to move and dance and flow as my creative expression. You don't see it on camera but I am nourished by dancing my way through life. Everything I do has rhythm to it. It nourishes me and my body when I let go will just move on its own, it will move my hands and my arms and my legs and my torso and head and everything on its own. For others this can be sudden bursts like spikes of creative expression in the way you conduct yourself or others it can be a gradual build up to a peak of expression vs a continuous rhythm in cycles. The sacral has waves too. Owning your wave and recognising how you're moved is important if you want to really own your sacral current and cultivate it and not be shameful to be seen expressing it because your body is how it's coming out. When I am moved to spontaneously do a "dance move" so to say when I'm out in the public aura like turning a corner with a spin or something I feel an extreme sense of excitement that's like DO IT NOW! This is also partially infused with a sensation of "being seen" that's like anxiety but that's what I mean by going THROUGH the process you're being driven to go through. When you just do what the sacral is commanding you to do then you're going to use the energy and it will nourish you aaaaand nourish the people around you through an authentic act of sexual expression, creative expression, the essence of how your sacral was made manifest through you.

That's what generators are, they're extremely creative in the way their body is reflecting their inner currents and that's why it also makes sounds when it's responding if vitality is sufficient to do so vs being held back and supressed. Owning this sacral current is how everybody can get involved in their process as generators. Just allow your body to be moved by the most powerful motor on earth. Dance and laugh and sing and play and be the embodiment of what your sacral is doing. Own it. Go through it no matter what not self trash comes up to say this is uncomfortable. Stand naked on the stage of reality and own it. If you're afraid of being seen dancing to your tunes you love then you've got stagnant sacral current almost certainly because that's the overlay of thick sticky damp resistance that's holding the sacral current down. You're likely tired and depleted to some degree but have this "hard" external that's not freely nourished by peripherally circulating qi. The qi is stuck inside and you're likely not very flexible. Liver qi stagnation. Even if you've got a powerful kidney meridian that's going to be blocked off through holding onto not self trash in the liver meridian which is where the stagnations are holding you back. Owning who you are and being transformed by moving the way your sacral is driving you without a shred of shame or guilt or regret will provide you a pathway to clearing sacral stagnation. I remember one of the most powerful healing experiences for me was doing my qigong routine in public at the beach one day and going through that pressure where I was burning off not self trash that said I need to feel bad for being myself. Going through that feeling of uncomfort is literally burning off the not self, that pressure is that exact alchemical function. Being yourself isn't just actions in big ways but also how you move your body, which I've spoken about many times but as generators it's very very important. You ARE the sacral. 

You'll manifest the perfect people to you into your life for relationships of all forms when you own your sacral essence because that's literally you embodying the expression of your magnetic aura. You'll find people who you're drawn to (if you're not heavily depleted) will be highly in tune with their sacrals if they're generators too. When you're eating too actually be present and taste it and enjoy it and let out those sounds of satisfaction when your sacral is feeling nourished by what you're eating. That's another area people feel shame for is making the mmmmmm sound when they bite into something they respond to, whatever that is it doesn't matter because a visceral "yes" response is correct anyway. Getting massages can help too, and as someone who did remedial massage some years back I can say that it's extremely healing when you can get someone to fully let go on the table and have all that frustration come through them. Move your legs and hips and belly and your lower torso below the waist mostly, just allow it to dance and "hum" the generator hum, or buzz if you're an MG. Allow it to come through you and it will clear you out. No mental processing required. Feel into the "depth" of the current, is it emanating from deeper within or more surface? Just move your body and let the feeling in the sacral move through you and get in tune with it and play with it and just become attuned to what those sensations feel like because those feelings ARE SELF! That is you, that is your inner authority communicating to you to honour it or lose its capacity. You'll find every single generator on earth who can move themselves without a shred of fear will be vital, provided there's not something else that's being held to a significant degree. Take care of yourself and you'll be magnetic like nobody else on earth. This is completely separate from LOA mentalism trash this is all form principle mechanics.

I could go into "kundalini" stuff here too which you can feel very easily with strong sacral current because I believe that's what actually moves it, being the main motor of course. The thing about the kundalini stuff is that the only real benefits you get from it are more body awareness. You're still depleting your circuits doing this stuff regardless of if you realise it or not because it's stimulating your nervous system and circulating current. That's going to require qi to be expended and dispelled as heat when you're going through a routine so really you're wasting your time just for some buzzing feeling. Yes it's better than being depleted if you can get it working for you but relying on it is wasting your vitality. Having it spontaneously move up is far more beneficial because it's not you doing it your body does it and that's partly what advanced gazing involves at certain levels because the gazing itself will open that up and move it. If you use it as an extension of TRE so having the current move your body then it can be good for clearing stagnation but once again unless it has a purifying function then don't bother. Just know that because your "kundalini" seems to be functioning doesn't mean your aura is strong. I can be a sign but many times it's not. I've been through this myself, supplementation to amplify root pressure can make you feel this more and yes it can have purifying benefits but keep in mind that if you think this means you're more magnetic then you'd be mistaken because endocrine function is the most reliable marker for this and not sensations you feel. This once again matters more in men than women because of the difference in function and markers but both require reduction in stimulus to the degree that's correct for them. Create space. HIIT (I do hill sprints) for men and fasting if you're R variable for digestion will benefit endocrine function more than most things. Regardless, without qi even with sufficient yin you're not going to have a strong aura and you're still going to be depleted. Qi is everything we need to work with on the higher level as it's a higher order substance of yang. Yuan Qi. This is the primary substance we must cultivate and have overflow for the shen to be fully nourished and transcend the outer space. 


Here's some free generator affirmations to bring up the thematic of the sacral

"I am a radiant and shining light in this world"

"I have intimate connection and trust with my body"

"My body is moved every day driven by radiance and vibrancy"

"I embody my body mastery over the things that radiate my vitality"

"I am always honest about what I need"

"Everybody in the world feels my immense radiance and energy"

 "I am an infinite wellspring of vitality that the world drinks from when I am called to provide"

Children who haven't been conditioned yet from their sacral current express these things. Looking back when I was most vital it was when I owned this thematic of being the embodiment of vibrancy and light. "DJ you're so bright". It makes me wonder how gazing influences our process when we own the sacral current and the degrees of depth one can attain when owning it vs not. 


When you're living from the sacral you'll be able to process what's coming in more correctly too as this is part of how our fire rises up from the root and how that fire takes form. You won't likely form dampness patterns.


If you're looking to manifest something specific (the seed is probably already within you anyway but who cares right it's all word play) and have emotional authority then you need to have a "plan" on how you're going to handle the wave as you identify it showing up to not get thrown around and end up making stupid decisions out of your head and also a plan on what you're going to do to continue to elicit sacral response. I honestly believe that the biggest factor in this sense with generators is the ability to bring up awareness to the sacral and request response which will associate to a desired thematic. This is the function of state streaks, because you're going to wait for the emotional wave to settle and when you've got clarity and a sense of comfort you're going to check the sacral (as often as needed) for impulse and to move with it. If the impulse is to go then go, otherwise go to plan B which is to move towards a different thematic direction that's still building upon the greater context of the main desire. You'll find these associations in pathway work most likely. Extensive pathway work is something you just need to do to know these things, though knowing them isn't required but just useful for methods like this. You'll need to have a reliable method of probing the sacral for response when you're in a state where there's no movement through a response already but that you're at a decent baseline. Many coaching programs I've been through with others never emphasised this enough. When I went undercover into these programs with groups of others I recognised that what was being taught was almost always active work or pure NG with a bit of a twist. There was rarely ever a state streak type method where one would move with intuitive impulse it would always be something you'd be bringing contrast up and be actively shifting through but that's of course not how the receptive mind is designed to function. I have a receptive mind and so doing this will cause signs for me unless I'm already comfortable with it. When you do affirmation rampages you're more than likely going to move through a wave because it'll elicit energy out of you, and this is for processing resistance and not for the functions of actually "manifesting" and planting seeds as we've been taught. Any time you're feeling emotional waves come through you and the thematics begin to transform out of that then you're going to want to just allow the wave to wash over you realising it's always temporary and perhaps just allow your body to move through it. I usually move through waves, physically speaking. You're going to be unable to maintain stable thematics unless your endocrine function is rock solid and you're not overstimulated where you've got the bandwidth to process the wave more efficiently. The wave lasts as long as it takes for your consciousness to process it, and as we know those with well functioning forms can handle the pressure more effectively without being shifted by it. They can still feel and maintain stability of thematics. Once again another part of the equation that's important to work with and not disregard. Those who just read this and don't actually go all out in living as a sacral being are wasting their time. You're designed to move stop wasting time. Get up and move and you'll find that you'll be able to process feelings better and you'll have more visceral sacral response. Just go through it and you'll feel that satisfaction of having been MOVED BY your sacral. You're not moving the sacral is moving. That's the point, but to be honest if you give it a little mental effort to get things jumpstarted and build some momentum and go through this for at least 3 days you'll almost certainly feel more sacral current. I talk about letting the mind drop out of the way but in those cases just push through it and go through the pressure to the point of exhaustion. Just do it and thank me later. Been there done that.

So the elements in play here are simply to have a solid direction you're moving in that's consistently coming up that you desire and know is a part of your essence. If you have ego definition like me then your desires are yours to own uncompromisingly and without condition. You're suppose to own them and express yourself through them and conquer them. Once again we've been detached from our power and disown and don't allow ourselves to be moved by that motor function. The ego will move you just like the sacral and work with the sacral when response shows up to engage and play out what it is you're driven through.


 I also want to speak a little bit on frustration and making decisions seemingly against the sacral. This is an interesting subject because There are cases where going through frustration can be beneficial and this is especially when you're starting off with cultivation of higher order substances to nourish the sacral more. If you've been stuck and depleted at a low baseline then working through the frustration will actually provide your emotional system more function to operate coherently due to the biochemical coherency that will come as a result. If you just don't have the sacral response because it's depleted then the best thing would be to simply work through what you know is the correct direction that you continue to return to that's frustrating you. This isn't a sure fire method but I say that it's better than staying stagnant and it will provide nourishment by going through the pressure anyway. Do pathway work and analyse consistent themes and patterns. The idea is to gain some degree of clarity without requiring the sacral to confirm. Using your ego as a motor to push you through this can be a boost too. I've got that and I know what it feels like. It's very very powerful but the thing is you still need to go through it and even with the current sitting there unless it's so intense you're unable to help but be moved then you'll simply boil in your own blood as I did. Having it fixed doesn't mean you've got some crazy supply of will to go through challenges it more so comes up when I'm pushing boundaries with myself physically to go just that little extra. It can also be used when being moved into making decisions with others but once again this isn't the authority so while it might "feel right" it's not going to be a clear decision so as always using the primary sacral authority with the wave is where we want to work from if that's defend. 

You should also live more in your body, more grounded, living through the body through the senses over the head up in the clouds all over the place. The sacral is here and now and responds to in the moment stimulus. Another element we need to apply is simply when in this awareness of self we ask ourselves what is actually satisfying for me. This signature cannot be mistaken for without that thematic sense of satisfaction tied to a concept then you're coming at things from the mind. Tune into the sensation of satisfaction and how the sacral responds between different concepts to that satisfaction. An idea here is to write out a list of things as questions that have a yes or no answer and read them over as an audio, not your mind reading the words back to yourself. You want to record them and ideally in another voice (use an AI voice if you want to, or a voice changer perhaps) you'll feel the sacral response. I get this alllll the time when I receive intuitive impulse when I'm just passively listening to something, but it can also come from inner talk too. Point is you want to get to know what your sacral finds favour with on a consistent basis. Make this another degree of pathway work to apply. That's the first time I've ever thought about that until now. Interesting idea. I believe engaging with this process alone, as in anchoring your awareness into the body and sinking the charge and being more aware of your senses in the moment and allowing yourself to just be moved in that space, this will further cultivate sacral vitality on the yang side because you're not seeking excess stimulation but becoming more aware of what's there to extract more out of less. This to some extent is a space cultivating method too, except it's not pushing the limits each time which is what generates the higher order substances that are needed to perform internal alchemy work. That's why everybody can benefit from gazing because it is such a universal method to cultivate vitality.

I just received a manifestation like a minute after closing this page and my sacral literally went "hhooahh" like whoa but more guttural when I saw it. There was a sense of expectancy and I honestly felt a little nervous but when I saw it my sacral literally was like "whoa". To me it seems to rarely respond with yes or no, but more about "levels" of rising current. Like "mmmmhh" or "uuuhhh" or "hmmmm". Those seem to be my decision sounds, I don't think I ever hear "mhm" or "uhuh" unless it's when I'm engaged with talking to someone for an extended and it just comes out and agrees or disagrees. Usually for me it's just degrees of rising so to say. More intense sensations like the "hhoooaaahh" will almost be forced out of me. Also taking a deep exhale when you get stimulus can also be a sign of resistance too, I get that pretty often where I'll suddenly just exhale. Anything that involves movement of the diaphragm is sacral response because that's the muscles that the sacral gates connect to. This is why vocalised words aren't sacral because they're not guttural in nature which come from diaphragm movement. Perhaps that since I've got the 34 but not the 20 I don't get the instant "yep" sound that some generators output or the "mhm" and "uhuh" that those without this have. Perhaps the muscles move differently depending on the definition. 


"what is good for you will wait for you"

As an emotional authority it's always best to just wait. Don't respond. I usually don't respond to something I'm being invited into more often than not. Even in DMs I just wait a while, sometimes over 3 days before responding. Why is this? There seems to be some magic that happens when waiting as you recognise the ups and downs and then it just comes up in you again like magic and there's energy and since you're comfortable it's then the perfect time to send the message. We may think with the mind that responding later is bad or unprofessional or whatever the trash it we're conditioned to believe but when you play with it this will most often work out in your favour. The more I experiment with this idea of just "being present" as in sinking into the body like literally sinking down into my form as far as I can go and allowing myself to carry this space with me as I walk in the world, it just reveals more about the nature of generator life and satisfaction vs frustration. Frustration I will say more often than not comes from living outside the present moment. Now as emotional authority that's not a thing we should do on decision making because of the wave but as I've said that wave IS an in the moment decision and the correct response is already set to be a yes or a no there and then when that wave sets off (if there is one) and that's simply just an expanded view on that in the moment response sensation you'd get without emotional definition. Basically it's that the seeds of manifestation and going through the process of emotional unfolding with your type of wave depending on the channel is very closely related because the "timing" of that seed is guaranteed to play out perfectly if you allow it to unfold. There's movement happening with your influence in the world without your conscious mind realising it the moment you say "let me get back to you" or whatever it is. That decision is already made, but it's up to you to ride along with it and have correct timing to engage with it when it comes to the comfortable clarity. The in the moment decision will come it's just "expanded" and "time shifted" along to be in a future moment. We're not living in the future with this but that we're living in the now but with a completely different sensory capacity to sample information between the "now" and "then" moments. We gather different sensations which is what the solar plex is unique for as it's transforming over the years into what the RAVE will have. So the essence here is that with emotional authority it's that we're drawing out the in the moment response and experiencing what others have in the moment but over time, because those instant responses have their own processes within processes too so the solar plex is an authority that's attached to the correct outcome in what's satisfying but in a stretched out gradual means. We get to experience the information within the instant response and that's what our decision making is about, it's the same in essence where the decision is already made when that wave unfolds (there can also be multiple) and knowing your timing with your cycles is knowing when to link into that correct timing to go ahead with using your vitality in that decision. That's what I see this to all be about.

Simply learn to wait and not always be wanting this and that here and now all the time, but recognising that here and now exists already as that pre-determined trajectory that's correct for you as the satisfying note to play representing the seed of manifestation unfolding through you. It's all there but we just need to tune into it and own it and get out of our own way. That's the essence of this.

Realise that when you make decisions when you're not at an emotional sensation of comfort then that's actually what you're going to be projecting onto the person who's potentially undefined emotionally when you make that decision which is why when it's defined you must wait as the signature needs to be clear, and waiting for the wave to unfold provides both us and them space to go through our process until the correct timing shows up where it's clear and we can then play our note without distortions. This is why rushing as an MG (I make this mistake still to this day sometimes) is so easy and also what destroys you because it "feels good" but the fact is you don't want to influence them with that decision while carrying this emotional current because it's not going to be what you need. If there's no energy available for it then you just say no anyway.  If there is then just let it sit and perhaps over time you'll have a no response come out of the comfortable feeling where things would have moved between now and then and of course since we don't recognise that in the moment we can't expect our decisions to be correct. Timing for emotional authority is literally a requirement to manifest correctly. Our power comes through having comfort when we make decisions. If you're already clear and have vitality to offer with a yes response then just go ahead with it anyway because you've had the handshake between the solar plex and the sacral. When they shake hands and these conditions are both met where the sacral has vitality to expend which is satisfying aaand the timing with the solar plex has played out correctly then you'll have the most satisfying outcome possible that's even beyond what it could feel like in that moment because it's drawn out. Like imagine the freedom that this gives you.

I use to hate having emotional authority and thought it was a curse because I didn't understand it. I hated having 3 splits that are major splits between different parts of me like my head is separate from me ego and solar plex and the sacral throat and G are separate too. I've got to be hooked up for them to communicate, so clarity for me requires movement in the world but if you're a single split or single definition then it's easy to get the right people there to connect your circuits where your sacral can then express itself through those bridges. Either way owning it and just sinking into the moment and having present awareness and space and cultivating that quality of consciousness is essential to generators with emotional authority because you'll very likely fail with responding correctly if you're living in your head and miss the markers within your body because the body is how greater consciousness communicates to us through the G and through the authority then. Recognise the simplicity in this and what it actually affords you to experience. Letting go of needing to be in the future or the past allows you to cultivate more vitality in general and be more responsive and satisfied in the world. It's a win win, we just need to decondition the need to be mental all the time. For someone like me that's highly mentally defined and where mental study and being receptive to information is a part of my correct process I need to recognise the contrast there and be moved when it's correct to balance my dynamics so neither takes over. No design is better or worse they're all just unique experiences on conscious reality that nobody else can have.

The biggest lesson to learn here is quite simply that being emotionally defined (or not) means that you carry with you your frustration and emotional waves and others pick up on that and are being conditioned by it and their interactions with you will be warped under that lens. As far as I can tell the people who cultivate sufficient space to be ok in the now and to live in that awareness (what I focus on with generator clients to which I've had great success indeed and I'm looking forward to future interactions too) are the ones who begin to receive more and just feel more satisfied because they're slowing down and their state stability is far more coherent and their signature is refined so that when you target others and others target you it's a clear warm welcoming sacral type satisfied current they feel and thus they want to engage with you because you provide that supply to them. Thematic supply and demand is literally everything because it's the nature of auric field dynamics and how we interact with others and how we respond to the world in a way that's correct. We don't need to know how or why because that's the job of greater consciousness who is always delivering us the path of least resistance as the seeds of manifestation within and when we can just be present with those and accept them then we win. Cultivating this space at baseline will in itself have a purifying effect which is why periodic gazing for generators is so powerful because it's basically forcing you to become more aware of your present space because you feel it warping around you when going deeper into the gazing. The subliminal will put you into your body too. Both together amplifies that effect. Point being that bringing this awareness to ourselves periodically and allowing ourselves to be grounded in that is important. "Where" your awareness is matters because that impacts the nature of your signature. This doesn't mean to live in that space all the time because really we can't all the time when we're engaging with a focused task (if you've got focused mind variable which I don't have) we're going to need to be involved in that because that's how we correctly process information. Those who are receptive on the brain have the ability to master this more so but it takes reminding ourselves regularly to sink down and be present and aware. I'm going to guarantee that if you're stuck and you just do what I did for those 3 months in my experiment and fast from the world and live in the present then you're going to be so much more magnetic and clear and it will blow your mind. People will be falling into your space like nothing else. It almost makes me wonder if as generators when we do gazing we amplify our awareness of our auric field and that it can expand to some degree when we go deeper. I don't know but it's an interesting idea. Expansion in this sense isn't spatial expansion but counter spatial expansion, inverse space expansion which is what true density and proportionate circuit integration is about. This is how time reversal and FTL propagation is possible. Process within process. Gazing and cultivating space does this. Don't sleep on it. 

Also remember to drink lots of water if you're purging stuff because it literally "expands" the channels to some degree and allows stuff to move. It's not an expansion in qi but a breaking up of stagnation which effectively acts like dampness and stagnation breakdown just through drinking so if you're all sticky and gunked up then drink plenty.

Coming into the moment and allowing space is almost an experience of acceptance as it moves through you instead of trying to move your awareness away from it to some future end thing you've imagined. Just allow the imagination to operate when it needs to and don't use it to escape the responsibility of being present and clear because then everybody in your life who you're providing supply for will also be more clear too, which is a big part of how abundance shows up naturally without ever touching the imagination in a deliberate way like NG says. If we think that imagination is our only way then you're heavily conditioned by ignorance of the LOA community and metaphysically illiterate influencers who haven't studied a single word on RS or sources I reference. Taking your time and not putting time limits on things or whatever means that it's always going to work for you to the extent that you're clear. Being emotionally clear as an emotional generator is literally the most important thing or you'll be screwed. You can still "manifest" things through almost deliberately modulating your signature to appease others demands and all that but it will not last which is why it won't be satisfying because that's not your correct signature. This is once again why waiting is more powerful than being all in on the now, unless you're designed that way of course. Allow allow allow. Let go let go let go. Be be be. You see see see?

How as a generator can you "manifest" something if you don't have vitality to be the supply of to then receive interaction with others to reflect the value of how that was spent? Remember we always interact with others when we receive something, even that person who dropped money on the ground made that decision accidentally to feed into your supply you're "offering" reality to use. The more vitality you have access to that's coherently circulating and nourishing you then the more ease there is with everything. It's so easy because you'll have the supply whenever you need it and the imagination will open and the scene will play out and you can drop it and leave it and it will unfold. Trying to manipulate that is wasting your time. The few people who can use active imaginal stuff are designed more in that manner so just let them do their thing. If they're satisfied then that's their process. Yours is yours so own it and don't compare to others just because they manifested something specific overnight that's big or whatever, You don't know if they've been working up to this point over months or years in cultivating (whether they're realising that's what they're doing or not) vitality and such which could have also been a part of their process. Everybody has unique designs to live through and that's the point. This is why it doesn't work the same for everybody and this is why I've waited until I have clarity myself before I make videos and share stuff. Unless I know know know know for sure I will not speak. This is where I experiment with ideas and refine them so it's different but what I present in public videos is what at least in that time I know is the deepest level I can reach. Taking my time has taken years but so be it. What I'm creating is something so advanced and so far ahead of everybody out there that nothing can compare. That's what I'm here for and I accept that. Own your process.


If I were to give a guide right here about manifesting "specific things" then I'd say this is how you want to do it. This is aimed at generators with emotional authority but for pure sacral autho then just substitute the waiting element with in the moment response.

1. Recognise your profile lines and your perspective. I have 3/5 and 3rd colour for my perspective and nodal view with a 5th tone being receptive. This means that my mixture of in the experience and being open and receptive would imply that my "in the heat of the experience" that's universalising from the 5th line under the receptive nodal view means that my more correct cognition with specific imagination would be of that quality. This means my imaginal cognition would be a ratio of the 3/5 under a 3rd colour view and a 5th base. We could say that the quality of this is like an experimental and active nature while the context for that with the 5th line would be like the one who's involved in propagating that experimentation. That's what the martyr heretic is. Someone who's gone through trial by fire to figure out what does and doesn't work. That's under a 5th base and a 3th colour meaning the mind is receptive and the view is of power so I can see the contrast in influence in the world. Defining this simply would be like saying my imagination works best under the context of going through and experience that's involved with sharing that experience with others and having it seen by them presenting this to me. The conversation method for example would likely be the best one to use. Hearing sense. It would be interesting to find dominant imaginal senses in ones graph. Someone who's more of like a 3/1 with less receptive and reflected nature would be for example better off imagining the details of the experience while actively being involved in it like performing an action that implies the reality of it to build the thematic stability. All of this is simply about how does our imagination correctly align with our fixed thematic nature of view and orientation of experience. Working with this method probably has value and while I've never tested this before to know (I'm coming up with this as I type it all out) I can say that when I've looked back at what I've imagined deliberately and had unfold through me (natural imaginal acts that I'd have done anyway) they all usually present in this manner. I rarely ever end up in the details, while someone who's view is details and investigative and experiential would have those details and that fixed focused mind on that naturally because that's their thematic of view and orientation of cognition. If you want to know the stuff below the line like the colours and the tones and such then you'll need to pay for a premium access to the HD bodygraph which I've got access to. You could also just ask me if you've been a long term contributor in the discord and I'll run your advanced chart for free to reach out. If you don't know exact time to the minute then I won't do it for you unless I'm personally coaching with you so don't ask if you don't have the minutes else the colours and tones won't be accurate. 

2. Have a solid idea of the thematic resonance you're looking to manifest. This doesn't mean details but the implication of what the substance that's building out that thematic sensation to be. Hone the sensation of that thing and get a good feel for it. Recognise sacral response. Ultimately a sacral response is a "pleasure" response, it's literally sexual energy rising up wanting to take form through you saying "yes I'm available to be put to use with this. If there's a yes sensation to this thematic then you know it's correct. The deeper that sensation is, as in the more in the root that feeling is, the more "oomph" there is to it, then the more correct it is because there's more satisfaction to be attained. This might tie into some of what NG says but I'll get to that later. If you actually desire this then it's already within you and doing this is simply aligning you to what's already there anyway which is why I say you're not really manifesting specific things anyway because in those cases you're usually trying to manipulate which comes out of not self. What you manifest that's satisfying is already planned for you so stop thinking it's all your idea, those ideas are a function of your design and what you're suppose to see with your view which is the thematic orientation. Another important part here is to know what's truly coming from within and what's not. Intrinsically you'll know because of the feeling in your body and so from there it's as simple as letting it go and burning that bridge for good. Die as Odin did on the world tree and be reborn.

3. Wait. Allow yourself to have this response and then just leave it be. This is why many say to "drop the seed" and leave it be but this is the effect of waiting for emotional clarity which of course has an instant response but it's drawn out over time. You'll probe the seed occasionally over the duration of likely days at a time and recognise the response and if the energy is still present there then you've effectively dropped it because you've allowed the wave to unfold through you until the timing is correct for it to unfold which I've said before has a function where things are being moved beyond your awareness in the world. You could argue that the waiting for the wave IS the bridge. Thus why NG spoke about the whole idea of the bridge because that's the "waiting" and the whole idea of having faith is simply returning to that sensation and probing the sacral for response while in that clear comfortable place where when you probe under that right timing then you'll fulfil it completely and it's basically done. It's done before of course but that's depending on if you ride the wave or not. Rushing things will warp it and you'll only want to rush it if you're not clear so it all works together. With the waiting it's as simple as for example logging out your states and doing pathway work on those theamtics that come up. Recognise the wave and become familiar with what it's like. Think of clarity as a feeling of "yes this is for me" vs "no this isn't for me" because of there being uncertainty still. What you're really looking for here with this is the "drawn out" consistency of the availability of that vitality. Once again emotional waves are "expanded" in the moment decisions so you're drawing out the depth to be experienced over time more and so as that sacral response remains available to the point of comfort then you've got the yes answer and you know what to do with the clarity that provides. Simply put you won't be playing tug of war with yourself. You will have no option but to be moved in this place if it's all aligned and thus why you "don't have to lift a finger" as NG says. This is natural functions of an emotional authority generator and has nothing to do with LOA. Everything here can be explained by HD and other elements of RS. 

4. It's done.

Side notes to keep in mind is that if you're receptive with a broad view where you experience the world moving around you instead of you being the one who's observed moving yourself around in the world doing your thing, you need to keep your options open and don't jump at the first thing that shows up that is mostly there but not all the way. You need to recognise that you will 100% be moved by your body towards the correct outcome no matter what if you've got the correct alignment with the above steps. Don't compromise and allow yourself to wait as the receptive nature is all about letting the world move around you and it comes to you. You're entirely someone who's to be still and have everything just move to you the way that you're designed to experience for satisfaction. Waiting is another element of emotional authority so allowing that to be still will benefit your clarity around this on that level too and that ties into the whole "having faith" in your end as it's called which is nothing more than the orientation and thematic direction you're viewing with that experience. Also if you're heavily compromised in your process and you're depleted on vitality then you're going to have a weak magnetic and you'll be looking and needing and won't be able to be clear. Like having a clear open and flowing circuit is essential for you to be able to move through this.

I also want to say that the idea that "we're all always manifesting" is stupid from the assumptions perspective because there's so many examples where I could say my assumptions did not align with what I experienced and that's more often than not a function of the profile lines and nodal view. You don't manifest satisfying outcomes if you're not living in alignment with what's correct which means that you're not always "manifesting". Manifestation as I term it is the unfolding process of consciousness which takes form through us and our designs. So from that angle you can say it always is but in truth it's that "manifestation" as in the way we've assumed it to be doesn't really exist because it's all a process of alignment and orientation with what's within us already. Going through resistance is dropping not self conditioning that's us holding onto what's bringing the contrast from the natural responses we're designed to move through.

Isn't that what NG said? Imagine the end (the thematic implication depending on your view) and drop it and have faith and let it unfold through you. That's exactly what emotional authority generators and MGs have, which was what NG was. It's all there. It's out in the open like how obvious is that. I'm going to probably make this my next video actually I've been having this idea come up over the last few days. That video would blow up probably because it's going to expose NG for who he really is, quite literally. He failed to understand the intricate nature of specific design and so his process which was highly highly receptive and emotionally based doesn't work for people who are fixed on a focused perspective with detailed cognition. That's what this is all about. Combine what I've said before in previous pages with this and you'll get the idea. With the NG "working yourself up" idea and riding that tribal wave of emotional charge till it explodes as he says is something to consider here if he used this realisably for his process. Since I am designed to use that method too just as he was as we share the same channel of community and tribal wave then I will experiment with this and provide insights as time passes. Those specifics will reveal themselves through my experimental nature of trial and error.

Satisfaction has been attained. I've spent like 3-4 hours typing notebook entries today. There's been non stop response from me to type out my insights over the day.



Holy cow it's almost December!

So I've somehow ended up listening to a standard LOA coach which hasn't happened in like 4 months or something. Just hearing them talk I can predict their view and their design. The things they say would reflect their view and how they're processing information and how they're utilising their vitality to move into the thematic resonance. I can tell they're a manifesting generator with a 6/3 profile. Sounds like they've got a 4th base and possibly a colour 6 perspective, though I can't be sure. This is all based on how they talk and how they made decisions.

