Aetheraeon Notebook 11
Aetheraeon Notebook 11
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Amazing stuff I actually can type out a whole page now with this new platform without my cursor taking 5 seconds+ to catch up to where I'm typing at. I actually completed a while notebook page in like under 3 weeks that's how hard I've been going at this lately. Can't stop won't stop. RS is expanding day by day.
So you want efficient and necessary stimulus with a mixture of awareness thrown in. You simply want to be moved and have awareness come up when you're in a high contrast experience. Being thrown out when you're in flow isn't ideal you just want high contrast experiences to elicit awareness naturally and as you become more vital and sensitive through cultivating space and all that then you'll be able to just pull out of the experience and see things for what they are. Like my idea here is that you're stimulating yourself around others and in the world to the extent that you extract the information you need to process your unique insight which that stimulation led you through, right. So you're simply using stimulation as a way to lead yourself into the orientation chichi opens up your correctness, basically. I you're using stimulation for distraction then you're absolutely screwed like you're not going to have a good time with vitality cultivation because that's completely contraindicated. People think that because I run laps on certain PS1 games on my amazing JVC CRT next to my PC setup when I'm going through what Ra or someone else says that I'm overstimulated but it's not because of my variable types. The issue would be when I continue to mindlessly stimulate the senses without function or for a distraction. I have zero shame in saying that much of the time I'm going through talks with whomever I'm listening to if there's audio format (which I do better at extracting data from because I can use my variable functions better) that I'd also be running laps on CTR PS1 on like 4-5 different maps at most. Who cares. The point is about efficient stimulation to extract what you need and then just move on to the next process, and since I'm a 2nd colour determination that would come in habitual patterns that I've established, provided they're refined for vitality sake. Mindlessly just stimulating yourself with whatever and jumping from this thing to that thing and all this stuff is absolutely not constructive no matter what variable type you are. Focused direct work is FAR more beneficial and especially if you're a L orientation mind, but R as well because at that point it really doesn't matter. The point is you have enough of your awareness split between the different sources of stimulus and if you listen to your body (this will just come naturally when you lean into your determination type and own it) that you'll feel this "aha" moment and need to just write it down and since I'm R i just type and type and type and type until I'm satisfied and complete. Then I move on to the next thing that needs doing. If I stay up late at night in a streak, which sometimes I can spend more than 3 hours typing out entries without stopping because motor to throat moves me as the mani gen without really being able to feel the satisfaction until all that energy is moved through. It's simply that the stimulus is used to bring it out of you through leading the pathways into that determination variable where it's resonant and rings the bell of insight where you'll naturally be moved to type it out. It's not some magic secret sauce I was doing this naturally without even realising it, like I somehow without trying was living my design to an extent that I was very well oriented just from being myself.
This is also one of my big points. You don't need to know any technical stuff to live correctly really it's all within you already as your truth. Anyone on earth who denies this phenomena doesn't have the experience of introspection and movement through their orientation that's correct for them to know the difference. I live and breathe this stuff for years so I've had much time to contemplate and I spent a significant amount of my time in my own aura which as I said last time also matters a lot if you really want to cultivate awareness of self vs not self. Being around others and trying to purify yourself is going to be harder for most and the reasons why is because you'll have to focus extra "hard' on releasing who you are in your own space and subtracting the experiences of self when you're around others from that to see who you are in that experience without the overlay. If you know your truth then you'll be able to walk and talk around anyone on earth without being caught up in the experience and lose yourself to their view orientation, and that can also just be on the design side not only the personality side which you'd think would challenge your comfort zones and such but usually it would make you extend into directions you'd not normally be resonant with and that's because they're lighting up your planet colours. The line resonances is something I've not looked into too hard but I'm sure there's something there too.
There's also something I've observed lately relating to how your qi can seemingly influence others. Like I've been around people when they're in emotional dips to the point where they're like "I want to end it all now" and like 15-20 mins later it's all gone and they're laughing and enjoying their time again. I was never able to do this when I was depleted, no chance. I can just be in their awareness and not have any of it spill into me where I'd "catch" their orientation because now I'm the supply for them. When you're abundant in vitality everything just works. It's honestly all common sense. Thinking that thinking, or that some magic solution exists which allows you to bypass the issues you're going through is utter ignorance and is limited reasoning to justify an avoidance of responsibility of being yourself. It almost means you can "pull peoples strings" just by existing around them. This is really what I mean by having a baseline state of vitality that's expanded. You're able to exist in the world without needing anyone else as a supply because you're the one who moves people around you without effort because it's just part of your unconscious stable baseline that's always working for you. This is all design side. When you're oriented well on the design side it all just works.
Honestly the deeper I go into this the more I realise that almost all the work is done on design side. Truly it's almost all done with the body, not just in terms of decisions and whatnot (which is arguably everything but also not because the quality of decisions the body will move you through can be influenced by your vitality which only those who have been on both ends can understand) and that's what the alchemist said also, that this is all the work of Saturn which of course is a highly yin archetype. What can we possibly do without the form? Nothing. The reason why this alchemy is even possible is because of the form, without it the interactions that need to take place to transform the personality are impossible. The brutal bitter truth here is that the reason why you're still a miserable lacking mess is because you're dysfunctional on the side of nervous and endocrine function which in my opinion is the absolute foundation of everything. This should be the #1 direction that is worked with first and foremost because this opens up every other level of the work to be done with purifying the personality consciousness through orienting the design correctly, and all the people in HD who think this is irrelevant obviously lack the practical experience of actually living this stuff and all they do is talk talk talk talk without any actual experimentation and pushing forward the limits more and more every day. That's the thing that will amplify your available vitality, pushing your limits more every day. This quite literally is the thematic of vitality, vigour, youth. The most direct manifestation of this shows up in the endocrine system, hormones are physical manifestations vital currents. TCM made this abundantly clear to me years ago but the dots needed further connecting to the aspect of "pushing your limits" and the thematics that branch off that. It's plain as day I don't know how you can't see that now.
I've literally written about this almost daily now for like half the year logging my insights and experiences and the density of info here transcends almost every paid program on earth when it comes to the metaphysics of manifestation. There's really nothing more than just pushing your limits towards expressing and embodying your truth. Dance your dance of life. Just own it and stop questioning it. If you're a 1st line and or 3rd line and your foundation is built on questioning (which is very logic channel which I have a lot of in my chart) then allow yourself to question but don't compromise on moving with your truth that you have available with you at that time because it will only make you suffer from stagnation. Waiting and waiting and waiting WILL deplete your vitality if you sit on it. How do I know this? I sat on this stuff for years before I said anything because I was afraid and I've said many times that before I had even half the answers I do now I still presented what I knew even if I knew it needed work still. You just need enough to make your point clear and that's all. It will evolve as you evolve and that's ok you don't need to be perfect first time and that's what's holding you back for the fears of your mind are what you're holding onto over your truth and your orientation.
I can see it more and more. People are seeing the contrast of just how degenerate things have gotten. People long for times gone by in the blink of an eye. Nobody of right mind values the days we live in today. Nobody. Genuinely desires a world like this with cultural degeneracy and economic failure given the last 16 years has brought about one of the biggest wealth transfers in history in favour or Jewish Talmudic parasites, next to when the Rothchild's (red shield family) shorted the pound because of a false flag attack from Prussia that never came that made everybody sell up at dirt cheap prices to escape a war that never came to hit home. The degenerate Murdoch (Jew) run media. The Rockefeller and Carnegie run Education systems, all started by Talmudic Jooz to make the established Homeopathic system look bad through "science" that's become the new religious belief which determines who gets funding to do actual science from the same Joos who started it all up. The whole thing is a joke. Physics is the same, a bunch of rich guys established the foundations for the belief system everybody bought into. Germ theory and relativity are the new religions of the modern world, though they're beginning to lose followers as people like me point out the degeneracy for what it is. My view is "power" in the 4th tone of meditation. This means that through seeing the power structures and hierarchies and what's causing what from a perspective of gathering this insight out of "knowing" what's true and what's not I can discern what's what and thus my supply orients others into this direction, for better or worse.
Golan heights in "Israel' (why did NG not call out the degeneracy of the rogue state of Israel if he knew the truth about what Israel in the bible meant? Or was this silenced and he did actually talk about it at some points? I don't know but he would've known this obviously) was renamed to "trump heights" before he was Elected too, he was chosen, obviously. I god old notepad documents going back to 2021 saying that he was going to get in again next time because the people WANT him and that's exactly why he's the perfect person to push forward the carefully constructed controlled demolition of the western world and people will cheer it all on in the name of Trumpism like a bunch of blind followers. None of the people in politics who you can vote for have your interests in mind of course and this whole system is built on the weaknesses of our inherent nature, and that is that we will want to move away from taking responsibility for our own suffering. Democracy is a complete joke because it's a system of psychological manipulation to make it seem like there's free choices that are made when the fact is that the decision was made ahead of time because people will want someone to save them from their suffering. Trump literally has a campaign of "He will fix it" and "make America great again". Literally marketing to the weakest of the people out there as a saviour to avoid their own transformation. The reason why the world sucks and is overrun by parasitic filth is because people don't want to own their limitations and take responsibility and just say no when the gov puts pressure on them to conform. They represent us, constitutionally speaking, but now it's that the gov is the force that keeps sovereign people who follow their own inner authority in a state of duress if not to conform. None of this is by chance, it's all the thematic cycles that play out in the world influencing our experience on a personal and collective level.
This was truly what I saw first above basically everybody else. Seeing this at 16 or so was really what opened me up to disconnecting from the whole idea of seeing anybody as an authority over me, except those who conditioned me and I needed to work through, like my parents. It's that the free expression of the people of this world requires them to completely detach from the degeneracy that is other people determining what decisions you can and cannot make. This is literally degeneracy. Gov is the most widespread example of this. Operating in a system where literally everything is backwards and seeing it is such an eye opening experience to have. When you forget about all of that view and just accept it, because it's more comfortable, then you don't have that contrast come up, and yet you're still processing in time like the rest who ignore the obvious. How is this to be dealt with I wonder, when that view does come up? The way that's natural to you really. Just speak your mind in your day to day life when you're invited to speak. Unless you're a manifestor then good luck, you're not here to "wake up" others you're here just to know yourself. That's not your responsibility, unless you're called to do so. I had to realise this years ago when I was neck deep in thinking I had some responsibility to shove the obvious into peoples faces, and even if I was 100% correct it wouldn't make a difference because I wasn't responding to another persons invitation. Generators need invites too, it's the same thing. People will also value your position more if you've got a supply of vitality for them to leech off. They want to taste your vitality and so naturally they'll be more open to hearing from you so that the aura dynamics and interactions can unconsciously take place that reorients the designs.
This is another deeper level of conditioning playing out here. You can make your life into a nightmare if you operate from a position where you're getting into the space of others uninvited to share insights. The only way this should be done is when there's opening to speak. Otherwise you wait to respond, which is common sense anyway. Strat and authority in that sense is a common sense thing, because in essence both generators and projectors both have to wait, and to some extent so do manifestors, though they don't need others to come to them. Just apply common sense logic as a generator and you'll win. Don't get in peoples faces uncalled for.
"Impress the subconscious mind" has been written by so many different people over the time which is a term that has next to no metaphysical significance from the perspective of both those who write it and those who read it. NG wrote about it, Florence Shinn wrote about it (one of the first), Joseph Murphy wrote about it, Napoleon Hill wrote about it, all the big names used this term. Why? I personally believe that there's Talmudic influence that described this term in some text which has seeded the idea into the mind of the metaphysicians at the time to think in terms of solipsism about manifestation instead of from the alchemical perspective which is what source material teaches. It seems I'm going in the direction of exposing Jewish (Talmudic) influence in the community as the ones who actually propagated the idea of mind magic and probability reality shifting stuff and all the lovey dovey feel good vibes ideas which has infected the deeper metaphysical circles and effectively "drowned out" real alchemical traditions with nonsense. Their purpose was both to drown out the truth and also to give people something that can be easily marketed and bought into, such as "impress the subconscious mind" which every major guru of the manifesting world spoke about as what we're trying to do. It's also to get people away from doing deeper metaphysical investigation onto the phenomena of manifestation which is what I've done with RS. It gets people into a position where they're going to WANT to buy into the "mind magic" idea that is propagated because it's easy and convenient and safe to talk about because it's been established but that obviously doesn't make it true. I will say therefore that a vast majority of the LOA stuff out there has Talmudic roots just like the history we're taught, and how biology works, and how physics works, and how medicine works, and all this stuff I've dived into in the past that all had Jewish roots as to the origins of how it got propagated into the collective mind. LOA likely is one of those things which goes back to Talmudism.
I was just going over the history of technological progression on the consumer level desktop market, which you're likely a part of if you're reading this, and between 200-2017 from the 970 to the 7700k there was about a 2x in performance. This took 7 years, How insane is that. Now with arrow lake we've had performance that's like 7X that in about the same time when under a multithreaded load and about another 2x in the same time span for single thread. Most of these gains in intel processor power actually come down to lithography process technology advancements over anything. It was a delay in advanced lithography tech that slowed down innovation but that also meant that the trend caused a rapid uptick to compensate. So this long period of complete stagnation in the desktop user market led to a significant upswing in innovation when competition showed up with ryzen, which still sucks for low latency use. I know because I had a 3900x to replace my X99 platform with a max overclocked 5960x and it was WAYYYYYYY slower in so many cases despite being 5 years newer.
Either way it's this point I want to make here that seems to ring true in all examples I can draw. You'll find this exact same idea play out in your personal life when it comes to applying yourself into this work on being correctly oriented. When you're oriented correctly and you're uncompromising in your movement then your upswing will be more sharp but that also means that the dip that comes as a result will be harder. There will always be a corresponding degree of polar momentum that moves through you as you apply yourself into a direction. If you're stuck then you don't really go anywhere. This is why people in LOA who try and hype themselves up hardcore on their own existence thinking that this positive feeling will manifest abundance will most likely experience hardcore dips and of course identify with the dips instead of going through them and moving into a direction that values their vitality. We need to understand that all the movement here that's experienced comes out of a place of either upwards or downwards momentum and I believe the mechanics of this is always a self correcting mechanism which feeds the ajna binary and mostly through the 4th line (number). The 4th line is drawn out realisation of truth of self and this is what the peak dip cycle reveals. Most of the work we do here is on a 4th line level for the most part. It's what is my truth as I've recollected over time in going through these cycles.
This also applies to collective processes as well. The stock market will follow these up and down trends that match the solar cycles. It all corresponds and follows these predictable trajectories if you can feel into the energy of a group. The whole idea here is that without taking any of the deeper mechanics of HD into account you can almost predict the direction that progress will move and how that's going to impact the people involved in that if you understand how the cycles are playing out over time. This happens in your own life first by understanding your own peak dip cycles and out of that you'll then be able to recognise that applying yourself into a certain direction can create a specific outcome as a result. This is of course a super simplified idea of specific thematic supply and demand. If you're going to spend significant effort bypassing transformation then you're going to almost 100% certainly manifest a big dip and lots of seeming back luck experiences with people being limited or opposite in how they respond to you. On the other hand though you should be able to apply yourself into a direction that's going through the pressure to be yourself and as a result you'll find people will value you and respect you more than ever and this can be as simple as actually feeling into the thematics of your motivation fully along with working with your design side variables, but the essence of this work is going through not self conditioning and dissolving it from the inside out by making those decisions you've compromised on for so long.
I want to liken this idea to beating a challenge in a game. Real life is just like a game in that sense and the harder you play the game and beating the challenges the more rewards you'll get. Truly manifestation plays out in such a way that it's like the active avoidance of challenge is what destroys you. Going through challenges will always reward you.
These people that ask me these questions of "what if I don't know if this is correct for me" obviously aren't living from a position of facing what they're avoiding. These questions arise because you're running away from your natural orientation. You'd not need to ask this question because it's built into you. You're always being moved towards your abundance but you're thinking that it's something that needs mentally contemplating on. This is so far from the truth I can't even begin to describe. Staying in your comfort zone will mean you're going to come up with any justification for the compromise you're continuing to make. You quite simply need to go through the pressure of owning your truth to manifest abundance. Go all the way. This cannot be faked. This is what "causes" manifestation. If we stop thinking that it's all because of imaginal stuff then it opens up an entire view on how things work on a mechanical level that RS explains. The truth lies within you and living as the literal embodiment of that truth is how you win.
If we look at manifestation as a phenomena that happens through you as a result of actual lived embodied experiences "manifest" as those fixed thematic elements that you're a supply for then we can essentially cut out all the fluff of mind magic and whatnot and get to the core of how we apply this. Lived embodied experience. No hoping, no wishing, no nothing except dying in battle. Dying in battle is how we manifest, taking it from Norse mythos terms. Are you owning your truth? If owning your truth requires you to die in battle then so be it. Avoiding battle will deplete you because every time you die in battle you are rejuvenated. All of the vitality that went into that correct direction of propagation will come back to you which is how negentropy is done. Proportionate processes within processes, greater consciousness by which we're integrated within moves us and we are thus moved just like clockwork. You're to surrender like a gear in a clockwork tower and be moved when the motor moves you, given your truth is expressed through that, which is where some complication can come but for the most part moving with the motor is how you restore vitality.
The imaginal stuff applies only to the degree that this experience can elicit within us the embodiment which is leading us through correct orientation. We're using imagination to "simulate" what that orientation is like with a lived experience. The vividness matters not but the direction of implication on your truth does matter. What imaginal experience to me will allow me to live my truth? This is all that we need to apply imagination for. Nothing more. Ever. Everything else imaginal comes through us naturally. The only function of conscious imaginal experience is for us to own our truth and have the lived experience of that, which of course if that pushes our boundaries forward then we will always receive respect from the world, even if it takes a few days for that to materialise, because if you went into the correct direction of experience to the end complete then it's obviously done. It's done if you went all the way, and since you pushed the limit you can't do it again, and that's why "it's done". Stop thinking that what NG talks about imaginal senses in a vacuum with feeling good for feeling good sake and thinking that if these things are experienced then they will be replicated somehow. To some extent this is true, but if the direction is moving you away from your truth and that you're doing this to bypass that transformation then obviously all you'll get is signs of that intended experience or opposite results if you really run away from your truth. The harder you imagine to run away from your truth the harder you'll dip. This is the constant truth that rings true for literally everybody I ever talk to who tells me that this is what they experience too. Nobody I've spoken to has told me that they don't go through a peak dip cycle, even if they're not emotionally defined. This also gets to my point earlier about this whole thing where emotional authority really is a thing in everybody from that sense of how everybody will learn about their truth form their peak and dip cycles, at least to some extent no matter their definition. There's not a single person on earth who doesn't go through this as a way of realising what their truth is on some level.
To simply speak here manifestation works through you when you actually own your truth to the complete extent that you're available to express, be it in the world or in simulated imaginal experience. Both can transform you if the currents available are present for that to happen. Truth is what greater consciousness makes known to us through our body and to an extent through our personality mind with the associations to resonant concepts which ring that truth like a bell for us. Going through this is your path of least resistance. Being yourself without compromise is owning your truth which is living in alignment with greater consciousness and your pathway towards immortality. Distance yourself from all that which is not serving your truth and watch as your world transforms. The harder you go through this the more rewards you will reap from this process and before long you'll realise you need nothing and have everything. That is your truth. Live it. Breathe it. Walk it. Talk it. Embody it completely. Remind yourself of it to elicit the body response and normalise that direction of design orientation. If you've got logical and or tribal channels then return to these processes and play them out over and over until you've hit the peak of how far they can go for you. Individual circuit channels are to be experienced in momentary impulses of great drive and collective gradually leads through an experience that ends in a great crescendo of fulfilment. Work with the tones.
What do we do with temporary emotions? Both peaks and dips. We allow them to pass if they do not correspond to the expression of our truth, though they will often relate to an element of our thematics that resonate to us (reminding us of them through the cause of the emotional charge) which is why we buy into the emotions. The emotions are another form of cognition we can use to determine truth if we can see them as they are and what they're bringing up within us to be experienced. They're shining the light on the unconscious and revealing parts of us that hold charge. More often than not when you shift the position the light is revealing then the crystallised pattern that's stuck will not dissolve which is why you need to go all the way in sitting with it.
The culture shift over the last 15 years has been crazy. It's almost entirely flipped on its head. Rainbow degeneracy mostly is the cause. Strip people of their truth and introduce solipsistic views. I can be anyone and have anything. This is a parasitic view which feeds the narrow minded limited view on "empowerment" and such ideas that are all about taking people away from needing to be responsible from their own abundance. Blame others for why we're not where our truth is.
Reminding ourselves of times when we had abundance is very powerful because it will generate a greater context field by which we will be moved and the form will respond to if available vitality is present. The way I see this is that since it's your truth, the motors will move you into action without needing to try, though this hesitancy in the mind will be what holds you back.
I'm also experimenting with the conscious and deliberate raising of yang from the root without needing pelvic floor tension to act as the pump. This is more of a breathing and just "feeling" process.
Once again I had another example where I was able to just be extremely laid back and relaxed despite negative things happening around me and right after like an hour passed it was resolved and they were back to normal. It's like these examples just keep coming up when in the past I'd always have some sort of reaction from my body against being there. Like it would be telling me "get away" but now I can just handle the pressure like its nothing and I don't even care because I know it'll always work out no matter what. This cannot be faked I believe it's in a big part because of not just all the gazing but what I've been saying lately with pushing my limits forward. I'm telling you with years of experience here that pushing your limits is what allows you to actually cultivate essentially a stoic type mindset where nothing perturbs your center. You're completely unstoppable you can face any challenge and whatever pressure without stumbling over yourself with limited mental reasoning telling you to run away. The degree by which your mind will control your decisions has everything to do with how nourished your circuits are. PERIOD. There's no transformation without this process of actually being purified under pressure and to cultivate higher order substances in the form to have a baseline level of orientation that moves us to see what we need to see we must move through what we're being run up against all the time that we're bailing out from when the literal heat gets too much. Going through those moments of pressure ensures you will "level up" even if you don't go all the way you'll still gain experience. This experience as I said way back in the early pages of notebook 1-3 is that this will be your testimony which is the reality of experience of you being yourself which is you playing the right notes and is purifying the form, literally washing away not self as you go through it. This process is exactly what I'm talking about.
If you think you need to do this with everything you "manifest" then obviously not because you're going to be comfortable with certain things once you've reached a degree of nourishment where you can imagine yourself into experiences that are fulfilling and those seeds will move you as they unfold within. It's like magic but it's not because I've uncovered those mechanics. You don't need to know any of this technical stuff though to manifest, in fact it's better you don't because it'll only feed your mental conditioning thinking more before deciding. The only thinking we should be doing is reminding ourselves of our center and be just like that person in the heroes journey who has the vision of themselves and all the progress they've made come up to move them into a nourished state where they can act with certainty and swift movement without hesitation. You'll know your truth in that. Moving with your truth is that point. You remind yourself of your truth, represented by all the experiences that were correct notes you played and the vision you have of yourself as to where you're moving and this greater context will nourish you by raising those currents (to a certain degree which will force catalyse Jing because it's a mental process which is what causes one to age but in these examples it's beneficial) and thus the body will respond and you'll WANT to be moved into action with power and precision and fury and passion for life. The fury of Odin, not angry fury but the fury for the passion of being yourself. Utter indominable fury for facing the purifying fire. The more you move through the purifying fire when it's required the more you'll manifest abundance by default. PERIOD! AMEN. That's all there is to manifestation. You have a vision for yourself that your body responds to and you're moved through naturally. If the mind comes up and gets in the way you dismiss the conditioning and move with where your truth is that you know is your correct orientation because the body will tell you your truth, that's greater consciousness. As I've explained before though sometimes your body won't be on board with your truth on some level and so going with the truth of who you know you are under that will align the design through that, as it did with my example and many others I've been through.
That's all there is here. You normalise the sensation of being that person, those thematics, they become comfortable to you because you're already living them and how you live them is by going through them all the way. What's so hard to understand about this? That's what SATS is, it's an experience that elicits body response (you don't need all the sensory details you just need the thematics of the experience clear and stable for a body response) and this will when moved through purify your orientation so you'll be moved and others will move to you. You're purifying your consciousness in SATS, it's not something that's doing "subconscious impression" because the idea of that IS when you've gone through the experience fully and had the body response to your truth which is when you've gone all the way and "it's done" meaning you've experienced the reality of experience of your truth playing out. That's seriously all there is to that, on the most surface level that is. Do you seeeee it now? Where is your truth? This is your "desire", not what the limited narrow mind wants but what the impulse from your greater consciousness is orienting you towards, and this desire when fully experienced in the end, meaning it's fulfilment, then you will "impress the subconscious mind" with correct orientation. That's explaining it in their terms under RS technical mechanics which is correct.
If everybody applied this process then they'd win 100% of the time without exception because it's what everybody goes through. It's alchemical so it's unavoidable for any process in existence as it expands.
Man it's almost the end of the year. Less than 2 weeks left.
So I've gotten messages from people I've not spoken to in like 4-5 months and the thing is that I just briefly thought of them and now they're coming and wanting to interact with me out of thin air. We've had zero interaction at all. There's an element here of just naturalness if I was to call it anything and it's representing essentially just the direction of naturalness of interaction brought about through these people having an affinity for something you have to offer.
I have clients who don't get results immediately tell me that if it's supply and demand of thematics then how come if they're feeling the end that they're not moved? Why not. You're still looking for pleasure to accompany a transformation. There's a certain degree of pain and pleasure that needs to be gone through and balanced. Yin and Yang. When you're seeking pleasure through false orientation that's bypassing your natural progression of "earning" it by going through the challenges that come up then you're going to deplete your vitality and dip. People will not want to be around someone of this type because they emanate a field of degeneracy where this person is basically living in their own comfortable bubble and world of compromise by running away from their path. This principle rings true. There's a path set out for you that's correctly oriented through greater consciousness and if you're lacking in your sense of "I can own my truth no matter what" then you're going to 100% be pulled into a path where the bad things that happen are there to get you to wake up and get on track instead of living in this comfortable bubble. Reality cannot really force you in any way to move with greater consciousness but it essentially will through the self correcting process of the peak dip cycle which brings contrast to us and drives us into a greater perspective and sense of self, else we'd continue to self destruct. The fact that we have peak dip cycles shows us that we are in fact being moved by greater consciousness and that this does matter. Wake up in the dream.
Story time from a repeat client. She's had this strange health issue where she'd be unable to handle certain types of food. I first approached this from the TCM perspective because I know that worked for me and a few others, though not all the time. Unfortunately results were on and off, there was no consistent up trend despite following my process precisely. I didn't know why it wasn't helping but after a while of experimenting with other methods I was testing it came to light that she has beliefs about why she can't be a certain way she wants to be. This compromise pattern was the actual cause, and of course the metaphysical influence on the TCM side was amplified. Her environment reflected this too in the chart. The same thematics. This is another level I'm looking deeper into as well. Either way her digestion issues and stuff completely vanished and she was very very surprised that all the icky feelings were gone after eating just from feeling that she was different AND ACTING ON IT! She moved through what she compromised on and this involved being more active and speaking with certain people she was afraid of engaging with. Reality slapped her in the face with this "you're compromising on expressing your truth" idea with manifesting the health issue which got her attention to that thematic she's suppose to provide a supply for. When that was fulfilled the issue went away, because of course the health issue reflects what's compromised she's not going through. Obviously this is why I say owning your truth is all there is to do. Truly truly truly you don't need to know S&A to make progress you really really don't you just need to look at repeating patterns of compromise and a bit of pathway work and you'll resolve like almost all the issues you face. If you want to go further then of course S&A can be of great benefit but for actually resolving deeply rooted limitations then honestly in practical application I don't see much use because more often than not from a place of limited vitality it's only going to make your more heady and this comes from speaking with many clients over the time I've worked with this. Following the obviously visible truth that's revealed in the conditions you face in the world that are against your truth and going through what's compromised will resolve your issues. Truly that's what this is essentially going to distil down to.
Common sense prevails above all else when we're honest with ourselves here about what actually applies in manifesting abundance. This isn't about making specific things happen like magic such as no contact which can be done, but more often than not will not work for you if that's exclusively your goal, as in this is the complete context which will reflect "I'm afraid of being myself so I want no contact to avoid me taking responsibility for owning my truth" which once again as I've said is all that really matters here. The magic happens when you go through and live the embodiment of where you're being driven by grater consciousness and the impulses you get from the design will provide you those signals of correctness. That's all. You'll naturally know, it's built into you. We all know that as a fact but we let the head get in the way of this simple obvious truth.
There are times however where your truth isn't so obvious to the mind. Sometimes there's a degree of moving blind that's required, at least to the conscious side. You'll uncover more of your truth as you move along each of the breadcrumbs that you do know. Having a certain degree of faith here is required really.
Magic number coming up.
So it seems to me that the way animals work, as in how they warm up to feeling safe around other people, that splenic awareness, that's really what we're working with when it comes to making comfortable how we are to normalise being ourselves in a comfortable position.
The sensation you get, the impulse to make a decision from your body that your conscious mind recognises and moved through, how can we replicate the thematic series of thoughts which generated it. It's not just one thing we have come into our awareness but a sequence. Can we do pathway work on these parts of us that bring up resonance and find how to represent those through the senses?
I just had this come over me and I'm in a position to write it out thankfully. So when your dopamine function. mostly related to lower circuit meridians in the nervous and endocrine system (kidney and liver meridians) then having a naturally playful attitude is impossible to effectively reciprocate and the reason why bring depleted ruins your natural social stills is because you don't FEEL anything out of it. If your body doesn't have current to feel in response to a stimulus then there's no movement. Having shot endocrine and nervous function WILL RUIN ALL YOUR MANIFESTING ABILIUTY PERIOD. This is why you're failing honestly it almost all goes back to this in terms of not knowing what to do or being awkward or whatever the trash is. The gates do NOT indicate that someone will have a "social skill" advantage, such as having gates off the sacral, it simply means are you nourished within your body first and foremost. Like this is common sense and I believe the reason why this matters is because it's one of the most direct ways that we can interface with the design side without needing to know about HD or anything metaphysical. It's been clearly established that those who are physically active and eat well (for you) then you will feel better on the personality side and feel more satisfaction from small things in the world that you're using your energy for. You have both more energy to expend and the sensitivity to rewards (aka providing thematics to those who need it through your process) which will mean you'll WANT to be involved with others instead of being a recluse in your own space all the time. This degeneracy I can bet for almost everybody goes back to some aspect of their physical design side that they're disregarding. If you just did it, like just.... just do it. Just do it. Honestly like screw S&A if you just break that box of thinking that you can think your way out of a malnourished design then your thinking will be oriented to what you're suppose to see and what needs to come through you to manifest what's needed will be automatic. It's the thoughts that come through you (which are always coming through you anyway) that will manifest efficiently and effectively but when you're whacked and depleted then good luck having association to those thoughts and impulses with clarity and not overthink them when they come up. You need to just nourish the form and you'll have clarity in the mind. It ALL works THROUGH the design. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of it. Space works with the design, because it's the interaction of the salt and the mercury to cultivate the between space.