So the story was that they're manifesting this house and they're moving out of the parents home. They saw this listing on a website for the place they wanted and they for approved. This obviously means they would've had the consistent financial backing (renting). So they get approved and then get called by the agent saying that the house is being sold to someone else and the listing was taken down. Now they felt in that moment very discouraged and put down (as anyone really would if we're honest in that position which is natural) but then they reminded themselves that their end is to move in. They then started taking all these different actions (embodiment of the thematic essence of the person who's there which would've been a body response and not a mental process) and they said that looking back these were things they needed to do in order to embody the state that greater consciousness was driving them through which is thematically resonant. Now this is MASSIVELY important because I've written about this before months back about how the bridge more often than not will contain "challenges" for us to move through, and that the pressure and purification element of manifestation plays out in your capacity to actually go through the pressure that's coming up to own that thematic resonance to actually then stabilise the new baseline or what NG says is stabilising the state. They said that they realised looking back that they were being led through a series of trials so that they can be transformed under that pressure so that they can "handle" what they're going to get so that it's going to be natural to their thematic embodiment. As a manifesting generator they'd be more embodied in their experience so that's correct for them. This all connects to what I said months back, some ideas I had just come through me that seem to be far more important than I thought at the time. "Acting as if" doesn't manifest what they want unless that's involving them going through the transformation required for the thematics to sink in through those embodied experiences, being the reality of experience they required.

This makes me realise that the whole thing with "manifesting" being that the instant you get a response according to your authority implying that this is correct for you then it's already done, meaning the path is set, and the degree that you can continue to go through that pressure along that path determines the degree to which what is there will unfold in a satisfying manner for you. All these seeds exist within and if the response is there and there's vitality for it then obviously it's a part of your process. Being able to go through that process of transformation is required. We should all be looking at manifestation not as a thing that gives us things unconditionally or whatever trash some love to blurt out without reason but that manifestation is a means for us to have targeted transformations that are related to experiences we can have. Literally that the experience of manifesting this thing IS the transformation that manifestation IS accelerating.

This idea just gave me a huge sacral response right up into my throat, came through the G and the throat center. It means that manifestation is an acceleration process of ones natural unfolding. It's not making anything happen, unless you go against your nature and force stuff with living as not self which will never be satisfying as I learned the hard way through and wasted years for. Manifestation is truly an alignment process that we're just bringing up consciously which is how we're correctly designed to operate anyway. My last video outlined that so many people use LOA as a thing that they think can bypass this transformation of self but manifestation is just another way of doing alchemy. Alchemical transformation of the elements of consciousness through deliberate direction of movement by bringing up the seeds of desire within and unfolding them through us.

The alchemist said that all the work with the gazing and taking quintessence and such substances is only able to "accelerate" evolution because it's always all happening anyway but those who engage in these processes aren't above the rest they're simply taking the hard and fast "left" path towards reaching conjugation with greater consciousness, regardless of if they know that's the end or not. That's why this is all about immortality. All of it is immortality as that's what everything is moving towards. 

The people who say they can't manifest what they want are simply buying into the contrast of not self trash that's mentally throwing them out of how they're being moved in the body and since they're uncomfortable and don't want to face the pressure they just back out and think that they can just imagine better or a different scene or whatever the heck it is they think will solve the issue, yet nothing works for them for the very reason that they cannot fake the thematics that will be embodied and moved through in the reality of experience. Owning who you are and embodiment of those thematics on a consistent basis where you're being moved that's uncomfortable is the solution to those issues. Always move with the response and you'll win. That's what normalising the sensation of being self is about. You can mentally do it all you like but if your body is giving you signs that you need to move into a direction that's uncomfortable to the conditioned mind and you back off from that out of fear then you're going to run into resistance over and over until you do. This is transformation. This is alchemy. We are walking talking alchemy rituals and there's no chance that you can experience what you're imagining unless you actually own it fully and genuinely experience that through and through.


It's not really that the thoughts you have don't often line up with your experiences because they can and do but it's that those thoughts are the sensory anchor to the thematic you're experiencing so they can't really be separated in that sense. The idea that thoughts bypass thematic resonance is the issue. You cannot repetitively think something and have that manifest in a satisfying manner unless you're already comfortable and have gone through your emotional process if that's defined, but in those cases there's more often than not transformation required anyway. As a generator I find that your vitality is the primary factor that determines how you're identifying because everything seems more "light" as though you're embodying more of a higher baseline where qi is abundant. If qi is abundant then you're going to feel light and that sacral will be juiced up and you'll be moving without struggle. That's the thing, it's seen in your eyes. Your vitality is visible in your eyes because the liver meridian which is closely related to the sacral and solar plex "opens in the eyes" where you're able to literally view someone's sacral essence. If they're "glowing" then you know they're filled with vitality and they're "floating" in life where thoughts and such will just come through them and they'll effortlessly be able to go through that bit of pressure because they're so clear. The more clear (smooth flowing the qi from the liver meridian is) your vitality is and the more abundant it is then the more "vibrant" your reality will be. That's what the generative essence is about. Vitality and vibrancy, hence the affirmations from yesterday. I honestly have struggled to own this completely myself even up until recently and I look at those who have powerful sacral essence who are owning it and they're more often than not just naturally radiating abundance and you can see it and hear it and just feel it. It's so subtle but you just "know" they're vital and abundant with qi. I was like this back when I was 15 and did gazing where people would fall over and basically worship me, at least for the few months I was consciously in my body and cultivating space, which is another part of why gazing is so important because it's the inverse space attraction that is the means by which higher order proportionate interactions can take place. Getting back there for me requires me to go through this transformation and I know now what the essence of sacral living is all about. 


My experiments into overstimulation on various levels tend to show me that there's first a depletion of yuan qi of all things and then that leads into a depletion of heart qi along with a stagnation of liver qi. This leads often to a heavy sensation as the general theamtic of yang begins to sink lower. This is in more extreme cases though. 

I have so much juice flowing through me right now it's crazy it's like my body is buzzing like a lightbulb. I'm feeling like a walking talking thunderstorm with tons of zaps coming off me in all directions lighting up the room.


I tend to find that the more you focus on something that you've been unable to "manifest" for ages your sacral will respond more consistently to it over other things. It makes me wonder then what this means. I don't know if it's just me but that's what I'm experiencing. 

Also I believe mountains environment has a lot to do with wind. Cool breeze, well if it's receptive it's a cool breeze if it's active it's "warm" breeze or like moving through the air vs having the air move to you. Mountains and air seems to have a lot to do with things because as you go up the density of the air changes, but the metaphysic is to replicate that at least in my experience as wind. Wind is the one thing that always makes me feel more abundant and moves qi. Always been like this. 


It seems that others actually will manifest what we're conditioning them to through their throat if that's a thing. "Manifestation" in the context of HD is taking energy from within and externalising it into reality. This is why "manifesting" generators have a motor (sacral in this case) to throat connection because that's their primary driving force coming through them spontaneously through the response from the sacral. The sacral is literally moving them and the spark of that was the seed of manifestation within which unfolds as the sacral has available vitality and the timing is correct for that thematic to come to the surface. I believe these thematic elements in the seeds are held in the root and manifesting them comes about when we have available and freely flowing vitality for a response to unfold them when the thematic element arises in the awareness, meaning we're reminded of it either through the head from mental pressure or the root with base pressure spontaneously if either are connected or by seeing something in the world that "rings" that bell and the sacral goes "YES" and if it's filled with it's thematic current of vitality then you're literally going to go along for the ride with that providing there's no contrast in the way of that which will cause the conditioned mind to try and backseat drive and throw off the note being played through the mixtures of thematics in the seed.


So I've been looking deeper into specific manifestation thematics for imaginal work and I've been finding some common threads of naturalness that works best for us in the gate and the line and the colour and the tone and the base. The quality of the perspective seems to be a huge part in determining how our imaginal senses work best. Motivation transference can be a good indicator for if the context of the imaginal scene is correct or not. The perspective is what you're experiencing. I don't see how the determination would play a role outside of the active/passive theme but this can contrast with the L/R nature of the perspective which can make finding a specific method difficult. The design variables don't matter as much for imaginal stuff because they're simply there to respond to what the personality experiences. Both of my perspective elements are R arrow but the colour is L side with 3 perspective and 1 motivation meaning my transference is need, which is minimalizing and working with only what's "needed" in that place, the universalising element that takes the vast experiences conveyed to the collective through the 4 and distils it down and fixes it. It's a truly alchemical line. The motivation tone I have is meditation which is receptive which contrasts the active fear side which is finding safety in the truth of knowledge and not worrying about being wrong. That's obviously what moves me to do this work here, need is taking out elements and minimising my experiences. I'm here to not filter myself for the collective, that's what need transference is. I'm pure and raw which is my outer authority and cognitive potential for correct orientation. That's why RS exists.

So what does this have to do with manifesting methods? Well it means that the nature of the experience will always have an undertone of fear, as in the need (not the need as in distilling down only the core elements but indeed to go deeper than the surface which is refining the universalised message further by gathering new data for experimenting with) to know the truth about something, to have certainty. Certainty is always a theme of the motivation behind an imaginal method. It's that you're imagining something for the function of security of having certainty on something being a fact. You're imagining something so that you KNOW it's a thing. This is the undercurrent hidden in my motivation that can reveal a key nature of what drives imaginal experience. Say I want to manifest a sum of money. How do we apply this? We apply this under the context of the experience representing to us a firm knowledge of something, that there's a clear and concise implication which cannot be misinterpreted. This means that I would imagine an experience that represents what I desire (the money) in a manner that's providing certainty to me that I have the money. This is reflecting my process to study metaphysics and develop RS further so I can have certainty that I'm correct and nobody on earth can refute my position. That need to be correct is what drives me, that's my motivation, it's clearly in the personality sun and earth so it's highly conscious and I would have thoughts relating to this a lot, which I do. With this in mind the imaginal scene will be motivated by this, though the desire itself is the essential thematic being targeted, so money, which is very 3rd line which is dealing with the material world. My right arrow represents in the case of the 1st colour a "separatist" nature which is about breaking apart certainty that's out there and I'm observing this occur. The L arrow would bring people together, I break them apart, which is why I'm a destroyer because that forces mutation out of necessity to find unity and new concepts to form bonds with. That's my process in destroying LOA and in my heretical and experimental lines I provide examples of what does and doesn't work. I'm not truly a guide type like a projector I'm just here to go through the experiences and share them without expectation. Anyway what does this relate with imagination? Well you're going to be driven by this nature, and others will actually be the polarity of this who will be correct for you. This means that who you're imagining the interactions with will likely come in with polarity dynamics to feed into your process and provide the transforming element of that experience which fulfils the seed of manifestation within as it unfolds through you. Since I'm a R arrow motivation and perspective it means that I will always be receptive and open to experience and not focused and refined and broken down, that's why it's my transference. My imaginal experience will simply be me experiencing others proving to me the certain thematic desired, such as a conversation where they're feeding me the information, they're actively providing me what I'm hearing and it's passively going through me to ring the resonant note of the seed that I'm playing. The implication must be certain in my mind, as in the specifics simply only need to be specific to the degree that it fulfils this element, any further sensory details are not needed. If I feel certain then I have the correct scene, and as long as I'm embodying the essence of the receptive right arrow which is very much about peripheral observation without involvement then my imaginal scene will be natural. This is how we would naturally move in imagination anyway, and you'll likely find yourself asking the questions in the scene that will be looking to fulfil your motivation colour. Looking back I had so many instances where I asked myself questions about my scene in reasons why this implication could be bypassed, I wasn't sure. I needed clarity. Devising the scene that represents this clarity for my type will be the important part because it's fulfilling the motivation essence and leaves no room for satisfaction on that level. 

Then you have the perspective aspect. This is what others place more importance on. I'd somewhat disagree but it's important to consider of course. So I'm receptive here. Colour 3 is power which simply means I'm viewing the contrast of who's who in "power" or correctness really. My tone is 5 which is judgement which is also receptive and actually relates closely to the solar plex. Tone 3 relates to the ajna and same with tone 4. Tone 5 is about "feeling" which if it's closely linked to the solar plex likely means emotional sensation. Tone 6 is the most connected to solar plex and it's "touch" sense. This means that in my design the solar plex being comfortable is a big part of the equation of having correct imaginal work, which means imagining when I have emotional clarity since that's my authority. I also have tone 4 for my motivation which is mediation, which is a highly passive ajna based connection that's periodic and not cyclic like the solar plex is which basically means that I'm once again more of an observer of action of others and when it's linked to the arrow that's about separatist then it's destructive. How does this then relate to my scene? It means that the certainty of the 1st colour of my motivation being met and that it's me watching that certainty come to me or at least me just passively involved in the experience then has a layer of emotional clarity on top of it along with a more extreme sense which comes from the power perspective and 5th tone. This means that the implication can be quite far fetched, and this likely would provide a certain degree of "blissfully ignorant" certainty to the motivation of the 1st line.

The imaginal scene could look something like this: I'm on the phone to someone and they're asking a friend how much money I make each year and they say the number and you just let them do the conversation for you. There's a sensation of judgement here too, and the 1st colour is fulfilled because it's someone else saying the facts that you know. The 3rd colour is fulfilled because it's the view of power, as in measuring who's on what pedestal. I'm on the pedestal, and so that's completing my thematics since it's all coming to me as receptive experience instead of me saying it and being involved. This doesn't mean I need to get emotionally charged because to me this is simply going to elicit a sacral response if this is correct and my imaginal scene would then be done because there's available energy in the response and I just loop it until that energy has been "satisfied" in the experience. If it's correct and "real" to the sacral as in the thematic elements are clear in their implication then you're going to get a response from the sacral of YES or NO and that response will be the moment when it's done. Then it's finished and I can leave it play out as the movements take place. That's if it's all aligned for me, and I'm not going this out of transference or to bypass transformation. If this imaginal experience involves me being heavily transformed to that end then I will need to be moved through that and the mind will need to drop control and allow the form to be driven. Once again this all depends if this is correct or not. Trying to deliberately do this without a sacral response out of emotional clarity is wasting time. I will experiment with emotional peaks to the point of explosion like with the NG technique and see what happens over a few weeks.

For the most part you just want to use the colour motivation as the basis to understand if this is out of transference or not (usually it's not) and then go into the perspective from there in the colour and arrow and tone which determines the main sense. The R arrow always means receptive meaning you're getting to watch the experience and not worry about the details because it's less "focused" with the senses on the targeted thematics. The L vs R thing is simply the degree of magnification on the sensory detail. Someone L would need more details in the sensory level but wouldn't need as much on the emotional side as I would. The emotional side doesn't mean emotional peak but instead imagining it from an emotional sense of clarity as if you're approaching this imaginal scene out of a peak or something and you're feeling up in the air and high on your own existence then the sacral response won't shake hands with the solar plex which is the inner authority. The inner authority will always need to be worked with. Without the handshake then the sacral response to that imagined scene isn't going to be correct. It's also something you should return to when you find emotional clarity after when the wave has passed since the initial handshake. Imagine it again from clarity and see if there's a sacral response saying yes still. If so you can basically guarantee that you'll be moved into that experience because it's correct for you. This doesn't mean the specific sum of money will show up as the R arrow isn't about the specific focused details on something that's tunnel vision but instead the R arrow means that you're looking at all the surrounding aspects not with the senses but with the thematic sense and the "targeting feeling" sense. Receptive nature is all about the enveloping overarching broad experience of the thing without the specifics required in focus to define the thematics. What the perspective arrow really represents is the degree of sensory focus on the experience to define the targeting sense. Someone who's L will require more specific sensory focus in order to target the thematics involved, which is natural for them anyway. They can't pull out because their perspective is always looking for a focus point. The R always looks at the whole wall while the L looks at the dot on the wall in gazing. That's why gazing increases "distance" between corporeal and incorporeal consciousness. It's an R sided focus and advanced gazing works with both as there's a quality of expanded view while also have a specific targeted thematic that's of focused implication to what's being expanded into. Think of it like the L mind is listening to all the individual instruments that make up the music and the R is just listening to the music. This is what the quality of perspective means on imaginal experience that's correct. Ultimately response under clarity is all that matters.

I've manifested specific people from a list (90% of it came true in just weeks) and all that before so this is not a requirement to have the specific view worked with but it's just a general guideline. I say that you should work with imaginal thematics that touch on "broad" stuff, as in just "money" or "love" or "home" or whatever the absolute essence of the thing you're going for is. If you're wanting money then the less zoomed in you get the better. Stabilising the sensation of it while and after gazing will be the best way. Do this periodically over the day when you're in emotional clarity and have high vitality. That's all I need to do. I manifested 2 specific people at my remedial massage course some years back even though I only intended to manifest 1 person. I manifested 2 people but both shared some of the qualities of the 1 person I wanted. It was strange, so in the sense of specifics I got what I wanted but of course it was in an unsatisfying manner. I told myself "They'll be like X person" and that's it. I said it while I was walking over to the shops near where I use to live, which was like 2 mins walk. I dropped it and moved on. The name of X person was in one of the people who manifested with some qualities and the rest was in the other person. I didn't meet the other person until like 3 months after too as they were in the other class. It was strange. I use to be such a degenerate back then too I was filled with so much resistance and hatred towards everybody for being ignorant fools. Either way it was one example that always comes to mind as an example where I manifested a specific person but the qualities of X person were split into 2 people. It wasn't satisfying and didn't feel right probably because I didn't have the sacral response. I believe I had emotional clarity which was a part of it but I was still highly up and down. I also managed to manifest contact from another SP late in that year but when they said they'd show up I had to go and since I couldn't go for big reasons they didn't come back and thought I flaked when I really didn't. I felt bad but once again it was just another sign that I was not coming from the sacral and I was manifesting stuff from my mind, which is really just me manipulating things which is why the outcomes are never satisfying. They're always going to reflect that lack of vitality as a big theme. The lesson here is that broad view with sacral response is the way that those with my type of design would manifest most efficiently. Sacral response is required every time for satisfying outcomes, otherwise you're going to face unsatisfying limited results that will confirm the lacking sense of self, which is really just a sense of vitality and correct expression as satisfaction. If you're L then write as much of the details out because it's all those details that will comprise the essence of the thematic since you're unable to cognise that thematic implication. The details comprise that while for the peripheral view it's a zoomed out experience where the details will be filled in to a satisfying degree no matter what if there's sacral YES. If you've got no energy for it and you're compensating with ego motor to emotional solar plex motor movement then you're just manipulating and the person or situation that connected to that thematic and fractal orientation will not stick because it's not something you've got supply for (emotional waves are inconsistent and the same with ego) and there's no seed within unfolding from greater consciousness so there's not going to be a supply of resonant thematics to provide the sacral current to move you and provide supply for those involved who need that current. The seeds all contain exactly what's needed and trusting that is essential. That's really all that faith is and all that faith involves in experience. 

Truly this isn't about changing reality to make it better or whatever it's just about living as yourself in these imaginal experiences. That's all it is really. You're living as yourself in a virtual experience that's going to draw you into the opening of the seeds within for you to unfold and manifest into the world as your unique potential. That's why YOU have to experience it because it's your supply. That's you. That's why you can't "manifest" anything that you're not designed for because there's no supply for that experience of being. If it's not you then it's not you. What's you will unfold if you accept it.


As I've studied it the cognitive potential IS the tone, as in this only comes through you naturally as you're expressing the colour correctly. This means that the tone element isn't something you must consciously consider but accept as a part of your expression. Simply work with the colour.



Base 1 is simply individual movement.

Base 2 is generated contrast between individuals - interferometry.

Base 3 is the structuring of that contrasting uniqueness, the solidification of form that was once individual and separate - the space between space becomes a new individual. Polar seduction leading to synthesis of new individual

Base 4 The generated individual realises experience and seeks contrast between the individuals. Hierarchy of power and influence (society)

Base 5 Subjective synthesis of individualism in the greater process which exists within all 4 other bases - individuated consciousness generating self recursive circuit (it's own element that must hold within it all 4 bases for it to exist)

We are drawn to people who have the next base orientation than us. I am a 2nd base personality sun earth which means those who I'm attracted to will have a 3. Guess what. My SP has a 3. Surprise. Remember that the base attraction element is something that's moving through you as a function of the seeds that you're unfolding. You have zero awareness of this thematic and yet it comprises everything you experience at it's most fundamental level.

The thing to understand about base is that it's the element of your design that's fixed across all iterations. It's the thematic element that comprises greater yang, which is why it's always fixed for that personality crystals iterations. This is what we are becoming one with. 

828 pages.



All that pressure has seemingly been unfolded now. It's almost like whenever I'm in one of these highly pressurised states to get stuff out and I can't do it on the spot it'll eventually unfold over the coming days. There's been so much here it's crazy I think I've written like half of notebook 10 in just 3 days. It's been raining a lot so I guess that time had helped me.


There's different "types" of sacral current, as in formations that relate more to different thematics of that generative energy. Some are more free and open and flowing and others are more stiff and hard and firm so to say. Some are between. The quality of this energy is what Ra says where you can "feel" the motor running badly and it's frustrated and others will pick up on that unconsciously and be influenced by that. It makes me wonder then if a lot of generator manifesting comes simply from cleaning up the quality of their vitality (really "increasing" their vitality and qi flow to be smoother) that then others want a taste of. Those higher quality interactions show up when you're supplying higher quality vitality so to say because as a generator if you're supplying the world this frustrated depleted energy then others will come to you who are like that and others who are filled with satisfied energy will want to avoid that.


If you don't have a defined root then perhaps grounding and sinking the charge more consistently will allow your sacral to have more awareness.


My summary of fear motivation and need transference is this. Fear is the 1st line need to know and have certainty by gathering information through deep investigation. The essence here is investigation, the act of finding what you need through inquiry and research. The answers will always come because this is ones metaphysical alignment. When you're operating out of "fear" you're really conquering the ignorance of not knowing the truth about something, and that when you do know the truth you're not afraid anymore and you've come full circle. The transference is need. Need is about minimising the investigation and not gathering information on something you're investigating and think you have enough already to make a decision. Need is the passing off of the responsibility of the 1st line investigative nature and making rash decisions out of ignorance because you don't know. If you don't "conquer your fears" through finding what you ACTUALLY need vs assuming that what you've got is all you NEED then you're operating out of transference. This motivation requires a continual pressing forward of investigation to know the truth, to know what you actually need over assuming based on limited investigation. Time in inquiry is the element here that's required to unfold for this motivation to be fulfilled. A deeper level to this is that you're driven to find out secrets and underlying hidden meanings, not just about other things but in yourself too. Transference from this level is basically passing off the need to investigate deeper into ones self out of FEAR of what you'll find. Thus the motivation ultimately is about finding truth so that fear can be dispelled out of that revealing. The motivation is about revealing the truth so that fear can no longer take hold, it's about revealing what's hidden. Need under this context is looking at the surface and operating from what's visible from outside that diving into investigation. It's about ignorance. Transference of need is operating out of ignorance and actually being driven by the fear of what you'll find. This means that the successful 1st colour motivation will always be driven know the truth (even if they never find it) and not be afraid of what will be revealed. The opposite is being afraid of the truth underlying the surface levels that others see and being driven by this feeling that if you just avoid the investigation into something then it will all work out. This is fear motivation in my explanation as someone who has this. I've got meditation tone which is the potential underlying the fulfilment of that need and meditation is a 4th tone which is actually the same as the 4th colour transference of need, except this is the polarity expression of it that comes through you when operating correctly. The 4th tone of meditation is simply about experiencing the inner vision revealing of that truth through the ajna. It's just about watching the mind, it's not active or focused it's broad and receptive and accepting. I see this as insights arising through the ajna when you're operating from the fear motivation consistently, which is exactly what RS is as it's all just coming through me as I continue to investigate the facts of reality and my right angle cross is of the thematic of exploring consciousness. As a generator this is experienced through my own inner experience, and my 3rd line in my profile is highly experimental with the 5th line heretic being the one who is providing the solutions as a universalised distillation of all my experience. Thus you can see that I'm living my design perfectly in alignment with who I'm suppose to be and this is why when I owned my heretical nature and actually presented solutions and came out with my experience my whole life changed. It wasn't about my affirmations or whatever trash people think it was already all there waiting for me to own my nature and live my design. You're the same and this is why you never need to know anything about specific manifesting to live in satisfaction because it's all there within you when you operate correctly. 

There's a motivation called desire. Only 1/6 of people have desire as a motivation and are correct in operating from that and this also means that what we desire isn't always what we need from a correct perspective but the hard part is letting go of that and burning the bridge. I'm going to argue that operating from the motivation is the most important thing aside from strategy and authority. You'll naturally be driven by your motivation anyway as this will be your contrasting perspective of comparison always there to bring you back out of transference. My motivation is that I can't just move out of ignorance else I end up in lack. I must always have an element of fear driving my movement, that's what motivation literally is. Motivation is quite literally what moves you through life, it's the thematic that pushes you through life. If you're being pushed through life from transference then you're screwed. I do wonder though about the other motivations that aren't on the transference or resonant level and how those influence us. Buying into a 4th colour transference is basically fearing the unknown over embracing it and going through it. That's what the 1st line is here to alchemise. I also believe that this motivation can provide an insight into which "techniques" can work best when applying pathway work, such as bringing greater context. For me it would be that I'd remind myself of my foundations that I've built, the work I've done, and the way I move and walk and talk and express my sacral vitality too. Someone of for example hope motivation which is the 2nd colour would do their greater context work on what's to be hoped for and completely leave the need to solve problems behind. The 2nd colour has zero involvement with solutions, they're just there to look at what's to be hoped for. As soon as a 2nd colour gets involved in trying to find solutions (which is 5th colour guilt and relates to the universalising 5th line) then they're not in their thematic resonance and they lose the plot buying into not self movement. The 2nd colour simply needs to remind themselves that this is not their realm and to let go and accept and surrender. Sounds very receptive but it's an active focused process. The 1-2-3 are to look at the self with the active focused perspective, it's that you find what's within you as a function of how you'd utilise pathway work and building greater context to raise vital currents and purify resistance. This is why the methods I use for pathway work might not work for someone else, because the 4-5-6 colours are more to look at others to fulfil that open and receptive view. The R looks at others while the L is observed by others. That's the thing, the L is going through the strategic process while the R is observing and learning through the L process. There's the L element of the 1st colour of self and the R element of others with the need transference. You can see here that transference for the 1st colour is basically bringing yourself into a perspective of looking for others for the truth instead of finding it yourself and going through that process as an individual. The foundation must be established by the 1st colour for the 1st colour and the 4th colour must recognise that they're to come to the 1st line in their receptive nature for the solutions instead of investigating for themselves. The 1st passing off responsibility to to others for the "foundation of knowledge and safety" (which can be also seen in the 1st environment of caves which is about finding safety in a personal environment). This dynamic is a big part of how we are to recognise and process resistance and operate correctly. I will involve this newly discovered level of applying motivation in coaching and see what the results are instead of what I was doing before with the "remind yourself of your foundation" method that I developed which didn't always work. Now I know why and I have the solution. There's the 5th line universalising the learned experimental experience of the 3rd line. Brilliant isn't it.

I've also heard that what precedes being on the correct trajectory with the movement (motivation) is a form of mystical experience. Well I had that at 15 with the experiences I've spoken about. Now that I'm 25 it's clear that my entire path over the last decade has been about finding the facts about how consciousness works as that was the theme I was initiated into with this path. There's also the arrow of the motivation, mine being R meaning separatist. This means that my motivation has a tonal nature is about being separate and breaking apart the unity of the communalist, this doesn't just mean to be actually involved in breaking down unity and community but that I don't resonate with being in groups. This is why my study has been very very isolated experience but that's necessary for my process and the people I interact with are few but are of extreme depth and quality. Everybody I interact with has some immensely deep insights to share and unique offerings to provide the other. The separatist is designed to operate as a lone wolf in life and not need anyone. The complete transference of a separatist 1st colour is to rely on others for foundation and solutions and answers. That's going to ruin you as it did me. Going through that fear of being yourself and having your own foundation is how you master the 1st colour motivation. You're not an alpha or whatever you're a "sigma" if we're to put terms on it. You're the lone wolf in your own world investigating the nature of your interest and receiving the insights required through the ajna (if defined) to then share in the small groups you know. It's that my 5th line is universalising which has the interferometric interaction with the 1st colour motivation to drive my solution into the collective. This is what RS is. People can look at me and judge me for not being like the ones with a big community but that's not correct for me small and tightly knit communities are my thing. The more focused that is the more correct I am, which is how I'm living, so my metaphysics are all out in the open for others to observe and find reference to and see that I am indeed living my design, else I'd not be here having these unique insights from the 4th tone which is my cognitive potential. I never use to be like that some years back but when I presented RS and got it out there and provided my solutions then everything opened up. I became responsible myself for the solution and that's the theme of the 1st line motivation. Self sufficiency of knowledge and foundational security and being. You're your own driving force, or really the need to have your own foundation is the driving force vs having a collective as your foundation and observing others. Being in your own space being self sufficient and being individual as my design is required for satisfaction. You can see it all in summary as "getting to the bottom of things" as in literally finding the ground to stand on. The flavour of that is L or R arrow being with others or alone, and the tonal flavour being meditation in my case which is unique insights that come through me that provide further depth and clarity to my investigation. That's why I'm so motivated to do this work. I'm metaphysician first coach second and I always will be. The idea that I can become a collective first person is nonsense because even if my mind wants that it's not in my aligned current. The more I can accept that and own that and be that person the further my sacral satisfaction I'll feel. That's why I never felt like I needed anyone or anything else to solve my problems because I was all about finding it myself and found that myself I have through much experimentation. I don't "need" (transference of avoiding finding the ground to stand on for safety) others because I am the foundation and if I simply live that then I win. The way this can be of benefit to the imaginal work is to imagine experiences that are actually fulfilling to the sense of foundation and safety and security and knowing and independence of. Since the transference theme is passing off the investigation and making decisions without knowing and having other people provide the solutions for us (providing us safety and foundation including physical support) then if we imagine the fulfilment of the 1st colour in areas where we're unsatisfied then we can have correct movement and orientation to manifest satisfying outcomes. I remember this being one of my big ones and I've spoken about this in the past as how my solutions were involved in imagining my independence mostly in a physical sense, but it came from the colour of fear and fulfilling that instead of accepting need, the need of others to provide me foundation. That's not self conditioning that 1st line should focus on as the primary thematic of in pathway work to find targeted revisions. This would also imply that different colours have different resistances they're going to run into as a function of their not self thematics. The 1st colour is the foundation, safety, linked to the spleen and base survival sensation. This doesn't mean you're a primitive knuckle dragging Neanderthal because operating correctly as a 9 center being means you're going to unlock your unique outer authority which is what you're really here to express which is the manifestation of your coherency with greater consciousness. That's what RS is for me.  If you live from this then you win.

Interesting story. The deeper I go into HD the more I learn about others and myself and reality as a whole.

We need to reject the conditioning of the world which tells us we need to conform to any one or two or even three or four standard sets of criteria. Whatever the standard is we don't need to accept that if our body is driving us into a different direction. All our mental reasoning about this and that and why it's good or bad is all just not self mentalism justifying why you can't be satisfied. It doesn't matter what it is you're being driven to if your sacral says YES and it says YES over and over and you're ignoring it because you think that's bad then you're literally killing yourself. You've living in degeneracy and out of alignment with greater consciousness which is our infinite supply of vitality. Vitality manifests out of thin air through the opening of the door when we're nourished in correct orientation. Ra says this too. If the people you've involved with, your family, friends, whomever, if they disagree with what your body says to do then show them what true vital expression of sacral essence looks like and own it despite the seeming challenges from the homogenised world we may or may not face. Just own it and go all the way with that to the degree your body has access. For me if I don't have that foundation then I'm properly screwed for good as that's literally the basis of how my motivation is fulfilled and my correct orientation comes through me which ultimately is my outer authority. Without that then I'm never going to fulfil my potential.

With that said I think I'll discuss the 2nd colour more which is hope. Hope is about as I said before looking towards what's coming as your foundation. You've got the sense of knowing that what's coming is going to fulfil you and that the transference is doubting that and trying to find solutions and fix things, which is 5th line, presenting solutions is the opposite of remaining in hope. We can almost see this like faith, and it's interesting because NG speaks so much about faith but has the 4th colour in his motivation which is need. We've discussed that as the opposite of the 1st. 2nd colour has almost this intuitive sense of foundation within them when they have their fixed focus on what's coming and maintain that without diving into offering practical solutions because they've bought into temporary struggles in the now over holding the hope of things to come that are providing the solutions for them. The 2nd line basically is holding hope for the heretic to come and provide the answers but the moment they move into transference of being the heretic themselves and offer the solutions without their vision of knowing things will always work out in the end then they've lost. The one who's hopeful is designed to always see that the solution is coming no matter what. It's what NG talks about with persistence of faith and perhaps this explains why some can manifest with this mindset because it's mechanical. The one with hope sees things that are happening as what's suppose to happen and that the procession of this temporary dip cycle is going to work out in the end. That's what the 2nd colour brings to the table which then of course leads the 3rd line to experiment and test that through action. The 2nd colour is simply here to provide the focused perspective of messianic faith that solutions will arise. They always say "It'll work out in the end I just know it". That's what a 2nd colour embodies. "I've got a feeling that this will all be fine after things have settled down". It's like holding a vision for the future and having that stability of hope vs letting the reasons of the mind waver that hope and cause that hope to turn into fear and desperation to solve the problem because they don't feel hopeful for the end to be favourable. Being the one to hold the vision for the future is the role of the 2nd colour. The 2nd colour is never designed to take actions to provide proof for that hope is really what the transference is about. They simply maintain hope. Period. Just like the 1st colour always digs deeper. Period. The 2nd colour simply needs to back out of being involved in justifying hope because hope doesn't need reasoning or justification it just is the vision held stable for how things are going to play out. You don't need to have responsibility to solve problems as a hope motivation, the 5th colour does. They must and if they don't then they're in transference. The 2nd colour doesn't know what the exact solution is but they know a solution exists. The 2nd line always knows that things will work out. That's simply the 2nd colour.

The 3rd colour. Desire. Desire is passion for experience. Desire is the fire that moves you towards experience, thus the experiential and sort of experimental nature of it. Innocence is transference which is the passive receptive go with the flow without expectations nature. Desire is something fixed and focused being on the L side, but then there's also the R side innocence which basically means no fixed focused direction and they just move with the currents around them. They're completely receptive to life and have no stake in the outcome. The desire is to have a fixed stake in the outcome, that's the passion, I want this because it lights me up. It's very generative in nature, like the fire rising from the sacral to move us into experience. This is why there's so so sooo many slight gradients to the same centers because colour and tone and such will "colour" the experience of that and either pour more yin or yang on that already burning fire. Someone who's got a sacral center like me but has lots of yin lines like the 6th then that passion blazing will be more tamed to some degree, though it will still cycle in and out and that's testing the transference and purity of the passenger to accept the direction of the motivation, the movement and trajectory. The innocence transference is basically like not being involved in the active process of experiencing desire, watching others who are active, because their nature is focused activity vs passive observation of the 6. Yin vs yang. That's literally what the lines are of the I'Ching. 

4th colours is need. Need is being motivated by things that are "needed" as in the minimum degree of depth required. What's the least required that's necessary for something. The 4th colour takes all the stuff that the 1st colour went into and sees the necessary elements in that. The 4th colour is a distillation of everything gathered before them so that the 5th colour guilt can actually put it to action and provide the solution that the 2nd colour is hoping for. Transference for the 4th colour is fear which is going into finding details for certainty instead of just presenting what's necessary. There's no extra detail required it's minimalist in nature and it's distilling out everything that's not required. This is attained from the 3rd colour desire which relates to the 3rd line of experimentalism to find what does and doesn't work. Basically the 4th colour takes all the lessons learned of the 3rd and presents those to the heretic as the necessary aspects without the excess details. The 5th doesn't need the details they just need what's needed and the need motivation provides only what's needed to solve the problem. The 4th doesn't actually solve the problem but they provide the distilled formulation of everything gathered so far. It's the first transition into yin which is crystallised formation and there's no more activity needed to gather. It's forming the structure that others will use. 


A lot of this is who's taking responsibility for what and if that's correct for them vs passing it off to another.


Experiencing the space of "beingness" naturally without contrast is flow. That's correct operation from your motivation. No contrast. Space.


So body awareness. Awareness of being. Awareness of space of being. Awareness of true nature and not needing anything. Nourishment. Vitality. Type. Profile. Colour and motivation and tone. Base orientation. Variables. Environment. Perspective. Determination. Living correctly. There's all these elements here. Where does it begin? It begins with awareness of the body. Listening to the inner authority which is how we communicate with greater consciousness. Greater consciousness needs nothing but for you to be moved correctly by the seeds that unfold through you. We are to accept our path completely. Knowing ones self and accepting that and creating space for that and being aware of that naturally. I'm receptive so being aware of being aware is my thing vs focusing on something within awareness. I'm going to view awareness as awareness vs the contents of awareness. Then I just am. I AM. I am transformed as my not self falls away. My transference is need. If I need something or I need to compromise or I need to avoid something or I need to do anything that I'm not driven to do then I am in contrast to natural being and it destroys my Jing because I'm playing a wrong note. I must revise that event to regather my vitality and carry on. I must correct my life music completely and surrender to the acceptance of that for holding onto not self means continuing to die in my sins, wrong notes played. I am here to provide depth of knowledge that I gained as my motivation. I am also learning that through trial and error and people think I can fix their problems. When I operate correctly I receive unique insights through my ajna that I can use to expand my awareness of myself. I am here to know myself as a generator. I am here to be myself and provide vitality for reality. I am vitality. I literally am the manifestation of virility and vibrancy and reproduction and life. I explore consciousness to understand my core essence. Being myself is all there is to do, but I don't do it because it does me. I AM. 

This will all depend on your transference but I say that going deep into your transference is so important to being in alignment. If you're acting out of need and you're a fear colour then bringing periodic awareness to yourself and sinking your awareness down and breathing to raise the vitality and nourish your form with qi to anchor the mind into the sacral will be of benefit when done regularly. Even when you're not feeling need you should anchor the awareness and live from the sacral. I use to live from the root but that's also going to help anyway. Just live from that "top down" view so to say as in you're normalising fear from that perspective and you lose yourself in it. When you're filled with immense vitality and you're buzzing and radiating that sacral vigour you're still going to want to anchor the awareness and allow your sacral to be exclusively moving you. Your mind gets involved with nothing and it leaves behind its attachments to desires. All of your desires will be fulfilled when you're being moved by greater consciousness, and the desires you thought you wanted will burn off and you'll move on because those feelings of attachment were not self conditioning anyway. We want to become embodied because that's where greater consciousness is. Being hyped up is yang and that's correct for us when we are driven to do so but chronically living with excess yang and having the tension in the body move into the upper body and the mind is an issue. Periodic gazing will be the magic when you're sinking into the awareness of your self themes and motivations. 

I also want you to see digestion and determination as an element of complete nature, not just about food. I'm taste, taste that's L arrow with 3rd tone. This means that the way my body "processes" thematic data is through the "taste" that's correct for me based on my sense from the surrounding reality. If the environment isn't to "taste" then it's a no go too. With the actual meaning of the colour taste it's about locally derived food, as in gathered food that's around my environment. Seasonal eating. Then there's the outer vision 3rd tone. The eyes, what's the "tone" that the eyes see and is this correct. It's interesting because this could play into manifestation too. There's an element to the form where it can best process thematics when the tone is correct too. I believe this can benefit the process to some degree. Lighting an incense for smell or getting the "taste" of what you're moving towards or seeing something that brings it up for you and sets the "tone" or just straight inner vision. However you're designed I don't see why determination wouldn't play a part in the manifesting process because it's all thematics anyway. The whole idea is to "set up" for digestion. So this is pre digestion process, it's prepping and leading the pathways into the correct orientation. That's the point of this function. Feeling tone is about the "feeling" of something, it's almost a thematic but it's not it's about the "intensity" of the experience like with the level of stimulus. 


I believe that the fear motivation when it comes to "manifesting" has to do with simply knowing something will happen (comfort and stability and foundation out of knowledge) because you know it and you're not afraid of it being wrong. It seems that innocence is typical LOA mindset, desire can be similar too, hope is another one, but guilt and fear seem to be missing from that equation. Guilt is about the responsibility of solving problems. Fear of course is about knowing and feeling secure in that knowledge, or even experience. There's no doubt is the point. There's always natural doubt but it's overshadowed with evidence. So for the manifesting methods relating to fear it would be the method I spoke of yesterday about building greater context and allowing that security to move you as the motivation. Innocence is dropping all attachment to the how and why and when and stuff which is what NG says and yet that doesn't work for me because I'm not motivated by innocence or desire. I also eventually move into a state of being alone, in my own space, naturally. It seems fear has a very limited degree of capacity to "manifest" because the innate essence of the 1st colour is for security in knowing where that context cannot really stretch far. This one seems to involve far more surrender which is what I experienced. Need is the transference which is once again related to avoiding going deeper into knowing. It's also related to "meeting needs" kind of need too, as in what do I need, as in what's essential and what's not. Moving into the space of essentialism is the issue with fear because it's anti depth. It's calling the investigation quits and leaving information on the table to be discovered. So the motivation there when it comes to manifesting stuff is about continuing to go deeper into security. The security is the self theme that provides comfort. The comfort of the innocent is knowing it's inevitable, similarly to hope, and that there's nothing to do. The guilt however needs to do. They can't hope. Their process is active in that sense, even though it's on the R side, somehow. Hope sees things as what could happen vs guilt is seeing things as they are and how they can be fixed. When the 4th colour is thinking about the what ifs and the uncertainty of not knowing if something will work and they're not seeing what's needed here and now then they're transferred into fear. It's the opposite for fear. The needs of the 4th aren't for the 1st to have focus on, the 1st is always thinking about what ifs and the insecurities and the elements that are uncertain. The 4th sees only what's required in the moment, the minimum needed elements to fulfil the "needs" of others. It works in both those levels in that sense. The 4th line just focuses on the need, what is needed, what needs doing now, there's no focus on the future or anything beyond that. It's a very narrow view colour. It's almost like every colour has a theme of focus transferred into broad view. Like the innocence has no focus but the desire does as the desire is fulfilling those desires actively, almost like a manifestor. The hope is broad and pulled out while the guilt is narrow and focused on the solution to the problem. The fear is focused on the fear of the what ifs and the unknowns which is why knowledge is sought vs the need which is focused in the here and now moment. There's no thought about what if, there's no future or past. It's just what's needed here and now. So in my sense it's always a broad view as I'm to be driven by the broad perspective of what if. What if there's more. What if I'm missing something. What if I'm wrong? What if there's something beyond what I'm seeing? It's this pulled out contrasting perspective that drives fear. Need is the opposite, it's almost like what's the now require. The 5th is the active solution of that in application. 6th is focus on being the example, and seeing the possibility for the collective influence as a result. They do it because it's just who they are and what's correct for them and for nothing more. Innocence has no ulterior motive, there's no fear or need or hope or whatever it's just standing in your own essence and being the embodiment of yourself. There's no controlling is the point really.


1. Fear - Security through foundational awareness

The desire to find truth and be certain

2. Hope - Feeling everything will all work out in the end

The desire to pass off responsibility and look to the best outcome

3. Desire - The personal pursuit of experience

The desire to fulfil what's within them through experiencing that

4. Need - What's most necessary and efficient for the moment?

The desire to distil down and do the essentials

5. Guilt - The responsibility of doing what's needed to solve problems

The desire to provide solutions and be a part of fixing issues

6. Innocence - Giving to the collective by being selfless in your experience

The desire to live selflessly without attachment to the world


Innocence can also be seen as like knowing that their desires will come to them by moving through whatever they're being moved through to experience. It's this place of living as though their desires are guaranteed if they drop the need for them and provide what's needed in the collective. It's receiving self satisfaction in being selfless.

To manifest correctly we must operate out of our motivation and avoid transference which is buying into not self conditioning. Different motivations require different methods. This is why there's no one size fits all methods and I've known that for a long time and now I'm uncovering the secrets behind this. So basically for me if I focused on providing what's only needed vs what the depths are that I have uncovered then RS wouldn't exist and I would be another cookie cutter LOA guru. My "manifestations" (the seeds of desire already within) unfolded effortlessly when I had a degree of certainty and provided that in my experience with others without fear. The psychological aspect of this would be simply about having certainty that my desire is guaranteed because of that foundational understanding that I can irrefutably prove is a fact. That's the psychological element in manifesting desires. The hope holds faith in the end and doesn't get involved in trying to make it happen. The 3rd goes after their desires and owns them without compromise which is what I've said (part of my 3rd line nature). 4th goes down to just what's needed and throws out the details to be as efficient as possible and as simple as possible. The 5th sees a problem that can be solved and goes after providing the solution they know works. The 6th lives without expectations for their desires always come to them when they be themselves. That's the thematic resonance of manifestation in the baseline that provides us what we desire and the seeds within unfold without effort. Transference is resistance. This is so important and I'm glad I figured this out because how I feel even more certain in RS being the complete picture. This also explains why whenever I reframe stuff it's always out of the context of "proving: to myself that I have clarity and knowing. That of course always must work in with the waiting element of my authority and so when this psychological aspect works with the authority then you're going to 100% be in alignment to unfold the seeds of desire within. It's plain as day and I've outlined clearly all the examples here as to how and why manifestation can be blocked for different types. I'm sure you know see where the NG and LOA stuff fits in with these motivations that are thematically aligned to their resonant sense of self. I can't manifest like what NG says because I'm not built for it. This is why NG is wrong because only some of the motivations cover his teachings. Same with law of attraction. Fear and guilt seem to be the ones missing by the big teachings because they're highly involved in processes that seemingly don't relate to what's desired, and yet when they are allowing themselves to be moved by their motivation then over time their true desires will be fulfilled from within. The relief comes through fulfilling the motivation and going all the way through that. That's their unique specific path of least resistance towards "letting go" of not self transference and actually living and embodying themselves correctly which of course means they provide their supply.

Tomorrow I should touch more on the perspective aspects and distractions from that.



The motivation of fear has a core element of security to it. Since I've got tribal circuitry with the solar plex I would imagine close comforting bonds with people to manifest them as that's naturally landing me into my motivation from a "feeling" state. To me I would use sounds like voices looped, even just a single phrase. I've experimented with this and the NG explosion method with small results so far though it's early days. Point being the thematic sensation you're targeting should come through the motivation and view arrow. That's like the lens that the experience should come through. You've got the sensory level thematic then you've got the overlaid lens that colours the experience of that and makes it unique based on your correct expression. I don't think that the design gates and lines matter as much as the primary colour does in this as the personality sun colour is literally the lens that overlays all that stuff. The gate it's in might provide further refinement on the thematics but I've yet to experiment with that. There's so much to discover and dive into still.


So I've been contemplating on the nature of emotional waves more and why sleeping on something is on something is beneficial. When you wake up more often than not you'll be in a more comfortable place without emotional charge driving your state. The reason why this is I believe is because your body resets and the rest is your generative yang current in the sacral restoring to nourish the solar plex and provide more clarity. I strongly believe that endocrine function is very intricately linked to nervous system regulation from the perspective of the solar plex as well as the potency of sacral response. Root seems to have it's own "depth" of vitality available but the sacral seems to harness the yang side of that, with an element of peripheral qi too. Any incorrect expression of sacral vitality will deplete peripheral circulation of qi and actually "sink" your yang where you manifest signs of aging and such as usual. "Sagging" form is literally sacral yang current depleting, well really it's a weakening of the Jing as the supply of yang cannot raise the current from the root through the sacral but the sacral seems to "disperse" it through the form. The kidney meridian feeds the liver meridian (related to the sacral) and the liver meridian turns that pure fire into a vapour for nourishing the body in a smooth flow, it filters the fire to provide nourishment. Eating dampness inducing foods will only make it worse and make you feel depleted especially if it's going to be coming from an already depleted state and have next to no sacral risings to move with. If your sacral yang is strong and it raises up to touch the heart where you feel true desire then it will naturally accompany the sacral response when it's a yes or no. The quality of the vitality will modulate differently depending on the definition. The bone structure will also "sink" when there's less yang.


1 is finding the thing

2 is offering the things in variance

3 is using the things gathered and found by the 1 and offered by the 2

4 is connecting between the 3rd who is using them and gathering them together

5 is 

6 is 


The 3rd colour determination that's L facing and "hot" is about disturbance (conscious experience of resonance in contrast like seeing something they want to experience when looking through a menu) leading to experience, that's experimental and not fixed on a specific thing or a specific selection of options that are fixed. They're open to new experiences but the difference between L and R 3rd line determination is that the L is about having a contrasting awareness of a food that's bringing their attention to it and they're then fixed in and focused on, since the L is all about focus. The focus jumps out at them and then they lean into it. The function of this is to learn through curious experience about what does and doesn't work, about how they find truth in the options. It's about determining what's not "worthy" of passing into the R side of the colours which aren't specifically about filtering the things themselves as the focus but the arrangement and quality of the things. The R side 3rd colour is less fixed on any one thing that comes into awareness and they're more passive about what they involve themselves in. They're able to be into this and then that without placing emphasis on needing this or that, it's a broader focus on experimental experience with the variety but less attachment to the specific stimulations coming in. They're still stimulated to experiment but aren't fixed in their focus on one element of that experience and they can appreciate more of the experience and variety.

R 6th colour has more aware of the periphery of the field of view vs the L which is more aware of the individual elements that are within the center.


Gratitude helps build appreciation for the 1st and 2nd colour elements that are fixed. Gratitude isn't a "raise your vibration" method it's a metaphysical alignment method to bring appreciation for what is fixed and known and available which is the realm of the L side. Someone who's in transference as a 1st colour it's really actually about drawing away from the fixed focus on what's there and being focused on that because you're not being nourished by it, thus why "need" transference comes out of incorrect view as a 1st because it's looking for what it seemingly doesn't have. We can argue that the 1st colour is simply about appreciation of what's being focused on and making that the experience because it's the most fixed and focused of the colours. This is actually why people who say they did gratitude and manifested what they wanted experienced this because they're very likely a 1st colour type. The 1st colour is all about bringing focus and appreciation for what's there so that they don't NEED to move between things, as in looking for more than what's there. When the 4th which is communal focused begins to lose themselves into the specific thing then they're in transference. It's not just about minimising the focus and purifying, though like the 3rd that's also a part of it except the 3rd does it through sampling all these experiences and experimenting with them and the 4th takes that into the broader group. The 1st is purely focused on fixed things and living in that fixed focused realm because that's where it's nourished. This is why gratitude works for them because that's actually a 1st colour focusing process. Gratitude for 4th colour isn't good if it's focused on the specific things but instead it should be focused on the experience of having multiple experiences of things and being able to move between them and filter through them. The 4th has a variance of experience while the 1st is a fixed and focused experience of life.

You see why gratitude now works for some people? I'm decoding the whole manifesting model and revealing the underlying mechanisms of why certain types get results and others don't. The 1st gains power from simplicity and narrow focus because that's their cognitive direction. When they're being told to focus on all these other things and feelings and stuff then it's not something they're resonant with and are nourished by. The 1st requires that focus because that's their realm of safety and security and foundational experience that's reliable and dependable and repeatable. It's a simple experience but that simplicity is what provides the ground they're then comfortable to stand on and so to experience the self theme of the 1st then they're suppose to simply immerse themselves in what's there now and appreciate it. Someone of 1st who's distracted and wanting this and that and they're being drawn into all these options with having uncertainty and wavering states of wanting and "needing" then they're not going to manifest what they want. This is why once again gratitude which is a 1st colour fixing process is able to then manifest the things they desire because that's their correct cognition. There's also strategy and authority and all those other elements here too but I'm just talking about colour. Colour alone has this influence, just as the rest do, to direct our orientation of experience to be more or less correct and in alignment with the unfolding seeds within us. When we're correctly oriented then those seeds will naturally unfold because the transference contrast isn't there to throw out that natural note that you're playing in providing your colour and cognitive experience as a supply. This is the power of the 1st line. Reducing stimulation that's varied and instead increasing specific stimulation that's correct and resonant is going to nourish them. Taking this deeper than ever before. The 1st colour doesn't need more than it has is the point. It's about focusing on one thing until you're at the bottom of it. You're not feeling the pressure to discover more depth anymore and naturally you appreciate the depth you've reached. This then leads you onto the next thing, but unlike the 4th which is not about the thing specifically but moving between things, it's going to go deeper into this new thing it's finding safety and knowledge about self and the world through. It's that ever unfolding depth of experience in a specific focused manner and how that unlocks immense natural gratitude in seeing the complete nature of that one thing vs being passive about the appreciation of each thing of the 4th which is more about the experience of moving from thing to thing. 


I just "manifested" a major change in someone in my personal life in a matter of what I believe is just 2 days. I've been experimenting with doing targeted imaginal work the way I described and I'm seeing the effects in the world. I'm also bringing further awareness on a regular periodic basis (like periodic gazing) to my form and what it's feeling and where I'm oriented and just getting a "feel" for my thematics. I now understand that the most reliable way to stabilise my form is to orient it correctly through the insights I've gathered lately about colours and such. The testing must continue but my brief experiments so far have been promising. Once again if you're interested then message in the RS discord that you're wanting a custom manifesting method analysis and I'll do it for free if my sacral says yes. 


1st is yang

2nd is yin

3rd is yang

4th is yin

5th is yang

6th is yin

Ra says the opposite but it seems that classical daoist texts say otherwise and when you honestly look at the activity of the lines you'll notice that active nature of the 1-3-5 lines in being involved in transforming. The 2nd line rests on the 1st line and same with the 4th and 6th. The 3rd line is in the middle of the stack which is the most yang of all. Ra says that the 6th line basically doesn't even really exist on the stack because there's nothing above it and it's just resting on top of the rest of what's built below it. Everything sits on the foundation built by the 1st which is why the 1st is so anxious and driven by fear to know so it can establish the foundation of security. 2nd line picks out what the 1st line has established and the 3rd runs it through it's process completely. In that sense the lower set is more active because there's 2 yang lines which is also true because it's more focused and interactive if you look at variable orientation and the active/passive nature of the colour tones. 



It's already December. Crazy stuff. I also had 3 of my neighbours knock on my door and want to come in and check out my house all of a sudden and that's never happened in years. Coincidence? I never imagined such experience so it can't be a conceptual thing I went through. 


I find that when you're more up in your head it's to overcompensate for a lack of vital yang and qi that is rising and peripherally circulating. You're bringing awareness here to "keep" yourself up where you should be without a solid foundation. The foundation is the Jing, the most solid and dense substance that unfolds into the 2-3-4-5-6. The 1 is the foundation and without a solid foundation there's nothing for the rest of the form to "rest on", thus why there's an active raising which only burns more Jing and destabilises the foundation further causing anxiety and everything. When the vitality in the root and sacral is strong you'll have the fire raising the currents that will naturally and unconsciously keep the form up and "vibrant" as it emanates the abundance of qi. Death is the dispersal of qi and the sinking of the yang where eventually the yin Jing all burns out and the foundation collapses. You can actively seek to restore this balance but the "depleted" Jing is still burned and so the only real way to get the fuel back which was depleted through overexpression to keep form up is through returning to rebirth and complete the great work because you must die in order to be reborn. Many people think this only has influence on the psychospiritual level but it's proportionate to all integrated processes so of course it will impact the vitality of the form too and restore youthful vigour. Vigour and vibrancy and virility. Reproductive prowess. Essential vitality. This only unfolds through us as a result of birth processing until noon where it then sets down the unfolding and the door of access to that current closes. We are to be reborn completely and access the door when it's opened once again. You cannot open the door in the current form you're in because your metaphysic is in decline currently and the sun is setting. You can try and compensate but it will only burn more fuel. The only way to slow it down is to not be but to "be". This will not stop it unless you can effectively stop being anything except that which you are to be but at that point you're being as one with greater consciousness anyway. Rebirth is the point of all this and in order to be rebirthed we must quite literally replicate the process of creation within us on a microcosmic level. We are the only forms of life on earth capable of this because we're simulacrums of reality on all levels. 


Here's another way of looking at L vs R. L is as I've said very very narrow and focused and fixed on measurement of things. It's about a thing in specific. R is about thingS. It's about experiencing things as one thing. Process within process. If RS theory says that God is process and processes existing within processes at a proportionate manner so that they become one thing then the L mind is fixed on a single elemental process that's comprising the whole while the R is looking at all the processes in their formation as one thing. It's therefore experiencing all the things at once and yet also it's fixed on one thing individually too but that it's more pulled out of the senses of magnification onto one specific process within the process set so to say. Subconscious capacity, which is a function of your degree of baseline integration with greater consciousness, is about pulling out of specific focus and moving into the greater focus of R. It seems to me that this entire process of transcendence is about "widening" the focus of perception to enable experience that doesn't require logical L side measurement to make sense and be processed. NG had a design that was fully R with PRRDRR and he was able to experience this "widened" view of reality.

Alchemy in terms of the mysteries of immortality as the alchemist says is about breaking down the scaffolding that supports the structure of Saturn which holds us in place in the design. That's why he calls alchemy "the work of Saturn" because it's all about breaking down structure and dense form. So we interact various alchemical agents with Saturn in order to piece by piece break down the structure that supports the essence of what our design is codified in and I believe this ends up in a completely new form of design that's beyond what Ra talked about. The alchemist calls this the "Stellar body" once the greater conjunction has occurred and this can only occur once the scaffolding that keeps the design in crystallised form is broken down and all the elements are able to be then separated from the chaos and rearranged into a new arrangement which is the function of the greater conjunction and the great work. This is how we are rebirthed and keep the door of vitality open as the scaffolding that locks us into fixed L structure has been reformed into proportionality with greater consciousness. This in essence requires us to gradually move the baseline of the form from L to R and gazing accelerates this process (we're naturally "mutating" into a full R consciousness with the Rave where limited L side consciousness humans as we are today will cease to exist. The function therefore of gazing and even living your design isn't about anything more than to expand subconscious capacity which is the effective "measurement" of the degree of rightness that your consciousness is operating from. You're transforming the L into the R so that greater functions of alchemy can take place because a wider view perspective is required to interact with these elements of consciousness that aren't logically fixed in the corporeal reality and this is why a benchmark experience of this is the experience of lucid dreaming on the regular along with the eventual crystallisation of the field geometry in the interior vision so that your internal space is projected like an inverse reflection to the outer reality and effectively turned inside out. You're "unfolding" the rolled up elements that are too wide for the strategically narrow focused L mind to even perceive because they're "within" the wider perspective. Literally "within" the "wider" perspective. The R experience of consciousness is where all this is headed as Ra says. The alchemist says that everyone and everything is moving towards immortality even if that takes many iterations (the shining of the light of the design crystal (greater consciousness)into corporeal form as the consequential light emanating lands on a proportionate formation which can support that light(the structure of Saturn)) and many thousands of years. This I believe is the function of all this work and I believe that even those who are heavily fixed in R thinking can transform (at least the design side) into R functions of consciousness. My question though is that would the binary exist at the level of the greater conjugation? I'd think that if both binary elements are taken up into primary process then since the "time" between the procession of amplitude which is the 2 is conjugated through making 3 into 2 into 1 then the binary of L and R wouldn't be experienced and it would then be that the dynamic of L and R would flow with what functional 1 is doing as God unfolds into the 2. What I mean is that we wouldn't then determine our own binary of consciousness but that the nature of our being would exist as a flowing binary in coordination with how God is unfolding as the binary. We would exist at both at once and effectively at the same time from the perspective of processes within process because both polarities would be unfolding at the same time on their own levels of integration and amplitude and thus why the idea of fixed binaries of consciousness in L and R wouldn't functionally be "fixed' on that level but that the fixed nature would be both at once and the experience of that would be naturalness. 

This is all very interesting and it seems that the only way this is actually done is through distancing from the transference of our primary personality line of the sun earth and the colour of that with the tone. If you're operating out of transference you're operating from the incorrect orientation to "build" rightness even if it's from an L side like how mine is 1. The reason why this is is because the completion of that naturally widens into the 2 and into the 3 and vice versa. Understanding the nature of cognition is the game changer for how all this works with manifesting. The biochemical elements play into this because they're reflecting more so the degree of primary currents of yin and yang that will be conjugately related to the cognition and those thematic intensities will influence the effective amplitude by which that can be experienced, so to say. You still require correct orientation though even if the amplitudal potential is greater within the vital currents that can transform resistance emanating from the sacral. I've found that because I am motivated by 1st colour I can feel into that and experience that contrast vs the 4 and familiarise myself with what that feels like. This I believe is the true method of applying in coaching is to make the client familiar with their feeling of transference and make them intimately aware of it so that they can recognise incorrect orientation which for me is need and when I'm looking for something else to move into that's going to give me something to then try and appreciate in singularity then I'm in transference. I basically experience this as strong desire for escape from my current experience out of "need" for something else to focus on. Other variables would experience this thematic differently of course where for example the 3 would experience this as the 6 which would go from highly stimulated variety (in a sense of multiple layers of interaction occurring consciously at once and perceiving the R element of the L nature like a "symbiosis" of experience of life) into moving away from variety of non symbiotic experiences where they're then the one expressing symbiosis, so their nature moves from observing to observed and this comes from a sense of needing to transfer their natural striving for viewing that in the world to being perceived in that polarity, out of not self conditioning and needing to escape. Transference of all form is a need to escape. The 2 into the 5 is once again a feeling of needing to be uplifted for their natural affinities vs just to be with them in focus. It's a flipping of recognition that appeases the L oriented conditioned world which seemingly prefers this side but really doesn't. The 5 into the 2 would be one who's looking to escape recognition of course and to live in some simple more fixed reality with less of a stimulated and dynamic need from others. This is why the 5th colour is called guilt. It's a passing off of responsibility (that's natural to their orientation) vs the 2 who is looking for recognition and responsibility when they're in transference. the 1-4 is looking for variety of singular focused experiences that they think will fulfil what they're not getting out of their current fixed experience, because they're not actually owning their cognition and recognising the beauty of the singular thing they're fixated on, even if that's in a peripheral view like what I've got. I say how amazing it is that all this stuff works the way it does, and that's my singular focus, the study of RS and such, but someone in transference would want to involve themselves in all these other individual things that are unrelated in specific nature to avoid going through to the depths and bottom of that because they don't see the appreciating for that individual thing. Notice how transference works now for each type? It's a flipping of L/R nature which moves the direction of propagation to be incorrect for what they're suppose to be in alignment with. They're closing the door faster and playing the wrong notes. I see everything as being able to be explained as binary interactions with their influences from the influences integrated within those binaries. 