Early morning post. It appears that the peak dip cycle is a natural part of both positive aaaand negative affirmations. NG basically tells us to expand energy in imagination correctly to generate body response which is going to mean that it’s done since we’ve expended that energy. If it’s what the body responds to then you win. If your mind wants the body to respond then you lose and you eats energy. Now the real essence here is that “owning your truth” is what elicits the response. That is correct orientation. When you’re in an imaginal experience and you go all the way in expending energy as in having the moment of realisation that you’ve owned you truth being the moment of “subconscious impression” and that “it’s done” is the ONLY point of expending it. It’s that you expend juuust the energy needed to reach that point. Deliberately expending energy to feel emotional currents while staying in the box will destroy you and manifest signs. It should always be in the direction of you owning your truth and at that point then it’s done. I believe that no matter your design this same principle plays out. The quality of the experience will be determined by the design. We’re all walking talking alchemy rituals.
Nourish your form and your form will tell you.
In the runes there's one called Uruz which relates pretty closely to sacral energy, creative sexual current. Now inverted meaning of Uruz means that it can manifest as indecision or overthinking or not having the power to overcome limitation. In TCM the gall bladder meridian when it's deficient will manifest as similar experiences actually where you're indecisive and can't make decisions, like you don't know what decisions are correct. There's also the weak kidney and liver meridians which relate to Uruz where you don't have any driving force to move you through limitation, as in the form isn't able to respond to a degree that's sufficiently "loud" enough for your mind to recognise and move through it. This feeling is literally a manifestation of weak Uruz. How do you nourish Uruz? Move and culculate qi, which the liver meridian governs and also stores blood. Liver meridian is one of the most important for circulation of current and when it's not smoothly flowing then you're going to almost certainly be stuck in this box or feeling this barrier in the way between where you're being moved and where you're stuck. Been there done that, it's an almost sticky and heavy feeling. The gall bladder also stores bile, on a physical level, and bile breaks down fats, which is excess dampness, which is a less dense form of crystallised resistance in TCM. When the Uruz is strong then you're able to have the nourishment for the form to respond with what it needs and it will lead your conscious mind through the experiences required be it imaginary or just seeing something in the world "stick out" in contrast, that this will bring up in you what needs to be seen and that will come through you naturally. Just recognising and then accepting and going through it, which is easier and more natural when you're nourished, will aid you in the process of being correctly oriented. This also directly relates to the manifestation of the endocrine and nervous system functions and fasting from the world to allow your form to function more efficiently and correctly. That's what this is about.
I believe that having different physical spaces is ideal for optimal for insights to flow easier.
Different sensory inputs ring different thematic fields that we move through and experience. Others can be on the same thematic field as well which will drive collective interactions with these thematics. So in essence the stimulus that we're most normalised in experiencing will lead us towards deeper integration with those thematics, given our fixed definition and what's in the crystals. There's new theory I've just developed today after talking to the immortality group but I need to sit with it for longer and let it fully unfold before I go into it.
I literally just got a message from someone I use to play competitive overwatch with back in 2018 for the first time since then. It's been years. I thought about him when I was going through pathways and boom he messages me. Crazy. It just came through me.
Valuing your vitality
Valuing your time
Valuing your attention
Value your space
Value your relationship with greater consciousness and the fixed thematics within
This refines the sense of self
My SP recently told me she’s gotten over a limiting belief that came up every now and then before and caused issues. She’s past it almost completely now to where it’s kot really an issue anymore. This happened along with many other shifts in the last month or 2. It really seems that this work has had impact in multiple directions of my relationships and in ways I didn’t intend or expect consciously. It’s all feeding into my vision for what a fulfilling relationship is to me, whether she’s the one playing it out or not it doesn’t matter to me I have zero attachment on any level to any outcome and all I am moved through is what is resonant to me.
Truly the principle is about being well nourished and sensitive to the feeling of satisfaction and abundance while needing less to feel it. Your endocrine function improves and more specifically your androgen and dopamine and serotonin response improves. You get more out of less and simple things in life elevate your baseline abundance. None of this is magical it’s all metaphysically manifest and the bio chemical side is just one level of it which can be looked at as markers for the metaphysic.
I really can't prove this but I believe that gazing at very bright white walls that have direct sunlight on them could be beneficial in moving liver qi. Why? Because it makes you sneeze if it's stagnant. Went through this myself and always wondered why until I connected those dots.
Look just listen. When your form is nourished your conscious thinking mind will think differently. My qigong master said years ago that the unconscious mind rules your whole life and you're utterly powerless to stop it until you learn to move with it. This is something that the nourishment formula has outlined. It's ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL a matter of nourishment of the form leading to an orientation of view. People tell me "I don't know". Yeah who cares you never knew and never really will know but your body does and the issue is that you're not moving with it. It's malnourished and so you're not able to effectively be moved, because indecision and an overthinking mind is what manifests when the form is depleted and misoriented leading to the mind to also be misoriented. You're powerless to stop it. All you can do is go through what you're avoiding which nourishes the form. Then and only then can you have what you desire unfold through you. Period. That's it. Game over.
Everybody who asks me the question "how do I get over my unconscious resistance" or something to that degree is COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT. My Daoist master told me "you can't get over your unconscious resistance" and that's the most powerful statement you could ever hear. Ever. Period. That literally tells you everything you need to know about manifesting but you must understand the context behind it to see the true meaning. It is required to work with the form for the conscious mind to be purified. The body is the house which contains all the elements of your consciousness, and the conscious thinking mind simply looks into the parts of the house. Looking at the parts of the house does nothing. You must light the fire from below and melt down what's not suppose to be in the rooms of the house to see what's under that layer of not self trash. You're getting a sense for the truth but it's buried under layers of trash. We must perform alchemy in the body to dissolve all unconscious resistance. If we think we can think our way out of this then you've fallen into the trap. NG was an alchemist without realising it. He actually outlined to us a method by which we can perform inner alchemy to transform the relationship to the unconscious mind in fulfilling what our truth is, and as we go through that experience, we are lighting the purifying fire and burning off what is not self for excretion.
Every time I look at someone who gets a result in this manifesting game and tells me that they had this purging process which felt a bit uncomfortable (or a lot depending on the depth of it) which then leads to a renewed view where contrast emanates in this new refined view of the same ideas and there was ZERO input from the side of the conscious mind to make that happen in a targeted way. It's that this contrast comes out of the dissolution of not self, it's like you're finally able to see clearly again so of course it's going to be like "whoa this is so different I feel amazing" when in fact this was always your potential baseline. Recognising that and understanding that the view orientation in that sense is ALL determined by the degree of correct orientation of the design side will set you free from needing to look for techniques and trash because it's simply about recognising the signals, whatever they are, that your form is giving you to point you in the direction to complete the alchemical process required. It's not "telling you" but it's that as a function of its existence and it's thematic resonances that what needs to be dissolved will mechanically simply be brought up. There's no need to see it like there's body intelligence it's just a matter of physics so to say, and if we just look at THAT instead of what we want and blind ourselves to the trash laying on top of the truth then we will be able to be free from needing things to be a certain way because it feels good and that it's bypassing our responsibility of being ourselves.
This truly is a matter of alignment process where we're actually WORKING WITH the form to then consequentially orient the conscious mind without it needing to do anything. Think of it like this. You're using your observation to shift your observation. You're not using your observation to make something happen with some sort of agenda you're simply observing what NEEDS to be observed and in doing so you shift then the baseline orientation that the observation will see. Do you get it? That's the most fundamental way of explaining what shifting unconscious resistance is. You're clearing out not self stuff THROUGH SIMPLY OBSERVING IT (which is processing it because you're not looking away but at and bringing purifying current to it given there's current available) which will in turn clear the channel and as a result the default orientation that the view will have then when it looks in the same spot next time will be different without any "effort" put into making it seem different. it will come through you because what comes through you is a function of what you were always suppose to see anyway, built that where that was there was overlay of not self trash warping the view perspective. Thinking that you're embodying some magic state and this somehow shifts your consciousness is stupid. NG was so off when it comes to that, you're not changing metaphysical clothes or whatever you're just more or less taking OFF the clothes to see what was under the clothes the whole time, which is your truth, under all the trash overlays you identified with thinking it was you and that you couldn't see because there was no contrast. When there's contrast of view orientation then it comes through you without trying and you'll realise that you've actually transformed without effort. There was no effort to make yourself think those thoughts that resulted in the person showing up but that there was a shift in the underlying structure which automatically orients your view and thus you seemingly magically "manifest" these things. Its that they're already there probably but because your warped perception was looking for things to be a certain way you couldn't actually see the truth in that same experience. This is what happens when I say you're shifting the sense of self to view the same concept under a different light. You cannot fake that it must simply be gone through and now you know what that means. It means simply observing what needs to be observed to allow purifying current to move it through you (the cause of the temporary pain of it) and thus as it's gone then you feel relief and satisfaction because "it's done" and you can live with the effects of that contrasting view orientation without effort. Dooooooooo you seaaaaaaaaa.
I've said before that manifesting is like marketing to yourself, and to some extent if that marketing can elicit the correct sequence of things to bring up and go through then yes it can "manifest" for you, otherwise you're just wasting your vitality and time on chasing your tail. This whole industry is a scam because the idea is that you can "do" something to make someone fall in love with you or you can magically 10x your business profits by imagining yourself in a yacht with your name on it. It's like people buy into this for the purpose of "this person can make me feel better and solve my problem" and yet in order to actually have your problem solved it's going to involve your body telling you the truth and your conscious mind simply accepting what's coming up in that. We always say what's "coming up" because it's quite literally coming up, as in vital current is rising from the root and creating steam which turns the turbine of the mind to have those thematic currents flowing through the filter which is what you experience. When you try to resist the flow then you're holding the resistance in place until it's going to explode. Everybody regardless of solar plex definition goes through the peak dip cycle because it's a fundamental mechanic of how consciousness works and how the self correcting mechanism functions. ALL of these things we experience are leading us towards a direction of self realisation, and that means owning your truth. Going through the resonant thematics as they are without trying to change them to be a certain way because you think they need to conform to this way else it won't feel good. This pursuit of feel good is the problem that the modern world has made so convenient to buy into and accept. We've been so disconnected from who we are and our truth because there's so many distractions and things to look at that aren't within us. They're not our truth they're the orientation we're being moved to see. We could see the exact same thing but someone else would see something differently in it because their orientation is different.
I need you to grasp that every time you feel through the deep depths of the resistance and in the moment it feels bad, that every one of these moments of temporary pain will be accompanied in the future with an abundance of luck and good fortune. Good fortune does not follow those who feel luck and fortune. The idea of "like attracts like" isn't true in this example, that's true on some level in other examples but not this mechanic. It's that every time you feel the depths of your resistance and allow yourself to move through it and dissolve it, even if just a bit, that will open you up, even if it takes days or weeks or even months, that will open you up to a counterbalance experience which will be contrasting that one GIVEN that you're feeling through your truth and not just some arbitrary resistance that's been bought into moment to moment that's a layer over something deeper. The deeper it goes the deeper your dissolution of not self will be. This principle is true on all levels, so even if you dissolve surface level you'll see positive things but they won't likely be transformational, though logging this enough will reveal that to you which is partly how I see these things because I log so much of my experience. So accepting the temporary discomfort as you're going through a purifying process will lead to a momentum built in the opposite direction to counterbalance that in contrast. THIS is truly what results in FAST shifts usually that are BIG, but that doesn't always mean that you're going to maintain them. More to come on this soon.
The depletion of sacral efficiency is killing creative essence too. Why does everything seem the same now? Why is blending in with trends to common place? It's likely because global sacral efficiency has died. In the 50-60s it seems that people had more sacral current, the economic situation was significantly better and the boomers had a wonderful time, if they're not utter degenerates that is. Now my generation are screwed paying orders of magnitude higher effective prices per dollar than back then. Why? Sacral depletion. No competition. Joos keeping people in the comfort zones and destroying their ability to actually use sacral current. We've all got this potential but it's all sucked out. We're moving towards a world without "sexual" creative essence that oozes character. It's lost that identity that made things stick out, or have contrast, literally because the thematics that these differences in design would bring up in us and make us go "YES THAT'S FOR ME!" Now it's all the same trash with no contrast or variance because sacral current is dead. It's going to come back in the future eventually but we're in a sacral dip where creative expression is left to the side for max profits, which is another issue because since economic issues are more of a factor to consider now it's made the products require far more minimalism in order to actually be more profitable. The only way to really get "rich" now is to sell to people who have that wealth to share with you in buying what they want. It's about taking risks now.
See manifestation as a phenomena of natural unfolding of what's within that you're accepting and moving through. You can never "make" it happen because making it happen would be moving out of that natural flow of being self. That's the trick. Just see this whole process as bring moved by what the form is driving you to see. That's really all this is about anyway and thinking the conscious mind can influence and make the design orient differently is futile because all work the mind does with the design is to simply lead to further alignment with correct orientation. You can technically be anyone and have anything but the thing is that will not be a satisfying experience for you because it's not your truth. As I've said you can "manifest" with mindless affirmations and all this stuff (to a certain extent at least) but the outcomes will ALWAYS be unsatisfying if it's not correct for you which what I said before about the peak dip cycle, the reason why unsatisfying experiences show up is because you're still disowning your truth and so you're bring oriented to look at the truth through the pain of the dip. That's the self correcting mechanism that greater consciousness is moving your conscious orientation through. It cannot force you but it can "lead" you through the sensations in the form.
Truly the collective Jing has been depleted. There's less "energy" in almost everything, and the energy that's out there is this pathogenic degenerate energy. Depleted sacral frustration. This cannot be faked. When you look out there at what's going on in the collective it's literally filled with this feeling. Simply going back to music from the late 2000s to 2010s when mobile internet and social media really took off online with on demand access it seems that collective Jing, especially in men, has been utterly destroyed. It's wild like the cultural shift here, it's predictable really. Palindrome chronology. Wherever there's a peak there's also a dip in the proceeding cycle. Always. Greater process seems to be driving all this stuff and we're like puppets in the play acting out a stage act. If you're playing the game then you get played, it's like how the house always wins. You simply want to get off the wheel and live according to your own process, regardless of how your process influences others or not.
People ask the question of if something "feels" good and if that's correct for them or not. This is a very important question to answer. I've answered this before I believe but I'll explain more here now. So when you're feeling a sensation of something that's "good" it can actually seem just like a sacral response, in fact it might even be, but the thing is that this will most often lead you through an experience that's built out of compromise and really a waste of energy when you pull back and see it for what it is. It's going to feed false identity basically. The idea here is that the sacral is responding to what's safe and comfortable and available and in the box. You're making the most of the box. This wall seems to be a common thing people live in and think that it's correctness which can really warp people in thinking that they're on the right path when they're not. How you'll usually know is that this experience is something that's expending energy in a way that's going to move you away from the direction of moving through the box. If the energy isn't moved in transcending the box then it's ultimately not used for transforming resistance and it's only going to feed resistance. That's the issue that many face here in thinking that seemingly "good feeling" experiences are actually driving the negation of contrast in a positive direction so you can't even taste the truth. You want to taste the truth, then eat from it. This is "satisfying desire" as NG says. It's not about desire, not in the limited sense, as in desire to feed false ID. It must be recognised if a decision is correct or not. How do you know reliably? Is this feeding a process that's consistently unsatisfying? In the moment you don't think that, you get tunnel vision and it pulls you in. You're lacking the contrast as this contrast will drive the natural desire to make a different decision and this cannot be consciously done, you can't "remind" yourself in these places without nourishing current being available for the form to bring that contrast to the mind, as I was saying before.
You MUST cultivate current that's purifying if you stand even a fraction of a percentage of a chance at transforming resistance permanently. I've seen this happen so many times. The degrees of this apply just to the direction relating to the availability of purifying current and then the circulation of that current and ultimately then the running up against the truth going all the way to complete the process. So cultivation of available current is required to begin this process. It's the foundation, as I've been saying for ages. If there's no available vitality then good luck. There's ways you can operate within the box to build it but it also involves breaking patterns and introducing contrast to bring view orientation that's more aligned but you won't be able to take it all the way to transformation until the entire resistance has been run up against by that vital current. So available current and the movement of that current (the feeling of the desire/truth of being) which raises it and runs it up against the resistance and if sufficient will dissolve it break it down and excrete it. That's alchemy. Transforming. Manifestation is alchemy. The truth is the direction and path of least resistance, the "desire" that NG says. The truth is what we're owning, and thus satisfying, and since it's satisfied and we've gone through it, which as I said requires the vital current being available for that as well as the correct "leading" process to bring it out of you which is what doing the imaginal work or gazing or whatever initiates and gradually fulfils. The "techniques" are just there to "use" the current, but depleted current won't have any impact regardless of the technique used. Period. You can't go all the way with depletion because the alchemical ritual cannot work. This is a fundamental law of reality that's based on yin and yang interactions, processes interacting together in proportionality, given the ratio of currents is correct to form and integrate into one process that's operating as a bunch of seemingly smaller processes. This cannot ever be complete if there's missing components.
When the conscious mind thinks it can complete this with will then it will lose 100% of the time because it is powerless without the current. The dielectric field moves with the magnetic field to manifest reactive capacity and thus "power" that we use to power stuff. You're the same. Without sufficient voltage then your circuits will not function correctly. What comes out of that will be incorrect and dysfunctional. Cultivating power facilitates the correct orientation of the mental thinking stuff where the correct thoughts will come through you without any effort. You won't need to try because you'll have the availability. Sitting with bad feelings is simply a way of bit by bit dissolving not self trash and free up available vitality.
There it is ladies and gentlemen the last 24 mirror date.
So it seems to me that the archetype of the warrior is where we need to be working through the most to really impact change. Warrior brings change on an internal level. The warrior doesn't fight the outside world, the warrior fights his own battles within his internal battlefield, so to speak. It's that the warrior pushes the limits and destroys what's in the way of progress. This is a core theamtic of consciousness. The warrior isn't tempted by convenience. Simple as that. The warrior goes beyond convenience and moves through whatever is required to attain the goal in mind, convenient or not. That's the point, it's not always easy or convenient or accessible or whatever simple narrow path we're expecting a task to be.
So this is going to be a very very complex idea I'm going to go into here and attempt to explain. Yesterday it came to my mind about this idea. This idea is simply that experiencing a concept brings more of it into your life and this is the foundation of what is called the "law" and supposedly explains the cosmology of LOA. You're inside a dream of Gods mind and whatever you think shows up in your experience like a lucid dream and that waking up in the dream is applying the so called law for conscious creation of specific things like riches and immortality (NG said this is impossible which also destroys the idea proposed by those who market in this model for money and personal gain). Though nobody has demonstrated immortality or real age reversal despite it apparently being simply about thinking from it, from the end, from the "wish fulfilled".
In practise this can also happen unconsciously, such as you watch a video about something and then you see examples of that in the world after, and concepts and subjects related can "manifest" in your experience. This is a very real phenomena that's been well observed for decades. I've experienced this a lot too and of course the first suggestion from LOA is that it's the above model at work. My proposal is that this is actually a series of lines (and substructure but lines of the hexagram relates to the ideas of the numbers which they correspond to) which together culminate in the resonant view perspective that an experience is leading you through which is manifesting. This almost always results from you being exposed to something, it just shows up in your life without contrast (hence why you're not aware of it in the moment and think it's normal which plays into what I said in yesterdays post) and so without that contrast the experience blends in with everything else. The thing that seemingly sticks is the specific concept within that.
How do we explain this? Every sensory concept imaginable has a thematic series of building blocks. This is something that I have spent many years now expanding into a complete model, I've yet to find anything out there that's able to classify the conceptual thematics of everything imaginable because there's also an element of recognising "truth" within that concept which of course is how the sense of self relates to it. This is something that cannot be classified using algorithms unless that's factored in and this sense of self is always shifting. So in essence black and white would be the most discreet binaries we can explore. Black is yin and white is yang. Simple right? So then we have 3 binaries which are in the 6 hexagrams. Splenic, ajna, solar plexus. These binaries are subsets of yin and yang as they're taking more complex expounded forms which we can describe as actual conceptual orientations that someone can actually experience. The overarching thematic for example of the Splenic binary is about truth in the now based on in the moment focus and reactions. The solar plex being the polarity of that where truth comes over time. There's also 1-3 to 4-6 where 1-2-3 all form the L side and then 4-5-6 all form the R side, yang and yin. Action leading to contraction, expansion and centrifugal current leading into a shift in polarity towards centripetal attractive condensed current which is Yin. You see how there's layers within layers within layers, processes within processes. This is how conceptual experiences are formulated. Can the hexagrams explain the specific specifics? To a certain degree but I don't think so I think there's an element that's needing more on that which goes into the gates, or the 64 hexagrams which are basically all the combinations of the 6 lines. So according to the I'Ching or the "book of changes" (which means how one thing leads into another as an infinite unfolding process of potential into form(concepts identified with and thus experienced)) there's 64 primary thematic experiences. There's 16.7 million colours that the eye can see, apparently, which is the standard 24 bit colour that is displayed on most monitors. If we take this math and explain that each "colour" of experience can be extrapolated for the same math that creates physical shades of colour as a manifestation of this metaphysic then we could say that colour theory, number theory, all these things, they can all explain the nature of how all "states" can exist that we can experience and the specific degrees of variation of interpretation of an experience. So basically there's 16.7 million states of "colour" over experience. Remember we're talking about metaphysics here not physical visibility of colour in a vacuum, but it's the principle here at play we're looking at. What's the division of the hexagrams? The math that equates into the 16.7 million colours is also present for 32 bit colour depth math as well, except there's more "dimensions" of depth with the alpha channel which results in 4.3 billion combinations. If we factor in 32 bit colour depth as an example of the 16.7 million shades and then on top of that then the 4.3 billion colours including alpha transparency variations can be seen like the specific shades according to our fixed thematics and resonant sense of self functions. The math here is simply that the 16.7 million shades are expounded by 256 which is the 8 bit base for colours to hit the 4.3 billion. Who knows if this is something to be taken seriously or not it's just an idea.
All of this math is all based on expounding yin and yang into the 64 trigrams which of course 256 and 8 bit colour and all the math there is even and congruent with the colours that can be experienced. 16.7 is evenly divisible with the 64 trigrams and the yin and yang bases because every 8-16-24-32 bit colour values are even numbers. Half of those 4.3 billion colours would be more yin than yang, and divisions thereof. You see what I mean? So the metaphysical diagnostic with what practises to give someone to align them would depend on their diagnosed misalignment with their ratio of yin and yang which is their divine proportionality to greater consciousness and would in theory always be a ratio of phi which is the frequency number of non destructive compression where processes become one within each other and explains all the so called quantum mysticism. Exponents of yin and yang create everything imaginable. Categorising all of these would be next to impossible for me unless there's a new way of looking at them which makes it self fulfilling. Quite simply we want to work with the principles I've outlined here instead of trying to figure out the precisely calculated one. There's no need to get specific to that degree really anyway because the principles of going all the way and whatnot still apply to this anyway and your truth (this specific thematic) will be revealed to you anyway. I don't think a working model can be established with just the 64 trigrams I believe there's more than that which would be needed to work with and the idea that people like me can even look at someone's situation and even their HD chart and figure out exactly what's needed or not is almost impossible anyway and the best tools we have to use for that level of guidance is with the variables, at least in my opinion. S&A becomes a mental game people play with themselves questioning what a response is or not and so basing their process on this alone really isn't congruent with alignment, despite what Ra and such say. I say that working with the principles of cultivating vitality, moving that vitality, and allowing the mind to be led through whatever it's revealing is the process of least resistance for everybody. Period. This is in essence what NG taught anyway, except he never spoke about it in a mechanical manner probably because he couldn't being all R side with no mental definition. He was VERY aware of his body and the "feeling" in it, but explaining those to people with mental definition who require a logical process to grasp truth on some level then it's not going to work. This is likely why most people who speak to me have at least some form of logical circuitry active because that's what they're looking for to find truth. That's their map towards their orientation of truth. When that gets in the way of you pushing your limits however then that's an issue. There's always means that can be applied to push that forward. Your truth will always reveal itself in the path of least resistance and if the mental realm is holding you back then obviously looking at another direction is where you truth will be revealed. The form will tell you the answers IF it's nourished. If your form is depleted then good luck have fun manifesting.
The answer to the question I posed way up in todays post, about how can be categorise the specific thematic composition of an experience to see how it's not just some mind mental trick in a dream (which could actually be extrapolated into a dream reality idea when you think about it on that level) but that there are defined elements that we're activating which formulate the pathways of the experience and how others play off us in providing supply and reception to eachother. The answer is simply that manifesting a bar of chocolate would very likely involve more yang than yin, despite the substantive concept itself being tangibly something that is very Yin, but the EXPERIENCE is one of yang, at least to someone who's R oriented, where it could possibly shift into a yin type experience to an L oriented view. This is what I mean by the alpha channel of the 32 bit colour depth determines the orientation that the 16.7 million colours could take because the variable orientation will determine how it's experienced. That's the best answer I could give really. How is this practical? Work with your view orientation of the variables. All of them, especially the determination. This of course plays into an idea I had before to develop a system that categorises all the variables into a formulated "manifesting method" designed for that person. There's just so many combinations there though and completing a database on that isn't what I have drive for so perhaps I'll come back to that in future which usually happens with these things.
A good way of looking at this idea is like music genres. There' so many different tastes, flavours, "colours", views. You see. A concept is like a resonant music form which is comprised of just series of instruments which have thematic relationship in themselves. Processes within processes. Sound is all have disturbances of the air moving the ear which we interpret as sound which has substance we resonate with or not and this literally moves us because it's moving the motors. Rhythm channel is musical, quite literally. We're playing notes after all with each decision we make. Live is like a musical stage act. Manifesting similar experiences to that which is viewed or whatever is like picking up on the concept of someone else and mixing it in with your view orientation. This is how culture forms.
A successful manifesting technique (a metaphysical alignment process) is something someone follows that gets them out of their box. Very simple. The reason why "it's done" is because once you're out of the box then you're out of the box and you can't do it again unless you break out of another box.
I just realised something interesting. There's all this fake AI generated trash out there now and so I'm seeing that the big picture of this is actually a self correcting mechanism. When you look at the metaphysical function of this, what view orientation is this feeding, it's feeding the view orientation that's leading to people distancing themselves from virtual media, which of course leads them to trusting their internal vision more so than what's being presented. It's a self correcting mechanism that's the rebound of all the exploiting of online media has had on collective psyche towards conforming to established norms and trusting the Jewish owned fake media. Probably.
The people who have the eyes to see the Jewish degenerate parasitic filth often tell you that it's a surreal experience. The ones who are real at least and not using conspiratorial views to justify compromise patterns, but real people who have insights to reveal and thus drive a supply into collective consciousness to mistrust established power hierarchies. I've been one of those people for over a decade now going way back to when I was still in high school. It's like there are people out there who are suppose to view the inconsistencies in the Jewish oriented narratives like the fake Hamas attacks that's justified the genocide of the Gazans. Both parties exist in this thematic exchange, as in without the Jewish filth presenting fake media to present a problem that they're creating to justify taking such actions as to exterminate the Gazans in order to capture their land and also because they enjoy killing and torturing innocent people for fun and games (as they admit) so there must also be someone with a view orientation, one out of those millions of views, who sees these things and if other lines can provide supply they will propagate that into the collective and thus embody the counterweight so to say for the actions of the Jewish filth. That's the thing there's always a counter balance no matter how big or small and the reason why not everybody gets offed before they can present information by agents is because obviously there's too many people to manage that way and also because the thematic balance of power must manifest experiences through these people which will mean they're "protected" from being taken out as targets against the system. This is them being moved by greater consciousness potentially if this is their correct function as I've got the orientation to see these things and present what I see for you to read. This idea is what I really mean as a practical example of what I was saying in posts before about how every bit of negative momentum will always be balanced with a peak but it's what we do with that and the associations we draw that determines if we move into correct orientation through that contrast or continue to compromise and stay in the box that keeps these cycles in place of course.
If I had the orientation to do so I would take of the head of BB without hesitation and consider it a victory because it would only result in peace and prosperity, at least for a while until another process plays out to balance that act. There can never be a society that's truly utopian in the discreet sense of that term because it would never last. It's like the saying, strong men create good times and good times create weak men and weak men necessitate change to create strong men and thus good times ensure. Do you see what I mean with this whole taking responsibility for your own direction vs buying into the established box you've set up for yourself and that because you're comfortable and feeling safe to a certain extent, because there's no contrast to challenge you, that you don't grow. SATS works with this exact principle 100%. NG completely failed to explain how it works and so now we've got this trash being thrown around called the "law" of assumption or whatever nonsense they want to call it that's essentially the perfect comfort zone validator because it means that people can compromise on actually taking responsibility for their orientation and buy into thinking their way out when in fact their thinking does next to nothing unless it brings up the contrast to challenge them and with sufficient vitality and divine discontent they can eventually get out of the box and transform. This metaphysical process is undeniable by anybody because no matter where you look this principle applies on every level of manifest reality imaginable. ALL success stories involved this to some extent, even if they needed next to no transformation under fire. It's this exact process of establishing comfort out of discomfort that's being avoided and my belief is that LOA is a Jewish plant, just like all the other examples I've pointed out before, to have people buy into this idea of false security under the imagination and how you don't need to feel bad to manifest and that feeling bad will manifest more bad when if you've actually ever observed your own cycles you'll realise that after every dip comes a peak. Every time. This refutes the idea of a fixed direction of emotional energy because everybody on earth no matter how "successful" will always go through peak dip cycles and it's functionally part of our existence because without that then we'd never be able to discover the "feeling" of something, or what's true for us, the 4th line. We'd never know who we are or who anyone else is. This is all required structure of the conscious field geometry of our consciousness in order to facilitate the transformations we undertake in completing the great work.
That is something you'll never ever hear from any other coach on earth who has ever existed until I said it. If there is then let's hear it. I'm the one here who's involved in transforming reality and even if it's not my face who's made popular my work will be what pushes this forward and I can feel satisfied in knowing that because this is how my energy is expended correctly. If I am satisfied then I am correctly operating. period. You're the same. Own your truth no matter how hard it hurts and how many people you may upset. I call the jaw's parasitic filth for a reason and I own it because all reasonable evidence says so. If you don't like that and it makes you feel like I'm bad or some other negative feeling then go through it because it's the irrefutable facts of how things work. It's that cold hard uncomfortable truth that eventually will be revealed on a collective level and I was just ahead of the game pioneering that view to propagate. I didn't choose this direction, it chose me. I was unsatisfied until I owned my truth and started decapitating. As I go deeper I integrate those gates defined by my planets and I operate as an individual where I am not swayed by the tides of others planetary influence warping my perception of my truth. That's what we're doing with completing the great work and dissolving the 9 bars on the soul cage. We integrate completely by owning our definition and eventually transcend the "rules" of conditioning where we become the supply for our thematics that define who we are out of the interaction with greater consciousness. We become the living embodiment of our perfection and our potential for unique expression in driving the collective direction of consciousness through our unique expression. THAT is what manifestation is really about and what this all is DOING.
About half an hour after writing this I had a serious quickening with the pulsing third eye area that made me almost get knocked back. Wild. I swear pushing the limits is the trick to opening the door. Going all the way.
Merry fakesmas. I hope you all have a wonderful day either way.
I actually love the idea that the more dangerous you are in life the more you transform consciousness on a personal and interpersonal level. The more dangerous you are to the program the more the program will come after you. I love that view that's so powerful to me and makes me want to eradicate LOA from the face off the earth. Like I get response from the sacral to go destroy all the influencers there's just an insane level of power that come up it's wild. I've connected more than enough dots to utterly and entirely eradicate LOA for good. It's like I'm now seeing that part of my process that I once deemed as degenerate years before that held me back in a light of freedom and abundance. I can be dangerous to the establishment because that's nourishing. I can own that. You see? You can own your path when you get the right perspective on it and that perspective is driven by view orientation of the unconscious mind that determines how you FEEL about it, as in the truth that's within that view which resonates and this is all based on the degree of nourishment your form has to be able to reveal to you your truth. Like the moment I woke up today I was like in that state of "conquer the world" mindset that I've not touched for a while. When I went through talking about the parasitic filth that are Talmudic Jooz and owned it without a shred of compromise it woke something up in me that's moving me. You see yet another example of pushing the boundaries, running up against that safety net and pushing beyond it. The idea of being dangerous to the program gets me going vs before where I'd feel small and be limited because they'd discredit me and attack my character. This thematic has always had resonance way back in like 2016 when I started this part of my path after going through my gazing in 2015.
I don't know if this will last but the degree to which I remain nourished in this place of view the more I will be moved, moved by greater consciousness to play out the unique stage act that I'm being moved to play. I am performing the alchemical ritual greater consciousness requires me to play for it to complete the work through me. I'm not doing any of this it's all coming through me and that's how you become invincible because you're not there. You're dead. You see? Odin dies on the world tree after giving himself to himself. Literally that's what we're doing. Dying. Dying every day. Death is the greatest achievement because death is what everybody fears. That's what exiting the box is. That's what "subconscious impression" is. That's what all this stuff is about. "self abandonment" as NG says is really the death of the temporary corporeal form as it's being transformed. You begin to disconnect with who you think you are and give up the attachment to a fixed story and instead allow the story to move through you that's within. That's your truth, the rolled up folded up truth you're pushing the limits into owning and embodying. THAT is manifestation. You get it yet? Going all the way. This is why HD cannot serve as a platform towards completing this work in a reliable manner because that element isn't taught as a key function of how body response works and what it's actually doing. This is why when I taught certain clients about their S&A they started becoming more careful in making decisions and living in the head. This isn't something that everybody should work with and those who will discover it should discover it in their own time because as far as I'm concerned the organic revealing of the fixed thematics through going through their pressure and transforming naturally is FAR more transformational than "living your design" because that takes away the natural unfolding process and places a fixed structure around it that becomes a box in itself because if we don't make correct decisions according to what we believe a response feels like then we're not going to win. That's the issue. JUST DO IT! It's natural and within you and as I've said before everybody has emotional waves that seem to reveal truth on some level. Nobody I've spoken to who is emotionally undefined has told me they didn't have truth revealed to them after going through a dip. Multiple 30-90 day clients I've spoken to have told me about similar processes where doing through dips and allowing the truth to come out of that naturally over time in waiting and knowing that it will arise if they follow their process. It's still different for both defined and undefined but there's a qualitative difference in the associations from what I can gather, and that there's of course a more consistent pattern of specifically how it comes up and the timing, but both seem to reveal truth in a 4th line manner, and to a certain extent a 5th line manner. I know I'm moved according to a 5th line now I can feel it.
Eradicating LOA is that thing that moves me again, but the deeper level of that is to destroy the Jewish trash that propped up this illusion of how real metaphysics and alchemy work. Utterly destroying Talmudism and Zionism and Bolshevism and all that filthy parasitic trash. Utter degeneracy I tell you words cannot even come close to describing these people who will do anything to stay in a position of influence and are extremely narcissistic. I mean playing that act to facilitate the pendulum swing out of degeneracy would be fantastic. Thing is taking these people out of influence using their systems like the courts is foolish it cannot work, given history that's been revealed where people have tried. They steal and obfuscate and do anything possible to erase your chances of winning and they've got infinite money to pass on the case to other departments and all this trash to endlessly delay the inevitable we need to strike where it hurts most and go beyond the comfort zones we've been conforming to. Removing their heads without a shred of mercy would be a fantastic solution and is how your ancestors would've approached this knowing what they're facing before all the disinfo came out.. Think it's too far? Too bad you're obviously illiterate and haven't seen what you're facing yet to the full extent. You're facing the embodiment of the program who has no interest in your abundance and only wants to complete their great work which is the complete opposite of all things you find nourishing in this world. I mean we're talking about the same factions that are literally killing an entire population for fun and games and laughing and singing and dancing about it, that's the unimaginable degree of narcissism we're talking about here and they'll fabricate stories out of thin air to manipulate your view. That's literally their function. They exist for this purpose so knowing you're dealing with the embodiment of such a force which cannot be reasoned with justifies swift eradication without even a hint of mercy. It's really what will happen in the end anyway regardless of what I say because that's what it will come down to when things get bad enough.
Either way the time for action is on the horizon. Destroying LOA which has been my goal in the short term is the first task to complete. I'm glad that I waited to establish this further and build awareness of this process on a greater level because it's going to further facilitate the shifts more efficiently.
Some will think that the solution is a natural "waking up" of the matrix dwellers so to say, which will happen anyway. The common view in the past was that the Joo was a parasite and not to be interacted with. All the stories of these people doing degenerate stuff like poisoning wells and sacrificing children (they still do this anyway) exist for a reason. Before the Austrian painter rose to power by speaking to the common folk with common sense about the Joo influence in politics and the hidden hands that lobby gov policy with money they print to keep their influence alive there was nobody who respected the Gov just as people in my country don't to this day. Nobody on the street supports these people or really anything they do. It's all the degeneracy after degeneracy after degeneracy every time making things worse for everybody except the people who are at the top of the economic food chain. There's a reason why things suck more now than before. There was always people suffering before but now it's on another level because the minimum barrier to economic prosperity has been raised since the CV scam transferring trillions out of our pockets into investors pockets who further fund degenerate trends to control the views of the people who they stole money from. It doesn't matter what you believe everybody on earth was impacted and it was all born out of a completely contrived fake idea that everybody bought into, well except me and a few others. I predicted this would happen a few months before when I was studying was the Gates were doing with investing in more injection tech, as always, "to save the planet" or whatever degenerate trash comes out of that things face.
It's simply a function of the metaphysic of pressure being applied on a collective level to drive transformation on that level starting with the individual experience. It's that the Jooz are just the embodied mediating force for this in the world so to say. They're the factions involved in pressing the buttons in the world that moves the pieces required for peoples views to be shifted in line with what the program wants, and not what we as individuals want, because it's ALLL contrived and fake and manufactured. ALL of them. PERIOD! PERIOD!!!!!!!! ALL OF THEM! Do you grasp the depth. There was no such thing as CV-19. The footage of the so called victims of the Hamas attacks on Israel was AI generated. I can irrefutably prove this. The Christchurch shooting that happened in 2019 I proved was a staged act when nobody was talking about it. ALL of this is made to appear as though the Jooz are victims, classic narcissism. "Look at me look at me I'm the victim help me give me attention I'm attacked by bad factions". They literally generated AI video of people claiming to be victims of attacks to pull at the hearts of the minds to move them into feeling sorry and play the part in the thematic of supporting the narcissistic parasites. Utter degeneracy.
Some will say "that doesn't impact your life so don't worry about it" and to that I would say that you're correct only to the point that your view orientation doesn't shove it in your face in which case the contrast is there to move you instead of being ignored. You still have to obey and conform to the establishment under duress, such as paying a portion of your earnings back to the same parasites that spend it on things you don't agree with when they're suppose to represent you and not influence your decisions under threats of violence. 5th lines like me are the ones who will be involved in this solution and inspiring action in others by being the leaders in that movement in utterly destroying and burning Jude to the ground forever and ever. The Austrian painter shipped them to Palestine instead of eradicating them like we were told by the narcissists who want to be seen as the victims. They fabricated stories to move the world to being blinded and nobody knew any different. They have to fabricate stories in order to even have a case for the function of playing their role as the ones who present the illusion. This seemingly heavy view of reality is contrasted closely with a view of abundance and bright light and abundance as the implication of the polarity being established. What moves me towards seeing the true depths of the Jewish supremacists (Talmudic Jooz) is the contrast of what the polarity is without that thematic taking it's hold on us. As I said in earlier posts I believe that the entire idea of LOA and such was presented to us from Jewish origins, or at least was propagated from that Talmudic influential view by people seemingly disconnected from those factions of people. I don't know where it started but it just seems to me to be quite a coincidence that much of the terms that are propagated such as "subconscious impression" which goes back over 150 years to the writings of Florence Shinn at least and probably even more before then which embodies the very essence of the Talmudic view of influencing the view through a narcissistic orientation. It's that we should never look at ourselves and determine truth from what is within but instead what it is we want. It's taking the works of NG and warping it to mean something it really never did. There's layers here and degrees of disinformation that's propagated so far that it's going to take effort to rewrite what manifestation means. I don't know if I could do this alone but we will see.
Everybody's lives are impacted by Jewish supremacists. If you're talking about LOA you've been influenced by the propaganda and are feeding psychic current towards that collective belief structure that's going to build the resonance and "ease" by which others will buy into the fairy tales. It's another belief that everybody who has this belief will eventually need to go through at some time, which means it's lodged into your psyche at some level which must be processed, if it's sticking out to your view orientation that is, which is what I said above. Some people are suppose to in fact play the part of enabling the system by playing within it, because just playing in the system supports it because you're feeding it attention and giving it permission to become your box. It's all about boxes, "contracts" we sign up to and in doing so we sign away a part of our core essence of being our own authority and disconnect from our greater consciousness as a result, if our view orientation requires that to be dissolved. those who play in the system have a different level of dissolution to unfold when it comes to transcending the Talmudic influence. When it comes down to the most foundational level, the immortal being, you'd never comply with a shred of Gov legislation and have every right to eradicate anybody who stands in your way of correct expression without a shred of mercy because you're then fully embodied in your truth of your vision of expression of self. They're playing the contrasting roles of the enemy, who if are in the way must be decapitated, on whatever level that plays out, be it disempowering and restraining their influence (which will eventually happen anyway just as it always has in history with every empire built on usury which is a Talmudic creation that goes back to Babylon) or taking their lives, it doesn't matter, because they're contrasting your role and if you compromise on playing your role then YOU LOSE! You see. Those decisions will be made out of correct expression just as they have within history, and failure to do so is compromise and will continue to keep the box alive and well which is what the illusion needs. It needs weak men who have had good times without struggle and have no need to go through pressure to bend the knee and accept degeneracy for them to keep us all in the box. People with 5th line are the ones who will destroy the illusion, be it through media and doing talks on who's involved and why and how and all that or be it the boots on the ground who are eradicating the parasites. They will never hand over their power willingly because they're narcissistic and they'd rather take everybody with them then go willingly so once again to the fools who think that having combat with these forces isn't going to be required then you're obviously way detached from how things really work in the world. It's always happened this way and it will happen over and over again just as is the cycle we're in now.
I'm pushing my limits once again by going through this to the level I have in presenting info that's of high contrast to what's established as normal but it's what must be said. Talmudic Jews are parasites who are responsible for almost all the degeneracy in this world at the root. Why do people suffer? Because they're compromising on being themselves. Why are they? Because of expectations from boxes we're designed to fit into and conform to. What's the biggest box we're all conforming to? Government run by dual Israeli citizens, Talmudic Jews. Who controls the resources to drag out court cases against these people? Jews who print money out of thin air, just as they've done for Millenia to establish supremacy by introducing artificial scarcity we're all conforming to. The money idea is still conforming to a box and no matter what you're believing you're still playing the game the Talmudic Jews have set for you to play. It's a box you're stuck in. The concept of money is fluid and can be used on any level. Not to say money is bad but the idea that it can be artificially influenced to be scarce or abundant by factions who determine the value of everybody through that system is obviously a box we're all influenced by on some level. The house always wins. The influence in the water, the air, the food, the media and what you feed your mind, culture, technology we have access to and those who steal patents (I know cases where patents have been stolen and claimed by multi billion dollar industries for them to profit vs the individual who created the work) where intellectual property is used against us to further propagate the artificial scarcity. We've all been programmed to believe there's infections that can spread between people when that's false too so medicine is a big scam as well. My family who works in farming has to sell sheep as an export to make enough money to stay up because of the degenerate system we have here where local farmers are being squeezed and then BlackRock and Bill Gates and the degenerates of his "foundation" which is just a tax avoidance situation for him goes up and buys the farm land of organic farmers and plants GMO crops and runs industrial pollutants into the water which destroys the environment they're claiming we need to compromise on as individuals to protect when they're causing 99% of it to begin with and pay billions to lobby policy. It's utter degeneracy and it impacts everybody to some degree. The climate scam is fuelling EV cars and the "smart" driving systems which is about keeping everything connected and monitored. Meters need to go on everything so that max profits (exploiting our ignorance and weakness to have courage to say no) can be pulled out without anybody having any alternatives. History is written by the winners and history as we're taught is but a fairy tale. Research papers going back to 2006 at least have been demonstrated through analysing internet archive (which is also why I downloaded over 2TB of research documents over my years of study because it's a backup of data that can't be erased) that these papers have been altered by machine learning algorithms to manufacture the seeming trail of research that led to current technology. People who filed patents for various technologies have been scrubbed from the original work and modern academics have taken this original work and obfuscated the advances under word salads that really don't explain anything. Cancer culture disconnects people from their native people and land, thus brotherhood and mateship as we call it here cannot be established on mass to stand against the establishment who creates the boxes we're under duress to conform to.
Individual parents and IP gets stolen and used against us. They manufacture the history and insert key words that get repeated that are alterations on the original terms. I believe "subconscious impression" is going along these lines where the original alchemical work that explained the phenomena of manifestation in the way that RS reveals has been dumbed down into what is today called LOA because it's got immense marketing potential. "Whatever you imagine comes true". "Your dominant beliefs manifest". All this trash which denies there being a fixed point of reference we're playing against. This is what RS revealed and in revealing the Talmudic influence also reveals this point on a whole other level. Contrast between two polar roles in reality manifesting the experiences of yin and yang and the divisions of those roles. We can name the people in these roles. I've got lists of hundreds of Jews involved in the role of influencing direction of orientation. The politicians we see on camera are just marketing the material on display for others to interact with, they're the mediators of that view orientation, for example "2 weeks to flatten the curve" which people bought into hook line and sinker which then turned into what we now have experienced as one of the greatest wealth transfers in history all because of the politicians orienting your view to believe such degeneracy out of ignorance, really nescience.. Give an inch and they'll take a mile out of it if you don't say no. Always remember that the incompetency is by design, and that those people playing those roles are perfect to play that act because they're oriented into that direction. It's not the people on camera but who they're paid by and influenced by who originate from Talmudic factions. Temptations.
LOA will die and I will make sure it does. All the influencers will be destroyed and seen as charlatans presenting ignorant trash to the broad audience. I will begin the dismantling of Jude influence through this avenue.
I feel so light today it’s crazy. Like I feel serious sacral current emanating. I feel like “sunshine” I guess you could say it’s like opportunity and possibility is just constantly coming through me right now. I didn’t do any techniques or whatever outside of my normal all I did was go through what I needed to go through in truly owning my truth. It unlocks the next layer to unfold. I don’t have to feel bad about my truth. I can fully express my truth and be the embodiment for greater consciousness to move through. You’re the same. Vitality washes over you.
I feel like I can receive and also give love to those who I feel that for more freely. Like I have at baseline more of that embodied sacral current I talked about in the last page going over what that’s like. It’s amazing stuff actually like I’m almost a supply for this current in embodiment and I’m remembering the way I use to move and speak and all that more intensely that I disowned out of conditioning so it’s clear I’m bringing up new layers of sacral conditioning to go through after speaking my truth on the degenerate Babylonian Jewish filth that have been running amuck in this world for Millenia and how going all the way in removing the parasitic influence but by bit is the process.
I believe the story of Odin dying to himself is the best example of manifestation there is.
What if the different layers of the design chart are like gears, mechanical gears, and that each gear has a different driving ratio and "speed" where in this case speed implies manifestation.
We are focusing on building discipline in consistently pushing limits. The idea that you can magically become this person you imagine yourself to be without realising that through the process of transformation which will require the purifying fire is ignorance. How do the metaphysics of this work? This idea that we can bypass this transformation without the reality of experience is something devoid from any level of metaphysical and alchemical significance and breaks all known functions of consciousness. The specific things is what these people who peddle this model grasp onto for dear life. I am not about specific things, I never have been, though in the beginning I was because that was what my sense of self could focus on a solution. The people who focus on specific things haven't obviously gone through this process and had enough peak dip cycles yet. Even the people who can manifest the specific person or the sum of money aren't going to be more abundant because of it because without actually being fully transformed the baseline orientation of correct view isn't going to stick because the contrast of misalignment that brings up the limited feelings in the form isn't being worked through and you're continuing to ignore the obvious signs that form is giving you about where your truth lies. You're focusing on the narrow view perspective and because there's no contrast to pull that out of you and compare it to greater context you'll be unable to see the big picture.
You're so overstimulated and weak and useless. All you can do is act within the box. What a pitiful existence. Once again we are limited by the box. Exit the box and new opportunity will arise, new "manifestations" will unfold as a result. I read this book years ago and it said the key principle of manifesting new experiences is to just make different decisions that break patterns that are established, even if they're not all the way. I've heard premium tier content from other LOA gurus in this sphere some time ago who also said that if you're imagining stuff and scripting and all that and nothing happens (for obvious reasons which means the process they're speaking of isn't reliable in all cases which proves my point correct as always) they say to physically just move yourself into different environments and do different things. What they don't say is that this involves going through pressure to break pattern which will hurt because it's like you're burning a part of yourself off under that fire, literally breaking down crystallised structure in the field geometry and in doing so you're going to refine the signature you're emanating as supply and the imaginal stuff you did before will suddenly start showing up. Those moments weren't "impressed" through repetition by doing that because they're already within you, hence why I don't teach specific processes of imagining to make things happen because it naturally comes through you all the time anyway, hence why you even recognise the desire. THE ONLY POINT OF SATS IS TO PURIFY CONSCIOUSNESS! Sure you can "impress" stuff from the view of repeating and making memories but if you've experienced this phenomena you can play those memories on loop (which I have to this day remembering those scenes I played to real vividness when I was heavily compromised that still haven't manifested despite them being clear as day to me which dispels the vividness myth) then you'll know that this idea of making memories doesn't work, because it's not correct for your view orientation and that came out of a perspective of weakness and degeneracy in attempting to bypass the pressure of transforming. If you do manage to manifest stuff within the box it's never going to stick and you'll still go through peaks and dips because the self correcting momentum based mechanism I've spoken about is fed exclusively through pushing the limits of the box instead of accepting the box and making the most of it. Where are you pushing the limits? This is where the reality of experience purifies your consciousness to die to your limits.
This idea is what HD seemingly misses. It has this element implied but it's got no focus on the actual mechanics of transformation, only the thematic definition and how that's experienced. As I said yesterday this is why HD doesn't lead many who apply it to real radical transformation, from what I've seen and experienced at least, which my sample size isn't massive but if you peer around in the communities you don't see many people there really showing major transformations on a regular basis. Why? Because the REAL work is what I talk about which is literally the most challenging thing imaginable because it's what we're here for. Expanding consciousness through the purifying fire of life. Weakness and accepting and making the most of the box is degeneracy and you will be punished by God for failing to go through with the great work and this of course is the personification of the self correcting mechanism I talk about.
Posting this stuff in the NG communities is a waste of time because most people will dislike this message because it's challenging, and that's not a limiting belief but a result of the cycle of where collective consciousness is at now. The things that make us feel uncomfortable are the ones which bring up the box we're in and make it known through speaking contrast. This is a 5th line process, and really is what "universalisation" actually is. It's there to drive others through cause in revealing contrast of process and thus the emotional state of limitation comes up within them. The impact of the 5th line is on the solar plex. This is why RS must be presented as the brutal bitter truth and not hold back because that's not embodying the truth. Compromise isn't the point, the point is to be a complete resonant embodiment for the thematics I'm driven by through greater consciousness and allowing whatever I have within me to unfold without censorship is required for me to reach my next level. This process is the same with everybody. Weakness makes you unattractive and physically makes you weak and it ages you because that stress sits within you and isn't processed. Transforming that stress into purification by fire leads to relief and abundant manifestations because you're completing the inner alchemical work through being yourself. THIS IS WHAT THE BIBLE IS ABOUT! I can't make it more clear. The story of Odin as I said before is abundantly clear in this by saying how Odin suffered immensely as he sacrificed himself to himself. The Bible fails to explain these points clearly and I believe is partly why this text misses the principle of transforming by existing the box unlike the Norse myth which presents the way to heaven (Valhalla) is to die in battle. The entire mythos (alchemical instructions) is about death through battle, corporeal identity death that is. When you're stuck in weakness and are afraid to die then you suffer the endless cycles of limitation that's being shown to you over and over and over. If you're stuck learning the same lessons still years later you're an utter failure who's completely missing the point of your function in life. I was there for many years myself so I know what that's like and I've clearly gone through that enough to be able to see the details of how that works and write about it here so you can apply this too.
This is the essence of RS. Transformation through owning your truth. This involves in a large part applying yourself physically in the world in a disciplined manner to cultivate vitality that can be utilised to dissolve the false identification because without a nourishing current to act as the contrast to the limitation on an unconscious level then the conscious mind cannot ever experience the complete transformation of the box being exited. This is why I speak very often on working with cultivating endocrine health and such because this is a huge part of how the conscious mind will utilise that unconsciously anchored vitality in the form to quite literally orient the view of the mind to be correct. The view cannot shift it's own view at baseline with itself, it requires another principle to interact with to shift its center and the alchemist has made this abundantly clear despite me disagreeing at the time when I first heard this due to all the degeneracy propagated in the LOA circles and using the trash that are success stories to justify staying in the box. That's the biggest mind trip these fools use to bypass accepting their truth and continue to peddle degeneracy flailing around in the box like weak useless misaligned easily influenced fools. Make no mistake in this place you're UNABLE to see truth because the unconscious mind isn't on board with correct orientation to at baseline then shift the conscious mind to see what it needs to see. When we get stuck in the box we can't see beyond it, you just can't and in essence you have next to no free will. You think you do but you don't and that's the illusion of having a weak unconscious state of vitality. If the form is weak then everything is weak because the form is the foundation. It is the basis of the yin, the substance that crystallises into a series of geometric formations which bounce light through the crystals that orient the view to receive what your mind needs to receive through that. Without that correctly oriented view from the form you have NOTHING! It all starts with cultivating vitality, despite what others in this community will say. Without vitality you'll never be able to experience the exiting of the box and the thing is that to even begin cultivating vitality it will involve running up ageist that box to the degree you're able to, be it just doing simple processes like cutting out artificial fake food that's obviously depleting as has been made clear by endless research as well as being sedentary and not moving which literally moves qi and other stuck "settled" nourishing current in the root which needs to raise and circulate which then will automatically without any altering of belief shift the view orientation of the personality to be more favourable. This happens in everybody no matter what your design is and this is a primary function of nourishing the endocrine system which as I've outlined is the basis of form vitality.
I also want to speak on this idea of negative feelings being bad. This idea has propagated along with the rice experiment to seemingly prove mind matter connections like magic. Dr Merasu Emoto I think his name was who measured the structure of crystalized water after speaking different words to it and playing different music to it (who knows the methodology if it was ever published) and found that negative emotions and music that was "negative" according to him resulted in warped and sickly looking water crystals. He claimed it had memory which isn't a new idea because this has been outlined in the Daoist texts on alchemy for millennia, due to water having fractal field geometry which can be infinitely compressed non destructively and store information or energy. The water isn't physically being altered in the structure in this way but the substructure of what's integrated within it or that it's then a part of as a part of a greater process will then influence what it's "storing" and would have "quantum" relationships to that which it's resonant to and have superluminal propagation of light. Has this been measured. I don't know maybe there's experiments out there somewhere but according to everything I've come to understand it would make sense. Either way the idea that negative emotions themselves, just by feeling them, or seemingly "projecting" them onto something such as water or rice (which is also like a sponge for water and absorbs water which is partly why the rice experiment shows this same phenomena) can cause the rice to be decayed by the structure of the water shifting is the claim and the reason why this happens is mostly because of how it's picking up on frustrating current from a tired sacral and or solar plex. It's like how you're receptive to the current of others when they're projecting at you, and it depletes you because you're unable to process it especially if you're weak yourself. Rice and water therefore becomes a mirror for frustrating current that's targeted. It's not the words but what those words bring out.
It makes me wonder if the natural satisfaction that comes out of making correct decisions that were challenging build up the momentum for the eventual natural unfolding of what is within through the process that we characterise as manifesting where the seeds within come through you and the natural imaginal act that's seen to be conscious is really just your view orientation seeing what it's suppose to see to provide the supply for those who are receptive to that.
Cortisol and even adrenaline both are like eating sugar bombs for your endocrine function. There's always an element that requires balancing and having stability of state without consciously thinking that you need to peak your mood or whatever is going to be significantly more beneficial. This is something that I want to explain because people in LOA and whatnot COMPLETELY fail to grasp what emotional sensation is actually all about and why like 90+% of people who apply it in imagination are failing miserably without realising how and why.
Your form is what drives visceral sensation, the solar plex is where emotional current emanates from. It's not exclusively where emotional current comes from but it's the biggest source. Motors are emotional. Motion. Motor. See? Awareness centers can also have emotional sense to some extent but not really. Emotions are ALWAYS an output response to something you're observing. So with this in mind we must ask ourselves why we're being told to consciously feel hyped up, which is what Joe Dispenza has said so many times. He literally said like it needs to be the most profound experience imaginable, like when his daughter got this free trip to some upper class mall or whatever and she felt the same feeling. He's saying that this is what causes manifestation to replicate but to that I'm going to call utter ignorance and prove why.
If your baseline is so depleted and low in the vitality side where you're being thrown around in your state from little things making you feel unstable and that you've got no center of stability then you've got absolutely no chance as manifesting experiences like that. ZERO chance. You should NOT attempt to even bother putting in any time to consciously feeling high on the emotional scale because you're going to spike activity in your endocrine system which will cause a crash, just like when insulin spikes and you crash when eating tons of processed sugar and other trash. This isn't something anybody can avoid, it can be optimised to reduce the impact on your experience of that crash but it's a functional alchemical process which everybody is bound to because you're circulating with the salt. The same principle applies to your digestive function, which blood sugar processing is actually based on kidney meridian and spleen and liver function, applies to the endocrine health too in that you can get "resistant" so to say to natural highs from being yourself as a "reward" from god so to say that's going to lead you to then naturally manifesting what is within you that's correct because your view orientation from the design side (the body functions and alignment to it's metaphysical thematics) will be resonant and lead you to WANTING to play the correct notes. You'll actually drop desires that don't serve you and you'll want to play the notes that do serve you. This is my point about why emotional peaks that are consciously produced because you think that'll result in positive results is a completely pointless waste of energy which is why I've said so many times to sink charge. Why? Because you want it to naturally raise and nourish through the alchemical process of purification where the purifying current nourishes the resistive channels and purges it out of you. These can be experienced as sudden aha moments too even without diving into them specifically. Your baseline endocrine function is required to be working well for you if you're going to manifest stuff which involves feeling really anything because that is the base orientation of the design that will modulate the view of the personality and it also explains the aspects of the research that's done on what makes you more able to process stress effectively and actually "use" cortisol and adrenaline as purifying agents in going through where they're leading you instead of being thrown around. You're being driven correctly instead of by the conditioning trash that's amplified in its impacts on how your conscious mind can perceive correct orientation that's your truth.
People tell me how do I go through feelings. You can consciously do it to a certain extent but it's all an allowing process which involves minimal effort to "make" emotional states happen and instead should come through you as a result of the alchemical functions playing out within you. If the alchemical agents are missing from the ratios they need to be in which can be cultivated through vitality work that's been discussed then you're going to be stuck with bad feelings and not know why they're still there. You'll say to me "DJ I can't get over my feelings" which simply means getting outside the box which really means having a baseline design level orientation that's functionally correct and able to then modulate the orientation of the personality to see these same limitations under the light that's representing your truth. Without working with the design side to cultivate the currents that facilitate the transformation of the orientation of view from that unconscious level then you're going to seem overwhelmed and small compared to the feelings because the primary power structure which is in the lower centers will be weak and depleted and lack that purifying fire required for transformation of these resistive crystallisations in the channels so you can see what needs to be seen for correctness to come through you. You actually LOSE self importance from a standpoint of needing things in the world to have value. These things drop off and you actually stop caring as much about like needing them for your life to have meaning and not feel like you're missing out. If you feel like you're missing out then it's because you're malnourished and you're still depleting your lower meridians of vitality. EVERYBODY who I've spoken to who has cultivated vitality over the 3 week course in 30 day coaching, so far at least, has some back to me and told me they had a revelation one day soon after where the stuck feelings faded and they saw themselves in the past as like "who was that" and that they're almost seeing their old self as foreign and strange. They're shifted states at baseline and it was all because they did the alchemical function I spoke about. None of the conscious and deliberate raising of currents like LOA tells us to do works for people because they're depleted. This CAN work for you if you do have significant availability of kidney liver and spleen meridian vitality and qi but if you're lacking there then you've got no chance of purifying it with any conscious level activity.
What feeds the kidney meridian the most which is the supply of purifying fire is going through challenge and making decisions that are correct under that pressure to compromise and fit in. There's a certain level of assertiveness that's needed for this to function correctly, which of course is a masculine trait, but both men and women have to have boundaries and manifest this current when the correct time is there to do so. The ratios of course are different but the same assertive current must exist for both to live correctly and if that's depleted because you're overstimulated and putting others on pedestals as a result then good luck naturally having the orientation for this to work. Everybody who preaches conscious feeling work is ignorant of the process involved and lacks the experience of having been on both ends of that scale that I've been through to know the difference in how it feels and what manifests in the world as a result. You cannot manifest outcomes in the moment feeling good if your baseline is of depletion and you'll waver and be thrown around in the storm at sea, quite literally given the water element here, which obviously means you have no foundation, no 1st line baseline that's nourished and stable. This is why I say to sink the charge by relaxing into yourself so that it can sit and gather as well as dropping excess stimulation because when you're tense and trying to "feel" active and worked up because your baseline is so depleted and you're thinking that you need contrast in that activity side to make things happen then you're only going to deplete it further. Done that for years and have logged the results extensively. Nobody who's depleted on that level can manifest outcomes that are favourable while overstimulating the nervous and endocrine systems spiking adrenaline and cortisol constantly which have been well studied to deplete primary sex hormones which determine your baselines stability as they're physical manifestations of kidney meridian function. There's been many trials I saw years ago where they did testosterone therapy on diabetic patients and they had 60+% improvement in fasting glucose after 3 months. Huge improvement considering they still ate like trash and likely compromised to a certain extent, but the metaphysical element there is clear. There's also androgen receptor sensitivity and function which also REQUIRES being stable and calm and relaxed (un correctness and not out of compromise) in the sense of not having a wavering unstable state where you're thrown around. It's almost a stoic state, except stoicism cannot be consciously cultivated because it's just as much an orientation of the design side as it is on the personality consciousness side. Both must function for there to be favourable manifestation.