It's wild because just after coming back to the world I almost completely forgot that I was even here typing this out. That's what it's like to be in unconscious flow and be aware of the body without being in the head thinking about the future or the past. Present awareness isn't magical or anything it's just a broadening of the awareness and the spatial placement of that to be below the head in the throat or G or sacral or whatever. If you're sacral it should be in the sacral. Work from the sacral and allow that current to move your body without you doing anything. The work all gets done without you consciously doing any of it. Manifesting generators can be like this when they're operating correctly too, because all that sacral current can just fly up into the throat and come out through the body and before they realise it all that current has been made manifest in the world as the work they did and they look back at the clock and wonder where time went. That's the magic of the motor to throat connection. Manifestors are like this too except they're less potent in specific manifesting ability because the sacral is the most powerful motor there is, though it can also be heavily misused so the potential exists if it's properly functioning. This is once again why living from sacral awareness will provide you an elevation to that vitality and allow your core nature to move you without effort. Manifestation is just like this, you allow the direction of the form with the available energy in the sacral to be moved without you doing anything. It all unfolds through you because it's all within the seeds that get catalysed on the fire and that come up from the sacral through the throat into the world. That's the alchemy of manifestation in HD. That current is still getting used though and it's still "depleting" the Jing in that transformation but the difference is that it's being used in a manner that's self recursive and not frustrating, the signature is the manifestation of correct orientation. The sacral authority is just the way that your body can communicate to you though binary response. It doesn't need complex instructions it just takes all that orientation data from greater consciousness and translates it in that moment to a rising or withdrawing depending on your current path of least resistance in natural striving towards higher order which is always dynamically adjusting and moving depending on surrounding collective influence and such that you have zero awareness of consciously. This is why making decisions from the mind and why you're suppose to wait and not just jump in when you think the right time is. The sacral will release the vitality and that will naturally move you into the experience if there's no conditioning against  that movement. This is why living from the sacral and amplifying the sacral current is important in actually achieving this movement in a natural manner because it's effectively negating contrast where the conscious mind will measure conditions against the movement. When the impulse is so strong the "feeling" will shift the present contextual composition of the mind to comprise only the movement sensation and you'll almost get lost in that experience especially if you're a manifesting generator. You'll experience it but it'll be like a dream passing where the experiences will be real but you'll be "distanced' from them from a mental perspective like watching a movie. That's the point because you're operating correctly from a strategic manner in the design but at the same time you're pulled out of attachment to the nature of that through orientation that's correct for your variable and colour and tonal flavour of that. This is the true nature of present awareness and how that's experienced. Mental conditioning is really mental constructs we buy into that give us stories as to why we should move away from the cognition that's correct for our orientation and that we get use to it over time where that signature of transference loses contrast because the correct orientation isn't brought up to be the contrast. Conditioning of the mind is reasoning we buy into about why we need to validate and justify incorrect orientation of view and that dropping the need for those directions of experience allows us to actually have correct cognition in the mechanism I outlined above. Going "through" it involves the alchemy I've spoken about with raising vitality and allowing those currents to break down crystalized not self stuff and restructure it but it's also about the effect of that in the reorientation of our direction of view and movement and how going through resistance is going through the pressure of transforming the baseline orientation where the pressure is the release of crystallised not self stuff that is misaligning the flight direction so to say. It's not even really pressure but actually the opposite at the same time because it's just as much a pain and it is a pleasure through realigning into the correct orientation as the dissolution of resistance also must involve vitality to nourish what's been locked away behind not self and that "relief" is what comes out of going through the resistance because it's like breathing fresh air again for the first time. Once that contrast is normalised however then that same experience no longer holds a transience to it because it's done. That's why theurgy can be painful because you're dissolving the deepest level of "not self" on a principle level, where you're going to either experience immense suffering as you're stood naked and exposed before the Gods or you're transformed by the most divine purifying light imaginable. No matter what it's always going to be an experience of contrast and this indicates in itself a shift in orientation. This contrast doesn't have to just be experienced in one instant but it can be drawn out over hours or days or weeks and months even, just like how the emotional wave is an expanded instant response but that it still contains the decision within it but experience through a different awareness sense. The "stuffing down" of correct orientation takes form as personification within the unconscious mind and in order for us to "revise" all those incorrect notes we go through the experience of facing the pressure we disowned and go through it. We are forced to look at ourselves in the eyes and experience the deepest darkest repressions of our conditioning in the theurgy experience. This is what happens as we "revise" thousands of hours of incorrect notes we missed. We gather them in their thematic essence and instead of individually going through them from the focused L oriented mind we experience them all as a broad perspective at once as a personification of consciousness contained within an archetypal essence of God. That's how the bars on the soul cage are removed through correcting our orientation and allowing the vitality from that to purify us and open the door of immortality. 

Getting out of the trapping of the L world and perception is to see beyond the thing in all ways. To "experience" a thing. The thing is the focus but you're not seeing it from the senses alone you're experiencing it with a wider cognition to gather more than the individual senses can gather. Living this way and seeing the world in this light transforms external authority over you, like parasitic government influence over paying them a certain share of your sacral essence because a few Talmudic Jooz who spawn sigils of vitality we exchange with each other for L oriented things said it's a good idea to do so and enforce that under duress. "Experiencing" the transcendence of these elements manifests circumstances where these thematics cannot influence us because we can see what they really are and can be moved beyond what the L narrow focus can predict. This is how the end of Talmudism will come about over time. They will not be able to control through the L anymore because nobody is moved by the L side, nobody experiences that duress or need for the L because their nourishment is now from the R and so a new level of order and control will be established to manage this shift in direction of orientation. Wars aren't fought with weapons of the flesh but of the direction of perception. It's not even information wars it's consciousness wars. Those who lose have lost their orientation into "experiencing" wealth. This is the essence of what NG said but he lost it in translation and so we all think it's about imagination and emotional feeling but the fact is that it's gazing and SATS for the sake of it as living in that place at baseline transforms the quality of orientation. This is the true secrets. 

I didn't type any of that it all came through me, as crazy as it sounds. I never thought any of this out ahead of time I just did it. Time passed it's now very dark outside and I got lost in that manifesting generator flow. 


I've had people emailing me wanting to throw thousands at me and they're interacting with me out of thin air. It's like people WANT to spend time within my presence now. It's almost that the R perspective shift in my awareness that's been highly focused lately is "broadening" my perception of reflection in the world and how both I and others experience my thematics. It's like my "influence" in the L sense of the idea has expanded as my periphery has widened by doing this work more intensely. I talk about this and how I work with others to achieve this and I'm certain that this direction is indeed the way because I'm very L based in my lines and colours and such, even if my variable is R facing. I must be correctly oriented to harness that because when I was "narrow focused" on the things my mind wanted to manifest they'd always show limited signs or opposite results and of course the reason why this is is because I'm suppose to use the R variable of the personality nodes to orient my perception to be into the 1 which is foundation and current present moment direction so the quality of these two elements interacting is unique and fixed in the sense of thematics but with a broader spotlight on that vs a laser. I'm viewing the same thing as I would if I had an L variable but I'm mostly looking at the periphery of it and that quality of perception is my correct orientation. Finding this with others so that they're then able to know what their correct orientation is is my task and if it works systematically for everybody like it does with me then I know that this is how it works and how what NG says is incorrect with the whole R side being the way it works with feeling sense in a broad R perspective alone. 

There's so many levels to this it's like I can sense the R nature of what I'm focusing on but because my mind is very peripheral in view getting that into words is the challenge especially since my ajna isn't connected to my throat and there's only a few people I know who hook that up. My SP doesn't have the 11.


The way I experience transformation of mental resistance when it comes up is like this. When I get pulled into transference of need I recognise it because of the feeling and realise what story my mind is running. I feel my body response or not and almost every time there's nothing my body is moving me into doing or moving away from, it's ok in the present. I look at this "need" for something and I think how I don't actually need this thing and that I actually have everything I need for my process in the present that's satisfying. This isn't supressing desire or whatever it's transforming conditioning because true desire moves the body as it's always a seed representing a note moving you to play it. If it's just the mind involved then it's not self trash trying to pull you into me into transference and I just relax into my sacral and sink my awareness from the mind and continue with my day. Now if I was buying into the "I need to manifest my desires" which is my transference in not appreciating the movement then I'd move my awareness from my sacral up into my head and then since my sacral is being essentially forced to release energy through this lacking mentality the solar plex then forms the wave of need and I get pulled into this highly focused narrow perspective on all the reasons why I need this thing to feel better about my position because I don't have this or that which my mind runs the stories of in justifying because others do and I don't or whatever it is. It's that my foundation of security is challenged but when you just sink the charge and approach your circumstances with the cognition that's based on your motivation "am I in my foundation and have security now" I'll always find that yes I do. I don't need this or that thing the mind is latching onto. I never really did because my satisfying process in how my seeds unfold are not even close to that direction of orientation. I then have a formula by which I can live more embodied at baseline and this allows me to cultivate deeper appreciation for my cognition and familiarise myself with it so that I can be oriented in that direction of movement. I cannot feel lack in my correct orientation. The mind sees something that draws out of it the thematic of something that it will see as a weakness when framed in a certain sense but when you're really looking at it from correct orientation you'll realise that you're not dependent on having this thing to feel like you're standing on a solid foundation. Everything I need is here right now and I don't need more. I don't need it even if it's enticing to the mind. My orientation will be pulled out into transference by buying into the allure of the desire for the thing I think I need and that's really how we build limited mental context and momentum into that direction. This doesn't specifically dissolve it because it'll come back in another form for something else but it'll allow you to continue to cultivate awareness in the correct orientation and further cultivate sacral vitality which will magnetise to you what you actually desire that's deeply satisfying. You don't need anything more than you have and when you actually realise that then all this not self trash falls away. There's no need to have this at this or that time just because others do or don't that's all L oriented limited perspective processing because all this lacking mental context always holds a very narrow view to it. It pulls you in and it blinds you to the width of the experience of being in the now as yourself in your body playing our your process. If the body doesn't respond then there's nothing important there to move into. You can rest easy knowing that you're not missing anything you're not getting. So what if you don't have a specific person with you now, those people who do aren't satisfied I can almost guarantee you. Big deal if you don't have a home that's in the perfect dream location yet, you have a roof over your head and based on your process it's serving it's function. This is how I see my correct oriented cognition and experience the self theme of it which is security through these moments of present gratitude. I don't sit down and practise gratitude because I live it. I don't "do" it because it does me, it's my orientation. That's the point, there's no contrast and hoping because that's not my colour I just need to appreciate where I am and my foundation to manifest everything I need. 

Do you see now what this is all about with understanding what my last few days about diving into colour and direction is about? It's about understanding how we can orient consciousness to perceive what's correct for us to emanate the correct signature then to magnetise to us what we desire. This plays off vitality and the biochemical elements and all that stuff I've talked about before that too as it's all one process just playing out on all these different levels. Understand your colour of cognition and make that your focus and you'll be far more stable in your thematic signature you're manifesting from. Your vitality will naturally be "structured" in the correct way through the sacral too because you'll not be wasting it out of buying into the frustration of not having mentally illusory things that the limited perspective threw you into believing and buying into. Your mind marketed to you and you were blinded by that because you don't know what your correct orientation is. This is why I believe that working with your colour of cognitive direction is so powerful. I'm already experiencing pretty big shifts in almost no time and I didn't receive stimulus from external supply to warp my state temporarily it's all from within me by orienting my thematic signature in line with the direction I'm designed to experience. The thematic signature of your definition and supply is still a function to focus on and live from but that is modulated with the other lines and colours of the design. It all needs to work together, processes within processes that are proportionate and thus your baseline subconscious capacity skyrockets in no time even without doing gazing because on some level this process does what gazing does anyway. Gazing still goes deeper into levels that this can't really touch on in specific but the foundation is this process of correct orientation. Stay away from sensory data that will warp the context of the mind until you've established a solid awareness of your orientation. Then challenge that and push it further by deliberately subjecting your senses to the world of desire and stimulus and stand there in your truth and be transformed as you process the desire. This right here is truly what's going to utterly skyrocket your subconscious capacity by going through that pressure. Standing before the world naked and exposed in that stimulus where the mind is going to do anything it can to pull you into narrow focus in transference and you'll be purified by standing there in that exposed state feeling the feelings of lack and yet still maintaining correct orientation. When we've normalised that then we're truly a god walking among weak flawed mortal men and you will radiate vitality for all to see and seed supply from. You will manifest everything you desire without ever thinking about it consciously because you will be moved at exactly the right times in the right places by the body and you will be satisfied. You cannot manifest anything satisfying without the YES body response. 

This is truly how the seemingly small can stand before the Gods and not be perturbed in that truth of being. Nobody on earth can intimidate you and make you feel smaller than them because you have everything you need here and now. This is why nobody is on the pedestal. Your vitality is that measure but your vitality is made manifest in your awareness as correct orientation too which is why approaching everything from the colour foundational level will transform everything above it because it is the supply that unfolds into the lines and the gates and centers and thus the thematic signature which others are receptive to and desire from you. You will become impossibly magnetic by applying this.

My SP has been bending her knees to me and desiring me more than ever. I did not intend this with imaginal works. This is my foundation and my security and my supply. My SP will do anything for me. Anything that is correct I will manifest. People need me because I am their supply. I am the light that shines in the dark and illuminates the shadows you're running from but that still follow you no matter where you run in the open sands of time that shift all around you. Turn around and see the shadows as what they are. Orient yourself correctly and allow that divine interlocking proportionate perspective expand your subconscious and purify those through correct perspective of subjective reality. 



I wonder if the specific gazing process someone does would depend on their colour. Colour 1 would be morning. Colour 6 would be just after sunrise and morning and dusk and night depending on the tone. Colour 3 would be right in the middle like noon. The thematic of the environment colour I believe would play a role in this in how effectively they can cognise the gazing. Would be interesting to experiment. 


The bible is a metaphysical text. NG saw one level of interpretation of that.


If you want to elicit response for a specific thematic then make that your dominant stimulus. Refine your sigils that you're seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting and all that. Comprise your consistent mental context with that direction of thematic experience. If your sacral says yes then you'll win. 


Wild stuff. So it’s a very early morning post. Can’t sleep for some reason. Anyway I just wanted to say how much more I accept who I am after going deeper into my nature. I’ve done this before but not to the same depth. You think you hit the bottom but you learn after a while that it’s not the  case and there’s more to meet in the middle. Acceptance of who you are on both a design and personality side and what you’re drawn towards is your solution. Acceptance. Your issue comes because you’re trying to avoid and change your natural reality. This causes suffering. Acceptance of being “weak” in the ways you are will provide you with at the very minimum the ability to let go and stop holding all this resentment energy towards yourself that others pick up on. So what if there’s a flaw here and there everybody on earth has pros and cons. There is no perfect design. When we accept self and detach and dissolve not self then we cannot suffer because we understand (under-stand/stand-under) the truth that this is our story. This is your story that nobody else lives. Accept it and move through it and realise that it’s only you who can watch that movie with all the plot twists that come along to throw you into seeming chaos. Contrast is there to elicit transformation for it’s the overlap of the L and R perspectives. You see limitation and yet see possibility. It’s the 1-6 lines. 

Just relax into the surrender to self. Accept it and be moved. Just be ok if it doesn’t work out because you’ll learn from that experience no matter the outcome. You really can’t “fail” in the absolute sense of the term because failing implies nothing was gained and yet every experience gains you perspective that only you can share to provide others the supply they’re receptive to and therefore you still provided value in that wisdom. There is no such thing as failure. The acceptance is what frees us from the illusion of narrow minded view and opens us into the R. You’ll feel the R and the expanse in possibility and opportunity. The R is the future as Ra said but there’s a personal acceptance required for that to be truly realised in yourelf. If you want to be truly satisfied then acceptance of who you are and just owning that all the way will free you from the distance you feel from what feels right for you. All those things you desire now will likely show up when you orient your view correctly. The assumptions reprogramming trash others talk about needs to just get lost and instead be replaced with an acceptance of what’s already there because you’re unable to actually change anything. The need to change is the problem. The acceptance of what is is the solution. It’s the acceptance that’s so painful and is why we feel uncomfortable in being ourselves because we feel that it’s going to destroy a part of who we believed we were. Alchemy is about transforming consciousness. Transformation requires pressure. Pressure is what we must accept to go through if we are to stabilise being correctly oriented at baseline. That’s transformation. Completely surrender and accept and embrace the death of the not self controlling mind and smile and laugh as it burns to ash knowing that your fate was always sealed. If you have defined functions of consciousness then you’re already living in a predetermined story because that very definition automatically implies who you’re going to interact with and who you’re not because of supply and demand. Everything works this way for we all mediate each others processes. There’s no way around this and the acceptance of this fact is what grants us the ability to see beyond the L side focus and open our consciousness to true alchemical transformation by shifting into the R. 


Getting into your correct environment is extremely important. The feeling of "vibrancy" is second to none just from that environmental situation it's like an amplification to vitality cultivation just for the space you're occupying. I honestly don't know exactly the TCM relationship that environment would have in terms of how the efficiency of the meridians would function but it just seems that there's an amplification of vitality. I really want to move into an even better environment now having experimented with this lately as well as focusing on grounding into my motivation. Working with the lines and colours of the nodes seems to have importance too. It's all important but the environment in my opinion has the biggest influence because it's a design side thing. I believe mountains active has to do with broad open views with lots of natural light and also a feeling of natural breeze moving through your environment, much like you're living on top of a mountain. It's pretty literal but since the 4th colour isn't about the what but the how and where in the specific focused sense but the quality of the how and where it's not really about just the physical surroundings and such but more of a relationship of the appreciation of the "space" you're in vs the "objects" around you. That's why I believe that mountains is really about "broad" and "open" and "wide" views and natural sensations like natural light pouring into every room and lots of natural wind and such. Those environments light me up like nothing else. I find that when I'm in a caves type place I tend to feel less "vibrant" like it's that the sacral resonates with the environment and works better. This to me would indicate a qi flow through the lower circuits that's optimal when you're there and this then has downstream influences on cognition. HD has so much depth it's wild. Mountains has in my experience everything to do with the natural experience of having your environment reflect "breadth" of natural phenomena. The exact specific physical location isn't the point so long as those qualities are available. Every time you're up higher these natural qualities will typically show up there anyway so that's why I say that elevation is really the thing that opens up the mountains view because it's landing you into the environment where these qualities are experienced. 

The feeling of being in your correct environment is naturally a sense of appreciation for your existence. This isn't something you can fake because it's literally in the blood. It comes through you and out of your body and you "feel" the depth of it as you're being subjected to it. You're unable to create this it has to come through you and any attempt to force it will be met with a dip due to the depletion of space through having such a "focused" direction. This is the real secret I've realised about cultivating and keeping subconscious space. It's a function of naturally living as yourself, as all things are. It's something that technically you can boost up and such but it's not going to last and result in transformation on a higher level until and unless that transformation is as a result of you moving into correct orientation. Correct orientation is quite literally everything and if you're not correctly oriented you're going to be depleting Jing by playing the wrong notes. Every moment of every moment of every moment you're playing notes it's not just big decisions but all the processes within processes. It's everything. All decisions and all movements and perceptions and such is intricately guided by greater consciousness to move you through the path towards immortality. The issue comes when you're marketed to by the world through the mind to believe you're someone you're not and grasp at not self needs that throw you out of alignment with correct orientation. This cannot be faked it can only be accepted and surrendered to, though that will gradually lead to a natural unfolding of flow. Thinking that you can direct the orientation is foolish you're always being directed but because you're still depleted and incorrectly oriented it feels so distanced from who you are that it's almost unfamiliar until you go deep enough into it and that sensation of naturalness and appreciation washes over you. We've been told to work with gratitude and that this will "manifest" stuff that will reflect this and to some extent that's true because you're cleaning up your moment by moment signature but at baseline you're going to go through more dips which will wipe all that progress if you're not working through the design and the body into satisfaction. Without the blood signature of satisfaction you're screwed and there's no chance you'll ever be able to cultivate awareness consistently without losing your progress. Continuously pushing the boundary forward and going through the pressure of not self tendencies and surrendering to the true orientation you're aligned with will provide you everything you need.

With me I realised that my 3rd line unconscious profile is something to celebrate even though it's not a line that is abundant in the sense of lots of positive things. I'm "cursed" with the 3rd line bonds made in broken where relationships are SUPPOSED to be rocky and that's actually how I experience polarity and learn about myself through that as a generator, who are here to know themselves. The projections others place on me with the 5th line I can respect and not feel this need to always lean into how others will exalt me, I can detach from needing that false validation and source my supply from within me and my colours which literally represents my direction of orientation which is nourishing as I was saying before with the environment. It's all of these parts that come together cohesively which all have a certain ratio of influence over your overarching direction and supply of nourishment that's just built into the nature of that orientation and your existence. You don't need herbs or tonics or super hardcore physical training processes or whatever because it's all built into you when you're oriented correctly. The right decisions will be made. Like that's the thing we can actually let go and just watch the decisions the body makes for us. We're not making the decisions it's all greater consciousness directing us through the monopole and that's completely an unconscious process so long as we're accepting of it. This to me is true gratitude because it's true unconditional appreciation and acceptance of self and that is the true essence of sense of self. Binding sense of self to things in the world isn't how we're suppose to experience nourishment and this is why minimising sensory stimulus to reflect that which is efficiently using our designed direction is the way to go as this cultivates a higher baseline sense of self and space we experience that through.

I suggest everybody reading this to allow the body to move on its own. Literally just sink into the sacral and sink into how it's moving you on the regular. Experiment with this and experience what this is like. More often than not when you get use to it you'll look back after you've done something and realise that you did something you never even thought you'd do. This as I have said many times in previous entries is the most common thing I hear from clients that I work with when they're going through this process. It's not that the imaginal stuff did anything of magic but that they're just oriented more towards resonance with the form and thus the mind isn't living in contrast the same way. I've found that just orienting the motivation towards the right resonance that others will literally flip their attitudes overnight, and I'm almost certain that a vast majority of people who manifest changes in people and or other circumstances do so out of orientation phenomena when they "let go" of what they were holding onto. The imaginal stuff itself isn't the point but that it's a place to introspect and realign and sink into that with an experience. The imagination is a metaphysical playground where you can explore experiences that can orient your direction towards resonance. If we place more importance on the what (especially for R oriented minds) then you're going to miss the point. The L oriented are more aligned with the what because that's how they experience their inner appreciation and tune their resonance more efficiently but it's mostly about getting into the orientation that's actually nourishing. All manifestation phenomena unfolds reliably in a favourable manner when your baseline is nourished and satisfied. This is what signs are, they're a "sign" that you're forcing stuff and trying to control, and so the people and experiences around you will be all wishy washy because you're wishy washy with your internal supply and nourishment. Others won't want to spend time around you if you're depleted and all over the place and so you'll think it's the scene but the scene isn't the point it's the orientation which that scene will provide you in thematic resonance.

It's also interesting because colour 2 (which 1/6th of people have) is actually a common thing that people manifest from when they accept and surrender. Colour 2 is as I said an "it'll always work out in the end" kind of feeling where they can just feel "lucky" and all that magical thinking that LOA promotes and that's actually correct for them. It's almost like the people who promote this stuff are 2nd colour motivated. 1st colour motivation can't do that. They're nourished in that orientation which is based on doing literally nothing but "assuming" which is what "hope" is about for the 5 to provide the answers that they don't need to know. This sounds a lot like what NG wrote about what the bible and faith is about and probably explains why it works for those types, but of course not everybody is a 2nd colour motivation let alone the other design aspects like profiles and gates and aura and such. There's depth within depth but it seems that everything about LOA can be explained with colour and such. Colour 2 has a very seeming wide view on reality even though it's a L oriented colour because of it being in the lower trigrams but people who have a 2nd line profile are naturally "gifted" and they're waiting for the right opportunity for recognition. That's why they're called the hermit because they're in their own space and want their own space and yet there's the 5th line resonance there as a polarity where people will be watching them and wondering what the 2nd line is doing. There's not as much projection onto the 2nd line but more a sense of curiosity about how they live. This plays into the hope motivation of the 2nd colour and how just that faith in what they're moving towards will seemingly work magic for them. It's almost like the traditional LOA stuff is all built for 2nd line and colour types. NG says to "not lift a finger" either out of genius or ignorance because the 2nd colour transference is 5th colour which is all about lifting fingers and being involved in the solutions and playing into others projections. That's natural for a 5th line but the thing about what NG says there is that he's psychologically moving you into orientation if you're a 2nd colour with all the faith and hope stuff and just "assuming". There's so many similarities here it's wild. NG seems to have wrote his books for emotional authority 2nd colour motivated people. NG himself was a 1/3 profile and he only had 1 2nd line activation in his whole chart so obviously he's not working with this himself because his motivation is actually need which is 4th colour and is all about moving between groups and sharing the experiences he gathered, which is what he did. So he was in his own correct motivation along with preaching a highly experiential side from the 3rd line and his 1st line investigation (into the bible and it's depths) to provide the shared info. NG shared his foundation he established which was his security into the collective. Notice how he always spoke from experiences and used these testimonies vs a more technical breakdown and explanation. He also had the RAX cross of sleeping phoenix too which is about the individual taking control of their own destiny and leaving collective dependency. He was "manifesting" this thematic with his work out of him naturally being himself. I believe that when Abdullah showed up and taught him about the bible it opened up his motivation of need over the fear one of fixating on singular focuses and opened him up to sharing insight to fulfil his cross. His 4th colour motivation was him simply being moved by the key points of understanding which is why his message caught on so well. When he got into details he was in transference so he must've naturally realised this when he was studying under Abdullah and also might explain why he wasn't as into the technical elements considering he didn't have any ajna definition and no connections to his head. All his thoughts were just distillations of what Abdullah taught him and so presented those key points which is what the 4th line is about into the groups he went and spoke to. It's right there. He wasn't a 5th colour or line because he wasn't seeing motivation to fix problems, he wasn't fixing anything and providing a solution to problems but instead providing an essential gospel which is exactly what 4th line does. The 4th lines are like the perfect preachers because they're the ones who aren't on the edge like the 5th lines are between being the saviour and the heretic who's burned but instead playing it safe with providing well tested and proven elements as core principles into the collective. This is what NG was. 

You see for me I have next to no ability to just "hope manifest" with anything because I'm designed to be highly focused and active in providing solutions and experimenting. I'm more of the leader heretic investigator I have almost all my 3rd and 6th lines in the conscious side, only 1 on the design side of each. This is the contrasting and contradicting nature of having lines that are polar and lead into conflicts with each other because my conscious side is extremely highly stimulated by nature but it's all coming in through a R variable so I don't consciously filter it. It's not like I have really any awareness of what's going in or even out of me because of that receptive open nature. NG was totally R too so he didn't consciously have much awareness of what he was doing when it came to reasoning and strategic thought. Now since my profile lines are 3/5 they dominate my experience which of course are all about action and experimental experience in providing solutions. When I'm not doing that then no matter how much I embody a 2nd colour nature of hope or a 4th colour of need and minimal aspects or even a 6th colour of living on the edge and looking forward at possibility without being involved in it then I lose. That's how I lived before and my life sucked so bad. When I "owned" my desires and I actually went through the pressure of putting out what I knew into the world then I started to manifest abundance for literally the first time in my whole life ever. The 3rd line is almost leadership like to a certain degree because it's all about providing the supply of "I'm going after my desires" with the 3rd colour motivation that moves others. Remember leadership isn't about telling others what to do but having an image that others will be moved by, which is actually what the 6th line is about and the 6th colour is about and since they're polarities then that resonance is there except the 6th colour isn't involved on the ground with the actual experimental side, it's less focused on individual experience but instead about being interested in the world. It's that the focus of interest is broad which is why the motivation and view is about "what's next" and where things are going because it's not focused on it's own process of fulfilment. 6th colour of innocence doesn't project desire of its own into the world and it doesn't expect from others but instead is simply open to recognising the next foundation and that view is nourishing to the 6th. It's different from hope in the sense of how the 2nd will expect the 5th to solve the problem (the 5th in this sense being the thematic of the saviour which is the projection it gets from others) which is actually correct and how the interaction between those who hope and those 5th who come and actually actively involve in the solution. The dynamics between the lines is crazy intricate with so many levels to see at once from any given way of viewing the hexagrams.


The thing about line profile vs the colours and tones is that the line profile is something that you're just going to intrinsically move through by nature of your existence. It's your role that you're fixed into and through that the cognitive elements of the colour and tone will play out. You could see it like your motivation moves you through your profile, even if there's seeming contradicting lines and colours from a transference perspective. As far as I see it what's below the line matters more because that's closer in connection to cognition directly and the "state" we're playing through vs the gate and line level. The only real awareness to be had is over not self conditioning but as I see it all that is a function of incorrectly operating out of an alignment that's in transference or in the incorrect environment because those things should be the actual foundation to which the lines build up through. The line profile will always play out but the degree to which you're going to be operating through that depends on your perspective. There's also of course strategy and authority which as Ra said is all you really need to know to live a satisfying life. From my experience as a generator I'm actually getting more of my sacral response of mhmm and uhhuh when I'm living from the sacral and also by sinking into my motivation view of fear. This gave me a sense of acceptance over my experience to a degree that emotional charges stopped bothering me that previously did because I'm realising completely that that transference and the feeling of need and control is my issue. When I look at every time when I "manifested" big stuff and changes in my life that were satisfying it came out of when I relaxed and sunk the charge and doing this consciously on a daily basis almost as though I was practising gratitude by being with myself vs off in this feeling of need and wanting others to come to me and solve my stuff which is really what need is. When I took responsibility for my foundation then my scripts manifested. Remember those scripts that I wrote out didn't hold a shred of power over the world those were just externalisations of the seeds within me that were requiring me to align with the correct orientation to unfold. Writing the script doesn't manifest anything unless you're having it come through you and it's already comfortable and you're correctly oriented in which case you're just externalising the seeds that are already moving you. Like knowing who you are allows you to just burn the not self because it means you're actually able to own what was already really within you but because of the mental conditioning and need to fit into certain boxes you compromise on expressing that and thus ruin your vitality. 