This is why NG failed to explain LOA in a way that works for everybody. People back in his day also at baseline half FAR FAR better endocrine and nervous system functions because they weren't overstimulated and all that to the degree we have now with the modern on demand stimulation instant gratification world where everybody wants now now now to feel better when that's the very process leading them into degeneracy. People back then could manifest more reliably than we can and it's been clearly shown how testosterone for example is lowering by over 1.4% every year and is over decades orders of magnitude lower and when combined with the androgen receptor dysfunction we can clearly see the manifestation of the metaphysic of compromise in that biochemistry that's washed over us as a collective since the decades that passed when NG was preaching. You ever wonder why "I've never seen it fail" is what NG says when the people of his say were quite literally different in so many aspects in how they have available vitality to process resistance? I've clearly outlined why and it seems I'm also the only person in this community talking about this.
Perhaps I should make my next video about this and point out the ignorance of the influencers out there plain as day as to why people aren't getting results. It's depletion of vital current, especially in men, which are the light for women to absorb, and is why so many relationship issues happen because men will then be unable to take them off the pedestal. Women take men off the pedestal not through cultivating more discreet endocrine function but more so the nervous system functions that relate to receiving the light because the yin absorbs the yang and thus a new substance can be established through that interaction. Theirs is more of a receptive process where they're more so yielding (submission dynamic else they don't get the light of life which is the seed (foundational root) of that life) but there must also be a degree of nourishment on their part too. This is why Daoist alchemy is written almost exclusively for men, and why in TCM the meridians are way different for men and women especially when it comes to the functions of the lower meridians which of course the lower cauldron is where most of the work is done as those relate to different sex hormone functions thus defining the importance of cultivating them. I believe for women it's more so a function of progesterone but I've not gone too deep into that yet. Progesterone is claimed to be a part of the menstrual cycle but I believe that the cycle relates to the quality of which their endocrine function can be amplified and allows them to process resistance because it's not condensed current like seed retention is about in men. It's periodic and cyclic which is revealed in the hexagrams too. I once again have next to no data on this point about how women can process resistance best but I do believe that based on how R side orientation is "drawn out" L side as in the truth is experienced over time, and that men not having a cycle but instead of condensed form of that which is scalar then it would make sense with that binary in manifestation application. Women have a drawn out scalar over time when men are in the moment, and women also cannot have a degree of depletion because the baseline scalar value is all dependent on the degree of coherency to the expression of their vitality in the cycle. There's so much here I still need to explore but I do believe that there's metaphysical and alchemical significance there. I don't know any texts that speak of this, other than some yogic texts from east Indian culture, but I've never resonated with much of that culture I find it quite off putting personally.
I just hope you can see now why all this stuff about emotional feeling on a deliberate and conscious level is a completely contrary process when you're looking at the alchemy and how people experience peak dip cycles which are momentum based. There's processes within processes and unless we work with them then we're going to fail miserably and wallow around in degeneracy blind as to what we're really doing due to a warped view orientation. Consciously being stuck doesn't help either because even if you recognise the cycles that doesn't get you out of them and the proof there is that their cause is all unconscious from within the design side vitality which is a function of the nourishment you're cultivating and circulating which feeds orientation for the personality. If your platform you stand on is facing the wrong way how can you expect with your eyes to be seeing the correct angle of perception on what's within you? You must have the design side orientation working for you else what comes out of your consciousness will be warped, not just in concept but the sense of self relationship to that. The sense of self is almost entirely a function of view orientation as it's a quality of perception over the same concept, which is why it's called view orientation or direction and angle of view. You see the same concept under a different light.
What Dispenza says about needing emotions to form powerful experiences which can transform us IS TRUE but the thing is that they need to come through us by going through the pathway that the view orientation is feeding in exiting the box and owning our truth. Man I would love to destroy him live on stage one day that would be so nourishing. Explain all of his points under the RS model and prove the elements as to why some get results when the 95+% fail due to improper instruction.
In the civilisations of a bygone era people use to strive to live as fearlessly as possible and attain knowledge not for knowledge sake but for the function of application. They were more L oriented as a populous after all being 7 center. We've got this issue of solar plex and R side drawing us into worlds that are seen under an incorrect angle of orientation and thus we get lost in them and lose sight of the importance of the L side orientation in establishing foundation to work with. Having a foundation based on L orientation is required because that foundation is applied in the lower cauldron where base vitality is cultivated and nourished. This is why the R side orientation processes we're taught don't work for so many because that foundation of the 1st doesn't exist which makes them unstable and weak quite literally. Almost all disease and aging comes from this too. The Jing. Depletion of Jing is making incorrect decisions that keep you in the box. Exiting the box is just as much a L side as a R side process. We must speak the importance of a vital form for the functions of manifestation. The people who magically heal themselves (which are few and few between and are mostly women when you look at the data as I've been through) you'll find that they had something they were holding onto that was let go of (likely because of the cycle process) and that of course freed up the channel that was blocking vitality from nourishing a downstream meridian that was manifesting the disease. Sometimes it's not the obvious metaphysic but an implied downstream metaphysic that's under the surface which caused the disease. In men it's similar too in letting go of stuff which clears downstream effects, but if you're so depleted on Jing then good luck actually getting over your stuck stuff. Older people are literally more stuck in their ways for a reason, because the baseline nourishing current is more depleted at baseline.
There's so many reasons why this idea of emotional peak causing positive manifestation just doesn't work and that if you're trying to make something happen as a function of expressing your vitality then you're likely going to fail without realising how or why it's just going to lead you to a dip and all you'll see are signs at best then the coaches will gaslight you into saying you're not doing the technique right when techniques shouldn't be able to be done incorrectly if it's a simple process. The challenge is literally going through the challenge because that's where the transformation is and it cannot be faked. Anyone can imagine anything but this idea of "living in the end" relies entirely on your body being on board with your personality in having alignment to the process you're being moved through to feel the naturalness of it. This is all presented in the story of Odin.
Odin hung himself on the world tree and suffered for 6 days before he came to emptiness and thus acceptance. The emptiness is the sabbath, the impotence of having gone through all the way to the end, the end being your correct direction of orientation.
Just listen to this:
I've posted this here before in the early pages, for a reason, because the alchemy is clear as day now that I've outlined more than ever on that level.
NG makes manifesting seem like a solipsistic process where our purpose is to be anyone and have anything, when there's no expansion in that. Challenge is expansion and is why we live in a world where in the wild it's dog eat dog because that's a trial of the strategic splenic awareness to purify the genetics. You're the same, except on a mixture of L and right side. That's where your challenge lies in this world, mastering both, because you're a simulacrum.
If you find your pelvic floor and abs tense 24/7 then it's because you're lacking the natural pump from the kidney meridian that would circulate vitality and you've likely got terrible flexion and sacral satisfaction too. You could probably have not ideal sleep as well. You can try and consciously relax but it won't stick when you stop it unless you're applying yourself consistently in other areas too. It's like mewing.
I also believe that facial structure to some extent is actually a manifestation of how vital the currents in the channels are. Bones are the most direct manifestation of the kidney yin. Being short is a manifestation of weak kidney yin.
When you look at the 6 lines, it's a progression of problem solving and going through transformation. The first is finding the problem, what's the roots of the problem we're dealing with. The last is what's the next problem. This is what's going on when it comes to LOA too.
Yeah it seems all this stuff is truly aimed at getting out of the box. I've been snooping around LOA circles lately for some reason and I've been seeing through all the language. It's wild to see, same concept different association. It's like every time I hear "living in the end" I just hear "being yourself without compromise" as in living outside the box in every way that's holding you inside it. If we just approach everything form this perspective how can you fail? Your body is revealing your truth else you'd not FEEL about certain things, your truth. Your body is basically the lie detector that associated responses to mental stimulus be either reveal truth or not. If you're moved outside the box temporarily when you're mad about something but you can't maintain that it's because you've been moved by the feeling instead of identifying what your truth is that underlies that feeling. Feeling here meaning physical response sensation in a center. This can simply be felt like a "pull" which is how I characterised it early on in my writings on RS. It was like "intuitive impulse" because you don't mentally think about it happening it just happens and you just "know" the meaning of it, and sometimes an image or something can come out of that. The image isn't causing it but the image comes out of it which even NG identified as why you loop a scene to "prevent associated images" from coming up. I still think looking isn't some magic thing or whatever, about stabilising a thematic sense, but that the essence underlying the thematic sense is that quality of owning truth which brings life to those thematics. You can feel a thematic sensation in isolation to some extent but you'll never be able to avoid an association from the form responding which reveals the truth of how you're relating to it. If it feels "bigger" than you then you're weak and living in a state of literal degeneracy. A change in perception must be had, else how can this baseline be adjusted to be correctly oriented? This IS getting out of the box and is what "living in the end" represents day to day.
I don't see any other way of looking at it than that from a practical standpoint for most people. There's of course alchemical perspectives to dive deeper into but only like a fraction of a percentage know anything about that so it doesn't matter.
Ask yourself this question. What does it feel like to get out of the box I'm in and own my truth? THAT is the "feeling" NG talks about. Truly the most common sense definition possible. It's an intuitive sense because you're touching on the "truth" which is implied in an experience you're having that's nourishing, which is why I said that in the video on the feeling, but we can categorise it here as the feeling of being outside the box. Can you fully exit the box? How can we exit the box? That's what we need to ask ourselves. What response am I having to exiting the box that's nourishing and revealing my truth. As I've said before the response from the form CAN be conditioned to some extent relating to the process of going through owning your truth where if you're heavily depleted what will feel like a response on one day can feel like a withdrawal on another day and the reason why is because of available vitality being depleted. The mind will still want it but the form will not respond to that. This is why vitality cultivating always wins this game of transforming the personality to have the view outside the box which is the state coherency I talk about.
Here's an interesting comment.
@dragon_spirit4966 Yes absolutely. Transformation cannot be faked it must be fully experienced on both sides of that contrast. It also involves cultivating vitality and getting your form principle on board with the direction consciousness is moving. Ultimately you're making decisions that value your vitality and not the conditions and limitations you're viewing from within the box, but instead living in the end is to live from the perception of what it's like outside the box looking in. That shift in perspective is the "feeling of the wish fulfilled" and "living in the end". It's as simple as owning it and going through it all the way. This cannot be faked. Why are people stuck? Because they're afraid of the purifying fire that stings in the moment but nourishes you on the other side. Making those decisions you're constantly thinking about but never act on (was talking about this in coaching today with someone) IS owning your truth because it's seeking thematic embodiment THROUGH you. Whenever you prioritise imaginal fantasy over making decisions in the world you've lost because you've got no faith nor courage. Faith as it says in the bible is always accompanied with acts of demonstration. NG would have you believe that it's imaginal acts, but imaginal acts performed from within the box, or making the most of the box giving you a false sense of comfort and satisfaction that doesn't last is absolutely showing fear and no faith. Courage to be yourself is to walk with God make no mistake about that. It's easy when you look in from outside the box but to attain that view orientation at baseline you must build that state coherency by going through the temporary pressure of compromise and fully experience WHO you imagine yourself to be. It's not that making these decisions is doing anything but that the WHO that makes those decisions is rooted in being. This is JUST as powerful as any so called imaginal act and you'll know that from experience if you go through it. I can 100% guarantee that everybody who manifests contact from an SP in a no contact blocked situation, or a sum of money that is substantial, consistently made decisions under pressure from the WHO of being OUTSIDE the box and even if in the moment they didn't feel comfortable in that when they went through it they learned through the reality of experience that they can be this person and that the view orientation of limitation was silly to believe in and continue to compromise on their truth over. Stop thinking in terms of magic and start to live from embodiment and view orientation and be driven by fully embracing your truth for this is the faith we cannot fake or act out of comfort with in making the most of the box. You want to burn the box, instead of what most people do who think that they can live in the safety of their imagination and have all these feelings of living out their dreams but that every opportunity they get to be themselves for real they compromise. This reveals next to no faith is present. Odin in the Norse mythos sacrificed himself unto himself. He hung himself for 9 days and 9 nights and he died as he first felt his anger of compromise but then as he went through it on night 6 he came to understanding the next night. He went through the temporary pressure of transformation (just as atomic structure breaks down under heat to which the elements can be restructured into a new arrangement which is the same alchemy we apply internally in a metaphysical sense) and felt RELIEF and SATISFACTION as a result, as NG says. He realised he could own his truth and be himself. Anyone selling manifestation as some easy imagine something from within the box/comfort zone is lying to you about how it works or they're ignorant and have no idea how it works. Manifestation is alchemical as all things are and if you just make decisions on a consistent basis that align with what you want in life you will win. You make those decisions out of faith even though you don't always know the way, if that is your truth you will always be satisfied and win, even if the specific thing you manifest isn't exactly what was envisioned because what you will get will always be perfect, providing you own it. Disowning your truth is disowning your divinity and your vitality which is your supply of magnetism that others will respond to. There's so many layers here I could talk for ages and there's going to be an upcoming video talking about everything I spoke here and more soons so stay tuned. I'm going to destroy influencerism in this community once and for all and make it abundantly clear how it works so nobody needs to continue to fail.
That's just some random comment I posted. I also believe that men (especially generators) have more of a thematic resonance with the archetype of the warrior as in the expression of yang in physically pushing limits. This is why men who don't move and work their sacral, especially generators, are almost certainly going to be unsatisfied and wonder why whenever they think of their SP they see them from within the box, Having vitality enables you to have the baseline view orientation of being outside the box. Despite nobody else in this community understanding how and why (because they think it's all mind magic) I'm still going to speak this because I know it's true because it's clear on all alchemical and metaphysical levels and there's so much data gathered on the impacts on psychological state in people who are active vs those who aren't.
I want to post the complete text of the Norse poem about Odins death here. It's a copy paste so it's not going to be formatted like the rest of the text and the translation is very literal and actually misses the deeper interpretations of the source language just like the bible. The link I posted yesterday which is like a "modern adaptation" you could call it to this poem which turns it into something easier to understand takes all the key tenants which is why I like it so much. It adds in some things that aren't in source material but it's a good perspective to gain on the mythos.
Part one – The Gestabáttr
1. With all doorways,
before walking through,
you must look around,
you must peer around,
one can not know,
where enemies
are sitting inside.
2. Hail to the host!
A guest has arrived,
where is he to sit?
Anxiously he,
hopes to find,
a place by the fire.
3. Fire is needed,
for the one who has come
with his knees cold;
food and clothes,
the man need
who have travelled over mountains.
4. Water is needed,
for the one who is to eat,
a towel and great hospitality,
met with good manners,
and if he can have it,
conversation and quiet.
5. Wits is needed,
for the one who wander widely;
informal one can be at home;
receiving raised eyebrows,
will he who knows nothing,
and with wise men sits.
6. Of his understanding no one should be proud, but rather in conduct cautious. When the prudent and taciturn come to a dwelling, harm seldom befalls the cautious; for a firmer friend no man ever gets than great sagacity.
7. A wary guest, who to refection comes, keeps a cautious silence, with his ears listens, and with his eyes observes: so explores every prudent man.
8. He is happy, who for himself obtains fame and kind words: less sure is that which a man must have in another’s breast.
9. He is happy, who in himself possesses fame and wit while living; for bad counsels have oft been received from another’s breast.
10. A better burthen no man bears on the way than much good sense; that is thought better than riches in a strange place; such is the recourse of the indigent.
11. A worse provision on the way he cannot carry than too much beer-bibbing; so good is not, as it is said, beer for the sons of men.
12. A worse provision no man can take from table than too much beer-bibbing: for the more he drinks the less control he has of his own mind.
13. Oblivion’s heron ’tis called that over potations hovers; he steals the minds of men. With this bird’s pinions I was fettered in Gunnlods dwelling.
14. Drunk I was, I was over-drunk, at that cunning Fialar’s. It’s the best drunkenness, when every one after it regains his reason.
15. Taciturn and prudent, and in war daring, should a king’s children be; joyous and liberal every one should be until his hour of death.
16. A cowardly man thinks he will ever live, if warfare he avoids; but old age will give him no peace, though spears may spare him.
17. A fool gapes when to a house he comes, to himself mutters or is silent; but all at once, if he gets drink, then is the man’s mind displayed.
18. He alone knows who wanders wide, and has much experienced, by what disposition each man is ruled, who common sense possesses.
19. Let a man hold the cup, yet of the mead drink moderately, speak sensibly or be silent. As of a fault no man will admonish thee, if thou goest betimes to sleep.
20. A greedy man, if he be not moderate, eats to his mortal sorrow. Oftentimes his belly draws laughter on a silly man, who among the prudent comes.
21. Cattle know when to go home, and then from grazing cease; but a foolish man never knows his stomach’s measure.
22. A miserable man, and ill-conditioned, sneers at every thing: one thing he knows not, which he ought to know, that he is not free from faults.
23. A foolish man is all night awake, pondering over everything; he then grows tired; and when morning comes, all is lament as before.
24. A foolish man thinks all who on him smile to be his friends; he feels it not, although they speak ill of him, when he sits among the clever.
25. A foolish man thinks all who speak him fair to be his friends; but he will find, if into court he comes, that he has few advocates.
26. A foolish man thinks he knows everything if placed in unexpected difficulty; but he knows not what to answer, if to the test he is put.
27. A foolish man, who among people comes, had best be silent; for no one knows that he knows nothing, unless he talks too much. He who previously knew nothing will still know nothing, talk he ever so much.
28. He thinks himself wise, who can ask questions and converse also; conceal his ignorance no one can, because it circulates among men.
29. He utters too many futile words who is never silent; a garrulous tongue, if it be not checked, sings often to its own harm.
30. For a gazing-stock no man shall have another, although he come a stranger to his house. Many a one thinks himself wise, if he is not questioned, and can sit in a dry habit.
31. Clever thinks himself the guest who jeers a guest, if he takes to flight. Knows it not certainly he who prates at meat, whether he babbles among foes.
32. Many men are mutually well-disposed, yet at table will torment each other. That strife will ever be; guest will guest irritate.
33. Early meals a man should often take, unless to a friend’s house he goes; else he will sit and mope, will seem half-famished, and can of few things inquire.
34. Long is and indirect the way to a bad friend’s, though by the road he dwell; but to a good friend’s the paths lie direct, though he be far away.
35. A guest should depart, not always stay in one place. The welcome becomes unwelcome, if he too long continues in another’s house.
36. One’s own house is best, small though it be; at home is every one his own master. Though he but two goats possess, and a straw-thatched cot, even that is better than begging.
37. One’s own house is best, small though it be, at home is every one his own master. Bleeding at heart is he, who has to ask for food at every meal-tide.
38. Leaving in the field his arms, let no man go a foot’s length forward; for it is hard to know when on the way a man may need his weapon.
39. I have never found a man so bountiful, or so hospitable that he refused a present; or of his property so liberal that he scorned a recompense.
40. Of the property which he has gained no man should suffer need; for the hated oft is spared what for the dear was destined. Much goes worse than is expected.
41. With arms and vestments friends should each other gladden, those which are in themselves most sightly. Givers and requiters are longest friends, if all [else] goes well.
42. To his friend a man should be a friend, and gifts with gifts requite. Laughter with laughter men should receive, but leasing with lying.
43. To his friend a man should be a friend; to him and to his friend; but of his foe no man shall the friend’s friend be.
44. Know, if thou hast a friend whom thou fully trustest, and from whom thou woulds’t good derive, thou shouldst blend thy mind with his, and gifts exchange, and often go to see him.
45. If thou hast another, whom thou little trustest, yet wouldst good from him derive, thou shouldst speak him fair, but think craftily, and leasing pay with lying.
46. But of him yet further, whom thou little trustest, and thou suspectest his affection; before him thou shouldst laugh, and contrary to thy thoughts speak: requital should the gift resemble.
47. I was once young, I was journeying alone, and lost my way; rich I thought myself, when I met another. Man is the joy of man.
48. Liberal and brave men live best, they seldom cherish sorrow; but a base-minded man dreads everything; the niggardly is uneasy even at gifts.
49. My garments in a field I gave away to two wooden men: heroes they seemed to be, when they got cloaks: exposed to insult is a naked man.
50. A tree withers that on a hill-top stands; protects it neither bark nor leaves: such is the man whom no one favours: why should he live long?
51. Hotter than fire love for five days burns between false friends; but is quenched when the sixth day comes, and-friendship is all impaired.
52. Something great is not [always] to be given, praise is often for a trifle bought. With half a loaf and a tilted vessel I got myself a comrade.
53. Little are the sand-grains, little the wits, little the minds of [some] men; for all men are not wise alike: men are everywhere by halves.
54. Moderately wise should each one be, but never over-wise: of those men the lives are fairest, who know much well.
55. Moderately wise should each one be, but never over-wise; for a wise man’s heart is seldom glad, if he is all-wise who owns it.
56. Moderately wise should each one be, but never over-wise. His destiny let know no man beforehand; his mind will be freest from’ care.
57. Brand burns from brand until it is burnt out; fire is from fire quickened. Man to’ man becomes known by speech, but a fool by his bashful silence.
58. He should early rise, who another’s property or wife desires to have. Seldom a sluggish wolf gets prey, or a sleeping man victory.
59. Early should rise he who has few workers, and go his work to see to; greatly is he retarded who sleeps the morn away. Wealth half depends on energy.
60. Of dry planks and roof-shingles a man knows the measure; of the fire-wood that may suffice, both measure and time.
61. Washed and refected let a man ride to the Thing, although his garments be not too good; of his shoes and breeches let no one be ashamed, nor of his horse, although he have not a good one.
62. Inquire and impart should every man of sense, who will be accounted sage. Let one only know, a second may not; if three, all the world knows.
63. Gasps and gapes, when to the sea he comes, the eagle over old ocean; so is a man, who among many comes, and has few advocates.
64. His power should every sagacious man use with discretion; for he will find, when among the bold he comes, that no one alone is doughtiest.
65. Circumspect and reserved every man should be, and wary in trusting friends. Of the words that a man says to another he often pays the penalty.
66. Much too early I came to many places, but too late to others: the beer was drunk, or not ready: the disliked seldom hits the moment.
67. Here and there I should have been invited, if I a meal had needed; or two hams had hung, at that true friend’s, where of one I had eaten.
68. Fire is best among the sons of men, and the sight of the sun, if his health a man can have, with a life free from vice.
69. No man lacks everything, although his health be bad: one in his sons is happy, one in his kin, one in abundant wealth, one in his good works.
70. It is better to live, even to live miserably; a living man can always get a cow. I saw fire consume the rich man’s property, and death stood without his door.
71. The halt can ride on horseback, the one-handed drive cattle; the deaf fight and be useful: to be blind is better than to be burnt no one gets good from a corpse.
72. A son is better, even if born late, after his father’s departure. Gravestones seldom stand by the way-side unless raised by a kinsman to a kinsman.
73. Two are adversaries: the tongue is the bane of the head: under every cloak I expect a hand. * * *
74. At night is joyful he who is sure of travelling entertainment. [A ship’s yards are short.] Variable is an autumn night. Many are the weather’s changes in five days, but more in a month.
75. He [only] knows not who knows nothing, that many a one apes another. One man is rich, another poor: let him not be thought blameworthy.
76. Cattle die, kindred die, we ourselves also die; but the fair fame never dies of him who has earned it.
77. Cattle die, kindred die, we ourselves also die; but I know one thing that never dies,—judgment on each one dead.
78. Full storehouses I saw at Dives’ sons’: now bear they the beggar’s staff. Such are riches; as is the twinkling of an eye: of friends they are most fickle.
79. A foolish man, if he acquires wealth or woman’s love, pride grows within him, but wisdom never: he goes on more and more arrogant.
80. Then ’tis made manifest, if of runes thou questionest him, those to the high ones known, which the great powers invented, and the great talker painted, that he had best hold silence.
Part two – A guide to love
81. At eve the day is to be praised, a woman after she is burnt, a sword after it is proved, a maid after she is married, ice after it has passed away, beer after it is drunk.
82. In the wind one should hew wood, in a breeze row out to sea, in the dark talk with a lass: many are the eyes of day. In a ship voyages are to be made, but a shield is for protection, a sword for striking, but a damsel for a kiss.
83. By the fire one should drink beer, on the ice slide; buy a horse that is lean, a sword that is rusty; feed a horse at home, but a dog at the farm.
84. In a maiden’s words no one should place faith, nor in what a woman says; for on a turning wheel have their hearts been formed, and guile in their breasts been laid;
85. In a creaking bow, a burning flame, a yawning wolf, a chattering crow, a grunting swine, a rootless tree, a waxing wave, a boiling kettle,
86. A flying dart, a falling billow, a one night’s ice, a coiled serpent, a woman’s bed-talk, or a broken sword, a bear’s play, or a royal child,
87. A sick calf, a self-willed thrall, a flattering prophetess, a corpse newly slain, [a serene sky, a laughing lord, a barking dog, and a harlot’s grief];
88. An early sown field let no one trust, nor prematurely in a son: weather rules the field, and wit the son, each of which is doubtful;
89. A brother’s murderer, though on the high road met, a half-burnt house, an over-swift horse, (a horse is useless, if a leg be broken), no man is so confiding as to trust any of these.
90. Such is the love of women, who falsehood meditate, as if one drove not rough-shod, on slippery ice, a spirited two-years old and unbroken horse; or as in a raging storm a helmless ship is beaten; or as if the halt were set to catch a reindeer in the thawing fell.
91. Openly I now speak, because I both sexes know: unstable are men’s minds towards women; ’tis then we speak most fair when we most falsely think: that deceives even the cautious.
92. Fair shall speak, and money offer, who would obtain a woman’s love. Praise the form of a fair damsel; he gets who courts her.
93. At love should no one ever wonder in another: a beauteous countenance oft captivates the wise, which captivates not the foolish.
94. Let no one wonder at another’s folly, it is the lot of many. All-powerful desire makes of the sons of men fools even of the wise.
95. The mind only knows what lies near the heart, that alone is conscious of our affections. No disease is worse to a sensible man than not to be content with himself.
96. That I experienced, when in the reeds I sat, awaiting my delight. Body and soul to me was that discreet maiden: nevertheless I possess her not.
97. Billing’s lass on her couch I found, sun-bright, sleeping. A prince’s joy to me seemed naught, if not with that form to live.
98. “Yet nearer eve must thou, Odin, come, if thou wilt talk the maiden over; all will be disastrous, unless we alone are privy to such misdeed.”
99. I returned, thinking to love, at her wise desire. I thought I should obtain her whole heart and love.
100. When next I came the bold warriors were all awake, with lights burning, and bearing torches: thus was the way to pleasure closed.
101. But at the approach of morn, when again I came, the household all was sleeping; the good damsel’s dog alone I found tied to the bed.
102. Many a fair maiden, when rightly known, towards men is fickle: that I experienced, when that discreet maiden I strove to seduce: contumely of every kind that wily girl heaped upon me; nor of that damsel gained I aught.
103. At home let a man be cheerful, and towards a guest liberal; of wise conduct he should be, of good memory and ready speech; if much knowledge he desires, he must often talk on good.
104. Fimbulfambi he is called who’ little has to say: such is the nature of the simple.
105. The old Jotun I sought; now I am come back: little got I there by silence; in many words I spoke to my advantage in Suttung’s halls.
106. Gunnlod gave me, on her golden seat, a draught of the precious mead; a bad recompense I afterwards made her, for her whole soul, her fervent love.
107. Rati’s mouth I caused to make a space, and to gnaw the rock; over and under me were the Jotun’s ways: thus I my head did peril.
108. Of a well-assumed form I made good use: few things fail the wise; for Odhrærir is now come up to men’s earthly dwellings.
109. ‘Tis to me doubtful that I could have come from the Jotun’s courts, had not Gunnlod aided me, that good damsel, over whom I laid my arm.
110. On the day following came the Hrimthursar, to learn something of the High One, in the High One’s hall: after Bolverk they inquired, whether he with the gods were come, or Suttung had destroyed him?
Part three – The Loddfáfnismál
111. Odin, I believe, a ring-oath gave. Who in his faith will trust? Suttung defrauded, of his drink bereft, and Gunnlod made to weep!
112. Time ’tis to discourse from the preacher’s chair. By the well of Urd I silent sat, I saw and meditated, I listened to men’s words.
113. Of runes I heard discourse, and of things divine, nor of graving them were they silent, nor of sage counsels, at the High One’s hall. In the High One’s hall. I thus heard say:
114. I counsel thee, Loddfafnir, to take advice: thou wilt profit if thou takest it. Rise not at night, unless to explore, or art compelled to go out.
115. I counsel thee, Loddfafnir, to take advice, thou wilt profit if thou takest it. In an enchantress’s embrace thou mayest not sleep, so that in her arms she clasp thee.
116. She will be the cause that thou carest not for Thing or prince’s words; food thou wilt shun and human joys; sorrowful wilt thou go to sleep.
117. I counsel thee, etc. Another’s wife entice thou never to secret converse.
118. I counsel thee, etc. By fell or firth if thou have to travel, provide thee well with food.
119. I counsel thee, etc. A bad man let thou never know thy misfortunes; for from a bad man thou never wilt obtain a return for thy good will.
120. I saw mortally wound a man a wicked woman’s words; a false tongue caused his death, and most unrighteously.
121. I counsel thee, etc. If thou knowest thou hast a friend, whom thou well canst trust, go oft to visit him; for with brushwood over-grown, and with high grass, is the way that no one treads.
122. I counsel thee, etc. A good man attract to thee in pleasant converse; and salutary speech learn while thou livest.
123. I counsel thee, etc. With thy friend be thou never first to quarrel. Care gnaws the heart, if thou to no one canst thy whole mind disclose.
124. I counsel thee, etc. Words thou never shouldst exchange with a witless fool;
125. For from an ill-conditioned man thou wilt never get a return for good; but a good man will bring thee favour by his praise.
126. There is a mingling of affection, where one can tell another all his mind. Everything is better than being with the deceitful. He is not another’s friend who ever says as he says.
127. I counsel thee, etc. Even in three words quarrel not with a worse man: often the better yields, when the worse strikes.
128. I counsel thee, etc. Be not a shoemaker, nor a shaftmaker, unless for thyself it be; for a shoe if ill made, or a shaft if crooked, will call down evil on thee.
129. I counsel thee, etc. Wherever of injury thou knowest, regard that injury as thy own; and give to thy foes no peace.
130. I counsel thee, etc. Rejoiced at evil be thou never; but let good give thee pleasure.
131. I counsel thee, etc. In a battle look not up, (like swine the sons of men then become) that men may not fascinate thee.
132. If thou wilt induce a good woman to pleasant converse, thou must promise fair, and hold to it: no one turns from good if it can be got.
133. I enjoin thee to be wary, but not over wary; at drinking be thou most wary, and with another’s wife; and thirdly, that thieves delude thee not.
134. With insult or derision treat thou never a guest or wayfarer. They often little know, who sit within, of what race they are who come.
135. Vices and virtues the sons of mortals bear in their breasts mingled; no one is so good that no failing attends him, nor so bad as to be good for nothing.
136. At a hoary speaker laugh thou never; often is good that which the aged utter, oft from a shriveled hide discreet words issue; from those whose skin is pendent and decked with scars, and who go tottering among the vile.
137. I counsel thee, etc. Rail not at a guest, nor from thy gate thrust him; treat well the indigent; they will speak well of thee.
138. Strong is the bar that must be raised to admit all. Do thou give a penny, or they will call down on thee every ill in thy limbs.
Part four – The Rúnatal
139. I counsel thee, etc. Wherever thou beer drinkest, invoke to thee the power of earth; for earth is good against drink, fire for distempers, the oak for constipation, a corn-ear for sorcery, a hall for domestic strife. In bitter hates invoke the moon; the biter for bite-injuries is good; but runes against calamity; fluid let earth absorb.

140. I know that I hung, on a wind-rocked tree, nine whole nights, with a spear wounded, and to Odin offered, myself to myself; on that tree, of which no one knows from what root it springs.
141. Bread no one gave me, nor a horn of drink, downward I peered, to runes applied myself, wailing learnt them, then fell down thence.
142. Potent songs nine from the famed son I learned of Bolthorn, Bestla’s sire, and a draught obtained of the precious mead, drawn from Odhrærir.
143. Then I began to bear fruit, and to know many things, to grow and well thrive: word by word I sought out words, fact by fact I sought out facts.
144. Runes thou wilt find, and explained characters, very large characters, very potent characters, which the great speaker depicted, and the high powers formed, and the powers’ prince graved:
145. Odin among the Æsir, but among the Alfar, Dain, and Dvalin for the dwarfs, Asvid for the Jotuns: some I myself graved.
146. Knowest thou how to grave them? knowest thou how to expound them? knowest thou how to depict them? knowest thou how to prove them? knowest thou how to pray? knowest thou how to offer? knowest thou how to send? knowest thou how to consume?
Part five – The Ljódatal
147. ‘Tis better not to pray than too much offer; a gift ever looks to a return. ‘Tis better not to send than too much consume. So Thund graved before the origin of men, where he ascended, to whence he afterwards came.
148. Those songs I know which the king’s wife knows not nor son of man. Help the first is called, for that will help thee against strifes and cares.
149. For the second I know, what the sons of men require, who will as leeches live. * * * *
150. For the third I know, if I have great need to restrain my foes, the weapons’ edge I deaden: of my adversaries nor arms nor wiles harm aught.
151. For the fourth I know, if men place bonds on my limbs, I so sing that I can walk; the fetter starts from my feet, and the manacle from my hands.
152. For the fifth I know, if I see a shot from a hostile hand, a shaft flying amid the host, so swift it cannot fly that I cannot arrest it, if only I get sight of it.
153. For the sixth I know, if one wounds me with a green tree’s roots; also if a man declares hatred to me, harm shall consume them sooner than me.
154. For the seventh I know, if a lofty house I see blaze o’er its inmates, so furiously it shall not burn that I cannot save it. That song I can sing.
155. For the eighth I know, what to all is useful to learn: where hatred grows among the sons of men—that I can quickly assuage.
156. For the ninth I know, if I stand in need my bark on the water to save, I can the wind on the waves allay, and the sea lull.
157. For the tenth I know, if I see troll-wives sporting in air, I can so operate that they will forsake their own forms, and their own minds.
158. For the eleventh I know, if I have to lead my ancient friends to battle, under their shields I sing, and with power they go safe to the fight, safe from the fight; safe on every side they go.
159. For the twelfth I know, if on a tree I see a corpse swinging from a halter, I can so grave and in runes depict, that the man shall walk, and with me converse.
160. For the thirteenth I know, if on a young man I sprinkle water, he shall not fall, though he into battle come: that man shall not sink before swords.
161. For the fourteenth I know, if in the society of men I have to enumerate the gods, Æsir and Alfar, I know the distinctions of all. This few unskilled can do.
162. For the fifteenth I know what the dwarf Thiodreyrir sang before Delling’s doors. Strength he sang to the Æsir, and to the Alfar prosperity, wisdom to Hroptatyr.
163. For the sixteenth I know, if a modest maiden’s favour and affection I desire to possess, the soul I change of the white-armed damsel, and wholly turn her mind.
164. For the seventeenth I know, that that young maiden will reluctantly avoid me. These songs, Loddfafnir! thou wilt long have lacked; yet it may be good if thou understandest them, profitable if thou learnest them.
165. For the eighteenth I know that which I never teach to maid or wife of man, (all is better what one only knows. This is the closing of the songs) save her alone who clasps me in her arms, or is my sister.
166. Now are sung the High-one’s songs, in the High-one’s hall, to the sons of men all-useful, but useless to the Jotuns’ sons. Hail to him who has sung them! Hail to him who knows them! May he profit who has learnt them! Hail to those who have listened to them!
As you can see the poem is very similar in core elements to what I talk about here.
140. I know that I hung, on a wind-rocked tree, nine whole nights, with a spear wounded, and to Odin offered, myself to myself; on that tree, of which no one knows from what root it springs.
141. Bread no one gave me, nor a horn of drink, downward I peered, to runes applied myself, wailing learnt them, then fell down thence.
These two verses basically are Norse SATS, or "prayer". Fasting and looking within and feeling (wailing) to go through (learn/own) your truth and thus you fall down and die to your limitations. Fasting is in the bible too and is partly also in what gazing is for. Fasting from the world creates space and reduces stimulus to pull you into others view orientations that you'll falsely buy into. That image that came with the copy paste is basically a man moving through his own resistance, that's literally what hanging on the world tree is, it means going through each of the 9 archetypal thematics or planets that define you and purifying them. How do we do this? We go through where we're moved without compromise even if we don't want to. It's that simple. You want immortality? You're going to have to go through the process of hanging yourself.
It seems my post from yesterday didn't save. Oh well. That's fine.
The truth that's been revealed to me is that the harder you go in breaking the box and owning your truth the more abundance and vitality you'll experience in life. People will want to be around you and hear from you and be moved by you because you'll be that powerful supply. I've got such a certainty on this that I'd bet my life on it. What NG preaches is talking about applying methods that work through available vitality. He doesn't teach you to go from the bottom into abundance and gives you no platform to work with in cultivating that vitality because he ignores the importance of the unconscious mind (the form and how greater consciousness moves through you through the form). People back when NG was doing lectures were different to the snowflakes that exist today. People of newer generations are weak pitiful fools who are unable to see beyond their nose because of such immense depletion of vitality. Being born into a world with less baseline vitality (because of all the trash that Talmudism has propagated which impacts every one of us regardless of your view orientation) necessitates higher order transformation due to more significant depletion and the ONLY way that's manifest is through this quality of consciousness I spoke about which is facing hard times and going through them in the direction of your truth regardless of conditions. You cannot fake this transformation and it's being forced upon us because of the influence of the conditioning force manifesting through degenerate Talmudic Jewish parasitic filth. Babylonians. The manifestation of the "guardian" who is there to keep you in the box in any way imaginable, including "the promise".
We've been marketed to by the program with the idea of manifestation. We've been played. We've been systematically steered into believing that positive views will dispel the dark (the fear of owning your truth and realising your potential) when that's so far front he truth it's almost hilarious. LOA is literally the promise that if you imagine what you want and give yourself to that experience fully then you'll be led through a series of experiences that will realise that experience, or something very similar. This is not how it works. The way it works is that you will manifest exactly what you're buying into, not believing but accepting as your God, your box. You manifest your box. Manifest in this example being an experience of the thematics that comprise the experiences you're available to have within the box. The box contains what you're worth experiencing and thus your experienced sense of self. This is your experience of availability of parts of yourself which comprise your truth. Now all of you is contained within the box, only part of you is and that's what you've accepting as yourself currently but outside the box there's all these parts of you that are still not integrated and owned and they're pulling you like a magnet towards going through them because they are your truth. They are these feelings of "I really want to do this... but". It's the things you play tug of war against. Whenever you find yourself playing tug of war you're running up against he edge of a box where there's pressure to make a decision to either compromise or conform to the box.
This is where giving yourself to the truth comes in, and where what NG says deviates from RS. RS says that you must own your truth. My Daoist master told me that your only commandment in life is to go after what your "soul desire" is. I said to him that this doesn't exist because I was an ignorant fool in the past who lacked experience of contrast to reveal deeper truth. He was correct. RS teaches that your only function in life that's correct is to move through anything that gets in the way of you and your truth with swift merciless fury just like Odin the All Father. The Christos is the same. There's another level there talking about a "state" of consciousness, or a degree of available depth of consciences facilitated by available vitality. Vitality is the substance which is required to cultivate consciousness because vitality is what enables the consciousness to be oriented correctly to see what it needs to see for transformation to unfold through it, for the lesser yang to run up against the lesser yin proportionately and create a new higher order substance. Without this vitality then there's no mediation of the movement of greater consciousness through lesser yin to orient the lesser yang into viewing what it needs to see for your unique perspective and thus truth to come through you and the degree of depth here represents the "state" of consciousness. If you're "more" conscious it's meaning you've got more baseline nourishment enabling your form to orient your view to seeing what it needs to see. The conscious mind has to accept what's there on the other side, the truth, without resisting it. The mind resists the truth because the view it believes it is is all there is which is the limited narrow tunnel vision perspective on reality.
NG has us believe that as long as the mind in the imagination experiences what the mind desires. He makes no mention of the discernment of desire from within vs without the box AKA your truth that's going to challenge you which is why most people are all about going after the in the box desire from the limited easily available and accessible sense of self so they can make the most of the box. This part right here, the determination of objective functional definitive truth that exists within you is what he failed to reveal in a way that's experiential. He mentions this in passing in some bible terms but it's not fleshed out in a way that's applicable and so when he says go after what you desire the first thing people will think is to go after what keeps them in the box that's going to make the most of the box vs going after what's challenging. What's challenging isn't something that someone with low vitality will want to go through because the depletion makes it seem bigger than it is which is why I say that vitality is the degree of unconscious view orientation which will warp the view of the conscious mind when in depletion. If your form is depleted then you've got no chance of going through resistance because you simply cannot process it when the view is incorrect oriented. You can't SEE the truth for what it is, the alchemical transformation cannot take place without the vital currents being present to facilitate that no matter what your mind does. Going through pressure is challenging. Going through the box is challenging. Challenge requires either sufficient discontent with the box (what the alchemist calls divine discontent) or sufficient vitality to naturally move through it and feel the satisfaction unfold on the other side when you attain integrating another part of your truth. It's relieving because you've dropped more not self trash that Talmudism has thrown out into culture you bought into and identified with because it peddles to your limited box and makes it easier for you to life without the responsibility of owning your truth. This is what NG completely and utterly failed to explain in a coherent manner.
In all the texts and lectures I've gone through from NG I've never heard him speak from this perspective in a complete way, at most he mentions small bits here and there that when you connect them it'll make sense but it's so sporadic. I've quoted some of them but there's no lecture or book that really dives into this stuff and the only reason why his books are relevant is because of his role and on top of that the nature of his writings pandering to the boxes people live in.
We're at "war" with the conditioning force of the box, hence why we go through peak dip cycles. This "war" is simply another way of saying we are under pressure to undergo alchemical transformation which literally involves a part of you being split off and purified and put back together again in a more coherent manner. That IS alchemy. Separating components of consciousness from the chaos of the elements, taking those elements up into a higher order substance to arrange them into a proportionate manner and thus they can come back together again in a new form that's greater than the sum of the parts. In the nurse mythos the Vanier are at war with the Asier, the two elements of consciousness which are constantly transforming each other through contrasting experiences. In the Olympian texts you have warring factions. In the bible there's so many different waring factions. Reality is brutal and bloody and messy and merciless in it's pursuit of purification of consciousness and you're caught up in it thinking that some magical way of imaginal action will free you from the very nature of your consciousness that every form of source material ever written on the functions of how we're always at war with ourselves. Owning this part and accepting it will free you instead of denying and blocking off access to your other half.
I just lost over an hour of work because my editor on shopify gave me an error I've never seen before right as I was talking about how the holohoax never happened and why Talmudism exists in the degree of influence it does today. I didn't save it in time. Very frustrating. This is why I always have an offline copy of the notebook available if it ever gets taken down.
I'm going to do it again. I'm not stopping no matter what, and being a threat to the conditioning force is absolutely correct for my design.
Babylonian Jews are the literal embodiment of the program in the world and use all the forms of media and educational funding and scientific funding to drown out established and working models of reality from a more metaphysically foundational basis. The view orientation of relativity is one of those factors. I'm going to eradicate this view for good as a valid perspective to hold. I will utterly eradicate it from existence and destroy any and every point that comes up to justify holding onto a solipsistic orientation of view that "my truth is just as valid as yours" because if we all lived this way then nothing could exist. It's all contrasting views playing off each other, as is revealed in the hexagrams that I fully explored in the past page of the notebook.
What's been established through Babylonian Rabbis and their students is that we all live in a relativistic solipsistic reality that's propagated under a veil of extreme narcissism which is the condition which haunts these Rabbis. Jewish supremacists are extremely narcissistic and is why we're taught in the education system that they're the victims to gaslight us into believing we're the bad ones which is exactly how degenerate parasites justify their actions in manifesting the conditioning force in the world. Narcissists will throw any reason at you to divert the context of the discussion away from revealing their own narcissisms. This is the roots of the relativistic view of the world. If you've ever lived with a narcissist before you'd know that they're going to do anything to gaslight you into making you look like the bad one when in fact you're innocence frightens them as it's a threat to their position of influence. This is not about view orientation and correctness this is about being a degenerate and staying in the box. The Babylonian Rabbis own all the resources, or so we think, because of the money box we're all buying into propagating artificial scarcity which gaslights us into believing we need to work hard or we're not worthy of abundance when these people abuse and manipulate the market to get what they want without lifting a finger. There's all these cultural boxes established, but they've always taken form throughout history depending on the age as some form of scarcity be it natural hunter gatherer scarcity of resources or the modern day equivalent. This thematic has always been a constant and is a functional element in reality to drive our transformation, thus why there's contrast in the dynamic between the Babylonians vs us on the ground living in the boxes that have been culturally established that we're all expected to conform to else we're delusional and will be gaslit which is once again exactly what narcissists do to justify being in the position of influence and not be revealed as the one using and abusing to get their way. The difference now vs then is that we CAN live without artifical scarcity, but we all choose not to because of this box.
The physics side of this and the medical side and the historical side are all propagated the same way. Physics use to have an absolute reference frame as the baseline teaching which was established (officially) all the way back in ancient Greece and probably before then, I don't know how far back it goes really but it's been a thing since at least the times that the alchemical texts and source material were written by 7 center types. The absolute reference frame says that there is an objective truth and an absolute frame of reference we're all in contrast to. This is how it works in reality and that everybody has views on that absolute reference frame being the truth of how things unfold which is where the relativistic view comes in. It's only relative to our frame of reference IN CONTRAST (wave interferometry and proportionality) to the absolute reference frame of the aetheric substrate which is the medium by which light and everything is is propagated that we experience. Your view orientation is a view orientation of that absolute frame of reference. your view isn't a truth in itself, it's a degree of view on the same truth others are viewing, which if your view isn't aligned correctly then you cannot speak truth because truth lies within your correct view of that objective frame of reference. Different people see different things in the same sensory level manifestation. There's a bunch of blind people in this example. One person feels the tail of the elephant, another feels the trunk and another feels the leg they think they're experiencing different things but it's the same thing. The alchemical principles are the thing, and the different view orientations are ways of experiencing that thing, so correct orientation is a correct experience, however that correct orientation will always reveal the same truth as someone else is seeing in that contrasting view. Both will understand the same facts but see different things in those facts. This is a fundamental process that everybody goes through and is reflected in the mechanics of manifestation in view orientation giving you the perspective to see the same thing from a more nourished view that's going to allow a unique understanding to emerge from that interaction.
So what is truth? Truth is the absolute frame of reference that a then relative perspective on which is oriented correctly for that person who's viewing it will perceive as their truth. If you're buying into a conditioning box and don't realise it then you're going to think that this perception is correct when it's not. The common way of knowing if that's the case is that if someone else disagreeing will make you feel less of yourself, that's how you'll know you're in a box, but in that case it can also indicate that you're compromising on OWNING your truth too and that you're designed to express that truth and have debate and demonstrate your view which you're avoiding which would be the source of frustration then, like it's stuck in you and you don't feel good enough to talk about it freely. Both these cases where when a polarity view comes up to challenge you and it makes you feel less or that you don't have the ability to speak your mind because of compromise then you're running up against the box. Truth is what you speak when there's nothing the other can say to misorient your view of THE truth (the absolute frame of reference) and make you question your truth, which is why they're there to be your contrast and reveal your own limitation and doubt you can't accept to yourself unless it's put in your face as possibly a manifestation of a dip cycle to go through. What are you suppose to see that you're not seeing? What are you holding onto that's not self in the box? Are you still compromising on speaking your view out of fear of rejection or that nobody will take you seriously? The negative examples that come up overshadow the positive ones in this case and that's the box you default to and buy into when contrast arises.
Either way solipsistic cancer culture (rainbow "inclusion" culture) is the box that appeases to the limited minds of people who want to stay comfortable in an easy accepting view that's ultimately self destructive of the culture it's integrated within. This is a Talmudic objective that's used to destroy peoples identity and prevent contrasting powerful pentas being formed to move against the conditioning influence. When the people are divined in who they are and they don't trust their neighbour because then the divide and conquer job is done. Everybody is too busy putting energy into silly arguments about identity stuff vs recognising the conditioning force behind it and who's embodied in manifesting that which is the source of this contrast which digs into people and justified their boxes which is why it's so attached to culture.
This exact same thing happened to physics and history and medicine. The established aetheric physics that people like N. Tesla worked with was overshadowed because Babylonian Rabbis who had the material access funded the new model of relativity where Einstein was a perfect person to play the role in establishing this new order as the face of the new cultural belief that my perspective is the correct perspective. Everything the Babylonian manifests in this world reflects the elements of narcissism and is involved in gaslighting those who contrast that view, which is what LOA preaches. The established model was drowned out over time due to the funding only going to the schools that were established teaching this new model and so they of course died out and the art of aetheric physics was lost and buried in time. The same with the medical industry. The homeopathic (in the west at least) docs were the established normal and outnumbered allopathic docs significantly but when Carnegie and Rockefeller established a new petrochemical paradigm that was more profitable for them by creating subscribers for life based on keeping them in their box saying that a pill can be taken to solve a metaphysical issue that all changed very fast and in the blink of an eye due to the financing being cut the homeopathic establishment died out as the standard model. Allopathic docs had such extremely bad success rates before petrochemical models were worked with as the "shiny new thing" people bought into as a miracle solution just like how the digital media shift happened and we lost the analog tech, which I still use today for many cases. It's always a case of some new paradigm that brings hope for change and trying it only results in disappointment when it doesn't work because it's not pushing your limits.
Babylon wants to keep you in the box. That's what all this manifestation is about. All of the Talmudic influence in the world has the function of keeping you inside the box of comfort and ease of access to just enough supply to nourish your baseline, that is until a high contrast experience comes up which challenges that. When you're at a position where there is no more significant challenge to be had on a continual basis like most people face then you've attained a degree of correctness which leads you to manifesting in the world your view to act as the contrasting force to perturb the center of those around you which is naturally how the order spills out into the world and purifies the people around you. Babylon doesn't want these people to have influence because they're dangerous against the conditioning field that keeps people under the spell of being in the box. Everything is built this way. Everything. Literally everything, it's all around you in the world. Not in the natural world but in the modern technological "smart" world. The word "smart" almost 100% of the time touches on something designed to have technology present to keep you in a box. Something that makes your life easier in a negative way and negates challenging contrast through distraction and misorientation. That's why it's becoming more and more difficult to exist in this world without "smart" tech because it's what's expected. This is the stuff the people who are extremely anxious will live on, people who have next to no social skills will live on, people who can't sit in their own silence will live on. This is a tool of vitality depletion disguised as a benevolent necessary technology that's required to make transactions. Step by step. Piece by piece you disconnect from more and more of yourself until you're so badly in the box that there's nothing left of truth but a whisper. Most people aren't there of course and it never will be but that's the way it's heading if we look at the trends. More are facing anxiety and social ineptitude now than ever because of this, and it's present in peoples lives and made so easily available and affordable now because it's just another tool in the box to condition and keep you in the box.
This is why I've said over and over that dropping excess stimulation is going to benefit your manifestation process for various reasons. It will amplify your baseline vitality and orient your design side view correctly so that you can begin to dissolve your resistance. It will come up and you will be able to go through it and see truth from outside the box. Moving yourself and working the motors within you. Nourishing yourself with "real" food that's not going to put excess burden on liver function which is where so much resistance is held. Refining the stimulus and the people you're around as well by dropping those who aren't beneficial to your process and repeatedly come up as issues to drop. Having the courage to make such decisions is so important. Facing contrast with your truth without compromise is owning your truth and owning your supply of vitality. Facing Babylon is the same. Thinking overwise is ignorance and has no foundation to stand on. You're all facing Babylon when you're correct because it's the conditioning force that's there to manifest the circumstances we face to keep us in our box. This manifests from the air to the food to the water to the media to the economic artificial scarcity to the medical industry to the academic scientific establishment who only funds approved subject to study. Why are things slowing down with technological advance? Because of the sciences that are funded and approved being the limiting factor.
Look until you grasp the idea of money trails you won't get it. The conditioning force basically manifests where Babylon funds. Wherever Babylon funds there will be degeneracy designed to establish the boxes you're willingly going to accept and defend because it's comfortable. That's the challenge. Until you can go through all the money trails relating to where you believe your truth is then you really don't have foundation at all and that's where your world view will be utterly destroyed by RS in that way. This is not about allowing anything to cause you to feel overwhelmed by fear of a hidden hand but to recognise what is and what is not to be empowered in your truth and own the greater context function of the role you're playing as an objective danger to the establishment of that conditioning force of Babylon. Pure satisfaction scares these people because those who are correct in their movement and orientation are unstoppable through the contrast which reveals the narcissism for what it is. Making a narcissist look at themselves is the most scary thing imaginable. Babylon will not look at itself voluntarily and they require contrast to dissolve. Without contrast revealing what is and what is not then there cannot be revelation for Babylon. Unique people living their lives regardless of the conditions around them and the boxes they're expected to conform to are the only people who are a true threat to the program. A threat in this case being someone who can reveal contrast and have others see that in themselves to propagate just as the degeneracy did except in a way that's swinging the pendulum in a different way.
Why can't a utopian world exist? Because good times create weak men and weak men lead to a degenerate world. The supply of Babylon then becomes the ones who become complacent in their comfort and thus begin to compromise and sin. This is how Babylon is established in every day people. There will always exist a Babylonian force in the world no matter the form it takes. Currently it's Talmudic Jews and it's been that way since the beginnings of 7 center beings whenever that was, at least. You cannot escape it because it's there to act as your catalysing agent for transformation. It's there to keep the cycle going of good times leading to weak men and weak men leading to bad times, but out of bad times where self reflection is required (repenting) then challenge can be gone through and good times can be established but out of good times complacency always manifests in someone somewhere out there and gradually propagates as temptation to stay in the box and make the most of it because it's accessible and comfortable. Comfort and ease must be earned, it must come out of transformation, the natural reward that washes over you when you've lived a functional day and feel satisfied in your decisions.
The issue with LOA is that it's present to keep you in the box because it's not about challenge and transformation on the level of revealing and going through the box and to make the most of your box which only panders to the comfortable accessible mindset of "my truth is the only truth" which of course is delusional thinking and denies the absolute frame of reference. NG failed to explain the function of Babylon in keeping you in the box and make that the important part about how we attain satisfaction. Every piece on the neuroscience and biochemistry level that's demonstrating that your body is less functional when you don't go through challenge and that accepting limitation actually destroys your lower meridians functions which in turn depletes your actual vitality and thus manifestation capacity. Layers within layers the story continues to unfold.
Look plain and simple the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the feeling of transcending the box because once it's done then it's done. That's the end. Your "desire" is actually the feeling of pull your body is moving you through that you KNOW is your truth. That's true desire. If then you put what NG says over that you'll win. If you put the desire to be what your in the box limited sense of self desires to keep it from owning its truth and taking responsibility for your own abundance looks like and imagine that then all you'll ever manifest is more peak dip cycles because you're imagining the wrong thing that's not what you actually desire. What YOU desire, from greater consciousness perspective, not what your conditioned limited yang mind desires, are two totally different things and dissolving the importance of your corporeal identification involves going through the challenge of making the most of your available box and burning all those bridges so that it can be done. It's a function of transformation. That's all this manifesting thing is about and why I say that deliberately imagining things to make them happen unless they naturally come through you because you're so filled with vitality and crave challenge because of the satisfying outcomes you experience when it's done. That's what satisfaction and relief is. If that doesn't prove that the language that NG uses is REALLY pointing to what I just said that imagination should be used to go through challenge and get out of the box then I don't know what is. There's no challenge in the box and because you're not spending your vitality correctly into what's nourishing for your form then imagining what the in the box view wants will never actually be satisfying and ever be done because you'll always want more because that wanting is the craving to avoid looking at your truth. Can't you see now?
This is why NG failed to explain it because there's no common sense in what he says. Without challenge being a focus and him using language to CLEARLY explain it then obviously nobody will grasp it. The Babylonians promote this stuff for that very reason.
The doubters will say "Ohhhhhh butt deejayyy whaaaat about deee scrpthhhtting or meyendless athhhermations or subthhhhhhliminalthhhhhsss that malllithested meye ethhhsss peee??" and to that I'll say you've obviously got enough of a supply for the person to want you otherwise they'd never want to be with you. Common sense once again. Nobody on earth is magically enamoured by another person there's always a contrasting exchange of thematics.
The main reason I brought Talmudism and Babylon into the discussion was because of the origins of how endocrine and nervous system dysfunction manifested on a mass scale. Why is testosterone in men going down by over 1.4% every year? Because of all the synthetic trash in everything that regulatory agencies run by the same factions who own everything else allow it into your day to day life and most importantly into the lives of unknowing children who grow up with developmental issues. How will the rave manifest given the current trajectory? The same mechanism. Endocrine dysfunction leading to a new awareness that's required to process resistance because vitality is totally whacked in the 9 centered form which we're at the tail end of currently. This is an undeniable reason why collectively the western world is becoming more and more degenerate, one of the many reasons. Why are farmers who never touch the synthetic trash who live in a totally different world so much more vital and able to smoke packs and drink tons and not suffer the same like Abdullah did? Because they're not dysfunctional to the same degree you and I are having been raised in this world where there's something that will play a role, however big, in depleting your vitality. This is why I target Babylon because why is is to common for people to be depleted nowadays if not for one of the most direct and measurable levels which relates to endocrine and nervous system function. You will not have energy or want to transform if you cannot feel reward from having fried circuits from overstimulation and eating synthetic trash and taking synthetic substances and all this other stuff that so many buy into without realising. That's also the point, it's covert where it's actively something we're all lied to deliberately about. The safety about this stuff has been known for a very very very very long time and common sense would tell you that it's clear that the body isn't designed to process synthetic materials effectively and thus will lodge in us and cause metaphysical manifestations of that in the psyche. I've seen so many cases of individuals who have revealed research which found contrary results to what the regulatory agencies said is good so be passed off to some other agency or someone in another department who's never available instead of actually answering the question. Nobody can ever actually answer these questions with facts and logic and it's always a pass off of responsibility. I find this same trend with people I challenge too where the common thread is to bypass discussing a topic to avoid revealing the ignorance. Diversion is the easiest way which is a narcissistic trait that this Babylonians love to use. I lived with a narcissist who was so self important about everything so I know how naturally and seemingly effortlessly they'll divert and gaslight you for having a view on something and basically frame your position as invalid instead of actually demonstrating using Aristotelian logic that you are incorrect. I know exactly what that's like because I ran up against it almost daily. Anytime someone says "well what about this and this thing you did" then you know you're dealing with narcissism, a diversion of responsibility of owning facts about ones self or not, being the parts that are going to deflate their own importance which is the issue of the box. This same principle comes up and reveals the narcissism in others when discussing contrasting perspectives very commonly too. The narcissistic trait is basically not owning error and having no attachment to being incorrect, because a narcissist (or just this trait under a specific example in someone that's not a "clinical" narcissist) will never admit to being incorrect they'll always dance around it and avoid being seen in a deflated and vulnerable perspective, I always tend to avoid this position and stick to points in a vacuum and demonstrate a foundation then expand instead of dismissing a foundation and jumping to a new one. Debate in the days of the Greeks (Aristotelian logical debate) was something of high regard and now it's seen as something that's negative because it feels bad running beliefs up against each other in revealing that contrast. I welcome it in with open arms because I know that if I don't find an answer then I have refining to do, instead of bypassing ownership of something. Always admit incorrectness instead of bypassing responsibility with narcissistic degeneracy will lead to that discussion being transformative. This is given that both sides are willingly engaging after all instead of getting into someone's space uninvited and propagating ideas where of course you'll get shut down. Have your own platform to speak to people willing to accept that discussion so that you're not taking space uninvited. The issues with discussing a subject that's contrastive to both sides baseline and where their view is at will often get into personal character attacks if the point cannot be demonstrated because without a logical foundation in demonstrating how and why that's not secure the only way to not accept the feelings that perhaps you're not as aware as you'd have hoped because it hurts and would make it seem like you're invalidating your view. The fact is that nobody has to attach their worth or value to an invalid view, we can move past them and transcend them. In the old days of debate thousands of years ago it was common to say that you can attack someone's beliefs without attacking them, and this was because most people who realised they didn't have logical foundation would start to have their self importance challenged (narcissistic trait) where they'd not be able to accept being incorrect at least from a logical basis (sometimes there's rolled up knowledge that needs time to unfold and become a logical train of thought that can be fleshed out in discussion) and this feeling would literally make their view focus on the persons potential issues that would negate their logical point in some way (which often has an air of truth that is why it stings and they use it) or they'd bring in greater context to do "marketing magic" and provide surrounding examples of things that are stretching their point into examples where it's making them seem like they're foolish for believing such a belief, which is a form of gaslighting in trying to get the other person to self defeat and bend to saying "yes of course you're right they're all examples related" instead of having solid foundation and saying "that's beside the point" which it's not. Greater context in discussion and marketing to shift the focus of the subject outside of the details of the point and broaden the view is extremely common and sometimes I even find myself doing this too. We've all got bits of this to become aware of because I believe that someone truly correct could have discussions in a manner that's clear and concise and not attached to needing to be right where their frame can remain focused on the point raised and not buy into the bait and marketing that the other will do because as soon as you bite on that bait you've lost your ground because they warped your view to a point where the worth of your own position was challenged by that surrounding context. Debate skills and discipline are one in the same thing in expressing correct orientation. You shouldn't need logical circuits to debate and discuss and speak truth clearly and concisely and without being pulled all around.