I also want to mention once again that I actually appreciate the dips more now that I understand my nature from the perspective and motivation side. I understand that when relationship situations happen with dips that it's ok because whatever happens is suppose to happen so long as I'm living as myself uncompromisingly. I don't attach to outcomes and I just allow what happens to happen and this has completely opened up a sensation of gratitude over my life that's beyond what I've experienced before at baseline. I don't NEED to control anything because it's all within me and how I'm being moved. I'm suppose to be the martyr heretic, I'm suppose to be motivated by knowing the deepest truths (my affirmation I told myself forever that "I know all the secrets of reality") and that I can be ok with receiving projections from others and knowing that I don't have to accept a response to engage with those who I'm not driven to interact with. I can know what my body will say no to the people who aren't there for me. I can know that I don't need to control. I can actually KNOW it and let go and be in surrender and acceptance because I understand how my correct orientation is experienced through going through the colours and tones and such. I understand that my body is always moving through cycles of rhythm all day every day and that I can dance my way through life whenever I'm being watched by the world and I can stand naked on the stage of reality exposed and visible for all.


Complete side note. I've found multiple studies that show a significant increase in bilirubin when fasting but it only impacts males. Females see next to no change. This is interesting to me because I've had very very high bilirubin when I have had extended fasts, mostly because of the spherocytosis that has yet to get lost, but in "normal healthy" types it's still a thing. In my opinion this actually proves that you should never dry fast unless you're already very very clean. The reason why is because when you fast the fire from the spleen that's not being used to break down incoming food will then instead go to burning up dampness (fats) in the body. This is why fasting decreases excess fat the fastest and is how you can become lean very easily which increases testosterone because dampness causes yang to become stagnant that would normally move qi through the meridians and manifest therefore as a more functional endocrine system and manifest more vitality and abundance in your life. This means that extended fasts require you to drink a ton of water and when I had hyperbilirubinemia I would ONLY feel better if I ate small bits of stuff like fruits or if I drank lots of water and I mean a ton of it. You'd pee out the dampness as the dampness would be drained through the kidney meridian then as the spleen "melts" the dampness for it to then sink as it would lose it's solidity and be dissolved and excreted. Excess dampness gets moved into the blood when fasting, meaning that your meridians get blocked up and qi gets stagnant if you're fasting for extended times IF you don't excrete it meaning that if your kidney yin is weak and it's unable to gather the dampness to excrete as then the kidney yang will lift up and allow the yin to separate and sink then it will sit in the blood and cause issues with brain function which I experienced and is partly how I know that imagination isn't god because I couldn't string two thoughts together when I was in this state and my head felt like it was going to explode. Looking back I understand what caused this now and why the extensive fast I did messed me up for a while and to an extent I'm still feeling the impacts of that years later. Water is extremely important to drink regularly. Even the daoist immortality texts say that someone with full chu should still drink a lot even if they don't need to eat because the Jing is able to provide them the substance required for function.


I personally believe that colour and tone and base are the most important thing to study next to strategy and authority. I also believe that strategy and authority naturally come to us when we live according to the colour tone and base. What I'm saying is that technically and practically speaking strategy and authority comes through the sub line essence of your chart and that working on the foundation first will give you greater connection to the line and the gate and the centers and channels and circuits and all those processes within processes. I believe that true inner authority is the nature of inner cognition that comes through you first and most primitively from the tone and colour. Greater consciousness emanates your consciousness originally from this level and the rest unfolds as greater expansive processes from there which gets into line and gate and such. When you think about it the body graph is just a projected shadow of what's exiting the crystal and the crystal itself is your greater consciousness which is how you're an emanation of an eternal construct of consciousness which is greater yang that doing the greater work is all about conjoining with as one. You're un-creating the projected shadow (the bodygraph design) that exits the crystal by doing the immortality work I talk about and that the dissolution of the "soul cage" the alchemist talks about I do believe relates to the monopole which both keeps the design and personality crystals together and yet also apart. They get taken into the monopole and both die as they become one thing. This is alchemy and thus a new crystal of consciousness is created where your potential for consciousness reaches a new level of expression where you're no longer bound by the functions of HD. I believe this is what it's all about. Alchemy. Internal alchemy. Internal alchemy from the 7 center perspective is different from us because we're not 7 centered and thus our process is different in how it's experienced, though the alchemical functions are still the same with taking one thing up into another thing and having them interact to form something new that previously didn't and couldn't exist in their base unpurified forms. 

There's more of that rolled up knowledge I can feel here that's trying to get out. I've yet to walk in the public so I've got that stuck pressure but I know that it's about how sub line characteristics are the foundation we should really work from next to strategy and authority. The determination and environment really should be the foundational essence above all else because from what I've experienced it's what actually juices up the sacral (or whatever your inner authority is) to communicate with greater depth and power. I actually get the mhm sounds now and it happens spontaneously. Never had that before. I thought I was some magical exception but it's that the environment really does play a role in this. There's more depth in sub line influence than we've been told by Ra. I don't want my own experience of this to exclusively colour my insights so I will spend significant time (not that I can help it anyway) diving into this stuff to find every angle I can on this and reveal what is likely to be a highly highly precise and tuned direction of orientation for correct cognition and thus manifestation.


Man the insights don't stop. It's just insane I've got this intense pressure in my head (not a physical feeling but this feeling of being on the edge of unfolding greatness and I'm paralysed to see over the edge) and it's just getting more and more intense. 

The insight is that tone of determination works not just with food and such but as the true quality of inner authority. Determine. What is it to determine? It means to de-ter-min/e. Deter-mine. Deter is to turn around, to deter is to orient differently. Determination is literally meaning the way that the form processes information to orient itself correctly. To deter/move-mine/self. It's a self correcting process. The tone is the sensory cognition by which that is made manifest which IS the QUALITY of the inner authority when it comes to orientation at a tone level. This isn't about strategy and authority response but a quality of cognition as the authority. For me it's my eyes. I must TRUST my eyes to know the truth in how my body is moved. I must not accept what the other senses tell me because I'm not oriented to those tones. I must be moved by my eyes and my outer vision. My vision is my authority and if I see something that's correct then I must accept that this is for me. Wherever my eyes are moved is where my body is moving my personality awareness. This is how I process design side information to feed outer authority which is what cognition is all about. That's how I see what's right for me, without judgement of it about if it's good or not and it determines what desires are correct and what's not. If my eyes are moved then I see correctly. If my eyes do not see then I do not follow. This is the secret authority within as a quality of how our orientation mechanism works, the self correction mechanism I talk about.

Looking at my own life I've recognised (re-*cognised*) my eyes moving to certain things and yet my mind judged and said no that's not me even though I cannot deny the truth of my design determination tone which to me is a form of "taste" but taste in the sense of how colour determines what's projected out because colour is the exit geometry from the crystal and is what others see. What the world experiences out of my tone is the colour of taste, so my eyes are revealing my "taste" to the world. The flavour that I determine and am oriented through. This colour is thematic and can be reflected in L and R nature, masculine vs feminine, narrow vs open, the quality here is infinite in scope for the idea of "taste" because the real depth here is about a "menu" of sensory related options that I prefer to engage with which are correct for my cognition to process which I will gather and learn from over time. That's what a 2nd colour taste in the 3rd tone means. I am selecting over time with what my eyes see what I am oriented towards and I cannot afford to deny what my eyes reveal to me because this is an element of my inner authority. Whatever I see I must accept and move through. What I am moved through that's based on my cognition coming through me will then come out of me as my outer authority that is correct. This can only occur, this potential for truth of being can only come through once the inner authority quality of the tone and colour is recognised and accepted.

5th colour is a collective colour about expression and projection of desire in the world.

6th colour is a tribal colour about control and filtering and processing of desire.

The line profile is what someone moves into as the colour exits the crystal which is of course the true nature of their cognition which means that if someone isn't oriented correctly then the negative sides of their profile will be manifest and they'll see themselves as the victim instead of seeing the wisdom in their profile by going through it as a result of correct orientation. Correctness is all about orientation of geometry, as all things are.


I believe that what gazing does with the space increase is that it draws the personality and design crystals closer together, which decreases contrast and increases R perception of width as the literal conscious dot within the container of the design gets larger meaning it can extract more from what's already and as always there. That's why you feel the way you do when you do deep gazing. 

The tone is what we experience as inner orientation and the colour is what others experience as the exit of that orientation. Others experience the tone filtered out as the colour, meaning that if you're for example emanating energy as a 5th tone but as a 6th colour then others will experience that emotional current differently than what you're emanating and the quality of it will warp them accordingly. They'll perceive what's not there in true essence because the tone is the inner function of the crystal that others are unable to perceive to any degree whatsoever except that which comes through the outer authority which is the potential for that tone to be made manifest through you from greater consciousness, which is where the tone is split out from the base as the entry into the colour. Waking up in the dream technique I talk about is really about you suddenly feeling space and the tone of the personality crystal that's orienting you. That's your truth and your orientation of experience that others will experience through the output colour of that tone. What I learned about tone from my studies into what Ra said doesn't seem to connect here on a practical level. I don't want to change his position on this but from everything I understand about this it is just a series of lenses reflecting thematics of experience that the senses pick up and translate into the corporeal reality we have experience of. 


We're all so overstimulated in receiving all this stuff that it almost all serves no function in the actual experience of being self. Yes of course the thematics of the lines and the colours will always play out but they're not correctly oriented is the point. Without correct orientation there's nothing but degeneracy. Period.


I believe that waiting is as much a function of cultivating vitality as it is actually waiting to respond/for the invite. The act of waiting is expanding the attraction and also is an active process at the same time as cultivation of vitality is a process of being yourself in your own space gathering current to then spend in the world out of response. Your sacral current is the currency of exchange.


I wonder if Saturn gates and colour and tone represents the quality of the soul cage and what thematics we're going to have to interact with and break down.



1. Pluto - Individuality

Activity, reaction, limitation, perspective

2. Moon - Mind

Character, separation, nature, integration, spirit

3. Saturn - Body

Biology, chemistry, objectivity, geometry, trajectory

4. Uranus - Ego

Humans, growth, decay, continuity, manifestation

5. Mars - Personality

Type, fantasy, subjective, rhythm, timing


I'm drifting so far away from LOA now it's crazy. How the heck am I suppose to distil all this stuff down into "manifest your SP with this technique" because that's what sounds nice to the limited mind. Marketing to the massed of utterly ignorant fools out there in the world is such a joke and it has always felt inauthentic and yet this is my position. Is this a rule I have bought into. Some venusian or jupertarin rule system I've locked myself into out of false identity. If it causes suffering it's likely something to let go of. Look at the nodes.


Tone 3 - Setting OUT a pattern to play INto over time which reveals the hidden knowledge (the inner personal experience of the L side that comes to them)

Tone 4 Setting IN (held within the unconscious) of patterns - inner knowledge to be drawn out in time (the correct expression of what comes through the R side)

Ajna binary holds the 3-4 tones. Ajna is about conceptualising. Ajna is about answers. Ajna is about unique insight. IN-sight. Unrolling sight. The binary of tone 3-4 is about manifesting insight through either the internally circulating process vs the externally circulating process and that spontaneous insight arises out of this tonal binary. The thought here is where is this seen reflected as the internal vs external world of L and R nature. We have both level binaries here. Seems I'm the only one to see this. 


Moving with the nodal view from the design side IS performing the alchemical function of transforming the lesser yang through it interacting with the lesser yin. That literally IS an expansion of subconscious capacity through living in nodal alignment as you're living the embodiment of this alchemical process of interacting the two together. The mind has to surrender and allow itself to be taken up into the subconscious where it can be moved in such a way where it's separated from it's place and it can conjugate. If you're trying to control then the nodal alignment which is the built in formula of notes you're designed to play get misaligned and your cognitive capacity which represents the manifestation of the surrendering of the mind to the chaos of the elements which is the purifying stage of the alchemical transformation where eventually the mind becomes purified in having been subjugated by the design and surrendering to the nodal movements. This is why environment is so important. HD is living the alchemical ritual. 


Conditions of the mind that are in the way of manifestation that cause us to attach and buy into the need for something are because we're incorrectly oriented in cognition. Your motivation is off base and your environment is off base. Move into the correct direction by feeling the appreciation for that orientation and let go of needing desires for these things your mind wants because the orientation when aligned right will nourish you through the theamtic resonance . That's the true inner thematic resonance that's within us all .



I swear it just gets better and better and better. The more I sink into the comfortable baseline of security in my process the more abundance just flows in. It's actually almost linear at this point like I'm getting contacted out of the blue by people I've not spoken to in ages for no reason. As I type this out I just got 2 messages from 2 different people. 


I just can't get over how how much my SP especially has been like more and more excited every time she sees me and she's like WANTING to go out alll the time with me and stuff it's wild. I don't know if it's because of the orientation shift or just vitality I really don't know the actual cause but I know it's having an impact in a way I've never seen before. Like she's been having this sparkle lately and it's something I've not seen in over a year. 

There's this part of me that I feel I'm leaving behind by doing this work which is exactly what I need to be feeling. Dying to limitation is the point of normalising a new baseline. 


It seems like working closer with the planets will provide further insights into the thematic quality of the inner authority from a tonal level.


Rightness. Rightness is about greater process integration I believe. Rightness reflects subconsciousness, I mean the very cognition literally is peripheral which is reflective vision because it's not the "focus" of view yet it's still processed. Rightness must be related to how greater processes integrated morph and distribute the pressure gradients representing the mixture of waves operating as one circuit. It's interferometry in effect and that's cognitively experienced as rightness. Solar plex is right. Solar plex is about waves of charge moving the awareness in and out of depth and focus. When you're filled with emotional current you're going to narrow the view and there's nothing you can do to avoid that because that is what that function serves. it serves to force us to experience leftness and out of that contrast a right perspective which leads to the "clarity" we require to make decisions. Leftness is more primitive by nature, that's the instincts of the spleen which is here and now in the moment and the sacral which is also here in the moment. There's no greater processing of information, no interaction with greater process in that cognitive experience, well there is but not to our conscious mind. I believe that true inner authority is actually based on colours and tones (core thematic resonance with greater consciousness which isn't bound by polarity of supply and receptiveness) and not centers because these are truly the consistent elements of every types chart including reflectors. I believe this is what we're leading into and that ultimately through doing the alchemical work you rely less and less on definition for decisions and withdraw within the substructure under the lines so that what's outside the crystal meaning the colour and line and gates and such are all the resultant projection which is externalised purely and not just experienced as a reflection of the inner structure which is what so called inner authority is from the center definition level. This is what I mean that true inner authority lies in the crystal because that IS greater consciousness and the whole center level is the reflective translation of that in the form that the conscious mind has to recognise (cognise) and be moved through. You'll find that people who manifest things are actually able to be automatically moved because there's no contrast throwing them out of correct orientation, but that's what inner authority is it's all about correct orientation and orientation has everything to do with substructure as this is where the thematic resonance lies which we're actually driven by. The centers in the body graph which are defined as the inner authority as just translating that into body impulse but once again that's simply an external manifestation from the crystal and not the tonal level within the crystal which you can experience directly. That ultimately IS where your true cognition plays out because it's literally inside the crystal before manifestation unfolds. Manifestation ultimately is everything that leaves the crystal it's not just the throat.

The crystals of consciousness hold all the secrets because those are the representations of greater consciousness and how all of its thematic elements are made manifest through us. The stuff that's outside the crystal is what everybody else experiences but what we experience at the tonal level is within the crystal which is how the quality of that external projection is cognised and processed by us and that's why it's our true inner authority. What comes out of that through us through that cognition as a result of orientation that's resonant is outer authority. 

Working with the colours and tones of the form first and foremost aligns our unconscious mind so that the mind can by the nature of its exploration of that deep pool of unconscious depth when gazing be oriented to see what it's suppose to see for the alchemical functions required for the great work to unfold be experienced. You can't make this happen it just happens naturally out of alignment between the form and the personality but since there's no real structure to the yang that's crystallised we must work through the yin as the design. Environment and determination is the foundation by which orientation for the mind can be had. If the design isn't oriented then the passenger will also be misoriented and out of alignment. How could the passenger see what it needs to see without the design being on the right track because the passenger is bound to the form until the greater conjunction is complete. Environment are thematics which provide a resonance to naturally nourish and break down crystallised not self stuff to reveal then the inner structure of the design as the soul cage.

This theme of waiting is so common in HD. I believe this isn't just because of so called center response (the thing the body does that we will experience as a translation of what's happening in the crystal) I believe this has more to do with the nature of processes within processes playing out for us to cognitively pick up the queues and be moved because it's normal and natural to us, meaning there's no conditions as contrast against the movement. Those conditions are holding onto crystallised geometry in the form that's disorienting the movement and thus what the mind experiences and the manifestation of the experience will always be incorrect. This isn't just about ignoring inner authority but the root of it is about misunderstanding what the tones and colours are revealing about what we're suppose to see in experiences that lead us into correct decisions. The thematic queues that trigger the sensations in the form which are the manifest confirmation of correct orientation, but it's not just about positive but also negative because we're oriented through both these polarities and being ok with processing seeming negative experiences is also part of our function because they reveal to us what we're suppose to see. It's all about what we're suppose to see, that's literally what manifestation is, to the personality at least. What are we suppose to see vs what are we trying to force ourselves to see. That's the function of orientation and resistance and sensation in the form. The things we're suppose to see are the thematic series of notes to be the lock and key to revealing the dance of life which breaks down the soul cage and allows us to complete the great work. This is why everybody ages and fails to complete the immortality work in truth. Design orientation which is moving the personality through what it needs to see is the point. The only impact that the personality has in this is letting go of control and that's revealed in the tone and colour and base and planets relating to the gate active. The center is the most manifest level and really is just a result of what we're playing out, not the cause. Definition on the level that's there is simply a less granular way of looking at sub line geometry. Geometry is everything. Just because it's been taught that strat and authority is all about centers and definition doesn't mean there's no hidden folded up inner response that can be experienced from the crystal at the tonal level because the tonal level is what unfolds out into the rest of the structure of the body graph. This is why I believe that if you can trace the core resonant thematics in their actual supply from the tone and work with that as your orientation then you've got everything you need for correct decision making which really doesn't even need to rely on the aura or anything because that's all just a natural by-product of correct alignment to tonal and colour orientation anyway. Working with foundational field geometry is the basis of everything. 

When you see that the only thing you really "need" is your thematic resonance and that the orientation of this is your actual supply (the centers is what pushes out of that) by which others experience through the manifestation of what's exiting the crystal by which then is reflected back to you in the orientation that you're set into. This is what belief really is. Belief is a crystallised structure that's on a line level and under, which manifests out into the center and the meridians that then systems like TCM and stuff see. When you can just feel into the expanse of your cognitive direction within the crystal then you've got clarity. That's where the truth is because that's what you're suppose to see and thus manifest and are moved through. That's how the contrast is negated. Notice how recognition (clarity in this example) comes AFTER the experience. You catch yourself in the flow when that thematic resonance hits and the feeling of satisfaction flows through you. You don't make it happen it happens through you as a result of correct orientation. The "feeling" that NG talks about which is a thematic sensation is just you tuning your direction on a colour and gate level to modulate with the tonal level in reflecting that experience in alignment with the direction of orientation. If it's correct then it will be satisfying else it will reveal what's not visible. Pull out of the corporeal reality and sense into the crystal. Moving physically is just as much an orientation phenomena as it is for the mind to perceive things that it's suppose to see. We want to clean the mind through body orientation because then the mind and the form will only see what it needs to see for satisfaction. The whole thing is about orientation and efficiency of stimulus. I've hinted at this ages ago in old notebook entries months back but I truly do see now that orientation that's correctly aligned is all about what we're seeing and the idea that we need to guard the senses only holds true to the degree about how that impacts cognition and orientation by being drawn into "beliefs" that orient away from resonance and lead us into transference and false comfort and indulgence in the not self. There's also a balance of contrast in that not self reveals to us what is our correct orientation through the frustration, given that sufficient space can be moved through.


I believe another element of mountains environment is about the circulation of qi, mostly through the lungs. Mountains has a lot to do with supply of qi and a natural "weakness" in the form that's manifest in the mountains environment to need more oxygen than others. I've heard this theory before from other channels and such about needing to regulate oxygen but I believe it's more about qi because this substance is what seems to be most directly related to elevation as well as the thematic of periphery movement which is what mountains is about. This then leads into valleys which is the externalisation of that peripherally moving qi out of the body and then how that's received by the body too. Mountains is mostly about the receiving of qi and the movement of qi through the form to reflect in the periphery, as in mountains people when correct should manifest with more glowing and vibrant skin. The lung relates very closely to the health of skin. Pores open and close just like the breath does, though pores I believe relates more to shores as this is truly the "edge" thematic which the skin reflects. Mountains is what's under the skin. The regulation of substances going in and out of the body through breath is mountains in effect. The mountains relates mostly then to it's polarity of yin or more specifically blood. This means that the density of the body is most impacted by not being in the right environment as an effect amplified when the skin shows weakness. The kidney meridian and the liver meridian would be the influenced circuits of this weakness when an incorrect environment is lived in. Remember that it's not just about physical space but the movement through space with this quality of orientation. The orientation is thematic and manifesting through the environmental "story" you're playing out as you live it. You should reflect your environment in your body if you're correct. Why would it not? If this is the foundation of vitality for the being then this should be how it's most directly visible. Saturn which is all about density and structure would be most impacted from your environmental relationship, since Saturn relates mostly to the lower circuits where the Yin element is dominant but it can also be seen in the bones and tendons as manifestations of Jing through the kidney and liver meridians. This means that those who are of mountains environment who are incorrect will have blood issues and reproductive health issues most likely and since the liver is related to the smooth flow of qi and the storage of blood the link between qi from the lungs that descends down and "scoops up" the blood to move it through the vessels as in harmony the kidney meridian sinks the yin causing the diaphragm to move (and the sacral response) it will empower us to move in greater rhythm with our environmental resonance. 


I just got a free bonus with something I bought that was worth over $150. Cool stuff there was an error in the transaction due to a miscommunication and so they gave me free stuff as compensation. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about like I just get lucky now that I've sunk into the colour and tonal resonance. 


There's more I can feel it I just can't get it out today it seems.

True outer authority is the tonal nature of the colour of your personality and nodes. 


Supply and demand is entirely viewed through what your experience provides others with the colour emanating from your crystal as it moves through the lines and the gates and the center. The colour is entirely the fundamental essence of what we're actually emanating and as I've consciously shifted into operating from my colour and tone of my motivation and the environment and determination more than I have before without thinking any differently (though I naturally think and FEEL (thematics and also emotions) different) which has revealed impacts in how people respond to me and how I respond to the world. This is the core of where our real outer authority lies which is the correct conditioning force in the world that we're a supply for. The correct life we life is to be in complete resonance with the supply that greater consciousness is moving us through. Planetary influence is what the colour lights up in the other which is the nature of unique impressions on others and likely explains the precisions of the thematic influence in how the other is conditioned through that supply. 


Manifestation is entirely a process of orientation phenomena in how you provide supply to the other as a conditioning awareness. Manifesting a specific person involves you being the conditioning force for them to want to be with you because they’re going to experience safety and pleasure from it. This more often than not involves a 5th colour orientation which is the conditioning force that moves people to act out or compulsion through the projection of their desires onto you. If you’re not a 5th line or colour or have a powerful supply of vitality then you’ll manifest someone who can be the polarity if that and instead will likely seduce you which most people experience as needing and attaching to easy sources of pleasure to pass off the responsibility of owning their unique cognitive potential in recognising their value for their colour and tone.

When you pull out and separate from the need for something in this narrow focus and you experience that same thing from greater consciousness perspective (more from the tonal level) then you’re touching on your actual supply. This is the deepest level of nourishment we can sink into at any time. Learning to master manifestation requires you to have a solid foundation of awareness to sink into which is the thematic of your unique responsibility of supply and the planets you light up in the other through colour resonance. You’ll light up more in someone else if they’re more resonant to your colours which will make you naturally more attractive to them especially if they’re running from conditioning and limited beliefs about themselves where they’re operating from transference. Manifesting a specific person involves you literally being their perfect seductive supply for providing what they want. This doesn’t mean it’s correctly oriented for either of you but it’s there as a thing to experiment with. If you want to influence someone to do something then you’re going to really need to either consciously or unconsciously sink into your supply of nourishment from within the crystal and where the planets resonate as well as where that gate is active in the body graph to fully tune the radio so to say. 

My sun earth of both design and personality resonate to Saturn which is what I’m suppose to be transformed through. Saturn is broken down by going through the themetic elements that are resonant. Saturn is the essential planet that’s involved with what’s coming through us when we do gazing, it’s most directly resonant to Saturn because it’s working with the most unconscious and dense elements within us, which is why the alchemist says that you’re “wading through the river of blood” which every mystical experience involves as that barrier is broken down. You’re experiencing the reversal of what’s within being externalised, and this I believe relates to us having the design overflow the consciousness crystal in a sense so all we can perceive is that which is within the design crystal or essentially the structure of Saturn that we normally can’t access conducosily. This is why the advanced gazing is so important if you’re doing immortality work. Accessing it through the channel that’s tied to the liver meridian which stores blood and distributes qi seems to have this effect and also explains why it’s able to trigger kundalini type surges which can project literal cold plasma into the physical environment sround you. 

When I look at the lines of the gates they Saturn is represented in I can see the 5th like in my life which both are in in the 1st and 2nd colour which both are also in tone 6 so the essential line structure is almost identical for both personality and design. This is what I’m being shown most prominently and is likely why I am even talking about this to begin with because it’s my cognition in the nature of the 1st and 2nd colours which is what is projected through the lines of 3/5. It’s amplifying the focus of self determination and the path that I’m designed to walk as someone who’s here to provide answers to these questions. The receptive nature of my mind just gets into flow and does it’s thing. I’m here to reveal the inner workings of Saturn and how to work on breaking them down. That’s why I’m so focused on immortality and really always have been because that’s the work I’m here to really do under the specific details of my cross of consciousness. I’m not a coach I’m an alchemist and metaphysician. We all are though in our own ways. The tones and colours are all about breaking up established structure which is funny because that’s exactly the opposite of what Saturn does. 1st colour R and 2nd colour R is all about breaking down the feeling of safety in groups and planting seeds of doubt in their minds so they cannot have faith in what they know. That’s why I said I’m a destroyer and I’m here to decapitate false authority. That’s part of my channel of community too on that level. When I can own this direction of orientation and fully go through not self trash keeping me from this without judging it then I will manifest every bit of abundance I desire without effort. I won’t need conscious and deliberate imaginal scenes because my very existence will condition the other through my correct baseline orientation. There’s so much more depth here to discuss but it’s very late. 


Time is legit flying. Too much flow. It’s like every day I discover something new to dive into it just never stops. The depth of the research has gone so far that I’m questioning where the bottom is once again which is good because it means I’ve broken another limit and passed my comfort zone. 

So it seems to me that the essence of what expanse in space can do is enable us to almost naturally “know” the projection of the colour of an experience is there and that the decisions we make is to move through that in the way that’s going to orient us to see what we need to see in that experience. It’s like without logically knowing and thinking there’s a projection field we just sense it and move around it naturally as though it’s part of what we’re suppose to see anyway. This is what I describe my experience as. It’s like I can just recognise the output colour and to some degree the specific center and or planetary resonance that this is impacting in the other. I’m like “feeling” with the targeting sense so to say the subtle influence of the thematics involved and through that I’m recognising that this is or isn’t for me as a result. The answer just comes through me, through my channels, naturally. This could be my receptive nature vs the narrow L mind focus but it’s more like that I’ve got more “time” to experience the experience and be moved. I don’t necessarily experience the contrast like a feeling of lack or anything but that the thematic I’m moving into feels “expanded” and that’s what I’m moving through. It’s like I can just sense the actual function of the experience and what I’m being moved to see before I see it to some degree. This likely relates to my outer vision cognitive tones on the design side but I need further experiments. 


I'm starting to become familiar with the specific "feeling" of what's causing others to respond favourably vs not. It's something I'm almost able to predict now. It's an openness of being that's comfortable and free flowing through where it is that my sacral is resonant to. I can feel it physically and the mental sensation comes out of that. Both have to work together.


Kratos is effectively immortal as a mortal not because he is somehow magically powerful (though he was the son of Zeus) but because he was heavily 3rd line with all the motors. He fully and I do mean fully embodied the 3rd line essence of never stop going no matter how hard you fall. Never stop. Never ever stop. His spirit was unshakable and not even death could take him because he was so fixated on his path. He literally refused to die. Nothing could stand in his way and all that power came from within his own will to destroy everything. We are the same, with an unbreakable resonance to our true "end" song we're designed to play as a result of having tonally correct cognition that's performing the alchemical functions greater consciousness requires for us to break down the saturnian structure which binds the salt and the mercury we will always win. That quality of consciousness, that "divine discontent" as the alchemist says is the quality of someone who cannot quit. You're unable to quit, it's impossible for you because your cognition won't allow you to quit. This is part of the immortality element and why seeing what's resonant is going to lead to you being in the right places and such to "manifest" what's satisfying. 


Splenic binary - Tone 1 54-32 + 44-26 Tone 2 18-58 + 16-48

Ajna binary - Tone 3 17-62 Tone 4 11-56

Solar plex binary - Tone 5 41-30 Tone 6 40-37 + 49-19

Tone 1 (Channels 54-32 + 44-26) is truly about secure foundation through confirming accuracy. This is truly about knowing something that you know works and it's been seen and tested and has data to demonstrate it and this provides foundation. It's the line of the scientist who is always studying to find repeatable experimental truths that provide a security of knowing something will always work out under a set series of conditions. If I do X then Y will always follow no matter what. If gravity was unpredictable then you'd know the opposite of this.

Tone 2 (Channels 18-58 + 16-48) is about expanding taste and adding options. It's a hint of "judgement" mixed in with the options of tone 1 that have been established to work. This is how new insights are made that break the status quo but in a safe manner. This isn't tone 3 which is experimental yet. Tone 2 is just a small disruption of the stablished normals for the sake of expanding options. The motivation is that since safety and security has been established we can now afford to "splurge" and try new things that can improve the experience of the 1. 