Point being the common reason why we're all blamed to be the problem (which we're still avoiding out truth so that element will always ring a bell of truth within us) when in fact we're all influenced on a design function level where that orientation is warped just as a function of living in this world with all the synthetic trash in almost everything you interact with and consume, not just with your mouth. Synthetic everything is all around us and it will always be a conditioning force, even if just a little but, but it's still there and it's still an influence regardless of your beliefs or view. Nobody is immune to that seemingly invisible factor but that also doesn't mean it should rule your decisions and make you paranoid and anxious because that's then going to become the box you live by. The solution is to always exit the box and take responsibility to the degree you're moved to take responsibility for. Talmudism has always and will probably always be there and so we must navigate correctly to the extent that we have the ability to go through. Going all the way to the degree that we can without forming boxes of limitation is the way but also not accepting the gaslighting that you face when criticized by those who view your valuing of your vitality to be a position of paranoia for that's just another view of lacking responsibility and ignorance coming out which you can disconnect from and not involve yourself with.
Such ideas are once again way way off out of the realm of what most people should be working with and we're getting into the very subtle influences here and their functions in manifestation. You'd never need to even consider most of these subtle factors other than the obvious ones like fasting from excessive stimulus that's not beneficial for your process. Simply using your body and going through the more surface level challenges is the required work to transform a bulk of the limitation. When someone takes quintessence for example it will gradually excrete the synthetic trash that's blocking your body up over time, which is my point that it's a factor in depleting your vitality and that accepting the gaslighting saying that there's something wrong with you for considering all angles of vitality depletion and disowning who's responsible from Babylon is going to eventually come up if you're really taking immortality work to the complete end. Nobody who's on that level even has interaction with the world we live in which is what I've discussed in notebook pages ages ago and if they do it's very limited just for them to play their part in propagating their thematics. This is all highly specific and deeper level stuff that a vast majority of people will probably never even encounter anyway so don't worry about it until you're running up against it anyway. How do I know this is objectively an influence? Because your body will reject it, or store it in fat cells. That's how your body cleans itself metaphysically, reflecting on that physical level. Quintessence targets that process of elimination and moves out not self stuff, including the synthetic trash that's physical and in the psyche. It's a metaphysical cleaning.
The end of the month. Now end of the year.
what have we achieved? Amazing feats. Amazing. Those here who all went through their “what if” scenarios won and those who stayed in the box have to try again. The process of going through “what if” scenarios is incredibly powerful and purifying. Bringing greater context to a spacific concept and exiting the box just as you would for real. You take the action in principle and naturally normalise this process over time. I can be one and done but most people who get there are high on vitality. Everybody else chips away at it which is natural and normal when you go through and look at the bridge.
Going through what if scenarios is probably the most gentle way of nudging you outside the box because you’re basically doing the alchemy I’ve talked about with bringing up the resistance and then when in the depths of doubt you cast the light of “what if” and “so what” and naturally drop importance. You’re not feeling good by focusing on the positive in a vacuum without an in the box sense of self to target but you’re running the limitation up against the truth until it cracks enough for you to break through. This is really what NG means by yielding to the state of the wish fulfilled. I did this many times and always saw benefit eeeeven if it was minuscule amounts of benefit but it was still a benefit in my state. Getting more and more out of the box every day is progress and the only thing that halts that progress is conforming back in the box when temptation comes up to test your blind spots.
Pathway work in combination with gazing is as I’ve always said the only real methods you need when applied correctly. That’s what my personal practise was based on years ago when I started this whole thing anyway. It’s something that in combination with refining sensory stimulus and other common sense approaches you can orient the form and this orient the mind into accepting your truth and shift outside the box.
Brutal take but when you go back to media from the decades gone by you can just sense the increase in vitality of the people vs today where it’s been sanitised and cleaned of all forms of authentic “edge” where being able to call a spade a spade was a common view. I swear that nervous system and endocrine health on a collective level has washed away all DESIRE to be moved the same way because it doesn’t actually FEEL different because the reception to stimulus that’s got edge comes off as nasty and degenerate vs authentic. This is why weak men aren’t respected by women who have value. The contrast needs to exist for the 3rd to experiment and learn. Everyone now wasn’t a to be 5’s and 6’s because of the obvious sanitary conditions of the world and this longing for contrast. That’s why people are moved the way they are. The edge that exists now that cuts through the illusion has been neutered at it’s core and that is within the expression of Yang. Yang that’s authentic and has a overfull sense of root pressure and sacral current backing it up instead of this empty attempt to express this thematic. The empty attempt to emulate what’s impossible to be emulated because the principle of vitality moving those currents with more passion is sanitised. Passion from the sacral satisfaction is sanitised. I don’t think satisfaction I’d a binary either it’s a spectrum of degrees of satisfaction you can’t be in or out though there’s a critical threshold where it does switch over.
The edge to criticise with authenticity and correctness has been made an example of because it touches on the same internal process of alchemical transformation we apply. Process within process.
It’s just plain and simple. The collective endocrine health and nervous system health has been decreased. No surprise that peoples natural expression will be different and more muted just like the pod dwellers. I don’t know how anyone could deny that position just from looking at the artistic expression people live as. This has manifested as people desiring more to stay in the box and now it’s coming out as frustration at the box just like the divine discontent the alchemist talks about. There’s a missing contrast people desire but can’t experience because they’re depleted. Vitality is everything. Babylon has manifested this through us in our complacency to challenge and accepting good enough times making us all weakened and sanitary.
Babylon can only get lost when Babylon no longer appeases the limited in the box mind a vast majority are held to. This contrasting view of responsibility of the mental conditioning that makes us want to be moved by the 5th to be involved in solving the problem when we're not to play that role if you're not defined that way vs those who are and who are actually responsible for playing a part in the solution to Babylon (anything as a manifestation of the program). The idea that a 5th line shouldn't get involved (which is their function and also is their function to move others to action too) in providing the solutions and also inspire others to move with them (whether they're defined or not is actually irrelevant because involvement is as simple as paying attention and feeding it with your view which is unavoidable unless you're fasting from the world) with action and a goal in mind. 6th has no stake in the outcome. They watch. The idea of involvement scares a 2nd who's correct, and I feel them running up against it trying to justify not involving in it and for some that'll also spill over into gaslighting a 5th into inaction when that's correct for the by saying that's not their responsibility because it doesn't impact them, yet a 5th is supposed to play that role if they're moved to do so. Any time you're playing tug of war against a natural striving emanating from truth that's consistent in owning that responsibility to be ourselves. These ideas are where things get messy and complicated.
Above all else your truth should be followed, including above intuitive impulse and I've explained why before. The primary reason why this matters is because you can know which direction to move in despite having limited available vitality to work with that's going to minimise the response intensity. I still question if silent knowledge is manifest through the form or not but it's this rolled up folded invisible sensation of natural striving that you can't express with the senses which is to really be followed. That's the ultimate authority and I believe it lives in the crystal, and as we unfold it quite literally then the pattern of it begins to cast the shadow onto the wall more clearly and the senses can make sense of it. The 2nd isn't suppose to play a part. The 1st provides the parts to play. 5th needs to move them into manifestation and into completion.
The plea of the 5th to move others to action to solve problems shouldn't ever be done with words, in my opinion, well not as a primary method. It should always be done through movement, through the creative essence of action itself, leading with action. Leading with action provides the resonance others will jump onto. A movement to create Penta and Wa. Is this bad? No obviously not. It just seems that there's such a complacent depleted low vitality attitude towards actually solving problems with people and as I've said before I strongly believe that the actual cause of this is vitality depletion manifest on a collective level through the implementations of Babylon. Thus the natural course of events leads to the Rave manifesting through adaptation of such depletion and objective degeneracy. The state you're living in is literally degenerate, and everybody around you is the same. Think about if people had access to more vitality, mostly men that is, and how having sensitivity to actually WANTING to be moved to be rewarded in satisfying experiences so that the relief of completion can wash over and the hexagrams can recirculate and mutate further. That motivating force is dead. Those like myself who seem to have a connection to it still are drowned out under the depletion of the surrounding fields of overstimulated people who cannot be moved into breaking pattern.
Where does the line of unfolding the inner truth without the vitality available but still recognising what must be done to be rewarded (any correct experience for a generator) stop vs being complacent and staying and justifying and making the most of the box of comfort because breaking that would be too challenging for their available vitality despite still being a correct experience that's represented as that secret self knowledge folded up within? Any decision that will result in beneficial outcomes for yourself and those around you and is satisfying to go through is a correct experience for any generator period. I see 5th lines being the most impacted and that the transference of the 2nd is so prevalent and easy to buy into. Why is the trajectory going the way it is now? Because 5th's are depleted and discouraged and subverted. 5th is required to end cycles and birth new ones. The warrior.
5th line is exiting the box by playing it out. There cannot be satisfaction until it's done. The up and down cycle of activity and inaction. Inaction born out of depletion is degeneracy.
I just can't help but see that the degenerate govs of all the countries in the western world are deliberately taking us through a controlled demolition that's born out of pacifying through depleting vitality in covert means. It's so obvious and yet being looked at from being critical and pointing out the manifestation of Babylon runs you into a wall. It's almost as if without a significant vital current behind your words there's a warped reflection presenting to others of that inner truth. Depletion of vitality and stagnation really can be seen to manifest in so many different ways. Considering Chinese are the most overworked underpaid people around (other than the apple slave trade in African countries like Congo) I do wonder how their sacral current is moving. Is that correct for them to live that way and thus they're not depleted because of the sort of cultural conditioning going around? I don't know but you'd think that if we take the average person here and put them under those conditions they'd get ill very fast from sacral depletion. It's interesting to wonder how this is all playing out at such pace, where manufacturing supremacy of China in BRICS that's breaking quality made local products at record pace. It's happening here very very fast. Sufficiently advanced technologies are produced FAR cheaper there and thus because we've destroyed our own (by deliberate and planned self destruction as a manifestation of the depletion of 5th lines failing to rally support for the tribal support structure which is showing up at the cross of consciousness transition) and thus you're forced to either overpay for locally made produce or buy imports. Degeneracy.
I guess those who can't sense that feeling of the 5th can't grasp the movement that happens when one sees such degeneracy unfolding in plain sight. It's like slapping some sense in is impossible without the view orientation to see and it seems that this is the most frustrating part because global 5th vitality has been basically neutered to nothing because we're designed to lead the charge and yet are incapable. It's plain as day and shining in your face brighter than the sun on a hot summers day with no cloud in the sky. Literally unavoidable, yet nothing can be done because of the cross transition, or so it seems. Buying into that view is what made me sick before I believe, because I compromised on playing out the surrounding aspects I was moved to work through (like presenting RS as a model of manifestation) among other stuff but this view has ALWAYS had an undertone behind how and why I'm even moved to do this stuff. 1st to 3rd. Investigative digging to find foundation applied to the 3rd view of power so of course what I find is Babylon. It's natural. It's like 5ths are spinning in one direction and the cross is going the other way. It's not frustrating if you don't view it as an issue though, and thus that secret self within you holding that inner truth doesn't move you through into a different orientation that's contrasting the movement of the cross so you spin together and align. You're not seeing the same reality as a 5th, and yet when you get to the details of how and why the opposite view orientation is rooted in I'd almost 100% of the time destroy the foundation supporting that view if I have those details present to bring into question. Most often it ends up in a situation where the details are never brought to light and so the 1st investigative nature doesn't express to contrast the other view carried with that 5th energy. There's this feeling of desiring to have others move with your motions as a 5th. You're the current moving and motivating and rallying the crowd into penta, one being almost. When that's shut down because of great contrast in view orientation then it's like a slap in the face to natural striving. Are 5ths suppose to supress this orientation? No. They're suppose to own it fully and forget about the fools who can't see what's plain as day. You're designed to lead with courage and power to destroy the complacency of the Babylonian play script to appease the boxes of the weak and blind. You're designed to destroy, decapitate, so own it and own it with courage and fearlessness. Find your crowd who will move with you in balancing the tides of contrast and forget the fools who cannot see and let them naturally reorient through your movement as you're impacting the beliefs of those who previously would've stood in complacency. It's not your task to sway anyone's mind it's your job to move and motivate and your job to lead the movement and condition others to move with you. You're not a 1st you're a 5th. 1st are like debaters, and incorrect 5ths buy into this thinking they need to play a role they're not designed for so get some courage and move.
I believe this also relates at least in part to how manifesting works for 5ths and 1sts and stuff.
It seems that HD should be used here as a method to guide using lines as the binary contrast of who's impacting who.
Ultimately what matters is playing out your truth and unravelling it as you play your notes that you're moved to. In the real world nobody can really live purely from response stuff because sometimes vitality isn't present to facilitate that response that you still know and feel pull for through your truth. Frustration vs satisfaction. Will going through this be satisfying? You won't know unless it's your truth, and in some cases you learn that it wasn't satisfying in the end for a reason. Unrolling the secret self is such a windy road that's not linear in any way. There's no one structure that can be worked with to truly say yes or no because it's highly highly variable and always changing. Only you know your truth and moving with your truth is what leads you to satisfaction. Vitality is the part of this that's required for the form to naturally reveal it without pushing it, and despite what some may think I believe there comes times and places where going against a response can be beneficial given there is truth present in where you're moving. I can 100% bet you've had experiences like this before which bring to question the specific nature of following response. It's common sense when you look at it in a certain angle. What do you want really means what is your truth. WHO is outside the box that you're being pulled to play as? Not the what but the who who has the what. That sense of self shift on the concept and sinking into that. What else is there?
There's so much complexity to this it's insane. No wonder "imagination is God" sells so well. Just go all the way.
Interesting point is that my introduction to NG was all about identification, as in are you tied to the market of Babylon under the NAME you associate to self. Once again it makes me wonder about the hidden message of NG being related to exiting the marketing box of the world and exit through dropping the identification and living as a flesh and blood man as I AM embodied.
Looking at beliefs as line interactions is an interesting view to have because you can then almost see the polarity and contrast to what they're trying to be vs accepting and being which is yielding to the wish.
If you have vitality available then you really can become the person you want to be. The only thing stopping you is your vitality. Your vitality is a currency which cannot be created out of thin air outside of performing inner alchemy, an art even I have yet to master and I only know a few people on earth who have demonstrated this process and achieved real age reversal. The extent of that is still limited however until yet further levels of the work are attained. I don't know anyone who has demonstrated age reversal to anything under 45 from being older. That is what I KNOW to be possible, though in theory more is attainable but the road to get there requires you to completely destroy yourself and that's the most painful thing imaginable. It really is. Doing it requires vitality to attain more vitality. Jing. Correctness.
Even if you make it out of the money box and realise that everything in our money system is truly a big pyramid scheme built on exploiting other peoples vitality for financial profit. They're performing alchemy by tricking you into you willingly giving up your time to accept spending it on something that you probably don't want to and in doing so you produce a material product with actual intrinsic value that you only extract a fraction of a percentage worth back in your personal pockets. In other words you're attaining a fraction of a percentage of the energy you put in as actual currency gained while the rest goes to the beneficiary. This is also the case with online platforms who take a significant cut (in my case it's around 6% which adds up to tens of thousands when stretched over many transactions that I have lost in my time value for participating on a certain platform) and thus leech off your time once again. Your vitality goes to something? What is it feeding? Is it feeding algorithms by just consuming content without producing anything yourself? Your attention is also expending vitality.
This is an interesting idea. Take a list of all the things you're participating in that are expending your vitality and write what you believe is the most to least important factors. From here we can discreetly recognise where the compromise patterns are actually depleting us and where we can profit ourselves by conserving vitality and using it more effectively for our process.
I could talk endlessly on what consumes vitality and what doesn't but it's all personal at the end of the day when it comes to your process. There's common sense things and under that is the specifics of what aids you in cultivating vitality.
I also want to talk about the contrasting perspective of how economic value is attained vs exploited in this world. Everything that a billion dollar corporation does is by nature exploitative, with very few exceptions. It's degeneracy and it's not about free market capitalism it's really corporate aristocracy where the ones with the exponential access to resources will psychologically manipulate and buy up competition to prevent better products from being produced. Since the endocrine function and nervous system health of men especially who harbour the natural competitive drive to destroy their enemies has been depleted it's just another level that Babylon has made manifest this aristocratic economic system. Real "pure" capitalism isn't what's happening now it's exploitative corporate aristocratic capitalism where those who own the most win and they are fierce in ensuring that they'll go to any length to prevent competition. This is what we're facing now. The depletion of competition through the depletion of vitality as part of that manifestation. The contrast to this of course is vitality and competition through producing actual competitive products that are more affordable. This is real free market capitalism which we've been told is what the market is based on but that's so so soooo far from the truth it's almost hilarious whenever someone says we have a free market economy. It's insane to believe that when literally every angle of the metaphysical contrast is being squashed on purpose and this is likely as I said before the effect of the cross of planning switching out. In this sense collective trajectory is pre-determined to force us to accept exploitative corporate degenerate Babylonian market systems built on the backs of destroying competition at any cost. Enough is never enough for them because they must own it all. This isn't actual capitalism this is degeneracy and the people involved should have contrasting enemies to take their heads off without a shred of mercy if this power balance is to be swung in the opposite direction. It's happened all throughout history and it probably will happen again eventually but it won't rid the market of this parasitic ideology.
Why are people becoming more greedy on a personal level? Because the parasitic influence that's sucking the actual market dry of their own capital to invest into competing products are struggling to actually compete due to the corporatocracy owning all the actual wealth for literally no function other than to bleed the people dry of any chance of actually competing with them. What happens at this point when there's not enough money (really it's the value of the dollar going down as it's inflated (which is another issue in itself) when in combination with the above process of parasitism where actual goods increase in value making them more "valuable") for people to invent to compete let alone feed themselves? This mindset is rampant and don't let the fools gaslight you into believing you're entirely the problem for being poor because you're not it's that there's objectively a parasitic influence which during CV (CV-19 never existed at all it was a fabricated story to justify the biggest wealth transfer in history among other things) everybody lost a significant chunk of their already established value in the blink of an eye. People who had access to "enough" money to get by with were suddenly poor for nothing. They were objectively exploited by this, everybody was who wasn't already in business or had investments (which in my opinion investing especially in real estate shouldn't be a thing because then you get a situation like here in Aus where 1% own almost 20% of the property available which is something that should make their heads roll if you had any common sense to see the implications on people who are growing up into this market having ZERO chance of owning without becoming exploitative themselves to some extent to compete which is exactly what Babylon wants) actually lost SIGNIFICANT monetary leverage they could've otherwise had access to.
I've heard these people speak, the housing minister here said in response to the question about how people of my generation and younger having next to no chance at ever affording our own property if prices keep going up "Our government doesn't agree with their views we want sustainable growth". AKA corporate aristocracy where competition from bottom up is eliminated through squeezing out anyone without any financial leverage harder and harder over time which to these people even if everybody operated correctly there's simply no chance that an average job you could get would pay much more than a cheapo rental and certainly not afford a mortgage without a sufficient down payment in which the banks wouldn't let you get the loan anyway due to barely scraping by on the repayments as it is. It's basically that if you don't have your own business or a seriously high paying job then you're screwed, we're talking millions here not just a subset, it impacts everybody on that level, including myself. The reach and objective impact of the system in place cannot be denied it's real and it's something that cannot be ignored as something to have to be worked around. This is what happens, those who aren't impacted (either through correctness or not) don't care and have no intention until it impacts them which is simply a matter of time until their bracket gets squeezed hard enough to pay attention so that idea of burying your head in the sand is stupid. Being in that side of the contrast reveals more about the nature of these systems than being outside of its influence because if you've got 1st lines (what my motivation is) with a power view then you're going to basically be forced to find what and who's responsible for this. It's natural, and the other side of that contrast is going to probably have its own challenges in different ways.
Pointing to the enemy (objectively) and saying to go make heads roll is all great and fun but that obviously won't happen. That view is correct for those of such design, saying it's not is denying the function of contrast in revealing insights about the natural dynamics that unfold in the power structures which have existed forever. Taking responsibility for your own situation on a collective level is next to impossible and according to the next cross cycle will become necessary to survive, but in what world? I personally see the pod life never occurring because of the self correcting nature of consciousness where either a disaster will happen to wash away the progress of the Babylonians just as it has throughout history in various economic resets where empires fall over and start again. I see the Trump train derailing at light speed because it's obviously a significant swing of the pendulum as people grasp at options that will take away their need to take responsibility for their economic situations. He's looking to serve Babylon and mask BB's fall from grace under economic impairment. The zero tax stuff isn't for you it's for them when their capital gains goes through the roof! His whole campaign is filled with propaganda and this is all playing out just as I predicted in 2021 when I said the collective consciousness needs a Trump to rally behind to bypass their own transformation when the only outcome will be more misfortune for those who are in the box. You benefit next to nothing from that while those who will save more money than you ends up instead of using that money to invest in making better products uses that money to pop up investors who already have drained a ton of real world value out of the real world and into subjective speculative assets which only further inflate their own value. Musky obviously endorses Trumpet because of the massive tax cuts, there's always lobbying for tax cuts by the wealthy because they benefit exponentially more and that has implications on how much you'll have access to by taking money out of your pockets in this invisible way as well as increasing debt and lowering actual manufacturing as less money exists to produce goods as it's all tied up in speculative assets with no intrinsic value. It's a cycle of degeneracy feeding itself because of this box that's so easy to buy into. "Trump will save us" says his campaign banners. MAGA. It's all hope, no leading with contrast of the 5th to break down the illusion. No courage to stand in contrast to the degeneracy as a natural rebound co counteract that momentum. Him and all the degenerate parasites who invest on assets which have no intrinsic value to further siphon value out of the economy only propagates collective suffering while lining the pockets of the parasites themselves, all because you bought into the marketing. The inevitable outcome will be 2020 over again. Another wealth transfer, because they can get away with it. He's setting up everybody on the lower and middle classes for hope. Hope takes out the 5th from action and making the correct decision as it would be to distance from those situations if it was a personal circumstance faced to balance momentum and gain vitality in going through the pressure vs staying in the box. This obviously will lead to a peak dip cycle collectively with more seeming bad luck manifesting however it does because the collective consciousness is still not looking at the mirror. Part of the solution of course for the collective about looking at themselves in the mirror and owning their vitality would be a very very gradual process over many years which obviously wouldn't reach a critical degree of momentum given the accelerated rate at which wealth is transferring and so a critical threshold really won't be reached without other circumstances manifesting to reveal the collective shift in consciousness where luck will begin to favour those who are operating correctly.
This element of luck that comes about always has basis in vitality and applying it to self purification. I've never seen someone of minimal vitality speak of stories of luck and great fortune showing up in unexpected ways. Ever. It's that this collective shift will be required to be the contrast to the Babylonian degeneracy for it to ever dissolve, but at that point we must ask how it even came into influence unless the baseline state of consciousness was always depleted. This is the same on a collective and an individual level, however people today are being raised into a system that's going to force them to transform or literally die. The stakes of facing challenge have never been higher and given that your form is being attacked on soooooooooo many different levels it's that only the ones who truly hold the most courage will come out on the other side. I just don't see any chance of a collective shift occurring, it never has and the shift in cross is going to ensure that it becomes a necessity to become self sufficient and not rely on support structures of others for abundance. How does this manifest? Obviously every system now has been built do put small business out of business. You've not probably seen this but there's an absolutely massive shift in local Aussie owned small businesses here being taken out bought up by Chinese investors who employ workers on minimal wage to compete. They're competing with us under a totally different set of rules, and as a result local business is insanely expensive to run and most are barely making profits if at all if you actually speak to the people who work there. Nobody in that sector is having a good time because there's less money in consumers pockets by a significant margin (the Aus private sector here actually SHRUNK in value by over 2.4% this year so that proves this point clearly) and that means less money to spend and so they'll be forced to buy cheap Chinese products who pay less to operate than most other businesses and so since there's more competition for the locals introduced through degenerate policy that's designed to be destructive to local small business then you end up in a position that those who were operating out of their own business get squeezed and eventually can't compete.
Can't you see the trend here? It's deliberate sabotage cutting off what was once well established systems that manifested great abundance leading to more and more struggle for the people who were in a position of abundance to enough of a degree and didn't harbour limiting beliefs to an extent that would seemingly warrant their struggle. This isn't exclusively your manifestation, it's both you getting comfortable in your situation and the external influence squeezing you out and depleting your vitality. The potential avenues for manifestation to unfold are closing up by the day which once again makes manifesting abundance and getting through the limitation all the more challenging which is like trying to climb a hill rolling a massive boulder up with you. Without access to vitality that's within your supply you're going to be screwed. Vitality is more valuable now than ever because vitality enables you to be competitive. Vitality is what will guarantee success and lucky circumstances manifesting in your favor to be able to bypass the impacts of the system to a degree where you're going to be able to more easily establish your baseline of abundance that's sufficient for your process.
Before you could walk into a place that's hiring and get a well paying job easily and since you're able to feel more reward after working you'd not experience sacral depletion the same way. I believe that vitality depletion is truly the root of degenerate beliefs, or at least opens you up to boxes of limitation you get stuck in. All the talk I've gone through lately about the manifestations of Babylon in the world would seem like a box and the ignorant who read that and see negativity and pandering to boxes fail to recognise the dynamics at play here. It's a function of contrast, as all things are. There MUST be contracting challenge to expand consciousness. There is objectively a force in this world out to deplete you regardless of what you believe and it is impacting you no matter your position unless you're outside of its influence which is almost impossible to avoid now so obviously that would necessitate more powerful transformation to take place in order to survive. This means that the positive momentum that can be attained from experiencing your truth will be exponentially higher than ever because the baseline state of the collective is so depleted now. You can at this very moment arguably experience more abundance than any time really ever because of how insane the contrast is at this point so doing the work NOW to refine your consciousness will result in the most dramatic shifts imaginable, given you go all the way of course. Compromise has more impact on your vitality now than ever, It's like the rules here have been amplified 10 fold + in this environment. We are not to give the box any power, not give the Babylonian system any leeway to move us off center into degeneracy. We are to be swift and merciless in our strikes against this contrast and shine our lights in the world to illuminate others through leading by example. That's what 5th does, that's my role, at least in line profile. In order to do that valuing your vitality is required to be the contrasting expression to Babylon and the depletion taking place.
For every factor that Babylon uses to keep you in the box there's an equal and opposite reaction you have available within you to counteract that with correctness, however that may manifest. For some people living in the system and supporting it is correct because they're playing the role to inspire my view to criticize them from the relative perspective of the view I've presented today which is my correctness in the view orientation of power. Being critical of power is becoming more popular now than ever because obvious causes will gain the spotlight of cause for the boxes which of course I'm playing a part in revealing, but on the contrasting side there must also be the other line profiles such as the 6 who just exists in their abundance of correctness not impacted by anything in the system around them. The investigators who study and find details to produce solutions that others can experiment with and speak about and inspire others to try new opportunities and learn about self through those experiences. You see? Being critical of power structures and seeing the obvious manifestations of it is a part of what leads people to becoming aware of boxes which leads into other things in their process.
Everything has a function, a role, an essential part of the progression of consciousness that personally has a collective impact. The only reason why Babylon has such influence is because we've all compromised. Look at collective consciousness like an individual being and we're all like different parts of that consciousness. The more of us that are depleted and holding on then the vitality of the collective will suffer and burn out. This will manifest peak dip cycles and deplete further, which is what's been happening forever as that's the goal of the program. It's to destroy us just enough to extract our vitality for the function of producing another consciousness built upon that extracted suffering. That's what Babylon is here for. That's why your energy is put into nothing of real value to self and it serves the degenerate collective trajectory of self destruction out of wanting to stay in the comfort zones because it's all that's really accessible without going through transformation. That's why I call Talmudic Jews parasites because that's their function as manifestations of the program driving us through the various means employed to extract vitality and move it into a new form, the Ajna of another consciousness you're creating without realising it. This is the cosmology of HD by the way, not what I came up with, though it makes sense. They're basically keeping you comfortable and depleted just enough to keep you going to extract as much out of you as possible like you're being milked for all your live energy out of fear and their incentive is to keep you on the delicate threshold of suffering vs prospering in the illusion of the peak which will only of course lead to another dip. This is one manifestation of LOA it seems with the whole push for mentalism which only manifests this outcome as you feed your attention to creating more algorithmic engagement feeing that collective construct vs your own process of abundance and nourishment.
You cannot avoid this unless you live as your own authority and completely detach from Babylon but of course this will make you a threat to the system of Babylon because it can't have powerful 5th lines inspiring the movements of others out of hope, the 2nd contrast. The 5th provides example to propagate a powerful shockwave of hope through the collective consciousness which can wake them up and grant opportunity for transformation as cracks in their box will begin to form through observing the impact of the correct 5. Fixing problems is what they do and out of that the impact is to move others to question their boxes and gradually Babylon reveals itself in everybody. That thematic of Babylon I mean, not necessarily the specific understanding of the control systems I've spoken about. They face the Babylonian that's revealed to them, so to say in a metaphysical sense. I'm just seeing the control system because I'm designed to see that as how Babylon manifests in my view. I'm just as correct as the other, but when the other denies the validity of this view then obviously they're delusional. They've obviously not seen enough cracks yet to put 2+2 together and still live in ignorance of what's obvious to those with my view. I can see all these different angles, not naturally because my default will always be power but I can interpret the other views because we all have every line within us to some extent.
So to sum it all up and end this one because it's almost 2025 now and I have places to get to. Everything RS teaches you about how to cultivate awareness and vitality and "manifest" things in the world all applies as the solution to the Babylonian system because it's going through the transformation that will have a shift on the signature of the collective. A single powerful 5th can inspire the world. The 5ths break patterns and establish movements of people under their direction. If you've got 5th in you then you're the polarity and contrast to the 2nd that's established now as the dominant theme. Hope. Hope for better. Hope moves to action the 5th in contrast. The 6's who just live inspire the experimental nature of the 3's to develop new things. The 1 inspires the 4 to find personal foundation. The 4's play a role almost as the philosophers of the times. The 1's obviously find foundations and patterns. 2's just explore what they like out of what's been revealed. 5's move all that revelation into movement that the rest of the trigram follows and cheers on, which obviously is how the 2 supports the 5. The 2 supports without being as the 5 because a 2 being a 5 is transference obviously where they're playing a role that will lead to misfortune. Whenever a 5 plays into the peddling of the 2 then they're going to manifest misfortune which is what's required to transform now. We're at that point where we're ending a cycle of established and depleted abundance through the Babylonian system reaching a critical threshold of control and thus a solution is required out of that hope. The moment a 5 buys into "that's not for you to be involved in" then you've lost. You should poke the 2 on the forehead and tell them "watch me" and go about your process and force them to get behind you because discussion isn't your realm, action and inspiration through correct movement is. You're the ones who will destroy Babylon, to be the vigilantes to the system and be painted by Babylon as the ones who have issues. Your character will be attacked and there will be attempts to gaslight you and silence you and do anything against you because you're the threat, you're the contrast to the hopeful thinking that everybody is stuck in because it's easy to be in the splenic binary in the world of the objects and seeing everything from that perspective. You're here to play the role of invalidating the false hope and prove it with action. Talking does nothing. You're useless if all you do is talk. What I'm doing here isn't altering collective consciousness and I've known that for a long time it takes deliberate action into moving people behind a movement to manifest the big shifts. These shifts are unlikely to be personally abundant in the conventional sense and understanding that and accepting that is what will free you because you're expecting to manifest a life like everybody else but that's not what you're really designed for in this time. Being unconventional is what's revealed in the 4 and you're taking those insights of individual truth and that rolled up knowledge that something needs to change and applying it. All you have to do is cultivate vitality and be moved with that to its end. Compromise will manifest significant back luck and misfortune for not playing your role. You've got it probably the hardest because of such pressure coming from the contrasting view that you've got to what's established and expected so there's more boxes but that's where you're at and that's what must be done.
Cultivate space. Drop excessive stimulus and unroll the knowledge within. Do pathway work on that and reveal your truth. Feel into it and feel all the conditions. Go into the "what if" scenarios and go through them in contrast to where your truth is. "So what". Die in battle. Win. Always remember that your sense of self determines what you can manifest in inspiring others to be moved to change in their personal lives. You must be the shining light that guides others in the dark. Live it yourself and become the embodiment of that contrasting thematic in reality and manifest what is within you without a shred of mercy. You'll truly be unstoppable if you prioritise detaching from easily accessible rewards in the modern world of instant gratification and detach from the systems that keep your vitality depleted. Embody the radiance and abundance of vitality and move others with your supply. Move them into correctness through your contrasting nourishing truth. Own it. Get up in the morning and gaze on it and then go move your form through that energy you've stabilised. Move it through you. Then nourish yourself in correct decisions. Live the embodiment of your perfection in all ways. Log them down and refine the list. Go all the way and never stay in the box. Get involved locally and form your movement and lead with courage and embody that Leonidas type energy, a warrior of truth who cuts down the contrast like a hot knife through butter. Be merciless. Relentless. Ruthlessly brutal and unwavering in your fury and passion for vitality and propagate it far and wide. Complete the great work. Living that life is your process of perfection if it's resonant to your truth. You know where I'll be.
That's the end of 2024.
Big year. Middle of 2020's. LV up time.
So the relief that washes over you can be stretched out over time. If you purge not self trash and get out of the box the effects can take time to materialise, but more often than not you'll gain positive momentum if you're going through a dip and identifying with correctness vs the box. Just going through it will end up with a steady momentum streak.
Removing excessive sensory stimulation (including fantasising about in the box identification), spending time in the great sun, moving like you're a living art form, speaking your mind, expanding your box and breaking patterns, doing all this stuff is the foundation of RS as far as I'm concerned. I don't care about this whole response stuff I don't know a single person on earth who cannot benefit from any of these things if they're depleted and don't feel like doing any of it. This alone will magnetise abundance like nothing else. You'll move, you'll meet and establish new connections that are meaningful. You'll just thrive. As I said before it's now easier than ever to reach heights of abundance. The people in the days gone by were less overstimulated as a primary factor and on top of that they were more active and dynamic because they didn't have instant access to resources that could be delivered. This opened up avenues for manifestation to unfold and kept the boxes open. If you're stuck in the box then start here. Stop thinking and get into your body, break pattern, drop sensory stimulus and be ok with not having. Embrace it and go through the what ifs of not having and feel the contrast dissolve the attachment as you desensitise to it. This is normalising a new state of being, a new sense of self.
Whenever people comment saying that they did sense of self work and all that telling me they're not getting results I know they're still in the box and living in their heads because the common pattern is people who are going to live the same patterns they know don't serve them. They know it even if they don't consciously recognise how or why. This is part of the self correcting mechanism. It's really about going through these unknowns and accepting the what ifs, taking a leap of faith almost. I guess that's another angle on faith.
I also get comments of people saying I say to do this then that and that I'm changing things but I'm not it's just different angles on this stuff. It's all theamtic and the alchemical transformational process is always the same, it's just how that's experienced and how those thematics are moved can be mediated by various processes that all work. I just don't see anyone who's working with the form first and foremost can fail because the very vital current that's moving through you determines your identification phenomena and this has been very very well studied and known for millennia. It's something that requires no conscious action other than to orient the form through engaging state streaks in breaking patterns to normalise that into familiarity and on top of that undergo the alchemical transformation.
To free yourself from desire you must be equal to it in essential current which it represents as manifest in the world. You're vitality matching your end, essentially. This is the thing, you must have the vitality available to be the contrasting perspective for those involved in your movement through this experience because others will (almost) always have involvement and if you're a supply for them of what you're manifesting then they'll WANT to engage with you in seemingly magical ways. The ways and means we do know now Neville it's not a mystery. It's alchemy. Alchemy requires two substances to interact to form higher order substances and if the heat which heats the flask containing the substances to be separated from the element is too weak then the fume cannot be purified and recaptured into a new form. Your consciousness REQUIRES sufficient heat from the lower meridians to raise vitality through those crystallised resistances to break them down and purify them. This is alchemical fact that every function imaginable that's transformative will be bound to.
This is the fact that's clearly avoided and seemingly deliberately covered over to hide this fact and keep people ignorant of how it works. It took me over a decade of intensive trial and error to figure this out let alone actually understand it. NG when he said "don't lift a finger to make it happen" only makes it worse because for MANY people that's a correct decision to make because they can feel the pull but they're afraid. All SATS is doing for this person is dissolving the contrasting view that bring up the breaking of that naturalness and state streak which then keeps them in the box. YOU DON'T NEED SATS TO TRANSFORM IT! You can JUST DO IT! Seriously. If you're pulled and you're staying in the box then obviously no amount of imagining without sufficient vitality will ever dissolve it. Facing the fire for real in the world and going through it WILL transform you, if it's correct. Everyone out there appeasing the 2nd line view of "it'll always work out" and that "don't lift a finger to make it happen" AKA don't live as a 5th then you'll be screwed big time stuck in the box forever until you realise it's all a bunch of nonsense when you read RS or such work. The moment you go through it, to any capacity, you're performing alchemy. Going all the way completes it to the point where there's no hesitation, no tug of war, no peak dip, nothing to lead the pathways out of naturalness into compromise and staying in the box. Just owning it and going through it means you win because you're dissolving it, that's providing that you don't go ahead and deplete yourself significantly which will open you up to falling back into the box right after.
I want to focus more on the feelings and sensations of different aspects of the manifestation process and how it's all experienced over time.
Whoa we've reached 1060 pages. That's insane. I've typed out 375 pages of work in just 2 months. That's how hard I've been going at this lately. It's crazy because I've had comments of people on the YT channel saying that I've not been demonstrating my work. It's an obvious manifestation that came out of the dip I went through right before new years where I was facing the integration of Babylon into RS to a more complete degree, though I've still barely touched on that. I've had WAY more time studying Babylon than any other subject, and much of my study turned out to be offshoots from that work. Either way they're correct, demonstration of RS is the point. My process hasn't involved manifesting physical stuff at all because all my attention has been here in applying myself to "finish" RS so to say. I just don't think I can take it further than this at least from my current view of things. I'm aware that the all is energy thing goes beyond all this but that's still missing the mechanics of how potentiality exists and unfolds into manifest form. There's a whole process there that I've outlined in the alchemical side of things.
It seems that in order to take RS to the level where it's mainstream it will require a focusing on the physical manifestation side where I'll be demonstrating experimentally where this applies and what I did to get a result. Say I make the goal to manifest a castle or something wild that'll blow the LOA influencers out of the water. That's big even for me to be honest but it would be crazy to see. It's like RS needs a story or something that's going to be sharable like "DJ manifested ____ using RS and nobody has done that before" kind of stuff to get people talking about it. Being the 5th line. Living the 5th life. Leading with that energy. How do the influencers get big? Looks and attitude. That's it. What are people marketed through? Highly stimulating appearances and stories and an appropriate attitude. Leading with the 5th. "Look at me and follow me". Since it's the new years now and RS has been pretty much fully developed on the theory side It's time to train hard and manifest the appearance. Training hard and nourishing your vitality is where it's at for that. Applying the nourishment model fully.
Expand awareness into the whole house and feel the feeling of that.
Crazy stuff here but after eating a nourishing meal you'll often find you'll be able to feel "better" to a degree that's bringing up contrast if you're depleted. Like the qi just washes over you (that's providing the meal was nourishing and not processed trash that depletes further and uses more energy than it gives which is what Babylon wants for all food) and it nourishes you and you feel the shen rising up and "lifting" your spirits quite literally. It's a very simple yet powerful method of actually enabling you to have available current to run up against resistance.
I can almost hear the whole universe (all the elements of it) in this music. The days of this stuff being made are dead. Creative essence and people who aren't so overstimulated to be able to feel into these subtle currents and write music on them are gone. Those days are forever gone. They will never ever return. Treasure what's here and be nourished in the silence of your own inner voice.
Wagner was wholly and rightfully in critical eye of Talmudism as the source of degeneracy over the creative essence and culture of the people of Europe. They've been the source of cultural degeneracy among other levels because Babylon is parasitic by nature of its existence and everything it stands for, to distort and subvert to deceive and influence collective trajectory by focusing attention into the planned distractions which manifests their will without you having a clue what's going on. Feeding it your attention is how they manifest the control system that you willingly defend because it only serves your delusions. Utter degeneracy. You're empowering Babylon by not removing your attention from it and allowing it to influence you (the visceral reaction one has when questioning certain events for example which then leads to the greater context of bringing other elements in to defame the character of the person bringing up such questions that are punishable in many countries, obviously by the ones who write the "law"), hence everybody who collectively believes in the fabricated history is continuing to manifest the illusion of Babylon. You're responsible regardless of if it's a personal experience or not. That's a cop out excuse to avoid the brutal bitter hard truth that you're ignorant of the Babylonian influence over collective trajectory.
Why are we so overstimulated? Why is it enabled so easily? What's so clearly destructive to creative essence (when learned after the fact when the damage has already been done) has been made readily available and effectively freely distributed and turned into culture (the culture the Austrian painter spoke so strongly against) that's been warping the potential creative power of human life. The cross of planning transitioning. I don't believe the stars are fixed in their movements, I believe the stars reflect collective consciousness, as Ra said, but at the same time a fixed direction of movement must've been set to establish movement in the first place. Regardless of first cause, transforming our consciousness to see Babylon in ALL it's manifestations and cutting it out swiftly and without mercy IS YOUR FUNCTION! Vitality has been so depleted that cutting out the physical manifestation of Babylon has become the challenge where they'll make it more and more easily accessible to self destroy and defend such degeneracy because there's no contrast to shine light, just as we do with inner alchemy to purify the disproportionate pathways and reveal our truth.
Why would you accept the physical manifestation of Babylon when there's a clear and present sign of it in your every movement of life. You involve yourself in Babylon every day without realising it. That's how ignorant you are. Blind as a bat who can't even see in the dark. Useless. Degenerate. Contrast. Divinely weak in creative essence. Unfocused and unrefined in your artistic sacral connection to greater consciousness. How did the architecture of ancient Greece resemble such divine insights about how energy moved through consciousness if not for people who were very well in tune with themselves at baseline, and were use to it and saw no contrast in that, because they weren't overstimulated and weakened as we are today. The warriors who fought not for mental ideology but for the preservation of creative sacral current that manifests as divinely proportionate art through the potent in this world who are of right design. Can you see the functions revealed? The manifestation of the inner experience of the thematics of consciousness which move us into our own inner insights? These refined forms of art are effectively gone, at least at baseline. There's people out there still who can tap into such current and manifest it but it wouldn't be anybody who lives the lives that are culturally acceptable. Babylon. Babylon must destroy the sacral essence because they have none and they hate its manifestation. They will stop at nothing to destroy all who possess it. That means anyone who is highly potent in vitality and using it correctly. This thematic perception that's made manifest through us in art, the way we move, the way we speak, the way we write, the music, the theatre, the architecture, the way of life. Everything is depleted now. I've said this some months back too, for a reason. The world we live in today is dead. The cross of planning is finished. We must apparently bend over and accept our fate as Babylon presses forward day by day destroying all who possess divine creative essence. How can one simply accept such a fate? To accept being stood on under the boot of these parasites and justify it through the fabricated illusions of victimhood, narcissism. Degeneracy. Justify your own destruction by covert means.
Form response and the degree by which it can move you depends on your vitality. Vitality is their greatest fear because it's the only contrast against Babylon that exists thematically. Parasitism vs vitality. Cultural degeneracy and watering down of coherent creative potency or creative vitality and free manifestation of life and all things of divine order reflecting the thematics which define our functions as human consciousness. This is what you face. Why are you seeking Reality Synthesis? Because of Babylon. You're looking for a solution to the influence of Babylon in your life. Reality Synthesis is that solution. This is where it comes full circle back to the origins of where RS began. RS began as a model to challenge atomism and germ theory but expanded out into what it is now over the years. That's where my creative essence went to. Lots of it. Manifesting things in the world was never the point. Your creative essence must go somewhere. If you have none then how can you purify your consciousness and manifest the form it's driven to take? HD can't work in a vacuum and neither can LOA. RS connects it all together, it's the first model to do so. The nourishment model. The only model that includes Babylon and all the manifestations of it in the world. RS swiftly refutes the ignorance of those who believe in the fabrications of Babylon without a shred of mercy.
The world our ancestors lived in was far more abundant in life than we have today. Far more. We gradually accepted Babylon into our lives without realising it. That's the cross of planning going away. The acceptance of the depletion of our vitality, having formed all our support structures on the culture of accepting Babylon. You all fell for it, and so did I to some extent. I somehow had eyes to see this when I was just 15, not the full extent but some. Growing up with such a perception reveals a lot about how reality works, seeing patterns in the world nobody else can see let alone understand. Gazing broke the veil of the personal reality illusion but Babylon still stands behind the shadow. Just because you can see your secret self doesn't mean you can see Babylon in the world and how it's depleting your vitality. They're totally different views. The metaphysician can see both levels under the same context, which is what RS reveals.
What practical implications does this have? Fasting from the world and getting out of the Name identity box of the corporate identity that binds you to participating in Babylon without realising. I already said this but you're not your name, you're I AM. That's how NG was first revealed to me, it had nothing to do with manifestation. I'm one of the few who had such an introduction it seems. Why was this revealed to me? Likely to lay the foundation long in advance for this manifestation now to unfold as another level. This all naturally happens. I spend a few days disconnecting from my study and I speak with clients and then I feel inspired to write and this comes out of me. I don't spend time contemplating it's all spontaneous. I see Wagner in my music folder and it brings everything out of me. Writing as I listen. That's creative essence in manifestation. A very neutered form of it but still. The men of this world are weak depleted boys who measure their worth by the culture of Babylon and not from their divine creative expression, at least the generators. That's not just artistic expression but expression of all archetypes in accordance with natural striving towards higher order, just as in days gone by. If these men woke up tomorrow with the drive of the ancestors the Talmudic Jews of Babylon would lose their heads in a matter of hours. Those who die in battle go to Valhalla. It applies on all levels. Don't think you're exempt from the metaphysical and alchemical functions that would naturally move you to express and protect your creative essence and the creative essence of the collective. The only reason we're here is because of psychological manipulation and artificial scarcity which drives people to degenerate self destructive patterns. That creative essence was bypassed by covert means and got the mind involved. Subversion and distortion, not playing on an even field so to say. Using the weaknesses against the natural movement to turn the tides. Thus Babylon established influence and we are where we are today. Collective endocrine function and nervous system function is rapidly declining and Babylon is very pleased with the results.
What are you going to do about it? "That's not my responsibility". Nonsense. You're not led to be moved by a power of 5th nature. You're here to move with if you're not 5th. You're absolutely responsible but you don't initiate. That's my role. I'm leading the charge. 3/5 profile. You're absolutely responsible for the trajectory given leaders, AKA 5th men who are of high virility and understand what dying in battle really means and how to become invincible under your correct movement will move you to action in their leading. This is my greatest manifestation. Do I have the vital current to fulfil what's within though? It all rests on that. Resisting temptations of Babylon to deplete ones vitality out of comfort. The more fire you walk through the more courage you will have and the more 5th leading power you will gain to move the world to your direction of charge. What are you going to do about it?
Babylon wants no more people to gain influence like the Austrian painter. They make it almost impossibly to rally people like he did. They fear that the most. The fear strong powerful virolent men who are above the influence of Babylon because they cannot stop these people on their own without deception and subversive influence. No Talmudic Rabbi has the power in himself to stand against someone driven by the raw fury of Odin. That’s what they fear most, aside from facing their own narcissism. The Austrian painter was a 1/5 profile. Projector. No wonder he could rally the people with ease especially having his root connected to his spleen to his throat. Was a very powerful speaker. That’s how Germany rallied against cultural degeneracy because that contrast was made known about who’s responsible for the death of traditional cultural values and subverted by the same factions who lend money. The same red shields who lend money to this day. Keeping you in this box. The box that serves you. Will you cut off the hand that feeds you? Will you stay in the box?
Solutions must be presented. Speaking the contrast that must be heard must first be established without fear of being shut down by the goons wearing black Kevlar who get paid by the factions who lend money to defend them. This will be the resistance we face. Peaceful so called protests achieve nothing and never have. Why? There’s no impact on the status quo when it comes to Babylon in an immediate manner. This box nobody seems to want to admit to still continues to bind the hands of those who can speak and rally. Nobody has the guts to accept things for what they are and feel through it and make the decisions that are tough. Contrast. Bring the truth to the resistance and allow the purifying fire of life to blaze and purify the degeneracy that’s stagnated the flow of vital current in the consciousness of the people comprising the culture. Can’t you see the same process? It’s alchemical. It’s all alchemical. It always has been and always will be. Why do you resist the fire? Resist the truth. Because it hurts. It means you’ll die to yourself as Odin did before he felt the truth.
Solutions? Rally online isn’t possible. This is monitored and controllled and has no real powerful leading impact with aura to aura interaction. Physical rally must be attained. Who will rally? Those with eyes to see and ears to hear. The common folk who are tired of Jewish elites who own everything making them accept economic suicide (planned demolishion of the exonomy to cause chaos and feed off the suffering like what’s happening in my country) and cultural degeneracy and being second grade citizens in their home land. The more people this impacts the more they’ll want a solution. The true solution is self transformation but we know that’s not going to happen, so a self correcting balancing act must always manifest. A leader to rally the people who see the issues but can’t as individuals make shifts. Trumpet is a Jew plant to appease this crowd which I wrote about in 2021. It’s that he’s playing a role to appease the contrast in peoples eyes about what needs changing and make all the 5ths who aren’t under Babylon bend down and accept it. Solutions are simply to make the correct decisions and act outside the box with faith in the end, to hold a firm vision of your turn and to be moved by your truth. Rally the people and reveal the true contrast at play. Have the guts to say what other people feel but can’t express in words and they will resonate with you and they will be moved by you. They will support you because you bring them hope, hence why a 5th must do it. A 5th must lead those pathways and awaken truth in the people. What happens from there will all be natural.
It's crazy how much faster the notebook runs with 9200mhz overclocked ram. Trying to hit 9400mhz is a pain but I'm close. Overclocking is fun. Pushing the limits of what's possible. No LN2 though.
So cultural degeneracy is a very subtle and subversive manifestation of what has now become the "AI revolution". Taking humanity, that creative essence I spoke about, out of everything and replicating humans without soul being present. This seems to be the goal of Talmudism, to replicate humanity virtually and create a sort of robotic reflection of the world. We are their slaves after all, as it says in the Talmud. Man I'm so glad I went though that barrier I had to talking about this last week. Filters out who can see the real metaphysical side and who can't. The personal stuff is just one level of this which I've sufficiently explored to create a practical basis. The whole point of Babylon is to strip out uniqueness and replicate a homogenised ideal as the standard in virtual form, as a robot that can only mimic what the real creative essence can bring into the world through us. They cannot ever replicate that because it's alchemical.
My point last night was that if you go back in time to antiquity, and even to some extent "modern" history, then you'll see gradually over time bit by bit that creative spark is being put out without anyone realising it's happening. This is really the function I'm getting across, humanity functionally depends on generative creative manifestation to move people through culture. The cross of planning we've been through which is now going away and now you'll see everybody wants to instead of create physical products that have tangible value we're all moved to create media or something online to make money. It's like the vitality has been so depleted that you'll only be moved to create what's available.
I actually see more and more and more and more holes in HD inner authorly idea by the day as I experiment and experience and contemplate on questions Ra probably didn't go through himself. I cannot see how correctness is ALWAYS based on the first impulse one has, which would be based on limited vitality availability AND limited opportunity availability to make manifest ones truth. What I mean by this is that if someone feels an impulse to move and that's currently what the truth is in their awareness and they move with that then the outcome is going to be beneficial but at the same time if that same person had access to far more vitality to move them through the sacral response, like the ancestors had at baseline, then the direction would be significantly more visceral and likely manifest more substantive results in the world. It's like the degree of available vitality, kidney yin feeding into the liver meridian for example which I believe is really how the generative function plays out (turning yin to steam under the minister fire below which then nourishes shen in correctness) determines the substantive quality of what manifests out of their creative essence. Their uniqueness, true uniqueness, their potential. It's like everybody is living at 10% potential, consuming content created by people who have next to no actual substance to manifest with. The more substance you've cultivated within you the more capacity you have to transform that available vitality into manifest substance in the world. This is a theory I had last year that I come back to on occasion but it makes more sense now. Cultivating yin seems to be what leads to physical produce being manifest, and since that's been collectively depleted in the western world then of course what comes out of this world is all substance that's not tangible but intangible such as information and whatnot. The manufacturing is done elsewhere because of that metaphysical substance being available to manifest produce.
I look at why the economic situation in this country sucks more than ever now, and how everybody is being impacted. Why? Basically all real production has been depleted and made impossible to be functional due to degeneracy of green policy, just like in the EU. All the same factions I talk about in Babylon responsible as always. Creating a problem that doesn't exist and then making us feel bad and gaslighting us for not conforming and punishing us for not playing our part. This is crushing uniqueness, ones potential. One will self sabotage to fit in instead of manifesting what their truth is, and this compromise that's occurring collectively is boiling up the unconscious fury for Babylon until another peak dip cycle plays out as it always has. The economic situation comes home to roost in your back yard only when its bad enough to impact you. Correctness doesn't ensure you'll be unaffected, it just means that what you see in view out of that will be what you need to see, not that your physical manifest experience will always be "abundant" because experiencing that contrast for yourself moves you to be playing a more involved role because there's no way for you to avoid the impact of Babylon which everybody wants to do until the last moment when they can't take it no more. Just like what happens in your personal process in avoiding the facing of resistance.
It seems to me that production of real valued goods has been depleted more and more and more until there's just not enough made to hold up an economy of real tangible value and it's all artificial stimulus that's propping it up which once again is just an inversion and a replication of real human creative essence. The fiat banking system, Jew run of course, just as it always has been, will always fail because it's foundation is consumerism and not production and cultivation. Production is driven by only those who are in a position of power to exploit the weak who bend the knee and accept bottom of the barrel dregs of profit from the product which often is rarely enough to survive and so you continue to be exploited for your vital substance and creative essence feeding their system instead of producing actual product of real value and impact out of your own availability. The economic model itself, literally is a manifestation of Babylon. Exploitation of worth and the gradual depletion of collective creative essence through that. It's degenerate and is so plain to see. It's then only amplified in impact through policy made by the surrounding factions. When people are so depleted you end up with economies that are based on completely artificially created non useful product. Information is not tangible and everybody is now looking for information not because it's going to solve their problems but because it's easily available, and it's made available so easily for a reason. It's the means by which a response can be had that's within the box and keeps people within the box. It's the established culture that's seen as the way for individuals to make their own supply of monetary income while expressing their inner creative essence into something so it's not sitting and stagnating. The thing is that since everybody is so detached from real life skills and being involved in the world outside that nourishes us we're now encouraged and almost forced to work inside in a virtual world where people are distant and disconnected from each other more and more and it's normalised as acceptable more and more as the systems transition.
Can you see the big picture now? Cultural degeneracy is how this all plays out at the start. I can clearly see all of these levels manifest in the world. There's more to touch on that I've got rolled up that will be manifest soon. The simple message here is that we're overstimulated and underproductive for a reason. It's by design. By design by the same factions the painter railed against and rallied the people in common cause against. Only a blind fool who's stuck in their box would have a bad reaction to saying the Fuher was right after all. The people loved and supported him for a reason you fools. Can't you see the manifestation of that in the world today? The clear and obvious and present situation that underlies every decision you're making. You're playing Babylon's game and think you're outside the box, or think it's correct expression when there's limits on your potential within the walled garden of Babylon. Step into your real uniqueness and own your vitality and you're stepping over that line. Owning your vitality and its free manifestation in this world means stepping over that line and living as the example who inspires others to do so in their own lives so that a new ceiling of what's possible can be attained. Playing in Babylon is the box of all boxes to transform, next to integrating all the Olympian archetypes/planets of course. The point of comparison only reveals itself when you're going to run up against that box willingly out of abundance and movement to express your uniqueness in this world. That's what Babylon despises the most. Babylon must hide behind fabricated history to market to you and establish the invisible boxes that chain you to the ground and unconsciously restrict your potential for creative expression of your vitality in this world. What are you going to do about it?
I don't believe that the 11 center humans called Raves would manifest if not for Babylon warping creative essence over centuries of exploitation and subversion through false history about who and what we are and what we are capable of and through cultural degeneracy which is how they normalise and make accessible self destruction without contrast present to challenge that status quo. You're running up against the box of Saturn doing this work. This is why the alchemist called the immortality work the work of Saturn. You're always running up against the box or accepting limitation as a condition on your creative expression in the world. The Austrian painter spoke clearly about the subversion of Babylon in destroying all things that are "intelligent" and "of God" as in divinely inspired out of abundance of vitality. Their mechanism of depletion is through depleting vitality in all the ways I've discussed. He was never a supremacist (unlike the Talmudic Jews who invert and warp to gain influence through deception) but simply someone who admired the work of people who are in touch with themselves. Germany at the time was a dystopian nightmare. All those people were waiting to be led through the contrast because they lacked the courage to do it themselves. When a strong leader showed up to reveal the contrast they've been accepting and offered clear solutions then there's an available opportunity for response to drive change. Opportunity and availability. Leading with the energy of the 5th. You see how that works?
It feels good to go back to talking about the roots of RS. The study of Babylon. Talmudic Jews and the fabricated history. That's what led me to question physics and medicine and the rest is history. It was always the study of Babylon. Going through LOA and explaining the misconceptions with RS was what I did with those other areas before I went down this path. It was always the same process in the end. Breaking up Saturn. That's my function. Revealing and breaking down the box of Saturn. The box nobody else can see because they're not designed for it.
The solution to all this stuff we're facing is truly to be led as we once were by strong leader who has the eyes to see. Individually this isn't going to work, and that's because collective vitality is depleted and availability of opportunity to transform is null and void. Leaders of the right orientation bring contrast to the collective awareness and inspire breaking of pattern. I don't see radical transformation happening in the individual at all unless some major shift forces contrast into their awareness. It's been made almost impossible to remove Babylon from influence and it seems that according to the procession of the cross of planning into the sleeping phoenix that the trajectory is set in stone. It will be an individual experience of expression and authority.
"You can't trust authorities around you anymore so stop" Says Ra. The age of the individual moving out of tribal circuits.
My SP literally told me "what have you done to me" as in how she's literally all over me all the time now it's wild.
HMPV. Another scam. Human metapneumovirus was first discovered in 2001 in the Netherlands by Bernadette G. van den Hoogen and her colleagues.[6][7][8][9] HMPV was first detected in the respiratory secretions of 28 young children in the Netherlands and had initially stood out from other common respiratory viruses because the testing methods van den Hoogen et al. had tried using (immunological assays using virus-specific antibodies and PCR-based methods using virus genome-specific primers) were only able to test for known respiratory viruses and, therefore, were unable to identify the novel virus.[6] It was not until researchers began applying molecular biology techniques that the genetic characteristics and portions of the genomic sequences of the virus could be identified; these techniques included the randomly primed PCR technique which obtained the limited sequence data needed to reveal a clear relationship between this new virus and the avian pneumovirus.[6] It was this close relationship to AMPV that gave rise to this new virus being named human metapneumovirus[6] to reflect both its identity as a metapneumovirus and its use of humans as a host organism.
If you read that fully you'd see the issues in their method of so called Isolation. "Portions of the genomic sequence". That right there is the smoking gun that proves germ theory to be a joke, well specifically virology as it's taught. They use guesswork to take a mixture of secreted HSLAM cells (monkey kidney cells most commonly) in a culture that has been mixed with trypsin and bovine calf serum and sometimes penicillin to break down those cells when mixed with the mucus from the patient and then take that cacophony of genetic material and run PORTIONS of that through metagenetic sequencing which stitches together what they BELIEVE is an isolate (which obviously is a mixture of all sorts of genetic material due to cellular breakdown of the HSLAM cells) and then run that through a phylogenetic method which compares (what they said about the relationship to other so called isolated viruses) to manufacture a genome for something that was never isolated. All contagion experiments have never demonstrated this before either. Modern physics and germ theory are funded by the same factions spoken of above, for a reason. I'll destroy anyone who thinks that germs are causative in disease processes swiftly and without mercy. Jewish fairy tale peddled to control and peg person against person. The history of this goes back at least to the days of England when they were trying to come up with reasons to control the movement of ships (Jewry was in Britain at that time because they were using the Napoleonic wars as their crisis to exploit to get rich by shorting the pound under false flag operations by fooling everyone into selling out of fear of Napoleon showing up next) by saying that they'd carry back disease from offshore and some people needed to not be involved who were important for these exhibitions due to the fairy tale of contagion. They never proved it, but the myth carried on. If you believe that to this day then you've been deluded by Babylon. "Oh it doesn't impact me because it's not a first hand experience". Yeah right what a cop out. Get a clue. If the foundation of a belief doesn't stand on any levels then there's no truth there, only delusion. Delusion sponsored by the same people who have no creative essence who must be parasites off everybody else's work to attain resources. They lend money that doesn't exist and use debt to get rich by creating artificial wealth. "money is just energy". Yeah right sure thing pal it's all debt and doesn't exist in any form but that debt that empowers the printers is apparently equal to your cultivated energy? What a joke it doesn't have any value whatsoever. One "unit" of vitality is worth all the money in the world because the value is all arbitrary.
Point is there is no such thing as a contagious infections agent of disease that is causative in that disease process. That's a Jewish fable used to control which is why they fund this so called science and continue to repeat the fairy tale just like the holohoax and the quantum mysticism. LOA is just another distortion on real alchemy and metaphysics.