Tone 3 (channel 17-62) ruled by Libra) of "outer vision" is truly about seeing patterns. It's really about the essence of "seeing" thematic patterns and metaphysics. Tone 3 is the tone of the metaphysician. The ajna is about unique thought and conceptualising, meaning it's processing repeating foundational options that have been explored. This is what I do and it's what my determination actually is. This is my correct cognitive potential and I'm using it here in creating RS. This can also be seen as the essence of not self conditioning under the idea of having this pressure to fit into patterns that you see, as in giving your authority to the external to be part of a pattern, literally to contribute to the pattern you see which you're externalising instead of using the ajna insight and pressure to view the world through patterns to provide your view, be it correct or not. The not self theme of the ajna is always needing to know answers. You see now the connection? This is really the essence of how culture forms. Follow the leader, follow the pattern that others are involved with. Stay safe. That's what the safety sense of this comes from. We're wanting to be a part of what others have and that provides us security on this thematic tonal level, it's that we're a part of the culture and thus we fit in with the options. They're able to either be a part of others processes and how they personally experience their safety and knowing of their options or that it's about going through viewing your own patterns within your life and creating a formula out of those truths. The nourishment formula. This means you can see the intricate details much like the 1st except it's not purely for foundational perspective but for the perspective of describing relationships between foundational processes and creating systems that work. This is the experimental nature and how the 3rd proves things work or don't work. Systems theory analysts. That's what the 3rd tone does, it's the alchemist who's experimenting with his process to see what does and doesn't work and provides a system of formulas that describes the process behind how that works. This is from someone who's knowing themselves where the one who wants to fit in will follow another process which is transference. They're involved in a part of others processes vs experimenting with their own process to recognise truth in systems and formulas. 

Tone 4 (Channel 11-56 ruled by Libra) is about feelings since it's on the R side of the trigram. It's relating to does this make me personally within me feel good or bad. It's the emotional programming of the mental. Now it's motivation is about balance of what works with the foundation vs what the feelings say so this is the transition from security from the world and facts about material laws of reality like physics to an "inner vision" of what the self "needs" in order to be balanced but more importantly to BE seen as balanced. This is always a cognition and the way it's expressed is by the nature of the colour which is what the colour resonance is when it plays off others. What is needed to be done to be seen with balance. If I am too expressive then I must pull back. The periodic binary of the ajna is about polarity being peak and dip based. It's like the individual wave circuit in the solar plex. There's waves of up and down and these moments of realisation about how they're seen in how they feel and that determines what's needed and what's presented to the world. It's not about concentrate from the L binary on the splenic side but about periodic experience. So instead of depth of foundation it's balance of polarities in a predictable manner in all elements of life. It's like a counterbalancing force which works between the concentrate of the L and the cyclic of the R solar plex binary. It's how can the investigative depth be expressed in a manner that's going to touch the most people through moving them with feeling. That's really why the 4 is called the opportunist. It's a NEED to have balance. The need is all based on creating a regularity of polarity that then becomes cyclic. They inspire cyclic unfolding. Tone 4 doesn't predict based on depth of understanding that the L does, it makes decisions based on what it sees needs balancing and so will take or leave elements that refine the process and thus can provide a message that's rounded. You could say tone 4 is experiencing of polarity through feeling to know truth. That's their motivational essence in contrast to the 3. It's far more feeling based and thus through this balancing of decisions through feeling it can find truth. It's that truth actually comes through experience of options that work which is what provides the emotional feeling level depth vs the analytical systems based logical and pattern based depth and truth. It's how is this system experienced under this condition of being. That's the depth. The depth comes after experiencing the pattern, like how the emotional wave works with clarity.


How your body feels is what other people experience because that's the projection of the unconscious. Others experience the form more than you do. This is why thinking without that having an impact on the stability of the form in correct orientation is pointless in manifestation. I'm getting so close to the core of how this all works I can taste it. 



Here's the big boom moment.

I read stories like this whenever I login to the NG subreddit and see SP success stories. These people say they mentioned how they're just going to see their SP randomly while they were talking (out of a spontaneous moment they obviously didn't make happen with will) and their SP manifested a week later. What's actually happening here? They said that it was that they just had this "assertive" attitude and that they stopped buying into the old story. We hear this a lot but what's actually happening here? It's all orientation which holds within it a thematic role, a view by which you filter information through that's resonant to your crystal of consciousness. The way this works is that when you're oriented correctly to the tone of the crystal through the form first being aligned (dropping any stuck crystallised trash you're holding onto which warps your signature and vitality and sense of self and all that) then you're going to naturally PROVIDE the supply to the world for them to respond to you with what you need to hear and see and experience to then feed your personality tone which then has the cognition which represents what's resonant unfold through you as the seed I talk about. The seed is a cognition potential and the note you play is representing that orientation as a signature. Frequency is view orientation and view orientation means that what's coming in will be filtered through a specific direction that will of course output the colour that's correct then for others to perceive what you're providing supply for in a manner that's going to reflect the tone within that you're aligned to. Boom. It's done. That's really what "top down" means, it's closer to source because it's within the crystal as what base becomes, which is the true essence of your greater consciousness which can be unfolding into various iterations at once because Ra says that the base of the personality crystal never changes because that's the pure input which then gets filtered through the "dimensional" level which that reflects that provides the unique orientation that your greater consciousness is requiring to cognitively align to for you to complete the great work and in thus breaking down the so called soul cage is just like breaking down the crystallised structure of greater consciousness for the conjugation to occur. 

The idea that we can input thematics that manifest outcomes (like "feeling" that something is your reality with the targeting sense) is only really effective to the extent that you're actually playing your role. As I've said it's all supply and receptiveness, and our role is our thematic supply by which others will either want to be with us or not because we're completing the equation for their cognition. You both provide each other elements of consciousness that are required for both of your roles to play out. Manifesting an SP who's correct for you is going to result in someone who's ideally a polarity in colour (what you experience their tonal level as) to be there to provide your blind spot of transference so to say. You're both going to fulfil each others polarity. That's not even mentioning EM channels and vitality supply and all this stuff but purely on the more fundamental level it's tonal and colour supply because this is really what all the body graph stuff gets filtered through as it's the basis of the cognition we experience out of the unfolding of greater consciousness and the seeds of manifestation that's reflective of that structure. What you're suppose to see is going to provide you the orientation for the outer authority to then "speak" what's correct for you in this world and that will be what people think is manifesting and the assumptions when in reality all that belief stuff is just a thematic orientation of view which contains within it the thoughts and feelings and all the stuff the ignorant point to as the cause. The true cause is beyond thought itself because thought itself comes through a cognitive theamtic direction which will "guide" how you see the world and thus what comes out of and through you. What comes through you is all based on that orientation of geometry because manifesting an SP is as easy as providing them what they're needing to see in themselves through you through your outer authority. This is ultimately what correctness is. It's orientation that's providing a supply of thematics that you play a role in the world as, and NG called these states, which are going to determine if you're nourished in that view or not, on the design side specifically.

Nourishment doesn't come from the personality side it comes through the design side because that's where substance circulates and the personality is influenced by that. The design orients the personality which is why it all starts with environment and determination (not just physically nourishing but metaphysically speaking what you "digest") and if what you're feeding the senses is providing what it needs. This is truly the part of the equation that has the biggest shift in personality crystal cognition. The nature of how you're taking in information has everything to do with how nourished your form will be and the environment provides further tonal level resonance to support the personality orientation. The design is requiring the right thematic orientation in the way it's moving through the world because if it's whacked then all you're doing is feeding the substance for the mind to experience that's not what it's suppose to see which will cause it to feel bad and hold onto stuff. Remember that this isn't something of contrast because it's naturally who you're being. Look and listen. BEING is about flowing through the orientation that's correct for you and seeing what you're suppose to see. Truly you can't "be" at a baseline of nourishment (even in imagination) without the direction of perspective and such that's resonant to your tonal level. The colour that you emanate for others to pick up on will not be what they're needing from you and thus the natural correct arrangement of your direction and the way that manifests in your thoughts and all that stuff will not reflect what's desired within.

The example of the person who was out with their friend and they saw someone who looked like their SP and they thought that they're going to manifest their SP next week didn't consciously decide to think that it was either a conditioning field from another influencing their direction that they're buying into (which can feel nourishing when you're around them but not at baseline because that's where the effort and contrast comes in through incorrect thematic orientation) and thus their colour output was what the SP was looking for in supply which then seemingly magically made the SP out of no contact reach out because the thoughts of that person would have come into the SP's mind as who can provide them that supply. It's truly about colour output, and also the line level too, as well as the planets that those colours light up in that person and if there's a resonance there which can actually feed the not self of the SP who reached out. This is a highly complex process with so many moving parts. You can manifest someone's not self pretty easily if your colour output is going to touch on their planetary resonances that feed the not self like netpune and venus. I don't have many planetary resonances so it's easier for me to get "seduced" by another and you'll believe this is a weakness in your beliefs when in fact it's all the supply of colour thematics that are resonating not self conditioning fields of the planetary influences you're bound to. Bringing awareness to these sensations when they come up and recognising not self and orienting then towards the determination that is correct and imagining a scenario in the mind that's reflective of this (regardless of if it's what your not self mind desires and thinks it can control) will bring about a dissonance with that planetary resonance the other person is ringing and thus drop the influence over your perception. This is how we get warped and buy into not self stuff to begin with. We're buying into external influence vs knowing self and grounding into our lessons we're suppose to go through, regardless of if the not self mind wants that or not and of course this is part of being under pressure and being purified and transformed. Planetary colour resonance is massively important to look at in a chart because THAT is truly where the not self will be influenced through transferred colours and external supply of others that will seduce them into thinking it's good for them when it's not. That's the trick. When you provide your supply you'll be feeding their self and likely their not self too, which is where the seeming controlling attitude comes from.

I want to also speak on imaginal stuff and where tones play into this on a practical level. So say someone has inner vision, they'll think it's about imaginal stuff in the inner senses but the fact is that inner vision is actually about inner cognition in a drawn out nature. It's about is the feeling of this experience correct for me or not, and NG actually has almost this as his perspective, his is tone 5-6 which is still a R orientation but it's actually truly about making decisions through experience in the mind and determining the naturalness of something through emotional waves of reality to you. To put this simply it's more than just the thematics resonating but how you experience them. For base tones of 1-2 it's security so they'd imagine scenes that correspond to a feeling of being secure with the desired thematic. 3-4 would imagine more of a personal determination of uniqueness and self expression which comes from the mind. 3 would experience more of a "this is mine" tone vs a 4 which would be more of a "this is for me" done, it's that 3 is actively "claiming" almost like the 3rd colour of desire and the 4th is "this is what I need" and "this feeling is what I want" as in AFTER the experience has played out as they're discerning correctness through what comes out of an experience. It's that they experience the angles of this on the R wider orientation of view and "decide" in that if this is theirs or not. Both are ajna periodic binaries so it's about mental experience and insights. For 3 it's that the insights are about what they see specifically and if the sensory level details are correct in the moment (narrow focus) vs the 4 which is that they go through the range of experiences with this inner imaginal experience and feel THROUGH it as it plays out. Looping for them involves "building out" their cognition vs the 3 which is drawing further focus to the specific sensation of correctness in the moment as it's L oriented still. Both are about expression of mental view though. This would relate more so to a mental abstraction of the experience than L and R purely in the splenic and solar plex binaries. R would be about immersion in the emotional side while the L is immersion into the sensory side to establish how their cognition resonates with the themtics targeted. It's really a resonating formula about HOW the cognition processes imaginal experience, or experience in general anyway, to see what it needs to see for the colour output to provide the correct supply vs a transferred supply which will only confirm lacking sense of self in orientation and view as all you'll see if what you don't have. Transference is literally seeing what's opposite of what you're designed to see and what you see feeds the refinement of the embodied thematic supply you're emanating unconsciously and thus "manifesting" from. The thoughts and attitudes and all this stuff through that view will reflect the tonal level but it will always be natural to you. This is the mechanics of imaginal scenes and thematic resonance as I've spoken about before in more detail. The tonal level is where we need to refine if the colour is to be in the supply we desire to experience by attracting the people and situations that will nourish that.

I want you to think of L vs R as in the moment focused (like the spleen) vs drawn out and deeper cognition in how truth about a decision is realised (like the solar plex emotional waves). L is about the details of something in the focus of the now and R is about the focus of the culmination of details over time that expresses as truth. "there is no truth in the now" for R side. They have to go THROUGH the experience to attain clarity vs the L which can make decisions in the middle of an experience without indecision. R will always have an element of indecision built in because it's moving close towards what's subjective and what's possible to be changed and how things can be moved.

I believe that manifesting for a splenic binary is an in the moment or even BEFORE the moment experience of truth. The ajna binary is a mental cognition so it would be during the experience to determine truth while the solar plex is AFTER the experience, or going through the experience again to find truth. That's what I believe the binaries are really about. It's that each type of cognition in how it experiences truth is how it's naturally going to see what it needs to see for the "decision" to be made in manifestation to accept direction that's coming through them. NG was all about 5-6 tones in his design, thus why he was highly emotionally based in how his thematics were experienced as truth. The 4th being a polarity of the 1 means they're very similar in cognition of the experience of decisions except the 1 is either before or after it gets the "feeling" about something (the hunch about what's going to happen which is the truth for that type) vs the 4 which is that the hunch comes through time. It's just like the authority, it's an instant recognition vs a drawn out recognition. Imaginal experience therefore for the 1 would be something that comes through them spontaneously before or during if their design is aligned correctly vs the 4 which would come over them after they've had the experience and it would be very spontaneous too like the individual wave. The recognition of truth in the moment is the same for both but the "length" of it and the "depth" and "narrowness/wideness" of it depends on L vs R or 1 vs 4. The "feeling" is allllll about "is this right for me" and that's their view. That's the true essence of what view is. Is this right for me, because someone with a different view will see difference in that same sensory experience. What is the nature by which truth of experience and if that's for you or not gathered. This is why I say that tone is the true inner authority.

The 5th tone is really where the completion comes in. Remember Ra says that the 6th doesn't really belong to the 5 and there's also only 5 bases. The 1st assesses the available resources for security. The 2nd formulates those available resources into a combination that's different and expands the boundaries of security. The 3rd tests if those work and identifies with more than security. 4th tests that further but over time instead of looking at pure scientific data for more of a personal truth that's subjective vs objective. It's "is this true for me" vs "is this true in practise". 5th is about breaking out of established knowing of what works for self and the other and to expand the patterns that have been identified and tested and all that. Tone 5 is like pushing the boundaries of personal expression into feeling a sense of going beyond the simple and mundane and into almost like a personal culture of the availability. It's the expanse of "is this true for me" into a gathering of options that are true to form a personal culture of what works over time. It's like the 2nd as how it's about options that are available except instead of the thing it's about the experience of the thing under different arrangements and thus a personal culture and "taste" of emotional and thematic sense is established in what makes them feel this way and what's true for them. They're past testing the finding security of individual truth and expanding into what's the pattern of that 4th tone individual truth. Both are about the expansion of the pattern into a personal preference except it's focused on the broad experience vs the actual thing and appreciating the specific thing and the details of it. It's the pattern of the collective wave that crashes after it's risen to the crescendo. The 5th learns truth through feeling patterns over time, similarly to the 4th, except it's about finding truth of self culture and options. It's like the 5th WANTS to try things out to establish that self culture to gain knowledge about itself through the way it feels in the waves in these experiences and that's how truth is gathered.

The lesson of the 4-5th is to actually transcend desire, as in recognising the difference between the feeling that comes up after giving into an impulse that's making them feel desire and need and wanting from that focused narrow view and view that under greater context so to say. It's about how does this consistently make me feel. I don't have access to how I feel about this with clarity because I have to go through it to gain clarity so I must reference how I felt about it before when I went through it. Is this for me or not? That's ultimately the essence of emotional decision making, where the 1-3 is driven by body impulse the 4-6 is driven by emotional patterning and greater vision over time. The L is narrow view in the moment of desire and needing vs 4-6 which is over time expanded out into a cognition of knowing what's true through having already had the experience and learning from it and building that catalog so to say of inner truths. 

The 6th then goes through this and thinks about what's next in terms of I've experienced it all now what. That's why the 6th plays as a 3rd until saturn return and then it experiences standing on the roof. They go through all the things life has to offer like the 3rd but from the R side and it gathers experience to learn who it is and it's truth about that. This is why transference is 3rd for the 6th which is continuing to play in the world of desire and experimenting. All these young people that go off and do strange things don't do it because they're dumb and silly and just taking risks to live wild but because that's how their cognition actually gathers information about the emotional waves which then will establish its truth about who it really is and how all that stuff isn't the end. That's why the 6th looks to the future because it's completed the cycle. Tone 6 gains steadiness of knowing over time where tone 5 learns through the truth over time of making seemingly impulsive decisions as this is what the collective wave is about with the build-up of desire and the eventual disappointment (or satisfaction) which then out of the solar plex leads to stories, or really the communication of inner truth/authority. The 6 is a tribal wave. The 6th is what influences the emotions of others around them the most because they're the shining light, like the 5 when they're driven by desire and such, but instead this is a balanced feeling. When a tone 6 is feeling down even when there's emotionally defined people around that cognition will still shine that light to others because they're ultimately the driving force for the emotions of the environment around them even if they're not involved in it. Tone 6 has the biggest influence with emotional waves on others and can manifest just with these feelings, which NG was and he also had the tribal waves defined so his influence with emotional current was immense on everybody because of his definition and motor influence with that. 

This is where inner authority is as a binary system of supply and receptiveness. It's all about how does my cognition move yours?

Manifesting is entirely about how does my inner authority move me and thus move you as a result through what that supply brings to the world around me. This is not about assumptions and beliefs and all that, those are just effects of how we experience these metaphysical thematics moving through us. 


My SP literally just said something that I wanted to hear forever. No details but lets just say that it's a desire that's over a decade long that's come true. Every day she's conforming more and more to the stuff I've wanted and it's easier every day. Part of me thinks it's vitality part of me thinks it's the orientation I've shifted and part of me thinks it's just her but I really don't know all I can say is that it's changing very fast and it was already amazing but now the details are filling in to precision with her attitude towards certain things.

Now that I fully understand the nature of the tones and what my supply of security is that I provide I can understand now why my SP is all over me more than ever before. She's even getting contact from others and she's not interested in anyone but me and me only forever. It's such loyalty that I almost can't describe with words. It's all because of my cognition and my supply. She responds to security which is likely what attracted us to begin with. It wasn't the specific qualities that I had manifest but instead someone who was resonant to my supply of security as a 1st to her receptive need. That's the thing manifesting (seemingly manipulating people) is 110% about providing what they're looking for in your tonal cognition at baseline. Doing the "belief shifting" stuff is just allowing your body to be correct and not be stuck with all this trash warping the output colour they're going to experience. You're actually enticing to them when you're oriented correctly. 


It's not about being yourself. It's really about seeing as yourself. Boom. When you see as yourself you be yourself. Therefore the trying stops. What do you see? What do you experience? Where are you moved through view orientation? Allow yourself to be moved. Don't be. Be. Be as.

Can you see what you're seeing? Are you seeing CLEARLY? Can you see the tones of your view. Can you see the program around you. Can you see the program and move through it as yourself. The program is the spotlight emanating from the crystal but we don't see that we think that what we see is all there is. Waking up in the dream really means waking up in the dream. A widened view means you can see the program and not the result of the program. This is the view I experiences a few days ago when I realised this when going deeper into tones and colours. Are you seeing the world through the crystal (greater consciousness) or as the projection of greater consciousness? 


You know the deeper I go into this the more I realise that what we've been taught as HD doesn't really make sense. It's all about the tone in the crystal. That's YOU in this iteration specifically without any external projection which is your consciousness filter, the rest of it is planetary influence. Colour resonance to the gates. You're not the definition, that's actually not self because that's external conditioning the same as the transits provide us. That's an overlay over the crystal which forces the cognition through a certain direction. This isn't who you are though. Heresy you might think. Heretical nonsense. Well ultimately to complete the great work it means we integrate all the planetary influences into one consciousness so that they're not binding us. Our function is to dissolve the design. We're to destroy it in fire and take the ashes that remain and restructure ourselves according to the pattern within the crystal so that our outer filter is perfectly resonant without distortion over the tonal and base level. The outer authority is within. Making decisions according to the definition is the OPPOSITE of what we should be doing and that's why. The crystal is where the decisions are to be made and that's not influenced by the planetary conditioning outside us because it's within the crystal. The base never changes because it's the input from source. Colour is the output emanation which represents who others see us as and how we present ourselves as an overlay. This is the translation layer that warps the inner tone, if incorrectly expressing. Binding yourself to strat and authority is the issue because you're accepting a condition by which you'll be unable to transcend the soul cage. This is the problem with HD, at least the way it's taught conventionally. I see more than that and my experiences over the years would confirm to me that who we think we are isn't anything on the body graph but what's in the crystal. That's our song which we're designed to play. The definition locks us into the matrix and we are to transcend the definition on all levels. That's what we're really here to do, we're here to transcend all the conditioning and express purely as outer authority driven by what is within the crystal and that unique cognition. 

The question is how do we get there? Space. Distance from the corporeal being. Gazing. Subliminal. Dancing. Qigong. Quintessence. Anything that breaks down the illusion of leftness and buying into the genetic matrix is the solution because buying into the matrix is what the matrix wants. It doesn't want us to turn the light in on itself. The alchemist is right about all this stuff. He is the most powerful being on earth by a long shot that I know and his work has provided a structure that has proven and demonstrated that all the systems of definition we buy into are the soul cage itself in effect manifesting as our warped cognition we think is us but it's not. You are the crystal unfolding into this defined being. We are to integrate all the planetary influences that define us into one substance an smash those substances together once they've been melted down into their elements to form something greater than the sum of their parts. The planets are to lose their individual defined influence over us so that we can separate ("holy" means to separate from the light) from defined corporeal being. We are not to be bound by any matrix functions of the mind but we are to express the outer authority which IS the tonal level resonance in the personality crystal. It's always "reaching down" to us but we never "reach up" to it. Cultivating space is coming closer to that direction of orientation on a truly foundational level because you see beyond the veil quite literally. When you go deep enough into trance and you come out of that with the space as I've said it's like you almost forget who you are for a few minutes and go "huh where am I". This very effect is the point. You're supposed to widen the view so far that you completely dissolve the planetary influence over your consciousness. 

The definition is the robotic programming you believe yourself to be falsely. We are to cultivate the space for us to be able to interpret and hear our inner authority speak through us. If you look at your chart and you see yourself in that then you've played the part of the robot because that's really not you. It's not me. I am my crystal not my planetary imprinting. I AM is before the imprinting of the planets and the gates and the centers and all that body graph stuff. When you live as the crystal and not as the imprint then you're living as your greater consciousness, from top down, and everything that comes out of you will be from that and not from the conditioned imprinted corporeal being. Cultivating space is the function. Dropping all the mental chatter and refining the tuning to the crystal. This is inner alchemy. HD that tells us to listen to the sacral as a generator isn't the true inner authority that's an imprinted overlay that's the program giving us a path to buy into that's not actually who we are but it's dressed up as self which is why so many including myself (at once stage) buy into it. NG spoke about alchemy but he failed to truly provide a mechanical perspective, then again he couldn't because he played his part. That's the point, he himself too failed to see the true functions of what this is all about and living as an immortal being. Completing the great work involves completely dying to the corporeal self. If you look at your body graph and identify with what's there instead of seeing it as overlay then you're completely conditioned. That's not the truth that's the planetary soul cage that binds your consciousness into the program, the matrix, the world of false presentation of self where we're all conditioning each other. That's how we "manifest" as I've clearly outlined, but manifestation isn't the point. The point is to not need to "manifest" and not need to even identify as anything but to simply be an empty container for the crystal to move through. You're designed to become a perfectly proportionate vessel for the crystal to move through and not someone to compete with the crystal. The thing is you're always experiencing as the crystal but that's not your orientation of resonance and proportionality it's beyond that and before that level.

Look around you and realise that everybody in this world is operating out of their suits that the planets have defined them as. They're playing a part and playing the part is the dream. You don't realise you're dreaming until you become open enough to disconnect from the imprinting and get a glimpse at what true space is like. Space is the thing we must cultivate above all else because space is receptiveness and space is the nourishment formula by which corporeal consciousness can dissolve in a natural manner. This is the view I experienced when I was 15 and first "woke up". I saw everything in that light, but I didn't trust it completely I trusted the authorities until I then became one myself and that was my conditioning. Becoming someone is conditioning. You're nobody, you're I AM doesn't have a role to play other than the specific tonal resonance that's the filter it's designed to express. That's the ONLY definition you have because that's the part of greater consciousness we're to accept and become one with.

There's more that needs unpacking still but it's getting there. 


NG always says that "it will not be late" as in "it" meaning the so called desire you imagined. What's with this seeming delay and whatnot. Well NG was totally R, as in he HAD to process in his correct outer authority a delayed cognition of clarity. Clarity to him comes in time and not in the moment when the senses see what they desire to see. 


Nourishment is proportionality with greater consciousness as this is where our supply emanates. 


What do techniques do then. Techniques, AKA so called manifesting methods like going through the fire to break down crystallised trash that needs to get lost, you're basically just making the form more stable so that your unconscious isn't pulling you into warped perceptions and directions or orientation that your personality isn't suppose to see. That's the reason why I said that determination and environment are foundation. Period. If you think otherwise then demonstrate how and why. Strat and authority comes from fundamental essential elements like vitality and supply of nourishment you're leaning into and owning and as far as I'm concerned the whole mechanic with waiting which most types have to do is only present for the function of gathering vitality and nourishment and on top of that an oriented view over time that provides clarity as to which decision to make would be correct, which naturally would come out of the inner authority anyway which once again is the tonal level representing the way that information is processed, or determined, which as I said is a foundation of the unconscious mind that drives basically everything including how others perceive you. If your signature if whacked then good luck manifesting abundance, because your orientation will be warped and you'll be seeing things (meaning you'll buy into them and identify falsely which is not self) that's not nourishing because of the narrow view tunnel vision. Space. Space is an increase in the awareness that the conscious mind has within the unconscious mind which represents the subconscious mind which is the degree of coherency your conscious mind inner authority can clearly and cleanly operate. Clarity. Clarity for L comes through security in the now and clarity for the R comes in emotional awareness over time.  

So with all this in mind techniques will vary from tone to tone. A 1st tone will require greater context methods to establish foundation and safety in the now and to remind themselves of that regularly until the unconscious mind is nourished and therefore the orientation that's correct can come through them where the seeds will unfold without effort. That IS the technique for them. They ARE the technique because that's their tonal level operation in how correct cognition works. 2nd tone would be gathering options of safety and finding their own security in that instead of just exploring what's available and appreciating that alone as their foundation. They test further by personally deciding their foundation. That's what "markets" and "hope" and "appetite" and "possibility" represents to the 2nd tone. They're forming their own foundation and expanding it. This in imagination looks like owning a well established and practical view, as in this works for me and this is all I need. I don't need fancy addons that haven't been recognised as having practical value. This person will manifest under a context of security in the decision that they know will fulfil their needs. Simply speaking they "decide" as to the most practical and functional option and not the one that's the most luxurious and such as tone 2 is very practially minded with the options available. They can still pick and decide but it's not from the cognition of luxury as an expectation that's nourishing it's all about practical outcomes as in the essence of what's needed. This sounds like a 4th tone "need" but I'll get to that and why it's different soon. The 3rd is actually just as easy to explain. They simply imagine scenes that are going to represent them going through the motions of being themselves in the sensory level experience which fulfils their exploration of what they've decided to experience. Their keynotes are "kitchens", "thirst" "power" and "desire". It's all about completing goals and fulfilling desire in imagination as the theamtic as this is what their view is nourished by. Completion of material processes. 4th tone is about opportunity to expand insight over time through experience and this is where the waiting comes in. I'm a 4th tone personality consciousness and a 3rd tone design consciousness. This means that my body is about being actively involved in complex interactions and my mind is waiting for the experience to unfold to know if it's correct or not. The essence of 4th tone is just about is this experience right for me that they're going to decide on over time through experience. The 4th tone isn't looking for anything more than clarity out of experience. This is ultimately what "opportunist" means I've realised because it's that through experience opportunity can be found to recognise clarity of being and decision. Clarity comes through the interactions with others over time. Instead of looking for physically tested and "objective" facts they're experiencing subjective facts and THIS is what NG REALLY meant by the feeling is the secret. I know I've coined that term many times as a thematic resonance, which it is, but the quality of it under his specific context is CLARITY THROUGH EXPERIENCE as the "feeling" of "this is for me" and that very experience of "this is for me" and sinking into it is what allows the flow and the unfolding of desire. This is the secret the real secret secret of the so called secret NG called the feeling. The feeling is clarity through experience and knowing that this thing is for them. THEY USE IMAGINATION TO SAMPLE EXPERIENCE AND EXPERIENCE CLARITY! That's what NG taught, under this tonal level.


I'm starting to realise that going through the fire is actually a function of experiencing your clarity. It's more so that you're testing the note self that's burning you up. Going through the fire is coming closer to correctly oriented cognition. The reason why is because what comes out of this is a certain sense of natural discipline in not actually wanting to buy into the same patterns not because of willpower against the contrast but because you actually faced the clarity that challenged the conditioned mind. This is I believe the essential component of what the pressure is there for. It's to purify your consciousness through correctly oriented view which represents what you're designed to see but that the mind is holding onto for dear life to stay comfortable in the false truth that it bought into from others. This is what we actually face under pressure. I believe all this work relates to recognising inner truth, however that tone is experienced.


The way I view manifesting methods is this. Each tone has a certain cognition behind how truth is experienced. Each tone reflects the unique nature of that crystal in the role they play and the supply they provide as output by the colour for the world to be conditioned by. The way I see manifesting methods functioning is that they're in their experience (imaginal or physical) they're going through that cognition, say tone 3 which is relating to establishing truth out of testing practical options and seeing if they work or not for that person in the world, they'd experience something which would naturally express this cognition and it would be a strategic method that's got reasons for it and can "prove" its point. You'd establish certainty out of knowing the truth of what actually works and so the manifesting method would bring this out of you as the quality of how your colour will then influence the world. I'm still establishing further refinements on this.

Tone 4 is the exploration of inner feeling through experience and is similar to what NG wrote about.

Tone 5 is moved by the recognition of feeling through hopeful desire. It's almost excited and nervous at the same time and it oozes this attraction field of pure desire given the collective emotional channel of. This embodies exactly what NG wrote about about feeling all the bliss of the desire fulfilled. 

Tone 6 is moved by love, as in love for the world. True appreciation for what is, an acceptance, an allowance of what is. The motivation tone is literally called "acceptance". It isn't moved by the material objects of the world and the fulfilment of having material objects but the love and acceptance of the world through being there and participating in the experience of it. There's no agenda unlike tone 3. It's just being moved along the currents and as it moves the emotional current it emanates moves others which is why it's connected to the tribal emotional stream. It's that tone 5 eventually mellows out and accepts its desires as a given without agenda or this overly playful attitude which is the seductive element of tone 5 that sucks others in.

The magic of tone 6 is that it's about bringing an element of "purifying light" to tension around it and it's almost like as it walks through the world from correctness it emanates vitality for the people around them and it influences them. Tone 6 can sit in the middle of an argument and not be perturbed by the charge being thrown around because they're not bought into agendas but instead the love for the world. Ra said that tone 6 essentially isn't even a part of the hexagram because it just sits on top without anything above it. 