I'm seriously considering posting on bitchute or Odysee my findings that demonstrate my point clearly about the manifestation of Babylon in this world and the, as far as I'm concerned, irrefutable evidence of the holohoax to finally break enough cracks in the wall to have a one place where it's all present and clear to view the manifestation of Babylon in the world to reveal the contrast which is much needed. This may, in hopes, inspire a propagation of this view further into eventual mass adoption which will move the hearts and minds of the people to expel Babylon from the world, at least for a while. Revealing the obvious manifestation of Babylon has truly been why RS exists in the first place, not to explain LOA. This was just another area by which exploration was taken to reveal things that needed to be revealed. My impact in this community it seems will have a far broader reaching impact. I stand by every word I said about the Jewish supremacists who own everything, Talmudic Jews, remember. Not the peoples but families and factions within. Why am I speaking these things? Because contrast exists in the form of Babylon who has been responsible for propagating and supporting and enabling the ideas of mind magic and making it profitable for those who partake in the box. Enabling the illusions to be bought into through providing distributed wealth that they themselves own the means of and control it's distribution through manipulation market conditions with the media they too own. Law of assumption/attraction I do believe came out of Babylon. Hence why my whole position here I've taken over this time has been to reveal the illusions under the surface, the mechanics and metaphysical alchemical functions of consciousness which explain and explore the phenomena of LOA. Babylon. Contrast. It all goes back to the boxes we've accepted.
These same parasitic filthy Talmudics are causing the destruction of my country as I write this and nobody is hanging yet. NONE of them are hanging and their heads are yet to be put on spikes and made examples of. Why? Because men are weak cowards with no vigour or fury from decades of pacification both mental and chemical. It's disgusting and degenerate. Most people know there's something that must be done but won't want to go to the "extreme" because of the responsibility it would mean taking up. The ancestors held not a shred of mercy for Talmudic Jewry and they were mercilessly destroyed. Why? Because they are indeed the manifestation in the physical of Babylon, the same Babylon that tempts you into degeneracy and depletion of your creative essence. Fools. Utter fools. You really think this is all just a coincidence. What a joke. It should be that the fools who still somehow cling to such an outlandish view should be ridiculed to bring contrast for self reflection. Everybody has a right to believe whatever they want but when it comes to a point of denying a clear and present danger in the world impacting every movement of our lives then a correction must be played out to restore balance. This is functionally happening as we speak. Your views are sponsored by the same filth that propagates the destruction of my country and my people and my culture. Utter degenerates. I hold no mercy for their destruction just as I hold not a shred of mercy for the boxes which I run up against and purify with the divine purifying fire of life. Perhaps that's why they came up with the term "holocaust" which means sacrifice by fire to make fun of us for continuing to accept the box they've put us in while blindfolded. The 6 million number has come up over 30 times 50 years before the war. What a joke they're making fun of you in the very beliefs you buy into.
LOA only exists to make money for those who preach it, because it's a multi billion dollar industry now. RS has refuted LOA. Money, the box that LOA seems to solve that everybody looks for solutions in. Manifest money they say. Just imagine it. Sounds Babylonian to me. A complete distortion of source material based on acts of courage and movement towards the light (truth) in faith. This has nothing to do with imagining to make anything happen, it's all about alignment of both the view orientation of the mind (perceptions on a conceptual level) and the form (perceptions on an unconscious level with sensation), and thus the manifestation of this product (the subconscious product you're cultivating in space) reveals itself in your experience. Without the form being on board with the mind then there is no proportionate experience of manifestation, you will run up against the box and the self correcting mechanism in your unconscious mind.
Forget manifesting a castle. Manifesting the shift in collective consciousness and the utter eradication of Babylon for all eternity would be the mother of all manifestations. Destroy the box everybody is measuring success from. Choke them all on that one and manifest their transformation. Intense contrast running up against their world view with a relentless onslaught of purifying current forcing out the resistance through a collective movement of current that will stomp out any shadow of Talmudism. Wonderful idea. Manifest breaking the game itself. The house can't win a game they can't play anymore.
All my sacral current lately is begging me to make content on revealing the degeneracy of the holohoax and utterly destroying the world views of anyone who challenges me. Utterly eradicating. Over 100gb of data I gathered on just this one alone going back to 2018. Why? Because it all lead up to this point and revealing Babylon. Manifestation being revealed as the thing we've been told to believe in as mind magic likely (I've yet to prove this but it all connects on the alchemy side of thematic functions as I've explored) was peddled by the same Jewish filth who propagated a fabrication that's warped the minds of generations and put nations into debt over nothing. Utter parasites. The perfect definition for these Jews. They admit it in their own words and I've got a whole folder of just this documentation alone. Imagine the depths I've gone to in explaining LOA except explaining physics and history and medicine and money systems and culture and all kind of other subjects that Babylon touches on. If you've not figured it out yet then you'll soon see how things really work in reality and why it's got nothing to do with what we've been told by the same factions that seek to cleanse your people and all creative essence from this world because they hate it and don't have access to it because they're so narcissistic and parasitic and they will do anything to take the ship down with them. That's Babylon. Why are we all depleted in vitality? Babylon. I can feel such depth of truth pouring out of me and this pull to be moved the same as I'm moved by other such subjects of manifestation in the past entries. The same box must be transformed which is what I'm running up against. I honestly can't wait to lay it all out in plain sight and destroy the worldview of the fools who still buy into such degeneracy. It's the most satisfying feeling imaginable having the contrasting impact of being that embodied thematic supply. I feel such insane "rising" feelings especially when I'm speaking my truth under serious pressure. The more pressure the more purification. Taking it to the limit and going all the way really reveals this purifying fire to your awareness.
It seems that the true way to refine sense of self really is to go through the fire. Go through where your enemy is strongest and see what grandiose illusions that once cast upon you as fear and doubt that you’ve now dispelled as fairy tales for the ignorant. Dispelling the Jewish myths by diving into the most revered critics' arguments and breaking each one down one by one until there’s nothing left but a for less pile of ash is truly the same process of being placed under the sacred purifying fire of life. Dispelling “Jewish fables”, as it says in the bible written by Peter. Jewish fables which are the contrasting supply of doubt in the manifest stories of the history of the world we’ve all been placed under without context or opposing contrast. Punishable by law you’re placed under duress to avoid revealing this contrast for a reason. It’s no surprise that the very group who seek influence over your very perceptions by which you follow and make decisions from will stop at nothing to avoid being seen. These Jews do not want their unimaginable levels of narcissism to ever be revealed to the world for it would mean the death of Babylon and the illusions which drive the very actions the people of the world make under duress and illusion of self. This is the box.
So much resource has been put into keeping this box alive because it’s the primary box by which a revision can be made for in destroying their thematic supply and influence over the world. Revision done in the mind is the same as is applied to history that’s been fabricated by Jewish fables propagated by their media arms and allies in academia posing as the contrasting view of authority which is nothing more than state sponsored propaganda. These are just doing their jobs and playing their part but the overlaid image and projection is one of high authority. Men in lab coats who wear safety goggles and who look at slides under a microscope carefully while taking detailed notes. It passes off a sense of responsibility for question and to put blind faith (which is correct for some people) into something they don’t know is actually a fact. This is how propaganda moves. It moves you into passivity. You’re marketed to without realising you’re marketed to. It’s either they use the pedestal model when it comes to how you would be foolish to question an authority figure (establishing a boundary and a box you willing conform to and this compromise on if your truth says otherwise even if you don’t know how or why) or it comes through in the psychological realm where shock and awe is used to describe an event as fact and that not believing the sensationalised reality that’s being presented would be foolish because of the depth of it and how it would bring a question to your moral character to disagree. Gaslighting one out of their feeling and normalising it. We often forget about these points when the established box was put in place but the point is to perform a revision on the history of our lives and the collective lives to establish a proportional the connection with our truth and thematic supply of vitality and nourishment so that we may flourish without artificial limitations and boxes placed around us that we willingly accept out of ignorance. You don’t know what you don’t know and contrast must be present to reveal and cause a questioning of the importance of once seeming facts. Breaking down the wall of seeming established facts and normalising the reality surrounding an experience dissolves the box keeping one’s clear decisions that would have been otherwise made out of compromise. When you feel your truth shoot up through the doubt of the established story that’s been dressed up and thrown around everywhere all Willy nilly and marketed with such immense amounts of resources and made it impossible to criticise, that’s when you truly cannot turn back in your perceptions of how things work and who’s responsible. More specifically what is responsible. What process. When you can see the thematic and it’s manifestation then you’ve got a complete grasp of how metaphysics and alchemy works. One thing moves into another and becomes the other while also retaining self within the other.
Jews who despise the idea of revision of history (purification of the box they’ve established as the illusion of suffering) and throw that term at someone who dares challenge the box with threats of duress, these people are the manifestation of Babylon. The one who is successful in this world is the one who fearlessly dares to challenge the box knowing that no matter what he faces the end is nigh for the contrast and the procession of the times of history may pass and a revelation of inner truth can manifest into the hearts and minds of the people of the world and we may be now able to live the lives we actually desired to live without the veil of suffering over the top. Creative expression of self can be freely made manifest and true uniqueness that emanates from within everyone, except the ones who have disowned their own supply and would rather die than reclaim it, will manifest a world of abundance and wonder. Why do we peak and dip? Because we’re avoiding the truth of who we are.
We have zero obligation to answer to anyone and it’s your right to ask questions without the fear of duress. If a fear of duress must be applied to stop someone from taking an action then there’s something to hide or a hidden agenda that’s playing out and using your ignorance to facilitate it. This exact same process happened with LOA. I destroyed the echo chamber of LOA with RE and this same principle applies to any other concept. The principles of RS apply to literally everything imaginable because it is the mechanics of consciousness and reality itself.
Jewish press has been peddling the number “6 million Jews” for over 50 years before the war and wanted to never let any opportunity go to waste to revise history in their own definition despite there being zero evidence for such claims. Covid. The time that was remembered about a so called virus that couldn’t have ever existed because germ theory doesn’t work. People will look back and tell stories of the great pandemic that shut down the world in school and other places. Unbenounced to those to continue to propagate this fabrication out of ignorance are only continuing to further manifest the echo chamber of ignorance around the world. LOA is similar. The truth isn’t always pretty but that’s the point of how collective trajectory can be shifted around. A shift in direction of orientation of view from being within the box and ignorance of the contrast that exists to reveal that the box even exists to transcending the box and inspiring others through their movement in demonstrating this purifying effect as their manifest emanation of themetics. One by one the domino’s fall and the establishment of the box that once served Jewry will now have their heads for bounty. There is no due process for degenerate parasites of such calibre. Not a chance. Your ancestors would’ve torn their heads off without thinking twice because it’s what needed to be done to go all the way. Compromise will continue to manifest signs of that in the world just as it does within us. Babylon is at your front door and you can’t even tell. No wonder people are so confused about who they are.
SP is still "conforming" perfectly doing stuff she'd argue about doing before. She's willingly accepting it and enjoying it now. All I had to do was step back and detach. She's also having huge luck too getting lots of free stuff almost all the time like food and tech and jewellery and so much.
Power. Vitality. Movement. Air being sliced in half, Swift curving movement. Raising and dropping. Spin. Thrust. Backhand. Slice. Withdraw. Sheath. The process of manifesting contrast to impact reality is always the same. Force is applied. Vitality is required to purify the unconscious. Leading with the same current mediates manifest reality. Thematic supply and demand, contrast, interferometry, proportionality, fractality, one process made up of components. Seeing this in all things is mind blowing. This is real alchemy. Practical alchemy. Vitality is what Babylon despises because they deny their access through Talmud. Babylon manifests. Purify the resistance. No compromise. Alchemy is always the same. You want impact? Move.
Vitality. It’s all the same thing as I’ve said before. Making moves that take you out of the box and burn the bridges is where you really cultivate vital current. I just did an experiment over the last 3 days where I went outside my box more in the physical world and went places and saw people and took seeming risks that paid off. My vitality after just 3 days was higher than it’s been in a while. The baseline state of stability and “knowing” that I could take on any challenge was empowering just by bathing in that feeling. You cannot experience this if you’re living compromised in life and are depleted. It’s impossible.
The fact is that we’ve been told either lies by people wanting to make money or half truths to suck you in to spend money or the fantasy of mind magic was peddled to us by ignorant people who knew no different. No matter how you look at it physical actions will almost always be required to be made in the world to anchor the change. Imaginary work should always come naturally. You can still do it consciously and “make” something happen if there’s no contrast throwing you out of naturalness but expecting mind magic to even be a thing will mess with you because unltess you’ve got huge amounts of available vitality to move with in manifesting this outcome in the world (even if you don’t believe LOA in a vacuum the availability of the process you’re going to move through will still “manifest it” and you’ll point to mind magic as the cause ignorantly) and in doing so you’ll have an experience which will lead you through the associated pathways which represent the thematic experience of this imaginal experience. It’s not always going to replicate the exact sensory likeness. it’s always a thematic experience. Always. It has to be for sensory data to be input and recognised.
The boxes you’re in must be identified. Identifying the box then sets the direction or movement or orientation of the mind by which the body must be on board with. If there’s no availabile vitality to move you through that then it’ll either take longer to process or you’ll get more done because the very principle of going all the way moves this forward.
Stability is truly where the power is. That unconscious power, the intuitive feeling of knowing you’ve got access to current when you need it vs having a baseline of depltion which will force your consciousness into contrast to experience a seeming feeling of power. This same idea applies to sense of self and manifesting. When you’re depleted you’ve got no baseline so everything feels more intense (not because of sensitivity but because of a lack of it which feels “thick” and “sticky” and “heavy” almost due to Yang and or qi depletion) and there’s nothing you can do in that moment to raise it other than accepting your truth which is arguably the most difficult thing imaginable. If you want to manifest abundance of vitality then you’re going to have to allow time for it to gather and circulate and be ok with not being perfect in the now and not having that prevent you from moving where you can and have access to. Wherever there’s availability to move then you should move. Period. Tug of war will not be accepted. Go all the way, else you serve 2 masters because you have no faith. This quality of consciousness is what purifies not self. This is correct movement. This leads you to unique outer authority. It’s natural. Manifestation as we’ve been taught is unnatural and warped. It’s Babylonian. Isn’t it? A warped replica process mimicking what a natural function is. Just like “AI” and machines trying to replicate human consciousness. Fake cheap trash manifest by people who have no creative essence of their own.
Becoming a manifestation master means becoming who you really are. The immortality work and living correctly cannot be separated. I don’t believe that the form will ever move you into a place that will throw you off the direction towards immorality because that’s what greater concuosjess needs you to do. It needs you to complete the conjunctions for manifestation of immortality to work and there’s no shortcuts to this. Zero.
If you want to manifest what is coming through you then you must facilitate that by appropriating the necessary vital current to purify not self and thus allow a channel of clearly structured themetic resonant energy to take form in your experience naturally where there’s little to no contrast throwing you out. Cultivation is all about gathering vitality to utilise in purifying process which is made manifest in the experience. Manifesting the experince naturally will always happen out of going through it and maintaining faith on your inner truth regardless of the pressure to compromise. That’s the challenge and the test. This is what’s unique to everybody. Every time you’re faced with something that challenges a box then you’ve got an opportunity to refine. Even if that box is only 1% of the work and there’s boxes that box is within 100 times over then you go through it even if that 1% to you in that place seems like 100% because the seeds within will naturally become visible to you and answers will flow through you when you’re ready, meaning when you’ve pulled back another layer and can see under it. You can’t see under it until it’s peeled back. This cannot be skipped or faked. It must be gone through because that’s why you exist in this form with feelings and thoughts as a binary. You’re destined to do this work. Denying truth is drying your divinity.
My SP is literally conforming perfectly to everything now. 110% it's better than I could ever imagine kind of conforming. It's so perfect I couldn't imagine a better outcome. Took a while but I got it 100% perfect and all I did was focus on my process and nourishing myself and dropping the NEED for certain things. How do you drop need? Nourish your unconscious through facing the fire. When I played out my process in being myself then I nourish myself. As a result I've actually been able to give more love than ever and so I'm receiving it. Giving love wasn't the goal, receiving love wasn't the goal, the goal was being myself and out of that nourishment the feeling of that was fulfilled within me naturally.
I’ve actually realised that intuitive impulse can come through you when you “realise” that you CAN make a certain decision. Understanding contrast is extremely important because contrast is how we experience things. The difference between the familiar baseline and then feeling something as not just possible but something you WANT to do and are moved to is massively important to explore and recognise. That sensation is literally the trick to manifesting everything.
Elevating sense of self is to move with those impulses, given they’ve been associated to your truth. You can feel impulses for things which aren’t good for you, which contradicts HD but I don’t care really I’ve seen way too many examples which contradict simply to follow body impulse. If there’s a frustrating pattern then you’ve got something to look at, because for example getting the impulse (which can come through the emotional system from the root too in cases if it’s connected to the sacral) to try and make someone else happy that you feel this “oh I have energy to spend here and it will make them happy” when in fact this is actually an overexpression which is keeping you locked into a compromise cycle. That’s what available for you to fulfil the thematic (the actual truth coming through you as that impulse) which is how you’re actually going to spend the energy correctly. The impulse is correct in that your energy will be spend in a beneficial way (not always the best way though) but only because of the ease of availability and appease to your baseline sense of self of what’s possible for you. You get impulses to make decisions that are way out of your comfort zones at times but of course you hesitate and play tug of war. That’s where you’re going to fail. The problem is that there must be a continued cultivation of awareness of limits and comfort zones relating to where these impulses are moving you and when recognising them when they come up and building greater context onto them to amplify the feeling to lead into a more meaningful and transformational direction which is basically taking the spark and igniting it into a fire. I believe this is another method of going through the fire because instead of accepting hesitation you’re going to simply make the decision that’s representing what you know is your truth on the highest level and go all the way through to that. You’re just going yo make a decision from your truth and that it will come through you naturally and move the decisions you make to break the box and normalise that elevated state. States remember are just degrees of vitality and self respect. Making decisions which respect your vitality the most (which often are the most transformational) are the ones that will provide your form an opportunity to normalise impulses under the greater context vs the limited available context you’ve established as baseline. You’re conditioning the availability of impulse in going through to the end and representing that in your experience regardless of the outcome.
Putting HD and the alchemy together seems to have created a new perspective on the mechanics of consciousness and manifestation. Honestly working with HD in a vacuum has rarely moved anyone to huge results. Why? Because you’re either doing what I said above in that and interpreting it that way (which is really the common sense way) or you’re living in your head in the box of “is this response correct” which is entirely missing the point. I hope that makes it clear. I need to make a video on this soon I can feel it. My vitality lately has been off the charts. I’m digging up parts of me I’ve not felt through since I was like 10 or so.
If you want a try tested and we’ll explained method of pushing your limits then follow the above. It’s as common sense as it gets. I spent years experiencing these things so I’ve got a massive sample size of examples that have fed into my understanding of this. If not for failing so many times I’d not realise these things. Revealing the functions of manifestation has been the most satisfying thing imaginable. This work is so satisfying. Manifestation is entirely a natural process. Knowing the so called law is pointless and only keeps you in the head thinking about making decisions instead of just making them according to vitality moving you through experiences. You could almost see it like your vitality is intelligent and is lighting up parts of your body to signal to you like “hey let’s go come on!” And if you deny that movement (natural striving towards higher order) then you’re denying your divinity and you’ll manifest experiences to self correct you. Dip cycles. You’ll blame the technique and not the underlying movement that the technique is initiating in you. The technique should bring out of you the movement to go through the fire which will purify your baseline unconscious state and thus manifest natural movement and orientation that’s correct. It’ll just work. The magic will unfold and you’ll think it was the technique but in fact it was that the technique simply brought to your awareness what was already within you. Grasp it. You’re either still holding onto the mind magic paradigm or you’re going all the way and living your truth. Pick one.
Cultivating vitality is always the foundation because it’s only going to work for you based on the degree of available vitality by which you’ll be able to actually feel and transform unconscious resistance. To “do” the work you must have purifying current almost like a currency to spend in upgrading or cleaning out parts of you that’s needed. It was always there but there was layers over it. That’s the issue and also the magic. It’s always there but you forgot because you couldn’t feel it. You didn’t forget on a mental level because the mind is simply lead through thematically associated pathways and so when you can feel again your truth sticks out like a sore thumb and you can’t help but be purified by the light that’s within you. The inside out light.
Whoa that was deep. I felt new feelings myself writing that out. Powerful stuff. I’m sure you felt it too. Blows anything NG wrote out of the water. That’s the point. It explains everything because it’s principle based. I’m never writing this stuff out I’m just here watching myself write. All your mind can do is measure contrast and either narrow or widen the view. That’s all it can do. Everything else happens on an unconscious level. This is why the mind has almost no power. All it can do is move and measure current but if the substance isn’t available then nothing happens. No alchemy and no transformation and thus no manifestation. I’ve destroyed everybody in this community so badly. I don’t even care about the views at all I just have to speak my truth. When it comes through me it will reach who it needs to reach every time.
Also my private content on Jewish supremacy as the manifestation of Babylon is available if you want it by sending me an email. If you want access to the most comprehensive study on Babylon on earth in all the ways it’s made manifest then you’ll find that through email with me. This is after all the true original roots of RS and it’s a necessary part of understanding the metaphysical nature of how reality and dynamics of thematic consciousness manifests through us and in individual and collective experiences. We’re all in the boxes Babylon established and only until we become aware of them and the conditions we’re holding onto to justify accepting the box then nothing can truly change on the deepest levels because there will still be an authority more powerful than you who you’re bending the knee to who dictates what you can and cannot do. Living an individuated life means disconnecting from Babylon and in moving from that position you’ll reveal the contrast to others and they’ll be forced to question their established view on Babylon. Their views will be destroyed by your correctness. 5ths cannot win that through debate like other lines do but through living as the one who carries the leading energy to resolve the obvious issue that is kept in place through ignorance and deception which is what Babylon does. Makes it so tempting to conform to the box because the mob of collective consciousness is there to support that (or so it seems). You’ll run up against that wall if you’re really going all the way. What you do with it determines who rules over you. Whoever you’re not allowed to criticise is who rules over you. Certain events that cannot be questioned obviously reveal their weakness. Common sense.
The Babylonian Jew uses and funds access to overstimulation to distance you from your potential to ruin your vitality. They use your body against you. Babylon is the one who makes you WANT to be overstimulated then blames you for your failure. Correctness isn't what HD says. I'm going to make sure that's irrefutably demonstrated and destroy Babylon. Burn it to the ground for good with a force that's unimaginable to comprehend. I'm not in challenge to NG or any LOA gurus but Babylon for this is the hand which feeds the enemy which we view as the root to be pulled from the earth. This is ignorance. The Jew makes it available and accessible for a response to expend vitality and normalises this in culture in which only those who can clearly see will bring the contrast needed to challenge the false authority of Babylon. If you cannot see then you are feeding Babylon until you see clearly. Correctness is not subjective but objectively the function which moves you through your process of alchemical transformation, and in order for that to happen then vitality must be accessible as the currency of potential for transformation. Babylon know exactly how to manipulate and move your response and condition that to shift the apparent availability for movement.
These subtle sensations within you move you but you're numb. You're overstimulated. You've lost accessibility to that movement. There's no sensory association to "remember" it. That has been destroyed by Babylon. You must now dig deep deep deep deep deep into your blood to feel that power. The truth of your potential that is your only measure of contrast that is correct. Conditioned response IS NOT your inner authority. NOT! It is the ACCESSIBLE movement of authority which is conditioned through availability to expend it and your baseline vitality which is expended in that movement. Your body absolutely tells you the truth but it's the SUBTLE sense, that "feeling" of truth. The point of measure you're contrast against in decision making.
Babylon is the box that must be broken for our potential to be fulfilled as a collective. Talmudic Jews.
It appears to me that there’s been a consistent struggle through all cultures over time but especially Indo-Europeans and their offshoots (which is us whites) as Jewry has a states aim to kill and destroy all traces of Amalek on earth, meaning to destroy us. This is their stated aim and Jewish children are taught in many schools to kill Arabs and Europeans. This is their culture. Jew culture is literally founded on the principles of supremacy, the very thing that’s used against anyone else ever having a sense of national identity because it’s a constraint and competition to Jewry. Follow the paper trails.
The interesting part about this is that to them were their enemy and to us they’re out enemy. We’re in seeming eternal conflict as this has been happening for many thousands of years. The fall of Rome is an example and Greece before them. We must wonder then about the alchemical functions here and why there’s always boxes of control established. Free nations have rarely existed for the Jew or for the European peoples. Jews get rich of European wars and other disasters. Who benefits? Not us. Is focusing on bringing the hidden hand to light manifesting more of it? No. Use common sense. Manifestation is thematic supply/demand in a specific sensory direction that describes the means by which your embodiment can make manifest the experience and impact in the world. The same cycles repeat through history and you have zero influence over those happening. You may revise an experience and see impacts in the effects of that event but the effects of that event still exist in principle. How did you even come to acknowledge that historical influence if not for picking up on something that already existed.
Culture. The normalisation of the culture and the degeneracy that moves us away from strong and healthy forms in touch with the subtle senses of the secret self. Modern culture is Jew sponsored, as they admit. Whoever owns the media owns public opinion, until that opinion doesn’t reflect what is seen on the streets of the country where people will become dissatisfied with the established narrative. This is where wealth is transferred and culture shifts to new degrees of normalisation out of desperation. It’s using the peak dip cycle on a collective level to drive the direction of conceptual means to drive the degeneracy of the vitality through accepted and willing self depletion. People will be moved into a position of willingly depleting themselves and all seeming responsibility will be take off the eyes of the Jew. They may see Babylon but they will not see the Jew. They are afraid of naming the Jew for fear of being called out by the ignorance surrounding the one who can sense their truth, even if they don’t know what it is. This cultural subversion and normalisation of self depletion and working for money to buy more overstimulating things to deplete and distract them further keeps the cycle forever perpetuating. The means of commerce shift gradually to require the use of this technology all under the guise of progress, all funded by the Jew of course. Nobody will see the Jew but the metaphysician who sees thematic supply demand and the boxes that are established.
The tough thing to accept is that we’ve been led to far from what is divine and truly powerful on a specific conceptual cultural level that it’s almost impossible to find that identity now. That’s the point. That’s how Babylon destroys Amalek without Amalek realising. That’s why it’s so utterly… evil. This is truly what I’m up against. I’m not up against NG and the linked but the culture around LOA and the surrounding thematics. It’s all this solipsistic stuff that people buy into to avoid facing the fire. It’s all based on this very very very gradual and slow distancing from one’s cultural identity and what comprised that which was minimally stimulating to the senses and allowed create essence to flourish within that culture. This is how the great architecture of the time was built. Look at the world today. It’s devoid of all personality and creative essence. There’s nothing there of real art is there? It’s all max profit and you know who deals with that. Measuring worth by a number that means nothing and seeding these identifications into culture to make people compete against themselves instead of seeing divinity as the target. Someone who’s operating correctly is someone who’s established the availability of processes in their lives that they’re able to respond to which feed their vital current in a manner that’s not overstimulating or encouraging degeneracy. People can get impulse to engage in degeneracy because of the availability and “safety” within that and the ability for them to give into temptation as a way of feeling good without actually sacrificing any part of themselves and earning higher order satisfaction. This ease of access to weak stimulation that’s not beneficial to divine process is what’s been normalised as culture. Jew sponsored.
It’s as simple as this. Are you making decisions which come from a box of availability and ease of access to stimulus to raise current to feel good or are you challenging the boxes on the deepest and least accessible layers and breaking down the walls and cracking open the box to establish a new baseline level closer to your divine potential as an immortal being? The more I look at this whole manifesting process and understand how immortality functions and why were so depleted collectively the more I begin to see that most of the struggle we have is over availability of stimulus that is thematically related to what we actually desire within our truth of who we are and what we’re capable of. The HD perspective tells us that any sacral response is correct but that’s obviously going to be almost always leading to experiences that are available and keep you in the box. There’s a certain degree of truth within you which can contradict that which can cause the sacral grunt that would typically lead you towards correctness but correctness is obviously a thematic alignment and not just movement itself. If expending energy was your function in a vacuum then higher order values would never be able to be established without external contrast challenging and pushing forward and forcing innovation to come through you which requires cultivation of that sacral current. It’s like sexual energy that you can feel just by looking at someone attractive, it’s an available and easy way to expend energy and your sacral is like “YESSS LETS GO!” but the man who knows his process and how he feels when he withholds the expenditure of this creative savral current it will be transformed into works of art driven by that same libido used for other functions of higher purpose. Sacral response in the moment is not correct in a vacuum in all cases. Truth is correct in all cases and it’s the subtle feeling underlying the quality of that sacral response. Tapping into the subconscious space will move you into this deeper awareness of vitality and the means of expressing this as your value in the sense of self. Making decisions which value your vitality even if they’re not easily available or accessible and are challenging. This is what actually builds real lasting sense of self that cannot be faked. It cannot be faked in any way. This is pure facing the fire without compromise and moving with your truth and defying any and all conditions in faith for your truth is your greater consciousness moving you through life correctly. This is the hunch you feel about something that you can’t quite explain and this is of course the design side variables and substructure elements that are resonant manifesting and projecting through you into your experience of what you’re here to see. You manifest what you’re designed to see.
Criticism is so important when there are boxes established which do not serve growth. Being critical only happens when you're so low that you have no where else to look. Your ignorance forces criticism to come through you that was always there that you ignored. This truth within you that the Jew made you gaslight yourself over in fabricated stories. The Jew. Who else creates lies to benefit them on a mass scale? The stories you hear about others in a Jew owned media? The perpetrators are the ones who are the victims and won't shut up about it and use their victim card against your truth and gaslight you out of owning your divine truth inside for the Jew has no creative essence in the seeds within. That is why usury is the primary means of enslavement without ever laying a finger on you. The box. The availability of the box. This availability must be contrast and criticized for competition will rise and destroy the box. The Jew who establishes such boxes should face competition of the most ruthless and merciless degree and see how things play out.
No more compromise. Name the Jew. Respect yourself enough to the the courage to speak the facts even if you're the only one.
Interesting quote.
“You came into this world to experience its horrors, not to change them. Our politicians promise to eliminate war and poverty, yet admit that they have sold over 13 billion dollars in conventional arms to poverty-ridden nations, as have the communist world. Our politicians have forced nations who can’t afford to feed themselves, to buy what we are manufacturing.” Then, with a pious look, ask people to sign papers to stop war. But you can’t stop it. This world was never intended to be other than what it is: a world of poverty, a world of war, a world of dirty politics, a world of graft. Just read the papers and you will see what is taking place in high places. You aren’t going to change it; it will go on and on because the story of Christ is one of redemption. He redeems himself by lifting himself out of this world in a spiral motion.” “This world is based upon a circular principle which repeats itself over and over again, whereas redemption is based upon a spiral principle. Breaking away from the wheel of recurrence, one moves up in a spiral motion – like the seraphim – and is redeemed. We are told that: As the lightening shines from the east to the west so will the coming of the son of man.” – NEVILLE GODDARD
He seemed to recognise the nature of suffering.
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