Tone 2 has a certain air of doubt to further test the solid security of tone 1 in testing what works systematically and knowing in that security that there's always a foundation there to work with. The 2nd tone is just willing to accept more options to expand the sense of security more than tone 1 which is security by the books and that's it because it lays the laws of physics so to say that everybody follows. Tone 2 tries new things to find more secure patterns that create more security. It's about expansion of security rather than trying to break it down and it's a highly practical essence where the security can apply to that persons life vs needing to be heavily limited and operating under the laws that have been laid out by 1. Think of tone 2 as an air of judgement as in picking the favourites and combining those already established foundations in a way that works for this person, so it's a personal formula of security that they know works. This isn't about mental ideas of self image and value because that's tone 3.

Tone 3 is really the one who will experiment in new ways to mix up the established formulas. It's the one who's mixing stuff together to create new things. It's all focused on creating new things in the world and experiencing systems working together. Tone 3 is mixing and forming patterns within patterns of material stuff. It's not interested in how it feels about something but what patterns that are being mixed up work and which turn to slop and then be there to tell the story. It's really creating the story through experimenting with goals. Tone 3 is nourishing the exterior vs tone 4 which nourishes the interior. Tone 3 is all about outward appearance and experience. Tone 4 is all about going through the experience. Look at the 3-4 tones of the ajna binary as like this mental appearance theme. 3 is externally projected mental reality and 4 is internally projected mental reality. Tone 3 explores the world though the mind and appearances where tone 4 explores the interior mind and feelings through the world.

Tone 4 needs to reflect on experience over time to find clarity as it's the beginning of receptive inner vision. Tone 5 brings excitement and desire and passion and light and energy and this seductive energy where it goes. Tone 6 carries a balanced loving energy that's steady and calm without agenda. The tribal wave in the 6th channel is a very very long build-up of current which is the most expanded.

So simply put. 

1. Establishes foundational security. (potatoes and meat) (eats to live)

2. Further tests established security in personal experience. (Potatoes and meat and a side of sauce) (eats what it likes most)

3. Experiments with experience to build a mental image of the self in the objective world to see and present what's true externally through the mixing of different systems together. (salads made of different elements and eats for the experience of trying new things)

4. Experiences to explore the interior subjective world to gain clarity of what's correct. (eats to know how they feel)

5. Desire and lust and craving for excitement and the story of the experience. (eats for the fun of it)

6. Being present in the world with love and moves the world around them without agenda. (lives to eat)

With these in mind we can basically recognise the cognition of imaginal experience then. Someone with 1 imagines the scene to feel secure, which is correct for them because that's nourishing. 2 imagines the scene to explore what it likes most. 3 imagines to try new things and experience them because they want to go through that objective story. It's more of a desire for completing patterns of desire in their lives, as in filling in their place in the world. 4 is imagining to understand how they feel about things. It's establishing a foundation based on inner subjective truth vs objective outer world truth and what others think they should be doing. It's "what works for me". 5 experiences for the energy of the experience. 6 experiences because they're there with a love for experience. That's why the different tones would imagine what they imagine and it sets the precedent for the thematic they're going to have as their clarity and "feeling". It's subjective to them. The L side is far more focused on the details of the actual sensory experience itself and how that nourishes them vs the R side which is all about how the experience feels and nourishes them and it's not as much about the outcome in the world but what that sensory experience will bring out of them. It's that L is about the appreciation of the material worldly experience and R is about the experience of what that feels like to them. If a L is imagining to feel something then they're manifesting out of not self, if R imagines for the specific focused details of the objective outcome them they're holding attachment. The L needs a certain sense of attachment because the security is their resonant tone while the R is about just the feeling of what that experience is like for them, just as NG says, who was all upper R tone.

I think that's as deep as I can really go with this tone stuff. There's probably more but that's enough for now. I want to explore base more in future. I will further experiment with tone manifestation stuff and also more with determination and environment. 



“The feeling” NG speaks of is an acceptance of “this is for me” through clarity that comes from correctly oriented view. Period. That’s truly what it is. The thematic experience is the object and the truth of that is the subject.  


The balance between space and narrowness of experience must be integrated. Somehow.


Your orientation feeds the way the world sees you, because your view shifts.


Looking at L vs R it's become abundantly clear to me that L is far more masculine in nature while R is more feminine, as should be seen by anyone with foundational understanding of these ideas. 

So 1 is the hunter who goes out and gathers supplies for the tribe. They ensure foundational security. They're useful and they have a solid function that is always relied on by others. Their drive will always be used by others for their benefit. This is ultimately the very basis of being a man, having a direction to provide material foundational support. Period. This is what women want above all else. Period. 

2. 2 is going beyond that established foundation and offering selection of what the hunter provided. They're getting to the foundational essence but in a varies way instead of the absolute core of security. It's security taken further and tested further and experienced further. "Markets" in the keynote. The hunters food is now offered in a market but the hunter needed to gather that supply to begin with for the 2 to have options. That's the point. 

3 is the one who now goes beyond necessity and lands into personal goals and perusing experiences and learning along the way. They're breaking out from the tribe and forming their l own life. These people carry energy of movement and action and a hint of veracity and ego. They're smashing together the market options to make new stuff that is shiny and less functional per say which they gain value from. It's interconnected patterns being merged together in different ways, as in the options from the market are being combined together now. They then get to know through these experiments what works and what doesn't. It's truth out of practical experience.

4. The 4 gathers a personal taste of the new mixed options of the 3 and they only take what they need and what works with them. It's the personal selection vs the selection based on what works in the world. The truth goes from being what's most valuable in the world to what's most valuable for my inner truth and experience.

5. Movement towards an inner vision of desire and illuminated experience. It's about transcending the needs of experience to gain understanding about the inner truth and instead now the movement through that inner truth amongst others. They are seen in a light of literal light as though their ENERGY (not usefulness) is able to light up their experience, because the projection is about this striving towards the expansion of inner truth and taking the lead in ENERGY with that direction. They really establish an ideology and a sort of culture that people can get behind. Standard HD calls them the heretic but really I see this as more of a contrasting energy which is the seductive nature of them, as in "look what this person has I want that too". The 5 inspires the 2 to go out and be involved in the movement of the 5, which takes them out of their "hope" and into being involved, thus where the "solutions" idea comes from.  It's not just about solving problems but being involved in moving through their feelings, which L isn't designed for.

6. The one who has fulfilled their inner vision and now moves through the world and moves the world around them as they move. Put simply they're less selfish, which the 3 is selfish when correct actually, because that personal mental experience is what drives the need for inner reflection of the 4 to understand how they personally "feel" about things vs what's on the outside.

Always look at the polarities. 4 establishes foundation for the R by knowing how they feel about things. It's less about material foundation and more about inner experiential foundation. They provide the options for 5 to explore just like 1 provides the material options for 2 to explore and discover and share in the market. 3 is involved in appearing in a certain light while the 6 doesn't have agenda with how they're seen, even though that's their focus because the projection then becomes one of selflessness vs selfishness. Where is the focus?

The practical essence of this is simple. What's the motivation? Here's an example of each. These are colours remember but the dynamics are very similar. The way that tone plays out is that the output colour will then be what it needs to be for others to perceive you in the way your outer authority is presenting through that colour projection.

Right vs Left

1. Fear

(L - Communalist  / R- Separatist)

If you're a communalist then you'll bring people together in your correct expression where if you're a separatist then you'll pull others out of already established groups, either towards yours or someone else's, because you're providing a challenge to their foundational security. This is someone who causes you to doubt the material foundation you feel secure with. They make you feel fear. This is my function.

2. Hope

(L - Theist / R - Anti Theist)

This is about truth and faith, as NG said about the idea of faith in your end, the goal. So a theist brings further hope for others goals and views and moves them to hand over their control and power to influence the world to a higher power. This doesn't mean they inspire inaction but it means they're not involved with the mental orientation of being the one who inspires, they pass that off to the theism so to say. They're not providing the energy of movement like the 5 does and the 3 but they're providing 

3. Desire

(L - Leader / R - Follower)

This is most identified with, ''I'm the leader of what you should do" (being a part of/creating material patterns and rules)', It's what you move in others through living your pattern of truth in the world. If you are left, you drive and drive to go and do the things they desire, to be active about the given theme they're resonant towards, which is why it's the most active of the L side. They bring an energy of movement. If you are R then your expression makes others be more open to feeling into their form and tapping into the 4th tone vs actively channelling their inner drive to mix stuff up and be a part of the pattern and go after their desires in this busy world. Think of 3 as like a busy city with all the actions happing around you. L inspires them by being the supply for that vision while the R tells people to take a step back and listen and be led by their inner feelings. There's still action here but it's less mentally driven and more bodily driven. It's crossing the edge of mental to feeling.


(L - Master / R - Novice)

L side makes others want to master things themselves and to focus on the one thing that they need to master the most. Thus the "need" element. R side leads others to be open to accepting of not needing to have mastery and letting others have that mastery.

5. Guilt

(L - Conditioner / R - Conditioned)

It's not really about the conditioner vs the conditioned it's more about how your movement influences others to get involved in your movement and your momentum and your "idea". L side will make others want to want to actively be a part and have stake in the outcome of a movement. R side experiences this without agenda, like showing up to an event just to be there. This as you can see again bumps up into the 6th. It's really a progression from colour to colour as L to R leads the degrees between them and then the tones under those which lead further progression in a granular manner. It's all cycles within cycles.

6. Innocence

L - Observer / R - Observed)

L side means that you're inspiring others to play a part in just observing and watching on passively and seeing where things are going. R side is just accepting that you can be anywhere and be yourself without agenda. It's about dancing your dance and truly standing naked on the stage of reality.

All of these are about discovery of self, but under different orientations. This is really what the manifesting stuff is about because this is what moves you and when your design is oriented by its environment and determination the mind will automatically move into the orientation it needs for outer authority to manifest. Out authority is the natural unfolding of the seeds within you and those when expressed through the crystal output as the colour and lines and stuff then influence others to move them in such a way that will provide you want you're unfolding within. You're not manipulating anyone you're just living naturally under your orientation of cognition and what you're suppose to see so that others see what they're conditioned by as a result of your orientation being correct. That's what the dynamic nature of expressed thematics is about. Trying to consciously control your output colour (which you can do to some extent especially if you've got abundant vitality) will only result in effort and in the end unsatisfaction from using your energy incorrectly. You'll eventually burn out, not that you can't "manifest" stuff if you're stabilised into transference but it will never be what you actually want. This is the point of all this research I've done here. It all starts with the form because dissolving not self stuff orients the mind into seeing what it needs to see for natural cognition of your view and outer authority to manifest which of course is the natural unfolding of the seed through you.

Understanding your tone means that you understand your exact outer authority that you're going to operate out of and through the colour that tone represents (the tone always makes the colour which is the projection of correct orientation vs transference of providing a supply that's not yours which is thematically dissonant and not resonant) you're then going to be moved and move others around you to reflect what you're here to view and how they're here to view you. Who you view the other as likely isn't who they really are. You're seeing the projection and not the crystal tone. 

Let's make this very very practical here. 

6 people have the same goal. Make 1 million bucks. The 1st would go after it in the most direct and reliable manner possible, they'd look into all the ways that there are and focus in on the one that works with their tone. If they're a L tone then they'd create communities based on their research with a monthly subscription to gain reliable money each month lets say or if they're an R then they'd be like me and present a view about the world that challenges their security and pulls apart communities to likely come to your to find answers. It's the WAY that the investigative element is presented by the tone of the colour that matters to the natural way they're going to be driven. The L fear motivation is moved by bringing others together under a common sense of security in sharing knowledge while the R is about breaking apart established communities and destroying established foundation IN OTHERS. 

The 2nd would go about it in a way that's bringing others together too (It's still an L splenic binary) then they'd be someone who's bringing together others in a hopeful trust in an outcome, like how the bible talks about how God will save us if we believe. R tone will destroy that and plant seeds of doubt in the believers. This is required to inspire expansion and action vs taking a passive stance of inaction and hope. This would be the motivation of someone in imagination, they'd more or less feel into the direction of bringing together people out of belief in something greater or they'd pull them away from their beliefs. Notice how both 1 and 2 are uprooting a sense of security and a sense of "faith" in that foundation in the world. The motivation of me has always been to "destroy LOA" which is exactly what I imagine. The exact scene will always be moved by this direction of motivation, so I would imagine people telling me that they don't trust LOA anymore because it doesn't work. This is thematically implied to the resonant tone and colour and thus because I'm sinking into my personality tone then the colour will present people to me who will receive my supply and be moved away from their beliefs. I'm "manifesting" this scene through this greater thematic because they're associated and this is my "truth" of being. Others who are mental or emotional would experience their truth of being in a different way but this idea holds true for all types and it's my intent to fully characterise all elements of each overarching thematic and then apply that to their colour and line and gate and center level to fully trace back the most efficient method to manifestation, or really alignment we should say. It's that you're having a firm direction, faith in the end is being consistently resonant in your motivation AND recognising planetary influences and distractions which will pull you out of that. Having a focused mind isn't about repeating affirmations or trash like that but having a consistent anchor of motivated tonal resonance which will then consistently output the colour that others will respond to and I've experienced this so so so much since experimenting with it. I can't hold it all day every day but when I do it's very powerful and I gain significant attraction from others without input. I'm driving them through the projection of my crystal which will draw them naturally to my supply of what they're receptive to. This is the truth about the mechanics of LOA. All the other factors I've spoken about still apply but more so to the design side than the personality side, such as cultivating vitality and space and all that.

The 3rd would inspire others through movement and direct actions and drive to express that in the world. It's the "get up and go" attitude. This is an L side. The R side instead would make others be less driven by their mind and more so driven by their body, like what Ra talks about with form principle and inner authority, which I don't fully agree with because I see now that splits are more important to factor in as well as planetary influences than aura types and stuff like I use to think was the foundation when in fact it's ALL orientation. The only real design side work we need to do is environment and determination, meaning the environmental theme (not just physical but that's a part of it) but the thematic of what's providing supply of nourishment and resonant orientation for the form to move in. Remember the form has intelligence too but we can't access its "mind" and so we must provide it the conditions for it to be oriented correctly out of having it in the right environmental thematic and also have its senses take in the correct thematics too as the determination. The determination ultimately is the essence of true inner authority, it's in the word itself. Determine. Decision. If you go to a thesaurus you'll find decision right next to determination. It's also about "conviction" and "dedication" and "courage" and "steadfastness". All of these terms are about the MOVEMENT of the form NATURALLY through that oriented thematic. The way the body moves is the determination, it's to determine (decide) and move (determination), naturally, unconsciously, and that you're there along with it to see the thematics that it's showing you through where it's moving you so that you can receive what you need from others to inspire your view, and so on. 

The 4th will be driven by a need to master something specific under an L tone while the R would move others away from mastery and instead into observation of mastery. Notice how the 3-4 is now about observing vs splitting apart like the splenic binary.  The ajna binary is about mentally observing. The solar plex binary is about emotionally observing and looking forward. The solar plex binary has immense emotional influence just as the ajna binary conditions the thinking mind the most where the splenic binary influences the safety and security of others. It's about being supported or unsupported, literally. 

5th will be inspired when L to want to start movements, trends, culture, revolutions, things that are establishing a new order and that have impact and meaning. They push an idea. They're passionate about ideas and how these can influence others. They judge others. R is then about experiencing the movement without judgement and agenda, to just observe and see what happens and commentate on it. They're involved in the judgment as a statistic vs someone who's leading the way. That's where the "general" idea comes from, it's the leading with ideas and culture and that the energy which comes out of this out of desire (desire for change and passion for revolutions which establishes new baselines(foundations of the 1st)). R of course isn't led by their own passion for implementing the change but to be there and watch the change happen, watch the outcome of the problem solvers in movement. When manifesting this person will be inspired by an idea, that will be their correctness "feeling" that's how they "accept" the state of the wish fulfilled. The wish if their motivation and the quality of the wish is the specific sensory level outcome that's representing. 

6th is the anomaly. 6th is just there. 6th when L is when you're inspiring others to want to observe by observing. The 6th on an R side is just watching the world go by and others are watching them without a need to be like them. They almost don't stand out and yet still exist there as they are. There's no agenda. They're operating out of immense space and a distance from needs in the world because their very experience of reality is nourishing. Someone who's of this quality would just imagine their end and let it be. This is truly the NG way, which he has many R side tones and colours. He was involved in inspiring others to just be a aprt of his movement which was presenting the law. His design side was 5-5 as in 5th tone 5th colour. This makes him someone who's presenting the way but he's not inspiring others to preach the same but instead just be a part of the experiment in their own way. He's spreading "heresy" like the heretic and inspires the new culture through books and lectures vs being actively involved in pushing movements and hyping up the winds of change. He was involved in the 5th colour way under a 5th tone orientation. You can clearly see this.

The way I read this is that when your tonal alignment is correct through the design by placing the design into determination and environment that's resonant then your view and motivation will come through you naturally too. There's no effort needed it's just a matter of proportionality, one process operating clearly within another, as in tone within colour within line within gate within center. The center is the most surface level influence but it's the one that's the result of all the other proportionate processes that must exist in proportion for the aura of that center to have correct expression and influence. This is why my studies into aetheric physics has given me perspective that Ra didn't seem to see. I could be wrong but I don't see how this is given the mechanics of the crystals and how what goes into the crystal must come out as the unique colour. If the tone is out of alignment because you're transferred into a thematic role providing a supply that's not proportionate to the way greater consciousness has set up for you then how can you expect aura functioning to be correct because that's all dependent on the door of vitality being open at the base, literally. The tone is the foundation of your corporeal consciousness. If we work with the tone first and foremost then all the colour and line and gate and center levels can operate correctly too and the aura dynamics can function as intended. They all build up into the aura. The centers aren't fundamental the crystals are because for a consciousness with channels involved, like the channel of rhythm for all living things, then there must be a crystal involves with line and colour and tone and base. This is an alchemical fact where every substance on earth can be made into a quintessence because they all share the same "mother spirit" which is the same base of the crystal. every single object and plant and animal and mineral and metal, each type, each different genetic format, it all has their own shared crystal at a base level which is actually what the practical lab alchemy is extracting to influence and catalyse certain reactions within our geometry for alignment functions. This works the same with us too. We operate out of the crystal where we each have our own base (unless there's multiple iterations at once) and our own tone and colour and lines and all that stuff. Operating from the centers that define the aura as the strategy first is ignorance because it's ignoring the foundation of what emanates the aura which is the tone, technically the base but the tone. Orienting the tone orients the view and motivation (if the design is aligned) which then provides the correct supply of colour and line to the other in the projection out of the crystal which then of course will influence the gate in the way it's designed for along with the aura. The aura will always be what it is but the efficiency of it will not operate the way it should if there was proportionality through the whole stack. 

Ultimately we're here to dissolve the soul cage, as in the matrix of limitations built around the crystal to form the incarnate and how the planets are the very influencing factor. We exist purely as our own individuated being where all the planets exist within us vs act as a conditioning field outside of us. We are still us but that we're not moved by the outside world, we're not conditioned, but instead we condition and are conditioned correctly out of inner and outer authority operating in alignment. This is what the immortal being does, because then they're playing their song of life and cannot die. 

I think that's it. I really do think that's it. At least for now. I've explored everything HD has to offer in effect. The satisfaction kicks in after working all day every day for weeks on this. It's been like 2 and a half weeks and I've almost filled a page already because I'm getting slowdowns. 913 pages. Wow.


I want to expand further. I said I was done but of course that never happens because this is my body orientation. Activity and mixing stuff up. I'm a 3rd tone. design sun earth in the 5th line and the 53th + 5th gate. Surprise. So essentially I see the entire 1-6th tone hexagram as a process of manifesting in itself.

It starts with the goal. I need safety. 1st tone. I need resources, I need to go hunt animals and build shelter and survive and establish a solid routine that works efficiently. 2nd tone. I need to master my process further and personalise what works to me where others will pick up on this (The hermit). 3rd tone. I need to experiment with new ideas because I feel safe and secure and I'm going to go after what I want to experience.  4th tone. I want to understand self mastery now that I've attained my desires. 5th tone. I need to show others how my self mastery has worked and inspire them to be the best them. 6th I am here doing my thing. 

Notice the pattern? If we're an upper trigram tone then it implies that we're going to have what's below already established. The 6 builds on the 5 builds on the 4 builds on the 3 builds on the 2 builds on the 1 and so a new cycle loops. The 1, as in having foundational security and safety as well as options to explore and desires to expand into and mastery to be attained (or not) and a movement to inspire in others and lastly to just be and have my existence in a crowd more them. The more L you are the more physically based you will be and the more you will move others by your material achievements which is leading into the 3. The more R you are the more emotionally based you will be and the more you will move others through the way you feel which is the build up to the 6. Without the 1 or 2 the 3 can't be there. Without the 4 and 5 the 6 can't be themselves. 2 needs the foundation of 1. 3 needs the expansion of personal options and building out their own direction within those options to want expanded desire out in the world away from the small tribal environment. the 4 needs the 3 who's going out into the world and experiencing things away from the hermit life and to inspire the other hermits to come out and experiment with the world and go after desire and know what works for them so others can learn from that experience. The 3 is probably the most complex because it's the most actively mental one and has arguably the most moving parts because it's in the middle of the hexagrams since it's influenced by both ends. This is why the 3rd line life is so crazy because it's the most rapid in pace naturally. The 5 needs the 4 who's learning about how they feel about themselves in these experiences in order to establish a sort of inner security and religion. The 6 needs the 5 to present that religion or movement or idea or whatever we're going to call it in order to have people to exist around and be observed as the one who's just there partaking. The 1 needs the 6 so that the 6 in its being can establish a new foundation of consciousness. The 6 is the 0. 

The 1 is founded on survival skills. The 2 is founded on farming and homesteading. The 3 is founded on exploring the wild wests of the world. The 4 is founded on looking at the way you experience the world. 5 is based on marketing ideas to others that they need as establishment and business. 6 is based on just being there in the world interested in whatever you're interested in because it's fun.


If you've got a 1/2 then your experience is about pushing the limits of security in imagination. That's the overarching thematic. 3/4 is about fulfilling desire and feeling their state of abundance and fulfilment. 5/6 is more about the end, as in the completion.



I want to summarise all this stuff I've taken down in the notebook now.

Be yourself without compromise. Whenever you find yourself playing tug of war go with your initial response even if it's uncomfortable. Own what it is you're being moved to experience.

Place no importance on what the mind says in the temporary moment for it's what the consistent pattern of response the body provides you (what's revealed in pathway work) which orients you correctly towards what your mind needs to see for then the correct imaginal experience to come through you which are you emanating the resonant colours which others will receive and supply you through. NG says everything in this world originated within ones mind. He also said that the "feeling" is the secret. This is a thematic resonance, as in something that you own and claim as your truth, which is your correct orientation of view to see what you need to see to manifest that experience. Manifestation comes through you when you own that orientation and not buy into the limitation that's pulling you away from it which is the mental conditioning that keeps you in the box. 


I just wrote out a comment reply. It was too long for the reply to accept because of the limit on words. There's no formatting which it did have in the comment itself but whatever.

This will be a comprehensive one I felt compelled to write. Whenever you find yourself contemplating and buying into playing tug of war with your response about what you know within you is correct for you to own and go through then you've lost. Some people are more tuned into this nature which allows them to perform logical analysis more efficiently (myself being one) which makes it more difficult though when you in general live more from that feeling of expression on a thematic level and I mean LIVE from it, meaning move your body with that quality of being and switch up your environment and orient your "autosuggested" reality around you to bring out that sensation to then orient the mind through that contextual association where the thoughts corresponding to what you desire will come through you naturally and without needing to dig for them. It's when they come through you that they have magic and it's not because you made anything happen other than that your form was oriented into such a theamtic direction that it brought it out of your mind which the LOA buffs think caused it when it really wasn't in first cause. You're setting yourself up for the mind to automatically orient itself towards the view (state) of your truth of who you are, in the corporeal world that is not as I AM. The awareness of I AM matters not at all for manifestation it's an orientation towards a thematic resonance that your body responds to (which is your fixed point of comparison that you're playing mental tug of war against with the conditions you place above your truth) which the mind then simply observes and moves through where the thoughts naturally unfold without conscious intent. The issue is that the contrast of feeling bad about your truth throws that orientation out and so you're not viewing your truth naturally. Dissolving resistance involves you going through that uncomfortable sensation and owning it, which cannot be faked under pressure. You can feel it in a safe space perhaps but the fact is that if you're wavering (your orientation of view getting shifted by the environment) when things get "real" and you feel the pressure then you've really not transformed and been purified. This is why most successful coaching programs (I've gone into many of these programs myself and done some secret agent investigations into what big names work with in this community) involve a degree of being placed under the fire and feeling through the conditioning under the context of owning your truth, as in that this desire IS for you and that you CAN have it and bringing up that truth on a consistent basis. This is the "feeling" of the state of the wish fulfilled and being persistent and having faith. This process is functionally what we're doing. You can simply put it all down to this is my goal (the end) and I'm moving through it (persistence when the dips come up which they can and do happen for pretty much everybody as a process of actual transformation and purification which cannot be faked) where no matter the conditions (mental tug of war against how your body is moving you and how your view is oriented to see that truth) I know that this is for me. "I know this is for me" is the feeling NG talks about, truly. That's intuitive impulse that your body feels that naturally moves you if you don't have mental conditioning stuck as contrast playing tug of war against natural striving) because you're ALWAYS being driven towards your truth, towards what you're suppose to see and experience so that others out of their response in the grand stage act of life can then play their parts and provide their part of that collective act. There's more depth to those mechanics on thematic levels with thematic supply and such but that's all touching on "this is my truth and I own it" and move through it even under the pressure which feels uncomfortable. It's like the hero in the story who's about to lose to the big bad boss and their mentor comes up and reminds them of all the work they've done (leading the pathways and bringing in greater context to the oriented view) which then aligns their resonant thematic response from the body to change how they feel and their courage in that view allows them to move past and push their limits further. They're recognising the conditioning and in that place owning the truth of their end and that this is theirs and they go through the pressure where in that faith the vision they had manifests. We've been taught that all this stuff has to happen like magic where it's always a no contact scenario or whatever the heck (which for many people it can be) but it doesn't have to be and manifestation doesn't happen the same for everybody in the way the seeming magic works. Anything that's contrasting and playing tug of war with your truth is not self stuff to move THROUGH and be purified under. Going through it means you've moved past it instead of thinking it'll all magically go away if you feel good. Almost nobody manifests big shifts without feeling the pressure of unconscious resistance, and those who do still are oriented differently through the body anyway even if they don't realise what they're doing because when you're comfortable with your truth (the desired end and whatever that is like to you) you'll WANT to move through it regardless of what comes up in your way because your inner knowing of who you are and what your truth is is so strong that no conditions can cause your orientation to waver. Taking care of yourself physically can and will benefit this process make no mistake about that either. Compromising on any degree of what your body feels is the truth will at baseline deplete your capacity for correctly oriented view on a consciousness level because your body feelings will control everything the mind experiences and it'll associate to a sense of self that's uncomfortable with this truth. Just look at people who don't care for themselves and you'll find 9/10 times + that they're holding onto conditions, for a reason. They're afraid of the purifying fire of owning their truth. SATS is a purification process, regardless of if NG spoke of it like that or not. It's not some magical thing that whatever you imagine will push out and that more detail will make it work better or more depth into the scene will manifest faster. No it's that this is bringing out of you your truth and you're owning it against conditioning. If you go into imagination and feel uncomfortable then going through that uncomfortable feeling towards the orientation that is your correct truth will shine a light in the dark and dissolve not self contrasting conditioning. SATS is just as much a purifying process as it is where your stabilise thematic sensations to influence the world around you by owning your truth. Both lead into each other. Apply this and you cannot fail. It's not about the techniques because the techniques are simply there to orient your view towards your truth and persistency is continuing to return to your truth, or your "feeling" of the state of the wish fulfilled, regardless of circumstances. Going through the conditions that come up in the way is purification by fire and it burns off not self stuff. This is where those who compromise on owning their truth will fail because going through that as yourself is correct orientation. You are the technique because your truth is all there is to focus on and to move through anything that comes up against that as contrasting conditioning mental tug of war and feelings in the body that you go through and dissolve with your truth. Example. Your parents told you you'll never be good enough to be successful and have abundance of resources like your own house and such. You're broke and have this vision of being a stage performer but you don't feel comfortable being seen. Every time you go to perform you hold back and compromise because it's bringing up this lack within that you're holding onto, this hesitance you feel where the mental tug of war comes up every time your body calls you to perform is where the real game is. That is your opportunity to transform for real under pressure and going through that and owning your truth no matter the circumstances. You've got this job opportunity to make money for a company you hate that will pay the bills for you to get this place you want but it will drain the life out of you because it's not what your truth is. You will either give into the mental conditioning and take the "easy" road that doesn't involve transforming under pressure through your truth or you will own your truth and face the not self programming you held onto from your parents and you'll go out and perform and no matter what the outcome is you're going to push your limits forward even if it's bit by bit. Over time you become more comfortable with being yourself and owning your truth of your expression of self and those feelings of lack fade away. They money comes in, stage act contracts show up and you meet people you'd never have met otherwise because you're providing your unique thematic supple and your truth to the world for others to receive and respond to. This is just as much manifestation as that person imagining themselves acting in their imagination. The thing is they can do SATS all the time and they can feel safe in their bed but when it comes time to acting on the stage for real and they compromise then SATS scenes and all that stuff means nothing to their process. It involves going through the purifying fire of life and owning your truth. That's the facts about how manifestation works. Those who have magic happen seemingly from doing nothing were already comfortable and just went the extra step to bring up that orientation of view and awareness. Those who have contrasting resistance must go through it and the more ruthless you are in dying to the not self (as the Christos did) then the "faster" you'll "manifest" what your truth is. You don't manifest the sensory experience you manifest the truth but the sensory experience just represents your truth and so obviously if you're experiencing your truth with the senses then those sensory experiences will "externalise" as NG says. It's really not what he thinks it is as this idea that imagination is above all and that it's creating reality. That's all just a worldview that's empowering to someone, but the truth is that the real message NG spoke of is that your truth of who you are as God is within that desire and that owning your direction of nourishment you're compromising on is owning your divinity and all that stuff. This is all just dressed up in fancy language to make it marketable but the actual metaphysical and alchemical mechanics are what I've outlined, having gone through this process myself and written now over 930 pages of extensive notes on the phenomena of manifestation. The people who win are the ones who own their truth. Period. That's why you are the technique. That's why "It's done". Go through that no matter what. Have faith and persist. You see now? That's the clarity of knowing the truth which is always within you.


This thing about your truth is your inner authority which is within the design crystal itself and is made manifest as the surface level stuff you see on the body graph. Your truth is what you're oriented to see in environment and determination. This orientation on the unconscious level then allows the mind to see what it needs to see for outer authority to come through you which is what you're really here to experience and is your truth. It's what is within you that requires a proportionate series of tonal resonances in orientation with what's being shown for that to come out through you naturally and without needing to dig for anything. It's natural and cannot be faked. Form orientation is the start, because moving according to how your truth moves you regardless of the mental conditions you play tug of war with is how you're purified in pushing that limit further and further and further towards proportionate orientation where then naturally all the imaginal stuff can show up in the world naturally as it always was suppose to. Your inner authority is how you experience the truth coming through your body for your mind to see what it needs to see for manifestation to unfold. That inner truth is your direction of orientation that's proportionate and nourishing to the process you play out. Just own your inner truth. Be moved by it and accept it and surrender to it complete. "Yield to it completely" as NG says, where you cannot do any more. You've done all you can do, you've gone as far as you can into your truth and thus it's done because you pushed the limit forward into the end (your correct orientation). What more is there?


Intuitive impulse is your truth. Follow your truth. You will see correctly through that and all the manifestations will show up the way you want.


Honestly like just take this as it is. If you continue to push your limits forward, in any way that there's available vitality for, then you're going to be more respected at baseline. There's some link here between using your form to push the limits of what's comfortable in the world and your orientation which influences the output colour that manifests how others see you. Your "reflection" changes to others when you push the limits. Recognise that the only real means by which a new baseline can actually be established in through pushing your limits beyond where you'd usually compromise, meaning valuing your vitality, and for generators that means actually using it correct where you feel your truth is. If I was to explain to someone what the sensation of the inner authority feels like, whatever definition that's representing, will be your "truth" and that moving through your truth without compromise is being yourself and moving with the inner authority. The strategy is still to wait, and waiting we can say conventionally is because of aura dynamics, but to be honest I don't see how it's all aura dynamics because someone who's a bright light can to some degree bypass this through being a light in the dark to others regardless of the lines the projection field. The issue comes when you're making impulsive decisions which are wasting your vitality and more often emanates out of a lacking sense of self with mental tugs of war justifying making those impulsive decisions. For some with splenic that will be correct but for most that's not the case. .If you know what your truth feels like then you're going to win because accepting that and moving with it is the path of least resistance and how you make decisions which value your vitality efficiently. HD charts are just confirmation of the specific nature of your truth. It's the map of course, but you still have to move with your truth.

Placing importance on knowing and consciously tapping into the inner authority specifically can to some degree bring about more aligned orientation because you'll be familiarising yourself with the feeling of it but the issue comes when you're mentally playing games thinking about the chart when an impulse comes and questioning it. That's tug of war and conditioning you've bought into, even if it's something that relates to the mechanics of HD, anything you're playing tug of war with is a "condition" against you accepting your truth. Just moving along the "line" of experience that the truth leads you through however that feels to you will provide you literally everything you need, even if a certain degree of lack is involves in that for you to see what you need to see because that would be part of your story and orientation. These people who just follow their truth, which is how a majority of people should operate (not all though like reflectors and lesser authority types who are highly open) and out of that the orientation you require to output the colour you're resonant with which effectively manifests that truth without any real effort. The only real effort so to say is moving with that with courage. Like what NG says about the feeling is truly about your truth, your inner line of drive, the resonant sensation of being that moves you, that spark and impulse you feel is where you need to move through. That pull, for sacral types especially, is what your truth is. It's a sort of intuitive sense because it's built into your awareness, but it's really just a sacral rising sensation grabbing your attention and if vitality is present in abundance then you'll almost have no option but to move with it because it will be so powerful. Truly cultivating vitality opens the door to change. It's said that strat and authority is the door but the most fundamental element in my opinion is vitality because that's what the condition for sacral response is quite literally since it's just a motor. The more vitality that's available then the more powerful your motor will be, but it needs running, so in essence the beginning elements is courage (divine discontent and faith in your truth) and vitality. Courage generates vitality. Courage. I wrote endlessly about that in the early pages for a reason.

The practical distillation of strat and authority is to wait until vitality is available to move with courage into your truth (intuitive impulse which emanates from the thematic of resonance coming up that drives the motor to respond) and thus your orientation which leads to satisfying manifestation. I believe that for a vast majority of people (not all of course but most) simply owning your truth, whatever that looks like, and not placing so much importance on the specific details, will naturally move you into that which is meant for you which is why letting go of preconceived notions about the how and why frees you from being stuck in the mind. It's you and your truth moving through the world. If you look at all this stuff like that then you're going to simplify everything down. I believe that this idea if I market it well enough can replace LOA because it's arguably more simple and far FAR deeper than "what you imagine manifests". This is a simple idea but the thing is that not everybody needs to follow this because those with certain authority types really are going to need to know more about how waiting is their magic bullet. Everybody needs to wait anyway but some must wait longer than others at baseline and some require the sandboarding and all that. I don't know how reflectors can make correct decisions without going through cycles and logging their states over time because they're the samplers. I still question the nature of this but it at least works for the most part. I will likely reveal another level to strat and authority in time but we will see. Simply speaking working with your truth is your way to getting most of the way there. 

I've seen more talking about the thing where you're putting yourself on the pedestal, but I see this as degeneracy. The idea and the meaning behind it in the context of making correct decisions of course matters but I see this as a subjective thing that anyone can overextend with and end up hurting themselves more because it's like this false sense of ego for most. Been there done that, even as a defined ego. We should always come at this from an expanded place of space, you'd never get into this hyped up on your own existence state when you're living with expanded space. You'd just "feel" more worthy of this stuff and there's be no need to have all this energy put into hyping up your state leading to an inevitable dip when manifestation doesn't meet expectations. You put all this emotional current in thinking that you can drive the world around you but that's just not he case which is where you'll gradually realise how big of a fraud the essence of how LOA is taught really is. Waiting to cultivate vitality and when you get the call to move with your truth then you will win. I also suggest you cultivate space for the purpose of expanding your awareness of seeing through the "matrix" so to say at any given moment. When I was 15 and I did periodic gazing every day back then I was able to just see through the illusions of peoples personas to some degree, like I could "feel" their intention and such, like I was tapping into their colour and line or something. I'm only open on the spleen and root but it's like I just had more receptiveness regardless of the definition, which once again makes me question these seemingly fundamental things because there's no real alchemical functions described in HD other than what comes out of outer authority through being oriented correctly. You'd not really know that though if you're living your truth.

Following strategy and authority RS style is simply to wait until your truth comes through you and when it does you go all out. Conditioning is simply a function of playing tug of war and compromising from your impulse to move with your truth. You think of your truth as the imaginal "seed" but in fact it's a tonal resonance within the crystal which reflects your orientation that greater consciousness requires to complete the great work. The inner authority of a body graph is a center definition which of course simply means that there's a channel running between two gates that connect. This means that consistent supply from the centers comes through connected gates and connected gates are defined by planets. It's that X planet is in X gate and thus that gate represents the genetic imprint that you're going to have as that consistent supply because it's metaphysically correspondent to that position with the arrangement of the stars. Really it's that X planet is in X gate which has 6 lines dividing it up which determines the quality of that gate and the genetic imprint along with then the colour being the last level outside the crystal. If the tone is the inside of the crystal not exposed to planetary imprinting (each planet of course representing an Olympian element of the soul cage which binds us (the personality crystal tone) to the form) which is why I say that the very fundamental element that defines what someone's strat and authority (the way the "truth" is expressed as your specific intuitive impulse to move) is the planet in X gate and if X planet becomes integrated then how would X gate even hold definition let alone the line or even the colour. At that point the only definition left is the tone which the planets can't imprint because it's within the crystal and also determines the quality of L vs R variables, so with this thinking when you go back through turning the light to integrate the very genetic definition that's manifest from the planet lighting up that gate then wouldn't the definition of that gate change? I don't know. I just know there's more to unpack and explore, regardless of what's objectively correct or not, there's more to learn from and expand. 

Genetic imprinting is planetary (Ra says (the voice apparently told him) it's the neutrino stream but of course particles don't exist fundamentally so it's not specifically that but the idea is correct) but the quality of that imprinting is always dependent on the gate and the line because according to the alchemist we're here to fully integrate the planets which is the effective dissolution of the bars on the soul cage. I take what the alchemist says above any and all because he's demonstrated you don't need to know a shred of HD to live correctly and actually perform age reversal. Colour resonance with the planets is I believe another level of what definition and openness can be seen under. If you're not resonant to the colours of your planets from sun earth or nodal view then you're going to be open to the colour resonance of others and their personality orientation, meaning you're going to buy into their view because there's no anchor with your planets to the sun earth on a colour level. The self defined colour resonance to the sun earth is the deeper level of definition. I believe Ra has written books on this and I must find references to these ideas. There's seeming sub authority then within the planetary resonances that play off your sun earth especially with how that planet becomes then your anchor of view you can rely on for consistent supply, for if the foundation of surface level strat and authority is based on aura types and center definition then the level below that would be the anchor of planetary resonance. Some wouldn't have any which means they'd be effectively reflectors on that level even if they're defined in the body graph as a generator. Tone is also the only true constant supply above all else because it's within the crystal. I need to continue to study this further, even though my mind doesn't want me to but I know that this is where my next level is and where my truth is moving me. Breaking limits no matter how tough it is is what true courage is, facing giants with a sling and a rock and faith the size of a mustard seed in that truth. This is what builds raw power and unbridled courage to destroy anyone and anything that stands in the way of your truth. 

The question I must explore further is about how definition works once a planet is integrated and higher order substances have become the new baseline. I wonder if the design at that level no longer requires you to be bound by aura dynamics of waiting and such because the truth requires no strategy if it's emanating from a deeper level in a proportionate manner through to the colour of how that planet was defined before it was integrated. If the truth is on the surface experienced as the center definition which of course exists as a function of two gates connecting (two points in the sky "connecting" with 2 different planets) then the level below that would be line and colour wouldn't it be? Where does line fit into this? I don't know, because line determines the quality of the gate and not really something that colour impacts to any real degree of importance.

If we look at a chart can we see the "truth" of someone? You know, what the center level inner authority is responding to. What is it responding to? What is that intelligence? This I guess is my question. can we see the truth of someone, this seemingly invisible element that not even a HD chart shows. You could argue it's the nodal views with perspective and environment and in that case those thematics would be the "truth" of someone and what's driving the response for which vitality can be used for manifesting that. Understanding the truth of someone is the essence of what I'm looking to view because I believe this very idea however the mechanics reveal it is what someone should be working with because that encompasses strat and authority within it except it's got that specific personalised tonal orientation within it too. These elements I believe are key in understanding truth. This idea of truth only came to me today so It's all new I've not even taken it to the streets yet which is where many ideas come from. Riding my scooter and doing laps where ideas come through me without trying. The truth. I hope we all know what this really means. The functional definition of this would be the thematic (really the tonal number) that the inner authority from a center level is responding to, which of course would be what another persons colour is pulling out of you in reception because you're waiting to respond, but on that level you're just as much a supply as you are receptive. Your view will be shifted if another persons personality or design sun with it's planets are resonating your planets colours that you're not anchored with which means you're going to take on their view to a certain level without really realising it. The functions of all these elements work together to create what the "truth" is. Is it the cross? I don't think so, because the cross is gate definition with the personality and design sun earth, though the cross would likely have a lot to do with it. The sun earth are interesting because they're not really part of the 9 bars of the soul cage which are the other planets. Nodal view. Since the nodes and the sun earth are what actually comprise the quality of the variables and the determination and environment and view and motivation then these must have most importance because they're not specifically integrated. Perhaps the truth lies in the sun earth definition and the other planets are what we lost definition through, because surely there'd be some definition that comprises your genetics once the great work is complete. More to explore. I believe that what remains after the greater conjunction is the sun earth gates and such qualities because this is how tone is defined, though perhaps there's other thematics beyond those 4 that define the variables which are still to be uncovered. I don't know. Let's find out.



Small update.

It seems that when you have a significantly sharp increase in qi it makes you want to transform and I really mean transform. Like when there's peripheral movement of qi you've got this almost "let's get up and get this stuff done" kind of state that's like root pressure but not root pressure it's hard to describe. All I can say is that sharp rises in qi bring up some contrast to bring to light compromise patterns and stuff for dissolution and you'll almost be helpless to not have that view. The form really does orient the mind when it's nourished you don't need to do any conscious orientation work other than to bring up the trash to be dissolved.


Look I honestly think that if you're going to take everything I've written about lately and put it into a simple process it would be this. Firstly you're overstimulated. Why does this matter? Because you're being sucked into both resonance and conditioning of other people, as in buying into other peoples orientations through planetary colour resonance and base orientation. These are sub structure mechanics that I've realised are not spoken about by basically anyone in HD and are very important to understand about the big picture. If you want orientation that's focused like a laser then your own space and your own aura is your primary supply. If you've got splits like me then you require a certain degree of linking up with others but the issue there is that you're going to need to be more aware of self in these places and ground into your sacral if you're a generator. Grounding is very important for splits. Another level of this is to just die to the trash and like actually burn the bridges. You'll be FAR more likely to want to go through this if there's an abundance of qi than not, or with stagnation.

Physically moving your body, no matter your so called aura type, is VERY important. I don't care about the reasons of the mind all of you are designed to be gods among flawed weak mortal men who are stiff and weak and feeble, who are filled with synthetic garbage which clogs up the channels and needs removal. You're designed to operate as a well oiled machine not some depleted weak thing. Own your vitality and get off the internet. You're overstimulated and it's depleting your drive to move through reducing the function of your nervous and endocrine functions. This arguably is THE most important thing and I know so many people who read this will think that can't be the case but if we're oriented at baseline through the design, thought the body and the unconscious mind, and this aspect of our being is whacked so bad that it's dysfunctional on so many levels then how the heck do you expect to actually have correct orientation consciously? We are required to be refined on the design side first and foremost and I will guarantee that with 100% certainty your cognition will be far more refined and you'll be able to dissolve not self trash FAR more efficiently because the unconscious is where it's held in the first place. Do HIIT and push your physical limits just as you push your mental limits and go through resistance when pressure to move comes up. Period. If you're L design determination then have smaller fasting windows. If you're R then do OMAD, correctly. The whole aspect here is to push past your limits and comfort zones to establish a new baseline. If we cannot do that within the beliefs because we're still too depleted then work on the design side to cultivate that current. Do seed retention for at minimum 3 weeks each streak and make sure you're circulating the current else your qi will sink and the benefits won't work. Pushing yourself physically will move it, I've written about this in the past. Just push your limits and you will find vitality will improve like magic. The more you push your limits and actually WANT to because you envision yourself to be the god walking among flawed mortal men then you will absolutely surpass mediocrity. Get offline for a while and train yourself on an unconscious level. Refine the design. Cultivate vitality. Do qigong in the mornings and at night.

My morning routine is like this. Wake up early and gaze for 45 mins. Script on a new page then go make tea after I have royal jelly. Ether qigong for 15 mins with brief closedown. Forest walk.

Notice how there's no involvement with other peoples auras, as in I'm not having information enter my senses that is outside of my natural environment. The determination of the design relates to now just physically what you eat but the information you take in which is another level to the whole fasting from the world stuff. The environment plays a role in this too but less so. The whole point here is to refine what goes into the unconscious mind through the sense. We think that receiving more is better but the fact is that less is more when you only absorb what it's designed to absorb in resonant thematics. Living according to the design sun earth tone is your ticket to the most efficient orientation for your unconscious to be moved. Mine is tone 3 for both determination and digestion which means that what I take in through the senses in an active manner is what's good for me, meaning that my correct orientation is highly stimulated, but that also must come with time to wind down. This is why I have been experimenting with on off cycles of activity and passivity and not just trying to bring up stimulus for the sacral to move through. I will absolutely disagree with Ra that a sacral response should always be acted on and moved through, because from experience you'll get a sacral rising sensation when you're in a heavily compromised state to engage in compromise patterns, they'll feel exciting to you because it's giving you a pass on responsibility. This is degeneracy and the fact is that when you're approaching HD from a heavily depleted state with whacked orientation where you're buying into all these not self themes what you'll get responses to can and will be things that are for coping. It will be a different quality of response but the fact is that as someone who's been down both sides of this road you won't know the different until you actually grow up and take responsibility for your decisions on a mental level IF you're emotionally defined. This really applies to emotional definition, as I have no experience as a pure sacral, but I would assume it would be similar. You'll learn the truth in waiting, as in what does this cycle of experience reveal to me about my satisfaction. The in the moment drive can lead you through compromise because it's easy and yes I have available energy for this, that's literally what the motor does but that doesn't mean it's always going to be beneficial for you. Blasphemy says the hardcore HD followers. Blasphemy. Good then bring it on! Welcome the contrast and learn from it. The idea that we need to conform to the sacral response at all times is something that I've learned from experience can be destructive to satisfaction. I think that what we can learn from these sacral responses is that you're dealing with stagnation and limitation of nourishing qi to some degree. When your nervous and endocrine functions are whacked then the sacral responses will more than likely drive you to want to conform to comfort zones because that's where you're comfortable and can feel a sense of ease. It's the easy way to dispel the sacral pressure that's trying to move through you. The response is really just to "lets use this current for something that's going to be a good use of it" but the thing is that when you're filled with compromise and don't have a contrasting perspective to build greater context with then good luck realising what that sacral is moving you through. The chances you'll spontaneously get a response in the world to make a decision that's going to break your barriers is unlikely, as someone who's been there done that and who talks to people about this on coaching regularly. The splenic response is different because it's not about creative essence, it will respond to keep you safe. Always. That's it's job. The sacral is about expressing creative essence, but you'll find that people who are heavily yin deficient will have yang catalysing the steam reaction with the sacral and making it respond to things that really have no value. This is why I said ages ago that if you want to improve sacral response potency then do that but what is the function of this? It's useless if there's no orientation that's correct for its expression. Ra never spoke about this, as far as I know. It's like these examples seemed to not get discussed. We've been taught that it's all PHS and environment and strat and authority. If that was the case to be the most efficient pathway to correct orientation (which really it is when you're not heavily depleted already and it comes naturally through you) then simply waiting for the sacral to "pull you" to your correct decisions will always work, yet you'll find that people will use that response impulse (still a weak one when you're depleted) that are whacked badly will find that it's moving them further into cope, unless contrast comes up to provide a different direction of response. My point here is that if they're living in a bubble of degeneracy and all you have to respond to is more degeneracy then good luck with strat and response. It will not work for you. Once again another blind spot in HD. If I didn't live that then obviously it wouldn't have known these things. The things that "excited" me were things I was having planetary colour resonance to who were pulling me into their distractions, like with Venusian and Neptunian energy as these archetypes are what pull us into the things that seem appealing in the world. False nourishment, to the whacked mind. Both of my colours for these planets weren't fixed to my sun earth or nodes so I was open to impressions on these planets from others, regardless of the channels and centers defined. The resonance would pull me into their view, even if it was something that I was suppose to see but not that I'm suppose to see it under the context of being in that echo chamber of avoiding responsibility for my situation. This is the complex nature of explaining these ideas because there's levels and levels to it.

The authority of the emotional person is arguably far more reliable than the pure sacral. I use to think the emotional authority was a curse but when I learned more about it and realised it has power to it in the waiting then it all made sense. The waiting is a delayed cognition that allows you to fully explore the nature of how you're feeling about something so that you're able to discern through the peak dip cycle what is for you vs not for you. Now the issue comes when you don't learn from that peak dip cycle, and that you can absolutely make decisions in the peak or the dip if you've identified the cycle it's revealing to you. The idea that you always need to wait is once again trash that we've been taught which goes against common sense. Waiting for the wave means waiting for the peak dip cycle to learn if this is your truth or not. Your truth comes out of the wave through experiencing polarities of that truth. Emotional definition simply means you've got a consistent supply of a fixed emotional wave that you're going to be able to recognise and through your truth make the decisions that correspond to where you're being oriented within, which is of course how you experience your truth. What is my direction of orientation, as I said literally years ago. Your "direction of propagation". Breaking down all the trash programming involves simply realising your truth and moving with it. Emotional authority gives you the means to extract that in a reliable way. PERIOD. That's what it's for, nothing more nothing less. You do NOT have to wait for the wave if you've recognised your truth. The "wait for the wave" is only there for you to gain clarity about your truth. The idea of clarity is also silly because it's never a moment of sudden insight like it would be for the pure sacral or splenic or whatever, not in a consistent supply at least. Wait for the wave is once again simply the inner advice that assumes you're going to be learning about your truth by going through an experience, but when you're reminded of that truth and you feel that "pull" (which I believe all types do to some extent because everybody has a sacral but those without definition shouldn't rely on it which is the only reason center definition defines surface level authority) even before you've gone through it again (you've already done it) then you won't need to go through that peak and dip again to make correct decisions.

This is what I know is the fact about how it works because it explains inner dissolving of resistance through going into pathway work all the way. I've spoken to so many clients (and seen many others who are involved in other programs which have their own methods for doing "pathway work") and they've all told me that when they went through the emotional experience all the way to the end and fully allowed themselves to feel what's there (once again an element of emotional authority and making decisions according to your "truth" which it's revealing) it means that their truth almost just pops out in front of them once they've hit the bottom. This is exactly what I wrote down months back about the alchemy of breaking down resistance by raising vital currents to nourish the disproportionate trash. You don't need to go through the experience again in the world because the essence of what that peak dip cycle is revealing about this repeated experience in the world can be experience and transcended internally without waiting for another response to know if it's good or not. The fact is that if you know your truth then you can absolutely bypass all this strat and authority stuff and dissolve not self trash without needing to stay in that box. Sound like heresy but once again there's many examples where it rings true. Waiting for clarity means waiting for your truth to reveal itself. This idea of "truth" is truly something to further be explored because it's the deeper level of authority I do believe which lies under the line. It's these examples where we don't need to conform to the strat and authority box to make decisions that benefit us that makes me question the complete and wholistic nature of this mechanic. I absolutely has place but I really see it as training wheels for understanding yourself on a deeper level. If this "wait to respond" element rung true in alllll cases then there must be some level of explanation with this mechanic with the examples I've outlined above. If I'm missing something about how strat and authority relates then lets hear it I'm all ears. To me it seems like the surface level strat and authority works hand in hand with what's in the crystal and that using both these insights together as guide posts as to which decisions we should make is the best way to approach this.

From what I'm seeing looking at the mechanics of strat and authority is that it's a box many people stay in and parrot without actually transcending it, and what I mean by that is realising what your truth is. This idea is something Ra doesn't talk about, for some reason, likely because he just taught HD in a vacuum and was immune to further questioning. I'm all about seeing the holes in established views and to this day I am yet to find a system that is complete completely. Yes HD is EXTREMELY deep and you can see almost everything about everyone but it's something that must be applied and worked with practically to experience ones actual truth, whatever that is. As a so called coach who's responsible to the degree that my vitality presents me availability for in aiding others in getting in touch with their truth I've realised that just giving someone all the ins and outs of strat and authority is NOT enough. My coaching clients who worked with this exclusively have not experienced abundance in a vacuum, however when it's applied alongside other elements such as pathway work as I've discussed as well as fasting from the world (to the degree that they're designed for) and moving your form to nourish the nervous and endocrine systems then strat and authority just comes naturally through them. It's almost like strat and authority just doesn't seem to apply as an effective solution when you're heavily depleted, and I said this months ago because I've seen these cracks forming for ages now. There's a certain degree of naturalness that we all have with the strat and authority, such as not showing up uninvited because it's bad for every type period unlessss you're overflowing with vitality as a generator where you'll have such a supply that people will just open their arms to anyway. Like truly your degree of vitality is arguably the measure of how strat will work for you because even waiting for response when you're depleted sometimes doesn't work out as you would expect. Plain and simple thinking that strat and authority in a vacuum can be the one and only doorway is ignorance because there's so many surrounding factors that play into how efficiently this works for you.

I've been experimenting with this for a long time now and I can say that when I make correct decisions I never need to think about it I just know what I need to do, partly because I've recognised that sinking into my body and living with presence when it comes time to making decisions just gives me the space I need to recognise there and then that this is or isn't good for me regardless of if I get a sacral response or not, and 9/10 times it works. When you simply value your vitality as I have been saying for ages now (which is what the sacral harnesses in making manifest that as the work you do with it then) as a rule then this whole strat and authority stuff comes naturally. It really does. This is why I say that it's like training wheels, because it's just a way for you to become AWARE of your inner authority and strategy (aura dynamics and to a degree vitality supply dynamics which feed into each other anyway) so that you can just look at it and see "oh yeah this is my type in action" but knowing it doesn't actually mean you've got some secret cheat code. If anything it just provides certainty that how you always lived was correct, and that's what a chart reading should be. It should reveal that what you're doing was always who you were anyway, unless you're so heavily compromised that all your orientation is whacked and that it would be less likely to see them in a chart from what they tell you. There's just so much outside the S&A vacuum that's been preached like gospel which doesn't apply to many in an experiential sense because the more they try and work with it when they're heavily depleted the more they get frustrated because that box defines who they can be and it defines their ability to own truth unless X conditions have been met first, such as waiting for the sacral pull, rising, sound, whatever it is. When someone is heavily depleted and living in compromise with a splenic authority and a defined ajna and head with a logic channel going down to the throat to the spleen, all one single definition, then you'll have someone who's got all their energy up top and they'll be living in a comfort bubble and they'll never expand their awareness to a degree that moves them outside that comfort zone to own what their truth is. They're going to be overstimulated researching online to find answers to why they can't feel their splenic response because they believe that because this is their type then they're not going to be correct unless they move with the response (which would be spontaneous anyway for a splenic) and so that condition becomes their box and becomes their reason (a logical one of course) to compromise until that condition is met. Do you know what this looks like? It's causing tug of war in the mind. Any time you're playing tug of war against your truth, you've lost. Playing tug of war against your truth for any condition, regardless of if it makes sense logically or not is going to screw you over and as I've said keep you from pushing your limits and actually performing the alchemy to transcend the actual conditioning which runs deeper than S&A of course.

There's a degree of going against your impulse in this nature and I learned this too when I first came out with RS stuff online with the videos and first posts I made. I didn't have all the answers and I knew that but I did know a lot, more than enough to make my case. I was heavily compromised around that time still, less so than years prior, but I still was working through stuff. Recognising S&A back then would've led me to not making those videos, because I didn't feel like I had energy for it, I had a "pull" but it was a deeper truth it wasn't the sacral lighting up kind of pull that's typically a response you'd experience when you've got more vitality. It's just Ra didn't seem to talk about the quality of response and how there's different feelings for a sacral response, which is a shame because it would've actually helped me to transform my resistance vs staying in the box. I needed to go against what my body felt in order to be correct. This is the classroom example I talk about, except in my case it was getting my RS stuff out, you're depleted and scared out of your mind, there's spleen fears and your body language is all condensed which is obviously a sign that the sacral is not lighting up at the idea (which would be a response) and yet according to HD we're not to make that decision and we should wait more and more and more for a moment that seemingly never comes. When it does come and we're in a peak we're told to not make decisions in a peak. This is exactly what I mean by S&A shouldn't be a box we accept because it relies on a natural expression already present to function in an efficient manner and at that level you're not really consciously moving with it anyway because it's automatically part of you and could be seen as the surface level extension of your truth and how you experience it.

Ultimately this idea I have of a deeper level of S&A which I call your truth should be the functional S&A one follows because in all cases this is what our correctness lies in, however it's seen in a chart. The reason why I see this essence of "the truth" as a term I coined to describe it along with other alchemical mechanics of purification I've related to is because of these examples where surface level S&A simply cannot work in a manner where it's practical. I just don't see how someone who's heavily depleted and has been for many years can operate correctly and have orientation which is nourishing by waiting for a sacral response when they already know what they need to do anyway from the truth that's been revealed over the numerous waves that they've had. Regardless of if they have energy in that moment or not from the sacral making the decisions that they know are correct according to that deeper inner truth which has a certain degree of "pull" to it then they're going to be more than likely moved through an experience that's oriented correctly for them where they'll see what they need to see by going through that to transform further. Pushing the limits.

This gets back to the first part here of todays entry. It always goes back to pushing limits. Always. Nobody on earth can tell me that correctness can be obtained without this element of pushing limits and breaking comfort zones. Your truth involved deconditioning and deconditioning involves breaking all the boxes which define who you think you are and how they're determining what decisions your can and cannot make. Making correct decisions always means following your inner truth, and naturally that of course will correspond to surface level S&A every time and you'll see that if you obverse it. My problem with S&A is that it seems to leave out this idea of "your truth" as I've termed it which you should hopefully understand by now what I mean by that. The truth is what transforms us when doing pathway work. This doesn't involve sacral response often times, and if it does it will correspond to this truth within you. Before you call me a heretic for seemingly going against what Ra says is the first level of correctness I suggest you experiment with my process here first and actually go through it fully to the degree that you can instead of being a chicken and wasting your vitality. Own it fully and without compromise and provide your thematic supply which IS your truth, which is correct orientation. Provide that supply and own your truth and break down ALL the boxes. You're beyond all that stuff. NG really taught this lesson above all else. It wasn't the techniques or whatever trash most people think is the case it is the principle of owning your truth. Once again this isn't saying you can be anyone or anything but that there's a fixed direction of thematic resonance that is experienced as your truth in tandem with surface level S&A that will confirm all the alchemical processes I've outlined here in experience. It all goes hand in hand is really my point. Taking S&A as the door in a vacuum is ignorance and I hope that's clear by now. All of this stuff works together because it's contributing to the overarching metaphysic of your field geometry. We work with the fixed degrees and gradually integrate them as we continue to transform. 

I'll say with certainty though that if you do extensive pathway work and log the thematics and how those make you feel especially if you're an emotional definition then you'll learn more about yourself then working with surface level S&A. You'll be able to actually dissolve the conditioning against it where then you'll not have contrast showing up against your natural S&A responses where you'll feel comfortable waiting and you'll feel comfortable moving with your truth and speaking your mind without compromise and owning your vitality and all that stuff. You become individuated and you never really need to look at a chart to do that. It's good to know your thematics but living them is TOTALLY different. Being an analyst alone doesn't make you someone who can actually SEE someone's truth. You can "see" their definition but ca you really see it. What is within them that's unfolding. You must go below the line to even begin to touch on this which is what I mean by your truth lies in the crystal and not in the body graph. The body graph is very useful for grasping conditioning mechanics and such but really looking beyond the surface level will reveal more about someone and their function in reality, not just the line number and such that's saying their role. I mean the uniqueness within them under that line, under the defined centers, it's in the substructure and the planetary influences mediate how our surface level definition is expressing the truth in the crystal. S&A is really for making big decisions, but you'd naturally know how to approach them if you're tuned into your truth anyway. Strategy is probably the more important side of this, like with manifestors who must inform, and for good reason. It's common sense though, you don't need to know aura dynamics to apply that. Just knowing it is like a thing you can have confidence in when you're already nourished but when you're depleted and overthinking it becomes a curse, like a box that you begin to question if you did it right or not. This is the problem with S&A that nobody in HD talks about, at least as far as I know.

I love being critical of these things too. I tear apart everything without discretion and it's very satisfying. It's come that time where enough is enough.